Government Experiments Exposed: From the Montauk Project to Stranger Things. Inside the Real-Life Time-Travel Experiment That Inspired ‘Stranger Things’ by Tommy Truthful of and guest co-host Thomas of
All the links are provided at the bottom of the blog, along with a few videos by child survivors of this government project.

Have you ever wondered about the mysterious elements of “Stranger Things”? The popular show, originally titled “Montauk,” was initially set to take place at the eastern end of Long Island before being relocated to a small town in Indiana. The storyline involving Eleven and the Demogorgon opening a portal to the Upside Down is inspired by real-life events that some believe occurred in Montauk in 1983. These events are linked to secret experiments that the U.S. military allegedly conducted on children for over forty years.

The Montauk Project Unveiled
The Montauk Project is a legend that has fascinated many. Rumors started in the mid-1980s, suggesting that the US government was running psychological warfare experiments at Camp Hero or the Montauk Air Force Station in Montauk. Preston B. Nichols played a significant role in bringing these rumors to light with his books. In The Montauk Project: Experiments in Time (1982), Nichols shared memories of being part of these secret experiments. Soon after, others came forward to support some of his extraordinary claims.
As more people shared their stories, the scope of the Montauk Project expanded to include experiments with space, time, and other dimensions. The narrative even ties back to the famous Philadelphia Experiment from World War II, where the US military supposedly tried to make ships invisible to the radar, leading to unexpected consequences like sending a battleship to another time or dimension.

The Philadelphia Experiment Connection
In October 1943, the US military is said to have conducted secret tests at the naval shipyard in Philadelphia to defeat Nazi radar. Although the Navy never confirmed these experiments, stories emerged in 1955 claiming that a battleship became invisible and possibly traveled through time or to another dimension. The 1984 movie The Philadelphia Experiment brought this story to Hollywood, following two sailors who experience a time jump similar to what is described in Montauk legends.
Al Bielek and the Time Wormhole
Al Bielek, who was 57 in 1988, couldn’t shake the feeling that he had seen something familiar after watching The Philadelphia Experiment. Through various therapies, he uncovered memories of working on the Montauk Project in the 1970s and ’80s. Bielek revealed that his real name was Edward Cameron and that he had worked on the Philadelphia Experiment with his brother, Duncan Cameron.
At a Mutual UFO Network conference, Bielek shared his story, claiming that Nikola Tesla had discovered how to make the U.S.S. Eldridge invisible and accidentally opened a time wormhole. This wormhole brought him and his brother to Montauk’s Camp Hero in 1983. The military then sent them back through the wormhole with a mission to destroy the equipment on the Eldridge, but the experiments continued.
Psychic Powers and the Montauk Chair
Preston Nichols met Bielek and learned more about the Montauk Project. Nichols wrote about working with a device called the “Montauk Chair,” which used electromagnetics to enhance psychic abilities. Duncan Cameron, now a child born in 1963, had powerful psychic skills and became the focus of these experiments. Duncan could see and hear through other people anywhere in the world and even manifest objects with his mind.
One experiment Nichols describes bears a strong resemblance to the experiment conducted on Eleven before she opens the portal to the Upside Down in Stranger Things:

“The first experiment was called ‘The Seeing Eye.’ With a lock of a person’s hair or another appropriate object in his hand, Duncan could concentrate on the person and see as if he were seeing through their eyes, hearing through their ears, and feeling through their body. He could actually see through other people anywhere on the planet.”

Stranger Things Season One and the Connection to the Number 47
Season one of Stranger Things is intriguingly connected to the number 47 in the Chaldean cipher, which matches the name of the first experiment, The Seeing Eye. This number holds significant meaning in many secret societies, such as the Freemasons. Their iconic symbol, the square, and compass, prominently feature the 47-degree Masonic Compass, paired with a 90-degree angle.
The number 47 is revered in Freemasonry as a representation of balance, precision, and sacred geometry. Its connection to The Seeing Eye experiment aligns with the broader themes of secret knowledge and esoteric power often explored in Stranger Things.

We know the number 47 is the number of energy harvests. This technique that Duncan was using, known as The Seeing Eye, was a form of energy harvesting. By holding a lock of a person’s hair or another personal object in his hand, Duncan could focus on the person and see through their eyes, hear through their ears, and feel through their body.
Many of us have these abilities without even realizing it. We cover this topic in our Gematria Decodes, where we break down whether you’re a remote viewer, dreamwalker, telekinetic, telepathic, or perhaps even one of the rare First Player Character archetypes—a carrier of the Neo Code, much like Duncan clearly was.
If you’re interested in discovering your abilities, you can click on the link at the bottom of this blog to book your own decode. The process is done entirely via email. Something within us is triggered once we learn we have these abilities; they begin to activate. Before, you may never have considered the possibility of having such capabilities, but after receiving your personalized decode from me, Tommy Truthful, and seeing that your source code connects to these abilities—tied to your first and last name at birth—you’ll start to manifest them in your life.
Be sure to watch the video at the bottom of this blog, where Al Bielek explains why society has been conditioned to view psychic abilities as evil or witchcraft. This is intentional; the government doesn’t want us developing these capabilities outside of their control. It’s too dangerous for them!
Some people can even time travel—either in their minds or physically—without the government’s technology, and this terrifies those in power.

The number 47 is also tied to 5D consciousness, representing those vibrating at much higher frequencies than most of reality, which operates in the 3D. Individuals like Duncan operated in the 5th, 6th, and even 7th dimensions. It’s said that some of the best minds we have today are capable of functioning in the 7th and 8th dimensions, though these individuals are extremely rare.
If you have dream-walking capabilities, remote viewing abilities, or the power to communicate with animals, telepathy, or any form of telekinesis, then you are vibrating at least at the 4th or 5th dimension. It’s impossible to perform these feats while resonating within the 3rd-dimensional frequency.
In ancient times, humanity vibrated at a much higher level of consciousness. Back then, people could communicate telepathically. However, that connection was systematically broken. They began feeding us poisons, calcifying our pineal gland (our spiritual antenna), and teaching us that such abilities were evil or witchcraft—things against God. This programming was designed to keep us away from our true potential and to prevent us from discovering the divine power within each of us.
Jesus Christ was a real person and an avatar sent here to wake up humanity. He came to show us that we possess incredible gifts and abilities—to heal ourselves and others—and to reveal the truth about his father, the true God, Source Consciousness. For teaching this sacred knowledge, Jesus was murdered. He was a threat to the power structures that sought to keep humanity enslaved. To understand this deeper, I encourage you to look into Gnosticism, which holds profound insights into this ancient wisdom.

The number 47 is deeply connected to alternate realities, which ties directly to the concept of the Upside Down in Stranger Things. The Upside Down represents an alternate reality within the multiverse simulation that we inhabit. This connection highlights the profound and mysterious nature of these parallel dimensions, reflecting the layers of existence beyond our current perception.

The number 47 is also connected to the Babylon Workings, a series of occult rituals where a hole in the space-time continuum was allegedly ripped open in 1946. Jack Parsons, a rocket scientist and follower of Aleister Crowley’s teachings, continued Crowley’s Amalantrah Workings, attempting to open an interdimensional gateway and birth a Moonchild into our reality.
Right after these rituals, 1947 brought the infamous Roswell incident, where “aliens” reportedly arrived. However, I don’t believe these beings are extraterrestrials from far-off star systems. Instead, they seem to be interdimensional entities, brought into our world through these gateways. In ancient times, religious circles referred to them as demons or Jinn, while the Gnostics called them Archons.
These rituals, steeped in black magic, appear to be tied to the entities our government allegedly made a pact with through Majestic 12, the shadow government. It’s fascinating that shortly after Parsons’ ritual, Donald Trump was born during a blood moon over Jerusalem. It makes me wonder—could he be the Moonchild they were trying to bring into existence?

The number 47 is also connected to the cosmic antenna, which refers to our third eye—the pineal gland. This vital spiritual center serves as a direct link to psychic capabilities and, most importantly, to the Creator of all things—Source Consciousness, or God.
Unfortunately, this cosmic connection has been deliberately severed through the calcification of the pineal gland. The use of fluoride in our water and toothpaste has played a significant role in this process, effectively suppressing our innate abilities and cutting humanity off from its higher spiritual potential.

In Islamic texts, Solomon (known as Sulayman) is also recognized as a wise king endowed with supernatural abilities:
Control Over Jinn: The Quran describes Solomon as having control over the jinn (spirits or demons), who assisted him in building monumental structures, including the Temple (Al-Aqsa Mosque in Islamic tradition).
Communication with Animals and Nature: Solomon could communicate with animals and had dominion over natural elements, further emphasizing his extraordinary capabilities.
Occult and Esoteric Traditions
In medieval and Renaissance Europe, Solomon’s connection to magic became more evident within occult circles.
The Lesser Key of Solomon, also known as Ars Goetia: This grimoire lists 72 demons that Solomon is said to have bound and controlled. It provides detailed instructions on how to summon and command these spirits, attributing this knowledge to Solomon’s divine wisdom and authority.
Solomonic Magic: A tradition of ceremonial magic that utilizes texts and symbols linked to Solomon. Practitioners believe that by invoking Solomon’s name and performing specific rituals, they can summon and control spirits for various purposes.
Alchemy and Mysticism: Solomon’s pursuit of knowledge and understanding in various mystical traditions often involves his ability to harness supernatural forces, combining wisdom with magical skills.

Preston Nichols – High Strangeness
Nichols conducted mind-control experiments using Duncan’s abilities, bringing in other children to test their powers. These children, known as the “Montauk Boys,” were supposedly abducted to Camp Hero to be psychologically broken and have commands implanted in their minds.
Creating a Portal and Summoning a Monster
After years of experiments, Nichols and his team managed to create a reliable time wormhole. This allowed Edward and Duncan from 1943 to travel to 1983. However, things went wrong when Duncan released a monster from his subconscious while in the Montauk Chair. This creature caused chaos at Camp Hero, leading Nichols to destroy the Montauk Chair and shut down the project. The base was eventually filled with cement, and the experiments were officially ended.
The Legacy of Montauk
While Stranger Things only uses a few elements from the Montauk Project—like portals, monsters, and children with psychic powers—the real-life stories suggest much more. Some believe that experiments with alien lifeforms and time travel are still ongoing. In 2008, an unidentified creature dubbed the “Montauk Monster,” washed up on Long Island’s beach, adding to the mystery.

Al Bielek ~ Future Map of the U.S.
Everything he said looks like it’s starting to come to fruition now. I believe this is being done on purpose. They’re using geoengineering technology like HAARP to cause these unnatural disasters intentionally.
The goal? To justify building their 10 megacities, each packed with numerous 15-minute cities. These will function like the districts from The Hunger Games, creating controlled, compartmentalized zones for the population.
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➡ This text discusses a device that can monitor and analyze the frequency of electricity usage in your home, identifying specific appliances and their consumption. It also delves into conspiracy theories about the Montauk Project at Camp Hero, suggesting it was a site for mind control and time-space experiments. The text suggests these experiments may have led to interdimensional creatures entering our world, similar to the plot of the TV show Stranger Things. It also touches on the idea of a depopulation agenda and the rollout of smart cities by 2028.
➡ The speaker shares various experiences with animals, particularly dogs, and how he’s never been afraid of them. He discusses his ability to communicate non-verbally with animals and how they respond to his tone and body language. He also talks about his podcasting experiences, the hard work that goes into creating content, and the challenges of balancing work and personal life. He ends by encouraging listeners to support content creators and not to be jealous of their success.
➡ The speaker is a podcast host who is passionate about helping others start their own podcasts and combat censorship. He promotes his followers for free and rewards those who share his videos. He also interacts with his audience, responding to comments and acknowledging donations. Despite the challenges of managing a podcast and his personal life, he remains committed to his work and his audience.
➡ Camp Hero, a state park, has sealed off underground rooms that are speculated to contain remnants of old electronic equipment. The park was abandoned in the 70s and has been explored by many since then. The text also mentions a comic book artist who creates works based on conspiracy theories and historical events. He is praised for his dedication and quality of work, and his upcoming projects are eagerly anticipated.
➡ The text discusses a theory about a viral photo from Soviet Russia, the significance of the number 64, and a critique of Stephen King’s book, “The Institute”. The speaker believes the photo was manipulated to mislead people and discusses the number 64’s importance in various contexts, including its relation to Trump’s assassination attempts. They also discuss “The Institute”, a book about a group that kidnaps children with psychic abilities, and express dissatisfaction with King’s writing style and understanding of the book’s subject matter.
➡ The text discusses a group of children with special powers like telepathy and telekinesis, who are trained and used as psychic weapons. They can combine their powers to influence events and people, even causing accidents or depression. The text also mentions a concept called ‘Precogs’, individuals who can predict future events, which is less reliable the further into the future they predict. The text also touches on the idea of a super soldier program, where children are put through harsh training to become emotionless and detached.
➡ The text discusses Stephen King’s book, Doctor Sleep, and its characters who have special abilities. The characters, including a little girl and a boy, have powers like telepathy, telekinesis, and dream walking. The text also mentions a group called the True Knot, who live long lives by feeding on the ‘steam’ of children with these abilities. The text suggests that the book represents entities that feed on energy, and discusses the power dynamics between the characters.
➡ The text discusses a theory that certain groups are using advanced technology to prolong life, possibly even to the point of immortality. This is achieved by harvesting a substance from humans, which is likened to a life force. The text also mentions the possibility of transferring consciousness and the concept of transhumanism. The authors debate whether this technology already exists or if it’s a future goal, with references to the Avatar Project aiming for human immortality by 2045.
➡ From 2015 to 2045, there are plans to develop different types of avatars, including a robotic human copy, a body for a transplanted human brain, an avatar with an artificial brain, and a hologram-like avatar. This is linked to research funded in the 1930s by the 33rd degree Scottish, who were interested in understanding and treating mental disorders in children, possibly to ensure healthy bodies for consciousness transfer. The speaker also mentions a video they made, which was taken down from YouTube but is available on, and their ongoing book project. They also discuss their efforts to promote other truth seekers and their own social media platform, Truthful Social.
➡ The text is a conversation between two individuals discussing various movies and series they’ve reviewed on their platform, Conspiracy Cinema. They talk about their interpretations of these works, including themes of transhumanism and elite conspiracies. They also discuss the idea of Monarch programming, a form of mind control, and its representation in certain films. They mention the possibility of the Wizard of Oz being used in such programming.
➡ The text discusses the symbolism and deeper meanings in the Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland, suggesting they contain occult references. It also mentions a Disney movie that reveals these symbols without sugar-coating them. The text further explores the idea of humans communicating with nature and animals, and shares a personal story about a close relationship with a timberwolf.
Stranger things this is Tommy Truthful Truth mafia in the mix we’re running up the road chasing answers to this Is it science or ritual? Dimensions collide welcome to the Upside down where shadows reside it doesn’t hurt me you want to feel how it feels to look through the veil See the secrets they conceal do you want to know about the deal they’re making with fallen angels? Dimensions awaken turns a portal open in Dimension X Merging the upside down with the world that’s next Is this what the elites are summoning through Nibiru the dark star Pulling strings in the blue you and me trapped in the Stranger Things scene But the truth’s more twisted than it seems Swapping places with the unknown in the strange Playing with God’s plan tryin to rearrange and if I only could I’d make a deal with God I’d get em to stop their plot no running up that road no running up that hill no bridges to the dark side Their plans would stand still if I only could I’d stop the portals from filling through oh no Upside down merging with the view you don’t want to hurt me but feel the thunder inside the clash of realms where secret welcome to another episode of Truth Mafia podcast.
This is a Truth Mafia slash conspiracy cinema podcast today for you guys and we’re going to get into a couple things. We got exciting show for you, Stephen King, the Institute. We’re going to talk about the Montauk project, Stranger Things, how the government was, you know, kind of snatching up children with special abilities. And we just got some real exciting stuff for you today. Now before we get going, this is called fair use and is allowed for purpose of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody which doesn’t infringe of copyright under 17 USC 107. Please smash that like button guys.
Share this video Leave a comment down below Help get the video in the algorithm. It really helps. And don’t forget, get your Gamatria decode. You might be an 11 archetype. Find out on truthful that link is down in the description of this video. If you’re on X right now watching this, just go on your search engine, type in truthful, go down and you’ll see Gematria email decode. You get a special image made for you for your social media. Your whole gamatria gets done. Your first and your last name you were born with. It’s all done via email.
Quite simple, very cheap. And it’ll show you your source code. So we all have a source code attached to us. Some of us are NPCs controlled by the Saturn Moon Matrix. Other people are first player characters. And then there’s a very select few that are very powerful first player characters. And these are them. 11 archetypes or the Neo code, right? A Jesus Christ archetype. People that actually have the ability within them to bend and manipulate reality to their will. And this is not a conspiracy. Our government was really stealing children with special abilities, you know, and using them the CIA.
So if you just look at the numerology, first player character 64 matching pineal gland open, which represents the awakened avatar. And then pineal gland sleep, the closed avatar, the sleeping human, the sheep is 63 matching non player character. You know, it’s all numbers, it’s all a code. The Matrix was a documentary, it wasn’t a movie. And I tell people that all the time. In the movie the Matrix, there are several people who, who wake up from the system, they learn to read the hidden code of the green letters and numbers of that matrix. It’s called Gematria.
Now, our calculator, we have that on truth and there’s two separate sites if you want to decode. That’s going to be over on and this podcast today is sponsored through Body Align and their Energy Wellness Protection. All them links are down below. Use promo code Truth Mafia protects you against the EMF, the 5G, the microwave radiation which we are getting bombarded with. You see that little hologram back there? There’s certain frequencies binded to that. And then it has the tour limine, the sug night. I can never pronounce that right. Grounded up into that medical grade silicone.
And it’s just an amazing product. We got to get our boy Paranoid American pushing these too. You know, you see all the Truth Mafia wearing them, it really helps a lot, you know, it’s changed my life. And we also got the nanosoma, which saved my life when I had that nano fungus on my damn leg from the chemtrails that was taking me out. Actually, that was from a spider bite, but it turned into staph infection. And I don’t know what the hell happened, guys, but as you can see there, it doesn’t look good. But three days later, I took myself off the antibiotics, I started taking that nanosoma and now I’m back, you know, back in good shape.
So shout out to them and my brother, Paranoid American. What’s up, bro? Yeah, if you like that Gematria calculator that’s basically fueled by the occult decode, which. Which I made after, like, you know, Tommy planted a seed. And I started looking into all the other Gematria calculators and I found math errors, like simple math errors. So I decided to just make my own. And if anyone’s got other suggestions, I’m going to be doing a lot of massive updates on that. That site this year, so I’m the one that made it. So if you got any questions or if you got any suggestions, like, you got a direct line right now.
Yeah, it’s. It’s the. It’s the best, guys, right here. So that calculator you see on or it’s powered by this right here, this amazing thing that my brother created for me. I kind of felt special, you know, he created this for me. And then he. It just, he. He had a, you know, paranoid American. He always got to do something better than everyone else. So he. He made the best one. We have the biggest Chaldean Rolodex in the world. There ain’t no one out there with more Chaldean ciphers than us. And we got to build our Latin one up.
But then we got the dates and say you’re looking for dates in between dates, like right from 911 until the Montauk project, in between them two things, you could look at that and then you could hit the moon right here. You see that little moon? Oh, I forgot. I forgot that I even had this. Yeah. And it’ll tell you everything that happened on that day. So 726 of 2016, Hillary Clinton becomes the first female nominee for President of the United States. It’s just an amazing website. It’s also got the banned word list where if we’re over here talking in code guys, you might hear us say dew drops.
Like, what’s going on in California right now? Hey, was that by the dew drops? Well, what the hell are they talking about? What are dew drops? Most people can read between the lines, but, you know, you can go over here and say, oh, where’s dewdrops? Find it on here. Or this one, thrill oxide, which we’ll be talking about a lot today. That’s why they were stealing them children to get that little thrill lock side right there. And then you hit this and it’ll show you all the banned words. Or you can type in which bandword you’re looking for.
It’s any word that you’re not allowed to Say, because the AI algorithm picks it up, flags your video, and takes it down. So, see, my boy, Paranoid American’s a genius. He figured out how to get around that, you know, And I love you for that, bro. That’s a. That’s a great thing. Like this one right here, the code red. That’s what we were on lockdown for. For two years, guys. And I forgot why. Sea urchin. But someone. Someone else told me that. That they. They use sea urchin for. For that, because it ties into the Kraken.
And I know. I know why. It’s tied into that cracking archetype, the black goo dew drops. Now, you know what’s going on out there in California. It could be. I’m just gonna say it could be smart meters, though, people. I thought it might have been the dew drops at first, too, but think about the smart meters on the crib. And that’s all I’m gonna say about that. You know what I’m saying? Because that thing could turn your freaking house into a microwave. Every. Every cord that’s in your house is plugged into that smart meter. And everyone has smart meters now.
So they can run frequencies through that. Hit one room, hit two rooms, or make the house go. You know, even crazier about those smart meters, a lot. I mean, I get this on my electric bill automatically. Like, I don’t even have any special. But the. Even the electric company. But anyone that adds these meters around your house, they can just analyze for frequencies. Like, I think you can go on Amazon. You can get these little clamps that go around the mains of your house, and it just detects all the different patterns and all the frequency sort of intervals, and it can tell you exactly how much you’re spending on your refrigerator or how much is going on, like a water heater.
You don’t even have to. It’s not even smart. You don’t got to go in there and, like, add information. You just put it on your mains, and it does all the other work. It lets you know exactly what devices are turning on and off. It can even let you know, like, hey, the. The refrigerator has it run in a couple of days, all just by analyzing the frequency of that. So not only can someone detect exactly what you’re using and how much you’re using it remotely, but you could even, like, simulate certain things so, like, they don’t even have to scan your house with the infrared anymore.
The heat vision, to make sure you’re not doing something that you shouldn’t be with the Electricity. They can just analyze that based on the frequencies and the intervals that you’re just generating by itself. It’s kind of. It’s kind of crazy. It is kind of crazy, bro. I mean, yeah, it’s sad what’s going on out there. First they popped it off with the New Year’s situation. We’re not going to talk about that because my last video got flagged, but, you know, that was at my Trump Tower in the little cyber truck. They popped it off with that and then boom.
Next thing you know, California’s blazing. So what do you think they got planned next, guys? But didn’t I tell you this was coming when everybody was making fun of me after Lahaina, and I said, that’s. It’s just the beginning. That was a test run. They know who we are. They use that Q, that quantum computer named Tyler, to track, trace and tag everyone that goes against anything they believe in. They know where you are, who you are, where you live, who you live with, how many people are there. You know what I’m saying? And I think it’s.
I really do believe it’s. It’s some type of depopulation agenda. And let’s not forget about Smart LA 2028. And that’s the rollout of the smart cities by 2028, and that’s when the Olympics are coming to Los Angeles. So it’s right in time for that. You know, little off topic here, but we, we had a touch on it. So with. Can’t. Let’s get into. We’re going to talk about Camp Hero, the Montauk project, all of it with, with. With this, this reality. For some you guys that are new, I want to show you something real quick because I was looking into Camp Hero and what they were doing, and whenever we look at breaking down this reality, it’s like a computer game.
And when you look at the central unit in the computer game, it’s tied to that. That 137 number. That’s paranoid American’s cousin’s favorite number. And hologram devices, 137 live forever. Hamster wheel, mind control, butterflies, the gifted one, you know, that’s tied to the central unit and the computer game. And then you can even tie it to certain elements, the operating systems, 56, which is tied to barium. And that’s what they’re spraying in the chemtrails. So that 137 number, guys, guess what? It was tied to Camp Hero. It’s tied to Camp Hero. That blew my mind when I seen that and then on top of Camp Heroes, that.
That famous picture with Stranger Things, it looks like. Like a. I don’t know why it reminds me a harp. Maybe it’s because it’s a radar tower, but it just has this freaking harp feeling to me. And weren’t they using certain signals and frequencies there? Paranoid American with all this mind control that. Yeah, well, the. The whole concept of this building that you’re looking at right now is that there’s a chair at the very bottom of this. I think it might even be in like a basement. And what they do is they wire up all this electricity to this chair with may or may not have a helmet on it.
And that somebody that has these advanced, like telekinetic or telepathic abilities would sit in that chair and they would just run the electricity through the chair in a way to sort of amplify that. And then this guy that I saw, I’m so glad that on the thumbnail you had Preston Nichols and Peter Moon, I think, on there. And Preston Nichols, he claims to have invented this thing. He’s the guy in the flannel shirt. He claimed to have invented something called a Delta T antenna. And the T more or less stands for time. And that he kind of claimed that.
That he was able to amplify this enormous amount of energy in this patented way that no one else knows how to do, and that he could focus this telekinetic energy being sort of like amplified through this kid usually, and then use it to tear a hole into like time space fabric. And that in one of these experiments outside Montauk, because Camp Hero is at the very tip of Montauk, I actually grew up in this area. My grandparents did. So when I went and stay with my grandparents, I was right in this area. It’s a. It’s a crazy area.
But that, that when they did this on one of these nights, it created this riff that allowed this. This sort of interdimensional creature or demon or monster to come in. And this is exactly the plot line of Stranger Things. They just lifted it directly out of this book by Peter Moon and Preston Nichols. It’s actually a series of like seven or eight different books. And what are the books called? Do you know, brother? Yeah, it’s called the. The Montauk Project. It started in 1992 with experiments in time. And then there was a whole bunch of follow ups.
There was Montauk Revisited in 94. There was one called Pyramids of Montauk in 95. And then it goes into like the Black Sun. There’s a book on Pleiades. It gets into UFO stuff. But the very first book talks about this particular. This Camp Hero and the Delta T antenna and. And tearing this rift in time. They also say that this was part of the cause of the Philadelphia Experiment where people got fused into the side of a boat. That that was a result of this particular Camp Hero project. And then I think in. It’s either in revisited or in periods of Montauk, they start making claims that all of this.
These kids with these abilities, they started transferring them into the music industry and that some of the music and the lyrics and the frequencies there. I think he goes hard on the. That free. The music frequency. I can’t remember what. 432Hz versus 440. I’m pretty sure he goes pretty hard in the paint on that. But that this is the whole premise, right? That if. If Stranger Things were to keep following this, you would eventually see Eleven become like a pop star. And that would be wild because like the act, the actress behind Eleven could potentially have like a music or get involved in the music industry, which would make the story of Montauk project come full circle.
And it probably will. That would be crazy because, you know, they love to do that. Well, I mean, you know, like movie star, music star. What’s the real difference? Deep down, I think. Yeah. Yeah. And then they’re. They’re using these kids with these certain abilities. They’re kind of like modern day little witches. Right. And they’re. And they’re casting spells on the audience with their music, which. Would you look at that 137 number tied to Camp Hero. I didn’t see that. Yeah, it’s a good one. Yeah. 137 spells casting 137. It’s also tied to our favorite reptilian little friends.
They’re interdimensional buddies. Maybe that was something to do with what came through that rift. Mossad agents. Did you ever hear any connection to Mossad with Montauk? I didn’t know if there was, but it definitely has some matching numerology with it anyway. No, actually that would be new to me. The only thing that I really know about Mossad is just the. The Jeffrey stuff. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, they’re involved in a lot, you know. Of course. I mean, you would expect them to be at this point. Yeah, they’re. They’re probably. I would say they’re one of the most powerful intelligence agencies on this planet.
Be. People always think the CIA. But Mossad ain’t playing, dude, when it comes to artificial intelligence. And Israel is at the top of their game, you know what I mean? Well, for, for context, this Camp Hero that we’re. Look at how old this photo is. This was essentially like a remnant of World War II, I believe. So it’s about 10 years after World War II is over. The relevance of the technology in this building is starting to, to just like flatline. Right? Because now we’ve got, at that point, by the 80s, especially 80s or 90s when the book started to come out, we had ways to generate way more electricity with more efficiency that wouldn’t require this huge tower and this huge satellite.
So I think that, you know, as, as time goes on, this becomes just like a remnant. It’s wild to me they didn’t knock this tower down, but if you look at modern day Camp Hero, it’s a state park, but they’ve, they’ve literally sealed off all these different sort of like underground rooms. They look like, like these caves, like a big door just going into the side of the, the, the ground. But they’ve like welded it shut with these huge metal doors and everything. Yeah, it’s pretty interesting. And what do you think they got down underneath there, bro? I bet you that goes deep.
Well, there’s been videos that, I don’t know if they’re still all on YouTube, but of people, Camp Hero and going in all the places that they could manage to get into. And at this point it’s all been picked apart because I think that they, they left Camp Hero officially in like the, the 70s or something. So it’s, I mean, it’s been a minute, right? It’s been over a generation of people to go in there and pick. But the last videos from the early 2000s, they, they still showed that some of the old electronic equipment and stuff was there.
It just had been abandoned because it was so outdated. So I would imagine there’s probably still plenty of remnants from whatever was going on in there. Yeah, that would be interesting to see. So, so before we get going more into this, guys, because we’re gonna get into Stephen King’s book To Institute, which is very similar to the Montauk project. They were also stealing children. And I’ve been reading it for quite some time now. My boy paranoid American Reddit. I just want to plug him real quick. And his links are down in the description, the links that he asked me to share today.
And he has a couple different projects that he’s got going on right now. First of all, Check out his website, guys. He’s got one of the coolest websites. Some amazing merch over here, him and donut just. They got. They got custom Bohemian Grove playsets. Where are you ever gonna find that? Nowhere. Nowhere. Your Lego thing. I mean, that’s crazy. And him and, him and him and Donut factory just finished up an amazing comic book that they raised over like 60,000 thanks to you guys. My daughter got this. My youngest daughter, my mom reads it to her at night.
I swear to God, my daughter loves it. It’s a dope book, bro. It’s. It’s not a joke. Like, it’s all legit information. Yeah. And this is my six year old. And my mom’s like, why’d you ever bring that damn book over? She makes me read. But, you know, I. I wanted her to learn about it and educate it. It’s. It’s a kid book that actually talks about more gallons. And, you know, it does it in a way that it’s not too harsh for the kid, but they need to learn about this stuff, guys. Imagine if we would have learned about this.
And then he’s got his new projects going on. Yeah, these are the, these are the two new ones. Because the one that I did with the Donut, it’s actually right there. I gotta take the link down soon, but that one raised over 61 grand. So if you missed out on that, it’ll be out maybe in like May of this year. But the, the two coming up after that, I’ve got this Titanic comic dot com, and that’s gonna break down all the different Titanic theories, specifically about J.P. morgan and Tesla and Aster and the Federal Reserve and also like Jekyll Island.
That’s like one of my favorite topics of all time. And then another one, because I grew up. Me and Tommy both grew up during the satanic panic. Oh, it was crazy. For people that. That grew up in the 70s or grew up in the 2000s, you probably got no idea what it was like to have police come into your classroom and tell you that there were Satanists and vans that were gonna like snatch you up if you weren’t careful. Like, like you have police telling you this, the news telling you this, the parents telling you this.
So it really was a satanic panic. So I grew up in that for two decades. You know, me and me and you were blessed, Tommy, to grow up in such a weird time. But I made a comic about it because I wanted to trace the origins of it. And there’s so many books, and all they do is debunk it. They just say that it was like a Salem witch trials where everyone was freaking out over nothing. And I never really believed that. So this is a comic that I wrote about that that explains exactly where the satanic panic came from.
And it predates the 1980s by at least 100 years. And any of you guys that are really in the know that are. That know why some of these celebrities live hundreds of years and we’re seeing pictures of Jay z from the 30s. Well, you know about this word right here that we can’t. You know what I’m saying? I can’t believe this one even got published. Like, this one had a successful campaign and everything. So I thought for sure it would get taken down, but it didn’t. But yeah, you’re such an amazing artist and you, you, you really do work hard, man, at what you do.
So I want to give you a little plug real quick, you know, and all them links are down below. Guys. He, he does some phenomenal, phenomenal work. So go check him out. Go show some love. Go show some support. The one you guys purchased, the Illuminati comic book, that one’s coming out. Would you say brother May, that one. The drop dead date is to have them all in the mail by May, but I mean, honestly, I’m waiting on the comics to get printed and then shipped to me, so I’m hoping to start sending them out in February, but I.
We set May as like the deadline for that. Oh, that’s cool. That’ll be a good time. And the one cool thing about you, man, you know, you’re, you’re such a hard worker. You always make sure everything gets out to the people. You do what you promise. And I like, you know, there’s so many shysters online nowadays, so many grifters, and, and you’re definitely not one of them. And I respect, I mean, this is a legitimate business, man. And, and my whole philosophy is that it’s going to be so hard. Like, anyone knows about customer acquisition, but to get over all the boring technical part of that is like, if someone actually steps out on a limb and takes a chance and, and gets something from you, because I’m, I’m not selling like things are going to save your life, right? These are luxury items at a certain point.
So I want to make sure that anyone that gets anything from me, they get like an over the top experience. They’re getting loaded up with like stickers and custom packaging and like, I got even My own, like, custom tissue paper and everything. Like, I try to make the best damn first impression that you’ll ever get from anyone in this space. So I’m trying to be like the. The go to for all of it. Hey, shout out to Jay Dreamers too. Check out Jay Dreamers, guys. He just sent me his book today and a bunch of gifts and I got his chips.
And check out his website, with the Z at the end. J. Dreamers with the Z. I call him Dreamers. But he’s got two books out now and Ancient Oblivion and his Ancient Oblivion, the Plasma Apocalypse and Ancient Oblivion returned to Hyperborea. I’m gonna get into that one tonight, so thank you, Jay. Thank you for that. And I didn’t even, you know, I don’t get paid for that. I just did that out of the love of my heart. But shout out Jay too, because he’s doing this full time just like. Just like we are. Yeah, like us, man.
You know, this is what. It’s not a side project. This is the. The full project. And of course we want to bring the truth. I’m not like one of these people that just want to put out stuff so I can get likes and put out fake stuff. Like all them videos going viral right now and all them posts showing a blue. Did you guys see the post with the blue houses that the blue roofs are standing? They’re all fake. It’s all created by AI. I ran them through the AI tester this morning. I’m working on post for him.
I. I posted it to my Instagram already. So anyone that follows me on Instagram, on Tommy Truthful TV, go take a look. They’re. Well, it says like 70% of it was made by AI and like 30 or 40% by human. So that house, it detected the house was fake. So the house with the blue roof that looks kind of burned a little, that’s fake and that the background is real. They just added that house to a burnt background. And so this doesn’t even take AI right? Like, they could have taken a. A photo in Soviet Russia and painted it blue and made it convincing enough.
So yeah, they. I mean, it’s so funny how they do it, dude. And. But. But they did it for likes and it went crazy viral. Paranoid American. There’s two of them right now. They beat us to it. Well, I think they’re doing it to throw people off the track, making us think of dues because certain directed energies, they won’t burn blue or. So that’s the theory, right, it can’t register it, but I’m sure the government’s come up with some that can register the color blue. Now they got plasma weapons and plus, like I said, all they got to do is hit a little button on your house.
That smart meter. Poof. Puff the magic dragon, you know what I’m saying? There goes the crib. So I think it was to throw us off the trail, but yeah, I’ll be exposing that later. Don’t worry, I’ll be exposing them later. And before we get into Stephen King, the institute, which we’re getting ready to get into, I just don’t want to forget this. Okay, guys, let me break this little 64 thing down real quick because we’re coming up on the date. So remember when Trump first, they first made the attempt on Trump, shout out to my boy, Matrix code breaker.
He brought this to my attention. And this is such an important number. The number 64 is tied to the first player character. It’s tied to the royalty. There’s 64 spaces on a chessboard. It’s a very sacred number. It’s the mirror reflection of the number 46. You have 46 chromosomes. 23 from your mama, 23 from your dad. The two branches of, of modern day Freemasonry, the York with 13 degrees, the Scottish right with 33. Added together, it’s 46. So the first time they try to get Trump, July 13th of 2024. And from that day until the second attempt, September 15th of 2024 was 64 days.
And then from September 15th to 2024, that was the second one, right? That was the one down in West Palm Beach, Florida, they said at the golf club, which honestly I still, to this day I haven’t seen that one. The first one was so boring. That was the boringest movie I ever watched. So that was a terrible production, that first one. So I didn’t even bother to watch the prequel. So so from that day until November 18, which is normally the 322nd day of the year in a non leap year. And that was the day, if you guys remember the fall of the House of Usher.
Remember when we decoded that paranoid American? Yeah, yeah, that was the day that was on the newspaper in the fall of the House of Usher. Remember November 18th, in front of that red haired girl. I didn’t remember that, but it doesn’t surprise me that you remember everything. Yeah, yeah, my mind’s like photographic, bro. I don’t forget. But November 18th was also the day, you know, Code red started in 2019, 322nd day of the year. They had the first 322 cases. That gets into the whole third strand, you know what DNA, and then adding three strands of 22 to your 44 base pairs of DNA.
But anyways, November 18th was no assassination attempt reported, but Ryan Wesley Ross trial date was set for that day. So now the next 64 interval date is coming up and that’s January 21st. And why does that matter? Well, this is the five year anniversary since the first confirmed case of Code Red in the United States on January 21st of 2020. And where? Seattle. What do they have a flag of? What’s their team out there? The kraken, the sea urchin. So this, a lot of things happened that day. Trump went to some conference, I think Davos on that day.
CERN had a big huge meeting on that day. All in 2020 on the same day all these strange things was happening. That was Trump’s, I think it was his impeachment trial, but he was over in Davos kicking it with his homeboys in the whole impeachment trial thing was going on. So this year on January 21st, I think there’s going to be an event between January 21st and January 28th, the one two, eight guys, because that’s the day we enter the year of the Serpent, January 28th of 2025. And we see we’re already off to an amazing start this year.
And they like these 64 intervals, they’ve been doing it all last year. So I’m seeing if they’re going to roll it out this year too. So just wanted to bring that up before we get into Stephen King, the Institute. So brother, what did you think about this? I was actually surprised that I like the, the content of it. Like I like the topic of it, but I don’t know, I might just be like Stephen Kinged out. But it just felt low effort. Like I felt like I knew more about what he was trying to, to talk about in his book than, than he did.
And I, I found a bunch of like math issues and I don’t know, like maybe like a thumbs down on Stephen King’s writing. But this is probably one of the more interesting Stephen King books that you could ever read. Yeah. J.D. your 44 base pairs has nothing to do with your 23 chromosomes. You’re talking about 23 chromosomes, my friend. Go listen. You have chat GPT. It’s right at your fingertips. Go type it in and it’ll tell you that quick. These are two different things. But What’d you say, brother? I apologize. That basically not a fan of Stephen King’s writing.
But I like the topic. But I feel like me and you probably know way more about this topic than he did writing it. So it was, it was a little embarrassing for some of the, the things he got into. And it, it weirds me out at how much he focuses on certain topics in his books. I’m even gonna mention what they are. But he, he’s a. He seems like a creeper. Yeah, he is a creeper. He does have that whole creeper vibe. And there’s the one scene in particular with a large thermometer in Vaseline. And we’re talking about like a school.
So I don’t. I mean, I don’t know. It’s a, It’s a recurring theme that he seems to really need to be expressing. He loves to express that one, doesn’t he? And, and let me tell you, all of his. All this stuff, dude, the Dark Tower, I like his movies. I love his movies. I’m a fan of his movies, but they’re dark. When you really look into his movies and see the symbolism in them, you realize, okay, this guy, he’s been, he’s been there, he’s been at, you know, some of these rituals. He’s chilling at Bohemian Grove, he’s seen a few things, you know what I’m saying? He’s read the, the comic book with the panda on it.
You know, I’m paranoid Americans. When you make yourself the authority on sort of, you know, creepy topics and murder and like supernatural weird things, like not. It’s not usually not sci fi, it’s usually like horror. And when you make yourself like a world renowned famous person, you’re going to end up attracting that. You’re going to hear the absolute craziest stories. I bet you there’s so many times that someone’s like, hey, Stephen King, you want to come over to my house and see something really crazy? And he like goes, and he sees something way beyond wild because that’s the guy that you would invite, you know, that’s the guy you would go and brag to if you were like some elite whoever that’s a fan of his, he’d be like, I got something that’ll really curl your toes, King.
Yeah, Check this out. Look at my basement, dude. Yeah, yeah, you. I bet you he’s heard that more than just a couple times. Like, yo, let me get out of here. Look at my basement. Or come down in this. Let me take you down in this Pizza shop. Let me show you what’s going down here behind the spaghetti. So the, the institute centers around this group that abducts children who possess extraordinary psychic abilities. They’re referred to as psychs or psychics. Right. And these sub, they subject them to experimental testings and the primary aim is to harness and weaponize these abilities for the Institute.
Now the protagonist in it is Luke Ellis, a 12 year old boy with, he has telekinetic powers. So they had telekinetic powers. The one dude, he, he could, he could like manipulate fire. Dude, that’s the one I want, I want that power, that power right there. Pyrokinesis, I believe it is, right? Yeah, yeah. Well, everyone was classified. There’s, it’s like a school that they snatch you off to and this is where you’re going to spend the rest of your life basically. But they got three degrees, ironically. And the first you go into is just like kind of like a normal S school.
And at this point you’re either classified as a TK meaning telekinetic, or a TP meaning telepathic. And that’s usually how they separate everyone and depends on what kind of test they’re going to run on you. So. Yeah, but those are, those are the two classifications. And then after that they, they put you to work after you’re done with your training, they put you to work in something called the back half. And when you’re in the back half, some people end up getting both powers. So they’ll be a TK and a TP at a certain point. Now they can do telepathy and telekinesis.
And the other thing they do in this back half is they combine powers. So like three or four kids or maybe more, they get together. So if there’s one that has telekinesis and no telepathy and one that’s got telepathy, they can sort of combine their powers and do all these remote sort of events. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So and what in, in, in real life they do, they, they do this and they were using these kids to kind of use them as a psychic weapon. So think in real life, guys. Let me give you an example. Michael Hastings, right? Remember Michael Hastings? He was over there hanging out with them generals and that that volcano went off and then he got stuck over there a little too long.
He started running his mouth about Obama. Next thing you know he gets back to the United States and his car wrecks into it just like goes, takes off at about 120 miles an hour. And slams into, I think, a tree. Now everybody’s thinking the military took his car over. But what you don’t know is they could use these children that are linked up. You got like six of them together, that link. And they can focus their ability on a picture is a shirt of his, whatever, and cause him to wreck off the road, cause him to become very depressed, cause him to, you know, take his life.
And the CIA was actually doing this. They have declassified files. I’m going to show you a file here in a minute where they actually patent how to walk through walls. So they’ve been messing with this type of stuff for quite some time. They truly believe in it. You know, just like with the Montauk project, they were messing not just with children in that chair, they were messing with time travel there, too, weren’t they? Paranoid American. Yeah, well, that’s. That’s why it was the Delta T antenna. And that’s part of what they were trying to do, is that not only could they spy on someone in current times, but they wanted a way to go back in time and spy on somebody then or in.
At the. Towards the end of this book, the Institute, they start talking about Precogs. If you ever read or seen the movie Minority Report based on that book by Philip K. Dick, he also had this concept of these Precogs, which is means precognition. So that basically once you find someone that’s got this. This certain type of telepathy and telekinesis that can, like, traverse time, that you become a Precog, and now you can figure out what’s going to happen. And I guess they even make a point of it in this book, which comes from some of that CIA research, that if you are precognizant of things that are going to happen within the next hour or the next day or the next week, those are usually the ones that are the most accurate.
And the longer the time in the future that you’ve got like a precognition of, then the less reliable it is. So in this particular book, in the Institute, they talk about that. They talk about some of the things that they’re. They’re trying to have effect on are happening within hours or days. But there’s also examples where they’re talking 10, 20, 25 years into the future that they’re using these precogs to then determine what sort of events and who they want to take out. Right, bro? Yeah, it gets. What is a. Wasn’t there a movie with that? What was that movie? Damn with the pre cogs in it.
It was Minority Report. Yeah, Minority Report. You said that, right? Yeah, that in Minority Report, they got these three Precogs that, like, sit in this isolation tank, John C. Lily style, and that whenever they determine that a crime’s gonna happen, it, like, etches itself on this little wooden ball and it, like, rolls down. But that’s. That was how they were able to eliminate crime. But the same thing happens in this book where someone asked the question, well, like, these Precogs get to sort of sit at the. The height of civilization. They get all of the bells and whistles and VIP treatment when they’re not doing their precog thing.
So why wouldn’t they just lie and make stuff up and, like, oh, yeah, this is gonna happen so that they can retain their position as these sort of kingmakers, right? Yeah, yeah. Them Precogs look crazy as hell, too. And for my people, JD Read this real quick. JD on the base pairs of DNA sequences. I don’t want to get into it too much because there’s a reason I don’t elaborate, because I’ll get taken down. But it gets into the rona and the third strand, and then they’re trying to add the three strands of 22, which is 22 plus 22 plus 22.
Right? That adds up to 66. Now, if you take in. Type in the word corona, go put it in your gamatra calculator. It equals 66 matching black goo. And you see what it says on here? So it’s them trying to manipulate the human genome, mixing the iron and clay, if that helps you out any bit on that. Because I felt like I came off kind of as a there. So I apologize about that. But, yeah, maybe that’ll help you out a little bit and you can research more on it. But you were thinking of. You were thinking of chromosomes.
We’ve got 23 chromosomes. Has nothing to do with what I’m talking about. But, yeah, man, it’s. It’s. It’s pretty nuts what our government has done. Do you think they have a bunch of these people out in society? Like, have you ever heard of the super soldier program? Yeah, I mean, I’ve heard of a few variations on this, but even the. The movie Universal Soldier was kind of a premise on the super soldier program. Okay. So this kind of ties in with the. All this. We’re talking about the Institute, the Montauk Project. Like, they were putting some of these kids through some really horrendous, you know, type of pretty much torture and Some of them were being trained in this super soldier program.
They would have them raise a pet, a pet dog, and then have to take it out or. Or maybe one of their classmates or their best friend. And they would see these two buddying up or bonding. They’d make one of them take the other one out. Or you said something one time too. They would just walk up and take one out to show them. Like, yeah, brother, there’s a couple. Crazy one. These ones come from a book by Fritz Springmeier called the Undetectable Mind Control Illuminati. I’m not going to say the whole thing, but if you search those.
Fritz Springmeier and Undetectable Illuminati Mind Control. But they’ve got a whole list of them. They describe. One of them is a fire test where they’ve got people in two different sides of a room with a glass in between them. Like a window and one room just gets set on fire. And the kids that are in the other room are witnessing everything that’s happening because of that. And the ones that show any emotion or, like, flinch or look away, well, then they get to be on the other side of the glass. The next phase of that. And this is one way to weed people out that can figure out how to completely detach themselves from a situation.
And the. The one that you were just talking about, this one’s wild. He calls it the daisy test. And in the daisy test, it’s like that game that kids play where they pick a daisy out of the ground and they’ll say, like, I love you, I love you not, I love you, I love you not, depending on, like, how many petals and when you get to the last one. So they would do something like that, but if it ended. Yeah, yeah, exactly. You would pop the head off at the end. But if, but, but if they.
They would do that with an actual daisy. And when it ended, if it was I love you not, then they would literally pop the head off and all the other kids would see this and that the re. And there was actually logic behind some of this. The first one was obviously this binary sorting algorithm. You just constantly figure out who can take this type of ex. External stimulus and not freak out over it. Then you eventually weed yourself into the top amount of those, and then out of those, you show them that it’s completely arbitrary, that everyone that made it that far in the process, they’re not special.
There’s nothing about them that can prevent the authority that this institute kind of has over you. So it was just A way of saying, like, look at how random. We’re willing to either keep you or, you know, expire you. And that’s just one. That’s like that. The final step to some of that programming and that. They also mentioned this in so many other examples in like Monarch Programming. Dude, you know what that reminds me of, bro? Doctor Sleep, Stephen King’s book. Remember the first scene in these. These entities and doctor Sleep and. And like all his books, guys, he talks about these kids having special abilities called the shine.
It’s in all of them. Even the Dark Tower. He mentions it briefly in that too. And in the beginning scene, that little girl, her name is like Lily or something with a flower, Violet. I forget. And she starts. The vampiric entity lady. Didn’t she start plucking the petals off of the freaking flower in that scene, bro? Oh, that’s a. That’s a great call. Yeah, that’s a really good call. Yeah. And then she’s. Then they ate that little girl. Then they ate her. Oh, my God. Yes. Basically in here they like inhale her, right? Because it’s. It’s the steam.
Yep, steam. They. They inhale her steam. And see right here, guys. And this, this scene right here where I got. Okay, so they got this little boy, number 19, on the ground. So you can kind of see what that girl’s doing up there. Playing a trick on her. But Rose the Hat is not a good person, man. She’s powerful. Very power. Powerful. See, they’re all attacking that little girl. They’re a powerful. She’s a powerful telekinetic, telepathic, and she’s a dream walker. She. She can enter others dreams. That’s when she sits up on the RV and astral projects.
Like right here. She got thrown back from that little mixed girl because she was much more powerful than her. This girl right here, what’s her name? Jacob. No, that’s not her. That’s the boy. That’s the boy they were killing. That’s number 19. That’s who they’re killing right here. When the little mixed girl sees them. And then again, there’s. There’s a theme here, right? Like, and I, and I. I admit the. You don’t want to limit artists and like, the things they’re allowed to do or say. I’m not saying any, like, censorship, but no, based on his books, I would never let this guy watch my kids.
Oh, no, he’s not watching my kids at all, dude. There’s a. There’s 100 a theme here. This girl Right here. She’s the one I’m talking about. She’s so powerful, they would not let her in. It was called the True Knot, and they wouldn’t let her in it because they were so scared of her. Because her ability, she could actually spy on them and see when they were hurting the little kids and see how they’re eating the steam. And then this one right here, this girl, when they met her, they actually turned her in the beginning and made her one of them.
So she had to die in this world, in the real world. And then she gets tethered to them. They’re true not. And they live forever. As long as they eat right, they feed, right? Well, they don’t live forever because she even tells her. She said, I thought we live forever. She said, I never told you we live forever. I told you we live a long time if we eat good. She said, but we haven’t been eating good in a very, very long time. And then you get to see the old man, this guy right here, the old dude.
Let me zoom in on this a little bit for you guys. You get to see the old dude transform and he starts to die. And he’s shape shifting, and you can see his reptilian form when he shape shift. It. It’s a damn reptilian demon. That number 237, bro. I see you got some gifts on your. Your. Your website with that number on it. That was the hotel room in shining, right? 237. Room 237. Right. Room 237. Which was a detail that Stanley Kubrick specifically changed from the book in the Shining. And he did that allegedly based on your.
Your. Your conspiracy theory at the moment. But one of the examples was that at the time he wrote the movie, the moon was known to be237,000 miles from Earth. So that was a reference to the moon room. And that when Danny goes into that room, that’s when he sees proof that the moon landing was fake. Essentially, like this. Like as if this were a biographical story about Stanley Kubrick understanding and. And entering this room that he could never leave again. Oh, my Lord. That’s crazy. They killed Stanley Kubrick, I believe. I think they took him out, dude.
And I really do. That’s number 19, the little boy. And he’s so good. He has the shine, right? So he shines so bright. He has an ability, but he don’t even know he has it. He’s just gotta. He’s got. Not really a real powerful one, but a semi powerful Ability where he hits home runs every time. So some of these kids, they don’t even know they have these abilities. But like, that little girl, there’s no hiding hers. She’s like, she shines like a galaxy, just like Danny. Like, they see him, no matter he has to turn his power off because they see him.
And this chick right here, she’s a pusher. She’s sitting in here with this pedo, right? He’s a pedophile. He likes little kids. And she can touch you and whisper in your ear and make you do whatever she wants. So she makes him carve that on his face. So I like little girls. And when she goes to leave the movie theater, the Mexican guy grabs her, and she whispers to him to let her go and go do something. And he listens. One of the vampiric entities, then Rose grabs her. And she tries it to Rose, and Rose says, I think not.
You know, because Rose is much more powerful than her this character right here. But, yeah, there’s something going on with Stephen King, bro. She know this is when she goes up here, guys. In Dreamwalk. She steps out of her body in the astral realm, and she goes searching for these children with these special abilities that they’re going to feed on. This is a perfect representation of what the archons are, or what they say, reptilians that feed on loosh energy. It’s kind of a representation of that, really. And this is when they put the girl down with the True knot.
They. They have it. They have a little bonfire, little party, and they don’t tell her that they’re actually going to kill her in real life, you know, before they bring her into this. This coven. And right here is when that little girl caught Rose the Hat dream walking. She. Rose the Hat was dream walking and broke into her brain when she was sleeping. But that little girl, so powerful, she caught Rose over going through these filing cabinets, looking just, you know, looking through her life, her history. And that little girl slams Rose’s hand in the falling cabinet.
And Rose looks back, and Caesar stand up, looking all demonic like that. And she. She’s like, I knew you were coming. And then Rose is trying to pull her hand out. She can’t get her hand out. And in real life, she finally rips her hands out, and it ripped all the skin off of her. And when she came back into the real world, she came in so hard that it threw her off that rv. And that’s when she’s like, oh, man, I gotta have her. I got. Did you Ever watch this one? Paranoid American? Yeah, definitely.
I think I’ve seen every Stephen King novel that’s been turned into a movie at this point. Oh, you have this. I kind of. I kind of had to. When I. When I did the. The NASA comic about Stanley Kubrick direct in the moon landing, I. I had to sort of become like a. Somewhat of an expert on all of the different Stanley Kubrick lore. And part of that is also watching all of the. The Stephen King movies just because of how influential the Shining was. And this one being the sequel to the Shining, is kind of like, mandatory to watch.
It also dovetails into my thrill oxide research, which is honestly the same reason that I felt like I had to. To read the Institute, which I just did over, like, this last week. So it’s mad fresh. But I. I kind of had to because, like you mentioned when we first started the, like, the ending part of the Institute, it kind of touches on that thrill oxide topic. Yes, it does. And remember, Danny was able to put them entities in these boxes. Yeah. He had extra ability, like you said. That’s why it’s called the Shining. He had so much of this ability that he had to figure out how to turn it off.
Like, he was emitting it all the time. And I think that’s also something that. That goes unsaid in this particular book in the Institute. But for whatever reason, this Institute place, they got some kind of radar. They can identify when someone has these powers because they immediately hone in on them as soon as it starts happening. Right. They’re still. They’re still like young kids, so they’re able to. To figure out who’s got these abilities. And I think that’s a nod to this Shining. Like, they’ve almost got some sort of, like, shine detector. Yeah, it’s pretty. It’s pretty fascinating.
And. And it’s. It’s. It’s crazy that as they are harvesting, you know, Crowley talked about it. Stephen King writes about it. All the elite. And then they all worship Crowley. And he was always talking about doing these rituals and that. That getting a child with a high IQ and prepubescent boy, you know, very. Whatever the high IQ has to do with. I don’t know. But as they were actually feeding on the child here in the physical to harvest that thrill oxide. And if you want to know what the thrill oxide is, you don’t got to be a genius, but go on occult and just.
You’ll see it right on the band word list. You’ll see what we’re talking about occult decode dot com. And as they’re harvesting that in the real world, which stops their DNA, the telomeres, that’s in their DNA from withering, which is like your wick, your, your DNA. It’s so it’s. If you think of a candle, and that’s your life force, right? The candle is your life force. When it burns out, that’s the end of your life. So that candle wick is your telomeres. They figured out how to stop it from burning. So they’ve, they’ve not reversed aging, but they’ve halted it.
They’ve kind of paused it, right? And this is where the whole ambrosia comes from. What they’re doing out in California, where they said they learned it from mice and no, they’ve been doing this for a long time. So out there you can pay like 8, $9000 and have younger 18 year old blood transfused into an older person and it actually starts to cure them. They call them Blood boys. Yeah, man, it’s crazy, bro. But that, that’s old magic that they’ve been doing this for a long time. You know, a famous one is Elizabeth Bathory would bathe in, you know, in the life force of, of young children and like all of her, her maids, essentially.
Yep, sure. Would I mention her a lot too, brother, and. Yep, she would, man. And you’re like, why would she do that? Well, watch Jupiter Ascending. Watch Jupiter Ascending. When they go around and start harvesting these different planets. And when they’re harvesting a planet, they let the planet reach its max population and then they harvest it. And what harvesting it means is they take everybody out. Well, it takes 100 humans to make one vial of this secretion. And that secretion is a representation of the thrill oxide. And they bathe in it. So when they go bathe in it, they hit them with these electrodes while they’re under the water of it.
It’s all. It’s all us. It’s us. We are the. We are the Fountain of youth. That’s the secret. We are the fountain of Youth. These vampires have been feeding on for generations. And in Jupiter Ascending, she’s like, how old are you? You look. You’re beautiful. She’s like, I’m. I just turned 14, 000 years old. What are you guys, a vampire race? She’s like, no, but we’re where the legends come from, you know? And she’s like, my mother was 90, 000 years old. My mother owned the Earth. And that’s why? Her son, Bay Limb, which is to play on ball.
Ball. Bay Lim. Bay Lim, her son who killed her, who controlled all the Reptilians and the gray aliens. Remember him, guys? He killed his mom so he could take Earth because Earth was worth so much money. And his mom, she wanted to shut this whole industry down. She wanted to stop harvesting people, you know, and they’re like, what then? We’re going to start dying? That ain’t happening. This is a. This. They said the only thing that is worth killing for is more time. And that’s what it was all about, them living forever. Do you think just me and you speaking here as two friends, do you think in real life, paranoid American.
I know you’re more of a. I’m. I’m. You know, I jump into the rabbit hole with. You’re more of a skeptic. Yeah, definitely. But do you think they have achieved some type of technology like this? I think that they definitely have ways to prolong life, but I don’t think 14, 000 years. I think maybe there’s a possibility of like 120, 140 being an actual realistic goal. I just don’t know if it gets into like two hundreds or three hundreds. But. But honestly, I do think that technology, through transhumanism, which is what they’re after, the. Eventually they will get to that spot.
There will be a time that it would be feasibly possible to extend life. Like there. There’s an example I wanted. I might be wrong about this, but I think there’s like a type of lobster that the lobster could potentially live forever because the main reason that most people can’t live forever is because your. Your blueprints. I don’t even want to say the three letters, but your blueprints, that’s inside of your blood that eventually deteriorates over time, and it makes it so that your body can’t re. Keep like making new skin and making new everything because it’s like distorting over time.
But lobsters don’t. They don’t have that. So. So the only reason that most that these types of lobsters will ever die is. Is because they get so huge and massive that they can no longer molt. They can’t shed their skin anymore, and they end up just sinking because they get so massive. But if there was a way to make it so that you could like artificially keep this lobster alive so that it never sinks. You know what I mean? That you could potentially have this animal that lives forever in the same way that they can take jellyfish that glow and merge that with like a monkey, and now they got a glowing monkey.
I mean, it seems like it’s within the realm of, of possibility. This is no longer sci fi, so hopefully that, that answers. Like I’m a skeptic, but I believe that they’re, they’re aiming towards this even if it’s not possible now. They absolutely want this, right? And now, see me, I have a little different opinion than him. I believe they have this technology. Now. I, not only do I believe they have it, I believe they can transfer consciousness already. But that’s just my opinion. You know, I don’t have no direct evidence on this, but I’ve read some peer reviewed papers what they say they can do, and it blows my mind.
Now I. Have you ever heard of Agenda 2045? You’d have to refresh me on it. So this is immortality technology, Agenda 2045 and you here, let me pull it up for you. They got their own website and everything. Dude, they got peer review papers on here. They tell you what they’re gonna do. And you’ve heard of Ray Kurzweil’s the, his whole agenda? Yeah, Ray Kurzweil’s the. A guy that takes like an insane amount of pills in order to combat aging. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s got a blood boy too, but I don’t know if he prescribes to that.
It’s just another version of this, like chemically assisted transhumanism. Yeah, man, I think, I think some of them are a little further. Like, are they mainstream? Is it happening? No, but behind the scenes, is there breakaway shadow governments that have this technology? Kind of like in King Kong, right when they went down to level 33, that’s where they had all the high tech. And yeah, I do, I do believe that there are, there are people that break away civilizations that have that. Hold on one second. Well, I mean, I think for sure that you got small pockets of people that have the money, the resources and the desire to do this kind of thing.
So even if, even if they haven’t achieved everything, I, I’m positive that there’s groups that are trying it constantly. It’s called the Initiative, the Avatar Project aims for human immortality by 2045. New Atlantis, bro, this is crazy what they think is gonna happen. And like they say we’re gonna be a downloaded hologram by 20. Here, I’ll show you right now by 2045, and there’s all these papers written on it, like real doctors I mean, it’s crazy. The people that were taking it, they’re really trying to do it. This thing. I know you see looked into this before, right? Oh, yeah, yeah.
This, this is basically talking about how close we can get to singularity. And this was actually predict. This was predicted in the anime Ghost in the Shell, which is the. One of the main inspirations behind the Matrix. And the Ghost in the show, I believe, says that singularity is going to be happening in the next like 10 years. I think from now maybe it was like 2040, but it’s, it’s within our lifetimes. Yeah, well. But yeah, like 2030, 2035. So we’re. Okay, so 2015 to 2020, a robotic copy of a human body remotely controlled via BCI.
That’s Avatar A, guys, Avatar B, 2020-2025, an avatar in which a human brain is transplanted at the end of one’s life. So, you know, maybe publicly we can’t do this, but trust me, behind the scenes, the military is always 30, 40, 50 years ahead of us. They’re doing that. Avatar C, 2030 to 2035, an avatar with artificial brain in which a human personality is transferred at the end of one’s life. And then the, the final thing is Avatar D, 2040-2045, a hologram like avatar, and that’s in that phantom matrix or in the cloud. So we never die.
This is why all the people that took the, you know, what are giving off IP addresses. This is crazy because this relates directly to the thrill oxide research that I got into as well, because the, the whole reason that we even know what the real oxide is is because of funding from the 33rd degree Scottish, right, in the 1930s. And they decided they wanted to investigate something called dementia praeco. And basically dementia praeco back then was a catchall term for dementia, schizophrenia, multiple personality disorder, all of these issues, but specifically in children. So they wanted to figure out exactly what was going on.
And one of those reasons that I, I’ll speculate on this is because if there were, like right now, you would pass everything to your kids, right? Like you would put them in your will, you give them your car and your money and all of your things. But imagine that not only that, but you could transfer your consciousness and like take over their body, right? Well, now the stakes are way higher. Instead of just worrying about not having someone to leave all of your riches to, now you want to make sure that your progeny is at the height of health, so that when you transfer your consciousness into them.
Then you also have this great body. But the problem was that you notice your kid has schizophrenia or dementia or goes into seizures. How do you fix that? Especially when it might be the only thing compatible with what you’ve got. So they put all of their effort into this one field of trying to solve. How to fix, you know, the. The. The bloodline. And that’s kind of where all this thrill oxide research originally came from. In the. In the 1930s, you did such a phenomenal video on that. It got taken down on YouTube, but it went crazy viral on your Twitter.
What’s your Twitter? I’m gonna find a way to get it back out into some normie channels, too, because it. It deserves so many more people than just the people on Twitter. Well, it’s on Truth mafia. Listen on I’m. So. You know how everybody has a channel over here, bro? I made everybody put it on their channel, no matter whose channel it is on every single person’s channel. So I feel it’s important, man. Like, I truly, deep down, like, all BS out of it. Like, I absolutely feel like it’s an important video that needed to be made and people need to see because there’s.
Everything else that I’ve come across on the Internet is misinformation. It might have some good information, it might have some bad, but nothing that I was finding was, like 100 accurate, so that you can’t just cite it and then look like an idiot. So I wanted to have a reference that you can say and not look like an idiot because all the receipts are provided. Yeah, I mean, you got me hip to even looking into stuff more. Look, now it’s starting. The AI technology that’s pulling the videos for me to see. Look, it’s on their channel right here, guys.
This is what you type in on and you can watch it right there. It’s on every channel. I hope I put on everybody’s channel, bro, because I thought it was that important. Important. Thank you. I’m like, you know, this needs to be seen by everyone. And then I put all your links right there. You got your little thing down here, takes them to your Patreon. I want to try and get it on Netflix. I wonder if they would. They would let it on there. But I’m. That’s my hope. Or at least on, like, Amazon prime or something, dude, it’s good enough production that it should be allowed to be on there.
I mean, I’ve never seen nothing that you put in such an amazing production value in this. Like, guys, when you watch this, it’s next level. It really is. The only thing that pissed me off about it is it was 21 minutes long. Yeah. What is it? What did it need to be? 33? Well, I was not truthful. I wish it would have been like a documentary like, like an hour. Well, that, see that can come because I, I got a book that I’ve been writing on this and that’s kind of where the video came from and that’s where those viral Twitter threads came from, is the book that I’ve been working on for the last three or four years now.
And as soon as I put that out, I’m hoping that’ll be a launch pad into getting more exposure so that a full blown, like hour and a half long documentary would, would actually be received and I would actually be able to keep it up on some of these platforms. Yeah, because that one, it deserves, you know, it needs to be out there and be heard, bro. But I’ll tell you what, we got the best team when it comes to Truth Mafia. There ain’t nobody messing with us. We got the best team of truth seekers out here, bro.
You know, some are a little shabbier than others, but they’re trying. They’re trying. I still give them a shot over here. They might not be on our level, but that, you know, I like to help people that are just learning and just trying. So you might find people like you never even some new people that you never heard of over here. And it’s because I seen their work and I thought it was good. So I’m like, okay, let me give them a chance. You know what I mean? My boy right here, he’s amazing. Naftali 1981, he’s phenomenal.
He, I mean, he’s Next level Jacob Israel. There’s some really good people, but like, the truth is he’s a Spanish guy. He does really good though. And he’s not a huge name, but he was doing good work. So I, I decided to give him a platform. Davo 7. He’s been in the game for a long time, you know, but no one was doing this before me, bro, because everybody, I think they let their ego get in the way and they just worry about their self when we, we got to be promoting each other. If we were all doing this and cross now.
I got my own site too, guys. Truthful and that’s where I got, where you can do your bookings over here. I got my shop over here you want to get your Gamatra D code, you get it right there or down in the description. You can pay offline and just send me an email with all your, your first name, your last name, your date of birth, all that stuff. You can even text me 234-425-2099 the information with your screenshot after you paid and I’ll do your breakdown, you know what I mean? There’s two different versions, this one and this one.
But we even got our own social media platform over here. Look at this, where you can share information with like minded people and Truthful Social now. Oh, look at the number, bro. 237 synchronicity. That’s crazy. We got 2,300, 2,000 2037 people in the truthful social. 2037. That’s the year the world’s probably going to end. I keep having that dream too. And there’s a movie about it. This is Matrix Code Breaker playing with AI Stable Fusion. He so, so, so look, he has his own page. It’s built kind of like Facebook, bro. You could come over here, have your own profile, bro, and people could follow you, you know, it’s set up just like Facebook.
You got your own profile. Look, he built me a Tommy Truthful One. That’s nice of them. I’ll have to check that out later, but yeah, it’s pretty cool, man. This video right here will get me in trouble if I play it. But that girl was speaking some facts about the California Fire, so. And then mine and Paranoid Americans Conspiracy cinema is over here, guys. Now we do own, don’t we? Yeah, right now it goes to like you just, you can pull it up. It’s got a page. It’s got all the movies that we’ve seen and done videos on and even some other people.
I got links to like other conspiracy theory breakdowns of videos. And then it’s also got a list of all the movies that people have written in and asked us to review at some point. So if you got suggestions on what movie we should add to this list, I can go in and add it and it’ll. It’ll pop up on the bottom of this. Oh, this side is tight. It’s kind of like nets. Yeah, look, we. And I got links to everyone on the left too. J Dreamers, Ani, Truth Mafia, everyone. Yeah, you got to put my Truthful TV up there, all right? Put my trip.
You got my truth up there. Just throw some Truth. Oh, you even got Cosmic Sugar. That’s my boy Logan. He thinks we’re all npc. Shout out to Logan. I love them. But yeah, all of these up there, these are all videos that me and you have reviewed at some point on the conspiracy cinema. And then once you get to the bottom of all these movies that are on the right. Look at all these videos we’ve done, man. A lot, bro. Yes. So now here’s all the ones that we’ve talked about doing, but we haven’t. I don’t think we’ve fully done yet.
We got to do this one. You got me hip to this, and I watched it and was so addicted it. And I hate anime. I hate cartoons. But let me tell you this right here. You want to talk about transhumanism? This one is amazing, bro. Did you watch it all yet? Oh, yeah, 100%. I. I think that you could probably watch the first, like, three or four episodes and get, like, a really good idea of what the series is about. But, yeah, I ended up watching. I think that he went into, like, a second season. Yeah.
Oh, I didn’t see the second season. I gotta go. I think I’ve seen pretty much every movie on here. I just haven’t re. Watched it and taken notes and screenshots and done, like, the whole breakdown. Let’s do Noah, bro. I want to do Noah’s so good. A lot of people don’t like it because they were expecting something different. But that’s based on a comic book about watchers and Nephilim, and everyone thought it was just going to be some random Bible movie about Noah’s Ark. And it’s nothing like that. No, actually, the Nephilim are made out of rocks.
I didn’t like that part, though. I mean, it was artistic, but there’s no. There’s not a lot of movies that even address that topic at all. Let me tell you something. So let. So look, I never watched 2001 A Space Odyssey until two nights ago, okay? Never in my life. And everybody’s telling me about Stanley Krum, all these Stanley Kubrick conspiracies. So I go watch 2001 Space Odyssey, and that’s the one with the supercomputer that goes nuts, right? Yeah, Dave, the how9000. He’s talking to me, bro. I caught me. And you can decode this. I caught so many catches that I bet no one else caught.
So Stanley Kubrick, I research. He was a lifelong chess player, so he’s not gonna mess up in his movie. And there’s this part where the captain’s playing chess with the supercomputer, and the supercomputer tells him checkmate. And then if you look at it, it’s not even a real checkmate, right? And so the supercomputer was testing him to see if he was paying attention so that it could, you know. But that’s how good of a director Stanley Kubrick was. Most people wouldn’t even catch that paranoid American, right? When. When he was in his 20s, I think instead of getting a job, he figured out that he could make more money hustling people in Washington Square in Washington park in New York.
That he would just sit down at these chess tables and just run game on people and he would make more money doing that. I think I. I think it was something like 200, he could walk away with a day. But this was in, like, you know, the 50s, so he was making 200 a day just hustling people in chess. This was how good he was at it. This one I haven’t got to watch yet, but you told me it’s phenomenal. You, me, and the Apocalypse, brother. And every. I’ve told everyone I know to watch this, but it’s.
It’s a little bit of a sleeper. But the whole freaking premise is about these elite fan. Like, all the richest people on the planet, like the military, politicians, actors, like Hollywood stars, everyone, they all know that the world is actually going to be ending. And none of them are letting anyone else know about it because they don’t want the rest of the people on the planet to scramble and get all the resources. So they’ve been stockpiling in these deep underground bases and these, like, subterraneous like. Like shelters. And slowly people are starting to put it together.
And it’s about like a Catholic priest is figuring it out from, like, a theological side. But then you also got like a scientists that are figuring out, like, everyone’s starting to put the pieces together, but at this point, it’s too late. Like, everyone’s already hoarded all the resources. It’s such a dope premise. That’s exactly what we talk about. Kind of like what’s going on in real life. Pretty probably. You know that’s what I’m saying, man. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Probably like what’s really going on in real life, you know, that’s what it reminds you of.
But, yeah, dude, you did a good job with this. I like how it’s laid out. It reminds me of Netflix or something. So that’s really. Yeah, that was the inspiration. It was. It was to look like a regular. Because ideally, what I want at some point is that you can click these and actually just, like, watch the movie or something. We talked about that in the past. But it’s. I got. I got so much on my plate. But that’s. I’m glad that this site is even up as it is. You could click these and watch the episodes, right? Yeah.
So the Amazon link will bring you to the movie on Amazon if you want to, like, watch along as you see the actual breakdown. And the breakdown is if you just click the little YouTube icon. And then as we get these on Rumble, or if someone else does another break down an Aquaman, for example, we can just pop another link in there. There’s space for, like, you know, a hundred people break down Loki. We. We got space to put 100 little links in there, so. Oh, yeah, where’s the appendage link? There’s no appendage link. Oh, maybe that one got taken down.
I’ll have to. I’ll have to double check that. Yeah, put that up back up there. Put that from your Rumble or something. Look at how many move. I can’t believe we’ve broken down this many episodes. We had so much fun together on this. We got to get back into it. Appendage was so weird. You made me watch it, and at first I didn’t. I thought it was stupid. But then it got so good. I was like, whoa, what the hell is going on with this little thing? Appendage. That was a good one. All the ones you thought weren’t going to be good actually turned out to be pretty good.
Hunger Game. The Hunger Games sucked, remember? Yeah, you kind of have to do some of those because everyone’s talking about it when they come out. So I get that Barbie sucked. I thought, oh, they Clone Tyrone was the favorite one I did see. But Barbie, I think, was fascinating to me because the end shows a legitimate. Like, we were talking about that Fritz Springmeyer’s Mind Undetectable Mind Control manual. Like, they actually do one of those things in the Barbie movie at the very end. I mean, maybe this is a spoiler alert, but at the very end, Barbie is trying to mind control Ken.
And they’re trying to figure out how they can get full control over Ken. And what they do is that they all act helpless so that Ken, like, writes them a song and they. They orchestrate this whole event so that they’re on the beach and Ken comes up to Barbie on the beach. They’re doing it to, like, all these different variations of Ken. And Ken is like, putting all his heart and soul into this song. And she sits by and she lets him sing the whole thing. And then at the very end, she basically criticizes him. Like.
Like bypasses everything that he’s been going through. And at that exact moment, she instills this new anchor. Like they. They put their new programming in the Ken. And this is the most vanilla, like. Like easy way to. To describe what Fritz Springmeier writes about. But Fritz Springmeyer, his is something that you can’t Even mention on YouTube because of how horrible, like, the event. But it’s essentially what happens in the Institute. The things that they do in the Institute to those kids is sort of what Fritz Springmeyer implies they do in actual Monarch programming. So the Barbie movie shows the final step of Monarch programming, but in a way that you’d kind of have to understand it at a different level to see what they’re really revealing in it.
So let me ask you about this. With the whole Monarch programming. Have you ever heard the theory that they use the wizard of Oz in the Monarch programming? Yeah, this is. I think there’s a CIA document that even cites one of them is Alice in Wonderland programming. And then there’s one that’s wizard of Oz programming, and that the wizard of Oz is out of those two. I think that one’s actually got even deeper links because wizard of Oz was written by Frank Baum, who was a contemporary of, I believe, Helena Blavatsky. So when the. The whole beginnings of that society, like, like the concept of Vril and all of that, this was like, intertwined with Frank Baum.
So he. He was knowledgeable of all of these things that we’re talking about now when he was writing wizard of Oz and he bakes a lot of that into it. If. Have you ever seen the follow up that Disney made that had Faruza Balk, the. The weird witch chick from the Craft, where she plays Dorothy and she goes back into Oz, but it’s a. It’s like a wasteland. It’s like an apocalyptic wasteland. No, no, I never seen that one. Is it good? It’s. It’s crazy because it shows the actual occult symbolism with all of the, like, the sugar coating completely removed.
In fact, it didn’t do great as a Disney movie because it scared kids because it was so dark. But, like, they. They turn all of the characters into stone. They take off some of their heads. There’s like this whole aspect of magic she has to put this magic ointment on these dead animals and bring them back to life so that they’ll guide her around this Oz place. It’s. It’s a truly wild movie. Yeah, they use it in the dissociation and the trauma base. You know, I don’t want to get myself in trouble. But they get it for the child to dissociate and to shatter them into all these alter egos.
So it’s crazy. If you’re reading the words up there, guys, I’ll let you read that. I’ll leave that up there while we, we talk for a minute. But it gets deep. It gets pretty deep. And they use different symbols like the monarch butterfly, the clock, the hourglass, the infinity sign, the spider. And the spider comes from the archons. There’s two. They say there’s two different archons. Paranoid. One that kind of looks reptilian. Ish, and one that looks like a spider. And it seems like the spider ones are the more gangster. Have you ever heard about this? The two different archetypes of the archons? I have not heard about the spider.
Oh yeah, and, and what’s that chick you said that does all the paintings of the spiders? Oh, Louise Bourgeois. Yeah, that’s what that. I think that’s a lot of. That’s what that’s about. Yeah, dude. Type. You could go just go on Google and type in the archons, the spiders, and, and I mean just that simple and a ton of stuff will pop up. It blew my mind when I first started reading into it. The spider ones are supposed to be more interdimensional and, and you know, a lot of people talk about when they do DMT and stuff, they see them ones the spider looking archons.
And then you got the, the reptilian type of archons too. But the real crazy thing with the use spider webs in this dissociation to create altars. The real crazy thing is it seems like they’ll have like a handler that’ll always come and save them when these type of rituals are going on. And then one day that handler, instead of coming and saving the kid like it has for the past year, on this day, it comes and it actually does the hurting of the child. And this is exactly what I was talking about with that, that scene in the Barbie movie with Ken, that, that Barbie plays that role of like the one that’s taking care of them.
And then at Ken’s most vulnerable moment, she does the most unspeakable thing to him within the context of that movie. But that you can perfectly overlay that whole sequence with exactly what you’re talking about with this wizard of Oz programming. Yeah, man. It’s crazy. It’s crazy how they throw it right in our freaking face. I tried to watch that new one, Wicked, but that was stupid. I watched it, but I skipped all the songs. Oh, my. The whole thing’s a song? Yeah, well, there’s about. I mean, there’s a good 40 minutes if you skip all the music because it’s like a two and a half hour movie.
Oh, it was terrible. I could not do it, dude. I’m like, this is the stupidest movie I’ve ever seen. I really tried though, because I wanted to decode it with any of sorrow, but I just. I couldn’t get into it. I had some note. I mean, my main note on it is that there’s this obvious Disney plus plan programming that’s now it’s. It’s all companies, but Disney really spearheaded this in maybe like the 90s. And you see this theme in like Fern Gully and you see it in Avatar and Brother Bear and so many Disney movies, including this wizard of Oz where it’s essentially demonizing humanity.
It demonizes everything, all the progress that we make and it venerates sort of like the animal world. And in the. The Wicked movie, even though it’s supposed to be about this integration of this witch that’s got green skin and she’s been pitched as like this. This mistakenly as a bad guy because she’s misunderstood. But really deep down, this school used to be taught by animals. And the animals used to be your teachers, they would actually talk. But that because so many humans were coming through and they were knocking down the forest and they were, you know, encroaching on animals habitats, the animals were losing the ability to speak directly to us.
And if you look at the classic Disney movies, we’re talking pre 90s, pre 80s, that. That was the most recurring theme is that humans or special humans, like a Danny, like someone that would have the Shining, they could talk to animals, they could commune with nature. And that. That kind of gets completely inverted right around the time Walt Disney dies. And then the company of Walt Disney, they start inverting all of the original ideas that you could talk to nature. Now it’s like nature is lashing back at us. So do you think there wasn’t at one time a point where we could actually speak to animals? I don’t know.
I don’t know if animals could speak in English per se, but like the there’s an idea called green language, or it’s called language of the birds. And this was when people were supposed to be more connected to nature. And that if you could see that birds were flying in a certain pattern at a certain time of day or like anything abnormal, that you would recognize these patterns in nature. So I think that that’s an obvious example that, yeah, we, we could communicate with nature more easily because you would notice like, like how often are you outside looking at bird migration patterns.
Right? But if that’s all you saw, and if the stars is all you saw, you would notice when something changes. But now, I mean, you know that the theory is like the sun’s like a different color and that the moon’s in different locations and different sizes. Like most people would never know because they don’t have that frame of reference. So in that, in that regard, it’s just like, how far do you think that goes? Like, even when people could see the patterns of birds, were they even more sheltered from like their ancestors? So how, how much closer do you think we were able to communicate with animals? Like, like animal husbandry might not have been just teaching dumb animals to do stupid manual labor.
It might have been way more to it. Yeah. I do believe some people can speak to the animals, but we in upstate. You met my dad before and, and we’ll, we’ll, we’ll, we’ll use this story with our closing because we did about an hour and a half. I know you got, you’re a busy man, but in upstate New York, this farmer bro, he shot this damn baby. Well, it wasn’t a baby. It was like maybe an eight month old wolf, a real timber wolf. When we lived in upstate New York by the Catskill Mountains and we healed it back to life.
At the time we had a dog kennel, so nobody in the kennel could go near this thing. Paranoid American. It was trying to rip them apart. Dude, one day I’m skipping school and everybody’s looking for me. I’m hiding in the cage with the timberwolf laying on him, sleeping. Me and him are chilling, bro. I used to feed him whole chickens. I would throw these chickens in there and he would chase them around and eat the chickens and he would, he didn’t like nothing like dead. If you gave him a dead chicken, he wouldn’t eat it. He wanted, he wanted to, you know, to like.
Are you throwing live chickens in with a timberwolf? Oh, yeah, I was throwing live chickens. I was throwing, I was giving them pigs and all kinds of Dude, I was a crazy kid. I was giving. I was getting baby pigs off the farmer, taking them, giving them to the timber. Well, if he wouldn’t eat it or otherwise he wouldn’t eat, I didn’t want him to die. He was my buddy. His name was Freedom. But one day when we move, we moved back to the city and he ended up escaping out of the cage and grabbed a little girl and try to run in the woods with her.
She’s at the bus stop and they shot him dead. But yeah, I could. You know, my dad would probably kill me if I ever heard me tell that story. But yeah, it was crazy, man. It was crazy that we had this Chinese guy taking care of the kennel and he wouldn’t feed him because he was scared of him. I was the only one that could go in with that thing. And dude, I’ve never ever been scared of dogs my whole life. Like any dog that’s been evil and bit other people, I could always just touch them, kiss them, and they, they would be cool with me.
I think it was because I didn’t fear them though, you know what I mean? It was, that was, that was how I actually, I got on the good side of my. My best friend growing up in high school. His dad was like this hardcore biker and, and he had this huge freaking pit bro. Like he had the. It was like a pit Doberman mix that he literally would bring it on on mountain climbing hikes with him and put a backpack with like rocks on this dog’s back. Like, I’m sure the PETA would have like had a field day with it, but this dog was jacked.
And the first time I went over to their house, he gets up and he starts barking with this huge, like deep baritone bark that would scare most people, right? And I think it was, it probably scared me a little bit deep down, but the only thing I thought of to do was just to yell at it, like, shut up. And just like walk by and kind of like bump it out of the way. And his and his pop saw me do that. But more importantly, the dog, like, it respected me from that day on. Like, I don’t, I wouldn’t have done it again.
Like, it was just. I was feeling extra cocky. You know, I was in high school, so I probably had some sort of like, chemical sort of like fortitude going on. But anyways, like, that, that ability to be able to like convey information non verbally, like, because they can feel that. Like they don’t, they don’t talk human language, right? They’re not listening to your English words. They’re listening to the tone of your voice and your body language and your posture. And I think that that’s two way. Right? Like there’s probably a point when people could just see an animal out in nature and tell like, oh, that thing’s acting weird.
Like right now I, I honestly wouldn’t know if a bird was acting weird or not unless it was doing something really crazy, like detrimental to its own self preservation. But otherwise I wouldn’t really know if a migration pattern was a little bit wonky or if, you know, something was, was acting differently than it normally would. Oh, look what Rhonda put here. I’m not going to repeat that, but Rhonda, that sounds. You might want to get some. I wouldn’t put that on the dog or the horse. Yeah, going on. You know what I’m saying? I don’t know.
So that’s crazy. Is crazy that she would even. You got, you gotta get some of that, that Truth Mafia body wash that’s coming out this year. Yeah, yeah, we’re gonna have some Truth Mafia all natural oatmeal body wash coming to it with some, with some Shungite in it. No, we ain’t gonna put no Suge Knight in it, but we are gonna put some lemon juice in there. A little bit of lemon juice. So. Yeah, man. Dude, I always have so much fun podcasting with you. I forget that we’re even podcasting. We always laugh and have a great time.
You know, I miss podcast. It’s not easy to watch like a, like a two hour movie two or three times and take notes and get it all together. So me and you have been talking about a format that we can scale way easier. So I, I think that I, I’m interested in if anyone’s got thoughts on it in the comments even, but that maybe we do these little like individual movie review, like 5, 10 Eclipse, we play those and then we just kind of like have a live show and talk about it like we did here.
And that way we’ve got this sort of polished content that over time we can compile into like an actual series or something that would be worthy of putting up on like a streaming platform. Yeah, I think that’s a good idea because our old ones were like long. They were like two hours because we have to break the whole movie down. So the format we were talking about, guys, I’ll put like a 15 minute breakdown. You know, I’ll do the gamatria part and all my symbolism. I Caught and then Paranoid American, he’ll put his like Little, I say 10 to 15 minute each, probably 10.
We each do a 10 minute breakdown. Then we can air it, you know, just like a video we play on here like we did when we were playing this. And then we have a conversation about, about a half hour conversation and keep it a tight 45 minutes of heat. Don’t you think that’s a good format? I’m excited about that. I just want to figure out the best way. I mean you saw all of those links that were on conspiracy right. Like that’s probably more than we could even get through in a year even if we did one like every other day.
But this is a step towards figuring out how to tackle that huge backlog of shows and movies that we want to break down. Yeah, it’d be awesome. And people miss it. I mean people always ask what, what happened with you and Paranoid? What happened with Conspiracy Cinema Podcast and it. I had to disappear for three months just to make that Illuminati comic happen. Like that 61k didn’t just appear out of nowhere with no work. So it was, it was a month of planning before that, which was all of October and then actually the pre campaign in November and then running it between November, December, like outside of those live shows that we were doing to promote that, like I didn’t have any other life.
Like there was nothing else going on with me aside from just non stop working. More work than I’ve ever put into any salary, job or gig that I’ve ever had in my life. It went all into doing this. Yeah. People don’t realize the work that we really do put into this. Just to throw one of these podcasts together, guys. Like the video. I, I made the newest one that’s up on my Facebook that I did on the fires. If you go check on. It’s on Instagram and Facebook. That took me a day and a half to put together.
And then this book was 600 pages, right? It was like 400. Yeah, 570. Something like this was a 600 page book that we attacked to read beginning the end just so that we could talk about it. Yeah, just so we could do this podcast for you guys. So, you know, it took what a good, I mean eight hours out of each of our days to put that together. And then the thumbnail and you know, we really enjoy doing this but at the the same time people don’t realize like I, I’ve turned. This is something I love to do.
So I’ve turned it into my life. This is what I do for a living, too. And, you know, if other people, they can’t achieve that goal, don’t hate on it, you know, well, even better, man. Like. Like, don’t hate on it. And flip. The whole way you’re thinking about it, think like, hey, like, do you want this to even exist in the world? And if you do, even if you get over your jealousy or even if you get over, like, oh, I wish I was doing that. Like, that’s, that’s what we’re here for. Like, you can support.
To make sure that we can keep doing it. Because, like, it’s weird. Like, that type of hate is so weird. Like, why wouldn’t you just want someone to do what maybe you aren’t able to do? Maybe you got other responsibilities, or you don’t have time to turn into a complete schizo and start looking up, like, gematria numbers based on TV shows and movies. Like, that’s what we’re here for. Like, we’re here so that you can make sure that we can keep doing that and giving you all the highlights and giving you all the cool stuff, man.
And, and, and, and guys, you know me, any of the littler people that are trying to get into the game, do I not always reach down and pick them up? I. I mean, I’m the number one person for that. Any of my followers that ever asked me, hey, Tommy, I got a podcast I’m putting together. Can you help me? Of course. There was this one guy on Rumble. I told him my podcast with him. I haven’t yet, unfortunately, I’m going to, but for like a month straight, bro, I kept his link in my description and promoted him for free just to help him out.
I never met the guy a day in my life. He’s just a fan of mine, you know, And I do that all the time. That’s why I built the Truth Mafia, to combat censorship, to try to help people get into this game. Because if we don’t help each other, these elites are going to make sure people like me and Paranoid American don’t exist. And then all you’re going to be able to find is mainstream garbage. Yeah, you’re not going to be able to get that Bohemian Grove playset, like, it just won’t exist. Right? It’ll be gone off the face of the planet.
Or you won’t just be able to hear someone give you an honest opinion. You know, I’m not saying I’m always right. I’m Probably a lot of times I might be wrong. I mean, you know, I’m not perfect. My. My dad used to say this, that. Like, I’m not always right, because there was one time that I thought I was wrong, and I ended up being right. You know, that’s. Yeah. Shout out to your dad. Is he still around your pops? Yeah. Yeah, I just. I just saw him last weekend. Yeah. Shout out to Paranoid Americans. Dab.
That’s. That’s real. And my grandfather, he’s still alive. 85 years old. And thank you for this donation, too. That really. I really appreciate you. And look, guys, if you don’t have money, you don’t got to donate. You don’t gotta buy a D code, you don’t gotta spend no money on no merchandise. Don’t worry about that. Just hit that, like, button. Share the video, leave a comment, help it get in the algorithm that’s doing your part. You know, you don’t have to worry about that. Not everyone can afford to do that. And that’s why every month, the number one person that shares my videos, I give out 10 free decodes.
And I reached out to the winners on Facebook. All you guys got to do is contact me. Go look in the comments. I. I hit you back up. There was one girl. She was really sweet. Hopefully I hear from her soon. She might already email me. I get thousands a day, so I just got to go through them all. But, yeah, we’ll. We’ll be wrapping this one up. My boy right there, Alexander. He’s been following me for a long time. Yo, Paranoid, are you seeing these comments? They whip by so fast, but. But, yeah, like, shout out to all the different comments.
Appreciate all you guys. Yeah, we appreciate all y’all. What was you saying? Alexander? It would be awesome if you responded to me ever now and then like you used to. Bro, I don’t even know if you’re seeing my message anymore. Yeah, I see you, brother. I see you. I’m just. I’m. I’m talking, so I’m not looking at the comments the whole time. You feel I’m over here trying to do a podcast. It’s nothing against you. We need, like, this is what, like, a. Like a podcast producer would essentially be doing is they’d be pulling the things up we’re talking about and showing the comments that we can react to.
It’s mad work to, like, to do it solo. Yeah. It’s not like we’re trying to dish you guys or we’re trying not to read your comment. That’s Never the case. Okay? So just know I love each and every one of you. I just don’t have enough time in the day. I got four kids trying to do all this stuff. I’m trying my best, guys. And with that being said, we love y’all. We hope you have an amazing night. Alexander, keep doing that group you got on. And you’re the one that does the group, right? On Facebook, I share all the stuff to your group.
So if that is you, shout out to you. And make sure you guys go check out my boy, paranoid American,, occult and which, yes, he does. He did sneak that one over on me. I should have bought it, but you gave me the chance, didn’t you? Yeah. I can’t even believe I got Illuminatic and Titanic Comic. But I got. I got so many that I’ll be dropping soon. You’ll be like, how the hell did you get that name? Well, I’ve been sitting on some of these since, like, 2002. Well, I own truthful social dot com.
My dad’s like, how the hell did you get that? Right? So close to Truth Social dot com. And I’m turning that one into. That’s why I started that group, Truthful Social, on and then until my actual social media app is built that me and my boy matrix code breaker 88, are going to be working on behind the scenes. Yeah. Yeah, we’re gonna have, like, our own Instagram app, dude. But with that being said, guys, we love y’all. Knowledge is power. Check out all the links and we’ll see you next time, man. Paranoid this gots an outro, so if you gotta run, brother, thank you so much for coming on and hanging out with me.
Yeah, bro, I’m gonna see you for the next one we got. We got more planned. All right, brother. You have a great night, man. Foreign in the sim realities are games NPCs around us they all look the same Soulless entities controlled by AI Quantum computer Running light Asking why are you just a player controlled by machine or first player King character living the dream Tap into the code Break free from the lies Decode Georgia matria See through their disguise in the simulation what’s your role? What’s your fate? Are you real or controlled? Can you navigate? Elites use Gematria secrets in the code Find out your archetype Let the truth unfold super quantum computer pulling all the strings NPCs moving like puppets on a swing.
The Matrix got nothing on the life Green letters Fallen is the truth we need. Are you just a player controlled by machine? Or a first player character living the dream? Tap into the code, break free from the lies. Decode your Gematria See through their disguise in the simulation what’s your role? What’s your fate? Are you real or control? Can you navigate? Elites use Gematria secrets in the code Find culture Archetype Let the truth unfold. Archetype types defined from npcs to Neo first players rise Let your true self show. Do the.