Site: : full summary text presention: highly-guarded-secrets-they-dont-want-you-to-know The pyramids on Mars have the face monument that is in the position following from the leg of the bull. And it has a five-sided pyramid with this other piece on the ground that's flattened as a triangle. And coincidentally, in Sidonia on Mars that also points north. What are the ODS? All of this is just a coincidence. The correlations of these pyramid ruins are absolutely mind blowing. Correlations with the diples. It's all in the two hour documentary. I don't want to go off track here. We'll come back to that another day, but it's Roslyn and Arlington at Night illuminate to show the star map of the Pleiades and the sun positions as I show right here. Let's call it a coincidence for now and just a theory just to play this ball safely, because there's a lot of people that find this material offensive and very sensitive. So let's just go forward and take it with a pinch of silk. 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At the very least, it would have been a causeway. But you know what? We found something mind blowing. An ancient astronaut, in my opinion. I'm going to turn it the other way around. First of all, let's show you what I found on Google Earth. These are the people that had this image taken at just the right time, where you could see what was underneath it. Once upon a time when the crops were harvested and the conditions were just right, so the white chalk started showing through Stonehenge. Some sort of rod, a hand holding the rod? A helmet? Is it a shield? Is it a backpack as a spaceman? Or is it a knight with a shield and a lance? We can argue about that. But there is the Pleiades Winterborn Stoke barrows matching those stars. Now, scholars are looking at this. They don't want to jump to conclusions just yet. I hope they're going to get permission to go further with the story because this is amazing. This has a lot to do with stonehenge and it should be brought back to being a chalk geoglyph again, because it's telling its secret about the pleiades and pleiades and the sun star. Okay, jerusalem, the beginning of Jerusalem. The temple mount had a leg of the bull design. The scholars have put that shape together. It looks like a leg of the bull. It looks like a duck. Quacks like a duck. It's probably a duck. And of course, the hill of Caiaphas was the exit marks. The spot is just like the Egyptian sun obelisk temple, gold capped. This is a very sensitive subject, again, being that pleiade star map. Scholars have said Lalibella in Ethiopia is the same as Jerusalem. It has the same basic as above. So below design, there is the leg of the bull. There's the exit marks the spot, just like we have on Mars. Those correlations, that x marking the spot really is an x. Here the temple of Lalibella, the stonecut church. And of course, we are dealing with the same sun like stars, again with the leg of the bull. I'm covering all the leg of the bull star maps because these are very important with the mitrus liberty story. The most recent leg of the bull discovery I made literally four months ago is the Acropolis in Athens with the parthenon is nothing like a leg of the bull now, but it was. They found ruins and scholars have rebuilt that piece together. So now all three of these come together in one story. That's what they say once existed there. The best evidence is the cyclopian wall, which is the gray one, and then there's a minor wall below here, which is very hard to piece together. But then there's a ramp that goes up. And this all was one big leg of the pool. And x marks the spot. Again, it was a base one that had this x shape or the cross shape. And they built an observatory on top of its foundations on this hill. This, strangely, is called the hill of Mars. Coincidence. We're getting too many coincidences in this story. So that's the story of that leg of the bull. There's a leg of the bull of Paris there's the arctic triumph. It was once the sun king sun decorated circle. You can just make out the remains of the star blazing with the portal, the arctic triumph. And we have these great gardens that were once quite visible when it began, but obviously it quite mixed up with what's around it today. But I traced that shape back to what it looked like. But the rest of the stomach of Orion is down here. That's on my website for now, of course, in Cape Town, same basic design using the company gardens. When their first settlers arrived in Cape town, they built the company gardens with the water reservoirs and then they built the Cape of Good Hope star castle, just.