Site: : full summary text presention: ka-ba-decoded-new All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, we have another decoding quickie here. My name is Logan and this is Decode your reality. And today we're going to be breaking down and decoding the ka and the BA. This will be Kabba decoded. So let's jump right into this, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado. I started with this here and big shout out to my sister. I was having a conversation on the phone with my sister and I literally was working on another presentation, which was one of the slides was this right here. I'm working on a presentation for the Cross, and it was all led to Bethlehem, Calvary, and the latitude, longitude, the birth and the death of the Christ. And it led me to this element here, barium, the BA. So my sister ends up saying this during our conversation, of course, as fate would have it, right, scripted reality. And I'm staring at this thing and I'm like, I'm just missing the cot. And I knew that it was potassium because potassium, the Latin name, is callium. Now they're just going to put the K there, but the A follows the K. And there you have the ka and the BA. And I knew this, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to show you how this connects. It's just so beautiful. It's just so magical. And so this obviously is all about the spirit, the double or vital essence, and then the personality, the spirit inside of you that creates through you the ka and the BA, et cetera, et cetera. And then you have obviously more layers to it, the ket and the physical body and all that kind of stuff. But here it was, ladies and gentlemen, using numerology and alchemy to show you ancient Egypt. And I'm also going to bring in theology into this because the Egyptian Book of the Dead ends up getting passed down to the Holy Bible. So we have potassium and barium, the ka and the BA. And once I knew it was this, I had these memorized. And of course, there it was, the soul or spirit, which is this is kind of the miniaturized version of the description of ka, the double or vital essence. This is our DNA. This is light slowed down into physical matter. And you end up getting a screenplay right here through this barium. These are bridges and numerology combines with alchemy. There it was perfectly set right here. It's the spirit coming down, and it's lights, camera, action. Speed of light, spirit into matter is 56. These were humdingers right here. And the Egyptians, of course, were big into the sun. Okay, so these were big ones right here. So what happens when we add up the protons, the 19 and the 56 for the ka and the BA? We get the number 75, and then you just go right back to alchemy again, and we get now a connecting point to the speed of light. You see this element Renium, which can also be ray, is the 186.95 for one of its isotopes. And it just so happens that the speed of light in a vacuum is 186,000 miles/second. How about that? 186 tied to the cod naba, tied to the spirit, the sun coming down to play this game. And then you have the connecting point to the Hebrew gematria of Lucifer from Isaiah 14 verses twelve. There it is, Lucifer, the light bringer the ka and the BA. And I'm going to get to this in theology in just a little bit because it's tied right to that. It's just so fascinating, ladies and gentlemen. What about when we add up the atomic masses of these two elements using their averages, we get 176.995. And I knew where that was as well. It goes to this element here called half neum. 72. 72, ladies and gentlemen, is tied to the Shem, the 72 names of the God tied to the tetragrammaton and then the 72 angels and demons, the Ka and the BA. And remember ladies and gentlemen, it means the double 72 angels and demons, the car and the BA, which is what makes up your personality. Oh yeah, folks, this is how deep it gets here. Halfnium even when you go to numerology and you type in halfnium, you're going to get 30, which matches the word demiurge, which matches the word Jehovah, which matches the word roleplay. Are we being roleplayed? Is the Tetragrammaton tied to Lucifer and the speed of light? And in a vacuum, is light stuck inside the vacuum and ain't getting out? Is earth a vacuum? Is it tied to eggshell? As I'm showing the Xenon bulb movie bulbs, if you've been paying attention, these are humdingers right here. I think so. I think this is exactly what it means. Here's the breakdown of the Tarot cards to get the picture of the Ka and the BA dead on right there. There it is. Cause 19,