In 97, Nikola Tesla invented a steam powered electric generator, or oscillator. And in 198, he managed to oscillate his laboratory at 48 East Houston Street in New York. He took this oscillator that fit inside his coat pocket, went down to a steel framed building in the Wall Street district, and set the oscillator on one of the steel beams. After some fine tuning, the structure began to creak and weave. Tesla said given ten more minutes, the building could have completely fallen. And with that same oscillator, in less than an hour, he said that he could bring down the Brooklyn Bridge. Tesla even said, if matched with Earth's frequency, that it could cause earthquakes. When Nikola Tesla died on January 7, 1943, government agencies went into his properties and stole his documents and writings. It makes one wonder when we see these earthquakes go on all around the world, are these all due to natural causes? Or are some of them caused by technology such as Nikola Tesla's steam powered oscillator?.