Sam. Sam Aloha and welcome to Truth in Movies. Today we're breaking down across the spiderverse. Spiderman across the spiderverse. What's up? Good to see everybody in the chat today. You're going to love this. If you like multiverse movies and all the concept of parallel universes and stuff, that's exactly what we're going to be jumping into right here. I'm looking for thumbs up. I do see some thumbs up in the chat for the audio. I had to fix some of the audio. So hopefully it's not too bad. Hopefully it's loud enough. Try turning up on your side. If it's not loud enough, hopefully it's not crackly or too bad or anything like that. I do see a lot of thumbs up, so I'll keep my eyes on the chat. Let's go ahead and jump into this movie now. If you haven't seen my breakdown of the first movie, into the Spiderverse, go check that one out. It's on my truth and movies playlist. This is the latest one to come out. And this one starts off we're going to check out the idea of the multiverse. What is the multiverse, you may ask? The multiverse is a concept that out there amongst the stars or universes or galaxies or whatever your cosmology may be, there are alternate Earths, alternate variations of this exact place that we live on and therefore alternate versions of us. So this follows alternate timelines. What if somebody made a different decision? What if history went down differently? Right? These are the questions that the multiverse begs. It's completely philosophic in nature. I love it because I ask. This movie blew my mind. This movie blew my mind. Especially when we get right into the middle of this movie. Like, I had to pace around my house just thinking about the implications and looking up at the sky, sort of sending myself mental messages to all the Jdrimmers out there on the various universes. All right, so this is how we start things off. Sony. So this is the Sony logo. But just like they do in this movie series, they're going to show us all the different versions of it. The word Sony, you may have asked yourself, I wonder what that means. Sony means audio. It means vibrations, specifically in the form of sound. Right? So that's what much of this spider verse is made out of. Basically, it's made out of vibrations and frequency and sound. And so they show us all the different versions of the company known as Sony across the multiverse. This isn't just this universe and us watching. Know them playing around with it. They're showing you this is how other people in other universes are watching this exact same movie. But the company logo was different in every single one of those universes. So they're sort of getting you used to that, right? Brought to you by Mount Maru. Of course, as this is I've broken this down so many times, I'm not going to get too deep into it. But this right here represents Sophia, the goddess of wisdom, aka that blue beam that shoots up and out of mount Maru, which is the unfinished pyramid, aka. A volcano. And we're going to get really into volcanoes here in just a bit. So this one starts to glitch out. They're showing you all the different versions of it. It turns black and white, which could also be a reference to the black Madonna. Same type of tribute. And then we got, like some comic book styles and stuff. I really dig the comic book styles myself. I like art, and I like the art of this movie. Artistically. This is my favorite movie series ever, artistically speaking. I mean, the storyline's amazing, too. But if you like art, oh, man, you got to check this movie out. They kill it. They just kill it with the comic books and making you feel like you're inside of a comic book. So let's ask this question. If you were inside of a comic book and that was your normal life, would you know it? Would you look around and say, man, everything looks like a comic book? No, you wouldn't. You would just think everything looks normal to you. Now, if you left this version of normal and you traveled out there into the fractal verse, which is what I call the spiderverse or the multiverse or whatever, you would look around and you would see, wow, this place is much different from my home. However, very similar to my home, too, in association with Marvel. So check this out. This movie, like many others, is going to be about the apocalypse, basically. And not just about the apocalypse. This goes beyond that. This goes into the other side of our sky, beyond the firmament, beyond the ceiling, beyond the heavens, above us, and what it's like out there, as opposed to what modern academics teaches us about what it's like out there, which is just infinite black and darkness and a void or whatever. This is the total opposite. This is a place and a realm just beyond our sky that is filled with life and moving things and light and creatures all over the place. It's anything but space. This marble right here, that letter V. Remember we've learned this, right? The letter V is also the letter U. And this letter A is just a filler vowel. So this is basically Maru l, or the gods of Maru. Mount Maru, mount Sinai, mount Olympus. It's that holy mountain symbolism. And here's all the different versions of it from across the fractal verse. As other versions of you are tuning in to other versions of me right now, or just discussing it or talking about it, right? I think about this all the time. Like, how many daydreamers are there out there? How many of them rock backwards cap? How many of them like to dress in black? How many of them wear a hoodie? How many of them speak in the way that I do? How many matured faster? How many matured slower? Right? These are the questions that I ask myself. Approved by the Comics Code Authority. This is the stamp that you'll see on many of these types of comic books. This is their approval that they approve the canon or the storyline for this particular story. I believe there's truth in comic books just as much as I believe that there's truth in movies. Truth. I see the truth everywhere. Really? I feel like that's when I know I started really growing in my own personal truth seeking path is whenever I stopped seeing the truth in some places and I started to see it all over the place. All right, so we jump in and we've got Spider Woman. Her name's Gwen. We'll meet her in just a second. She says, let's do things differently this time. That's the premise just speaking to us. She's not saying, you know, here's the same old movie again. This is a clue. This is the universe for me. When I'm watching this movie, I'm like, okay, I'm listening, right? Let's do things different this time. Let's humanity, let's some of us truth seekers, some of us who feel out of place, like Star children or people who have a different energy, a different frequency. I call that the good vibe tribe. Let's do things differently this time. That's what the movie is all about. It's about breaking away from all of these expectations of some sort of algorithm, some sort of computer generated reality or simulation or things like that, and to break out of that and to stop these loops from happening. There's a reason that these loops happen over and over and over on the small scale. We go through these loops, many different loops. And many of us know, because we've been through them so often, that they're opportunities that are being afforded to us time and time again to learn something, to graduate from that loop, to get to something beyond that, basically. And as above, so below, as on the small scale, so on the large scale, right? Just like we are thrown these similar situations over and over and over again in our lives to the point where like, wow, okay, I'm listening. I'm listening. What is it? Let's get past this one. Let's break free of these loops that keep happening over and over and over again, time and time again. And I believe that is applied to the fractal verse as a whole as well. There's going to be all these little hubs throughout the fractal verse, all these alternate Earths. And this is the same in DC as it is in Marvel, too. In DC, they just call it infinite Earths, basically. And it's the same exact concept, but they continuously go through they work through these cycles all the way up until these cataclysms, and then all these people die during these worldwide apocalyptic cycles. And the movie is saying, let's not let people die. Let's break that cycle, right? Let's stop it so that we can undo this thing that we seem to be stuck in. So I start off by saying his name is Miles Morales. This is the Spider Man that we're focusing on right here. This guy in the middle, miles Morales, he was bitten by a radioactive spider. And this is sort of just the backstory. Miles Morales. Also m. And m. Right? So M and M stands for, in my world, mount Maru or 33, which is if you turn M and two M sideways, it makes a 33. And Mount Maru or Rupas Negra, there's many different names for this holy mountain at the center of the world. It's said to be 33 miles in circumference. So there's the connection between the 33 as well. He was bit by a radioactive spider. That radioactive spider represents grandmother spider of various native legends and creation stories, creation events, which this movie is all about. And it says and it tells you that this is what it's about. That spider comes down from the sky in the form of plasma, spreading out and dividing time and time again all the way until it gets to the ground, grounding itself. And he's not the only one. So he gets bit by this radioactive spider that drops down from above and he gets superpowers. He's not the only one. Okay? So these people represent to me, through the eyes of the plasma apocalypse, survivors from one world to another world, from one era or age to a new one, right, where everything in the world has changed so much that, in turn, so do we who survive. We basically inherit, by default, certain supernatural abilities compared to just being normal in the world that we live in now. All right, so here's miles Morales He gets bit by the spider, he becomes spiderman. And you'll notice this number 42 all throughout the movie, right? This particular spider has 42 written on it. And that's in reference to where that plasma above or that spider, grandmother spider, according to the hopian stuff, where that comes from, where it originates from. In some of the canon, which is like the official history of these comic books, that spider was labeled number 42 because it was experiment number 42. But in the movie series, it's from Earth number 42, basically, which is eerily similar to many different instances of the number 42 that pop up, especially in movies. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy showing you the Saturn symbolism there. And they say that 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. And if you check this out, let me make this a little smaller here. It says here, numerical value of the vav vav in Gamatria represents the number six. And when used at the beginning of Hebrew years, it represents 6000. This is the vav. It used to be called wow or wow, basically, you could say. And that's directly related to that beam of energy. I'll show you the beam here in just a minute. Number 4206. I was like, Why did I put the vav in there? Oh, yeah. Because four plus two equals six. So if you're into gamatria, right, you add up those numbers together four plus two, and that equals six. Six represents a picture form. Six was the VOV or the hook or the nail, which I've explained in full detail in my Phoenician alphabet video that I just released. So if you want more information, if you want to learn the Phoenician alphabet or language, go check that video out. It's very compelling and full of information. So we start things off on Earth. Number 65 in Chelsea, New York. This is where Spider Gwynn lives. We check out Spider gwynn. She's the one that has the white hoodie and she's rocking out onto the drums. Let's check out her name. What does gwen mean? Right? Can you think of some famous Gwyns throughout time? Well, it comes from the proto Indo European root word meaning woman, and it gives birth to words such as androgynous so the G-Y-N in Gyne, as in Gynecology, gyno misogyny, or Gyne polygony, et cetera. Queen, even Gwen is actually quen. Remember, the G is the same as C, makes that hard G sound. It's a guttural in the back of the throat, and it means woman, basically. So she's quite literally Spider Woman. Also, we got, let's see, gwyn. What was her name? Spider Gwynn? Well, she's related to Janice. Also in Sanskrit. If we continue down a little bit, gwynn, it goes on to say in Sanskrit, is Janice a woman? Is what it says that it means. Here GNA Gana, wife of a god or a goddess, Jainish, Jainish, et cetera. So it's interesting because it's this two faced symbolism, not two faced as in betrayal, but two faced as in two sides, right? Janice was the god with two faces looking one way and looking the other way, which is directly related to that blue beam of energy that shoots up and creates this sort of toroidal field up in the air that's symmetrical on both sides. So let's continue on. She's rocking out to her guitars. You can see the name of her band right here, the Mary Janes. Check that out. And then the school that they go to is called Visions, visions Academy. And she is in the whole Mary Jane thing. The Mary Jane Band. So let's check that out. Because Mary Jane is a prominent character in Spider Man. It says Jane. Jane comes from John or Jan. Another Janus connection, right? In Hebrew, it would be Yahuachanan or Yahu Khanan, et cetera. There's different pronunciations of that, but basically it's Johan, Jan, John, Janice, et cetera. Right? And the root of that, I believe, takes us all the way back to the Garden of Eden, the place where Janice lives, the place where Janice was born, the place where Janice comes from. I just call it the Garden of Eden. You can call it whatever you want to. It's that mythical paradise island at the top of the world. Gan, or Jun, basically depends on how you want to pronounce it, means garden, so Ganos means strong one of the garden or powerful garden, et cetera. It's the Garden of Eden reference. Oh, so she was accused of killing Peter Parker in her universe, in her part of the spider universe. So she's got some issues and some baggage, but every single one of these superheroes does, which is another theme that I see throughout the movies, right? The people who become superheroes or have superpowers and the people who survive at the end or whatever, they tend to have issues. They don't tend to be the most stellar upright citizens or whatnot, because they're the anomalies of this world. They have suffered going through all of the garbage that leads up to the plasma apocalypse or the worldwide depressurization of our atmosphere. And so we have issues, basically. I include myself in that. We got problems, we got issues. We've been through a lot. So all these superheroes tend to follow suit. And she meets this Spider Man from the future, and she's like, who are you supposed to be? And he says, I lead an elite strike force dedicated to the security of the Multiverse. And you can see all these different variations of Spiderman back there. We'll get to all those in a bit. Here comes the Spider dropping down out of the circle in the sky, right? So if you follow my plasma apocalypse sort of cosmology, right, this inner circle is the depressurization point at the inverted dome at the top of our firmament. And then this outer circle would be basically the real moon, the actual physical object, which is the inverted dome above us that's responsible for the hologram that we see up there. So the number six, as the spider grandmother spider dropping down out of the circle in the sky, or the depressurization point and all that plasma as a spider web, or as spiders or as like a hydra or those type of serpentine mythic serpentine creatures that split their heads and stuff. 42 all over the place. The number six. Now we go to Brooklyn on Earth, number 1610. So there's all these different Earths. There's basically an infinite number, or seem to be an infinite number of different Earths out there. All these different outcomes, which I like, I love to think about this concept because I wonder, right? You ever wonder if you made the right decision, basically? Well, in a fractal verse you have. In a fractal verse, you've made every decision, or you are in the process of making every decision, covering every angle, right? This might be related to deja vu as well, right? Whenever you start feeling like, man, I know I've done this, I know I've said this, some of you have had deja vu. Just watching my presentations. I've seen people in the Chat like, I'm having super deja vu right now. All right, so we got a bad guy who's walking into this sort of Quickie Mart. And you can see this is the security cam over here. See all this black and white checkerboard floors? This is appropriate for the bad guy who we're about to meet. So we're going to check out this bad guy. His name is the Spot. Now you can see he's standing on these checkerboard floors, and he himself is black and white. I've covered this many different times. Black and white, for me, represents space travel, basically, or fractal verse travel, traveling throughout the multiverse, or whatever you want to call it. Traveling from an Earth where you came from to an Earth where you did not come from, making you an outsider, making you a watcher, an observer, an alien, essentially, right? And the reason for the black and white, I believe, is that the black represents the covered worlds, our sky, nighttime, the covered cities, the dark cities, et cetera, within the real space, which is bright and fantastic and wonder filled and light filled and life filled on top of all of that, right? Not just a dead vacuum or void. All right, so this guy, the new bad guy, he has the ability to sort of open up. He does it accidentally a lot. He just sort of opens up these random holes all over the place, falls down, and he goes, I am The Spot, right? So basically, he represents that spot above us that opens up the holes in our roof that open up, basically. You could see him as sort of representing the moon in one aspect because of all that whiteness represents the white ice, basically, or whatever. The whiteness of the moon, the whiteness of the heavens beyond, et cetera, and then all those holes inside of it. Now we get back to Miles Morales, who goes to Visions High School. To me, I'm just like, wow, it's showing us prophecy. It's giving us visions. This is actually prophecy in the Bible where it talks about the closer you get to the reset point, and I'm paraphrasing then the more people will start to have vivid, realistic, prophetic dreams and to see visions of the future, basically to just know, to just tune in or tap into certain feelings or knowledge that strike a person to their core. All right? So they go to the high school, and the parents are trying to get Miles into college, and she's talking about him, and she says, every person is a universe. Which is so interesting because that gets into the micronauts, if you're a comic book fan, the Micronauts Ant Man and the Wasp quantum Mania. We broke that one down. Same exact concept that we essentially live inside of a larger being. You have beings, you have little creatures all inside of you by the billions, but you have like an infinite number. Every person has a ridiculous number of life that grows inside of your body on different timescales too, right? So you might be alive 1 minute for you, for those tiny little creatures inside of you, might equal millions of years, if not more, right? So we all are sort of fractal in that nature. So whatever is out there is already inside of us. It's already in here, basically, the heavens being beyond and above our sky. If we get out of here and we can see how big they are and their glory and their vastness, if you could turn around and become microscopic, nearly invisible or invisible to the human eye, you'd see that same thing floating around inside of your body or inside of your mind, especially in your brain, where I believe much of this is happening. I call it the mind of God, which is the fractal verse. She said, every person is a universe, and my job is to capture your person's universe on this piece of paper, right? So we have this sort of trope that we see quite often, right, where there's always this sort of desk job type people, and their job is to keep everyone in line. Usually it's some sort of space cops or fractal verse cops that chase anomalous, people who are messing up time and stuff. That's exactly what you're going to see in this one. Remember when we broke down Loki? Same concept in Loki, too. All right, so she wants to capture Miles Morales on this piece of paper, and he's like, that's blank. She says, yeah, exactly. I have no idea who your kid is. So if this lady represents accounting up there in the heavens or in the fractal verse or the mind of God or whatever, everything is supposed to work according to some sort of plan or purpose or paradigm or whatever. And just the fact that there are anomalies that resist that question, that try to break out of that, just the fact that they exist means that they're planned out. If it's all indeed planned out, right, then they are a part of it. Those anomalies that are not just robots and don't just live their lives, but they act strange. They make strange choices and weird choices. Time and time again, they become anomalies, right? So this lady is like, I can't track the anomalies if I don't know who he is. So she needs help, basically. Now he comes in, he's late. Just like the plasma apocalypse, it's always late, never comes on time, never comes whenever people think it's going to come. And he says, there's people out there who can literally teach me the things that I want to learn. First of all, I like that Miles Morales uses the word literally, appropriately. Right? You can literally be taught because literal has to do with can't, really. I mean, if you say like a car literally blew up outside, unless you're quoting a book or a newspaper or something, that's not the right way to say literally. It actually blew up outside, or it physically blew up outside, but not literally, literally. So this is why our language branches off into so many different languages so quickly from all of that, because we just accept the way that people speak. We just allow it. And then pretty soon, the word literally is going to mean like, factually, actually happened historically or whatever. But it doesn't mean that. It just means literal means what somebody has said or written down, basically. Now, the spot, he gets to this place called alchemax. This is a huge part of the spiderverse, right? Let's take a look at the symbolism here. You can see if we zoom in here, that the symbol for it is supposed to be we're just supposed to assume this is the letter a. Clearly it's not, right? It's missing a pole portion of it. This is not the letter a. What this is, is a picture. This is a glyph, just like all letters are, really. This is the unfinished pyramid or a volcano, basically. Alchemax, maximum change, maximum alchemy, basically. Now let's learn a little bit more about this place called alchemax. Spot picks up this sign, and he says, back to where it all started, the plasma volcano, rupus negra, mount maru, mount sinai, mount olympus, all of the holy mountains of every myth and legend I've ever come across, basically, that's where it all starts. That's where it all begins. It's the place of emergence. And the spot hates it because the spot represents the antithesis of the plasma. That straight beam, that straight arrow, that straight and narrow path, whatever you want to call it, that shoots up out of that plasma volcano or the throne of God or the footstool, et cetera, that black mountain shoots up that spiral at the top or the hole at the top of the world when it depressurizes is the antithesis. They fight each other. It's the cosmic marriage as well. All right, so we check this out, and it says now here's a little backstory on this company called alchemax. It says the company, later headed by Miguel O'Hara you'll meet him, becomes a guiding force for rebuilding earth after multiple cataclysms. So this company that's represented by a plasma volcano is responsible in the future for rebuilding earth after cataclysms. Just like that beam of light that shoots up out of mount maru or maru el marvel, basically, it helps. It's seen as revitalizing the world, as restoring crops and vegetation and lengthening lifespans and so much more. So it helps to rebuild after the plasma apocalypse, after these cataclysms, it goes on to say about alchemax, this company, when spider man defeats the goblin king and unmasks him as Norman Osborne. I think that's the Green Goblin. The latter reveals that he under the guise of the name Mason Banks, created Alchemax in order to leave a strong empire for his grandson. So the Green Goblin, basically, who works at Alchemax, which is a location in our actual, physical, real world where that plasma volcano exists. These are people who survive the prior reset. They survive the prior apocalypse. Some people take that knowledge, and when they leave that mystical island at the center of the world, some people keep that knowledge. They decide not to share it either because, one, they won't be believed, right. Or two, knowledge is power. And they look around at the people around them, and they don't want them to come to power. So they're like, no, let's just keep that a secret. And they go under the name Mason and they create banks. They store up money for their progeny, for their future families to ensure that they're well taken care of so that they can see them again one day if they make it past that threshold and they are able to survive the plasma apocalypse. Right. Just like we see in the real world, all of the Masons, right, owning these different banks and stuff, the freemasons certain bloodlines out there, et cetera, right. And it's directly related to another place. I'll show you in a second. This goes on to say that a person named Tiberius Stone representing Alchemax, okay, is seen in a secretive meeting at the Universal bank. Another tie in to the bank. Tiberius means river. It comes from the word Tiber, which basically means river. And Tiberios basically means strong river or my strong river. And then Stone, stone of the strong river. It's a specific river that it's talking about. It's that place in the middle of the world. I'll show you here in just a second. Oh, here's the etymology for the word Tiber. It's kind of hard to see there, but you can see that it comes from the Celtic dubro, which means river. Right? So the river stone, the stone in the river. Now this comes a little bit more backstory on Alchemax. Alchemax was founded by Tyler Stone, who later became handicapped and handed the company over to Miguel Stone. So this is all symbolic for actual hidden history. Let's check out these names. Tyler Stone. The stone represents Rupus negra. I'll tell you in advance. Tyler means tile maker. So a stone that is a tile maker, a stone that creates tiles, kinda like actually exactly like these basalt columns that we see all over the place. And people are like, oh, those are the plugs of ancient volcanoes. Yeah, they plugged them up and then the volcano around it just disappeared. Like over millions of years, it just disappeared. Not all the other volcanoes, just some right. Just some volcanoes disappeared and left a little wall of basalt columns. Hexagonal in nature black, dark gray to black. Usually right. These are your tiles from the Stone worker or the original Mason, which is RUPA's Negra. And this is what they look like. Oftentimes they're hexagonal. They can be pentagrams or pentagons. They can be what are they called? Heptograms or whatever. They can be a few different shapes, but typically they take the shape of a hexagon. And this is not something that was volcanic lava that just cooled off. This is the exact story they will tell us, okay? Look, these are the tiles. These are the tyler Stone was the name of the dude who owned Alchemax, okay? So it's just symbolic for saying Mount Maru that created these basalt columns and stuff. Basalts are usually dark gray to black color. They are a black rock. And this is what it looks like when lava cools off. It does not look like this, okay? This is lava when it cools off. Everyone that lives near volcano can attest to this, okay? If you've ever gone near it, if you live in Hawaii or something, you've been near the volcanoes and stuff, this is what it looks like when lava cools. Not this. This is something entirely different altogether. This is straight up into the air. These are walls. This is, if you're able to get to it one day, the Cliffs of Insanity, okay? This is why it's so hard one of the reasons why it's so hard to traverse into that mystical island region, because there are walls like this all the way around due to the strong electromagnetic current that runs through it, that pulls the Earth up into the sky and petrifies it and then gives it this shape. It gives it the shape of the frequency that it's in, which is typically hexagonal. This is what it looks like from my point of view. Whenever you see that a strong current of that plasma that comes down, that spider that comes down from above when it comes down, before it even gets close to the Earth, if there's loose dirt, mud, clay, debris, stuff like that, that's not already solid rock, it's likely to be attracted to it. And that electrical force will pull the ions that are in the earth in that mud and all that loose, liquidy earth and stuff like that, it will pull it straight up into the air, and it will zap it, basically petrifying it. And then it'll become less petrified and less dense as it makes its way all the way down. So usually you'll see that. I know that many people believe that it looks exactly like a tree trunk, and I totally agree it does. And there's a reason for that, because trees follow suit to their spirit, which is electrical in nature. Basically. So many things look like plasma, look like trees, et cetera. But this is what it would look like if you could imagine a long time ago, during the last cataclysm, especially whenever you take into consideration all the different mud and stuff that rises to the top of the surface. Whenever you have worldwide earthquakes and stuff like that, one huge beam of plasma just comes down and this mud just pulls right up into the sky and freezes in time, the second it becomes petrified and its chemical and electrical bonds are shifted and rearranged and made more dense by the electricity from above. And then the other guy's name was Miguel Stone, right? So let's check out Miguel. Miguel comes from Michael, or in ancient Hebrew, it's Mikael. Remember, el means God, right? And it's who is like God? Now, that can be a question, but it can also be a statement. Who is like God? So Miguel Stone, the stone who is like God, or like a god, which is Rupas Nigger, that mountain at the middle of the world, or that beam that comes out of it, or both in combination. It also says, speaking of the Devil's Tower, it says that this is in a place called Black Hills, okay? So Black Hills, black rocks, basalt columns, volcanic rock, et cetera. The Black Hills area in which the tower is located has what does it say? It has some of the largest caves in the world underneath it. You see that? This has some of the largest caves in the world underneath it, in this whole black rock area. Now, I'm going to take you back for just a second. I've done a video on it. But in this world, when we think of volcanoes, we think that they're made because lava comes up out of the Earth and it starts building up, and then it creates a cone shape. Okay? It hurts my head to even think of how ridiculous that sounds to me now after having done independent research and studied these things for a number of years, right? Because that's ridiculous. If a liquid comes out of a hole in a flat surface, it doesn't just create a cone shape going all the way up and up and up and up. Not only that, but volcanoes are made out of dirt, like on the outside, you know what I mean? They're mountains. They're not obsidian. You know what I mean? Like, you walk around on a volcano and you'll see it's basically a mountain. So I believe that volcanoes were created differently. I believe all that dirt and debris and those basalt columns and stuff were pulled up because these are cave systems that reach all the way down into the hollow recesses of our world where that blue beam energy, the electricity that is now charging at the core of our world or inside the inner recesses of the earth will shoot out so fast and create such a charge that it petrifies things and it lifts up the earth with it as it goes. So the Earth conforms to those beams that shoot up out of the world, that create poles in the sky and the people go gather there, and they live there, and they call them polises. Have you ever wondered why the heck people would even settle on a volcano or a volcanic island? Right? You know what I mean? Like, why would you do that? Because originally they didn't spew out lava and hot rocks and blow up and stuff like that. That's just pressure release from the inner world at this time. But when we go through this next reset, all those beams of light will shoot out, and those will be places of power. Those will be places of life and diversity and portals and entrances into the underworld. Of course, there's the company black rock, right? Started by those just like in the fantasy world, probably started by those who probably survived the last apocalypse. They're from the region of the black rock or Rupus Negra. And they create these banks and these systems and stuff to take care of their families, to own the world and to make sure that they are in charge, that they are working things out because they feel that they know best. And on one hand, I understand a part of that. On the other hand, it's frustrating because I'm on the other side of that. Like many of you find people. All right, so it's Rupas Nigra, which means black rock or rock that is black. And we continue on. We go back to this. You see it's the same thing. And he says, of course we'd end up back here. That's where we always end up, back at the place where we began. We began at the place of emergence. We will return to that same place. He says, the crucible of our connection. They start fighting each other in the air and stuff. The crucible of the connection, that's interesting. The word crucible basically means bowl, but it's related to a cross or an X. That's where you get the word cruous or crux. Interesting. Crucible means a bowl or a container, just like this valley land that you see here, but it's related to the word cross. Interesting. All right, he says, is it all coming back to you? And he's talking to us once more, not just Miles Morales to us. Is it all coming back to you? Are we remembering these ancient truths? He says, the creation event, just in case there was a doubt, just in case there was a question about what could this be? I mean, that could mean anything, that could symbolize anything, that could internalize all that. No, he's talking about the physical, actual, historic creation event that happened. And then they show you that depressurization point behind them, representative of the circle. Or you could see that as the hole that goes down into RUPA's Negra, which is the rabbit hole. That's Alice's rabbit hole, basically when you go down into the inner world and you enter into Wonderland. Now, just in case there was any other doubt, they're in Alchemax, right? Now, which, like I said, represents rupus negra. And they're walking around on all of these tiles, these Hexagonal tiles that are all over the place. And then he says, I worked at Alchemax. I ran a test on this collider that brought a spider here from another dimension. So the other dimension are those other worlds out there coexisting in the same timeline, time span, et cetera. Let's just imagine that there's only one dimension, just for a second, okay? There's only one. I know there's many, but let's just imagine, like, instead of pretending that there's these ghost Earths all over the place that are just on different frequencies, and we can't get there unless we're in a different frequency, let's just pretend for a quick second that there are physical equivalents of our world out there beyond, okay? In the place that I call the fractal verse. And then in those worlds, the sky gets dark, grows dark. A hole opens up as the sky depressurizes, and then this radioactive spider comes down into our world and causes havoc. They show you the number 42 again. He says 42. It's home dimension or six, basically. 6th dimension. I guess you could see that as the vav, et cetera. And he says, I lost my job. And you can see there's, like, stuff coming out of his face right there. I lost my life, I lost my face. Now, the face part is interesting, especially if this character represents the Moon or the real Moon, not the hologram in the sky, but the physical portion of the dome above us, the actual moon. Anthrax axis. High five for the Donating $10 and super chat sticker. Thank you. I love it. I like the backwards hat sticker. So this could represent the Moon, too. The moon disappears. The Moon's not going to be here forever, okay? They're already trying to prep you. They're already talking in the news and stuff about like, oh, scientists say that the Moon's getting further away. Okay, well, the Moon's going to disappear one day just like it just appeared out of nowhere. And you can look at historic records that talk about these people, the Pelasgians specifically, that existed in a time before the Moon. I did a video on that in my ancient Oblivion playlist, so check that out, too. So a hole opens up in the Moon, and then the Moon disappears completely. The Moon breaks, the sky breaks open, and then one day it disappears because the light changes in our world. The energy changes. It goes upwards instead of coming downward. So it changes the optics and the things that we see up there in the sky. So for a time, there will be no moon, and we will be the pelaskians. We will be the ones, or what do they call them? The pre lunar colonies. I forgot what they're called. Anyways, so he starts running after them and all these tiles, because he's the Tyler or the mason. They pick up, and they lift up into the air. This is just through electricity, right? So this guy has many of these characters have, like some sort of electrical power, and all of a sudden, these tiles just start floating up, and he kind of fights against them. And then he trips, and he falls into one of his very own little holes, and he ends up inside of himself. And he's in a white room, and he's white. You notice that he's lost all of his spots. Now he's become completely white. So he is inside of himself, basically. If you could go up to the dome, this is what you would see. Or this is a cartoonified version of the dome up there with all of its craters and little mini domes all over it, too. So he says, I'm going to put my head through that hole. So if he puts his head through the hole of the dome or the firmament above us, what he should do is he should be able to see other worlds, other dimensions, et cetera. So he looks inside of this hole, and he sees another universe, another another world where it's this sort of 1950s comic book style. And this lady happens to be wearing a shirt that looks just like he does, actually. And then he pokes his head in there, and he says hello to the lady. You can see him there. Freaks them out. So a little hole opens up in their reality, and he says, my holes can take me anywhere. Kat Van Du just donated five memberships to random people in the Chat. Let's see who got them. Jimmy Wormholes. Anthrax no. Jimmy Wormholes. We got who else? Joe Cool. Joe Cool. El Salvador. Welcome. Robin Hames and Lausa Q. All of you just got some membership, so big thank you to Kat Van DEU. All right, so back to the movie. He says, My holes can take me anywhere. So you could see this as the dome, and there's all these little various holes in it. Why would there be holes in the dome? Well, this is where the stars come from, basically, light passing through these anomalies in that structure. It's not a perfect bowl up there above us or a perfect dome or anything. So these are stargates, you could say anytime. You see this white room symbolism, it represents space, okay? It represents being out there in the brightness of the heavens. And all of these little dark spots, if you're talking about the surface of the dome above us, are portals or stargates. But when you go through them, you look around and you can see that everything's very bright except for these dark worlds down there, and they represent all of those dark places that have domes above them. So he pokes his head into another one. He goes into the Lego world. He pokes his head into another one. He comes into a three dimensional type of world where we think that we live right now, which is actually not our Earth. This is Earth number 680. And then they show sort of a faraway version. You can see all these hexagons all the way around him, all these tiles, right? The tyler all right, cool. Getting back to this. This is the Lego Spiderman universe. And he says, Miguel, it's Peter. We got an anomaly. Now, he's actually not talking about the spot being the anomaly, right? Because the anomaly just poked his head into the Lego world right there. He's talking about this Spider Man who's messing up time, basically. You'll see in a second. So back to miles. Morales he's at his home on his bed. Can you see his T shirt? You see his jersey? It's hard to see right there. I'll show you here in a second. But it's number 42 on his jersey. Now he's laying there, and everything starts floating up towards his ceiling, right? Right before a dimensional portal opens up in his ceiling above him, right? On a microscopic scale. This is our world. So he's laying there, all this stuff starts to float up as this dimensional portal opens up right above his bed, and a hole in reality opens up. The reason they show you everything starting to float up is because there's a pressure differential, obviously, between where Miles is and between all of the rest of the fractal verse. Because Miles lives in a container, okay? His room acts as the container, but symbolically, it's our entire Earth. It's our entire world in a container. And whenever a black hole opens up in our ceiling, basically, there's a huge depressurization event which increases buoyancy so much that objects just start floating in the air. And then, of course, winds pick up and then just suck everything up into the sky. Now he looks up into this portal. That's the inside of what I call a plasma conduit out there above us. That takes you a little hallway in space, you could say. And he sees gwynn. And Gwyn jumps down. She starts talking to him, and they go on some adventures and stuff. And then Gwynn has to take off, right? She's not supposed to be hanging out with Miles. So she opens up a portal. She goes through this portal, another hexagon, right? Another six sided tile, basically. And Miles decides to take off, too, right? So all these spider people, all of them, basically everywhere, they are getting these little watches that I'll show you in a minute that allow them to open up these portals. And then they get to jump into these portals. Miles chases her. Now, this represents the story of the anunnaki that all disappeared all at one time. They all arrived all at once from some other place, from a planet of the crossing, which is a giant red circle up in the sky. The sky opens up. You see all the red ionized hydrogen around our world, and then these beings come down from it. We have, in our modern world, interpreted that as the anunnaki. Some huge planet does a drive by on us, and they jump off and they land on here or whatever, but it's really just a hole in the sky that opens up. Oh, Charlie just charlie donated $50 in the chat and says, Jdreamers. Keep it going. And simple cheers to the mods. Thank you, Charlie. I super appreciate you. High five. All right, so he jumps into this plasma conduit, and he starts flying throughout the fractal verse, or the spiderverse, right? Now, look at it. It looks very similar to synapses neurons and these connections inside of a human brain, or inside of the brain as we know it, right? When I see this, this is like the mind of God. So they have it like they're spider webs, but they're not. These are all conduits. These are all plasma hallways or plasma conduits that take people from realm to realm. But their real purpose is to transfer energy for data harvests. When these worlds are harvests for their information, for their experiences, for their memories, basically. And then those are sent to different hubs to process. So he's traveling throughout this wormhole. You could look at it like that a plasma conduit out there beyond our world. And then you can see where it goes down, and it sort of smashes. Can you see that? Hold on, let me move this. Let me show you where it sort of smashes. Let me make it small. Not it's too small. All right. See right there? That's like hitting the top of a dome of another world when it's open, right? And there's a connection between one world and another world when these worlds collide, whenever this plasma apocalypse happens, all these different doors open up, and multiple worlds experience an apocalyptic event all at the same time. Some have advanced further along by that time. Some have advanced less further along by that time. So he's inside of this plasma conduit, he rides it, and he lands into this sort of India version of Spider Man. It's like India has taken over New York, basically. And he says, you weren't invited, and you came anyway. Well, that is speaking of the Fallen Ones, or the ones who floated down from the sky and landed here, right? They were not invited, but they came anyway, the aliens, whatever you want to call them. And he says, we can't let the spot get to Alchemax. So they're trying to keep the spot from getting to this place called Alchemax, which symbolically represents Mount Maru. He goes in there, and he touches this button, which puts up this force field, right? So now, this force field has surrounded this area that symbolizes Mount Maru. This is that force field around the garden paradise that I talk about all the time, the Garden of Eden, hyperborea, et cetera. And they run into this force field, they get trapped outside of it, they can't get inside to where the spot is. And how do we get rid of this wonderfully strong barrier? And he says it can't be turned off until the collider sequence is complete. So the only time that that barrier around, that central island that I showed you earlier, that has all those mountains all the way around it, right, those mountains are where? The electricity dome. There's an electrical dome that comes down where it touches the land and it pulls the land way high up into the sky, like I talked about. But there's a barrier around it now. There are ways to get past it, and I think that we've gone over one of the main ways many different times. So I'll leave that one as a riddle for all of you, if you're interested in getting past it. Now he starts to put his hands onto this barrier. This is exactly what it was like whenever Adam was kicked out of the Garden of Eden. He physically could not get back in. He was prevented by what the Bible calls an angel of the Lord that had a fiery sword that went every which way. It turned every way, which is, for me, symbolic of electricity. It's trying to describe an electrical barrier, an electrical force field, an actual, real force field. And I put up a short on my channel of many of you have seen those, like, two ladies that were at the Grand Canyon and they found a force field, an actual, physical, modern day real one. They put their hand right up to it, they touched it. You can see little pops of electricity, you can hear it crackling and stuff like that. Their hair stood up on end and there was a force field right in front of them. Electrical in nature, right. So he puts his hand on it and it starts sort of like energy coming off of his hand. But let's take a closer look at what we see here. What do you see here? Everyone in the Chat, everyone in the future. I'm also asking you I paused it specifically on this part. These are the hands of Miles Morales, each one, and he's on the other side of this energetic barrier, but this is the shape that it creates. What do you see here in this image? If we're relating this force field to plasma and plasma physics, what are we looking at? Can anyone guess? I'm going to continue on, but I'll be interested to see if anyone gets it in the Chat later on. So here's what we're looking at, right? It's the sort of plasma that's like creating these circles and these waves that branch out, right? Now, this shape looks a lot like an owl's face. There's a good reason for that. This is the symbolism of the actual owl. Let me make it smaller so you can see the whole thing. Okay, here is the face of the owl. This is why the owl represents that Sophia goddess or the goddess or sometimes gods of wisdom, and why it's related to wisdom and stuff like that and to magic and mysticism and things like that. Because this is the image that many people see up there in the sky. I do see some people. Some good guesses. Taurus field. Gary Feltham's pretty close on that one. All right, so let's check this out. I want to show you where this comes from. Okay, so you've seen this image many different times. This is like what it looks like when you shoot a beam of energy upwards. It creates this bell shape, which is that electrical dome around the surface of the world or the Garden of Eden. It creates a toroidal sort of doughnut around the edge, which is technically a z pinch. Okay? So there's instabilities that branch off, and this is where the plasma shoots up, and then it bends inward before it bursts back outward. That's called a z pinch. It's basically where the magnetic field plasma is self contained, okay? Otherwise it would just dissipate in the air. Okay? It's self contained because around it, the part you don't see is there's an invisible magnetic field around plasma keeping it like that tube shape, so it doesn't just dissipate like vapor would in the air or whatever. So plasma is self contained. That's why you can have ball lightning and all that type of stuff, right? So this is what it looks like from the side. But whenever they've done tests in the lab, this is what they see. That doughnut shape on the side right here. Two dimensionally or three dimensionally, when we look at it from a real world perspective, creates what they call a z pinch. This is the place in the middle where that plasma comes together, and then it creates these toroidal fields or these instabilities on the side, and it looks like this. This is exactly what let me zoom in on this. Okay? It looks exactly like this. There's petroglyphs that are drawn like this all around the world. It's this weird, strange owl shape on Easter Island, in England, in California, and all over the world. They have these strange owl eyes. Orific Metamorphic just donated a membership in the Chat too. High five to orific metamorphic. Thank you. All right, so this is what plasma looks like. This is one of the shapes that it can take, and then it has all those waves coming off of it, too, right? All right, so he puts his hands up there, and that's the shape that we see created. You'll see this in many places if you just look close enough, right? Like the Mayan calendar. Take a look at this. Flip it upside down. Boom. And you've got this image, which is the plasma column in the middle. This person calls it the diocotron instability. So I just call it plasma instability. Terminus at the top, Taurus at the bottom, plasmoids, et cetera. Here's another version of it that is drawn all around the world. People wonder why they draw these things. It's not that the Ancients were dumb. It's not that they were all high on mystic drugs or whatever, and they just decided to get high and go paint on cave walls or carve pictures, whatever. These people drew what they saw. It's fantasy to us today because we no longer see these images, because that plasma has retracted. It has gone deep down inside of the Earth and we are left with the remnant of the floods that came before, which we call ocean, right? But one day those floodwaters will disappear and those beams will shoot back up and they'll seem to catch the sky that looks like it has lowered because the optics in our world have changed. All right, we get back to the spot and he says, I'm going to take everything from you. Notice now he's all black with little white spots, right? Just like the sky from this side of it. When we look up, he says, I'm going to take everything from you. Now, he represents the Depressurization Point, Kronos and many other gods that eat their children and stuff like that. That's because he will. There will be a spot in our sky, a hole in the sky that opens up and everything will float and the winds will pick up and things will get sucked out when the atmosphere depressurizes. And this is seen as the thief. Remember he was trying to steal an ATM earlier? I showed you that. This is the thief that comes in the night or whatever, that takes everything out of this world, or many things out of this world and leaves chaos all over the place, destroys everything, turns everything upside down completely, messes up the world as we know it. I think it fixes it, really, because it resets it, but whatever. So Miles saves this kid in the Indian world and he says, not bad, right? And then she checks her little watch that she has and it says, canon event disrupted. So there is a canon event in the spider verse or the multiverse or the fractal verse or whatever. The movies, at the very least, indicate collectively that there are certain events that are supposed to happen in time, that they have to happen basically. And if they don't happen, it's seen as the whole spacetime continuum can disrupt, et cetera. We'll come back to that one in just a bit because it's going to explain it a little bit better. Now we get to Nueva York or New York in the future. Earth number 9288. At least this is the future in comparison to our modern society. It really isn't the future. It's still happening at the exact same time, just in some other Earth. But they're way more advanced where they are because they. Had a different series of events that happened and they advanced a lot quicker, right? So there's other worlds out there that will look stone age to us today, and we will look futuristic and other places where they would look down on us and think that we're archaic and that we're crow magnon, we're troglodytes and we're cavemen, basically, right? It all depends on the choices that people make in those worlds and by extension, the choices that you make right now in this world. All right? So she takes them into this sort of spiderman hub, which is also, I believe, alchemy's in this future world where there's all these different spiders all over the place, and they say, welcome to spider society. Basically every version of spider man in every comic book, cartoon, real life, live action movie, et cetera, they're all here. And you know what this reminds me of too? This reminds me of what it looks like inside of that tesseract in that movie. Damn, what was that movie called? What was that movie where that dude goes into space and there's like a black hole and he goes into the tesseract? You know what I'm talking about, right, with that dude who says, right on, right on, right on, I forgot. Anyways, the tesseract looks exactly like this. They show us this type of a thing all the time, and I believe that's because these are those plasma conduits. If you were traveling through space or the fractal verse, that it would look more like a spider web or more like you're inside of a vast huge cave or something. Instead of it being empty, it would be full, there would be stuff everywhere. So she tosses him one of those watches, those multidimensional watches, and he's like, oh, I got my own watch. He calls it a watch, even though I have a feeling it does way more than just tell time. And she says, well, it keeps you from doing that. So this watch, this device that he wears on his wrist, keeps him as somebody who is out of place, as somebody who is a fractal verse traveler or a space traveler, if you're new to my channel, right, it keeps him something bad from happening to him when he comes into this new world, right? And so he takes this little watch that he has, he puts it on. This is exactly like if you take a look at all these different anunnaki examples, they have this sort of anunnaki watch that they wear that's depicted in all these different versions. Mean, it doesn't have to be like from Babylon or anything. There's these different versions where these visitors from other worlds seem to be wearing some kind of watches on their wrists. Many people have even pointed it out. This is from some TikTok video where they're like, hey, doesn't this look like a watch? Yes. Isn't that interesting that they're watchers or they're fractoverse travelers, aliens, or whatever, and they all are wearing this exact same thing on their wrist and that he, in turn, has to do the same thing. Yes. Now, this is another version of spiderman in some other universe called Peter Parked Car of Earth number 53931. It's sentient. This is a sentient automobile, which is symbolic of whenever that plasma grandmother spider electricity comes into our world. It fills this world with so much energy. Anything that's left in this world that doesn't get sucked up into the sky, anything that's left will turn on automatically. And on top of that, it will act however it wants to act. It will have a life of its own, and it will be able to do whatever it wants to because it's now spirit filled, it now has spirit inside of it. Basically, all that energy and plasma or spirit, right, ectoplasm, whatever you want to call it, goes and possesses mechanical objects, electronic objects, et cetera, and brings them to life. They turn on all by themselves. And this is one of the reasons why when there's ghosts in your area, your radio will crackle, your lights will flicker. It messes with the electricity. All right? So they're walking around and he says, who are these people in these laser cages? And you see, like, what is this, like a cowboy dude? Oh, no, this is like a caveman dude with, like, a bear skin on his head. See how he's got, like, this sort of bear skin deal on top of his head there? So he's like a sort of caveman. And they say that these are anomalies. So what they do is they catch all of these anomalies, like this caveman looking dude, and it says these are people who wound up in the wrong dimension. Okay, how do you wind up in the wrong dimension? Right? That means you left during the plasma apocalypse. You got sucked up into the sky, survived somehow, and then slowly floated down into some other alternate Earth out there in the heavens, and you didn't mean for that to happen, and you got caught by the real sliders or the real Fractal verse travelers who are like, hey, you're not with us. Who are you? And they catch them and they hold them so they can send them back. She even makes a point to say a boring rhino is an anomaly. Well, that's interesting, because I've always thought that there's certain animals, many of them, that look alien in this world, that look out of place, that look like they just dropped in from some other place. And oftentimes they're very grayish, white skinned, pale looking, just like elephants and rhinos and hippos and things like that. They look like they're from another world. And they basically have superpowers. They're incredibly strong. They don't look like they belong in this world, right? So my point is, there's many ancient native tales that talk about the origin of animals, and many of these ancient tales from across the world. They mention that animals dropped down from the sky. That there are these heavenly animals or space animals that just fell down, right? And obviously they couldn't just fall or they would die. Not at the speed that we're used to now. But if buoyancy is increased because that world just went through depressurization, they could just float down without being harmed at all. Kind of like Sarah in the movie the Labyrinth or labyrinth, whenever she just floats down from that crystal ball or whatever, david Bowie was trying know, mess with her or whatever, and she falls down, the crystal ball breaks, which is the sky breaking open and then everything's depressurizing. So she just floats down into that little garbage world, which is all that leftover. Junk from the plasma apocalypse. Anyways, let's get back to this movie, right? There's also the orange symbolism as well. 33 orange Mount Maru, et cetera. This blue beam of light that they have is this part of this machine that they have. Check this out. It says it's called the Go home machine. So this in the movie, symbolically is a beam of blue light that sends you home wherever you're from, right? So you have to get into this blue beam and it will shoot you up in the sky and take you home. And then we meet Miguel. Orhera this is the guy that we made reference to earlier when we were talking about Alchemax, that company that basically is like the Spider Man version of BlackRock, right? Or the original version of BlackRock. And this is Miguel. Ohera, right. Miguel meaning who is like Ohera means like of the mountain, har means like mountain, et cetera. And we meet this guy and he says, I am this dimension's one and only Spider Man. And you get a little backstory on him. Basically he's looking into this mean, I thought I took a picture of it, but he was looking into the fractal verse, okay? He figured out he's just like Elon Musk, he's just like NASA or whatever. He figured out how to travel the fractal verse, how to prepare so that he can go through that hole in the sky and not die, so that he can stay in his shell or in his body, retain his memories, et cetera. And he can go into other worlds and live the life that he wants to live in those worlds. So he found a world that has his family in it and he goes and that version of him died and he just replaced him, which is another theme that we see all throughout all of this. Then they show you this timeline. Now, this is starting to become very popular in many different movies, TV shows, all of this multiverse, all of this timeline being split and broken. This is the tree of life, not just our local branch, which would be the blue beam that comes out of Mount Maru. That's a Twig in comparison to the actual Tree of Life or Yggdrazil, that goes throughout the cosmos and supports the nine realms and beyond, right? Like, if this was a map, okay, this wouldn't be like the blue beam from our world shooting up. We would be like, I'm assuming as much as I can. We would be like, how far can I go? All right, that's far enough. We'd be like, here or something. You know what I mean? This is the world tree or the cosmic tree, basically, and that represents all these branching timelines. It's not that time as we know it in a linear function has acted differently or changed or slowed down or anything. If you look at this tree, time is happening simultaneously, all at the same time. You could clock it. And time is still passing for everyone in each one of these realities, all at the same time. But they feel like time is passing slower or faster, dependent upon the world that they're in, right? So, for example, if they're in a world where they're in the quickening process, which is where we are now, they will feel like time is speeding up, right, and time is going faster. If they are in a place where if they live near, like, the blue beam or whatever, and their lifespans are extended, they'll feel like time is slowing down, et cetera. All right? So he says this is everything. This right here is everything everywhere. And you'll see this shape? It doesn't always have to be a tree. It doesn't have to always be a vine or whatever. It's many different things. Symbolically speaking. This is everything. This is all of us now. These beams of the spiderverse wrap around them in this sort of hologram, and they're looking around. He says this is the spiderverse, and these nodes where the lines converge, he wants to know what those nodes are, where these timelines meet, where these worlds collide. Basically, he says these are the canon. So if you read comic books or you're into movies or whatever, the canon is the official story. The canon is what is supposed to happen, right? Some people get upset. If you're a diehard comic book reader sorry, one SEC. If you're like, my legs getting tired. If you're a diehard comic book reader and you read something that's outside of canon, it can upset a lot of people because they want the official story. They want it to make sense, basically. If you don't follow the canon, things start to become senseless or nonsensical. Kind of like wonderland, right? Anyways, these are the canon. These are the places where they all meet. But those connections can be broken, right? These connections of events that are supposed to happen. Let me give you a prime one. The apocalypse. The apocalypse is supposed to happen according to the canon, okay? Worlds are supposed to reset. They are supposed to be wiped clean and start over. It depends on how you see it. I mean, that's how I see it because I have my own understanding of the purpose to those worlds, to all of them. And he says, that's why anomalies are so dangerous. He's talking about people like us, anomalies who don't act accordingly to the proper historic thing, or the people who are just straight up survivors from the last reset are anomalies in and of themselves because they weren't really supposed to make it because it's an apocalypse, basically, because I broke it once myself. So this guy Miguel, he broke the canon of the Spider verse. He caused some sort of instability to happen where it messed it up. He says, I found a world where I had a family where I was happy. Now, this is where my mind started to get messed up. I'm just going to be honest with all of you, okay? This movie, many movies do this often to me, but this one freaking messed my mind up, dude. When he's looking into this little computer program and he's telling you, I found a world out there. I found an Earth where my family was happy, I made all the right decisions. I did everything well. I was successful, I was peaceful, I had a good life. Instead of going through all these trials and tribulations and messed up stuff. And he says, there was a version of me there. And it's just like in Jet Li's, the one there's many different movies that touch on this. In this movie, Jet Li, one version of Jet Li in the multiverse goes around killing all the other versions of himself because every time he kills that version of himself, that sort of soul string goes to him and he gets more power. Basically, it's just like in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness where you had the Scarlet Witch who met versions of herself where she wasn't the Scarlet Witch and she was just a stay home mom or other versions of herself. Loki had the exact same thing, where there was all these different versions and ways that Loki's life played out and who became Loki and who becomes Spider Man, et cetera, right? And he says, you break enough canon and save enough captains and then you could see, like, as he's talking, right, it looks like there's a wave of plasma or a wave of energy that rushes over all these people. And they all like the snap event in Marvel or whatever, all these people disappear. This is basically the rapture. If you're a Christian that believes in the rapture or whatever, this is where all the people disappear. This is where advanced societies of times long ago, they've all disappeared. People are like, where'd they go, how do we have so many missing cultures? How do you have so many cultures around the world across time, that just mysteriously vanished? You know what I mean? And people are like, no, they didn't vanish. They just like this. And they have all these theories for it. But the reality is, many people agree that there are cultures across the world that are anomalous that just disappeared. Nobody knows where they went to. And he says, and we could lose everything. If these cannons break, if these preordained events that are supposed to happen on each one of these worlds don't happen, then the canon can break. The universe can break. The mind of God can break. Reality itself can break. Or inversely, instead of seeing reality breaking as a bad thing, of course we would see that as a bad thing. Because this is our world. This is our reality. No matter if there's a fractal verse or not, we would see it as a bad thing because this is what we call home. This is our normal. Even if you're him and you're like, wow, there's a spiderverse, okay, that's his new normal. Now, if the spiderverse disappears and breaks apart, that would be bad because he doesn't see a bigger picture, which is maybe that's the end of the game. Maybe the lesson is learned. Maybe there's no longer a need for an algorithm or a computer or whatever to keep on generating world after world after world, trying again and again and again. I got to take some water. Sorry. My voice is starting to go a little bit. Let's continue on. And he says, now this is another Peter Parker talking to Miles Morales. They're both Spider Man. And he says, I mean, all the good that we did, it wouldn't have been done. And then Miles is like, so we're just supposed to let people die because some algorithm says that it's supposed to happen? So this is in reference to the apocalypse, right? Just letting people die? There's also a sacrifice element in here that gets back into ancient cultures and their sacrificial rituals and stuff. But mostly it's talking about just letting the people of the world go with the apocalypse when it happens, instead of trying to save them all. Now, maybe that is what breaks the program. Maybe that's what resets everything. First of all, let me say this. The reason we go through I believe this is my perspective. The reason we go through these apocalypses is because it becomes bad, okay? Evil corrupts. And because it's corrupted, it needs to be cleaned. If there's no corruption, there's no need for this event or these canon events to happen because that world is filled with goodness. It's just like in The Matrix. Whenever Neo realized the only way to beat Agent Smith was to go in him and to infect him with his oneness or whatever, right? Same type of thing. So imagine if you could get all that hippie, carefree, happy, loving type of mentality and infect everyone with it everywhere. And then you could travel the fractal verse and spread the secret and get all those worlds to stop being all messed up and always collapsing in on themselves and stuff like that, then you could essentially break let's say that we live inside of a simulation. You could break the simulation, it would no longer have a purpose, and it would shut down. He says, you realize how messed up that sounds, right? And then this cartoon version of Spider Man's, like, we know it's hard, but it's the truth, Miles. And then Miles, they put him in this little barrier, this little cell, just like those Anomalies had. He's an anomaly. So they put him in one of those electromagnetic barriers, and he does the Squatterman Atlas pose. Boom, all this blue energy rushes up from his arms, and POW, breaks open this dome barrier, this energetic dome barrier that it was in. And this guy's name is Hoby. He's probably my favorite Spider Man. I like this dude. He's just total rebel, man. And the whole time, he's against all these other like, he doesn't do much to be against them. I mean, he does a little bit in a movie, but he lets it be known. Like, he doesn't trust the system. He hates propaganda and stuff like that. And then when he sees them capture Spiderman like that, he's like, I quit. And then he takes off his little Anunnaki watch and tosses it away. And I love just he was like, you know what? And he even told Miles Morales. He's like, hey, make sure you know which side you're on before you join their war or before you get enlisted or whatever. Make sure you know what you're fighting for, right? People always get hyped up because those sides try to hype them up for their cause. But you got to remember, there's different perspectives, there's higher perspectives and there's lower perspectives on many of these different things, and people take their stances on it. And then Miguel, the Spiderman from, like, 2099, he jumps on his little Anunnaki watch, and he's like, all stations, drop what you're doing and stop Spiderman. And then all the Spidermen everywhere are, like, pointing at each other, and they're like, Is it you? You? Wait. Me? You. He's talking about you. And then they all do it all over the place. It's super funny moment. It also reminded me of Ant Man in Quantum Mania. Ant man and the wasp. This is the same type of thing. Now, you gotta remember, all these Spider Men, they're all one was all if this was the Jdreamers universe, this would be me. Multiple instances, right? And they're all like, all the Jdreamers stop and look for Jdreamers. It wouldn't be in my best interest if all these versions of me start hunting me down. Just like in the Ant Man movie, whenever all those versions of Ant Man and I did break this one down so you could go check it out. But Ant Man meets all these versions of him when he gets to this type of mount Maru place, and he almost dies because he collapses in on himself, right? Which represents, if we internalize that, that represents depression, anxiety, coming down on ourselves, being hard on ourselves. It also represents not being able to see yourself in those around you, basically. Because, look, all these different spider men, they're totally different. Like, they're different people, basically. But they are all Spider man. They're all connected. But just like in Ant man, if you work together, if you can be one with other, right, you won't have war or anything, and things will be a lot easier, way faster. So all of these little versions of Miles Morales or spider man start chasing Miles throughout this fractal verse, sort of quantum cube type deal. Anyways, so they're all chasing him. You see all the different spider men. Let's check it out real quick because this is kind of cool. Look at all these different spider men you got all over the place. All these different versions of spider man. There's a spider man that has a bag on his head. That's weird. I have seen cartoons that do that a lot. I don't know why the cartoon. I don't know why that's a thing. I have to figure that one out. Anyway, so Miles jumps on a train. This train in the future goes straight up. It's basically a train rocket that takes people up into the sky. And it says, now departing for the moon. So what, you're looking at this train that has notice how there's all these little circles around it? That train represents that blue beam that shoots up into the sky, and it hits the moon, which is that inverted dome above us, right? So he jumps on this train that's going to the moon. And there is an example of it in this little utopian city, goes straight up to the sky, and then it cut it off before it shows it. But that looks like it almost hits the firmament of their world, right? You look down and you can see that there's this volcano shaped building that's sitting in water, that's surrounded by water. This represents that island in the middle of the world. Like I was talking about, this is just a cartoonified version of it. And then spiderman 2099 is chasing him. This guy's like a vampire, too. I don't know if you knew that, okay, but the vampires are directly related to the survivors of the apocalypse and even those that come down from above and stuff. But he says to miles, you're the original anomaly. And then miles jumps off of it, and this guy chases him. But look at this beam that's shooting up to the moon, basically, right? This is the arrow of Vishnu. This is the holy beam arrow, beanstalk, reed that grows up out of the ground, that connects realm to realm. And you see all these circles, right? Those are those toroidal fields that we talked about. This becomes jacob's ladder. If you were to look at this way, far away from a side view, you wouldn't see rings. You would just see lines that go up. There would be, like a main line and then little lines that go all the way up to the top of that beam. Now Miles gets back to his homeworld, and he's talking to his mom, and he's like, all right, mom. I'm Spiderman. And she's like, Who's Spiderman? And then he's like, I am the superhero Spiderman. Everybody knows who Spiderman is. That's me. And she's like, oh, is this where you dress up like your favorite character, like at Comic Con? So check this out. He's in the wrong universe. He thought he went home to his universe because she would have known who spiderman was in his universe. He landed in the original one, which is universe number 42, which does not have a spiderman. They don't have a superhero to protect them, basically, or at least not a Spider Man. And this represents our actual world that we live in, okay? Or I should say it represents any world where there is a blue sky and an ocean, where all those beams of light have retracted and gone back down into the inner recesses of the world. Where there is no magic, where there is no electrical charge in the atmosphere, where there is no telepathy and there is nothing like that. And that's all become myth and legend, and now they have to pretend, and they go to things like Comic con, and they dress up like they're superheroes because they all remember the way it used to be when people did have some people did have the survivors had superpowers. And she's like, I don't know what that is. And then he gets captured, so he goes up on the roof, and his uncle, the prowler who died in the first one, he is taken up by the prowler because they do have a prowler in this one. And the prowler walks up to him as he's tied to this post, appropriately enough. And you see that it's Miles. So in this world, instead of becoming Spider Man because they sent that radioactive spider to some other world, he becomes a bad guy. He becomes the prowler. And I want you to think about this, too. The next time you think your life sucks or that you made really bad decisions or whatever and you're looking up at the sky and you're wondering at the multiverse or the fractal verse and you sort of feel in touch with all those different strands of timelines where you or an alternate version of you exists out there. And you wonder like, man, I hope I'm doing better in those other places. There's other versions of you out there that are looking right back up at you and hoping that you're that version that has done better. So you look up. You could have been a bad guy. You could have made bad decisions and poor decisions to join the wrong side or whatever. So this gives me hope when I look up and I start thinking about it. I don't know, man. I want to meet the other daydreamers. Do you guys want to meet the other versions of you? If there are, let's just say that this is all true. If it was, would you want to meet a few of those other versions of you out there, see what they look like, see what choices they made, see if they made it, if they didn't make it or whatever? I think that'd be interesting. And a lot of these Marvel movies are going to start touching on these anomalies that are able to leave their worlds respectively, but they're not authorized to do so. And they're dangerous because of the knowledge that they have on how they can change the Spider verse or the Fractal verse or whatever, or reality as a whole. So he gets captured. We go back, we see the spot lands at Alchemy or Alchemax or whatever, and he's all dark with the white spots and the prowler punches right next to Miles's head, and it looks like he's about to die. And they cut over to Gwen, and she basically talks to the camera, and she says, hey, I got some of these anomalies together. Do you want in? And she poses the question to us and leaves it to us, asking, do you want in? Do you want to be a part of our crew? You want to be a part of the good vibe tribe? Basically to change the fate of the universe? And that is how the movie ends. To be continued. Spider man, that was across the Spider verse. Miles Morales will return in Spider Man beyond the Spider verse, so keep an eye out for that one. I probably will break that down when that one comes out because I just like watching this movie. It's a pleasing movie to watch, like it's good on the eyes, especially if you're into comics and cartoons and movies and fantasy and Sci-Fi, any of that kind of stuff. This movie beautifully stitches together every different type of artistic style all in one movie. I loved it, and I loved watching it, and I loved being a part of it with all of you. Thanks for joining me. Until next time, I'm Jay Dreamers saying good vibes and goodbye so hard to fade away but something forcing me to say it'd be easier for me if I turn away to sleep but there's something holding on the way we are gone there's so many ways to escape but I guess it's time to wake up time to wake up any ways to escape but I guess it's time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. I know I should have done this. Should have quit this long ago. Can't send another heartbreak. But it's time to let it go. It'd be easier for me if I turn away to sleep. But there's something holding on. The Way? Being I'm gone. There's ways to escape. But I guess it's time to wake up. Any ways to escape? But I guess it time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up. Time to wake up? On the wake up. I don't to escape. But I guess it's time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up. Time to wake up. You it. Who are you in this vast multiverse? You are you in this vast multiverse when your world stop? And you got no place to start. Yeah? When you grab for a glimpse and the things that you never love yeah? Maybe take a little while. To remind you of the one you were. And everything will be recalled. Yeah? Dream a little louder. Stop. A little louder. And everything will be recalled. Yeah? Take me back to the time Baby? By? Take me back to the time when you dream a little harder. I'm a little out of 85? Take me back to the time of 85. Close. When you dream about places where there's no sense of time. You don't need it for yourself? Together and make pretend? Yeah? Time to wake up, wake up? Close?.