In a world where shadows hide behind the silver screen, one team dares to reveal the secrets. Dive deep with Paranoid American Tommy Truthful and the rest of the Truth Mafia as they decode the hidden messages in movies we thought we knew. From ancient myths to modern politics, from tria to the darkest corners of the occult, prepare to see cinema in a whole new light. Welcome to conspiracy cinema. This is called Fair Use and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching and parody, which doesn't infringe of copyright under 17 USC. 107. We have a special video for you guys today. We're going to get into one of the number one trending series right now on Netflix called The Fall of the House of Usher. I thought this would be a phenomenal one for we're only like ten days out from Halloween. And we actually did a members only video on this last night. Me. Donut factory any asoru. And that link is down in the description. You can join the Truth Mafia, become a made member. It's only $8. 88 a month. That's cheaper than a freaking Happy Meal at McDonald's. This gets you members only access to all of our uploads members only lives and members only webinars that only air on Truthmafia. com. And the cool thing about them webinars, me and Paranoid American will be doing some of our Members only Conspiracy Cinema podcasts on there where we can actually share clips of the movie during the webinar with you. And people will be able to come on. It'll be a really cool format. So we got some cool breakdowns for you guys today on this series. What's up, my brother? Paranoid American, how are you doing today? What's good? What's good? And shout out to ANI and Donut too, man. I'm sad that I missed the breakdown on that, but I know that that was fire. Yeah, it was fire, man. You know, Ani's on some whole other level stuff. And you guys can find ANI on YouTube. ANI Asoru. And he was on Bro Sanchez the other day too. So congratulations, ANI for yeah, we just a phenomenal breakdown. So let's just get into it. Well, first, before we get into it, what did you think of the series? So I've seen the original movie from 1960, which I really liked with Vincent Price and this one going in. I actually found this one just as entertaining. I mean, obviously it's a lot longer because it's not a movie, it's an entire season. But I liked it, man. I liked how the pacing was like every episode, a different person died in a different way, and they all kind of led up to it. But I was complaining to you about this when we first started, before we were recording that some of it's a little bit heavy handed, especially at the very end when the brother and sister make that. They have this pact where I'm not going to spoil too much of it. But at the very end, they're kind of going on this big monologue about how it's society that are the real monsters and not them, and that it's society that keep asking for painkillers. And they talk about just a whole bunch of social justice kind of topics, and then they're just using it as like, we're not the bad guys. The world are the bad guys because they want this stuff that we're providing them. That one just I guess it just hit me in the wrong way. It just felt like overly preachy. I could just see a bunch of people in the writers room like, yeah, we're going to make a stand. But that one particular complaint out of the way. I really like the series. Yeah, it was fire and Bye bye, Troll. There's a troll in the comments dogging my boy doughnut. So you're up out of here. Peace out. These trolls, I'll tell you what, man, they are on some whole other stuff. It's kind of funny to me that your life, you're probably sitting in your mom's basement, no job, and all you have on your mind all day is Tommy and Donut. And then you put energy into my channel. So you must not know how engagement works, because regardless if you're talking trash to someone or not, you're engaging in my channel, which is helping the algorithm get out there and reach more people. So thank you, little troll, and have an amazing day. But yeah, bro, these trolls, other stuff. Yeah, man, there was a lot of symbolism in this one. The first thing I want to point out is, okay, in the opening scene of season one, episode one, they're showing all the death dates on this board of all the different children that died. It's one of them series guys that starts off like, you kind of know what's going to happen already because you realize the whole family's dead. You just don't know how they're going to die. Right? And this Tamara Lane usher. Tamara Lane Usher, however you pronounce her name, she's found dead. And hers was pretty crazy, actually. She thought her husband was cheating on her with some girl that looked like her. She wasn't sleeping after her brothers and sisters died. So then she's like, chasing this girl around the house, which happened to be this entity that the family made a pact with. She was some type of fallen angel, and she was from inner Earth. That's what a lot of people don't realize. They were talking about the Thule Society and inner Earth and this ancient civilization. And the lawyer, Pin, he went on a cruise when he was younger, and he sat down with this entity. She tried to make a deal with him, but he told her no. He was like, no. He was already in his 70s. He said, I made it this far. I'm going to go ahead and play my hand out so he ends up, spoiler alert, going to jail. But he's seen her. She said, I had to come up just to see what you guys were doing. And she's saying, you spent all that money to travel around the world on your comfort cruises. Just with that money you used for that cruise, you could have solved the world problems with hunger and starvation. And she was telling him that, and she says, you seen me that day. When I came up with the aurora borealis behind me, I was standing on the he's like, he remembers seeing her. But that's the entity, the female that this girl is seeing in her house. It's her, right? Because she came for the deal. They made this festian pact, this festian bargain with this entity that when they die, the deal was they would never be charged with a crime, that they would have all the money in the world. They would rise to power and take their birthright and take control of this pharmaceutical company. But the deal is, when they die, their whole bloodline dies with them. So she said that the entity told him, you'll live longer than anyone in your whole family, but when you take that bow, your whole family takes that bow with you. So that's what's going on there. And in the first episode, we see this girl, her newspaper article, talking about her death. Well, look at the date on there, guys. November 18 of 2023. So I honestly believe something's going to happen on that day. And for anybody that's new here, just go on my last podcast. Well, actually, it was two podcasts ago. It was the Stranger Things podcast. Go to an hour and 44 minutes into that podcast, and you'll hear me predict exactly what was going to happen on October Eigth and 9th. I said the Eigth through the 11th, and I said shootings, and children would pass away. And the next thing you know, Israel, Palestine, kids, they said kids passed in their homes, remember? Trying to make sure I don't say the wrong thing and get in trouble on YouTube. But November 18, guys, is the 322nd day of the year. It's that illuminati Skull and Bones day. Damn. Yeah, it's the 322nd day of the year. Me and donut talk about it quite often. And her name equals 51. Like Black Swan event. Angel of Death and depopulation. And why is five one important? Well, 51 is the day the Illuminati was formed. And if you remember, on May 1 this year, another day I warned about, I might add. I said in April, anyone in the comments, they'll tell you in April. I said, starting on 411 through 511, we're going to have major rituals, and it's called the season of sacrifice. Right. April 19 begins the 13 days of preparation going into Beltane. Beltane is May 1. It's the day the Illuminati was formed. Five one of 1776, the same year America was founded of 1776. And right now, we have Pluto's Return, the first time since 1776 and 27 degrees Capricorn. So there's a lot of connections with this 1776. And in the opening scene, guys, guess what he's drinking? Liquor. That is from 1776. It's like $4 million a bottle. Donut brought up the name of it in the episode we did last night. He said he paid, like $4 million, and he said, you drink your best day of life. And, well, he didn't say that. That entity, the fallen angel entity, said it. The girl, she said, you drink this on the best day of your life and the last day of your life. So he was drinking it when he sold his soul, made that deal that his bloodline dies with them. They were drinking it in the bar that night, which wasn't even a bar on my dad. And she told him when they were sitting there making the pact that you can feel it in the air right now. You're sitting out of space and time. And she starts telling him. He's like, what, do you want me to sell my soul? She's like, no, you did that one brick at a time already, because they bricked up the guy that was running the pharmaceutical company that kind of set up the little brother Roderick. They bricked him up in a wall. They put some arsenic in his drink and some sedatives, and he thought he was going down the basement to sleep with Roderick's sister, and he ends up falling over and stuff. And then he wakes up handcuffed to these two pipes in a wall as they're bricking him up brick by brick. So they're like, okay, we got to get up out of here and go make our alibi. So they said we'll go to a local bar, right? They go to this local bar, and the local bar wasn't even real guys when they came out of it. There's a giant raven on it, and there's no door, nothing. So they're like, what the heck? They made a pact that they would never talk about that day again. They go home. Everything the girl told them in there ends up becoming true. But the 51 connection in the connection to May 1, if we take from the day this movie came out or series, my apology, october twelveTH, right? So the very next day was October 13, Friday the 13th, which had to do with the Knights Templars being burned at the stake on my dad. So if we take from that day until May 1 of 2024, we get 203 days. Now, in Numerology, 203 is 23, right? The enigma of the number 23. How do we get 203? Well, seven times 29 is 203, and 29 is antichrist. So I believe we're going to see this one world leader known as the Antichrist show himself on the world stage, probably because the great tribulation equals two two five. So 2025 I believe 2024 will be the year this character shows himself on the world stage. And if you remember the Bible verse that said, this calls for mind with wisdom. The seven heads of the seven hills on which the woman sits, there are also seven kings. Five have fallen. One is the other that has not yet come. But when he does come, he must remain for a little while. The beast was once and now is an 8th king. He belongs to the seven and is going to his destruction. Well, 203 is literally 8th king. In Latin. Gomatria. Matching inky and enlil. If you don't know who Inky and Enlil are, guys, if you get into the Sumerian Mesopotamian tablets, every religion on this planet is formed around Inky and Enlil. All three of the Abrahamic religions, all of them, it ties to Inky, Enlil, and ANU, the god of heaven. Now, where are they supposed to be from? Nibiru. Right. Whether Nibiru is a dimension, a planet, some people think it's a twin son from Shangri la. Inner don't, I'm not here to debate any of that, but one thing I know is the first episode, the opening scene, where they're showing you the three coffins right there on the stage. There's a preacher over there preaching, and there's two numbers above his head. One is five, seven, eight. Which Nibaru is coming is five, seven, eight. The other is six, two four. All is connected. Six, two four. Economic collapse of America. Six, two, four. And if this Nibaru thing is happening, it would be like that movie Greenland. So we would definitely be going through an economic collapse. Right? I think the government's guys are already in bunkers underground. I really do. That's why I think the news sounds so crazy right now. An AI is controlling it. I really believe that with all my heart. Paranoid American. You know how these AIS work. And I mean, just some of these news articles are so AI ish to me, bro, and it keeps repeating itself. They keep sharing similar articles over and over again. It's very bizarre. What's going on, bro? I mean, the media was doing that even before AI came out. They were already parroting each other. Yeah, that is true, ain't it? That is true. They were kind of doing that before AI came out. Now, another crazy connection with Icky and Enlil. Well, lord Enlale reincarnates. Six one, two. And check this out. So he's in there trying to sell this is Roderick, the brother. And before they brick up the leader of the pharmaceutical company, that is their right to take over, which I didn't even notice the key on the wall until yesterday when me and Donut did our podcast. And there's a whole connection there to keys and opening up portals and gateways and Janus, the god of gateways and portals, right? Janus. Janus. But anyways, he's in there selling this pharmaceutical tablet that says, yeah, soccer moms will be able to take it. Your middle American dad will be able to take it. And that's kind of what they did with oxies, right? They poisoned the world. I mean, let's be honest. And then the very next scene after he sells him on this miracle cure, he goes to his house and they make sure you see the door across the hall right there, which is six one two. And six one two is literally fentanyl guys. Innocent person six one two. And that's what it's killing innocent people. Right. And that it's pharmacia. It's sorcery it's witchcraft. In the Bible, it said all nations will be deceived through pharmacia. I mean, what is the most I trying to tell you, there probably to stay away from this type of stuff. And I don't agree with number Six, though. Non medical use of marijuana. Isn't it all medical use? Yeah, so it is, but they try to say non medical use. It's funny, too. Number eight says all illegal street drugs. So I guess that means that if the government says it's not illegal anymore, then it's okay with God, too. Yeah, I guess it's kind of funny, right? Yeah. I don't agree with number Six, but that was on a Christian website talking about pharmacia. But I do agree with most of it. Just not that's someone who made that on canva or something like that, and they put their own personal beliefs mean, I feel like I could make a strong argument that opiates aren't necessarily evil. The way that OxyContin was pushed out and the way that it was over prescribed to people, that's evil. But man, I mean, imagine a time before there were any sort of opiates and you had to go and get some major surgery done. Thank God for Morphine. In that case, yes, I'm with you there. But also, I think there's a natural way God intended it, like how it grows out in nature where you use the opium gum, or you could just boil like the leaves and milk and stuff. I mean, they used to do that for babies. Yes. Now that's how God intended it. But when you take it and engineer it and manipulate it, you're using alchemy kind of, right. You're creating something else out of it. That's the problem. That's the pharmacia, that's the sorcery that's the witchcraft. And this is just my opinion on this matter. I'm not a medical professional, but that's what I think personally. Right. So there's a big connection to Nibaru, Inky, and Enlil. And I think we're getting ready to see that. Born antichrist is six one two. Lord Enlil reincarnate six one two. And he's the bad one. For anybody that doesn't know, he represents the eagle. Look into the serpent versus the eagle. Inky is the serpent. He is Poseidon. He is the one that went to his favorite human and told him, hey, there's a flood coming. And this human built a submersible pretty much like some type of probably like what? We have submarines now, right? And he took all the DNA on the planet on this submersible to repopulate the world after the Great Flood. Now, that story is thousands of years older than the story of Noah in the Bible. So most likely that's where that story stems from. And, yeah, his brother was the one that wanted to just enslave all humanity, and then he got mad that Inky gave us the will to think on our own and breed and Procreate. So he was going to let us all die from this flood. When you read the legends, and Inky being Poseidon, he's also Neptune, then you would have enlil his brother, who is El, who is Zeus, who is Jupiter. So that would be called like the king of the gods, right? Then the other connection I seen, which I was telling Paranoid about before we went live, guys. So there's a scene in season one, episode three, which is 13, I might add, where he's walking through this club and there's just corpses all over the ground. I mean, they're melted because Prospero, prospero, that was the kid's name, he tapped into a water supply above the building. It was an old factory where they would test pharmaceutical products. And instead of getting rid of the toxic waste, guys, guess what? They did put it in a water container thing on the top of the building. So thank you for your donation, mandapanda. I appreciate you, sweetheart. So the kid at that point, he's talking about the wizard of ID. He makes a quote talking about whoever has the gold, makes the rules. And what'd you say about that paranoid American? Well, when we covered, they live. That's one of my favorite quotes out of that entire movie. And they've got a scene, let me see. I'll see if I can pull it up. But they got a scene where they say that exactly right at the very beginning. And when they said that in this series, it was so hard to not think of that immediately because that was basically my favorite scene to even show in daylive, outside of all the alien bits. But that one part where he says he who makes the gold makes the rules. And that's the golden rule. That's the golden rule, which has a number four on it, the wizard of ID, number four, which four is a number of death, guys. And that kid says it right before he dies. He's like, yeah, I'm going to just pay someone to tap into the main line right there. And then he makes this quote. He says, my dad always told me he, whoever has the gold makes the rules. And then next thing you know, he's burned alive because it was a toxic waste in there, not water. So I found that interesting. And the number four is up there. Four is the only number. There's a fear of, it's called tetraphobia fear of the number four. Life path four equals one eight seven in reverse reduction. I'm pretty sure it's reverse reduction. And you'll see people with life path number four is they always have the death card. That's their birth card, the death card. They always have a connection to death, and it's not a negative thing. I think all the life path fours are old souls. I think they've reincarnated many times through this life death rebirth cycle, and they're trapped in that reincarnation cycle. I think they're just trying to find their way out of here. That's my opinion on it. I'm actually writing a book about different life path numbers, how they line up with your birth cards, how they line up with your destiny cards, what that means, what character you're playing within the simulation, if you're a non player character or without a soul, or a first player character with the soul. And if you want to get a personal reading, guys, that link is right down below you'll see it, it's $26 and we send you over via email. You just put your name, date of birth, and use your maiden name, first and last name you was born with. So if you're married, I don't want your married name that has nothing to do with your source code connected to your life. It's the name you was born with. But anyways, this code right here, the wizard of ID is eight eight eight. That's the antichrist's number, guys. The eight eight eight and beast system is eight eight eight. Project blue beam is eight eight eight. And we know they're going to do some staged alien invasion, try to explain away if the rapture does take place. Maybe they'll try to use that to cover it up, right, or to make us believe that these are aliens from a faraway star system when really they're working with fallen angels. Now, if december 7 is eight eight eight, and I've been batting a high 99 percentile this year on dates, I'm going to show you a clip here in a second where I predicted exactly what would happen on october 7 eigth 9th through the 11th in a podcast. So december 7 is exactly 56 days from the day this released. That's a big number right there. Remember when donald trump handed power to FEMA on 313 to 2023? Plus 13, plus 20, plus 20 is 56. Mind control is 56. 56 people signed the declaration of independence, and satan was mentioned 56 times in the king james bible. So we see this number over and over again. Now, what was you going to say about the house of ID? Or was it well, well, prospero, you mentioned this too, that he was a sorcerer in one of shakespeare's plays, and we're talking about pharmacia. And that prospero is the one that has the closest related name to fortuna, right? Isn't fortuna the name of this company that they've got. And essentially, it's the Sackler family. We're talking about OxyContin. That's basically what the House of Usher is in this particular series. They are the sacklers. And Prospero is the first one that goes out, I believe. Right. He's the first one and gets taken out. Yes. Episode three, he's the first one, which has that 13 connection to the death card. And it happens when he's coming out and you finally see Prospero above the club name. That's at exactly two minutes and 23 seconds into the episode. We're in the year 2023, the year of Skull and Bone. Skull and Bones equals two, two, three this year, October 9 was the 322nd year anniversary of Yale University. Yale University is the school that created Skull and Bones. And in the episode when we did The Stranger Things, I think I said it was a 322nd year anniversary of Skull and Bones, which I misspoke there. I meant to say Yale University, which created Skull and Bones. So if you look at Skull and Bones, they're not 322 years old. The university is, which was created by the Russell family. And guess what? They were involved in the freaking opium trade. Yeah, man. That's where so many of the original academic societies came from. A lot of the original schools, that money came from the opium trade, specifically illegal opium trade that they would get from China. They would go to the China Sea and then bring it all over the world. And this is how so many families that still have power today came into power. And if you even look at it now, right. The Yale Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones is known for kind of being where you would get your start. If you want to get big into the intelligence community or big into industry, you get tapped to go into Skull and Bones. Well, guess what? If you're big in industry and you're big in intelligence, they're still doing drug smuggling in order to raise real money. So, I mean, it has this very consistent feel to it. It's true. Oh, 100%. And, Eric, thank you for your donation, brother. I appreciate you. You're always so generous. And no 100%, bro, you are so on point with that. Ain't that kind of crazy how it's connected to that whole opium trade? And with everything going on right now, it just reminds me of that one part where I showed everything is interconnected. All is interconnected. Six, two, four. Because it is once you realize how the occult works, it all ties together everything that's going on. They have a secret language of symbols and numbers, and it's a good way to speak to each other through this secret language. Right. And let me show you a clip of this real quick. Paranoid. I want to show you that you were on this episode with me. I was actually talking to you. And this is me, paranoid American J dreams. We were doing an episode on Stranger Things, which we got a bunch more coming to you guys for Stranger Things. Let me go to this part. You know what? I talked to a lady named Penny Shepherd today that claims to be the real Eleven from Stranger Things. Get out of here. I swear, dude, I talked to her for about 2 hours today and she was breaking down all sorts of information. Like, she said that she thought that Preston Nichols was in on it and that Peter Moon's a dick. The guys that wrote the books on it. Will we get her on 100%? Absolutely. Oh, my God, I would love to do that schedule that we'll get her on, bro. And then we'll do another podcast on Stranger things. The Montauk project. I would love to hear. I'll give anyone a chance and listen to their story. She's cool, man. I mean, the things that she claims sound very outlandish obvious. Like if someone told you, hey, watch Stranger Things, guess what? That's actually me. You'd be like, what do you get out of here? But she's so rational. She talks and just like I don't want to make this sound dumb, like she was forming very coherent sentences, you know what I mean? But it's not like she was an idiot, right? She was a very rational person and didn't strike me at all as just kind of like coming out of left field from it. So it was a very engaging combo. I'm sure you would probably have a great time talking to her. Oh, yeah, I would love to do that. So let me show you guys this real quick. Pause this because it's going to show us a commercial. Hold on a second, guys. Let that play real fast. Skip here. All right, so right here, 144 in. Okay, let me turn this I can't hear the audio, by the way. Oh, you can't? I can't hold on. Let me fix that. Sorry about that. I know why let me fix it. Thank you for telling me that. Because that would have messed it up. All right, screen share. It was that thing you taught me. I didn't push that little button down here. Here it goes. They move it, bro. They move it every time to make sure you're paying attention. Yeah, it's always getting moved. It's so annoying. All right, here we go. Chris, we want you to join Skull and Bones. Did you ever see that episode, bro? Oh, man, I've been so out of date on the Family Guy episodes, it blew my mind. I'm like, what the hell? So they had the Skull and Bones reference in that. And don't forget, guys, the 9th, October 9 is the 322nd year anniversary of Skull and Bones. I believe there will be a ritual on the Eigth and 9th in them days right there, the Eigth, 9th through the 11th, probably that period, we'll have major look for shootings child death because. Child sacrifice is in that, I believe, 108 cipher. Spell cast is in that 108 cipher. So yeah, man, it's the 300. Okay, so this was Saturday night, the 7th. No one knew about Israel and Palestine in America until the next morning of the Eigth. And that's the day Israel declared war on Palestine. And guys, you can go see, this is all timestamped right. So you see when it happened, the exact day, no one knew yet. Paranoid. You remember doing this podcast with us? We had no clue at that time what was going on till the next morning because it wasn't reported yet. Yeah, it was wild, man. And then the next morning, bam. Because, I mean, we're in America, so the time zone is different between here and Israel. The next morning, bam. The number one trending story in the world was kids died in their homes by what they said was Hamas. I mean, I literally told you right there what was coming. And look, my boy Eric donated during that podcast, too. Shout out to Eric. He's always donating. Now, the video we did with Donut, you guys won't be able to see this unless you're a made member over on Truth Mafia, which you can click that link down in the description and become a made member. You can look at the made member post, made member lives, made member group, made member videos. I'm going to show you a clip from what Donut was talking about from the episode. The full episode is an hour and 56 minutes long. And then I wrote a blog on it, which I'm not going over all that. I just want to show you this part down here. Oh, no, wait a second. It's in a different blog. Hold on. I wrote a blog on Red October. So where is it at? It's on my dub. Oh, and guys, this blog is in the description. I will lose my YouTube if I even click on this, but it shows. Oh, seriously, dude, this shit right here is crazy. I'm just going to give them a little sneak real fast. It gets into black goo, the products that are in it, the nanotechnology. And I'm telling you right now, this will be the best read you ever read. And then there's several videos in it. I got all the links, all the sources. It gets into cloning, black goo, all that. So check that out. I also put that link in the description for you guys. You'll click on it'll, take you right there. There's two videos in there and a deep blog. The next blog I'm coming out with is going to I don't know if it'll cure it, but there's some methods that might help the effects of it. But this one that I did down here on Bdel, let me see here. I'm going to have to go to post, probably because post hold on 1 second, guys. So I can see Bdell's post because it doesn't show up. Right there. Where's the one I did on Bdell? Yeah, right here. Matter of fact, I got to update this post so it'll show up. I'm going to put it in the news area, too. That'll make sure it shows up or no, I'll put it in Truth Mafia. There we go. Now it'll show up on the front page. I kind of forgot to do that. Hold on 1 second. All right, there we go. Let me scroll down to the bottom. Where's my Red October breakdown? Red October. Oh, here we go. Okay, so Red October recap. I mean, October has been crazy, bro. October 2, the US. Supreme Court declines the challenge to prevent Trump from being on the 2024 ballot. A tragic plane crash in Utah claims the lives of North Dakota State Senator Doug Larson and his wife. So we had that little ritual. On October 2, a significant human trafficking crackdown occurs in Ohio, resulting in the arrest of 160 individuals. Then, October 3, Florida law sanctioning the death penalty for adults convicted of I'm not even saying that part, but it's involved with kids, and they should actually make that law more I don't know how you can get worse than the death penalty, but it should get worse than the death penalty for that. That's crazy, right? And then Kevin McCarthy is removed from his role as speaker of the House. That same day, October 4, was the actor Kevin Spacey is hospitalized over heart attack concerns, and both the US. And Russia conduct respective national emergency alert tests. Oh, yeah, that was the October 4 stupid test. In Kenya, several schoolgirls are hospitalized remember that one? Due to that unexpected illness, the former New York PD union leader Roy T. Richards was found dead. So that was all the day. And then remember my decode? Everybody was picking October 4, and I said it would be five days after that, which took us to October 9. And tell me I wasn't spot on with everything that happened the 7th through the 11th. I mean, man, was I on point or what? And then October 5, that's when Putin marks his new world order, constructing a new world order with his allies, his remarks on it. A US. Warplane intercepts a Turkish drone over Syria. That same day, Iraq prohibits crash withdrawals in the US. Dollar. Then Donald Trump backs Jim Jordan for speaker in the House on the 7th. That was the day we had Israel, Palestine, the whole Gaza Strip situation. We had these crazy earthquakes that same day. 6. 7 magnitude and a 6. 3 that same day. Matter of fact, we actually had earthquakes like, four days in a row. I just didn't put them all on there because some of them were a little more mild, right? And October eigth Israel security cabinet invokes a declaration of war. So you just see me on the thing, say we would have a major event on that day. And I mean, I don't know how much bigger you can get than that. US military assist as positioned closer to Israel. And then October 9, israel halts its water supply to Gaza. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces independent candidacy for presidency. What do you think about not I'm not a fan of none of them, but he drives me nuts how he talks. I don't trust any of them, man. I don't think the last name Kennedy means anything good. I mean, they were just Canadian liquor smugglers, right? They were. You know, I don't have no respect for them because they're not a men of honor, because the mob got them in and they went and turned on the Mafia. Like, come on, dude. And look, I think the real Mafia is evil. It's the street branch of the New World Order. I'm not promoting them by any means at all, but I will say how I grew up. I'm Cecilia and I grew up around a bunch of real mobsters. And you just don't carry yourself like that. If you say you're going to do something, you do it and keep your word. So I don't respect that shit at all, you know what I mean? And that's why they both were taken out. They should have never went up against Carlos Marcella. Carlos Marcella? Most of you never heard of him. He was the real boss, running all the Mafia in America, period. He was running the Chicago outfit. He was running the New York five families from his little home down in New Orleans. That was the man that was nobody knew, though, right? It was him and this dude up in Quebec. Them two was running the whole syndicate here in the States. Everything for the families back in Sicily. Russo family, I think his name was. Don't quote me on that one, though. The dude up in Quebec, I think that was his name. He ended up dying, though. He had some Irish dude working for him, too, but october 9, we said that one. And then Saudi Arabian crown prince declares support for Palestine. Some people think he is the antichrist. What do you think about that? Paranoid. I don't know, it seems like a pretty low bar. If there's a legit antichrist, he needs to be able to fly and shoot lasers or something cool, right? I feel you. October 10 gaza faces blackouts. We was warning about them. They did get blackouts. You guys should see the aftermath, too. It's so sad what they did. And then they said they bombed a hospital, but then it got redacted, the story. So there's all these lies in the media. But that's what I'm talking about. I'm telling you. I think they got AI running the damn media. And these elites are underground already in their bunkers. The Pentagon considers special Operations to evacuate American citizens in Gaza. That was on the 10th report surface of misinformation in Israel. News outlets regarding the war. Really? We know that they lie all the time. Turkey president accuses the US. Of plotting an assault in Gaza, which I'm sure they probably did. US. Congress forwards a bill promising 2 million to Israel. So now they're getting rewarded for what they did. I mean, it's just crazy, man. And, guys, that's just the second through the 10th. This is the craziest month I have ever that's just a week. Yeah, that's just a week, dude. That's just a week. So, I mean, it's pretty crazy month, to say the least. And then this came out the day before Friday the 13th, the day before the Knights Templar. Oh, I forgot to show that clip of Donuts. Hold on, guys. I'll show you the clip I was going to show you. I got it set already on Donuts part. Hold on 1 second. Let me go to this part. I think I have it set. I might have to go back and set it. It was an hour and eleven in. Give me 1 second. I'll set it real quick and then show you. And that Friday the 13th is specifically when they burnt Jacques de Mole, I believe. And that's where you get the mole, which is like, freemasonry for kids. That's mole named after. Yep. Yeah. So the whole Knights Templar thing going on right now. Yeah, there's a big connection there with that. Donut had this really cool breakdown. I found it. Okay, cool. So it's like an hour and two minutes in to our members only live. Hold on 1 second, guys. I apologize for that. Start screen. Share entire window. Turn my audio on share. Here we go, guys. All right, so listen to what Donut said. He caught a really cool catch during this. And this is the members only live that we did. So check this out. So much is happening right now with Jada and in the news with Tupac 50. It's state Hawaii 50th LVPD birthday. And this is interesting that the episode I'm on now is The Pit and the Pendulum. This is all coming from Edgar Allen Poe's pendulum. But the pendulum is very interesting. And the wording they do in this episode at first starts off with this Kit Kat clock, right? Of the pendulum of the cat going back and forth, right? Tick talk, tick tock. You're getting very sleepy. Stalking the wild pendulum. I haven't read that, but there's just so much going on. Like the kit cat clock is the iao, like tic TAC toe, where all the English language is based off of is the EO, just like the gnostic EO, the Iota alpha omega. But right here it's IAW. So I've been looking into these sacred vows, and ICP is interesting because they got the pendulums promised they were part of this raven wrestling stuff. Even the Wraith in hell's pit shows the raven. And this is the pendulum in the pit. The episode The Pit in the pendulum going back to these old tales in the CIA gateway process, the oscillator. The oscillating system like a pendulum that every time it clicks, when this oscillates, while you're listening to these types of binarial type beats or whatever they're called, that every time it clicks, you go into a different reality, a different realm and synchronizing everybody. This is the Metronome synchronizing where they're all off order, but they put it on like this thing and then everyone gets synchronized. I think that's a big part of this that I don't fully understand. What did you just have? What's the name of that? The Metronome is one of the top exercises to activate the pineal. It's in a lot of pineal gland books that you're supposed to play the Metronome and say your name. And once you put your name in your subconscious, you're supposed to program your name like you are capable of anything. And you say it with the Metronome. Then you record it with your phone or a recording instrument and you play it over and over with the Metronome and then your subconscious will actually enact it for you. So, yeah, that's just a little sneak peek. It gets deep, guys. It gets deep in the Metronome. Remember paranoid American in our episode we did on freaking Stranger Things? Not stranger things. My apologies. They live. Remember the metronome? It beat at 54 beats and they live. Sent out the frequency from news channel 54. You remember my connection to that? So I found that very interesting. And metronome is 118, matching the Matrix. The tuning is 118 hummingbird the Matrix. The twins long waves. Wheel of karma, the script, the creation incarnation. 56 is 118 too, guys. That 56 connection that we just seen with the days from the release of this film or series, the Fall of the House of Usher until December 7, which we have a connection to the wizard of ID eight B system, December 7, project Bluebeam. Take from that day to December 7, it's 56 days matching mind control. And again, 56 spelled out equals 118 matching the Matrix, the tuning, the script, the creation, god's number, hell on Earth, Hunger Games and the whole 50 connection. It's the 50th anniversary of hip hop, right? The 50 hawai. The fire that happened there, the 50th state. We just had the 50th anniversary of the war that took place in 1973, the Yamakapur War. So there's this whole 50 connection which takes us to element ten. In element ten, the atomic number is 118. Guys, 100%. It's all interconnected. You can't make this up. That was a great synopsis by Donut Too and I don't know if he brought this up, but a Metronome is just an inverted pendulum. Yes. And that was the name of the episode. So I was fascinated that Donut caught that part. I'm like, man, that was a good he's he's doing so know, Donut's always been phenomenal at what he does, but he's, like, going to a whole nother level lately. You know what saying? Yeah, dude, I swear. I think he's, like channeled the spirit of Jordan Maxwell, and he's, like, tapping into it hard. Yeah, man, he's channeled the spirit of Jordan. He definitely has. And at the end of that episode that I just showed you, the Members Only episode, guys, we get into who's going to win the Super Bowl, and it's probably going to be the Ravens. And there's a whole yeah, there's a whole breakdown in Las Vegas. They have the eight pointed star over their stadium. So we went on the NFL website, and last year, they show the colors on the website. Who's going to be in the Super Bowl? No one pays attention to that. And the colors up there right now are the colors of the Ravens. Go look, guys. And they have that eight pointed star in the Las Vegas stadium, right? If welcome to Las Vegas. It has the eight pointed star, and the eight pointed star is the star of Anana. The star of ishtar this gets into the eight pointed stargate that opens up in the sky when Nibiru Wormwood, whatever it is, comes here and we see the eight points of time and space with Saturn. The infinity symbol, Anana's name in Cuneiform, the eight in front of the Vatican. That giant key looking thing has the eight spokes on the wheels, and CERN has the eight bars around it. They're opening a dimension to Nibiru, which is really, I believe, a dimension of these fallen angels. We see the eight pointed star all throughout secret societies. If you look into the Order of the Dragon, Vlad the Impaler, his father, these are the groups that control this knowledge of these global resets and these bloodlines. They have the eight pointed star symbol. We see it on the star card, which, when you get into people's birth cards, everyone's born with birth cards. You have two tarot cards assigned to your name. Me, I'm the Hangman and the Empress. The hangman is number twelve. The Empress is the third card. Okay, well, guess what my life path is, guys? I'm a life path number three. Right? And I'm a capricorn. My ruling planet is Saturn life path three. The twelveTH card one plus two is three. So it all goes back to the three. And that shows you that you are a first player character within this simulation. You do have a soul. If your life path number does not line up with your birth cards and people that their life path number doesn't line up, you see all this chaotic energy around their decodes. And that's because they're non player characters within the simulation. They have no soul. They're controlled by the AI quantum computer running this shit. I'm telling you that. I was born on January 17, right? Truth Mafia 1117. One of the reasons I also picked that day. And then ten I'm the ten of diamonds. That's my destiny card. Well, ten is three 30, guys. That's where I live. In Canton, Ohio. The area code is three 30. It's all encoded through your birth chart. And there's nothing evil about this. It's just intent behind astrology and numerology. You can use it for good or you can use it for evil. That's up to you. Of course the Vatican is going to put in there that it's evil because they don't want us looking into this and realizing that we're in a matrix, that we live in a simulation. And through this you can predict future events. You've seen me do it over and over and over and over again. Just like they live decobee did. 72 is a major number, right? 72 names of God, the 72 demons of lesser magic, and the Ars Gotha that Solomon controlled through his ring. Well, the Earth pendulum is 72. Talking about Donut with the pendulum, the beat of the Earth, 72. The Puppet Master, 72. The average human lifespan is 72 years. The average human heartbeat is 72 beats a minute. Harps antenna, 72 foot tall. Resonating frequency, 72. The Hijacking frequency satellite wave emitter all 72 guys, all 72. It's all about that frequency. And in our they live decode. We all remember Rodney, rodney Piper said they live was a damn know just fascinating, brother. Paranoid how it's all connected and all lines up. So what's? Some stuff you caught in it too, bro, that I probably didn't. So I'd definitely like to go back into the history of all this. Some of the people in the comments were mentioning the Vincent Price version. Yeah, the 1960 movie is wild. It's definitely worth a watch. If you go back to the original source material, that's also wild. Can I tell you something real quick? Yeah. The Poe guy, what's his name? Edgar Allen Poe. Guess what day he died. Don't tell me it was Friday the 13th or May 1 7th. The day the freaking wars popped off. Yes, there's a whole connection there. Let's make sure I'm right about that. But I think I am Edgar Allen post death. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's October 7. October 7 of 1849. Shout out the donut. He caught that. Well, I don't think he even realized he caught it. And I was like, Bro, that's the date the whole stuff popped off with Israel and then Edgar Allan Poe. Wasn't it a book or what was it? Paranoid a book or a movie that this movie stems from connected to Poe. Yeah, The House of Usher was one of his well known stories. And it's the exact same plot, even down to being related to opium. Oh, it's the same exact plot. I mean, obviously they don't have raves with pharmaceuticals coming out of the water supply, but it's the same about we talk about Faust a whole lot. If you look at the original story, edgar Allan Poe, I think he understood a lot of these more occult topics. So for example, in the original book they mention what's in the Ushers library. So they've got the Belfagor of Machiavelli. I don't know if you ever heard of Belfagor, like a Belfagor's constant, but Belfagor is basically a demon that these long story short, it was like a joke folktale for adults. But it dates back to at least the probably a lot earlier than that. But the whole premise is that these men keep showing up to hell and every time they go up to the devil and they complain to them, they're like, I didn't do anything to get here. It was my wife. My wife made me do these horrible things. So the devil ends up going back up to earth and he seduces these guys wives to just see and then he ends up running back to hell to get away from the wife. But this is one of the books that he mentions is in Edgar Allan Poe's library. Another one is Dictatorium Inquisitorum? And this is the book that kind of was used by the Spanish Inquisition to figure out who was doing witchcraft and who was doing sorcery. And there's another really interesting aspect. I found out this just by doing research from this show, but there's a Saint Theophilus and he was basically made a pact with the Devil. He made an agreement with the devil in exchange to get a bishop. So like he was made bishop after making a deal with the devil and that was actually legit. And it was only after this particular book that Pope writes is in the Usher's basement of Dictatorium Inquisitorium. That was the first time that they basically made it a heresy in order to summon demons. So you were talking about Solomon, right? Solomon could conjure those 72 demons. Technically that wasn't against the church's laws at that time. That only came up towards the Victorium Inquisitorium. So the fact that Poe has got Belfagor in there, he's got Swedenberg's, Heaven and Hell in there, he's got this inquisitorium and he's got a book on these utopian ideals. And it's wild because that particular utopian book is also one of the first of its kind and they mention it. And the reason why I'm going into on this particular utopian one is that the utopia, it's called Civitis Solis and it's actually an entire city that's based on astrology. So the city layout reflects celestial patterns. The city itself is circular and that's supposed to represent the sun. And then it's got a bunch of concentric walls all around it and those represent the planets with the further like the most outer wall is dedicated to the sun and all the other walls are dedicated to different celestial bodies. And this was this whole premise of as above, so below that. We're trying to make people in a human society actually emulate the very patterns and the paths that the planets would take. By forcing you, like, if you had to walk to work or had to go to school or go to the store, you'd actually be forcing the population to make the same planetary movements as was happening above. And that was this whole premise that you could create a utopian society based on astrology. And I mean, this is like the most esoteric occult thing I can imagine. And having all of these different books cited by names, specifically in Edgar Allan Poe's book, because this also this House of Usher is kind of noted as one of the books where it's complete in detail and that every single detail he mentions has some sort of impact on the story. I don't know if people have ever heard of this concept of chekhov's gun, but in writing and watching movies, the concept of chekhov's gun basically means that if you see someone pull out a gun in act one, then you're going to expect to see it fire off in the final act. And that's kind of what I think Edgar Alan Poe's original story was made to kind of reflect. Like, here's these books that are in this house. And this is what's going to play out. Just like when the series starts out, the one that we were just watching. It starts out with, okay, everyone's dead. Here's the news articles. Here's everything that's going to happen. Now let's find out how all these pieces interconnect. Yeah, it's so fascinating. And his birthday being connected to that. And then check this out. Paranoia. Edgar Allan Poe equals six six six. Bro matching book of the dead. And what was that movie? Oh, man, I don't remember if you did a decode with me on it, but it was like the new Living Dead. You remember that one? I think we just watched it, but we never did a full decode. We got to do a decode on that again because bro they're using the Book of the Dead in it. And that's how that girl gets possessed. Yeah, it wasn't living dead. It was the Evil Dead, wasn't it? Yes. The New Evil Dead. Right. Is that what it's called? Evil Dead? I mean, that's the franchise. I don't remember the exact name of the movie. Evil Dead 2023, whatever it was called. Yeah, this one. There you go. Evil dead rise. Evil Dead rises in that they're using the Book of the Dead. So it's kind of fascinating to me that Edgar Allan Poe equals six six six matching. And that's in the Sumerian cipher matching Book of the Dead. And we had a connection. I wonder if there's ties to when this movie released. When did it release? Oh, wow, look at this, guys. So this one released April. That's my son's birthday, april 21 of 2023, which is the queen's birthday, which is also April 19. That's the third day into the 13 days of preparation going into Beltane, which is a major child ritual. 13 days of preparation right here. 13 days of preparation going into Beltane, April 19, the first day of the 13 day Santanic ritual relating to fire and the fire god Ball, or Moloch Nimrad, the sun god, also known as a Roman god. Saturn, Satan, the devil. This day is a man. Now, guys, you know how many events happen on this day. So I guarantee there's a connection here to this. And I'll just show you. I don't know if you're familiar with it paranoid, but brother, so many events have happened during this time period, brother. Like April was waco. We had Oklahoma City bombing, columbiana High School massacre, virginia Tech massacre, boston Marathon explosion, fertilizer explosion in Texas, and the Boston Marathon one, it started April 16, but on April 19, they locked down the whole they went on martial law. Remember that? So they could find the bomber. Yes, they went on martial law on the 19th. So it was all connected to that. And then the fertilizer plant explosion in Texas happened on the 18th, which is just the day before it started. The Waco and Oklahoma City there are definitely not a coincidence, because depending on who you believe, but that was the entire reason for Oklahoma was a response to Waco, right? Yeah, man, it's just crazy. And then it gets into that's, that season of sacrifice. I'm trying to show you guys, march 22 to May 1, known as the season of sacrifice. So my predictions, I'm telling you right now, that 2024 between that time period, known between the spring equinox March 19. Well, pretty much March 19 to the summer solstice of June 20 to 21st. In that period, we have major, major rituals. And I think this next coming year is going to be worse than anything we've ever seen. And shout out, we got over 300 people in this live. That's not including the couple of hundred that's over on Rumble right now. That's between my YouTube channel, my Facebook, and my Twitter. So shout out to all you guys, please hit that like button. Smash that like button. It helps the video get out to the algorithm for the people. And it's free. We put a lot of work into these decodes, so we really appreciate if you could smash that like button and then let me go back to what I was showing here. 300 is a whole army, bro. 300 would completely take over an entire movie. Cineflex yeah, that's a whole army right there. We got in here right now, and our followers are so loyal. Dude, we got some of the best followers out here. They're amazing. So what I want to do is take from that movie. I want to see if there's a connection there, because they both have that Book of the Dead thing, right? And Edgar Allan Poe being six six six, matching the Book of the Dead. So that other movie released on April 21. Of 2023. So let's see, guys. April 21, which would have been the queen's birthday to October twelveTH of 23. Let's calculate the dates. 174. So what is 174 in the Latin cipher? And you can use our calculator, too. Like, you can go on any one of these ciphers and just put one seven four in and hit Enter, and then put check on the one you want to see. Then you hit Enter, and it'll show you all the matches in the 174 cipher. Walt Disney's 100th anniversary is 174 in Galdean. But over here, we don't have a lot of the Latin ones because we're building it in real time. So I just want to see. This is pretty easy. Oh, wow. Batman is 174. And what's the root of the problem right now? A bat. We had a new Batman come out during the whole Rona situation. Let me see. Is it code? Kirkland? That's funny. Kirkland. What's Kirkland all about? That's the Walmart brand for Sam's club. Oh, is it? That's interesting. Trying to see. What the hell is that? I see Ball's name in there, but what's this first part? Wow. So I bet you there's some connection there. If we look deep into it, actually, the fact that you just brought up this canaanite, fertility and war, another thing that happens in the same period, from March 1, I think, till the end of April. So, like, April, like the late 20s or April 30 was Sacred Spring, and Sacred Spring was the Romans continuation of the type of sacrifices that they would do for the canaanites. So they basically shut down Phoenician culture. They take out Carthage, right. But Rome continues the exact same practices. And they would basically have this concept of substitution where the Roman phrase of it was do what days. Which basically means I give. That you might give. So it was like, here's my offspring right here's. My offerings to the gods, so that they'll give them back the next Sacred Spring. Oh, my God. Dude, guess what this oh, there's definitely a connection here. You know what she was involved with? Cutting off heads. She's known for cutting off heads of serpents. So the whole decapitation wow. And it says the enemies of Baal, her brother who was killed by Mott, the god of death. Oh, wow. That's crazy. So I would bet my bottom dollar that that's the connection there between them days, the 174 days you got right in that lining up with that goddess. I'll do a deeper dive into it, guys, so I can tell you, because if you look in the Latin cipher, which Latin is the only one you can oh, wow. And it's 23 in Chaldean. That's very interesting. I have to look into this much deeper, but in the Latin cipher right there, which is the only one you can really call Gamatria Jewish. So the one seven four, that's between them. Two movies coming out, the New what was it called? Paranoid? The Evil Dead. The Evil Dead rise the Evil Dead Rise to the Fall of the House of Usher is 174 days and 174 being connected to this god, which has a connection to decapitation. And look, guys, if you got into my ember ritual blog, right, the ember decode, which is connected to the fires, and we are in the month of the ember rituals, which also, before I show you this, if you go to the lives or it might be videos, this is for the members only. If you're a made member over here, go to this video. If you haven't watched it yet. Me and Donut did this when the Maui fires are going on. You want to see me predict everything that happened so far? Go in here and watch what I said. I predicted all this shit. Now, ember I made a blog for just for the free people, too. 99% of my stuff is always free. And if you look at this blog here, guys, ember fire code, what's it connected to? Well, orange. Orange is 33, false flag is 33, fire. And then we get into the whole fire connection, right? And Dora. Remember the Dora hurricane strength? The fires, which was connected to Mountain Dew Baja blast and then fire being 38, matching Guillotine 38. And if you remember, the fire started exactly 38 days after Tiffany Gomez flipped out on the plane. Yeah, 38 days later, boom, fires start. So we see that 38 connection over and over again. It's on the COVID of Murder by Numbers. You see the three and the eight right there? Murder, death, Rip, all them numbers equal to 38. And it was the number one trending article in the world on August 9. So there's also a connection there. It depends on if you include the end date or exclude the end date. But either way, it's the same exact connection, 38. And this whole ritual is connected to cali in decapitation. If you read the blog, you'll see how the ember months september, October, November, December, which has to do with when the sun goes into its ember state or its amber state of orange and goes to the underworld. At autumn arrives, the season of transformation. We witness nature's canvas adorned with shades of red and vivid reminders of the profound shift occurring where life surrenders to the underworld and the sun's god's fiery radiance dwindles gradually going into this amber state or ember state. September, October, November and December. And this is why they say orange is the new black, orange is the new color of death. When do we see the decapitations and beheadings? September and October. We just had beheadings allegedly, remember from the whole what was going on in Jerusalem with Palestine and said, now, we never seen no evidence of this, but they claimed that there was beheadings. That seems like it might just be a Tuesday, though, over there, right? I mean, I know you're, right? That might be like a Tuesday morning, right? Or a Monday. Yeah, so they said that. I don't believe it though. And we see Callie holding the head, right? So and then again, that other goddess Decapitation connected to her. And I got to correct myself because I see in the comments kirkland is in fact Costco Brand, not Walmart. My bad. Oh, well, hey, listen, we all when you were looking up some of those other numbers, I just had to put this one in because you had the murder by numbers. And it for whatever reason reminded me of this quote from Demolition Man, which is murder, death, kill. And that's how they report somebody that basically gets killed. That's what they reported as an MDK. Murder, death, kill and murder, death, kill is 51 in Caldean. Wow, ain't that crazy? So there's the connection to the 51 with that Tamara Usher and being on the 322nd day of the year, the newspaper article. Now also, if you guys remember James Holmes, remember his ritual? He had the orange hair. And if you go look at the comic books, dark Knight Returns, go to page 89. And the gunman shoots and kills at the movie theater. And then what did James do? He shoot and killed at the movie theater in Dark Knight Rise. Remember that? So that's art imitating life where they show it's a form of predictive programming known as lesser magic. Revelation of the method truth in plain sight in this comic book, which orange is a warning in the occult. So when you see a lot of orange coating in these movies, usually something big's coming up. Also we see the connection to Judas who betrayed Jesus. Judas symbolizing the house of scorpio stinging the sun. Bestowing upon it a metaphysical kiss of death. This act betrays Jesus, leading him to his demise. To the realm below the vivid amber hued months of orange. Judas, the embodiment of God's son, signifies the autumn equinox in September, marking the division of the annual year similar to the scales of justice wielded the Egyptian goddess Mat. It represents the year's onset, both the initial and 7th month. Now, this is another thing people don't realize. The elites go by a whole different calendar than us. So September is actually the 7th month, not the 9th month like they tell us. And Matthew in the Bible, seven one bears the emblem of the scales of judgment. We see it with the Libra sign. And if I'm not mistaken, ain't George Floyd connected to Libra? What was his birth sign? I'm not up to date on my George Floyd birth sign. Trivia, october 14, his birthday. Search that real quick. Paranoid. Let me know what October 14 is. I wonder if it's Libra. That'd be very interesting. And then Clockwork Orange. Monarch Mind Control the Shining, the Godfather We see this orange symbolism over and over again. And another cool crazy connection. Beyonce it's like she embodies that archetype of Callie, right? There's so much connection between Beyonce and Callie. And Callie. This right here, guys, she's on a video shoot her for album called 711 with the shirt on that says Cali right there. And Cali equals seven in Chaldean and eleven in Sepantry. 711. I mean, you can't make it up. And Cali symbolically divides the year in two parts during the libra equinox, which occurs on 711 September, marking the start of autumn or fall. Libra means to separate the separation or liberation of one's head from the body. So it's a whole decapitation connection. And I break down how I think the fire rituals are leading up to these FEMA camps. And the know now we're seeing them come up with all these homeless shelters all over Maui, right? They're like these little houses that you can live in if you're homeless over there. And all I'm going to say is this. There's metal pipes going into these homeless shelters that looks like they can tap something into it. And I don't trust that. Who knows what they're going to gas or what they got planned for them? Poor homeless people. But I'll tell you one thing, guys, I wouldn't be staying in one of them shelters that have metal pipes connecting to all of them. There's like going to be like a House of Usher rave. House of Usher. Rave. And another thing, paranoid. The raven is so prevalent in this series. I mean, it's everywhere. When they make a deal with that entity, the two ravens are sitting right there, right? And the raven is we know it's the connection to the Nordic god Odin. Now what was his raven's names? Didn't they have a certain name, them little guys? Well, and also this lady's name is Raven. It's Verna, which Verna is anagram for raven. Yeah, Verna's an anagram for raven. And the Odin's ravens were Huggin and MooIn, I think. Or Huggin and Mugen. Oh, wow, that's interesting. Well, the raven is a symbol of transformation and rebirth in many cultures. And the raven, it's also connected to light in the light and the glow sticks that we see in the rave, the symbolism behind them. And that's where the kid Prospero dies in a rave, right? And this girl shows up, which always is representation of the raven, which we have that connection to transformation and rebirth, magic and mysticism. Ravens are frequently connected to magic and mystical experiences. Their appearance is often considered as an omen or a sign in the cosmos. Messages from the cosmos. In Norse mythology, Odin, the god of the dead, war and wisdom, had the two ravens, like he just said, huggin and MOONIn, which is thought and memory who flew around the world gathering news and information for Odin, trickery and manipulation is also connected to raven's many indigenous cultures. The raven is seen as the trickster or god of spirit, akin to the coyote in certain native American traditions. And then we have death in the unknown. The black color of the raven is often associated with mysteries of the unknown or the void, the bird's black, eerie look. So it's kind of a connection to the afterlife and other dimensions. I found that very interesting because the whole connection to other dimensions, she literally says as they were selling their soul well, first of all, she says, you already sold your soul one brick at a time. She said, I just want your bloodline. So when you die, they die. And she says right there, she's sitting there, I know you guys can feel it in the air. We're sitting outside of space and time right now. And then they walk out of the bar. There's no door there, there's no bar. There's just a giant raven on the brick wall. And in Celtic mythology, we see the raven is seen as a symbol of protection. It is believed to have power to protect people from harm and then alchemy. In alchemy, the raven represents the dying of one phase so that something new can be born. It's a step in the process of transformation. It's also connected to shamans too, in the spirit world. That's an interesting concept here, where this verna or the raven tells them that she's not here for their souls. I don't even care about your souls. You've already sold your soul. I'm just here for the rest of the bloodline. So she wants to make a very specific deal in exchange for the rest of that family basically getting wiped out. But it's interesting because I guess I just always assume at a superficial level, if you make a deal with the devil or if you sell your soul, it's like you've punched that ticket, right. You don't have anything else to offer at this point. But this almost sounds like even if you sell your soul, you could just keep making more and more deals with demons forever until you get taken out. Right, because this was take out the rest of my progeny, but it seems like they could have made another deal after that too. You know what I mean? Yeah, but then like me and you talked about before we got into here and yeah, the ravens, Lori land, were seen as Satanic due to the flood. She said Noah sent out a raven first, it didn't come back. So there's a whole connection. In Norse mythology, Lori, they would send the two ravens out, and if they found land, the ravens would not come back. That's what that's all about. If they didn't find land, they would always return. So they would know that, oh, there's land out there, the birds didn't come back, and they were always ravens. But yeah, there's a whole connection to Noah and the flood as well. The raven is representative of Odin too. And is it Odin compared to Enlil? Yeah, you could definitely make that argument, but actually, Sonia, there's more connection to Odin with ANU. I would say Odin represents ANU, the father of Inky and Enlil, but I could be wrong. Some people think it's Enlil, and then there's some people that think Thor is Maraduke. So there's different interpretations into, you know yeah, there is a whole connection with the Anunnaki tying into all these different mythologies. Well, plus, Odin is basically, like, the chief deity. Just like ANU was the chief deity. Right. ANU was what called he was like Enwill kind of took over ANU's pantheon, right? I mean, we're talking about the original sort of death birth recycle loop. Yeah, man. And you know what they say. I love the conspiracy about Inky was punished, and his punishment was that for saving humanity, his punishment was he had to reincarnate here, like us, how we do till the end of time. So they say Enki's here amongst us now, reincarnating till the end of time. And then these other ones, like his brother Enlil, and them probably most likely, they have some type of consciousness transfer technology where they've been living for thousands of years via transferring one's consciousness. And, guys, if you want to check out trust me on this, you'll thank me later. The link in the description, you click on that one about black goo and watch them two videos I did on that. It's about consciousness transfer. The nanoworms, how they use this black goo to go in through the eye socket wrapping around the optic nerve, and they're able to transfer consciousness from one host to another. And there's all these stories that, okay, say they did it to an actual human because they can do it to a clone, right? They can take a clone and transfer a consciousness into the clone. Now, it can be an actual consciousness, or it can be one of these ARCONs, this demonic consciousness that a fallen angel consciousness could be put in there as well. But say they wanted to take Queen Elizabeth, right? Right. Before she dies, the baby's born Lilibet, which has the queen's nickname. Her name was Lilibet. And then this baby's born, which I swear, I have a feeling that baby was born for Queen Elizabeth to transfer her consciousness into that child. And I think she's been doing this for thousands of years. It just gets into that whole agenda. 2040. Ray Kurswell, what he said about 2030, that we will have immortality technology by then. I think we already have. Well, I think that's what Epstein was doing with his, like, 24 different kids that he was trying to make. It seems like you're just trying to create some sort of a compatible homunculus show that you can upload your consciousness into next. Yeah, it's definitely pretty crazy, man, what they got going on. That's what he was all about, too, wasn't he? That immortality technology mean, he was putting a lot of money into that, man. Immortality, like, basically black mean juan goes into this. But I really think that we make a good point that Epstein might have been trying to recreate the Babylon Working ritual, which was what Jack Parsons and Hubbard were doing out in the know, trying to summon a demon know, basically a fetus. And they claimed that it was unsuccessful. But Parsons also later claimed that Marjorie Cameron was that homunculus that they were trying to create so that the Babylon working was successful. But Jeffrey Epstein, if you go and look at his Zoro Ranch, he has a very similar layout and it's in the middle of the desert. And Alistair Crowley would write that these spirits would be wandering in the desert and that's where they're the most prone to want to jump into some other body because there's nothing else around there. You go out to where there's just wasteland and there's a much better chance of being able to invoke entities because they're basically bored. You know what I mean? Yeah. Like StarWalker Ranch. They talk about people getting possessed there and everybody talks about Skinwalker Ranch. Well, let me tell you something. Look into StarWalker Ranch. That one is crazy. But there's a story going around about the baby was born and it's not that lady. They say that's a bunch of BS. Not only Marjorie Cameron. Yeah, but what they said really happened is they took the fetus some people came from the Manhattan Project and they took that fetus and put it in the first freaking nuclear bomb that we blew up. Yeah, I'll send you the video. It's crazy. And they said they put that baby in the nuclear bomb and it was some ancient ritual to bring hellfire upon your enemy. Yeah, man, it's crazy. And now I could see them doing that. Oh, no. This is on a slight tangent, but you ever heard of Dumb Dumb Bullets? Say dumb dumb. Yeah, they'll blow a hole in you. The dumb dumb. Yeah, exactly. And in the Roger Rabbit Disney movie, they even mentioned Dumb Dumb. At the very, very end, he's got these magic cartoon bullets that have their own personalities. But anyways, they're called dumb dumb bullets. If you look into what dumb, dumb bullets really were, these were the British when they were fighting the Muslims, I believe, in India. And they would coat the bullets in the blood of pigs. And they would basically tell them that if you get shot by one of these bullets, you're going straight to hell because it's got the blood of a swine on it. Now, I don't think that's actually how the Quran necessarily works, but it was so incredibly effective, but it was also deemed immoral. I think that they ended up writing something similar to that in the Geneva Conventions where you're not allowed to dip bullets in blood for that magical aspect. But those Dumb dumb Bullets, it's really just a very tiny scale version of what you're describing now. It's not just like the blood of an unclean animal that might send you to hell, but now it's this horrible, demonic, homunculous antichrist shell at the tip of a freaking bomb that's like a dumb dumb bullet times a thousand. Yeah, man, it is something like that, right? Which cat said donuts. The best one out of the group. Shout out. He's got the best cat, too. Yeah, he definitely does have the best cat. His cat is like a freaking dog. Chan, I seen a picture of Donut with his cat the other day. I swear to God, dude, that thing is massive. All hail Chan. Yeah, chan really runs the truth mafia, the Donuts, actually, the Homunculus. Chan is the sorcerer there. Yeah donuts the homunculi of chan. No one knows that, though. Chan's really running shit out here. But no, they are creating golems. They are creating golems, Sonia, out of these aliens. That is the futuristic golem that they're creating. And if you look into what a golem is in Jewish mysticism, they made it out of clay, and then they would animate the golem through a sequence of lettering, pretty much like Gamatria, right. A certain name or certain words right. Put together would hold a Pacific energy or frequency or vibration. So they would put that on the golem, and it would animate the golem, bringing it to life. So, yeah, look into that. I believe it was the word truth. If you took the word truth off of the head, then the golem would go back into sleep mode. Right. It was like putting them to sleep for the night. But it's just fascinating that it's words that would animate it. Right. I did this whole decode on golems and how they were animated, and they're connected to the element that creates batteries, which what's a battery do? It animates something. And I believe the alien is the modern day golem that they're creating. Wow. That's wild that you say that about the golem and the battery, because I don't know how much you know about electronics or, like, microcontrollers, but we're in the future right now. So they got these pens that you can draw on paper, and the ink itself is basically a conductor. Right. It's almost like doing soldering, but you can draw a connection between the leads on a battery just using that. Imagine that. That's what they were drawn on the golem. Like, they might have just been using conductive ink to connect one end of a terminal to the other end to turn it on, and by wiping it off, it's basically like disconnecting that's. It's pretty it's pretty crazy. Matter of fact, me and Donut, we did a whole presentation on this. Donut looked like Indiana Jones in this presentation. It was so funny. Let me show you guys this shit, man. You want to laugh? My boy Donut was on some other shit right here. I love Donut, though. He always makes me laugh. So this is in the Members Only videos, too. It's called from Middle Earth to Burning Man. Gollum's. Alien magic encounter. And this was a video me and Donut did for our Members Only. I'll show you Donut in a second. But it was called okay, so archaics. Shout out to archaics. He did a video called the Titan Code. So I watched this video, the Titan Code, and it inspired me to do this decode that I did. And the Titan Code is equivalent to the number 48 in caldian numerology. Element 48 is candium, which I probably butchered that. But commonly 80% of candium produced is used in rechargeable nickel batteries. Moreover, candium absorbs neutrons, which is why it's used in rods and nuclear reactions to control atomic fusion. It has the atomic weight of 112. In Latin, Gamatria golem equates to 112, matching magic code, which also is 112. What is a golem? It's an animated anamorphic bean from Jewish folklore created entirely from inanimate matter, typically clay or mud. The Hebrew precursor of the word golem translates to shapeless, mass, and historically, golems begin as lumps of clay that were molded into figures and animated through a charm or a sequence of letters forming a sacred word. These Titans are believed to be brought to life through magic associated with element 48, which is the candium, which is in batteries. And that animates something. So we see the Titan Code matching 48. Also alien abduction is 48. This is their modern day golem, this alien that we're bringing to life. It doesn't matter if aliens really exist or there's something they created through genetic modification. That's probably what an alien really is, some shit they created. But I don't think it's from a far away star system like they tell us. And then it being connected to the whole 112 and the magic code. And golem. That's the Jesuit number. Guys, the Jesuits are in 112 nations. Look it up. So flip 112 around, what do you got? 47. That 47 degree Masonic compass, which they have a lot of this hidden knowledge of this ancient alchemy magic they're using. But Lee wants to see Donut. Hold on, let me show you Donut in here. He was on donut. And then this talk of golem, too, always makes me think of it makes me think of the Prometheus movie, because that's basically a golem. That's them trying to create life out of inanimate matter and then screwing it up and it turns into a monster. And that was the best Prometheus that was the best decode bro me and you ever did. Right? Wait, is this the one we did? So many people found me through this decode that had no idea who we wait, I don't think this is the one. It was a second one because it said decoded. Okay, yeah, I mean, dude, tons of people found me that had no idea who the one. That's the one our boy did. Logan. Okay, so ours was. Ours should be in here. I wonder why ours ain't in here. It's wild to me that so many people don't even know about this deleted scene because it changes the entire movie. It's hard to understate how much it changes watching the rest of everything else that happens. And there's that 118 code, guys. This is the blood of our Lord is what they say in that deleted scene. For we cannot create as a gift was stripped from us long ago. As always, we will continue our attempts to create perfect Eden. So they were merging with black Gill. The black gill. And it stopped them from being able to create which the destruction of the world is 118. And if you want to watch our decode, I'm going to have to put it back up. You can go on our Rumble channel and watch it on here. Rumble. I'm pretty sure it's on there because it should have been on Truth Mafia, but I don't know what the hell is going on over there. Let me see if it's over here. Oh, you know where it's probably at? Let me see. Go on Truthfultv. com guys, and go to conspiracy cinema. I bet you it's down. I unless I forgot to put Prometheus up here, which I did. Man, I can't believe that. And it's the most popular one, too. Somehow it's getting traffic. Yeah, somehow it's getting hell of traffic. Like, it gets watched so much and people tell me about it all the time, but I don't know where the hell they're watching it. I would love to know, you know what I'm saying? Because it's obviously let me see over here. It's got to be over here. This is a good one, too. Me and ANI did on DNA. If you're a follower on YouTube, make sure you come follow us on Rumble Truth Mafia, because this is where we can put up uncensored. Like, I think if I'm not mistaken, it was like the first one, me and Donut or Me and Paranoid American. Was it our first decode? I think it might have been. Yeah. I think it might have been the first one we did. They cloned Tyrone. I got to get that up over there. I got a bunch brother. I got to get up over there. Black goo liquid microchip. That was a good this is one I did on my own. It's a 17 minutes breakdown. Pretty phenomenal. How does Sound of Freedom have so much traffic on it? I don't know, but they took my website down because of that, remember? Yeah, they took my whole website down for a day. I had to reach out to their lawyers and threaten to sue the shit out of them. It was the studio that created it that did it. Took my whole website down for that. They're like, Well, I said, look, man, I took the link out that showed the movie for free, so you can't sue. Me. And then they're like, well, we would really like for you just to take the whole blog down. We're trying to do something good with this movie. And I just messaged them back, go F yourself. All I said, I ain't taking shit down. I don't care. Because first of all, you didn't try to do nothing good. You guys are a bunch of freemason Jesuits. And yeah, sell someone else on that BS. This is a good one, too. Nefarious Decode. So it's got to be coming up because that was like our first two. So it's got to be, like right down here. Yes, there it is. And it's only got 2. 5K views on here, so I wonder where they're watching it at. Did we do it on YouTube, too? Yeah, it went up on YouTube. Oh, it was on Facebook, too. I bet you Facebook is the one getting all the views on it. My big Facebook account, I think it's got like 30,000 on there. That's probably where it's getting all that traction. If just a handful of people rewatch that movie and see that deleted scene, then every single second we spent talking about it was worth it. Yeah, well, that can't be it there, because you know why? That's only 14 minutes long. So there's no way that's me and you because we did a full hour or something, right? And I don't see it no more, bro. Very strange that that video is gone. That blows my mind. They might have took that down or something, brother. I'll have to find it after this and put it back up. The good thing is I have the file downloaded, so I'll re upload it if it's gone and get that up for you guys. It's phenomenal, though, the one we did on Prometheus. But yeah, I don't see it. Paranoid. That's very strange. And it was getting us a whole lot of views from a wide array of different people. So maybe that's why it mysteriously is not on my Rumble channel anymore. It looks like it's up on mine. So go ahead and follow it's on it's on my YouTube. Oh, perfect. Well, I'll just reshare it. Go on. Paranoid american YouTube. And it's just paranoid American. And you guys can watch it over there. Here, let me show you guys real quick. So in case you don't know how to find his channel, just go right over here. Let me find him. Well, actually, if you see my channel, guys, you'll see all the channels I link below. It look just right. How do you even do that? I'll teach you. But no one does that shit but me. I try to look out for everyone. I didn't even know that was a thing, man. I'll definitely do that. Yeah, I got well, even Juan and Slinging Stone, I put them together because I just kind of like both of them, just a little put them two together. No, I love juan, paranoid American right here, guys. And what would it be under videos, bro. This one, I think, is under live. I don't know. I'm still learning how YouTube works after. I'm so glad that you have it, dude, because it just disappeared right there. Prometheus decoded VAM. There it is. And we were getting so many views on this guys, and then it disappears. It's not on my rumble. That's very bizarre. So what I will do is put this video up tonight after this, I'll make a whole blog on it and put it up and SEO the shit out of it so people can see it. You come right over here to Paranoid Americans YouTube and you can watch it. And also then you can check out his website, Paranoidamerican. com, where he just launched a whole bunch of new products. He's got his new we actually got a lot of funding for that comic he put out. I got it up here somewhere. It's linked right at the top of the page. Oh, there we go. And guys, look, he's not doing this as an evil thing. It's to bring attention to the whole name. Just imagine now we can get that up on shelves where people are going to see that and they're going to be like, well, what the hell is that from? Then they go research it and they realize what really happened. There. Also this comic is about a bear getting revenge against the people that are doing this. It's not about them winning over and becoming horrible cult members. So they all get theirs in very horrible and gruesome ways. Yeah, the kid, he ends up turning into the bear. So it's really cool. His links there, you can watch on his YouTube. And thanks to all you guys, the last time we promoted, he got a lot of backers. So that's awesome that we can actually get it out there to the people. Now, any of this stuff you can get on his website, I got some even more spicy stuff. We can't even show it. It'll get the video taken. Yeah, he's got something on little Hunter Biden that will make you laugh your ass off. Trust and believe me. You can check it all out over here. And then we got our boy Juan over here, the Chosen Juan. This is a combo pack. Yeah, this is all I got of some of these stickers. So I put them all together and I'm just going to be sending these out in time for people that want to get it for holidays or whatever. But this is both pamphlets. The MKUltra Pamphlet Homunculus owner's Manual It's got six different art prints, 16 completely different stickers, and the Chosen Wand comic. And the Chosen Wand comic. That's pretty cool. The Chosen Wand's comic book is kind of hilarious. I mean, there's some funny things in that. Sam Tripoli is in it with them, right? Well, Sam Tripoli is going to be an issue, too, that we're about to launch, like, any week now. It's been done, and it's ready to come. Got it. Also has Alex stein in it. That's hilarious. Trying to light my blunt. Yeah, that's hilarious, bro. I've seen some of the artwork that you had on it, and I think it's just awesome that you do this stuff. Me and paranoid american are going to do a tommy truthful one. Hell yeah. It's coming soon. And some stickers, because stickers are really cool. In the stickers I showed Paranoid, I said probably around $2. So $3 is average. Yeah. And I got, like, sticker packs. So if you would click on one of those, they'll be like, if you do the Bohemian Grove one, it'll show you that you can get four of them for a much lower price. And again, that 2023 Combo Pack is the cheapest that anything's ever been on the site, ever. There's only like ten of those left. Yeah. So go get your 2023 combo pack. It's a good way to support Paranoid American. The whole look at all the different content in there. It's pretty cool, man. We're going to definitely put something together. Truth Mafia, so you'll be able to get that too. And yeah, it's just a great way to support guys. And don't forget, come over. The link is down below for our Truthful TV website, which also I'm launching Paranoid. You ain't even hip to this, bro. You know what I'm launching? Let me show you. This is my shit right here. Truthful Love. Hell yeah, dude. A dating site for truth. Ers. You know what I'm saying? I bought it. I own Truthfullove. com, and I'm going to launch a damn dating site for Truth Errs. Wouldn't that be cool, though? And one of my followers actually got me hip to this shit, was all her idea. So I got to plug her. But she told me she's like, you should make a dating site for Truth Errs, because it sucks when like minded people, we want to hook up with someone, and then we go through the whole thing, we start dating them, and next thing we know, they're parroting shit off of CNN. It just sucks. You fall in love with someone and you find out they're completely brainwashed and programmed. So I thought I said, man, that is a great idea. That is a great idea. So I bought Truthfullove. com and we'll be launching that soon. That's awesome, man. I love that. I don't know if some of those dating sites, right, they'll make you answer just a bunch of random questions like, do you like kids? Do you like dogs? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But you could have a survey. It's like, exactly. Did Building Seven fall down on its own? Did we bury Osama bin Laden at sea? Yeah, that's what we're going to do. That's so amazing. Yeah. So you can't even get in the Truthful Love if you can't answer these questions right? Like, nah, you can't or canon but it'll just match you up with other people. That it's. Like, hey, join the know like a fan club over here. Well, that's probably smart too. So like kindergarten truth ers, the freshly red pill people, the people that think Trump's coming to save them, we'll have a whole crew for them too. We'll have to plug it in. So the AI algorithm picks you up and puts you paired with the person that you have the most in common with. And then if you're on that top level, you believe in building seven, you believe in 911 was controlled by them, you believe in Maui was directed. You know what, you'll be impaired to a person on your caliber of wokeness. So yeah, it'll be fire, man. I'm really excited about it and I'm going to keep it for the average person, it'll be completely free or maybe like a one time fee depending on how much money it takes me to launch it. But I'll try to keep it relatively cheap for people and make sure you guys come over here, get your reading. All you do see up here go to Book Online. And then there's the Truthful TV, social media, so you can already follow like minded people, share information. If you look at the truthful, that's the main page. You'll see truthful TV. That's 100% free guys. There's over 1674 truth seekers in there. Truth. Book 1455. And then the diamond membership group. I put you in there after you get a reading, right? So them are people that they paid for a reading and stuff like that. And you just hit Book online. Boom. Go right there. Pretty simple. Check the availability, pick the time you want and then like right now, let me show you. I'm pretty booked. See all these bookings? So I'm super booked right now. So it's usually taking me a couple of days to get the reading back to you. But you'll do it. The reading takes me about 11 hours to do. I just got to get to you, but I'll get it back to you. Usually within anywhere between four and five days, you click on that, hit next. It'll all be sent through the email and I mean it's a detailed reading. Your birth cards, your life path numbers, your destiny cards, your gamatria showing you what your name equals, what frequencies and vibrations line up with your energetic signature. And all this information that you put in here is protected. Only I will ever see it, I promise you that. You just hit book now. Make sure you put your first and last name down here and date of birth, that's so important. And your phone number, no one will ever contact you. It's just part of setting it up, right? So boom, boom, hit there, go to continue. You're not paying with PayPal either. You can pay offline on cash app if you do that then make sure you text me at 234-425-2099, show me that you paid on cash app and give me your email address that I can email you your decode to. So 234-425-2099 and you just put your first last name, make up one, it doesn't freaking matter but I do need your real first and last name for the decode. So in the part where you put that message, make sure you put your right one in here. And the only thing the address is for guys is I just use a fake one. But the reason you need a real one, it's for your credit card to make sure your card's not stolen. That's PayPal needs that because it's going through a secure checkout on, you know, if you got like a fake credit card or the wrong address they won't let your card go through and then you just oops, let me log out of here because I was logged in. Okay, then you just go to I don't know what it just did there, let me go back. That was bizarre. I think it was because I was logged in but anyways it'll just have you check out as a guest, right? That's what I was trying to show you and then it did all that bullshit real hold on 1 second because I was logged into my PayPal book now last name continue truthful continue address? I don't even know whose address that is. Place order. See, there you go. So then you put whatever your email is up there and see this one pay with debit card, click on that your email again continue to payment, continue as guest. That simple. So the only thing it's not using your PayPal account, PayPal is just offering the secured checkout. So it's all secured. See you just put your information in hit continue and you're paid. That simple. Sorry about that guys, I know that was a little hectic there but if I don't walk people through it, believe it or not, you won't believe how many people message me. Tommy, I don't know how to do it and I mean I literally show it all the time how to do it. So I don't know how to help them any more than that. What's your question? Three season. Okay, do you still have the info? Why? Did you lose your reading or something? Dana, did you lose yours? I'm sure I probably do have the download or I might have where I sent you the email. Let me see something. Paranoid, you still there? Yeah, I'm here. Okay, yeah, we're almost done brother. Just let me know what you're talking about Dana and I'm sure I probably still got it if you need it. What's your full name? Dana? You know what? After this live text me 234-425-2099 here, I'll put it down here because I need your email. That way I can look and make sure because I get people sending me messages all the time, oh, I paid for a reading and then they never did. They're lying. So you just got to show me the screenshot that you really did, and if you need me to resend it or something, I'll get it sent to you ASAP, sweetheart. And yeah, donation in the stars. But when I comment, it shows no diamond on yours. It doesn't. You got your reading, though, right, Christina? Because I remember doing yours. But when you're on the social media part of it and you comment, you're not talking about Facebook, because Facebook has nothing to do with it, honey, that's on Truthfultv. com, love. You're talking about Facebook right now, which has nothing to do with the diamond membership. The diamond membership is on truthfultv. com. I can't help what Facebook does, you know what I'm saying? So if you go log into Truthfultv. com, Shannon, you are a diamond member on there, I know you are. But, yeah, Facebook, that's a whole different platform. I can't help what they put, so I know what you're talking about. It'll put some people as superfans or some people, them are just labels Facebook gives you if you comment a lot or if you share videos a lot. I have no control over that. That just has to do with Facebook. But if that is what you're talking about, if not, send me an email. And here's the email. You can send it to guys. Truthfultv at proton me. Truthfultv at proton me. Make sure you put in the subject line regarding reading or whatever you want me to bring to my attention, because I get thousands of emails a day, so that way I see it and I can handle whatever you need me to handle. And I'd love it. Reading, I'll look into it after the live red heart shape. So it would be my full name, hispanic name in super long. Hey, we're down with that. Naya, hit me up, girl. I got you. If you need me to do your reading in Hispanic, we'll do that shit, too. We speak multiple languages over here. I just did a whole blog like a couple of weeks back in Russian. So shout out to my Russian people out there. Got a whole blog out there in Russian for you. You know, now with the AI paranoid, if you do a blog, bro, you can have the AI rewrite the whole blog in a different language. I do that at work sometimes. If I need to write an email, I'll say, know, make this sound not as pissed off. And it'll rewrite my emails for and Jay Dreamers, he's got some technology. He showed me a video of it. And it's Jay in the video talking Dutch. So the AI. It's jay's Voice He trains some AI thing that he can do. A whole video presentation, he can do it, which I really speak Spanish. My family's from Bass, Spain, on my mother's side, so I speak fluent Spanish. But he did this whole video in Dutch, bro. And you got to hear J dream speak in Dutch. It is hilarious. So there's just so much cool stuff we can do with technology now. And coming up, me and Paranoid are going to do some videos for you guys to show you some of these different technologies and some of these different tools you can use and how easy it is too. Because honestly, once you see how to do it yourself and you know how the tools work and what the side effects are, you'll start to notice the seams and the cracks in the AI. So then when you go out in the wild and you're watching TV or you're watching the news, you'll be able to pick it out way easier because you've seen it yourself. Yes, that way you'll be able to tell, because a lot of these people and look, there's nothing wrong with like me, I'll take my notepad, right, and I'll write down my whole decode on my notepad, and I'm not the best writer in the world, but then I'll go feed it through grammarly. And grammarly has AI in it now, too. So it'll be your whole breakdown. It'll just rewrite it and structure it for a blog so it sounds more presentable for the people, you know what I'm saying? But AI can be used for good or it can be used for evil. Lots of evil. Nonstop evil. Nonstop evil. And the black goo shit too. Guys, I can't get into that too much because it's this live. But go read the blog I did on the black goo, because that AI. They're using the AI with the black goo that's getting into rewriting your whole genome and doing some stuff you won't even believe. I show a bunch of products that have it in it in that decode, too. It's phenomenal. It's an amazing read. And with that blog, I did all the research myself. I wrote it out on my notepad. Then I fed it through grammarly, restructured the wording, and then had my AI rewrite it in blog format. And you guys will see how professionally done it is so we can use these tools as a positive, too. Now, some of these people out here that are having AI write their whole blog, like actual blog, they're not doing no research. They're not putting it in and telling it what to do. Probably 90% of their information is not right because AI will just lie. It'll just say some shit, won't it, bro? Yeah, I use AI for work now, doing programming, right? And it's the exact same thing that as you're typing, it'll give you what it thinks that you want. But it won't work. It won't be real code that actually runs. It'll look really good. The way that it is, is you have to already know what you want so that when AI presents it to you, you can be like, okay, that but you got this this and this wrong. You got to constantly be correcting. It like it's your apprentice. Yeah, it's prompts, right? Like they got this whole prompt engineer people can become now. And that's pretty much what you're learning to do. I mean, prompt engineering. It just reminds me of the mid to late 90s that if you knew how to type a search query into Google or Yahoo or ask Jeeves, whatever it was, but if you knew how to type the question in just the right way so that you would get the results back and other people didn't, right? Some people would spend 2030 minutes trying to find a link, but if you knew exactly how to ask the search engine for it, you'd find it in 10 seconds, 20 seconds. And that's kind of how prompt engineering is. You might be able to find your way around after poking Prod in for 30 or 40 minutes. But if you understand how to talk to it, it's almost like programming. You just give it the words that it's looking for and then be able to identify when it's lying to you. Yes, and that's why I'll use it as a tool. Because the cool thing, if you understand how blogs work, guys, you have something called SEO, right? And this is how your blog gets searched on Google. You got to have the right keywords in there, the right SEO. So, for example, if you're doing a blog, okay, say I was doing a blog, which I will be doing after this, on this episode, the fall of the House of Usher. So whatever I'm talking about in that blog, the keyword is the Fall of the House of Usher. That's the keyword phrase. So in your blog, you want to make sure you repeat that enough times so the search engines and the algorithms pick it up. And when somebody types in a review on the search of the House of Usher, your blog comes up number one in the search engine, you know what I'm saying? So you just got to learn them little tricks. That's why we get so many views on Truthmafia. com, because I know what the hell I'm doing with SEO and keywords, which there's a lot of people my brother Donut, really had no idea what that shit was till I talked to him about it, which I found out. A lot of these content creators, they don't even know how to do SEO, so they're not SEOing their name. You know what I mean? So now if they're up on Truthmafia. com, I SEO the shit out of their name. So when you go search one of the people that's up there, truth Mafia, pops right up with their name. If you search their name, boom, truth Mafia pops up with all their videos on Truth Mafia. And it's just about learning stuff like that, little tricks that you can learn. And, yeah, we're going to do a few episodes, maybe a series, teaching people how to do that stuff and how to use different AI and how to that video you did the other day, Paranoid, where you were making cryptids out of the dude. Yeah, yeah, that was with Mark Steves from my family thinks I'm crazy. Yeah, that was you. I know you didn't I'm not even going to ask you if you see my blog on it, because you don't see do. Well, when we get together, we'll do ones similar to that. Just whatever you want, like whatever comes up on your head, because I think that's the best way to learn some of these. Just doing it on the fly, running into problems, solving the problems. Trish, I'm halfway done with your decode, too, sweetheart. I got about probably a little bit left on that one. And hold on, let me see. Why do I feel like I did Trish's all the way already? I might have it over here. Done. Did I send you one yet? Trish? Might already did yours, actually. Let me see. Angie Ralson. I'm doing Angie's. Tammy Marlowe. Who is this one? Oh, no, right. Here you are. I got yours halfway done. Patricia Junewalker. Yep, I'm working on yours, Trish. So I'm almost done with it. I'll have it out to you probably tomorrow or maybe the next day, depending on if I finish up some work tomorrow. So I'm almost done with yours. Love. But, yeah, guys, that's all we got for you tonight. I love you guys. I thank you all for all your love and support, and I appreciate each and every one of you guys that promote my page and promote all the Truth mafia. We couldn't do it without you guys. So I'm very grateful for all you guys. Thank you for hitting them like buttons. And we'll see you next week on another episode of Conspiracy. What are we doing next week, Paranoid? I don't know, man. Do you have time to watch Loki the new season? I got to say no, not this week. But the following one, yes. You know why, bro. The whole new season of well, all loki season one and season two. Season two is only, like, three episodes long. That's why I was wondering if you could watch it. But it's all about time manipulation. And remember I told you I think they're resetting time? I think the world ended in 2012, and I think they're manipulating the timelines through CERN and resetting us. We keep going back, and that's why we keep seeing this Mandela Effect and all this weird stuff, and they kind of show that in the new season of Loki guys, I still got to watch the first season, so I guess I'll get started on that this week for sure. We could do a Stranger Things or a movie by next Saturday. And then the following one, we can attack Loki, because I'm down. Okay, yeah, we'll probably do another episode of Stranger Things coming up then and then we'll do the following week, we'll knock Loki out. So we love you all and we'll see you on another episode next week. Next Saturday, 09:11 p. m. Eastern Standard Time. Peace. .