Gloria, Australia. The town where I was born. Myrtleford Hospital. Hello. All my relatives there. I love you. Myrtleford is full of bonaches. I'm going to teach all you people of Myrtleford something you probably don't know. I'm sure a lot of you know, but you're going to learn it today anyway, from Santos Bonacci. The Savoy Club. You all know the Savoy Club? Yeah. The Savoy Club is run by murderous cunts and sons of whores. We'll get to that in a minute. The Myrtleford Lodge where they murdered Vittorio Bonacci, my father, with the snake poison COVID jab, and he got blood clots and a heart attack. There were mostly nurses there when I used to go and visit my father before I came to America. So I imagine it's a fucking horse LUT cunt nurse who jabbed my father, in the middle of the night, and next day he had a heart attack and died and blood clots. So I'm going to be urging all people in Myrtleford and the Myrtleford Lodge. I'm putting you on notice that I'm coming for your fucking asses. And I'm going to find the name of the fucking slut who jabbed my father. And all you Myrtleford people who've got your aging parents in the Myrtleford Lodge. Run Lodge. Lodge is a freemasonic word. They meet in lodges, so it's freemasons. Of course. Who murder everybody? Put soldiers of the Khazarian fucking reptilians if I were you. In Myrtleford and your parents are in the Myrtleford Lodge, get them the fucking hell out of there because they're murdering people in there. The nurses in there are murderous fucking cunts. Hello. I don't know your name yet, you fucking cunt who killed my father. But I will one day and I'll come for you and I will fucking slaughter you. Also, you need to know that the Myrtleford Police are a bunch of fucking coward fucking pigs. In Australia, since Ned Kelly, we call policemen pigs. I know you do in America, too, because they are pigs. The funny thing is, though, that the people traffickers that pay these corporate thugs and employ these corporate imposters called policy enforcers, they call them their dogs. So all you policemen, you're all dogs by default, because that's what they call you. And you military thugs who go around killing people, you're all dogs. I would never join the military. I would never join any of your fucking criminal organization, you Kazarian fucking cunts. But today I'm going to concentrate on these three places in Myrtleford. The Savoy Club needs to be burned to the ground, and the leadership of the Savoy Club need to be lynched and hanged publicly in the center of Myrtleford. They ordered that all the Italians there's a lot of Italians in Myrtleford. I've got hundreds of cousins there. They ordered that everyone had to be Jabbed if they wanted to go to the Savoy Club to have their parties, as all the Italians do. I've been to the Savoy club since I was a little boy. A thousand times. I know the place very well. 20 years ago, one of my Bonachi cousins had a Bonachi reunion and only half of the Bonaches came. And the whole Savoy club was full of bonaches. Anyway, so my beautiful auntie, SIA Antonieta you know who I'm speaking about all my cousins there in Murderford, SIA Antonieta, who died a few months ago, she was told she had to get Jabbed to go to the Savoy Club. So she got a Jab against the wishes of her children, because they knew how dangerous the medical industry is and pfizer and moderna. And she died 17 days after she got the Jab. And they know, all of her children know, that she was murdered. And that falls on the head of all you motherfuckers who run the Savoy Club. You're going to fucking die, cunts. I'll make sure of it. Myrtleford people, wake the fuck up. You've got torches? You've got fucking petrol? Soak the Savoy club in fucking Petrol. Burn it to the fucking ground. And the Myrtleford Police station. I'm talking to all you policemen in the Myrtleford Police Station, you fucking cunts. You fucking pork eating fucking pigs. You bashed my ex wife, my mother and my brother when you squat, it Swatted. And you sent a squat team out and sent all your fucking dogs to my mother's home. And you manhandled my mother in her home and then in my brother's home in Clemens Lane, you fucking bashed him, knocked all his teeth out. I've got the photos of my phone. I've got all the evidence, you fucking cowards. You were looking for me, but I fucking outsmarted, you fucking dumb cunts. I sincerely hope and incite people of Myrtleford to burn down the fucking Myrtleford Police Station and kill every fucking pig cunt that works there. You're all a fucking bunch of fucking dogs because I say so. And I swear to God you will go to fucking hell. And if people in Myrtleford don't kill you, I'll come there and I'll fucking murder every fucking one of you with my bare hands if I have to, you fucking cunts. And the Myrtleford Lodge that needs to be fucking burned down and the owners need to be hung, and we need to find out in the records who Jabbed my father and murdered my father. You, you fucking slut cunt. I know you're listening right now. I'm going to fucking kill you. I'm going to make sure on Judgment Day that you go to fucking hell forever for even touching my father and thinking about killing him. You murdered my father, you fucking cunt whore. I hope the people in the Lodge know who it is, the good nurses in the Murderford Lodge. And I hope there's detective minded people in Murderford that are intelligent enough to find out who that fucking bitch was and hunt her down and fucking slaughter her fucking ass. All you people of Myrtleford. You need to form a gang and get some sharp knives and some baseball bats and some sledgehammers and find that cunt and pound her to a fucking pulp. God will forgive you. Don't worry, because that cunt is a fucking murderer and she's going to kill more of your old people. The Myrtleford Lodge is a killing machine. Burn it down now. I'm starting a revolution. Stupid motherfucking Khazarian cunts. Pope Francis. You Petivore and King Charles. I'm putting you on notice that I'm starting a revolution called let's do it. Let's kill the fucking people trapped. Let me just deal with this. It hello, I'm doing a live please stop disturbing me. You've interrupted my live twice now. I'll call you when I'm finished, okay? People of murderford, I'll put you on notice and all you righteous hearted people take action now. Murderford is a killing machine. You know those big towers up there? Those telephone towers up on the hills? They are radiating you to death. You need to pull those towers down. And all those cameras. Australians, destroy all those street cameras. I saw a video the other day of a guy smashing the cameras. Support that guy. Join him. All these speed cameras, they're all illegal. They're all unlawful. No one should be spying on you. The government should not be spying on you. No government. They're all fucking pedophiles. For a start. 90% of the fucking people in Canberra except for Rod Cullerton. Yeah, I should really get the names of the other good senators. There's about five or six amazing senators in the Senate in Australia, and they're going to fucking kick your ass. And they're exposing you. The Queensland senator, what's his name? The short guy, you know who he is. Anyway, he's exposing the COVID fast in Australia. Listen to him. Australians listen to Rod cullerton. These guys are heroes. Modern day Ned Kelly's. We need more chopper. Reeds. Chopper Reed used to go around killing cunts that deserve to die. He said that in an interview. Watch the Hollywood Movie about Chopper Reed with Eric Banner. Eric Banner did a good job of playing Chopper Reed. I've met Chopper Reed. Chopper Reed's a hero, in case you didn't know. You stupid Australians who were sleeping. Remember in an interview he said, I killed cunts who deserved to fucking die. I would never kill a good person. Trust me. I removed degenerate Maggots from the street. I stopped them breathing because they deserve to fucking die. Like all the fucking cops in Myrtleford and probably 90% of the cops in Australia. And all you fucking motherfucking cunts from Maroochidor Police Station who came in your fucking tens to collect me and bring me to your freaking cage, you fucking pedophile protectors. I hope you fucking die. Wake up. Sunshine Coast, maroochi Door Police Station and all. And Mulaney Police Station are full of fucking mother fucking dogs. And it's a shame that John Howard, the pedophile, took the guns away from Australians in 1996. Because, lawfully, you could carry your guns anywhere, and you could shoot and detain and arrest any of these pedophiles. You know, 90% of the Australian politicians since Bolty are pedivores and people traffickers. You know, John Howard is a fucking degenerate fucking murderer and a pedophile. And Paul Keating a secret faggot. He had a boyfriend. And who was that? Slut? The redhead, slut, lesbian fucking Prime Minister of Australia that no one elected. What's her name? Myrtleford Victoria. The place of murderers. The Savoy Club, the Myrtleford Lodge and the police station. And there's more, too. Guys, wake up. Laugh all you want at me, I'll get the last laugh. Because this live, it's been heard by thousands of people. And once it goes onto the cloud and in the internet, it can never be erased. And in 100 years time, people will look back at this message and call me a hero. Because if you don't murder the asses of these fucking pedophile cunts, they will lock you down again and trap you in 15 minutes cities and radiate you to death with five G. Five G is not for faster speed. It's to kill you faster. Because they've vaccinated you and put poison in your body called graphene oxide and snake poison. And once they turn those frequencies on, you're going to die. Have you seen those people in China that spin their heads and then they have a spasm and die? And you wonder how come there's always a camera there watching them? I'll tell you how it works in China. They've got a team of criminal motherfucking murderers who are experimenting with people holding their phones, 5G phones, and they can see them through the camera. And they press the kill button and they watch them die. All those people you see just fall over and drop dead. Right? That's all deliberate. That's all done by people spying on you with those cameras. They don't even need their cameras anymore. They can spy on you with their balloon, satellites, air balloons. All satellites are air balloons. Trust me. They're not flying up out in the sky like they teach you. They're up there, but they're not 400 miles out because there is no 400 miles out. The roof called The Firmament is only about 100 miles high. So no astronaut has gone out of our atmosphere. Trust me, one day you'll know this. I know you're giggling right now because you're a dumb fuck, but one day you'll know that there's no such thing as landing on the moon. The moon is not even a physical object. And a retarded insect, you can teach that to a retarded insect. Because why does the moon totally disappear and become transparent for 60 hours every month at the new moon? Where the fuck does the moon rock disappear to every month, every 27 days, the moon disappears from the sky. Because the moon is not what you think it is. No, astronaut. No human can land on the moon. That would be tantamount to landing a drone on a rainbow. The rainbow is not there. You see it. You see it projected in the sky, but it's not there. You can't go and sit on a rainbow because it's not physical. It's not actually there. The same with the sun and the moon. They are portals, wormholes to other dimensions. They're not rocks flying around. All you dumb cunts who have bought into the fucking stupid globe model of the globalists, who are murdering you with COVID with the global lockdowns and the global governance and the global economy. Oh, yes, these globalists love you so much with their false globe. The Earth is 100% level. Sea level. You don't talk about sea curvature because there is none. All water is flat. All water, all the seas are flat. The sewers canal is 120 miles long and it's 100% flat. If the Earth had any curvature, the middle part of the sewers canal would always be empty because the sewers canal would have curvature and the water wouldn't be able to get up there. You see how all you people who believe in the globe are just absolute pathetic dumb cunts? And I've exposed every globe tard with millions of proof on my channel that the Earth is, in fact, dead, still and stationary. If you believe that you're flying at Mark 870,000, you're a fucking dumb cunt and you deserve to get Jabbed and murdered. The COVID Jab will kill you eventually, I'm sorry to say. There are protocols where you can heal yourself and definitely do never take a booster because you will die with snake poison. Wake up, people. It's already been exposed on the front page of The Age last week. COVID is a fucking farce. The Age had the balls to tell Australians that COVID is bullfucking shit. That's why Dan Andrews, the fucking Porky pig, resigned, because he doesn't want to be the Premier of Victoria. When the Australians bring out their fucking pitchforks and their baseball bats and start fucking murdering these pedophiles in Canberra, all you politicians and all you fucking high Court judges that are fucking pedophiles, you know you are. You're gonna fucking die real good soon. Real fucking good. You are going to get killed by good Australians. It'll be done. Due process. Don't worry. First you'll be arrested and then you'll be processed. And then we're going to watch the guillotines and we're going to watch a lot of heads roll. I'd like to see John Howard's head and Paul Keating. I'd like to see their heads removed first. And then we get that lesbian slut, whatever her name is, with the red hair. Jesuit motherfucker. She needs to fucking die real quick. Yeah, it's quite a shame that Australians have let pedophiles overrun their country. Unfortunately, Ned Kelly was shot down. It's a shame because he was going to start a revolution. But never mind. I grew up 20 minutes in Morale, Australia, victoria from Glenn Rowan, 20 minutes drive from where Kent ned Kelly killed a bunch of deserving fucking pig policemen, all those police that he killed and all the people in Wangaratta and in Glenroan who are descendants of those cunts. Congratulations, Zed Kelly, because those fucking cunts deserve to die. I'm glad you pumped them with fucking bullets. And the Kelly Gang heroes. Heath Ledger played Ned Kelly in the Hollywood Movie. Mick Jagger played Ned Kelly in the 70s. He did a pretty good job. I think Russell Crowe did as well. In fact, the first full feature what do you call it? Movie in history was about Ned Kelly in 1907. The first proper, proper full feature what do they call these movies? Was on Ned Kelly, the greatest hero who ever lived. It's a shame that he didn't fucking kill all the cops in Victoria and all the fucking politicians. And it's a shame that they didn't rally around him and go around fucking slaughtering all those fucking motherfuckers. But rest assured, guys, whatever happens to me, don't worry. I've been to jail before. They've come for me. I've been through it all before in past lives as well. They've been trying to kill me for 15 years with their directed energy weapons. But they will fail. Because as the Bible said, no weapon shall prevail against you. If they touch you, they will be touching the pupil of my eye. And anyone who touches me, anyone will die. I'm warning you, all you judges and all you policemen and all you fucking cunts who are trying to form a case against me to sue me about me exposing you and all you Hollywood pedivores. Yeah, the reason why my channel is still up. Amazing, isn't it? Here I am, exposing all these demon cunts and inciting a revolution to fucking lynch these fucking cunts, and my channel is still up. Well, you know why? Because there's a bunch of lawyers getting together, forming a case to come and get me and prosecute me. And I look forward to that day. Because the day anyone wishes ill intent on me is the day they will seal their destiny of eternal damnation. I know how the system works. I've seen hell and I've seen heaven and I've seen Purgatory and I've read Dante allegheri and his Divine Comedy was not a comedy. He was revealing the truth. You Kazarian, reptilian, draco, fucking shapeshifting, fucking lizards. We are going to remove you from our plane, net, and we're going to send you to hell where you belong. Surely you know that. Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, and most of the Hollywood producers, surely you know that they are sodomites and adrenochrome junkies. And they all have dungeons in their homes where they keep their trafficked. Little innocent children. 800,000 go missing, missing every year in the US alone. Imagine what's going on in the rest of the world. Australia has got a magnificent pedophile people trafficking ring called ASIO. Those people who work for ASIO, every single one of them, their mothers were whores, the founders of ASIO and the CIA and the FBI, and that they're all sons of whores. And don't think Dwight Eisenhower was a hero when he said, be careful of the military industrial complex because that motherfucker was a murderous cunt and the Germans know it. He starved millions of Germans to death in concentration camps. Dwight Eisenhower, the granddaddy of Laura Eisenhower, who happens to gloss over the fact that her granddaddy was a fucking murderous cunt. You never hear her talk about that, do you? She talks about love and light and everybody interviews her and thinks she's an angel. Hey, Laura, Dwight Eisenhower, your granddaddy was a murderous fucking cunt. And I've just made history by saying that. And it will never be forgotten by anyone who hears my words. Why don't you talk about your grandfather as the murderous cunt that he is and that he killed General Patton? Because General Patton, in the middle of World War II, he realized that the Americans went to war for the Khazarians and the bank of England and the Rothschilds, and they fought in the wrong side. And he got wind of it. And he started telling people, and he said, it's Russia and the Bolsheviks that we should have been fighting against. And Dwight Eisenhower ordered that they ambush him, shoot him, and murder him. The greatest provably the greatest general in the history of the USA, general Patton, he has more medals of honor and he has achieved more than any other general, all of them put together. And Dwight Eisenhower, the motherfucking cunt whose wife was a whore and his mother was a fucking whore, Kazarian fucking cunt. He murdered my hero, General Patton and your hero. If General Patton had his way, stalin would have been removed and 160,000,000 Christian Russians would have been saved. So good on you, Dwight. Enjoy burning in hell and all your family with you and the Bushes and the Clintons. How many people do you think Hillary Clinton has murdered? There's plenty of documentaries out there that prove that the Clintons are mass murderers and Barack Obama is a faggot. And Michelle Obama, michael Obama has got a big fucking black dick like Jennifer Ardine or whatever, jesse Ardine or whatever. That ugly man called a woman who was the prime minister of New Zealand. Every time you see her walking, you see her dress. You can see her dick. Like Michelle Obama. You can see her dick. It's like this is her fucking this is Michelle Obama and your ex president, New Zealand. Like she's walking around with a dress and you can see this everywhere she goes. What's she got in her fucking pants? What's Michelle Obama got in his pants? When you can clearly see this, they're walking around like this. I mean, are you fucking stupid people out there? Have you got your eyes open. You haven't noticed the dick of the woman who was your president who resigned like Dan Andrews because they don't want to hang around when justice comes. And justice is coming tomorrow. You've all been outed the UN. You're not going to take over Australia. And that bitch fucking whore who I posted on Facebook, who said, we're going to ignore human rights because of pandemics, we're going to ignore your rights. We're going to take away all your property. And she was smiling, australians, kill that fucking whore of a fucking slut. She was laughing when she said that she's going to murder all your children and she's going to allow the UN to do it. You know that the UN peacekeepers are actually fucking rapists. You know all those soldiers in the UN, you know that they're all mercenary thugs and they love serving in the UN because they get to rape anyone they want without accountability. The UN is the kingdom of Satan. And if you didn't know that, you're a stupid cunt. That's what you are. You haven't done your research. The who the World Hell organization. They're jabbing all your children and your pregnant mothers, and you've all got side effects and Myocarditis and Spasms and fucking Eczema and Rashes, the who and the Pope, the Vatican, the Holy See and the Roman courier and all those fucking pedophile cardinals that need to be hung yesterday are planning to kill all of you. It's called the Great Culling, the culling of the herd. And they consider you the herd. Wake up, people. And not just Myrtleford. And the cunts who killed my auntie SIA Antonieta and my father Vittorio Bonacci, and the policeman who bashed my fucking mother in the records. One day when I come to Australia, I will find out who all of you fucking coppers were. And I promise you, I personally will fucking pound your body to a pulp. All you fucking pigs. Continue eating bacon. You fucking murderous cunts. That's why you're called pigs. Because you're fucking pigs. You policemen are fucking corporate policy enforcers. You are the Inquisition. I've revealed in my presentations that the Inquisition is still going and it's run by the Jesuits. And if you don't believe me, go to Wikipedia, put the word Inquisition, and in the third or fourth paragraph you will see that a year before I was born, 1962, they changed the name of the Inquisition to I'm just looking it up in Wikipedia and I'm going to show you. The Inquisition was a group of institutions within the Catholic Church whose aim was to combat heresy. Yeah, just like, you know the COVID Inquisition persecutes all those doctors who are against the scandemic of COVID That's the heretics right there. And all you people listening, you will be condemned as a heretic under the Inquisition. I'm going to show you that the Inquisition is still alive. Guys, you just have to scroll down and you're going to see in this article right here. Here it is. Conducting trials of suspected heretics. Studies of the records have found that the overwhelming majority of sentences consisted of penances, but convictions of unrepentant heresy were handed over to the secular courts. Yeah, right. It's all ecclesiastical. It's not secular. Every law, maritime law, trust law, admiralty law, it's all ecclesiastical. Okay? The clerk is a cleric. Dur. The judge is a priest. Dur, okay? Which generally resulted in execution or life imprisonment. The Inquisition had its start in the twelveTH century in the kingdom of France. Yes. Against the Huguenotes because Pierre Huguenot, pierre Valdez. The Valdencies. Pierre Valdez was a truth in France. He was like a huguenot. And they started pope Leo, I think, was or Pope Innocent II, he started the Inquisition in the 12th century against Pierre Vaurz, one of the world's greatest heroes. And then they killed the Waldensis, the Huguenots, the Cathars, et cetera, et cetera. The Sicilinians. Combating religious deviation. Yeah, deviation from the fucking demon worshipping, Vatican apostasy. There you go. The Cathars. There you go. That's it. And the Waldensis. Pierre Walden. Pierre that guy. The Waldensis. They're still around. They're like the amish. They're good people, and they know the earth is flat and the Cathars and that's why they had to kill them. Okay, you can read the rest. The Inquisitional courts from this until the 15th century, medieval. All right? There are the murderous cunts, and they're still doing it with COVID today. During the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, the scope of the Inquisition grew significantly against the flat earth. Protestants, Calvin and Luther. Flat earthers. They condemned their contemporary Jesuit, Copernicus, but people don't do their research because they're as dumb as dog. Fucking dog shit. Yeah. The Counter Reformation, which began two years after the Jesuits were formed what's going on here? I jumped. Okay. I hit something. Yeah, the Counter Reformation, that was the Council of Trent. Sorry, this fingernail is very dirty. I don't know. Very embarrassed pointing here. The Counter Reformation. That's the Council of Trent. Farnese. Alessandro farnese. Pope Paul II, whom Copernicus dedicated his bullshit hypothesis about a globe he dedicated to this farnese, Alessandro Farnese, the great grandfather of Fidel Castro and Justin Trudeau Castro and his whore mother, who fucked Fidel Castro and his pedophile father, who was a child rapist Reformation motherfuckers. Okay, there you go. The holy sea. I mentioned the Holy Sea. That's who needs to be burned to the ground. And all the owners of the Holy Sea need to be lynched. The Orcini, the palavicinis, the demedichis, all criminals, all black nobility, all murderers and all people traffickers, resulting in the Spanish Inquisition and the Portuguese Inquisition, et cetera, et cetera. You can read all this. The Iberian peninsula. That's Portugal and Spain. Here's the history of the oh, well. Well, look at this. Okay, so, with the exception of the Papal States, the institution of the Inquisition was abolished in the early 19th century, after the Napoleonic Wars in Europe and the Spanish American Wars of Independence in the Americas, the institution survived as part of the Roman courier. I told you that the Roman courier are a bunch of cunts that need to be slaughtered today. I urge all people of good heart to surround the Vatican today with pitchforks and fucking guns and kill the Vatican mother fucking pedophile people. Traffickers. But in 19 eight, it was renamed the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office. Sacred Congregation for sure. Congregation of a fucking coven of witches. The Jesuits. Oh, I got it wrong. I said it was in 1962, so it was two years after I was born. I was born in 63, right? So in my lifetime, the Inquisition was renamed. When I was two years old, it became, remember this name forever, guys, because this is who is killing your children. The Jesuit pedophile military arm of the Vatican. Pope Jorge Bergoglio is not an angel. He's a murderous fucking cunt who needs to die now. And if there's no snipers out there that have got the balls enough to kill that fucking cunt, eventually I will. Whether in this lifetime or the next, I'll make sure that Francis, all the children and all the fighters in Argentina that he murdered in the will make sure that their deaths are not in vain. I'm telling you to your face, Pope Francis, you motherfucking murderous fucking cunt. Iko de fucking you know your mother was a fucking slut because you are a son of a fucking whore. Most of the world knows that you're a bunch of fucking faggot, pedophiles popy poo. You've got no power. The emperor has no clothes. One day you're going to be fucking hanging off the obelisk in St. Peter's Square, motherfucker upside down like supposedly St. Peter was hung. In 1965, it became the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Friends, never, ever forget these words. This name, the Congregation, it's still a congregation. Yeah. When I was Jehovah's Witness, I used to go to the congregation. We didn't call it a church. It was a congregation for the doctrine of the faith. In 2022, this office was renamed well, this is new because last time I checked this article, this was not in here. 2022, right in the middle of COVID exposing that everything is ecclesiastical and all roads lead to Rome and Rome. The Vatican needs to be burned to the ground, and all the cunts that work there, except for the innocent ones. There's a lot of good people in the Vatican, but the Pope and the cardinals and the pedophiles. Once due process has occurred and we know for a certainty which of the people that are involved in the pedophilia, then we hang the motherfuckers. Okay? And we're going to have fun watching it. In 2022, this office was renamed the Dickestry. Yeah, dick. Because they're a bunch of fucking dicks. The Dickestry. Interesting. Decastry, you. Fucking dick Jesuits, you fucking murderous fucking cunts. Yeah, come and get me. I know you will, you fucking cowards. Do it. Because the moment you touch me, you will seal your eternal damnation, rest assured, because God is with me, not with you. For the doctrine of the faith, it's still the doctrine of the faith. Doctrine, people, you don't need doctrines, you need truth. Doctrine is to indoctrinate you, to turn you into a doctor. You know what means when you doctor a document? Oh, that document's been doctored. To doctor something means to fuck it up. So these dicks, they renamed themselves just last year, the fucking stupid morons. And here they're telling you that they're a bunch of fucking dicks and that the Inquisition is still alive. There you go. There's the last word, the word faith. And the article is over. There you go. In ten minutes, you can read all about it. They're still here. And I've been saying since 2011, the Vatican owns your souls via the birth certificate. And it's everything, everything, including the military industrial complex that the murderous cunt Dwight Eisenhower warned us about is the Inquisition. I just showed you. Wikipedia just showed you. You can remain ignorant if you want and ignore me and put your fingers in your ear and continue fucking prostitutes and ejaculating and watching porn and going to the football club and watching Collingwood win the grand final against the Brisbane Lion. The Bears. I remember remember when they were the Fitzroy Lions? I'm confused. Anyway, they went to Brisbane and they became anyway, the point is, all these fucking retards going to watch Collingwood being distracted with bread and circuses, Roman style. As the Romans said, he who wants to be deceived deserves to be deceived. They're deceiving you, the dickestry, the dicks of the doctrine of the faith. They've doctored the history, they've made all the resets. They're going to try and do another reset and they're going to fail, because the vengeance of God is coming. And all the holy angels and Michael and Saint Gabriel and Saint Ariel and Saint Samuel, which is my Lord Mars, rest assured, Archangel Samuel is going to send all these fucking motherfucking palavicinis and Orsinis and fucking Windsors and Hanover's and Habsburgs and all these fucking criminal motherfucking pedophile vampires to hell. It's already been sealed. It's a done deal. You've been judged. And all you foot soldiers, you nurses injecting little children, watching them die in front of your eyes and keeping silent, you know all the Hollywood people. You see the Hollywood people they're all doing, don't you've got you've got no clue why every single musician that is a sellout, including the Beatles and the Rolling Stones, not Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath, no way. You'll never see them doing or Masonic hand signals. But you see all these 90%, at least, of these Hollywood people that you love and adore, you'll see them doing their eye and you'll see them do them or they cover one eye. Yeah, just google it. Google Images. Hollywood actors covering their eyes. Hollywood actors doing the Shush sign because they're keeping it a secret. They're telling you that secretly they are trafficking one year old, two year old, three year old children, which the Child Protective Agency, the CPA, steals from innocent American and Australian and Canadian good mothers and give them over to pedophiles to be sacrificed so that they can drink, torture them and drink their adrenochrome. You think I'm crazy? Well, one day you're going to know that you're the fucking crazy, stupid cunt that doesn't believe me. And the police dog pigs that are the policy enforcer of these pedophiles. All you police, all of you, you are pedophile protectors. And on Judgment Day, don't say to God, I was only doing my job, following my orders. Nuremberg. Hello? You're interrupting me. I'm doing alive. Can you please desist from calling me? I will call you back, okay? You're just fucking up my life, Steve. Okay, if you haven't noticed, I'm on YouTube doing a live you're interrupting me and the whole world is hearing your fucking skype ring. Okay? I will call you when I'm finished. Fucking hell. Every day, that's what happened. People ring me every ten fucking minutes and I'm here in paradise trying to be a fucking hermit and I will never be able to never be able to achieve that because every fucking motherfucking cunt wants a piece of me. I'm sick of it. Listen, I don't want any pen pals and I don't want people saying, hi, Santos, how are you? Well, look at my videos and see how I am. I'm angry and happy and loving and joyful. You don't have to ask me. Fucking every day, 400 people want to know how are you? Well, I'll answer that now. Don't bother fucking writing to me, people, please leave me the fuck alone. I don't want 6000 messages on messenger, 4000 emails every day and 150,000,000 on WhatsApp? Every day I can't answer them. I'm going to start ignoring all your fucking messages. I don't care if you're my mother, okay? Let me be in peace. I just want peace. I don't want people around me. I hate people. Normies, I mean, not you good folk. Normies, 5 seconds anywhere near a normie makes me sick. They are so fucking deranged and polluted. All right, so I just showed you, as I've showed you every truth that I've ever revealed to you, including the flat earth that the Inquisition is still on. When I grew up, I grew up on Led Zeppelin and Monty Python. Led Zeppelin were one of the bands that funded the Holy Grail and The Life of Brian, the two classic funniest films ever in history. Big fan of Monty Python. Big, big fan. And why was I saying that? I was going to say something about that, but anyway ah, yeah, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. You remember that scene, that skit. John Cleese was very proud of that one. It's the funniest. Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. And you know what? They were right. Nobody expects it. But when the police knock on your door, they are the dogs the hellhounds of the Inquisition. The doctors and the nurses murdering your children all around the world knowing that they're doing it. They work for the Inquisition. You just saw it. You just saw it on Wikipedia in 2022. They called themselves the Dicks. The Dickestry, because they are dicks. They're fucking cocksucking. Sodomites. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? And the wife of Lot? You ain't gonna escape. Lot was a righteous man. He escaped Sodom and Gomorrah and he didn't even bother to look around to watch it burn in fire and sulfur. Rest assured, all you fucking pedophiles, not only will I come after you and slit your throats, every single fucking one of you LGBQ fucking faggot demon cunts touch one more fucking child, any one of you around the world, you've sealed the fate of all of you people that belong to this demonic organization, and you will be slaughtered. Every single fucking one of you. Everything's been recorded. It's all on video. Everything. We know. We've seen you. We've seen you do your pedophile shows in front of six year old children. We've seen it. It's evidence. It's all evidence that's going to go to court. And it will go to court. And you will be murdered for perverting the minds of little children and the Mother of God. That's crooked. There she is. Magnetism. The Holy Virgin. And of course, there is her shrine here in Mexico. We love the Queen of Heaven. And these are the Chichimeca warriors that were defending there's the Mayan calendar. They were defending. These guys were defending and fighting for Mexico. Never forget these guys. They fought the Chichimecas and the Aztecs. They rallied against Cortez and the Conquistadores. And who was the other cunt that went to Peru? Cortez. And we know their names. They'll all burn in hell, every single one of them. How dare they come to the Americas, atlantis, the European elite families. How dare they come and put the indigenous people in reservations? Indigenous people in America aborigines in Australia. Wake up. You know who's killing you and stealing your children? Canada. You know, the Queen went to a school and picked ten beautiful little children and they were never seen again because she would have had an adrenochrome party that night with all her entourage. Those children are gone. They were eaten by vampires. Because Queen Elizabeth is and was and will always be a vampire in hell. And I'm going to send these motherfucking pedophile vampires Khazarian reptilian. All you Reptilians and Dracos and fucking Greys and whoever you are, you don't have a billionth of the power that I have. And I swear to God there will never be a reptilian ever again once I'm done with my work. Here. It's not a chance. It's not a mistake or an accident that I happen to be incarnated in this time. And I know my purpose and my mission. I am Elijah. I am King David. King David with 1 st slaughtered. Goliath me with my one channel and my media will slaughter all you fucking demon cunts. And don't bother hiding in your underground cabins because the Bible says even if you should hide in the caves in the mountains, I will find you there. There is no place for you to hide, you reptilian motherfucking cunts. God will give me the sword of Excalibur one day soon, and I will behead all of you, starting from the faggot, murderous, ICO de Puta, jorge Bergoglio, Pope Francis and then Benedict, and then King Charles. And then I'll go down the list bill Gates, Soros, Schwab, Hillary, Oprah and I'm going to fucking murder every one of these fucking cunts. And there will be people that will give me the lists of the names of the people that I don't know. Because there's researchers out there that know who all the killers are. The killers who killed Zelenko and Rashid. Bashar or Bashar, Rashid, I forget. I'm sorry. They murdered him. He knew that he was warning people about COVID Don't take it. Don't take it. They killed him. They've killed hundreds of naturopaths and doctors in America who were speaking up in the last three years. You can look this online. Why would you have to kill a homeopath? Why would you have to kill a natural healer with herbs? Why would the UN declare that they're going to outlaw all herbs? If you've got cannabis growing in your backyard or basil or wormwood or mugwart, they're going to come destroy your plants, your medicine, and they're going to put you in jail. And then they're going to inject you with snake poison. Welcome to the future. But we can change this, guys. All you have to do is join the revolution called let's do it. And let's sing the song of Immortal Technique, the philosophy of poverty. And as he said, I want to round these motherfuckers up and hang the cunts. In fact, there's a word he mentions in there that most people won't even know what it means. Let me see if I can get that word. La encomienda. I think it is. Okay, let's see. In other words, I don't want to escape the plantation. Here's our song that we shall fight under. Friends. What's going on? What's happened? Okay, here's the song from Immortal Technique, right. It's a six minute song. It's pretty freaking long. The poverty of philosophy. Here is our marching song, guys. Plutocracy, motherfuckers. plutocracies. Destroy them before they destroy you. Democracies. Destroy them before they destroy you. We want republics. We don't want democracies. Thank you very much. In other words, I don't want to escape the plantation. I want to come back, free my people. Hang the motherfucker that kept me there and burn the house to the goddamn ground. I want to take over the encomienda. That's the word I was looking for. And give it back to the people who work the land. The people are we. We own the land. Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey and all these murderous pedophile cunts are buying up all the property in the USA. Ready to hand it over to China. Americans, wake up. Take your guns to the street. Your pitchforks, it's in your Constitution. It's lawful. You know what the encomiendas were? Especially in Peru. The Jesuits went to Peru and they put them on these plantations. No, not Peru. Paraguay. And I think Uruguay. But Paraguay. Man, oh, man. The Jesuits committed many, many crimes in Paraguay. Look up the history of the Jesuits in Paraguay. I've done a lot of lives around Mexico, all around the place. I've gone to all the cathedrals and all the pyramids and I've shown you the Jesuit logo on all the churches. I see it everywhere I go. They own Mexico. So my life is in danger because Mexico is a big Jesuit country, or at least it was. I think the President of Mexico is a good guy and he's keeping them in check. I would suggest to all Mexicans to hang on to this president in the next election. Hang on to him, guys. Mexicanos. El Presidente. El Presidente de Mexico. Les aseguro I assure you that he will not. Why is the murderous pedophile cunt DeSantis the Governor of Florida, the Jesuit who pretends to be a good guy running for president? I hope he gets assassinated. Why is he threatening to bomb Mexico? DeSantis, you motherfucking cunt. Put a fucking hand grenade up your fucking ass and blow your fucking stupid fucking cunt and your fucking whore of a mother to smithereens. Don't fucking touch Mexico. President Polk. In 1849, the motherfucker took over California, freaking Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico. About seven states from the Mexicans. The Mexicans never forget that, man. President Polk you motherfucking cunt. Just like Eisenhower and the bushes. Andrew Jackson was about the best guy. Abraham Lincoln, John Adams, I don't know. Jefferson washington? I don't know. There's mixed stories about those guys. But there were many good presidents and they were assassinated. But when Santana, the President of Mexico in 1849, handed over California and all of the west of the United States to the American Khazarian military, the Mexicans, I know because I'm in Chapas where there's a lot of indigenous people. Mexico has the most dense concentration of indigenous people in all of the Americas. And you know, they're very smart people and they hate the motherfucking Spanish dominion over them and the Inquisition that they brought here and every other fucking bullshit and DeSantis threatening to bomb Mexico. Let me tell you, fucking USA. Corporate Government 1871 Organic Act february 21 the False Constitution of the United States of America. Let me tell you one thing. You try and fucking mess with Mexico and we'll come over there and we will fucking smash you, motherfucking. DeSantis. Cunt. Hey, all you people from Florida, red state Republicans and conservatives, you need to deal with DeSantis because he's a backstabbing Jesuit traitor, okay? Watch out for that vicious fucking viper. He's worse than Gavin Newsome and Cuomo and this fucking new mayor of New York poisoning people in the water. The snake poisons in the New York. Don't drink your water. It's got snake poison in it. Don't believe me? No, really, don't believe me. Continue drinking it. You think I'm a conspiracy theory a heretic, right? Well, the Inquisitions come after me twice and put me in jail. I know the Inquisition is still around. Everything evil that is happening under the sun is the Inquisition. The dick estry of the congregation of faith, a congregation of fucking thugs and pedivores. All right? That's all I've got to say for Day. Thank you very much. Stay tuned, because I haven't even started. I'm going to bring this fucking system down. Like Immortal Technique says, burn it to the ground and hang the motherfuckers. Let's do it. It's time for action now. .