Welcome to truthmafia. com. This is Tommy truthful. Palestine. Allegedly bombs Israel. And I do say allegedly because we know a lot of these things on the world stage are not always what they tell us they are. Now, this happened on Saturday morning. And these are two faiths that worship the black cube of Saturn, where we get the word Satan and Saturday from right. And I'm not saying nothing about your religion. I'm just saying you guys do worship the black cube. It's a fact. So the D wave quantum computer also is a cube. It's all plugged into Saturn, right? The saturn realm. And it being on Saturday. So it will be the number one trending story in the world today on Monday Moon Day, the 322nd year anniversary of Skull and Crossbones. I told you they were going to pop this week off big, and they sure did. It could be leading us to the biblical end days. Now, let's look at the numbers, because the elites have a secret language of numbers and symbols. It's called gamatria. Comes from Jewish kabbalah. Mysticism Palestine bombs Israel is two one six matching Los Angeles earthquake. Six times six times six equals two one six. And what do you know? This morning we have tsunami warnings on the western seaboard. They say a 7. 3 magnitude earthquake just hit the Alaskan coast. And let's not forget the big earthquake. In the end days, the entire world has an earthquake that levels the mountains and puts the entire Earth on the same distance above sea level. According to some interpreters. The Book of Revelation describes a chilling series of disasters. They believe pandemics will wipe out millions. Climate change will bring scorching heat. A third of Earth's waters will be poisoned. We will move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, jerusalem. America stands with Israel. Are you keeping an eye on Jerusalem? I am. Why is that so? Key to the future prophecy of what will happen in the end times. Thank you for watching. Follow us on all social media platforms and make sure you check out Truth Mafia. com. Truthful. Out, out and. .