Welcome to another episode of Truth Mafia podcast. You are rocking out with Tommy Truthful. So we have this massive ritual going on right now connected to the Irish people. We just had major riots in Dublin and it's connected to the death and dismemberment of this Irish actor that they found chopped up. And what do you know, guys, right after they find this guy dismembered, three weeks and three days later, boom. The number one trending story in the world is these riots going on in Ireland. So let's get into it. I got a couple of videos I'm going to play. All the links are in the description of this video. And today's podcast is brought to you in sponsorship by Body Align and the 5G Energy Wellness that bracelet. The link is down below in the description, as well as we have some other technology down there that we're running a sale on right now. You can find that link down below too. And that's to our shop over on Truthfultv. com. We are 100% viewer funded, so we appreciate you all, all your love and support. Without you guys, we wouldn't be able to do what we do in love for a living. Now, check this out. They also have a countdown going on right now. Q's back at it again, right? They got this crazy countdown going on. And let me see how many hours hold on, 1 second. I just looked at it before I went live. Oh, we got 40 minutes left. So I wanted to be live with you guys when this countdown ends and see what the hell is going on here. So they never had an official website and now there's this countdown going on, right? And you got people that are brainwashed. I'm like, oh, there's a difference between Q and Q and Anons are different. No, they're all controlled by the government. QAnon is six six six. Q is 17, which is that kill energy. Q is a quantum computer named Tyler, and it was used to track, trace and tag christians, conservatives, patriots. Maui was a test run with these directed energy weapons. That was to see if it all worked, this technology so they can when they really roll it out and target the people that said no to their genetic modification, their little vaccines. So numbers don't lie. Okay? Anon, kill all in that 44 cipher matching heart government Maui's, 44. And then you see the parallel to it is 17, which Q is the seven letter on the side of the D wave quantum computer is a giant Q. Say hello to QAnon. That's your QAnon right there. It's a giant quantum computer named Tyler that's based down in that's that's Q. But anyways, let's get into this and then we'll look at the countdown here in a minute. Let's get into this video. What's going on over in Dublin right now? Because this is crazy right here. There's a major ritual going on connected to the Irish people. So first I'm going to play this clip, guys, first, of what's going on, if you haven't heard about this, indonesia appeal to the US to do more, to stop video. Hold on a second. This is the video I played the wrong one. In Dublin, five people were injured in a knife attack, including three young children. The stabbing took place near an elementary school where it appears the culprit was targeting children. Riots broke out. Multi dude Kennedy blow. This event is just the latest in a long string of violence resulting from the radical globalist immigration scheme. The attacker was ordered to be deported back in 2003, but was given the political support to stay and appeal it and was arrested earlier this year for possession of a knife and criminal damage, but did not receive a conviction due to a mental health report given to the court. If you've been paying attention, then you will recognize this as a common result of the United Nations Replacement Migration Plan. Children being attacked, women being raped and perpetrators walking free is now a predictable outcome of forcing an established Christian culture to submit to a foreign, non assimilating Islamic culture, many of whom are openly seeking to replace the local culture with their own by any means necessary. Radical Islam demands it. If this were a humanitarian effort, then refugees would be expected to assimilate as they have for millennia. The rule of law depends on it. But this is a globalist invasion and whether they know it or not, the so called migrants are being used as an invading force. And instead of being conquered with violence, the native people are being attacked with name calling, stunned into silence with guilt by being called a racist. But people are starting to wake up to it. Three out of four Irish people understand that they are being guilted into giving away their country and they oppose it. But the government doesn't care. They are now preparing to pass new hate speech laws that will criminalize possession of materials likely to incite violence or hatred. These laws will make it illegal to criticize immigration policy, which isn't going to slow down anytime soon. Can you guess what the most popular boy's name was in Galway in 2022? No idea. Was it Jack? Tommy? I'd say first. Probably Connor. Let's say david. I think. Was Sean. Jack? Keen. Keen. Keen, yeah. Peter? No. Patrick. Richard. Richard. It was not Richard, was it? Fuck. Didn't see that coming. It wasn't Richard? No. Would you like to know what it was? Yeah. According to the CSO, in 2022, the most popular boy's name in Galway was Mohammed. Oh, yeah, I read that somewhere. Yeah. Okay. Wasn't expecting that. Okay. That sounds like bullshit to me. What the most popular name is? Mohammed. Really? I doubt it. Highly doubt it. But they just got to hit us with their propaganda. So let's take a look at Gamatria, which comes from Jewish Kabbalah mysticism. The elites have a secret language of numbers and symbols. And this riot that's taking place in Dublin, dublin riot is 35 in Chaldean, which is one of the purest ciphers. Now we know that 35 is connected to Agent Smith. And if you ever watch The Matrix, agent Smith was the one that was always after Neo, right? Antivaxxer is 35, a nuclear war brainwashing 35. And this is connected to element 35 Bromine, which has a connection to radioactive, which a nuclear war is 35. So I believe they're ramping up for a major nuclear event globally. Just go look on your newsfeed. You'll see everything. That the top trending stories right now is all talking about war. And we got to protect Israel. And now Iran created hypersonic weapons and all this bullshit. It's just so crazy, man. The same propaganda they used on us during 911 to get us to go in there. Remember the babies and incubators and then all that was fake. Where the fuck are the weapons of mass destruction? We invade Afghanistan. Which had nothing to do with 911, just truthfully. It was America, Israel, and Saudi Arabia who orchestrated that little event. And check this out, y'all. So COVID-19 happens 19 years after 911. The 19 hijackers, right? We're on a 19 year Mactonic moon cycle, and chaos is 19. It's that chaos energy, which 2001 with 911 was the rollout of artificial intelligence. See, they're making you think now that AI is just coming out. You got to remember, the government is 50, 60 years ahead of anything they show us. 2001, they were already using AI in the military. So AI is also 19. Just to let you know, a is one, the I is nine. So you have the 19 connection with that as well. But they were using that back then. And then we had Jade Helm in 2015, where they shut down all the Walmarts, built these underground FEMA camps. I don't know how many of you guys remember that shit. And that was to make sure all these systems were working. Then what we seen over in Maui, Hawaii, that was artificial intelligence that did that. And it's to make sure that weapon system was working. I believe they used these quantum computers like Q, okay? That was the perfect Psyop right there. They tracked, traced, and tagged us. And if you fell for it, it's not your fault. It was a very good Psyop. I wanted to believe in it too, so don't feel bad. I mean, a lot of people wanted that to be true, but what they did was so smart. They used hashtags. So, like, where we go, when we go, all Save the Children, all these hashtags were weaponized. So whenever you use them, you were getting tracked by AI. It was putting you in a group. And that's why we've seen all these people where their pages were taken down like overnight. And another way you can tell if you've been tracked by this quantum computer. You'll notice on social media. Now whenever you comment on your Facebook or your Instagram, remember how when you used to leave a comment, it would say your name? Now it'll have some weird ass numbers when you leave a comment or your email address or maybe your phone number shit that it ain't supposed to show. So now you're leaving a comment in the comments. Test it, leave a comment and look at it. I guarantee if you have been tracked or traced, you're seeing a number. Sequence your email address or a phone number instead of your name, how it used to be. And a lot of people have showed screenshots of this. And it's all the Christians, conservatives. These are the people that they knew would stand up against their tyranny, would stand up against the shots, genetic modification. And it was kind of brilliant the way they went about doing that to track, trace, and tag us. And it all ties into the Noahide laws and the rollout of the Noahide laws. So anyone that says or uses the name Jesus Christ, you'll be decapitated. Look that up. And I'm not even a Christian. I'm telling you this because it's a fact. There's an actual thing going on where they're going to try to slaughter Christians. This is real. So now let's take a look at this second video, and then we'll look into I'll show you guys this countdown that's going on. And we'll get into this Irish gentleman that was found dead, ross McDonald. He was an Emmy winner, right? And he died at 44 years old. They chopped this motherfucker right up, guys, excuse my language, but they did. They chopped him up. The only thing they found of him was his freaking torso in his leg. And he dies at 44. Are you kidding me? Kill is 44. That's that Q number. Just to let you know, that great old Q number that he dies at 44, which Anon is 44? Government 44. Harp is 44. We also seen a connection to oh, damn, what was that day? June 25. Remember June 25, guys, that was like the worst air what did they call it? The worst air pollution in history. And they were sharing all them pictures of the skies looking orange. Remember that? All them news articles were going viral, showing New York City looking orange, different skylines orange. And it was due to the wildfires. Well, from that day until the Maui massacre was 44 days. 44 days. So go figure. And I'm actually doing a decode right now on these three movies, which one of my people that I decoded. I do these readings and breakdowns on people. Break down your life path number, your birth cards, your destiny cards. Do the gamatria on people. Tell them whether they're a first player character, because we definitely live in a simulation. So I was doing this reading on this dude named David, and he was pretty cool dude. He told me about this movie, Shout out to David out there. He's from Indiana. He told me about this movie called Split. So I went and watched it. And it was about this dude that had 23 personalities, and his 24th personality was the damn devil. And this dude could really climb up walls and shit. One of his split alter egos had diabetes and the other one didn't. And then his psychiatrist was writing like she was writing a book on it and doing these speeches and lectures about it, talking about how she believed that these people unlock some type of ability within them, that they were actually like his one alter ego. He actually could climb up walls because he believed it to be real. It's just like the power of the mind, right? And then that was split ties into this movie called Glass, which is the sequel to Split and Unbreakable, which came out in 2000. So I'm doing a decode on all three of them movies right now. But yeah, there's a fascinating connection with them to trauma based mind control and how they split the personalities of know people in Hollywood, mostly children a lot. They start really young and they'll do these rituals to these kids where they traumatize them at a very young age, usually four or five years old. One way they do this, they'll have a person that comes and hurts the kid over and over sexually, right? And the person that's hurting the kid, there will be a handler that always comes to save the kid. So the handler shows up, saves the kid. That child creates a bond with that handler. Then they do this same routine over and over again, repeatedly for like a year. Then one day, the handler shows up, and instead of him protecting the kid and saving it, he violates the kid, and that shatters their whole reality. They don't know how to take that. The only person that ever protected them and saved them now violated them. So it shatters them into multiple altars. And they can program these altars. One altar could be an assassin, another altar could be a serial killer. And this altar doesn't remember the memories of that altar. I mean, this is real shit. Look into MKUltra and the declassified files that the government put out. They were actually using these techniques on children, like the Montauk Project, which I was thinking about bringing this dude on. The kid that recommended that movie to me, Split. He had some past regression memories of being in the Montauk Project, but he said he was scared to talk about it publicly because he was afraid people would make fun of him or whatever. And I told him I would definitely bring him on and no one would make fun of him because his story I stayed on the phone with him for like an hour and 40 minutes. It had me intrigued. I kept listening. And what he was telling me, the shit was so crazy, man. It's like, damn, these people are evil as shit. But that whole series, that Unbreakable, which, remember, that was the guy that survived on the train. Train one seven seven. There's a whole connection there, too. But if you line that up, the movie Glass, which was the sequel to Unbreakable, it came out in 2019. It lines up with the damn train derailment here in East Palestine, Ohio. It's a crazy connection. So that's what I'm working on right now. And me and Jay Dreams are probably going to do that one together once we get it all done. So I got a bunch of slides on it, a bunch of information I've looked into. It took me down a crazy rabbit hole into mind control of multiple different things. But anyways, let's get into this other video real quick and then we'll talk about this Irish guy and what's going on with that. So let me play this video for you guys right here. This is another one Greg Reese did a couple days ago. And I've been in the middle of moving right now, guys. So that's why you haven't seen me lately. With Patrick Bett david Raytheon Whistleblower eric Hecker reveals that he is likely an unwitting asset for the CIA. But you're saying with Patrick Bett, David Raytheon Whistleblower, eric Hecker reveals that he is likely an unwitting asset for the CIA. But you're saying you've never been involved CIA? You've not done anything with that? That's not something you've done in the past? Before, I have never been directly employed by any of those companies. Alphabet agencies, however you want to title them. But having looked backwards, I question the proximity that I was to them. I may have been some sort of unknown asset, but I can tell you that certainly I was involved in peculiar activities 24 hours a day. There were certain clients that could call me 24 hours a day. And these clients would dictate when I met them, what vehicle I showed up with, which mansion we were going to. Are these names we would recognize? John Tunney was one of them. Owner of the Carlisle Group. Familiar with the Carlyle? Of course I am. Yes. I did a lot of peculiar work for the Carlisle Group and their facilities and their personnel. So unpack peculiar work. What does that mean? I would say that I was set up as some sort of getaway driver. Getaway driver from what? Whatever he was doing in that mansion. Do you ever see anything weird where you're like, this is kind of weird, what they're working on? I think I saw that all the time. Through his billionaire handlers, hecker was sent to Antarctica as a plumber and given full security access. He claims to have seen directed energy weapons that are capable of creating earthquakes and seems unaware of the obvious that he was sent there by his billionaire handlers to do exactly what he's doing now, saying that the government is creating earthquakes. It's interesting to note that even though they happen constantly and are often devastating there is no official public earthquake reporting. The Dutch synths channel on YouTube stands out as the premier source for up to date earthquake information. For over a decade, Michael Janich has been using USGS. Data made available to the public and reporting on it. Kind of like a weatherman for earthquakes and volcanoes. He has successfully predicted several earthquakes over the years using simple methods he learned from years of observation. Janitz has come under fire from government officials in the past but they have now convinced him to stop. It appears as if the government doesn't want anyone looking into earthquake activity and wants you to think that they are creating them. And maybe they are. But in the late 1940s, the US. Government discovered evidence of a coming magnetic pole flip. This information was initially classified and was immediately followed by the beginning of the Unscientific global warming hoax. The CIA censored the Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas which describes cataclysms that cause advanced civilizations to vanish from the Earth without a trace. We've covered this subject before in the report Imminent Cataclysm and the Plan to Survive the Great Reset and suspicious observers who have been covering this subject for years is saying that we are in it right now. It is important we review the two recent studies confirming that we did have a mini geomagnetic excursion in the middle of the holocene about 6000 years ago, first found in China and then confirmed in volcanic flows in Russia. We have added it to the list of officially confirmed excursions in recent history. We do appear to have magnetic changes on the planet every 6000 years. There are several studies one could look to for the fairly perfect lineup of these geomagnetic changes on Earth with major environmental disasters, including the peaks of species extinction. And there's no mystery as to why the magnetic field of Earth, which protects our planet from space radiation weakens tremendously in these excursions and becomes misaligned with the poles, leading to major influx of space energy to Earth. NASA scientists and others declared in the year 2000 that we had lost 10% of the magnetic field since the middle of the 18 hundreds. And the ESA Swarm Magnetic Field Mission upgraded that number to 15% in their 2010 mission report. And update 10% lost in 150 years and then another 5% lost in only a decade. That's serious. And several subsequent studies confirmed that the magnetic field has begun changing faster and faster all pointing to one inevitable conclusion the cycle is not only due again, but it's happening. And it doesn't take thousands of years. And no, it's no small matter for the Earth and the creatures that live here. Oh, hey, guys. You know Greg Reese, be watching all of our shit. Because remember the blog I just did on the New Madrid fault line? What day did I do that? Guys? He even used the same fucking image off my website. I'm going to show you right now. Shout out to, you know, he could use it. But damn, bro, you could at least plug my ass. You took my image and didn't even plug me out of my blog. That's kind of crazy right there. Remember this blog I did. Guys, that's the same image you just seen right there on his video. And read this blog. I did this. When did I do this? Shit? Days ago. I did this November 16, connected to the 3. 6 Illinois heart earthquake we had. And I'm tying it into the New Madrid fault line. The twin eclipses that make the X over that New Madrid fault line. All these earthquakes we had in 1811 and 1812, which it's kind of funny. They just had an article the other day that said that we're feeling aftershocks from them earthquakes. Is that even possible? I'm like, what the hell are they talking about? How the hell are we having aftershocks of a damn earthquake that happened in 1811? That shit don't make sense to me, you know what I mean? But whatever. They could just tell us anything these days, and people believe it. Now, the twin eclipses make the X right over that little nice New Madrid fault line right there. You know what I mean? So we're seeing an uptick in major earthquakes in that area. And I know a lot of people are like, oh, but we live on a flat plane. Actually, we live in a simulation. It's an enclosed organic simulation. But we still have poles. It's just energy fields. So it's not how they tell us. And it's not from a spinning ball. But you have a positive charge of energy and a negative charge of energy. And these two charges are shifting right now. That's what we're seeing a flip of. But that's for a whole nother video. But yeah, look into this, guys. It's very fascinating. And here is the article they were talking about that we're feeling aftershocks. This was two weeks ago when I did the video. We're feeling aftershocks from them earthquakes that affected the freaking see the New Madrid fault line back in freaking 1811 and 1812. I don't even know if that's possible. But that's what they're saying. So what I believe they're getting ready to do. How many of you guys watch that movie Geostorm? Remember Geostorm when they use like this heart type technology to literally kill people? And Edward Snowden, he warned us that they were going to use this type of technology as population control. And now we're seeing it. And it's the perfect weapon. Because if you use a nuclear weapon, right, the world's going to hold you accountable to that. But if you have weapons where you can control the weather, then no one can prove you did it. You could just wipe people out and what can they do, right? They have plans to split this bitch right up the middle. And that's what they're going to do. Trust and believe me on that one. I don't know how it's going to split like which way it's going to go, but it's going to split right there where that 88 point is, the twin eclipses. Make that X right over that new matured fault line. This is where we're seeing an uptick in all this seismic activity. And that's right there by that 36 parallel too, where we had all them major events in Tennessee. And this book that was declassified, this is CIA's website by this author, Chan Thomas. It talks about California, New York. They will be on the bottom of the ocean, it says. San Francisco will be washed away like a grain of sand from a mass of several hundred foot tsunami that's just going to take out the whole freaking West Coast. And there's all these leaked maps that show how it's going to restructure America and what it's going to look like after this event. But yeah, you guys got to read the blog because I put all the links in here, all the links to the information you need. And this is right over on Truthmafia. com. There's the US naval map, and that map actually leaked back in 2011. That's the first time I ever heard about Nibaru and all that stuff. I remember when that map leaked, this was before YouTube was like what it is now today, right? But see, the whole West Coast is gone, just gone. And he said, the dude that wrote that book, Chan Thomas, he said one of the safe zones is out there in Colorado where Jay Dreams lives. Jay said the name of the location, Something Peak. I can't remember the name of the location off the top of my head, but it's like I know it was on the other side of Something Peak, he said. And it's by where he's at. And I know he's like in Colorado Springs in that area. But it also ties into all their little FEMA camps, these different districts that they put out and them owning the weather by 2025, which you can just type in. Government says they'll own the weather by 2025. And look at all the different news articles that they published. I'm talking about peer reviewed articles, not conspiracies. And I also put a link so you can monitor the events that's going on on the New Madrid fault because it's been crazy for the last couple of months. So I've been keeping my eye on it, you know what I'm saying? I think something big is going to come up out of here majorly, and there's a whole prophecy tied to it too, guys. Here's the FEMA, their little FEMA, see how they broke it down into these different regions I think there's ten of them. 123-45-6789. Yeah. Well, I guess eleven with Alaska, right? 123-4678, 910. Yeah, I guess if you count Alaska differently, that'd be eleven. So that's their plan to put us in these regions, kind of. You know what it's like, guys, districts like in the new Hunger Games. It's exactly what it is, these little districts, and a lot of them has major nuclear reactors, too. So that's great. If a major earthquake happens, it's not going to be fun, I'll tell you that. And for anybody that's new here, this is why we've seen all the crazy events connected to weather this year, which happened with Maui, because it's Harp's 36 year anniversary since this patent right here in 2023. Two, two, three. Harp was patent on the 223rd day of the year and High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is two, two, three. That's why when me and Donut did that New Year's Eve video and he asked me, tommy, what do you think is going to happen in 2023? I only gave one answer unnatural disasters. And I would say, I hit that right on the fucking head. Turkey, Maui, all the flooding. I mean, look at all the events we've had this year. And it's not over yet. Now we're going into December, which I'm keeping my eye on. December 7. That day is going to be I believe there will be a connection because that's Nikola Tesla's birthday. That is the 82nd anniversary of Pearl Harbor, which took place in Maui, right? Well, not Maui, but Hawaii. I mean, and this is the 50 year anniversary since the end of that war in Israel, the Yamakapur War that ended in 1973. It's the 50 year anniversary of hip hop, which was on 811 today. Harp was patent. And where did hawai happen? In the 50th state. So there's this whole connection to 50. Now, 50 spelled out equals 22 in Chaldean. And this is the 22nd year anniversary of 911. 22 is the Master builder number. So yeah, that's why they've had all these events. And December 7 just kept popping up in our decodes over and over and over again. So I definitely believe they got something planned that being connected to Nikola Tesla's birthday. We just had that Rainbow Bridge, which I did a video on that's on my Facebook. The Rainbow Bridge is in by Niagara Falls. Right. And Nikola Tesla harvested the energy, harnessed the energy of Niagara Falls. There's a whole crazy connection there. And Rainbows in the Hawaiian culture, it connects you to heaven and earth. It's the connection to the spiritual realm. So there's a real crazy connection to that whole Rainbow Bridge situation we just had. And I seen the other day, the governor of that area was talking about, oh, we got to stop disinformation on this Rainbow Bridge. Well, you guys started it. The government you are the idiots that said it was a terrorist event first, and then you. Came out and said it wasn't a terrorist event. First you said it was a terrorist event, so that's your dumb ass that's always starting know, and then you want to come out. They do this all the time. They'll say something's, one thing, just like with Israel. Remember, guys? They said people flew in on parachutes and was killing people at a concert. Well, then we come to find out all that was fake. The footage was from a year prior to that in Egypt. It wasn't even from the damn concert. There were no paragliders. No one flew in. It's a fucking lie. And this is what they do. So what they do is they'll make it where they share it, but then they'll do a redaction on it, but the redaction will get no publicity. And all the people that share that, then they go and fact check their pages and hit them with disinformation, make them look like they're lying, get their page in trouble. And the whole time, they're the ones that originally started the damn rumor. They just redacted the original story. So they should put that in their fact check. Well, by the way, we're the ones that started the damn conspiracy in the first place. We just redacted it, and that's how we got away from it. But, yeah, there's so much disinformation going on with that whole thing, too. The rainbow bridge. And I put an amazing blog over here on truthmafia. com about the rainbow bridge. But, yeah, I highly recommend you guys check that one out that I did on the New Madrid fault line. And up in the search bar, just type in 3. 6 earthquake, Illinois, and it'll pop up. It's this one right here. I mean, there's so much good information in that one. And if you're on my channel on truthmafia. com, there's a whole website is mine. But I put multiple people over here so I have different channels. Check this one out. The rainbow bridge explosion ritual. And guys, what did rainbow bridge equal? Did you see that shit? And then I'll get into this gentleman. The Irish guy, Ross McDonald. This is the gentleman they found with his leg hanging onto his freaking torso, chopped up. This popped it all off. And from this until this is a trending story right now. See, look. Dublin riot. 38 people have been arrested. Interesting. 38 people have been arrested. Well, where do we notice that number from? Guys, let's take a look. It remember this movie, murder by numbers? Oh, what's that on the COVID of it? Oh, I don't know. A three and an eight. Murders, death. 38. R-I-P. 38. You know what I'm saying? You see it right there? See the three and the eight? And also his story. There's a connection to the 83 in his story at 830. Yeah, man, it's pretty hilarious, actually. Missing Irish filmmaker ross McDonald. I probably butchered his name. Confirmed dead by the family, and he was an Emmy winning director, cinematographer, and photographer, and he went missing in New York on November 4. Now, check this out, guys. Another crazy thing about him. Hold on. Where is that date? All right, here, look at this. So what day did I warn you guys about? The 322nd day of the year. So on the leap year, november 18 is 322nd day of the year. On a non leap year, it's November 17, right? And he goes his bike was found in Queens on November 17. Now, that was the day the President's wife went into hospice. Remember Rosalind? Rosalind. What was her name? Carter, I think. President Carter's wife. Yeah, Rosalind. She went into hospice that day, and then she died on the 19th. So she went into hospice on the 17th, the same day they found his bike. Authorities found a dismembered body on Breezy Point Beach, not far. So let's see that, too. Let me check that out. Breezy Point Beach. I wonder what that shit equals right there. There's also a crazy connection to his I sent it to Donut last night. Hold on, let me look. Let me look at mine. And donuts messages. Jessica, I see your message to Jess. And yes, I did watch glass. It was amazing. And I'm almost where's donuts for thing. Here we go. Let me see what I sent him. Oh, yeah, right here. So this article that they freaking I shared with Donut, they have them standing on top of a truck. Guys, I got to send this to myself. Hold on a second. Let me see if I put this in my hold on. Let me go over here. I think I put it in here. Go to home. Okay, I need templates. All right, let just need a random one so I can hold on a second. I just want to pull it up in my back office. I don't need this part. Get rid of this part. I don't need none of that shit. Is that my soda making that damn noise? Hold on, guys. All right, here we go. That's what I use to do all my decodes and shit. Okay, so it should be over here. Oh, yeah, there's this car right there. See? Okay, look at his license plate, guys. Look at his dude's license plate. 202. And then four, which is 44. And he died at the age 44. But hold on, let me upload this. Let me save this real quick. The one that I made for Donut, because this is very interesting. Canva I'll upload it over here? So I have it in my instagram. Boom. Okay, here we go. Images bomb page. I need to download that. So I got it right there. Okay, upload. Son of a bitch. Upload. Here we go. All right, so now it's in there. Let me refresh should be right in here now. Upload. Yes, right? There it is. Okay. Boom. All right, so let me get rid of that part. Here we go. This is the car. Now, they put this in his article, too, guys. This is in his freaking article. They got him standing on top of this damn car in his article where they're talking about him being dead, right? And he's in his little red hat. So let me show you this so you guys can see it good. Stop screen share. Here we go. All right, delete overlay upload here. And now you guys will be able to see it good. Check this out, family. This shit is crazy. I mean, they think we're dumb as shit. I think they really do. All right, this is what they put in his article, right, with the license plate. He stand on top of that car with his little red hat on his camera and notice the license plate. It has the 202 and the four. Four is the number of death in the Asian cultures. Look it up. It's very similar to the Asian word for death and also life path number four. They have a major connection to death. Life path number four equals one eight seven. When I'm doing the decodes, all the life path number four, like almost every person I've ever decoded, that's a life path number four. I believe they're trapped in this life death reverse cycle. They all are connected to the death card in the tarot deck. And their life path number is that one eight seven number. It's just all death around their decodes. And I try to be very positive when I'm decoding them and tell them that I don't believe they're going to die anytime soon. I just think they're trapped in some type of a life death reverse cycle, and they need to escape out of that. And then when they're done here and learn their life lessons, they can go move on past this. But when they tell us to go into the light that ain't our loved ones, and I would not go into that light. That's a false light which erases your memory. And then, bam, you are born back into a little body again, a child where you go through this whole show again. Some people choose to come back, but a lot of people are just going through that life death rebirth cycle because they're harvesting our loose energy. That losh energy. It's all about energy. So we're literally like batteries for these interdimensional entities called the ARCONs that are feeding off of us energetically. But anyways, I digress. Look at his license plate. So you got the 404, right? He dies at 44 years old, which kill is 44. And then torso and leg. That's what they found. His torso. His leg was still connected to his torso. Head gone. Oh, and not to mention, this happens in November, which is an ember ritual. What I tell you was coming in the ember months. Decapitation. And he was decapitated. Only thing they found was his freaking torso in his leg. So torso and leg is 44. And then the letters after the numbers because you have the 20, two and four, and the rest of it is a sequence of letters, right? HDH. Which HDH? What's that equal? Well, it's 20 in three different ciphers. And death. That's the death number. So yeah, I found that very fascinating that that happens to be I don't know if that's his car or just a car he's posing on top of, but I find it very fascinating that that's the one they used in that article. You know what I mean? Is he dead or is it a ritual? Did they sacrifice him? I don't know. What do you guys think? I never know how to take these famous death rituals. Are they harvesting our energy? Do they fake their death and then they kill them off the character on the world stage and then they're born into a new character? I believe a lot of them are like Tupac and Biggie and people like, know, I don't believe they died for real. I believe they killed off their character on the world stage. And then they play another role. And some of the roles, it's very easy to tell who it is playing it. A lot of these rappers, guys, they play multiple different roles. Trust and believe me on that one. I mean, it's crazy. And some of the old ass rappers will be playing these young kid rappers. But you got to remember, look at the makeup artist in Hollywood. Michael Jackson used to dress up so many different disguises and go out to the movies, and no one knew it was him. You know what I mean? He went to his own freaking funeral, that dude, which was that Dave guy, the burnt victim. Remember him? That's Michael Jackson. That Dave dude who was supposed to be the burnt victim that went to Michael Jackson's freaking funeral. And some people say that's what Michael really looks like. I don't know about that part, but I think it's a character that Michael plays, that Dave dude. I don't know if that's what he really looks like. I know he definitely got burnt during that damn Pepsi commercial, though. They lit his ass on fire and who knows? It never looked good for Michael after that Pepsi commercial, did it? Shit never went back normal for him because he looked crazy as fuck after that. And then people think it's a ritual that he had, know, dismember himself and shit for fame. I don't know if I believe that part either, but I definitely believe that they caught his ass on fire in some type of mockery ritual. Something was going on there. But I do believe a lot of these real famous people like Prince and Michael Jackson and Tupac, that they kill off their character and they're reborn under a whole new character. And then the game is played out once again on the world stage, you know what I mean? That's my opinion on the whole crazy ass orgy that's going on in Hollywood, because that's what it is, a giant freaking Satanic orgy going on over there. Who knows what type of weird shit they got going on. But anyways, yeah, so there's definitely a crazy connection with this Irish thing. I think we should keep our eye, too, guys, on Ireland, because something big is happening with this whole Irish ritual right now, and I don't have it fully figured out. Like I said, I just got moved into my new place. So I sat down today, was catching up on some readings that I was doing, and I noticed the riots that happened. I'm like, okay, what the hell is going on here? And then I remembered the article I shared with Donut the other night about this dude being decapitated because I had pinned it to my newsfeed at the top so I could talk about it with you guys. And then when I seen the Irish riot, I'm like, oh, wait, let me see if there's a connection there. And of course, there was, like always, which it was exactly three weeks and three days. So until this is the number one trending story in the world, november 9 from November 5 to November 9 is three weeks and three days or a result of 24 days, which is that omega number. Not to mention 24 is the number of the York, right? Freemasons. That's their little secret number. That 24 number. And if I didn't show you hold on a second. If I didn't show you hide that part. I think I showed you the date, right? But if I didn't, here it is. See? Hold on a second. Okay. This is the earthquakes. This is who I was in one of my incarnations, guys. Swear to God, I was this person. And I have more memories of this person than I do of some of my real life now. It's very bizarre. So I'm trying to look into he was born in 847, a year after 846, which is a huge freaking number. The first plane hit the towers at 846. Then they kneeled on George Floyd's neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds. The first woman to get vaccinated, Sandra Lindsay, equals 846. Genetic modification. Eight, four, six. You know what I'm saying? Philosopher stone, 846. Black dew is the philosopher stone. It's programmable matter, third strain DNA. But I know some of you guys have seen my slides on that 846 number. Before that, I've done. So, yeah, this dude was born a year after that. And me and Jay Dreams was talking about how I believe there was a major cataclysm that happened the year before he was born. And that's why we see all these numbers manifesting with 911, with the shots, with CERN, large Hydron colliders in that 846 code, too. And George Floyd kneeling on his neck. Now, they changed george Floyd's time, too, which I found very weird. Remember Derek Chauvin, originally a 44 year old, by the way, he kneeled on his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds and then all of a sudden, like a year later when they're in court, they change the time to nine two six. Or wait, no, my apologies, nine two nine, which there's 929 chapters in the original Bible, so how the hell did you all just change the number? So wasn't it that number in the beginning? Then why'd you use the 846 one? Because you wanted to be connected to 911, bitch. Because George Floyd was killed in the Twin Cities on the 19 year anniversary of the Twin Towers and he had two bald twins standing on each end of his fucking coffin. And he had a twin brother because it was a twin Gemini ritual. The whole George Floyd situation, that popped the whole COVID shit off, if you remember correctly. But yeah, man, I have a lot of connections with this dude. Remember that four four six number I showed you guys, too? What was it called? I'm trying to think of the name of that movie. Oh, Greenland. Greenland. He got the notification at 04:46 P. m. That his family was chose to go to Greenland. Then on the Afghan plane that the evacuation plane that evacuated from Afghanistan. Go back and look at it. There's a giant four four six on the side of it, which the bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh on January 20, eigth of 2022, the land of the 446 bridges. So this is a number that's massive in my life. Four four six, right? And his last name is four four six in triangular. Which is pretty crazy, too, but I think the year he was born there was a major one of these resets. What Jay talks about is the plasma apocalypse. Rkx calls it the Phoenix phenomenon. Some weird shit going on with Las Vegas right now, too, I'm looking into. But you know, Las Vegas has that eight pointed star, so makes sense they're going to pull something there. Hold on, I'm trying to find that original article. This one? Okay, so 29 and where's the one for oh, here it is. Hold on. Right here. Sorry, guys. Trying to see when this event actually started. Late to slow blunt, okay. Ireland anti hate law published. Shout out to all my people in Ireland, too. Guys, don't let them pull this shit on you because it ain't going to stop, trust me. Ireland was trending on Musk X Monday. Hold on a second. What does this say? So this was November 27. Look at this, too. Eleven 09:00. A. m Eastern Standard Time. 1119 is all seeing eye, just to let you know. Trying to see was it Monday that it took place? Ireland was trending on Musk's Monday, and tech circulated of a bill targeting any offense or preparing or possessing material likely to initiate violence or hatred against persons on account. So this right here is just you ain't going to be allowed to say nothing about immigration. You ain't going to be able to say shit. You ain't going to be able to stick up for your own country. Nothing. That's all getting thrown out the window. That's crazy right there, ain't it? Thursday evening. Oh, here we go. As the Dublin Got, a police commissioner, Drew Harris, said 34 people had been arrested as of Thursday evening in 13 shops, had been damaged or subject to looting. Okay, so is that the day it happened, Thursday? Is anybody in the comments from Ireland right now? Look at this scumbag. He just sold out of the Irish people. What a scumbag. Hold on a second. Said remain hospitalized in a coma as of Monday. Okay, so that was Monday. Thursday outside. The stabbing unfolded around 01:00 p. m. . Local time. Yeah. Thursday, thursday. That's connected to Thor too. In Barnell Square in Dublin City. Let me see. What this? It always like to look at the Chaldean cipher. I'll tell you what, though, this Pie cipher is a beast. It is amazing. It's almost as good as Chaldean. But Chaldean is one of the purest, oldest ciphers. It's like the first I wrote a whole blog on it. It's one through eight based on the numbers one through eight, which adds up to 36. That 36 number. This is why we're seeing a major ritual take place in Israel, because this year is the 36 year anniversary of Hamas. It's the 36 year anniversary since they patent harp. And six. Six. Six is the 36 triangular number, right? So they love the Chaldean cipher, but they bastardized it. There's nothing evil about gamatria or numbers, period. They just take sacred numbers and pervert them. Oh, shit. Look at that, guys. Alien Reptilian. Oh, boy. Alien Reptilian is in that 45, matching that location there. That's pretty interesting. What else is in that one? American Civil War is in that one, too, guys. Hey, did you guys see the one I did today on the Reptilians? Them bitches are demons, though. Oh, banned videos on there, too. Look at that. And that's where Greg Reese did that video at about Ireland that I showed. That's very interesting. Blood money, black hole, sun, the whole pole ship shit. So Greg Grease has one video over on freaking band video. Let's take a look. This is just some synchronicity for your ass right here. Look at this banned video spelled the same exact way. The two videos he has over there right now. One is about the black hole. Sun, pole shift, nibaru, the destroyer, wormwood, whatever you want to call it. Black hole sun. That whole song. That's what that's about. And then this one, Irish Hate Laws to Enforce, which we got the yellow and blue code. What's the say on that bus? 46 A. 46 A. And it's yellow and blue, which is the colors to freemasonry the colors of the whole COVID shit. Then you got the bus on fire. That's crazy, too, because let me show you this, guys. You want to see something real funny? You got to always pay attention to the symbolism. Let me show you this shit. Okay, what did I name that Maui one? Oh, right, here it is. I think hold. Yeah. This one the blue fire code. Remember the one I did on the blue fire code? And I decoded, like, all the fire connections to Maui, and it gets into what colors? Yellow and blue, yellow and freaking blue. Go down and look through this code right here. There's that 36 connection, too, guys. So you'll see a lot of these numbers. Blue fire, 36, antivaxxer, 36, yellow and blue, 1717. Well, what happened that year? The first freemasonic lodge known as the Mother Lodge. The Grand Lodge in England. Right. That was the year it was founded. And look at the colors right here. Yellow and blue on fire. Hold on. Remember when all this COVID shit popped off? We had 2022. Now, COVID happened 222 months after 911. Two two in 2022. Rams sporting the yellow and blue, win the Super Bowl. And then COVID, when it started, what was the color code? Yellow and blue. Yellow and blue. Trump was the president at that time. Trump in reverse. Satanic is two two two. And during the period of Coronavirus was declared a pandemic on 311 of 2020, donald Trump was at the helm. So from 911 to March 11, we got 222 months. See, two two two. It's all connected to that yellow and blue code. And then who won the basketball that year? Holden State. Yellow and blue. Same little fuckers 911 memorial. We got the trident. Oh, this is another video Greg just did about Malaysian Flight Airlines. Hold on, let me turn my volume on so y'all can hear this shit. All right. Okay, let me present it again. Volume on tire screen share. Okay. All right, now check this out. So he does this video right here. That was twelve days ago about Pole shift. The black sun, right? We're seeing all this in the same code connected to the location of where the riot started. That 45 number. This is why we're looking at this. And right here, you can clearly see you can go look at it for yourself. There's the black hole. Sun. Blood Money bandot videos in there's. Cleveland Rams. We used to be the Rams out here. Forgot about that shit. COVID isn't real. Is in that cipher, too. COVID vaccine is in that cipher. And COVID mandate is all in that cipher. But what was up here? I know there was another one we were looking at. Hold on. Bitcoin band video. Space Odyssey. Ancient Egypt. I got to go through this whole cipher now and figure out what's all in this bitch. Air quality pours in there, too. The Dark Lord code just want to make sure I didn't miss anything, guys. So now look, we're looking into the alone blue code, right? Which is the symbolism of his newest video, the fire code. And then we go look into that. We have the Trident symbolism connected to that blue code with 911 and the Malaysian airline that went missing. And he just did a video on Freaking. That was his last video before this one. Malaysian airline flight. Look at this shit. Ladies and gentlemen, Cyber Week 2023 is here. Stroll line, free shipping, double patreon points, and up to 60% off. Now he did this one, guys, on November 22, which is the anniversary of John F. Kennedy dying on that day, right? Eleven plus 22, 33. So let's see what he says. I didn't get to see this one because I was moving. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared on March 8, 2014. On May 19, about nine weeks later, a leaked video was published to YouTube by a third party who claimed to have received it on March 12. The video shows what appears to be a jet airliner on fire being trailed by three spiraling orbs. Eventually, the three orbs change to a vertical pattern and disappear in a flash, with the airliner leaving a dead end trail of smoke in the sky. A month later, on June twelveTH, a second video was published to the same channel that showed the exact same event taken from a different viewpoint. These videos have been deleted from YouTube, but can still be found on archive. org. Ashton forbes and his team have been researching these videos extensively, and have provided exhaustive evidence that these videos are legitimate, including digital forensics verified by CGI professionals, eyewitnesses, and government data. Forbes and his team have successfully addressed all debunker claims and have listed them for all to see on X. com at just x. Ashton so far, nobody has been able to debunk this research. Their research shows that the first leaked video was taken from a pair of American signals intelligence satellites known as USA Two Two Nine twin satellites capable of creating 3D stereoscopic images by capturing two slightly different views. The twin USA Two Two Nine satellites are logged at the exact location, time, and apparent angle required to have captured this video. This event occurred at around 230 in the morning. It was completely dark. The wavelengths captured by these cameras are for detail, and the stereoscopic effect allows for added depth perception. The source of the second video has been identified as an MQ One C Gray Eagle unmanned Combat drone with infrared and thermal technology. This video focuses on the heat signature, and the man responsible for leaking these videos seems to be Lieutenant Commander Edward Lin. He was accused of being a spy, but court transcripts prove that this was just spin. The details of his crimes, including the time they happened, are redacted. But it came out in the trial that the classified information in question was published on the Internet. And Lieutenant Commander Edward Lynn had full security clearance to the same technology used to capture these videos. Using inmarsat's satellite ping data and military radar to track its path and eyewitness testimony to verify it. Forbes put together the final flight path of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. On March 7 at 1642 UTC. Flight 370 takes off from Kuala Lumpar International Airport. At 1721, the plane abruptly turns back towards the nearest airport in Penang. A witness on an oil rig reported that the plane was on fire. Several witnesses along the East Coast reported hearing a loud bang and seeing a glow coming from the plane as it passed overhead. At 1752, the copilot's mobile phone pings the local tower. At 1840, an eyewitness on a boat reported that the plane was glowing orange and appeared on fire. The inmarsat ping data shows the same sharp left turn that we see in the videos and then abruptly goes to zero as the plane disappears. The CCP released Chinese satellite images that appear to be three orbs. They first claimed it was debris and later said that releasing the image was a mistake. According to Chinese media, 19 families have signed a statement claiming they made calls that connected to missing passengers after the disappearance, but without an answer. Some people are saying this was alien UFOs saving a plane from crashing. But this doesn't explain the fact that three different advanced US. Military surveillance cameras captured this one event. 23 of the passengers on board were related to free scale semiconductors, a field leading the development of superconductor technology, which is what this appears to be some type of superconductor targeting system for teleportation, which is reminiscent of what the Nazis were doing with their highly classified deglock project. Luminous objects like this were first reported in May of 1940 as Germany invaded Belgium, and by 1942, several people began reporting them starting in the skies over Germany. American pilots during World War II called them Foo fighters. And let's not forget Gary McKinnon, who in 2002 was accused of perpetrating the biggest military computer hack of all time and who claimed to have seen evidence of an advanced off world military fleet. Greg Reese reporting. Wow, listen, I thought them videos were complete bullshit when I first seen them. What do you guys think? That's interesting thing, though, I got to go look into this motherfucking info. I hope he gets their information down here so we can check them out for ourself. Eyewitness and government data. Forbes and his team have successfully addressed all debunker claims, and I've listed them for all to see on X. com at just so far, nobody has been able to debunk this research. And then look at the two two nine numbers. You guys notice that, too? The Twin. There's that twin shit again. Twin USA, two two nine satellites. Well, two two nine is the year in terminator where Judgment Day, and we see two two. Nine connected to a major nuclear event in America. And what asteroid is coming that year? Apophis. Apophis is coming in 2029. So that's very interesting. That found on Archive. org. These videos have been deleted by YouTube, but can still be found on Archive. org. Okay, let's see here. See if we can see what this dude's all about. It's very interesting anyways, ain't it? Whoa, what the hell is going on? You trying to do that shit? Iran is taking over the street so that's the first thing that pops up is these images when you put in this thing, right? One week ago, six days ago. I remember looking at this shit months ago. So now it's coming back up again. But I thought it was all bullshit. Honestly, I ain't going to lie. Looked like bullshit to me. That is kind of interesting, though, the whole connection to the free energy technology. I might have to take a second look at this. Maybe I was wrong. Let's see. I got to look at the real evidence. I need to see it with my own eyeballs. Let's take a trip in the way back. Machine, satellite video, airliner and UFO. Okay, let's see this bad boy. How long is this video? Two minutes and 3 seconds. How many passengers were on it? 23. Okay, so let's see here. What's going on here? 23. The enigma of the number 23. My new address is 23, too. So if anything crazy happens to me, just know I didn't feel very comfortable with that address at all. Okay, what the hell is going on here? Things look different on this footage, though. Maybe it's because it doesn't have that blue shit on it. Damn. Imagine if they just teleported this thing to some other reality and they got technology like that. So they could do a fake rapture and just teleport us to some dimension where we're dead, we die at who knows what the hell happens to you over there? Oh, God. It's just gone. That is very intriguing. It definitely is very interesting, ain't it, guys? I wonder where the original images, like, who was recording this shit? Look at that bird. Only see him for a little minute by that cloud. It's going to go right. Bye bye. All right, that's where I need how many minutes in this? At 56 seconds, that bitch disappears. At 56 seconds in let's try it one more time. I want to make sure I got these this right mind controls 56, just to let you know. Okay. It's kind of weird when the things so first they start rotating around it, right? Look. Now three of them come in. They're rotating around it, and then they start going back and forth real fast. Watch. See? They're rotating still. Now they're going to start doing changing up their movement. At about 42 seconds in, they start changing their movement. It's like they're vibrating at that point. Look. And then 56 seconds, boom. Exactly 55 seconds, actually. 55 seconds it disappears, which Satan is 55 now. You know what is interesting, though, guys? Remember in the movie Godzilla versus Kong, that technology that they had that was on floor 33. It was like the secret space program technology, right? If you watched our decode on Kong hold on, let me see if I got it up here still. Where is that image at? We did this decode right here. Remember this, guys? So in the movie Kong, when they go down to see that technology, that is like zero gravity technology, and it has that underground train that takes them from the west coast, California to Tokyo in a couple of minutes. It's on sublevel 33. Remember sublevel 33? And then it was traveling this is it right here. It was this craft, remember? Look at that craft. That's what they're in that travels from freaking California to Tokyo. Quickest shit. And it's traveling at speeds over 611 mph, which Godzilla is 611, just to let you know. And it's in the movie Godzilla versus Kong, the decode. Me and J Dreams did it's on our YouTube. Guys. You should check it out. And in that movie, there's so much symbolism to the firmament. And when Kong throws that damn stick up there and breaks the because they got him trapped in this false reality and he knows it's fake. But that's a good one. There's so much programming with the plasma apocalypse and the blue beam that shoots up to Earth that represents the blue energy and the red energy, they go down to Antarctica, which they have to go through a portal two different times. And the portal is traveling at faster than the speed of light because this reality is all coded to the speed of light. To go beyond this reality interdimensionally, you have to break the speed of light. And in the intro of it, they show these acadian cuneiform tablets that translates to giants battle underground. So it's like these titans that we're battling, right? And they just came out with a new series on Apple TV called Monarch Legacy of Monsters, which has episode one, two and three out right now. And guys, if you go back and watch that too, apple The Legacy of Monsters, pay attention to what the taxi driver is saying in that green taxi. In the beginning of it, he says the whole thing's fake. It's all CGI. And I have a podcast, too. That's what he says. And look at the license plate. One, one, three. Which broadcasting is one one, three, green screen is one one three. Mainstream, not factual, not true. It's a number of deception, but there's a lot of symbol. Oh, this was the new Hunger Games, which is all going to get into the Year of the Snake. They have them broke up in districts like, I showed you what the FEMA camps want to do. But yeah, we need to go back and look at that decode we did, and we were talking about Operation High Jump, operation Fishbowl, Operation Dominic. These are all real military operations where they were shooting shit up at the firmament, trying to break that shit open when Admiral Bird went down there and allegedly chased the Nazis down to Antarctica. And then he these these crafts were coming up out of the ice and freaking shooting his vehicles. Well, he said his airplanes at the time right out the air, just blazing them, dropping them right out of the so yeah, that's what it reminds me of, though, what he was talking about right there, a breakaway civilization with advanced technology, kind of like what they showed us in King Kong right now. When did Flight MH 370, that was on March eigth, wasn't it? March eigth, that three eight number. I'm almost sure it was it. Yes. Look at that. March eigth three eight, guys. You believe that shit? So, okay, let's see this then. What day did he release this? November 22 and 2023. Let's do this real quick. March eigth. 2014 until 1122. Okay, I just want to see how many days, if there's any connection there's. Four days, 14 days. I mean, 506 weeks, 56. I have to come back and look at that off the top of my head. I know nuclear war is 1116, but I think there's a connection to this too. I just can't remember the 3546 code, but there's actual code in Latin gamatria that is 3546. I just can't remember it off the top of my head. So I'll have to come back and look at that, see if there's what that connection is tied to in that cipher. What to revisit that. But you know what? I need to copy all this shit. We need this shit. I need all this so I can look through this later. Hold on. I'm about to look through this whole damn situation here. I need to know about this. So what I want to do is create a new post on my website. What do you guys think? What's your opinion on this Malaysian flight? Do you think that that footage is real? Do you think it was taken by probably not a UFO from another planet? If anything, it was our technology, right? Hey, what the hell? Oh, there it is. Okay, so I want to make sure let's make sure that that works because 1 second. Okay, see here? Web bar. Yes, it works. Okay, cool. That's all I want to make sure of all these links work so we can go back through and do the proper due diligence on this shit. There's a lot of info that they put on this shit. Ain't it, though? Definitely makes me want to take a second look at it. And I wrote it all away as just total BS at first because I thought it was oh, they're going to say aliens took them. And I thought it was just completely. That narrative. What is this all about? Eyewitness sighting of MH 370. Update. This was July 16. Tags 70 Highland. They came out with the new series about it too. I think it released March eigth, actually, of 2023, if I'm not mistaken. Pretty sure it did. They got some new oh, guys, here's this cheese thing I told you about before we forget. Oh, now it started over again. Can you believe this shit? So now the countdown starts over. We stayed on here. The countdown completed, and now it starts over again. This is some bullshit. I knew it. You believe this? I was all excited because we had 40 minutes to go when we came on here. And now it's at one day, 23 hours, 19 minutes. They're lying. They're lying. Look at this. Http frazzled rip what the hell is this all about? God, I hate these little cue fuckers. So stupid. It's not even a good picture. Like, come on, dude. That's what we get. We waited all this time and that's what you give us? That bullshit right there. I'm salty. I'm salty as shit right now. I knew it. I knew it was a total Psyop again. Just like q. Remember, Q would do the same thing. Oh, we're going to do military tribunals and the perp walk and this and that. And then nothing would ever happen. They would just change the damn time. Every single time. Change the time. Change the time. Change the time. That's it. That's all they ever do. It's total bullshit. I don't even know how people still believe. It. So annoying. Oh, guys, you want to know something crazy? There's a lot of coding in this Good Burger. The fire code, all connected to Maui. Actually, I got a bunch of slides on it. I could show you guys a couple real quick. I'll get rid of this one. My boy Dave, he's the one that told me to watch that too. It was a terrible movie, honestly. Good burger, too. But the coding in it is unreal. There's direct energy weapons. He's in a blue. He's wearing all blue when the direct energy weapons are coming at him so it doesn't burn him. Just like in Maui, remember? Blue wouldn't burn in Maui. Hold on a second. I got them. See, all these slides right here, guys, are for the ones I'm working on with Glass and Split Glass and Unbreakable. Remember, this is in Glass when he's laying there at the end and he has that Mg on his shirt. Mr. Glass does. Right. Well, mg is what? M is 13, G is 7137, and 137 is the 33rd prime number, which is the masonry number. You add the 47 by 90 degree freemasonic compass, you get the one three seven. So there's all kinds of shit in this one that is so crazy. I don't want to show them all to you because then it'll ruin my presentation. I'm going to do but there's so many crazy connections. Believe it or not, the eight pointed star is over in it over and over and over again. But we see the eight pointed star anytime someone has superpowers or special abilities because it's linked to the Elven race. And the Anunnaki who came through the eight pointed stargate, look, they're killing him here in the last scene in Glass, where they're drowning Bruce Lillis. And in Bruce Willis unbreakable. How does he kill his first person? He strangles them because it's a massive asphyxiation ritual. Unbreakable asphyxiation ritual. Bruce Willis equals 146, and unbreakable is an hour and 46 minutes long. Well, blockchain is 146, kraken is 146, face mask is 146. And where did the COVID hit? Outside of Wuhan, China, in Seattle, home of the Seattle Krakens. What did they nickname? The new variant of COVID The Kraken. Yeah, and they were pulling the black goo blood clots out of people that look like the damn mind flare in Stranger Things, which is like a little mini Kraken. Pretty crazy. Oh, and guys, where they took them, people, Mr. Glass and Bruce Willis character, look where they took them to Raven Hill Memorial. So we see the Raven symbolism in the Fall of the House of Usher. We just seen it over and over and over again, right? And it's always connected to the whole COVID shit. Well, then I find out there's a connection to COVID. The Super Soldier program, third strand DNA gene, manipulating it's all, creating these Super Soldiers with DNA manipulation. And Ravenhill memorial is one eight seven. And what did they take them there for? To kill them. And what did she say at the end of Glass, when you see that eight pointed star? That's the scene right here. Hold on a second. This scene right here, guys, it it where she's sitting down in there with all them people. And look, they put a star up there. And in that scene she's like, yeah, I know what I need to do now. I'm not an exterminator, but we got to keep the order, we got to keep the balance. And she's talking about exterminating people with powers and special abilities. We're not executioners, is what she says. But yes you are, bitch. You are trying to kill people that are different than you, that have special abilities and powers. And with the COVID shots, it blocks you from activating your twelve strands of angelic DNA. I'm telling you, I know that shit sounds crazy, but that's what it is. They know, certain people, it's in their DNA to get this activated while the sun is reinstating ancient consciousness. And certain people are getting these telekinesis and special abilities right now from the gamma radiation being given off by the sun. And this other, some people call it the Phoenix nibaru, whatever you want to call it. There's many different things it's called. But it's given off gamma radiation in itself, too. And that is what is activating the angelic DNA? That people are actually going to have these abilities, and the last thing they want to happen is people running around with freaking superpowers. You know what I'm saying? So they're going to kill them. And they show us that in this movie where they exterminate the people with superpowers and special abilities. I'm trying to see that one part. Hold on a second, because there's this one part where she I want to show you the tattoo she has on her. All right, here it is. Okay, notice all them people in that room? They all have that tattoo on them, guys. So most people probably will never notice this in this movie. The dude that's drowning, Bruce Willis, he has that tattoo on him. And then she has it. She comes up to hold Bruce's hand and she's doing like this Masonic handshake, which is what right here. That's what caught my eye, because she's doing that damn Masonic handshake to him. Look, she has it too. She has that same tattoo, which is like a nuclear it looks like a nuclear symbol, right? Which I think is connected to the 5G microwaves and the whole COVID shit blocking our angelic DNA. But then with the new Good Burger check this out. You all want to see some crazy shit? This is in when they're roller skating. Look what it's called? Laser storm. Can you survive? That's the name of it. Laser storm. Can you survive? And there's Saturn on there. Now, why does that matter? If it was just that in itself, that would be nothing, right? But you got to watch the movie and then you'll understand why it matters. Because it's totally connected to the fires in Maui. indirected energy weapons and laser beams. That's fucking why. And right after the fires start, he goes out front and look at the fire truck, guys. Four and four, right? Look at the four. Four right there. Right there. Clear as day now from that event I told you about, june 25, when the fires were at the highest. This is June 25. Look. Six two five. We had the belfour fires, and that's when we had the worst air quality all year was that day. Okay? Well, that was exactly 44 days until the Maui massacre. And in freaking the new Good Burger, there's the four and four right there. It's all connected to fire. Look at these people burning alive. But it's not real people, though. But still, scene that he set up to try this whole freaking scene is weird as shit. So bizarre. And then he's like, yeah, we got fireworks. They start shooting out of the house and they look straight like laser beams, direct energy weapons. And then what is 44, guys? Harp is 44, right? Okay, there's one. Harp, 44. Maui, 44. There's tail Cook 44 I would say they're definitely cooking. You right. That's all in the same damn site for see that's from that day to there. We got the 44 right on the DM thing there. So that's the code of Maui and Harp. And then where's the laser beams coming out? Oh, right here. Look at this, y'all. So the laser beams are shooting at him, and what's he in? He's in all blue, and they never hit him either. The laser beams are coming at him as he's in all blue, but they never hit him. Tell me that shit ain't crazy. You know what I'm saying? And that's just what I seen from the brief look I took at it. He said, you see how the house is resisting the scorching flames? But it didn't resist them. It actually went up in flames. You see how the house is resisting the scorching flames as he burned the freaking house down? Pretty freaking hilarious, to say the least. And then there's just a whole bunch of look at these laser beams coming out of his ass. I mean, they're fireworks, but they look straight like laser beams. It looks straight like directed energy weapons, if you know what the symbolism is there. And then you see the next scene. He's literally skating at the skating rink, and it says, Laser storm. Can you survive? What? Like, the average person would have no clue what the hell that means either, would they? Of course not, because they're programmed like a motherfucker. But where's the other one? Some more slides, too. Oh, yeah. Here we go. All right. There's just so much codes in this one, all the blue coding. And look at this. At 30 minutes and 33 seconds of that three through three laser tag. And he's holding the two blue blue bowling balls up at that particular time. Laser tag. And this is the new Good Burger. Good burger, too. Where's the other one? Right here, actually. I burnt a lot of things. He says he's just always talking about burning shit, and it doesn't make sense when he says it. He'll say it right in a context that you're like, what the fuck? Why is he talking about that? That's a polite way to put it. I know I burnt bridges. Are we going to see some burning bridges, guys, you think? What do you all think? We have the Rainbow Bridge. Oh, no, man. It's pretty weird. And there's a lot of checker symbolism all throughout it. At the skating rink, you have the checker symbolism, and then when he's eating in there, you have the checker just over and over and over again. Yeah, I thought that was pretty crazy right there. I'm going to actually make a slide on this one and show people the crazy connection to this because it's just mind boggling to me how this shit it's not that great of a movie, though, honestly. It was pretty terrible, to tell you the truth. But there was a lot of cool symbolism in it. That part was cool. Stop screen share all right. And before guys, let me not forget we're having a sale right now over on Truthfultv. com. And that link is down in the description of this video. Some amazing technology over there. My boy Sheldon actually did a video on it. G is constantly pumping out negative EMF frequencies that are destroying our DNA, and orgone generators neutralize this EMF frequency. Perhaps this is why people like Drake keep them all over his mansions, because he knows about the dark forces that are hold on, they messed that up. Something's going on here. I might have to re upload it. Remove from studio. I don't know what type of weird shit they just did there, but that was crazy. Your browser has blocked your screen. What? How about you not block my screen, bitch? To ban the sales, but also to ban the information in books on Oregon energy. Even the NRC is forcing certain websites to take down ads containing Oregon energy. Now, this is because Organite is interfering with their 5G agenda. Now, 5G is constantly pumping out negative EMF frequencies that are destroying our DNA, and Oregon generators neutralize this EMF frequency. Perhaps this is why people like Drake keep them all over his mansions, because he knows about the dark forces that are manipulating humanity, because he's one of them. And then he's talking about some good energy and all that stuff. Orgone generators also boost the yield and the growth of plants by three times the amount. These also do something incredibly amazing to your dream state as they make it incredibly vivid and lucid. And you can simply test your organite at home by doing a frozen water test and seeing the spiral effect from the Oregon energy. Now, I keep these all over my home and you notice the change of energy as soon as you place these in your home? Sheldon's definitely not. And I just put a mini documentary up on it. The technology, it's really interesting. It's up on my YouTube guys. And the link to our shop, Truthful TV, is down in the description where you can get these free shipping $26 shipped right to your home. We got a bunch of new stuff over there, which I will show you now here in a second. But yeah, I actually put a video up about this technology. It's really good. It's up on our YouTube, I think. No, I didn't put it on Facebook, but I did put it on YouTube, and I put it on Telegram and Rumble, but not the Facebook page because I put my alien demon video up there that I did, which is doing pretty freaking amazing right now. Right over here, you'll see this link in the description, Truthfultv. com. So we got a bunch of stuff in here that we got for the holidays, but this is the Organite generator. Bam. You want to make sure you get the right one, too, because if you get the wrong one and this was in the documentary that I shared on it. If you get the one that are made with the wrong material, it actually amplifies the negative energy. And the guy that developed this technology died in prison. So why did they lock him up? Why is websites like Etsy taking it down? Why are they arresting people and freezing their bank accounts for selling the stuff? Especially if it had no beneficial effect or it was just a conspiracy? That it works. It definitely works. And these are the ones I can give my testimony to, because I have two on each side of my bed, right by where my head is. I have two in my bathroom on each side of my tub, little ones. And then I have these two big ones on each side of my computer next to my salt lamp as well. But we have all kinds of really cool stuff. We got the bracelets, which activate your chakras. This is for both men and women. Everything I use over here is all stuff that I believe in and use myself. All natural or holistic, because that's what we need to get back in tune with. I'm working on a video right now about grounding ourself and what our feet are really supposed to look like. And let me tell you, the elites, they make us wear shoes. You can't be accepted into a place without shoes on. That's all. Because if you were grounding yourself and walking barefoot, your body would be healing itself. That's where the word heal, heal comes from. Because when our body connects to the earth and we're grounded, it heals ourself. But they don't want that to happen. So just like the T shirts, too, that's a whole psyop in itself, because we need to be out there with our bare skin and let the sun hit us and suck in all that. Vitamin D three, which the vitamin D three is so essential. That's how your other vitamins are able to absorb into your body. Without vitamin D Three, which most people worldwide, over 70% of the world is deficient in, vitamin D three, the only way you're getting it is from the sun, guys. Or unless you're taking a vitamin D Three supplement, which most people do not take, you got to get something specifically for that. So kind of crazy that they act like they're looking out for us when in reality, they're not. Now, with the CBD products, remember, we only ship the CBD to America. All other products that are non CBD, we ship worldwide. No matter where you're at, CBD is only to America. And it says right on the damn site what states we ship them to. So do not order if it's not one of them states, because that will result in a non refundable transaction, because I've warned you, and it costs me money to have to do that. So just make sure you read it before. Makes it real. Easy for everyone. Hold on a second. I don't know what the hell they just did to my website. Oh, there we go. Something weird just happened there. They're doing all kinds of weird stuff tonight to my computer. It's very strange. What is going on here? No, thanks. Can we get back to the normal size? You little pieces of shit. I'm sorry, guys. I don't know what they're doing. They're trying something crazy right now. Let's just do it like this. I'm not using that's on the front page, too. You can join our email list. And then here's a video on the front page. It walks you through the steps on how to check out. So if you want to find out if you're a first player character with the soul or get a dream interpretation, you got to give me a detailed breakdown of what your dream was. The more specific you can give me, the better. And your dream interpretation, once you give it to me, it usually takes me about 45 minutes to 2 hours to get it back to you. The decodes and the readings were always scheduled out two to three weeks ahead of time. And due to moving, it usually takes, say, your reading is the 30th, right? November 30. Usually you would get your reading on December 10, ten days later. That's just how booked out we are. So right now, though, I'm trying to catch up. I'm actually like, I think, 16 days behind, but tonight I'll be caught up more. I'm going into the 15th tonight, and then I'll knock out all them ones. So within the next two or three days, I'll be back up to my normal, where I am ten days behind. And that's just how it's been since I started. That'll never change because we're always booked out three weeks in advance. But this walks you through the steps right here. It can also walk you through the steps of checking out on our shop. You're checking out as a guest. So you don't have to have PayPal. People think you got to have PayPal. You're just going to check out as a guest. It's really easy to do. Or you can pay offline. Now we have all them links are in the description. You can pay through Apple pay offline venmo or cash app. If you pay through Venmo, you can leave me a whole message so you can say, hey, this order is for this person. If you do it through Cash app, you know, where you can leave a note, make sure you already ordered your thing, and say, this order is for this person, whatever name you used in the system to order your product, so I know it's you. And with Apple Pay, you just text me because that's my phone number. So that one, you can just send me a screenshot and let me know what your order is. So you come over here, fill out your order. Whatever it is. And that's just if you're paying offline, if you're paying online, it's all automated and it's super easy. You just go through it online. Pretty self explanatory that way. But, yeah, we got some really cool stuff over here today, guys. I like these ones myself, because it's over your heart chakra, which is being attacked on all levels, right? We're being bombarded with these frequencies. So this is Organite, that is right over the heart chakra. And it comes in a bunch of cool little designs that are pretty cool, different ones, depending on which one you like, but it's the same kind of technology as the pyramid, just in a necklace form. And again, this is all with shipping included. So that's $17 to your house. I'm saying you don't got to pay for shipping or none of that. And I've been dealing with the same distributor for a long time. All my people love these products. We've never had any complaints on them. I use them in my home. You've seen videos with them on my desk. So the only one I haven't used, guys, is this one. I don't know any personal info on this one, but I am waiting for mine to come in the mail. So after I get it in the mail, I'll be able to tell you guys a little more about it. I'm going to put this to the test. My big ass is going to put it to the test. I'm going to see if it really helps you lose some weight or not. And it's supposed to be just really good for you, grounding you, that grounding energy. So I would definitely see if it works. Let you all know that. But, yeah, that's pretty much what I got for you all tonight. I wanted to make sure I did a little video because you guys haven't heard from me in a while and let you guys know I was alive and everything and I was just in the middle of moving. So this is another cool one, too. Something if you got a daughter or a son, you could make your own natural stones together, and different stones activate different chakras. Remember when they used to go into the pyramids or not the pyramids, my apologies, into the temple in Israel to deal with the Ark of the Covenant. What did they have on their chest, guys? Stones. Remember that stone? They had all them different creation stones on their chest because it blocked the negative energy, the radiation that the Ark of the Covenant was giving off, or if they didn't go in there, people are talking about their hair falling out and their skin peeling off. People that just went around it without protecting theirselves. So some of these stones are for our root chakra. Some of them are for the solar plexus, some for the heart, some for the throat, third eye, the crown. So it just depends on what the root chakra. Is that grounding energy? That's the one we want to be grounding ourself with. Right. So you got to learn the different ones, what type of frequency is attached to each one of them ones, and then develop that within yourself because it's very real. And I hate that when people say, oh, that's new age. That is such a weaponized term now, because it's a way for us to not look into anything natural. And holistic, they just label it New Age when God created all this stuff, not the New Age movement. So we got to be very careful when we just label everything like that, because then you're not going to look in to natural ways to heal ourselves, which is very important. And, yeah, that's pretty much all I got for you all tonight. Oh, before we go, though, if it'll let me in here, it's really not trying to allow me back in here. It's so annoying. Hold on 1 second. Come on. Got to be kidding me right now, dude. Oh, there we go. Okay. Son of a bitch. All right, now I'm back. All right, do we have any questions before I go? Guys, CJ. What's up, girl? How are you doing? Like my little blunt. How you been? CJ, my brother Zach. What's up? Maybe a sunroom with UV protective film on the glass. I've heard of people doing that. Yeah, that could be beneficial to absorb some vitamin D. Three, too, Zach, 100%. But it's always good to go out and just be in the elements as natural as we can, too. I think you know what I mean, brother. And thank you, Trish. I really appreciate you. I'm so happy to be into my new place now. And man, that was so stressful. It was the worst thing. Well, you know, Trish, I was talking to you. I was in the middle of moving, and I'm not emotional, guys. I'm a big dude. Six foot, 3300 pound big guy, and I was almost in tears from this shit. It was so stressful. And with my record, I got participating in organized crime activity, shot at a few cops in my days. It wasn't a good thing to do, but I was a young, dumb ass kid, and it's just so hard to get anyone to rent to you. So, yeah, it was a challenge, but I ended up getting a really great place, so it worked out good, and that's awesome. But yeah, man, it was stressful as hell. Terrible. Never want to have to do that again. And I literally trish gave away, no joke, over 30 pairs of Air Force ones, the white ones, I donated them to a local. It's like, kind of like what's it called? Salvation army. I donated them there, and I still had so many left. Why is this thing doing this? Oh, shit. Hold on 1 second. Let me get rid of that. There we go. I still had so many pairs left. I posted them on my Facebook and my Instagram, and that wasn't even my Jordans. I have way too many damn shoes. I got to donate some more of them. So anybody else out there that needs some shoes, I might do a little raffle or something. I got a couple pairs that are still, like, brand spanking new that I don't know if my foot got too fat or something, it just don't fit in it no more. I literally never wore this one pair of Jordans outside, ever. They have no dirt on them, nothing. I think I wore them in the house, like, once or twice. And yeah, they just don't fit me for some reason now. So maybe I'll do a little giveaway thing, you know what I'm saying? Hook someone up out there. Well, I'm trying to read all these hold on, guys. I've been seeing snakes around me spiritually. Well, hey, listen, RJ, there's definitely some symbolically there's a lot of connections right now to snakes. Go watch that Hunger Games, bro. The whole thing, it starts out with the girl that gets picked from District Twelve, putting a snake down the girl's shirt that got her picked, which was the mayor's daughter. She was banging her boyfriend. And then she's always connected to snakes throughout the whole thing. But then when they're in their arena, these I forget what they're called, maybe Vipers or something, but they're really colorful. They just get poured into the arena, dude, and they take out everyone. It's the craziest shit I've ever seen. Which the symbolism behind The Hunger Games and all the snake symbolism, it ties into the Year of the Snake, which we're going to have a major event that year. And that year starts what year does it start? Oh, it starts on January 20 Eigth, that one two eight day, which the Challenger blew up that day. The bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh on that day. It starts January 20, Eigth, of 2025, the year of the snake. And I think that'll be the year where we see some crazy stuff happening, man. And that was look at this. So she doesn't get bit, because the dude on the front of the COVID with the blonde hair, he had snuck a little rag into the snake pit with her tears on them when he wiped her tears off. And these snakes, they're military grade snakes? Yeah, military grade snakes. So if they know your scent, they won't bite you. They'll bite everybody else, but they will not attack you if they know your scent. So that's why they were crawling up her and she's singing to them, and she thinks her singing is calming them down, but that wasn't the case. But that's the only reason she survived. And you see that dude right there that's completely covered with them? You should see how quick they covered him. That was a whole person. So that's the main symbolism throughout the whole thing. Is the snake, the snake, the snake. And I'm telling you, it's going to be a major event that year. 2025, the year of the snake. I think 2024, we won't see no major things like everybody's predicting, because in Chinese astrology, the year of the dragon is like the luckiest year. And I think that year will make us let our guard down and then, bam, we'll get hammered in 2025, which the great tribulation is two two five. So yeah, man, it'll be crazy. What did you say? Do you think Trump will be the 47th president? I don't know. I would say I would have thought he would have been the 40 eigth president of the United States because I was almost a million percent sure. And it ain't over yet that before the next election cycle they'll do some staged event and say Joe Biden died. Or they might do a King Kill 33 ritual like they did with JFK and Kamala. Diva Harris will become the 47th 1st female president of the United States, just like they showed us in House of Cards. The 46th president died. His wife became the 47th 1st female. So that's what I'm waiting on, if that happened. And that's something they would do, too, because then the first female, she only gets to be the president for like a month or two, and then boom, a male comes in and takes it back. And that would probably most likely be Trump, which will put him at the 40 eigth president of the United States. Just go look at Donald Trump in the Gaboncher Calculator. He has a lot of connections to the 40 eigth number, which is also the next eclipse, the major eclipse that makes the final X over. The New Madrid Fault line is on April eigth. 48. Sir Nunos is 48, which is the Celtic Lord of hell that CERN was named after. CERN uno so I don't know, man. That's what I'm looking for. But I think Trump will definitely win the 2024 presidential election 100%. Who else are they going to bring in there? I mean, they've already got so many people brainwashed by Trump, he could do whatever he wants, and all he's got to do is say trust the plan, and then people will trust the freaking so, yeah, it's crazy. It's kind of scary, you know what I mean? And remember, Trump represents the Gemini so, meaning he's the seen. There's a Red Tide trump. And Blue Tide trump. Right. So there's these twin Trumps, and we already seen the alleged good Trump, and now we'll see his evil twin, the evil Trump, which will be the one that rounds us up, takes us to the FEMA camps and all that shit. That's my opinion on it anyways. Of course, I hope I'm wrong. I hope I'm completely wrong. And Trump is good and he is a white hat and QAnon is real. I wish all that was true and that'd be awesome, but I just don't think it is. Those idiots would say those idiots would say, oh, Trump did win the last election and so he can't run for president a third time. Yeah, I mean, dude, they will make any excuses. It's so crazy, you know what I'm saying? Both sides do it though, bro. Like the delusion runs deep, my brother. Me personally, Jonathan, I think anybody that follows a political affiliation is out of their fucking mind if you say a Republican or Democrat. Now, I'm a conservative, but I'm not a Republican. I have conservative values. I wouldn't follow no damn Republican or Democrat. I think they're both morons. Not the people, but the movement I'm talking about. The people are good people. It's just the movement is total crazy. It's all divide and conquer shit. Yeah, it's a joke. It really is. It's red and blue, sacred feminine, sacred masculine, the pillars of Solomon. That's all that shit is. The key stuff is everywhere. But I haven't seen any proof yet. I know zach and know really counting on this countdown, dude. And now they restarted the countdown again. Me and Donut was just talking about it last night on the phone. I was like, yeah, Donut, they got this countdown going on and maybe something's going to pop off. But literally as I'm doing this live with you guys, when we started the live, it had 40 minutes to go. So I wasn't even going to do a live today. I was just going to finish up on readings and I'm like, you know what? I haven't talked to my people in a while. Let me do a live and just see what's up with everyone and see what happens with this countdown live and nothing. They just restarted. It pisses me off. The final Countdown sky event worldwide. Green sky. That's what it says right now. Like, come on, man. You guys lie so much. You change the thing too. For the last couple of days, you keep changing the damn thing and then you're going to restart it. At least let it you countdown for your damn cycle on live, you know what I mean? That would have been a good marketing and promotion thing, but it's just bullshit. I don't even understand what they are achieving from it anymore, except for a bunch of morons that follow them. I mean, you got to be crazy to believe that shit. Then the people that argue with you and say there's a difference between the Q the Anons and the Q anons. Like they get mad at shit about that part. I don't know, man. Is there a difference? I don't know. I don't think there is. I think it's all the same bullshit. Yeah, I see your chat, sweetheart. Sandra lovely putman. I see you. Your lives are my favorite. Oh, thank you. Monica I love you. I try my best, sweetie. Did you watch Donuts live tonight? Monica he was live with Chris. Him. And that Chris dude calls himself The General. It was actually pretty I mean, I like Chris as a person. It's just his content doesn't really interest me at tonight's. Tonight's conversation was fascinating. That him and Donut was talking about because they were getting into kind of he was talking about some different things that he usually don't touch on. And I like the topic. They were talking about artificial intelligence and the different things. So if you haven't got to see that video, go check it out on Donuts YouTube channel. And remember, he had to take down his videos, so it took him out of the algorithm. And now you're probably not getting he's he's putting up some new ones and stuff. But all this stuff's over there on Rumble, guys, his whole portfolio, every video he's ever done is on Rumble. Just check out his Donut channel on Rumble. Q is government. Military anons are big difference. The whole thing is government. Psyop, the Q, the Anons, all of it. It's all a Psyop to track, trace, and tag Christians and conservatives. Anon is 44. Anon is 17. Kill is 44. Kill is 17. Government is 44. Government is 17. I forgot to put that one there. But it is. Harp is 44. Harp is 17. Psyop is 44. Psyop is 17. You know what I'm saying? Doesn't matter if you call it Keel QAnon, which equals six six six, and Fibonacci, which is literally the fingerprint of God. Or just the Letter Q, which is the 17th letter matching Messiah. So it's all the same thing with numerology. That's the universal language of the creator of this matrix. And on the side of the D wave quantum computer, look, there's a giant Q. Say hello to QAnon. That's Tyler. It's a quantum computer named Tyler. It's actually quite brilliant. Think about it. Think how genius that was, how they needed to know who their enemy was, and how better to figure it out than promote the event. So remember 2020, guys. Remember the climate in 2020, how if you shared stuff on adrenochrome or child trafficking, anything you shared on that matter would go viral as long as it was halfway decent content, you couldn't just share bullshit. But if you did a pretty good job on making content and before that, they would never let anything child trafficking or anything adrenal crown go viral, but they promoted it all 2020, all 2019. It was the number one search thing in the world. 2019 and 2020. Freaking adrenal crown. Can you believe that? And then all of a sudden, 2021 comes and boom, everybody gets taken down. They changed up the algorithm. They changed up the hashtags. All the old hashtags are now censored. So if you try to use any of them hashtags, that would make your video go viral. Remember the old ones like MKUltra Deep State, new World order, child trafficking predictive programming. All these hashtags have been weaponized and now are completely controlled by their artificial intelligence. And if you use it, no one's going to see your video because the hashtag, it doesn't even take you to where it used to take you. Like when you would use that hashtag on Instagram, you could type in hashtag where we go, when we go, all right, and then go look at that hashtag and see all these different videos under that hashtag. Now it doesn't even exist no more. It just takes your video to nowhere, and it logs into the computer. The artificial intelligence that you were using that hashtag, which now I even believe it goes as far as you're looking at a different Internet. Look into the false Internet theory where they got people that they've labeled us in these groups by using artificial intelligence. And we're looking at a completely different Internet than the average everyday person is that don't look into conspiracies that believes everything on CNN. You know what I'm saying? They're seeing a completely different Internet than we are. And you know how easy that is to do. Guys, it's just like if you go on my website, Truthfultv. com, I can go based on your IP address and make each one of you guys have a different experience where Zach will see one thing on Truthfultv. com on the homepage. And then Truth Seeker comes in, he sees another thing on there. Then Merrick comes in, they see a different thing. It's not hard to do at all. And when they have AI helping them do it, it's called the dead Internet theory. Look into that blow. It's hard to find stuff on it now, but you'll find a bunch of BS. But if you look deep enough and use Brave search engines and stuff like that going on, Bitchu, I want to use YouTube because you'll find nothing on it. Rumble is okay. Bitchu has the most information on that type of stuff. Conspiratorial. But yeah, man, there's definitely a different Internet being shared to most of the world. And then we're on our own Internet. All of us that's in this chat right now, every one of you. And in the comments, how many of you guys, when you comment, are you seeing a sequence of numbers or your email or your phone number instead of your name, you might see the mixture of the two. So you might see your email or phone number and then your name, but you're not supposed to see that. It's just supposed to show your name. When Zach Russell comments, it should only say Zach Russell and then his comment. So let me know if you guys are seeing your email, your phone number, or some sequence of numbers. Put hashtag one if you're seeing that, hashtag two if you're not. And the people that are seeing it, you are on the kill list, like me. So enjoy that. We're all on the same list together. We're all going to them. Damn FEMA camps together, guys, that's okay. I'm not scared. That's a lot of people. And remember, I was the first person that broke this shit. No one was paying attention to it. I caught on to it and then all the truth or started talking about it. Oh, man. You see Facebook's tracking people now? They've been doing that shit. They've been doing it. I caught them when they first started doing it. You know what I'm saying? Oh, Murray, you don't got it yet. That's good, brother. Now pay attention. Let's see when you do get it. When did you start following me? It won't take long. You'll have it soon. You keep hanging out in chats like this, Murray. Unfortunately, bro, and I know I'm pronouncing your name wrong. Murray. Or is it Maurice? Murray. Felicia. I try to stay on the download. That's good, girl. Stay on the download. Do you have a VPN? I'm on multiple VPNs and a firewall. It's triangulating that I'm in right now. It's showing that I'm in Los Angeles, Phoenix, New York and what's that called? Sweden. I always want to say Switzerland, but it's Sweden. So it shows that I'm in all four of them places at once and it has a firewall on it so they can't turn my Internet off like some VPNs don't. What's it called? Hold on, let me tell you. A kill switch. It's called a kill switch, a permanent kill switch. So this means if they try to knock you off your VPN, your computer will not reconnect to the Internet unless it's connected to the VPN first. Because without that, they can kind of knock the VPN off. And then your thing will try to reconnect to your WiFi router or whatever it's connected to and they'll see your location again. So you got to make sure you got that kill switch on there, guys. Very important. It's about two to three years now, hasn't it? I noticed it all over when I comment. Yes, it started right at the beginning of the COVID thing. That's when I first noticed it because it never did that to me until COVID started. And then probably, I would say February of 2020 is when I started noticing it. The number sequences and email or phone number. Sometimes it's just a bunch of weird numbers instead of where your name is supposed to be. It's very bizarre. Oh, you use it on your phone? Well, that's good. You don't have it yet, bro. I hope you never do have it. The government is blocking my ability to do that. I was working for months, then an update installed and now I can't protect myself. Wow. I'll do a video for you, honey, and teach you how to get around that because that happened to me, too. So if you're on your computer, you got to learn how to download your phone to back up to the cloud or whatever, or your computer. And then you might have to wipe your whole shit clean. Factory reset it. Reset up your VPN, reset up your search engine, and then, you know, log back into your icloud account or whatever, what they're using. If you have an Android, it's the damn Google account that they have connected to everything. So say you factory reset your then or you get a new phone, right? Say you get out. Go get a brand new phone. Now you want to log into your Facebook, so you got to log into your damn Google account. Once you log into that Google account, it's over. They got you again. It recurrupts your phone. So, first thing you got to do is set up Proton, an encrypted email. Use Proton. P-R-O-T-O-N. So I got one truthfultv at Proton Me. You get set up this encrypted email. Through them, you can get a VPN service, which is like, I think, $12 a month I pay or something. It's worth every penny. And that VPN has a firewall on it, has a kill switch on it. After you set up that email, you want to go into your Instagram, you want to go into your YouTube, you want to go into your Facebook and update your email on all them accounts. So unlink all your social media accounts, from your Gmail to your new encrypted email. You know what I'm saying? Use that new encrypted email for your TikTok, for your Instagram, for your YouTube. Then after you get that step done, then you get rid of the Gmail. But here's the cool part. You're like, Tommy, I got messages coming through. There no problem with the Proton. You can redirect all your emails to your Proton account. So now you never got to log into your Gmail ever again. And then you don't want to have to log back into that account after you factory reset it or buy the new phone. So you want to update your Facebook, your Instagram, your TikTok, your Twitter, all before you factory reset your phone or get a new phone. And then you set up your VPN on your new phone through your Proton account, set up your kill switch, set up your firewall, and you'll never have a problem again. I promise you that there will be nothing they can do as long as you don't log back in to that damn Gmail. So you just got to update all your social media, because that's how they're getting us. The Gmail is skynet. It literally is. It's the same fucking thing as Skynet. Now, one thing I have noticed, apple has way better security than Android. Like my icloud email thing, I don't go through that the same as I do with Android. I'll never use an Android again in my life. It's the worst shit you could ever do. I've tried to screenshot it, and it sent it to you like you recommended, but I've never fast enough. I don't know what that meant, brother, I'm not tech savvy. No, it's not a lot. It's really easy. I'll write a blog on it, step by step, how to do it. It's so easy. Honestly, all you do your Facebook, right? You just update your email on your Facebook. That's it. Put your new email in, set up your Proton email, your encrypted email, put your new email address in. Do that on your Instagram, do that on your TikTok. Boom. After you get all that done and updated, you check it, make sure it's working, that you can log in through that new email, the encrypted one. Then you factory reset your shit or get to your new phone, whichever is clever. After that, you log into your Proton account. You set that up as a VPN. I'll do a video and show you how to do it. It's really simple and you'll never have a problem again. Trust me. Columnati yeah. Damn, that was a long time ago, bro. Columnati 33. I was way back in the day, you know, I still own Kaluminati Media. Zach, that's the main hub company. Kaluminati Media is the hub that owns Truthmafia. com Truthfultv. com. It owns all the smaller companies. So my taxes, everything, the LLC is all set up through Media, which, you know, most people don't even know that name except for the people that have been following me forever. Just kind of crazy when you think about it. Oh, man. Nephilim Killer. Yeah, that's an old one too. That's pretty old, but the one Zach mentioned is older than Nephilim Killer. That was back before I knew too much about branding. So every time YouTube would shut my page down, I would just start a new name. And then I'm like, man, if I keep starting a new name, people are never going to find me because they're going to be like, you build that name up real big, and then they would take it down. They let you build it, get a ton of followers, and then take it down. So that's when I made the decision that I was just going to stick with Tommy Truthful. And I did that for a long time. It still is. Tommy truthful. It's just Truth Mafia is part of but, you know, it's kind of hard to brand yourself as an entity because then when you die, the brand dies with it. So when it's something, when you're looking at longevity and trying to create generational wealth for my children too, everything I built, it's always about the truth and getting the information out to the people. But I do this for a living too. I built a business around what I do, and I want my children to be able to take that, you know, when Tommy Truthful is gone, truth Mafia lives on forever. And that was my goal with it. Plus, if I wanted to leave one thing behind to this world, it would be to bring all the truth. Errs together under one banner to where we're all unified. We're all working together. No one's taking shots at each other and trying to dog another channel out there. I see too much of that weirdo shit when we should all be working together. And even if we don't work with each other, we don't have to dog each other either, because there's too much of that in this whole community. And it's usually with people that you don't even know who the fuck they are. There's just this dude the other day that did videos on me and Donut. I don't even know who he is. He's so bizarre and weird. And he did some video saying we were devil worshippers because we do gamatria. You believe that shit? That was hilarious. Like, 20 people sent me his video, too, and I've never heard of this kid ever. I don't know who the hell he is. Whatever. People like that what they're doing is using your name for the algorithm, so they put your name in the title. Tommy Truthful. Donut. Factory exposed. Think all the people that are fans of Tommy and Donut Factory are going to click on that video? Because I'm like, wait a second. I want to see what the hell is going on here. So it's kind of smart. Just like in the rap game, what do you do when you're coming up? You try to take a shot at someone at the top, right? Everybody wants to box with God, and that's what they're doing. They're trying to take a shot at someone at the top so that they can get a little recognition because their life sucks. Pretty sad when it really comes down to it, but anyways, guys oh, I know what I was going to tell you before I go. How many of you guys have watched some pretty cool new movies lately? What's up, my brother? Scott Hamilton. How you doing? I ain't seen you in a while, brother. I love you too, man. And what was the movie? I'll tell you all about. There's a bunch of new ones. Oh, okay. A new one. I know it's going to sound stupid at first, but trust me on this, guys. It's actually really good. It's super long. Napoleon. Napoleon just came out. You could watch it for free on FMovies to just make sure you have the Brave search engine so you don't get pop ups because it's a free movie site. But that one is freaking phenomenal. Oppenheimer, everybody keeps talking about that it sucks. And first of all, it came out a while ago. I don't know why everyone's talking about it now. Shit been out. I decoded it, like, three months ago, but it was trash anyways. My opinion too slow. There's another one that came out called Freelance with that Wrestler dude. It wasn't that great. The one that I highly recommend right now is Napoleon. I think you guys would really enjoy that. Doesn't matter what movies you're into, it's a real good one. And then there was one more that came out. It's kind of like an Irish flick, but it's got that famous American actor it's in the land of saints and sinners is what it's called. And that one just came out in the land of saints and sinners. But, yeah, I would definitely recommend Napoleon. It's over 2 hours long. That one I would give. It's hard for me to give an eight star, but I would give that one an eight star out of ten. So with that being said, guys, I'm out of here. I love you all. I hope you guys have an amazing night. Check out the movies. Let me know what you all think. And thank you, guys. Hit that like button. Check out the links in the description. Go check out our shop, and I'll see you guys soon. Truthful out. Bye. .