An explosion has been reported at the Con Edison power plant in New York City. Power outages have been reported. This happened right on the heels of the Obama Netflix production leave the world behind, a racially divisive movie about cyberattacks in America and the end of life as we know it. We are seeing ongoing cyberattacks across the country. Something is happening and I don't trust them. Everything I know I have told you I don't believe you. I would do anything to protect my family. What you do is your business. You. He has a car right now. And it happened just a few years after Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum told us it was coming in 2020. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum warned of an impending cyberattack that will take down all of society. We all know, but still pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyberattack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The Covid-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disfurv in comparison to a major cyberattack. Greg Reese reporting. .