Google just unveiled its newest hyper realistic three D AI model, named Smurf, and Tesla previews its optimus gen two AI robot. But first eleven features from Google's Smurf are transforming the virtual imaging and rendering landscape short for streamable, memory efficient radiance fields. New benchmarks in 3d graphics have been set, promising to bring high quality 3d rendering to everyday smartphones and laptops at 60 frames per second in the following ways. Number one hierarchical structure for optimized rendering at the core of Smurf's innovation is a hierarchical model partitioning system that divides a space into smaller segments, represented by its distinct neural radiance field model. This intelligent segmentation allows for efficient rendering, loading only the segments in view, much like level of detail rendering in traditional 3d graphics. Number two deferred appearance and specialized computation separating the neural processing of appearance like color and texture from geometry. This division allows for focused computation, enabling each network to specialize, thus enhancing efficiency. Number three trilinear interpolation for enhanced spatial modeling utilizing trilinear interpolation over deferred network parameters, Smurf precisely determines the right parameters for every point in space. This technique represents a significant step forward from Murph, which uses a smaller network with limited capacity. Number four feature gating information flow the introduction of feature gating in Smurf's neural networks regulates the flow of information, enhancing the efficiency of the rendering process. This method allows the model to focus on the most relevant features, optimizing learning and rendering. Number five balancing quality and speed. Smurf's distillation training strategy, where a teacher model trains a student model, balances high quality visuals with speed. This approach enables Smurf to render at Zip Nerf quality but three times faster, a remarkable feat in 3d rendering. Number six comparisons with existing models, Smurf's performance, when compared with 3D GS and Murph, is spectacular. While intentionally not exceeding the quality of its teacher, Zipnerf, Smurf comes remarkably close to matching it. Number seven memory footprint and training costs despite its low memory footprint, Smurf requires significant computational resources for training. These models are trained on either eight v with up to 200,000 steps, highlighting a high entry barrier for custom data set applications. Number eight real time hd rendering similar to Nvidia's adaptive shells, Smurf can produce high fidelity nerfs running in real time. Designed for use on smartphones or in browsers, it runs at 60 frames per second, bringing advanced 3d rendering to a broader audience. Number nine demonstrations and applications Google has showcased some impressive demos, notably the Berlin data set, which offers a high fidelity glimpse into large scale environments. This technology holds immense potential for experiential marketing, allowing brands to create interactive, detailed virtual spaces filled with easter eggs and immersive experiences. Number ten Google's growing repository Google's arsenal of proprietary methods is expanding, with Smurf being the latest addition. This growing collection underscores Google's commitment to advancing the field of virtual rendering and imaging. Number eleven. Potential future integrations one of the most straightforward applications of Smurf lies with Google Maps. The technology's ability to render detailed radiance fields on smartphones aligns perfectly with Google's vision for maps, enhancing user experience by providing detailed interior views of locations. Meanwhile, Tesla just unveiled its newest optimus gen two AI robot with the following eleven breakthrough upgrades. Number one Tesla designed actuators and sensors. These custom built components form the robot's core, enabling nuanced and responsive movements. This internal architecture is crucial for the robot's precision and interaction with its environment, allowing for an unprecedented level of dexterity and responsiveness. Number two two degrees of freedom actuated neck. This feature allows for fluid humanlike head movements, enhancing the robot's interactive capabilities and contributing significantly to its lifelike presence. Number three integrated electronics in actuators. The integration of electronics and harnessing directly within the actuators is a design innovation that sets optimus gen two apart. This approach results in a more streamlined and efficient operation, reducing complexity and potential mechanical failures. Number four. Walking speed boost. The robot has achieved a 30% increase in walking speed, a significant enhancement that allows optimus gen two to move more swiftly and fluidly, closely mirroring human locomotion. Number five foot force and torque sensing. For advanced interaction. The introduction of force and torque sensing in the feet combined with articulated toe sections marks a substantial improvement in ground interaction. These features enable the robot to adapt its movements across different surfaces, emulating the complex mechanics of the human foot. Number six realistic human foot geometry. Incorporating human foot geometry, optimus gen two achieves an advanced level of balance and mobility. This design choice is essential for the robot's ability to perform a wide range of tasks and navigate diverse environments effectively. Number seven weight reduction. The reduction of 10 in total weight translates into improved energy efficiency and agility. This lighter framework allows the robot to operate longer and perform tasks more easily. Number eight improved balance and full body control. Enhancements in balance and full body control in optimus gen two are key for executing coordinated and complex movements. This level of control is critical for intricate tasks and seamless interaction with the environment. Number nine faster. Eleven degrees of freedom hands the hands of optimus gen two have undergone a complete redesign. Now featuring faster movements with eleven degrees of freedom, this upgrade significantly enhances the robot's manual dexterity. Number ten tactile sensing. The introduction of tactile sensing on all fingers is a groundbreaking development. This feature allows the robot to perceive and respond to physical interactions with a high level of sensitivity crucial for manipulating objects delicately. Number eleven delicate objects manipulation for gentle touching. One of the most remarkable demonstrations of Optimus Gen two's capabilities was its ability to transfer an egg from one container to another. This delicate task highlights the robot's newfound ability to handle fragile objects with precision and care. But Tesla holds an even more ambitious goal to come. Threading a needle. Looking forward, Elon Musk has said he expects Optimus Gen two to be able to thread a needle within a year. This challenge, seemingly simple yet incredibly complex for a robot, demands a level of precision and fine motor control that is extraordinarily difficult to achieve. Successfully accomplishing this task would not only be a monumental milestone for Tesla, but would also firmly establish the company as a leader in the field of robotics and the multi billion dollar market for personal robots. And while only time will reveal whether Tesla can meet its production goals, it certainly appears that the robot revolution is about to be upon us. .