Hello, everyone, and welcome to eyes to see decodes. My name is Chris and I will be your guide today. And today we're going to be breaking down and decoding the concept of man in the box. So let's begin. My methods of decoding today are going to be primarily the chaldean gamatria cipher, followed by the English ordinal Gamatria cipher, as well as the strong concordance, the Royal Society of Chemistry and the periodic table of elements and the tarot cards. The Chaldean Gamatria cipher is the oldest gamatria cipher known to man. It has that antiquity, in my opinion, is the most accurate and purest cipher. It is based on the numbers one to eight, just like the phonetics of a musical scale. Do, re, mifa, sola, T, do, eight being the final number in the octave. And these letters are grouped up by their sounds, just like the musical notes. So interestingly enough, it gives us very accurate scores. It pairs very well with the periodic table of elements, the tarot deck. It complements well with the English ordinal cipher and generally gives us scores between zero and 120. To break down higher scores, we can use the English ordinal cipher and the strong concordance. The English ordinal cipher is simply a equals one. Z equals 26. It is highly relevant, surprisingly, and pairs also very well with the strong concordance. The strong concordance is an exhaustive concordance. It's every word in the Old Testament indexed by number, and every word in the New Testament also indexed by number, the Old Testament being hebrew and the New Testament being greek. We also use the Royal Society of Chemistry's periodic table of elements and the artwork provided on the site. It gives us a lot of insight into the meanings and the esoteric meanings behind numbers, as well as the tarot deck, because it's easier to see in images. So let's begin. We're going to start by looking at the concept of squaring the circle. This problem of squaring the circle is a famous mathematical challenge that involves constructing a square with the same area as a given circle using only a finite number of steps with a compass and a straight edge. The problem has a historical significance in the field of geometry and was pursued by mathematicians for centuries. The mathematical significance of this problem lies in its impossibility, which was proven in 1882 by Ferdinand von Lindeman. He demonstrated that PI, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, is a transcendental number. That means it is infinite and does not repeat its pattern, meaning it is not the root of any polynomial equation with rational coefficients. This proof implies that it is impossible to square the circle, as it would require the construction of a length of root PI, which cannot be achieved using just a compass and a straight edge. This finding has a profound implications for the understanding of the limitations of geometric constructions and has influenced the development of modern mathematics, particularly the fields of algebra and theory of transcendental numbers. We can see here an image of what a squared circle resembles. This is a square with a circle as close as possible to the area of the square they're trying to match here. And when this happens, we can see that it forms a triangle inside the square, touching the circle, and that I superimpose the image of the pyramids of the great pyramid of Giza here over in the triangle, and it's a perfect match. And we see here that the pyramids of Giza are encoding the squared circle. And here's some artwork provided here that I created using chat GPT. A very famous example of squaring the circle is found by Leonardo Vinci's work called the vitruvian man. In this artwork here, we see a human within a square and a circle, the squared circle. And Leonardo da Vinci is showing us that the human body is the bridge between the square and the circle. It solves the mathematical riddle. You can see that he's outstretched here, touching the edges of the square, and his feet touch the square at the bottom. And then when he stretches his hands up and outstretches his legs, he touches the edges of the circle and that both the human can measure a square and also can measure a circle simultaneously, thereby demonstrating that us humans are the bridge between the square and the circle. And the square ultimately represents earth. It's measurable. We can build with the square. It's a 90 degree angle, and it's generally a symbolic representation of the earth or matter. Whereas the circle is immeasurable due to the nature of PI, and thereby is a representation of heaven, because heaven is immeasurable. And we see here that on the Freemason logo, we see that representation with the compass and the square, where this compass draws a circle and the square gives us a square, and g is sitting in the middle of the squared circle, just like the human is here, that is bridging the squared circle. So the vitruvian man, drawn by Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci, around the year 1490, showcases a male figure set within both a circle and a square, symbolizing the union of spirit, or heaven, the circle and matter, earth. The square this iconic drawing reflects Leonardo's study of ideal human body proportions, as inspired by the architect Vitruvius. Emphasizing the Renaissance quest to harmonize art, science and philosophy, it exemplifies how the human form bridges the spiritual and physical realms, capturing the essence of Renaissance humanism. And then so we're going to take vitruvian man, put it into our gamatra calculator, and we get an interesting number here. We get the number 42. Vitruvian man sums the 42 in Chaldean, matching, soul, Invictus, reincarnation, fallen angel, warp speed, golden ratio, master builder, crucifixion, other self, black and white, wonderland, and born into sin. We see two Freemason references here as master builder and black and white. And the number 42 is a common symbolic reference to PI 3. 14. And the reason for that is that if we take a number line from zero and stretch it all the way to infinity, I stopped it here at 20. The only place we find PI in the number line is at the numbers 1314 and 15, whereby we just have to imagine a period after the three, and we get the 31415 PI. And interestingly enough, 13 plus 14 plus 15 gives us this sum total of 42. And 42 is also the sum total of 314 PI. So we can see here how 42 has this relationship with PI, and it goes much deeper than this. But we know that PI is a generative principle and used often as a representation of the beginning of something so interesting here that vitruvian man gives us the total of 42. So let's move on. So chat GPT wanted to tell us that the problem was impossible with a compass and straight edge. It used that wording. So I asked it the question. I said, is it possible at all due to the nature of PI? And here's what the answer chat GPT came up with. The problem of PI being a transcendental number indeed means that you cannot construct a square with the same area as a given circle using only a compass and straight edge. So we got that answer earlier due to the precise nature of PI and the limitations of those tools. However, with modern mathematical methods and tools beyond the compass and straightage, we can approximate the very area closely, or calculate it exactly in numerical terms, allowing for the construction of squares that are effectively equal in area to a given circle for practical purposes. So all chachipt really says here that I can understand is that we can only approximate the area very closely, and then in numerical terms, in sort of in imaginary terms here, we can calculate it exactly using computers I suppose. But we do that just for practical purposes. But truthfully, the problem is impossible. The nature of PI proves that it is impossible. So it'll just keep getting effectively close as close and close and close and close, all the way to the point where it'll just never touch, I suppose. And here we see how important the concept of squaring the circle is. We see it within the great pyramid. And if we look at the pyramid from the top down, from a sky view down, and we see that the pyramid is a square, and then we put a circle matching the area of that square around it. And again, then we get the perfect triangle here, which is also the great pyramid as well. So the great pyramid of Giza is absolutely encoding the concept of squaring the circle. And if we take planet Earth and the circumference of planet Earth and make a square to equal to its circumference we see here, then it automatically gives us the circumference of the moon. And then we also see the same squaring of a circle here at Stonehenge. So we take the concept of I squared the circle, because it's the vitruvian man who's squaring the circle. I squared the circle gives us a sum total of 54, matching the element number 54, called xenon, on the periodic table of elements. And the name xenon is derived from the greek word xenos, meaning stranger, which is interesting because in the movie they live. For those who haven't seen it, there's a frequency or a television channel that they call is the frequency that keeps the masses asleep and hypnotizes them sort of into a zombie like state. And that is on channel, our cable 54. And interesting. We get the stranger, the stranger, the strange voice in our head. They live. And we also see another reference to the number 54, pretty famously at Club 54. I believe it was a club in New York City, but I could be wrong. There was a movie about it. And we see here the downward pointing triangle, always a party at Club 54 nightclub. And the artwork here provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry is itself a squared circle. It's the circle within the square. And we see the lightning flash in the middle, the lightning. And it's also got the green coloring here that we see reminiscent of the matrix. And it says here, according to the website, the electroflash icon reflects the use of the gas in camera flash technology. And not only is it used in camera flash technology, we'll see here that xenon light bulbs are used for movies. This is usually a tube filled with xenon gas with electrodes at each end and a metal trigger plate at the middle of the tube. And we see here that xenon light bulbs are chosen for movie theaters because they produce bright, daylightlike light, critical for vivid, true to life colors and sharp images on big screens. These bulbs are efficient, converting electricity into light effectively, and have a long lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements. So we see here I squared the circle. We know that already as summing to 54. And these are the matches I found within Chaldean. So the squared circle is bridging heaven and earth. And the words heaven and earth summed to 54, a spirit and flesh. Also summed to 54. Consciousness. Lotus flower. Trapped in hell. Elohim. Avatar. Body. Mantis. Human avatar. Human host body. Doppelganger. Inverted world. The virtual reality. The dream machine. The machine elf. The jealous God. Dungeon master. Dreams transmitter. Hypnotic trance. Blood control. Lost in the maze. And the matrix has you all summed to 54. So the words squared circle, we put that into the Chaldean Gamatria calculator. We get a sum total of 39. And 39 is a very big number in numerology because it matches the word Lucifer in Hebrew, Gamatria. And this is the Hebrew Spelling of Lucifer from Isaiah into the Hebrew ordinal Gamatria calculator. And we see that it has a sum total score of 39 matching the greek name of Satan, Apollyon. And this is the Greek Gamatra calculator. And this is the greek smelling of Apollyon in the Bible. And that also gives us a sum total of 39. 39 in chaldean matches. Stuck in a box. The black box. The black sun. Saturn's cycle. The man trap. Father time. Kronos. Saturn time loop. The force, order and chaos. Computer, projector. Inception. Wormhole. Earth plane. Godfather, the wretch. For those who have seen my groundhog day decode that was in there. Sea Monster, which is another name for Leviathan, that we learned that in my church of Satan. Decode. The parasite. God's voice. The sound. The airwaves. Artificial mind. Mind parasite. Pride and humbris again. Back to Groundhog day. Eat the pain. I got you, babe. Another reference to Groundhog Day. We are in Oz. Who is y hwh? Who is Yodhe vadhe? Pineal gland. And those all summed to 39, as well as the word from xenon, the stranger also sums to 39. Here we see a man walking inside a squared circle, like our reality. And we learned that the pineal gland. There's a reference to the word pineal in the Bible at Genesis 32 30. And we see here that it breaks down into strong concordance as Hebrew word 64 39. And that is face of God. And that breaks down from two words. It's pana and L. And that reference, l, is l, the Almighty God. So this face of God reference is in reference to L, the Almighty God. And we know Jesus is Emmanuel. With us is L. So let's move on. So the squared circle, squared circle matches 39, matching the 39th element in the periodic table of elements. And that element is atrium. This element has an atomic weight of 88. 906. This is a very interesting element we see here. It's the 39th element, and it has an atomic weight of 88. And the artwork provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry shows us these orange Concentric circles, reminiscent of Looney Tunes and Tunes is a reference to sound, same as we saw, the same kind of references with the stranger and element 54. And we see here a satellite dish standing on a square foundation. So this is a squared circle sitting inside these orange concentric circles. So another squared circle reference with the element atrium. And the number 88 is highly relevant. We see that from back to the future, and it's a pretty famous number. And the 80 eigth element itself is tied to raw or radium, the egyptian God raw here. And the artwork for radium is the Green background. Again, reference to the green matrix. And we see here, this is a paintbrush. It also looks like a flame or a light, so light is within time. And this is a clock. So the 80th element is radium. The element features the letter symbol ra, like the egyptian sun God Ra. The artwork for the element features a candlelight within a circle representing a clock over a green background. And we know the green background is symbolic of the green matrix. The green goblin, the wizard of Oz. We see a green reference to the Emerald city. The good place has the green screen every time. It shows us the title for the good place. Leprechaun. The green leprechaun that guards the pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. The hulk, the green hulk. And green death. The entity death is green. And oftentimes, when people pass away, sometimes they'll turn green. Interesting fact there. And then here, we see another back to the future reference. So at 88 miles an hour, this is the flux capacitor. And we see the y here, symbolic on the flux capacitor, matching the periodic table of elements with 88 and the Y symbol. So this is something I came across during my research that I didn't know. I didn't know that Mr. Dave Thomas here was a Freemason. And I thought that was interesting when I learned that. So Dave Thomas was the founder of Wendy's, which was a fast food restaurant chain. He was a freemason, and allegedly he was a 33rd degree Freemason. He was also a member of the Shriners. And that makes sense because you have to be either a 32nd or 33rd degree Freemason to get into the shriners, from my understanding. So being a Freemason isn't interesting that he makes burgers that are square over round buns, squared circles, just like his Freemason logo. And Wendy's, when we put that into our Gamatria calculator, gives us a sum total of 90, which is the square. A square is 90 degrees, which is the bottom here of the Freemason logo, the 90 degrees and 90 plus 47. This compass is set at 47 degrees. 90 and 47 give us 137. And 137 is the 33rd prime number, and there's 33 degrees within Freemasonry. We've heard that there's higher degrees than that, but what's famously been reported is that there's 33 degrees and that's the highest. So I came across this 2005 Wendy's commercial, and I want to take a look at it. The link is here. I'll provide it down in the description as well. But let's take a look. There are some interesting references within there that I want to show you. Let's take a look. It takes flair to be a square to walk around with no hair I'm bold, yes, I swear to be the only single square because it's better than being round or being a king or a clown it takes flair to be square, to be hardcore enough to dare to be made the way you like to be juicy to be fresh, to be beefy is the best. Do a square burger at Wendy's and do it taste right. So looking at that, I wanted to show you, I got two screen captures. And the one screen capture was when the square burger says, it's better than being round or a king or a clown. And likely, based on what we're seeing here, that it's a reference to the king of kings here. He gives us a wink as he says that. And we learn here in Psalm 30 519 that says, let not them that are mine enemies wrongfully rejoice over me neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause. So we're learning here how to identify hatred of Christ here in Psalm 30 519. And here we see an exact representation of that in this little animation. And just as he's saying it's better than being round or a king, he winks. And then it transitions to show us here where the square burger is being raised on this pedestal. And as he says the words beefy, we see two five pointed stars appear to his right and left. That's a five and a five. And they're spinning. And I captured them here in the upside down position to show the representation of the upside down pentagrams. And we see here five and five represent our five fingers, or these five pointed stars represent us as an angel, our human body, our human host body. So here we see the five and the five, and we see five plus five gives us ten. And in Chaldean, man is the total of ten. Five and five is also 55 and 55. In English, ordinal is the word Satan. And here we see him do the bypass pose, the pose here. And that is reminiscent to the Egyptian goddess nut or maat, also known as Isis, the female goddess. And here we see her holding up the firmament, the stars in the firmament. And there's a green man who's dead at her feet, the green death, because he's dead and she's standing over him. And this symbol represents that. It's an homage to Nut. And as he says, beefy, again, a reference, that's another reference to us and man. And you'll see here in Genesis 32 two. And we can look at that as three, two, two, which is the number of skull and Bones, interestingly. And when Jacob saw them, he said, this is God's host, and he called the name of that place Mahanaim. And this word God here is hebrew word 430. I didn't include it here in the decode, but you're welcome to look it up. It's hebrew word 430. That's Elohim, gods of the supreme God. So this is not l, the Almighty or the eternal JEHOvah. This is Elohim, the gods. And when Jacob saw them, he said, this is Elohim's host, and he called the name of that place Mahanaim. And the word host breaks down to the Hebrew word 42 64, which means an army, because this is a war from the beginning. And this means an encampment of travelers or troops, hence an army, whether literal of soldiers or figurative meaning. Dancers, angels, cattle, locusts and stars, those are all synonyms in here. So dancers, angels, cattle and locusts are all the same thing according to this definition. So that's an army ban, ban all. But they're Elohim's army, Elohim's dancers, Elohim's angels, Elohim's cattle. Right? So man is a reference to cattle here. And Jacob saw that and called it the name of double camp. And because we are twins, we are in spirit, we're angel demon opposing. So that's what this reference here is. And Jacob saw them, and he said, this is Elohim's army. It's his cattle, his host, his band of locusts. And he called the name of that place Mahane double camp. So we're going to move on. Let's take a look. So let's move on to the concept of the black cube of Saturn. And we see here references from around the world, these giant statues of a giant black cube. And once you open your eyes to these cube reference, you'll see it. Every Nintendo game cube, for instance, you'll see it. Desjard insurance has a cube reference, a hexagon reference. You'll see the hexagon reference in tons of advertising and cube references in advertising, just like we saw in Wendy's. So the black cube of Saturn, we see one here in Australia, Denmark, Manhattan, and Santa Ana. And the reference to Saturn being a cube is we see here on the north pole of Saturn. For those that don't know, there is a hexagon shaped storm on the north pole of Saturn. And the hexagon transitions into a cube. As you see here, geometrically, it represents a two dimensional cube. As a hexagon in three dimensions, it'll be a cube. And on the south pole of Saturn is a circle shaped storm, or concentric circles. And it looks like an eye within the storm there. So on the north pole is the cube. On the south pole is the eye. And we see this reference in pop culture. And Lord of the Rings, with Lord of the Rings as a reference to Saturn. Sauron is also a reference to Saturn. And the all seeing eye of Sauron is seen here on the South Pole. We see the black cube here in Australia. In Manhattan, New York City, we see the black cube. In Saudi Arabia and Mecca, we see the black cube in Denmark. Here it is at the Apple store in New York City. The cube reference. And then here's another black cube reference. In New York City. This is United nations meditation Room. This is their spiritual room, probably governed by the Lucius Trust, formerly the Lucifer Trust. And this is the black cube of meditation Room. And then here's another black cube reference. I'm not sure of this location. Again, Mecca. And then here's the six pointed Star of David, also known as the Star of Remphen in the Bible, the Star of Saturn. And this here you can see the hexagon in the middle. The hexagon transitions into a cube, being the black cube. So we're going to decode this. Let's decode the black cube of Saturn. So Saturn is a 93 in English ordinal matching the word man in a box. And Saturn and the moon intriguingly, share the number 29. 5 in their cycles, with Saturn taking about 29. 5 years to orbit the sun and the moon completing its orbit around Earth in approximately 29. 5 days. This numerical similarity offers a symbolic link between Saturn's long term maturation processes and the moon's shorter emotional rhythms, suggesting a deeper connection between personal growth and emotional cycles and the fabric of the cosmos. And the number 93 is attributed to the occult mostly through the ordo template orientis, which is a secret society that was famously attached to Alastair Crowley, as well as the theosophical system, religion or cult called Thalima. And here we see in Thalima, the number 93 is one of a series of symbolic numbers that is associated with Aleister Crowley's theosophical system, Thalima. It is commonly seen in the salutations and closes of letters written by members of the OTO, the Order of Templi Orientis, or by other crowleyan followers. So here we see this is the crowlean hexagram. And what's special about it, it's just the one triangle up and the one triangle down, just like the Star of David. But this one here, you don't have to lift your pencil to make. So you can make this entirely without lifting your pencil. And we see here in Chaldean, the number 93 is attached to the goddess of freedom and whereby Saturn in the Chaldean is the number 21 matching the tarot card. We get a visual image here, the tarot card 21. And that is the world card. And here we see the female goddess of freedom in the middle of the card. She's naked, entwined by. Looks like a cloth here, but it's in a coiled like a DNA spiral and she's holding two pillars, just like Yakin and Boaz, or good and evil, male and female, the duality. And she's enclosed within the snake eating its tail, the auroboros, with the twin x system on either side, all underneath the cosmic canopy, which is Aquarius, Leo Taurus and Aquila, and the eagle and scorpio are one and the same. So this will be scorpio as well in the top right corner. So, according to Chat GPT, the black cube of Saturn is a concept found in various speculative theories and esoteric beliefs. It refers to the symbolism of a black cube related to the planet Saturn, and is often associated with themes of control, time, and material reality. According to these theories, the black cube represents the limitations and constraints of the physical world, as well as structures of power and authority that govern it. Saturn and astrology in ancient mythologies has connections to the passage of time and order, and is often symbolized by the figure of father time or Kronos or Saturn. The cube, being a solid and stable geometric shape, is used to symbolize the material world and its boundaries. The concept has been interpreted and utilized in various ways, including in discussions of conspiracy theories, where it is sometimes suggested that the black cube is a symbol used by secret societies or as a representation of some form of global control mechanism. Well, we've been warned. So the black cube of Saturn gives us a score in Chaldean of 63 and a score of 174 in English. 174 is a perfect match to the periodic table of element, the element lutetium, with an atomic average weight of 174. And we know the numbers seven, four and one. We've learned this in previous decodes, the number seven, four and one, according to Manly B. Hall, a very high ranking famous Freemason who's written several books, told us that the number seven, four, one and its anagrams, one seven 4417, are numbers of Lucifer. And here we see it here on the element lutetium, with it's the Lucifer element Lou, and it's the 71st element of the periodic table. And here we see the upside down rainbow with a down arrow, either clouds or water, governed over top by a banner of flirtles, and over what can be seen as perhaps a sea of red or a sea of blood. And the black cube, Saturn, having a score of 63 in Chaldean, matches the following words in the chaldean comatria cipher. It matches mischievous spirit, supercomputer, particle accelerator, the seed of life, flower of life, rise from the ashes, the man who laughs, the number of man, the five pointed star. All the world's a stage. Do what thou wilt, which is a Alice Crowley saying, shiva the destroyer, synagogue of Satan, the land of slavery, the monetary system, out of control, law enforcement, ten commandments, the anointed one, and Jesus of Nazareth. So the other video, I wanted to break down was a song by Alison Chains called Man in the Box. And this is an old song from 1991 from a band I used to really enjoy. And the word Alice, rooted in the Bible, means of nobility, of royalty. And it's an analogy to us being the angels. So this is Alice in chains, or the angel in chains is really what that reference is, as well as another reference would be Alice in Wonderland, which is the story of the fallen angels. So man in the box, here's the YouTube link. I'll put a link also down below in the description. And this song is called man in the box. And the first lyric is I'm the man in the box. And I'm the man in the box gives us a number of 63 that we just saw from the black cube of Saturn, and it also matches the electro flash from the element. Xenon is also number 63. And interestingly, Lord Jesus Christ in Greek gives us a number 63 as well. And in Chaldean, the number 36, which is the inverse of 63, is Jesus Christ. So interesting number. So we're going to take a look at the music video. The video shows the band performing in what is supposedly a barn, where throughout the video, a mysterious man wearing a black hooded cloak is shown roaming around the barn. Then, after the unknown hooded figure is shown, he is shown again looking around inside a stable where many animals live, where he suddenly discovers and shines his flashlight on a man who is going to be Lane Staley, who is the lead singer of Alison chains that he finds sitting in the corner of the barnhouse. At the end of the video, the hooded man finally pulls his hood down off of his head, only to reveal that his eyelids were sewn together with stitches the whole time. Feed my eyes now you've sewn them shut is the line of the song that is depicted when he takes his hood off Lane Staley, who tattooed his back, the Jesus character depicted in the video with his eyes sewn shut. So this unknown hooded character is a representation of Jesus in the video. So pay attention to that, and we're going to see here that man in the box. The title of the song, man in the box, gives us a sum total score of 44 in Chaldean, matching the atomic weight of scandium, which happens to be the 21st element, and 21 matches the 21st card of the tarot deck, the world card that we just looked at. And the artwork for Scandium on the periodic table of elements is a perfect match for the tarot card, the world card. We see her, the female figurine with the twisting DNA overhead holding the two pillars with a serpent snake encircling in the background around her. And some of the etchings as well, look like animals. Likely they are representations of the astrology. So looks like the Royal Society of Chemistry also uses the tarot deck, interestingly. So let's move on. So, looking at the video, I captured some screen images, and right off the bat, they show us all of these farm animals within these boxes or stables. And the first one they show us is cattle. We've already broken that down, knowing that cattle is a reference to humans. Then they show us a goat, another reference to humans as sheep turn into goats. And then another reference is pigs. And people have been referenced as pigs often. And then we see the human here, which is Lane Staley. He's in the corner of the cube and he's crossed out here. There's a cross over him. And we know that the black cube of Saturn gives us some total of 174, matching lutetium. But human husbandry also matches 174. And this is human with an e, because we are light beings. Humans, human husbandry. This is another image later in the video with the guitarist. And there's a lot of these images with this fenced. They're fenced in this grid pattern. This reminds me of sort of the grid pattern in the matrix. And we see here on the barn, on the barn doors, there's the double X, the two x symbolism here. And men in the box is a sum total of 44, matching the double X system, which is a sum total of four. Four. And we know that we are the two. X is the symbol of the female goddess or the matrix. And here we see the hooded figure, a representation that we now know to be Jesus walking through with the goats here in the reference. And again we see another x on the barn door. So man in the box is a 44 matching two Corinthians 44. Four in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them, which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. And this is an interesting passage. And we see here this image of lane Staley with the flashlight, totally blinding him by the light, in essence, and whiting him out. And in this passage it says, in whom the God of this world hath blinded this word. God is the word Theos. But you can see here that is the lowercase G. And the definition of Theos means a deity, and it also means the supreme divinity. So we see in the bottom, in the bottom sentence here, the capital G. So this will be a deity, Elohim, and this will be Theos, Jesus, Emmanuel L, the Almighty or eternal Jehovah here. So in whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of Theos or El, the Almighty or eternal Jehovah, should shine unto them. And here we see the guitarist, or the bassist, I should say. And there's a lot of ladder references in the video, if you take a look, and I assume that is a reference to Jacob's ladder or the Ascension up out of the matrix or out of the box. And again, this was probably the most interesting find I found within the video. This is during the guitar solo of the song, and on the guitarist's guitar, the sort of wallpaper or theme that he has on it is a bunch of squared circles. And I was able to capture the image and stabilize it. And I saw that within the squared circle is a five pointed star. And I thought that was very interesting because we've shown that before. We've seen that in my mother of exiles decode, where we broke down the Statue of Liberty, who sits on an eleven pointed star called a calipoth. And the calipoth represents the human host body, our flesh, our flesh body. And it's a peel, husk or shell. And it's inherently evil. The flesh is inherently evil, it's opposite to spirit, and it houses the essence of holiness, which is the spirit, the five pointed star, the angel, us, sitting right in the middle of the calipot, and we are inside a hexagram, if you can see, we're inside a hexagon, which is a cube. So there's your circle cube, your squared circle governed by the two X on either side. Within the system of duality, you're one up, you're one down, you're masculine, your feminine, your good and evil, all within the eleven pointed star, which is the human host body, the flesh, the peel, shell or husk that starts off in duality and in this world wants us to end in singularly downward towards hell. So two into one down is what you're seeing here. And it's right on his guitar, the squared circle with the five pointed star in the middle, the kellopot. Let's move on. So John 939 tells us, and Jesus said, for judgment, I am coming to this world, that they which see not might see, and that they which see might be made blind. And here we see the end of the video where the Jesus hooded character takes off his hood and we see his eyes are sewn shut. And that could be a representation that he's looking for his lost sheep in the barn with a flashlight. And he can't find them because they've been trapped and they've been made blind themselves and they can't find Jesus. And then here's Lane Staley. I got an image that I looked for knowing that he had this back tatoo. And I found it on the COVID of hit parader. And here he is showing off his back tatoo, which is a match to his video here. That is the Jesus character with the eyes sewn shut. And interestingly, right behind his head is the X. So I hope you enjoyed this decode. I want to thank you all for sticking around right to the end, and I appreciate you all. Thank you to all my supporters and subscribers. If you haven't subscribed the channel, please do. And you can follow me on Telegram. I have Facebook on Truth Mafia special thanks to Tommy truthful for all your support. Thank you to Jonathan Kleck for his initial breakdown on the kelepod. Please check out his channel and his work. It's fantastic. And I'll see you guys later. And much love to all. Thank you. .