A group of researchers formed the Truth Mafia, a collective determined to investigate conspiracies and occult mysteries that have been buried for centuries. With a passion for uncovering the truth, they delve into the darkest corners of history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries, seeking answers to questions that have plagued humanity for ages. The truth mafia is led by Tommy Truthful, a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, dedicated to uncovering the hidden truths behind some of the world's most perplexing and enigmatic phenomenon. Their research has led them down countless rabbit holes, from deciphering ancient symbols to exploring the hidden meanings behind popular media and literature. Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations? Or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast, and I'm sorry about that first try, guys. I hope this time the audio is working. I'll have to stream this to rumble after because it didn't hook up to rumble. So there's all kinds of things going wrong today with social media. Facebook went down, Instagram went down. Telegram was down. I still haven't been able to get back into my telegram. Now, thankfully, I got my website linked to it, so I can share things from there. But I haven't been able to actually get into the account yet. I might have to factory reset it or erase it off my phone. I don't know what is going on, man. But it's definitely strange today that all this stuff is happening, and it's happening right as this new series is trending on Netflix called American Conspiracy, the Octopus Murders, which is all about the birth of global surveillance. And they murdered this guy Danny that was a journalist at this time. I mean, he was going to break open one of the biggest cases ever. And so this is trending right now. It came out on the 20 eigth of February. It's pretty good. Four part series called the Octopus Murders. Now, before we get into that and all the symbolism that's connected to it, I got a few things for you guys here. And we're going to talk about know certain things are going viral. Shout out to my homegirl, Rhonda. She sent that to me this morning. And you notice everybody on Facebook is sharing the same thing. Or is it AI sharing it? Because you just see that post right there getting shared over and over and over and over again, connecting it to leave the world behind. Right. I mean, they're kind of giving you a predictive programming of what is to come, but I'm pretty sure that it's AI sharing that out. And there's a lot of weird stuff going on. I think when they locked us out of our accounts. Guys, have you guys ever heard of the dead Internet theory? You got to look into this. So, like, around 2016, the Internet changed. And I think with the whole queue situation, that was the beginning of track tracing and tagging us, figuring out who were people that are conspiracy minded, because these are people that will give the government trouble. Right. Who are them people? How do we get them all in a box? Well, we promote something, and I'm not saying the stuff they were talking about, there's a lot of real stuff that they would talk about that was 100% real, but it was just no one was coming to save, no kids, there were no white hats. All that was the lying part. And what Q was was a quantum computer named Tyler to track, trace, and tag us. So they promoted it. If you remember the state of the Internet in 2000 and 22,019, they were promoting all that stuff, right? And any video you dropped on that subject would go viral. So they do this. They weaponize the hashtags they have. AI is the one running the whole psyop. And this is how they find out who we are. Then right after this happens, there was a big censorship where they come in right around the end of 2020, beginning of 2021, and all them pages that would talk about that got taken down off the Internet, even if you didn't have nothing to do with that movement, and you just talked about some similar topics, your page was most likely taken down. And then when you do get your page back up, you notice, wait, something ain't right. It's like no one's seeing my post anymore. Now, I figured out ways around it through VPNs, because what they're doing is targeting your IP address, your band, on so many different levels, you don't even realize it. And you can't just get a standard IP address because they can break right through that. You have to have a kill switch on it where mine streaming to multiple different countries at once. It's got, like eight different IPs popping. They can't break through that as easy. If it's just trying to give you one different IP address, they're going to get right through that and figure out your true IP address, which has the band. Because all these social media accounts are being ran by artificial intelligence. What was Facebook when it was originally launched. It was DArpa's lifelog, guys. That's what it was. It was DArpa's lifelog. And it was to surveil the citizens to harvest our data. We gave the artificial intelligence the data it needed to learn. That's pretty crazy. They owe us all millions of dollars, by the way, because data is not cheap. And they stole all of our data to train their artificial intelligence. Now they've weaponized it and it's just on a whole nother level. So let me get going on this one. And how's everybody doing in the comments? I see you all in there. What's up? Make sure all the links are down in the description of this video. So make sure you check them out. I put the newest video I just did on Cat Williams. I also put a link down in the video to my experience that I had on Ayahuasca last weekend. I went with my homegirl. She's a Lakota Native American and it's part of her religion. So I went with them and I was kind of nervous because I ain't done that since a long time. And man, I had the most crazy experience and visions. I wrote a blog on it and tried to create some images, the best I could to show you guys what I've seen in my experience. We'll go over that a little bit after we get going and talk about this case with the octopus murders and get into who Danny is, how this was the beginning of global surveillance and it all plays a role with what's going on right now with know Facebook going down and Instagram going down and the government running cyber polygon, which was to. It was a drill so they could plan for a attack on America, which they're already painting the boogeyman they're blaming on China, when really the cyberattack will be coming from most likely our own government. So before we get going, this podcast is sponsored through body align and the 5G energy wellness. That link is down in the description along with promo code, truth mafia. All one word. So shout out to them. They sponsor our podcast and we love them over there. Check them out. Show them some love. And make sure you become a made member in the truth mafia. It's only $8. 88 a month, guys. That's cheaper than a hamburger at McDonald's. Much better than a hamburger at McDonald's too. And you get access to the members only blogs. My members only uploads, which is my movie decodes. I'm working on one right now for you guys. I should have it done in about four days or so, maybe five. And it's on Dune one and Dune two because Dune two just came out. It's all about the Antichrist, guys, the coming of the mahadi. So I'm working on that one behind the scenes. I got a little one I'm tweaking with. I don't know if I'm going to make it members only or for the public, too. On Bob Marley, the movie wasn't that good, but there's so much Nibiru symbolism in it, it's crazy. I felt I had to do one on that. And that links down below. Just click the link. Join the mob. Like I said, you get access to our post, too. So I just did a new one, members only post on the sun cross, which ties back to the ancient symbol for Nibaru. And I put a lot of work into the members only post. Like, you know, 99% of my content is 100% free. We'll always have 100% free content. But like anybody, some people have YouTube memberships, other people have Patreon memberships. I just believe in keeping all my money. You feel what I'm saying? I don't believe in giving Paypal money and Patreon money. I'm just going to go ahead and keep all my money. So I do my own membership. I don't believe in paying them nothing. What are they doing for it? I'm the one putting the work in. But anyways. And if you want to get your dream interpretation or personal decode and find out your role in this simulation we live in, because it's 110% of simulation, that link is down below. Use promo code, decode the matrix for an extra 11% off. And also to the people that was expecting readings today, your readings won't come until tomorrow, guys, I'm sorry because I had to push you back due to this little event that took place today. I just got back into my social media accounts at 430, right? My computer was acting crazy. I couldn't even log into my website until probably around 330. So it's just been weird. And I'm wondering if it's going to lead to some major attack, which I'm pretty sure it is, maybe the collapse of the currency. Because what's today, guys? Tuesday, right? And Tuesday, if you remember, when the market crashed, what was that called? Black Tuesday. And this is when we went right into the Great Depression after it. So I think this was just a little taste of that. And we're going to get going with this. I'm going to talk, because I think it's all connected. Really? So american conspiracy, the octopus murders. Has any of you guys in the comments seen this yet? This four part series, really. Actually pretty good. I liked it. I binge watched it all last night, and it just gives you that you're hook, line, and sinker. Like, right after I watched all four episodes, I started making my slides, and I'm like, man, I got to figure this out. Did this really happen? Did this dude figure something out that he shouldn't have known? And there's all these shady characters involved in it. They were pretty much exploiting native american tribes out west so they could use their land to run guns stuff. It was kind of a breakaway CIA organization that they were running out there, and they weren't paying the Native Americans nothing. They were robbing. A matter of fact, they killed a couple of them who started to find out what was really going on. So american conspiracy, the octopus murders. This is trending as Facebook goes down and Instagram goes down, and american conspiracy, the Octopus Murders is a Netflix docu series that looks into the puzzling deaths of the journalist Danny Casalero named the Octopus, which supposedly involved a hidden network of influential people responsible for various scandals and crimes through the 20th century. The series follows filmmaker Zachary Tretz and the journalist Christian Hansen as they take another look at Danny's case, finding new details and evidence. It also explores the theme of obsession, betrayal, paranoia linked to this octopus theory. Right, and Denny's name wasn't Dr. Puss. I kind of read that wrong. He was on the trail of this political conspiracy theory. Well, that's what they call it, anyways, named the octopus. So what it was all about, pretty much in a nutshell, is it was the first time we were turning everything from paper to digital. This is when computers were first coming out, and they had this new software. So the department of justice, and I believe even the CIA was turning all their stuff at that time digital from how we used to do it with files. I think we should have stayed doing it that way with paper. Everything was way more secured that way. But I think it was all part of the plan, which we find out it was during this case because that's what they did. They installed these back doors into this system so they could have access to whatever governments they sold it to. America was selling it, and whatever governments they sold it to. And that government was spying because it was supposed to be sold to them, their intelligence agency, so they could spy on their people. Right. Their citizens. But then America had this little backdoor into it where they could see everything they were gathering. And I think it all really honestly. Guys, hold on. Let me get a drink. Coconut soda. You can't beat this stuff. I think it all honestly ties into Nibaru. I really do. And what's going on right now, because they started planning for this way back in the know. Maybe that's how they were monitoring people, finding out who knew what. A lot of countries that didn't play ball, they ended up getting murdered. We've seen that recently with the haitian president. South american presidents have been murdered. And I just think there's a lot of these people that kind of knew what was going on. And then there's also a layer to this whole thing that gets into the mafia gun running Reagan's campaign, where Reagan pretty much used this, he pretty much leveraged them hostages, which I was even born then. But there was these hostages in Iran that were being held, and they leveraged them because they knew that would destroy Carter from becoming the president. And it actually was. It actually did destroy Carter. And hours after Reagan becomes the president, they released the hostages in Iran, but they gave, like, $40 million to keep them there. Right. And there was something connected to this technology with all that, too. Okay, so I wrote this out. Doctripus murders refers to the mysterious death of Danny Casalero, an investigative journalist who was found dead in his hotel room bathtub. Now, guys, where have we heard this before? They love doing these drowning rituals, don't they? Shout out to Whitney Houston and her daughter over and over again. We keep seeing people dead in bathtubs. So he dies, and this is in 1991, right? Casalero was investigating a complex story he termed the octopus, which involved an alleged international conspiracy. The theory encompassed software spies, businessmen, organized crime, the Iran hostage crisis, and connections to the Reagan administration, among others. Casalero believed that a dispute between the Department of Justice and Bill Hamilton, the founder of the technology company called Inslaw. This was a software company, guys over. The software was just the tip of the iceberg. His investigation suggested that the software promise had been modified to include a backdoor for spying purposes and was sold to foreign governments. Castellero's pursuit of the story led him to uncover connections that suggested a fast conspiracy involving political government entities. However, Casalero's investigation was cut short by his death, which was officially ruled a suicide. And you know what was crazy about them ruling it a suicide, too. Guys, they said he cut his wrist. Well, in the series, it says, like, one guy says eight times, but then they also don't. So if you read about it, I looked it up, the articles and the media and stuff, and they were saying he got cut ten to twelve times. Right? We cut his own wrist twelve to ten times and it was so deep that it severed every tendon in his wrist. Well, first of all, if you cut your wrist twelve to ten times and how the hell is he holding anything? Both wrists. He cut both wrists, guys. So how is he going to hold something after he severed the tendon? That only makes sense. But anyways, Danny Castellero was found deceased in his bathtub of room five one seven at the Sheraton Hotel in West Virginia with his wrist cut ten to twelve times. Well, that's interesting, that ten to twelve times. What do you see right there, guys? One, one, two. Right, well, we all know the Jesuits are in 112 nations. That's their number, that's their signature number. One, one two. And he dies on August 10 of 1991 in this tub full of blood. They said there was so much blood and it was dark blood. That's what they say in the docuseries, right? So he's laying in there, full blood, head underwater. They ruled a suicide. Now, his hotel number is 5117. Well, five one seven equals 61 in Chaldean. Matching blood in the water candle blood ritual, August 11. So you know me, I'm like, wait a second, candle blood ritual. I wonder if there's any real rituals out there that involve candles, blood. Let me go take a look. And what do you know, what do I find? Guys, not only is there an actual ritual that you light white candles to the goddess Isis, the mother of heaven, which she also represents, the high priestess card. Now, that day, if you look up that day that he died, you'll see the connection to the high priestess card in the tarot deck. During this ritual, they would light white candles, right? And then you would offer her something to drink. It could be wine, water, blood, whatever, she doesn't really matter. It's just an offering to her to invoke her. But I read the whole thing, how to invoke her, what it was for. And this takes place right around August Twelveth. So he died on the 10th. Then there's this ancient festival to ISIS where they're lighting these candles. Now. That's also during helical rising, guys, remember, so last year in 2023, that's why we had this whole major event in Maui with the Maui massacre. And that popped off. What day did that pop off, guys? On 88, right? Eight? Yes, I believe so. 88 during the Lionsgate portal. And you know what else is interesting about that too? Angus cloud died first. Remember he died on July 30. And then eight days later on eight eight Maui happens the eight eight eight number, which is the number of the Antichrist project. Blue beams in that eight eight eight code too. So he dies eight days later on eight eight, Maui's in the eight. I mean, that's crazy. And that was right during that period with this festival to ISis and the dog star known as Canis Majoris, the hidden sun in Freemasonry, helical rising. That's the time when he dies in a tub, being drowned. And so what does helical rising represent? The flooding of the Nile river. And he drowns in a tub. I mean, it's quite comical when you really start to dive deep into these rituals and how deep they go. The symbolism connected to it all. Yeah, the matria is one cool way to look at it, but then there's other layers to it as well, like figuring out what type of ancient pagan festivals are connected to that day. Kind of like this month we just had the festival connected to Vesta, in the Vesta temple, where the Vesta virgins had to keep the sacred fire lit. And if the fire went out, then destruction and chaos would come to Rome. And the fire is still burning. Guys, remember that last podcast? Me and donut did what I tell you it was going to burn through three six, didn't I? Well, it's still burning, FYI. It's still burning, or at least I'm pretty sure. Let me look at their news article here. Let's take a gander real quick. Let me share my screen with you. Hold on guys, let's see. I'm pretty sure though, it's still burning. Share. Here we go, here we go. Wildfires, these are all trending stories right now. 1 hour ago, new satellite images captures Texas wildfire path of destruction. Texas wildfire map tracks latest locations of blaze as dry weather winds. Okay, Texas fire chiefs. What? Oh, we got a ritual. Look at this. An hour ago. Oh dude, you know what guys too. So check this out. Let me pull up my Facebook, I want to show you this. When everything was going out today, this was early this morning. I'm so glad it's time stamped because three major deaths have happened now since this. And when they locked me out of my Facebook, I went over and looked, I'm like, wait, something has to be connected to today. What's donut talking about over here? It's going down. Strange events. I love donuts. Freaking thumbnails. They're so clickbait. It's going down. Strange events. And he loves that word, strange. Doni, look at this, guys. He had 128 on there when I just liked it. Talk about synchronicity. Oh, you know what? There is a connection to one two eight with this. But I didn't really put it in there. So you see how we had that. Hold on. Let me show you real quick. Okay. We didn't even get to this part yet. I'll break this part down a second. So the whole Facebook thing. Let me turn this off. Facebook is 35, right? Matching beast system actor, Agent Black Wolf. Which. Why is the black wolf matter? Well, it's Tuesday. Tuesday is connected to the Norse God who had to bind finner or whatever, however you pronounce his name. The Black Wolf. So that's what they named Tuesday after. Now, black nobility is in that 35 cipher. Black Tuesday. And this whole event happened on Tuesday. But bitcoin crashes is in there, too. Agent Smith, April 19, which is the beginning of the 13 days of preparation going into Beltane. So I just had to show you that so you'll understand when I go show you this part. All right, now, hold on a second. Where is my. Oh, yeah, that's the part I want to show you. So, real quick, before I show you this. So, you see all that 35 connection guys, and then Facebook down is 35 in sepentry, but it's also 57 in Chaldean. Like my boy donut, I bet he talks about that and law of attractions in that 57 cipher. That's just organic synchronicity right there. But certain people were created to do exactly what they're doing and expose certain stuff. And Donut is playing his role in this simulation. He's doing exactly what he's supposed to do, expose this evil. Now, on my other page, what I wrote this morning. Where are they hiding it? All right here. So here's my other page. A lot of you probably don't even know about this page, okay? So I got my big page, truth mafia, this little truth mafia. Truthful TV. And then I got the Tommy truthful three six nine, which is the handle for that one, is Tommy truthful 36. But look what I wrote in here. Okay, this was this morning, 7 hours ago. So it is 06:31 p. m. Eastern time. Sorry, excuse me, I got to light this blunt. 06:31 p. m. So what's that, guys? Minus seven? That would have been, like, around 09:00 or so, somewhere in there. And I wrote this. Today is the day for staged events, guys. Remember, this is the day I warned about March 5 and March 6 in mine and Donuts podcast, because remember the number 36? I was breaking it down. And the year 2024 is the year of eight. Two plus zero plus two plus four equals eight, with Facebook changing its logo to meta. Well, the 35 connected to Facebook and facebook down. 35. Three plus five is eight. It's also the number of the baphomet, too, by the way. And we've had all this symbolism connected to the eight pointed star. But facebook down and separate gamatria, a big problem, equals 35, a mandatory mark, deception and death hoax. See, look what I said right here. They're going to say someone died. They're going to say someone died today or tomorrow. And what do you know? Here we go. There's actually a couple of them, though. Look at this, too, guys, real quick. Look at what they're doing with this sun. See, I think it's all connected to Nibiru. Even with this software that they were breaking into other people's governments back in the day, they had to find out who knew about this, who knew about this event, what all governments knew about it. And it's the biggest thing ever. Imagine if you knew that over 80% of the populace, 70% to 80% of the populace was going to die. And if you tell people, everybody's going to flip out. So you got to try to keep things as normal as you can for as long as you can. And I'm playing devil's advocate here, because we know they're much evilr. But maybe that's what all these chemtrails are. They're trying to hide what's truly going on up in the sky, because they damn sure couldn't hide it. Back during the. Remember this event right here? What was it called? The secrets of Fatima. Look into the secrets of Fatima. In 1938, the german chancellor, little Adolf, he said he's seen Nibaru in the sky. There's a whole video docuseries on it. It's crazy. The secrets of Fatima, the murder of Malachi Martin. And then right after this takes place, war starts. This is when war happened. Right after this. So we were already in a war when this lady gave her prophecy on July 13 of 1917. That was during the armenian genocide, remember? I think that was like the end of World War I. And she told people about our vision, these children, that we would see this great light in the sky. And that's when God was going to bring his judgment and punishment towards the world. Well, we're seeing it again, but they're covering it up. It's cyclical. It happens every so many years. You got people like archaics that thinks it happens every 138 years. Then you got my boy J dreams. He thinks it's spread out a little longer, right? And I agree with that. I don't know. I haven't been alive for 138 years, so I couldn't tell you if 138 years ago, they did one of these global resets, and sometimes it can be like 138 plus 138. So it might be longer than 138 years or three times 138 archaics breaks it down how it works. But it's always connected to that 138 number. And he calls it the Phoenix phenomenon. J dreams calls it the plasma apocalypse. Then you got people that just call it pole shift. Right? But that's what the secret of Fatima is all about. Planet X, Nibru. And they had this red Aurora borealis back then, which was crazy. People seen it from all over the world. It was a major, major event, extraordinary Aurora borealis. But see, that's what that german president, that you ain't allowed to say his name, the funny mustache, he said it was not the Aurora borealis. It was Nibaru. So that's what they were trying to tell us, that it was a very rare aurora borealis. And right after he allegedly sees Nibaru in 1938, that's when they start World War II, not too long after this. And he said, now it's time for war. Now, another thing that was interesting. 38. 38 is the reflection of 83. Well, 1983 was the first time they ever wrote about Nibaru. Man, what's the name of that newspaper? Hold on. Let me see. I got it over on my old page. I've been over here in a while. I think I got some accounts linked to it. Where is my old page? Wow. They just don't even pull that up no more. They hid that all the way, didn't they? All right, here it is. Here we go. This paper right there. Mysterious heaven. Oh, the Washington Post. This mysteriously heavenly body discovered in the sky. That was 1983, which is the mere reflection of 38. Right? So I find that interesting that that's when they allegedly had this secret of Fatima that led to the death of Malachi Martin. It's definitely a pretty crazy scenario. I'll find the docu series for you guys on it, and I'll upload it to my website so you guys can watch the full documentary. And then next time I do a video, I'll put that link in the description for you guys, okay? Because it's so hard to find. It's really a hard interview to find. I think they pretty much purged it all off the Internet, and then they recently come out with that movie trolling us. What was that one called? Hold on a second. If you go back and watch this movie right here, guys, they're literally trolling us in this. Don't look up. Came out December 24 of 2021, and it's all about an end of world event coming from this asteroid that's going to hit Earth. Now, during the eclipse, we're supposed to see the horned devil comet. But you know what's funny about that? Guess what? Nibiru was called the winged planet, and it would make what looked like devil horns when it was streaming through the sky due to its tail. Now, also, you got to think like this. I know a lot of flat Earth people out there are having a heart attack right now, and I used to be the biggest flat earther in the whole world. Now I'm pretty sure we live in a simulation, 100%, we do. And in a simulation, anything can happen. And this is kind of like it's factory, right? The. What Logan calls the wiping of the board. It's the factory reset. But even if you do look at it from a flat Earth perspective, well, that's what plasma apocalypse is all about. What Jay talks about, where plasma punches a hole through the firmament and all the petrified trees, all the petrified giants, all that stuff is supposed to be due to that. I think that just all keeps us arguing, really. Doesn't matter if it's flat, if we're spinning, it doesn't matter. There's something going on in the sky that they're hiding from us. And I think it's major. Like I've told you guys before, I think we are in a Greenland style event. Our governments are underground. The AI is creating the news. The AI is creating all these stories, all this. Even. Even the series that came out that's trending on Netflix. I believe they. I created that whole thing. That whole freaking thing. I believe it. Know, and all you got to do is start paying attention to your feed. You'll notice that they just continuously reuse the same story over and over and over again. Hold on a second. Let me do this. Three, four. Want to see if I can see any stories today. Who was the other person that died? So, we have that fire chief dead in one of their rituals. Oh, that's what we should put. Let's put dead here. We go. Five dead. Single engine plane crash in Nashville. Oh, that's on that 36 parallel. Shout out to little donut. Look at this one, guys. Here's a nice 35 for you. Three children among five dead in small plane crash. Well, it's time to start doing their children ritual as we're getting closer to the 13 days of preparation going into Beltane. That's a very short period away now. Teenager dead, four other people wounded and shooting. That's at Philadelphia bus stop. 17 year old dead, four others injured in shooting. Philadelphia teen dead at East Nashville shooting. Police launch incident. Man, a lot of people died today. Toddler wandering alone leads police to dead woman in apartment. That sounds made up to me. Let me see this sounds made up. This came out 1 minute ago at 06:14 p. m. Why does that 614 number look familiar to me? What was this dude's birthday? Hold on a second, guys. What was his birthday? Um. Oh, he had the 6116 birthday. Trump's birthday is 06:14 a. m. . I. Right? And this upcoming ISiS festival that happens in June is during that time period. I think it's like six 7th through the 15th, if I'm not mistaken. But this guy that they sacrificed in the tub in the Isis style ritual, right? Go look at the state. He was born 616. Now, it kind of makes you wonder, was he born to die? I say yes. I say it's all in his code. Not only was he born to die, three other members of his family, his little sister. So they're all dying. I had this story that it gives me goosebumps every time I tell it. So you guys know I do the personal decodes and the readings, right? The thing I hate the most is when I see someone with their code, where I find one eight seven in their code or homicide, and I see it over and over and over again. It's like, how do you tell a person, hey, be careful, because I see this in your code, and I'm a little worried. They probably wouldn't take you serious at first. Even though they're getting a reading from you, they don't know how serious it really is. So I did this decode on this girl a while back. Now, I've done over 4000 readings now. And this was back when I first started. I was still doing them over the phone at this time. So I would talk to you on the phone. We would talk for like, 30 minutes, and then at the end, I would gather all your information, you would tell me everything. And then at the end of the phone call, I would send you an email. By the time we were done talking, I would have the whole reading done. Usually took me 35 to 45 minutes, but that became too time consuming, right? So I just didn't have enough time in a day to do that. So I do this reading on this girl. I send her email over. Her whole breakdown. She was a life path number four, too, guys. And four is a life path number that's heavily connected to death. Life path four equals one eight seven. And the number four in asian cultures is called the number of death. It's actually the same word that they use in China for death, the same word that they use for the number four. It's very, very similar. So I do this reading on her and the two numbers I seen all throughout her code was one, eight seven and three two two. Now check this out. No bullshit. 322 days after I did that reading on her, she was murdered at a red light. And her freaking husband called me crying. Never talked to this dude in my life. First the police tried to contact me, which freaked me out because I didn't know what the hell was going on. I had completely forgot I even did a reading on that lady and I just had to explain to them, when someone dies and then they see an email, they probably were like, what the hell is this? Where I'm telling her to watch out that it's in her code that she's going to die and then she gets killed at a freaking red light where they robbed her. So nobody knows why it happened. She was just a normal soccer mom from what I heard anyways. That's what her husband said. But yeah, she died exactly 322 days after I did that reading. And then they found that email and reached out to me and that was pretty weird. Before that, before her, I really wouldn't even tell people if I seen one eight seven in their code because it's hard to talk about that. But then after that, I started telling people like, hey, listen, man, make sure you're careful because this is in your code, so you might want to move accordingly. And I just think it was in his code. It's coded into him. He was born to be ritualistically sacrificed. I mean, look at his birthday. It's pretty crazy. And not only him, but like I said, his sister was also killed. And all this stuff taking place today, on Tuesday, which, like I told you before, is connected to the Norse God. I can never pronounce his name Tyre, which is Tyr, and he got in a fight where his hand got bit off by this wolf. So he had to bind that wolf, right during this ancient fight he was in. Now, Tyra, however you pronounce his name, Tyr, he's the equivalent to the roman God Mars. And coming up on March 27, guys, we have this major alignment with Jupiter, Venus, and Mars, right? So this takes place on Tuesday. The whole Facebook power, Facebook locking people out and all that crazy stuff, which is connected to the Norse God, the God of war. And there's also many stories today talking about war. They're saying Israel and Palestine are trying to come to a deal. But I guess Israel Stalling is what I keep reading. And I'm telling you, they're going to lead us to war this month. March is the month of Aries, the God of war. And we have all this energy connected to war with these rituals they're doing. Remember, we've seen the wolf with the Facebook code. Remember actor, agent, Facebook Beast system, Black Tuesday, Black Wolf, black nobility. All that's in that code. Now, another thing, too, when this released, it released on February 20 eigth. I'll come back to this in a minute. February 20 eigth is when that movie released the Octopus murders. That is trending on Netflix. But anyways, so we're getting ready to go into the ides of March, right? We see the wolf coding within the Facebook going down. That's in that 35 code. And the ides of March, this was the ritual of Julius Caesar being stabbed, I think, 23 times. But he was stabbed in 44 AD. Then this guy dies at 44 years old. And the victim of the fire, the Texas fire, the woman, she died at 44, too. 44 years old, too. Guys, what was her name? Hold on, let me find her poor name up real quick. Hold on 1 second. Sorry, guys. Female victim of the Texas fire. I think there's only two people originally that died. Okay, here we go. No, that's not the one I want. I want the other lady. Smokehouse Creek fire claims life. The first woman was the 83 year old. Which murder is 83? Her name was Joyce Blankenship. That ain't who I'm talking about, though. So she was the first one to die. Okay, that's the one they want to keep. Coming up, names of the victims of the Texas fire. Okay, here we go about Texas battle. Second biggest wildfire in US history. Smokehouse Creek fire, second largest in US history. That was six days ago. Powerful Texas wildfire. Chars over. Damn. That charred over 1 million acres. Can you guys believe that? 1 million freaking acres. That's a lot of acres. To burn. And it seems like maybe Texas is being. Maybe Texas is being punished for something right now. That's what I was thinking. Oh, here we go. Here's her name. Okay, I wrote this down. So we have the connection to the octopus murders. He died at age 44. Julius Caesar, who died in 44 Ad. And the Texas fires. One of the victims that died, one of the two victims, Cindy Owen. That's her name, guys. Cindy Owen died at 44 years old. Now guess what else is 44? Family harp. Harp is 44. Makes me wonder. And what day did the Smoke Creek fire start? February 26, which was donuts birthday. It was also the day Jacob Rothschild died. And Jacob Rothschild, he dies on that day, which he's a member of the black nobility. And we had black nobility in 35. Matching Facebook and facebook down and all that. Now, if you spell out 35, that's where you're going to get that one two eight code in reverse. Ordinal 35 spelled out is one two eight. And if you remember correctly. I want to see what this cindy girl equals to. Hold on, let me see real quick. Cindy Owens. She's in that 112 in ordinal. Jesuit number. They're in 112 nations, just like this guy. Slashed his wrist ten to twelve times, so they say. Now let me see something here. Okay. Share my screen so we can take a look at this. Trying to see. Hold on. Just give me a second, guys. I got to read this really fast. Oh, yeah. So maybe that's what this is tied to. I don't even want to say that, though. I don't want to get my channel taken down. Anybody been to San Francisco lately? So, Danny's sister, she died in San Francisco. And we have the one two eight code. If we spell out 35, which bridge collapses? One two eight. And the bridge really did collapse in Pittsburgh on January 20 eigth of 2022, when Joe Biden was doing the infrastructure bill there. Remember, that's the same day the challenger blew up. And this year is the challenger's 36 year anniversary. Also the day. Oh, no, that wasn't that day. Oh. January 20 eigth is also the day that is the end of the year of the dragon and the beginning of the year of the Snake, which was the main symbolism we seen in that new Hunger games. They came out with serpents everywhere, probably when they'll really pop it off, because two two five is the great tribulation in English ordinal. So I've always thought they would do something major around that time. And this thing with Danny, what's going on with Facebook. All the deaths, the death with this new firefighter and all these deaths going around. I mean, really at its base. Guys, what is it? It's a freaking energy harvest is what it is. They love to lose us, don't they? They love to harvest our energy, and that's what's really going on with all these types of events. It's to get emotion out of you, because the more emotion they can charge up, they literally eat that. Like some type of a psychic vampire. Right? Now, there was this guy that wrote a book. He was an astral projector, and his name was Robert Monroe. And what he said, he's the one that pretty much patented the word moosh. L o o s h. That's who really made that word famous. Robert Monroe. Now, what he said was fascinating. He said animals are intentionally positioned on this planet to feed on plants and each other, thereby releasing the life force of their victims so it can be harvested in a predator prey struggle. So they say. In this predator prey struggle, exceptional energy is produced. In that combat mode, the spilling of the blood in the fight to the death conflict releases this intense energy, which the light entities call luch. According to Monroe's information, our creators, the cosmic energy farmers, intentionally equip these animals with devices like fangs, claws, super speed, in order to prolong the predator prey combat and thereby producing more loosh. In other words, the greater the suffering, the more of the life force that's spewed off the tastier it is to these entities. So I actually just did a video about Kat Williams and loose energy, and I used the clip in that video, the links in the description, guys, you got to watch this video. I could never share it on Facebook, but Kat Williams starts talking about the baphomet, how you got to kiss the anus of the baphomet, and all these rituals they're doing, which p. Diddy's doing, and it's not because p. Diddy. How do I say this without getting in trouble? Nobody cares about P. Diddy's sexual preference, right? Whether he likes men or women. But they're doing certain rituals because they're ritualistic, not because that is the gender they decide to be with. It has nothing to do with that. It's an ancient ritual. It's all about the harvesting of energy, and it's usually especially done with very young male men with high IQs. So you ever notice P. Diddy's always targeting, like, these superstars, these amazing young rappers? Look what he did to mean for real. Mace had to turn into a preacher after he was with P. Diddy, you know what I mean? He destroyed that poor kid. And people don't even realize this mace is probably the best rapper that ever lived. And I'm from New York, I'm telling you. I'm not talking about the mace that we got to know, that BS mace that was commercialized. I'm talking about the real mace. The mixtapes and bar for bar. No one's messing with that. That battle he did verse, Cameron was phenomenal. Look up mace versus Cameron battle. That's when we got a little taste of what he's really about. And, I mean, his pen game is nuts, but, yeah, P. Diddy was harvesting their energy. That's what it was all about, the Kia Solomon ritual. And it's done to these young, prepubescent boys, and it's about the harvesting of the energy. Crowley wrote about it, right? Crowley said the best child for that or for these sex magic type rituals and these energy harvest type rituals, that the children were the best because they had the highest energetic signature. And he said, out of children, the young boys were the best, especially prepubescent with high IQs. So this is what these people do and the ones running the world, the stars, look who they're really worshipping, and look what they're putting energy into. It's all to harvest our energy. They're stealing our energy from us. And then these entities that they're working with that's promising them you'll be able to live forever. And we got life extension technology. When you do die, don't worry, you'll live like a God in this other reality. It's not like you've been told. It's not like hell. And see, they believe, honestly, that Lucifer is really the one saving everybody. Know, he's the one that's going to protect us all. And I don't get into the whole name thing anyways, because them are modern words. Lucifer and all that. His true name was Gadriel. When you really get down to it. And at the essence, I think Gadriel is y'all the bAof. That's what I think it is. Y'all debayoth. And y'all the baof is the head archon. And they can't create on their own. I think that's why they kind of envy us, because we were created in the image of the creator, so we're able to create out of our mind. We could take something out of our mind, guys, and bring it into a reality. You know how powerful that is. That's an awesome thing to be able to do because not everyone can do that. And then females, you're even more amazing because you can bring in soul contracts and new life. So you're very close to the creator. Sometimes I wonder, do you guys think the creator might have been a female and we just been lied to because they like to invert everything? I know a lot of people are going to get mad at me right now in the comments, but they invert everything else, so why not? Why not invert that? I kind of think it is, but I get yelled at so much for even saying that. They tell me it's satanic to say that, and I definitely don't ever mean to offend anybody. Just knowing what I know about inversion and symbolism, it just makes sense. For real. I think we were actually created out of a female's rib, not the female was created out of a man's rib. And when you really look back into the ancient stories, that's what it says, but they want to rewrite everything, change everything, and invert everything. Anything sacred and holy. They like to manipulate it and flip it, right? So I'm thinking there's something there with that. Maybe females were the original creator or some type of feminine energy that's more feminine dominant now with this loose harvesting that's going on too, I think there's something connected, guys, to now I got to really think of how not to get in trouble saying this one. I think there's something connected to the whole people getting sick thing, right? And something that they want us to put inside of us is blocking certain people from getting special abilities like telekinesis, telepathy, and certain people's DNA from activating, from going from carbon twelve to carbon seven. I think that's what the sun's really doing. And I think this eclipse is going to amplify that. How? It's reinstating ancient consciousness, the sun. I think this astrological event connected to the eclipse and all the planets aligning, that's a once in a lifetime thing, guys. And there's nothing evil about it. I mean, that's the creator source. He's the one that created all this beautiful stuff. So what's evil about it? I don't understand how people think astrology and numerology and all this is evil when it was created by God. But hey, everyone's allowed their own theories on that. There's this video that went viral, and it's about this guy in prison and let me show it to you. My boy bdell, 10 114. Check him out on YouTube. He did a quick breakdown on it. Hold on. Quantum physics, metaphysics, my science technology. It works in tandem with your metaphysical abilities, because when you have the velocity of non ether collaborating with the carbon body, that's when your spiritual abilities start to come online. Since we in a sun cycle, and the sun cycle is being galvanized by influx of coronal mass ejections, so this is where you get telekinesis, psychometrically clairvoyance, intuition. This is where you begin to have abilities of levitation if you're tapped into a certain frequency. So it's not a coincidence that this man in prison. You also can't negate the fact that a lot of people with these spiritual abilities, they're locked up in prison, but they use their gifts for something that was basically malevolent. They use it for a negative frequency. So a lot of times when you face hardship, when you got to go in that mirror and you got to do that shadow work, and you got to face those traumas, sometimes those spiritual abilities come online when you at your worst state. So, with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, in order to tap into that frequency, it's got to be one of those things where you have to experience the dark night of the soul to tap into that frequency. Man, my boy Bdell was talking some real shit there. So what did you guys think about that? Did you see that? I mean, look what dude is doing. Let me pause with my boy Bdell. And that's Bdell, 10 114 on YouTube. Look at this. I watched this video, like, ten times to see how is he doing that. But I really think some people are just activating these abilities right now, and that's what they want to block out by getting stuff inside of us. I think they knew that this event, nibiru pole shift, the plasma apocalypse, it's a cyclical thing, so they went through it before they knew people was going to end up with special abilities. So that's the government's biggest fear. People going around with telekinesis, being able to meditate things with their mind, move things. You think they want that? Guys? They're trying to control us. The last thing they want us to be able to do is what that man is doing right there. There was a story. I forget the guy's name, but it was, like, in the 80s or something. And some african gentleman, he had all these crazy abilities. He was able to heal people, like crazy strength, teleportation, all kinds of different abilities. And he tried to come to the governments of the world. I forget what he went to him for, but the story goes, like, after he came to him, they tried to kill him. So they tried to kill him like, three different times. And they killed him many different ways. One time they chopped his body up, took him in different places. He comes back, he manifests back again. They burn him up, comes back. And at the end he told them, man, you guys really want to get rid of me, but in the future, there's going to be lots of me, and you ain't going to be able to get rid of all of us. And that was the last time they say that they seen that guy. It's a fascinating story. I forget his name, though. I wish I could remember his name. But I think a lot of this is what's really happening. Why they're blocking out the sun, why they're using the chemtrails. Because not only are people starting to wake up my brothers and sisters, people are starting to activating their abilities. We are starting to go from carbon twelve to carbon seven, right? We're going from that six six to that one six six. And a lot of people don't know about this one six six, but there's an amazing code connected to the one six six. And I was looking at from the time this movie or that docuseries comes out, the octopus, which. Let's think of this now. Let's just think of the octopus for a second before we get into the DNA and everything. And the one six six code. So the octopus symbolism is the Kraken. Right. And if you go on truthmafia. com, type in the search bar. The Kraken. Watch that video. My son actually created it. He did a phenomenal job. And it shows all the predictive programming connected to the Kraken and Rona. Now, the new variant, the last one we just had, they nicknamed it the Kraken. I'm not joking. And where was the first place it hit? Outside of Wuhan, China. Guys, Seattle. Remember hitting Seattle first? Well, Seattle has the Krakens. So there's this whole Kraken code connected to black goo, nanotechnology, third strand DNA. That's all within that symbol. And then this new series is the octopus murders. The octopus has always been connected to Jupiter as well. They say there's some aliens from Jupiter that are remnants of the octopus. And remember the whole event that we're getting ready to go into with the alignment is connected to Jupiter, right? Jupiter, Mars and Venus alignment on the 27 March. I believe that was the day. But the black goo, the nanotechnology, is blocking the twelve. So the third strand of DNA laced with the nanotech is actually blocking you from getting your twelve strands of DNA going from carbon twelve to carbon seven, where you will have special abilities like telekinesis, telepathy, many different things. And that's what it's all about. Them creating that triple helix, that third strand of DNA. And you see the numbers black goose, 66, corona, 66. They want to create the three strands of 22, which 22 plus 22 plus 22 is 66. And when did the first case happen? On November 18 of 2019. The 322nd day of the year. So it's all within the code. You can see the true agenda connected to it, but going from carbon twelve to carbon seven. I was looking from the time this series released american conspiracy, the octopus murders, which is about Danny and him trying to shut down global surveillance. So you'd be like, Tommy, why would that be connected to black goo nanotechnology? Rna? What would you mean? It's definitely connected to that. This was the birth of global surveillance. Now this black goo nanotech is going to be able to surveil you like nothing you've ever seen before. It's actually in your body. They're spraying it in the chemtrails. We went over this how they patent it, right in the graphene nano snow. They're creating some type of nanosnow out of it. That's why we had this weird winter where the snow looked crazy as shit. But anyways, this one six six code going from carbon twelve to carbon seven, which is one neutron, six protons, and six electrons. So what switches up there is the six proton or the six neutrons. Everything else is the same. We still have the six protons, we still have the six electrons, but we only have one neutron instead of six. One neutron instead of six. My apologies, guys. So from the day this octopus murders release, which is about the beginning of global surveillance, until August twelveth, which is that ISIS ritual. Right? Connected. He died on the 10th. ISIS ritual is the twelveth, which is tied to the candles and the Nile river flooding and all that helical rising. So from then to then is exactly 166 days, which in that code is demigod gene Rnadna. And epidemic is matching demigod gene RNA DNA and Alice Cern. And with CERN, we see the predictive program. Many different movies. But if you haven't watched my breakdown on Warcraft, you guys got to check that out. Remember in the movie Warcraft where they're opening up that big green portal. And they kidnapped all them. They kind of look like humanoid things, but they weren't humans. They kidnapped them entities and had them in the cages next to the portal that they was opening up. And then he used the green fell to steal their life force. He stole the loose out of them. Remember, guys? He sucked the loose energy out of them and that opened the portal. So we already used 13. 6 trillion. Try to open CERN, more electricity than the UK uses all year. And something open, but I don't think it opened it all the way like they wanted to. So that wasn't enough energy. Now they're able to tap into everybody that has that black goon nanotech in them. And think of this, they're already harvesting our loose, right? Imagine what that technology inside somebody allows them to do. And they're creating all these different copies, all these different phantom matrix. So the original copy is still there, which David Icke calls prime Earth. Right. It's kind of like a website where you have the original website, then you can clone the website and make three different clones of it. So the arcons, they can't create on their own, but they can take something that already exists, a frequency that already is there, and they can manipulate that. So they could take a website that's already there, and that website is beautiful, it's loving. And they could take that, invert everything on it, make it evil things of nightmare. So that's what they are, the great mimicker. They can really invert everything. And that's what they've done. They've created a phantom matrix, guys, a copy of the original. And that's what we're living in. And there's been so many different copies. I think certain people are on certain timelines, other people are on other timelines, and that's why we're seeing the whole Mandela effect. Cern plays a role in that. The quantum D wave computers play a role in that. And with these DMT meetings where they're going in and doing DMT now, you can interface with good entities on DMT or ayahuasca, or you can meet evil demonic entities. And I think they're messing with things that they shouldn't be messing with. The last DMT I just did recently, I had an amazing experience, but I also am vibrating on a higher frequency. These people are on some demonic ass energy. So let me take this down real quick. Want to show you guys this really fast share screen. Okay, here we go. Boom. Where is my. All right, here we go. That's what they're after right there. That loosh. They love that. That's a tasty item to them. Damn it. 69 in English. Ordinal, too. 69. That representsation of duality. And that's a big number connected to. Ain't that. What number is Saturn? 69 in. Can't remember. Oh, reverse ordinal. 93 in ordinal. So let me show you guys this really quick, then I got to go and finish up my thing. Als secret future blueprint leaked. How? Brain power is the. I mean, these people just got all kinds of crazy answers for us with this AI, man. They're out of their mind. This is the one Greg Reese just did. International israeli sales event of Palestine's land. Man, what is this happening, dude? Sleeping in a freaking baby stroller. I think there's propaganda going on both sides, though. I think both sides of that are pushing mad propaganda. Tons of fake stories. With that being said, though, I don't want to say I'm pro either side, but that land was Palestine. Let's just keep it 100. You know what I mean? I'm just about what's fair and what's real. And until 1947, it was called Palestine. Jacob Rothschild was gifted that land for getting America into war. You can't just go to someone's land and kill them and throw them out, man. That's not right. You know what I'm saying? But nobody stands up for them. So it's happening and it's crazy. And then if you do stick up for them, they'll say, oh, you're a liberal. You're this, you're that. And I'm the furthest thing from a liberal. I'm a pro life conservative. But I think it's evil. I know how to think on my own. I think it's evil what's going on to them people. Did you guys see this story, too, where Tim Poole states, believing in God should be? That's. Wow. I can't even believe he said that. Sometimes I wonder if he's an agent, too. So here's the one I wrote. Beyond the veil, glimpse into the ayahuasca vision I had. I made some images on it, and they were vivid, man. Very vivid. I couldn't create this one. I kept trying to recreate it, but I couldn't make it. It just wouldn't come out right. But the one that was so vivid was Yellowstone blowing up. It was Yellowstone blowing up. And then everywhere was freezing, instantaneously. So simultaneously as Yellowstone's blowing up, everything else was freezing, like, instantly. Statues, houses, cars. I seen everything freezing. And I was thinking after I came out of that, I was like, man, I wonder if that vision is like, Yellowstone blows up and then it causes a global winter, right? Because if Yellowstone blows up, guys, we got a problem. We got a real big problem. And all the planets aligning perfectly right now with this coming eclipse, they're going to bring their antichrist forth. It doesn't matter if you're religious. You guys know, I'm not even religious at all. It's about power. That's what it's about. With them control, they're going to manipulate the certain religious groups there are. That's why with that new dune, it's all about the coming of the Mahadi. If you watch Dune too, it'll blow your mind. That's exactly what it's about. So they're pushing propaganda on both sides. And to the christian people, the Mahadi, which is the messiah, to the Muslims, but to the Christians, that's the Antichrist. Now, don't you see how someone's being manipulated here? And who truly created Islam and Christianity? Well, this is facts. The Catholic Church did. And there's even evidence. This is going to be very confrontational, what I say, but there's even evidence that the Catholic Church truly created Judaism and not the other way around. That's what I believe, too. I think they did. I think they created all three of the abrahamic religions, the Catholic Church, it's the resurrected Holy Roman Empire. So they kind of got tired of controlling the world through force. War after war after war after war. And they figured, hey, why don't we do it through religion and we just merge all the religions? So if the Norse people, they wanted to keep holding on to certain things about their religion, no problem. We'll merge that into Christianity. And they did that with everyone. And that's what we got, the modern day version of it. Now. I mean, the thing with Catholics creating Judaism, that could be debated and there's no definitive evidence of that, but Catholicism creating Islam and Christianity, you can't debate that. That's 100% true. So I think it was set up to keep them. Two people fighting a holy war. Divide and conquer, right? Keep them going at each other's throat. Oldest trick in the game, guys. Now, Moses, when he seen the burning bush, this was called the Acacia Bush, which is rich in DMT. I wrote a blog about it. That's what allowed him to interface with God and even Jacob, Jacob's thing, where he wrestled with God. If you go read what that says in the Bible, he talks about the pineal. After that, he's talking about the pineal gland. And when he wrestled with God, I'm not saying he was on ayahuasca or none, but he was on some form of DMT for sure. When we die, our body releases mass amounts of DMT. When you're born, your body releases mass amounts of DMT. And also when you are in REm sleep, you're releasing DMT. That's just allowing you to lucid dream, right? Is the DMT. That's kind of what the DMT realm looks like too, guys. It's pretty crazy in there. Now, hold on, let me zoom this out. Bigger. Full screen. There we go. That was the craziest part of my vision that I had. During this vision, there was one part of it where I kind of flipped out and I left because we were all at her uncle's house and I had a dip, man. I went outside, started walking down the street. She came after me, and I started getting that feel. You know when you like that feeling when you smoked way too much weed and your heart starts pumping and you're like, oh, shit, I might have to call the ambulance. It was like that, but times 100 way worse, guys. And when I finally sat down out there to try to get my breath, that's when I started having that vision. And what I had seen was crazy. It was checkpoints everywhere. And the people that were going through the checkpoints, to me, it looked like they had got their DNA altered, which allowed them to go through the checkpoints without the checkpoint going off. And anybody that didn't get their DNA altered was living like, on the outskirts of these cities. And there was these kill bots going around hunting you down and killing you. People are trying to hide in the wilderness, but that wasn't working. They were hunting you down, and then they were taking the people and using their dead bodies as some type of energy source. It was powering up this generator thing, which they do have technology now that after they kill you, what's that called? Aqua. Oh, shit. I can't remember the name of it. It's kind of like cremation, but with water. Aqua cremation or something. And then they use it to spray on the crops. Have you guys heard about that? Aqua. Oh, man, that's going to drive me nuts. I can't remember it. But anyways, it pretty much turns you into a sludge, this like, watery sludge, and then they'll fertilize the crops with it. So they already got some stuff similar to that going on. But in my dream, all of a sudden, it's like I was sitting outside of space and time, and I could see all this happening simultaneously. I could see the future, why the present was taking place, and why the past was taken. It was all going on at the same time. So I could see where it started, what it turns into, and the final outcome of it simultaneously. And in that vision, all the people that took that gene editor, that third strand, DNA is what I'm thinking. It was in my head. Anyways, they got this crazy virus. It was like a nanovirus. And then the last part of my vision, everything was black. The skies were purple black, really dark. There was rats everywhere. I remember that very vividly. Rats and spiders I've seen everywhere. And there was zombies walking around. But the damn zombies, they had these, like, cysts or boils popping out of their skin. And they weren't your normal zombies, guys. They literally looked like a freaking half cyborg zombie human. So I'm thinking in my vision, my ayahuasca vision, maybe we started to merge with machines along the way. And that went sideways, which it probably will. It probably will go sideways. I try to recreate my vision of Yellowstone, but I had 12 hours of some crazy visions, guys. And then when you look at Ayahuasca, ayahuasca equals 22, which is the master builder number. Alchemy is 22, and so is ether. You know what the ether is, right? In ancient medieval times, people believe the universe beyond the earth was filled with a substance called ether. This substance was thought to be rare within the earth's sphere, and it was believed that events in the heavens could influence what happened on earth. Medieval alchemist called it the fifth element, which was believed to be similar to the substance that made up the heavenly bodies. And now they try to tell us ether doesn't exist no more. Right? I don't believe that. And how they came up with that, too. If you read about it, it's the stupidest test ever. They came up with the stupid, and that's. They just throw ether out the. Well, you know, it can exist. It's not real no more. But I think it is real. Nikola Tesla talked about it. We had people like, what was it? Plato talked about it, too. So you got ayahuasca, alchemy, ether, all in that 22 cipher. When you spell out 22, you get the number 42, which akashic records is 42, where all information is stored, all is revealed is 42. Artificial reality 42. And that's what we're living in. This artificial reality. They say the Acacia records are holographic in nature. They're all stored holographically, which, like I said, I believe that all reality is holographic. Not just that, this is kind of like our structure, right? With these little arcons at the top of it harvesting our loosh. And then you got the Vatican is the highest human group because you got the lower level malevolent demon dracos, you got the higher level anunnaki or fallen angels, whatever you want to call them. Then after the Vatican, the Roman Catholic Church, you got the bilderberger. Below that, Council of Foreign Relations, United Nations Banking complex, Federal Reserve and other central banks. Then you have council 13 down there, the committee of 300. But on a lot of people's drafts with the pyramid, you ever notice they got the council 300 all the way up here and the council 13, like all the way up here. That's definitely not how it's structured. They're working with entities at the top. They ain't humans. There's something else up there. Damn, I took like 400 milligrams of edibles before I did this live. They're definitely starting to kick in, guys. So 42 is supposed to be one of the most sacred numbers and might be the key to the universe. We have the 42 laws of the goddess Matt m a t. Also, let me see. Here in Japan, 42 is a sign of misfortune because it's pronounced shirai, which is harmonious with death. That's how they look at the number four. In China, the number represents a time of suffering and testing. According to the Bible, the generation from Abraham to Christ in the gospel was 42 generations. Then you have the Gentiles will trample the holy city for 42 months. That was in revelations eleven through twelve. There's that 1112 number, the 42 months during which it was given to the beast to act in blasphemy. And then the famine during the time of Elijah lasted 42 months. You see it over and over again throughout the Bible. It's so ingrained in this reality, it's pretty crazy. Also, according to the egyptian book of the Dead, the deceased upon death, face 42 judges. Yeah, well, I want to see something real quick. Judges. I wonder what that equals. They face 42 judges. Let me see some guys version. Here we go, 42 judges. What page is that? Is that one of my pages? Oh yes, my other page. What one is it? When you type in just truthful TV, I see sometimes some fake pages pop up too, trying to steal my name. I don't like that shit. Let me see here. Oh, that's interesting. Guys, look. Judges is 22. Well, 22 spelled out. What's it equal, guys? 42. And there's 42 judges, right? Look at that face. 42 judges. Remember? That's how we started it out. See? Ayahuasca, 22. Alchemy, 22. Ether, 22. 22 spot. Out is 42. Damn, I wish I'd have known that when I wrote the blog. I'd have put that down there. I have to go back and tighten that up, but I'll probably forget. I always forget after I do it. But, yeah, that's my ayahuasca experience. In a nutshell. It wasn't nothing good. I seen that big eclipse in the sky that created a holy war. The holy war was fought between, obviously, Islam and what looked to me to be Christians, but it was global everywhere. And the one world leader thing, I seen a person, but he didn't look like what I would think the Antichrist would look like. He kind of looked like an egyptian God to me. And it kind of seemed like they brought back human sacrifice, too, in New York City. So that might be a thing coming to us. But ayahuasca, man, I'm telling you, the Lakota Indians, they got some shit, for real, that it's way stronger than what I tried down to South America. Because I did it before when I was like 17, when I traveled to South America. And then I've done DMT a handful of times. But that only lasts like 25 minutes, right? That ain't really nothing. Ayahuasca, I mean, you are really tripping. You're seeing other realities. I went through the kind of the DMT thing like you see in DMT at first, but then the visions got very extreme and I could see them more clearly. But like I said, it was like I was seeing them from another dimension. I was watching them play out kind of. It wasn't like, as clear as you could see me on your screen right now. It kind of had that DMT overlay to it. You know what I'm talking about? Anyone that's done DMT, like this kind of all the colors, the kaleidoscope thing. But then it looked like I could see through that. And that's what I was seeing going on, on the other side of that. Like if you're looking into a screen, but the whole screen is that giant kaleidoscope looking thing when you go in there. I did not see the DMT woman this time. I've been trying to find her again, but I haven't found her. So you always hear about this DMT woman. Some people report her in a red dress, other people talk about her in a green dress. It just reminds me of that lady from the Matrix. Remember the red woman? The red dress woman in the matrix. I'm wondering if that lady's got something to do with that lady everybody reports seeing in the DMT realm. But anyways, that was my crazy little experience, guys. So let's go to the comments and see what you guys are talking about before we end this tonight. We did an hour and 40 minutes and I'm pretty blowed on some edibles right now. What do you say? Had to restart my phone. Every time I watch Tommy's live, my phone did all shitty. Yeah, they like the sensor, bro. I apologize for that. You could see where you wasn't supposed to see me. You were supposed to see what I was looking at on the page. Didn't you see what I was showing you on the page? I was sharing my screen, so you should have. What's this one say? The eclipse. Here in India, the kids are not. Yeah, or Indiana. They're not going to school here either. And speaking of Indiana, thanks for reminding me that. Okay, so Indiana, let's see here with this eclipse thing. Indiana. Okay. All right, let me see. And as it was in the day of Noah, so it will be also in the last days of the son of man, Luke. 1726. An evil generation seeks after the sign. No sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. Yet 40 days in Nazareth. Wait. Yet 40 days in Nazareth will be overthrown. The total solar eclipse that will be taking place on April eigth of this year will pass through Jonah, Texas, through several towns and cities bearing the name Nazareth, also passing through rapture, Indiana. And you just said they're canceling the schools where you're at in Indiana. They are here too, in Canton, Ohio. It goes right over you. Look, Ohio's right there. Oh, shit. One of the. Ohio. Yep, Nazareth, Ohio. I never been there. That looks way far away from me, though. I'm up by Cleveland. So it goes to rapture, Indiana. All this takes place under the constellation Cetus, which is the whale, and it also includes in the path of the eclipse is the ark in Williamston. I can't even say that. Williamson, Kentucky, 40 days after that eclipse is May 18, the eve of Pentecost. So maybe that's when the war stuff will launch. You think, guys, because that's connected to all that biblical prophecy with Jonah. I don't know. Could be. Definitely could be. Something significant 40 days after the eclipse, taking us to the 18th? Or is that the right day? Yeah, May 18. May 18. Let me think here. Let's take a look real quick. Where's the date calendar? Hold on, guys. You just look at that for a second. I'll be right back. Date calculator. I was going to go, but now I need to know something about this damn May 18 date real quick. Damn it. My blunt went out again. Are you kidding me? Shit. I'm just going to hit this vape. Okay, so I want to see here present. Okay. Hide that screen. Share. Enter. Share. All right, so May 18 is our day, right, that we're looking 40 days after. So let's take. What should we start with? Okay, let's try this one. Let's try from the Lahaina massacre. That was a pretty big event until May 18. I just want to see if there's anything there. Then I would like to know, too, like from 911 till that day. See if there's any connections there. That's how you decode. What do we got here? Nine months and ten days. Shit. So the 19th is nine months and eleven days. Oh, boy. Oh, boy. Or no, May 18 is nine months and eleven days, including the end date. So without the end date, it's nine months and ten days. Right. 40 weeks and four days. There's that 44 number, guys, that we keep seeing. 40 weeks and four days. 44. And then including the end date, that gives us nine months and eleven days from behind. A massacre until that day. I'm thinking there might be something up with that. What do you guys think? That's pretty freaking crazy, don't you think, guys? Oh, shit. Whoever made this was smart. I don't know who. One of my followers sent me this. I made the slide, guys. But the connection to all them town, I didn't do that part. So I made the slide and added that. The thing on the left with the Bible verses and the eclipse and all the towns. I didn't make that. I don't know who did. Chs, maybe? I don't know who that is, but one of my followers sent it to me. And I wish I did know who made it so I could give them credit and shout them out. But I just wanted to share it with my people, so I didn't really know. And look at that. Damn. The eclipse, it's right over. Right where that X is we got. Damn. That's where the ark is. Nazareth. And the rapture, they make a triangle right there. Look, guys, the rapture over to the ark, up to that Nazareth and down there's a perfect triangle right in the middle of the X. I would like to know what cities are in that triangle. You know what I mean? I bet you they're going to do some rituals in them cities, right? It can't be that big. What does that encompass? Well, I guess it is pretty big. That's Kentucky. Damn. Kentucky is pretty much right there. Didn't we have some crazy tornado in Kentucky not too long ago, like a year back or something? Some major tornado. Lot of harp events are going on connected to this eclipse. And you see where that X is, guys, where that little triangle makes that. If you look at that bloodstar that I told you guys about where they did all them staged events like JFK, 911, TWA, hundred, DC, Sniper, Virginia Tech, Columbine. It makes a giant blood cross around America. And then right in that middle point, that's where the Wisconsin shooting massacre was. And that's pretty much that same area. It's a little lower than that, right? Because that was like up here. Yeah, that's right here. So it's like down here, but it's still in the middle of the blood star where the twin eclipses makes stacks. It's probably more like right here. Yeah, probably like right there. Oh, boy, that scares me though. 911, what do they got planned for that? We got to screenshot that because I'll forget. Okay, so from eight. Eight 2023 till 518 is nine months and eleven days. All right, let's screenshot that. What other day should we look at, guys, do you think? 911. I knew it would be Lahaina though, because that was just so huge. Let me screenshot that right there. Hold on, I'll open it back so you guys can see real quick. I just want to upload this really fast because if I don't do that, I'll forget. Where the hell is my canva? Right? Here we go. Okay, here we go. Now how do I take that off so that people can see? See, guys, back here. This is how I'd be creating all this stuff for you guys. I was back here making these slides up before I went live. So then what I'll do is upload that right into here. That one screenshot open. Bam. There we go. That way I have it so I do not forget. So that's from what other day should we look at? Let me think. Oh, I know. How about the beginning of the pandemic, right? So we definitely have a connection to Lahaina. I don't mean we'll have one to this. What is in that 58 code? I think that's two, two, three. Look at that, guys. Two, 3 hours. Skull and crossbones is two, two, three. But this 58. Hold on a second. Let me think. Wait a second here. What is. I see 58. Oh, yeah. An english ordinal Facebook is 58. So let's look in that code, and then let me see something here. 5313 week, four months, 28. Okay, what's on this 58 code? It was project blue beam, but I don't know. Hazardous. 58 helix DNA mania. Oh, shit. Look at that, guys. Jade helm. Now, that's interesting, because. Jade helm. You guys know what this is? Let me show you. Whoa. What the hell is that? Could trigger Zoids, colonize the moon. No, they couldn't. It's freaking plasma, you moron. Jade Helm, 15. One. All right, remember when they were running this Jade Helm 15 operation, and that was the time when we seen all these trains coming in? And remember all the train tracks were bringing tons of trains in, tons of military equipment, and then people was like, oh, nothing happened. That was the same time they were building all the underground bunkers. They were running them drills down in Texas, which is now burning. That's where this drill was, out of Texas. And all of a sudden, they shut down all the freaking Walmarts across the United States. I remember this so vividly, because the reason I remember it during this time was, like, when I was really getting into the know, more crazy conspiracies. I was already looking into other things. But this is where I was, into FEMA death camps. And we all go through our journey, right? This was my part of that journey. FEMA death camps, reptilian underground bunkers, stuff like that. But the weird thing is, during Jade Helm, when they're running these military operations, all these Walmarts closed all across America. Next thing you know, these military fences start going up, and people, this is before this is 2015. So we still had the Internet. I think it wasn't what it is today now, but I think it was also a lot freer back then, because 2016 is when everything changed. That's when I think they switched the Internet out and put some of us on a different Internet from other people. But whatever. Jade Helm was supposed to be the launch of artificial intelligence, too, and think that was 2015. So they were way ahead of the game. They militarized it. And if you look into it, you can even find paperwork on military peer reviewed papers on artificial intelligence being weaponized in 2001. No joke. So 911 was supposed to be the rollout of that type of technology. That surveillance grid, the Patriot act. They're usually 50 years ahead of us when they give us chat, GPT, this little AI and stuff like this. They've had this probably since. They probably had this since that time frame. Guys in that area, I set up all these different chat bots I created. This is the one that I can make. Create any image I want to. So let's pick one. I'm going to tell it something to create. Create me an image of martial law California in a war versus Texas. Show checkpoints. And across the image, put the words Jade Helm. Also have a giant Walmart with prison gates surrounding it. On the image, let's see what it creates. Okay, that's a pretty plain description. I'm sorry, I can't help with that request. Create me an image. Martial law California. What part do you think it doesn't like? The California war versus Texas. Let's take that out. All right, let's take that part out. Maybe that's what it don't like. Create me an image. Martial law California. Okay, let's take this part out. It's never done that to me before. What is it doing? I always have it. Create me some crazy images. Are you kidding me? Okay. Create me an image that depicts terminators taking over humanity. Checkpoints all around the world. You can't get through the checkpoints unless you have a digital microchip on your left arm, period. Make this image look very futuristic. Let's see if it'll make this one. Wow. It's not making me. What is it? It's just not doing nothing. I'm sorry, but I can't create or provide images directly. It doesn't matter that it's my spell check, but that doesn't matter. It should still be able to do it. Create me an image depicting an AI terminator. War versus humanity. Maybe this was. I was on my spell check, but I've had my spell check. Create images before. I've had this one create images. That was weird. This one I programmed specifically to create custom images. I'll show you how I did it real quick. Let's see what we got here. Damn, this person is missing the leg, dude. See, it takes a while for you to get the proper image that you're looking for. You have to take it and tweak it. So you might have to take this one. Just AI Terminator. Right. Have it taking place in Texas at a Walmart. Around the Walmart is a prison style gate. There's guard towers at the Walmart. Humans in prison cells. The robots are guarding them. Include the word jade Helm on this image. All right, let's see what we got here, guys. Oh, still in it. I'll tell you what, the new one they got for Microsoft, their image creator is crazy. And you can do that one for free. You don't even got to pay for it. This one, I have the premium membership chat, GPT. But I'm telling you, Microsoft's taken over. Let's see what it does. There we go. What do we got? Oh, look at this one, guys. Damn. I wish you could see the jade helm better, right? Oh, that is bad ass. Wow, Jade, you really can't make out the helm, though. That's the only part of that image head. Honestly, I don't like that. The humans in the cages kind of look like robots themselves. That's hilarious. So what you could do, if you didn't like that image, you could go like this. Guys, instead of recreating another prompt, you could do this. Okay. Make it redo it. When I do your guys'reading. This is how I'll come in here and create custom images. I'll show you an example of one I'll create. Like, say you're a Capricorn and your ruling planet is Saturn. Like me. That's my ruling planet. I'm a life path three. Oh, wow. Look at this. What the hell? Can't spell right sometimes. What does that mean? But you could fix this. I could take this in another AI program and take that off right there. Oh, shit. Look at this over here. What is going on right here? You guys see this? See, AI creates some weird things sometimes. Like, look at these people. They're all disembodied, demon looking things. Look at this dude over here. His face. What is that? This guy looks like a demon, too. Look at this demon back here melting. And then this dude over here. I mean, what is that? His whole arm is intertwining. Look at this. His arm is intertwining with his leg. And I don't know what's going on there. I always like to see what it creates and what it's thinking in its mind. Look, this one looks like it was cut off. And there's a grid also something over there. Let's try one more time. So people think, oh, you just put a prompt in and that's it. No, it takes a while. Imperfect images. You see me with. I might be here for an hour playing around to get that image the way it is sometimes. You could put it in. And it happens the first time. Not too often, though. The next prompt, I'm going to teach you guys how to do. Okay, create me an image of the God Kronos riding a seagoat, not a seagull. Got to get this talk text better. Show the planet Saturn up in the sky. Include the number 36 on the image, and have the God Saturn on the seagoat with the sword, and he's battling an agent Smith character. Say somebody had the 36 code, which is the neo code, right? Neo codes. 36 old souls is 36, and they were capricorn. Their ruling planet was Saturn. I would create them a custom image, something like this, but I'd also include their name on it, which might take me ten times to where it'll spell it right. Look that one up there. See? It just added whatever that is in two stars on this one. Look at these disembodied bodies. Look at this, guys. Oh, wow. His jaw is way open. He's got another arm coming out right here. That leg is gone. I'm telling you. What is in here. Controlling this is an arcon that's tethered to this technology 100%. They've gotten this technology by going into these DMT meetings with these machine elves because they're not working with the angelic entities. They're working with the bad ones. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, look at this. That's pretty hard. I wouldn't send that to them because, obviously, look, there's a ship in the sky. What's that ship doing there? I didn't tell it to make that. Sometimes some of the funny ones, though, when it does something like that, like, why is the Titanic up in the sky? I kind of like his sword, though, that crazy crescent moon look. That is kind of cool. And then it just added words down there, which, if the picture was good enough and I really liked it, I wouldn't be worried about that because I could easily trim that off. But that would not be a picture I would keep because obviously I forgot the 36 too. So, see, you got to play with it for a minute. I should have also told it to put a matrix aesthetic on it. Let me tell it that add a matrix aesthetic to the image, period. Okay. It's my last try. I got to go to bed. I'm tired as hell. Oh, wow, that one's tight. I might keep that for me as a Capricorn. Look at that. That's neo on the center in the background. Now, see, like this one, you could take that image. So let's say the person's name is Aaron. Right? Put it. Load that. Go over here. Go to our templates. I got five team members. Donuts. It's one of my little team members. Oh, shit. I got to pay the bill coming up. I just pay it for a whole year, and then I can give all these people it for free. I forget who I even gave it to. Travis. My boy Travis. He's in the comments. He has access to it. Matrix code breaker, donut. Me. Oh, and my homegirl, Michelle Gray, I don't know if she still uses it, though. Shout out to Michelle Gray. I love her. Okay, so I would need. No, I need. All right. No, not that one. Where the hell is. Hold on a second. This is crazy. Where's the Instagram one? There's a story. We just want a normal. Right here. Take this, right? Get a blank template with your dimension size. Then you go over here, go to frame. You want to stretch the frame. That way you don't stretch the picture, and then it'll lose some of the pixel to look bad. Then you take that image that you just created right there. Open. Boom. Okay, go up here. And it Capricorn. And you can add all the other stuff you need manually. You know what I mean? Like the Capricorn symbol, the number 36, the name. So then they get kind of pretty much a custom one from you. See if I like that. No, I don't like that show. Stupid. I hate my symbol. I like the Seago. I think he's pretty gangster, the seagoat. But I don't like the way our logo looks. Like Taurus has a cool one. Which one's this one with the wave signs? Is that Aries? I guess. And see this one? That doesn't really look like Saturn or Capricorn to me. Here's all the other ones. Like, that one's my favorite. This is cancer. I guess it would be, though, right? Probably use that one. But that one looks stupid, too. This one, maybe it. Yeah, you could use this one. That one ain't too bad looking. What's that up there? Plus, you could change that color, maybe make it that color so it kind of matches a little bit. Capricorn. Let me see it. Dark one. You see what I'm saying? Something like this. Play around with it a little to create their custom image. I'm a freaking perfectionist, so I've messed with it way too long. But I probably wouldn't even put that on there. I'd probably just put their name, that symbol, the number 36, because that's very important. That's part of their code. So, like, finding the right number, that would look good on there. That would be really important part. Definitely not that one. You just have to play around with it. No, not that one. I wish it had that color right there. Damn if that wasn't so bright. 36. 36. I like that one. I wish you could change this color, though. It. Oh, shit. Got to be careful. It tries to do that's something like that, though. Then you could put their tarot card over here, their name right there, and custom image. Sometimes it's easier to do it that way than just keep playing with AI to get it to do it. But anyway, I digress. Now, let's go over here and end this one. I did two damn hours tonight. Stop presentation. All right. Comments. I can't believe that many of you guys stayed in here for this long. The hell is wrong with you? I used to have problem. It's certain people. What do you guys think about that video? That video with that dude doing the magic tricks? You think that's real? This one right here? What do you guys think about that? I mean, look at all the people watching him, though. He's like an airbender. The mindbender, or is there a trick to it? If you think there's a trick to it, what do you think the trick is? I definitely think it's real and it's not witchcraft. Do you think everything's witchcraft, Ralph? People think everything's evil. Everything's witchcraft. Everything ain't evil. You know what I mean? Today's 34 days before the eclipse. Interesting. Don data, shout out to don data out there. Don data. So, this person says it's fake. Why do you feel it's fake? Sean, elaborate for us. Jamie says magnetic. I don't know, Jamie. Magnetic. How is it magnetic, honey? It's a card, right? Could be magnetic, though, I guess. And I want to see. You can't just say scripted, though. Anyone can say scripted. You got to tell me, how is he doing it? Or what's your theory on it? The magnetic thing. I could at least see that working. Guess that could be a thing. Paper can be charged. Physical magic. Oh, speaking of magic. Speaking of magic, guys, before we go, I forgot to do this. I want to show you guys my new. Remember that? Remember that red mercury we was talking about? And the government said, red Mercury doesn't exist, but I think they're liars because Russia has many papers published on Red Mercury, and the tartarian empire seemed to be using it in their free energy technology, if you remember, on top of the Tartarian Empire buildings. Remember, they would have them metal rod things going up for the free energy. Well, at the bottom of them metal rod things, there was like these circular balls. Do you remember them? The circular balls, they say, was filled with that red mercury. That's what was in there. I watched this amazing video on it the other day. I have to find it and share it on my website for you guys and put it in the next comments when we go live. But this is over on truthfultv. com, on my shop. And that link is down in the description. And we got some amazing new products. And, guys, so these are the cinnabar rings. They're made out of Cinnabar, which is what they say creates that red mercury. And my dude creating these is the guy that owns alchemical magic jewelry. His family's been doing it in China for over a thousand years. Hits bloodline anyways. I mean, he hasn't been alive for a thousand years, but look how pretty them are, man. I got one on the way. He sent my kid one, too. And this is infused with that cinnabar and jade. It's supposed to be protection and ward off evil spirits with cinnabar. I called it the Cinnabar elixir ring. Now watch. I guarantee somebody will try to say it's connected to something negative. I bet you there will be a video on it in a week or so. It's just sad. These ones are pretty awesome, too. This is organite bracelet. And we just sold out of the other ones. They were a little darker. They had obsidian, so the stone was obsidian and turquoise. And this one has the clear stone with the copper and turquoise. So it blocks EMF chakra balancing energy, amplifies meditative aids. Organ was created by. Damn, what's that dude's name? William Reich, I think his name was. Well, he died in prison anyways. But Oregon energy takes negative energy. Like, it takes the negative energy, like the. It transmutates it and kind of cleans it and turns it back into positive, safe energy for us. So that's a real science, too. The Oregon energy. These are awesome. I just sent a couple people, some free ones of these to my customers that purchased a lot of stuff. Whenever I get something new in, I try to look out for my people. And I'm actually wearing one of these on my neck right now. The moonlit fluoride, which is another one that's supposed to play a role in blocking negative spirits. But this one, I guess how it works, it absorbs any negative energy that comes at you instead of hitting you and your frequency, the fluoride will block it and kind of trap it instead of it letting it hit you. The fluoride. And then, of course, obsidian. You guys love that. We sell so much obsidian because the ancients used it, the Mayans used it, the Aztecs used it, and that's the main thing it does. It's literally for blocking psychic attacks and witchcraft attacks. There's many different elements that play a role in that, but that's what that one was specifically designed for. And then I'm a huge fan of these ones right now. So we have the obsidian pyramids, we have the organite pyramids, but these ones right here, if you're talking about 5G guys, and the best pyramid to set on your desk or your bed by your TV, it's these ones, and they're made out of tourmaline. So remember when I did that research paper on what are the best stones and natural things to block Ems? The number one thing was torlamine, which I didn't even know what the hell it was, so that's what made me look into it and eventually get these. They're not as pretty as an organite one. Even the obsidian is kind of pretty and shiny, right? They're a little more dull. But, hey, it's the block DMs, so who cares? And if someone ever breaks in your crib, it would definitely make a good weapon. Also, this is tourmaline in its raw form, so it's always good to get crystals or stones raw. You don't want them polished, because once this is polished, then it loses, like they say, it loses over most of its power instantly. And you want to charge them. I know this one especially. You want to charge under full moons. This is another one that one of the bracelets here is made out of tourmaline. The black one is right there, which block? CMF. But there's so many different stones on this one. There's this green one, red one, and it tells you what each one is. Phoenix, turquoise, jade. I don't even know what the hell that how to pronounce that one. I like the strawberry quartz. That's pretty. Here's pink tourmaline, guys. So if you're a girl and you're like, man, I ain't really filling that black tourmaline, we'll just get you some pink tourmaline. I don't know if pink tourmaline works as good as the normal tourmaline, though. But each one has a different healing quality and a metaphysical property to it. Here's how you say his company in Chinese, which in american translates to alchemical magic jewelry. And I'm all about that. We got to start protecting ourselves. Also got some organic soaps, guys. I got some new ones coming in, too. And what else did I get? That's pretty much it, right? Oh, yeah. I didn't upload the other ones yet. I got some other stuff. It'll be uploaded by tomorrow. This is the one everybody keeps buying. We sold 400 of these in one video. Then the other day we sold another 150. He had a total of 1000 made, which he's making more now. And they're handcrafted, antique black obsidian bracelets. And copper, well, copper has the grounding property already. And then you can tune copper to certain frequencies, which this one is tuned to 7. 83 Hz, which matches the Schumann resonance. And this is aligning with the frequency that is our alpha brainwaves. So that's pretty good. The Schumann resonance has to do with our overall health and well being. You know what I mean? And that's a unisex bracelet, so it's good for both men and women. One other thing. You could wear it in the shower, but I want it because the copper will turn green. That's just what copper does. When you hit it with water, it'll start to turn greenish, which is a pretty thing when it gets that color. But inside here, holding this together, there's an elastic rope. So you see this part is copper. This is all copper. Obsidian. Obsidian. Obsidian. But holding them beads in there is that elastic rope part. And that might be the part that would mess up if you keep getting it wet. So I wouldn't recommend that part to do that. Probably not a good idea. You know what I'm saying? And if you're looking to get your booking, you just come over here like this. Guys, we got the dream interpretations. We got the reading. And these ones, if you use promo code Dream 26, you get the dream interpretation. Instead of $11, you'll get it for, like, pretty much around $8, which you can't beat. And you just give me. A matter of fact, there's a girl that paid for a dream interpretation, but I haven't seen her again. So she booked a dream interpretation and she didn't fill out her. So when you book your dream interpretation, it gives you a box where you can fill out what your dream was about. Don't forget to do that. I kind of need that. I can't just do your dream interpretation if I don't know what you dreamed about. So if that girl is listening and watching, sweetheart, email me. Put in the subject line regarding dream interpretation because I'll get that done for you ASAP. I'm just trying to get a hold of you right now. And since you paid for it through Paypal, I don't know if you didn't book it on the site or something because I remember talking to you originally and then I couldn't find you again. So hopefully you'll hit me up and see this video now with the readings. You just come over here, check the availability. We're always usually booked up, so whatever availability you can find. So here you go for March 9. You just say that time a m go to next. I got to show you guys something because everybody, when they check out, they're like, tommy, I don't want to open a paypal. Well, you don't have to. You check out as a guest. And the most important thing, guys, I don't need your middle name. So people always want to include it. Just your first and last name and not your married name. The name you were born as. That's where everything within your code will be assigned to that, the name you were born with. So I'm just going to use mine as an example. Put that there. Your email, your phone number, and I don't hit you up unless if I can't get a hold of you for something, I might text you, but I would never call you and bug you. I might text you, hey, I need this or this. You know what I'm saying? And then you put your message down here, and your message down here is going to be your first, last name, and date of birth for the reading. Don't forget to spell out the month because I'm a coder in America, and you got people getting readings. A lot of them are from Australia and UK. Well, guess what? They write things backwards there. So how am I supposed to know? I don't want to have to determine from America. You know what I'm saying? Just spell it out. It's much easier to do it that way. So you put your first name, say you're born in May, May 1 of 1987. I just make one up. May 1 of 1987. Well, that's your harpless patent and the Illuminati was on May 1. That's why I think I made that up. But I just kind of did that off top of my head. And then you can add to cart or book now. So you hit book now over here, it tells you in the 11 hours on wix, it doesn't give you an option to put days, so you have to pick a certain amount of hours. And if you pick more than eleven, if you do eleven, it lets people book like two or three a day, which I don't want them to be able to book more than that because I'm already too booked out. But not from the day you're signing up for your reading. So you booked March 9 right from that day. This is your booking date right here. The date of your appointment, March 9. You will get your reading ten days from that day. So if you're booking it and I don't need to talk to you, it's all done via email. Now, you can hit me up after the reading and we can conversate. I've even had phone calls with people after the readings and talk to them, but I don't always have time to do that, of course. Now, March 9, so you would get it on the 19th. Usually it would come to you, like on the 19th, around 1130 at night in that time. Now, sometimes you might get it three days later or five days later if I'm not real booked. You know what I mean? It just depends. But you'll never get it later than ten days. Except today, I will say that two people will get it later than ten days. The people that were supposed to get their reading for February 23, like today, see, I'm ten days behind. I'm doing February, or it was February 24, I can't remember. But since all that stuff went down and everything, I didn't get a chance to log into my website and do anything today. So unfortunately, they'll get theirs on the 11th day. But that's once in a. You know what I'm saying? That ain't going to happen. Nine times out of ten, it's always right on time. And then people, I'll reach out to them tonight in an email, letting them know so they don't panic or something. But if you check to pay offline, you can pay via cash app. But if you do it this way, just make sure you screenshot proof of payment. And in the cash app, there's a little note where you can write a note put. So however you fill this out, your first name, your last name, the note you're going to leave is reading for Tommy truthful. And then I'll come in and see this, that it'll say unpaid. I'll go look at cash app or see your screenshot, and I mark it as paid. Easiest way to do it is just with this. Only reason you're putting an address there is so your credit card isn't stolen. PayPal wants that, not me. You know what I mean? I don't need your address for that. Now, see here, pay with debit card. So you click pay with debit card. They're going to try to make you put an email in. I always just put a fake one, and then you can put your real one in after that. Because if you put your real one in, they try to get you to log into a damn account. They're always trying to trick you. PayPal is to make you create an account, even here when you're paying with your debit card. If you don't know this part that I'm about to teach you, after you do this, it'll create you a PayPal account because you didn't go down here and turn this off. See, save info and create your PayPal account. You got to turn that off. Ain't that crazy, though, that they turned that on prior? You didn't ask them to do that, nor do I ask them to do it. So why are they doing? And how is anybody even supposed to know that? You come down here, you see this, you're like, you probably think everything's good. And hit create account and pay now. When you turn this off, you're just paying. See, it says pay now. When that's on, it says create account and pay off. Pay now. And then you fill out all your credit card stuff. I ain't going to do that on here. But you see what I'm saying? It's pretty simple. The most important thing is turning that off. And that's all on truthfultv. com. Guys, I wonder if that girl is in the comments. That the dream interpretation lady. Are you in the comments, ma'am? If you are, give me a little shout. Hey, Tommy suddenly had. Oh, that doesn't sound good, budy. They say you got bugs and you can't go to the bathroom. Oh, boy. Who's told you it was bugs? Might be some zombie type shit going on, bro. I never heard of nothing like that. Yeah, they try to hustle you. If you don't know, they're always trying to get you. I watch paypal. I know what they do. They're sneaky little bastards. Shit, I'm running about 1112, 13,000 a month through that bitch. So I know exactly their little tricks. And you know what they did last week, guys, I had this video go viral. Which one was it? I did. I can't remember what it was. I think it might have been a video I did on the weather. Maybe it was something on might have been on Texas, too. I can't really remember. But I had this video go viral. And in the video I had just got them bracelets that are tuned at 7. 83 Hz. So I showed a little ten second clip because we're 100% viewer funded. I mean, this is how I live, guys. I have four children and run two businesses that I created. So I put this little about ten second clip in there. It goes viral. I must have did a good job in promoting it, in it, because the sales just start coming in. That was when we sold 400 in one night and I almost had a heart attack. I couldn't even believe it. I couldn't keep up with the orders. It took me days to get them all done, but I got them all filled and out within three days. But as that was happening, Facebook demonetized me. It was like 03:40 a. m. At night right around that area. It was a little bit after 330 because I remember thinking witching hour and Facebook. I get a notification from Facebook, they demonetize me. This is as I'm filling the orders, next thing I know, it won't let me back in my PayPal account to transfer the money that's coming in into my bank account so I can fill the orders. And I'm like, man, what is going on? It just keeps doing that. So then PayPal, I go look at my email and PayPal hit me with this thing that said, you got to complete this step, this step, this step, this step to show us more about your business. And until you do that, your money's frozen. You can't do. They were still letting sales come in, but I couldn't take the money out to fill the sales. Now, obviously, I own businesses, so I have a savings account, a business account where I probably got about 20,000 in that bitch in my savings. And thank God I did, guys, because if I wouldn't have, I wouldn't have been able to pay for the orders that were coming in. They would have all been canceled and charged back. And PayPal did that on purpose, man. They did that shit on purpose. They thought, oh, he won't have the money to pay for it, and this will ruin his business. Well, I hate to tell you, you little bastards, I did have the money to pay for it, and I got them all filled, and you didn't ruin my business. So that's all taken care of it took me about a week until they got it back on. Even after I did everything they told me to do, I showed them all the invoices they asked for. I did everything. They still kept ignoring me. And then I had my lawyer reach out and within 24 hours, they released my money and turned everything back on. It's crazy that you always got to threaten these people with lawyers. You don't know what I go through, guys dealing with Facebook. I've sued Facebook, probably no joke, 20 times. I've sued them 20 different times. I've never won. But I'm going to keep suing them. I'm going to keep suing them. I ain't going to stop. It's ridiculous what they can do to people. You know how many of my followers have told me that Facebook just locks them out of their own account and it will just tell them something about security code, or you got the wrong password. It won't let them log back in even if they know they got the right password. And then they'll try to reset their password, it still don't work. Like, just crazy shit. That should be so illegal. Not to mention the fact that when we're during this live right now, I bet there's a lot of people on Facebook that are commenting, and every time you comment, the video freezes. So you got to either hit pause on the video and then play again or go out and come back in. That's Facebook doing that on purpose. And when you're commenting, it's supposed to only say your name. For example, look at Lynn Murphy here, right? It should only say Lyn's name. It shouldn't be giving a number sequence, an email or a phone number. It started doing that after the whole queue situation, after they tracked, traced and tagged us. Then when you went in the live to comment on Facebook, that's when you started noticing some number sequences where your name should be or an email or a phone number. Very bizarre that we see that now. Are any of you going through that right now as we're talking? They show number sequences for me, too. Yes. It'll be like a long, usually, I don't know how many digits, maybe 16 or something. Ten to 16 digits. Or it'll be your email address or your damn phone number when it's only supposed to be your name. See, here's another one. Wrong one. My phone number shows up for a split second. Yes. That's what people report. It won't stay up. It'll just do it for like a split second. But that's very bizarre. Why is that happening now? Right. That never used to happen. Your email shows up. See, I'm very observant, guys. I don't miss shit. I don't miss shit. I pay attention. And how many of you even noticed that until I told you? Did any of you all catch on? I'm sure some of you are observant, though. You got to be. But most people, they're busy. They're moms, they're working a. They. They got a million and one things on their mind, so they're not thinking about why their Facebook shit is showing up. It's crazy. That's your number sequence 1009-825-9100 yeah. What does that mean? I mean, it's nuts, man. Something weird is going on here and I don't like it. That's why I don't watch on Facebook anymore. Smart, Jess. I wish you were on rumble, Jess. And I'm monetized on YouTube, so it really doesn't benefit me to tell you to go to rumble. But rumble, I'm monetized, too. But they don't pay no money. You might make $40 for the month. Matter of fact, I really should turn that off on rumble because they just recently monetized me after I started bitching that they were putting commercials on my videos and not paying me. But their monetization is so low, it ain't even worth it. You know what I mean? I'd rather not have a commercial on my video just about a month. It's been happening to me. Been listening since 20. 19 20. Kathleen, thank you, honey. We appreciate you, and I'm glad you've been supporting since then. Honey. Honey. It started with my phone number, but now is a weird, long number. Yeah, bro. I don't know what the hell is going on. Gabe. I don't understand it, buddy. But I just observed it and I'm pretty sure from what I remember, it started happening right after that big purge off the Internet when they got rid of all them people from the whole q thing. Right after they weaponized all them hashtags and figured out who we were, who the people were that didn't like child trafficking, didn't like pedophilia, didn't like that type of energy. Like, who would? But unfortunately, in this evil world that we live in, if you're one of them people, you have now been targeted. And I think this is what's going to happen. Today was a beta test to see how we would react and what they're going to do. With this whole beast system, guys, you see how they logged us all out of Facebook today? They're going to do that when they roll out this whole system. And it's not about you being religious, it's just about power and control. When the social credit score goes live, they're going to log us out of everything. And you won't be able to log back in unless you participate in the whole B system. You'll have to get the mark. You won't be able to buy, sell, or trade. You won't be able to talk to your friends on Facebook. You won't be able to do shit. You will be logged out until you agree. You know what? Have to. You're pretty much selling yours and your children's freedom and soul. And I'm cool. I'm not doing that. But they weaponized it and made it so addicting that people are losing their minds today not being able to get in. So I definitely think that's where we're headed with that. Yeah. I hope they do fail. I think they will 100%. Good. The positive energy is always stronger, so it takes longer for us to all come together the good. But when we do, we just destroy the negative because we're so like, for example, you could take ten first player characters that are on a positive vibration and they could destroy probably a couple hundred thousand of these non player characters on a lower vibration. You know what I mean? So we are way stronger than them. And that's why they fear us, guys. That's why they fear us. They number me. I screenshot it to see if it was always the same. The last part is part of my phone number. I noted. I think they'd be trying to use it as a tracking number. Not my number, brother. I think that is what's going on. For real. Something like that. And mine was the last part of my phone number, too, bro. The two nine nine part. That's what I usually see, which is weird. It's like, what the hell are you guys doing with that? That's so bizarre. Yeah, something's going on there, you know what I mean? That's just my theory on it, but it makes sense. Children haven't got to donate, but I must sit and follow you. Oh, don't worry about that, sweetie. You don't got to donate. Just you following, showing love, showing support, hitting the like button. I'm so grateful for that. You are supporting. That is supporting. So thank you. And we need more single moms that take care of their kids. Set of women face down. Ass up on Instagram, which is all psyop, too. They tricked the women into doing that. How do you destroy a family? You get the male out of the crib. He's the protector. Then you get the mother, who has the hardest job in the world, raising another life to be a responsible, good person, and you totally turn her into a deviant, and you just destroy the family structure. So that's why I don't like feminism. I'm all about women. I grew up with all women. I love women. But the whole feminist thing is an agenda. I think women should be able to have a career and all that, but they're just weaponizing feminism now. And with the feminist whole situation, it's to get women to where they want to be the same as men, when you guys have literally the hardest job in the world raising kids, and now the men are pretty much worthless, too, because they should be out there taking care of their wife so she doesn't have to work so much as she could be at home with the kids, you know what I'm saying? And shout out to the men that are doing that, because you're a dying breed. So we just got to remember these roles. You can call it God. You can call it source. You can call it balance. It was set up the way it was for a reason. That's how everything works, and that's how it's at its harmony with the whole cycle. When we start going outside of that, it throws it out of whack. So now they got the men, the males at home, being the soccer mom, and the woman is going out making all the money. And you got this happening a lot now, like, where I live, I see so many dudes that stay at home all day playing damn video games and their girls working three jobs. That's normal now. That shit wouldn't even have been heard of during our grandparents time. That's one thing. You got to take your hat off to older people. They would have never tried this with our grandparents generation. They wouldn't have, because they couldn't have pulled it off. Then they had to break down society more, dumb us down more, demoralize us more. And now they got us right where they want us. They got us right where they want us, guys. And with that being said, I love y'all. You guys have an amazing night. Make sure you hit them like buttons. Go check out my brother Bdell. That was his video we shared in the clip. This one here. Go check him out. Bdell. Well, there's his YouTube channel right there. Bdell 10 114. And me and him will be doing a video here real soon together. But his work is so fascinating, guys. He's honestly one of my favorite people to watch. And if you haven't seen mine and his interview, it's on this channel here. Check it out, because it was just fascinating. He just put out a bunch of new, really amazing videos. So go check him out. I love you all. I'm out of here. Bye. .