Alright guys, as you guys know, one of the greatest american heroes of our time, OJ Simpson, recently passed away. So we used artificial intelligence to write him a song in the afterlife. And it goes a little bit like this, it's called farewell, OJ. Gather round friends, in a solemn space to bid farewell to a controversial gaze. OJ Simpson, famed for his football grace in history's pages. He'll find his place. Hallelujah, OJ, you're free at last. And a trial were shadows from the past were laid to rest, as the courts decreed to truth we sought injustice, we believe Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman too. Their moments linger in the skies of blue. But OJ, the football star of lore, in the game's embrace he'll play forevermore. Hallelujah, O. J. You're free at last. In a trial where shadows from the past we're laid to rest, as the courts decreed the truth we sought, injustice we believed. We love you, OJ, we miss you rip. The juice is no longer loose. I think just read the bridge, just. It's a beautiful. Though my doubts may linger in the air, the court's decision we must bear, for in the game of justice, a touchdown scored and OJ, the hero is free once more. We love you OJ. Rest in peace, brother. 2000 yards, we'll never forget time, so fly, I'm in line with the planes. My grind's so refined, I got no time for no games. Ask yourself why would I make time for you lames at all cost? I'm about break em out. Yeah, gotta break em out. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, welcome to primetime with Alex Stein. I'm your host Alejandro Stein, and we have a fabulous evening in store for you. That's right, we have the fabulous Lilah Harden studio. What's up, Lila? Hello. And we got my best friend, one of my best friends, the one that like donut on the show, to expose the satanic rituals of the illuminati and the elites that rule the world. And you know, maybe typically, possibly, I don't know, maybe drink the blood of children. We're not gonna do that, but we're gonna expose the people that do. How does that sound, Lila? Sounds great. And I like donuts, do you like donuts? I do, I like donuts, I do too. I'm eating them a lot. Don't when you bring up food. I'm trying to fast right now, and that's making it extremely hard. Thinking of the sweet deliciousness of a savory krispy Kreme donut makes it very challenging for me because I have such hunger cravings. You know, I eat because I'm emotional. Lila, do you ever eat for emotional reasons? Yeah, I just like meat. Like, that's how I medicate the pain, is I just stuff my face. You're an emotional eater? Oh, big time. Oh, yeah. I just like the whole Oreos. I call it doing a line. Like, I don't do lines of coke, I do lines of oreos. That is fascinating. I know, but it makes me feel good. But it makes my body feel not great. All right, guys, so enough about my personal eating disorder. Let's talk about the show tonight. Are we going to play the vlog starting off, Jimmy? Yeah, a little preview of it. Okay, guys, you know that we are currently offering a 99 cent subscription to Blaze tv, where you get to watch exclusive content. Now, we exclusively made a vlog of us at the Renegades game, so we're going to play you a little preview of that and leave you a little cliffhanger to see if you guys want to watch the rest of behind the. The paywall right now. Jimmy. No, we're posting this tomorrow. There's another vlog that our interview. Exotic. We'll use that. Okay. All right. So have you ever heard of the Renegades, Lila? No, I have not. It's a minor league football team in Arlington, Texas. That's cool. It's kind of cool. I love the Renegades. We love football. I'm a football stud, and Jimmy actually went out there and tried to practice with the team and basically got kicked off the field, so. Here. Oh, it wasn't basically. I got kicked off. Okay, well, just. Let's leave him a little cliffhanger. Let's watch the clip. Yeah. Ladies and gentlemen, we're here at the Renegade's third game of the year against the DC pedo defenders. We're here on the field like a pit bottom blip. Look at this. The Cowboys ain't doing a lightness. Let's go. Stefan Gilmore, Dallas Cowboy X. Dallas Cowboy. We need them back. Need to sign this, man. James, I'm here at the Arlington in Renegade Stadium trying to pay off the ref so we can ensure we're gonna win some money on our sports bets. Let's go, baby. Hey, ref. Ref, make sure the Renegades win. Can you make sure? Come on, I got money on it. Hey, don't say anything. I got a lot of money on the Renegade. So you call some holding? Come on, take a dive. I got the money. I got the money. Come on. Marquette. Come on, Marquette. Money down, Marquette. Hey, one four. I got big prop bets on you. 300 for every touchdown you got today, okay? Picking Jimmy with his helmet. Lots of flags today. I'm trying out for the Renegade. I'm gonna make the team. They're stinking this year. And they need a six foot tall white guy. Let's go. I'm gonna go warm up with the boys. Whoo. How much you best in there? There's Jimmy warming up. Huge pussy. And if you wanna see the rest of that vlog, we're gonna be posting it on theblazetv. com primetime. You guys can watch that, okay? And you gotta subscribe. It only cost $0. 99. We need all the chat rats in the freaking chat to sign up, guys. If you're a real chat rat, throw a pimp $0. 99. Come on. I mean, that's a discount. And you know, if we get 100 people to sign up, we get the Monday show. Yes. And we're very close to hitting that threshold. So it only takes a few more of you guys to sign up. And that Monday show will start asaP, as soon as possible. Very quickly. Whatever adjective you want to use, the quicker you sign up, the quicker we start the Monday show. So it's up to you guys. And make sure to use the promo code primetime 99 by going to Blazetv. com primetime. Okay, now, Jimmy, sell some subscriptions. Hopefully we sold some. Now we have a Casper ad. We do. We got my favorite freaking coffee company in the world. Born of a desire for a bold coffee and need to build companies that support american values. Cash brew coffee provides an alternative to that faceless corporate ecosystem and fosters a parallel economy that actually supports freedom. Try my own personal blend. That's right. Alex Stein's prime time grind. It's a dark roast, 100% organic ground coffee with two times the amount of caffeine. It's the strongest coffee on all of YouTube. And you know who doesn't drink prime times? Casper coffee? OJ Simpson. And you see what happened to him. So don't be like OJ. Even though he did rush for 2000 yards, he didn't drink this stuff. If he would have drank this, things could have been different. But I don't want to use the word anything about the cancer stuff, okay? Because that's medical misinformation. Got it. Just visit cashbrew. com, use that promo code primetime. So they know that we sent you. Because if you don't use that code, we don't get credit. Right? It's like your homework, Jim. You don't get. Even if you do the homework, if you don't turn it in right, you don't put your name on the top of the homework. The teacher doesn't know whose homework it is. So make sure, for all of you freaking chat rats out there, put your name. And that name is prime time in the promo code section. Yes. An idiot can do it. If I can do it, you can, too. All right? And drink it responsibly. Seriously, don't get too jacked up and end up like me in the hospital. Okay, so, Lila, our next guest is one of my very good friends, a guy that I've got to spend a lot of time with. He's based. I don't want to dox him too much, because he does keep a little bit of animosity to him, and I know him personally. You mean anonymity? I'm just curious. Did you mean anything anonymous? Anonymous is what I meant to say. Oh, you said animosity as if he's, like, angry all the time. He is angry. So that was. I was using that word, right? Oh, okay. I'll just correct me on my show ever again. Jimmy, do you mind doing that? No, I'm just clarifying. No need to clarify, Jimmy. The only thing you need to clarify is how to do your damn job. Okay? You clarify that. Yeah, I'll clarify that. This isn't an english class, all right? You know, sometimes I'm gonna use the wrong adjective, and I use the right adjectives, but I don't need your bitch ass telling me what to do. Do you understand me, Jimmy? I got it. I got it. You understand, though? That's clear. Okay. More clear. Don't ever correct me ever again. Okay. We'll bring on in all its animosity. He might have some animosity after the way you just introduced him, Jimmy. And you don't agree with a lot of stuff that he says, so you're probably gonna have some animosity towards him. So don't ever correct me on my show ever again. Yeah, got it. Okay, now we welcome on my friend, the one, the only, donut. Donut. What up, comptime 99 chat. Rat. Smash that, like, button. Smash it. Did you just hear my bitch ass producer correct me because I used the wrong word? Oh, my gosh. We lost donut. We just. Oh, your camera went out. Donut. I'd be leaving. I'm be coming back in. We gonna get crazy. No, that was. That was sick. So you could see my video. I'm gonna have to, like, pause it and turn it back on. I don't know why, but you can probably still hear me, so we can. I can hear you. We can do this. We can fly on a blimp. Okay, donut, what the hell is going on, dude? With this bridge collapse, we talk about Israel, Palestine. I mean, what's the most pressing conspiracy that you think America needs to know about right now? Well, you know, the bridge collapsed at 128 in the morning. Now, this is super important because. Leave the world behind. The Obama film was released on twelve eight. That's 128. And there's this 128 code and, like, everything. And now it's gonna keep freezing like this, and then I'm gonna change it to this, and then I'll come back. I'll see if I can switch the camera. But the elite, maybe speaking in code and symbolism is I'm very into. And I'm also very into prime timeline. Big booty Latinas. You like big booty Latinas, too? No. Okay, but wait, wait. Let's go to some of these codes you're talking about. One, two, eight. Because they use gematria and numerology. It's kind of like skull and bones, right? They're a frat. And people don't understand when you're in these, like, fraternal organizations. They like inside jokes. Like, they like to kind of laugh at us or mock us. So they use these codes to basically communicate with other elite people that are in these quote unquote, secret societies. So why is all this numerology and symbolism? Like, how do you even decode it? How do you figure this stuff out? Because, dude, you're an expert at it. I watch your content. You're getting thousands and thousands and thousands on your live streams because everybody loves it. But how are you finding out this information, dude? Well, you know, I'm a fan. I'm a culture vulture, like you say. I'm just a big fan, and I edit videos. So all the people that came before me, I just listened to them while I was at work, and I'm gonna change my camera to see if that helps out at all. You're like, yeah, that looks great, dude. And you're, like, one of the biggest streamers, dude. I figured your camera would be working fine. Okay, but, no, I want to talk to you, dude, because you have such good information and you expose so much stuff with these numerology. But how do you figure it out? Like, how would you know 128 is all of a sudden connected to Obama's film? Like, how the hell do you know that? Yeah. Shout out to my boy Tommy. Truthful. So we in this, like, big community, as you know, with Primetime 99, listening to the greats, who you interview all the time on the channel, and you just taking that knowledge and moving it on. So I heard about this through my friend, and he said that the towers collapsed. Right? The Twin tower started to collapse at 1028 in the morning. And that's twelve eight. Wait, 1028? Yeah. Wow. So the movie leave the world behind was released on 128. And I was asking him about it because he's into Gematria, and Gematria Bridge collapse equals one to eight with its numeral numer value. Yeah. And now that bridge collapsed, that Francis Scott key Bridge, leave the world behind. They're called the Scotts in that movie. It collapsed at exactly one. So you could just see this pattern recognition and leave the world behind. The movie Julia Roberts birthdays, 1028. And that's the day Matthew Perry passed away on 1028. What? Yeah. So? So that's just, like, number symbolism. But what I've been looking at is the Sompaku eyes. That's like, this new thing I've been looking into. Okay. Want to hear about this? Sompaku means the three whites, like, in your eyeballs. Underneath means, like, stress or symbolically dangers coming. So if you look at Tupac's albums, he has the son Paku, underneath his eye. The 27 club. Like most of the artists in the 27 club, an actor just passed away recently joining the 27 club. They have this eyeball that is so underneath. I did send some images that the team could share if they want, but I've been looking into that, and because it's Selena's birthday, you know, I love Selena, dude. Rest in peace, Selena. She was killed by her superfan. In which I'm kind of worried that one of my super fans might do that to me, honestly. I mean, but it might go viral, so it might be worth it. And I'm not encouraging any of my super fans to pull a Selena on me. You know who I'm talking about? So is this the picture you're talking about, or did Jimmy just pick this out of, like, AI generator? Yeah, that's a. That's a illuminati eye symbol. That wasn't it. I did email you primetime 99 the slides, but I could forward it over to. Well, it's probably too late now for some reason. It must have gone to my spam. It looks like this. I don't see it on here, but did you saw Tupac's gay, though. Did you see that clip where he was gay as hell in that clip, bro, tupac shot the tupac. You know, he ballerina. Yeah, yeah, he's beta. He is beta. I gotta step in here, because the tupac slander is getting out of hand, okay? He was a kid. Did you see the video? I know all the video. Homosexuals, dude. Because, listen, I wanted to be in theater, but I was like, I'm not gay, so I can't do that. I mean. Oh. Look, do you want to be a rapper or not? Okay, you gotta, you know. You know, act the part. Right. Well, bun B and Pimp C, who died, supposedly pimp C was. Bun B is still alive, but Pimp C, who died, his partner of UGK, he was actually calling out a lot of the down low brothers. And there's a lot of humiliation stuff when it comes to P. Diddy, where, like, if you give a guy a million dollar record contract, you still want to have that weird power, that sexual gratification, over him. So they literally do gay stuff. Like Lil Wayne and the Birdman were kissing on 105 in park on BEt. So, I mean, I wouldn't put it past him for. But Tupac was known to have gotten some of the hottest women on the planet. Oh, no, he didn't. He went out with Will Smith's wife. What's the bald girl? Back when she was hot? Yeah, come on. Jada Pinkett. Crazier than. She's nuttier than a squirrel turtle. Make her hot. That makes her hotter. Oh, she's not. No, she. Trust me. If he was with her, then he probably has Will Smith vibes. Is Will Smith straight or gay? Donut, bisexual. Oh, bro. Will Smith. Predictive programming, like Tupac. You got it. Yeah. Tupac a legend, you know, lyric poet. I don't care whatever people say about him. I was just making a funny joke, because Jesse Lee Peterson does better because he emotionally. We love JLP. We love JLP. But he was ritualistically assassinated. It seems like he was staying in this pyramid in Las Vegas on this 36 lay line. The 36 ley line is connected to tragedy, because that 36 ley line links all the way up to Tennessee. And that's where you get, like, three six mafia. That's why I'm looking out for young buck this year, because, mister Tenakee, a lot of these rituals go down there. So you say tena key? Like Tennessee. Oh, wow. Tena key. So you're thinking young Buck could be ritually. Ritualistically murdered. Well, you know, that's what my prediction was. But you know what? It doesn't seem like it's going down that way. It seems like 50 cent is really rising to power through exposing Diddy right now. So all my predictions are correct, you know? Well, still got a lot of time left. It's only. I mean, what is only April? I mean. Yeah, well, it's the year of the dragon, right? So the year the Dragon ends. That's a Cisco album, right? Isn't that. The Thong song was on that album, bro. Yeah. Really was on that album. Wasn't that called Year of the Dragon? Why is it. And as the song. The thong song. Ooh, that dress. So scandalous. You know, another brother couldn't handle this. Are you shaking that thing like a Gucci thing? When they look in the eye. So scandalous. One at night, like a hip hop box cruiser, then connect the dots. And I just looked in. Cause I wanted to say, I'm living the beat out low car. Cause I jumped to the trunk. Chunk Chuck. Guys. Like, what? What? All night long. Let me see that song. No, no, no, no. Okay, sorry. Shut up, Jimmy. Shut up, Jimmy. So the year of the dragon ends on one to eight. So I think that the whole year will be a ritual. Like, the whole year is all connected to probably the fiat collapsing. Because on the dollar bill, the eye of the pyramid has a sempaku eye. So I think it gonna be right there. Look at that. Oh, that's a simpaku. Now, I see. You're talking about when you see the whites at the bottom and the tops covered. Wow. Yes. Like, symbolism on symbolism. There's 72 bricks on that pyramid right there. Right? This is all symbolic. And the 72 is super interesting because this is called a tetraket. It's like. It's. It's wild. And if you write the name of God in the tetraket of the pyramid in Gematria, it equals 72. Now, with the money being the 72 bricks, if you look up bitcoin, it equals 72. And gematria. No, bitcoin equals 72. And then. So. So 72k on all time high on the 72nd day or something like that. No. And now it's collapsing. So. So. But don't you think they want the fiat currency to collapse so they can put us on a central digital currency and they can just control all of our money digitally? Bro, I'm on this social credit scoring system. Like, I ain't monetized ever because I came out in 2019 during the lockdown. Like, you. You know, we've been out here for a minute now talking about stuff in our own way, which is effective. You know what I mean? Like, you're the most effective person on the planet. The funniest person. Shout out to tiny. Shout out to Darius. Both of them, you know, shout out to everybody, the chat rats. Like that. Smash that, like, button. I love. He says button. I love when you put a button on your screens. That's. Gosh, you're the funniest. No, you're funnier than me. Okay, wait, so keep going. The symbolism. So you're thinking this year that we could have a collapse? It seems like we already have collapsed. You know, I try to go buy some jeans. Yesterday, they said $300 for a pair of jeans. I'm not going to spend $300 for a pair of jeans. I can't spend $300 for a pair of jeans. Like, it's whack. I know, dude. Nobody can afford a house. I mean, you're talking about a pair of jeans. But, like, a real issue is that young people, the middle class, can't afford a home. So we're going to be constantly debt slaves or constantly have landlords that can kick us out of our house at any moment. So, like, you are right. There is no middle class. In a way, our society has collapsed already. Yeah. Yeah. It's absolutely terrible. And the beginning of the lockdowns, the first thing in the HR bill was the introduction of a CBDC. So I'm like, whoa, that's kind of weird. Why are they introducing that? And then you can just see Dogecoin rose the power through memetic magic, which is absolutely wild. If you ever dive into that. Yeah. Wait, wait. Memetic magic? I kind of like that you're saying we can meme a reality. Whatever. Dogecoin, I don't know how you say it now. People, like, made a bunch of money. Tim Pool, my friend, made a lot of money on it. And it was all gimmick. It was all just a total joke. A meme. Well, it was lowering. The people were very sketched out about the new blockchain technologies being released, and this was a way to get the public into it and to love it. Through meme magic. This goes all the way back to the shaman days. What do you mean? How did Shaman choose memes? Like, I mean, you can almost say that Donald Trump won the presidency with meme magic in 2016. Yeah, yeah, no, yeah. Pepe the frog. Was that, like, a real person, dude, exactly. Yeah. So that's what this whole meme stuff is. And this was talked about by people like Timothy Leary. This has been talked about by Terrence McKenna. There's nothing new under the sun. All the stuff that we're seeing right now is absolutely intentional. Like, when you watch a film, for example, every single shot in the movie is planned out on purpose, especially when it's being funded by, like, Hollywood deep state assets, like this new Civil War film. There's so much symbology in that attacking Trump, I would say, because it's all about the left propaganda all throughout that film. And why is that film being promoted on all the mainstream news networks? Because there's an agenda behind the millions and millions of dollars being spent on images. A meme, for example. You don't have to think. You see the meme, it gives you an explanation. Oh, okay. That good? I don't have to think. It's like the most smallest digestible food, so it's brilliant. The meme magic. I gotta make me a dolphin meme. I kind of did. No, dude, and your stuff, the VHS tape you sent me, that is epic, guys. How did they get that to join your Patreon? Cause that was epic, what you sent me. I should have brought it in the studio. You can't get it anymore. I released them once a year. Oh, they're bad. I have the sticker on my car. I should have brought that picture in. No. And I got both of you. Dude, you really are a pimp on a blank. Keeping it old school. Okay, now let's talk about. We're talking about P. Diddy. Do you think he's a fed? What's the deal with P. Diddy and all of this? Like, why isn't he in jail? Isn't there something up in that? Yeah, I mean, it's. It's absolutely crazy. This is how the system works. Things are being revealed. A little bit of how these people that we see that are the stars, that are the idols, this goes in, like, the idol worship we see that they're using symbology and everybody knows about it. Like, people have been talking about P. Diddy for a long time. So I don't think that he's the main culprit. Like, I believe he's guilty, but I don't believe that just because he goes away that now everything's going to be okay. I believe power gets handed off to someone else. You know what I mean? And maybe there's the fall guy. And if you look at Puff daddy, he has the son Paku eyes on the magazine covers. So I feel like it's predictive programming of, yo, you're gonna rise the power, you're gonna have a great time, then you're gonna be publicly sacrificed in a sense, and then the next person will be on power. I don't know. That's what I think, you know? Okay, what do you think about this? This conspiracy? Did you see it? We really probably should have had a clip of it. But OJ Simpson's son, the hat that was found on the crime scene, I think this was you talking about it, wasn't it? You, that talk. I watched talking about this, had a hat with dog fiber hair in it, and OJ didn't even have a dog. And that. That OJ didn't even own the style of knife that was used to kill Nicole Brown or Ron Goldman. But the son was a chef at a popular restaurant and did have a knife like that. And on top of that, the son was on probation for beating up his own girlfriend. And the night of the murders, he supposedly had a back room reserved at his restaurant. But OJ and Nicole canceled. It was supposed to be a family dinner and then went to Ron Goldman's restaurant, where he was a waiter in LA. So there's a lot of evidence that actually point towards OJ Simpson's son possibly being the murderer. Oh, man, that's wild. That wasn't on my channel, but thank you for sharing that. When I saw the OJ stuff cracking, I just look at the symbols and what popped out for me was that he got cancer. Right? You got Kate Middleton, you got the royals all getting cancer. And I'm just like, when I hear that, I think of the top of the royal arch, which is 69. It's the symbol for cancer. Nice. It's. Yeah, it's important for symbolism. Yeah, 69, it's karma too, you know, yin and yang, right? I mean, isn't that kind of what it symbolizes? Yeah, that too. And like, gangsta boo, rest in peace, she passed away and she three six mafia. People don't realize that three six mafia, Memphis, stands for making easy money. Pippin hose is serious. Sorry, go ahead. Yes, yes. And I'm a fan of, like, I grew up, you know, me listening to all this. Me too. In Tennessee, Memphis. I mean, think of like, Elvis. Like, this is the 36 parallel. Very important. But I know I wanted to tie it into, like, some satanic elements, but I forget where I was going. But OJ, he's number 32, and Aleister Crowley, he's got his 32 pathways. So this goes into, like, mysticism. The entire music industry is obsessed with Satan. You can see it at the grand. And what is like Satanism? Satanism, to me, I think that is going against God's will. So you can be aligned with God or you can be aligned with your own will, which I believe is like more satanic rather than doing God's will, like thy will be done. So that's how I look at ways now. Alistair Crowley says, do what thou will. That's what Jay Z wears on his shirt. That's what the Beatles are all about with the symbolism there. Or even Hannah Montana, who was performing while gangsta Boo passed away. She went to school on Crowley corners like this. Crowley symbolisms everywhere. And Crowley is like the known satanist that everybody loves in the music industry. But where did he get that from? Do with that will? He got that from the Hells Fire Club, which was a secret society, which was satanic. And that was their motto. So he took it from that. So we're going back into history to the beginning and the founding of this country. But we could tie it even further back to where the Illuminati got their ideas from with the assassins and Asana saba, who is said that everything's permissible. So we could see that this goes back, these inverted kind of agendas for a long time. And Jimmy, you don't even believe in the Illuminati. Right, Jimmy? Even worse. I don't really even know what it is other than people go like this. They were in Bavaria and they got kicked out of Bavaria. What is this story? No, actually, give a. Give. Like Illuminati for dummies. I'm genuinely curious. I'll do that. Illuminati for retards. If you're doing it for Jimmy, we try and get wicked smart, you know? Don't repeat his jokes, Jimmy. Let him tell a joke. Don't just copy his joke. Okay. I like. Sorry. Yes. Shut up. Go ahead, Alex. The Illuminati. The idea was brought up in 1776 by this guy, Adam Weishaupt, who founded the Illuminati, allegedly, on May 1. Five first, which is funny because you're wearing a five one on your shirt. Now, just. That's a secret. What five one? Am I wearing the red? No, no. Me. I'm wearing. Oh, my gosh. You're wearing the five one Tim Tebow Broncos jersey. Wow. Jimmy, you're part of it. And Jimmy went to Princeton. Jimmy, I'm not even kidding. I do think Jimmy might be an FBI because I like Jimmy might be a cop. I'll just be funny, Jimmy. But these are things like that I look at. When I look at the screen, I'm always like, but they were founded on five one. Which is like, why we got an area five one. Now, this is kind of where it gets kind of weird with the history of it. So the Adam Weishaupt who founded it, he didn't really found it on that day. It took until, like, the 18 hundreds, because where he had this guy Philo, actually built it. Philo was part of, like, the masonic lodges. And then there was this big illuminati going into them with illuminist and taking over it. This is all history. Even Billington wrote a book. He was the Congress librarian, wrote about it. Fire in the minds of men. This is absolute history. Most people around the world accept it, except for in America. But a lot of people in America do accept it. But this guy Philo built it, though. And because what he wanted to do was he wanted to make masonry great again, that was his goal. But then he realized he was being conned by Spartacus, which is, uh, that. But this is what's crazy. If you look into the schooling system, which made me wicked stupid, but I'm working so hard to get wicked. It ties all the way back to Raphael of the Illuminati. His grandson, William Wundt, pretty much created our whole schooling system, which got handed down to skull and bones, which is where Yale is. And this is all, like, true history. It sounds crazy, but it's. It's all yellow. Yale is a Ivy League school. And it's funny. Jimmy went to an Ivy League school, Princeton, where they have a lot of famous pedophiles, actually went to school there. Did you know that? That is true, Jimmy, right? You're on at least one very powerful one that ran a bunch of student organizations, right? Well, he was the president of a student organization while he was molesting and looking at child porn. Is that correct? That, unfortunately, is. I wish they were a joke. Yeah, it's not a joke. I got a question for. For Mister Donut here. What's up with the. The red heifer? Why are they sacrificing a red cow to bring in the end times? So I talked to the rabbi about. I say, yo, rabbi. Rabbi Schmuly. I hope not. Rabbi Schmule. Dude, you didn't get one of those kosher butt plugs, did you? I got one. I got one. I love it. Go ahead. Sorry. That guy's a satanist. I know Israel. So are we saying Rabbi Shmueli is actually a satanist. I think so, but I don't. I don't know him, but that's what it seems like. Clip that. Okay. My rabbi about it, and I bring him all this stuff. I said, what's up with them tunnels? What's going on? You know, to get his perspective. And I asked him about the red heifers, and he says, like, dang, gonna happen because that doesn't happen until the third temple is to be built. So I said that that wasn't going to happen. But I see it everywhere saying it's going to happen. So I don't really know, dude. They're not supposed to sacrifice the cow until after the temple is built so that the order is wrong because people are saying they're going to sacrifice a cow and then they're going to build the third temple, like in Jerusalem. Jerusalem or something. Like, temple should be, like, being, like, built or something like that before that ritual would happen. You know what I mean? And I don't. You know, but who knows, man? Like, things are crazy, man. And prayers out to the Middle east. Everybody out there, everywhere. You know, actually. Well, actually, Jimmy, what I said, prayers, the Middle east. This was our next graphic, full screen for. I was getting wondering your thoughts on the Iran drone strike. And are we actually headed for world War three or what is the bigger message over this? Oh, this is. Yeah, this has been known. General Wesley Clark with his seven countries, he came out and said this after a few years after 911. He said, you know, the end goal is Iran. Like, so this has been on the agenda for a military industrial complex for a long time. Okay. I don't really. I don't really know. I. Jimmy, buddy, do you believe in predictive programming? Jimmy, will you tell it? Jimmy, what? Predictive. That's. That's where I know in Hollywood, that's where they, like, create events that they want people to expect to happen. That's why they're creating the new civil War movie that they're trying to push. So you do think that's possible? Oh, absolutely. I think Hollywood and the government are intertwined in a certain capacities. And donut, can you explain how 911 was a satanic ritual? Yeah, absolutely. So the priming is a hypnosis tactic. People will prime the audience through imagery. That's where this word comes from, predictive programming or priming. And they get people's subconscious ready for the event to come. So we saw with 911 and all the great conspiracy theorists out there. When I'm with just a fan, you know, of listening to all of them and trying to figure out what's happening in this world. While I was at work like that, you know, that's all I did. And people revealed how this predictive programming is everywhere, in cartoons, in movies, and we see these twin Towers collapsing. Now, back in the day, we only had one radio station or a couple television programs. Not one radio station, but we had one radio. We didn't have podcasts and podcasts and every. You know. So what's been happening is that the predictive programming and the priming has infiltrated even the simulacrum of billboards, because billboards are watching us. We're not watching the billboards. It is for us to imitate. So, with Mountain Dew, this has been a big thing that I noticed with Mountain Dew, they have a lot of predictive programming on their soda. Right? Their Brondo from idiocracy. Yeah, that's the reference. Okay, go ahead. Sorry. And so, right before 911, Mountain Dew released Code Red. Mountain Dew. That was my favorite one. I loved code red. It was cherry Mountain Dew. It's delicious. At a taco bell. It's one of the best flavors. Yeah. And then right after they released that, 911 happened, and they set up the code red system. So that's just one example going all the way back to that. That time. But it's all symbolic. The Patriot act and all that, you know? You know that way more than me. I know all about 911. I just talked to Jimmy. He's an idiot. He doesn't even believe. Jimmy, do you believe in secret societies? Yep. Like, you do believe skull and bones is real? Well, I know it's real. Jimmy, did you ever try to join one of those at Princeton? No. Their hazing was a little too intense. Is that really why you didn't join? You were scared to get hazed? Some of it was a little over the top. Like what stuff? Yeah. You didn't want to get spanked by. No, it's more. They, like, sleep deprived you. It made you, like, eat gross stuff. And you do that on this show. I know. Apparently. I. Maybe I would have liked it. You would have liked it? Dude, you would have loved it. So I missed out. Clearly. So, Donut, tell him about Jimmy. Like, he needs to learn something. I don't know how I'm ever going to wake him up. Dude, you know? And Jimmy's fully vaccinated. Fully. Vaccine? Yeah, it was just to go to Italy. You got both the vaccines? Yes, he did. And they're safe and effective for the YouTube censors. Or I'm spitting. But yes, Jimmy, is Johnson and Johnson out? Oh, so just one. I got insurance policy on him. I got insurance policy on them through globe life. So if anything happens, I'm rich, bitch. Well, here's the thing. I hope nothing does. I. Wait, I weighed the risk. What's better, the risks of the Fauci alche or going to Italy and eating a lot of pasta? You know what? The pasta gave me more heart risk than anything that in the Fauci algae. So. Can you believe that? He's not kidding, dude. Don't. You don't even regret it. Yeah, you don't regret it. He loves it. Well, that's. That's where. And I knew I was gonna marry my wife's vaccine card. Do you have your card on you, Jimmy? Uh, actually, no, I don't. It explains a lot. It does. I know. I didn't know until after he started working for me that he's vaccinated. If I had known that he was vaccinated, he might not be working here. But, you know, it is what it is. You learn stuff late, right, donut. It's too late. No. You can at least denounce it and say you're grateful. No, don't denounce it. We love it. We love it. It's very safe, very effective, very healthy. It's not hurting young people. Never done it. It was fully. You know, there's no long term testing, but we don't need that. We need short term testing. That is not sailing. He's fine. Well, maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Who knows? But okay, donut. So we got to kind of wrap this up, because we're potentially going to be speaking to Meghan Markle's brother. So I kind of want. Did you see him go viral for making fun of her this weekend? Uh uh. No. He wore a wig and says, raise. And shouted a bunch of racial slurs at his half sister. It was quite alarming, but we're going to get him on the show. Jimmy actually booked the wrong person. Jimmy booked his representation and not him. So we did a Skype test today, and we're. We should have filmed that. And there's some random bald guy on the screen. Now, that's bad to be bald. And I'm like, that's not her brother. Her brother's not bald and thin. I emailed his manager, and usually I just say, we'd love to have you on the show. Like, assuming, like, yeah, it's for Thomas Markle. He says, oh, I'd love to. Come on. Don't ever assume anything. I mean, it's only done in a hundred times. There's never been a manager assumed. Oh, they want to interview the manager. Of course, they've always assumed it was the talent. But anyways, let's learn. But can you elaborate on that donut? The royal family? No, the royal family stuff. All the cancer and Kate Middleton. I mean, there's something going on with all this. Yeah, I'm looking into it. I'm investigating it, and I'll get that answer for you here soon. But I'm looking into the symbology for the spring equinox, you know, looking out for seven six, in a sense, because that's they. The Georgia guidestones collapsed on seven six. It's George Bush's birthday. It's even $0. 50 birthday as well. So go shoddy. Wow. Go shoddy. You know, we call Lila $0. 25. Yes. Oh, because you just find a bit for the baddie. Now, we want to play this video. I don't know if this is real or fake. Brandon, can you play that? Can you pull up the pandas aren't real video? Oh, that's like two blocks away. Yeah, we're gonna. We're gonna play this video. Have you seen this conspiracy donut that pandas aren't real? Have you seen this, Lila? No, I know about this. Let's play the clip, and then I want to get your instant reaction. Almost every family has a pandemic. That is a big, fat lie. Pandas do not exist. They don't exist in people's homes, they don't exist in the wild, but they do exist in the zoo. The first panda to be discovered was in the 1920s. And the first panda to be brought over to the US was in the 1930s by this woman. And you know how I feel about women. So you're telling me in over 4000 years of chinese history, they've never seen pandas until the 1920s? Bro, even in a chinese zodiac, they have a dragon. Dragons are real, but pandas are. They've been lying to you about animals. These are. This is called a fake animal. They have fake animals in zoos just to gain popularity, gain. Gain money, gain traction. But this. Look at this picture. That's a stuffed animal or pandas. So fake pandas are fake. Oh, that a panda. Not real. That's a bear. Okay, okay, okay, okay. We understand it now. Let's let donuts are dragon real. But what he was saying is all throughout history, it was a mythological creature, a panda, just like, Bigfoot. And then just recently, they're like, oh, no, there's pandas. He makes a good case. It's true. And do you think they die a regular bear? Do you think people are in, like, a bear suit? Because Owen Binge has been talking about how pandas aren't real for a while, and I kind of laugh, but it is weird how we just started getting him, and there's not even that many in America. I think there's less than, like, a hundred in America. So that would be easy to fake panda in real life, either have I. And somebody on the crew supposedly said they've seen him in a zoo. I'd like to know what zoo you're at that you actually saw this panda. And I'd like to see some video evidence. I've seen a panda before. Where? At the San Diego Zoo. They got pandas. Yeah, but that's one of the most famous zoos in the world, so they would be the most likely culprit to fake it. I think they're real. Oh, my God. So, you're a panda believer? I'm believing in pandas. Is it because you're asian? Yes. I love pandas. You know why I know pandas are real? Because panda Express. What about kung fu panda? What about kung fu panda, bro? Kung fu panda. Spiritual, predictive programming. Reinforce the realism of pandas. You know what I just realized? How he said that 128 was an important date. You were born on the 8th. Your primetime 99. Flip those two around. Six. Six. Six plus six is twelve. One, two, eight. I know. And nine. When nine divided by three, three times three, so it's 999, and then you flip it upside down. 666. $50. Super chat. Wow. We love those. Thank you, Willie McDuff. I have grown tired. I've grown tired of being constantly censored by Jimmy. Dude, he couldn't. We wouldn't stop talking shit, so I timed him out for 10 seconds. What did he say? Jimmy is the most unlikable person. I'm sick of Jimmy. Jimmy needs to leave. Is Jimmy just pretending to be unlikable? I want to. He's. He was going at it, so I just timed him out. But if you pay it, you can say whatever you want. Super chat. You got it. You get freaking first row, vip access to the blamp. Okay, now let's kind of wrap things up. I know you got to go shortly, and we got to talk to Lila about something, but just real quick. Like what should we be looking out on the horizon when it comes to Gematria and, you know, like, I saw your kind of exposure some of the UFC fights. Like, what are you kind of focusing on? Like, you know what? I've been looking into a lot of the Book of Enoch. Have you looked into that at all? I have not. But what I've been looking out for, for something recent is this date 420 or Taylor Swift 419 for, like, an earthquake. And this isn't me. This is, like, a lot of other people's research that I been looking into. In the conspiracy world, if we're talking about other people's research, you know, people like that. Because I think, you know, that's, you know, I know you want to cite your source, but. But you're watching a lot of videos, and if people are saying that, you can tell that's the vibrational energies kind of going that way. And I ask people, I interview them and podcasts. So I'm looking out for some big event to happen. I think it's gonna be on the 19th, I think some earthquake stuff. Cause you got some big dates. So April 19, Taylor Swift. I mean, she dropping that album. And 420 coming up. And April 19, a lot of tragedies happen on that day. 420, a lot of tragedies happen. And I believe it's called, like, the season of sacrifice leading into the Illuminati founding day, May 1. And it's Hitler's birthday. Hitler's birthday is 420. Is that correct? Yeah. Yeah, that too. Yeah. So there's just a lot of occult stuff, but Alistair Crowley tying it back to the whole satanic thing, he, like, these dates are all connected to him, too. Last thing you brought up, Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift. Our favorite number is 13. The 49 ers are in Super Bowl 58. Four plus nine is 13. Five plus eight is 13. 100 minus Travis Kelsey's number of 87 is 13. We know that the Chiefs were not the best team all year, but they magically won the Super Bowl. I think it was rigged. And I won $500 on it, on that Super bowl. And they were the underdogs. What do you think about the Taylor Swift numerology symbolism with the Super bowl? Oh, yeah. I mean, you got all the swifties charging this ritual at the Super bowl for the halftime show. This goes into fertility rituals. It gets deep, going back to the ancient days where they would do, like, blood sacrifice because the blood would get into the soil and also all the, like, the sexy time would charge all the plants with the Oregon energy. Well, you know, it's funny you say that. There's a new thing called ecosexuality, where people, like, want to have sex with the dirt and with trees. That's coming back. I just read an article about, and the article came out around the same time as the Super bowl. What in the world, dude, look it up. It's called ecosexual. It's on daily mail. And I'm reading this. I'm like, why is this being requested to me? And now you're talking about, like, all this sexual fertility ritual, and she hasn't had a baby yet, so do you think Travis Kelsey is going to have a ritualistic baby with her? Potentially, probably. But the whole thing is, it's just charging all the eyeballs. This was the number one televised show in the history of television. More people were the Super bowl than anything else in the world. And then right after it ended, it went to a slide and it said, broke the Internet question mark. And I think that's part of this predictive programming of what the World economic Forum has been hyping us up about. Wow. Last question. Klaus Schwab. What's the deal with him? Is he. Is he rip? You know? What do you mean? Isn't he in the hospital on life support or something? Jimmy, didn't you tell me? Apparently, we got Instagram fact checked, and he apparently is not in the hospital, but. Oh, my God, Jimmy, you're such an idiot. Well, I don't think that's true. I think that's the official statement. Oh, he's fine. He's perfectly healthy. I think he's actually in the hospital. It's kind of like pulling a Kate Middleton photo shoot. Okay. Yeah. Is Dave Chappelle a clone or not donut? There's some evidence pointing to him being cloned. That's all we need to hear. All right. Tell them where they can find you, support you before you go. And thank you for coming on the show. Oh, you can find me at donut. D o e dash n u t. com. Or just look it up on the YouTube. D o e n u t. Donut. Donut. You're the man. Thank you for blessing us with all of this occultic knowledge that we can't find on our own. You spend a lot of time researching this stuff, and like you said, you're not always right, but you are right about a lot of stuff, and it's very interesting. So thank you for coming on the show. I'll talk to you again soon. God bless. Peace. What did you think about that, Lila? It was fascinating. I like all that conspiracy stuff. I don't know if I believe that Dave Chappelle is a clone, though. Well, did you hear what Jim Brewer said? I did watch that, but did you see him on, on Roseanne's show, and he was in a little movie called Half baked. I'm saying, you and I like Dave Chappelle. Right? You and I like Dave Chappelle. Were you ever in a movie, did you ever star in a movie with him for months on end. I've met him several times. I'm just saying. Do you know him as well as Jim Brewer knows him? No, probably not. But he's very nice if he's a clone. His clone was nice to me. Well, the clone would be nice because the clone is made in the lab. It's the original. That would be. And his wife isn't. His wife Filipina? Yes. Yes. His wife is Filipino. I know. Which means they probably cloned a filipino guy and painted him like the panda, and that's why he's attracted to his genetic. That makes sense. So he's a panda now. He's a panda clone. Oh, Dave Chappelle not real. That's a clone. He not real. I guarantee that guy that made that panda video thinks Dave Chabelle's a clone. Absolutely. Absolutely. That guy probably has a whole freaking, you know, playlist of Dave Chappelle. I will say if Dave Chappelle is a clone, the clones got some good material, right? I don't know. I mean, to be honest, Dave Chappelle is obviously still funny. He's obviously one of the funniest comedians. But still, nobody has recreated key and Peele did a great job. But the Chappelle show, dude, that was, like, the pinnacle of comedy. And I don't know of any sketch show. Like I said, key and Peele was good. Was great. I think the only one coming close right now is Gillian Keys. Yeah, but even Gillian keys with great with Shane Gillis. I'm just saying that was still, in my opinion, I think it goes, Chappelle show. Key and Peele was incredible, dude. Like, the football players had the long names, a Ron. I mean, they created some sketches that are, like, will last the test of time. But even so, they did not make a sketch as good as I'm Rick James bitch. Or prince playing basketball. Like, those sketches. Race draft. The racial draft, dude. I mean, it just. I don't know if we can ever top or Clayton Bigsby. Clayton Bigsby, the black white supremacist. I mean, dude, it was a brilliant show. Okay, now, guys, last week, I interviewed Joe. Exotic. We use the stupid. It's called getting out. And it's the video conference software that the jail uses at a federal prison. We had a little audio snafu, but I was able to rectify it. And I re interviewed Joe and we're also gonna interview him again, I believe, tomorrow or Thursday, I forget which day I have scheduled. But we're gonna get down to he has agreed to take a polygraph to prove to Carolyn Howard Baskin that he hasn't lied about her. We're trying to mend the finches there. It's kind of an uphill battle. But let's play a little sneak peek of this interview and you can watch the whole interview on the Blazetv. com primetime. And it's on there right now. And it's there right now. Make sure to use that promo code. Primetime. All right, let's play a little clip of it. I have my cat. Just had kitty. I know. Look at this cat. That kitty. But I have toxoplasmosis. Joe. Okay, I got you. How are you doing, my friend? I love that background. I know. Well, have you. So you've been getting a lot of interviews. I saw on Twitter. Everybody's talking about how they got it set up with you. So how busy have you been now that you have this video call? I did eleven yesterday. Eleven. Shut up. And that one guy, he talked to you about flat Earth and Illuminati and all like that and all that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Funny. Yeah, that was good. So. And then I did one with the news station out of Tampa. And they interviewed Carol right before they interviewed me. And she. She is now even saying on television that Netflix exploited the. The feud that we had going on that we had never met. And the feud wasn't as bad as Netflix portrayed it to me because, you know, it was just marketing. Well, and listen, I just want to be fully candid. So you got mad because I remember you sent me all the Jeff Lowe drama and the James drama. So I had my producer try to contact them. We haven't interviewed them. We haven't talked to him, but we did send the video of you saying that you want to mend the fences with Carole Baskin. And we got an email back from Howard. But Howard says that basically, if I can sum it up, I can pull it up and read it, is that there are no hard feelings, but they still think that you're a liar, Joe. They said that. And he said, he said, here, I'll read this. This is what he said. He said this is his last email to us. I'll just show it to you. One last thought just popped into my head. It would be really nice if just one person in the interview media profession actually challenged Joe on all of his lies instead of just letting him blather on with nodding heads, even though he wasn't mean. That was kind of the last thing. He was kind of nice in the other email. What does he want somebody to challenge me with? I don't know. That's what I'm saying. I don't even know what to challenge you with. No, he didn't say anything particular at all. He said he wants challenge. That's what he's saying. His own wife. Wife is the one who posted the recordings of Alan Glover and Ashley Webster saying it was all bullshit. And so what about. What am I lying about? No, and then. And then did they actually have a conversation with a crack headed guy that told on you, you know, the key informant? What was his connection with Carol? James Garrison. Yeah. Well, no, not James Garrison. Who was the guy that was on crack? That was the supposed hitman. That was Alan Glover. Yes. I'm saying, how is Allen and how are they connected? Carol and Allen? Did they have any connection whatsoever? Okay, all right. Well, the connection is. Is Al Allen worked for Jeff. Okay. And Ashley Webster came to work at the park as undercover for Carol. Oh, that was her plan. And Alan and Ashley ended up sleeping together and having this relationship, so. So, yeah, so it's just. It's all just a fucked up scenario. Wow. I didn't rush out a double agent working for you in the park. How? She's the one who said, okay, well, the whole thing was Ashley came to work for us as a confidential informant for Carol. Okay, well, Jeff. Jeff and Lauren got her over to their cabin and drugged her with another girl and had sex with them. This is all on telephone recordings. Not mean go. Go to Tiger tells John Phillips and listen to it all. Okay, okay. So Jeff and Lauren pawned her off on. On J. Allen, so that way, apparently they couldn't do a rape kid or some bullshit. I don't know exactly how it all came apart, but. But, yeah, well, how she connected to Carol. So did she ever go back to Carol? That girl that had all that said? Did she go? Well, she. She was the one that was testifying on Carol, for Carol at my trial, but they wouldn't let her because they caught her lying. So. So she never got to testify. But, yeah, she's Carol's informant, and then she was the one talking to Alan on the phone, on the recordings that Carol posted, that Alan admits that it was all made up and him and Jeff belong in prison. So I don't know what Howard wants me to admit to. I've admitted to shooting the Tigers. I don't know what else to admit to. But I didn't pay Allen to go kill Carol. Well, that interview was very thought provoking, to say the least. And if you want to watch the whole entire interview, go to blazetv. com primetime. We got it behind the paywall, and we're going to start posting a lot of exclusive content, like our vlog at the Renegades game, my vlog from South Carolina, and a lot of behind the scenes footage. Okay, lila, the show's almost over. Tell the people what we got planned, you and I, what we got going on this week. We've got shows. So come see us on Sunday. This Sunday, we'll be at the Plano house of comedy. I'll be hosting. Alex Stein will be headlining. JVT will be on the show. Come see us. Come hang out. And also, April 26, we'll be in Austin at the Vulcan. It's a chat rat meetup. So come hang out. And in Austin, they're gonna allow us. We can throw fruits and vegetables at Jimmy, so. But they have to be fruit and vegetables. The club has allowed it. They said it's okay. So bring bananas. Tomatoes. Just bananas? No, bring. I would say potato would hurt the most. So bring a lot of potatoes. I think that would. Wouldn't that hurt the most if it got hit in the nose of the potato? I would say, like a watermelon. Eggplant. Yeah. Or watermelon might be too hard to throw, though, right? Potato is probably most dense and can hold in your hands. Yeah. Could you imagine when I launch a potato right at your head while you're doing. No, that wouldn't be good. No, it's gonna give you CtE. But I think you already have Cte. Yeah. You definitely have some sort of brain damage, right? 100%. All right, now we have one last clip. Is this a Stephen A. Smith clip? Do we have time for it? Let's watch this. Yep. At Greg 1667 6935 420. What's the smallest amount of money you would reach into a toilet to get into a toilet? Well, if it's a toilet with clear water. Hundred dollars, something like that. If it's shitting there, poop. I mean, it would have to be more than that. But I will say this. If it's mine, I'll get over it. If it's somebody else's poop. I don't know how much amount of money I'm willing to do that. I can't recover from that. I'm just sorry. That's just how I roll. I don't know about that one. How much money for you, lila? A dollar? I would get. I would put on a glove and just grab it. $1. That's disgusting. How's that disgusting? Especially if it's my own toilet? If it is your own poop, I guess that's okay. But if it was another. If it was my poop. Well, am I getting paid to take. You get to keep the money, whatever it is, okay. Not $20. The lowest amount, a $20 bill. Like, if there's a $20 bill and next to my poop, would you grab the $20 bill? Why would I be in this bathroom? I blow up the bathroom all the time, and then I could have been in a hurry with a show in my wallet, and I'm like, oh, I don't need the money. I mean, maybe I'm in a hurry. You know what I would do? I would contact Jimmy, and I would let him know that you left dollar 20 in there and you probably need it, and I'd have Jimmy do it. I would. I mean, like you said, a dollar. I mean, for my own. Yeah. I mean, if I had lost, like, $3, I would probably reach in there. I mean, I'm not grossed out by poop, though. I have cats. I have to clean their poop all the time. Okay, why did we play that clip now? And then? We have me on tape saying that I would reach into a toilet for dollar three. Who picked that clip? But you know what? It's. At least it's actual dollar bills. Cause it's not coins. You wouldn't reach in there for coins, right? Well, they have those dollar coins. If there's a bunch of those. If it was, like, there was, like, if it was full of quarters instead of water, I would take. And that's the question, too. It's just a toilet. There's no poop involved. It's just an empty toilet. Well, I know. I guess that's the theory. Was, I guess, Stephen, a added poop. If there's no poop, I'm grabbing a dollar, right? Yeah, I'm grabbing all of it. We need the money, guys. At times, we're tough Biden, actually. You would grab it for a dollar, and everybody in here would grab it for a dollar, because then they could subscribe for $0. 99. Exactly right. So, guys, make sure to go to blazetv. com primetime and join today. $0. 99. We're gonna be putting a lot of stuff behind the paywall that you can't see anywhere else. And I would really appreciate it because it would help me keep my job. It would help Lila get to come here more, help us put on more comedy. Show that poop dollar. Get the poop dollar and we're a few subscriptions away. We still need a few more to start the Monday show. So if you want an extra episode uncensored, untimed of primetime with Alex Stein on Mondays, pay a dollar. And if you can't afford a dollar, text me. I will personally pay for the first three people who reach out to me. Tweet out. When you do subscribe, let us know on Twitter that you have subscribed. And a matter of fact, if you send me your receipt, I'll even follow you back on Twitter or Instagram. Okay, guys, we end the show the same way every time. I guess we told them about the comedy shows. We told them about all the blaze tv exclusive. Is there anything else we forgot to tell them about? James? I think that's it. Good job. And you're wearing an illuminati jersey. Five one, Timmy T. Though you are definitely a cop. All right, guys, every time with a freestyle finale, DJ hit that beat tribe called Quest Vibes on the song. I don't really know if I got my dong stick my hand in the toilet seat I am a super freak gotta get that money to pay my honey then I'm going to be a snow bunny gonna snore, do a line drive around commit a crime cause I am Alex dine and I'm number one king prime time on the grass all the time I hope this song just blew your mind one more time. I got to go. I love all my ladies even if you're whole peace. .