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Nephtali1981, a fearless truth seeker and warrior of light, unearthing hidden knowledge and battling the forces of darkness. Nephtali1981, a fearless truth seeker and warrior of light, unearthing hidden knowledge and battling the forces of darkness.

Time For A Change Hear Me Out Christianrehab -

“Join our free online group if you’ve been hurt by the church. We have two weekly Zoom chats and a website like Facebook. It’s a place to heal and get ready for God’s kingdom. Remember, this doesn’t replace your local church, but helps you heal.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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It Begins Global Chaos As Beast System Deploys Test 2024 -

“Imagine a world where everything we do is controlled by one big system. This includes buying toys, selling old stuff, or trading games. Recent tech glitches might be tests for this. We’re moving towards owning things digitally, which could give more control. But don’t worry! Stay strong in your beliefs and don’t fear these changes.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Adrencrome -

🎥 Adrenochrome, Freemasonry, and MK-ULTRA: Must-Watch Documentary! 🎥

Dive deep into the chilling world of “Adrenochrome, Freemasonry, and MK-ULTRA,” a documentary by Paranoid American of Uncover the dark secrets of elite rituals, the hidden power of Freemasonry, and the mind control experiments of MK-ULTRA. This gripping film exposes the truth behind these sinister practices. Don’t miss this eye-opening journey into the shadows.

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Samson: Strongest Man In The Bible

Published on: July 15, 2024 by Nephtali1981
Samson Strongest Man In The Bible -

Nip Tally and Chris chat about making good choices and avoiding bad ones, using Samson’s story from the Bible. They say small wrong choices can lead to big ones, and it’s important to stay close to God to avoid mistakes. They stress being honest with yourself, as God knows everything. They also remind us that God always gives us a way to escape temptation …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Trump Assasination Cia Nwo Agenda And Deceptions 2024 -

“In 2024, a scary thing happened. Someone hurt Donald Trump and others. This made people very upset. It’s like when we pick teams in sports, but forget we’re all friends. The speaker says we should focus on being better people and follow Christ’s teachings, instead of getting lost in these fights.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Unspeakable Atrocities At Straightway Cult Ringotvreactions Kgb94Tv Pastordowell -

“Bryson, a boy allegedly mistreated by his parents, was found safe. His parents, part of a group called Straightway Truth Ministry, are now facing charges. This group, led by Pastor Dowell, is criticized for not truly following biblical teachings. The article advises caution when joining such groups and emphasizes the importance of personal understanding of scriptures.” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Overcome Invasive Perverse Demonic Thoughts 2024 Free Audiobook -

“Ever felt distracted during prayer? This book teaches us to focus our thoughts on Christ’s teachings. It’s a powerful tool to overcome fears and find peace. Keep learning and applying these principles for a better life. Don’t forget to thank Jesus for the changes you’ll experience!” …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Why Youre Lonely Disappointed The Hidden Truth -

Join us for Man of Mondays, a weekly chat about life, faith, and overcoming tough feelings. We share stories, both personal and biblical, to show how faith can bring comfort and change. We’ll talk about managing thoughts, staying positive, and leaning on God. Check out our free resources for more support on your faith journey. …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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Angel Of Prosperity How Prophet Ed Gets Away With It Edcitronnelliministries -

➡ This blog talks about Ed Citronelli’s event in Texas, where he says an ‘Angel of Prosperity’ will bring wealth. Some people think this is trickery, and that real prosperity comes from God, not a seminar. The blog also questions the idea of gaining material wealth, and suggests focusing on spiritual richness instead. It ends with a prayer for attendees …Learn More, Click The Button Below….

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