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➡ Logan shares his thoughts on the connections between the band Dog Star, which includes actor Keanu Reeves, and the star Sirius, also known as the Dog Star. He suggests that the band members were destined to meet and form the band, and that their birthdays and other numerological aspects link them to Sirius. He also explores the idea that Sirius could be associated with the Egyptian god Ra and Lucifer, and that these connections extend to mainstream culture.
➡ The text discusses a complex theory linking the band Dog Star, the number 147, and the element iodine to Sirius, also known as the Dog Star. It suggests that these connections are not coincidental but are part of a coded reality. The text also explores the significance of numerology, chemistry, and theology in understanding these connections. It concludes by suggesting that the chessboard, with its 32 pieces, represents the battle of Armageddon and can be linked to Sirius.
➡ The text discusses the complex connections between various elements, numerology, and ancient symbols. It suggests that elements on the periodic table, their atomic weights, and their positions can be linked to concepts like the zodiac, Sirius the Dog Star, and the Ark of the Covenant. The author uses these connections to decode and interpret various symbols and meanings. The text also references popular culture, such as the TV show “The 100”, to illustrate these connections.
➡ The speaker discusses their belief that everything, including our reality, is connected through a complex system of numbers and symbols, which they relate to the Dog Star, Sirius, and figures like Lucifer and Jesus. They suggest that our reality is a grand illusion, akin to a Ponzi scheme, and that their research is leading them to these conclusions. However, they emphasize that they’re only presenting information, and it’s up to the listener to decide what to believe. They encourage open discussion and express gratitude for their audience’s support.



Sa what you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan. I’m going to be your tour guide for this presentation on the topic Dog Star. Little grumble in there. Dog Star decoded. So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I’m going to jump right into this presentation. Of course, you know what this is all about. The Dog Star known as the Mighty Star. Sirius.

Are you serious? I’m absolutely serious. So, ladies and gentlemen, this is where I’m gonna start. And I wasn’t even looking for this information. As I have been saying for so long now, it found me, me being the conduit, the channeler here, just following the trail, listening to the voice in my head. This is what I found today. I didn’t even know this band existed. I mean, I’m a fan of Keanu Reeves, but I’m so out of the mainstream. They’ve been around forever and I didn’t even know they exist. But here we are, Dog Star, and this is how I found this presentation.

This is what we’re going to talk about here. Did you know that there was a band named Dog Star and Kennel? Reeves was in there. And you could, you know, the. The origin. There’s so much content that I could have provided for this, for this presentation. Just the fact that Robert and Keanu meet in the supermarket again. So when we look at this, this origin and this inception, these gentlemen were destined to meet. They didn’t have a choice. So this is more of the scripted reality that I’ve been talking about. We could have went into the Detroit Red Wings.

That’s what Robert Mailhouse was wearing. And then Keanu Reeves, being a hockey fan, approached him. I could have went gangbusters on that. But, ladies and gentlemen, we’re gonna jump right into this. Here’s their website. I’m gonna leave this in the video description. You can go and support this band. Maybe you can go see them on tour. I think they are touring soon. But here are the three band members, the present band members right now. Robert and Keanu are the two men that met in a grocery store and then they added Brett after the fact. But these are the three band members currently right now.

Robert, Brett, and Kennel. And so here are their birthdays, and I’m gonna just simply add them up. Here it is. Now, remember, their name for their band is Dog Star. So 22, 13 and 2, 37. Where do we go from here? Right to numerology. Right to that. Now, how do you. How do you explain this? And again, you know, if you’re thinking, well, they purposely chose Dog Star. Yeah. But they added this gentleman after the fact. He is their main lead singer. And these two met in the grocery store. You know, there’s so many layers to this.

You know, Maybe, just maybe 22 and two, when we go to numerology, that’s 24. Maybe, just maybe there’s that. So, you know, that’s definitely something we can observe. Keanu and Robert meet in the grocery store. Their birthday’s out up to 24. Okay, cool. I can buy that. But then they add on this dude after the fact, and then you add it in and you get Eye in the Sky. So. So, ladies and gentlemen, no, they were destined to meet. And the idea came to them through the thoughts in their head, which are obviously coming from Sirius the dog Star.

Let’s keep going on this right here. So, okay, I’m like, all right, well, let’s chase this rabbit and let’s go study some Alan Parsons. Since this band had an album in 1982 called Eye in the sky started off with serious. The song, and then it segued into Eye in the sky, song number two. Song number one. Song number two. That’s going to give you raw. So, of course, what am I going to do? I’m going to look at their birthdays, of course. And Eric’s the guy who actually sang Eye in the Sky. It was his voice that sang the song.

But you get March 18 and December 20. That gives you a 38 and 38. When you combine it with. Because this is what I did, I’m like, well, these. These guys obviously have the album, and then these guys have the Dog Star name. So let’s combine all the birthdays together. So here it is. I have Eric and Alan in the background, shaded in. So here are all five men that are tied to Dog Star and Eye in the Sky. And of course, we’re just going to add up their birthdays, right? And we get the number 75.

75 is going to reduce. The root number of 75 is 3. And the root. Just so we can be clear, the root of RA is 3. That’s what the root is. So the question I will leave you is, is Sirius raw? There are many outlets to it, but could Sirius be raw? 75. Let’s continue on with this. What does 75 go into? Well, the gematria of Lucifer. This is, of course, what the Vatican sings to, singing to Lucifer the 75. I mean, you know, when we go to numerology again and we go to this, history repeats itself.

75. So could it be, folks, that Ra is the dog Star and Lucifer is Ra, which is the dog Star? Now, I’m not the first person to. To say this. There are many other people that have stated that, that Sirius is Lucifer, the shining one, because that’s what. That’s what serious means. That’s what Lucifer means, the bright morning star. This. The shining one. So there’s a huge connection to this. But when you start to bring mainstream into this, well, then you start to tie it together and you can see how there’s destiny here with these. With these men right here.

The 75. So I covered this in my Tower of Ra. I covered this in the Watchtower decoded. I showed how all the Bibles. I shouldn’t say all. I don’t want to use absolutes, but I showed the Latin Vulgate, I showed the Codex Sinaticus, the Greek. I showed the New World. I showed the King James Version. I showed the Protestant Bible. I showed that they all are worshiping Ra. That’s what the code says. And you could see that through the Egyptian aspects. Ra is also revolution. And coincidentally, there are two elements in the periodic table that are linked to raw and re.

And one of them is the 75th element called rhenium, the repeat. And renium is 28, which matches Lucifer, 28. And the 75 protons matches Halil, which means the shining one. That’s why the Catholic Church moved it into Lucifer, the. The shining one, raw. So there’s a very strong connection here, which we showed during the Tower decoded the Watchtower, that, that, that raw is Lucifer. And you get Jesus in there, the light of the world and all this stuff. But serious now moves into this. Are you serious? I’m dead serious. But serious moves into this. So what about their birth cards? We did their birthdays.

What about their birth cards? Five of diamonds twice. Eric and Robert get the five of diamonds. Brett, the five of clubs. Keanu, Charles Reeves, the nine of diamonds, and Alan Parsons, the Jack of hearts. I. I will say, folks, that Keanu, Charles Reeves and the Dinah diamonds and Robert, the guys that came together to form Doghouse, they get the 95 with a 59. And there are 59. Rosari in the. In Catholicism, we know 59 is tied to Prison Planet. We know that 59 is tied to the game of Life. And then the 95 is tied to americium, which is one half of the I am.

We know that the jack of hearts is the birth card for the actor that they casted to play the architect in the Matrix. And Keanu Charles Reeves was the guy that Gwenda met, the Architect. So it’s a very small world, folks, because. Why is it a very small world? Because we live in a scripted reality. These gentlemen didn’t have a choice of meeting and joining and singing it. We’re being used as human beings through all these placements. So when we add all these up, all five band members that are part of the Dog star and the eye in the sky, we get the 126 and we just go to chemistry.

And the 53rd element is what? It’s the eye, of course. Iodine. This is his average weight, 126.904. It’s going to be isotope 127. But it’s the eye. The eye in the sky. Not another coincidence, but more mathematical precision, more decoding precision here with the cards. Alchemy, mathematics, and birthdays in the Gregorian calendar. That’s why it doesn’t matter if we moved into the Gregorian calendar. And people think that it’s. Oh, that’s not the right calendar. It is the right calendar because they didn’t create it. The supernatural created it. Not man, man, just you. Was used. Being used as an instrument to create it.

All right, so moving along, this was a huge humdinger here. This is the humdinger of the presentation. So as I often do, I like to spell words with the periodic table. Makes them very special. And you can’t spell it out with the typical eye, but you can spell it out with the I I in the sky. And we know that the eye is tied to these five people who sang or are listed as the dog star I in the sky right there spelled out. And the eye is the iodine. The 53rd element, 53, is. And just so we know, we’ll do this on the fly with the mathematics.

53. 53 for iodine is the 16th prime number. And 16 is tied to Sirius. Are you serious? Dead serious. See? All right, so let’s add these up, set up these ad. These are all the averages. Now gives us 853.764. It’s gonna. Gonna give us a very big clue here. So what is the 853? Is that a big deal in mathematics? Keep your eye over here. Yep, 853 is the 147th prime number. And what’s that 147, if you’ve been paying attention. Well, it’s tied to Lucifer. According to Manly P. Hall, Lucifer’s numbers are those that one, that four, that seven, that seven, that four, not one.

So we have a very, very strong connection between Sirius the Dog Star, the Shining One, Lucifer, and Ra. But I skipped over and I wanted to show you here because the three band members, what they go by professionally, gives you the 147. So look, looking here, folks. Come on. Are we stretching anything here? Well, no, because I’ve done this how many times now? And a lot of you great decoders have done this. The 147 right here. And again, you postulate that the. These two guys meet in a grocery store and they add Brett after the fact.

I don’t know when they name themselves Dog Star, but did they know this? And I, I’m. I’m 100 certain they didn’t know this. No, I’m 100 certain they didn’t. But they didn’t need to because again, just like I am being used to show you these layers of our reality through the esoteric and through this. This is the code that runs this reality. You don’t even have to try, folks. You just got to find out what your passion is through your numerology, your astrology and all that stuff and just move towards it and be in line with it.

And that’s exactly what these three guys have done. And how many times have I shown Keanu, Charles Reeves the scripted reality through the Matrix, Carrie Ann Moss and their birth cards being the 59. Carrie Ann Moss being the five of clubs. So we have a very strong connection here. I think. A connection now. I think we’re there. I think that we’re there. Like, again, it’s not new that people say Lucifer is serious, but. But now it’s obvious that’s what it is. And again, if, if Lucifer is such a bad thing, how is it able to run people? How is it able to script this reality this way, from pastors to churches to music to mainstream? To me, how is it able to do that? I’ll leave that up to you.

I’m just giving you these things to think about. But the, the tail of the tape is in the numbers and the connections here. And, and this right here, folks, is just a huge humdinger that, again, these guys did not create through this. No, I just. 100 sure of that. So let’s, let’s talk about some more layers here. Let’s get into the, the canis Major constellation that holds Sirius. It has eight main stars, but it has 32 visible ones. And this is where we once again bring in numerology and chemistry. Game master is 32. I mean, the sun is made of hydrogen and hydrogen is 32.

So like, we could easily say that because I’ve been saying the long time Lucifer is the sun. Well, yeah, I didn’t have the right son, but I did have the right son. Just not our son. But it’s serious, the sun. And it’s the scorching one. Sulfur, fire, brimstone, the tower, the scorching one. This is why you have the Heliaco rising of the Nile river in September during the time of the Egyptians. Seriously tied to Shiva the Destroyer. Right. So it’s very, very interesting when you layer chemistry with what’s been shown with what we can see and these words through numerology that I just, again, I just don’t think there’s any doubt about it.

I really, really don’t. Now, what’s fascinating about the 16, besides the fact that Sirius is 16, is that if you go to this scripture in the New Testament, in the last book of the Bible, you’re going to get the battle of Armageddon. This is the first time that they mention gathering the kings together to the place that they call Armageddon. And the clue was what chapter and verse it was or is 16 verses 16. Now, if you put on your thinking cap here, there’s no stretching anything because 16 is how many pieces are on one side and 16 is how many pieces are on the other.

That’s what this looks like. And how, what do you get when you take 16 and 16? Well, you get 32, of course. So the black and white. And this is why. Now the confirmations with masonry, why, why the black and white checker would floor. And it’s obvious. The two pillars and the thing in the middle, the G star and all that, that’s obviously serious. Hello. That. That’s now confirmed with the, with these layers. Not that I needed to confirm it. There are tons of people that have already confirmed it. So, yeah, I’m way behind. But I’m confirming it through the layers of numerology, chemistry, theology.

So there’s nothing wrong with masonry when you scrape away all of the programming that has come with it. They’re after the same thing you’re after, which is knowledge and wisdom. But this is a huge humdinger right here. And I don’t think there’s any doubt about it that this chessboard represents the battle of Armageddon. And the 32 pieces that are on the board represent the game master. And the game master obviously can be linked to Sirius. Can be linked to Sirius. So let’s get into some other layers of this. We’re now going to get into the constellation Alpha Canis Majorus or the star I should say the Latinized.

So many clues from Latin folks. Wow. You know, the church was built on Rome or Roma, which is Latin. The largest sector of the Abrahamic religions is Christianity and the dominating sector is Catholicism. And that what they say you follow because you use a Bible. And that’s where it came from. So this is the latinized spelling of Sirius Alpha, the Alpha Predator, Canis majoris. And that’s 151. And it just so happens through chemistry that the 63rd element has that 151. And it’s, and it’s in Europe. It’s called Europium. And where is Rome? It’s in Europe. So this is how big this is.

And the 63 for the protons are tied to this word right here, Luciferum. This, this right here is from my. I did a decode on the zodiac and I went through the Maseroth from the book of Job and then I did several of the spellings and the translation from the Latin Vulgate instead of Maseroth right here, this is the, the Greek. But instead of the Maseroth from the Hebrew they move it into the Latinized word Luciferum which is what is the numerology of that 63. And the 63 matches this, the only element on the periodic table that has the word Europe on it.

And Rome is in Europe where Latin is an Italian and it’s called the morning star. So they move the, the Maseroth from perhaps meaning constellations of the zodiac. They move it into the aspect of Canis Major from the zodiac and the influence of the zodiac from the dog star. How about that? There are no coincidences with this folks. Not we have, you have absolute confirmation with this. When you get into the 88 constellations from Ptolemy’s 48. This is the, the finalized 88 constellations. And 88 is raw. And these are, these are not specifically hand picked to put them in specific orders so they can try to get it with some of these number outcomes.

These are all in alphabetical order. And I have it circled. What is Canis Major? 14 in the Latin, folks. It matches the 88, that’s what it matches. And the 88 matches the words peace and evil, Shalom and Ra in The Hebrew Bible in Isaiah 45 verses 7, Shalom and Ra give us the 88. That’s what it gets gives us folks. So we have a huge, I mean it’s, it’s not just a one stop shop. Obviously there’s other influences. The disciples, the 12 and then you have all these other aspects. It’s not just the ones on the ecliptic, folks.

There are many constellations that are influencing our world. That’s what I would think. I would think that’s the truth. But you know, it’s very, very fascinating that 14 again being in alphabetical order is tied to this. It’s also tied to this. Huh? It’s also tied to this. And 1 4. Whoops. When you say 1 4, you’re going to get 40’s tied to Indoctrinaire and Doctrine 8. So these are huge humdingers here. Let’s keep going with this. What about the Greek spelling of it? Serious, Serious comes from, it says it’s derived from Greek. I don’t know, like I’m just regurgitating this, right? This is what you would think.

Okay, well Greek, it’s old, but it goes all the way back to soap debt. And in the Egyptian times, I mean if I go, if I go to that, folks, let me just digress. This is what it was in the Egyptian, it was called Soap Debt 31, which is tied to the word absolute, which is tied to the word snakehead soaked at. But when we, when we look at the Greek, what do the Greeks have to say about it? See again, it’s all code. So we got to connect something to this numerology. So this is the 100 from the ancient Greek.

What can I use? What can I attach to the 100? Well, it’s fermium on the periodic table. That’ll connect to shomesh and the sun, but it connects to Hebrew right here. So there’s this amazing show that I’ve watched three times. It’s called the 100. And if you’ve seen this show, it was about, you know, the world kind of having a nuclear bomb go off. And it was uninhabitable for some time. So all these humans are up on an ark in space. And maybe the ark is the Zodiac wheel. And then they send these prisoners down to Earth on a whim, hoping that the nuclear energy is dissipated.

And there we they can survive. But you see folks, in Hebrew, this is where the original idea comes from. The Ark of the Covenant again, is the ark the zodiac wheel. This is what they postulated the arc spinning up in space, it was in this, it was in the shape of a donut. Serious, serious. Controlling that. Well, this is a huge, big deal here. These connections, I know they’re different languages, but again, and bringing mainstream into this and if you know what this show’s about, well, well, it gets really fascinating. So I’m going to go back to this.

We’re going to finish with this folks. This is like advanced decoding. So if you’re, if you haven’t been here for a while, if you haven’t been paying attention as may kind of go over your head a little bit, but just do the best you can to follow along. I’m going to go back to spelling out I in the sky with the periodic table. And as I have often done so many times using these average atomic weights, we just take the right and left hand side of the decimal, the masculine and feminine side of these, of the decimal, and we add them up to get another clue.

What clue can we get here? Well, we get this, the 16, 17. Now that can be added up. 16 and 17 is 33, 33 is the capital letter G. And the Francis Bacon 30, that’s that tied right to the middle of masonry and what they’re pledging to, which obviously is serious. But when we go to this chart right here. And again that’s why I’m saying if you haven’t been paying attention, this may be a little bit new for you, but a long time ago this, this graphic right here is probably five or five years old, maybe six years old.

And what I did was I took the periodic table and I flipped it and I put the, the higher numbers at the top and the lower ones all the way at the bottom. And I mesh them with the chakras. And since there’s 18 rows, you have to do it twice including the light and the dark. Okay, the seven chakras, including the eight and the nine. Twice you have to do that. And this is the, this is the way they’re ordered anyway, keeping them in their respected orders with the noble gases over here to the far right, etc.

Etc. What I wanted to do to show you how it’s tied to this, is there, is there a row that can signify Sirius the Dog Star? Well, I’m going to narrow it down to this row right here. Notice that it’s row 14, which is tied to the dog, which is obviously the mirror of God. And you know what that 374 is going to link to? It’s tied to the zodiac Wheel. It’s tied to the Last supper. And all 13 men sitting at the table. I’ve already gone over this. The Beast, the Beast part two. Canis Major is the 14th constellation.

So this is row 14. Now so this is a huge synchronicity. So I’m going to just simply add these up. I’m going to add the molar masses of all these elements. They’re their average weights. Also pointing out that, you know this in the chakras, it’s blue. It’s a, it’s a row that’s blue. Just like this. Just to match the serious, okay, simple connections. But they’re there. But when we add up the molar masses, look at what number we get. 16.17.884. The same outcome that I got right here by adding up I in the sky. Now is this just, is this trying to fit a square peg in a round hole or is there something to this? Well, keep in mind folks, these elements are big time elements.

Carbon, the king of all elements, number six. That’s tied. What is, what can you synchronize with six? The third eye, I in the sky. The third eye tied to the pineal gland. The pineal gland controls the wake and sleep cycles. The wake and sleep cycles is light. Now you get Lucifer and the light bringer light is we’re playing out the light game. So we can connect that to carbon. Carbon is the 666 element. Six protons, six neutrons, six electrons. Then you go to the 14th element, which is the dog or God. Silicon is where you get Silicon Valley, which is technology, the advancement of technology, which is tied to the future.

Then you move into the 32 and the word game master is 32. There are 32 visible stars in the constellation Canis Major, which is where Sirius is at in this constellation. Then you move into the number 50. 50 is tied to tin and the Tin man in wizard of Oz. Wizard of Oz coming out in 1939. Lucifer’s numerology in Hebrew is 39. 50 is the tin man because it’s looking for its heart. Spirit looking for its heart. There were 50 bitcoin mined. 50 is a big deal. Tin is the merger of worlds. It’s also tied to Zeus, so we can’t Forget about those 68.

68 is tied to the the two World Wars. The numerology of World War I and World War II, both of them add up to the number 68, including the invasion of Ukraine. 68 I make peace and create evil. 68 is tied to Gamatria the killing name 68 is. 68 is tied to the five books of the Torah, Erbium. Then you get into the element lead. Now we, we connect this to Saturn, of course. Yes, but these are all in this row that match up to Sirius 82. And of course lead is matter, right? We you at uranium two, uranium 238 lands all the way down to lead 206.

That’s what it decays down into. Lead is what we become. These are just clues here now. And then fermium 100. That’s the numerology of Sirius in Greek. And then finally you get to the 114 and there are things in there that I don’t really have memorized yet. But the 114 obviously is going to reduce down to the number six, which goes all the way down to the bottom here. This is why they’re all synchronized this way. But when you add up the molar mass of all of these, you get a match of spelling out I in the sky.

So I just ran down all of these. Could this be the row of Sirius? Well the next thing I decided to do was add up all the numbers on these elements, the neutrons, protons and electrons over here, I decided to add them all up. And this is the number that we got. Sorry, excuse me. The, the molar mass. Excuse me. That was all of them. Excuse me. That was the neutrons, protons and electrons. This was just the molar mass. Just the molar mass here. Okay, so when you add up the molar mass you get 1151. And I just, I go to mathematics to get the confirmation.

What can I branch off? Where can I go with this as a decoder, as a code breaker? What can I do with this one one five from. For all seven elements here that seemingly are tied to Sirius, well it’s the 190th prime number. And I’m just going to go right back to chemistry. What element has the 190? Osmium. The wizard of osmium. And it’s tied to the word therion from the original New Testament, the word for beast. Osmium has several isotopes, not just that 190, but it’s tied to the zodiac wheel, which I’ve shown already a million times over.

When, when we go to this right here, the 189, just so you can see. Here’s the 189 right there. The 190 right there. So this is isotope 190, but the weight they give you is a couple digits short. The atomic mass, the 189. And you can see that the clues that they give you here for the natural abundances. And again, are they really sitting down and mapping this out before they put it out onto the public Internet? Because what is 26? It’s tied to this word right here. Source. That’s what it’s tied to. It’s tied to the word source, folks.

It’s tied to the word Adam and Eve. This is the wizard of Oz. This is the operating system. So the operating system tied to the beast, which is tied to the zodiac wheel, is tied to this row, which is tied to Sirius through these numbers. The 16, 17, right there. So again, you see, God’s a mathematician, whatever that could be, whatever that is. But this decode was on the Dog Star. And I’m not. Listen, I want to be very crystal clear. I’m not here to convince you on what it is that you want to adopt as your truth.

All that matters is what you end up adopting is your truth. I’m just here to present you information. What you do with it is going to be completely up to you. But this is what the research is leading me towards. What I’m connected to and what I’m being influenced by is the Dog Star, which obviously now is seemingly tied to Lucifer and raw. And that’s what we got, folks. So I would love to hear your comments. Keep them, Keep them coming. It’s all about love in here. If you have something to add on serious. You know, again, the things that I’ve talked about here tonight, some of these things like Lucifer being the shining one, the great, the bright one, and I’m not the first person to say this.

I mean, there are many people that have said this over the years that I’ve even heard. I just. I gotta find the connections myself. And I, I found them now. And now the connections to me are absolutely undeniable. These connections really. The eye in the sky. And now when you, when you hear that song by Alan Parsons Project, Well, I mean, you know, the band members, have you ever seen the videos they’re making? The diamonds on shape? That’s what the pyramid’s all about. They make that diamond shape and the connections to this. And so now we have a lot of confirmation that I, I think there’s no doubt about it now.

I think the information will start to open up that. That RAW is serious, or at least it’s tied to it. And so is Lucifer. Halo, the shining one, the bright morning star. And that means Jesus is too. And as I have been saying along for a long time that we’re living in a Ponzi scheme. You know, even if you. If you go to that. If I just take that and we spell out Ponzi scheme, that’s 53, and 53 is the 16th prime number, which is what Serious. You know, something I left out I wanted to show you.

Here are the. Here are the five elements or the seven elements that make up that row. For serious. It’s the 189. Those. Those seven elements right there, when you spell them all out, that’s 189. And if you go back to osmium, there’s the 189, which gives you isotope 190. We just go back to the 190 and. And there’s the 190 found from the 1151. And the 1151 was from adding up all the atomic masses of all seven of these elements. So we not only get the numerology getting just one digit away from the 190, it’s the 189, but it is the 189th isotope.

Serious. So now the osmium and the wizard of Oz leads to Sirius and the influence and markers on the zodiac wheel or are here. They’re there, folks. I. I mean, it’s just pretty crystal clear now. But my final answer is that we live in a Ponzi scheme. That’s what we live in. And that means it’s all Maya and the grand illusion, which is why that presentation just came out. It’s on the Patreon. The grand illusion was a huge humdinger of a video because it showed that. That we’re living in this grand illusion. And all these things that we’re breaking down and decoding, it doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter if you think you got it right or you think that I’m wrong or you’re right. It doesn’t matter. It’s all an illusion anyway. It’s all just part of code that makes up this reality, which is the operating system. But anyway, ladies and gentlemen, I’m rambling now, and I’m gonna let you go. Thank you, each and every one of you, for all your participation, all your support over all these years. I really greatly appreciate you sending you tons of love from Mexico. My name is Logan for Decoder Reality. Until next time. We will see you then.


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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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Ark of the Covenant and Sirius symbolism chessboard symbolism and Sirius Dog Star band Keanu Reeves connection Dog Star band numerology significance Egyptian god Ra and Sirius link iodine element and Sirius connection Lucifer and Sirius cultural connections numerology and chemistry in coded reality numerology and Sirius star periodic table elements and zodiac links TV show The 100 symbolism

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