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➡ Logan presents his thoughts on Samsara, a concept from Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism, which he believes is tied to our reality. He suggests that Samsara, symbolized by a wheel, represents the cycle of reincarnation and is driven by desire. He also connects it to various elements like light, color, and the pineal gland, which regulates our sleep and wake cycles. Lastly, he uses numerology and tarot cards to further explain his interpretation of Samsara.
➡ The text discusses the symbolic and numerological connections between various elements, tarot cards, and concepts from Hebrew, Greek, and Sanskrit. It suggests that these symbols and numbers are all interconnected, representing the illusion of life and duality. The text also links these concepts to the idea of reincarnation and the cycle of life and death, represented by the Samsara wheel. Finally, it suggests that our desires and life paths are influenced by these symbolic and numerological connections.
➡ The text discusses the concept of Samsara, or the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, and its connection to our desires and thoughts. It suggests that our reality is an illusion, a dream, or a simulation, and we are merely players in this game. The text also explores the symbolism of numbers, elements, and mythology, including the roles of Jesus and Zeus. It concludes by suggesting that our pursuit of love and desire keeps us trapped in this cycle, much like a hamster on a wheel.
➡ The text discusses the concept of life as a game, where we are constantly reincarnated and return to the cycle without memory of our past lives. It uses numerology, tarot cards, and religious and mythological references to explain this idea. The text also suggests that this cycle is neither good nor bad, but simply is. It concludes by stating that regardless of our beliefs, we are all part of this cycle, controlled by a higher power.
➡ This text discusses the idea that life events, like the founding of the fast-food restaurant Jack in the Box, might be influenced by numerology and card readings. The author suggests that the founder, Robert Peterson, may not have had a choice in creating the restaurant due to these influences. The text also explores the concept of reincarnation and the possibility of escaping the cycle of life and death. Lastly, it encourages readers to consider these ideas and share their thoughts.


Sa what you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan. I’m going to be your tour guide for this presentation on the topic Samsara. Samsara Decoded could have put the wheel in there. Obviously the wheel in the sky tied to the astrological chart. I have two hamsters running in. Running in a wheel. What, what’s that all about? Well, this is where the idea came from.

The other day for me, I already had this decode shelf, Samsara. And then I had this idea come across my mind of a hamster running in a wheel. So that was all I needed. And here we go. Samsara decoded. This one will blow your mind. And I will suggest you put on a pair of headphones, block out the outside world. This one definitely will give you some very huge nuggets of how this reality works. So let’s jump into this. So this, this topic, if you will. The Samsara is a, you know, of, of Buddhist origin, Taoism, Hinduism.

And even if you’re somebody who doesn’t follow this, I, I, I can assure you that it’s all scripted in our reality. Anyway, this is all the religions tied up into one. But now this is where it branches off. And then Buddhism and Hinduism, they start to tell about what their truth is. And you know, this wheel is tied to the astrological wheel. Of course it is. You can see I have it highlighted in yellow there. It’s the cycle of reincarnation, dying again and again. And the big one here is, it’s perpetuated by desire. Desire, you know, and this is why I have been saying for a long time that you want to break free from the desires, which is a very tall order because life is so much fun.

Okay, so this is really where it stems from. And now I’m going to jump into the three topics that we have for this presentation. We have the very first one, Samsara Hamster. Maybe you. I, I grew, I had hamsters when I was growing up as a kid. And then of course I did. Right. And then the final topic, Jack. All right, so let’s get into the first one now. Samsara, the title of this decode. You know. You know what’s interesting about this word, it’s got the word raw in it, which is light the sun. It’s got the word Sam in it.

Sam. I Am, Sam, Iel and Sam is are the three mother letters in Hebrew. I want you to give thought to that. The three mother letters are part of this word. And this is the element samarium, which is part of life, is but a dream, because that’s what we’re inside of. A simulation dream, holographic world. Maya. The illusion, all of it. The whole entire thing. So let’s start here and let’s break down the words samsara wheel and then convert those into the tarot to get the picture. And this is how beautiful numerology is when you pair it with the tarot.

We have the major arcana card, the devil, of course. It makes so much perfect sense, right? The devil runs this reality. Yeah. Well, what do you think the God is and the devil is? Desire. Desire. This is the yod hey. Yod hey is 15 in Hebrew numerology. That’s why it’s the Demiurge. And Isaiah 45, verses 7, which is right there. This is going to turn some people off, but this is how the code is. And then you have the 24th card in the deck tied to the word wheel. Remember that there are 24 hours in a day.

The wheel in the sky keeps on turning journey. That song could be broke bringing in brought into this as well. But this is the card of the futurist. Very interesting. Elon Musk’s birth card is the two of wands, the two of clubs, and the two of clubs is card number 15. So just go right back to Samsara the futurist. So it’s the desire of creating a future. That’s what the samsara wheel is. So it is going back to this desire. That’s it. That’s what the samsara wheel is, folks. That’s what life’s all about, is this desire.

And the devil has shalom as above sin. So below we have the right hand path and the left hand path. Okay? This is the polarization that Jesus talked about in Revelation 3, verses 15, asking the church to make a decision. You’re either with me or against me, but I wish you were one or the other, because I need you to stay in my reality called Maya. Called the illusion the serpent being tied right to Jesus. Oh, yes, it is. And Lucifer, of course. But it’s also tied to this right here. So the samsara wheel, which is desire, is tied to the awake and sleep cycles of our life.

Notice that awake is 15 and sleep is 24, which matches Samsara wheel. These are huge humdingers. Of course. 6 and 6, 66, which is the birth city of Bethlehem’s latitude longitude 31 and 35. Yes, you’re playing out the Christ character. And the pineal gland controls the awakened sleep cycles. That’s why this is thing. This thing is so revered in all of the ancient text of many of the ancient texts. But now you know what it’s tied to? The samsara wheel. The desire of the futurist, that is all of us. And the desire is what causes suffering being on that Samsara wheel.

So let’s bring in some chemistry now. And this is where it gets really, really, as Jordan would say, spicy. Very spicy. Right now we have phosphorus tied to Lucifer, tied to the devil, of course, but it’s light. The devil is light, folks. And then chromium tied to the wheel. Phosphorus and chromium. And when you bring in chemistry and you get the meanings of this, light bulbs should go off. I have them circled in red. Phosphorus means bringer of light and chromium means color. And what is light? Makeup? Color. Color. And you know what this shape is right there? I hope so.

I hope you know what that symbol is, because the great architect of the universe is light. Square encompass the mason. This is the ball and stick model for white phosphorus. And then you have death coming down to become a human being. Chroma. Chroma. We are human beings. Hue meaning color, spirit into matter. So the samsara wheel is tied to the pineal gland, which is tied to light and color. And we go back here, and that’s what the pineal gland regulates, is when you go to sleep, the melatonin increases. When you wake up, the melatonin decreases light.

And the absence of light is the pineal gland. And this is the game of light. I would even say the game of light is more than the game of life. Game of light. That’s what we’re playing out, the light game. Okay, that’s, that’s what we’re playing out. So when you do the numerology of the original words from Greek, there they are, the names derived from phosphorus in Greek. The name is derived from chroma in Greek. There they are, you get the 246. That’s going to reduce down to the number three. And three is going to be tied to Lucifer and Jehovah and Yaldaboth and Allah.

They’re all one in the same Jesus. But when you bring in the origination, the original aspects of phosphorus, 163 and 83. Right. This is what they’re tied to this could be tied to 66. This can be tied to 36, krypton and dysprosium. But, well, how about when you play into the cards here, the cards of illumination 52. How big are these cards, the oracles, as Sharon would call it. Sharon Jeffers. All you have to do is take this number in question and then subtract the 52 cards of a deck until you get to 52 or below to find out what card that’s attached to.

So 163. Subtracting 52 three times, you get seven. Same thing over here, 83. Subtract the 52 total cards, you get 31. What do you see right there? What are those numbers? That’s the fine structure constant. It’s also tied to barium, which is lights, camera, action. Because it has an atomic weight of 137 for its average, it’s just not that exact order. But it’s there. But then the cards start to bring out what their narration is. And oh boy, is this a humdinger of a humdinger here. Seven. Seven of hearts. Seven is the seven colors of the rainbow.

Seven is phosphorus, which is the light bringer light. The seven colors of the rainbow. And then the five of diamonds being the color that wants to become matter. And the 5 of diamonds being the 31st card. And then you just convert those into the tarot. And how magical this is. This is the card of illusions, light causing illusions. When you open up your eyes and light goes inside your little black suns, your little black devils, gets caught by the retina and gets transformed to the brain where it gives you the image and the processing of the images.

That’s the illusion of Maya being stuck in duality. And ladies and gentlemen, this right here is the 69th card. And this is the 43rd card. I’m just going to go to the tarot cards to show you for the numbers. There’s the 43rd card right there. And right here is the 69th card. The five of pentacles, the five of discs. Okay, I just want to show you that. And what do we have for numerology right there that deserves a bam? Serpent is 43 in Hebrew. There’s the serpent, the illusion of choices. I say that again. The illusion of choices.

And then the serpent in Greek, the yin yang duality. And you have 731, which is 56. And lights, camera, action. It doesn’t get any more obvious than this. So phosphorus being tied to Lucifer, being tied to the serpent not once but twice. The game of Life duality right here. Do while you’re playing out the game of duality in the and this is why you will die. Chromium color 52, Prison Planet 31 tied to the word absolute. Let me just show you these on the fly. Prison Planet is 52 matching this right here, Chromium’s weight. And then the 31.

Well, look no further to the absolute. You remember what this was because I showed it and you are God, the absolute and prison planet tied to chromium. And this is going to be tied to tellurium and Tellus. But folks, this kind of summarizes it all. This is probably the most important slide out of the entire presentation at the top. Samsara wheel 39, pineal gland 39, Lucifer from the original Isaiah 14, verses 12, the Lightbringer 39. And then when you go all the way to the gamatria of Hebrew, bringing it to the double digits, you notice that lamed is 12.

It’s the 12th letter. But in Gematria it gives it a value of 30. And there’s the 105. And that’s the Yod. Hey, this is the Yod. Hey folks, the Yode in the Bible. Okay, so now you know what it’s tied to Lucifer. I’ve been saying this for a long time, but I, I doesn’t get any more apparent than that. These are, this is the YOD. Hey, and then you have the 75 right there, the 7 and the 5 found from these two cards found from the breakdown of phosphorus and chroma. 75 is the gamatria of Lucifer.

There’s the 75 and then the picture. And it’s illusions and yin yang playing the game of life. And it’s tied to the wake and sleep cycles of what it means to be a human being being on the Samsara wheel, which is the pineal gland, the light bringer. Folks, what do you think? The pineal gland controls and regulates light. So now you know what it’s tied to. Phosphorus and chromium. Light, the light bringer and chroma color, same thing. And this is so magical and so beautiful and so undeniable. Let’s keep going. Let’s go back to, let’s go back to adding up.

Just phosphorus and chromium 31 and 52 gives us 83 found from the 15 and 24 of samsara wheel. Chromium being the 24th element. It. What’s up with the 83? How about this? See in Genesis chapter 3, verses 4, the very first time the serpent speaks the very first time. He says, you won’t. You ain’t gonna die. Yeah. Because you’re going to be put on the Samsara wheel where it’s repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Reincarnation, reincarnation, reincarnation, reincarnation. And there’s the numerology of it, right from the original Hebrew, Genesis, bear 76, which is osmium, which is the wizard of Oz, chapter three, verses four.

There’s the 83 right there. Right from the Samsara wheel. Okay? You will positively not die. Yeah. Because you’ll reincarnate over and over by way of what? Your desire. This is the desire through your screenplay. That’s what it is. By being used by the Yod and by Ra and by Allah and by whatever it is you think it is the absolute. But it comes down to. We go to Sanskrit now, the amazing language of Sanskrit. These letters. I love Sanskrit. Maya is a freaking 83. How about that? 83 right there. You will positively not die. Yeah. It’s an illusion.

You’ll be put into the illusion and the alchemology, which is taking numerology and bringing it into chemistry. We simply just take the letters and we match it up with the protons. And there. There they are, 39, 2, 42. Match that up and then you just add up the isotopes, the most abundant, and we get the 187. See the YOD. Hey, right there, the Yode. Hey. From Maya, my meaning, mother Maya is the great illusion tied to the serpent, okay? The illusion tied to Lucifer, tied to the devil. The devil is light, folks. That’s what the devil is that.

We’re playing out the light game. I’m going to come back to this 87. But look at what that Y is. And you can see that. See, the alchemology of the word serpent in Hebrew is 89, which is the most abundant isotope for the 39th element. What. What comes out of a snake’s. What comes out of its mouth? What is that? What letter is that in the shape of? I mean, come on, you can say it. Say it with me. It’s the letter what? The letter Y. What is the shape of a snake’s tongue? The letter what? The letter Y.

The fork. Duality from singularity. So the 39, and it’s tied to the yod. The yod. Hey. The Maya. Yodhevahe. It’s just Yodhez zirconium. Hey, but if we get a 187 here from Maya, from the alchemology of Maya, which is the Samsara wheel. And you ain’t going to die because you’re going to be on it. And what about this 187 right here? It goes right to the astrological wheel. Now listen, I’m a huge fan and I’m a practitioner of understanding your code through your astrological placements. But when. When this was presented to me, this is called astro alchemy.

And just simply connect. This is how everything is connected. The first house of. The first house of astrology, Aries. Hydrogen, the first element. The second house of astrology, Taurus. The second element, Helium. And we just go all the way around. And we must include the 13. That’s why in the Last Supper there are 13 people sitting at the table. That’s why you must include the 13. That’s why Ophiuchus is. Is. Has to be brought into the astrological chart. The true map of the stars is sidereal. And when you add up all the elements, you get that 187 right from this.

Right from the Maya. So what do you think’s producing the Maya? Well, the astrological wheel has a big say in it. The Samsara wheel. The wheel in the sky keeps on turning Journey. That song has so many clues in it, by the way. The wheel of the sky keeps on turning. Okay, 187. The wizard of Osmium. The operating system, Maya. The illusion. The pineal. The. The sleep and awake cycles. The Samsara wheel. And you see, it’s all based on the Samsara wheel. Remember, it’s all based on desire. The desire to be a movie star, to be a teacher, to be a construction worker, to be a mathematician, to be a professor.

Whatever it is that you desire, it’s tied to the Samsara wheel. And osmium. When you add up its most abundant isotope of 187. Actually, I don’t know if this is the most abundant, but 187is its stable isotope. You add up the protons, neutrons and electrons, you get 263. That’s the 56 prime number. And there’s the 56. Lights. Camera. Action. That’s the Samsara wheel. You’re on it. I’m on it. We’re on it. And it’s based on desire. You see? So let’s get into some Sanskrit. And the word samsara. Here are the letters that make up Samsara. There’s vowel markers in there, if you speak Sanskrit.

I. I’m new to Sanskrit, but I’ve studied it enough to know there’s Vowel markers in there. And those don’t have any value in the numerology presence. So there’s the word samsara. Notice it has the word raw after it. The raw is the 41st letter in the Sanskrit. And what is raw tied to in 41? Elohim. Elohim is 41 in. In Hebrew. Here’s the breakdown, the reconstruction of it right there. There’s the vowel marker. Anyway, I’m not going to bore you with that. But there is the big clue is that one of barium’s isotopes, which is lights, camera, action, is 135 tied to this, tied to the operating system, tied to the.

The samsara wheel in the sky. Tied to the serpent, tied to Maya. See how all beautiful. This is the hamster wheel. This is how amazing. And so people say, okay, can you use other languages? There it is. There’s Sanskrit. So it doesn’t matter what language you use. It all fits and it bridges through chemistry. We’re made up of a lot of these elements. You need 60 minerals every day to survive as a human being. Your body requires minerals that are on the periodic table. So they’re embedded into our reality. And 56 is 19, 16 and 21 added up.

And it’s the movie where you’re in it. That’s what the operating system is. It’s Samsara wheel. The Samsara wheel is being on planet Earth. You’re on it and it’s tied to our desire. So I decided to do the alchemology of Samsara. And we have palladium twice, we have helium, and then we have niobium. And you get the 309. You just drop the zero. And then there’s the pineal gland again. See how amazing this is? It’s so beautiful. Really. It’s just so perfect. And there’s absolutely no doubt that this is what all this stuff’s tied to. So the pineal gland being the 39 I like.

All right, what’s three nine in Sanskrit? Right there, there’s three. There’s nine. 148. And I knew what that was. Well, it’s the two elements that make up the words I am 53 and 95. 148. How about that? Another. Another huge clue here. So what is the I am when you say I am going to go do this? No, you’re just along for the ride. We’re just along for the ride. It’s tied to your brain, man. The thoughts that are coming into your brain. That’s the I am. That’s the serpent. That’s all the deities that you conjure up as your ideas.

It’s everything. It’s all part of Maya. It’s all an illusion. It’s not real. It’s a dream. It’s a simulation. And it’s not us that’s really having it. We are the bearers of the game itself. Having the expressions of the game itself. And when I did, life is but a dream decoded. This is where I first found that as it’s tied to this element, samarium. Samarium had that 148 isotope. Samarium is the samsara wheel, folks. 62. Life is but a dream. Tied to the Jack of Swords, the Knight of Swords, the Jack of Spades, tied to the sons of God, tied to the Matrix.

And the story and your life and the role you have, and everybody has their own individual roles try to kick and scream and fight their way through this reality. For what? When it’s all just a simulation, when it’s all just a dream, when it’s all just an illusion, it’s all Maya, it doesn’t matter at the end of the day. So that’s huge. There’s the Samsara wheel right there. The sm. Absolutely. And the three mother letters and all that kind of stuff. All right, let’s get into the next topic. Now, the second topic, hamster. It’s kind of again, where I got the idea of all this stuff.

And what’s the hamster wheel tied to? Well, it’s tied to the game of life and Jesus, of course. See, Jesus was a big proponent in the story. Now, the allegorical story of love. Love, love, love, love. What do you love in your life? What do you. That’s your desires. Your desires comes from love. And you can’t help it. You have, like if I say, hey, what do you desire? What do you want in life? That’s what you love. This. This is the hamster wheel being 48. There’s the clue. This is the Night of Cups, the Jack of Hearts, the.

Which is tied to Jesus. It’s right here, folks. It sits right in the cross section. This is a cross right here. It. There’s the Knight of Cups right there. And it does not move. And it’s in the Venus Jupiter line. The expansion of love. Jupiter expansion. Venus, love. The expansion of love. That’s what this card means. So you have Jupiter in there? Of course. Because why. Why is Zeus so big? The great Olympian. How Zeus tied to it? Well, what does Zeus have on it? That no Other planet has. How about this? The great red spot.

Yeah, that. That’s Zeus. So in mythology, in their culture, they use the Greek gods, Zeus, Celine, Helios. And then other cultures say, oh, you, you can’t do that. That’s wrong, because you got to do Jesus. And Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And that’s what he says. So if you’re doing that, well, that’s the devil. Oh, is that so? Well, folks, it’s all the devil. So the hamster wheel. And the only planet that has an eye on it is Zeus. And it’s not only just the only one that has an eye on it, but it’s the largest planet in the canopy.

Jesus. Jupiter. Jesus. Okay, are you starting to see this now? So Zeus, of course. If you study the mythology, Zeus incarnates many times to play out the game of life on the hand on the samsara wheel, the light game. I’m gonna go play that game called light. So I’m gonna go incarnate into matter. That’s what it is. And this, this is reincarnation. So the 48, you got your cup out, you’re looking for love, we know this is the diabolos, the devil, which is desire and lust and love and all that stuff. And then when we go to the cards of illumination, it gives us the nine of swords, the nine of spades, the card number 48, and you convert it into the tarot.

And what do you have? If you’re. See, the samsara wheel is the nightmare. So now you have. I’m. Oh, I had this really bad nightmare. Well, maybe you’re just daydreaming and it’s a nightmare anyway. It’s the pineal gland, the light game, the nine of swords, the hamster wheel, the night. The nine is the letter I, as in I am Jesus starts in Greek with the letter I. Iota in Greek is where Jesus comes from. In Greek, the original Greek, iota, I, Jesus is I, E, iota, epsilon, sigma. That’s Jesus. Okay, this, this gets you reincarnated back into the game.

That’s why Jesus says, I’ll give you eternal life. I’m going to get to that when we bring in the golden ratio of hamster wheel. We got to go 17 digits. 16 and 17 is 33. There’s the 33. This is light now, right? The golden ratio, light. Look at the total. There’s the yin yang, there’s the serpent, the ophis, the five of diamonds, and you have the seven. It’s 17 digits. And there’s the star card. You become the star of the show, rock star, movie star, etc. Etc. On the Samsara wheel, the hamster wheel. Stuck in time.

This is 24 hours in a day, twice. This is Prometheus as well. But you see, folks, it. This is where it gets really, really, really deep. But yet so simple. And I had never connected these two before in my life until about a week and a half ago. And studying the serpent and Jesus and you know, you, if you follow Hillman’s work, he has all about the pit viper and, and the serpent behemoth. And, and you see the connections that the serpent saying, hey, if you bite the apple, you ain’t gonna die. You’re not going to die.

So the serpent says, you won’t die. And you know what Jesus says? If you follow me, you’ll have eternal life. Well, what’s the difference? You will not die. You will have eternal life. Can you please tell me what the difference is? Well, there isn’t any difference. The first scripture that mentions you will have eternal life. John 3, verses 15. There’s the fish. The fish caught the 153. There you go. And that’s a 103, the numerology of the scripture. And then this is 83. What’s 103 and 83? 186, which is tied to tungsten. And why I have the DNA here is because 74 protons is tied to the five elements that make up deoxyribonucleic acid.

So the molar mass of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus is 74. Is this just a mere coincidence, folks? I mean, how many times do we keep showing the chemistry how important chemistry is? And now bringing it into numerology and theology, you can see that. You see, when you get eternal life, you remain a human being, which is deoxyribonucleic acid. This right here is the bladder of. This right here is the bladder of the fish, the fish bladder. This represents duality. This represents Jesus and Lucifer. This represents your eyeball. And this is why the serpent says you will not die.

And why it is Jesus says, you’ll have eternal life. Same story. Because these entities, these energies promote Maya and the loot, the grand illusion and deoxy. Deoxyribonucleic acid. Different story, same outcome. Same. Same outcome. Okay, so let’s get back into the hamster wheel. That was a big one. Well, what happens when you do the numerology of 1.618033? Here are all 17 words. And look at what you get. You get PI. PI is the perfect circle. The Samsara wheel. This is tied to raw radium. 226 is 3, 1 4. Raw light. Okay, the game of life. Well, how about if you go into PI itself? 3.144 PI.

You’re going to go 42 digits. There’s the 48, 41 and 42. What’s 41 and 42, folks? This is the 41st digit. This is the 42nd digit. What’s 41 and 42? 83, which is Maya, go all back up here. Maya is 83. You see how amazing this is from PI and 42 digits. 42nd card in the tarot. Six of cups. What is this? Nostalgia Going back to the start. Going back to this. I’ve had the modernized card drawn up. See, when, when you were at this stage of your life, you didn’t have a clue. When I was at this stage of my life, I was completely clueless.

And I, when I say clueless, I didn’t have any idea of what I was doing when it comes to how this game really operates. Because this is looking for love. The six of cups is tied to the last day of creation in Judeo Christianity, six is the first perfect number in mathematics. This card. And six of cups is tied to carbon, which is matter. So when you’re doing this, when you’re, when you’re out looking for your first girlfriend or boyfriend, you’re not considering the esoteric. You’re not, you don’t give a. About the Samsara wheel. Are you talking about, man? I’m in love right now.

You’re think your, your oxytocin is on cloud nine. See, when you look at this word oxytocin, it’s 33. Do you know what that number is all about? It’s love, man. It’s the love drug. And 33 is the builder, the builder out of expansion. But you see, this is why the, the Christ and the serpent are one and the same. When Jesus said, I’ll spit you out of my mouth, he’s. That’s the serpent’s mouth. You’re going to be polarized to play in this game, which again is not a bad thing. So I want to just tell all of you here, clearly, I’m not saying this game of life is anything good or bad, it just is.

But what will end up happening through this is you get reincarnated, which is what this was saying on the Samsara wheel, on the hamster wheel. And you’re going to go back to this and you will not remember. I don’t remember what I was. I don’t remember. And neither did you. So the eternal life is the 42, which is going to be life, the universe, everything. 42. That’s going to reduce down to the number six. Six is carbon. Six is the first perfect number. It’s the lover’s card in a tarot. It’s the house of Virgo. Virgo’s ruled by Mercury and Mercury’s tied to the serpent.

It’s the way you think. It’s the lake of fire. The word Wonderland is 42. Crucifixion is 42. I mean, I could go on and on. Let’s keep going. So now I. Let’s. Let’s do the numerology of all 42 digits here. Where the 48 is from the hamster wheel. Here it is right here. Here’s the numerology of it. And I. And I’m using the PI cipher now I’m using the PI cipher. And you get 829. And 829 is the 145th prime number. Of course it is. And what’s the 145th element? Prometheus. Promethium. Promethium is the Titan who stole fire and gave it to humans.

It’s also in the mythology, Prometheus is who created human beings. Now, if you’re somebody from Greek mythology and you believe in that kind of stuff and you go to somebody and they’re a Christian, you’re going to argue about, well, no. How. Prometheus. There’s no way. Prometheus. No, it was the Yodevahe. But they’re just one and the same, folks. What would be the difference? Promethium and Prometheus being tied to the pineal gland. If you watch my pineal gland, part one and part two, I showed Prometheus Epimetheus tied to the pineal. The sleep and awake cycles. So the hamster wheel from the 48 through the mathematical equation of PI.

The. The 42 digits here, 42 being tied to reincarnation, is tied to Prometheus, which is wisdom and knowledge. That’s what the fire is. That’s the tree of knowledge. Adam and Eve knowing that they were naked at that point, they were oblivious before they opened up their eyes and ate the fruit. So these allegorical stories. So the 8 11. The 811 here from saying these digits through the Chaldean. So we did it here through the PI cipher, because this is PI, right? 3.144. But if we do it through the Chaldean, we get the number 811. And that’s a prime number, the 141st prime number.

And what’s the 141 tied to the square root of two? And what are we in, folks? We’re in duality two. It’s me and you two. Meaning it’s I am you, you are me, the divine using you through the forking of the tongue, through the left hand path and the right hand path, the polarization of good and evil, square root of 2. There’s the 141 right there. See that right there? The 811, the 141 found from the total numerology of all 42 digits through the Chaldean. Come on. So we’re just going to expand upon this and we go back to this slide that I’ve shown many times.

You could spell out the word prison and the very first element, it’s got the 141, procedymium. There’s the prison right there. And this is two. The Roman numeral for two. Are you seeing this? This is that. This is the sign of Gemini. Gemini being you and your doppelganger, Caster and Pollux, The. The twins, good cop, bad cop, and the 59 being tied to Praseodymium’s protons. We didn’t expand upon that. Which I’ve shown this slide before. And now we go back into religion, and you can see how Catholicism uses the 59 beads in a rosary. Now, do they have this kind of knowledge tied to chemistry? Maybe.

I don’t know. But does it matter? Now you have the knowledge. Now you can see what this is tied to. So wearing. This is about wearing reincarnation because the game needs players. This pledges you back into the game of life where you were positively not die. Yeah, you’re just. You’re gonna. You’ll die a physical death, but you’ll just get reincarnated right back on the samsara wheel again, over and over and over and over and over and over. See, PI in the Greek is the 17th letter, which is what I mean. This looks like a PI symbol.

It’s just put at the bottom there. What’s the 17th card in the tarot? The star. The star is born. Remember the word life, the word matrix, the word all 17 tied to that star card. All these words, matrix 17 you have a life. 17 where you have a story, 17 where you’re tied to the yodeh vahe. 17 see all these? They’re all. They’re all part of that. The star is born, spirit into matter. Which again, it’s not like getting another chance at this game. It. We may never get out of the game. Who knows? All right, let’s keep going.

How about the square root of 2, the mathematical equations? The square root of 2, it’s going to give you the 18th and 19th digit, which is going to give you 37. That’s going to be tied to I in the sky, but it’s a total of 68. So the hamster wheel right here in the square root of two because we know it’s tied to the star. And duality in the prison. Square root of two. There, it’s the 68. The total digits added up.68. We go back to the tarot, and there’s the four of pentacles, the four discs.

See, this is the God and this is us. The pentagram, the pentacles. There it is. See, this is God, light, and it wants to become a human being. And the five pointed star, that’s us. Two arms, two legs and a head. And this is the 68th card in the tarot. And it goes to the 30th card in the cards of illumination. It’s called the four of diamonds. Four, meaning the four blood type. These are the four blood types. 1, 2, 3, 4. O, A, B, B, A, B. That’s what this is right here. O, A, B, A, B.

North, south, east, west. Fire, air, water, earth. See, four. That’s why four is so big. Four is the heart, chakra, the anahata. Okay, that’s what this is. So this is the God not wanting to let you go. The divine not wanting to let you out of this reality. It causes the world wars, all, both world wars. To have a numerology of 68. July 28, World War I, 68. September 1, World War II, 68. Camachria, the killing name is 68. I mean, I could go on and on. So it’s. It’s Folks, this is. This is what it’s tied to.

This 30 found from the 68. Do I have my cards open? Yeah. Here’s the 30th card in the deck right here. Four of diamonds, which. Which made the four of pentacles, which is right here. So we have 68, four of discs, four diamonds, card number 30, tied to this. The square root of two. You’re in duality, man. I make peace and create evil. Isaiah 45, verses 7. That’s duality. The black and white. Checkerboard for duality. Good and evil duality, predator, prey, duality. 30 and 68, the World wars duality. And then the 30 yalaba 30 in the Greek Jehovah, the New Age name 30, demiurge 30, the Gnostics, Allah, 30.

When you say 30, it becomes 17. The yodevah is 17. Life story matrix, they’re all 17. So it doesn’t matter what deity you pledge to or what how you think it works or oh yeah, I got to do it this way. It’s a Ponzi scheme. It owns it all. Whatever it is, what the absolute, whatever that is, the I am, it owns everything. It’s using you as a, as a, as an instrument. It uses people. So if you’ve never have to go to war, you should be grateful that you’re not on the front lines. Fearing for your life.

Should give you gratitude that you didn’t get that code. That’s how I look at it. All right, let’s get into the final topic now. Jack, Jack and I, I did a decode on Jack in the Box. If you’ve ever been to this restaurant in the United States, a big restaurant, fast food restaurant in the United States. Jack stuck in the box. Jack in the Box, right here. It was founded on February 21, 1951. This is the February 21 card, the four of diamonds found from this chart right here. Here’s the boilerplate chart for the cards. Here’s February.

You come down to the 21st and there it is, four diamonds again. Do you think Robert Peterson is trying to bamboozle you, trying to get one past you and founded this restaurant as a big conspiracy? Or do you think that the guy was being used through his desire to create Jack in the Box? Well, it’s the latter. This guy didn’t have a choice. And this is the comedy, right? Jack stuck in the box, the four diamonds. So when you go further here, you look at his birthday. Born on the 13th, passed away on the 18th. What’s 13 and 18? 31.

What’s 31? Tied to the serpent duality, the five of diamonds, the absolute. But when you go and you look at his death day and you do the numerology of it. 4 plus 18. April 18, 1994. 135. That’s going to give you a reduction down to What? The number nine. And what does nine do? Repeats. Well, what’s the 135 tied to? Goes right back to the Samsara wheel. Jack stuck in the box. Which is why I would say that there Are, this is why a lot of these people say you’re never going to get out. You just come back to as a different character.

Now I think that there’s, if there’s a chance, I’m after it. I’m sticking with the middle path. I’m sticking with neutrality because I’m not sticking with the polarization. It’s a tall order, though. Most people want to do all the fun things in life, the customs and the holidays and the birthdays and humping and screwing and all that kind of stuff, making babies and that’s, that’s, that’s the fun part of life. But is there a way to get out of this game by eliminating that from your life? Maybe. But do you see? Like, does this indicate that Robert Peterson incarnated back into a human being? I would think so.

But of course he had a great life, right? For the most part. I mean, the guy, he’s very wealthy, probably had a cool life. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know what happens. But, but ladies and gentlemen, here’s the, one of the original images of it. So I’m just gonna, I’m just gonna go, I’m gonna go past this to support it even more, to show you that this guy didn’t have a choice, just like you don’t have a choice. So if you’re finding this information and you decide to choose neutrality and move towards being lukewarm, it you’re supposed to.

Here’s his birthday and here’s his death day. 1850, March 13th. That’s, that’s the 73rd day of the year. And April 18th, 1994, 108th day of the year. When you add those up, you get 181. That’s what you get. And what is 181 tied to the 42nd prime number? And just go right back to the cards. The 42nd card is the three of spades. And the three of spades converts to the 53rd card in the deck, which is you will die. 42, life, the universe, everything. This is the 42nd card in the deck. Just tied to reincarnation, just tied to eternal life.

This, all of this is. See, when you incarnate as a human being, you can’t live forever. You got to get rid of the body. It’s not built to last. Starts to break down, but this is what it’s tied to. Ladies and gentlemen, the last slide I’ll show you for this presentation is I went to the square root of 2 cipher using these digits to combine with the Alphabet and look at what you get for samsara wheel. 48. And the last big ticker here, man, is we go to chemistry and, you know, this is why I said, you know, Prometheus is 48 in Greek numerology, in the Greek reduction, it’s 48.

It’s 129 and 48. Prometheus and the Titans. So the story of the Titans getting casted down and getting thrown out or deciding to come down, that story is written in the code. Did it really happen? I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter. But there’s the Titans. Samsara wheel. The Titans being stuck in duality too. Square root of two. All right, ladies and gentlemen, so that’s it. What did you see? A fun one. I think it was very eye opening, very magical. But I would love to hear what you saw. Keep your comments coming, just keep them cordial.

It’s all about love in here. Big shout out to all you Patreon members. Everybody that’s helped out and donated over on the Patreon. Thank you so very much for all your support. I appreciate each and every one of you. I really, really do. Become a member. Get over on Patreon. A lot of decodes I don’t have out on here in the public YouTube, but anyway, ladies and gentlemen, that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan 4. Decode your reality until next time. We will see you.

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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cycle of reincarnation and desire illusion of life and duality influence of desires and life paths numerology and tarot interpretation of Samsara pineal gland and sleep cycles reality as illusion reincarnation cycle of life and death Samsara concept in Buddhism symbolic connections in Hebrew Greek and Sanskrit symbolism of light and color Taoism and Hinduism

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