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By: Decode Your Reality
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➡ Logan, the presenter, shares his views on the concept of ‘Scripted Reality’, suggesting that our lives are predestined and we’re living in a simulation. He connects this idea to various elements like the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland, NASA’s formation date, and the astrological sign Pisces. He also discusses the concept of ‘Maya’ or illusion, suggesting that we’re all part of this Matrix. Lastly, he mentions a future event called the ‘Phoenix event’, hinting at a significant change in 2040.
➡ The text discusses the idea of a “scripted reality”, using Lewis Carroll’s life and his work, Alice in Wonderland, as examples. It suggests that Carroll’s birth and death dates, which add up to 41, a number tied to the concept of the “matrix” or “womb” in Hebrew, indicate a predestined reality. The text also connects the number 41 to the 13th prime number and to Alice in Wonderland, suggesting that these connections are not coincidental but part of a predestined script. The text further explores this idea by examining other connections between numbers, dates, and events, such as the opening of a club named The Matrix and the release of the Matrix movie.
➡ The text discusses various connections between the Matrix, Alice in Wonderland, and numerology. It suggests that these connections reveal a “scripted reality” and that everything is interconnected. The author uses examples from the Matrix movie, the story of Alice in Wonderland, and various numerology ciphers to support this theory. The text also mentions the significance of certain numbers and their connections to various elements in these stories and in reality.
➡ The speaker, Logan, is discussing a series called “Scripted Reality 27” and plans to continue it. He encourages viewers to share their thoughts, but asks for respectful comments. He also expresses gratitude for his supporters, especially those who donate on Patreon.



What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting these possibilities for you to consider, enabling you to come up with your own conclusions. All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, my name is Logan. I’m going to be your tour guide for this presentation on another episode of Scripted Reality. This is number 27. Thank you everybody for being here, for following this series. This has been a very popular series here on Decode your reality and I’m very grateful that all of you have been a part of this, this journey here.

Scripted reality 27. You hear the song playing in the background, an amazing remix. I’ll leave that the description of the video below of the great band Jefferson Airplane and White Rabbit. And you probably have already guessed what this Scripted reality is going to be about. I’ve covered this several times, breaking down the Matrix. But you’ve never seen anything like this before, I promise. So stick around all the way to the end. This will be very eye opening for all of you great decoders. So let’s, let’s begin here and why this is scripted reality 27. Well, how about this man right here? Charles Dodgson, otherwise known as Lewis Carroll, who wrote Alice in Wonderland, Alice Stood Looking Glass and so many more.

He was born on the 27th of January, which is the King Clubs card, which is card number 26, which is tied to source, which is tied to the word occult, etc. Etc. Yodevahe. Right? Lewis Carroll 27. He was born on January 27, 1832. And this is why this was selected for scripted reality 27. Notice that here we have. I have a layer from his original manuscript, the one that was on Wikipedia. And of course automatically I saw the scripted reality. There’s the 88 and raw. But the big notable here is the Queen of Hearts, the wicked Queen of Hearts, the Queen of Wonderland in this story.

Well, let’s do some synchronization to show you how it’s all connected. And we’re living out a life of an illusion, of a simulation of Maya, of just a story called the Matrix. See this Queen of Hearts card. If you’ve been paying attention to the cards, now there are 52 cards in a deck. The four seasons, the four elements. Fire, air, Water, Earth. Well, the hearts, they represent the simulation because the queen gives birth to the simulation. And the Queen of Hearts is the Queen of Dreams. Now I have the logo NASA here. Why? Because their formation date on July 29th.

Queen of Hearts card. If you go to the boilerplate chart for the cards. Here it is. The 12 months running across 31 days, running horizontally. Well, the NASA formation was right here, the 29th of the month of July. That’s when NASA was formed. And this is the card that is assigned to that birthday. What. What does this have to do with Alice being in Wonderland? Well, the Queen. The Queen of Hearts is the Queen of dreams. And why does NASA have it assigned to their. To their founding date? Because, you see, this is a organization, like all organizations, that is dealing in magic.

We speak magic spells, we think in magic. We create magic by way of our thoughts. We create magic by way of our. Of our, of our activities, by how we speak, by how we read, by what we watch. So they’re getting you to believe in their magic and their stories. And again, it’s just doing their job. But this is how it’s tied to Alice in Wonderland. The q is the 17th letter. 17 is tied to the word fish, tied to the word matrix. The. The q is the 17th letter in the English Alphabet. And why I have the fish here, not just because of this, but because the 12th House of Astrology is what? It’s Pisces, which is fish, man.

And it’s water. It’s a water. It’s a mutable water sign. Fish live in water. We live in the sea of space. We live in the matrix. This. This Queen of Hearts card from Alice in Wonderland, ruling over Wonderland, then forms into the tarot, the 49th card in the deck, the Queen of Cups, which again, if you have this as your birth card, you know your imagination is your best asset. You should be doing creative visualization. That’s your best asset. But anyway, the 49th card from the Queen of Cups and the tarot was formed from the Queen of Hearts.

And then the ridiculousness of how scripted we live in this reality. The medicine cards, the 52 cards from the Native Americans, Jamie Samson Company, these were just made a few decades ago, the salmon card. And I, I can already promise you that they were not sitting down with these layers like this to form this card. No, because mankind is being used. We are living in a scripted, predestined reality, and we got to have fun with this. Instead of getting angry or bent out of shape or throwing your hands up and say, what’s the point? What’s the use? You got to figure out what your code is.

Once you figure out your code, you’ll stop paying attention to organizations like this, and then they become non existent in your reality. But this is how ridiculously scripted our reality Is. And since it’s a Piscean, this is a. This is a Piscean card. Despite what people may say when they give you a tarot reading, the Queen of Cups is a Piscean card. She is tied to Pisces, the mystic, the imagination, the artist, the fish living in the Matrix, which is Maya, and it’s Poseidon, it’s Neptunus, that’s the ruler of that card. If when you go to the card charts and you go to the master, life spread, because we’re living in Wonderland, which is the life spread.

And you go down to locate that Queen of Hearts, where does it sit? It sits in the Neptune, Neptune line. These run horizontally and vertically. This is solely in the Neptune, Neptune line. And we go to. We go to the Romans, because the Romans are the ones who named it Neptunus. It comes from the Greek Poseidon, which is going to give you a 112 value. But we go to the Latin because the Latin cipher is what the Romans use. Their Alphabet was 23 letters. And so the Neptunus becomes the 83, which is a big deal because 83, ladies and gentlemen, is tied to Maya.

It’s Maya. Maya is the Matrix. It’s this, the Matrix. That’s what they’re using magic in the Matrix. You’re using magic in the Matrix. We’re all little fish down here. Down in a hole is 49. You see how crazy scripted this is? There’s no conspiracy here, folks. Mankind is not in control of this reality. You just become aware of it. That’s it. That’s all we have to do. Maya, Neptunus. And I’ve already covered this in my Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Decoded this is one of the slides from it. And of course, Greek mythology, Poseidon, Zeus and Hades are the three brothers.

And it’s Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. In the Hinduism, cosmology. So in the great country of India, they use the gods, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. And then over in the Greek area in Greece, they say, no, it’s not Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. It’s Poseidon, Zeus and Hades. Zeus got the heavens, Poseidon got the earth, the water, and Hades got the underworld under the feet, the dirt under your feet. Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Poseidon, Zeus, Hades. That’s how all this stuff works. And they make up. They make up Maya, man. They make up Maya, they control Maya, the great illusion, the Matrix.

And Neptunus is tied to Brahma, the creator God, the creator of the Matrix. How about that? This is crazy. Humdinger synchronicities here, folks. Crazy. So I wanted to point out here that if you bring in theology in Revelation 21, verses 1, where it says there will be a new heaven and a new earth and the sea will be no more. Well, what runs the seas? Poseidon does. Neptune does. Could Poseidon Neptunus be the devil in this context? Maybe. But I wanted to point out that Poseidon Neptunus officially leaves the sign of Pisces. It is right now, as I speak, this video into existence today is the 18th of January, 2025.

We have, you have 15 more years to go before Poseidon gets out of the sign of Pisces. It is back in its own sign right now. And this formats around Jason Brashear’s work and the Phoenix event. Now, this coincides with everything, right? Because if, if, if I say if, if Poseidon is the one that’s going to be removed from the Maya aspect, maybe mind control, who knows? Well, astrologically, it moves out of the fish and the mystical experiences that we have. It moves out of its own dome. This is its own hotel. It owns Pisces. It moves out of there in 2040, right at the same time that Jason talks about the Phoenix event.

I’m not saying he’s right. Time will tell. There’s a long. We have a long way to go. But there’s another big marker here for that. So we can definitely fit that in the context of, of everything he’s been saying. But let’s get back to this scripted reality 27, ladies and gentlemen. And I’m gonna. Now we’re gonna bring out the heavy hitter stuff. So Charles Dodgson, AKA Lewis Carroll, here’s his born and death day. He was born on the 27th. He passed on the 14th. Simply add up the numbers and you get the number 41. 41. And 41, ladies and gentlemen, is tied to the word matrix slash womb in Hebrew.

The very first time it is talked about in the Torah is Exodus, the book of Exodus. I’m going to get to that. The Matrix. This is scripted reality 27. Part of the Matrix. Alice in Wonderland, The Matrix going down into the hole. Follow the white rabbit. The Matrix, Neo. See how crazy this is? This guy didn’t pick his death day. Come on. That’s how you know, folks. This is how I know that we live in a predestined reality. This is my support. He didn’t pick his death day, folks. And I doubt someone’s here trying to get one past you to get this outcome like this.

This guy was a big religious dude right here. He came from a family of Anglicans. He. He did his clerical training at the Christ Church in Oxford, the University of Oxford. So he was a huge religious kind of dude. But there you go, folks, the matrix, the womb, and it’s tied to the word Elohim. Let us make man in our image. Genesis 1, verses 26. Elohim, the gods, the L. There you go. And 41, through mathematics is the 13th prime number. And bam, there’s Alice. Alice going down the matrix to follow the rabbit, the white rabbit.

There you go. There’s. There’s all the support that you need here. 41 being the 13th prime number in this guy’s birth and Death day is 41. He didn’t pick his death day. No way. That’s how I know that we live in a scripted reality. This is absolute support of that 13 being tied to aluminum on the periodic table. It means a luminary body. Alice is the illuminary body. Al. Al is L. Right here. L, Aleph and lamed. Elephant lamed. It’s just an English conversion. That’s it. It’s. Alice is the aluminium, which is the Elohim, the illuminary bodies.

To go follow the white rabbit down in this and become matter. That’s where you’re going to get the sons of God. And how about this humdinger? This is a huge one. This is Alice Little, who is the little girl who inspired. Who inspired Lewis Carroll to write Alice in Wonderland. And his. Her birth card on May 4th is the 41st card in the deck. Come on, folks. Are you seeing this? I mean, come on. There’s no way. No way, man. This is destiny. This is predestination. And if you’ve been paying attention, this card is the card of lukewarm.

So now you know that if you want to get out of the matrix, you must be lukewarm to be spit out of thy mouth. This is the matrix of Jesus. Absolutely. The serpent to play the game. This is a huge deal right here. Huge, huge, huge deal. So what about the 41st day of the year? The 41st day of the year on the Gregorian calendar. February 10th, right here. And what card is February 10th? Well, it’s. Of course, it’s the two of spades. Why wouldn’t it be? I mean, that makes sense. If you go to the boilerplate chart and you look at February 10th, there it is, the two of spades.

Now, that’s simple, right? Okay, let’s place that card. This system. Let’s place the 41st card on the 41st day. That makes sense. But this and the guy using her as the inspiration to write the novel back in 1865. And the matrix is 41, which is the 13th prime number. She’s got the 41st card that represents the freaking Matrix. Come on, man. Scripted reality. This, this woman didn’t have a choice. The score didn’t have a choice pre destination. As did Charles Dodgson AKA Lewis, who wrote the Alice in Wonderland. So this two of spades, ladies and gentlemen, being tied to Alice’s birth card.

Being tied to the matrix and the 41 and the 1341 being the 13th prime number. You see how ridiculous this is, how ridiculous this is, how scripted this is? Okay, we just keep going. And now we bring in a completely separate layer, but a very important one. But did you know there’s a club made the Matrix? There was a club named the Matrix. It opened in 1965 right here. It was opened by the co founder of just Jefferson Airplane. That’s who opened it. Marty Ballin or Balin. He put the club together. And this is where Jefferson Airplane got their origination and where they first played.

They first played live at the Matrix. And now you know why? Like the Matrix movie and with the white rabbit, why I had the song playing in the beginning. Well, let me show you how ridiculously scripted this is. Let’s go into this. So here is. Here is the. Or one of the original flyers that I found. Here is the address. 3138 Fillmore in San Francisco. Right there. Fillmore street in San Francisco. And then the Matrix, it got released for the very first time at the Man Theater in Westwood, California. Right here. It has many names, but there’s the.

It’s part of the man family. It’s gone through many names. Fox Theater, Regency Village Theater, Westwood Village and Westwood Village. Right, right in Los Angeles. But here is the location. 961 Bronxton Avenue. So we have 961 Bronxton and 3138 Fillmore. So what I decided to do, like I’ve done how many times now, let’s check the distance between these two areas on a map. So I plugged in and I decided to go with let’s walk it because it’s the longest distance and you notice that this is what the computer spit out. 159 hours. But the mileage, 428 miles to walk it from exactly Fillmore street of where Jefferson Airplane sang White Rabbit for the first time and Los Angeles at the Man Theater where the Matrix came out on March 24, 1999.

So 428 is the marker and we go to mathematics now. Are you ready for this bomb? 428 is a composite number, right? It has multiple divisors, six of them. But what I want to do is I want to look to the next prime number. You see it there, right? Look at the next prime number. Do you see what numbers they are fol. So the 428 is ruled over by the 431. And what is 4, 3 and 1? What are those numbers? It is PI, which is the perfect circle, which is the Matrix. We live on PI, folks.

And 431 is the 83rd prime number. And what is 83? Maya. Maya. So you mean to tell me that this club started in 1965 and then they released the Matrix in Westwood, California? Of course. Why would you not release it in Los Angeles? I mean, this theater right here has premiered so many huge movies. So why wouldn’t you. And you go with how the mileage with the computer spit out and it spits out 428, which is ruled over by the 431. And 431 is the 83rd prime number. And 83 is Maya. What is Maya? It’s the Matrix.

So you have Sanskrit, Hinduism, Buddhism here, coupling with Judaism and the Matrix in the womb and mainstream and movies. You see, we live inside of Maya, folks. It’s just all a grand illusion, the whole thing. And everybody’s right. There is not one person living today that’s got it wrong. They’re just doing their job through Maya. That’s it. This should be absolute support, folks, because I. I already know the Wachowskis didn’t sit there and make map this out to get it this way. They don’t have to because we are living inside of a scripted reality, man. 83 is the 23rd prime number.

I could go on and on. 23 being tied to the moon, the moon being tied to Maya. The moon being tied to the imagination. The Queen of Hearts. It’s tied to the. The house of Pisces, the fish. Maya. We’re the fish living in the Matrix. Maya the eight and the three tied to the serpent as well. So here’s some, some real images that I grabbed from the Internet here. This is Jerry Garcia at the matrix. The doors, 1970. It was a hundred capacity. So they had lineup of the door to get in. You can see Jefferson Airplane in the window there where they got their start again.

The founder of Jefferson Airplane. Marty, he’s the one who opened this. He was the founding person to open this club. So it’s just so crazy. So let’s, let’s look at this a little bit more to show you more of the scripted reality. So it opened on August 13, the same day that the. By the way, the movie Free Guy opened in the United States, officially in the United States on August 13th. Free guy. Yeah, you’re living in a simulation. The Matrix Free Guy opens up on August 13th. August 13th is day 225, 226. That’s the common in the leap year.

August 13th, 1960. 65 was a common year. So it gets to 225. It doesn’t matter because radium has an isotope of 225 and there’s that 88. Raw. Raw. Running the matrix. Raw. The law of one. The sun God. The light Matrix. The mother. The Matrix, the Raw. And how about this slide from the Matrix? See, you remember this scene, all white background and Morpheus and Neo come in there and they look at the television. Look what’s on the television. Ra Dio. Raw. It means the Sun God. Radi. Radio. Radiola. Ra Dio. Sun God. Television. Right there, folks.

The Matrix. You can’t miss it. You now know, you now have the eyes to see it. You can’t miss it now. It’s really easy to see. Simple to see, folks. So alice being the 13 in Chaldean, this being opened on the 13th, it just gets really even more ridiculous than this, ladies and gentlemen. Again going back to Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland. Alice Little, the daughter of Henry Little, who was the dean of the Christ Church that he was. That he got his training at. Right there. Okay. This is such a scripted reality. Alice. Alice, the song White Rabbit written and sang by Grace Slick, the singer of Jefferson Airplane.

It’s just I could go on and on with them. There’s the Christ Church. He was did his training there in Oxford. Christ. Christ being tied to Alice. The rabbit. It’s all connected. And I just want to show you this. I’ve shown this in another decode, but I wanted to show you again. Here we are. Here are 12 different numerology ciphers. And there are more 12 numerology ciphers showing how crazy the combination of Alice and the Bible connected are. The English same, same outcome. The Pythagorean same outcome. The classical Latin, same outcome. The Sumerian same outcome. Septenary.

The Venus cipher. I could go on and on. Chaldean. The Francis Bacon cow. Capitals. I could go on and on, folks. There’s more than just this. This is 12 of them. You’ve never seen anything like this. I have never found two words that match up that have the. This connections like this, not like this. So what is the Bible? It’s the story of Alice in Wonderland going down the matrix. Exodus 13, verses 12. That’s what it is. And here is. Here is probably the. The biggest slide ever. And I, I mean what more do I have to say here folks? That this right here is this and this right here.

Do I, do I really need to say any. Do we really need to see any more? It’s right there, folks. And once again, how big? How big and how important and how massive. Chaldean numerology is the top dog ciphertease. If you’re going to decode, don’t use all these, just use this one and get your foundation built. Because Chaldean decodes the Matrix the best, the easiest. And I. There is no doubt that this is a bam. This is a humdinger of humdingers of them all. This one right there, it. This right here. It doesn’t get any more obvious than what I’m showing you here at all.

Press pause. Really look at this and use your logic with discernment. We live inside of a scripted reality, folks. We do. Let’s keep going. I have a few more things to show you. Here’s the guy that started the Matrix in 1965 who was the co founder of Jefferson Airplane. There he is. He started The Matrix nightclub 1965. Marty. What’s very interesting is he was one of four Jewish members go back here. The Bible is part of the Torah. Not surprised there. Marty McFly, time travel. That, that fits in there. Of course it does now. Of course.

The, the back to the future. Did Robert Zemeckis. No. Marty Ballin personally said, oh, I’m gonna name him Marty McFly because Marty’s tied to Alice in time travel in the Matrix. And 88 and raw. 88 miles an hour. The DeLorean. See how it’s all connected here, folks? Marty McFly. Marty Ballon. Yeah. Because we live in a scripted reality. Even a shirt with the pandemares, the black and white. I could go on and on and on and on with this. It’s just so easy. His. Look at his birthday. He was born on the 30th right here. Look at this.

Alice is 30, Bible is 30. Come on folks, what more do we need to see? He dies on the 27th. Lewis Carroll was born on the 27th. This is scripted reality 27. But here’s his. This is the name. Now he goes by. This is his birthday, but this is what he went by professionally. What do you see here? 12 and 12. What is that? The rabbit? He didn’t even write the song, man. It was Grace Slick that wrote the song. He didn’t write the song. There it is, 24 hours in a day. What is the. What is the rabbit? Carry the clock just got 24 hours on it.

It’s got 12 hours on it. Actually, 12 and 12, 24 could go on and on and on and on and on with this. It’s just so ridiculous. And how about the release date of The Matrix? Yeah, March 24th. Right there. So again, do this guy opens the Matrix nightclub, he’s got a name, numerology of 24. And then the Wachowskis released the matrix on the 24th of March. You get the picture? You get the picture? All right, let’s. Let’s finish this one up with a big wow factor. So how about the days in between, not counting the years because it gets into 12, 000 days, and that’s gonna.

The days in between using from 1999 to 1965, it’s like 812 or 18, 000 days, I think. And it’s. It’s actually a prime number. But just to ease your mind here, to make it simple, what are the days in between on the calendar? 143 freaking days. What is that number again? PI. Remember, I go back all the way here, folks. I go back here to the, to the, the distance in between. Remember this? And it’s 4:31. This was between where the club is and where the release of the Matrix 1999 was.431. And then you mean to tell me that it’s 143 days in between August 13th and March 24th? Come on, folks.

Are you seeing this? What’s the 143? PI. But what is it? Well, it’s stand on the periodic table. It’s tied to neodymium. Who is the main star of the Matrix? Come on, folks, you can say it. Who was the main star in the Matrix? Cat. Neo. Neodymium. Come on, there it is right there. Ridic. Scripted reality. And on top of that, what’s the 60 tied to this right here? The 143 and the 60 tied to this. What is this right here? Revelation, chapter 3, verses 16. And if you don’t remember what this scripture is or you don’t, you don’t have it excited.

This is Jesus talking to the church of Laodicea saying, if you are not hot or cold, if you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth. Which is really what he should have said is I will spit you out of the Matrix. That’s what he should have said. Because this is the game of Jesus. Jesus is the serpent and the 60 is the head of the snake. That’s what it is. And it wants you to feed it. See, that’s why Jesus says, I wish you were either hot or cold because I want you to feed the wolf.

What is the wolf? 24. Jesus in Greek is 24. The original, the ancient Greek, 24. Jesus says, the wolf. It’s the machine. The word machine is 24. Right here you go to the Chaldean and this. Feed the machine. That’s what it is, the machine. The heck did I go here? Feed the machine, folks. Feed the wolf. It’s the head of the snake. So this right here, I already know what it means. See, you’re not going to get it from a pastor. They’re going to tell you, oh, you don’t want to be lukewarm. You want to be hot or cold.

Yeah, you’ll. You’ll just get reincarnated back into the Matrix again. Sure. Which is not. I’m not saying anything bad about that. I’m just giving you and pointing out the obvious. I’m just. I’m just giving you the obvious. And this is how. How amazing chemistry is. I think I actually have. Nd here should be ne. But anyway, you get the point. Neo. Come on. Neo. Ridiculousness. Ridiculous coding right there and then. Obviously the last thing I want to show you is Jefferson airplane and their YouTube channel. Look at what day they joined. Yeah, okay. April 13th. Otherwise, how do you write that? 4.

1. 3. Yeah, sure, sure, sure. Yeah, but they’re on a big. They’re definitely on a big conspiracy. They want to try to get one past you. Look at the subscribers. 159, 000 as I took this today, I’m just gonna go back up and show you how scripted I am to show you this. I’m gonna go back to this. Look at how many hours right there. You don’t think we’re living. You don’t think I’m being used to show you this? I’m not in control of my reality, ladies and gentlemen. That pisses people off. People get really angry.

My voice. They don’t like this. They don’t like that. Listen, I’m just showing you. You don’t have to believe me. But what are you going to tell me right here? What are you going to say? You’re just going to shrug this off? Now that’s not a big deal. I’m in control of my life. Well, I’m not. Come on. Right there, man. Right there. Right there. But you can’t miss it from folks. You can’t miss this. All right, well, that’s it. What did you see? Scripted reality 27. Love this series. Going to continue this series. I wonder what 28 is going to be but there you go.

I’d love to hear what you saw. Keep your comments come them, just keep them cordial. It’s all about loving here. Don’t have to agree. Totally fine. Anyway, big shout out. Thank you everybody for all your support especially over the ones at Patreon, the donating members. I really appreciate each and every one of you but that’s all I got for today. My name is Logan 4D code your reality until next time. We will see you later.

  •<a class="bp-suggestions-mention" href="" rel="nofollow">@DecodeYourReality</a>

    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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13th prime number relevance Alice in Wonderland symbolism Hebrew matrix meaning Lewis Carroll numerology living in a simulation theory Matrix life theory Matrix movie connections Maya illusion philosophy NASA formation date significance number 41 significance numerology in storytelling Phoenix event 2040 prediction Pisces astrological connections Queen of Hearts symbolism scripted reality concept

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