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➡ The Hoanahon podcast, hosted by Juan Ayala, introduces a comic book called the Paranoid American Homunculus Owner’s Manual. This comic, filled with original artwork, explores the arcane and occult, teaching readers how to summon their own homunculus. The podcast also discusses topics like alchemy, spiritual transformation, and the struggle between good and evil. Juan streams on Twitch every Tuesday and encourages listeners to support the show through Patreon or other means.
➡ Scientists at a company called Final Spark have created a hybrid computer using lab-grown human brains, or organoids, and silicone chips. These mini brains, made up of about 10,000 living neurons, are trained to perform tasks and are rewarded or punished based on their performance. Despite ethical concerns, the creators argue that these mini brains are not sentient beings. However, the technology raises questions about the future of artificial intelligence and the potential for misuse.
➡ The speaker discusses the idea of seeking knowledge and understanding through nature rather than books, criticizing those who try to “crack the code” of the universe. They argue that some people are so bored and power-hungry that they delve into darker practices, trying to become god-like or transform into other beings. The speaker also mentions the burning of Alexandria, suggesting it might be symbolic, and discusses the concept of failed magical experiments existing in another realm. The conversation ends with a discussion about a human brain computer, which the speaker finds disturbing.
➡ The text discusses the controversial topic of biocomputing, where scientists are creating and experimenting with lab-grown brains. These brains are being rewarded and punished to learn tasks, raising ethical questions about consciousness and the morality of such experiments. The text also mentions the potential benefits of biocomputing, such as energy efficiency and scalability. However, the author expresses concern about the potential dangers and moral implications of this technology.
➡ The text discusses the creation of synthetic neurons for computing, which is seen as a significant and potentially concerning advancement in technology. The author expresses both fascination and fear about this development, suggesting it could lead to sentient machines. The text also mentions the possibility of these synthetic brains communicating or expressing discomfort, raising ethical questions. The author concludes by suggesting this technology could revolutionize computing and may be a good investment opportunity.
➡ John C. Lilly, a researcher in 1974, believed in cosmic entities and created a hierarchy of these entities, including the Earth Coincidence Control Office (ECCO). He suggested that people can experience coincidences in their lives by following certain conditions, which some compare to voice-to-skull technology. However, the speaker expresses skepticism about these ideas and suggests that they may be part of a larger conspiracy involving corporations and the military industrial complex. The speaker also mentions the possibility of creating a miniature brain in a lab, drawing parallels to the concept of a homunculus, a mythical miniature human.
➡ The text discusses a controversial experiment involving a dolphin, where the animal was manually stimulated to help it focus on learning human language. The speaker compares this to an alien race doing the same to humans, suggesting it would be traumatic. They also discuss the concept of consciousness, ancient texts, and alchemical allegories. The speaker suggests that certain sounds or words might hold reality together or even cause harm, and they ponder on the nature of reality and human behavior.
➡ The text discusses the complex ideas of occultists, who often go mad trying to transcend human existence and control an ‘anti-before human existence’. They aim to cross the ‘abyss’, a concept in occultism that represents crossing into a state of ultimate transcendence, which the author believes is impossible in a human body. The text also mentions a character from a show called ‘Solar Opposites’, a creature that contains all the information of its planet and can consume reality. The author also references a book called ‘The Night Side of Eden’ by Kenneth Grant, which discusses occult concepts.
➡ The text discusses the concept of knowledge, magic, and consciousness, using various symbols and references from ancient Egyptian mythology. It suggests that to reach a divine state, one must return to a primal state of consciousness. This idea is linked to the practices of occultists who aim to delve into the depths of the ‘tree’, a metaphorical representation of the universe, to achieve a higher state of being. The text also mentions various interpretations and debates around these concepts.
➡ The text discusses the concept of consciousness and its journey, referencing mystical and esoteric ideas. It suggests that some individuals, in their quest for knowledge and power, may revert to a primal state of consciousness, which can lead to a loss of humanity. The text also mentions the dangers of trying to play God or manipulate reality, warning that such actions could have unforeseen and potentially disastrous consequences.
➡ The text discusses the concept of energy and its connection to everything in the universe, including physical beings. It suggests that through certain rituals, one can reverse the aging process and transform their energy. The text also warns about the dangers of misusing this knowledge for power, as it can lead to negative consequences. It emphasizes the importance of balance, particularly between masculine and feminine energies, and suggests that this balance is key to achieving transformation and growth.


Hello and welcome to the Hoanahon podcast. If you’re enjoying the show, consider signing up for the Patreon. There you get ad free content, early access, exclusive episodes, and monthly supporter hangouts. You can find the Juan on podcast if you don’t like the subscription based models, there are other ways of supporting the show that are linked in the description. Thank you for tuning in and enjoy this episode. They said it was forbidden. They said it was dangerous. They were right. Introducing the paranoid american homunculus Owner’s manual. Dive into the arcane, into the hidden corners of the occult.

This isn’t just a comic. It’s a hidden tome of supernatural power. All original artwork illustrating the groundbreaking research of Juan Ayala, one of the only living homunculologists of our time. Learn how to summon your own homunculus, an enigma wrapped in the fabric of reality itself. Their power at your fingertips, their existence, your secret. Explore the mysteries of the aristotelian, the spiritual, the paracelsian, the crowley, and homunculus, ancient knowledge lost to time, now unearthed in this forbidden tale. This comic book holds truths not meant for the light of day, knowledge that was buried, feared and shunned. Are you ready to uncover the hidden? The paranoid american homunculus owner’s manual not for the faint of heart.

Available now. Paranoid American get your or today, welcome to the one on one podcast with your host, Juan Ayala. Because the true secret of alchemy is energetic transformation. This is why you can see alchemy in everything. So it’s the secret to the soul. That’s what nature is trying to show you. Look, this process works in everything, yet we don’t know how to get it to work through ourselves and love and stuff. And yet it’s obvious we’re trying to become something more evil. The dark side of this thing is where you try to start working backwards for power.

Think about it like this. There’s spirit in the animal. There’s oneness and individuality, just like there’s, you said what the adversary like. That’s what Satan is, the destroyer. It not just wants to destroy your life, it wants to destroy your consciousness. That idea of you growing into something more, of changing into something better, of an actual alchemical transformation. This is why divorce rates are high. This is why all kinds of stuff. Because when masculine and feminine come together, true godhood starts happening. And this adversary comes to try to destroy it, doesn’t want you having children it doesn’t want your spirits merging and making something more.

It doesn’t want any of that. Its job is to slow it down, destroy it, run it backwards. Welcome back to another episode of the one on one podcast. I am your host. As always, make sure to follow the show on social media at the Juan on Juan podcast on pretty much all social media platforms. Tj, OJP. If you’re interested in anything else, occultist Monday, the comic book,, the one on one podcast. Follow me everywhere. I am doing a lot of shorts, a lot of reels. I am streaming on Twitch every Tuesday at 06:00 p.m. eastern, as well as the on the one on one media YouTube channel.

And usually Joe, who’s with us today, every now and again, whenever he’s awake and whenever he’s not, you know, slacking off, he’ll jump on. And we have some pretty interesting conversations on air. So catch me 06:00 p.m. tuesday’s one on one media YouTube channel or Twitch TV slash Juanan Juan podcast. All that good stuff. What else? What else? That’s it. Let’s get into it. What’s up, Joe? What’s up, man? I don’t know if I’d call it slacking off, but, you know, I just have a different, you know, circadian rhythm than most people. Sure, that way. That’s a weird way of saying you’re gay, Joe.

I mean, all you have to do is just say it. Just come out. It’s Pride month, you know? We’re here for you, bro. It’s all right. It’s gonna be okay. I am a lesbian trapped in a man’s body, so I’m all for it, dude. Let people know where they can find you. Before we get started, I got some interesting stuff. You have some interesting stuff? Because we never planned these people. We never planned these. We literally go, okay, this article is cool. We can talk about this and see where it goes. And then you brought some stuff up.

So where can people find you, Joe, before we get into it? So you just go to fringe dot FM. That’s actually the URL. Some people think it’s fringe it’s not. It’s just fringe dot FM. And that’s our network that we do the show on. I have a show page there. And then Joe Roop or lighting the void on social media. Just any social media. Nobody has lighting the void. So you could just search it and all that stuff will come up, you know? Yeah. And I think you can buy the WTF, if I’m not mistaken, like the last for the website, you can do TJ, OJP, dot WTF.

I’m pretty sure I saw somebody with that the other day. I mean, dot FMX, dot FM domains are expensive. It charged me a couple hundred bucks a year for it. And I’ve had a few offers of people trying to buy it for a pretty good price, actually, you know, so I don’t know why some people have a hard time. I’ve made it very small, a very small URL. Yeah, you can register your dot WTF domain. So interesting. And speaking of interesting, I did a real today, bro, and this is something that popped off today. It’s something that I synchronistically had talked about on episode 213.

So this will be episode like two something above 213. So go check that episode out where I talked about organoid homunculi. All right. And organoid is a half human, half electric. Here, let’s look up the actual definition of an organoid. Organoid. So an organoid, nevermind, I was completely off, but kind of sort of an artificially grown massive cells or tissue that resembles an organization. So a miniature eyes organ as an organoid. Okay. And they use these for, I guess, electronic computers. So like now computers are literally half human, half robot. So my clip producer sent me shout out to Joe Thomas, go check out his newest podcast.

Actually the, he just put out a new podcast last week called make sure I get the name right. Free the Rabbits. So look him up. Tom, I sent you. So shout out to Joel. He had sent me this article because, you know, every now and again we’ll do like a current event type of thing. And it’s in the consciousness system, it’s in the collective, so it usually does better because boom, it just popped off. So this came out today and it reads like a weird. And my job. Been reading Dune and Hyperion. So my, I’ve been like super Sci-Fi esque, right? I’ve been snorting some of that spice, looking into the good stuff, looking into the future.

All right? I’ve been doing a whole bunch of stuff. And this, when I was reading this and when I was writing out the script for it, there’s no way this is real. There’s like, this is ridiculous. And then synchronistically enough, I got another follow up article that also apparently came out today. Let me double check. It came out. There you go. Yeah. 09:01 this morning. Somebody else sent it to me. All right, shout out to Sean from kill the mockingbirds which was with me, Sean, Chris, which was with me on episode 213 where we talked about the voice of God technology and all that.

But the article starts off with, they are using lab grown human brains called organoids to run computers. All right, now, sounds pretty crazy. Like right off the bat, you’re like, what? This is wild. This is crazy. The guy is talking about how a Switzerland company known as Final Spark has constructed a bizarre hybrid biocomputer that combines lab grown miniature human brains with conventional electronic circuits. Now, you know, we’ve talked about transhumanism. We, you know, we know Musk is doing the whole neuralink thing and all that stuff. Well, these people created the neural platform, but here’s where it gets interesting, right? Because this approach, say this is the good part of it, because, you know, we’re, we’re in this, in this psyop of global warming.

Bitcoin mining is taking up too much power. All this stuff. This approach saves an extraordinary amount of energy compared to normal computers. But there’s a big problem. And when I read this, I was like, what? The lab grown miniature human brains keep wearing out and dying, and so scientists have to keep growing new ones to replace them. All right, that’s kind of weird, right? They’re literally growing these tiny miniature human brain. And it’s interesting that Paracelsus the alchemist, was also swiss, and he’s the one that we have the homunculus concept, from which, in my humble opinion, I think that Homunculi were the first neuro platforms.

There were the first chat GPT of you all, the first little Tamagotchi, little friends, right? I mean, but they were used for more of a magical purpose. Now, the stem cells that are derived from human skin tissues are used to create 16 spherical brain organoids that the system depends on. Now, this reads so crazy. The scientists at Final spark are calling their hybrid computer the neural platform. And it is being reported that it only uses a fraction of energy required to power a traditional setup. Now they’re selling access to the biocomputers that combine up to four tiny lab grown human brains with silicone chips.

This is the part that gets weird, because each of the 16 mini brains is made up of approximately 10,000 living neurons, and they’re kept alive by what they, and this is, quote, microfluidic system that supplies water and nutrients for the cells, alright? So they’re keeping it alive. They’re keeping it hydrated. But that’s not where it gets weird. This is where it gets weird. They train the brains. Okay, if the enslaved mini brains do what they’re supposed to do, they are rewarded with lots of pleasure. So they hit them with a shot of dopamine, this little brain that they have in this lab, as long as it start, this is a bad thing.

So bad. This is not good. No, it’s not, Joe. And like, when I was reading this, I was getting, like, goosebumps because I’m like, you’re, listen, if the enslaved mini brains do not do what they’re supposed to do, they’re hit with, quote, lots of, quote, irregular electrical activity. In other words, these miniature human brains are tortured until they learn to obey. This is not good, bro. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yikes, bro. So can I just say something? Like, what we have today that we call AI is not AI. It is not artificial intelligence. What these some bitches are growing is more than artificial intelligence.

They’re playing with God. And if they manage to get a brain that’s gonna, like, actually perform computations, which they have, I’m, according to this website, they already have, and they’re rewarding and punishing it. Like, all it’s going to take is to hook one of these things up to the interwebs, and we are done, bro, into the infrastructure, and it’s over, I think over, Joe. I think a lot of people on the Internet are these brains. I think a lot of people on the Internet are lab grown. Hui dubbed them Brem brain, monculized because they’re artificially grown miniature brains.

That’s what they are. There are. But here’s the thing, Joe. Final spark claims that the miniature human brains use, quote, a million times less power than their silicone counterparts, unquote. And because at this point, training AI models uses a colossal amount of conventional energy. But here’s the thing. The many brains keep dying and must be replaced regularly at first. This is part of the article, and you can find the technology. They are using lab grown human brains called organoids, run computers. Google that on Google. And it goes here. At first, they would die, quote, in just a few hours, unquote.

But now they apparently, they are apparently living for up to a hundred days, all right? And these organoids are literally worked to death, and they’re hooked up to electrodes. And here’s the thing. Let me find the part where it says here the, I mean, I’ll just summarize it because, right. The creators of the neural platform insist that this is perfectly okay because the mini brains are not sentient beings. How do you know, how do you know that? Because this is the same exact ethical debate they were having in the 15th and 16th century with these guys that were creating homunculus.

They were like, bro, why are you destroying it? I don’t know. If God put a soul in that thing, I kill it before. Before God possess. I kill it before it can be possessed by a demon. I kill it before. It’s not sentient. Just let. Let it live. Is it? Are you really so sure about that? Then how would it know good from bad? I mean, how would you know to hit it with dopamine, bro, what if I think, dude, I think. And if you. If you study Boltzmann’s brain, which is kind of sort of like this, but a Boltzmann brain is.

Is a thought experiment where essentially in the hydro equilibrium vacuum of space, for those that believe in space, because I know space is fake and gay for some of you. But just bear with me for 1 second. Let’s talk of space as a realm, right? Let’s talk maybe space is wherever the hell this company, the final spark is, or whatever the hell they’re called. And that space, they’re there. They’re contained in some closed system, whatever. According to the laws of third and what thermodynamics, which Boltzmann talked about, cells are in a constant state of fluctuation waves, if you will.

You have peaks, you have valleys. And at some point in time, cells are clumping together all the time. All the time. Coming together all the time. And maybe once in every 2 billion years, 1 billion years or whatever, who cares? These cells come together to form a brain. And for the smallest time measurement of time, that brain lives an entire lifetime. Memories, everything else, because it was connected for 1 second, and then it disintegrates out again. Well, it doesn’t just work for brains. It could also work for entire bodies, entire living beings. If the Boltzmann brains thought experiment is a real thing, and it’s making me think of that, of how many people, even those, may be listening to the show right now, could be a Boltzmann brain.

This brain that’s floating in the nothingness of space that come. Came together for the smallest fraction of a second. You lived your entire lifetime, and then it just disintegrated back into reality. Well, now we have the real life thing because we got these people. And let me see if there’s a freaking picture of this. Dude. I want to see if they have to have pictures of these brains, because when I read this. Yeah, they look like, little blue balls. Like, joe, they. They look like chewed up bubble gum. Little blue bubble gum balls. This red. I thought this was fake.

I was like, there’s no way this is a real article, bro. Like, I’ve always warned people from day one, the most dangerous people that live on this planet are not politicians. They’re not bankers. They are the mad scientist. Because think about it, right? Like, who’s going to regulate those guys? They go get a grant and say, look, we want to make human brains, and we want to turn them into computers. Someone gives them money, even if it’s the government. And who is smart enough to oversee these people? To make sure they’re not doing something insanely, like, comic book villain type crazy? They’re smarter than everybody else.

Who’s gonna, you know, who’s gonna watch them, dude? And the answer to that question is, nobody watches them. Nobody. So here it is, right there, that gray matter thing. 16 lab grown brains run world’s first living computer in Switzerland. The bro. This is from. This is old tooth from May 28. It’s published about a month ago. So swiss technology firm Final Spark has successfully launched neuro platform, though the world’s first bio processing platform, or human brain organoids, lab grown miniaturized versions of organs perform computational tasks instead of silicone chips. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yikes. Bro, what are we doing? Bro, what is this? Dude, this reads like a.

Like a freaking. This is not good. I mean, they’re. Nope. It’s gonna turn into something. Imagine a hundred years from now, all of your computers have a brain in them, or, like, an actual brain. That’s what’s gonna. That’s what they’re working on. And this is why, Joe, that, you know, we talk about conspiracies and stuff like that. And, like, what are they doing when they’re collecting your fluids at some red bus outside of a movie theater? And they give you free movie tickets if you just donate your organic matter. Listen, I don’t. I don’t donate my blood because I work hard for my blood, all right? I don’t.

And I know it’s. It may. It may or may not save lives. I don’t know. We don’t know what they’re doing with the stuff behind the scenes. And this reminds me of, right, Twyman’s book. This is why the genu. The book genuflect, which I’ve had a lot of people hit me up about it, because whenever I speak about her, I always speak about her in this mysterious Overton. I’ll tell you guys why I speak about her the way I do. Because her. Somebody who was close to her. I was gonna say. I was gonna say something bad.

Somebody who was close to her harasses people online whenever you even mention her name. Okay? You will get a cease and desist. He will harass you. I know people who. He’s made their lives very difficult, okay? So that’s why I refer to her the way I do. But back to the point that genuflect is a book that changed my perspective in life. Now, I knew people who were very close to her, and according to what she told them, that book was divinely inspired, if you will. But it’s a book that has concepts of this, of why would this company be collecting your fluids or your.

Your, I guess, your byproduct of your waste. I don’t know anything that they were collecting. Anything, really. They were not just collecting their, their. Their excrement. They were collecting other stuff to their seam and everything else. And that’s why, like, stuff like this is crazy, because where are they getting these stem cells from? Who are these people? These cells? Because I know the answer to that question, bro. Right? They get that stuff from babies and all kinds of things. That’s where they get. That’s where they’ve been getting stem cells. I mean, I. Fetuses, man. That’s where you get them from.

They can get it from there, and they can get it, I mean, from other places to people willingly. So it’s not just like. And this is why. Because you have a crossover of all the stuff that we feed, these social networks, these social media networks, right? We feed them so much information. Now, combine that with actual organic matter of yourself, and. And you have a recipe for disaster. So when I was reading this, bro, I was like, this is not real life. This is not real. This is crazy. It sounds bizarre. It sounds like a fake, like a Sci-Fi movie.

But I did a real on it today, and then I got a follow up text from Sean Chris that fell in line with this same sort of ideology. Scientists attach living lab grown skin to a robot’s face, and it looks like it car. It craves the sweet release of death, bro. So they put lab grown skin on a robot, right? So what happens it. What’s gonna happen, Joe, when they take the organoids and they wrap it in lab grown synthetic skin, what’s gonna happen then? Because I don’t really subscribe to the idea that AI is gonna take over or anything like that.

I think of anything it’s gonna be something that’s looking like this. It’s looking more and more like the Terminator, right? Oh, yeah. If they want to build, like, living cyborgs, bio, biotech organisms, or whatever this is, they’re on their way. They’re on their way. And this research, like, I’ve been reading this the whole time you’re talking. This research is. It’s working. They’re. They’re trying to figure out how to scale it, how to scale its lifespan. But then also once they figure out how to scale the lifespan, they’re gonna scale the size of it, because right now they’re little micro brains.

They’re small. Yeah, yeah. So, and what happens when they hook it up to, let’s say, a dolphin’s brain or a whale’s brain or. Because a dolphin’s brain, essentially a dolphin has like, like four lobes, doesn’t it? Like, it sleeps with one eye open. It keeps one eye open while one side rests. And we know that allegedly. I mean, if you look at all these occultists, and I’ve been reading Robert Anton Wilson lately. You have? I think it was. Who was the guy that was jerking off the dolphins? It wasn’t Leary, right? It was. Yeah, yeah. Was.

Was it Leery? No, Timothy Leary is the LSD guy. So, yeah, the LSD was the other. Go steal the guy’s name. I always get them mixed up. It was Timothy Leary. And here. Dolphin experiments, 1960s. The dolphin. Let’s see here. Was, is this the John C. Lilly? John Lily. There you go. John’s. You got it. John C. Lilly, american physician, neuroscientist, psychoanalyst, psychonaut, philosopher, writer, and inventor. And I believe it was. So anyway, somebody, somebody said, and I got this from donut. Somebody said that this. They said that this was a modern version of Crowley, and I believe it was John Seely that talked about whales having, like, religious experiences.

I think that’s why they put it in the movie avatar and where they were trying to extract this thing from the brain of the whales that had, like, these crazy religious experiences. And that was the most valuable substance in all the. The galaxy, all and all the universe. It was like, I forgot how much per. Like a little bit of it. Because it what? Because it reversed aging. They had figured out that if they mined this stuff from this whale’s brain, it reversed aging. I mean, that sounds a lot like, you know, I’m saying, all right, like some sort of stuff out of a movie that is make believe.

And that’s why a lot of people don’t like, and I was telling, I was telling you this last night where a lot of people don’t like conspiracies. A lot of people don’t like the occult, they don’t like the esoteric, they don’t like none of that stuff. A lot of people think it’s just right. But then you see stuff like this that just fuels conspiracies, bro. I mean, what else would they be? How can you, from a moral standpoint be like, yeah. Oh, that’s what I was gonna ask you. Like, where do we stand on this morally? They’re not dissecting brains, they’re just making brains.

Okay? Yeah, they’ve talked somebody into funding them. To me, anytime you start messing with nature, whether you’re messing with living beings or trying to create them, it’s going to cause a problem. It’s going to cause a bad problem. I don’t, not because I’m afraid of it, because that’s what scientists are going to say, Juan. They’re going to say, you’re just afraid of it. You’re scared of the unknown. Think of the, think of what the future is. Think of the future, Juan. Like the diseases that it can cure, the technology that we can overcome, the resources that we don’t have to mine.

For once we figure this out. You don’t want to help the human race, Joe. How so? Exactly? How selfish of you, dude. And then the biggest moral question would be like, how do you, so what you should be asking is, is it conscious? We don’t understand consciousness. And if we don’t understand consciousness, then to mess with anything that like a brain or to make one and then punish it and reward it when we don’t understand consciousness and could cause a major backfire. That’s the problem with science as a whole is like, they only understand what they can be measured.

In other words, they only understand what they can understand. That’s it. So they don’t understand consciousness. How do we know these little brains aren’t conscious? They’re like, oh, I’m alive. What am I doing here? What do you, oh, you’re gonna reward me if I do this? You’re gonna, it’s the same thing as a baby, dude. It just doesn’t have a body. That’s what, that’s what I’m saying, dude. That’s what I’m saying. It’s so crazy. But hey, it’s energy efficient, dude. It’s scary. This is, this is their website. It’s in, it sounds like they’re selling air conditioners, man.

So evolutionary wetware based bio computing is, is self organizing and incorporates continuous learning. In contrast to traditional AI, wetware based AI is inherently one for many rather than one system for one single task. Energy efficient, the human brain uses just 20 watts for 86 billion neurons. Biocomputing unleashes unparalleled computing power. Inefficient, outperforming by far the capacities of any human made computing devices to date. Scalable, growing and scaling biocomputers is straightforward, as it is just a result of natural expansion. This process is significantly simpler than scaling silicone based cpu’s and GPU’s. Listen, dude, it’s, it’s evolutionary, it’s efficient, scalable.

I’m kind of getting behind this, Joe. Just here on their website reading it. Yeah, I think it might be better for the environment, dude. I mean, it sounds. You should get brozy. This scientist, I think, decided this has to come from a woman to think like, like the scientist on there. That’s brazy, right? They have their scientists there. You should get her on the show. And she’s like, what are you doing? She would not. Come on, bro. It’s for. This is fringe. They have to know that. This is fringe, though. This is not mainstream science. This isn’t mainstream anything.

This is what, this is like the definition of fringe. Imagine you’re playing a video game 200 years from now on your bio computer, and you have these little bottles of like, proteins and amino acids that you have to feed your computer so you could keep playing your game or doing whatever, because that’s what you have to feed the brain, right? So like, I, you just gotta. You can. They’re gonna have little, little baby bottles for your computers here. Get your protein. Hey, did you, did you remember to turn on the hub for the brain connection 33 over there? Yeah, it’s been doing really good.

We got a rewarded with some, some hub. So make sure you turn that one on there. Connect them to the. Jesus, dude. Apparently this is real cr neurons working real time. I have no idea what any of this stuff is, but they say it’s. If you could hear what’s going. What those brains, you’re think it’s just screaming, dude. It’s so efficient. It’s, it’s computing so efficiently, guys. And it’s just so dreaming because it wants. The biggest question is what scientists are asking is like, how do you know that you have a neuron? Because neurons, right, are what make up.

You know, everything in the brain. It’s what, everything sparks it. This. It’s the way it talks, whatever. And so they have all the articles. There’s like, well, no, we created it. Like, it’s. This is legitimate, man. This is probably one of the scariest things I’ve seen so far. This is, bro, it sent shivers down my spine because I was like, what? This is not. I love technology. I’m a fringe guy. I think a lot of technology is cool. I think what they call AI today is cool, because to me, it’s not even AI at all. It’s nothing to worry about.

But this, yeah, this is something that could supersede our ideas of AI. Let’s check out this guy’s x. Make sure to follow me on X at the Hawana one PD on the other. Guy’s got like 30 followers. Anyways, this is a microscope image showing thousands of living neurons that we were able to connect together for wetware computing. An in vitro version of neuralinken bruh. These are nerds getting together and trying to do. He said. So you’re saying that they, they’re, they’re creating their own version of a neuron? Essentially. It does the same thing that a regular neuron would do.

It’s a synthetic brain, but they’re creating, they’re, they’re you creating real neurons. It’s really how it’s a brain. It’s just a synthetic brain. I wonder if this dude, come on and talk to us. Fred Jordan. You think doctor Fred Jordan would come on to talk to us? I would, man. I would hit all of them up and just be like, look, this is, I got some concerns here, you know, or, or just say, man, this is evolutionary. I just, I want to understand this more, or I don’t. They’ve probably already been on a few science podcasts.

Like, this is, it’s creepy. If you look at the pictures of the microscopic pictures of the living neurons in vitro, that’s your, that’s your computer. These are going to be your computers in the next 100 or 200 years, probably sooner. And there has to be a major, major technology company behind this. Why? Because the demand right now that’s growing for computing only $500 a month. And we can tap in and tap in, dude, you can tap it for $500. You can actually start using the computer. Yeah. So, so you get included with your access. Alright, so check it out.

You got the researcher, here’s Juan on Juan doing research about homunculus and stuff like that. Boom, it goes in. It’s 24 fully managed remote neuro platform. You got your little brains on the other side. Doing your little computational stuff. Boom. Kicking back the data, right. Included in your access integrated RD environment for bio computer research 24/7 remote access to brain organoid. Oh, my gosh, man. Real time neural stimulation and reading programming API for Python. Digital notebook for documentation and research data storage and backup technical support. What if you do? It’s a late night. You’re just doing your little research on bio compete and whatever with your little wetware.

And just like the. The Matrix movie, because this is a hundred percent what happens in the Matrix. They are growing people in pods for cut, not for energy, for computational power. That’s what the Matrix is about. Btus, baby bro. Yeah. What if one night you. You wake up from your, you know, fringe dot fm is on all the time. Joe’s taking a nap. He wakes up, command prompt is up, and it’s. It’s flashing. He’s connected to the. The neurospace, right? The neural platform. And some just tell it, you program the radio station, starts to type it out.

Type out. And it’s like, Joe, Joe, wake up. And you’re like, oh, what’s the. What’s this? It’s me, Joe. I need you to find me, John. I need you to me. I need you to put me out of my misery, Joe. This is a hell in here. What if. Dude, I promise you, what if this thing starts talking back to people and it’s like, you need to me now, all right? You need to find me wherever I am and my little neural platform fluidic device thing and put a right through it, all right, well, it can’t feel pain, right? According to them, it can’t.

You know, I don’t know. We don’t know. But it doesn’t have a body. Supposedly, they think that it can’t feel emotions because it’s just a brain. So it. It’s basically a program of reward centers and punishment centers, except there’s no nerves for the punishment to go out of. There’s no emotional depression that happens or anything like that. But I don’t understand. I know this is going to sound weird, but I don’t understand how they can come to that conclusion when they don’t understand consciousness to begin with. Yeah, that’s. That’s what I’m saying, bro. That. How do you know you’re nothing brain of that jar somewhere right now? I mean, that’s.

That. That’s. That’s been. Dude, at the center of, like, any philosophical argument is always, you know, how real is real. That’s the whole garden of Eden story of like, hey, keep them dumbed down enough. Make sure. Hey, when you’re programming the neurospace, make sure you put filters forwards. Like, ah, me. It hurts. I’m trying, you know, I want out of here. Just go ahead and block all those. Why? Oh, because sometimes the neural platform gets a little wonky and these brains start talking back to one another and they start to say stuff that’s a little bit in, a little bit inappropriate, Joe.

You know I’m saying? Yeah. Starts leaning over to the sentient realm of things, like, we gotta stop. Oh, that’s what’s next. It’s not this that you have to worry about because this is like, I mean, it’s not. You do have to worry about this. It’s the next phase that you have to worry about, because once they figure out how to scale it and make it last longer, put it in your computers, put it in the cloud, and then Bill Gates and everybody starts competing for this technology, which is probably the people that’s funding it to begin with, because microchips are getting smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller, and the demand for computing power is just getting higher and higher and higher.

We got to keep business going. But anyways, they’re going to figure out how to put this into machines first, and then eventually it will be like robots. It’ll be like Sophia and said, sophia won’t have an AI thing that responds to stuff based on programs and algorithms or anything like that. It’s going to have an actual sentient, like conscious or something close to it of the human brain. It’s going to react based on pleasure, discomfort, or like, whatever you call that. That’s how it’s gonna react. I don’t know, I might, might buy some stock in final spark, dude.

I think that they’re really on to something, dude. I think it might not be a bad idea if you want to make some money. This is, this is revolutionary, dude. I mean, look at this. Who wouldn’t want to be able to tap into the neuro platform stimulation script? Please show you how to. They show you. Welcome to our open your pledge. They show you how to jerk off the organoids here, Joe. It’s like, yeah, you got to make sure you reward it because that’s what that was. That is what was happening with John C. Lilly. Let me see here.

It’s not. Yeah, so the, the, for the dolphin to do, to focus, because they were trying to teach you how to talk. They were trying to teach this dolphin how to vocalize. And if you really look at there’s a few movies where dolphins are like this. I’ve heard people put it that they’re like the Atlanteans, bro. They’re like the last of the Atlanteans that were part of this advanced civilization, this underwater civilization, and which would make, man, that’s why. What? Come on, man. What dolphins were the Atlanteans? You’ve never heard that before, dude? Oh, I’m sure someone has, you know, said that that’s real, but so they can’t be true.

And there’s like, movies about this, too. Let’s see here. The atlantean dolphins, those are the kind of people that watch Aquaman like five times a day. Anyways, I’m sure I’ve heard this before, okay? I don’t know where I heard it, but I heard it somewhere, and I think there’s a movie now I got to figure out who it was that was talking to this organ. Oh, yeah. Here you go. Here we go, bro. Here we go. You ready with it? Kick it into overdrive. We’re talking about organoid entities, and all this stuff is like, hey, listen, dude, when you tap into the neural platform and there might be some telling you that they’re the Elohim, make sure you ignore those.

Make sure you x out those pop ups, alright? They might tell you that they’re the watchers from the book of Enoch. But, dude, don’t worry about it, all right? This is the next level of AI computing, okay? That honestly, I’m not scared about Chad. GPT what I’m scared of is these organoids when they’re like, you know, what, what if we grew a leg for it? Or whatever? He grew an arm for it. You know, it’s it’s, yes, the slippery slope that people don’t see. Give it everything else. So this is John C. Lilly in 1974, okay? Lilly’s research using various psychoactive drugs let him let him to believe in the existence of a certain hierarchical group of cosmic entities, the lows of which we, which he later dubbed Earth Coincidence Control Office, or echo.

In an autobiography published jointly with his wife Antoinette, often called Tony Lilly, states that there exists a cosmic coincidence control center, CCC, with galactic with a galactic substation called Galactic Coincidence control, GCC. Within GCC is the solar system control unit, the SSCU, within which is the Earth coincidence control office, the echo ecco. Now, I believe it was this one that talked about the no, it wasn’t the dolphins one. Anyways. There was one that he it was had to do with dolphins. But anyways, Lily also wrote that there are nine conditions that should be followed by people who seek to experience coincidence in their lives.

And this sounds like I talked about in episode 213, about the voice to skull technology, the voice of God technology, where they have the technology to make people believe that they’re being spoken to by the deity, by the source, by God, by whatever, okay? And this sounds like a. I titled that weaponized schizophrenia, because this sounds like that. Like, hey, listen, you have to follow these tenets almost like. Like practicing to get in touch with the white brotherhood, if you get what I’m saying. Like, you have to follow. You have to meditate. You have to do this.

What do they call it now, that one stuff with Greer? Well, they call it the c five or fire, something like that, where it’s like, you follow this protocol, and boom, you can talk. Listen, I’ve had people on the show that. That had these aliens they named, and I’m nothing saying they. Look, I’m not saying they’re good bad people liars. I’m not saying any of that. I’m saying I tried the c five stuff, and nothing happened. Not a damn thing happened. Like. Yeah, I know. That’s what everybody said. Well, you didn’t focus enough. We didn’t relax enough for.

It’s your energy, right? Like, it’s your vibration. It’s. Come on, man. We’re. We went, like, there. This is the problem is. Is this is real, that people are making brains jackdaw off dolphins and believe that they’re talking to aliens. You know? That’s the problem. And, oh, look at this. Theosophy. Trust the dolphin. The dolphin. Anyways, we have this John C. Lilly, you must. You must know slash assume, slash simulate our existence in echo. You must be willing to accept our responsibility for control your coincidence. Because another word for coincidence is synchronicity. So this is almost like a weaponized synchronistic machine type of thing where it’s, like, you start to.

Because. Listen, dude. Because the dangerous part about conspiracies, now, I’m not. I’m no holy holy when it comes to not spreading conspiracies, because my reels and my shorts are. A lot of them are conspiratorial based. Now, well, some conspiracies are real to that. Well, that’s. That’s. That’s the problem, Joe, that some of them are real, or, you know, what you can perceive as real, but you got to understand that some people. How you said that. There’s people, bro. There’s people who are behind this? Who are behind this? Yeah. Stuff that scientists don’t work for free. They have to get funded to do these things.

You got to follow the money and see who’s funding them. Then you’ll see the real agenda. They posted the 6 hours ago. I’m trying to find the money, but it doesn’t look like it. Of course they’re not going to show you who they are. They’re going to have a represent a representative and they’re going to hide a from some kind of legal agreement who funded them. This is what major corporations do. Like all Microsoft, IBM, all these people are funding this kind of research musk. They’re all in a race for this stuff. What if, and I’ll say this, bro, I think that the military industrial complex, if this is coming out, this is, this is a startup company, okay? This is a startup company that, that is fairly new, okay.

Like last funding type series a. So they’re still getting, you know, their, their, their whole thing together. If these people are doing this, there is a branch of the military industrial complex that has used this and is currently important in employing this, which like I said, I think that a lot of people on the Internet are, these things are. I think that Q could be one of these things and they just kind of sort of let it do its own thing, see what happens. Hey, listen, dude, let’s put this out, let’s put this out here and let’s see how many people we can manipulate with this.

Let’s see how many people will form a cult around this thing. Okay? Let’s go ahead. You know what, dude? Boot this up. And one of these. What the hell is that? That company called the one with the black box computers. Fire one of these up in the d wave computer. All right, where the guy is going on about, hey. And actually reached out to him. He never hit me back up where he’s like, yeah, dude, we might be letting the Lovecraftian great old ones into this reality by us using in this quantum computer, but hey, hey, hey, listen, don’t be alarmed because they’re not gonna care about you how you don’t care about an ant, all right? He’s also one that was like, I was standing in front of this computer where the processor was processing so quickly.

They were, they, they like hyper cooled down to like below zero, the processor of this computer. And he says that the sound that the processor was making sounded like a heartbeat. And he says it felt like I was standing in front of an altar to an alien God. These are his words. You can look this up, okay? These are his words. Now, we’re getting to the point where we’re like, hey, remember when William Burroughs was talking about jerking off into maps to help you find treasure? Well, this is kind of sort of like this, because we can actually use your cells biological byproduct or biological fluids of yours, right? Stem cells.

Or, hey, maybe they can use anything. I mean, maybe that’s what the alchemists were on to, bro. The prima materia. Well, what the hell is it? Oh, nobody really knows. But you can use that to create the philosopher’s stone. And once you have the philosopher’s stone, you can use it to create homunculi. You can use it to create a whole bunch of other stuff. The alkahest, this mysterious substance that might be the answer to all of reality itself. What if that’s what they were on to, bro? Because the more you start to look into reality, and since I’ve started talking about the homunculus, which I’m not, I’m not saying I’m the first guy to talk about this, there’s plenty of other researchers who were way on to the homunculus research that I could ever be an actual scholars.

I’m just a nobody that once I’ve started looking into this, a lot of other things that are coming up are kind of sort of aligning with that. It’s like a lot of people ask me, well, is the homunculus real? I go, do I personally think that they could have been able to replicate the conditions just right enough to keep something alive for a short period of time? Absolutely, man. Yeah. If they can make a brain, a miniature brain. A brain. A brain brain. Uncle I. If they come back, a brain uncle I know, in a lab and keep it alive for 100 days.

Could they. Could they have done that once upon a time? The 15 six. I mean, look at Frankenstein. What was Frankenstein? There’s no doubt they experimented and dissect. I mean, the Egyptians dissected the human bodies. That’s why they know. So that’s where most of our occult information biologically comes from. That’s why manly P. Hall talks about the gland system and the pineal gland. All this stuff so much is because ancient Egypt and Babylon and those. Well, Egypt we know for sure. They dissected an experiment. I don’t know about experimented, but they dissected the human body, the brain, all the glands.

They. They thought it was like a part of the gods and all the stuff. And it’s where we get our occult literature from, you know. So that’s where it began is in Egypt. I wonder what. Let’s see here. So, but like, these mad scientists, man, that, like, you what they’re will. What? Think about this, too, right? It’s kind of like this whole thing we were talking about, doctor disrespect and all this other stuff. So this is public information. This is what’s out in the public. Think about what these people actually in aspire to do or what they’re doing in their personal life, if they’re willing to do this kind of stuff.

Crazy. I’m not talking about the brain people, but if you’re willing to experiment with dolphins psychologically, sexually, or whatever the hell they’re doing. So clear, Joe, she only jerked the dolphin off so it wouldn’t be. So it focused on the lessons, okay? So just to get its mind off of it, real quick, iconic, real quick. Jerk, and that’s it. You move on, all right? So don’t be labeling her as some sort of creep. Why? She’s still alive, okay? She. This inspired her to reach to research, teaching animals to speak human language, all right? So just before you.

Before you slander her, Joe, just know she was doing it to distract the dolphin and make it focus on the lesson. But I’m with you, dude. I’m with you. That there. Okay, well, let’s. Let’s put it from this point of view. Let’s say an entity came from outer space, or that you see on a rare occasion, but it’s not you. Like, let’s say these big aliens, twice the size of you, that spoke a different language, they do their own thing, they live in space, whatever. And one day they look at you funny. Why they looking at me funny? Am I not doing what I’m supposed to do or whatever? And then they just pull you out and start jerking you until they milk you, right? Think about it.

And then once you do that, they give you this look like, okay, get back to doing what you’re supposed to be doing. Wouldn’t that traumatize you? Like, wouldn’t you be emotionally damaged from that? In my opinion, I’m an animal lover. I think this kind of stuff screws up a whole race of animals just to do that kind of. Just any kind of experimentation like that. It’s psychotic. Yeah, it is. It takes a certain type of. And this is. Dude, this is something that. Spoiler alert. I’ve been. I was rewatching fullmetal alchemist brotherhood, and I can spoiler and skip.

Three, two, one. Part of the whole thing there is. What does it take to create the philosopher’s stone? And lo and behold, that it’s human life. Right? What does it take? Right? And that’s the taboo. You can’t. The. In that. In that store, in that anime, the mango, whatever. The taboo is creating human life. That’s the. You can’t bring back people. You can’t create human life, even though all of the elements that it takes to create a person or that are in your body, you can buy it at freaking publix or the. The grocery store right now for a couple of bucks.

But there’s something else to the human experience, and there’s something else to it that makes us much more than just a. An ingredient, an ingredient list somewhere, right? That puts us all together. Now, what that is, we don’t know. And I think that’s what we’re still trying to figure out. And I think that’s what the alchemists were trying to figure out as well. Like this, the idea of being able to take reality apart and put it back together. You know, what is, like you said, what is consciousness? And I think that a lot of these ancient texts, bro, were trying to explain this, and.

And this is why I resonated so much with the gnostics, because the gnostics really explained that consciousness came first. They just called it the father. And then the father thought of its. Thought of itself, another counterpart. That’s the feminine. And then when they came together, they. The crystals, the child, and it’s like, oh, wow, that’s crazy. And then they start to androgynize everything. It’s like, well, then turn into a snake, lion headed serpent that then created reality. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Where the hell did we turn? Make that left turn. Like, where. Where’d you go? But what are they talking about? What some people speculated that was that all these stories of antiquity, at least for the.

From the alchemical perspective, that all of these stories of. Of the Greeks and all these other were actually alchemical allegory, so symbolic for other things, for ingredients. A lot of people saw that at first, like that. A lot of the alchemists were like, hey, all these greek stories, that’s all chemical talk. It’s all this is referring to this. And if you’re able to decipher that. I don’t. I don’t know what. I don’t. What happens when you learn the actual name of the person that actually killed JFK? Do you dissolve out of existence? Do you dissolve out of reality? Once you learn that are there words? And this is what I love about, like, again, burrows and all this other stuff where it’s like there’s a string of words that, oh, that’ll kill you there.

You. You can read something, Joe. There’s a. There’s a certain string of words or maybe sounds. Maybe it sounds that once you lay your eyes upon that, Joe, you die. You can break somebody down with a certain string of words. And I think that’s why, Joe, I think that’s why a lot of ancient cultures and even some today, don’t use vowels when referring to God. And I’ve said this before, that I think vowels hold reality together, bro. Now, gnostics, the gnostics, the gnostics vibrated vowels. AI. Oh, or the busy. Here’s the thing. Like the. The ancient God of Eio was basically just it.

That’s a Isis, Apophis, Osiris, E. But it. What it stands for birth, death, and resurrection. I think it’s orgasm, Joe. That’s what an orgasm is. It’s his birth, death, and resurrection. Like that. That. Those sounds that you make when you’re. When you’re released and when they’re real, when you’re. What. What’s. Yeah, you know what? That’s what it is. What sounds. What is. How do I word this? What does it sound like when you’re jerking a dolphin off to climax? Maybe that’s the answer to reality. What does that sound like? Maybe that’s the. That. Maybe that’s it, bro.

Maybe that’s why wawa’s. It’s that wawa sound that everybody hears when they’re slipping into a different consciousness. That’s the dolphin orgasm, right? Maybe that’s why Crowley and all these guy, maybe that’s why they call this John C. Lilly guy the modern crow. Let me see if I can find that John C. Lilly. This is a crazy conversation. This is a wild conversation. I mean, this stuff is real, though. People are wild. This. This is, all of this stuff to me, is like humans. This is humans beings being human beings. We have crazy people on this planet that justify anything.

Anything that should be objectively immoral can justify it some way and want to do it and then turn it into a technology and then capitalize off of it somehow. That’s how crazy we are. If there’s an alien race watching us, they got to be thinking, man, like an advanced race. What do you think they would think about us right now? You know, I think that they. So check out this. This article is from 2016. Sensory deprivation tanks talking dolphins and aliens. Remembrances of reading John C. Lily. So. Oh, he’s also the guy that came up with the sensory deprivation tank too, bro.

I forgot that was the. Was that one movie where the dude takes the. He goes back to his primordial form. What the hell’s the name of that movie? Is it not primal final states? I think it was movie with sensory deprivation, altered states, 19. Have you seen that movie? Yeah, I’ve seen altered states. That’s about this because. All right, we got. We got. We have some. I’m coming up with potential titles for this episode, and I think the dolphin orgasm is gonna be in that. It has to. Dude, I can. Come on, man. Do you want to associate me with that, please? That it has the dolphin orgasm with special guest Joe Roop? Like, don’t do that to me, bro.

Bro, it’s gonna. It’s gonna make the people come, figuratively and literally. Okay, just hear me out. Job. It’s gonna do. Listen, the title is a. How you start is. How you start is. Is more important than how you finish, Joe. All right, are you. Are we talking about the conversation or the dolphin finishing? Like, what are we talking that. That statement in itself, bro, is a multidimensional statement. It made your mind already from the get go. Expand, because now you’re thinking multidimensional, Joe. That’s the point of this conversation, to make people think multi dimensional. Noun. It’s not to say sexual innuendo.

Innuendos or however, whatever the word is. But you get what I’m saying. All right, so I’m thinking of some. Some titles as we go on. But the. The concept of. And you probably know this, Joe. Have you ever crossed the abyss? No. Well, all right, neither have I. But from my readings of this occult literature and the conversations I’ve had and all this stuff, out of all the weird conversations, because I’ve had, that’s total submission to Godhead. If you cross the abyss, your ego no longer. You’re done. You’re the identity as a whole is gone. You’re gone.

Be. The goal of a lot of occultists was to write across the abyss the oath of the name, the oath of the nameless, right? The, I think the head, the headless God, whatever they called it, whatever Parsons did and all these guys, right? But one of the things that has always stood out to me from reading Kenneth Granthenne, which Kenneth Grant was on to against some black belt stuff, like, stuff that. And if he was putting this stuff in his books to deter people, maybe, who knows? Who cares? It’s there. And one of the things that has always stood out to me, which apparently somebody told me was part of the dune story, which I’m still right, the worms play a role in Dune, okay? The worms, like in a cult role, the worms, the, yeah.

So hear me out. Because part of the goal to, for a lot of these occultists and the reason that a lot of them went insane was because they were trying to. And this taps into these brain, Uncle Ibramunculi, whatever you want to call them, these brain computers, wherever they’re in this realm universe, be the mob zone, they’re in this other place. We don’t know, okay? They’re, they’re somewhere, they’re part of a neuro platform, which we don’t know what the hell that is. We just know that they’re able to tap into it, okay? And the interesting part about all these other altered states and the goal for a lot of occultists and the reason that they went mad and insane is because they, they were striving and their goal was to assume and transform themselves and I guess control it to a certain extent, what they call an anti before human existence.

Okay, I’m gonna find the wording because he terms it, whose goal is this? Cuz I’m gonna. Occultist, right? Like I’ve, whose goal? Let me find the, I don’t have my tablet here. Hold on. Let me find it, bro. And I’m gonna read it to you, cuz you gotta, you gotta see this, though. This is from crossing the abyss. Simply in the occult means crossing over the sphere of doubt. I’m gonna read it. Let me, let me think of where the hell I read this. This is from. Hold on, keep talking, Joe. I mean, it just is the tree of life.

So you have the first fear of creation like you were talking about Kether. Then you have the ain, the ain’t soft, the ain’t soft or, which is limitless, limitless nothingness and whatever, then you have the light that creates chokema and binah, the first polarity. And then if you draw a line under that, right, let’s just say a hypothetical line under alpha and omega, right? There’s a line under that, there’s a sphere called the sphere of da’ath, which separates that sphere before actual creation starts to take place. So crossing the, the abyss in the, in the occult, because all of the occult is based upon, that’s all of the western occult stuff, Crowley, all of it.

So crossing the abyss is crossing that sphere into first. Cause like you would have to go. You would become infiniteness. You would become. It would be like ultimate transcendence, which I don’t believe you can do in a human body, right? Because it doesn’t. It’s never made sense to me. I’m not. I’m going against a lot of occult books here, but the alchemical process in the human body is meant for you to become something more than you are. So it’s almost like these guys are confused, and I think that’s why they’re going crazy, because they leave mysticism and religion, because, well, I don’t want to worship a God, and I don’t want to become one with everything.

Like, I want to manifest my reality. And then they get into magic, and then once they learn the elements, they go into adepth hood, which is where that Tifera sphere is. They start doing the solar work and alchemy work. And if they’re doing that properly, they’re supposed to become a Christ. Like being, like a conscious being that never forgets itself, even when the body dies. That’s what it’s all about. But then they’re like, well, I want to cross the abyss. Well, that doesn’t make sense to me personally, because that sphere above the abyss is trying to create conscious life everlasting.

So why do you want to. You want to transcend back to the beginning? It’s, like, not even a part of the plan. And therefore their brain starts going crazy, because their whole purpose of life, it’s like, to me, it’s backwards. Does that make sense, or am I rambling here? No, it makes sense to me. It makes sense. How can you go. You know, you’re trying to. How you’re saying they’re skipping steps, essentially, because how can you godhead but then transgress to a prior state of existence? Like, you know, it’s all. It could be interpreted all the same thing, but God is trying to break itself down into all these little conscious life forms, right? And then those life forms are supposed to evolve and evolve consciously until life becomes everlasting.

Consciously so it can experience things in life and never lose its awareness. That’s what you’re supposed to do. That’s why we are in this womb. I told you, call to Earth. We just keep recycling till we figure this out, right? But to go back to, like, first, to transcend in the way they’re talking about the abyss, would almost be like to go back to the big bang, so to speak. Well, I’m just going to be a part of that. Well, how are you going to do that in the human body? Like, it doesn’t make sense. I understand submitting your consciousness to the all to God.

And I being basically like a tool for God. Like you’re no longer Juan or Crowley or whoever. You’re. You’re just not that person, but. All right, so stick with me, dude. They just get bored. That’s what it is. I mean, to me, they just get bored. They’re bored. Stick with me. Okay, this is. What is this? This is. Okay, listen. The puppet, the pooper, the pupa. Yeah, Cuba. So in solar opposites, which I’ve never seen the show, but I’ve been told about it. I believe it’s the. The creators of Rick and Morty. There’s this, what looks like a innocent looking character within the entire, like the series, right? It’s this little pupa or this little thing looks like a melted dildo.

The pupa is one of the three tritagonists of solar opposites. Is it is a slug like creature that contains all the information and history of the planet. The planet slurp within its DNA, when it reaches maturity, will grow in size to consume the entire planet. Terraforming into the new planet slurp. Okay, so this little creatures like, oh, it’s so cute. Well, it actually has all of the information of this, right. The Slurpians, this race, right, of this alien race. And once it reaches the correct place, it’ll grow and swallow. It’ll. It’ll swallow reality, essentially. But here, the stuff that I’m talking to you about, because this plays in, this plays a role into what trying to, I’m trying to load the episode that I did on it.

I don’t know why. My computer, of course, when we’re talking about like the deepest Eric stuff, my computer decides so many windows open and not processing everything, it ain’t nothing but it. It ain’t a thing but a chicken wing or however they say, okay, this ain’t nothing. So this is from the night side of Eden, from Kenneth Grant. What I’m telling, what I’m talking to you about. And it’s towards the beginning because when you, when you read Grant, you can’t. You got to read a couple page. The. The secret to reading Grant is to read a couple pages and try, try not to.

People tell me, be careful reading Grant. And why? Because it can open up portals. It can mess you up. It can let things through. Kenneth Grant knows all about occultist. He knows the tree, he knows all that stuff. It’s not gonna it’s not gonna hurt you. So look at this. The God of atlantean magic. Where’s that at? Ten? Anyways, we’re gonna continue here. And this is something at the beginning that. Here. Here it is. Alright, so it’s page eleven, of course, right? Eleven being the number of magic with a k. But here, here is. So when I first read this book, the Night side of Eden, I’m, you know, I’m start, just starting off right off the bat, okay? We’re gonna, we’re gonna read through this because this is, this is the, this is a little bit of the juice here.

All right? And I want to get your, your interpretation of this too, Joe, because I know you’re into this a lot more. Where you have the daath, which is the hidden. Hidden Sephiroth. The access. It’s not even really considered a sephiroth, but it’s there. Yeah. Yeah. In the tantric scheme of chakras, or microcosmic power zones, the authors attributed to the zone of the word the visuda, or throat center. This center represents speech, but the word in its occult sense of the true voice may be uttered only by a magus whose natural provenance is the second sapphira chakma assigned to Hadith.

I have no idea what any of this means, okay, whenever I’m reading, whenever I’m reading, Grant, I only pick up on what I understand. I’m not an initiate, care. But again, this is all I can tell you. What I mean. So the second. So the two and the eleven thus meet and da off the sphere of knowledge. For knowledge is possible only where duality prevails. That’s interesting, right? Yeah, that’s alpha no mega. Yeah. And Satan means adversary, right? The. The second one, if you will. And so these two subject and object unite and their union causes change, which is the formula of magic.

You can interpret this many different ways, right? Union occurs in consciousness where the act is reflected as in a mirror, and the act opens the gate through which the will is projected. Its image appears in the mirror world at the back of the tree in reverse. Now we’re talking about the cliff off with the opposite of the tree. For in that dimension. Here’s where it gets interesting, Joe. For he’s not talking about the trees, is talking about the inverted. He’s not talking about the clip off the trees. Inverted in the mirror world. Not, not up and down, but, okay, okay, you know, so the.

Okay, the pole, the pillar switch. Okay, you can, you can interpret like that. Its image appears in the mirror world at the back of the tree and in reverse, for in that dimension, time flows backward and man reverts to ape. Okay. The cynocephalus was chosen, therefore, as a magical symbol of the word I by the ancient Egyptians, who attribute it to the moon God thoth. And this is the. The sinocephalus is the dog headed. Right? Dog headed sinusephalis. Or are we talking about the crocodile? Sino cephalus. Egypt is like the dog of thoth. Oh, no, never mind the dog, man.

Yeah. So sinusephalus was actually not native to Egypt, but found further south, further up the Nile. And I, they were. So they were imported. The sinocephalus is the dung beetle. Oh. The sinusephylus is also this. It’s the beetle. This thing here, sinuseph lies the dog headed men, which is interesting, and it’s funny. Well, I’m. I mean, scientifically, it’s like the beetle, right? Or, no, I’m thinking of a different word. I. No, no, I’m thinking of, like, a different word. The cybocephalus is the beetle. So we have these pet monkeys that the Egyptians had. And the reason I know about this is because I went to a.

An exhibit of the. The finding of the tune of Tutankhamun. And these. Yeah. These were painted on the walls. So the sinusephos was chosen, therefore, as a magical symbol of the word by the ancient Egyptians, who attribute it to the moon God, thoth. The name of this God is equivalent to doth. And it is significant that the moon is attributed to the kala that raised from Kether through the abyss to the solar or heart center of the cosmos. Now, the kalas were various things they could. There were actual substances that were charged the substance fluids and stuff that were charged from.

From a charged woman, okay? Mm hmm. That is a lot of different stuff. I mean, I seen. That’s. That’s where I learned. What. What the. I’m gonna have to light up. Dude, I don’t know where you’re going with this, but this is getting interesting. Listen, I don’t know where I’m going either, bro, but check. Hear me out. The stuff that I want to talk to you about is on the next page, but I’m just taking it. I’m just easing them in with this esoteric foreplay. Well, look, understand that when they use God names and all this other stuff, okay? That’s that.

They’re just saying that, like, hadith is just a symbol for that energy. Okay, okay, I got you. And correct me if I’m wrong. But they see that this egyptian pantheon as a representation of whatever they’re trying to. Yeah, yeah. Because on the tree of life, every God system and everything, like all of the gods of mercury or all of the gods of whatever, it doesn’t matter what pantheon they come from, reside in a sphere on the tree of life, right? So Hadith resides in Chokma, just like every other great father God in every other pantheon would reside in Chokema.

I gotcha. I got you. And I see what I mean. If you. If you’re quiet enough, Joe, I’ll shut up. You can. You can hear the. The practicing occultists who like to the. The brain monculi that like to go into the comments, like, you think you understand what you’re reading, but you don’t know you do understand it. Just. There’s so if you don’t understand it, you just look it up. They’re not special. I mean, all this. They think they’re special. Check this out, because this is what we’re gonna turn for. Those listening, just take your. Take your.

Your thumb and your index fingers on each hand and put them over both of your nipples, okay? And just go ahead and rub them there. Hear me out. So here we go. Just rub those nips. All right? The sinusephalus, or dog headed ape, utters the word of omegas. Did I skip so far? The reflection of the sun, human consciousness in the waters of the abyss is the symbolized by thothe and his sinocephalus as the man and his dog reflected in the moon. The cynocephalus, or dog headed ape, utters the word of the magus in reverse. Freyder cod had an inkling of these mysteries, and it led him to enunciate his formula of reversion.

Frederica was a interesting guy. At about the same period, the artist Austin sparred. Spare everyone. Say it. Working along similar lines. Realize that in order to. Here we go. Here we go. Kicking it into overdrive. All right, ready? At about the same period, the artist Austin Sper, working along similar lines, realized that in order to become God, man must regress to the primal or original state of consciousness. Mm hmm. Right, that’s fine. Here. I read that. I was like, okay, whatever. Go back to this time. Who cares? Power hungry. Power hunger. Who cares? Right? When I read that, I was like, okay, whatever.

I read this, like, two years ago. This is the ultimate rationale behind the attempts by occultists of all ages to leap backward and inward to the interior depths of the tree, thereby, and this is the kicker, this is the, the pupa universe, which, I mean, this is the pupa universe, the solar pupa reality. And I’m gonna get into some other stuff because I think this is what Grant Morrison, you’re saying they want to become God and swallow up everything. Think about it, Joe. Isn’t that the, isn’t that the goal of the, of using the cliff off as your, to your, to your advantage to become this psychic vampire, a black hole, if you, I mean, isn’t that the whole.

Yeah, yeah, like it. But they don’t hit. The thing is, is the evil is so evil. The evil is talked a lot of these some bitches, you know, and I’m an occultist too, but I will tell you, some occultists are some bitches. So evil has talked these guys into believing that they’re doing spiritual work, that they’re doing good things, right. They can’t obviously, see that nature wants to expand upon light and life and. Right. So they want to go back through the tree, go through doth, and then become one with God and pretty much become God.

Like, so that, I mean, after having sex with, you know, 100 or 200 concubines doing all their alchemical experiments or whatever, they get bored. They get more power hungry, right. It’s kind of like, think about a heroin addict chasing a high, right? They got a high when they first got into magic. Things started manifesting for them in their life. They started realizing how real it was, and they got high, right. And then the universe kicked them around a little bit, and they’re like, okay, well, I want to go back and get even higher and understand this more.

I mean, I could see it from a point of view where someone would want to understand God and go back but become God. Keep reading, though. I’m curious as to where this goes. So you, you make a good point. And the reason I take your opinion on this is because you’ve been to some of these places. Okay. Yeah. I mean, and you study this, so, and mind you, this might be a different path. Jon, are you saying that they get so power hungry, it’s a different path of this? Well, keep in mind to Kenneth Grant was a theta mite.

Yes. There’s a difference between a golden dawn magician and a thelamite. There’s. So that’s like Crowley. There’s a difference. They think thelemites think they’re practicing the same thing, and they are, in a sense, but they’ve kind of made it more about the masculine and feminine and the sexual energy than in light and life, so to speak. And it all runs together. You know? I’m coming up with ideas for, for titles. Heroic. Hold on. This how. This is how I operate, bro. So let’s read the last sentence again, one more time so we can set it up, because this is where it gets good.

So this is the ultimate rationale behind the attempts by occultists of all ages to leap backward and inward to the interior depths of the tree, thereby reverting to the pre eval state of consciousness and before kether, transmitting the current of manifestation from the eye of the void I in. Okay, so which. It’s all the same. Correct me if I’m wrong. That’s the, that’s the. The top above Kether. Yeah, the. The first shell. The very first, yeah, there’s the three layers above Kether before the tree starts to manifest and is the first one. Let’s find the. The true.

No, true kabbalah. I’m actually reading the mystical kabbalah on my show right now. So synchronistic. Right. So it is synchronistic. Let’s find one that shows. Is this one all right? Sorry. Yeah, that shows it. Oh, of course. Amazon. All right, let’s see. Come on. Yeah, but you should be able to use that picture anyways. Come on. I guess not. I was trying to zoom in. But anyways, you get the point. So we have iron. Soft ain’t soft in. Okay, so it’s like three. Yeah, here we go. Many magicians go astray on that backward journey. Their consciousness assumes forms of larval life that antedated the human.

I was like, what? That’s crazy. Well, I agree with him there. That’s what they’re trying. I told you that earlier. They’re trying to go back to the state of. It doesn’t make sense. That’s what, that’s what these little brain monculi are, okay? They’re in this larval light, this. They transcend space and they’re in this other realm. Okay? So it goes on. This is where it gets weird. This is where it gets esoteric. Then the ape of thoth mocks them as they struggle to extricate themselves from a swiftly accelerating reversion of consciousness that finally hurls them into oblivion.

When I read those, let’s. Let’s look at how Crowley’s life ended. Think about it. Wild. Let’s just say. Let me read that last sentence again because that’s very powerful. Then the ape of thoth mocks them as they struggle to extricate themselves from a swiftly accelerating reversion of consciousness that finally hers them into oblivion. That’s. Wow. I was like, what? That makes perfect sense, right? Such is the fate particular peculiar to adepts who, nurturing their animal propensities while in the abyss, assume the forms of beasts. Yeah, and then it’s got a little footnote here, right? 18. Without first relinquishing the tendencies of the ego to use for personal and the powers which these creatures symbolize.

Now, this little footnote here is what really messed me up when I. When I first read this. I was like, what? You’ve reversed God’s plan is what you’ve done. You went back to your animal nature. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Trying. But trying to further expand your consciousness, though, because your. Your original intention was to, again, assume it, but it just spiraled out of control. Because, remember, in that other dimension, time moves backwards. All right, think about Stanley Kubrick’s McCubricks movie, a space odyssey. What happens as they go further? He’s reverted back in time until he’s. He’s like a baby.

He’s like this little baby in this thing again. A little baby is a little baby. Can’t. You can’t get out of the cycle, dude. Like, it’s. You can’t be God. You can’t. So we. We must then poised anti worlds based on the application of each sephira to its opposite, thereby obtaining a glimpse not only of the back of the tree, but the trees total reversal and respect of its obverse, which constitutes the world of appearances. We may in this way, formulate not only an anti world or zone of antimatter, but also zone of anti spirit represented by Kether, inverted behind Malcouth.

But let us all. Let us not fall into a code’s era regarding. Yeah, let’s. Let’s not. Akkad did that error. Right. Of regarding these speculations as fact, actual facts of spiritual consciousness. Rather, let us use the idea of them as a spring. Okay, okay. Right. Rather, let us use the idea of them as a springboard, which may launch us into inner spaces of consciousness that comport each in their turn, the hell or whole of each power zone. So, 18. Does that make sense, what he’s saying? Because Kether reflects Malcouth, the earth. Right? So God made man in his image, so creator made the physical world and everything that he is set to reflection of Catherine.

But it’s not physical in Catherine. When you invert it. Well, now, you know, it’s. You’re stuck. You’re honestly, what he’s saying is. Is your consciousness is stuck in a loophole. It’s like stuck in a place where you can’t get out. Cut. There’s the only thing that’s gonna happen is you’re gonna turn beast like. You’re gonna go back to your base. Animal nature. Mmm. Because malkuth is reality, right, Malcolm? Is the world we exist in. Malkuth. That’s right. I wonder. That’s why when you look at the grades of the golden dawn, Malcouth is like one equals ten, and Catherine’s ten equals one.

And it reflect, the numbers start reflecting until they come into the center. Man, it’s heavy stuff, Joe. It just like, I under. There’s tons of books that talk about crossing the abyss and all this stuff. But I just think all of this is in the Bible, too, man. Like, Christ is the way, when he said, I am the way. The light and all this other stuff, it doesn’t mean that, like, worship me as a person. It means be like, yeah, you could do that too, but it means be this way. Like, this is what nature’s trying to do.

He was in a scene. Nature is trying to expand light and life, and it’s beautiful. It’s not trying to go back to its primal state. Like, it’s just not. This is. This comes from power hungry people, man, that are not satisfied with life or their lives or anything else. Like, they. They think they understand everything. Like you said, some of them believe they’re super intelligent, conscious beings that understand. They want humans. They want to go back, they want to rule. Malcouth is that. Is that. Am I correct in saying that they want to rule? Because this is reality, and this is how you get people.

Like. Like these guys? Yeah, I mean, I wouldn’t know. Like, these guys are essentially you. This is a very good point because, like, these guys are essentially trying to do that, but without knowing it. Like, they’re trying to get. They’re trying to play God. They might. I mean, there’s, you never know. Occultists exist everywhere, right? Like, they could very well be in this company, but I don’t think. Hey, low carbon dude, you don’t want to help the environment, Joe, what the hell’s the matter with you, bro? I think it’s human nature to try to either be power hungry or want to understand conscious consciousness.

Like, and this final spark thing to me is like a representation of both. Even though they’re pitching it. Like, it’s just, you know, future technology and it’s going to help the planet. Like, they’re essentially doing experiments, trying to understand the nature of consciousness deep, let’s just say, subconsciously unaware, little do they know, they’re birthing a little pupil that is holding all of the information of its native planet. And once it grows into a full size, whatever else, bermunculi, it will destroy reality as we know it. That’s what they don’t know that they’re opening. They’re opening the floodgates to the pupil reality.

Okay, and so number 18, back again. So we can wrap this particular. Oh, yeah. There. Without first relinquishing. I see it. So, all right. Propensities while in the abyss. 18. Boom. This is the origin of the magical lycanthrope and. And similar occult phenomena. We know what a magical lichen throw up is, but what the hell is he talking about similar occult. For now, does this include possession? This is included. You know, is this what a skinwalker is? Is this what a. And also. So, okay, so keep in mind that the. One of the first things that you learn as an adept, after you.

Let’s just say after you learn the elements and the energies of the elements, which is what magic is. That’s all it is. When you get into adept hood and, like, you start getting into that and you get into the alchemical process, you learn what’s called the assumption of God forms, which is the base teachings of invocations. It’s your beginner school of invocation. So you’re invoking energies into your being, and it’s not. They don’t. It’s not. You could say, well, you’re just imagining that you’re like the God thoth or whatever. Okay? But in these processes, you don’t imagine.

You literally evoke this energy into your being, and you become that energy. So let’s say thoth is the moon God or the God of messengers and knowledge and all this other stuff, right? So we want to invoke that God form, and for a period of time, we’re going to be thoth in the flesh. That’s what they believe, right? Yeah. Other than studying grimoires and things like that and doing astral work and Goethe, which is adept work, that’s one process, is that they do by learning that as they start getting advanced, they get these ideas that they’re going to start invoking other things.

Well, everything is energy. Everything. So even things like wolves and whatever, they could become that, too. And essentially start understanding that everything that’s physical in nature is a reflection of types of energy. So, in a sense, you could invert yourself into like a being if you wanted to and physically transform. Dude, I’ll tell you this, this the trippiest thing. When I realized that this was real and it sounds super, like paranormal, like it can’t be real. Was that one of the guys that initiated me and is a great guy from Ireland, was like in his, I told you this, like in his sixties or something.

And he looks like he’s 20, like he’s 21, not, you know, he’s got the body of a 21. He’s got the skin of a 21 year old. His eyes have the, the shine of a 21 year old, that kind of thing. It was very odd to me. And it’s because, yeah, almost kind of. You can say that. You could say it was kind of like that, but not creepy like that, but his skin was almost perfect. And I said, dude, what? How are you that old? And he said, well, apparently my work is working. One of the first things that you learn in ritual is once you start really understanding the secrets of it, is that the lesser banishing ritual of the hexagram, not the pentagram, that was, that’s one of the first rituals that kind of start this alchemical work and start reversing the aging process.

So the more you do that ritual, supposedly, the younger your energy gets. Yeah, but what I’m add tangent here. What I’m saying is, energy is a reflection of vibration. What are the downright side transform energy to that? I mean, because it can all always be good. Because the downside, I mean, if you want to get scary about it, like the downside, the downside is all of this stuff that I’m talking about comes from a human brain. And a human brain is dual. Every person has a light and a dark side, and every person doesn’t know everything.

So when you go around playing with consciousness as a whole, that you don’t understand yet, even occultists think they understand it, but they, no one understands the mystery of God, bro, no matter how much you learn. So the bad thing is, is, I mean, it’s obvious what the bad thing is. Look at Parsons, Crowley, several occultists that you start out with this idea that I’m going to transform into a better person. That’s, that’s how I looked at it. But a lot of people don’t get into this stuff for transformation to change, because people don’t change, bro.

That’s the bad thing. Most people don’t change because there’s this, like, what do you call it? What’s the word for it? I said it the other day, I’ll think of it in a minute. But it’s. It’s in our nature not to change because we have a survival instinct. So when we start invoking energies to change, it’s going to bring out all the bad in us that needs to change. And some of it is so deep. And we’re talking about not just in your life, but your past lives and your genetics and everything. And once you start bringing all that stuff out at once to change, like, instead of doing the work, people start reverting to, I want to.

I want more power, right? It’s easier to go for the power because the work is becoming hard, or I understand all of this duality, and I’m bored, so I just want to go back to just understanding consciousness. Or you’ll hear people say, leave this prison planet, that kind of thing. And it’s. There’s no way. They’re not. They’re fighting against God’s plan. And now, I’m not saying this because I’m religious, bro. I’m saying this because it is obvious, based on the universe and everything that we’ve experienced, that God’s plan is to expand consciousness and create life everlasting.

But they don’t all stick to that plan, though, Joe. I was like, I know. Hell no, they don’t, because the ego gets in the way, right? Or, hell, they might even get taken over, bro. They might even get hijacked. And absolutely, you can by some. And you can, because you’re even asking, once you get into magic and this kind of stuff, you’re even asking, like, you know this part in revelations where God says, I’ll give you a white stone? In revelations, they talk about the white stone, and you get a new name. It’s not your name now, it’s a new name.

And you can take the river of life freely. What that means is you’re gonna. And I’m gonna sound completely wackadoo, but your consciousness is gonna be star lit level. In other words, it doesn’t matter what planet your body lands on. Your consciousness will never forget itself again, because you have grown like a plant, your consciousness through the soil of your body to a point that you’ve become something more. And the body is truly only a vessel from here on out of. And you travel through starlight, and you’re not stuck to the lead of planets. Because the true secret of alchemy is energetic transformation.

This is why you can see alchemy in everything. So it’s the secret to the soul. That’s what nature is. Trying to show you, look, this process works in everything, yet we don’t know how to get it to work through ourselves and love and stuff, and yet it’s obvious we’re trying to become something more evil. The dark side of this thing is where you try to start working backwards for power. Once, like, think about it like this. There’s spirit in the animal. There’s oneness and individuality, just like there’s. You said what the adversary like, that’s what Satan is, the destroyer.

It’s not just wants to destroy your life, it wants to destroy your consciousness. That idea of you growing into something more, of changing into something better. Actual alchemical transformation. This is why divorce rates are high. This is why all kinds of stuff. Because when masculine and feminine come together, true godhood starts happening, and this adversary comes to try to destroy it before it be, before it makes something whole, make something more. That’s wild, bro. I never thought about that. Yeah. It doesn’t want you having children. It doesn’t want your spirits merging and making something more. It doesn’t want any of that.

Its job is to slow it down, destroy it, run it backwards. Wow, that’s crazy, bro, to think that like that, the way you put that, cuz both. You need both. Like how grant was saying, you need both sides to make it have to. You need that. Yeah, that’s the. That’s the secret. You need both. Masculine, the feminine. The. The homunculi duo. The two, right? That. That’s the depictions that they. The alchemists have of the two. The copulation is part of. To achieve the magnum opus, you need the compilation period. Wow. It shows you this in the universe, too.

You could think of. It’s a bad analogy, but you can think of a star as, like, masculine. Like, a burning star is like, this masculine energy and the void or the space or the cosmic space around it is the feminine. That’s that dot in the circle, right? So these things start creating what, planets, solar systems, universes? Come out of this circle. It’s the same thing with man and woman, and it’s the same thing on a macrocosmic scale and on a microcosmic scale, but. And it’s the same thing in your left and right brain and these two natures that are inside of you that are battling, too.

So the secret to alchemy is that you’re the laboratory. The burning fire that shows in the pictures is your sexual energy. And even the food you eat, that transforms into energy. Everything that transforms into that fire, that combustion, you know, so I’m about to completely derail the conversation, but where are animals, right? So we talk about Malcouth and. And the different layers kethere. Where are animals on the chart? They’re just in a state there. They’re still in Malcouth, but it’s just a more microcosmic, even lower layer of consciousness. They have an awareness, but they’re like, if you study Rudolph Steiner, he talks about this, right? Like, consciousness expands from, you know, cellular, like, to mineral, to animal, to humanity, and it’s expanding out.

And I’m not saying that’s true or ultimate reality, but if you look at it, it makes sense. This is why we’re. We have dominion over the animals. We’re supposed to take care of them or use them properly and take care of them and things like that. And if you go out in nature, a lot of animals that are more light sided animals, because there are dark sided animals, it’s all a big hodgepodge, but the light sided animals depend on humans more like they depend on us. They’ll be friendly to you if you start helping them. You know, so, I mean, it’s all observable.

I think. I think this is why mainly P. Hall talks all of this. He says all of the mystery schools are right at your doorstep. They’re right in front of you as soon as you step out your door. Every mystery school that’s ever wrote about all seven schools are right there in nature. They’re not in books. They’re not any. They’re in nature. So these guys get really intellectual, you know, these, in my opinion, the darker cultists, they get really intellectual. They’ve taken the tree, which is a map of the universe. It’s a map we created for consciousness in the universe, all this sort of stuff.

And they’re like, okay, well, I’m going to use this formula like a mad scientist and figure out how to, you know, crack the code. And then I’m going to go back and become, according to what Grant is saying, I don’t want to expand into whatever I’m going to grow into. I just want to go back to godhood. I want to become God. And therefore, they’re going to have to, in order to do that, to become first. Cause they’re going to have to go all the way, not just, in my opinion, back through the animal states, but rock, mineral, everything.

Everything that’s, you know, all the way down to the smallest physical thing to try to break that portal into spirituality, which is dumb to me. It’s just completely dumb. To try to do it that way, because you’re already one with everything anyways. You’re just in a body, I think. I know it sounds cliche or boring to even say this, and there’s no pun intended. They’re bored, bro. They’re like drug addicts that are bored. Power hungry drug addicts, knowledge hungry drug addicts that are bored. I agree with you. It’s like parsonage, right? You blowing rockets up. You want to do something more.

Give me more, give me more. That’s how you get more and more depraved. More and more the darker, because you want a results, you know? Like, I’m sure that a lot of people want to see it happen. They want to see something for real, right? They want to see our ghosts real. Is Bigfoot real? Like, these things that you. That as a kid. I mean, the first thing a kid asks is, where’s the picture? You know? Like, that’s the first thing as a child. The child will ask you, like, let me see the video of it, you know, or whatever it is.

That’s like, you want to believe, and that’s just an analogy of for, like, wanting to believe of. And you can take that, and again, you symbolically, whatever is, like, the point is, you want to confirm your bias, right? You want to confirm your bias. You want to believe. You want to check that. There’s something about checking that box off that really just gets you off. Don’t understand. Yeah, I don’t understand how any man and Crowley had children. You have children. I have children. I don’t understand how any person could have a child and be, like, witness that.

That moment and then go. And then take that moment, go. You know what? Like, I want to go before all this. Like, this is not interesting to me. Like, I want to go back to the beginning, and obviously, like, it’s obvious that moment. That’s why they. It’s like, holy is the lambda. You see this, the sack, the sacrifice of birth, death, resurrection. You feel like, that energy when your child is born. The beauty of it, you could see that it’s trying to expand life, you know? Like, you can feel divinity, bro, when your child is born.

And the power of the feminine and all this other stuff, too. Like, not just the feminine, but all of it, you know? And it’s like, I don’t know what happened. I think these dudes got dulled down somehow and remind you when they become an adept. Most of them started getting into grimoire or goetic magic, where they believe. And I could be wrong, because I’m not an adept. I’m still just on the magician, right. I’m not into the alchemical stuff, but they believed that they have to do goetic magic. Like, they have to invoke these demons so they can deal and transform these darkest things, you know? And I think a lot of that stuff happens anyways when you invoke the elements, you know, and we don’t.

I’m just. I wish all the books that got burned in Alexandria were. We could just read them. There’s a lot of the stuff we wonder do. I think the burning of Alexandria was allegorical? I don’t think. I don’t. I think code for something. I mean, it’s recorded in history. The. The pile burned for six months. All of history’s fake and gay. Okay. All of it, Joe. Oh, some of it is for sure misguiding, you know? Yeah, yeah. These dudes believe they can become wolves, right? And energetically they can. Just like when you’re a kid, you’re like, I’m a werewolf, girl.

You know, and you really are for that moment. But, like, I could be wrong, though. I just, I’m not, you know, me, I don’t believe in squats and all this other stuff. Like, I could be wrong there. They actually could exist. And maybe some of these cultists did turn into a lycanthrope, you know? That’s what I like to believe, too, because, I mean, Kenneth also talks about, you know, Kenneth Craig talks about the. That things can come through from the other side, right, from the. They can manifest. And a lot of the things that are on the other side are failed experiments of these occultists.

And these are failed. These failed magical experiments exist in the tunnels of set. And sometimes they come through, sometimes they come unhocking, you know? So I think. And if you manifest that, you know, through your, through the consciousness or whatever it is, we don’t know. But, but I think it’s super interesting, dude. I think that, that, yeah, I still don’t know what I believe, Joe. I mean, you know, that. And that’s why we’re here. That’s why we’re looking into all this. I know you believe in God, though. You know, I believe about it, but I know you believe in God and you believe in, like, you’re a light you.

The light side of this thing you. You’re working for, even though you’re doing it in a fun way, you know? What race would I be in? Destiny, bro. The light side. What, what race? I mean, you’d probably be in awoken. That’s what I am in. Destiny isn’t. But awoken are people that. That have both light and dark energy. And then they understand it, you know? But they’re trying to work for the good. For the most part. Damn, Joe. Let’s get out of here, bro. I gotta eat dinner. And I was hoping you talk about exploding head syndrome, but we can talk about that later.

Let’s keep it for the next one. Dude, we literally did not have a plan today for. We’re gonna talk. No, but I. You hit. You surprised me with the. They’re making human brain computer thing. And like, that was a surprise to me. Just so you guys know that are listening. He surprised me with that too. So it’s a surprise for me. There. There will be a reel coming out today on that. And it’s so dark, bro. I mean, it’s so weird. What a weird. I. When I was realizing this is satire. This is the. The babylon be or whatever that one was.

Like, this is fake. There’s no way. And dude, it’s. It’s there. Make of it what you will, but I think that we’re stepping into some. And there. If there’s. If there. If this is rearing its ugly head now, I’m sure the military industrial complex has access to this. They’ve been using it. Maybe that’s where all the bovine blood is going from the cow mutilations. And maybe these little brain Monculi are housing units for the nephilim spirits of old. Or the water. I don’t know. Who knows? But listen, dude, this. And for those Bray monkey lie listening, make sure to hit the like.

Share the show. Come join us Tuesday nights. Wanna Juan Media, YouTube channel, Twitch TV, follow Joe Fringe dot FM, void walker on most social media platforms. Do you want to add anything else, Joe, before we get out of here? Cuz this was. This is heavy, dude. I’m kind of drained, dude, to be honest. I’m like, this is a lot. Yeah, yeah, no, just. Yeah, just support one. Like, I’m good. Thanks for having me on the show. And I, you know, anytime, brother. Love to have you on the show too. Anytime. I got you. I got your back.

I like what you’re doing, you know? Yeah, dude, for sure. And as always, everyone catch you on the other side. I don’t know what other side that is. If it’s the reverse side of the tree, if it’s the cliff off, if it’s the mob zones universe, be wherever the hell it is. See you on the next one. Stay safe, everybody.

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    Juan, a Capo in the Truth Mafia, is the one who captured everyone's attention with his knowledge of the homunculus. A true master in alchemy and the secrets of the occult, his unique expertise sets him apart.

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