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Hidden Truth About TikTok: Doomsday Clock

By: BDELL1014
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➡ The video discusses various esoteric concepts, including the connection between the Tick Tock man, the Doomsday Clock, and the concept of energy harvesting. The speaker suggests that Donald Trump is playing both sides of the political spectrum and warns viewers not to see him as a savior. The video also delves into the idea of horizontal gene transfer and energy harvesting, suggesting that social media platforms like TikTok are used to harvest human energy. The speaker concludes by discussing the concept of Satan having a physical vessel on Earth, suggesting that this is the ultimate goal of the energy harvesting process.
➡ The text discusses the concept of celestial bodies like Saturn and Venus being personified as Satan and Lucifer, respectively. It delves into the idea of Sith alchemy and horizontal gene transfer, which involves the transfer of genetic material between unrelated organisms. The author suggests that this process is similar to the conjunction of two celestial bodies, creating a flow of cosmic energy. The text also explores the idea of these processes being manipulated for dark purposes, such as reviving certain entities or objects.
➡ The US government considered banning TikTok due to national security concerns about its Chinese ownership. However, the Biden administration decided not to enforce the ban, leaving the decision to the next administration. Despite initial fears that the app would be removed from app stores and eventually stop working, it seems that users’ experiences will not change for now. The situation has sparked discussions about the importance of finding a purpose beyond social media and the potential for other apps to gain popularity if TikTok were to be banned.
➡ The text discusses a theory about ancient technology being used to control humans and social media, potentially leading to a tyrannical regime. It suggests that this is connected to the Doomsday Clock, which symbolizes how close humanity is to a catastrophic event. The author believes that something significant might happen during the inauguration, possibly related to Donald Trump, but emphasizes that this is just a potential scenario. The text ends with a call to not fear these possibilities and to focus on personal growth and understanding.
➡ The text discusses the concept of a global reset, symbolized by the Doomsday Clock, which is moved closer to midnight during times of crisis. It suggests that this reset is connected to biblical prophecies and ancient mythology, and is influenced by celestial events. The author encourages readers to find their purpose and use technology to share truth, rather than for distraction. The text ends with a prayer for guidance and a reflection on history and personal growth.



Holy. Yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yeah, I’m striving for greatness trying to make it I was stuck in the matrix yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Bdell. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button. Hit the share, but hit the subscribe button. Hit that notification bell. In today’s demonstrative transmission, I’m going to be talking about the esoteric aspects of the Tick Tock man and how it’s connected to the Doomsday Clock and how it’s also connected to horizontal gene transfer and energy harvesting when you’re talking about the great conjunction of Venus and Saturn.

So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, get your notes out because the information that I found about everything that’s going on right now is going to blow your mind, right? So share this video. If you’re new to the channel, hit the subscribe button, please, because like I said, the receipts is receding and the synchronicities is sinking up, right? So we finna get into it. Now, I told you about how Donald Trump is basically playing both sides, right? Because he’s basically a white hat that is connected to the York, right? Scottish, right? Freemasons, right? He is basically playing both sides of the coin.

So like I said, you cannot drain the swamp if you’re basically a part of the swamp, right? You got to understand that Donald Trump is not your savior, right? Because now they’re going to perpetuate this savior complex, which puts them in alignment to be the biblical antichrist, right? Meaning that he’s going to give you all the incentives and the resources in order for you to capitalize off the system. And he’s going to look like your savior in the end times, right? So with that being said, you just got to know that we in the end game, so do not be fooled by the semantics and the technology that’s going to be perpetuated by Donald Trump and his administration.

Now Tick Tock begins restoring service right, in the United States, thanks to Donald Trump. Like I said, he is not your savior. So like I said, you got to pay attention and be very meticulous of his actions, right? So this is all about one of those things about the inauguration, right? Because like I said, when you break down, you know, comedic spirituality and you break down the etymology of certain words, you will know that the phrase maga is Connected to Set in ancient comedic spirituality because Set had a son called Maga, which is a demonic entity.

Right. And you notice during the time of the Tick Tock ban, they banned it on January 19th, right. And they restored it on January 19th, which is basically the personification of the fact that energy expands and returns to itself in the form of a reset. So they reset the system by way of resetting the artificial time analysis mechanism, Right? Meaning that we’re basically trapped in time because the planetary reset is not only from a. From a macrocosm standpoint, is from a microcosm standpoint. Right. So they re. They reset many different aspects that’s connected to their matrix system when you’re talking about these social media platforms.

Right? Because Tick Tock was an esoteric codex that’s connected to the Doomsday Clock. We finna get into that as we get through the presentation. So as I was telling you guys, Maga is a demon deity in Egyptian mythology, right? So he’s not your savior. So one thing you got to understand about the Tick Tock band and the restoration process that’s connected to planetary alignments. You have Venus and Saturn basically amalgamated together and dancing in a planetary duet, right? So when you understand the esoteric codex of planetary alignments, you will know that Saturn is associated with Satan and Venus associated with Lucifer, right? So Saturn, Lord of the harvest.

So during the time when everybody was crashing out over the Tick Tock app, what happened was they was basically harvesting your energy. And when you harness people’s energy, that can basically be in alignment with horizontal gene transfer and cross beating technology and genetic modification in order to galvanize the energy from the individuals that crashed out during the Tick Tock. Because like I said, your emotional energy is a catalyst to the matrix, right? So that’s why you have to operate at zero point energy to where your emotions is not submerged into the material plane so much, because that’s how they get you.

The material plane is nothing but a mechanism to basically harvest the energy of humans who are basically not in alignment. So that’s another form of horizontal gene transfer, because they’re extracting your neurons from the body by way of the technological devices that’s connected to the Sith. The Sith is basically a artificial technology or artificial intelligence, basically comprised of everybody’s energy and they’re basically in their consciousness and it basically copulates together and they upload it into a normorphic cybercloud to the point where they harvest the energy from Saturn and Venus to basically perpetuate this biblical Ideology to where Satan has a physical vessel on the planet.

That’s what this is all about, right? So they was basically harvesting the energy by way of horizontal gene transfer and planetary conjunction to harvest your energy to summon a physical vessel for your so called Satan or Lucifer. Then he said to his disciples, harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of Harvest. The Lord of harvest, when you go to Matthews. 9, 37, 38. And Venus is also associated with Lucifer. So what you’re looking at during the time of the planetary duet between Saturn and Venus, like I said, it was a harvesting energy mechanism, right? To keep you trapped in artificial time analysis mechanism.

Because Saturn is connected to Satan. Satan is Kronos. Kronos is chronology. Chronology is time trapped in an artificial time analysis mechanism. They want you to keep you trapped in time. They keep you trapped in time because they want to create this loose form to basically extracting neurons from the body. Like I said, they trying to have Satan have a physical vessel. So this is why you got to watch the movie called X Men Apocalypse, Right? Notice that you see the movie came out on May 19th. As you can see at the bottom, because when you understand esoteric Codex of 1 and 9, 1 is Alpha, 9 is Omega, 9 is a representation of completion.

Completion of a nine year, which is finality, which is basically in alignment with in Apocalypse, right? So in the movie, it basically demonstrated in the beginning points of the movie it was talking about horizontal gene transfer, right? I’m gonna make it all make sense to you because a lot of people missed the esoteric codex of what took place when it comes to energy harvesting and horizontal gene transfer, they’re basically one in the same. When you understand the microcosm aspects of it and the macrocosm aspects of it. So now in the movie, in the beginning points of the movie, this guy is basically the personification of Satan.

This guy’s a personification of Lucifer. So an angel or archangel, transformation wings. Now in the movie, this was basically the transformative process of horizontal gene transfer, right? Because he was transmuting his consciousness and putting in the side of human vessel to perpetuate a certain ideology on the planet during the time of the apocalypse. Because now this movie is in alignment with everything that’s going on right now. Because we’re going through reset, we’re going through a planetary pole shift, we’re going through a spiritual metamorphosis on the planet. So they have to harvest your energy in order to galvanize this entity that they call Satan.

So now this is why it’s imperative to understand the metaphysics of comic books. Because this is basically talking about the same thing. This is the comic book version of X Men Apocalypse, right? Now, in the movie, he was basically transferring his consciousness, Satan, and putting it inside a physical vessel. So it says right here, through my consciousness is infinite, my material existence finite. I have been forced to take many host bodies and none of them were advanced enough to last until now. And you notice, you see the D right here, which can basically be an esoteric codex for Donald Trump.

Now I am unable to escape the confines of the physical mortality. This celestial machine repairs genetic decay and he modified it, right? It’s basically creating the aspect of immortalized cell lines by way of horizontal gene transfer. So he wants to create a immortal vessel for his vast power and consciousness to where the body doesn’t have any faults, to where he’s operating from a place of supreme magnetism. But it has a negative connotation to it. Right? So this is what you call Sith alchemy. Sith alchemy is also known as force alchemy, right? Which is basically a forbidden practice that was connected to the.

The Thole society, the real society. And this practice uses dark side of the force, permanently altered living beings and objects, right? So this is all connected to a form of alchemy. Alchemy is nothing but a form of horizontal gene transfer. They’re basically one of the same, along with the conjunction of two celestial bodies of planetary alignments. Right? So now we’re going to get into the. The genetics of it, because like I said, this was being used as a mechanism to harvest the energy by way of Saturn and Venus, which is basically personification of Saturn and Satan and Lucifer.

So what you this, when you’re looking at this picture, just look at it like this. You gotta use your spiritual eye. So when you see my cursor right here, this guy is Satan. So this is Saturn, this is Venus, this is Lucifer. So when you’re looking at this picture, you’re looking at you looking at Saturn and you looking at Venus, Satan and Lucifer. Right? Same thing with the movie. In the movie, when you’re looking at this picture, you’re looking at Satan, which is Saturn, and then this guy, right, this archangel, which is Lucifer, associated with Venus.

Same thing take place on a planetary level when you have Venus as Saturn. Dazzling a duet during a conjunction. Now, what is a conjunction? When you understand the etymology of the word conjunction in the definition of it, A conjunction is basically when two or more planets amalgamate together. Right. To basically create a flow of cosmic energy in our atmosphere. Now, now, when you understand that codex of it, this is what we call Sith alchemy, which is a form of dark alchemy that basically encompass a form of an incantation to basically revive a certain individual or a certain entity or a certain object, right? So horizontal gene transfer technology refers to the manipulation of natural process where genetic material is transferred between organisms that are not direct descendants of each other.

Right? Because you got three different modifications of horizontal gene transfer. You got transformation, you got conjugation, and you got transduction. Now, the transformation process is when you have these immortalized cell lines is basically trying to copulate by way of conjunction to transduce the information by way of the mind and the consciousness. Because transduction is connected to the neuroendocrine transducer, where you transmute the consciousness from a certain individual and you put it inside a different vessel. So horizontal gene transfer is based on conjugation. Conjugation is when you have two or more species copulated together, just like when you’re talking about a conjunction.

A conjunction is when you have two or more planets amalgamating together. So when you say in horizontal gene transfer and conjugation, this is two or more species, when you have two planetary alignments amalgamated together, that is conjunction, right? So you got to pay attention to the Codex of certain words, because when you don’t understand the language of words and the symbolism behind it, they’re going to be able to trick you every time. So when you’re talking about Venus and Saturn, you’re talking about horizontal gene transfer by way of a macrocosmic level that’s connected to the energy of the universe as we’re going through a planetary reset and metamorphosis, right? So as I was telling you, when you’re looking at this picture, Saturn is Satan.

This is Venus, which is Jupiter. That’s what you’re looking at. The when you’re looking at this, just think of two different celestial bodies, Saturn and Venus, right? And they doing all this by way of Sith alchemy. Alchemy is a form of horizontal gene transfer from a scientific standpoint because it creates a lateral gene transfer to where, like I said, you’re transmuting the consciousness by way of bacteria and organisms, right? So like I said, a conjunction. Now, a conjunction is an alignment of two or more celestial objects, right? As I was telling you before, now this is what we call force alchemy, which is Sith alchemy.

Like I was telling you, it’s the dark force of the Jedi. So this is why, you know, a lot of people just got to understand and stop looking at everything from a physical standpoint. You have to be spiritual and you have to be scientific. Stop, you know, you know, perpetuating, you know, and demonstrating this ideology of how we gotta see certain things from a physical standpoint. Like I said, think what your spiritual eye. And then once you understand the spirituality of it, this is where you tap into the esoteric sciences, right? To where you study the science of sarcomalogy, meaning that you understand all perspectives in the universe and in our universe to get one truth.

So now this is where it kind of gets crazy a little bit, because this is also connected to the Kazarian Tamga. Because when you looking at this DNA structure of a eukaryotic cell that is connected to the archa and the bacteria by way of horizontal gene transfer. Because horizontal gene transfer, when it comes to certain entities, it can only be only be acclimated to those who are basically have primitive cells. Primitive cells are basically eukaryotes, which is basically unnatural to the planet because it’s not natural to the natural mitochondrial DNA in the plaza, in the, in the, in a protoplast of planet Earth by way of the Fibonacci sequence of nature.

So when you see the bacteria or the archaea that is connected to a form of archon. Revelations, chapter 17:17 of El’s Holy angel, the evil Reptilian gave power to the beast. The beast is the one who had the primitive cells, which is the eukaryotic cells, which is basically splice genetics. So when you’re looking at this horizontal gene transfer DNA structure, it is basically the emulation of the Kazarian Tamga and the Ukrainian crest. You cannot make this up. Right? So that means that when, when you’re talking about the energy of Lucifer. Right, the energy of Lucifer, because Satan is a extraterrestrial, he’s an archonic Draconian reptilian.

So the beast is the man on the bed, right, Getting ready for the horizontal gene transfer mechanism. This is Satan, who is also known as what you call a Draconian. So that’s why I said this is basically in alignment with El’s holy angel. Revelation 17:17. The evil reptilian gave power to the beast. The beast is the Canaanite. The Canaanite is connected to the Kazarian Tamga in the Ukrainian crest. That is what you know, that is basically known as your so called shadow government. Right? This is the esoteric science that A lot of people are not understanding right now.

So it’s basically connected to the Sigil of Moloch and it’s connected to the Kazarian Tamga in the Ukrainian crest, right? Because this is all connected to the coven upset, right, because remember I was telling you that. All right, here we go. Remember I was telling you that. You know, Maga, when you break down etymology of the word maga, he is Set Son, which is a demonic entity, right? So this is connected to the coven of Lilith. Is connected to the coven of Set, right? Because Lilith and Enlil are basically twins, one in the same, right? So when you’re looking at the codex of it, when you look at the 13 families of the Nephilim or the Nephala in ancient Hebrew, which is connected to the fallen angels or the cherubim, right? It’s.

It’s basically a set of archangels which are basically archons. That’s why I said the art, the archea is basically the known of the fact that it’s connected to an archonic force that’s controlling certain demographics of people who have eukaryotic cells who are basically unnatural to the planet, to basically subjugate those who have the prokaryotic cell, the natural people of the planet that works in tandem with the universe and mother nature. Now what you’re looking at is the cult of Set or the cult of Saturn, right? So Saturn, like I said, is associated with Satan and Venus is associated with Lilith or Lucifer, whatever you want to call it, it depends on your perspective and whatever mythology that you basically follow, Right? So this is also connected to.

I forgot how I was going to incorporate this because I got this off a website. But it’s also connected to the Galactic Federation because they’ve been talking about in the news how the Galactic Federation is basically here. So that’s why it’s imperative to understand that, you know, the underworld of Set, they have to perpetuate this ideology by way of the Deep State shadow government by way of Black Swan events. And this is when they use Donald Trump as a catalyst in a chess piece to revitalize the system to where he looks like a so called savior, right? That’s how they’re going to get you.

That’s how they’re going to get you. Caught up. You so you so damn connected to the material that you can’t see beyond the illusion. You can’t see beyond the dualistic paradox of everything in this matrix system, right? So before we get too far, I got some videos to show you so we’re going to get into. I told you, I got another way to demonstrate the videos to you guys. If you’re new to this channel, you like this information, hit the subscribe button. Because like I said, man, this is information that ain’t nobody really talking about. You’re gonna get this work when you come on this channel.

You’re gonna get this work. You’re gonna get this work every time. So with that being said, I’m gonna show y’all Donald Trump is not your savior. And this is all connected to the inauguration and things of that nature and how it’s all acclimated to tick tock and horizontal gene transfer, planetary alignment, conjugation and conjunction. We fit to make it all make sense, right? So play this video here. 170 million users are watching the clock on TikTok in the US in about 32 hours. It’s supposed to be outlawed by a bip. Remember, I told you everything that’s connected to the metatronic overlay is basically the artificial time analysis mechanism to where they want to keep you trapped in time.

Tick tock is the doomsday clock. And when it hits zero, that’s when you in reset. You need you to understand that. Partisan law. The Supreme Court upheld that ban today. They sided with the US Government over national security concerns if the app stays under Chinese ownership. But today the Biden administration signaled it’s not going to enforce the ban come Sunday, leaving it to the next administration, which of course takes power on Monday. Here’s President Biden a short time ago. What’s your take on the TikTok decision today, sir? Well, decisions have been made under the next president anyway, so I think it will work.

Well, the next president, Donald Trump, has been working on an executive order to delay the ban. According to sources, the President elect posting today that he spoke with Chinese President Xi Jinping about the app, which he actually wanted to ban himself at one point. TikTok CEO is already showing his gratitude with, of course, a TikTok video. I want to thank President Trump for his commitment to work with us to find a solution that keeps TikTok available in the United States. We are grateful and pleased to have the support of a president who truly understands our platform, one who has used TikTok to express his own thoughts and perspectives, connecting with the world and generating more than 60 billion views of his content in the process.

Let’s turn now to CNN chief media analyst Brian Stelter. Okay, Brian, here’s the thing. What happens on Sunday when people Click on the TikTok icon on their phone. Now, if you notice when a Tick Tock app, you know, basically crashed, you know, I’m saying it basically shut down. That’s when people started to crash out, right? Because like I said, a lot of people don’t have a purpose outside the app because for one, they didn’t utilize their purpose by way of using the app as a catalyst to basically demonstrate the truth. Right? A lot of people was on there doing silly videos, mukbangs and just eating and stuff, you know, just doing silly videos, when really we supposed to be using the resources of all these social media tools in order to push out the truth and combat the energy of everything that’s being perpetuated by the administration and how they want to amplify many different forms of legislation that basically takes away your rights.

So that’s why I’m saying you got to find your purpose before the system chooses your purpose for you. Like I said, you know, the, you know, a purpose is way beyond Tick Tock. A purpose is way beyond YouTube. A purpose is way beyond any type of social media platform of anything that’s connected to the metatronic overlay of our physical existence. When you have a purpose, if everything on the planet shuts down, I would still be speaking the truth, but I’d just be doing it in person amongst a congregation, amongst other people who are on the same frequency as me, right? If the, if the.

Everything reset in the grid went down, you will still have healers, you still going to have truth tellers. So that’s why I said you have to find your purpose that’s way beyond anything of our physical existence. Right? That’s what this situation should have taught your ass. When the TikTok app basically, you know, closed up and, and now is reinstated. That’s what this process should have taught you. You got to tap into your purpose. Because we in endgame. Initially, at least until a few hours ago, my impression was that the Apple App Store, the Google App Store, would have to remove the TikTok app.

So if you wanted to download it for the first time, you couldn’t. If you still already have the app on your phone, it would just continue to function like normal. But like a car that’s running out of gas, it would start to break down and stop functioning over time. However, Brianna, I’ve changed my thought on this in the last few hours. Now that the Biden administration has said they’re not gonna enforce the law on Sunday, I don’t think users are gonna see a change on Sunday. Unless ByteDance, the owner of TikTok, wants to send a message by telling its users, hey, this app is in trouble.

Americans are trying to shut us down. Take action, pressure your politicians. But frankly, they’ve already achieved that through lobbying action through influencers. TikTok has pressured politicians, including Trump and seems to be winning. They seem to have the wind at their backs right now as they try to get this ban reversed. So you know, it is possible there could be several different outcomes on Sunday and Monday. But I think for the time being, because Trump has signaled that he wants to negotiate some way out of this, users experience will probably not change this weekend. So how does that work? Because Trump told our Pamela Brown this morning he’ll be making the decision on TikTok.

He’s signaling that, as you said, how might he stop it from being banned? Or does he just sort of like buy it time? Yeah, find an American buyer and then convince the Chinese owners to sell it to that American buyer. Let someone like, let’s think of someone who’s close to Trump, maybe Elon Musk. You know, there are already bids out there from Frank McCord and Kevin O’Leary, for example, O’Leary of Shark Tank, famous, been on this network talking about his bid for TikTok. The issue has been that ByteDance, the Chinese owners do not want to sell.

That’s what they’ve said all along. They do not want to give up any part of TikTok. Will that change under President Trump? Will he have more persuasive powers? Will he come at this differently? That’s a big question. What we know is that this is all happening because of Trump five years ago calling for a ban. And the reason that Congress signed, enacted this law and wanted it to go into effect on Sunday was precisely to avoid a situation where Trump would try to repeal it. Right. This law’s timing was on purpose before the inauguration, but now it seems a lot of Democrats don’t wanna take the blame for this.

Biden, Chuck Schumer, they don’t wanna be blamed for TikTok going down. And so this is being punted to Trump. And I think we know one thing for sure. Trump cares deeply about his popularity. He loves knowing he has lots of fans on TikTok. He’s been crediting TikTok with helping him win reelection. So he seems to have a real change of heart about TikTok, partly for personal reasons. Yeah. It also seems that China can benefit from a bunch of disgruntled Americans who are mad that TikTok is banned that there’s a bit of a win win there too.

But I wonder if it is banned and you start seeing people, you know, we’ve been talking to content creators and they gravitate towards other apps. What do you think about some of these other apps that have gained popularity? It’s a little bit like going from broadcast TV with only three channels to cable TV with 300. They’re not going to be any one winner. If TikTok does disappear in the US there will be a number of different apps. Right now it’s startups, mostly Chinese owned startups, that are winning the race. If you look at the Apple App Store, look on your phone right now, look at the top free apps, you’ll see mostly Chinese owned apps, including one from ByteDance.

You’ll also see startups like Flip that I frankly had not heard of a week ago that are trying to capitalize on this. There are lots of different flavors, but there’s no one TikTok alternative. Here’s the other thing I’ve noticed, Brianna, when I look at these alternatives, when I look at the conversations about this law and about the national security concerns, the politicians and the experts who say that TikTok is a threat, who are concerned about China’s influence, their voices are barely being heard right now. You know, their voices are missing from the conversation. They’re certainly not showing up in your TikTok feed.

So it seems to me the people that are calling for this ban to be reversed are winning in the public conversation. The people that had real national security concerns, they seem to be losing right now. Yeah, it’d be interesting if people do end up going towards other apps. It’s sort of like out of the fire into a bunch of different frying pans. And how is that going to work Now? I told you all this is based on the fact that they want to create a cybernetic dictatorship. A cybernetic dictatorship, meaning that they control all technological devices, which is basically a powerful elemental manipulation by way of the Sith technology, which is an ancient technology.

It’s an ancient technology that is extracted from the Archons. Right? It’s an ancient technology. That’s what this is all about, is really all about the art, the harvesting of certain individuals by way of technological radiation. Because harvesting the energy of humans by way of nanotechnology to collect data from humans and use the genetic codes to basically materialize Satan in physical form. Right. That’s what they’re trying to do. When you understand the codex of it, right. Do not miss the message of everything that basically took place is way layered than what you really perceive it to be, right? Because like I said, it’s all about a powerful elemental creation that is connected to darpa, which is the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency that creates a form of brain mapping.

Brain mapping, meaning that we all have many different nanotechnologies that basically manipulates the neurotransmitters to where the neurons doesn’t develop a form of a melanocyte, which is an intelligence molecule. That’s what, what this is all about. Because they want to create synthetic biology, but by way of the cybernetic dictatorship that’s connected to all technological devices that is also working in tandem with social media. They want to control all social media devices because like I said, this is where Elon Musk is going to come into play, right? They’re going to control everything. This is where they’re going to create a totalitarian, futuristic, ultra nationalist regime and it’s going to be a tyrannical system, right? So this is all connected to the Doomsday Clock, right? Where the, this is where we’re going talking about the spiritual metamorphosis by way of reset.

So watch the Doomsday Clock announcement that’s going to be on January 28, right? That’s what this is all about. It has nothing to do with oh, I don’t want to get, oh, I want to work with all this stuff. Like I said, find your purpose, bro. Find your purpose. Find your purpose so you, you don’t have to worry about damn job, you know what I’m saying? So you got the announcement of the doomsday clock on January 28th at 10am and that’s when they’re gonna, in my opinion, I don’t know, this is just my, you know, I’m saying they’re gonna hit it at reset because, and I think they’re gonna do some, they, they usually only move the Doomsday clock up a notch when something actually happens.

So I’m not saying I’m not date setting but, but some can potentially happen during the time of the inauguration to where they’re going to reset the clock on January 28th, where the Doomsday Clock basically strikes 12 o’clock. That’s going to be the beginning points of the seven year tribulation period, right? As you have Donald Trump in office. So I’m going to play another video because this video basically denotes the fact that there could be a potential, potential threat during the time of this inauguration. So I’m gonna play this video for A second, I got. Got a couple videos to show you.

Like I said, y’all gonna get this work. You’re gonna get this work today. You gonna get this work. So play this video here. And then we got another one to follow up after that. So like I said, if you’re new to the channel, hit the subscribe button. Get this edification out there to the masses to where they understand certain things on a deeper level, we’re not. You know, this is another thing. My, my thing about Tick Tock Tick Tock. It basically it demonstrates surface level information, right? This is why it’s imperative to share videos like these to where you get the deeper aspects of everything that’s taking place on the planet.

Because these type of videos, whether it’s coming from me, Rod Hayes, Black Magic Channel, Red and Blue Pill, everybody in the conscious community, you got to start looking at things on a deeper level. It’s deeper than what you perceive it to be. Stop. You know, TikTok was basically. It was a gift and a curse, basically. Tick Tock was one of those things where it was giving out information, but it was surface level information mixed in with a lot of misinformation, right? Because a lot of people, like I said, instant gratification plague this generation. Instant gratification. Everybody want information.

They want fast food, they want fast money, they want fast cars, they want everything so fast, right? To where they don’t understand delayed gratification, which is basically extracted from the universe, to where you reap the benefits of everything you deserve by way of the law of reciprocity. So I’m play this video. We are not currently tracking any specific or credible threats to the inaugural ceremony or to the Capitol complex. We will continue to work closely with our partners to share information and identify and disrupt any threats that may emerge. I just will say one last word, which is this is.

I hope this is my last time at this podium, at least for a little while. I don’t mean that in a negative sense. I. I mean, the only thing that would bring me back is an unexpected event in the next few days, which, as you all know, is totally possible given everything you’ve seen over the course of the past years. But if it is, in fact my last time before you, I just want to say thank you. Hear what he said. Pay attention to the words. Sometimes they put it in your face. But like I said, I’m not dating.

Some can potentially happen during the time of the inauguration to where Donald Trump is able to galvanize an audience, to where he’s had this savior complex where he’s looking like a hero when really he’s the biblical Antichrist. And I proved that by way of the celestial alignment of the conjunction of Saturn and Venus that is also in alignment with horizontal gene transfer when you’re talking about conjugation, when you have two different species amalgamated together. So, like I said, I’m not date setting, but some can, you know, can basically happen at least for a little while. I don’t mean that in a negative sense.

I mean, the only thing that would bring me back is an unexpected event in the next few days, which, as you all know, though, is totally possible given everything you’ve seen over the course of the past years. But if it is, in fact, my last time before you, I just want to say thank you for what you guys see what I’m saying? The receipts is receding. So do not, you know, don’t fear. But like I said, because the Great awakening is here, don’t fear. Do not fear. Because those who are chosen. I’m. I got another video to show you guys.

I got to get the resources together. But like I said, don’t fear. The Great awakening is here. And. And if you’re in alignment with your higher self, you ain’t got. You ain’t got a damn thing to worry about. Right? Because we’re going to get through the shift. We’re going to get through it. It’s prophesized. All right, here’s another part of the video that basically demonstrates that something could potentially. I said keyword potentially because I know a lot of people, they like to do a lot of semantics. They’d be like, you said this, and I said, I did not say something was going to happen on the inauguration day.

It’s a potential. Okay, understand that. So I’m play the video. He’s ramping up a lot of security. Ramping up a lot of security. Pay attention to that. Sa look at that at the bottom. That officials emphasize adaptability in response to ever changing threat environment. Right in your face. On the news, it was going to be 700 guests. And then on top of that, you’re going to have, I think they said about 25,000 officers or 2500, if I’m not mistaken. If, you know, put it in the chat now. If you control, if you can, if you bet, if you can basically destabilize, you know, commercial, you know, transportation, that’s basically a branch of like martial law, if you have the power to do that.

Like I said, Donald Trump has qualified immunity. He can Shut down whatever you want to do, right? You got to understand that that’s another form of like I said, that’s like, you know, dictatorship, basically foreign. So with that being said, like I said, we, we in the time, we in a time of end game, right? That’s why they doing all this stuff, all this technology because like I said, this is all connected to the doomsday clock, right? Because the doomsday clock is when tick tock reset it, right? So the doomsday clock which basically is an indication of how close our planet is to catastrophe.

So like I said, when you understand that we’re in, we’re basically in Solar Cycle 25. That’s when the sun is basically at its apex of consciousness to where it basically manipulates historical events on planet Earth. Now it says it’s only 100 seconds to midnight. The clock stands at its closest to the Apocalypse since 1947. It is a metaphor for the threats of humanity. The Doomsday clock is a symbol that represents the likelihood of man made global catastrophe. It is a metaphor for threats humanity from unchecked scientific advances. It rep. It represents hypothetical global catastrophe as midnight.

In the opinion of bas Chicago based group, like I said, it’s associated with anything that basically symbolizes that the planet is going through a form of a reset. So back during the time when the planet was in lockdown, what happened was you had, you know, humanity was basically facing many different forms of detrimental energy. That’s when they moved it up to 100 seconds during the time of 2020. But they’re gonna move it up on January 28th and it’s gonna reset at 12. So that’s like I said, that’s basically in al biblical prophecy when you’re talking about the seven year tribulation.

Only if you follow the biblical context. Because like I said, the Bible is a freemasonic playbook. So if you understand the biblical context of it, you can basically see what’s going to happen next by way of the Bible. It’s just a blueprint, right? It’s a blueprint that’s based on European mythology that stole all the ancient records and stuff from the library of Alexandria and anchor came in and things of that nature. It’s comprised of many different things that they basically stole from by way of colonization. So like I said, we in that time we in game.

We are at basically reset and you notice that you see the 2025, that’s what’s going to reset because we in solo cycle 25 and that’s when everything resets. So that’s what Tick Tock was basically an esoteric codex. Tick Tock was the reset of the Doomsday clock. That’s what this is all about. Right? So I’m gonna give a brief synopsis and a rundown about everything I’m talking about. Because TikTok, like I said, the restoration process of it basically denotes the fact that it creates a savior complex that is basically in alignment with Donald Trump to where he is basically your so called biblical antichrist.

So this is also working in conjunction with Maga. Maga is a demonic entity who was basically Set Son. Already demonstrated that in my last transmission. Then you also cannot denote the fact that Venus and Saturn were basically copulating together in a dazzling duet the night before Tick Tock basically reset it basically. So that was conjunction. So Saturn is associated with Satan who was the lord of hard harvest. So they was harvesting people’s energy during the time when Tick Tock got shut down. And Venus is associated with Lucifer. So this is connected to the movie X Men Apocalypse because it’s based on two celestial bodies when you’re talking about these two individuals because he represents Satan, he represents Lucifer, he represents Venus and he represents Saturn.

Horizontal gene transfer by way of conjunction and conjugation, which is a form of Sith alchemy. So like I said, it’s based on transformation, conjugation and transduction. So it’s all connected to the cult of Saturn and the cult of Set. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I’ll talk to you guys here for a second. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, like I said, you got to find your purpose before the system finds your purpose for you. And it’s going to be something that’s basically detrimental to where they keep you connected to the metatronic overlay and keep you trapped in artificial time analysis mechanism, meaning that you’re stuck in a time loop.

You have to break free from the my mental matrix. That’s how you break free right to where you’re not so dependent on the apps because like I said, everything in a material plane is basically a distraction. It’s a distraction to take you, make you discourse and deviate from your purpose, right? So find your purpose. Be a truth speaker, be a healer. If you’re going to be on the damn apps, at least use it to basically, you know, drop knowledge and science and give people the truth about everything that’s basically going on. Don’t use it, you know, I’m saying because you trying to level up and, and get a rap Career starting and you a dancer and all this stuff.

Use the app. Use these apps to basically demonstrate the truth. Because like I said, we’re at the apex of the golden age, right? I already demonstrated that in my last transmission. When you’re talking about the Gate of the Gods, when you’re talking about the celestial alignments, that basically enhances the flow of cosmic energy. So with that being said, thanks for watching this video. 10:14 we will put an end to this madness Since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land Karma’s gonna get to you and then you’ll have a chariot with only one less friend Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies so thanks for this love that I’m about to receive and thank you for my health and all the good memories thanks for the courage taken on another day When I used to not believe but now I know about grace Stay away from the fire cause the flames does burn Go with your gut feeling when when it’s wrong you learn for every one step I take the Lord takes two and do unto others if you want it done unto you huh, it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land it’s me again God I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope open I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the this a completion the selfish proto Grecian Amerindian Phoenician I’m the last of the Mohicans the bastard of the land the pen melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of Atlanta for the avalanche seized it I live on Turtle island with the rest of the diseased better than the medicine for seven different treatments try to ride away but end up getting seasick to sleep can feel my words like braille and they’re awakened with the penmanship of Hindu script written in them Vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight the wrong with going left when you know it’s right Fighting off more than I can chew that’s an overbite Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page.

History. It’s me again. God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. It’s me again. God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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Biden administration celestial bodies personification mythology dark purposes cosmic energy manipulation Donald Trump political spectrum analysis esoteric concepts energy harvesting horizontal gene transfer social media Satan physical vessel energy harvesting Saturn Venus cosmic energy flow Sith alchemy genetic transfer Tick Tock man Doomsday Clock connection TikTok human energy harvesting theory US government TikTok ban national security

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