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Truth Mafia Podcast

By: Truth Mafia
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Reality is a Code – I am the glitch that reveals its secrets – Tommy Truthful
“In They Live, they wore glasses to see the truth. Today, we don’t need glasses—we need the courage to open our eyes.”


➡ The Truth Mafia, led by Tommy Truthful, is a group of researchers dedicated to investigating historical, cultural, and ancient mysteries. They explore various topics, from ancient symbols to hidden meanings in popular media, despite the challenges they face. Their research often leads them to uncover more questions than answers. This text also includes a transcript of a podcast episode where they discuss various conspiracy theories and current events.
➡ The speaker discusses their distrust in political figures, including Trump, due to perceived manipulation and lack of genuine concern for certain issues. They also delve into various conspiracy theories, such as crisis actors and psychological operations, and express skepticism towards mainstream narratives. The speaker also mentions their belief in the existence of hidden messages in popular media, like movies, and the potential for organ harvesting related to drug overdoses.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including connections between major shooting events and their perpetrators’ fathers, who were both involved in a banking scandal. It also mentions the idea of predictive programming, using the example of a football player’s number and a law passed in the same year. The conversation then shifts to a Venezuelan gang taking over an apartment block, and the lack of response from American gangs. Finally, the speakers speculate about a possible event related to the sun, referencing the movie “Greenland” and the concept of Nibiru.
➡ The speaker discusses various theories about natural disasters, suggesting they could be caused by geoengineering technology for population control or due to a cyclical event related to the sun. They mention a declassified CIA file that talks about cyclical events causing great floods and speculate about the existence of underground bunkers in Colorado. The speaker also discusses the role of AI in media and the possibility of it making decisions in the future. They express concern about the potential for a major cataclysmic event and the elite’s preparation for it, including the possibility of them hiding in underground bunkers.
➡ The text discusses various theories and perspectives on potential cataclysmic events, referencing a TV show that explores these ideas from different viewpoints. It also delves into the significance of the number 128, linking it to various historical events and speculating on its importance. The text further explores theories about a potential major event planned by the government, and discusses various theories about cataclysmic events, including the Phoenix phenomenon, pole shift, and plasma apocalypse. Lastly, it mentions the Hopi prophecy and its predictions of a significant event.
➡ The speaker discusses ancient texts and deities, suggesting a connection between them and other civilizations. They also mention a 3600-year cycle related to a planet called Nibiru, and the inhabitants of this planet who supposedly lived for hundreds of thousands of years. The speaker also talks about the possibility of these beings being the source of stories about the Nephilim, and the potential influence of a vapor canopy on Earth that could have made creatures grow larger. The conversation also touches on the use of AI and phone farms to create fake online personas, questioning the authenticity of online interactions.
➡ The speaker shares their experiences and thoughts about unidentified flying objects (UFOs). They recall seeing a UFO when they were 17 and how it sparked their interest in the subject. They also discuss their skepticism and the difficulty of explaining what they’ve seen, including a recent sighting of strange, glowing orbs. The speaker also mentions other people’s experiences and the possibility of these phenomena being related to plasma or even being perceived as demonic.
➡ A man shares his experiences with using DMT and other drugs, where he would see visions of angels warning him about his potential death if he continued his drug use. Despite these warnings, he continued to use the drugs and didn’t make any changes to his life. The conversation also touched on skepticism towards psychedelics and the dangers of opening oneself up to unknown experiences. The discussion ended with various plugs for social media accounts, podcasts, and a comic book project about the Bavarian Illuminati.
➡ The speaker discusses their experience with online content creation, focusing on the challenges of censorship on platforms like YouTube. They mention losing multiple channels due to strikes and suggest that new creators should focus on platforms like Rumble and Spotify. They also discuss strategies to navigate censorship, such as moving controversial content to less restrictive platforms.
➡ The text is a conversation between friends discussing their online content, potential censorship, and personal disagreements. They also talk about their plans, including attending an event in Florida, and mention various people they interact with online. They end by noting the length of their conversation and thanking their audience.



A group of researchers formed the Truth Mafia, a collective determined to investigate conspiracies and occult mysteries that have been buried for centuries. With a passion for uncovering the truth, they delve into the darkest corners of history, pop culture, and ancient mysteries, seeking answers to questions that have plagued humanity for ages. The truth mafia is led by Tommy Truthful, a man shrouded in mystery and intrigue, dedicated to uncovering the hidden truths behind some of the world’s most perplexing and enigmatic phenomena. Their research has led them down countless rabbit holes, from deciphering ancient symbols to exploring the hidden meanings behind popular media and literature.

Despite the risks and challenges they face, the truth mafia remains steadfast in their quest for knowledge. Will their investigations lead to groundbreaking revelations, or will they unravel an even deeper web of secrets and lies? Only time will tell in this ongoing saga of conspiracy and intrigue. Welcome to another episode of the Truth Mafia podcast. Let me take these damn keys off my neck. Sorry about that, guys. Here with special guests tonight and brother, episode three, two. So, you know, I had to bring on the big guns. And paranoid American is with us and our brother from great Pill podcast, jewel.

What’s up, guys? Happy to be here. This is a special occasion. Special occasion, everybody. How you guys doing, man? Good, man. I’m hype. I’m hype about being back on it with you, man. Me too, bro. It’s been too long. I always have fun doing them with you, you know? So we like the clown and shit. And I told before the show, guys, I was telling paranoid American that his homeboys are starting to wild out out here. You know, we would see these Florida men, the basins. Yeah. Yeah, well, I mean, they can’t calm down yet. We got a whole bunch of stuff they’re going to have to do.

There might be a few more events this year, but around Christmas, they’re all going to settle down. I got it on good word. They’re going to settle down. I heard. See, now I think they’re going to ramp it up around December, bro. I think it’s a little bit. Maybe November. October is going to be real to watch, Mark. I’m going to have to tell them that you’re on to them, and then they’re going to have to shift plans a little bit. Like we might. We might postpone the next one till February. I don’t know yet. But it is weird, though.

Like, you know, I mean, we’re saying this joking, guys, but in, in reality, like, that is crazy. Like every. What I would call a controlled event. Let’s say that because we’re on YouTube so I don’t get in trouble. Every controlled event I see, I see them there and I’m like, what is going on with this? You know, it’s kind of getting weird, man. It’s kind of getting weird. I mean, it’s not one not to like everyone. You think they do that to shift attention from people that are, that are, you know, really running shit on the top? I mean, Thomas, I mean, I feel that if I was a newscaster and I’m looking around and I’m surveying and I’m seeing everyone that shows up, and I see someone that’s got a square encompass on the hat, like I’m going directly to them, right? So many reasons.

Just because it stirs the pot a little bit, maybe they do have some crazy insight. People are going to probably clip it versus just some regular schmoe that’s got like a NASCAR hat, right? If you find someone with a square compass, guaranteed you’re going to, you’re going to tickle the algorithm just a little bit. It’s definitely going to. Definitely going to be clickbait. So I think they know clickbait, too, but, yeah, it’s. It’s crazy, man. It seems like there’s a lot of weird things going on right now. Like all this stuff in Aurora, Colorado. Have you guys heard about any of this yet? Paranoid with the gangs, the gas? Yeah, yeah.

I mean, I don’t know how much I want to believe yet, man. I believe that it’s possible, but I really don’t know. Like, it seems that it’s been, like, allowed to happen. It’s what one of those, like, 911 things, right? Where it’s like, did the government not know it all? Probably not. Like, they probably knew. So then it’s like, did they know and then help facilitate it, or did they, like, start it and help facilitate it? Like, I don’t know where I’m at on that. What if this was like some, some kind of test run to see how the country reacted to it? Which was a shit reaction, by the way.

They should have let, well, we are on YouTube. They should have let concerned citizens go and protect their city right where they’re raising their kids. So I was thinking about it, actually on my way home from work in the car. Like, what if this was some, like a controlled op or something that, that they’re kind of running right now, that they’re going to implement even harder in the future? I’m thinking. I’m thinking it is something like that, bro. Like some beta test to see how we react. But I think they are planning a major event which will be like that where, you know, they’re gonna send sleeper agents like that around to people’s door to scare the shit out of them.

And, and it’s all to probably get us to submit to something. You know, they always got some agenda. Yeah. And to give up our, our guns, right. Just willingly just give them to uh, the good luck man. They’ve been trying that for entries, you know what I mean? I’m sitting here with a chopper and a 50, right. By my comment. Let’s just say that I live in Florida. Here in this state are great. So yeah, come on my property. So you guys don’t think they’ll ever get the guns? I mean, I mean ever? Yeah. Well how about in our lifetime? I think that they’ll probably have some strongly persuaded buyback programs that’ll scare a lot of people into like if you, and if you don’t do it, you’re a felon.

Because they do. They’ve done that a few times with the, the arm braces, right. Which is kind of like a specific thing because if you’re disabled vet or if you’ve actually got like, if you need to use it. So if anyone doesn’t know about this, like the ATF has been going back and forth for the last, forever, but for the last like four to five years very seriously on arm braces. And, and at certain points, the ATF has defined an arm brace as being, requiring like a tax stamp, like an NFA tax stamp, versus it just being like a stabilizer that anyone can own for any reason.

And currently you’re allowed to have it. But it’s been like in the last year or two, there was like a moment in time when the ATF basically said, you’re a felon. If you don’t register this thing within x days, then you are now essentially a felonite and you’re causing like all these issues, but then lawsuits go through and then it gets repealed. So then it’s like, okay, nevermind, you weren’t a felon. Well, maybe you were for those three or four months, but now you’re not until pass it back through again. So like that, that’s gonna be the dance though, is that they’re gonna, they’re gonna basically say like, anyone that’s got something that’s capable of holding more than ten little things in it, I’m trying to dance around all the words for.

But if it holds more than ten, then it’s going to be a felony. And then it might take like five or six years in order for someone to fight back at that. And they have to like repeal it. But in that course of time, right? Like you can actually get people. And it’s the same thing. Like, remember back in the early two thousands, the RIAA and the MPAA were just suing everyone, little kids and grannies. And like, if you downloaded the Hulk, grandma’s going to jail, we’re taking Grandma’s house. You don’t know what the Riaa is.

I’ve just heard songs. This is the recording. The recording industry artists association. Sorry, I didn’t mean to curse. That’s all right. We’re past seven minutes. It should be okay. Better than. I usually do that, though. But basically what they do, like, the tactic is to find the weak links. You find the people that are like, okay, here it is. Or, yeah, yeah, let me register. Because you asked for the registration or whatever it is. Like the early adopters of whatever crazy new laws. Like, there’s always going to be someone that’s like, okay, yes, discovered me harder, daddy.

And I think that over time that might actually whittle away until now, there’s like a minority that hasn’t been persuaded. Yeah, just like the bump stocks. Remember that, bro? So they used what happened in Vegas to get rid of that. I mean, that was Donald Trump in particular by name. And he basically said, dude, he said, so I’m going to paraphrase it, but it was like, we’re going to ban the bump stocks now. We’ll worry about the law later. Like, we’ll, we’ll figure out how to legally do it. But like, they’re gone now and then. And it happened, like, you couldn’t buy them after that happened.

Yeah. And that was, that was crazy. That was, that, that’s one of the reasons that I don’t think I’ll ever trust Trump ever again. So, like, gung ho for Trump. What’s that? Why are gun nuts? So, like, he’s, because compared to the opposition, he’s like the only option. Literally the only option. Yeah, yeah. But I don’t feel that he’s really passionate about it. You know what I mean? He does it for the political capital. He doesn’t, I don’t think he really cares. He’s got people that do that for him. Yeah. Trump ain’t tweeting on his own either.

I mean, he’s got people that does all that and it’s, they’re all the same Joe Biden, Trump, Kamala. It doesn’t matter. You know, do you think he changed his mind at all after the little ear, the little ear clip that he got? Do you think that now he’s like, maybe we should take him away, you know? I’ll tell you what I mean. A couple days later, his ear had no marks on it. So what was that about? It’s spotless. Yeah, that’s. It’s crazy. I ain’t falling for none of that. Yes, the most. You’re talking about the most trained people in the world.

Let this do. Get up on the building. I don’t. I’m not buying it, bro. The whole thing looks staged to me, bro. And we know they do. If you’re. If you don’t realize out there, yes, they do psychological operations. They. You can even look up crisis actors. They pay people, you know, this ain’t no conspiracy. This is a fact. I know. I’ve done it. I did it at Disney, bro. We did. We actually cast crisis actors for a real simulation for the Florida Department of Emergency management. So they contact Disney every few years if they win the bid or whatever they used to, and they’ll basically say, we’re gonna simulate a campus incident, and they’ll put out, like, fake social media post.

They’ll do all the thing I like, a fake little news report. And then they’ll have, like, a tabletop exploration where you’ve got an actual mayor and, like, all of the people that would actually be calling these shots, but they’re just sitting around a table and they’re saying, like, okay, you call this and we’ll do this. And they kind of, like, make believe. It’s almost like one of those student council or, like, student un’s where people, like, all these kids go to DC and they’re like, all right, I’ll be Germany and you be Russia, and we’re going to go to war.

But, like, it’s all kind of done through conversation. That happens for real every single year. And they actually cast people to do it. They’re called, like, they put out all calls and everything. Like, it’s a. It’s a real thing that really happens. It makes me look at every single situation that you see differently. Yeah, yeah. She just said totally. What’s up, Scott? Yeah, man. Look at where these alleged gangs are right now. They’re in Aurora, Colorado, right? So I just did a blog about this today, guys. Here, let me. Let me. Let me share my screen and show you guys a couple of the gun laws.

Like, there. Well, I know there’s a lot of liberal. There’s a lot of liberals out there. I don’t know. They wouldn’t try that shit here where I live. I know that for sure. But, um, so I made this Wuhan bat soup because the root of the problem with everything going on in the world, remember someone ate some bat soup over there. And it all ties back to Batman. It was a. It was a pangolin. I think that was the original explanation is someone ate a pangolinde, whatever. Not. But, you know, it was a bat. Here, I got the thing.

I even got the screenshot when they said it, bro. A pangolin. What’s that? Well, they originally blamed it on wet market. That was one of the original theories. Market is basically where you just go to get a bunch of questionable exotic animals that might be mislabeled, endangered or who knows? That was a fish market right here. Remember? Look, well, I mean, fish market, but it’s like every month I was like, oh, the wet market. It’s by the ocean. Full screen layout. There we go. Okay. Sorry, guys. So you see this? That was daily Mirror member when they came out with that? Yeah.

Would have been spread by a bat and a bowl of soup. What is that? Yeah, that’s what they said it started from. And Trump said, I am Batman. He told the boy on the helicopter, there’s this whole theme connection to it. We had it with Matthew Perry, too, who said, I am Batman. And there’s this whole Batman. Yeah, yeah. Before he went through the whole water death, that whole ritual, which ties into every mystery school, even ties into every religion. That’s pretty. See that for what it was when it happened. I want to show this one thing to paranoid.

Hold on, bro. Look at this, brother. Friends sucked. Friends was a terrible show in the. Oh, here’s the gang, too. The name of the game rubs two worst shows. Sorry, Tommy. Oh, you’re fine. The name of the gang equals six. Six guys. And, um, let me start up here. Really? Yeah. So I’m not gonna mention this thing because it’ll get us in trouble, but that was too, by that whole trump movement shoe Shoshan. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So. And look, that was a d wave quantum computer. It has a giant q on the side of it. His name is Tyler.

That was running that bullshit psyop on you. But anyways, noah Hyde, laws of 666. And these are death by guillotines. Oh, I should probably should have said that word. Will you live by the the laws of. Will you live by the laws tommy no, I mean, look, the laws, if you read the laws, they’re not that bad. Like, not bad at all. It’s just who’s enforcing them, right, but. But the problem is they want to kill us for, say, if you don’t, if you don’t force. And so. And this is real, guys. This ain’t nothing fake.

This was really passed public law 100 214. Yeah. The rabbis or the priest of this religion of Judaism. The rabbis, obviously, they talk about this stuff in their yeshiva classes, which are there like. It’s like seminary for rabbis, because for years, no gentiles were watching that content. Right. And so now you have a lot of people diving into it. And that, that’s what I think. They use this for something to track. Because what was that movement, that whole movement behind Trump? Christian conservatives, right? Christian conservative patriots. Now they know who you are because they weaponize them.

Hashtags, all them hashtags they were using, save the kids. All. All of them there, they were weaponized. And that’s why we seen, it was like a major algorithmic wipeouthe where they got rid of all of them pages. Now you don’t see none of them no more. But. But now they know exactly who you are. You know what I’m saying? They know exactly what you stand for. Allegedly. And let’s not forget our country. Back when they ran Operation Jade Helm in 2015, that’s when all the Walmarts were getting shut down and there was conspiracies going around about.

They were open FEMA camps under them and stuff. Well, probably was true. One thing I do know, they. They bought a bunch of guillotines. Why? Why did our government buy guillotines? That’s what I would like to know. Then you start looking into it, and it all goes back to organ harvesting, bro. Like some dark, dark shit. You know, if you chop someone’s head off, you can still get the organs. Just like the epidemic we’re seeing with fentanyl right now. Well, with the heroin, it was messing up their kidneys and their liver. So what did they do? They bring in this fetty that doesn’t destroy their organs at all.

And the number one person that. That donate their organs are fentanyl overdoses. Really? That’s. That’s uncanny. You think that’s just coincidental? No, right? I mean, these, they’re awesome. Crazy shit, man. They really. But you guys should check out this blog over here. I break it all down in this blog. It’s on truth, and it gets into Batman the connection in. In Dark Knight Rise. So we had the incident that took place at the school and, well, in Dark Knight Rise. Paranoid American. Did you know that they have a picture of the map? Sandy hook with the circle on it? And it says strike zone.

And then look at this. This is from the movie Dark Knight Rise. It says Aurora right there. Look. Aurora on the building. And then down here. Look at this. Let me pull up the strike zone. I remember as all this was coming out and all this was being exposed, like, in real time. This was. It was surreal, man. Vain Bay member. And this was three, two, two, on. In the stadium. It’s right on the stadium. Giant is shit. Three, two, two. And he wore a mass. Locked down the city, canceled sporting events. The root of the problem of that, you know, I’m saying, come on.

Had the OG mask, you know, if you. If you can’t see the symbolism there, you can’t see. And there’s the three, two, two right there. Boom. Everything was blowing up. The. The football player was running down the field. Number 86. We talked about this yesterday. And then 1986 was the year they passed them laws, the. The jab laws. The allegedly protect children. But nephilim. Nephilim equals 86 to. In English, ordinal. So, you know, that’s their little number. They love that number. And in Sandy Hook, right, there it is. This is before the incident took place there.

You know what I’m saying? So that’s some predictive programming at its finest. What do you think about that? Paranoid. I mean, this. This is the exact thing that got Alex Jones and all that trouble, right? Was just poking into this little. So I don’t know what I think about it. I think that the official story is probably the accurate one. And we’ve all seen that by how. How many billions of dollars Alex Jones got sued for? They never would have sued him for that much money if it was all a big lie, like we’re saying, right? Yeah.

Well, this kid, man. So the crazy thing is, when you read this, you’ll find out that Adam Lanza and, um, his father, they were on the same board together, bro, in this business. So how are two of these shooters, dad’s best buddies and on the board of this company together? That, to me, is crazy. Now, I’m not saying no one. I don’t know if anybody passed away or that. I’m not saying that at all. I’m just pointing out that the predictive programming aspect of it, Batman, that. That it was way before it happened. You know, you can’t deny that.

So. And then the connection between, um. Here, I’ll show you their fathers is unreal. Dude. Man, I’m trying to remember exactly what it was, but I could have sworn that there was, like, a talk from Adam Lanza where he was talking about time travel and, like, like multiple dimensions and all kinds of weird stuff. Yeah, yeah, I have it down there. I have the video down there. Okay. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, I think they got. I don’t know what is going on, if they’re CIA or not, but something right here, you know, they were both, both their dads.

In the wake of the mass murders that took place in Newton, Connecticut on December 14, information on the shooter and his family is slowly being discovered by law enforcement and sources on. So in December 14, too, that’s the day the jabs went live in the United States during that corona eclipse. But both fathers of these people were expected to testify in the. In the scandal that rocked the banking world back. This was a while back in June, you know, when that all took place. The father of Newton, Connecticut, Adam Lanza and Peter Lands. His name is Peter Lanza, who is a vp and tax director at GE Financial.

The father of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooter, James Holm, is Robert Holmes, and he’s the lead scientist for the credit score company FICO. Both men were to testify before the US Senate in the ongoing scandal. The London interbank offered rate is what that was the scandal just a while back. Right. But ain’t that kind of weird? Both of them were involved in that? I mean, just a coincidence, probably, yeah. And Interbank, I think, also got hit for RICO act because they were helping all sorts of international gangs and criminal organizations basically do business internationally. Dude, it’s so weird.

Like, when you really dive into this stuff and see how it’s all connected, like, what is the chances of them to being in a court case together? And then both their kids were involved in major, you know, shooting events, majors. Very strange to me, whenever someone says, what are the chances? 100%. That was the chance. It was 100% of it happening. Because crazy, man, it is crazy. It is so crazy. And, and I wanted to say too, tommy, I 100% agree with you that you had this post the other day where you were talking about, like, the venezuelan gang that took over the apartment block.

But it’s kind of like, where’s the good old american gangs out? Like, how come they’re fighting for good old american turf? Where is where those, like, you know. Yeah, where they at? Like, it’s time to put up all the crips bloods become heroes in a really weird way. But I guarantee you that, like, they would not be seen. Maybe the government would. Maybe the government put them in jail anyways. But, like, to the people, they’d be heroes. Well, I’ll tell you right now, you see, they’re doing it in Colorado, right? So that’s very liberal out there.

They would not try that shit. Tell them to go to Chicago and try it. You know, go down to the south side of Chicago and try that shit and let me know how that works out for you. Go to Detroit, anywhere coming down south. Like, if they were to come to Mississippi, holy shit, they would be massacred. They wouldn’t even make it across the state line. Everyone here owns. At least I’d say. You can’t say. You can’t say. They would be. You know, you don’t want to say. Nothing happens. Sorry. Got to be careful, Tommy. I’m not as.

But no, them good old boys down there, you know, they. I said this the other day, too. I said the flyover states, like middle America, where they’re out there catfishing with their fucking arm, sticking their arm down. Catfish people. You don’t want to mess with them, dude. They. The Cajun military. The Cajun army or Cajun Navy. That’s what is Cajun Navy. The ones that actually go out and save people when the government shuts down and says, oh, you know, we can’t put anyone at risk. Hr, we’re going to go take care of them. But that would be pretty sick controlled, too.

That organization is totally. If you don’t think they have CIA ties, you’re tripping. It’s probably all just FBI at this point. It’s almost like Elohim City or whatever. Like a whole city that’s supposed to be a bunch of radicals and militias. But it’s just. It’s just Alphabet soup up there. I just don’t understand how you rob a gun store. Well, they do it here all the time. There was a. We’ve got, like, a superstore here, and it just got, like, smashing grabbed. But when it’s a venezuelan gang, migrant gang, I don’t know, I just feel like I would open fire as soon as they walk through the door.

Well. Well, this is in Colorado. It may be a high. It happens all the time, man. Like, there’s not a lot of people willing because usually the guy behind that counter, he’s just making minimum wage or not making, like, the most either. So it’s like, what am I gonna take a stand for the. The guy that owns the place that doesn’t even show up. You know? I mean, right? Like, take it, bro. Take it all. Well, I mean, did they kill the guy that. I’m sorry. Did they unalive? I’m not to cut you off. You do that again, bro, you’re gonna get my damn YouTube taken.

Sorry, Tommy. I don’t. Come on, man. I’m trying. I’m trying. I’m sorry. Well, you got to try a little harder, brother. I’m sorry. Where my, um. Did they unalive anyone, uh, during that situation, or was it just the gun store? There was women crying on the news, saying, um, that they were waiting for the cops to show up, and no one ever showed up. They were, like, in there for, you know, quite some time. It seemed like the second you find yourself waiting for police to arrive, you already know that. Like, it’s. It’s time to take whatever action you can into your hands.

Either get out or do what you’re waiting for the cops to get there to do, and if you can, then just get out. Yeah. I just hate that situation. Excuse me? I just hate that situation for those people, man. They probably weren’t expecting it at all. No, I mean, it’s sad. So this is happening. Yeah. Yeah, no, it’s. If it even is really happening. You want to know. You want to know my true opinion about all this shit? Yeah. I think we’re in some type of event that has to do with the sun, bro, and it’s kind of like a green.

You ever watch that movie Greenland, jewel? No. Well, you should watch it. Greenland. It’s like this giant fucking comments coming or something. It’s called Clark. It looks just like Nibiru, right? Looks like the wing planet. And, dude, and at first, I was the biggest flat earther in the whole world, but then I started to think, I don’t know, man, something’s up with this Nibiru shit. And I keep seeing it encoded and everything, so I don’t know if they’re causing the natural disasters with some type of heart geoengineering technology, using it as population control or we’re actually going through a cyclical event that actually happens because of the sun, and we’re in a solar maximum, and they know a big percentage of the populace is going to die.

And, you know, that’s what’s really going on. Colorado, now, listen, here’s the funny thing with that whole theory about Nibiru. Colorado is the place they always said that they had the underground bunkers in this, like, went down 80 floors down, some command center in Colorado that they would go to. And that was the one location that wouldn’t get hit because they were planning on, like, California getting, you know, completely wiped out. And the funny thing is, in 2013, the CIA declassified this file called the Adam and Eve story. And it was a book written by Chan Thomas.

You guys know what I’m talking about? Vaguely. Gonna have to refresh me. So in this book, you could pull it up right now, bro. It’s on the CIA’s website. And in this book, it talks about these cyclical events. That one caused a great flood, and it says that California will be washed away like a grain of sand. It said like, 200 foot tsunamis will wipe it out. And I don’t know. At first, I didn’t believe it, but then I’m seeing the. The programming and the coding and all the movies, man. Like that knock at the cabin.

38 minutes into that movie, a giant tsunami just takes out the whole coast of California. I never saw that one. That’s the. It was, like, kind of a play on the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Yeah, with, uh, the big dude that used to wrestle. Uh, yeah, he just kills himself at the end. It’s crazy. It’s a weird. It’s a weird movie. But that 38 number, you know, in Gamatria, this is one of the biggest numbers. It’s on the COVID of murder by numbers, the number 38. And we’re seeing it a lot in the news right now, all over different stories.

Like, for example, the gang that was tied to 38 street. And then George Floyd, he allegedly died on 38th street. Well, rip, kill, death, murder, all equals 38, you know, in ga matrio. So, um. Yeah, I think there. That’s my personal opinion. I think we’re in some type of an event, man. I really do. And I think they got AI running the media. I think these motherfuckers ain’t home, dude. They left us to ourselves. They’re underground, probably chilling in their nice little bunker down there. Stole all of our food. You know, they’re feeding us a bunch of bullshit up here.

Why they took all the good stuff. And that. That’s my true opinion. I mean, it would be. It would make so much sense, too, when you’re talking about, like, the weather manipulation and stuff. It seems that the most advanced version of any of these theories would be if they could get us to do it to ourselves. So if they could just set us up into a system that, like, does the weather modification on its own. So that, like, there’s not like a they that’s doing it. Like, we end up doing all of it to ourselves. We move to California, we get swept away.

And I think that you’re kind of right, too, about the AI is babysitting us. They’re telling us like, hey, get ready to eat bugs, right? Get ready to start just eating cricket powder as your protein intake source. And this has come up before, and what if it’s almost like, I want to say, like they’re being good guys. That’s not the case. They’re not being good guys, but they’re like, hey, we’re just letting you know you might want to start easing a little bit of bug into your palate because it’s going to be like the only sustainable food income.

And you’re, by the way, you’re welcome. You’ve got AI now. So that when all of the government sort of services just completely collapse, you can still rely on asking AI for whatever you need. How do I fix my whatever? It’s going to be all rely on AI. But it’s going to get a little bit scary, too, because AI is going to start making the decisions whether or not you get help versus somebody else. Yeah. And dude, like, if they are, I mean, if so, if it is a cyclical event like that, they wouldn’t want the populace to know because they’d flip out.

In a matter of fact, the movie the core. Remember that movie, the core guys, the cameras? Maybe that’s like the plot of that movie, though. If you go back and watch it, the core of the earth stop spinning. They had to build this special ship to get down into the core. And they, they use that skinny kid from hustle and flow, the real funny looking nerdy dude. He was like a computer hack in the new guy, huh? The movie, the new guy. You remember that movie, huh? But might be that guy, but he was a computer hacker, and his job for the government was to like all the, all the websites and shit and all the message boards that people were talking about, man, the, you know, we’re having crazy weather and this is going on because they were having all these natural disasters from the core.

Stop spending. His job was to put out disinformation and keep them all away from the truth. I’m like, damn, if that ain’t what is really going on. You know, you got to go back and watch it, man. It’s, it’s pretty, it’s pretty crazy. And, and we know for sure that they definitely show us the truth in movies, whether you know, it’s part of some type of ritual or whatever. I don’t know. You know, people call it revelation of the method, predictive programming, lesser magic. But. But we, you know, paranoid. Me and you cover movies a lot, bro.

And we see it over and over again. I mean, how many movies did we see? 911? The towers collapsed before they collapsed, man. I’m trying to look up, too, and I don’t think that we’ve seen this one before. There’s a tv show. I’ve been pushing it, and I want to keep pushing it because it’s right down this alley. It was a UK show, and I think it had, like, pam from the office in it. But it’s all about how the elites have got these underground bunkers and that they know that there’s going to be this huge cataclysmic event coming.

And the reason that they don’t want anyone to know, it’s not just because everyone’s going to freak out, but everyone’s going to, like, try and find where all these old military. And there’s a very limited amount of space when it comes to that. And even if you find that space, you can only stack it with so much non perishable items that are supposed to last you for who knows how many decades underground. So, like, there’s this entire aspect of. They don’t want anyone to know until it becomes so obvious. And they’ll keep lying to you. They’ll keep going, no, no, it’s fine.

Don’t worry. The sun’s not exploding. You know what I mean? Like, they’ll be like, no, no, it’s totally fine. And then the whole time, they’re just, like, stacking everything up. So at the very last second, when everyone realizes that it’s really going down, they’re already, like, miles underground. They’ve got all them. The different doors kind of shut and bolted closed, and, like, there’s nothing you can do about it. Yeah, I think that is what is going on, bro. Because, look, before the whole, um, code red thing, the Rona, before we went on lockdown, there was all this weird movement from New Zealand, Australia, and what’s it called? Argentina down at the coast.

All these. All these ships and planes were going down to Antarctica, and there was all these weird conspiracies about it. But, dude, I think it was tied to this shit, right? And then you seen, like, if you look up how many people work in Antarctica now? There’s, like, a ton of people down there. And before there wasn’t, you know, before the whole Rona shit happened. There wasn’t all these people down there. So I think they’ve used many different distractions and keep our attention on other things. And the whole time, like you said, they’re, they’re just stacking up and, you know, getting ready and, and, yeah, you wouldn’t want the people to find out, like, oh, yeah, they went underground because people are gonna start trying to get down there.

It’s called you, me and the apocalypse. It’s. It’s the series. We absolutely have to watch it. At least watch the first couple episodes. And if you don’t absolutely love it, then freaking Mason hat live on air. You, me in the apocalypse, me and the apocalypse. It was a, it was a mini series. It’s like a standalone little thing. Thing. And it came out in 2015. It’s almost ten years old now, but it’s got a bunch of really good people. It’s got Jenna Fisher, who’s Pam from the office, and it’s got a whole bunch. It’s got rob below in it who plays, like, a priest.

And it shows you that, like, they’ve got people that are inside the government, like, like wards of the state, right? You’ve got prisoners. So it’s like their point of view where they know how to pick locks and they don’t trust the government. So, like, they’ve kind of got a leg up on everyone, anyone’s been to jails. Like, I don’t trust what they’re saying. So you’ve got criminals. You can see it from the military point of view. You can see it from, like, the rich people point of view, and then you can see it from the religious point of view where, like, the Rob Lowe is acting as his preacher and he thinks it’s the Antichrist that’s coming back to the earth.

But everyone else thinks it’s just going to be some big cataclysmic event. But the whole underlying theme is that nobody is spilling the beans. Like, they’re just kind of figuring out for themselves. And meanwhile, the elite have, like, been working on it for a hundred years. They’ve already got, like, pimped out underground mansions with, like, all the bells and whistles that you could want everywhere. No, I. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were tons and tons, like, throughout, inside the earth. Just apartments and transports. Just everything you need to have an underground civilization they already have built.

And look at the January 28 day guys, the 128. So a ton of major events happen, right? The challenger blew up on January 2870. 73 seconds after takeoff too, which sacrifice is 73. And then I swear to God, all them people are still alive and they allegedly have twin brothers. And I did a whole blog about it and showed you who they are. I mean, it’s crazy, you know. Set 77, 73 seconds after takeoff. Okay. English ordinal gematria sacrifice is 73. So January 28, the bridge collapsed in Pittsburgh the day Joe Biden was going to do the infrastructure bill.

The challenger blew up. The whole 128 code donut talks about. I got him hip to this shit. And the towers collapsed at 10:28 a.m. right? And then you had Matthew Perry die, October 28, which is one, two, eight. That was also the day that movie inferno came out where they have some genetic, like, designer virus that attacks our DNA. And that’s Bill Gates’s birthday too, on that day, which was also Julia Roberts birthday, Matthew Perry’s ex. And then she was the star in the movie leave the world behind, which came out on twelve eight. So there’s this whole 128 connection.

The Eiffel Tower, it was erected on January 28, 137 years ago. And you know how important that 137 number is, which is the 33rd prime number. So. Yeah, I think, I think I got my eye on that. The Eiffel Tower. Something might take place there. But like, with 911, bro, my theory is I think that let us know we were a certain amount of years from this major event that the government’s been planning for, you know what I mean? And the, the new one. And then again, we had the bridge collapse in Baltimore at 01:28 a.m.

and bridge collapse equals 128. So there’s a, there’s a whole thing there and I see that with this one, you, me and the apocalypse. I haven’t, I haven’t met a single other person that’s even seen this series. And it’s so good and it’s, it’s everything that we talk about constantly. And look, look, bro, UK viewers, 1.28 million. There’s the 128. So this one, get into this because that is number. That’s a, that’s a number of majors. Major psyops. No, you go back, Tommy, go back. Right next to. It was January 28. That’s the first month in.

Two eight. Well, yeah, that’s what it, that’s what it said. The series came out. Sorry, my bad. Oh, yeah, yeah, that’s, yeah, that’s when it came out. That’s what I’m talking about. No, I’m saying the views. And then it’s the same with the one and two eight with January 28. Right. Because it’s the first month. The 28th of the first month. 1.28. I don’t know. Yeah. No, it is then. This shit has a lot of crazy stuff with it. 32 days to go. Still stuff worth fighting for. 14th October 2015. The 14 October. That’s the day we had that eclipse over the four corners area.

And that was George Floyd’s birthday is October 14. So that’s another occultic day. Yeah. I gotta watch this, bro. I mean, I love. You’ll love a man. It’s legitimately a really good show. And look at the COVID I mean, this is definitely. It’s. It’s very much like Greenland, but except more. Probably more from a funny perspective. Let me show you guys. Greenland, it’s got. It’s got like a. Like a cross dressing military general or something, too. Like the CIA, guys. Like a cross dresser. It’s like a. It’s a weird show. If you guys haven’t seen this, you’re tripping, man.

You got to watch this. We got paranoid. We got to do one on this one, bro. Greenland. And in Greenland, bro, it literally looks just like they describe nibiru. It’s. They look up in the sky and it’s a giant winged disc just coming. You know what I mean? I’m like, oh, shit. Even Batman. Batman, bro. The whole code with Batman, let me show you guys. Equals 17, right? And that. And in Chaldean, which is based on one through eight, this goes back to the Acadians. They didn’t use the number nine because they thought it was so divine.

So Batman is 17. Well, niba rue is 17, and so is harp. All that shit is 17. I think it all ties back to Nibiru. All the. The global warming shit, all of it. It’s just tied to that event. Now, I don’t fully understand what it is. You know what I mean? It could be some type. Like, there’s a theory on it called the Phoenix phenomenon. You have many different perspectives. One’s called pole shift. That’s kind of people that believe we live on a spinning ball. They think it’s a 3600 year cycle. This nibiru comes around on elliptical orbit with our sun.

Right? Right. Then you have another school of thought. One char that believes in the plasma apocalypse. That’s j dreams, where he thinks plasma will punch a hole in the firmament and cause depressurization. And this is causing the cataclysms, and it’s tied to cyclical events. And then you got archaics with the Phoenix phenomenon. And that’s more. I mean, I’ve interviewed him four different times, and he’s always told me that it was like a weapon system, and he believes it’s from some advanced humanoid race from inner earth that they use it. Like, every time we start to wake up, humanity wakes up.

And I. They hit him with it and put us back to the Stone age. It could be all three of those things, though, right? Yeah. The way I think of. Because I’ve heard the, like, the Phoenix event in a similar way where it’s almost like an Etch a sketch, right? Like, you know that there’s like a special little thing you can just use to wipe it off the screen and like, it’s. It starts all over again. Right. So I. There’s kind of like that premise. And the pole shift is basically if, like, the north and the south Pole, they either completely swap with each other or they might, like, try and do it and then get stuck.

And then we basically lose, I think we lose, like the ionosphere or something. And all of a sudden, like, rays from outer. If you believe in space now, all of a sudden, rays can just immediately beam us. We don’t have any sort of force field around the entire earth that were to happen. And that kind of seems like it would be a similar experience if there was a plasma apocalypse. If the force field around Earth just goes away because of a pole shift, now all of a sudden you’ve got what would look like explosions and plasma and, like, things radioactively deteriorating.

But if. If all that was by design because someone just hit the etch a sketch, you know, swipe button from some other galaxy or dimension or whatever, it’s like, it’s basically all three of those theories at once. It’s just, it’s like the. The eight chinese dudes poking at the elephant kind of deal, right? And then you have the Hopi prophecy, and it’s really about this event to where, like the blue Kachina and the red, I forget what the red ones called, but the blue ones, like, the blue Kachina. And when that one shows up, it’s not good.

Dude, if you ever read the Hopi prophecy, it is crazy. And the Native Americans, they talk about these, the Hopi talk about these, like, ant people that came up and educated them about these psychic. So this is nothing like that just showed up. It’s been around since the beginning of time. And we see, like, the stick man, right? J dreams breaks that down, how the stick man is a representation of the plasma. So there’s definitely something there’s definitely something going on. Whether or not it’s man made or natural is what I’m trying to work out. Well, that 3600 year cycle you were talking about with Nibiru when you read the sumerian text, I have a whole show that I do on breaking down these deities of these ancient stories and tying them into these other civilizations and other texts, how they’re worshiped, the etymology of their names, what symbols they were used to worship.

Yeah, basically this in a show. Bro, you should come hang out with me one day because. Cool. I got their whole lineage. Yeah, well, it’s 3600 years on Earth is one year on their planet, according to them, in their text. So they were living. Yeah, like, they were living, like, hundreds of thousands. Yeah, bro, ancient, but super ancient. But then they said, like, here, their DNA started degrading, and they had some type of serum that they would take. And inky, they said, like, if you read the tablets, inky was hogging it all. And, you know, he wasn’t giving that shit up.

He was keeping it for him and his family, which I would have, too, because if you drunk that, it didn’t start to degrade you. But, like, all the people that were supposed to be from Nibiru and they were bigger than us, that’s probably where the stories of the nephilim come to. But then when you look into the vapor canopy, which we had a vapor canopy back then, which was more oxygen, that’s why everything grew much bigger. So, you know, these nephilim could have been due to that, too. You’re right. Yeah. Like, whatever was making, like, lizards big and make dinosaurs, like, is it completely far fetched to think that you could have man or mammals or.

Or even, like, upright walking creatures that were also sort of, like, following that same thing, right? Like. Like, everyone got a little bit of boost of fertilizer. Well, yeah, I was about to say that. Tommy. Hey, I think my wife’s about to come in. Like, you had asked, or you had said that you wanted her to come on, too. Yeah, that’s fine. She can come on. She’s part of Grape Hill, too. She just doesn’t know it, and I. Paranoid. Oh, hey, how you doing, sweetheart? Hey, this is my wife, Olivia. Hold on. We’re about to. I’m about to change the audio so we can hear you, because speakers in my headphones.

Paranoid. Did you ever see this, bro? This is in the Talmud, talking about lizards. Some lizard species, bro, that lives in water. So I’m thinking Dagon and all that stuff, right? That’s what I was thinking, right? Craft Cthulhu dag. Nephilim was like in the sentence right before that. You seen it? Yeah, they spell it a little different. Nephilim, but because they caused the downfall of the world. Name of a demon. It’s. They say it’s a name of a species of a lizard living in water, which I found that crazy. I’m like, what the hell is this thing? Are they dinosaurs? I don’t know what they are.

They might be, uh. Might be something that them anunnaki things created, too. Who knows, right? Yeah, it’s definitely very interesting. What’s up, olivia? What’s up? How are y’all? Good, how you doing? Oh, I got a clip I want to show you guys real quick. So can you never hear her? Yeah, we can hear. Okay. We can hear. I don’t know how you got her, though, but, you know, dude. Uh, yeah, I definitely pretty for you, bro. Definitely. Adamali. Yeah, dude. Well, we’ve. We’ve known each other since we were like twelve or 13 and grew up together.

Yeah, bro. And putting that serious work. Yeah. Yeah. It is a very long time coming. I was a total punk. Yeah, we met just going to shows and stuff, I suppose. I still play drums, but I used to play in a bunch of hardcore bands and stuff. And so. Yeah, we got older. Look like machine gun kelly before he got signed. Yeah, at our pool there were a bunch of black kids or white kids. There was both. Yeah. All these kids running up to me like, you, machine gun kelly. I’m like, no, I’m not. Stop wearing blood around your neck.

You kind of look like him. But before, not the new. The new dude. Now I don’t know what the hell happened to him. Now he’s drinking blood and Megan are doing all kinds of weird shit. Yeah, they’re doing a bunch of. So we don’t do all that, Tommy. Um, yeah, but, yeah, she got stuck with me. Bizarre. Now, there’s something wrong with that girl, too. But she. Yeah, she looks. She’s looking more and more like a lizard, it seems. I’ve seen some crazy videos with her, with her eyes, doing some weird stuff, man. The old ones were the best, though.

Like, now they got the 4k video so they can kind of block it out. But remember the old videos when you would really see the slits in their eyes? Oh, bro, that’s so creepy. Are you guys. I hear back in the mic, is that coming from. Yeah, turn that down. Yeah, you guys might not want to watch it, wouldn’t 4k. Make the lizard eyes show up clearer instead of. But we don’t see them as much anymore. But they was tweaking out back in the day. I was seeing them all the time, dude. And I got many videos where you can, like, it’s actually in the video.

You know, you can see it. Hey, everyone on the chat. Sorry. I just noticed the chat that people were saying, hey. Oh, yeah. Shout out to everybody in the chat. Hit them, like, smash them like everybody. And Tommy’s got the best chat out of anyone in the game. We got some of my people here, too, man. They’re. Yeah, no, this, uh. Well, a lot of them in the chat might not be real, though. Let me have in the chat, bro. Let me show you guys what I’m talking about. What do you mean? So the people that you’re arguing online with about different things, such as politics and city rules.

Well, it’s all fake, and it’s probably just a robot. These phone farms usually have tens of thousands of phones that are connected to one computer that’s controlling all of them. The way it works is that the people who run this typically take the batteries out of all. All these phones and then connect all the motherboards together in order to monitor it on one computer. And then with the use of AI, they’re able to generate responses across social media, making it seem like they’re coming from a real person, when in fact, it’s just one big computer. I don’t think you guys understand how sophisticated this actually is, because each phone represents one person, but yet it’s all connected to one computer that literally controls all of them.

It’s not even something like that a long time ago. So elaborate on that donation, brother Peter, whoever you are. So, yeah, you’re paranoid. Take us through that. Yeah, we. I mean, I. We used to do this at work, like, for legitimate reasons, and then I’ve seen it used for illegitimate. But basically, if you’re doing app design, right, if you’re making, whatever, the TikTok app or, you know, the Facebook app or something, and you got to make sure that it works on, like, the hundreds of freaking Android phones and iPhones and all the different configurations, you can’t rely on just simulating it.

So they’ll go out and they’ll buy 100 different phones with all different software and everything and hook them all up. So when they run their app, it’ll run on all the different phones, and it’s really simple. All it does is just install the same app on 100 phones, and then you send a message that’s like, hey, I’m hitting open this app now. Okay, now I’m typing in this word and I’m hitting enter whatever. And you just send it to all the phones at one time. Just, all you got to have is a whole bunch of USB hubs and a whole bunch of USB cables, and that’s it.

But the legitimate version of that is you’re testing to make sure it works on all these phones, but then an illegitimate version is you’re like, okay, now have all of these go to a YouTube channel and enter the live chat, and then just say a random phrase. And now you’ve actually got a hundred real phones that are gone. Like, some of them are connected through LTE and, like. And you can prompt them to all do that. They all have their own IP addresses. They all, you know, you can run it with an AI, too, where they all their own account that you would think it’s a real person.

They’ve got their own vernacular and everything. Yeah, it’s crazy. It’s so crazy. Like, everything in the world, it’s just, like, fake now. You know what I mean? It’s. It’s hard to tell what is real. Absolutely. I think we should have been questioning that all along, though. Like. Like people AI to question everything that you see and hear and read. Then you’re a little behind the curve, but at least you’re catching up. But imagine there’s people that still don’t care what sex now for. Like, you know, people that are such skeptics of, like, UFO’s. Like, I saw UFO when I was, like, 17, and then I just, like, that’s whenever I started going down rabbit holes and it’s like, oh, you know, what do you think they are? And it’s like, now.

Oh, well, now the footage is CGI. And it’s like, they are. Do I. What I saw? I’m not exactly sure. I mean, I definitely think they are, like, interdimensional. What I saw definitely just defy the laws of physics. And I, like, I’m, like, a low key nerd. I just always have been. I’ve always been a science nerd. So when I saw a UFO, I was, like, 17 again. And I, like, this is like when YouTube was kind of just becoming a thing. Like. Like, really becoming a thing, I guess. And I don’t know. I mean, it just made my brain, like, melt into a million pieces, honestly, because I just.

I seen. I don’t. Something from science fiction movies, not something that I could see in reality. And since then I’ve seen many times that I’ve seen things that were like, oh, maybe that was a UFO. But I’m, like, actually very, like, I’m typically more of a skeptic. I’m not gonna call myself a skeptic, because I’m not, because I think there are people that just claim to be skeptics, and they’re just gonna argue with anything conspiratorial, which is also stupid, because anything in history people conspire to make happen. So that’s dumb as well. But I’m pretty skeptical of things.

But there have only been two times that I know for sure. What I saw did not make any sense, and I could not explain it away in any possible way. And I had other witnesses, and I just think that what I saw was not one of those. Was this last year, I think. Wasn’t it even your mom? Yeah, it was really bizarre. I still haven’t posted that. We’re gonna wait until she starts her stuff up. She’s trying to start a podcast here soon. But it was weird because I saw it. You and I recorded something of me talking about when I saw UFO, and it happened the next night.

Okay. And, yeah, she did. By talking about my UFO experience. Like, what is even happening? Like, and I don’t know. I tried to explain. It was not. What is it? Starlink? It was not Starlink. Um, I looked up, like, the trajectory of all the Starlink satellites, and I’ve seen so many videos of those. And you recorded Starlink, too? It was definitely not starlink. Yeah. So then I downloaded the software to see which satellites, like, at that date and time, standing right there in my mom’s driveway. Like, which satellites were, like, in that trajectory? There were none.

I posted on, like, the local, like, Facebook mom groups, because my mom was like, it has to be chinese lanterns. Somebody has to be sending up chinese lanterns from the park over here. And everybody’s like, nope, there’s been nothing going on. But it was. It happened for. I mean, it was a good five minutes, and it was like, one after another, but those were, like, weird, orangey, glowy orbs, really bizarre, and they would pulsate. But then I saw some things on Reddit that were saying, like, those are certain satellites, and when they turn, they reflected the light from the.

The moon or the sun or whatever. Sounds like bullshit to me. If it came from Reddit, it probably is, like, pulsating giant orbs. And I have videos of it, and I. To get my phone, and I’m saying, I’m recording as I’m running outside, so you can hear my, like, my reactions on all of it. And I’m just thinking, like, oh, as soon as I get back out here, they’re gonna be gone. And it’s like, no, there’s another one coming out from behind the trees. And then I’m just. And then I’m like, there was even a plane.

So I was able to record, here’s a plane over here. This is what a plane looks like. Because obviously it was pretty far away, so my camera wasn’t recording it as well as something super close. But I could even show, like, this is what a plane looks like compared to what I’m looking at. And they would get brighter, and then they would dim. They get brighter and they would dim. And so I was almost like, is what I’m looking at one thing? But because of the dimension that I am in, I’m seeing it as one after another after another after another after another.

Or is it actually many things? Or is something just fucking with me because I talked about my UFO experience. Sorry, I didn’t mean to curse. He told me not to. Something messed with me because I talked about my UFO experience the night before. It was very bizarre. I think there. I think it’s plasma. Myself in plasma can be, yeah. I mean, I look, one time I was on a live video, and I had like a thousand people in my life, and. And it was like three in the morning. My dog. So my dog starts growling out the wall, and it’s like, 03:00 a.m.

i wake up. I look outside. There’s some glowing shit coming down over the hill. And at this time, I totally did not believe in aliens. None of that shit, not at all. But, um. So I go outside and I go live, and I seen this giant orb. I mean, it was so massive. It was. It was like as big as my shed in the backyard. And it came down, landed on top of the hill behind my house. And then I swear to God, something came out of that thing and. But. But it did it all. They just look like light, man.

It looked like your energy. It was the outline of a body. Some of them were tall, though. But then one of these followers of mine, they screenshotted it. And from the YouTube video and they sent me, they took the color and temperature and played with it. And, bro, when you could see their face, man, the shit looked like you can actually see their face on the screen. On the screenshots from it. Yeah. God, you could see their face. And there’s people in the chat right now, that was there, so. And then, I mean, I believe you.

I totally believe you. Yes. This is the chair fall chicken. Someone in the chat was on, was watching. Thomas is laughing. She came on Chandi’s podcast one night and slipped out the chair. She handled it like a g. She didn’t even stop, bro. She didn’t even stop, like, like you would go. It was that I really thought, like, if somebody got, if I like, did this with you and somebody got on some livestream and like was like Haiti on me, I thought it would like, hurt my feelings. And then I was like, oh, actually, I don’t care at all.

I thought it was really funny. A lot of other people did, too. And somebody else. No, she. Virgo. Chair fall chick. No. That’s really interesting that what you were saying that about them being plasma, when did that happen? I don’t know if they’re good or nothing. When did that happen? A couple years back. I was living in math, you know. Yeah, I was out masslin, like in the middle of nowhere. It’s when I lived by the train track, so I was always seeing weird stuff out there, but, yeah, it was crazy. And then when, when I looked behind me, there was some orb like the size of a basketball rolling down the freaking train tracks, and I.

That’s when I was out. I’m like, oh, I’m done. I went inside. That’s crazy that you say that. Grant told us the same experience. He saw an orbit, it was on train tracks, and he and his friend followed it back there. He was painting. Yeah, painting, graffiti artist, and it was like followed it. And Grant is like our friend that he’s like straight edge. He’s never, don’t dox him. But as my homeboy, super talented and. Yeah, I forgot. And this is someone who would be considered a skeptic as well. Definitely. So it’s like, you see skeptics having this experience more because, dude, I haven’t had an experience with Bigfoot, UFO’s, ghost, anything.

And like, I wish I could. I had a ghost experience. It doesn’t happen. I have to find the pictures and we could. I’ve had sometimes experiences, I’ve had other experience, like near death experiences before, but I’m gonna tell you this, when I seen them things, they look demonic to me, bro. Yeah, yeah, I agree. So I don’t trust it. I don’t either. I don’t know. That’s the sense that I think demons masquerade as angels of light. And I just, I don’t trust it. But, you know, I mean, people swear that they’re getting, um. And then why do they always probe people, too? That’s weird.

They always probe people. Is that what you said? Yeah. Yeah. So they’re like, a little pleasure with business, I assume. Very bizarre. Has something to do. Well, you know, I listened to this guy the other day talking about whenever he used to do lots of, like, DMT and stuff and how he. Yeah, exactly. And how he. He was, like, on all these drugs, and these angels of light would appear to him and give him all this knowledge and let him know, like, if you keep doing these drugs, you’re gonna die. And they’d show him a potential reality of his future, of himself, like, dead on the bathroom floor and all this stuff.

So it was like they were giving him this real revelation of, like, clean your life up, fix your life, dude. Like, you’re gonna die. But yet. But yet he would just continue. It was like he’d come out of the experience and then just want to do the DMT again and again and again and again. And he wasn’t actually fixing his life in any capacity. So he was like, were they angels of light? Like, I don’t know. I mean, they were helping me in some capacity, but at the same time, I could never remember the experience enough to even take away from meaning.

Probably not. No, I don’t think they were at all. I think it’s like, even psychedelics. I’m very skeptical. I’m not saying there aren’t. I don’t know. I’m not saying either way. I just think that people should be really weary, and I think people just really don’t exactly know what they’re. What they’re dealing with when they open themselves up. Because when you open yourself up, like, I heard someone explain it once, it’s like we all have this internal antenna, and when you open yourself up, your antenna is just like, here’s. Here’s a vessel. Here’s a vessel, you know? Yeah, I’m.

I’m with you. I’m very skeptical of. Of people that think that these are, you know, angels communicating with them or whatever, is like, stranger things. Where eleven is, like, doing her astral projection thing, and then, like, something looks at her and she notices, like, oh, crap. Me being out here, like, on this anomaly, and I’m creating attention to myself, and then all of a sudden, it’s, like, chasing her. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, no, that. I rewatched stranger things whenever I let my. I probably shouldn’t have let my son watch some of it and. Huh. When. Whenever you try to.

Oh, say, like, you know, oh, I’m sorry I’m messing up. Okay. Sorry I’m messing up the algorithm. No, you guys are good. You’re good. We’re almost learning. Done anyways, because paranoid’s got to go at ten, so. And I got some stuff I got to handle, but, yeah, it was. You guys got anything you want to plug, though, before we close out tonight? Um, man. Guys, y’all can go follow me on Instagram, gray pill to underscore podcasts, and on xDev. Great build pod. I’m on YouTube, rumble bitchute, Spotify, and Apple podcasts, as well as slash grape Hill podcast.

Got a lot of stuff that I’m gonna be doing on there soon. I will be streaming in an hour on my channel with Austin Picard. So y’all come hang out. We’re gonna be talking about Ruby Ridge, some current event stuff going on, and just hanging out on Friday night, so. Yeah. Tommy, I appreciate you inviting us on, man. Oh, yeah. Three underscores or two? I just made a twitter recently. Three. Okay. My twitter is at lady. Underscore. Underscore. Underscore. Mystique. Mystique. Mystique. Lady, three underscores mystique. Instagram is lady underscore mystique. I don’t use social media a ton, so.

Well, don’t you have a podcast, too? Right, the. The Babylon podcast. Pretty soon, I’m trying to, like, make time to, like, you know, get stuff you got. You just have to have going in separate rooms. So every time Jules does a podcast, you go and do a podcast. Trying to do. I was like, maybe I could set up something in, like, our, like, dining room area. Um, yeah, I have two kids, so we have two kids, so I’ve been, like, kind of starting to prepare stuff to do it, though. It’s Babylon, but spelled like Babylon. Get it? Hey, yeah, I got.

I got a pretty big one I’ve been working on with donut. If you go to, it’s almost at, like, 300. We’re probably by this weekend, we’ll have 300 people signed up. And when I say signed up, you just go to illuminati, and there’s a button there that’ll say, like, notify me on launch or something. Huge button. You can’t miss it. You click the button, and then you’ll create, like, a Kickstarter account. Basically just giving your email so that when we actually launch the project, you’ll get first dibs on it. And it’s going to be way more special than any comic we’ve put out before because it’s a donut collaboration.

So I think I don’t want to give too much away. We’ll probably end up creating a cool little exclusive, limited edition, like, vhs box that’s filled with all sorts of Illuminati related kind of swag trading cards and stickers and, like, things that don’t even exist yet because we’re going to make them specifically for this particular project. And it’s called Illuminati because it’s surprised. It’s a comic book about the Bavarian Illuminati, but it’s going to have, like, a cool extra flair. So it’s, it’s going to cover all the historical aspects of the alumbratos and Adam Vyse hop and Baron von Nige, and like, all of the intricate details, but also some crazy, like, groundbreaking stuff.

Like, for example, we’re going to tie Beyonce and Wu Tang are in there, and Lady Gaga are in there because he has to, because everyone always assumes that. But here, how crazy this is, is that I, the original Illuminati, they ran pop music. They actually influenced child pop stars. So when Cs Bach, one of the kids of the famous Bach, he was completely under Illuminati influence. Every single piece of music that he ever published was published directly by someone in the bavarian Illuminati. Beethoven, all of his teachers were all bavarian. Illuminati. Most open to be Illuminati.

Illuminati. Yeah, yeah. And I guess, and one of the theories that Mozart got taken out because he revealed some of the Illuminati secrets in his play the magic flute. So that these are just some of the little things that are worked into this entire pamphlet that we’ve been working on for the last, like, year or two. And it’s going to be the only color, little paranoid pamphlet that I’ve ever created so far. And I think that it might be limited, whoever signs up. So if you go to and you sign up before it launches, you’ll get like some extra cool free swag and stuff.

So there’s literally no reason to go and not to go and sign up just for free. So if you decide to back it when it launches, you’ll get a bunch of extra free stuff with it. And he made a Tommy truthful character. Oh, that’s right. Yeah. I’m glad you mentioned that. Man, if you go to chosen, that’s great. Tommy’s gonna be. He’s gonna have a cameo in that donuts. Gonna have a cameo. It’s also gonna have Gordo from those conspiracy guys, which is, like, one of the biggest OG conspiracy podcast. Yeah, Gordo’s the man. So 30 grand, guys, for it was a deal.

I talked them down from 30 mil. No, I didn’t charge. But I was shocked that it does look like me, though. When you sent me that, I was laughing my ass off when I seen it. I mean, you get a cameo, so you’ll have your face on, like, the title page and links and QR codes, the truth Mafia and all the stuff. But we introduced Tommy at the end of this episode, and I couldn’t even explain the scenario in which we meet him. You wouldn’t. It wouldn’t make sense unless you read the whole entire book. So, bro, so, like, when you were looking, you hit me up.

You. He sent me a picture. He’s like, bro, who the fuck? This is who they’re saying. Tommy truth. Is that you? A picture? So the week before that, they had me as. First they got me as post Malone. Yeah, that’s what I was looking. I was looking up Google for, like, pictures of Tommy truthful, and it kept showing me post Malone. Not that guy. Not that guy. And then it had this other dude with black hair, and behind him, it said some illuminati shit. And I know exactly who that guy is because I posted a video of him on my Instagram before.

But, like, they know who I am. They. You know, I’ve been on camera before. There’s pictures of me all over the Internet. When you used to go on camera. Shit, I got a ton of videos on camera. I’ve never seen you on camera, but I’ve been watching. He’s almost serious now. That’s a good idea, to podcast off camera. Well, maybe I just not do my makeup. I’m reaching enough people off camera. Yeah. They don’t care that he’s AI. We all know he’s a. He is AI with the picture. Real time was dead. Got you. I’m saying.

But, no, I just. I don’t like coming on there. It just. I don’t know, after a while, you know, I’m saying, yeah, for sure, but there’s plenty. And the crazy thing is, I went way more viral off camera. That’s. That’s cool. Yeah. So obviously that they didn’t want to see me. I guess I’m scared. Well, then you’re. Then the focus is just more of, like, your content. Yeah. No, I mean, there’s a lot of people out there. Waters above Jordan. He’s never went on camera. There’s tons of them that don’t go. And it’s just, you know, the real truth behind it all is, um.

Just some weird shit was going on. Real weird shit. I didn’t want to know my location. You know what I’m saying? Yeah, for sure. You’re reaching a lot of people. Like, just my Facebook alone, I’m reaching 4 million people a month. You know, we have over 300. You’re reaching a ton, dude. Like, from what I see on Instagram, like, if those numbers are up there with Facebook at all, dude, like, you’re. It’s 6 million between Instagram and Facebook. That’s awesome. You know what I’m saying? I post that. I’m proud of it, dude. I worked hard to get where I’m at, but, yeah, 30 different Facebook pages.

32 to be exact. You’ve lost 32? Yeah. That just means that you’re on something. That just means you’re telling the truth. Lost. Probably. He is truthful. I probably lost, like, 20 something youtubes. I’ll probably lose this one after tonight. I’m sorry. Sorry, Tommy. It was like that. We were pretty spicy in the beginning, you know, but it’s all right. Sorry, everyone. So I don’t go under the radar, but they’ll pop you for it, like, eight years from now. Just remember. Yeah. No, what I’ll probably do is leave it up on my scapegoat because they know they don’t care on Facebook.

Honestly, I haven’t had a video taken down so long on there. Oh, that’s cool. But when the whole Rona shit started, they were hammering us, you know, because they had to get 60 to partake in their little genetic modifications. But now they really don’t care. They. They got all the morons to do it so they can walk around and shed that shit, give it to everyone else. Yeah, that’s real. The real shit that’s going on there. But, yeah, I’ll probably take this one off YouTube and just leave it up on my rumble in Facebook. That way they can’t nuke it.

Understood. Right again, my bad. No, no, we was, you know, getting into the no hide shit and all that. That’s probably what’s gonna get me in trouble. Yeah, sorry, I didn’t. You started talking about it and I just. You just went with it. You started noticing. But I get it. He gave you an inch and you took a mile. Jules, you’re new to this, so. You’re right, Tommy. I am still new to this. Yeah, I was there too, bro, where I just would talk. After you do it for a while, you learn, you know? That’s why, like, podcast donut taught me not to cuss as much.

Like just streaming a few times with donut, that taught me not to cuss as much. Um, uh, donuts pretty good. There’s certain people, though, you. You start to wonder, like, is this motherfucker an agent? Like, damn, bro, you know what I’m saying? No, that’s. That’s phonut. That’s his twin brother, phonot. Oh, that’s funny. But, um, yeah, I’ve had a couple people do that on me before. Uh, like that one dude you interviewed. Paranoid. The Q and on. Dude, since we’re going to take this down, we could get a little spicy. Yeah, the shaman. Yeah, that guy interviewed him.

Yeah, we interviewed him. And against my better judgment, we went live to YouTube and he was like, no, this was with Andre’s Zurdis. It was on like a stink tank episode or something. And he just comes out and he’s like, yeah, every, every show I get on, they get taken down. And it was like, oh, that doesn’t sound good. And then like halfway in, it was like a. It was like a three hour interview. And there’s a three second clip where he says one of the things that you’re not supposed to say. And it was like you could just see on everyone that was streaming into their platforms was all just getting strikes.

Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. For two weeks now. Because this one dude, for 3 seconds said thing that you aren’t supposed to say. And then everyone was scrambling. He says it and everyone’s like, well, that’s not what everyone thinks. And that’s. That’s person’s opinion. And it didn’t matter. Like, first of all, it’s not a person that you’re appealing to. It’s a fucking artificial. Yeah, it’s a. I told him to study how the algorithms work and what to say and not to say. Yeah, there’s. We did make a list of things to not say. We made our own.

There’s things on YouTube. Yeah, you just can’t say, you know, but. But here’s the thing with the YouTube video, it would have got maybe 3000, 4000 views on Facebook. It’ll get a lot of views. Yeah, 1520 maybe. Facebook moms, man. So I’ll leave it up. Hey, Tommy, what about me having it on YouTube. Will that affect you? No. No. You can find out the hard way, too. They can? Yeah. Yeah. You’re beginning their journey, so get a couple strikes under your belt. It’s good. You don’t know how long I’ve been doing this shit. And, I mean, I.

I built just since me and paranoid their friends. You watch me lose two youtubes, bro, it’s like playing. It’s like playing contra row. Like, every time you get a strike, it’s like you lose a life. And if you lose that third life, there’s no cheer, nothing. You got to start all over again. And they always get me. So this is how they’ll do it. Like, right now, I don’t have no warnings or nothing on this new one. Okay? They’ll hit me with a warning, and then next thing I know, I go on there and my whole channel is gone.

Like, I don’t even get strikes like everyone else. A couple weeks ago, YouTube actually came out and they said this was wild, bro. I got this update and they said they basically, they had been giving out strikes and warnings to people, but there was, like, a glitch in their system so that people weren’t getting, like, the warnings on time. So once they fixed it, people were just getting hit with, like, bam, here’s five warnings. Oh, by the way, your count’s gone now. Even, like. Like, that sounds like they did that on purpose. That was definitely intentional.

Yeah. Come on, man. You know they do shit like that, bro. But that’s why rumble. If I would recommend anything to any new content creator, I would say, don’t even waste your fucking time on YouTube. Really? Just build rumble. Rumble is where it’s at. That’s where I get. I mean, rumble and Spotify. I mean, actually, what’s the one that we’ve been getting? Hate comments bit. Shoot. Because they called me a kid. Yeah. I’ve got my first hate comments recently on bitchute. Shouts out to those two people, thank you all for watching. You’ll learn not to even engage with them.

Oh, dude. I just been surprised how much I don’t care. And I’m like. And I told him, I said, wow, you really took the time to type this. You’re a. Okay, just don’t mess up algorithm. First of all, it was like I said, it’s probably not even a real person. You’re just talking to an FBI bot, actually. Because, remember, the comments didn’t make that much sense. Wasn’t a real person, actually. Okay, well, damn. So nobody thinks I’m a kid. Well, AI might, you know. I’m not a kid. I just thought it was funny because they thought.

Okay, they clearly thought that I was like, you’re a kid, babe. Whatever. Sorry, Tom. I didn’t mean in a weird way. Okay. Um. All right. I want to just devil’s advocate for YouTube. It’s. It is the place that you get to the normies, though, like rumble. You can get the hardcore audience and the people that are on board, but you gotta, like, we got to figure out a way to siphon normies out of YouTube onto Rumble. Tell you the formula, bro. And I’m gonna start busting this shit out. Cuz he killed. He’s killing the game right now doing it.

Watch what Russell Brand does. He’s an agent all day. What do you mean? He was married to a Rothschild. Come on. Married to a Rothschild. Yeah, either way, it’s like marines. But he’s got the formula now. He’ll go live on YouTube for about 20 minutes. He puts the link in his description, tells him, hey, guys, the rest of this video will finish up on Rumble. And boom, all the spicy shit is on rumble. You know what I mean? Yeah, that’s the format. That’s how you need to do it, because. I agree. I totally agree. Yeah, trouble, you know what I mean? It’s sad that we got a self censor ourselves, but that’s just the reality of it.

If not, you’re not going to be here. Yeah, I completely understand, dude. Yeah, no, right now they’re going to let. This is your channel, so. Yeah, man, I completely understand. Don’t. Yeah, there’s. There’s. Don’t. You know you’ll get away with it for a while because you’re not reaching enough people. Once you start reaching a mass amount of people, that’s when you’re gonna start getting censored. I don’t give a fuck when you got four or five people or they’re waiting like they. Like they’ve already got a few on you and they’re just gonna wait until you get big enough, and then they’ll be like, pop, pop.

They’ll pull them out their jacket like that. Yeah, it’s crazy. It really is. Well nuts, but yeah. Guys, go, go support jewel in his girl. This, you know, their podcast. Check them out. Links are in the description. Make sure you check out my boy paranoid american and what he’s got going on with Donut. Check out his comics over on paranoid american. Calm. He’s got one of the best kid books, chemtrails, with gets into more gallons and all that. You know, I got to get that for my kid. Guys, y’all go watch secret society of good guys later, too.

At midnight Easter time. Thomas will be on there. He’s not gonna push it because he’s so humble, but there you go. Check him out. So y’all come and watch Gray pill at ten, and then you can go watch Thomas. Where’s your. Where are you at that on paranoid, where you go on? Well, we start on YouTube and we transfer. But, yeah, there’s a channel called Project Cheney. And then also, if you just search secret society of good guys, it’s on rumble. It’ll be on X. It’ll be on YouTube. Yeah. Cheney. Yeah, man. Yeah. Abby’s there. Layla, I think you.

You know all of them at this point, don’t you, Tommy? Yeah. I love Abby. Yeah, they’re awesome. She’s way breakdown with Abby. What about that other check? Are you still beefing with her? Me? Yeah. Yeah. You were beefing with the one rotten. I don’t want to be for no. Well, he feed. You mean the dude that looks like a chick? Is that what you’re talking about? I’m not. I don’t want no smoke for her, bro. Seconds. I do. Just going through something. I want it. I mean, you guys was cool forever. Oh, no, no. Okay. No, you’re talk.

You’re actually talking about an actual girl. I thought you were talking about. Yeah, I was about to say. You’re tripping right now. I thought you were talking about the flat earth guy. Who’s he talking about? No, no. Apparently, the adult comic book I put out rustled some feathers. And so a lot of people have put me into, like, the evil agent category because I had a naughty. I had a comic book that had cartoon boobs in it, so apparently that was over the line. Oh, wow. That’s what she got mad about? That’s what she got. Well, it was.

I’ll be specific here, is that I had a Twitter post, and I was like, hey, go back. This thing. And I had a note. It was like, it’s for adults only. And then I put in parentheses, unless your parents are really cool or something, like a joke that, like, get it for your kids, too. And that was like, I can’t believe you’re peddling pornography to kids. And I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa. That’s not even what’s going on here. But, you know, people take things super literal, so that was. That was. Yeah, they do understand. That was the line.

So I guess I crossed it. How about your boy, uh, doctor Longo? Have you chatted? When you said, who’s that chick that you were beefing with? That’s who I thought you were talking about. No, I wasn’t talking about. You were talking about. I was going to interview him. Is he had some dude messages to enjoy his content to interview him, but then he never hit me back. I would have interviewed him, you know? Yeah, I mean, that’s kind of his mo, though. Is that like, you know, live, just live vicariously, don’t show up to things. Dude, I can’t tell you how many shows I was gonna do with him and Juan in the past.

And the dude just keep, he just flakes nonstop. I assume he just smokes a whole bunch of, like, mexican dirt weed and passes out and, like, where the hell am I? And he’s not altogether bro. Like, his, his thoughts don’t seem to come in, like, a stream. It’s like they’re. Yeah, he’s not, he’s not a happy. She’s not a happy chick. Is that the one that hates the smoke? Is that the one doesn’t, like, archaics? Is that him? I do, uh, I don’t, I got no idea what the interactions are with all the other people. Yeah, it’s like, it’s like high school.

It’s like a freaking. I think it is, though. I think he’s the one that’s in all that tartarian shit and he messes with archaics and he got. That’s why, you know, I think he didn’t like me too much because I interviewed archaics, but I don’t give a shit, you know, I don’t care what anybody says. No one’s ever going to tell me who I can interview, bro. If you want to find that episode, you should look it up. It’s a. I forgot it was an episode of Reality Czars. It’s so funny, guys. And he, he has a bitch Fitzhe.

But I was late to that video. Like, people were telling me about it. I’m like, what the fuck is everybody? And then finally I watched it and I laughed so hard, bro. I never seen someone bug out like that. Like, he was tripping. Well, that’s what made me start putting my mason hat on. So now whenever someone starts getting, like, starts talking, I’ll just pop the hat on that one. Yeah, the one that tried to. Oh, that was really dumb. I. Thomas a fat Mason. Yeah. That was so stupid. You know what? He’s going to be in the comic, too.

He doesn’t know it strategically, like, stir things up for the algorithm or he gets a cameo and shows. Like, it was well thought out, but it was really stupid. Yeah, he was just angry, but whatever, you know, we’re going to pray. Handled yourself very well on that, Thomas, by the way, so. Yeah, I’m a gentleman. I’ve heard do. I’ve heard I’m a gentleman and a scholar. Yeah. What are you gonna do? Let him get you out of your hook and then it’s gonna make you look. You know what I mean? So you just gotta be. You gotta be polished.

And I would have just laughed at him out of. Started laughing right now. Yeah, straight up. I was just like, man, something’s really not going well for you, Riggs. Mac, are you coming to Brogrove? We’ll be there. Yeah. Tom. Tommy, you said you might be in Miami around that time. Come. Come to Bohemian Grove, dude. Bohemian Grove. No, I’m good on that, bro. Bro, he meant nephilim. Deaf squad is putting it on in Summerfield, Florida. The what? The 27th and 28th, Thomas. Or 8th and 29th? No, put me on the spot. I don’t. I don’t know the exact date.

Literally. You’re. You’ll be there? Yeah, I might be down in Miami. I got some shit. I got a handle down there. So I was at the end of October. Yeah, I might link up. I don’t know about that going to that, but I definitely want to. I think Cheney will be there. Abby, Leila, like, a whole bunch of people from Twitter. Isaac’s army will be there. I think I’m gonna take Abby out to dinner. When I come down there, holler at her. So she’s, like, in better shape than all of us. She’ll beat the shit out of every.

Oh, yeah. Abby’s, like, super, you know, in shape, man. She’s cool as hell, though. She’s awesome. And she’s awesome. The podcast would, like, the dream hacking stuff. That was so fascinating when we had that conversation. She’s very intelligent. But, um, I need to have the good guys on gray build, Thomas. You should let them know. It’s a. It’s a hard group of cats to wrangle, man. I know. We’re gonna get them wrangled. Wrangle them up. But we’re gonna sign off. We’re at exactly an hour and 33 minutes in, guys, which is the number of the simulation episode three.

Two. Two, guys. There you go. Watching. Thanks for watching. Smash that, like, button. Bye. Nice to meet.

  • Truthmafia

    The Truth Mafia was established by Tommy Truthful and his crew of independent content creators who refuse to be influenced by the Jesuit Elites. Meet our team: Underboss Doenut, Concierge Ani, and Capo Paranoid American, among others. Together, we strive for one goal: to uncover and share the truth with our dedicated audience. Explore our various channels and join us in embracing a unique journey towards enlightenment.

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