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Supacell: 9Ether The Rise of The 144000

By: BDELL1014
Spread the Truth



➡ The video discusses the TV series Supercell and its portrayal of people gaining superhuman abilities through non-ether energy and magnetism. The speaker explains that these abilities, like controlling space and time, are linked to our consciousness and can be activated under certain conditions. He also discusses the concept of non-ether energy, which he describes as the blueprint of antimatter and a key to understanding the universe. Lastly, he suggests that the series is a metaphor for the activation of our own hidden powers and potential.
➡ The movie “Supercell” shows people with special spiritual gifts being isolated in camps, which is linked to the large number of missing people worldwide. These people are tracked down due to their unique genetic traits and abilities. The film also discusses the genetic trait of sickle cell, a defense mechanism against malaria, and how it’s unique to certain populations. The movie suggests that our powers are connected to our emotions and that we can tap into these powers through understanding and harnessing gamma radiation, which is linked to the sun cycle and the balance of dark and light energy.
➡ The text discusses the concept of reaching a higher state of consciousness, often referred to as “master” or “enlightened”, through self-realization and tapping into one’s inner child. It suggests that this process involves understanding and manipulating various elements, including light, dark matter energy, and electromagnetic radiation. The text also mentions the importance of overcoming obstacles, such as genetically modified foods and other factors that can block our spiritual abilities. Finally, it emphasizes the significance of love and authenticity in reaching this higher state of consciousness.
➡ This text discusses a trinary star system in Orion, Uranus, consisting of a red, blue, and yellow sun, which is linked to Superman’s powers derived from the sun. It suggests that humans, like Superman, can harness the power of these suns through gamma radiation, leading to the creation of elements, molecules, and organ systems. The text also mentions a spiritual awakening process, linked to the activation of the 144,000, a biblical concept, and the reactivation of pyramids. It warns of the manipulation of our food and environment, blocking our ability to tap into these energies and become ‘supernatural’.
➡ This text discusses a variety of spiritual and metaphysical concepts, including the idea that Donald Trump could be the last president, the activation of a higher consciousness in 2024, and the importance of detaching from political systems to tap into one’s power. It also suggests that the black race has supernatural abilities and that the key to unlocking these abilities lies in self-realization, achieved through practices like yoga, meditation, and self-care. The text also emphasizes the importance of balance and control over one’s emotions.
➡ A research paper suggests that some white people believe black people have superhuman abilities. This belief can lead to unrealistic expectations and potential harm. The text also discusses historical figures who were believed to have supernatural abilities, such as healing or regenerating. It emphasizes the importance of understanding our genetic potential and the power of the mind, suggesting we all have untapped abilities.
➡ This text discusses the concept of tapping into one’s inner power through understanding and manipulating energy, specifically non-ether energy. It suggests that by understanding complex concepts like thermodynamics, electromagnetic radiation, and the conservation of energy, one can activate their “heart chakra” and reach a higher state of consciousness. The text also emphasizes the importance of understanding one’s genetic and neurological makeup in this process. Finally, it suggests that this knowledge and power can lead to physical changes, such as the transformation of the carbon body into a crystalline state.


Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it? I was stuck in the Matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it out? We’re stuck in the Matrix? Yeah, I’m striving for greatness? Trying to make it out? We’re stuck in the Matrix? Yo, what’s good? It’s your boy Bdell. If you’re new to this channel, hit the like button, hit the share button, hit the subscribe button, hit the notification bell. But today I’m going to give a synoptic decoding of the tv series Supercell and how it shows the intrinsic abilities of the non ether energy by way of magnetism.

So, ladies and gentlemen, get those notes out. This is one of those videos going to put everything in perspective when you’re talking about the prophetic divination process of us, the 144,000, activating a non ether energy in the powers and the frequencies of the universe, right? Now, one thing you got to understand about movies, one thing you got to understand about movies, if they put it in a movie, it’s either they seen it before or they know it can happen. I’m gonna say it again. Anytime that you see the plistocracy, put something in movies, it’s either they’ve seen it before or they know it can happen.

So there’s a movie called super sail, right? Super Sail is based on the nubian black people who suddenly gain superhuman supernatural abilities, such as the ability to control space and time in the fabric of the reality. Telekinesis, levitation, teleportation, and the ability to open up portals. The ability to move faster than the speed of light, superhuman strength and other hidden abilities. That’s, you know, also a part of this movie. Now, one thing you got to understand is that when the Cundalin energy strikes the pineal gland, that creates the apex of consciousness. That’s connected to the five over cell bodies.

You got the epikinetic body, the ecobody, the electromagnetic body, gematria body, and the Zohar body. The Zohar body is the apex of consciousness, which is also known as the spirit of Melchizedek, which is the spirit of Enki, which is the spirit of the true Lord, which is the spirit of your higher self, which is also Tehuti, thoth, whatever mythology that you follow. Now, one thing you gotta understand about the foundational template of non ether energy. Non ether energy is basically the blueprint of antimatter. Antimatter amalgamated is electromagnetic radiation, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, electricity, resonant energy, that is the epitome of nonether energy.

And those resonant frequencies collaborated together creates a recessatory capacitor and inductor, and that creates the coil follicles, hair follicles of non ether energy, which is based on electromagnetism of the conservation of energy, which is the first law of thermodynamics. So this is how you pull in your energy and the power by way of the resonant energy that’s connected to the space time continuum. Now, one thing you got to understand about the frequency of the non ether energy, it’s all connected to the plasmic waters, because the universe is basically holographic. When you understand the implications that the universe is holographic, you will know that the smallest unit measurement in the universe is a plank.

A plank is also the personification of a pixel. So they don’t use that word in those. That type of framework in cosmology, because that would basically denote the fact that we live in a holographic energy extraction matrix. So the smallest unit measurement in the universe is a plank. A plank is a pixel. Pixels is part of the trapped subatomic particles of the photonic energy. When you study subatomic energy. So the plasma waters has the ability to create a power supply that creates an etheric network that’s based on a electromagnetic processing that conjoined with the carbon body.

And that phenomenon in itself creates a spiraling effect in a vortex of energy that connects you to the polarity consciousness that basically dismantles the liquid crystal polarization of third density. So, by way of magnetism, you have the ability to manipulate the simulation to where you’re able to tap into your intuitive abilities, to where you’re able to bend a spoon, to where you’re able to walk through walls, because you know that the simulation is holographic. When you understand that phenomenon, that’s when you’re able to manipulate space, time, and matter, just like these individuals in the movie supercell, right? So you got to watch this movie.

It’s on Netflix, Supercell. And it’s basically talking about the activation of the 144,000. Right. One plus four plus four equals nine. Nine is equated to non ether energy. So the non ether energy in itself is based on the fact that is the epitome of magnetism. When you look at the prefix of the word magnetism, you get mag. Mag is a part of your magic. Your magic is connected to the Fibonacci sequence of nature, to where you can able to extract all the energy of elements to manipulate everything within the simulation, right? So one thing you got to understand, right, before we get into it even further in the presentation, one thing you got to understand is that the adrenaline rush molecules have the ability to extract a certain vibrational frequency to where you’re able to tap into certain abilities, right? Because sometimes adrenaline and rush, you can either subjugate your abilities or it can amplify those energies by way of alchemical resource, alchemizing your demons to work for you.

So in the movie, these individuals, they was able to tap into they power when they was in the state of fight or flight, which is connected to the reptilian cortex of the brain. So what happens is when they was in a state of fear, when it was in a state of anxiety, when they was in a state of anger, all these is basically factions of emotional energy. And those emotional energies was. Was alchemized to the point where they was able to tap into the apex of their consciousness, which is the Zohar body, right? Which is your higher self.

Because the gematria body is connected to the simulation, which is based in the demiurge, which is everything comprised of third density. The electromagnetic body is you understanding the spirit and matter of the body to where you tap into the shakti energy. The ecobody is also works in conjunction with the epicinetic body, because the epic kinetic body is how you tap into your epigenetics by way of the akashic records. That’s connected to the Bathari gland, right? In the hippocampus layer of the brain, where you get all your memory from. Right? So as we get into more of the presentation, right, we’re going to get into the fact that a lot of people don’t understand the phenomenon of what takes place when you’re talking about ether.

Ether is also known as the quintessential alchemical element, the fifth element that merges in with the carbon body. So when you have gamma radiation merging in with carbon, it has the ability to manipulate space, time and matter. And when it has the ability to manipulate space, time and matter, that’s when you become the epitome of a master, meaning that you have the ability to detach from this reality and to manipulate this reality. When you’re able to manipulate this reality, this is where you have supernatural abilities, right? You’re super natural because you are natural to the planet by way of the six six, which is six electronics, proton, six neutrons, which is the epitome of the non ether.

Energy, right? You are supernatural. Your genetics is connected to the Fibonacci sequence of nature, right? By way of the ether. Now, one thing you got to understand about ether. Ether travel travels faster than the speed of light, which is 186,000 miles per square feet. So what happens is it creates a refraction of index. That is amalgamating from plasma discharges. That creates gamma radiation. And that gamma radiation has a uv c light spectrum. That has the ability to penetrate the Earth’s atmosphere, which also works in conjunction with the stratosphere and the troposphere. Then when it hits the planet Earth, it hits the supersonic battery of planet Earth, which is also known as the black sun.

That black sun gives an amplified energy to the coils of your feet, which is the soul of your feet. That’s connected to the soul of your earth. The soul of the earth. So those same frequencies that works in tandem with the sun or galactic sun, the star Polaris, that also works in tandem with the black sun inside the planet. That is where you activate your tetrahedron frequency, right as above. So below, which is also the epitome of the seal of Solomon, Solomon’s temple, which is the soul of man. Soul of man. When you look at the word pyramid.

Pyramid means fire in the middle. That fire is your soul, right? We’re going to get into it today because the UVC ultralight electromagnetic radiation, it has the ability to absorb the earth’s atmosphere in a frequency, right? And that same radiation compiled with the carbon body creates the whole phenomenon of the people of the sun, which is full spectrum light solidified, which is melanin, which is condensed sunlight, which creates melanocytes. Melanocytes are basically a conduction of. It’s an intelligence molecule, which makes you a extraterrestrial being because your genetics is extra by way of this terrestrial. Now, before we get into a little more of the.

Because there’s some notes that I had that talks about the movie. Now, in the movie it talks about, it shows you that these, the great majority of these people in the movie in Supercell, they had them in these incubation camps. They had all these black people who were basically highly spiritually gifted. They had them in these quarantine incubation campsite where they was basically exiled from society because of the abilities they had. So that also works in conjunction with the great majority of people who become missing on the planet. You have 800,000 people coming up missing on time every time all around the planet.

That’s because the great majority of these people, when they trace, they bloodline, and they understand their genetical traits from the. From the inception point, when they was being born, a lot of them, they know about the spiritual gifts that they had. And they track these people down and they take them and they put them inside these little camps. And they show you that in the beginning of the movie. Right? So that also coincides with the fact that the guy, one of the. There was a mother in the movie, she was in a. In a single cell center.

And one thing you got to understand about the genetics of black people, we don’t get. I forgot the term. We don’t get. It’s an. It’s another thing. It’s like a defense mechanism that basically coats the cells to where we get sinkle cell. Yeah, we don’t get malaria. So the great majority of people who have the recessive genetical traits of the six ether energy, when they have malaria, they just have malaria. They don’t have the ability to have single cell. Single cell is a. Basically a defense mechanism of malaria to where the hemoglobin cellular structure doesn’t break down intrinsically.

It basically coats the cell. So that’s why only so called blacks, nubian people, the indigenous people, we get single cell. Right? Because like I said, it’s a defense mechanism to, you know, it’s a survival mechanism that basically coats the cell in a form of crystallization. So also within the movie, you know, like I said, the great majority of their powers was based on the radiant energy. Your radiant energy is connected to a form of an adrenaline rush. Your adrenaline rush comes from the fact that it’s connected to your emotions. So you have to alchemize your demons.

You have to alchemize your demons. You have to alchemize your. Your demons by way of the mental state where you tap into the gamma radiation frequency. Right. When you tap into the gamma radiation, it’s imperative to understand that. You got to understand what gamma radiation is. You got to understand what it is. The reason I have to say that you have to understand what gamma radiation is because you have to understand that we in the sun cycle now, right? So when you have the sun cycle, right. We’re going back into the original construct. That is basically the re engineering of the non ether energy.

So everything is based on a recycling point that creates dark forces of energy and light, sources of energy, which. Which is basically the epitome of balance, which is equilibrium. Equilibrium is equated to your godhood by way of the gamma radiation. So when you take it, take in these gamma radiation frequencies, right? That’s when you’re able to tap into the phenomenon of nature. Nature is another word for physics, right? Because everything in physics is defined by way of force. Force is based on position and movement. So when you have everything, these particles of light, the photon light spectrum moving, its synergy, the subatomic energy moving within this atmosphere, this collapsed inside of the fermented dome, it has the ability, it has the ability to change, or it has the ability to create, or it has the ability to grow.

But one thing I told you about everything in third density, there’s no evolution for the third dimension. So by way of the plasmic discharges, that creates ionization within the subatomic photon like spectrum of the simulation. What happens is it creates a conservation of energy to where things starts to change. Because energy cannot be created, it cannot be destroyed, it can only be transformed. And it can only be transformed when the fermented dome opens up to where you’re basically able to tap into those intrinsic abilities of the not eat the energy, just like the individuals within the movie, right? Cause everything as far as your magic happens by way of magnetism, right? So all this is correlated to your akashic records, right? Which is connected to the epikinetic body.

Your epikinetic body is connected to your epigenetics. So all this is correlated to the Anasi spider. When you understand of the mythologies of ancient Kim, which is the web of energy, which is ether, and the ether is a dodecahedron that basically, basically makes up the electromagnetic field of the planet. So when you’re able to manipulate space, time and matter, you’re able to manipulate the four basic elements, which is earth, air, water, fire. So when you’re able to manipulate the dodecahedron, the luminescence frequency of it, that’s when you become a God. That’s when you become a master by manipulating elements by way of alchemy.

So notice you see the spider web right here. That’s where they get the whole mythology of Spider man, right? Because the spider was also a representation of inky, right? Inky is also known as the spirit of Melchizedek, who was to Tahooti, who was thof, who was cancer Koro. Right? Because ether is also known as Iki, because when the ether merges in with the carbon body, right, what happens? It activates the olfactory nerve that is your Christ consciousness. Your Christ consciousness is connected to your abilities to manipulate everything in space time by way of magnetism. Now, one thing you got to understand is that when you reach the apex of consciousness, when the Kundalini energy strikes the pineal gland, that’s when you become a genius.

You become a genius by activating your whole brain. You can’t become holy until you become a whole brain thinker. That’s why the word jinn comes from the word genius or genie. You become a genie. Your magic is by way of the etheric abilities, that’s connected to the electrical phenomenon of the hydrocarbons, that’s connected to the re engineering of the non ether body, that’s connected to the Akashic records. Your Akashic records is how you tap into certain abilities that you had during the time when you was incarnated during the time of Atlantis, which was based on the fifth dimensional civilization, right? Because one thing you got to understand that the word genie comes from the arabic word jinn.

Jin is equated to engineering. Engineering. So that’s why I told you I’m an engineer. Because they understand by way of the doctrine of signatures, your seven energy cortexes is the epitome of everything in engineering. Everything in westernized technology is an emulation of who we are, because we are the highest spiritual beings. We have supernatural abilities, because the carbon body of the indigenous people is the highest form of technology on the planet. It’s the highest form of technology because he has the ability to connect with the seven archangels, which is Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Azrael, Uriel, Raguel, and Remiel, which is equated to the seven energy cortexes, which is your chakra system of the color spectrum of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

And these is all a part of the visible light spectrum in the upper atmosphere, right? Which makes you a seraphine, right, where you get your serpentine energy, your serpentine fire. That is the. The etheric frequency. Right? Now, one thing you got to understand, when you go to the strong accordance of h 5315, the word nefesh comes from the word Nepash, right? Which means ether, right. In that ether is basically the epitome of the electric luminescence light that sits at the, at your chest. Because I told you, the pineal gland is basically. Is not the seat of the soul.

The soul enters the body by way of the pineal gland, but the heart is the seat of the soul. So when you understand that the heart is the seat of the soul, the electro, the electrical luminescence, that of the carbon body emits a frequency of light. That light is your soul, and that light is basically nefesh. Nephesh is a form of ethereum that creates electrocarbons, that creates hydrocarbons. And those hydrocarbons creates a form of human photosynthesis, which is based on sun heat genes. And those sun heat genes is basically granulations and prominences by way of photosynthesis, which is ultra fast internal conversion.

And those ultra fast internal conversion creates solar panels that gives an activation to the organic electronic device within the seat of the soul, which is your heart chakra. So that electrical luminescence denotes the fact that the great majority of superheroes, they get their power and their light from their chest. That’s why the great majority of superheroes, the Logos, is always sitting at the chest, because they know that’s where the seat of the soul is. So that’s why you got to tap into the fact that you gotta go. You gotta tap into your inner child. You tap into your inner child by doing your shadow work.

You tap into your inner child by self realization. Self realization puts you at the apex of consciousness to where you become a master. You go from neophyte adept to master. So when you’re able to become a master, that’s when you become enlighten light. That light is the seat of the soul that sits at the chest. That. That. That is basically the epitome of your pyramid, of the seal of Solomon, right? The seal of Solomon, the soul of man, soul. Your soul is at the chest, pyramid, fire in the middle. That fire is ether, right? That is the quintessential alchemical element.

Right? So that’s what this, um, this movie is basically talking about. This movie is basically talking about how to alchemize your demons by way of the activation of the cell heat genes, which is granulation and prominences, to where you’re able to tap into both sources of the. Of the electromagnetic radiation of light and dark, visible frequencies, to where you’re able to manipulate everything in subatomic energy, which is photons. So now what you got to understand is that when you’re able to tap into those abilities, that means that you understand the phenomenon of dark matter energy, right? Dark matter energy is the epitome of non ether, right? Because that is all this is based on, you know, the biblical and the biblical context and prophecies that’s acclimated to westernized, monotheistic religious systems.

All this stuff that’s going to be happening within the infrastructure in the movie is actually going to take place in the future. And the reason I say that is because the God mind is the epitome of the neuroendocrine transducer. When you transduce that energy, that creates a transgression of ether. That transgression of ether, it denotes the fact that the carbon body is a electromagnetic generator. In a light code transducer. You emit those light codes by way of the lightning energy that is extracted from the aurora flames, from the ionosphere, and from the cosmic plasma. The cosmic plasma is acclimated to the matter, which is the heavy elements, right, which is also a part of the neutrinos.

Neutrinos are basically holy ghost particles, right? Holy ghost particles are basically fractions of light that is emitted from the gamma radiation, right? Which creates ectoplasm, right. That is your spirit of Melchizedek. Right? To where you’re able to manipulate the quantum gravity equation of the dodecahedron that is connected to the carbon body, as you see right here in the middle, this is the epitome of the dodecahedron, which is the fifth element, right? Because it’s basically comprised of everything in the universe, right? Then on the sides right here, you have the hexahedrons. Hexahedrons is how you trap the energy of the dodecahedron to where you’re not able to manipulate the quantum gravity spacetime continuum, right? So that’s why the great majority of people are not able to tap into those abilities, because the great majority of everything that we eat, the great majority of everything that we think is based on the hexahedron energy.

The hexahedron is extracted from the holographic photon like spectrum of the Saturn in the moon matrix, right? That’s why everything within the simulation is a cube shape. Cubes basically locks down your energy. It cuts off your spiritual abilities, right? Because even when you look at the whole phenomenon of genetically modified foods, the great majority of the foods contain a filler of plastic, right? And what does plastic do? Plastic basically blocks out electromagnetic radiation. It blocks out electricity. So you’re not getting that electricity from the gamma radiation that’s hitting the planet, because the great majority of everything in the simulation is being compromised by the hexahedron sleep spell of king Goo.

You under a lunar light lock frequency. The lunar light lock is the epitome of this hexahedron. But when you reach the godhood and the God state that is the dodecahedron, meaning that you absorb all energies, you absorb all elements, you absorb everything within the Fibonacci sequence of nature to where you’re able to manipulate the quantum gravity spectrum of the space time continuum, right? So that’s why you got to understand what animal magnetism is, right. When you read this book right here, right? It called. It’s called magnetism and magic. You got to understand what animal magnetism is at.

Animal magnetism basically denotes the fact that everything within the simulation keeps you at your animalistic nature. But by way of magnetism, that’s how you pull yourself out of your root chakra. And when you reach the apex of consciousness, by going from lead to gold, by going from heaven to hell, your higher self, your zohar body, right, where you become a superhero. Superhero to where you become supernatural, that is the alchemized spectrum of it. So you got to read this book called magnetism and magic, right? Because it’s all based on the fact that when you’re able to conjoin and amalgamate the spirit in matter, that’s when you become the Shakti energy.

That’s gamma radiation, right? When you look at the color spectrum, green, right? Which is also conducive to the heart chakra, right? Because one thing I found out that was kind of crazy about the movie. The main character in the movie, Supercell, his name was Michael. Michael is the spirit of Melchizedek. When you reach the apex of consciousness, you’re able to manipulate Metatron’s cube. Metatron’s cube is the hexahedron cube that I was just showing you here, right? That is the hexahedron. When you look at the cursor at the top, Michael, is the dodecahedron. When you look at the middle of it, dodecahedron is ether.

So Metatron’s cube subjugates Michael, it subjugates you. It subjugates your olfactory nerd, the spirit of male chezzard egg, right? So when you activate the Shakti energy by merging in the spirit body, which is your mark, haba light ship, right? Cause the spirit ba is the body, which is matter. And when you merge it in with the Shakti energy, that’s when you’re able to ascend an evolute way past third density. That’s why I showed you. Metatron’s cube subjugates the energy by way of the lunar light like energy of the hexahedron. The main character in the movie Supercell, his name was Michael.

Michael is Melchizedek. Melchizedek is the apex of consciousness. By activating olfactory nerds, everything they put in these movies is spiritual, right? As I was telling you before, this movie is basically showing you the rise of the 144,000 when they activate the non ether energy. If they. The reason they put it in the movies is either they. It’s either because they’ve seen it before, or they know it can happen. I’m gonna say it again. Everything that you see in movies is either they know it’s gonna happen, or they seen it before. Right? So the main character, his name is Michael.

Michael is basically Melchizedek. Melchizedek, the olfactory nerve, manipulates the space time continuum of the subatomic energy. That’s based on liquid crystal polarization. That makes up the holographic matrix system. The energy extraction matrix is the metatron’s cube that produces an amalgamation of subatomic particles. So that’s why you have to use animal magnetism to pull yourself out of these energies to where you’re able to manipulate this reality. So you got to get this book. You got to get this book called magnetism and magic because it gives you the metaphysical breakdown of what animal magnetism means. Now, I’m going to show you this video for a second, because all this stuff that’s going on within the infrastructure of the movie is really biblical.

So now there’s this video that I came across. Now, one thing you got to understand about gamma radiation. Gamma radiation, when you go to the inception of creation, melanin is actually so dark that it’s basically the intrinsic frequency of green. Green is ether. Ether is gamma radiation. So that’s why Hulk, he pulled his power from the gamma radiation, which made him green. Piccolo and Dragon Ball Z, he was green. That’s because they know that the spiritual abilities, once we reach a certain apex of consciousness, that’s when you tap into your power. The green is also the epitome of the heart chakra, right? Because that’s the love frequency.

You have to love yourself intuitively in order to tap into those abilities. But the apex of love is actually authenticity. Authenticity means that you love yourself and everything all around you to the point where you have a purpose and passion that’s locked into the frequency of your heart chakra. That’s when you tap into the ethereum, the beginning. The Riskians created this universe. This universe was born 24 billion years ago beneath the three sons of the sun. Now. Now, there’s what you notice. She said something about the Orion’s three sons of. Right. It tells you in. In the Book of Amos that heaven is in the Orion, right.

Or Uranus heavens in the Orion. Because that is basically the epitome of seven heaven. Seven, which is the epitome of everything in the life cycle. Right. When you’re talking about plant, animal, protoplast, man, mankind, cherubin and seraphine, right? When you read a. When you understand the moorish science, the circle seven, right? The circle seven. Notice you said that everything is extracted as far as the trinary star system of the three suns that is in the heavens, which is in Orion, Uranus. Now, you got a red sun, you got a blue sun, and you got a yellow sun, which is also equated to the color spectrum of Superman’s garments, because everybody knows that the great majority of Superman’s abilities, he extracted his power from the sun.

That’s gamma radiation. That’s plasma energy. Those plasma discharges created hydrocarbons. Because when you understand the inception of creation, one thing you got to understand is that the photon hydrogen atom creates electrons. Electrons create elements. Elements create molecules. Molecules create organs, and organs create organ systems. So when you understand that you are part of the creation of the inception of it, you have the ability to manipulate it by the gamma radiation like spectrum of the three suns. Because the creation was extracted from the Orion star constellation. Those energies is what made up everything in Earth density. Right? Until it was basically subjugated by the one third of the galaxy that went against the order of.

I knew when you were talking about the 200 fallen angels with this, which is basically the chairman or your draconian reptilian. Right? So what happens is the trinary star system, you got a red sun, a blue sun and yellow sun. Superman drew his power. That power that was talking about is your spirit of Melchizedek. Right? Which is Michael or Mika, IO or El Kadir, who was also known as the green one, right? Because when you amalgamate all three color spectrums, it creates a vibrational frequency of light, which is also known as the bright day, the luminescence frequency within the factions of the carbon body that operates in fractions of light that’s connected to the star Polaris.

So the three sun star system is also equated to the doctrine of signatures of the celestial bodies of who we are on planet Earth. So we are basically known as the sun as well, because, like I said, full spectrum light solidified is condensed sunlight. So the condensed sunlight of the 144,000 amalgamated together by way of cosmic convergence. We are basically a sun when we come together in a form of unity. So you got the sun, the star Polaris, then you got 144,000 coming together that creates a new sun. And then you got a black sun inside the planet, which is the supersonic battery of planet Earth, which is the womb of creation.

So when you have those three suns amalgamated together, that’s when you’re able to manipulate the whole construct of this simulation that is subjugated by the lunar light lock frequency of the moon. So in origin, she said, we are. We are. Divine origin of the sun. Divine origin of everything. So that means that if the intrinsic frequencies and elements. You know, if the intrinsic frequency of the sun has the ability to manipulate elements, what do you think is going to do to us as it gets hotter on the planet? What you think is going to do is going to activate certain abilities.

That’s why the great majority of the fruit that you see, the fruit gives off an electrical frequency to the carbon body. So that’s why the great majority of the fruit right now is being compromised. Most of the fruit that you see, the food, it’s all rubber. It’s rubbery. The watermelon, it’s all rubbery, all the fruit and everything is like a form of plastic, because I told you, plastic basically shields off and blocks radiation. It blocks off electrical energy to where you’re not able to get those energies. That’s why you can’t tap into your powers, right? That’s why you.

Cause like I said, you living within. Like, they got so many blockages, not just within the infrastructure of the food industry. They got a. We got the firmament. Then you got the blockages of the atmosphere, then you got the blockages in the food. Everything is based on the subatomic energy of the photon like spectrum that works in tandem with Saturn and the moon. Everything is based on the fact that has to extract your energy to where you won’t tap into those energies, to where you won’t become supernatural, right? Because in order to be supernatural, you got to be natural to the planet, right? So you gotta.

You can’t have recessive genetical traits and talk about you supernatural. You can’t have six, Ethan. To set up a land for a landmark site for your ancestors to return and lift those of you who have perfected their beings place inside out and outside in. Right? Not a coincidence. Now back to the presentation at hand. And now we’re going to tap into some theological context, put everything in perspective for those who are stuck in monotheistic religion. Now, when we get into Genesis, chapter 29, verse one, it talks about black people of Adam not yet spiritually awakened, right? Spiritual awakening is happening.

Everything is happening by way of the gamma radiations that’s hitting the planet, because the hotter it gets, the more it’s going to amplify the neurological faculties right. So that’s why I say, in order to become supernatural, you got to be natural to the planet, right? So that’s when you reach the apex of your spiritual awakening that basically eradicates the 400 year curse that was subjugated to the 144,000. So after the land of desolation, which is happening right now, you got all these implications on the planet. The further we wake up, the more it’s going to activate the four basic elements.

Now, as we get into Joel, chapter two, verse 21, excuse me. This is also talking about the great signs and the wonders. You got one side where it’s going to be talking about it’s going to be intrinsic solar radiation for anywhere from 48 hours to 72 hours, right? Meaning that it’s going to be sunlight for, like, three days straight. That’s during it. During that time period. I say that it’s supposed to happen around any. Anywhere from around 2025 to 2026. If it ever gets to that point during those three days, you supposed to be fasting fast.

Do not eat no food to where you absorb these energies. Right. When it like one of this, when the sun hits, when it’s supposed to be sunlight for two or three days, do not eat any food. Don’t eat no food to where you’re able to absorb those energies. And then you got the holy pyramid and Florida turned on because also another thing, when you have the great majority of these pyramids, because the pyramids is connected to the Ley line energy grid system, which is also known as your dragon ley lines, all these pyramids on the planet is connected to those energy grids.

So when you have pyramids turned on, that basically eradicates the electrical grid system. It eradicates the dragon ley lines. The dragon ley line is also known as draconian reptilian net, which is the net of India that was created by Murdoch, which is also in Lil son. So you got two different murdochs. Inky got a Murdoch in little, got a Murdoch. So you got the light body starts to turn on all this. You got the twelve pillars of light. All this stuff is going to be happening pretty soon, right? So that’s why. That’s why you got. It’s imperative to understand that when you go to deuteronomy, chapter three, verse 31 six, be strong and of a good courage.

Fear not, nor be afraid of them when you’re talking about them. He is talking about the cabal. He is talking about the. The curse seed of Canaan. Right? The Gentiles. Now you go to Genesis, chapter 46. 46. One black people of Adam spiritually awakened. So this talks about the spiritual awakening process as we go through the spiritual journey on the planet, which is when you have the spirit of Melchizedek going to activate the 144,000. Now, when you go to Haggai, chapter two, verse 18, it is basically talking about the reactivation of the pyramids in America during the 9th hebrew lunar cycle of the month of 2024.

Right? So this, uh. So when it talks right here, the. The 20th day of the 9th, which is also equated to November or December of this year, that’s when you’re going to have the beginning points of the spirit of Melchizedek, where you have these spiritual awakenings. Because we had an awakening during the time right before the incidents that happened. We’re talking about the draconian juice. We had that happen in 2020. A lot of people had a spiritual awakening during that process. But we’re going to reach another apex of a spiritual awakening during the times of November and December, right? That is going to cause a reactivation.

So from the 9th lunar hebrew month of 2024, folk were blessed. The priest king Louis Levites, which is also known as your 144,000. So the 144,000 during this time period, like I said, you’re going to be awakened during this time period, that is when you’re going to reach the apex of consciousness during the time of December 25 of 2024. So this is based on the biblical construct of monotheistic religious systems according to what they put inside these books. Because I told you, the great majority of everything in the Bible is basically the. Is amalgamated by two books.

Because the word Bible, by means two. The prefix of the word Bible, bi, means two. The egyptian book of the Dead, which is the coming forth by day in the Egyptian Book of Life, right, or the comedic book of Life, that’s what it’s comprised of. So during this time of one, corinthians 1552, the sound of the last Trumpet. So this is where you get into the fact that Trump, Donald Trump, is going to be the last president, because during the time of 2025, two plus two plus five equals nine. Nine is the activation of the nine ether energy.

On December 25 of 2024, when you reach the apex of consciousness, the activation of the 144,000, because during that time period, you’re going to have a sound of the last trumpet, which is Trump, as they’re going to try to bring in the project 2025 manifesto. So they’re going to try to subjugate the light. So the time of Trump is the time to prepare for the first arise of Exodus. So corinthians 15, two in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last Trump, Donald Trump, for the trumpet shall sound, and the incorruptible, and shall we be.

And then when you go to thessalonians four six, for the Lord himself descend from the heaven shot, so that when you talk about the Lord, the true lord is Melchizedek, Thoth tahuti, the olfactory nerd. The true lord is a consciousness, right? That is you. That is the 144,000. When you tap into those ability, abilities, just like the people in the movie, to where you reconnect with the awakening process of the planet. Now you have the terrestrial Adam changed to celestial Adam, Catman or Elkadir, right? El Kadir is the green one. The green one is the gamma radiation, which basically makes you anointed.

You are the Christ, Christ consciousness, which is basically your over self. Your over self is your Zohar body, which is the son of man. That is based on equilibrium, which is God, because God is the highest extension of the mind, which use the elements of matter to express itself. When you’re able to reach the apex of consciousness, when the Kundalini energy strikes the pineal gland, that’s when you’re able to manipulate the timeline that’s based in third density to where you’re able to manipulate darkness and the physical light spectrum of the fallen man, right? So that’s what this is all about when you read everything intuitively.

This is the esoteric science of the biblical context in the Bible, right? This is talking about the activation of the true adamic people, right? So when you go to corinthians 1547, the first man is of, the first man is of the earth, earthly, and the second man, Lord from heaven. Lord is also equated to Elohim or Elohim, whatever you want to call it, because Elohim is plural, which is basically a part of the factions of the Anunnaki. So this is where you get the merging of dimensions when you have the upper fourth dimension merging in with the 9th dimension.

So this is where we get into psalms 135, verse four, chapter 135, verse four. Thoth Melchizedek is also equated to Lord have chosen the chosen order, 144,000, the ones that’s going to tap into those abilities. Because as I was telling you before, eventually there’s going to come a time where you’re going to have intrinsic solar radiation hitting the planet, and it’s going to crack open the dome during the time of 2030, right? So essentially we basically only got about, you know, six more years left. And before that, that dome cracks open, because that’s when you’re going to have the apex of these individuals being able to tap into the energy, just like the people in the movie was doing in a movie supercell.

So the black race spiritually awakened Jacob onto him himself, Israel, for his peculiar treasure. So that’s what this is all about, right? And another thing you have to understand is that the sociopolitical aspect of civics basically breaks down and connects you right back to the system. You have to detach from everything how you expect to tap into your powers. And you still have a mental connection to the political structure when you have a mental connection to everything in third density, because the apex of consciousness is when you detach. Because when you connect yourself to these factions, you are spiritually dead.

In the eyes of law, you are the fallen man. You are dead. So the soul is taken. So you are basically soulless by way of being a citizen in a political system, because the word city, sin city means muncipal, zen means a subordinate slave. So when you call yourself a citizen, right, you’re basically calling yourself a municipal slave to the political infrastructure that’s connected to the factions of the totalitarian government. So in order to tap into your everything, I can say the political system is an energy extraction. Stop giving your energy, your electrical energy to elect certain individuals into office.

Take your power back, right? Take your power back. That’s what it’s all about, taking your power back by detaching yourself to where you become the divine awakening, 144,000 to where you’re living with a soul. But you can only do that is when you detach. Right now that must happen, because your purpose on a planet is to change and transmute energy, to transmute darkness into light. These units of the soul began the work assigned to them, to transmute, harmonize, and change this order into order, right? And that disorder into order is by going from the pub, is by going from the patriarchal standpoint to the matriarch.

Matriarch is the epitome of balance, to where the man and the woman of the centripetal and the centrifugal forces, working in tandem, we feed off each other in a positive manner. Now, as I was telling you before, the apex of consciousness is SAhutI or TAhuti, THoth, hermes, MELCHIZEDEK, cancer, qUarto, the olfactory nerve, chrisT, consciousness, all that is basically connected to who you are on the mythological level. So damn thoth is basically us, right? We are the spirit of Melchizedek. So right here it says, right, he framed the laws by which heaven, earth, and all the heavenly bodies are maintained, ordered the courses of the sun, the moon, the stars.

He invented drawing and designing the arts and the letters and the Alphabet, the art of writing, the art of mathematics, right? Because EveRythiNg in the simulation, you got to understand that the universe is mathematical. So when you understand that phenomenon, that’s when you’re able to manipulate the binary code system of subatomic energy that is being controlled on the dark side of the moon with a supercomputer. Now, this is where I get into the fact that improve to you that the great majority of black people have supernatural abilities, just like in a movie. Because as I was telling you before, if they put it in the movie, it’s either they know it can happen or they’ve seen it before.

So when you read this publication, african origin of biological Psychiatry by Richard King. Let me get a drink real quick by Richard King. Now, according to Richard King, african origin biological Psychiatry, he states that the Africans have five to 15% calcified pineal glands. Asians have 15% to 25%. Europeans have 60% to 80%. So now the DMT birth lasts until puberty, when the pineal gland calcifies, no longer produces chemicals. The pineal gland will produce melatonin to regulate our sleep patterns, but no longer secretes the five meo, DMT or pinealine. Therefore, those with uncalcified pineal glands may release DMT through tantric yoga, heavy meditations, breathing exercises.

During natural death experience, pineal gland will release the last of the five meal DMT and DMT along with the pyolene once flooding the brain with these two chemicals. So that’s how you reach the apex of consciousness. So like I said, you got to work on yourself. You don’t just, you know, I’m saying one thing you got to understand, this is just an analogy that I’m going to give you books itself. Like, just reading books is not how you’re going to tap into your powers. Books are basically a catalyst for knowledge, right? Because information applied is knowledge, and the application of knowledge is wisdom, and wisdom is a precursor to enlightenment.

And enlightenment is how you reach the apex of becoming supernatural. So you got to do your motherfucking shadow work. In order to tap into these abilities, you got to come to a point of self realization. You don’t just get to the next level by just reading books, it’s just a catalyst to get you to the next level. So that’s why you got to do tantric yoga. You got to do heavy meditations. You got to do breathing exercises. You got to go get body massage. You got to get in the gym and work out. You got to exercise those demons.

When you exercise those demons, you make your demons work for you. Your demons is connected to the demi urge, because demiurge is your emotions. Now, when you can have control of your emotions, that’s when you become balanced. When you become balanced, you become a God. God is equilibrium. So when you become balanced, right? That’s when you’re able to manipulate everything around you because you have no attachment to this system. So it shows you right here in this publication that black people have superpowers. And it comes from a magazine that was published in November 18, 2014. Now, it shows you that five studies have found that white people tend to believe that black people have superhuman abilities.

A research paper published in the journal Personality Science claims that that is the first empirical investigation of superhumanization. Or the attribution. Oh, yeah. The attribution of supernatural, extrasensory and magical mental and physical qualities to humans. The first two studies tested implicit beliefs showing that whites tend to associate black people with supernatural. They then test this is on explicit level and found that the more whites think that black people have supernatural abilities, the more pain that. The more pain they think that black people can compare to white people. Together, these studies demonstrate a novel and potential and potentially detrimental process through which whites perceive blacks.

The researchers wrote. So that if you think a black person is read. So if you’re a black person reading this and you have faced a situation where it feels like your white boss expects you to do the humanly impossible, well, science says that he or she does. So that’s because, like, the great majority of everything that we do right now, like, people gonna. You know, they expect you to do certain things, like, well, you play basketball. Well, you was able to do. You can jump down. You. You can do this. You’re supposed to be able to do that.

Because they understand who we are genetically, right? They understand who we are genetically. They understand who we are genetically. Because this is in conjunction to Henrietta lacks. Because Henrietta lacks. She had immortalized cell lines to where the cells was able to replicate herself. So they use her. Uh, they use all of her when you screenshot this, because I’m not going to say any of these terms, so screenshot this. But they was using her genetics for many different things all throughout history since. Since the inception point during the time that she died. So, you know, they was using her sales for many different things because they know that we have certain capabilities.

Now. Now, this is when we get into the fact that you got certain individuals on the planet all throughout history had certain abilities. Now, this is a guy named Sheik Bamba. Now, Sheik Bamba, who was also known as a healer. He lived from 1853 to 1927 while living in Seagull under a French. While living under french colonial rule. They said that he was able to basically disappear in thin air. So this is one of the only pictures that you could really find of him or other pictures on the Internet. Some of them are fake or whatever, but they said that he didn’t have.

He was missing a hand, and he was missing a foot, and he was able to float, he was able to flow. So he basically devoted his life to the awakening of the human consciousness and to basically free his people of the oppression of colonial rulership. He was also known as a prophet. This is another guy. His name is Simon Kimbangu. Right? So when you read this publication, the true third secret of the Fatima revealed in the return of Christ by Pastor Emilio. So Simon Kimbuga was a prophet left to rotten in tortures in prison. He died there in October 1951 after 30 years.

There are Africans alive at this writing who were brought back from the dead by Simon Kim Booga, and there are people still living who watched him do it. They claim that is, that Simon Kambooba healed the sick, made the lame walk, return sight to the blind, and hearing to the death, and even bought an infant dead three days back to life. Kambuga performed these miraculous deeds over a period of five months from May 1921 through September 12, 1921. Scholars did not do not dispute, that is, they basically don’t dispute anything that this man performed. Then you got another guy.

We all know about Simeon Toko. So this talks about Simeon Toko, and there’s a lot of stuff that a lot of people don’t know that Simeon Toko did. There’s a lot of stuff that he did that’s hidden, and I’m going to reveal them within the infrastructure of this presentation. So it says right here in the publication that the emergence of the african avatars in the secret Fatima by Tom Dark in the Nexus magazine. Simeon Toko, born on February 24, 1918, to 1984, Simeon Toko appeared before people in a apparitional body and dream states. While in the physical, while being physically alive, it continues to do the same among certain selected people.

17 years after his death, at least one witness says he personally killed Simeon Toko quite professionally, as he hired a killer and saw him alive again a few days later with his body put back together. Others still living at this time writing, said that semi auto was physically slaughtered and watched him bring himself back together before their astonished eyes. Meaning that he had the ability to regenerate. Regenerating means that, like I said, you chopped my arm off. It’ll grow right back. So that means that, you know, that is connected to the epitome of a photon hydrogen atom that is amalgamated with hydrocarbons.

Hydrocarbons. When you study the physiology, when you study the physiology of starfish, starfish has the ability to do the same thing. You cut a starfish is going to make another starfish, right? That is the regeneration process. We have those same capabilities. So Simeon Toko unleashed his army. The event was witnessed by thousands of people on January 4, 1959. On that day, Cherubin and Seraphin appeared and stood against the belgian colonial army. The citizens of Leopoldville saw an army of about a thousand of very small mendenna. So they said those size of the man were like dwarfs.

So this is going basically is connected to the toilet people. The toilet people, the black twas were some of the very first people that was on this planet. And they had super human strength. And they said that one of them was able to flip a five ton truck, a five ton truck over with one arm. So that’s like I said, these superhuman abilities is not just being propagated in the movie. All this stuff happened in real life. All this stuff can happen in real life, right? Because they know who we are genetically, when the sun is at the apex of producing an influx of gamma radiation.

They also said that Simeon, Simeon Toko, they said that the aircraft, he made an aircraft stop in midair, it’s still not advancing an inch in. Nora rose and fell back. The crew was stricken with panic and the priest could hardly breathe. And later, Simeon Toko lifted his eyes and his hands toward the heavens and said a prayer and the plane started to move again. So like I said, we have abilities, we just got to tap into those abilities, right? So that’s why it’s imperative to understand the whole construct, the molecular construct of what melanin is. Melanin is basically combinations that eat light, intrinsic solar radiation, light, in order to maintain, expand and evolve matter.

The more highly evolved a species, the more complex its biological capacity to use light, right? Because I told you, light has the ability to manipulate the subatomic energy of the photon light spectrum, right? So the pineal gland is rich in neuromelanin. The neuromelanin has the ability to activate the thalamus gland, which is comprised of the pituitary glands, and the hypothalamus gland, which is also known as the master gland. The master gland is how you reach the apex of consciousness, which is also known as the sacred pyramid of the brain. The pineal gland helps you to become overcome death by taking external forces and combining them with sexual energy and the original force to form a immortal body called the Golden Dragon body, right? The golden dragon body is the apex of consciousness.

So that’s why it’s imperative to understand we, you know, there’s a lot of implications that’s going to be taking place on a planet, right? So you have to alchemize those demons to where you’re not subjugated by what’s taking place on the external level. Stop worrying about what the president is doing, right? Stop worrying about, you know, this country’s doing this, this country’s doing that. Detach to where you can detach from this. Detach of where you can tap into those abilities, right? So that’s what it’s all about. So like I said, you got to watch this movie called Supercell.

Gotta watch this movie because it’s basically talking about the activation of the non ether energy and the rise of the 144,000. So as I was telling you before, the guy in the movie, his main character was named Michael, but he had a higher self. Your higher self is your Zohar body. Your ZohAr body is connected to the epikinetic body, ecobody gematria body, and the electromagnetic body. So when you tap into your akashic records to activate those abilities, that’s connected to the epigenetics, right? You activate those abilities from the resistor and the capacitor and the adductor of non ether energy to where you’re able to manipulate the etheric network by way of the plasma waters.

That’s connected to the source of energy of the electromagnetic processing of the black sun, which is also known as a supersonic battery that has the ability to manipulate the polarity consciousness of the liquid crystal polarization, which is based on liquid crystal technology that is extracted from the Saturn moon matrix. So that is the holographic projection. When you understand subatomic energy, the subatomic energy is manipulated by the quintessential alchemical element, the fifth element. And the fifth element is the non ether energy, the non ether energy is when you’re able to manipulate the space time continuum. When you’re able to do that, that’s when you’re able to tap into your powers.

Because light travels at 186,000 miles per square feet to where you can tap into the gamma radiation during the apex of consciousness. Because we at the sun cycle, when you understand that we in the sun cycle, you understand the conservation of energy. The conservation of energy is the first law of thermodynamics. When you understand the law of thermodynamics, that’s when you’re able to transmute heat into electrical energy. The electrical energy amplifies the gamma radiation. That works in tandem with the carbon body. The carbon body is activated by the dodecahedron. That manipulates everything in the hexahedron. The hexahedron is everything that’s connected to third density.

That is basically the infrastructure of the demiurge. When you understand that phenomenon, that’s when you reach the apex of consciousness by activating the heart chakra. The heart chakra in itself is a luminescence, energy that connects you right back to source. The source is you. The source is the spirit of Melchizedek. The source is the epitome of the Christ consciousness. Because, as I was TELling YOu Before, God is the highest essential that elements in matter to express itself. So when you emit that light, you activate the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the seat of the soul.

When you understand cometic spirituality. So that’s why superheroes, they always put the emblem on their chest, because they. That’s how they draw they light. They draw their light by way of the activation of the heart ChAKra. So that’s what this movie is all about. It’s activating the non ether genetical properties in order to become supernatural. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to give a little talk real quick. With that being said, ladies and gentlemen, that’s why it’s imperative to understand who you are genetically, who you are neurologically, right? Because we live in a time right now to where things are going to start getting weird.

A lot of stuff is going to start happening to us on a genetical level. So it’s imperative to understand who you are neurologically and genetically. Right? So you gotta watch that movie supercell. It’s basically talking about the galvanization of the 144,000 as they activate the non ether energy. Nonether, as I was telling before, is basically the foundational blueprint of antimatter. Antimatter is basically non ethere right. Nonether collaborated with antimatter is electromagnetic radiation, thermodynamics, hydrodynamics, electrical energy, and resonant energy. Right? That is what nonether is. So when you reach the apex of consciousness, that’s when you’re able to activate those certain abilities.

A lot of stuff on the planet is going to start to change to where the carbon body is going to turn into a crystalline state. That is a transmutation of the conservation of energy. The conservation of energy is how you transmute that energy. Right. This is all connected to who you are on a genetical level. Right? So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, you got to watch this movie, watch this tv show, because I was telling you before, the reason they put it in the movies is because either they seen it before or they know it can happen.

Not a coincidence. Not a coincidence that the God, the main characters name was Michael. Michael is Mikael. Mikael is Elkadir. Elkadir is the green one. The green one is the ether. The ether is the gamma radiation, right? The gamma radiation is how Hulk tapped into his power. He was the color green. Right? When you look at the sigil that Tehuti of holds, he holds a tetrahedron. That tetrahedron gives off gamma radiation. That green etheric energy, that green ethereal frequency is your spirit of Melchizedek. That is the sufi order of the sons of green light, right? So when you tap into the evolution, the evolutionary construct of the color greenhouse, that’s when you’re able to tap into those abilities, because it’s connected to the heart chakra, that’s connected to the thymus gland.

That thymus gland is activated. But anybody who has the six ether genetical properties, their thymus gland is depleted after the age of 13. So that’s why it’s imperative to understand that everybody’s not the same on a genetical level. That’s a lie. Non ether, six ether. It’s either. It’s either you got it or you don’t. You know, I’m saying. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, thanks for watching this video. And I got the full song of, you know, stuck in a matrix. It’s on my YouTube channel. So check that video out. You know, a lot of people may ask me about it, and I’m gonna release the outro, the full song, and I’m gonna put it in a separate, you know, a separate video.

So, you know, for people to have that. That song, you know, because those songs are very high vibrational. It’s basically conducive to everything that’s going on right now. So with that being said, ladies and gentlemen, watch this video. I mean, share this video. And I appreciate, appreciate you guys for watching. End of transmission 1014. We will put it into this madness since I last called you back on your line. So I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land. Karma’s gonna get to you and then you’ll have a cherry yet with only one less friend.

Now I had distant folks that are looking to my eyes to understand the wisdom he’s given and his wealth from the skies. So thanks for this mill that I’m about to receive and thank you for my help and all the good memories. Thanks for the courage taken on another the day when I used to not believe, but now I know about grace. Stay away from the fire. Cause the flames does burn. Go with your gut feeling when it’s wrong, you learn for every one step I take, the Lord takes too. And, um, do unto others if you want it done unto you.

Huh? It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on ladder to the land. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the just a completion the selfish proto grecian, amerindian Phoenician. I’m the last of the Mohicans, the bastard of the land, the pen melon and accretion and we just trying to get back to the fact that we were kings and queens of but the avalanche seized it I live on turtle island with the rest of the diseased it better than the medicine for seven different treatments niggas try to ride away but end up getting seasick asleep and feel my words like Belle.

And they’re awakened with the penmanship of hindu script written in them vacant monastery honorary payments to the prototype. Tomorrow’s only a day away but nothing happens overnight. The fuck’s wrong with going left when you know it’s right? Biting off more than I can chew. That’s an overbite. Black on black crime is like watching two soldiers fight when all along they was on the same page. History. It’s me again, God, I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

It’s me again. God. I know it’s been a long time since I last called you back on your line, so I hope and I pray for your hand to help me on the ladder to the land.

  • Bdell1014

    BDELL1014, the latest addition to the Truth Mafia family, was personally selected by Tommy Truthful, the leader of Truth Mafia. He's an outstanding teacher brimming with knowledge, making him a valuable asset to our Truth Mafia community. You can connect with him on Instagram (@Bdell1014), Facebook (Brydell Rice-Bey), and TikTok (@Bdell1014). He proudly identifies as a Moorish American 🇲🇦. Bdell 🇲🇦 (@Bdell__1014) / X ( View all posts

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