Bowne Report The Great American Psyop 5th-generation warfare

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Bowne Report 5th-generation warfare

The projection pushing America into fragmentation is a deliberate psyop, financially backed by billionaires and managed by our intelligence agencies. The media and Democrats fuel it while a digital generation of spoiled Americans consumes it, leading to a host of actions pushing western civilization’s downfall. But what causes a man to shoot a 6-year-old girl and her father? Is it psychosis brought on by systematic generational oppression or the projection of a Marxist propaganda agenda? This generation of anger, based on pseudo-beliefs, has been constructed by the rot within the American government that JFK could not obliterate. What may seem random violence, based on psychological profiling, accumulates into fifth-generation warfare. Utilizing a PSYNET database, the remote PSYOP community targets sections of the American population. In the words of Sun Tzu, “One need not destroy one’s enemy. One needs only destroy his willingness to engage.”

We talk about 5th-generation warfare in this article I wrote.

Supervolcano ‘on verge of eruption’ and could spark mass extinction and nuclear winter #121 – Truth Mafia

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Bowne Report

Bowne Report Mentions 5th Generation warfare in the video. 

Bowne Report Fifth-generation warfare (5GW) is mainly non-kinetic with tactics such as social engineering, misinformation, and cyberattacks. Emerging technologies including artificial intelligence and fully autonomous systems are also used. Daniel Abbot coined the term “information and perception” to describe 5GW, but some scholars, including William S. Lind, who founded the theory of fourth-generation warfare, reject the term. Despite the lack of a widely agreed-upon definition, 5GW to target people, Who stand for freedom.

Targeted Individual

A Targeted Individual (TI) is someone unwillingly selected by the Deep State (usually FBI, DHS, or CIA) to participate in an experimental CIA torture program. This program, developed under the CIA’s MK-Ultra project, is intended to break the individual down using psychological, physical, and emotional stress to “neutralize the person”. The end goal is to control the entire population through intimidation, fear, and threats. Main targets include political activists, labor union leaders, scientists, whistleblowers, and occasionally random individuals. Family and spousal relationships are usually destroyed as a part of this psychological torture.

The FBI & DHS Fusion Centers operate the global gangstalking program. The program is designed to harass, intimidate, and break down the target and much of the local harassment is outsourced to community groups such as Infragard, Citizen Corp, and Neighborhood Watch. Targeted individuals are placed on the Terrorist Watchlist and tracked as “Non-Investigative Subjects (NIS)”. This decision renders emergency response from police and ambulances unlikely, through, which is run by AT&T.

The underground complex at Schriever Air Force Base, near Colorado Springs, is where the CIA and Air Force operate the Microwave Weapons program. The Vircator microwave satellite weapon, and digital beamforming from cell phone towers are used. The microwave beams target the head and cause long-term brain damage. This same type of weapon had been deployed against Cuban Diplomats according to Dr. Douglas Smith, M.D., at the University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Beatrice Golomb, MD, PhD at the University of California, San Diego. State Department signals expert, Mark Lenzi has also confirmed that the diplomats were attacked with microwave weapons. The National Academies of Science investigation led by Dr. David Relman found the microwave weapons were likely responsible for causing Havana Syndrome.

The government is able to embed Voice-To-Skull (V2K) signals in the microwave frequency (450 – 700 MHz) to send constant messages to the target using the “Frey effect” (microwave auditory effect). There are numerous U.S. patents covering these technologies and many mass shooting events are linked to them.

Bowne Report did not mention the severity of these attacks. 

Targeted Individuals

FBI Official: We Need to “Keep Fear Alive” to Justify Terror Budget

Targeted Individual

Personally, I don’t believe that satellites are orbiting Earth. Instead, I think that they are under the firmament and are advanced sun-charging drones that don’t need to come down. However, please note that this is just my opinion.

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The Great American Psyop Bowne Report

This list features 31 Medical Doctors, PhD Scientists, and former government agents who agree with our claim that the U.S. government is using microwave weapons to target civilians unlawfully. We encourage and support all Whistleblowers to come forward with their information. Our members include proud Whistleblowers and Political Activists who would gladly take action again. Among them are:
– Dr John Hall, M.D. and author
– Dr Katherine Horton, PhD Oxford Univ. Scientist
– Dr Robert Middlebrook, PhD Professor
– Dr Harold Mandel, M.D.
– Dr Daniel Lebowitz, M.D.
– Dr Max Williams, PhD, Professor & State Dept
– Dr Barrie Trower, PhD government Scientist
– Dr Michael Hoffer, M.D., Univ of Miami
– Dr Colin Ross, M.D.
– Dr Ed Spencer, M.D.
– Dr Sue Arrigo, M.D.
– Dr Douglas Smith, M.D., Univ of Penn.
– Dr Terry Robertson, M.D.
– Dr Robert Duncan, PhD former CIA engineer
– Dr Doug Rokke, PhD government Scientist
– Dr Eric Karlstrom, PhD Professor
– Dr Nick Begich, Scientist
– Dr Paul Batcho, PhD government scientist
– Dr Paul Marko, PhD Psychologist
– Dr Robert Steele, former CIA analyst
– Dr Ben Colodzin, PhD Psychologist
– Dr Curtis Bennett, Professor
– Dr Corkin Cherubini, author
– Dr Sean Andrews, Scientist
– Willam Binney, NSA Whistleblower
– Kirk Weibe, NSA Whistleblower
– Karen Stewart, NSA Whistleblower
– Carl Clark, CIA Whistleblower
– Kevin Shipp, CIA Whistleblower
– Mark Phillips, CIA Whistleblower
– John DeCamp, Army intelligence Whistleblower

This is why it is so Important to Protect ourselves from there technology.

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Tommy Truthful

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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1 thoughts on “Bowne Report The Great American Psyop 5th-generation warfare

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    Thanks Tommy, sometimes I wish I didn’t know all that I know, but I would also want to know anyway. Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile 😃 have a good weekend

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