Spread the Truth



– The president of the United States seems to have dementia. This is a huge sign and an omen of the direction that we’re heading in as a people. Every single sign and omen throughout all of the religions, they share many signs and wonders.
– Energy is building up in the world right now, up here in the surface. As that happens, you will start to see that the sky is becoming more charged. What we’re going to see are lights in the sky all over the place. The stage is being set. We’re being prepared for what is to come.
– Right before these end times, everything quickens. Extreme weather phenomenon, all of these things that we talk about, all these omens, they will increase. Everything happens in waves and cycles and rhythms. This is going to become get used to this.
– From 2019 to the apocalypse, you’re going to see it increasing to the point where people are going to start panicking. There will come a reckoning where people might be blind. So if you ever hear doom and gloom and all that bad stuff, ask, what’s the good news?
– This is not the first time we’re going to see this. Certain insects pick up on these frequencies being amplified first. When their energy becomes agitated, they swarm. This is stuff that happens in every religion that right before apocalyptic events happen. Get ready.
– If you have a video or even pictures, okay, max five pictures, one video. Please make the video short. It takes a long time to upload a video. This is only for omens unless I give special exceptions.


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First and foremost, I will say this. I noticed an interesting trend when I was younger, when I was still watching the news and stuff about all these presidents that are just dumb. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, but the presidents of times past have, for the most part, said some really, really dumb things. They don’t seem like I always expected presidents to be very intellectual and intelligent and well articulated and things like that, but they’re just the opposite of it. If anything, it reminds me of Idiocracy, right? The president that has like, the AK 47 or whatever, and he acts more like a WWF wrestler and it’s just all for show. And I started realizing that before Idiocracy even came out as a movie. So this guy’s no exception. He’s clearly I’ve only seen a few compilation videos and stuff of all of his different goops, but it seems to me like he has dementia. Am I the only one? Please let me know. Please let me know if I’m the only one that can clearly see that whoever this guy is or whoever these guys are, that they have dementia, that they’re not well, that there’s something very wrong with their brain. And this is allegedly the person that has been voted by everyone to be the best qualified candidate to represent those of sound mind who live in this country. To me, this is a huge sign and an omen of the direction that we’re heading in as a people. Every single sign and omen throughout all of the religions, they share many signs and wonders. One of those is the degradation of society. Society would become dumb. They would become immoral, corrupt, right? That they would lose their intelligence and that they would brag about their intelligence. The further they degrade, they would see evil as good and good as evil. Everything would be flipped onto its head and turned completely upside down. And that’s what I’m starting to notice, or that’s what I have been noticing for quite some time in the world that we live in, right?

So let’s start with this dude, Joe Biden. Now, this is really interesting to me because I was very interested in the whole Alex Jones not actually being Alex Jones thing. There’s many videos about how Alex Jones might actually be Bill Hicks, a different person who’s a comedian, who sort of does this Alex Jones kind of voice or whatever. That’s my Alex Jones. Or that’s my Bill Hicks. Alex Jones Voice But anyways, this is similar, right? Have you noticed, have you ever seen this? That all these different depictions of Biden. He looks way different. And here’s the thing, too. If you look this up, like, does Joe Biden have a clone or does he have a body double or whatever, it’s actually difficult. It was difficult for me to find any useful or relevant information on what I was looking for on the Internet. It’s been scrubbed you know what I mean? And I know that these are all over the place because they’re little gems in the internet that I have to go searching for. And I found many other people who have noticed that he looks way different. Sometimes I’ll point out some peculiarities. Most notably, some people have pointed out his earlobes. Check this out. So this is Biden when he was young. Apparently he’s got rounded, separated earlobes. Right? Here’s another picture of alleged Joe Biden. And then down here, check out the earlobe. It’s totally not separate from the face. There is no lobe, really. It’s just kind of attached right there. And the same thing’s going on over here. I thought that was really strange. And even stranger is I can’t seem to find not much on this particular subject. It looks like the Internet. Is that’s another sign of our times that the Internet itself, free access to open minded information is being scrubbed. It’s being scrubbed all over the place. So I’m going to bask in what I do while I still can do stuff like this, while I can still share this weird information with you guys. Stuff that’s not mainstream or anything like that. There’s also some different features, too. There’s some different pictures. Let me show you some examples here, right, where they look like a totally different person. And this is the president. I’ve gone down conspiracy tunnel after conspiracy tunnel where it looks like that there have been some sort of clones that were introduced in place of celebrities or clones or doubles or whatever you want to call them doppelgangers that were put in place of people that were seen at different events that have happened, that were traumatic events and stuff like that. Right? So it’s not a new concept whatsoever. It’s just interesting that it’s so in your face. Look at this one. He looks like he should be in The Lord of the Rings or something. Right there, right? The dude definitely looks really strange. I saw a video where his eye was filling up with blood. Did you guys see that? Did you see that weird one where his eyes all filling up with blood? So, yeah, really interesting stuff here. Might not be the same guy. And then on the Internet and the major news outlets, they act as if it’s not possible for the President to have a body double or a clone or anything like that. When we’re shown this time and time again that they do that presidents and other notable figures, kings and queens and stuff, that they do use body doubles. I mean, think about it. If you use body doubles for actors in Hollywood because you don’t want your precious actor, anything bad to happen to them, so they put in stunt doubles and stuff like that, doesn’t it seem reasonable to assume that they may also do something similar for the most important figure in your country? It seems reasonable to me. Now, I’m not saying that he is a clone or anything like that. I’m saying that collectively, all of the things that we’re about to look at are signs and wonders. It’s the world speaking to us. Right?

Alright, so I also found this one. So I guess in other news, there was a meteor, a space rock that crashed into Texas. This is it. I don’t know, I guess it broke up into some pieces or whatever they say on the Internet. They’re saying that it weighed a thousand pounds. A thousand pounds, and it smashed into Texas. So my question is, where’s the huge crater? I mean, I don’t live in Texas. I’m really asking people who live in Texas is there a huge, gigantic crater from this thousand pound rock or even pieces of its debris smashing into the ground? Just like we’ve been taught in academics our entire lives, that this is what rocks from space do when they weigh a bunch, when they’re very dense and we’re traveling at super crazy speeds, when they smash into the Earth, they leave behind impact craters. This picture that’s circulating the Internet right now is a regular old rock in the sand. I don’t know if somebody took it out of a giant crater and set it here specifically to take a picture of it and put some dust on it. I don’t know what’s going on here. But regardless, and regardless, when I share these signs and wonders, try to think about taking them in as a whole, as opposed to just each individual thing. Right? Because I could break down this rock individually, and it could seem like it’s not really that big of a deal, but whenever we add more context and we put context on top of context, then things become Abby Oz. Hey. Thank you. I super appreciate you. Thank you. The more context we get, the closer we get to the truth, basically. I gotta change that popcorn. Oh, snap. Look at that. Huapa. That’s awesome. Thanks again, Abby. So, yeah, where’s the crater? Right? And this is the third one in like, the last week, allegedly. That it’s. Space rocks that are just smashing into the Earth. Right. These things were not a common occurrence when I was growing up. Not in the 80s, not in the 90s. Stuff like this would be a big deal, and it would be talked about for months and stuff. Now we’re starting to see these strange anomalies, whether they be with catastrophic weather anomalies which we’ll talk about, or politics, or people or animals walking in circles, or swarming increasing in insects all over the world, and animals and people alike. All of these things. Right. We didn’t have words like space weather. There’s no weather in space. What is that? YouSure, here is the text reformatted into paragraphs:

“Have to have pressure to have weather. Then you’re telling me space is a vacuum. There’s all kinds of weird new things that are popping up since I was a kid that were not common, that were a big this people are going to forget about this in a few days. That’s why I wanted to do this segment, too, so that we don’t forget about it.

Earth’s magnetic north Pole is hurtling towards Russia. That’s huge. Right? So they say that over a hundred years ago, that they academics, mainstream academics, were tracking the movement of the magnetic North Pole and that it was going slowly, that it was moving, which is interesting in and of itself. I believe that that’s a whole course of discussion to talk about the Earth’s poles moving and shifting, as opposed to being reliable and being in the same place all of the time. Right. Them switching around has an effect on everything on that world, everything in that world. It has an effect on us.

Is it any kind of coincidence? Not that I believe in coincidences, but is it a coincidence that the world itself is? We have all these different news stories of the world shifting, of the world reversing direction, of the world changing and doing something totally different, doing a 180, and then it reciprocates with the people. We’re seeing the people do a 180. We’re seeing the people go into flux. We’re seeing the people acting upside down and backwards all over the place. Right?

If we scroll down to the bottom of this particular article, there’s an interesting thing that they saved for last, which I felt like would have been good to read at the very beginning of the article, but it says that there have been a few theories about why the polls movement has increased in recent years. So they have no idea. Okay, so collectively they have theories, which is all they have, really. That’s all they really have. They have theories. And the more high fives they give each other for their theories, the more their theory leans towards what they would call a fact, which is everyone else is wrong and we are right. That’s kind of academics for me.

It says there have been a few theories about why the polls movement has increased in recent years from around 6 miles a year between 1980 before accelerating, getting faster. It’s speeding up. This is another theme you’re going to see in all of these signs and omens is things quickening. There’s a quickening that’s happened in our world. Things are speeding up and reversing and going faster and amplifying and increasing at exponential rates never before seen, right? So quickly that it’s not even that people have grown accustomed to them. They’re just accustomed to constant change and constant shifting because everything’s going into flux. And those of you who have been born into this past decade or two, you’re growing up in a world that is in flux. So for you, this is normal. For you, this is something that you can see all of the time. For some of us older people, this is a huge sudden change. I mean, it started off gradual, right? But the closer we get to the end, if it was a bar graph, it would just shoot straight up just like that. All right?

So it went from 6 miles a year. The Sun’s magnetic pole traveled between 6 miles a year in 1980 before accelerating in 1980. This is the time. This is my decade, okay? Eighties and nineties before accelerating to around 24 to 31 miles a year. That’s fast. I mean, you know what mean? I that should be bells and whistles all over the place in the past two decades. Just in the past two decades, exponentially increasing its speed. It’s in a hurry. It’s in a rush. Why? Where’s it going? It has a destination, I’m assuming, right? This is the quickening. It’s in a rush, it’s in a hurry. And I think there’s a good reason for that. Some scientists think that a jet stream – this is going to be interesting to read – Some scientists think that a jet stream of molten liquid is pushing the North Pole, okay? It’s always funny to me when I read how academics speak, especially those who would put down others who they make out to have lesser intellect. The way that they talk is just so fantastic and childish sometimes. Some scientists believe that there is a jet stream of molten liquid pushing the North Pole, while others have suggested that the south and north magnetic poles are reversing positions – that would be closer to what I’m thinking is going on here. The poles are moving, so they’re flipping. They’re in the process of flipping. They’re moving. That’s what this is. They should be stagnant. They should be reliable. They should be something that we can count on for our GPS and our directions and knowing which way to go and our internal clocks and animals migrating and so many things. It’s not it no longer is. It’s no longer reliable. It’s in flux, which should tell us something. It’s a sign.

They go on to say there’s nothing to worry about when we do our Truth in Movies segment, right? If you haven’t seen my Truth in Movies segment, go check it out. I break down all this same exact types of esoteric information, but I apply it to the things that are dropped to us in Hollywood, in the movies. In the movies, they always have somebody that figures it out. Usually some sort of conspiracy theorist or some sort of explorer or question asker or somebody, and they’re like, oh, guys, the world’s going to end. Oh, guys, a cataclysm is on the way. And there’s always government officials and academics who are saying, no, everyone this person’s crazy. There’s nothing to worry about. Just the sheer numbers of instances where I personally have seen that tells me that something is not right, tells me that that’s a message being conveyed to us, right?

They say there’s nothing to worry about it is unusual behavior. Listen, when the Earth stops being usual and it becomes unusual, that is something for you to worry about. They don’t worry about it because they – I’m using that term loosely – they are preparing for these things, right? There are some people who may or may not be in the know, right? Some people who may be looking into cyclical resets and whatnot. So there’s nothing for them to worry about because they’re investigating. They’re researching for millennia after millennia, since the oceans were introduced, right? They’ve kept their eyes on the skies and meticulously tracked all of the stars and the patterns and everything that’s up there, right? So they don’t have anything to worry about. They tell us, don’t panic. Why? You know why? Because you are their energy. They’re piggybacking off of your energy, okay? They’re using you as currency, actual, current actual energy that flows. And the moment that you panic and stop relying upon the system that has been set up to benefit the few and to crush everybody else is whenever they start to lose control. And they would like to keep control all the way up until the very end. As a matter of fact, I believe that they would like many of us to survive so that they can take their slaves with them into the next era or whatever. Right.

They say it is unusual behavior in historical terms. Also, just the personal thing. That’s an extra suffix, okay? This goes back to idiocracy, okay? I love languages. I love words. I love spelling. I love etymology. Those are things that are my area of expertise, those things that I enjoy. I like words. I like the right brain. I like pictures and stuff like that. When they say things like historic all, it just bugs me personally, because that’s idiocracy. That’s not necessary. All you need to say is historic. There’s already a suffix there. The IC at the end means, like, history. You know what I mean? Historical or whatever. They keep on putting all these extra prefixes and suffixes, and it confuses the language. They make it more difficult. Right? Anyways, it’s more unusual behavior in historic terms by geological, that’s another one. Scales. It is not unusual. So doesn’t that sound contradictory? Well, it’s unusual, but at the same time, it’s not unusual. What the hell? Who buys that? I don’t buy that. I can see the clear contradiction in statement that was just made. So there seems to be a contradiction there, which means that if we look hard enough, we will find a sign, we will find an omen, right?”To rescue NASA’s. What is that, a telescope or something like that? So basically, there’s some people who want to put together another rocket launch and put together a huge mission to go out there and rescue a telescope. How many miles? 185,000,000 miles from the Earth. Seems like it would be a better idea to just make another one instead of wasting all of that time and energy and manpower to go out there and rescue something that you made, that you could just easily make again and maybe even make it better. Because technology allegedly is advancing at such a rapid rate right now. So the question I would ask is, what are they really doing? Right? What are they really going to go do if they’re not rescuing some telescope? I don’t know. It’s interesting.

This one says a complicated history of how the Earth’s atmosphere became breathable. The complicated history. It is complicated when you go with the academic mainstream model of how we have oxygen in our world or how we have an atmosphere that’s pressurized with no barrier between us and that infinite vacuum of space. God, man, everything becomes very complicated for me, trying to understand. And when I say complicated, I mean, it raises a lot of legitimate, reasonable questions, right? If they say one thing, then we have to ask, what are the implications? How did that thing come to be? Et cetera. But I’ll tell you the simple truth. The Earth makes oxygen, right? And if you have more of, like, a mainstream cosmology and you see the world more as it’s taught by mainstream academics, then it becomes very complicated to figure out things like, where did the oceans come from? And all of a sudden, you’ve got, like. Slushy comet theories bombarding the Earth millions of years ago, way before anybody could prove anything. I’m telling you that the Earth makes oxygen. The Earth supplies all of the elements that the Earth needs for its inhabitants and itself, as do all of the other realms out there in the fractal verse. Also, I would say that as far as a sign and an omen, these things are little echoes of what once was, which is when our world filled with oxygen. Right? And even academics is kind of touching on this a lot lately, that our world seems to have had an influx of oxygen at a certain point in time. I will say that my theories present that the world supplies that oxygen, that ionized beams of oxygen shoot out from the inner hollow recesses of the Earth, and they touch the sky, and they fill the sky and refresh and renew our vital supply of oxygen and other chemicals. It’s actually like a chemical romance. It’s a cosmic weding that creates all of these different elements and stuff that are needed to sustain life because they deplete over time. Right? We’re in a time of increased exponential entropy where things are degrading and we’re running out of our supplies and we’re running out of fresh oxygen and stuff. And one day, the Earth will renew herself. She will renew all of that, not just for us, but for everything that’s here. And when that happens, for an eon, for an entire age, our world fills with oxygen, fresh oxygen, which has many different byproducts and many different benefits, obviously for creatures, mankind, animals and plants alike. Also, it’s got some maybe not so fun byproducts, like, insects growing to humongous sizes, gigantic insects the world across. Right? Which is why it’s probably a good idea to head north if that happens. If you’re not a big fan of bugs like I’m not, you want to go to places where it’s cooler and those gigantic bugs won’t bother you.

All right, next up, we’ve got this one says NASA. We’ve had a 30 minutes or we would have a 30 minutes warning before a killer solar storm hits the Earth. Okay? That’s interesting. I mean, it all depends on how you view your local cosmology and how you view the Earth and the sun and things like that. I would say if they’re talking about an apocalyptic event, we have warnings all over the place. That’s why we do this particular segment. Omens and signs and wonders, et cetera. And they’ve been happening. It’s just that they don’t all happen all at one time, right, but they’re starting to happen more and more and more as time goes forward, so we don’t notice it as much. We become accustomed and used to all of these changes that we live in. Just like that frog in a pot. When you turn up the heat and it starts to boil slowly, right? You can start to increase the heat and how hot it is. Oh, right on. Hey, thanks for the memberships, PJ. So five random memberships will be given out in the Chat today. Thanks to PJ. Anyways. Yeah. I believe that when the apocalypse comes, it’s going to catch everybody off guard, right, even though it shouldn’t, even though there have been signs and omens. And the Earth herself has been speaking to us for hundreds of years, showing us these things and showing us that they’re getting worse and they’re increasing in how often they happen, right? So if we pay attention like we do in this segment to these signs, things like this won’t catch us off guard. All of these solar storms and stuff, by the way, they’re increasing, like all this solar activity. I’m telling you right now, it’s my perspective that the sun is increasing in its heat, which we’re going to show in just a minute, too. The sun is getting hotter and brighter, and as that happens, it’s going to affect the atmosphere that it swims around in, and that’s going to have an adverse effect on our weather, creating extreme forms of weather back to back, right next to each other. And we’re going to start seeing stuff like that, if you haven’t already, because it is already happening. I’ve seen it already. The seasons are off, the seasons are changing, the weather’s crazy. We’re getting extremes back to back of extreme hot, extreme cold right next to each other. It’s really interesting. If we pay attention, we can read these signs.

This one says, an asteroid the size of Big Ben OOH will zip past the Earth tomorrow at 29,000 miles an hour. I just think it’s funny. Remember, every time we do this, they always are updating us on. It started off as like one deadly comet or one deadly asteroid that’s going to come really close. It’s going to be a close call with Earth, right? And they’re starting to do this way more often, and now they’re starting to put more of them, like five of them and stuff like that, right? That they’re coming really close to the Earth. But the way they describe how large these alleged rocks, space rocks, are just super funny. What was that one? Who’s that in the chat? There’s somebody in the Chat that always cracks me up. It was like an asteroid the size of 60,000 rudabagas is going to pass by the Earth or whatever. They always compare it to something really weird, right? But anyways, this is a sign and it’s an omen that things are falling down from the sky even if it doesn’t hit the Earth, okay? The article itself and the abundance of these types of articles that are warning us, saying, hey, things are getting closer, things are grazing our atmosphere, or things are passing between the Moon and the Earth, et cetera, all of these articles, whatever the reality is behind them, right? It matters not if you’re looking for the signs and the wonders and the omens that we look for when we interpret what the rest of us are doing, because we act as little antennas for the song of the world. Not everybody picks up on what song they’re listening to, on what song is being played. But I’ve seen that it’s manifested in various mediums. For example, many artistic mediums, like music and movies, right? But also in our news stories, all of these things that people are writing, I don’t know if they’re making them up or whatever. What I do know is that we’re all collectively starting to touch into the ether. We’re all collectively starting to pick up on similar trends and similar things that are sort of written in the language of the world, which is more picture form, right? I mean, it can be. I like to think that the world is balanced, but it speaks to me in pictures and in images. So if we use our creative side, we can put all of these stories and stuff together, justLike comparative mythology, except for we apply it to the modern day when we look at all of these new stories and the changes that are happening around the world. Check this one out. It says, Mars rover finds signs of a robust ancient river. This is one of those crystal clear HD pictures from Mars, allegedly, right?

Well, they have their car up there and they’re remote controlling it from 2 million mile away. And they actually have a helicopter, which we’ve shown a few different times on this segment too. They’re flying drones around on Mars. All kinds of crazy stuff’s going on. They’ve got plastic and trash all over the place. But look at the sky. I always wondered about this when they show, like, the Martian sky, right, that it’s also this sort of red color.

I mean, I feel like it’s just a filter because I believe that all of these Martian pictures are actually local and that they’re not millions of miles away whatsoever. And I also believe that the places where they film this stuff is blurred out on Google Earth and other places where you should be able to just zoom in and look, right? They blur them out all over the place. My guess is that it’s somewhere in Greenland. And I feel like a lot of other people have mentioned that in my comment sections, in the Chat, etc., right? That it’s somewhere in Greenland.

But this is really interesting because it’s this red sky on Mars, right? Which is it harkens back to our very own time of a red sky, when we had a red sky and our color spectrum was a lot different. But how does it get like that? Well, I’ll tell you. It’s from oxygen. Allegedly. It has to be from oxygen. They say that all of the dirt and stuff that is on the surface has been oxidized, which means it has to have oxygen, right? And I just think that’s hilarious how they paint Mars. Basically, it’s earth. It’s like Earth part two. And even if it is filmed on Earth, keep in mind it still represents things that we can read into when we listen to the song of the world.

All right, this next one up says, SpaceX launches 56 new starlink satellites and lands a rocket at sea. So it’s interesting. SpaceX launches 56 new satellites without anybody’s permission. I don’t know how all of you feel, but I enjoy the natural beauty of mother nature, including the sky. Not just the earth itself, but parts of humanity are just polluting the heck out of the skies, right? Putting all of these various lights up there in the form of satellites and stuff that are passing by. And it’s difficult for some to differentiate between what we have stuck up there and put up there on our own versus what is naturally occurring, you know what I mean? Like, is it a UFO? Is it plasma? Is it electrical activity? Is it a space station or whatever? You know what I mean? It’s becoming more difficult to figure out what’s going on up there without having to google it and jump on the computer or pull out an app and see what it tells you, right?

When in the old days, you could just look up and you knew that everything you were looking at for the most part was natural. And I like that. I don’t like the natural beauty of the sky being blocked out. Also, I feel like the sky is getting brighter even at nighttime, right? I feel like a part of that is because the moon’s getting brighter, but it stands to reason that if the moon is getting brighter and if the sun is getting brighter, shouldn’t also the stars follow suit and the stars are getting brighter also.

That reminds me, we’re going to check out a cool little video that another YouTube channel sent me a clip, and they said it was cool to share their video of this star. Remember how I shared that star with you that had the hand that sort of passes in front of it, or looks like it does? Well, I found another one. This other person recorded a star that turns into faces, so stay tuned for that. We’re going to check that out at the end.

All right, so let’s see. This one says, solar balloons detect strange noises in the earth’s stratosphere. I listened to this audio clip. I’m not really going to play it because it’s pretty boring, but it sounds like ruffling paper or something up in the upper atmosphere. It’s electricity, right? They’re recording the sound of electricity that is flowing through wherever it’s recording. Right.

But I just think it’s really interesting as a sign and as an omen. Many different ancient religions have made reference to, most notably Christianity, and the Bible itself have made reference to the trumpets of God and these sounds that would come from the sky, that would announce the coming of the Lord or the coming of the savior figure or the coming of God or things like that, right?

Because there is a trumpet, there is a sound that blows. I wouldn’t say it’s an actual physical trumpet like how we have down here. It’s just symbolic that there are these sounds that are manifest up in the atmosphere and people the world across are listening to this weird reverberating noise that changes from time to time. Sometimes it’s like a sweeping sound. Sometimes it sounds like somebody’s banging on, like metallic objects and stuff. And it comes from the heavens, it comes from the sky itself.

There’s various theories as to what could produce those types of sounds, but modern academics seems to have no clue, no idea whatsoever. And yet you and I, just regular people the world across, we are all starting to hear these strange sky sounds. Now, symbolically, these are the trumpets, okay? These are the trumpets that are being blown. Etheric trumpets, you could say, that are omens. These are signs that say, hey, blow the trumpets to announce something that is on the way, something that is coming, right, which is a foreshadowing of the great trumpet blast, which I believe that people will hear just before the big event kicks off.

A huge, great, massive trumpet blast. I mean, imagine when the sky depressurizes, that itself is going to create a very loud noise. But also, whenever the inner Earth energy explodes up and shoots up into the atmosphere, it’s going to rip through our atmosphere and it’s going to create thunder on a scale like we’ve never heard before, right? I can imagine it’ll probably terrify a lot of people, and it might even have a physical and adverse effect on people, causing people to black out or pass out or feel like they’re in the spirit world or they’re in another place or hallucinate, all kinds of different things, because those are vibrations that are affecting us.

We now have vibrations all around us that affect many of us in the forms of radio waves and WiFi and all that stuff, that we have electricity just in your houses and stuff. So these are things to look out for when we hear those trumpet sounds.

Let’s move on to the next thing. Artemis Two will phone home from the moon using laser beams. Well, that’s interesting, right? Now, let’s imagine this, okay, in the academic model.Spinning around, orbiting us while all this stuff’s happening. And they’re going to shoot a laser from the Moon to the Earth in order to make a phone call, right? They didn’t do that the first time. Allegedly is no problem, but anyways, they’re going to try to shoot a laser. I don’t know why they would do that. I mean, the story with the first one is that they actually just hooked up the communications like at Capcom. They hooked that up to the president’s phone or whatever. And so it was rerouted through communications at capcom, and then they were able to basically just talk to Houston and the president was sort of being rerouted through their microphones in know at Houston or whatever. But this time they’re not going to do that even though that sounds much easier to do. They’re going to try to shoot a laser at the Earth from 200,000 miles away. Good luck with that.

Is Beetlejuice. Beetlejuice is a star. I believe it’s one of the shoulders of the constellation Orion. It’s very bright red up in the sky. They also say that Beetlejuice has been dimming a lot lately and it’s getting ready to explode, which is what this article is about. They’re predicting a supernova basically, which is really interesting. And it’s sort of symbolic of whenever our own sky opens up and we have a supernova up in our sky where our atmosphere blasts out and it depressurizes and then you can see what will look like Niburu or a red planet or a red circle or a red eye in the sky, et cetera. Depends on your perception filter, how you interpret that. But that’s sort of our own supernova which will create a black hole, which will literally be physically be a hole in a physical object up there, which is a container that keeps our world pressurized, right? But anyways, is Beetlejuice getting ready to explode? Yeah, Beetlejuice is getting ready to explode. Beetlejuice part two was approved lately. I don’t know if you guys knew that or not. Not so much a sign or an omen. But I will break this movie down because I do truth in movies as a segment here on my channel. Usually once a week, I like to break down some movies. We all have some popcorn and some drinks together, and we go through an entire movie, one of my choosing, and we break down the symbolic elements that are hidden within those scenes in the movies. Beetlejuice two, I can’t wait for it. We’ve already broken down Beetlejuice part one, and this is set to release sometime, I think next year, in 2024, could be 2025, but fairly soon, basically. And so I’m pretty excited about that. And we will break that down. I’ll be the first one to see that. It better be good. You better not mess this movie up. This is so good, you know what I mean? I almost don’t want them to make a Beetlejuice part two. Do you ever feel that way when you have just a classic movie that you just love? You know what I mean? You almost don’t want them to make a sequel, but a part of you kind of does, because what if it’s good? What if they do it justice? I hope so. We’ll see what happens. They say that Michael Keaton’s going to play his exact same role, which is interesting because he also came back as Batman in the newest Flash movie, too.

All right, back to the news. Chronal mass ejection approaching Earth could spark a g one class geomagnetic storm. And then right over here, you’ll notice it says, what is a geomagnetic storm? Well, I want to share my theory with you. I’m not so convinced that geomagnetic storms are caused by something that is millions and billions of miles away. I’m just not super convinced by that. I’m more convinced that the Earth itself is responsible for geomagnetic storms, seeing how the Earth creates the geomagnetic field. It’s called geo because it comes from the Earth. So I feel like whenever we go through these magnetic changes and there’s anomalies that are happening in our upper atmosphere or even on the Earth itself, it’s because the Earth is going into flux, the energy is going into flux, and we know that. And there’s proof of that by the North Pole making its way all the way up there past the Arctic Circle and past north and whatnot. And it’s on the rise. It’s going faster and faster and it’s moving about. It might have slowed down recently, but I have a theory and I believe that it’s going to actually settle at the true north, that it’s going to come back around just like it has when we’ve tracked it before. Right? So I believe these things are coming from the Earth herself.

Next up, we got South Korean moon probe snaps, a picture of NASA’s powerful lunar orbiter. Let me hold on. Let’s check out this picture. Whip it. There it is. Wow. Oh, my. That’s amazing. Look at that. What is it again? A picture of NASA’s powerful lunar orbiter. Look at the lunar orbiter right there near the moon. Wow, look at the quality right now.

Let’s compare this with the very next article right here. Like they actually have an article that says something about Mars or whatever, but let me zoom into their Martian picture here and let’s compare the I’m pretty sure that I don’t know, that looks like it’s not a real photo. I don’t know what’s real anymore. That’s crazy. But I’ve shown you many photos, allegedly, that were taken on Mars, right? They got HD, they got movies and stuff. And then when we try to take pictures of anything that’s near to the moon, boom, this is what you get. Yeah. Wow, look at that. That’s amazing. Wow, they were actually able to take a picture of it. Dude, that’s immensely closer than Mars. So the question is, why are we getting such crystal clear images allegedly from the surface of Mars? And when it comes to our nearby neighborhood, you get pixels. Nothing. You know what I mean? What do you think? What do you think the reason for that is? Why would they show us such obvious contrast between something that’s clearly way further away versus something that is way closer to our world itself? Right? I mean, like I’ve said many times, I want them to take all of their little space telescopes and just point them at the moon. That’s it. I just want them to have like one week or a month or whatever, that they just point everything at the moon and they just record the moon like they do Mars and they show you pictures and stuff of the moon. I don’t believe they’re probably ever going to do that, but that’s my wish.

This one says, climate change is making crabs lose their sense of smell and seafood may never be the same. Well, let’s take a look at this seafood. Allegedly. POW. That’s a spider. Just so you know. That’s an ocean spider. Now, I’ve done a couple of pretty good videos talking about giant bugs and how ocean and sea creatures, many of them, especially the ones that we consider to be crustaceans and seafood and shellfish, which are not fish at all, how they’re bugs. They’re gigantic bugs. And some people are like, yes, bravo. I thought so. But all of the real hardcore seafood lovers or whatever are like, why are you trying to gross us out? Why you keep saying bugs? Why keep calling them bugs over and over? You’re just trying to gross us out. Yes, I’m trying to gross you out because it’s disgusting to me to eat bugs. It’s not because I want you to feel the same way that I feel. It’s because I want you to have information and I want you to know what you’re eating if you know you’re eating bugs and you continue to do it. Hey, all the best. By all means, go eat bugs. That’s fine. I’m not going to, but I just want you to have the information. Just like if you went to a restaurant and they only served human, you know what I mean, but they called it something else, and I knew that it was human. I’m probably going to sound off and let everybody know, just, hey, you’re eating human, just so you know. And some people will be like, yeah, I know it’s human, but it’s delicious, and I’m just going to keep eating it. And I’ll be like, hey, all the best. You have the information. Do with it what you will. I do the same thing with insects.Sure, here is the text reformatted into natural paragraphs:

and bugs and stuff. If you’re a bug eater, have fun eating bugs. I will probably not join you at the dinner table, but we can still be friends and talk about stuff or whatever, and I don’t believe that they’re good for you. That’s my own research, okay? I mean, common sense tells me that it’s probably not a super good idea to eat a bunch of bottom feeders, but if you want to, that’s up to you. That’s totally fine. I don’t judge anybody. I’m just putting the information out there. And some people are like, I love my bugs with butter. Sweet. Enjoy the butter bugs.

All right, next up, 23,000 or 2300 year old scissors and folded sword discovered in a Celtic cremation tomb in Germany. 2300 year old? Well, I always question how old these things really are whenever they radiocarbon date them, because like I talked about, we live in a time of increased entropy. Actually, let me go back and break that down.

Entropy is one of the laws of the universe, right, that things are breaking down constantly over time. But I believe that they came up with that law, and it’s biased because we’re looking at entropy through a perspective of living inside of entropy. So it’s difficult for us to conceive of entropy not existing, right? But instead the opposite regeneration, existing where things improve and they get better and better instead of degrading and becoming worse and worse. This is known as the fall, right? This is known as sin entering into the world or however you’d like to see it, right? But basically, things get worse and worse and worse and worse.

Right? But if they get worse and worse exponentially, if they degrade over time exponentially, then your dating you have to reconsider all of your dating systems, right, that they’re all going to be dated in reality much sooner than these millions of years and thousands of years and stuff.

And on top of that, this is interesting that they find this stuff because there’s nothing new under the sun. And we’ve had technology and all kinds of other things that have come up that have been petrified in rock. We have many examples of these, and usually if they are featured on the news, like they might be mining in coal or something, and they’ll find something that is clearly a modern evidence of modern technology or what appears to be modern technology or mechanical type objects and stuff that have no business whatsoever. According to their dating system, they have no business being found in coal whenever they’re mining coal or lodged in rock that’s dated to be millions of years old or something. These things have been around a lot sooner than all of that. And the rocks and the petrification happens instantaneously. It doesn’t happen over millions and millions of years. I’m not saying it can’t. I’m just saying that I believe, based on the plasma apocalypse research that I’ve done, that the plasma comes in and electricity petrifies it instantaneously. So some things have sunk down into the mud or sunk down into the debris that is left over after apocalyptic events. And if they are hit and charged by one of those larger streams of plasma or electricity, they will be petrified right in there, and they’ll turn into rock right along with the rest of the sand and mud and debris.

All right, so check this out. Let’s go back to the sun. Let me scooch this over a bit. Damn, I didn’t mean to do that. Hold on. Okay, let’s scooch this over. Now, it says here here’s a question. Do you know what color the sun is here? So they’re going to give us the answer here in a second. Let me ask the chat, what color is the sun? What do you guys think? There’s no right or wrong or anything. I’m just wondering, just off the top of your mind, if somebody asked you, hey, what color is the sun? What would you say? What would be your answer right now? Let’s talk before we actually look into this article, because this is something I have mentioned, and I do mention quite often, is the spectrum, the color spectrum in our world shifting and changing over the last few hundred years to such an extreme degree that it gives us brand new colors over time. And it means that some colors that we have now we would not have had going further back in time. For example, I’ve done a couple of videos about the color blue, and there’s a lot of articles online where people are saying the color blue never existed, et cetera. I agree with that. I believe that the color blue did not exist because in order to have color, you have to have light. And that color that you’re going to see is going to be dependent upon its light source. If you shine white light on an object, you’ll get one color. If you shine red light on an object or blue light, you’ll get a totally different color, right? So back in time, whenever the sun was yellow, some of us remember the sun being yellow, and then before that, more of an orange, and then before that. More of a red. When you get into the red spectrum, you’re going to have much less blue, if any at all, that you can see in our world.

See that picture of the sun right behind me? This is interesting that they put a picture of the sun and make it all orange and stuff like that. Because if they put a picture of the sun, how it really looks, it’s going to shock people, right? They’re going to put something like this, this article, and they’re going to tell you what that color is, right? But then they’ll put a picture that contradicts this article and what they’re about to show you. They put these pictures of the sun, and it’s all fiery because we associate orange and red and stuff with fire, right, and being hot or whatever, when in reality, blue is actually more of a hot color when it comes to light. But let’s check out what the answer is. I do see a lot of people in the Chat saying that maybe it used to be yellow. I see white, a lot of people saying white, etc. Well, my theory is that the sun is getting hotter. And when lights get hotter and they become more focused, the color spectrum changes from that yellowish color to a white color, which many of us remember. And some people I see in the Chat are saying now, but then after that, it transitions into blue. So let’s see what they say.

Now, this is from that exact same article. And you can see it says buckle up because apparently NASA says that our sun is really a blue green color. And this has come up a couple of different times in my studies where they say the not so obvious answer is that the sun is blue green. Many people don’t look at the sun. We’ve been trained that way by the world at large. Don’t look at the sun, don’t look at it. Don’t look at it. You’ll go blind or whatever. So a lot of people, they never look at the sun. They never look at it. They don’t obviously take pictures of it. In the photography industry, for decades, there was this whole deal like, never take a picture of the sun. Don’t point your cameras at the sun. It’ll destroy your camera phone, it’ll destroy your cameras, etc. They did not want people to record the sun. They didn’t want them to keep a record of the changes that are happening with our light source, with the skylight that is moving around our world. So the sun is officially, as acknowledged by mainstream academics, turning blue, which means that it stands to reason it’s getting hotter and brighter, which this is my own personal experience, but when I go out there in the world and it’s a sunny day, that sun is freaking hot these days, right? I mean, it’s microwaving my skin all over the place. I used to be able to go out when I was a kid and enjoy sun and get a tan and play outside all day long or go to the beach or whatever. But now the Sun’s heat is making that difficult. And the Sun’s heat is affecting our weather patterns that we have here. If it is in our atmosphere, as I suppose that it is, and it is getting hotter, then we would definitely see a domino effect, right, that the sun would also make the atmosphere along its transit hotter.Everywhere it goes, which means that wherever it is, it’s going to become the hottest up in the atmosphere. But then it’s going to leave little wakes, right? The atmosphere is a fluid, right? So it’s going to leave little wakes of little pockets of heat that are going to start spinning around and following the path of the sun, which means on the other side of those wakes, we’re going to have an extreme opposite temperature, which means it’s going to become very, very cold. And I also believe that this is seen in the Moon, too. I mean, this is my own personal experience, but I look at the Moon quite often, much more than I do looking at the sun, but I do take pictures of the sun, and I do keep my eyes on it. But the Moon is so bright.

Okay. I can’t even explain how bright the Moon is, let me tell you. Let me try. Kevin, hey, welcome. Kevin Bell. Good to see you. Glad to have you with us. So check this out. When I go out, there have been nights when I’m out, like, walking my dog or something, and I go out and I can see crisp, clear shadows on the ground that are being cast from the Moon, which is weird, because when I was really young, I remember that those shadows were a little bit more blurry. They were a little blurrier. They weren’t such sharp contrast between where the shadow is and where the light of the Moon hits the ground or the buildings or whatever it is. It’s ridiculously bright. Oh, that was all the pictures. Hold on, let me take these down real quick.

All right. So anyways, the Moon is getting ridiculously bright, so much so that I’ve gone out walking my dog at night, and I’ve had to put my hands up to block the light, just like it’s sunlight or something, right? And I’m trying to look at the Moon. My eyes have to, like, spend a second focusing and adjusting, and I have to really stare at it for a while to really allow my eyes to bring it into focus. That’s an indicator for me that it’s getting brighter, because that’s exactly what happens whenever you use a camera and something is extremely bright up there, and it’s going to go out of focus or whatever, but when it’s not so bright, it’s easier to focus in on it. But anyways, it’s so bright that I went outside a few different times just recently, and I thought it was a full moon. I’m sure of it. Before I actually looked up and saw the moon or whatever, it was only like halfway full. I’m like what? This is insane. I get out my camera every time, and I start taking pictures, and I look up there and I take pictures of the moon and stuff, and it’s just blowing my mind halfway. Full moon gives off the same amount of light as, like, a full moon, or at least what a full moon used to be, right? Now, when we have a full moon, it’s like, man, it’s so insanely bright. I believe that the moon is getting brighter, the sun is getting brighter, and the stars, the luminaries themselves, are getting brighter, which is adding to the sky in general, just flooding the sky with much more light, which makes it more difficult to see the heavens and whatnot, because the sky itself is just getting a lot brighter. And once again, thanks a lot.

So this is the star, right? And he’s going to zoom into the star. Now let’s take a look at it just from right here, right? You can see it’s interesting already. It’s got like these sort of points on it. But watch what happens when he zooms. You can see a face already, even though it was much smaller. So now he zooms into it, and this is going to go sort of frame by frame, but look at it, right? It’s creepy, to say the least. I’m not saying that star is absolutely a face or whatever, but I will say that this is very interesting, very extremely interesting to look at a star zoomed up and it’s turning into like all these oh, let me pause it real quick. Let me catch there’s so many things. Look, I just randomly paused it right there. Boom. It totally resembles a face. Now, it could just be us. It could be our minds and our brains that are making us see images. Like pareidolia has an effect on us. Oftentimes when we look at the clouds or rocks or certain things, sometimes things are pareidolia. Sometimes things are just our imagination kicking in because it’s been repressed for so long. But other times it’s actually real. Other times look at this. Isn’t that kind of creepy? I like the hand one better. I get a much soothing, much more soothing sense when I saw the hand pass in front of the star than I do this weird shapes. Look at this. I’m going to try to catch a few of them, but there’s like all these different face shapes that it makes. Look at all that. That one looks like a Mayan face right there. Let’s see what else we got here. It’s just moving about, and it constantly has this sort of two eyes and a mouth and even like, horns. You see that how it sort of has, like, these spiky, horn type things up top. Look at that. This is amazing. I love watching this type of amateur photography. I love watching a lot of amateur stuff, actually. I don’t like watching any official stuff, really, but amateur photographers and Sky Watchers, people who are sharing what they have found when they catch random things that are happening in the world, that’s news to me. Look at that. Jeez, man, what is that? What’s that movie? That scary movie saw? You know what I mean? It looks like the saw. Dude, if he just had some red spirals on his cheeks or whatever, right? It’s creepy. I would say to me, it’s creepy. I don’t know what it is, you know what I mean? But it’s definitely creepy. But yeah, there it is. I like to see amateur photography. I like to see people around the world recording things for themselves and sharing it with others. Wow. Some of that was just vivid. Did you see some of those faces and images? Look, it’s got, like this sort of mask look to it, like, with a nose, too. Are you seeing this look? All those weird things that it’s turning into the Ghost Face Killer, which, by the way, is super cheesy. Every time I see that commercial, they’re really trying to get people to watch the new Scream movie. I didn’t want to watch it after part two. It literally has an entire spin off. I’m sort of getting off the subject, but I’m going to hang out in the chat here for a bit. It’s so bad that they created the Scary Movie franchise after the actual movie or whatever, scream. But it’s so bad. They’re like, the girl’s like, you’ve been in my life for so long. And it’s like, this isn’t the same Ghost Face Killer or whatever. That’s so cheesy. It’s the exact same ghost face killer. I’m not going to be watching it or whatever. And another thing, speaking of what she says in the movie, you’re going to be with me for so long, or You’ve been with me for so long, or You’ve been in my life, or however she says it, I don’t know. It reminds me of the sort of catchphrases that are popping up everywhere on YouTube. God, please, guys, don’t ever let me get like that, okay? Feel free to remind me gently. Be kind about it. But if you ever hear me saying anything like, this is changing the game. This changes everything. That’s what everybody’s starting to say now. It’s so catchy. It’s so catchphrasey. All right, so that was it right there. I just clicked back on one, and that’s what it gives us. But yeah, everybody’s like, oh, this changes everything. Like, half the news articles I’m reading says, this changes everything. Man, stop. No, everything’s already changing, okay? And it’s not one thing that’s changing everything. It’s all of it is all changing at once. And we live during that time. All right, anyways, big shout out to a link to the past. Thank you for leaving a comment with a link to your channel. I appreciate it and giving me permission to share that. So this is that new robot serpent, basically. What do you think about this? Right? So they’ve launched.Cars out into space. They’ve put little buggies out there. They’ve got helicopters on Mars and stuff, and now they’re making snakes, robot snakes, to slither out into space and explore things, allegedly, right? So, what do you think the real story about these snakes are? What are they using these snakes for? What could it possibly really be for? I can’t imagine them navigating space or just flying through space. I mean, I can’t imagine anything navigating a vacuum, but let alone these things. Let’s see, we got Drew, who says, I believe that the aluminum sprayed in the air makes the sky like a magnifying glass. Yes, I totally agree with you. Because the sunlight or the heat waves bounce off the ground, they go back up to the clouds, and then it’s just trapped in there, going back and forth, making it a lot hotter. So you make a good point, Drew. A snake birthed a snake. What? A snake birthed a snake. Oh, NASA. I see what you mean. Okay. Russia mall is fire. Okay, interesting. What else we got? Venice is a nice area. It is a nice area.

Alright, let’s see what else we got going on in the news. This snake thing is really interesting. Alright, let’s see. And of course, that harkens back to the actual plasma snakes, or the skyworms from ancient times, they were called fire serpents, skyworms, fire dragons, things like that, but they were not robotic in nature. Now, imagine this let me go back to that video real quick. Imagine these robotic serpent snakes. Imagine they make a whole bunch of these, right? And then the plasma apocalypse happens. Now, there’s a portion of the plasma apocalypse. There’s many different parts to it and many different offshoots and things that happen because of the depressurization of our atmosphere.

When we are talking about the atmosphere depressurizing, right? When that happens and there’s a hole that opens up in our atmosphere or between us and space, then that plasma wriggles its way down and it slides and slithers down from above, and it comes down in our world to ground itself. That plasma can possess objects, right? Taking control of them, giving them life, right? Bringing inanimate, or what once was considered to be an inanimate object to life, giving it a spark of life all on its own. And its directive comes from its source, right? So as long as it’s connected to its source, or as long as that hole in the sky is opened up, then that plasma will be you could look at it like it’s mentally controlling whatever it has possessed.

I call this plasma possession. So this especially, I mean, it applies to humans and animals and stuff, but I imagine those are a bit harder to possess than an object that has no energy or spirit inside of it, like a robot. So imagine you have all these snake robots and other things that they’ve been building lately because our technology is becoming so advanced. And then that plasma comes in and brings it all to life. Immediately after we’ve gone through a worldwide EMP, shutting everything down and turning everything off, right? The red plasma comes in. Cars turn on all by themselves. Radios are skipping around or whatever. Your toaster is working all by itself. And all of these different robotics also come to life.

Probably the last place I would want to be, which is weird because I really like this place, is Disneyland or Disney World or any theme park I imagine would be creepy if they’ve got, like, a bunch of animatronics that just come to life and they’re all plasma possessed. Denali Princess is in the chat and says, jay, the snake reminds me of the oroboros. The snake eating itself. Yes, good one. All right, let’s move on to this next article. We got in space, allegedly the alleged space, it says Saturn’s rings are being sucked back into the planet. So there’s been many of these articles lately that Saturn is losing its rings, right? I don’t know. I don’t watch Saturn. I don’t keep track of it. But it’s interesting nonetheless that they talk about Saturn’s rings are starting to disappear. In addition to this, we also have the planet Mercury, which recently became a comet out of nowhere. They’re like, oh, that’s normal. Sorry about that. That’s totally normal. That’s totally fine. It’s always been a comet. No, it hasn’t. It’s always been a planet, or like, as far back as I can remember, but they’re like, oh, yeah, no, it’s actually always got a tail on it. Our moon actually has a tail, but you just can’t see it.

Okay. Oh, five nights at Freddy’s. Yes, that’s a good one. Actually. That’s perfect. That’s a clear example. So this is a video game where you’re basically locked inside of the security room at Chuck E. Cheese all by yourself and you’re running out of power. And every time that you open or close or lock a door or something, all these animatronics move like they’re all on cameras, and you watch them on the cameras, and then the second you move a camera or you look at something else, they’ll take off and they’ll move and they’re trying to get you. So that’s how I imagine it would be, yeah. Chuck e cheese. Right? I would not want to be a Chuck E. Cheese either. John Beck gives a big old thank you to whoever got the membership for him. That’s awesome. All right, let’s see what else we got. So we got Saturn’s rings are disappearing. Mercury turns into a comment, I guess. And Jupiter. Jupiter’s great Red Spot has gotten smaller. Isn’t that interesting? Jupiter’s big huge storm spot is shrinking. So Saturn’s rings are shrinking or collapsing in towards the planet, allegedly. And Jupiter’s ring is shrinking. And then they also remember we’ve gone over this a few times. They say that the moon is getting further away, which means that perspective wise, the moon is also shrinking. What’s going on up there in the sky? Pima says I have a tail, you just can’t see it. That’s funny. A one is in the chat, says J dreamers. Saturn also, they said, has 140 moons now. Yeah, that’s weird, too. Good point. A one, they say that Saturn, they discovered all these brand new moon. Where are they discovering all this stuff from? Right, in Japan, they discovered 7000 brand new islands. That’s mind blowing. And then on the moon or Saturn, they discovered, has all these brand new moons or whatever, which is really interesting and weird. We got John Black in the Chat who says, Jay dreamers, I could see sunspots facing us with my camera tonight at sunset. It looked like a golden fire. That’s interesting. I’m going to have to check that out. We don’t have the sunset quite yet over here, even though we do get our sunset a little early because it sets over the Rockies. It’s B. What’s up? It’s B. Thank you. Thank you for your shining light in this dark world. You are appreciated. Gosh. Thank all of you. Every shining light that I experience, every time you guys contribute to the world or to my life, other people’s life in the Chat, the comments and stuff, man, it relieves me on the inside because I feel like everybody’s bad. This is just me just kind of how I felt last few years, struggling with anxiety and stuff. But sometimes I feel like, just, there’s no good people left. So it’s nice when you guys prove that there’s still a remnant. Stan, what’s up? Stan says, I heard that Saturn has more moons than any other planet now. 144. Yeah, that’s really weird. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen those. Alright, let’s see what else we got here real quick. Oh, the Arctic Circle is hit by radio blackout. This is super interesting. Let me take that comment down. So the Arctic Circle, they say, has been hit by radio blackout. Let me go ahead and go over this article real quick. The Arctic Circle is in the grip of a radio blackout due to a polar cap absorption event occurring, all thanks to the Sun’s activity. Interesting. So something’s happening with the sun that is creating this Arctic Circle radio blackout. It says, this has led to radio frequencies below 15 MHz being nearly completely blacked out and most frequencies below 35 MHz being at least a little bit degraded. According to the National Oceanic Atmospheric something something space Weather Prediction Center. That’s super interesting radio blackout around the North Pole, around the Arctic Circle. What? That’s so interesting. God. Get ready because there’s an EMP on the way, okay? Not as aWeapon from some other country or something, from the Earth. The Earth’s going to pop in and say hello, all right? Astronomers notice a fake moon that has been following the Earth since 100 BC. The quasi moon will continue to trail our planet for another 1500 years, scientists estimate. So this is super interesting to me, right? Basically there’s a rock, like medium sized rock that’s out there that allegedly has been circling around the Earth and they’re trying to say that it’s a second moon. I want to say this, that this symbolically as an own hearkens back to the time when we had two moons. We want there to be two moons because we remember subconsciously, collectively that there used to be more than one moon up there in the sky. Some of us can recall stories and myths and legends where there were two suns or more than that up in the sky, right?

So this one right here is an interesting article that talks about this weird space rock. They even have like this little animation that shows you, I guess this is supposed to be the space rock and this is supposed to be Earth down here. This is according to their mainstream academic model, which I’m not a believer in, but if we go down, there’s this interesting part where it says how far away this moon is from the Earth, right? It says that the space rock measures 20 meters across and it comes within about 9 million mile of the Earth. 9 million mile away is some tiny little space rock or whatever that they just now noticed or whatever. This is mind boggling to me, right? 9 million mile away. It’s so far away, I don’t care. Does anybody care? You know what I mean? If there’s a tiny little rock that’s allegedly 9 million mile away that’s way out past Mars. And you know what I mean? I don’t know how far away that is. I don’t know if Mars is 9 million mile away, but anyways, it’s super far away, right? So who cares? Tiny little rock that they discovered out there in space. But the omen part of it is that we will get a second moon one of these days. That’s what we used to have in our sky. I had a very vivid experience when I was a kid where I recall seeing two moons up in the sky, that they were rising one after another off in the distance above the mountains. And my family came out to watch and we were all just kind of like holding on to each other as a family, just watching these two moons. And it was such a vivid memory. But then later on I tried to talk about that experience with my mother who was there in my memory, and she could not remember that experience. She thought that I had been dreaming about it. So was I dreaming? I’m not sure, but maybe I tapped into a different kind of memory. Right.

All right, we’re going on to this next one. We got Leno Med, Plume, who says, I actually had done a breakdown of a video over two years ago explaining the lightning storm that you just described. What it turned out to be were multiple crafts in the clouds exchanging electrical plasma charges. If you want to see the video, go to BitChute and copy and paste the title who or what is Making Lightning in our Skies? So that was in reference to this lightning storm that I experienced where there was no rain, there was no thunder. It was just flashes all over the place. Right. It was dry, it was humid. Well, I don’t know if it was dry or humid. There was no rain. Basically, it was really weird. It was an ominous, eerie experience to go out there and to see flashes right above me all over the place, all around the city, but no rain and no thunder from the lightning. It was a really weird experience.

Let’s see, Max Collins is in the chat right now. What’s up, Max? This is yours. Let’s celebrate. We got Max Collins, 91 six, who says there is a link here, and it says News Biomedical found this to be alarming. This is interesting also. So there’s a few links here. Let’s check them all out. All right, so this first one is about these little tattoos. I did go over this one earlier. So they have these weird tattoos, and it says that researchers have found a way to create nano tattoos that can passively send data using a technique similar to that of the RFID tags, overcoming a long standing hurdle for the technology. This is really interesting. I’ve heard about stuff like this maybe even a decade or two ago where I believe in Sweden or Switzerland, people were getting these types of same type of smart tattoos. And for example, if they wanted to go into like the local club or something where everyone else is standing in line and has to pay and stuff, they had a special doorway, almost like a metal detector or something, where they would just put their arm over it and they would just scan their tattoo. They would go in, they could pay for drinks. That way it would come right out of their bank account. And people have this on their skin. Now I want to just comment and say, who approved that? Who voted on this? How many of the people okayed this type of technology to be publicly used worldwide? I didn’t. I know that. I know many of you probably have not, and that’s something that irritates me, but it’s a sign and an omen of the times that we live in whenever the world just does what it wants to do, right? If it’s bad, if it’s selfish, if it’s evil, if it can be used for malevolent purposes, it’s just put out into the public immediately. No testing, no voting, no permissions given. They just do what they want to do. And that’s a sign of the times that we live in today, is things just being done without any permission, like all the stuff that’s being done in space, nobody votes for that. Nobody approves that. We don’t. Okay? Those organizations, the governments and those subsidiaries, they do whatever they want to do. People that have smartphones, they will change your smartphone by updating it for you as if they’re so kind, doing whatever they want to. So that the phone, the device that you bought, when you looked at it and you asked what it comes with, what it does, what it is, you had a good understanding of what you were about to purchase. But over time, they have changed it so much that it’s a completely different device, and it’s not what you originally intended on getting or buying. Imagine if you went back to your house, right, and your landlord, if you have one, hopefully not. But if you have a landlord just went into your house while you were gone and updated all of your furniture and updated all of your technology and all of your televisions and your computer and completely changed how things in your house work. That would upset you, that would confuse you. It would not be okay with the general population if things like that happened. Things like that are happening right now, and nobody does anything about it. Because this is the omen. This is the sign of the times that we live in, is we are so accepting of being told what to do. We’re so used to being raised as slaves that we say thank you. Basically, we say thank you. Oh, I get it. No problem. Nobody rises up. Nobody does anything about it until there comes a tipping point, right? There is going to come a tipping point, I promise. Because these changes are happening so fast, they’re so radical, they’re so different, and pretty soon they’re going to step on a lot of people’s moral toes, basically.

Max Collins just gave ten random memberships in the Chat high five to Max Collins and to everybody. 213 people watching right now. Let’s see what else we got here. We got Forbes. Let’s check out this article. Oh, this one says I’m using an ad blocker, so I actually can’t check this out, but I can see in the background what it says. It says that a day on Earth stalled at 19 hours for a billion years, they say. Right? Well, I’m not sure how I feel about a billion years, but I will tell you that this is something that harkens back to the time whenever our days were shorter, two cycles ago, okay? The last.Cycle that came before this one, the apocalyptic cycle when we lived during a time of magic and fantasy. Our days got longer and longer and longer. And then we went into this cycle where our days will get shorter and shorter and shorter. So two cycles ago, that would be a billion years ago according to them, that’s whenever this same thing, the same type of timeline that we live in right now, we’ve already gone through it collectively or this world or the people of this world have already gone through this timeline where the days are getting shorter. And I promise you, the days are getting shorter. Time is going by faster. Check it for yourself. I’ve seen so many comments where people say that they have clocks that are not updated over the Internet or whatnot, or even electrical. Remember on Bill and Ted, that movie Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure? He keeps reminding himself to wind his watch because he has a wind-up watch which tells the correct real time as opposed to an electrical watch that can be interfered with when they go through the circuits of time or any types of updates. Just like the phones, like how we’re talking about things get updated by the government, they will just change the time and trick you into making you think that you’re having a 24 hours day when you are not.

If you compare just like in Back to the Future, right in Back to the Future, how they compared the two clocks with one another, compare your wind-up watch and keep track of a wind-up clock or something in comparison to an electrical timekeeping device and you will see a huge difference. After like a month, I promise. You’ll start seeing that there’s a huge difference between those two times and that’s because time is speeding up.

What’s up, Steve Fines. I see you in the chat. Good to see you. All right, let’s see what this last one is from. Max. America’s most widely consumed cooking oil causes genetic changes in the brain. So this one is all about soy and the soy oil from the soybean. And I kind of skimmed through this one and it basically talks about how they’ve done tests with this soy sauce, the soy oil or whatever, and how it can change the chemicals in the brain.

I would go a step further and say it would be wise of us to research how anything that we take into our bodies changes our chemicals within our minds and our spinal cords and our body itself, including your shampoos and your soaps and stuff like that. Start reading the ingredients on those. If you look at the back of your bar of soap, like, for example, Irish Spring. Okay, that one comes to mind because I know Irish Spring has a million ingredients. My mind was blown when I read the ingredients on Irish Spring. There’s like so many chemicals in there. There’s like, no soap at all. It’s just all chemicals. And I’m just like, wow, why do you need that many different chemicals, right?

So when you put that soap a lot of people don’t know this, but when you put things on your skin, it’s just like eating it, okay? Your skin absorbs things into it, and it goes into your bloodstream, and it changes the chemistry of our body. So if you’re constantly putting soap and shampoo and stuff with all those various chemicals all over your body, you’re soaking that in all of the time.

And another thing that gets to me, if I can just vent for just a second is this garbage. Like when I go use the bathroom, I like to read stuff, okay? So I’ll grab something and read the ingredients or whatever, and I read the soap and the shampoo, and it gives instructions on how to use soap. This is how dumb collectively humanity is in this modern day and age. We need instructions on how to use soap, okay? Let me tell you what these instructions consist of. You could probably guess, okay? You could probably guess what it says, right? Get your skin wet, rub the soap on it, wash the soap off, and then repeat that whole process again.

Oh, my God. Listen, please. Some of you don’t know this, okay? A lot of people in the Chat probably do know this because we’re good people, all right? But you don’t need to keep on doing that same process over and over and over. Clean yourself off, and then once you’re clean, clean yourself off again. And then once you’ve cleaned yourself off again, clean yourself off again. That’s for retards and idiots, okay? I don’t know what the lingo is these days, so I’m going to speak my ’90s way of talking, okay? That’s for stupid people that think that they have to get caught in this loop until it’s all gone so they can go buy more of it, all right? You don’t have to lather, rinse and repeat. That’s retarded.

As a matter of fact, you don’t have to wash your body with soap so often. The television makes us think and guilts us into thinking that if we don’t take a shower and use soap every single day, we’re dirty and stinky and nasty, and we just want to be cleansed. And it’s the fragrance that’s all people care about it’s. They’re putting fragrance onto themselves. Your body needs natural oils that come out of it, and you need to allow your body to be dirty every once in a while or dirty in comparison to being so damn clean that you’ve washed everything off of your own body and scrubbed your skin cells off and you’re doing it again and repeating it and stuff. Watch out. Watch out for that, okay?

The world is being run by a corporation. It’s a business. It’s by and large from Wally, remember? Who. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest, man. That kind of stuff gets to me, like, so much. Start reading the ingredients. It’ll blow your mind, I promise.

All right, we got Zanaya Hernandez, who says purple lightning was over here in Gibraltar. That’s another thing that I’ve noticed lately, too. Hey, let me go ahead and start marking these as we go. Actually, hold up. I’m going to go through and start marking these. All right? Boom, boom, boom. Purple lightning.

So this is really interesting, right? A lot of people have been telling me in the comments section that they’ve seen different colors of lightning lately. Not just like a blue lightning or a whitish blue lightning, but the colors of the lightning are starting to change. One reason for that is that the Earth is releasing gases, okay? And those different types of gases that are starting to be released from the Earth, they will affect what color the lightning is as it ionizes the air or the gas that’s in the air. Right. The same thing with the auroras. There was somebody in the chat, somebody not in the Chat, in the comments section that left many comments in many places. You don’t have to do that, by the way, but left many comments asking me to talk about how the auroras, the northern aurora borealis, was usually green. It was once green all the time, and it was a strange thing to see it red. Right?

The reason that it’s red is because the pressure is increasing in our world, and those upper atmosphere gases are getting lower and lower and lower at the same time. The Earth herself is releasing gases in abundance which are going up into the atmosphere, and it will change the color of the auroras just like it changes the color of the lightning. Right.

Oh, thank you so much for the super chat and the support, everybody. Agneth. I super appreciate you. And Tully. Wow. Tully Targis. Thank you. Good vibes to you, too.

Now that I’m talking about lightning and auroras and lights in the sky, I want to point this out because everybody on YouTube tends to jump onto the same bandwagon, the same train. You know what? They’re all a lot of them are front runners, and they all just want to talk about whatever’s new and popular or whatever, which I get. That’s fine. But like, for example, the fake alien invasion, right? That was huge. Whenever I did the Project Bluebeam and talked about that aliens are not invading, okay? You cannot get into this world.

Now, this is my research, my perspective, and my path, okay? But according to this perspective, inside of here, other extraterrestrial creatures from other worlds and other places and stuff like that cannot get into Earth until the doorSure! Here is the reformatted text:

“opens, until the sky opens up. Just like those inner terrestrials cannot leave their inner Earth Hollow home until those doors open up. And those doors only open up whenever we go through a neutral point in the electromagnetic polarity shift, right?

So a lot of people, they look up at a black, dark ceiling. They’re staring at the sky, at the actual physical underneath part that is blocking out the lights of the heavens. We all know heaven is bright. If you ask your average person, hey, would you say heaven is really dark or really bright? If you had to choose one, they will say really bright. And if you ask them if I ask you to point in a direction and tell me that that’s probably the direction where heaven is physically right, they would point up, because heaven is the sky. Heaven is beyond our sky, up there in the fractal verse. And that is bright, right? Some of that light seeps in through the ceiling of our world, giving us stars and the sun and things like that. But people imagine, and they’re taught to imagine that when they look up at the blackness of the sky, the shadow of the dome, okay? That they’re staring off into a void, an empty void, and they can travel through the space between worlds and stuff like that. No, that’s fiction, okay? That’s the actual fiction that you’re looking at a covering, a roof.

And if there is a covering, let’s speculate, okay? Let’s say there is a covering and a roof, a physical barrier, just like was common knowledge, the world across at certain points in our past, then it stands to reason that that same physical barrier that doesn’t even allow light in, right? Except for some exceptions, would not allow spaceships and UFOs and physical beings and aliens and stuff, right? I’m not saying there’s no such thing as aliens. So I’m just saying there’s a method about these things. We can break them down. We can figure it out. We can balance our logic, our reasoning with our creativity and our imagination, okay? We don’t need to get stuck in one side or the other.

All right, thank you.

Alright, so check this out. We got Joe Cool. Joe Cool moderator here on my channel posted this one of a gigantic 9.4 foot long catfish, the largest ever caught. Look at that bad boy. Check this out. Oh, my God. Gross, man. Hold on. Let’s scoot this over a bit. Get off me, man. Forget that, dude. Remember I showed you guys the video of the whale that swallowed those people last week? Man, if you did not see that Omens that’s my favorite Omen so far. This one’s pretty good so far, too, but I really like that one, that whale whom just took those people, right? Look at these creatures that are growing to gigantic sizes, monstrous creatures that are washing up onto the shores and stuff. People are starting to see these things rise up, because right before the end this is the omen. Right before the end, the old ways return. There is a return of everything that ever was in some semblance or fashion right before the end, leading up to the final event, the final depressurization of our sky and the electromagnetic polarity reversal. This is why weird things start to happen towards the end, because we can’t say we were not warned. We can’t say, oh, I didn’t know. Look around. Open your eyes, right? The world is flipped upside down. Crazy people, evil, hateful people rule this world, and they look at anything that is considered to be good and pure and wholesome and righteous as being evil in their eyes. And these are the ones who are the majority of the population of this world.

For example, how many people in the Chat have ever had somebody wrong you, somebody hurt you, somebody put you down or make fun of you or insult you or laugh at your expense, and then whenever you let them know that it’s not welcome, it’s not appreciated, or it was rude, or that hurt your feelings, right? Which makes sense to me, because I’ve got good energy inside of me, and I’m working on making it even better and amplifying that good energy. How many people have had someone wrong you, and then you point it out to them and all of a sudden you’re evil? They will literally tell you, oh, you’re a hateful person. And that’s the big word, that’s the catch word for these days, is hate, right? Hate crimes, hateful people, this and that, when what I’m noticing is the people who are casting the blame, right, returning it to those who are pointing it out, they are the evil people. But I’m not here to convince evil people that they are such, okay? I’m here to remind you what goodness is and what goodness looks like, and to remind you that when you do good things, when you act genuinely and sincerely, and you try to add to the world, you try to mend, you try to fix things, right? And people will look down upon you and cast blame on you whenever you point things out, like, hey, the world’s messed up, or, hey, that was rude, or, hey, that’s not nice, or you know what I mean? It is evident that where you stand, okay? There’s no need to debate with those people. There’s no need to argue about it. Take pride is what I’m saying, okay? Be happy that you are not like them. Be happy that you are not like the rest of the world. Not that you don’t like it’s not that you don’t like, okay? It’s that you are not like the rest of the world. So rejoice instead of being angry, that’s what they want. They want you on their side. That’s how the Sith win against the Jedi’s. They need to piss you off. They need to get you angry. They need to lower your vibration, because their vibration sucks, and it’s bad and it’s negative and it’s negatively charged, and that’s the only way that they know how to fight and win, right? So don’t get fooled into the dark side, buddy.

All right, what’s up next? We got higher awareness lifestyle. Sage, did you change your name? Are you in the Chat right now? What? How do you have that same picture? You must have two accounts, right? All right, cool. So Higher Awareness Lifestyle, who is also a member thank you. Says massive electrical storms with flooding, very high winds, tornadoes where there have never been them before. I can attest to that. We just had a tornado warning here at the base of the Rockies. Weird stuff is happening. A halo around the sun all day long. Yellowish pink skies all day. The ground is shifting, so pipes are bursting. Mood swings. I’ve noticed that a lot, and I felt it a lot, too. I’m tempted these energies. They tempt us. We can feel them if you tune into it. Right? Mood swings for happy to very low. I totally agree. That’s the flux, right? That’s the Flux that’s happening in our world. When the energy of the world goes into flux, and I’m speaking it on a very physical, actual, real level, okay? I’m not imagining, and I’m not internalizing, although I am internalizing it, okay? But the things that are internal are also external. So it makes no sense to me to just focus on one or the other, but to balance them both out. Mood swings, highs and lows. That’s the flux. People still playing the old games and thinking, some of us don’t notice, right? A lot of us are starting to wake up. A lot of us are starting to notice these things, right? To take notice. Politics, presidential is not happening, period. That is Sage’s alter ego. I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s you or not. Is that you? All right, I don’t know. I can’t really catch up in the Chat. Oh, I got a donation. Tully. Thank you, Tully. I super appreciate you once more. And thank you, Max, for all of your membership gifts in the Chat. You guys are very kind. All right, next up we’ve got hey. Wavy way. Hey wavy way says hey Jay. Definitely watch the episode Devil 79 from the new season six of Black Mirror. Is that out? Dude. Oh, my God. I’ve been waiting for the new Black Mirror to come out. Thank you. Thank you for telling me, because it’s one of my favorite shows. I can’t wait to see it. So much symbolism, some obvious, but I wonder how much you could find. I’m going to find it all. I’mFinding all of it, okay? If the truth, if the signs, if the symbolism was a bowl of cereal, I’m getting every last marshmallow, every little tiny piece, and I’m drinking all the milk, and I’m licking my plate clean. Okay? That’s how I am with the truth. That’s weird. What a weird analogy. But I don’t care. Whatever. All right, cool. Thank you so much. Appreciate it.

And then we’ve got Olivia St16611 and Olivia says, I’ve been seeing Omens frequently since 2018, and no one would believe me if I tried to tell them. Ha. There’s just so much evidence out there. Even things on video, right? It’s everywhere. You don’t have to go looking for it. It’s all over the place. All you have to do is just tune in and you’re there, man. You can feel it, sense it, see it, experience it. It’s all over the place. The world is about to pop. Right? Thank you so much for your share.

Then we got Timeless 8536 who says the recent bridge collapse in Philly I heard about that. Phi is known as the golden ratio or the divine proportion. In the Esoteric language, phi means love. So Philly, right? The city of love, Philadelphia, hence Philadelphia is called the city of brotherly love. Philosophy is often referred to as the love of wisdom. All right, this is a pretty big one, so I’m going to save us a little time and just say that the sign and the omen on this is that the bridge in Philly is representative of love breaking apart. Okay. Where’s the love? The love in this world is only held by and kept and guarded by a select few, by very few that are known as the Remnant. Okay? And that’s those of us who have what I call that good energy, that blue beam inside of us, the good Vibe tribe.

All right, next up, thank you so much. I appreciate it. We got Artbur miss three six Nine says the sun’s fiercest plasma cycle is expected to peak in the next two years. I forgot to like that one. The sun’s next plasma cycle is expected to peak. Yes, that’s really interesting too. All of these cycles are sort of different. Things are lining up towards next year, the year after that, the year after right around the corner. Okay, so this year expect it. I expect this year to be calm in comparison to what is on the way. Okay. That’s what I feel. I’m just going off of feelings right now and things that I’ve noticed and patterns that I’ve noticed. But remember, we’re in flux. If last year was crazy and insane, there could be a calm right immediately after that. And then you can expect all kinds of crazy, weird things to start happening all at once. And then it’s like a wave. It’ll rush in, it’ll come out, but it’s going to get harder and faster and stronger as it does it because these things increase exponentially. Max Collins with 20 gifted memberships in the Chat. Wow. Congratulations to everybody.

All right, next up we’ve got Eve of Eloquence. I like that. Says Halle’s Comet. Haley’s comet is now Halle’s comet, which is really interesting. So that’s sort of a Mandela effect. From Haley’s comet to Halle’s comet. And the spelling. Now we’ve got. I do want to point this out. If you ever are able to leave links, I would beg everybody, please, for the love of Jay, for the love of me, for being considerate, please leave a short description. Okay? I don’t like to click on things that I don’t know what they are or what they’re about or anything. Even if it has, like, a description in the link, just go the extra mile because people appreciate it. Basically. I appreciate it. Always leave a short description, but I’m going to click on this one anyways. We’ll see what it is. All right. The idea of hollow bionced represent a paradigm shift in biology. All right, well, this one’s pretty big, and there’s not any pictures or anything, so we’re going to skip this one just for now. Please make sure to go ahead and leave a description in that. That would be awesome.

All right, next up, we’ve got the Cold Glass of Water show. And they say in February of 2001, I was having a terrifying dream. I had never had night sweats in my life. This was the first time the REM song, it’s the End of the World as We Know It, was playing on repeat. Destruction was on the way. I was in New York City. Oh, this is a big one too. All right, well, if they’re really big, obviously I can’t spend that much time reading the really super long comments, but that’s totally fine with me. What I will say is REM has a lot of esoteric lyrics in their songs that are about the apocalypse. So, for example, it’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. Some of us will feel fine. Okay. This actually reminds me of another connection that I can make. So if you ask your average regular Joe or Jane out there like, hey, what are your feelings about talking about the apocalypse or the end of the world or however you’d like to say it, people don’t want to talk about it. We collectively have been conditioned to think that we are to fear that subject, that that subject is, oh, I don’t want that to happen. Oh, I hope it doesn’t happen in my lifetime. Oh, I hope that doesn’t happen soon. I’ve got all these plans and I’ve got all these jobs and I’ve got all these family members and this and that. And they don’t even know why they fear the apocalypse. They don’t. If you ask them to get into the specifics of what’s the problem? Why is the apocalypse so bad? Because it’s the apocalypse. Everyone’s going to die. No. Then you ask them, right, well, are you 100% certain that everybody, 100% of everyone in the world will die? And then you ask them, do you think the apocalypse has happened before? Because if it has happened before, then obviously we’re still here and the world is overpopulated. So that doesn’t seem to be a problem, and not everybody will die, right? So here’s the thing, people. We in general, collectively, we’ve been conditioned to fear this particular subject of the cyclical resetting of this world, to fear it, to not talk about it, to shame anybody that does try to bring it up and say that they’re just full of doom and gloom and why are you being so negative? And you know what I mean? When the reality is it’s like children that are afraid to go out into the darkness and walk the dog or whatever. When you’re out there with them and you have night vision goggles on, you have nothing to fear because you’re walking in the light. You can see everything is perfectly illuminated, but they’re walking around, and they’re only using their imagination to create but they’re creating evil. They’re creating bad images and fears, and so they’re constantly scared and walking on eggshells, and they don’t want to talk about it, okay? And it is usually those people that are caught off guard. It is usually those people who have a terrible experience. It is usually those people who will be so frightened that their hearts explode in their chest when they have panic attacks or I don’t know if their hearts will explode, but you know what I’m saying, right? Knowledge provides the illumination in the dark, okay? So if you don’t want to be afraid of the dark, then I recommend and this is what I’m doing, and it has made me feel much better about the entire subject of the cyclical apocalypse. Start learning. Start studying, right? REM. Also, I want to come back to this REM part, right? REM is a great band, and they have this lyric that what if all these fantasies come flailing around, right? They’re talking about the secret. They’re basically setting this up as, like, hey, this is the big secret. What if everything that we consider to be a fantasy comes back and manifests and becomes our reality and becomes the new norm of the world? Really interesting stuff.

All right, cool. Thanks for your comment. We’ve got star woven 9435. Who says the Bible being rewritten by AI is certainly an omen? I agree. I think that’s really interesting that they even allow that type of stuff to happen. It’s crazy. People could do whatever they want these days, right? As long as it’s not anything that is wholesome or pure or good, theWe’ll dig a little deeper to find the truth. They go on to say the magnetic field changes continuously, but it is partly because of its natural behavior. Okay? So here’s what they’re really saying. They’re trying to do damage control before it ever even comes, before any of these things get worse or anything. They’re trying to indoctrinate all of you to think this is just normal, this is just healthy. Yeah. Over the span of thousands of years, that’s normal. Sorry, I didn’t mean to get so loud. Over the span of hundreds of years, that might be normal. Over the span of two decades, all of a sudden, all these things are popping up all over the place. No, and then the more of them that we put together, the less normal it actually is. We live during the abnormal part of history. Right? We’re entering into flux, basically.

All right, let’s move on. The Earth’s inner core may right now be in the process of changing direction. Also, the way that they word that I don’t know if you guys ever watched George Carlin. George Carlin was my favorite comedian probably ever, and he had this stand up routine when he was talking about the way that the lady on the plane talks or how they speak at airports and stuff. And one time she said, we’d like to begin the pre boarding. And George Carlin calls her out. He’s like pre boarding. What is that? To get on before you get pre, place this turkey in a preheated oven. What does that mean? This program was pre recorded. How do you pre record something? You record it. You know what I mean? It’s very simple terminology, but they say things like that. The Earth may right now be in the process. You don’t need to say in the process or anything. It is a process. We understand that. You know what I mean? This is patronizing speak, okay? They talk to us like we’re children and babies because most of us are, okay?

I mean, this is my experience and my path in life. I look around, I take a look around. I take note, I listen, I observe. Especially the people around me, because, man, they reciprocate the energy and the flux of that energy that the Earth’s going into so easily. So that’s why I do enjoy watching people, because they’re like little mirrors of what’s going on. I can see what’s going on with the world. Anyways, the core of the Earth might be sometimes they say inner or that’s right, it says inner core. Isn’t that weird, too? Core means core, right? What do you mean, inner core. Core is the inner. I get it. This is just like I want to push this picture away because it’s offensive to my personal intellect, I guess. Anyways, it’s idiocracy, okay? This is how they speak to us. They have dumbed down our language. They have dumbed down our ability to understand and comprehend things on our own, and they just tell us what to expect. Not only that, but this right here, they share pictures like this. Pictures always speak on two levels to me, right? The surface level and the deeper level. Right? On the surface level, this looks like a hole in the ground that goes way deep into the earth on another level. It kind of looks like something that’s up in the sky as well, like a black sun or something, right? Anyways, they say that the core of the Earth is slowing down. I’m just going to sum up this entire article. There’s hundreds of these on the Internet. You can easily find them, but they’re saying that they’ve knocked on the ground and they’ve listened for the echoes and all that stuff, and now they just know that the Earth’s core is slowing down. Oh, my God. Don’t get me started. I don’t believe academics knows what is actually in the Earth, right? But I’ll let them have their designs and their models or whatever. But why is this a sign? Why is this an omen? Because this is the heart of the Earth, the center, the inside center of the Earth that they’re talking about. What happens with the heart is reciprocated and is felt and changes the body, right? Whatever’s going on at the central portion will be extended out to the external portions, basically.

So the thing that is happening with the inside of the Earth or the heart of the Earth, it is changing, it’s slowing down and stopping, which means it’s going to go into flux up here on the surface and then it’s going to start going the other way. I’m not agreeing with the whole core and how the Earth is layered with, like, onions or I don’t know. But I am saying that there’s truth to this, okay? Regardless whether or not I believe in their cosmology or in their teachings or whatever, I still can recognize the truth, the little breadcrumbs of truth that they’re sharing with us, right? So the core of the Earth may be changing directions, going to slowing down and getting ready to spin the other way, which is a sign for a reversal, for an electromagnetic reversal. Now let’s check this out. In other news, our days are shorter, the Earth is spinning faster. Okay, check this out. All right? One. I’m speechless. Right. Now. When I was growing up and I went to school, right, throughout all of my academic training in the system, I became an expert on all of this Jeopardy trivia, which is all it’s good for, okay, for the most part, right. The only thing that are actually useful skills that I was taught in all of my countless years of going to various levels of schools and schoolings is how to write, how to read, and how to do basic math. Those are like the three important things of stuff that’s actually applicable, practical in my life. Everything else is trivia, and half that trivia is not accurate. Okay? Anyways, so our days are shorter, the Earth is spinning faster. There’s a billion articles all about this on the Internet, too. Basically, what they’re saying is that the days are getting shorter. So how do they explain that? There are many people I’ve come across on my path. Many people who have predicted this, jesus in the Bible predicted this, okay? This is not news. This is not brand new to know about. But what you’re seeing is prophecy fulfilled, okay? This was not happening and now it is happening. The days are getting shorter and shorter and shorter, which is why so many of us are tired and some of us can’t sleep. And so many of us constantly are saying, like, man, that year went by fast. Man, last week went by fast. You know what I mean? It’s because it is actually going by fast.

So they need, mainstream academics needs to explain this away. Their reasoning, their rationale is that, well, what causes our days? The spinning, wobbling, tilting, globular, lava filled, water topped mass that is traveling through uncharted nothingness, following a giant fireball in a vacuum that it spins around and that gives us our daytime. So they have to take the anomaly and apply it to their old guesses on how things are made, basically, right? They have their cosmology, so now they have to take this anomalous thing that’s going on and apply it to their cosmology. If they applied it to older cosmologies, it might make a lot more sense why the days are getting shorter and shorter, which is something I’ve talked about in my plasma apocalypse playlist many, many times about the days getting shorter. So why are the days getting shorter? Because the thing called the sun is heating up, getting hotter and it’s spinning and it’s going faster. It’s going in circles faster and faster. And you’re going to see the days get shorter and shorter and shorter, and people like this are going to continuously regurgitate their opinions and ideas that were handed to them on a silver platter by their masters. And they’re going to tell us, well, this is what I heard, this is the explanation, this is the truth of what’s going on. Does it even make sense? I used to play basketball a lot, right? And I would spin the ball on my finger. No way I could ever spin that ball on my finger, not apply an outward force to it and to have it speed up, it doesn’t do that, okay? That’s not the natural order of things. And they’ll try to make up all kinds of reasons why. Oh, well, you know the ice at the top, it’s like melting and so it makes theThe world is just overrun by evil. Man, it’s like the prophets of old. I can understand the prophets of old, especially the biblical prophets, man, they went up onto the hilltops and they called out the entire city like, you’re all freaking evil at the top of their lungs, right, as they’re having conversations with God, and God’s like, man, you’re right. In some cases, they didn’t want that to be true, right? Like the story of Abraham, whenever he was forewarned about what would happen to Sodom and Gomorrah, right? He’s like no, man. There’s got to be at least one good person. There’s got to be at least one good person. There is. There always is. There’s a remnant. Okay? But the time will come when time is up. The time will come when time is up, and you’ve made your choice. We’ve made our choice by the actions that we have chosen to do, to mold this energy on the inside and shape it for good, to make it beautiful, or for selfishness and ugly reasons, to make it ugly. Right? The time will me.

All right, next up, we’ve got Magda Star. Magda star says Jdreamers. I caught something in the sky above my garden a few weeks back. I’m not technically good at downloading. Not sure how to send it to you. Been loving your omen series.

All right, right on. Well, hey, I do get a lot of people saying, like, hey, I’m not sure how to contact you. I don’t want people to contact me, okay? No offense, all right? But I don’t have a team. I don’t have a business. It’s just me, and I don’t have the time to I’ve tried it many times. I’ve given the general population chance after chance after chance to use the avenues that I provide to contact me and to reach out and stuff, but every single time, without fail, people have messed it up. People have taken it for granted. People have abused it, and people have made it so that it’s physically impossible for me to be able to talk to so many people, because I have to sift through all of the bad all of the things that people and they don’t think it’s bad. You know what? But, you know, if I can think of a new way where I just have people send me stuff, like maybe a fan mail or something where I don’t feel the pressure to respond, know, stuff like that, I might do that. So I might consider that.

Next up, we got Joe Cool. Joe Cool says, I figured I would add another comment instead of editing my first one. Generally, I don’t add links to other pages. However, due to this being what I would call an omen site, I think it belongs in the boundaries. Jaydreamers, please delete the comment if it’s not okay. He’s so respectful. I love it. Here’s the link. And then, oh, this is a link to another YouTube channel that he’s recommending. And I did check it out. I’ve actually got it up on my screen here, so I’ll check that out later. And I like this. I like when people share other channels tactfully. You know what I mean? Everyone thinks that their channels that they follow are just the bees knees, right? And it might not be my cup of tea, but I appreciate that people share it and put it out in the appropriate area. So this is appropriate. So Joe. Cool. High five. He. Did, right? He put it in the right spot. Okay. Because it matches the subject. There’s other people you’ll see that are like, hey, Jaydreamers, you should go watch the story and break that one down, even though one I already have, because they don’t bother to research and go check out my playlist and see all of the different movies that I’ve already done. So I get a lot of repeat recommendations, and I’m also looking into that because some people have said they cannot see all of my truth in movies. So I don’t know that’ll be a subject for another time, though.

All right, let’s move on. Thank you so much. Joe cool. I appreciate your recommendation for another website that also talks about Omens.

We got Atlas G 60 65, who says upcoming big budget video games all have plasma apocalypse storylines. Check out any of the best upcoming video game trailers on YouTube channels, and you’ll be surprised how much of the content resonates with what Jay says here. I like that. I like that he’s not trying to just get my attention. In particular, I like it when people just address the general audience and like, hey, everyone, here’s what I found. You know what I mean? I like that because it shares a sense of community. And I will also say atlas, that I do do. That I do check out all of the movie previews, all the new video games that are coming out. I’m not a big gamer myself. I’ve got, like, two or three games that I play to ground myself when I’m so pissed off and angry at the world that I need to get on Fortnite. And you know what I mean? That’s my little advice or whatever, okay? Or Rocket League. I’m blowing people. That’s what I do to get my stuff out. That and working out in the living room, okay? But I do check those out. And you’re right, they do share a lot of symbolism, every single one of them. I could easily have a truth in video games if I was a big gamer. I promise.

Daily dose of twitch clips. YouTube says, I’ve had many dreams of apocalyptic scenarios, tornadoes, tsunamis, earthquakes, storms of mass magnitude, and even volcanoes erupting and sudden drops into the abyss. So these are dreams. I want to stop right there reading this one because I want to talk about it real quick. All of you, especially the people who are in the chat right now, live, right? Take into consideration if you are a dreamer, okay? I know a lot of people are like, I don’t have dreams anymore. There’s reasons for that, and I encourage you to look into those reasons. But for those of you who do still dream, even if it’s just from time to time, I encourage you to share your dreams with people. Because if you start doing that, if we start doing that collectively, I promise you we’re going to start seeing patterns that are emerging within the realm of our dream worlds as we walk together throughout these dream worlds, and we’re seeing things. Everywhere you look in a dream is like a hieroglyphic. Everywhere you look in a dream is a message that is being given to you in picture form. Okay? So if we all put our dreams together, we build context for what all of these apocalyptic kind of dreams and stuff like that are about. What are they telling humanity instead of what are they just telling me individually? Right? Because they do tell us things individually, but they also speak to all of us. The problem is, we’ve been conditioned into not sharing our dreams because mainstream media and academics and stuff, they don’t want to touch dreams. Dreams are stupid. They’re gibberish, they’re fantasy. They don’t make any sense. It’s just your brain is retarded when you’re sleeping, so you know what I mean? They have no good reason for dreams except for random neurons firing off and creating just random pictures and stuff like that. It’s the dumbest explanation I’ve ever heard of. Dreams are extremely important, and in the old world and the old ways, this was a subject that was taught to children as they were getting older. Dream interpretation, why we have certain dreams, what certain dreams mean. And if somebody had a really prevalent dream, they would let people know, and the community would listen. They would gather around, be like, oh, my God, listen to this dream that she had. Because it means something, okay? Which is the exact opposite of what we’re taught, that it doesn’t mean anything. So start listening to your dreams. Start following your dreams. All right? Every dream, I’m surviving and getting away, but it’s happening more and more to me, that one’s pretty obvious. It’s leading up to the apocalyptic cycle, and it’s a good omen for you if you’re dreaming that you’re surviving, and especially if you’re dreaming that you’re helping others out, which is what I dream about a lot. If you’re dreaming that you’re going through apocalyptic scenarios, but you’re trying to save people and help people and stuff like that, that’s a good dream to have, okay? So keep an eye out for that kind of dream.I’ve also noticed more lightning than usual and tornado type weathers in my area. I dream about these things, too. I just had a dream about tornadoes the other night. I dream about tornadoes a lot, actually, and lightning. Lightning in the clouds. Okay, cool. Right on. Thank you so much for sharing your dreams with us.

Ginger Humphrey says, I heard the strange sounds in the sky back in 2010. Strange sounds in the sky. How many people have heard the strange sounds in the sky? Weird sounds that you can’t pinpoint its location. It just sounds like there’s a huge reverberating echo coming from all over the place in your neighborhood. How many people have heard that? I mean, I encourage you to share those stories with other people because I promise you, people just ignore that. They don’t want to look like they’re crazy. They don’t want to seem weird to everybody in their neighborhood, so they keep these things to themselves, just like they keep their dreams to themselves. Don’t do that.

If you ever watch a horror movie or a scary movie, and there’s like a group of people, and one of them notices some weird stuff off to the side, and then they’re kind of like they kind of shake it off, and they just catch up to the group, something bad always happens. Okay? Like, share that with the rest of us. Please talk to us. Let us know what’s going on. Don’t ignore it. Don’t feel bad. Don’t feel like you’re going to be an outcast or whatever. Take pride in being special that that omen was shared with you. Share it with the rest of us.

Okay, let’s see what else? I had an image of the gears rotating. Hold on. As I was standing there looking up at the sky, I had an image of gears rotating. I had a similar dream myself, and I thought that the world was a machine and it was breaking down. Search this top seven strange sky sounds in YouTube. And look for a girl looking up. So, yes, these sky sounds, sometimes they sound like gears that are grinding and stuff. That’s really interesting, though, because I’ve had visions of the sky and the stars and nebulas and galaxies and all kinds of weird stuff. Like, in my dream, it all was kind of rotating, and dancing in the sky is weird.

All right, what else we got? We got east 83. East is up. East says, every day I see when I look up towards the sun and I see its bright white color, it’s so much more intense than I remember. Good one. I’m glad that people are starting to notice the color shift. The spectrum is changing, and that as the light spectrum changes, you’ll see the spectrums within people, like, for example, autism and sexuality and all these spectrums, they’re all increasing, too. They’re all changing, too. They’re all amplifying as well. We resonate with the energy of the world that we live in. And when we notice that the energy of that world is going into flux, don’t be surprised when we do as well.

Okay, but that doesn’t mean you have to. I also want to give you some good news, okay? It doesn’t mean that you’re forced these are only strong influencers, just like in astrology. The stars and the sun and your constellations and your charts and your houses and stuff, those are only influencers. They cannot control you. They cannot force your decisions. It just means that the decisions you make during a time, whenever there’s heavy influence upon the world, makes you it develops your character more. So it makes you an even better person. It refines you more than it would if you lived further into the past where there was less influence than the times that we live in today.

All right, cool. Next up, we got Battleborn Outreach Ministries who says basically the northern lights have changed from only green to now heavy pink. Okay, sweet. That’s the one I was talking about earlier. Let’s see. I was wondering why you don’t talk about guys. I appreciate it. I do. You don’t have to ask. There’s a million people that want to know why I don’t talk about their favorite subjects. You know what I mean? You don’t have to point that out that I don’t talk about it. That’s too negative. Instead, be positive and just be proactive and talk about it yourself. Max. Thank you, Max. Max just gave me $20 in the chat. I’m going to leave that super sticker up for a minute. I like it. Little dancing pair. That’s so cool. That dance that he’s doing reminds me of on Spaceballs when that little Xenomorph pops out of that dude’s stomach. Who orders the special? Randy puts a little straw hat on. That’s so funny. All right, Battleborn, thank you so much. Appreciate it. We got Jenny Alchemist. Hey, what’s up? Jenny Alchemist, who says, first of all, time is literally being recorded to skip and fast forward, according to NASA. So what we have been feeling is being recorded in real time. Something is rewriting. Oh, AI is rewriting the Bible. Okay, interesting.

So I want to comment on this part right here about time speeding up, even according to NASA. If you don’t believe me, look it up on Google or wherever, search engines or ask people or ask around or whatever, right? And they will say the Earth’s rotation is speeding up, which naturally, according to their model, would mean that our days are getting shorter and shorter. They also say the moon is going bye bye and it’s getting further away. All kinds of crazy omens are happening. But time is speeding up. Or what we refer to as our experience of time, okay? Specifically that of the lights that are moving around our sky and how fast we are aging, how fast entropy is breaking things down. Both of those things are speeding up, which means time, as we experience it, is also speeding up.

Hey, Max. Thanks again. I super appreciate you, man. How useful. How useful in a time when all of us need money to pay bills and get gas and get groceries and stuff. So everything’s really expensive these days. So, man, I really appreciate all of you.

All right, next up, let’s see. Oh, I’m going to like this r1 quick. Next up, we’ve got Shadow Hunter, who says, I have two things in mind right now. Number one, auroras. That just reminded me of something like a pet peeve that I have. I’m a language person, right? And it’s nothing to do with this comment, but I’m a language person. I’ve heard so many people. This is how languages change, okay? People wonder how we got to where we are, and we have thousands of different languages. It’s because of this, I’ll give you an example. I hear many, many people, especially when they’re upset, they will say first off, and then they’ll list. They’ll make a list of things, right? And the first off is their number one on the list. It did not start off first off. It’s first of all, right? That’s literally how people said that. First of all, first of all, the things I’m about to list, right? But people said it quicker, and they became lazier in their speech and stuff, and it just turns into this weird new wording and stuff. And this is how languages change dialect accents and stuff. Over time, when they’re not checked, they will develop and spread, and people and others will hear that, okay?

So this is incentive for us, for many of us to act well, to be pure, to do things right, to hold to the old ways and to the things that are good and wholesome and pure because we are being listened to. Everything you do, everything you say, everywhere you go, you are teaching others. There is never a moment in time when you are not actively changing the world and therefore the future, okay? The things that you say can be like little butterfly effects and little waves that reach out across time where you just unknowingly because we were lazy and didn’t want to say it the correct way, created an entire future language. Or you could apply that to many different things.

All right? Anyways, number one, auroras were recently seen in Germany at 23. I’ve never seen anything like this. My mother had never heard of anything like this. The auroras, I can tell you, also in Germany. The auroras were also seen down in Arizona in the United States. Signs, omens, and wonders. Wonders are things to consider. Wonders are things to think about. Oh, I got another donation. Danielnot availableAs an omen to myself for a couple of different reasons. One, they say that the water that’s being released, like it’s melting or whatever, that the second it hits the air, it’s being oxidized, so it’s turning it. It’s kind of like what happens when something rusts. It turns reddish orange or orange or red. Same things they say is happening with this water. But what is the omen behind it?

The omen is that Antarctica, from my perspective, is basically the ceiling and the walls of the Earth. So some people, you may have heard, make mention of the ice wall, just like in Game of Thrones, how they have an ice wall, and beyond that ice wall, there’s the land of magic and things that are wondrous to behold and stuff. Well, we have an ice wall, too. We have a huge one. And in my opinion, it’s basically what we call Antarctica the ice part of it, the limitations. And I’ve done a lot of different stories about this weird blue ice that they found in Antarctica, too, that they found this strange blue ice that evaporates whenever it just sublimates. It goes from a solid to a gas if you take it too far away from the temperature that it’s at.

It’s a really interesting story. Check that one out. That’s in my playlist, my plasma apocalypse playlist. I think it’s about the frozen mammoths and sky ice. I believe that’s what it’s called.

But let’s just pretend. Let’s just say that Antarctica is a form of an ice wall in our world, and that it goes up and covers and acts as the firmament or the dome of the world, et cetera, just like is described and pictured by so many of our ancestors throughout time. This means that the walls are bleeding, just like you would see in a horror movie, okay? So when the walls start bleeding, that’s a bad sign. That’s a bad omen. That’s a harbinger of things that are about to happen, okay? That means that horror, as in, like, the horror movies and all the scary stuff.

Now, before I start talking about the scary stuff, please be reminded there are rewards to those who survive after the apocalypse. There are goals for us to achieve and to reach treasures untold, okay? Many wonderful benefits to those of us who actually survive the apocalypse, all right? So that’s the whole goal. That’s the exciting part about it is making it out of this crappy age out of this age of the Kali Yuga and just terrible times and a fallen world or a sinful world or a world filled with pressure and exponential entropy and making it into a world where the pressure is released, where it’s all good and we go into an Amber skylight or the golden age with less pressure and everything weighs less and you live longer. Right?

There’s lots of good stuff. So let’s talk about the bad stuff now, all right? Horror. I love horror stuff. I love horror movies and scary movies, especially the older ones. Free lumby. Hey, thank you. Free lumby. Boom. High five to you. Appreciate you. So when the walls start bleeding, you can ask anyone who’s into horror. That is a huge omen that it’s about to get bad, okay? When the walls start bleeding, that’s when the ghosts are about to appear. And whenever we go through this electromagnetic reversal, ghosts will appear. There will be a ghost apocalypse. It will be a zombie apocalypse. It will be a monster apocalypse. Every single thing that is the stuff of nightmares or considered to be the stuff of nightmares will be allowed to return into this world all at one time.

We will have a clash of everything that has ever existed all at once as Gigantism is reintroduced into our world, phantazoids come up from inside the hollow recesses of our world and float down from outer space. Alien invasion that everyone’s all talking about and is all popular right now. It’s all going to happen all at one time. That’s where these things come from. They have a quintessential root in our world. So when our walls start to bleed, it’s a bad sign. I mean, it’s not bad, but it’s letting you know you better get ready. Okay? You better get ready to survive, because survival is really living, in my opinion, okay? Not surviving and just having everything handed to you on a silver platter or depending upon your governments and whatnot makes us a slave race, it doesn’t make you alive. Being alive means that there is a chance or an element of not being alive. That’s what’s so exciting about it, to me, at least.

All right, so the walls are bleeding. Interesting stuff. Plus the whole oxidation thing, too. That is a sign of oxygen returning to our world en masse. Even modern academics talks about how oxygen used to be. There used to be way more oxygen content in our atmosphere. And that oxygen content is going to be reintroduced in the form of ionized blue beams that shoot up out of the world, creating these pillars and trees and whatever people see them as.

Up next, well, this was interesting. I heard about this. So there was this submarine named either Titan or Titanic. I don’t know, it differs. Titanic, titan? I don’t know. Basically, it’s Titan. Okay, so it harkens back to the time of the Titanic beings, the huge Titan beings, okay? The beings that were much bigger than giants. Gigantism is going to return to this world as I talked about. So we’ll have an increased buoyancy factor after the sky depressurizes and things get sucked up and lose their weight or their heaviness or whatever you want to call it, but that will reach an equilibrium. Things will float back down, but everything will weigh less. You will retain your muscle structures that you have now, which means you will be compared to those born into that world in the post apocalyptic world, much stronger. Okay? You’ll be like superhero. You don’t even have to do anything. It’s whatever muscles you have right now will be way stronger than those who were born.

I mean, they’ll have to work out a lot even just to get what you have because you’ve been exercising in a world filled with all of this intense pressure that’s going to be released, right? And buoyancy is going to increase in this world. So anyways, the return of the Titans, everything’s going to grow to gigantic sizes, especially with the refreshed oxygen content that’s going to make its way into our world and the increased buoyancy factor as well. So we’ll get way bigger. The survivors might not grow way bigger, but your children definitely will, and their children definitely will to such a point that Gigantism will be normal. Okay? I don’t even know if they’ll have a word for giant. Maybe it’s Titan. Maybe that’s the word that they will use for giants. But. We will look like hobbits. Those survivors will be like little tiny superheroes, basically.

We got the coast guard launches investigation into the Titan sub implosion. That’s really interesting, too, is that has a lot to do with pressure, right? So there’s a lot of pressure being pressed onto this container, this box, which is, symbolically speaking, our world, okay? Our world has so much pressure in it that it shrinks everything as time goes on. And that pressure builds and builds and builds and builds.

So if you ever see allusions to specifically in the movies or TV or pop culture, if anyone ever has, like a magical bag or a magical box or something and they put something in it that’s way too big. To actually fit, or it looks like it’s way too big to fit into that, and it somehow can just fit into that, or it shrinks down into that, which is really what’s happening. That is a reference to the world that we live in today. Our world is covered, and that’s why we have all of this pressure in our world. And therefore, it’s a container. And a container is a box. It doesn’t have to be a cube or anything, just a container, any old kind of container. It could be a spherical container. It could be a domed container. It could be anything. A container is a box or bus. Bus is another symbolic element you’ll see in the movies. Quite often, they will use a bus instead of a box, okay? But what happens is things that are out there in the heavenlies or in the elysian fields or in heaven or in space or outer space or whatever you want to see it as. They tend to be macrocosmic.In nature, which means they’re much bigger than we are down here, especially as time has shrunken us, basically. So when those creatures and beings and objects come down into this world, they get locked in after the electromagnetic reversal completes and that magnetic dome or barrier or shield goes back up, it locks everything in. The doors are closed for another age until they’re opened once more. When that happens, the pressure builds and builds and builds, and we shrink, and we get smaller and smaller and smaller as the energy is being pulled down.

If you live during the time of the blue sky, like we do now, if you live during the time of the red sky, energy is being filling up this world, and things get bigger and bigger and stronger and stronger. I don’t know if they get stronger and stronger, but if things get bigger and bigger, intelligence increases telepathy and energetic. Anything that has an energetic property increases during the time of the red sky, when the blue beams are shooting up and holding up the world or whatever. So anything that falls in during this cycle that we are in right now shrinks. It gets smaller and smaller and smaller. So big objects can fit into a little box. This is the symbolism here,

right? And then, of course, there’s a pressure. An implosion is basically the opposite of the pressure release that we’re going to experience just so that you know the difference of that. Now let’s check this out. This is really interesting. I found some various videos. Many people have started putting up these videos of double suns, double sun sightings, two suns that people are starting to see. I don’t know how many people in the chat may have actually caught this or seen this lately. I saw this with my eyes. It wasn’t like they were separate. It was like there was one point of focus, the sun, and it had like a little pear shaped little edge to it, like a little double, like another sun was trying to be born out of it or something. I saw this, I don’t know, maybe a couple of weeks ago, I think. I can’t remember how long it was. Pretty soon, right? It was pretty soon. But a lot of different people are showing that you have this double sun action that they’re recording and it’s really easy to just write it off and say, oh, well, your camera is messing up, or I don’t know. Right? I don’t know. It’s really easy to just write it off. But we’re not here to argue whether or not it’s real.

We are here to listen to the signs and the symbols and the omens. What is it saying to us? This harkens back to a time and there’s been articles which we’ve gone over, right? When they talk about how they’ve discovered these other suns out there or other planets that have double suns or their binary star systems, et cetera, and then they talk about and reference the Star Wars, right? That planet that has tatooine, that planet that has the two suns to it, right? That’s because when you go into the red sky shift, the optics start to change. The optics do change. They’re changing right now, which is why it’s going to give rise to more meteorites, more falling stars, strange UFOs and lights or whatever people want to call them in the sky comatic aberration, which gives us these harbingers that are called comets. That’s why they always precede this cataclysmic types of events and stuff. It’s because the optics are changing up there above us which will change how many suns we perceive in our sky or how many points of focus there will be in the sky. And it also changes how many moons and stuff we have, too. So like I said, right before we get to the actual depressurization point of the plasma apocalypse, all of these things start to return. The old ways that we forgot about will come back in full force and we will be reminded, right? Some of us will be reminded to other people, they just won’t believe it. They won’t care. They’ll just make excuses for it.

And this is actually a prophecy in Islam as well. In Islam, they talk about how in the future, before the next apocalyptic cycle, that people will see strange signs and wonder and believers will fear God and take it seriously. But non believers will walk past and say, oh, that’s just magic. Basically, that’s a prophecy in Islam. And that’s in reference to the moon splitting open. Get ready for that one. Right. Islam says that the moon has split in half once before and that it will split in half once again. Figure that one out. How does the moon split in half if it’s a physical rock hovering just out of range, threatening to kill us all at any moment, how does it split in half and then go back together? You know what I mean? If it’s physical object, it doesn’t. It’s a projection up there. But anyways, that’s just an example. All right, let’s move on to the next one. Here, let me get rid of some of these so it’s easier on my computer. All right, next up, we got lights above Las Vegas. Skies have witnesses searching for answers. Okay, cool. Let me help you out. All right, like we talked about, energy is building up in the world right now, up here in the surface, right? It’s getting ready to pop. Okay? All the energy that has been charging and charging and charging is starting to be released. It’s starting to seep out because it’s getting ready to pop in reverse. Okay. As that happens, you will start to see that the sky is becoming more charged. Another omen. I just posted a video of this ridiculous electrical storm that I just went through personally. Like I posted, my son was home. We’re watching it. Our minds were blown. Like, we were opening windows and checking it out, like flashes, like many, many times per second. It was otherworldly and it was on the summer solstice, so I was kind of crossing my fingers. Oh, man. Did not happen. How sad. Anyways, yeah, it was crazy. Electrical storms because the air is becoming electrically charged right before it pops, right before the big event happens. So what we’re going to see are lights in the sky all over the place.

And this is coinciding with people collectively, worldwide, we share a consciousness. Worldwide, we share a subconsciousness, I should say. Okay, the consciousness worldwide is like enslaved and handcuffed and tied down, but our subconscious collectively is running wild. Okay? We’re all receiving dreams, visions, prophecies, all kinds of interesting things. The truth, basically, that’s why you have such a rise in these extremes. You have a rise in the majority of the world, which is going nuts and psychotic and losing their minds. And they’re in flux all over the place. They don’t know who they are. They don’t know what they believe in. They don’t know what’s going on. They just know that anything bad is good. And anything good is bad, right? We that have a different energy signature and a different vibe. We’re on the other side of things where we’re starting to become more enlightened and come up with this mind blowing ideas out of nowhere and new theories, and we’re returning to the old ways of things, and we’re really embracing simple concepts like love and kindness and giving and stuff like that, right? Because we’re getting ready. We’re being prepared. We’re being prepared for what is to come. Basically.

Anyways, the sky is also being prepared. Everything is reciprocating the energy that is building up and getting ready to go into flux. So what that means in simple terms is that you’re going to see the world across. More and more and more and more of this happening, more lights happening. People are going to say, well, it’s UFOs, and they’re talking about Project Blue Beam, which is like they have it all weird. They blame the governments instead of giving credit to nature. So it’s all being set. The stage is being set. And it’s our own creativity, our own fears that we’re making real. We’re bringing it into fruition, we’re bringing it into existence. But you’re going to see lots of lights, auroras stretching down, skysnakes returning, strange little lights, ball plasma and stuff like that bouncing all over the place, like pinballs up in the sky. You’ll see a lot of that. Now, if you actually see a metal craft come down and land tires come out or whatever they use, I don’t know, right? Let me know, okay?Sure, here is the reformatted text:

But while it’s still lights up there and they’re just lights, I’m telling you, that’s what they are. They’re lights up in the sky. Usually there’s always anomalies, there’s always exceptions, but those are lights in the sky, okay? It’s fire in the sky because it’s plasma up there. It’s electricity that’s building up all over the place. And you’re going to see increased electrical storms, increased reports of lightning killing people and deadly electricity and stuff like that. You’ll start seeing it, the auroras are going to flip out. We’re going to have like the Carrington event type stuff. They’re talking about the internet apocalypse. I think I have an article about that.

All right, let’s go to the next one here. Hundreds of flights canceled as severe weather slams the East Coast, while Texas faces possibly record breaking heat. Well, guess what? It’s always going to be record breaking. That’s the new norm, isn’t it? That’s normal. Now. If it’s not record breaking, that’s kind of weird, like what happened, you know what I mean? It’s going to be record breaking because everything is increasing exponentially. I’m going to show you a chart in just a minute. Exponential doesn’t mean it just gradually goes up. It means it goes zip until the apocalypse happens, okay? Right before these end times, everything quickens. This is the quickening. We live during a time that is the quickening. It’s a quickening of life and energy as your spirits and souls are becoming amplified, which is why you see such a rise in evil, because their evil souls are being amplified and a rise in higher consciousness or whatever, because that’s being amplified too. But so is the weather. So is everything we got.

Severe weather leaves more than 175,000 without power in southern and eastern regions. This is going to become get used to this, okay? And I’m telling you right now, what we’re experiencing in 2023, right now is like, you’re going to wish we had this kind of weather not too long from now, I promise you, okay? This is going to look calm in comparison to what’s going to happen because it’s exponential. But not only is it exponential and it will increase, like extreme weather phenomenon, all of these things that we talk about, all these omens, they will increase. But let me explain something, okay? It’s not just going to shoot straight up like that. Everything happens in waves and cycles and rhythms. It’s a law of the universe. It’s the law of rhythms and cycles. So instead of just shooting straight up like that without any variation, there will be variables. It’ll go shoot straight up and then it’ll dip for a SEC and then it’ll shoot straight up and it’ll dip for a SEC or whatever. It’s just like how the ocean works with its waves. It shoots out and it comes back or whatever. So just because we go through a lull or a dull period or a calm, that’s the calm before the storm, the world storm.

All right, next up oh, here’s that chart. I wanted to share this chart with you. More storms and floods in the 21st century. Cumulative numbers of natural disasters and extreme weather events in Europe since 1923 by type. Look at this. Let me move out of the way here. What is that orange one? Droughts. Okay, we’ll forget droughts. Check the rest of this out. Look at this. This is what I’m talking about. This is what is that? 1939, right? 1950, 919, 79. You see how it’s gradually going up? Pretty soon from here to 1999, took a big reverse dip incline steep, you know what I’m saying? And then from 99 to 2019, zip. And guess what? From 2019 to the apocalypse, I’m pretty sure it’s just almost straight up, okay? You’re going to see it increasing to the point where people are going to start panicking, okay? There will come a reckoning where people might be blind. A lot of people in the truth are seeking communities wherever, like, oh, they’re blind or they’re NPCs or whatever. There will come a reckoning when they cannot help but to acknowledge, okay? It will be on the news. It’s just like in Bruce Almighty, right? Whenever he’s messing with the weather and he’s messing with the moon and all this stuff. I should break that one down. It’s a good one and pretty soon. The people are, like, holding the signs on the news. They’re like, the end is near. It’s going to be on the news. People are going to collectively snap. They’re going to wake up altogether and go, something’s wrong with the world. They might disagree on what it is or what causes it or whatever. And I’m here singing at the top of my lungs, a beautiful song for whoever would like to listen. But it’s on the way. It’s coming. Chart it out. Graph it out. Check it out. It’s right there. Okay. It’s increasing exponentially, as is the pressure, as is the entropy, as is the evil and badness and charge in the world, but so is the goodness, so is that remnant. So are we. There’s always good news. So if you ever hear doom and gloom and all that bad stuff, ask, what’s the good news? Because there’s always good news. Sarah Says just became a member of the Good Vibe tribe. High five. Good to see you. Sarah says. Thank you so much for your support. You guys are awesome.

All right, next up, we’ve got blood red crickets invade a Nevada town. Residents fight back with brooms and leaf blowers and snow plows. Okay, now check this out. I did a video. It was not very popular, okay? Because it’s gross. It’s about bugs. All right? I don’t like bugs very much. I’m not a huge bug person. I’m not a fan of bugs, so I understand when that video didn’t get a lot of views, but I did two different ones. One was about how there’s ocean bugs that people eat called seafood. That was very interesting. And that actually changed some people’s lives, which is an honor for me that people are trying to eat healthier and stuff like that because I made it look pretty gross, because it is to me. Anyways, I did a different video about swarming and different swarms of locusts and crickets and grasshoppers and stuff in the past, especially around the region of the Rockies here in America or North America, right? And I did this whole thing about these different waves of swarms that have come in the history of the United States, right? So many crickets and bugs, or I should be specific, so many what was it? Locusts. Okay, they were crickets. I mean, not crickets. I mean crickets. The same thing. Okay, can we just agree that’s basically they’re all the same, all right? Grasshoppers, whatever. Grasshoppers. They get pissed off and agitated. When their energy becomes agitated, they swarm. Guess what? That’s everything. When our energy collectively, as humanity becomes agitated, we also swarm. It’s called war or looting and pillaging and rioting, etc. Right? We will also swarm. You will also see wars and rumors of wars, which is a direct quote from the Bible. It’s a prophecy from the Bible. But anyways, back to the bugs, okay? I said back then, and I’m going to say it again, this is not the first time we’re going to see this. And it’s not just in Nevada. This is happening right now worldwide. It’s just that there’s various pockets, and maybe it’s happening in communities that know not newsworthy. But this is what’s happening with the swarming. Certain insects pick up on these frequencies being amplified first. They’re more sensitive to them, and so they hear them first, and they start getting agitated by it first, just like so many of you are getting agitated by this ringing in your ears. And you don’t know where it’s coming from. You don’t know how to stop it. And sometimes it’s stronger, and sometimes it makes you dizzy or it sounds weird, or it throws you off, or you turn up other stuff to drown it out. The insects heard that first. They’re starting to swarm. These are omens. These are signs. This is stuff that happens in every religion that right before apocalyptic events happen. Open your eyes and you’ll see. And you’ll know why there’s blood red crickets crawling all over Nevada? Because the end is coming. So get ready. Anyways, what else we got? NASA launches a spacecraft to avert a possible Internet. Interesting. A spacecraft. How’s that? That’s so retarded. Let me just point out once more, okay? That’s not the sun. The sun is not orange. The sun is not red. The sun is not yellow.They always will show this to trick you so that you don’t recognize that you’re the frog in the pot. And the heat is being turned up because the sun is whitish blue and the sun is super hot at this particular moment in time. And it’s getting hotter and hotter and hotter. And as it does the atmosphere, everywhere it goes, it’s leaving a trail of hotter and hotter and hotter atmosphere, right? Which it will also cool off quicker towards the tail end or whatever, which is also adding to our crazy extreme weather patterns.

So anyways, that’s not the sun. I don’t know what that is. But that’s not the point of focus up there, of light in the sky, okay? That light go out and check it out sometime. Is blindingly white, okay? Some of us remember back in the days when it used to be yellow, when it used to be orange. And if you’re really old, maybe you remember when it used to be red, right? I’m not talking about the atmosphere changing the color of it at sunrise or sunset, okay? Which I love. I love the amber color of sunset or just after sunset. I like when the sun goes away because I don’t like the sun. I know they’re sungazers. I know people love the sun, and I respect that. I don’t I’m like a vampire, okay? I don’t like the sunlight very much, okay? If you do, totally fine.

Anyways, I’m off course. They’re talking about the Internet apocalypse. There will be an Internet apocalypse. There will be an apocalypse. Of every sort. Every apocalyptic scenario you have ever thought of has some truth to it and will happen. Some have greater amounts of truth, some have lesser amounts of truth, but every single one of those is going to culminate and come together all at one time. Sometimes we go through cataclysmic cycles, little tiny cataclysms, not the apocalypse. Sometimes we have small cataclysms that give rise and little reminders of what is to come. When the apocalypse comes, it is every cataclysmic scenario all at one time. Even the things that you couldn’t even believe and you only see in the movies will all happen all at one time.

For more information, please do check out my plasma apocalypse playlist. I’ve got two different ones. I’ve got like a 101 for beginners where I sort of explain things simply. And then I’ve got my advanced series, which is my favorite one, too.

So, yeah, that’s not the sun. How long have we been going for it? Is it an hour yet? Let me see. Let me double check. Hold on. Average view duration 1111. Check that out. Why isn’t this playing? Oh, okay. So we’ve only been going for about 34 minutes. I feel pretty good for this particular episode. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to wrap this episode up. I’m going to wrap this one up and the next time what I really enjoyed was in my community section right here, actually, I’ll just give you an example. This is what we’re going to do next week, okay? I’m going to go back to the community section because I want to give you guys all a heads up and give you lots of time to post. Go to my community section. Look for this post right here that says omens, says add yours, right? So go in here, click on the comments just like Nikki in New York. X left a link and then a description, which I appreciate, that says preparing stories for the blue beam, right? I like good descriptions, right? So let’s click on this one. I want to give you an example of what we’re going to check out next week. So these are all going to be your submissions, your omens and signs and wonders.

Humans pump so much groundwater that the Earth’s axis has shifted. Study finds, right? So check this out. They’re saying that the Earth’s axis has shifted, right? Why are they saying that? Because the seasons are out of whack and the days are shortening and stuff. So they have to start saying stuff’s happening to the Earth. And then they have to come up with ridiculous stories about it, like, oh, we’re pumping a lot of groundwater. That must be what it is. Like what? Seriously? We’re pumping a bunch of groundwater. So the axis of the Earth has changed. So if we all jumped and stomped on the ground at the same time, are you saying that we could steer the Earth too. You might as well just make up whatever you want to, right? So they’re pumping groundwater, which has changed the earth’s rotational axis. So they say that the speed of the earth spinning has changed, which is causing our concept of time and how long a day lasts to speed up, right? Everything’s speeding up. This is the quickening, remember? And now they’re talking about the tilt of the earth has changed, which would also mess up our seasons and stuff like that. So we have a lot of these things that they’re trying to come up with to explain the omens, the signs, and the wonders, right? Because they can’t just come out and say, all right, well, maybe the old ways, maybe our ancestors were correct. No, they’ve already come out and said, we have empirical evidence we are correct, and it’s 100% and we can’t be wrong. We are infallible. So then now they have to start changing their little they have to move the goalposts. That’s what it’s called.

Anyways. Let’s read. It says, at that time at that time that time that’s being referenced right now is the apocalypse or the apocalyptic times that we are soon to be in. It says, at that time shall Michael, that is the archangel Michael. Michael shall stand up the great prince, which standeth for the children of thy people. So the protecting power, the protecting energy or principality, etc. And there shall be a time of trouble. There shall be a time of trouble such as never was seen since there was a nation, even to that same time. So whenever the bible or any other religious material talks about, like, something shall happen that never has been or ever was up until a certain time or whatever, almost always, it’s talking about the plasma apocalypse.

All right, so let’s see. Never has been seen up until a certain time. And at that time, thy people thy people shall be delivered, everyone that shall be found written in the book. So for me, just off the top, this is a reference to the energy that is inside of our world rising up as we go through that electromagnetic shift right now, the energy, the light, everything’s coming downward and being charged as it soaks into the earth and it goes down into the hollow recesses of our world. But when we go through an electromagnetic shift and a flip, then that energy will shoot up and outward out of our world. Light actually emerging from within the earth herself. And that light will be interpreted as various types of titans, protectors, angels, archangels, et cetera. Now, those angels are ranked in a class as to how powerful they are, or you could say how close to mount maru that they are, right? The mount maru light representing the savior or the strongest one, the mightiest one, the Jesus type of a figure, et cetera. And then those that are closer surrounding him would be the higher ranking angels and then less ranking as you get further and further away from Mount Maru. So that’s Michael. Michael is said to stand on the shores or whatnot? These are the lights that shoot up around the North Pole region.

All right, let’s go up to the next one and see what else we got. We’ve got Ginger Humphrey, who says a video clip from the Grand Prairie, Texas of the sun with rings around it. Okay, let’s check this out, see what we got here. All right, it’s taking us over to Facebook and it says, what is this? All right, cool. So it looks like we’re looking at some sundogs and some I forgot what this is called. Like a sun halo or whatnot. Now pay close attention how the sun and the moon both can create these rings around them, bisecting rings, intersecting rings and stuff. Now do you see how it’s not directly around the sun? That for me, is a cause for concern because there should be a perfect circle around the sun whenever you get these sun halos or whatnot, which is why they’re called that, right? But this one looks like it’s off center, and that’s something that you will start toNotice the closer we get to the apocalypse.

Let me make sure my chat’s working. Hold on.

Okay, cool. Hey, did you guys hear the audio? Oh, yeah. Glitch reports widespread on cell phones. Interesting.

All right, well, hopefully you guys could hear the audio. Thanks again, CK. Super appreciate you.

I’m pretty sure the audio worked this time, but anyways, so these sun halos, that’s where we get the Glyph. For the sun itself, it’s supposed to be a halo with a dot in the middle. That’s the point of focus. And daylight shooting outwards from that point of focus, which is the actual sun itself. But the closer we get to the reset event, right, the closer we get to the apocalypse itself, the more the lights in the sky are going to start becoming askew. They’re going to become comatic, they’re going to have abnormalities, because what is responsible for that, I believe, is the plasma that is outside of our world spiraling around, right?

So that plasma fluctuates, and it goes out and it goes in. And when it has a normal fluctuation, you would see like a normal sun halo, comets appearing at their normal times and stuff. Everything should be on schedule. But whenever that plasma contracts, which is the cycle we’re going into now, the other cycle is when it expands too far and it goes into flux. But when it contracts above us, right, it starts to hit different points, and that light starts to be refracted in ways that it normally would not be, which gives us all of these strange sky anomalies.

All right, cool. Let’s go to the next one. Up here we’ve got Kat van DEU. What’s up, Kat Van DEU? Thanks for being a member. And says. Typically because I’ve been following events closely for more than a decade. I’m not fazed by what I read. This is the first time I’ve read something. Let’s see what it is. I’ve had to do a double take on the headline, Biden backs plan to block the sun in a Bid to limit Global warming. So let’s check this article out.

All right, so this is about the old senile guy who’s in charge of the United States, and it says Biden backs a plan to block the sun. Okay, I’m curious. In a bid to limit global warming. All right, well, there’s not really an article or anything that’s weird. All right, well, I’ll just go ahead and comment on that. Biden can’t block the sun. I don’t think. Okay. I don’t see how a human could block the sun or whatever.

Now, I know a lot of people are going to jump right to chemtrails and they’re going to be like, oh, they’re spraying all the chemtrails everywhere. Yeah, but not over the entire Earth. You know what I mean? You might be able to spray some stuff over a local city or region or whatever, but that would take an awful lot of chemtrails or chemicals or whatever sprayed across the entire Earth. It’s kind of like, goes back to that Project Bluebeam where people are like they’re going to Project Holograms over the entire Earth. No. Do you have any idea how big the entire Earth is? It’s gigantic. Could they do things individually in local areas, over certain cities or something? Yes, possibly, but to cover the entire Earth is quite an undertaking.

And I don’t know why my phone is stuck on that ad. That’s crazy. All right. Yeah. To block the sun. So what is the omen in that? What is the sign in that? The sun will be blocked. The sun will lose the sun. The sun’s going bye bye. Okay, the sun’s going to get crazy bright, which is why they showed you the picture of Biden wearing sunglasses. Okay, I didn’t need sunglasses when I was growing up. I liked them, but I didn’t need them. Now. I need them. Right? I didn’t need sunscreen or any of that kind of stuff, which I don’t recommend using sunscreen, I’m not a big fan of that putting chemicals and toxins on your body to suck them into your body. But the sun’s getting brighter, okay? So as the sun gets brighter, it’s going to get hotter, it’s going to heat up. This is the whole global warming thing, okay? It is getting hotter, but only around where the sun goes, okay? So the sun is going to start leaving a heat trail all the way around it, which is going to create all of these weather fluctuations in these spirals and eddies that will probably lead to even more and more severe, extreme weather as we go forward. Exponentially severe weather, a lot more and stronger weather, like hurricanes and tornadoes and typhoons and things like that. Since our planet is far from a perfect sphere. Yeah, real far. Its poles are flat. You see that? How much more contradictory can you be in one sentence? Right? I mean, maybe not if you read into what they’re saying right here. Right? Far from a perfect sphere or a sphere or glob or globular or globular. It’s a big old glob. Big old mess. Its poles are flat. Okay. Sweet. Right? How’s that? You know what I mean? I’ve got a really good guess. I’d say its pole. Okay, one pole. The North Pole, right? The South Pole is a whole different topic. But anyways, I thought I’d point that one out. It’s pretty interesting.

All right, next up, we’ve got I don’t know if that’s L Buyerly or Ibierly. When I do the credits, I have to copy and paste your name so I don’t get it wrong. UFO whistleblower David Grush, NASA team member claims must be treated as credible. His claims must be treated as credible. Scooby doob doob. David has eyewitnesses to what David has should be protected. Article dismisses. This doesn’t say what the claims are at all. So we’ll skip that one.

Trampus. Trampus. Says, here’s some more signs of the apocalypse. I’m going to hesitantly click on the link. Oh, we’re going to YouTube. Oh, timeout. I clicked on this one before. So this is the exact video I clicked on where when I went back. Let’s see if it does it again. Hold on. Let me see the first comment here. Never mind. Let’s just go back. Oh, thank goodness. Okay. Last time, it kept his comments on my channel for some reason. It was real weird. But that whole article is about how this water or that whole video is about how this waterfall had disappeared, right? This river and waterfall just disappeared in a place where people never expected it to happen. That’s something that’s happening worldwide right now, according to what I’ve seen in my research so far, is all of the supplies of fresh water seem to be being drank by the Earth, right? Getting ready to give birth. Mother Nature needs more of that water, sucking it in because she’s about to have a baby, right. Which is that light. The light of the world about to be born or born again.

All right, so the rivers are getting sucked up. They’re drying up the world across. I do want to do a compilation one of these days of all the different rivers that are being sucked up and dried up. Oh. Swarms of mysterious gnats by gen. Two gone. This is super interesting. Let’s check this out. Swarms of mysterious gnats let me make this bigger. Hold on. Get out of here. What is all that pop up central, man? All right. Clouds of mysterious GNAT like insects are swarming across New York City. Let’s see it. What do we got? Oh, yeah. Do you see them? All there. Wild videos being shared across social media show clouds of mysterious, nat like insects in New York City. One the first thing on my mind, I took a couple of trips to New York just to vacation and just be a tourist and check out stuff, right? Which is really fun. It’s a very artistic place. Lots of esoteric, weird structures and old world stuff. Lots of cool stuff to see in New York City. But it’s dirty, man. That place stinks. That place smells terrible. Like garbage. Because they leave their garbage out pot in mountains. Okay. Just mountains of garbage, just like we talked about. But yeah, all these weird gnats swarming. That’s weird. They say it’s got something to do with the Canadian wildfire fires, the orange haze. Right? That’s also an omen in and of itself. The sky turning orange, the color spectrum turning orange. In the post apocalyptic world, some New Yorkers liken the city’s recent woes to plagues. It is a plague, okay? It’s not like a plague. This is a plague.That’s what a plague is, all right? God, man, do you guys feel like we’re in the movie? Idiocracy? People don’t know how to speak. They don’t know how to talk to one another. They don’t know how to communicate effectively. You know what I mean? It’s frustrating. You can see it. You can read my vibe right now. I’m frustrated. It’s like a plague. No, bro, it’s exactly a plague. That’s what it is. It’s a plague of nats or whatever. Yes.

So, the swarming. Let’s talk about that real quick. You’re going to see a lot of this. Actually, I think there’s some more down here. A python. Okay, interesting. What else we got? What is all this? What is all this? I can’t see it. What the hell is that? Hold on. What was that? Tiny worm jumps onto passing bees to hitch a no. We don’t need little flying worms in the air. God, man, the world’s just going to crap.

Max just gifted five random memberships. Thank you, Max. That’s awesome. Here’s the cartoon. Sun. That’s not really orange or red or anything. Erupting sun may have blasted cannibal coronal mass ejection towards Earth. Cannibal. We’re just throwing in random trigger words to get you to read their articles, right? Oh, here’s the sun. Spot on. Whatever it is. Anyways, let me get back to the actual thing here. There’s all kinds of weird stuff in this one.

So swarms. The reason that we have the swarming is because the energy is becoming amplified in our world, okay? As the energy becomes amplified, because the pressure is increasing and increasing exponentially and it’s about to pop, the energy in the world becomes agitated in the form of spirits and souls and beings and stuff, right? So as we collectively, animals, insects, humans, all types of creatures, as we become agitated, you’ll start to see more and more swarming, right? And humans, we’re used to that. Okay, we just call it war. We just call it looting and rioting and pillaging and stuff like that. But you’re going to see a lot more of that until eventually it gets to World War Three.

All right, let me see what else we got in this little article. These are kind of cool. What is that? Las Vegas? What is this? Hello, world. Las Vegas new SMG Sphere. Landmark venue glows ahead of an opening. Do you see that? Yes, you do. Las Vegas opening a new music and entertainment venue called Sphere, which glows, and it makes an eyeball. Check that out. It’s the eye in the sky. Totally the eye in the sky symbolism.

Hey, Robin. Whoa, whoa. Robin, Robin. Hold on, hold on. Wait a minute. Thank you. Robin Hames just donated $100 and says, have a great vacation. You deserve it. Oh, my God. Thank you. So, for those of you who don’t know, a very kind subscriber reached out to me through my professional business email and offered to comp me a little vacation, stay up in a super ritzy hotel up in the mountains for a couple of nights, and said I could bring my son. So I’m really excited about that. Robin, thank you so very much. I super appreciate you. Max Collins, thank you very much. And everyone who has been donating, man, you guys are amazing. Thank you so much.

All right, let’s continue on. This is interesting. What else do they got on this one? Hold on, let me see what else they got here. Cannibal coronal mass ejection. Okay, listen. The sun is going to eat the Earth. And by eat it, I mean burn it up, okay? Not all of it, okay? Just parts of it, okay? It can only burn what it’s directly above. So sunlight is going to start burning things, and that’s why they’re starting to get us to focus on the sun. Or these are the signs. These are the omens that the sun is dangerous. It does present a danger. That’s why they’re talking about trying to block out the sun and all this stuff. It’s not going to work. Okay? That’s also one of the reasons why I think that they’re setting the forest on fire, is to minimize the damage, so that when the sun starts setting everything on fire, we don’t completely have the worst apocalyptic scenario ever because of all the ash and stuff that will shoot up into the air and everything.

All right, what else we got? The sun is not this color, by the way. Don’t let them trick you. Welcome to Las Vegas sign turns. This man, this thing has all kinds of stuff. Let me see it. Make it purple. Is it? I don’t see it. I don’t know what they’re talking about. That’s false advertising. That’s not even real. What is that? Milky Way. Supermassive. Oh, yeah. All black holes are supermassive these days, in case you haven’t noticed. It’s a supermassive black hole, you know what I mean? Get out of here.

All right, moving on. Excuse me. I’m so sorry for coughing in your face. Alex, what’s up? Alex says this video is about two sons that I saw. I was trying to find a short clip about it, but I couldn’t. The Timestamp is 1655, et cetera, et cetera. Boom, boom. Creepy TikToks that will make you rethink reality. All right, let’s check it out, see what it is. We are on YouTube. All right, sweet. Let’s see. Let me see if I can oh, she said Timestamp is 1455. Hey, you can actually put the Timestamp yourself instead of just telling me what it is. If you right click on it. Watch. Right click copy video URL at the current time. That right there is the Timestamp. So if you want to share that, you just right click on that and boom, you’ll get the Timestamp. Or it’ll take us right to it. All right, so 1455. Let’s see what we got. 1455. Boom. All right. Not sure what we’re looking at here. And it’s another YouTube video, so I don’t really want to play it. We’re going to skip this one. I’m so sorry, Alex.

All right, we got Eve of Eloquence, who says watermelon snow in Utah. I heard about this. Let’s check this one out. I’m excited to check out this one. I do like all of the ones that take us to articles. If you share an article, I’m more likely to share it on the omens section rather than, like, another YouTube video. But if it’s a YouTube video, just like I said, put it in the description. That way you give me a fair warning, you know what I mean? That way I can do what I need to do in order to be able to share it with everybody. But if it’s an article, it’s free game.

All right, what is this? What is watermelon snow phenomenon turns snow in Utah pink? This is interesting. This goes right along with the walls bleeding in Antarctica, right? The snow walls, the ice walls or whatever are bleeding, or at least there’s a portion of it that’s bleeding as a red water spout. The water is just red. It’s blood, man. These are signs and omens. I don’t know if it’s actual physical blood, but who cares? The omen is that’s the earth bleeding patches in snow in Utah’s mountains have turned pink. Watermelon snow. It may look pretty, but it indicates bad news. This is a bad omen. They’re saying, for the environment. It occurs when a bacteria called something something begins to grow in cold environments. OOH. That is not good news. Bacteria. Just like that little flying worm thing we saw in the other article.

So there’s a lot of bacteria that seems to be building up in our world today. I’m not surprised, given that we have littered the crap out of the world and we’re not helping I’m just going to say that. Okay, so the snow itself is turning red. This is a bad omen. This is not good news. Bacteria all over the place. Sicknesses, people are getting worse and worse. This is probably going to lead to respiratory infections. Okay? It’s the first thing that comes to my mind is this stuff is going to get into the air. If the snow can be red, you can have red rain. You can have bacteria and stuff that actually changes the color of the rain itself, and it rains blood red. Expect to see more of that. And if that kind of stuff is happening, the snow’s turning red, antarctica is bleeding red rain and stuff like that. You can bet bacteria and stuff will get into the air that we breathe and ride on those currents, which will cause respiratory infections and mess people up.Up.

Let me also share something with you. Let me take this down for a second. Hold on. Let me also share something with you.

How many of you in the chat I’m looking at you, chat. How many of you and future people, how many of you knew that our world procreation rate is Dwindling? How many of you knew that?

Let me look that up. Actually, I’m going to pull this up, okay? World procreation rate. I’m just going to type in those words, all right? I’m going to read you what it says.

The current fertility rate. Okay? Let me type in fertility rate. Fertility rate. I’m going to show this. Hold on. I got to show you this, okay?

This is one of the reasons why I do truth in movies, okay? Television shows, movies, all many of them, okay? Not all of them.

I’m all excited right now, okay? I’m trying to be calm. I’m excited because I’m taking my boy on vacation. I’m excited for so many things. I’ve got laundry to do. My mind’s all over the place today, so thank you for bearing with me.

Check this out. Okay, the birth rates are going down. Let me see what this says. In its most general sense, the term world refers to totality of entities, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay? I don’t care. I want straight up, is the world fertility rate dropping? Let’s check that out.

This one worldwide fertility has fallen from an average of five births per woman in 1950 to 2.3 births per woman in 2021. Well, I wonder what they consider to be a woman, because if you include the new definitions and whatever they are, that’s probably like zero point something percent, right? It’s sort of a joke, but not really. Anyways, the point here is you can take a look at many of these graphs. Actually, let me click on images and see what kind of graphs we get here. Do we get graphs? I want a graph. World population by fertility over time. Let’s check this one out.

This is a huge omen. Okay? You see that right there? Okay, this is bad news. This is shown to you on many movies. You know The Handmaid’s Tale, okay, that’s based on a true story. It just hasn’t happened yet, and it has happened a long time ago.

All of these things are cyclical. They’ve happened before. You can expect those things to resurface. The children of Men is another one. It’s another movie about how the birth rate in the world falls to almost zero, okay?

Mother Nature is like, no, I’m taking your rights away. You’re not allowed. You’re not allowed anymore. You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re not doing it the right way. You’re abusing your privileges.

So the right to give birth is basically stripped from humanity by mother Nature or god or whatever you want to see it as. The goddess, the god, whatever you want to see, okay? People stop being able to have children.

This is prophecy in action. This graph right here is like a waterfall, right? And when we hit zero, all of your movies are going to come true, every single one. That’s about this population dropping or the fertility rates dropping in the world. People cannot have babies, okay?

When you start polluting the world so badly and messing it up so badly, that bacteria is all over the place, trash is all over the place. Everything’s upside down and inside out from anything that is pure or righteous or innocent or good or kind loving all of those things.

The fertility rates coincide with the toxicity of our world, okay? So all of the movies that you’ve seen and all of the things that happen because of that and all of the drama that ensues, you can expect to see that if the apocalypse doesn’t come first, okay?

So just be very careful. And if you are able to have babies at this point in time, right, consider yourself lucky. Consider yourself blessed. Consider yourself do something with that. As a parent, as a father, I’m getting off the topic slightly, but, man, that’s a treasure, okay? You’re raising the future, right? Do us all a favor and raise a good one, please.

Anyways, thanks for that. Watermelon, snow. That’s pretty cool. How’s everybody in the chat doing? Everybody’s good? All right, cool. Right on. Let’s continue on. We got, like, ten more minutes, and then I got to go pack. I got to go get my laundry. I got to go do all this kinds of stuff. I’m so excited. All right, Trampus? What’s up? Trampus says, I don’t know if you’ve looked at this. It’s the real deal. Pretty sure it’s pretty convincing.

All right, peace and love.

All right, so check this out. Just as thank you, Trampus, super appreciate you. But from now on, tell me what it’s about, okay? I don’t like cliffhangers on the Internet. I don’t like clickbait. I don’t like people saying, like, oh, this is the craziest thing in the world, and then they leave the link. Take a moment. Explain to me what it is. You know what I mean? That’s my request. That’s my personal request.

You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to. But I will say in the future, I’ll be more inclined to skip anything that doesn’t have a solid professional.

Like here. I would like you to share this on a live stream. And I’m not saying Trampus is bad. He’s a cool dude, and he’s got his girlfriend in the picture now, too. That’s cool. Let’s go to Trampus’ webpage. Let me check out your YouTube channel. Oh, this is tight. I know you had some prophetic signs of ragnarok. Oh, this is tight. Okay, Trampus, I’m going to check out your channel later.

All right, let’s get back oh, what? Hold on. I got to scroll back down to Trampus. There he is. Oh, this is just another one. All right, we’re going to skip that one.

Let’s see. I’m going to check it out. Trampus, just because you’re cool and let me use you as a little example. Werewolf dog man captured and killed you. Tell me what the heck is going on. Oh, I don’t know. That looks like some kind of dog man. Sure. I don’t know. This is an interesting video. I’m not going to play it or anything because it’s a YouTube video. I don’t want to copyright strike, but thank you for sharing that. That’s pretty awesome.

Milk tea alliance. Hey, you know what this one reminds me of, Trampus? Your video right here, it reminds me there’s another video where it shows these secret government agents, right? It might be in Russia, I think, where they were experimenting on like I remember the video. They were chopping up body parts and then filling them with electricity to see if they can reenergize them and bring them back to life. Specifically, a dog’s head. Have you guys seen that video?

Let me see if we can find it. I really want to find it now. Hold on. Let’s go to YouTube. All right, I’m going to be careful. Hey, look it. I’m live streaming. There’s me. Hold on. Russian bring to life dog’s head. Let’s try that. See if that works.

This is it. Oh, my God. In 1940s, Russian, scientists kept the dog’s head alive for a few hours. This is super graphic. Okay, so I’m just gonna this is this is a cartoon showing you what they did. They decapitated a dog and many other things. This is just what they’re showing you. And they hooked it up to electrodes, electricity, power, spirit, energy. And boom. The dog was looking around. It would drink stuff. They would put, like, water in front of it, and it would drink, and it was alive.

Check this out. These are the auroras down in Idaho. Wow. Now this is concerning to me. Do you see how they’re red, right? If it’s green, it’s good. If it’s green, it’s okay. All right. But if it’s red, that means it’s coming from way up in the sky where it’s not supposed to be. It’s surpassing its boundary. It’s crossing a line, basically.

Okay, so this is a good omen. I like this one. Let’s see. There’s the Teenage Kraken movie. Check that out. Right on nine realms. Let’s see. All right, sweet. That sounds interesting. A man found a giant megalodon tooth that experts say belonged to a shark the size of a semi truck. Let’s check that one out. I like seeing giant stuff.

Well, that is like a cast of something. This is a big old tooth. Interesting. All right, well, that’s supposed to be a regular shark.Earth spin faster.


No, not okay. That doesn’t make any sense to me whatsoever, that the ice is melting, that tiny speck of ice in comparison to the gigantic mass of Earth. You say that it is something’s messed up, okay? With their official explanation, to me, it does not add up.

Regardless, the days are getting shorter, which is what Jesus warned us of in the Bible. That we need to watch for the shortening of the days. The days are going to get shorter and shorter and shorter and shorter. At the other end of the spectrum, during the other leading up to the other apocalypse of those who will live in the red sky, they’ll experience the opposite. They’ll actually experience their days getting longer and longer and longer and longer. We’re on the short end of the stick, which is good, right? You could look at this as being good news because things are happening so quickly. That means that we’re going to experience all of that power of all of the flux and crazy signs and omens and wars and rumors of wars and people losing their minds and the world being upside down for a short period of time. That’s good news for people like myself because I look forward to it all coming to an end and starting over. I would not want it to last any longer.

All right, so the days are getting shorter. The earth is spinning faster. You know what I mean?

So much behind modern cosmology. I’ve got so many questions for everybody, you know what I mean? I mean, not really. I used to have so many questions. Now I’m content with going back to the way that my ancestors did them and doing independent research.

All right, let’s move on. Next up, we’ve got an article about how a disturbed polar vortex could bring something. So they’re talking about how there is at the north pole of our world. This is another new word. A polar vortex was not a word that was thrown around when I was a kid growing up. It’s not like they talked about, “Hey, how’s the weather?” Well, the polar vortex was acting weird lately. People didn’t talk like that when I was a kid. They didn’t talk about polar vortices and things like that. Pardon me. But anyways, our own north pole, the activity that is at our north pole is acting up. It’s acting strange. Add this to the core of the earth slowing down. Add this to the days speeding up, which is really weird, too. They say that the inside of the earth is slowing down, but the outside is speeding up. What kind of earth do you live on? What kind of weird place is that that’s so strange? Anyways, they say that there’s disturbances in the force at the north pole of our own world, basically, and that that’s causing all this strange activity and anomalous weather, right?

What they say is that above the north pole, up there in the stratosphere, it has warmed up, that the stratosphere is suffering a warming. Here, let me actually read this article. This is from the Washington Post. Not that I super care, but it says how a predicted polar vortex disruption could spur winter’s revenge. And then I’ll take you down to, oh, do I have it highlighted? Damn it. Took my highlight off. Well, here’s an image right here. Here’s an image of the polar vortex that’s right above the north pole there. And basically they’re saying that the stratosphere is warming up. So I’ve got two ideas on that. One could be the sun, possibly, right? Like I said before, the sun seems to be heating up to me. I can remember when the sun was not so microwavingly hot. When it was not so ridiculously strong, bright, white light up there. You know what I mean? Like, I can remember a time when the sun was way different, and I’m not even that old, right? So it could be the sun that’s actually getting hot and heating up the atmosphere up there as it goes along and dragging a little tail or a little swirl of hot air all the way around it that has to reach equilibrium with the rest of the air around it. That’s not used to that. That’s one possibility. Another one is the Zephyr, the Zephyr of the world, which I’ll talk about here in just a minute.

So this Washington Post article says that it all begins in the stratosphere, where computer models up in the stratosphere, I’m just kidding, where computer models are coming into agreement that temperatures may leap 60 degrees in the coming week in the stratosphere. Right, that’s huge signaling what’s known as a sudden stratospheric warming event. A sudden stratospheric warming event. Well, anything that happens is an event, right? So suddenly the stratosphere is getting hot. It’s really all you need to say. They try to make it sound so intellectual. The stratosphere is getting hot. So how could that be possible? Like we talked about, one idea is that the sun itself is getting warm, but another is the Zephyr. Most people that I’ve met don’t know much about the Zephyr or what a zephyr actually is. So let’s learn.

The Zephyr, or Zephyr, was the Greek god of the west wind, which was considered the gentlest of all the winds, especially if compared to the colder north wind Boreus. The warm west wind brought the spring season, right? So now they’re talking about how the stratosphere is warming up. This is all creating wind. Keep that in mind, okay? Anything that moves in the atmosphere is going to create wind, all right? Any type of change in heat or cold or temperature or whatever is going to create wind.

So let me get right to the point. In the old times, and I’ll probably do a more extensive video on this in the future, but they had various gods, especially gods of different wind locations, right? There were specific locations that were named as being gods of the wind. This kind of a wind comes from this particular direction. So they slapped a name on it. They cartoonified it. They called it a god. And that was good. Right? There was Boreus, as we’ve learned about, right? Which is the Arctic Circle area. That’s why it’s such a cold wind. That whole area around the Arctic circle is filled with freezing cold air, basically. Right? We all know this. But if you go beyond the northern wind, there is the Zephyr, right? What is the Zephyr? Now, here on the internet, you’ll read that they call it the west wind, but there really is no west, and there really is no east, right? Or there wasn’t considered to be a west and east as far as left and right when you’re facing the north pole or away from it, right? West was down into the boughs of the earth. West was inward. West was going into a cavernous system, into the hollow recesses of the world you live in. East was the opposite. It was going upwards, right? A westerly wind means that the earth is breathing from the inside, outward, which is the inner earth depressurizing. So keep that in mind. Anyways, the western Zephyr, the Zephyr wind that comes out of Mount Maru, the earth breathes, okay? This is a form of breathing, basically. If you see the Earth as being alive and sentient as I do, and some others, then this is an action that we call breathing, okay? And it depressurizes the hollow recesses on the inside, which has an effect on them living down there below us. But right now, we live up here. So we’re going to talk about the surface and how it affects us when they depressurize. Volcanoes, all this type of stuff creates Zephyrs. But at Mount Maru and other cavernous openings, you’ll notice that the caves create wind. Where’s all the wind coming from if it just dead ends into the frickin’ lava, you know what? That’s not something’s not right there. Anyways, the Earth breathes, okay? And the biggest breath comes from Mount Maru, directly at the North Pole, at the center of our world. Which is why, when you transgress, when you go past the boundaries and the limitations that are set by the northerly winds or the Boreus or the boreal winds or the winds of the bar, the winds that surround the bar, which is kind of what that means when you go past those or hyperborea, then it becomes warm again, which is what many stories of those who have made it that far reflect. They tell us that things became…And this is a big shark. That’s not surprising to me. We’re going to see a return of gigantism, as we’ve talked about many times. Kim B says it looks like you got pretty rough in some areas, like Red Rock. I saw this video of the storm, so I think she’s referring to the storm that I recently went through. Yeah, look at that. Look at the size of that hail. Wow. All right, cool. I can’t really play that one.

Let’s see. Ginger Humphrey. I was watching your video. Plasma Apocalypse. You mentioned the stars falling. Interesting. Okay, cool.

Let’s see. I’m looking for like, links to articles and stuff. Pictures, articles. This is a link to the top seven strange sounds in the sky. Okay, that’s a YouTube one. No problem. You guys can totally leave YouTube links, but I’m probably not going to show a lot of those.

Let’s see, we got I saw this and I felt it fit with Omens. When the animals turn on people, sharks attack. Netflix crew filming American military news. Let’s check this one out. Incredibly no, thanks. How’s it going to ask me something when I just got here? You know what mean? Like, gee, I just walked in the door of your website and it’s like you know what I mean? Like calm down, okay? It’s not that important, okay? Just chill out.

Incredibly hungry shark attacks. Netflix Crew filming Our Planet, Part Two. Well, maybe it was incredibly hungry. They don’t really know that, but shark attacks. Yes. The animals are turning on people. That is the sign and that is the omen.

The animals are starting to turn on the people. Inversely, many of the other animals or a remnant of those animals are starting to speak like they’re starting to talk to humans. They’re starting to act more human like, and they’re starting to help people, saving their lives, et cetera.

All right, we got a couple more minutes here and then we’re going to have to take off. I saw this. Okay, we got Ocean girly. Yen. What’s up? Ocean girly says unbelievable. Apparently the Titan sub is controlled or captained by sources above the water. Why? What a horrific way to die. I don’t know. I’m not sure. Let’s check it out. Catastrophic implosion.

Oh, come on. Timeout titanic Sub crew believe dead after debris is found. Yeah, that’s kind of weird. I saw a lot of people pointing out that the debris didn’t quite look like an implosion. Now, an implosion doesn’t have to what is this? You see that? I didn’t even do anything, and it’s like, hey, buy something or sign up. Give us your information. God, man, how do you fight that? You know what I mean? God. That’s a sign and an omen in and of itself. There’s no way to fight when you’re not allowed to fight, when you have no avenue or resource to fight against and say, hey, no, destroy that. Send a reverse signal. You know what I mean? I can’t do that.

Health, life. Remember how we showed you that whale that went up and ate those people or swallowed them or whatever happened, whatever you call it, when a whale puts things in its mouth, I know a lot of people are like, well, the whale spit them out. That’s babe right on. The whale spit them out, but it still put them in its mouth. Right. And the important thing is that we focus on how that is an omen that that happened, right? Not did it eat them or did it intend on eating them? But we read these things that are happening collectively, worldwide, and we’re going to go to the ocean today. That’s what we’re doing today. We’re going to talk about the ocean and what’s happening with the ocean.

Lots of really strange things are happening with the ocean in the world today, especially when it comes to marine life. For example, this first article right here, this is all over the place. This is talking about how over near Spain, right, actually in the region right near what’s traditionally known as the Pillars of Hercules, which I don’t believe that that is the actual physical Pillars of Hercules, but it’s still an omen that it’s happening in that particular region. There are these pods of orcas, these bunches of families of orcas that are swimming around, and they’re attacking boats. All these killer whales are starting to attack boats, and not only are they starting to attack them, but a lot of these articles are talking about how it seems like the orcas are training other orcas to attack the boats as well. I don’t know if they’re training them to do that or if they’re just starting to do it collectively, right?

Like this one says, orcas have sunk three boats in Europe and appear to be teaching others to do the same. But why? Why is a good question. Why would this be happening, right? So not only are they just attacking boats, they have sunk three of them so far, putting holes into the boats, destroying their rudder, pulling pieces of the ships apart, right? I don’t think people have been attacked yet. So this is really interesting that we have these killer. Whales that are starting to attack.

This is a map. This is happening so much that they created a web page dedicated for this. And you can see this area. This is Spain right here. And this would be like Gibraltar or where they say the Pillars of Hercules are, which I do have a video about that, if you’d like to know the real location of the Pillars of Hercules. But if you check out this, they have it so that you can go here. All of the different people who are out on the ocean, they can go here. And if they have sighted orcas, that would show up in blue, just like this one right here. So if we click on that, it’ll say sighting. You see that? So if we click off of that and we go back and you see the red ones, the red ones are actually orca attacks. Now look how many orca attacks there are in this particular region. This is super interesting. So, like, let’s click on this one over here. It says attack. Boom. So this is where orcas have actually attacked, over here near the Strait of Gibraltar. And it’s interesting too, because the patterns indicate that it started off in this area, but it’s actually starting to move north. Like, they seem like they’re starting to migrate northwards as they move up the coast of Portugal here and even up into the area of like, France, Ireland and England, the United Kingdom and stuff like that. So it’s really interesting that they’re moving upwards. But, yeah, this is really interesting.

We talked about a few different times how the energy in the world is becoming amplified, right? The pressure is increasing in the atmosphere, which is putting a lot of stress and amplifying the energy in our world, putting stress on the animals and the people and the insects, and how there’s going to start creating a lot of swarming in our world, swarming of the animals, swarming of the insects and people and stuff. And this is starting to happen a lot in the ocean, as well as marine animals are acting up and starting to attack human beings, which is something that’s on the rise according to the different stories.

Now, speaking of animals attacking human beings and stuff, this is related to that. It’s another article. This is really interesting, too. It says, as of last week, local officials had estimated that over 100 dolphins and over 500 sea lions had been killed by algal bloom, that’s algae blooming in the ocean. It appears that the toxins are slowly spreading to Northern California. So this is really interesting. We’re starting to see a lot more of this happening too, is a lot of death in the ocean, a lot of strange animals washing up, a lot of animals in groups like fish and these sea lions and dolphins and whales and stuff beaching themselves or just dying out at sea and then being washed ashore too right.

And this one also gets into a related article that talks about many of these sickened sea lions that are becoming very aggressive. It says that they’ve bitten. In La County Beachgoers over the past month, wildlife officials received more than 20 reports of sea lions that were biting people while they were swimming at La beaches. So this is something that we’ve talked about, too, how the animal kingdom is starting to sort of rise up right before these end times, and how they’re starting to defend.Themselves, defend their territory. And on one side we’ve got the animals that are acting up and they’re becoming more vicious and more aggressive and starting to attack and things like that. On the other side, though, we have a remnant of animals that are displaying amazing humanlike qualities. I guess some people might describe it that way, where they seem to be becoming more intelligent, being able to communicate with humans.

And maybe that’s what’s happening with the Orcas, too. Like I said, it doesn’t seem like the Orcas are actually I haven’t seen any stories that the Orcas have killed anyone or attacked any people, but they’ve attacked the boats, almost like they’re trying to send a message collectively, like, hey, stay out of the ocean at this time. This is not a good time for you to be out in the ocean. Lots of stuff is acting up with the world’s energy patterns, and that energy is going into flux. So maybe they’re trying to send us a message. Maybe this is the omen that we should pay attention to, is to stay away from the ocean at this particular point in time.

And these ones that have been beached, they’re starting to act up, too, and biting seagoers and stuff. This reminded me of a biblical prophecy. I want to share this with you. So this is in the Book of Revelation, and I’m just going to read right here. It says, the first angel sounded his trumpet and there came hail mixed with fire and blood, and it was hurled down upon the earth. A third of the earth was burned up. A third of the trees were burned up. We’re going to discuss that next. And all of the green grass was burned up. The second angel sounded his trumpet and something like a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea and a third of the sea turned into blood. So that’s the waters becoming red, which is really interesting. I’ve seen a lot of little videos and news stories popping up about water red waters all over the place, whether it be red rain that’s starting to fall in different places. We talked about last time in Antarctica, there is that blood waterfall where the water just turned blood red. And I’ve seen some other videos of people that are turning the water red themselves by using weird instruments and stuff like that.

But it goes on to say that the second angel sounded his trumpet and a huge mountain, all ablaze, was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood, and a third of all of the living creatures in the sea died after the waters turned red or turned into blood, and a third of the ships were destroyed. So we’re starting to see these prequels. We’re starting to see, to listen to the echoes that are echoing backwards from the future or echoing our way from a distant and long forgotten past. These things have happened before, and now they’re starting to happen again. So we should pay attention to them. Now.

I want to get back to this third of the trees. This is really interesting. Now we’re going to see more of this, so keep that in mind, right? It’s not over. This is just the beginning. This is just the beginning of animals dying in the ocean in massive amounts, animals becoming more aggressive, animals changing their migration patterns and stuff. So a third of the trees will be burned up. This is interesting, too, because we talked about remember how I showed you that helicorch or that helicopter that drops fire down in order to purposely start forest fires and stuff? And we made the connection to the huge countrywide wildfires, they call them, up in Canada, right? And it says here a little over 30% of the world’s forests are in the far north with boreal forests. That’s northern forests covering 17% of the Earth’s land surface area. So isn’t that interesting that the Bible calls it out and says that a third of the trees were burned up? This is a biblical prophecy that one third of the Earth’s trees will burn up. And then we can make the correlation that the boreal forest that goes around the Arctic Circle area or just outside of it makes up a third, close to a third of all of the trees in the world. And we already have the beginning of that with the Canadian wildfires, the Siberian forests, or the Tiaga or Tega, I think it’s pronounced, the Siberian forests, they constantly are going ablaze. I think a couple of years ago they burned so much it was the size of a small country, right? And one of the reasons for that could be because of people purposefully setting the forest on fire. But another reason could be because of all this pressure that’s building up in the world, that these gases are starting to be released from inside of the Earth. The Earth is starting to release these gases, which when the time comes, those gases become ionized, right? And that gives us the beams that shoot out from inside of the Earth or whatnot?

All right, so let’s go up to our next one right here. This one’s interesting, too. So speaking of ocean animals becoming more aggressive and starting to attack and stuff, there have been a lot of different shark sightings and shark bites and shark attacks and stuff on the rise this summer alone and they’re speculating that it’s set to break, like the record of all time. Shark Bites says a new record chilling new map shows shark attack horror across the US. After six people are mauled in two days and 19 so far this year, there have been five shark attacks that I know of up in the Long Island, New York area. One shark attack down in Florida. Lots of really interesting things are happening in the ocean, especially down in Florida. We’ll come back to Florida here in a bit.

Here’s another example of animals in the waters in the ocean starting to become aggressive and starting to act strange. Right? Like I said, you’re going to see this otter. I think this is a sea otter, right? Yeah. So this is a sea otter. This is going to be a video of a sea otter that’s attacking this surfer’s surfboard or whatever, right? It swam out there and it basically took control of his surfboard and started biting it to pieces. Right. To me, this is the same type of a sign and the same type of an omen as we saw with the orcas. When the orcas were tearing apart like the rudders of the ships, they were physically actually ripping off the rudders of these large boats out at sea and tearing them off and taking off. And a lot of people are saying and speculating that, well, they’re just playing, they’re just having fun. Well, what if other animals are starting to do the same thing where they’re taking see, this otter is not even attacking the guy. He’s attacking his little boat or his floaty craft, right? And it reminds me of that whale that went up and swallowed the kayak, right, whenever it went up out of the waters and took the kayaker’s kayak or whatever, it’s really interesting to see that they’re attacking the boats specifically. Like sometimes people are being attacked as well. But what do you think in the chat and in the comment section, what do you guys think would be the reason? What’s the omen that we’re to receive and to read from Mother Nature. When all the animals, or many of the animals start to attack the vessels that we use not just the people, but the vessels starting to tear the vessels apart, it seems to me like it’s pretty simple if I was to guess and just go off of my intuition and my feelings. It’s the animals trying to lend us a helping hand, at least symbolically. Get out of the water, get out of the ocean. This is not a good time to be in the ocean water. This is not a safe time to go out and play and swim and boat around and surf and all that stuff in the ocean waters because the ocean is acting up lately.

Part of that is because of the pressure that’s building up all the gases are being released later this week, maybe on Friday. I think I might be doing a video about plasma balls and how we’re seeing an increase of lights in the sky and huge plasma formations, including the elusive ball lightning, which is no longer elusive, by the way. It’s commonplace. There’s like hundreds and hundreds of videos ofBall lightning on the Internet that are popping up all over the place lately. So we’re going to check that out too. And in addition to that, we’re going to check out how that same plasma can be formed in the water, that it can move about inside the water, especially ocean water, which is full of electrolytes and allows the plasma to move about and allows electricity to move about in the water itself.

Now we go over from that one to more strange things happening in the ocean. Dead fish wash up along the Texas Gulf Coast. Right? This was back in June. All of these thousands upon thousands of dead fish. And it’s not just Texas either, right? There’s huge amounts of these dead fish that are washing up along the coast. Let me make that a little bigger. So check this out. It’s in Texas, right? All of these thousands upon thousands of fish. In Iraq, thousands of dead fish wash up amid ongoing drought. Now this is really interesting too, because Texas just happens to be right across from Iraq. If you look on the map and you just go directly across horizontally, you’ll run into Iraq and the Persian Gulf, basically. So I find it to be really interesting that it’s along the same lines there.

So Texas, Iraq this one says experts are uncertain of what killed thousands of onida lakefish in May. Thousands of dead fish have washed up on a Thai beach. Experts say that the climate change may be to blame. Dead fish wash up at Terry Day pond. All these dead fish all around the world are starting to just bloop go belly up. They’re dead and they wash up. They float to the surface. They wash up on the shores and stuff. And we’re starting to see that all over the place. So this is why it’s important for us to take all of these stories across the world and see that collectively it’s evidence, it’s a strong and weighty evidence that things like that Bible prophecy, and this is not just in the Bible. This is in many different religions and prophecies across time, basically. But that Bible prophecy was talked about how a third of the creatures in the ocean would die, right? And we’re starting to see all of these creatures in the ocean die.

Now, if we go back to the sea lions and the dolphins, they’re talking about how this is from an algal bloom or algae that starts to bloom. And the algae can just bloom out of nowhere. It can bloom spontaneously. And it’s also probably related to that massive blob that they found off of the Florida coast, right? Like this huge blob that’s like half the size of the United States or something like that. Whoa, there’s a train going by, sorry. But anyways, all this algae, right, is starting to form rapidly. And that algae has the ability to change the color of the water as it starts to develop and grow and reproduce and stuff, too. So that can lead to red tides or red water or blood in the ocean, or ocean water that looks like blood, that starts rapidly killing off all these different animals. That algae can release poisonous toxins as well. That can affect the animals, right? It can affect how they think, how they act. It can hurt them, it can kill them, it can cause them to become violent and confused and disoriented and just die as well the more that the algae starts to bloom.

Now, if we go back to the fish stories, right, all these different big fish stories, all these fish. So here’s a good one. This says thousands of fish wash up dead along the Texas coast due to a lack of oxygen. Now that’s super interesting, right? When the water gets hot, it contains less dissolved oxygen in it, which is naturally what creatures with gills will breathe, right? Other things happen, like algae starts to bloom. And the hotter and the warmer that the ocean water starts to get, the more we’re going to start seeing all of these thousands and thousands, maybe even millions of fish just start floating to the top and dying because they are suffocating and they can’t breathe, right? There’s a lack of oxygen in the water, just like we have a lack of oxygen in our world today compared to what we used to have and what will soon be returned to us. So all this lack of oxygen in the water is due to increased heat in the ocean water. The ocean waters are getting hotter and hotter and hotter, which is interesting because it corresponds to the atmosphere is also getting hotter and hotter and hotter. And my theory for that is that the sun is getting hotter and hotter and hotter because the focal point is getting smaller and smaller. Which is interesting too, because I also read some articles I don’t think I took a picture of the article, but I’ve read some recent articles where they’re talking about how the Earth is getting further away from the sun. So that’s interesting, right? That means that the sun should appear smaller and smaller and smaller, even if by a fraction of a bit, right?

So that’s the mainstream story is that we’re drifting away from the sun, which would cause the sun to look like it’s getting smaller and smaller in the sky, which in reality is that the focal point in the sky? That redistributes daylight here onto the surface world is getting smaller and smaller and smaller, which is going to cause daytime and time as we experience it, to get shorter and shorter and shorter. The shortening of the days, the shorter the days get, the hotter the days are going to get in the cycle that we’re going into right now. And the more focused that daytime energy is, the more it’s going to condense and act like a laser. And it’s going to become so hot, according to the prophecies and the myths and the legends, it will get so hot that the sun will start to scorch the Earth, it will start to burn the Earth. And I believe that we’re starting to see the beginnings of this in the past couple of decades, but really on the rise this past decade, right?

So as the sun gets hotter and hotter and hotter, it will appear smaller and smaller and smaller. It’ll start to turn more and more blue in the sky, right? So it’s going through a color spectrum shift, and the Moon as well is going to do the same thing. So we can find articles that talk about how the Moon is. We’ll get to this one a second. We can find articles about how the Moon is going further and further away from the Earth. So, on one hand, they’re saying all these weird things, all these weird changes in mainstream academics and on the news, right? They say things like the core of the Earth has slowed down and stopped and it’s starting to spin in the other direction. Of course, there’s the actual geographic magnetic, I mean, the actual magnetic north pole that’s moving and rapidly across the map, right? And then they say that the axis of the Earth has tilted and shifted, which would naturally change the tropics and the seasons and stuff like that. They’re saying that the Moon is getting further away, which means that the Moon is getting smaller and smaller and smaller, which is because it’s acting like a light in the sky, just like the sun is.

Max Collins, thank you for your donation. Appreciate you bro. Double time. So everything is getting smaller and smaller, but it’s getting brighter and brighter and brighter. And it’s not because of the reason that mainstream academics gives us, which is, well, the Moon’s going further away and we’re getting further away from the sun, etc. Those things are getting tighter and tighter and tighter in their redistribution of light, which causes more and more heat up there in the upper atmosphere, which also correlates to a lot of articles that we’ve gone over how the upper atmosphere and the polar vortex and stuff, how it’s getting hotter and hotter up there in the stratosphere because the sun is baking the stratosphere. It’s getting hotter and hotter up there too. Now the waters are getting hotter and hotter and hotter, which is causing all the oxygen to leave the water, and all these dead fish are floating up to the top.

All right, so speaking of the water getting hotter and hotter. It says scientists are baffled why the oceans are warming so fast. Ocean heat is off the charts. Here’s what that means for humans.And ecosystems around the world.

Bad news. It’s not good. I’ll tell you that this is not good. Why is the Atlantic Ocean getting warmer and warmer? The record heat wave explained. Right? So the ocean water is getting hotter and hotter. Now in Florida, if we go back to that shark map, right? We’re starting to see the animals acting in turn, the animals are reciprocating the levels of heat that are increasing in the ocean water, which is agitating or adding to the agitation of the marine life as well.

Yeah, the ocean heat in Florida alone was over 90 degrees, right. In the mid 90s. So you can go out or you could go out into the ocean waters in Florida, and that water is 90 degrees. I can’t even tell you, as somebody who has been a beach goer for most of my life and enjoyed surfing and sponging and stuff like that out in the ocean, to feel ocean water that’s 90 degrees is remarkable. Right. It’s significant. And it’s definitely something that we should pay attention to. 90 degree ocean water. 95 in some places, I heard in Florida. So the oceans are getting hotter and hotter.

The Earth is starting to release all of these gases. Many of those gases will catch fire, right? So they’ll combust, basically, which will add to forest fires, especially in areas that have permafrost, like the Siberian forest that we talked about, the boreal forests and stuff like that. A lot of those gases are locked away in the Earth, but the Earth is warming up. The Earth is expanding and it’s starting to open up in areas. There’s all these little holes in the Earth that are opening up as well. So the Earth is starting to release these gases. As a prequel to what is about to happen, which I talk about in my Plasma Apocalypse Playlist, about the blue ionized beams of energy that will shoot up out of the Earth once they become electrified, once all those gases become electrified.

All right, so the oceans are warming up, the sun’s getting hotter. Obviously, it’s going to help to warm up the ocean water. But the Earth is also going into flux on the inside, and it’s starting to release things into the ocean, into our atmosphere, which is also contributing to the rising heat levels.

Now, the rest of these are going to be from the comments section in my community tab under the picture of the omens thumbnail. So somebody sent in this one. It says erupting volcano or I’m sorry, tourists are told to stay away from an erupting volcano in Iceland because of poisonous gases. So here’s another example of the Earth releasing more gases as we get closer and closer to that reset point, right? More of these gases are starting to be released by the Earth, and you’re also going to start seeing more and more volcanoes starting to erupt. Right. As there’s more and more activity and more and more heat that’s being built up and released by the Earth, more and more volcano and volcanic activity is going to be noticed and seen, especially in the areas of the north, especially in the northern areas. But worldwide, you can expect to see animals acting up more and more, more strange lights all over the skies, all over the place, which I believe a lot of people are already being set up to think that it’s like an invasion of aliens, basically. But we’ll talk about that on Friday. And then the gases are all being released, too, as the pressure is at an all time high in our atmosphere.

All right, then we’ve got a rare X class solar flare wipes out radio signals across the western United States. This is really interesting, too. It says that the sun blasts out powerful X class solar flares, causing radio blackouts on Earth. So the radios waves are all messed up, and if you’re tuned into those frequencies, you wouldn’t be able to listen to whatever’s going on on the radio and stuff. They say that it’s coming from the sun, but I think that it can equally come from the Earth herself, that the Earth is going into flux. And as she’s going into flux, it’s like a woman who’s in birth, right, giving, like, birth pangs, basically, energetic fluxes in our world. As we get closer and closer to the reset point, you’ll start to see these types of things affect our electronics, our radios and stuff like that. But you’ll physically see it in the sky in the form of, like, the auroras, right. They say, like, oh, well, this week you’ll be able to see the auroras as far south as the central United States. It’s called the Aurora Borealis. Borealis means northern. You’re not supposed to see the Northern lights unless you’re in the north. I’m not talking about the Northern Hemisphere. I’m talking about the Arctic Circle. I’m talking about the North Pole. I’m talking about, like, way far north, not down in Europe or down in England or South Carolina or whatever, arizona as people are starting to see the Northern lights in really strange places, and that has a lot to do with the flux that we’re going into and the energy that’s being built up for the great release. Right.

All right. It says here this is the Earth’s tilt has shifted. I think we talked about this one before. I just wanted to bring it up again, though. Humans have used enough groundwater to shift the Earth’s tilt. Okay. Nah, nah. Okay. We’re pretty small compared to the Earth, okay? So no matter how much water we’re pumping out or whatever, we’re not going to tilt the Earth or anything crazy like that. The whole tilting of the earth has to do with them explaining our seasons. And because they have a different model or a different cosmology of what our Earth looks like and how it’s set up, they have to use that model for the basis of all of these strange anomalies and all these strange changes that are happening with the world that we live in.

So, for example, when you see the sun getting hotter and hotter and the seasons are starting to shift, right? Like the seasons are out of whack. I know you guys know that because I’ve been told by many different people, like, hey, the seasons are off. Winter is not coming when winter is supposed to come, it’s snowing during the summertime. Like all kinds of messed up stuff’s happening with the seasons. They’re becoming unreliable. And a lot of that has to do with what’s happening with the sun and the daytime getting smaller and smaller and the focal point getting smaller and smaller like we talked about, and the sun heating up the atmosphere like we talked about. And of course, the electromagnetics of the Earth itself that are going into flux and starting to go into flux so that there’s little fluctuations that are starting to shoot out as it’s beginning to flip. Basically, as it starts to flip over, it’s going to have these little anomalous areas where the electromagnetics of the Earth starts acting really weird and really strange. I even saw a video, just as an example off the top of my head, I saw a video on YouTube of people that ran into an energetic wall. It was these two women and they would go up and just put their hand they were outside out in the country somewhere or the desert or something like that. And this woman would put her hand out and if she put it in the right spot, it would zap her. Like you can hear the static electricity going and their hair was standing up and everything. And it’s not like there was lightning storm or anything like that. It looked like a clear day. But that’s the type of energetic anomalies that I’m talking about, right? So as that happens, you’ll have more potholes, more sinkholes, the Earth is starting to open up as all those gases are being released and stuff, you’ll start seeing a lot more lights in the sky, increased electrical activity all over the place. And then, of course, the seasons are out of whack. So they have to explain that by blaming us, pumping out groundwater, changing the tilt of the Earth or whatever. So the seasons are going to change and they’re starting to change whenever the sun starts to transgress the tropics, right? So as the sun gets further and further north, way further than it’s supposed to, right, and the sun’s acting up, the moon’s acting up, the stars are acting up, so many different stars are starting to act up. There’s articles on a plethora of.Different stars that are looking strange. They’re trying to predict and talk about different things that are happening in the sky or out there in space or whatever, and how the stars explaining how the stars are getting brighter or even the planets are getting brighter, the Moon is getting brighter, the sun is getting brighter. And it’s all related, basically.

Now, this one was sent in. This is really interesting. This is from a YouTube channel called the Tree of Knowledge. Definitely go check out the Tree of Knowledge. I’m actually going to just going to click here real quick so you can see what her channel looks like. So this is the Tree of Knowledge, and she has this really cool video that she posted. I’m just going to get right to it over here.

So she has a double shadow on the ground. This is really interesting. And it’s directly related to see, you can see it right above her. See how, like, her main shadow is here? And then you can even see as the people walk past, they have double shadows. So she has a main shadow right here, but she has a double shadow here’s, her torso up there. And then her legs, you can see, are actually in her torso of her main shadow right there. And in just a minute, there’s going to be a bicycler that passes by. You’ll see double shadow up top, too.

So what’s the reason for this strange double shadow? Well, it means that the light source that’s coming from the sun has what’s called an aberration, which means it’s no longer a perfect focal point. If it was a perfect focal point, it would cast perfect rays, giving us one solid shadow. But because it’s no longer a perfect focal point and it’s hitting anomalies that are up there on the sky or the firmament, right, then the rays of light are being redistributed. And we’re starting to see this in the form of double suns. People are starting to see double suns, sometimes even double moons as well. And this is called an aberration. If you’re into photography, this is an example. This is my theory. Obviously, this is my perspective, but this is an example of an aberration, right?

Now they explain this. This one says, man photographs two suns in Hong Kong sky. Bizarre spectacle. Baffles experts, right? Well, one, it’s an omen. It’s a sign of what you can expect to see in the future, in the distant future. Our world used to have two suns, also used to have two moons, right? And at other times, it had more than that. And there’s different legends about various heroes of old that shot down. There was too many suns and they were baking the Earth, and it was getting too hot and stuff like that. Oh, spiritually in tune. Good to see you. Thank you so much. I appreciate you.

So you’re seeing this a lot, and you’re going to start seeing more of this of people witnessing strange anomalies in the sky, especially with the sun. Keep your eye on the sun. I want to point out the only reason that the sun is orange and red right here is because it’s sunset, right? But when it’s high up in the sky, it’s white with blue in it, right? You’ll start to see that. Point your cameras up at noon, and you’ll see there’s like a blue ring that you’re starting to see around the sun. It’s starting to get kind of creepy. But anyways, these two suns, right, this harkens back to the time when we actually had two suns. So this is an omen that we’re being shown in advance ahead of time, basically, right? And this is because the sun rays are off, right? It’s not a normal point of focus any longer. There is something wrong with the light that is coming down from the heavens. It is askew. It is off. It’s not right. And it’s causing anomalies in the sun, anomalies in the Moon, and anomalies in the stars.

And please pay attention, because you’re going to start seeing pay attention to the lights, okay? All of the lights in the heavens, all of the ancient civilizations, they studied I don’t want to say astronomy like how we study astronomy, but they studied the stars, they studied the sky, and they studied the luminaries that are up there or the lights that are in the heavens. And they knew that when they started seeing changes like this, that they needed to start preparing. They needed to start getting ready. They needed to at least mentally prepare that they were going into flux and things were about to change. These are harbingers that the world is going to change. These are signs and omens that we’re going into a huge major shift that is just around the corner, right? So pay attention to what the Sun’s doing, to what the Moon’s doing, to what the stars are doing, and look for comets. The more you start seeing a lot more comets and bigger comets and brighter comets, the more you know that we’re getting a lot closer to the Apocalypse itself. Because when you see those comets, those are chromatic aberrations, right? They’re the stars being comatic aberrations and other anomalies.

As the light hits new points and different points at different angles on the firmaments itself, when it hits, like, domes and craters up there that it had never really shined on before. As it’s shrinking and getting smaller and smaller and smaller and more and more powerful and more and more focused, you’re going to start seeing the chromatic aberration in the sky, which will produce huge and brilliant comets, which are harbingers traditionally across time. Bad omens that the world is going through a shift. It’s going to change, right?

The water is going to get hotter. Toxins are going to be released into the air. Animals will start dying by the thousands all of those animals will be eaten by bacteria and stuff, which will grow to ridiculous proportions, and then that will cause diseases and stuff. Zugs, what’s up? Zugs, welcome to my channel. Good to see you.

So all of these things are like chain reactions. That’s what I’m kind of trying to get at there. So all these things are chain reactions, and we’re seeing the first dominoes. Okay, if you’ve been paying attention, we’ve seen these dominoes topple all throughout history, but they’re toppling more and more and faster and faster, and the dominoes are being put closer and closer together so that they’re happening at an exponential rate as time moves forward.

Weird things are happening with the tropics over the past few decades. And I’ve done some research that talks about what’s happening with the tropics. Basically, they’re getting a lot hotter. Like this article right here says, scientists sounded an alarm over unheard of conditions off of the coast of England. And they say we could see mass mortality. And I believe what they’re talking about is the mass mortality of fish and other creatures that live in the ocean. As the ocean temperature gets hotter and hotter as it is, it’s being documented that it’s getting hotter and hotter, especially in certain places like Florida. It’s up in the mid 90s right now, the actual temperature of the ocean water where people are out there swimming around in. Right.

So this is really interesting that the temperatures are getting a lot hotter. They are talking about how we could see mass mortality, but this is a sign and an omen. Not just fish are going to die in mass, but many other types of animal species in the ocean are right now currently dying en masse. They’re washing up ashore all over the world, on the beaches of the world, all across the place. But this is going to lead into even more mortality in the form of humans and animals and other things that are dying, too.

So let’s check out the stuff with the tropics. I found lots of interesting articles, and they all seem to be very conflicting. Right. But the interesting thing is that they’re talking about how the tropics, if you don’t know what those are so if you look at a map of the world, the Tropic of Cancer is that line that goes across at the top. So basically you’re familiar with, like, the equatorial line, right. Or the equator right there in the middle. Well, there’s two other lines. There’s one above that and one below that. The one above that is the Tropic of Cancer. And the Tropic of Cancer is the furthest north that the sun will travel before it’s directly above during the northern hemisphere’s summertime or the summer solstice. Right.Of Capricorn, which is the one below the equator, that’s the furthest that the sun will travel in the other direction, towards the south. Those tropics, according to mainstream academics, they have an interesting cosmology, much different than my own and far different from that of our ancestors and the old ways that many of us used to be commonplace and common knowledge in the world.

But that’s the perspective that I’m coming from. And just keep in mind this is all my perspective and my experience that I like to share with people. So anyways, the things about the tropics in modern academics is that they’re teaching that the tropics dang, I had this highlighted. There it is. All right, this is super interesting. I’m going to check this out in just a second. So they’re teaching that the tropics basically it all depends on the tilt of the Earth when it’s facing the sun, which in and of itself is totally weird. And I’ve got all kinds of questions and points to be made about that. The Earth tilting and wobbling and spinning and flying through a vacuum and stuff like that. But this is how they explain the tropics and the sun moving from one tropic to another tropic and back to create the cycle of a year.

Right? Well, those tropical lines are changing. Some articles that you read say that the tropics are shrinking, right? So some articles that I’ve pulled up, they’re all conflicting, basically. I’ve seen articles that talk about how the tropics are shrinking and they’re actually, like, the northern one, is going closer to the equator and the southern one is also going closer to the equator. So that tropical zone is getting smaller and smaller and also hotter and hotter, which means that the heat in the tropics is actually expanding while the tropical lines themselves are shrinking. Other articles are inverse of that theory. Other articles actually talk about how the tropics are expanding and that they’re moving steadily towards the poles and that they’re getting wider and wider and wider. So there seems to be much disagreement on the Internet at the very least as to whether or not the tropic lines are expanding or if they’re shrinking.

But it matters not in reading it as an omen. Right? The thing that we should focus on is are they constant? And the answer is no, the tropics are not constant. The tropics are moving and fluctuating. Right? I’ve seen articles where it talks about how they’re fluctuating and shrinking and how they’re expanding, etc.

Either way, check out this article. It says that we found a polar shift, which means they’re expanding in the subtropical high pressure belt during the early and late Cretaceous period, suggesting a polar expansion of the Hadley circulation. The Hadley cells that they’re talking about, the Hadley circulation or whatever, is basically how the equator gets really warm and so that warm air rises and it creates these cellular currents, basically, that move outward from the equator. So it’s an expansion of the Hadley circulation. In contrast, an equatorward shift of the belt was found during the mid Cretaceous super greenhouse period suggesting drastic shrinking of the Hadley circulation or a shrinking of the tropics.

So let’s check this out. I want to show you this graph real quick. Now we can just like this. Remember that movie? I might actually have to do this movie, but you remember that movie called The Day After Tomorrow? Right? The Day After Tomorrow was an apocalyptic movie with Jake Gyllenhaal where there was a world storm, basically. And the interesting part about this one of the interesting parts about this movie was that they had to call in the governments of the world, had to call in a paleoclimatologist, somebody who studied ancient erratic weather patterns going far back in history towards apocalyptic times, like the time of the dinosaurs and stuff like that. And they called in this paleoclimatologist, and they had to use his ancient model of what the weather was like before a cataclysmic event in order to figure out what’s happening in the modern world. That’s the time that we live in now. That’s the truth in the movies that’s being shown to us.

So this is what we’re going to do. I’m actually going to show you this here on the screen. You can see this is sort of a chart. And this is showing you the explosion of life and then the decline of life, right? So whenever you see the chart going up, that’s the explosion. Life is growing, and more types of animals and creatures are evolving and making their appearance in the world. And then the straight line down. Boom. That’s whenever you have cataclysmic events that wipe life out. Right? So there’s about four major ones right here, and the article talks about the Cretaceous. So let’s see if I can get over to the Cretaceous. Let’s make this smaller. There we go.

All right, cool. I’m actually going to move this over so we can see this. Or maybe I can make it really big, maybe not. All right, cool. I’m just going to leave it right there, and I’ll just scooch it over. All right, cool. So, boom. Right next to my shoulder right here, this is the one that the article before this talked about. When it says we haven’t seen says that they saw these fluctuations, the expansion and the shrinking. The last time that we saw this was during the beginning of the Cretaceous period, which is marked by this green section right next to my shoulder, right here with this dinosaur skull right there, right? So you can see at the very beginning, there’s a drop, right? So whether or not the tropics shrank or expanded, they changed at this period in time when there is a drop in life. And then immediately after that drop, life started to grow again until you reach the middle, which is what the article said. During the middle of the Cretaceous period, we also saw either an expansion or contraction of the tropical lines on Earth, right, or the tropics. So right there, there’s a slight decrease, as you can see. And then after that, for a period of time, it remained about the same, and then it shoots up drastically until the end of the Cretaceous period, which is allegedly whenever they say that a huge asteroid came firing down from space and blew up the world and killed all the dinosaurs, basically, right? I have totally different theories about that. But regardless, what we’re looking at is our future written out in the past. These things are all cyclical. They happen over and over again. They act like spirals, like time and history. It happens over and over again. We can look at this and we could get a good feel for how often these things occur, or at least the patterns of what happens in our world by looking at these types of charts.

Now, let’s move on to this next thing here. I looked it up and I asked Google, are the tropics moving? Are they expanding? Are they shrinking? And this article says Earth’s tropics are expanding poleward, which means that it’s getting wider and wider, right? And that the expansion is human caused. They’re taking credit for that, that’s fine, but whatever, it’s driven by human caused changes to the ocean, according to new research. So this is really interesting that they’re bringing the ocean into it. The ocean is going to play a huge part in the signs and the omens that are on the way and that are currently happening right now.

So this other article right here, I’m going to take that one down. This other article says that if you look up Wikipedia, the Tropic of Cancer, it says that the Tropic of Cancer is currently drifting southward, which means it’s shrinking. Cancer is the top one. So according to this, according to Wikipedia, the Tropic of Cancer above the equator is moving towards the equator. Meanwhile, if you look at the Wikipedia article on the Tropic of Capricorn, it says that I’m not sure where it is here, but basically it says the Tropic of Capricorn is going northward, that it’s getting smaller. So regardless, I don’t know. They don’t really have their stories together, but the tropics are in flux, okay? The north magnetic pole is moving. Our world is going into electromagnetic fluctuations time and time again that are getting stronger and stronger. They will tell us that it’s because of the sun, and the sun is throwing up all of these coronal mass ejections towards us or whatever. I don’t tend to blame the sun. That’s fine, that’s one possibility. But I say thatThe action lies with the Earth itself. The Earth is going into flux, right? Not the sun, which is a point to focus up there in the sky, this one. Let’s get into these heat waves.

Europe heat waves. Wildfires are raging in Greece as the temperatures soar this gets into the, I think the Alps. Yeah. The Swiss Alps. Also the temperatures hit a high of 46.3 degrees Celsius in Sicily. So the climate is getting or the temperatures I don’t really like that word, climate, but the temperatures are getting hotter and hotter.

Scientists say that the climate is making heat waves last longer, more intense, more frequently. These are the types of signs that we should be looking for as far as the heat in the world getting hotter and hotter.

Death Valley could reach the hottest temperature ever to be reliably measured on Earth. And I had a picture of this dude that took a picture in Death Valley. But look at all these different articles about the heat that is getting hotter and hotter across the world, right, from Phoenix that just broke their record of all time, hottest consecutive days in a row of over 110 degrees or hotter in Arizona. And that record was set in 1974, and it’s been broken so since 1974.

Things are starting to go into flux now. Interesting things. The 70s was an interesting time as far as records in the world and things changing, especially the color spectrum, right? Those of you who were born in or before the 70s, you probably remembered that the sun was yellow, right? Kind of like how they show it right here when it’s at sunset. The sun used to be depicted as yellow. It’s no longer yellow. If you look up in the midday sky at noontime, you’ll see a burning hot white sun with blue, right? Usually I’m able to see a ring of blue around the sun recently, but you can look it up. They will agree, NASA agrees that the sun has a little bit of blue in it and maybe even a little bluish green color type of thing. And green we’re going to talk about, which is really interesting too.

But look at all these different articles. Check out all these articles. High temperatures lift the air conditioning stocks. Heat wave in the US. Shatters record temperatures. People passing out on airplanes because of the heat. Death valleys breaking records. All these places in the world are breaking records.

There’s even the heat index, which is how hot it feels, not the actual temperature, but how hot it feels based on precipitation and pressure and stuff like that. Over in the Middle East, it was at over 150 degrees Fahrenheit, which is too hot to survive for human beings, right? So that’s getting to be a growing concern in the world that we live in today.

The movies have been warning us about these types of phenomenon, about the sun burning the Earth and destroying the Earth. And that’s what we’re starting to see because I believe that the sun is I mean, it’s a combination of the sun getting hotter and hotter as the focal point gets smaller and smaller, but also the pressure in our world increasing so much, especially as all of these gases are being released from the Earth herself. Those gases add to and quicken the pressure that’s building up in our world, which will eventually lead to a pressure release whenever the atmosphere depressurizes.

And then we do have the day after tomorrow, which is the world storm, right? So the tropics are going into flux. The pressure is increasing in the world. The sun is getting hotter. And I think that the tropics.

Now, like I said, the mainstream academics, they’ll talk about the tropics basically has something to do with the tilting of the Earth. And according to their model, in order for the tropics to shift like that, to shrink or expand, the Earth would have to be tilting or wobbling or something erratically, basically. It wouldn’t be constant, which is really weird. I think that’s weird. According to mainstream academics, why would the Earth not move constantly throughout a vacuum and a void of zero gravity? You know what I mean? Unless something else has an effect on it or something crashes into the Earth to affect it or something like that. You know what they’re trying to say. It’s humans. Of course they’re going to take credit for it. They say that we’re pumping out too much groundwater and that’s shaking the Earth less or more or whatever, which is kind of ridiculous to me when you think about it.

So all of these articles about the hottest temperatures in the world, the world across is getting hotter and hotter. Rome shatters temperatures. Records break in Switzerland, spain and Greece battle wildfires. All of these fires are erupting all over the place. Phoenix, like we talked about, over 19 straight consecutive days of over 110 degrees heat, right? And let’s check this one out. This one’s an interesting video. So I’m going to check this video out with you guys so that you can look at it.

This is Pedro. That’s right. Mother Nature is messing around from Southern California to South Florida. This record breaking heat wave is baking millions of people across the country and around the globe. Climate scientists say extreme weather patterns like this are likely here to stay.

Okay, time out. Extreme weather patterns like this are likely here to stay, right? So as the pressure increases in our world from the Earth, giving off extra gases, and those gases soon will ionize, which will give rise to the beams of light that shoot up into the sky and stuff, they’re already ionizing. And so we’re seeing that like we talked about last time with the fake UFO invasion or whatever, and people are seeing plasma balls moving about in the sky and stuff, that’s ionized gas. So the more gas that’s released by the Earth and the more pressure that’s created, and the more the electrical field becomes amplified, then the more we’re going to see ghosts and UFOs and strange lights in the sky moving about erratically and stuff.

Under the Southern California sun, the heat is unrelenting. Getting overheated like that, you start to get tired irritable, angry. You’re not thinking clearly. Boom. Okay, I want to point that out, too. This guy right here says whenever it gets hotter like this, and in addition, when the pressure is increasing and the atoms everywhere become agitated and whatnot, it has an effect on animal life and bugs and humanity as well. We become agitated in general. Not everybody does, but it amplifies whatever’s happening, that internal condition or whatever your type of spirit you have, whether it be happy or angry or whatever, it becomes amplified. So in general, in a world that’s full of negativity and anger and stuff like that, those types of feelings are being amplified. So people are becoming uncomfortable and irritable and angry. And that’s another sign of the apocalypse, too.

And it’s about to get even hotter. The National Weather Service extending its excessive heat warning through Saturday day for inland areas, deserts and can you guys hear this? Let me know if you can hear it. In Death Valley. The mercury reaching a blistering 128 degrees Fahrenheit Sunday. 128 degrees in Death Valley. And that’s just in the place where they recorded it. I’ve seen other places where it was actually in the 130s.

Arms are burning. Your face is burning. Your arms are burning. Your face is burning. That’s not good. Okay? The sun isn’t supposed to burn stuff. It’s supposed to provide a warm heat source to create life, not to destroy life, not to burn humans and stuff like that. This is the type of things we should be listening to whenever we listen to these news stories where people are saying things like, the sun is burning my face, the sun is burning my arms richer. Ever recorded on Earth was right here at 134 degrees in July 1913 in Phoenix. Forget about it. A record tying 18th straight day of temperatures look at all that. Or above 110. That’s in Phoenix, Arizona. 118, 115. 15, 14, 13, 12, 14, 14, 113. 113.

The forecast not encouraging the power grid straining under the demand for electricity to power air conditionings. Hold on. The power grid is also being affected, right? Because people are using more electricity to turn on air conditioners and stuff. I am. I’ve got the AC on right now. Hopefully it doesn’t bother anybody. So more electricity is being used, which means the power grid is going to be used and depended upon more and more. But whenever we have electrical orElectrical magnetic fluctuations in the form of what academics is calling these CMEs or coronal mass ejections, or just the Earth going into magnetic flux in various areas, right, especially closer to lay lines and stuff like that, then it’s going to affect the power grids. People all over the place. You’re going to start seeing the power just shut off in places where they’re going into an electromagnetic flux.

Now sizzling under triple digit tips where emergency rooms are reporting an increase in heat related illnesses and injuries. Second degree, very common. If you go to the pool and you step on the cement, probably 140 degrees. You go to the pool and step on the cement, it’s about 140 degrees. Right. So the sun is heating up the Earth, right. I can’t stress that enough. The sun, I believe, from my perspective and research and all of that, is getting hotter and hotter, which helps to explain why it’s going through a color spectrum shift, why it’s left being yellow and it stopped being orange a long time ago and now it’s blistering white and it’s super extremely hot.

I’ve had people I know ask me like, hey, is it really hot where you are too? People are starting to take notice of the heat. And this isn’t just, oh, it just happens to be a hot summer. No, this is abnormally record breaking, record shattering temperatures that are getting hotter every year. Just like that bar graph we looked at, right, where it gets hotter and hotter. Just because it calms down for a second doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t take the entire pattern into consideration.

From Southern California to South Florida, nearly a third of the American population is under heat advisories and warnings with record breaking temperatures impacting that white sun. Look at that. Okay, check it out. Tens of millions of people. Temperatures in waters off Miami, normally in the 80s, are now in the 90s, threatening coral reefs and the ocean’s ecosystem huge. We’re going to talk about this one next. Okay, so not just the land heating up, not just things catching on fire and all those gases that are being released are combusting or being ionized or whatever, and also helping to spark many of these fires and whatnot, but also the water. The water heating up is huge. It’s actually going to be a worse effect in the long run than the land heating up. Okay. It’s going to be way worse than people stepping on the hot pool deck and burning their feet or whatever. The waters, the ocean waters. I’m going to show you in just a minute the correlation to biblical prophecies about the ocean getting hotter and hotter.

Miami Dade issuing its first ever heat warning. I feel hotter this year compared to any of the other years. I don’t remember it being this hot when I was a kid. In the past week or two, if we look at the global temperature around the world, we very likely had the hottest days in recorded history. Yes. Noah Diffenbaugh is a Stanford University climate scientist.

So all these people are going to start playing in the water and going outside and stuff, and then they’re going to start caking on a bunch of sunscreen, which is super. Probably not a good idea, but pretty soon it’s going to get so hot they’re not going to be able to go outside. If I’m correct in the idea that the sun is actually getting hotter and hotter up. There in our sky not too far away, the day was going to come when people will have to stay inside. And because most people are kind of retarded these days, the governments of the world will probably issue a decree and a command saying, for your own protection, as we’re all used to that right, hearing those particular words, for your own protection, you are being ordered to stay inside. Do not go outside unless you have certain protective measures or whatever, or only in emergencies or only when you need to go shopping. And then there will be extensions to all of those, right. By extension, the grocery stores will only be open from this time to this time. And then, of course, that’ll give rise to looting and pillaging and people being angry and stuff like that, too, right. This is all a domino effect. So we’re looking at these omens that are some of the first dominoes to really start leading to the apocalypse. He says we’re likely to experience more severe heat more often. Likely to experience more severe heat more often. Pay attention to that. This is the cycle we’re going into where we go into the blue star Kachina, right? Now, the other cycle is whenever the world actually gets colder and colder and colder. As daylight gets broader and broader. Instead of shrinking and shrinking, whenever it gets broader and broader, that takes us closer to a deluge. That takes us closer to the Earth flooding. We’re not going into the apocalypse by water. We’re going into the Apocalypse by fire or through the sun. Basically evidence that global warming is the primary driver of that increase in the frequency of severe heat, the increase in the co occurrence.

Okay, timeout. Where does the heat come from? We all know it comes from the sun, right? I mean, there’s pressure which increases the heat as well. But that actual gigantic burning ball of light or whatever that is just above our heads up there is getting hotter. We can track this. We can look at it. We can see the color changes and the color spectrum shift. It’s not just global warming. Like the Earth itself is just heating up, right? It’s the sky that’s heating up, basically. Check it out. And it’s not just heat. Yep, the Northeast U. S. Gonna see a bunch of that by rain over the weekend, leading to severe flooding from New Hampshire to Pennsylvania. Also, you’re going to start to see now imagine, right, if the sun is heating up, it’s moving around, right? So as it moves around, it’s going to create these little swirls and pockets and huge differentials between hot and cold, right, which is going to affect the weather and the pressure all over the place. So you’ll have huge storms and then days when it’s just blistering hot and there’s no clouds in the sky or whatever. And then in addition, you’re going to see a lot more of the earth potholes or whatever they call, sinkholes, right as these gases are being released and the Earth starts to crumble in different places, and the waters are going to erode and stuff, too. Five people killed by severe storms, including severe storms, drowned after the banks of a creek swelled and swept her away. Rescuers still searching for her two children, a two year old girl and her nine year old brother.

All right, this extreme heat. All right, that’s enough. So extreme heat, basically. Now let’s talk about some of the implications of this extreme heat, especially in regards to the ocean. Now, I don’t know if you knew this, but here’s some different articles that talk about how the Earth’s ocean color, the color of the oceans. Across the world, all of the ocean are changing from blue to green. I kid you not. I don’t know how many people were aware of this, but you can look it up. This particular article right here says more than half of the deep blue sea is turning green, but scientists aren’t sure why. Well, that’s not true. I’m a scientist and I’m pretty sure why. At least I’ve got a good grasp on it. I feel in the past two decades, 56% of Earth’s oceans have become greener. Check out these articles. Let me just scooch these on over here. And we’ll just peruse the Internet. Earth’s oceans are changing color due to climate change. NASA satellites show more than half of the Earth’s oceans are green. The oceans are turning green. This is huge. Whenever you have the whole world changing colors, that’s a huge omen, right? We’re going to go into a color spectrum shift as well. It’s already shifting right now, but right now we have the benefit of such a broad, beautiful range of colors that’s going to stop one of these days after the Apocalypse, okay? The entire sky is going to change into the red spectrum where things will be more monochromatic for quite some time. So enjoy your different colors while you have them. Enjoy this spectrum and enjoy all of the fluctuations and stuff and all the good side that comes with all of this, because you won’t get to have it for so long. Pretty soon you’ll be telling yourAncestors and your children’s, children’s, children’s after the Apocalypse, when you survive, you’ll be telling them stories about the color blue. You’ll be trying to explain different colors that they’ve never seen before or even heard of, right?

Oceans are turning greener due to climate change. Some oceans are becoming greener thanks to climate change. Blah, blah, blah. Oceans are turning greener due to the Earth getting hotter. Oceans are turning greener. You could look up there’s hundreds of these articles that talk about the ocean turning greener.

Now let’s ask ourselves the question that I love to ask when I learn something new. What are the implications? Right? What domino will this hit next? Right? What other puzzle pieces does the ocean turning green touch? Right? How does it affect other aspects and avenues of our world? So let’s check it out.

Now let’s ask the question. Let’s do some studying. Now, why does the ocean or why does green algae, which know a big part of why the ocean is turning green is because there’s algae that’s growing, right? Algae starts to grow more and more whenever the water gets warmer and warmer, right? And inversely, fish start to die off because the warmer the water get.

Holly, good to see you. Holly. The warmer that the water gets in the ocean, the less oxygen is dissolved in the water for the fish to breathe. So the fish started suffocating and dying in mass. So what you can also expect is death in the ocean. All these different forms of life are starting to die off, and it’s affecting the ecosystem, right?

As the algae starts to grow in the ocean, because of the rising temperature of the water, the fish in turn will also start to die. One, because they’re suffocating, and two, because this algae becomes toxic if you get too much of it and the water gets too bright. Watch. Let me show you what I mean. It says, how does green algae turn red in conditions of high salinity, that means salty water and light intensity. Keep that in mind.

The microalgae turns red due to the production of the protective keratinoids in the cells. keratinoids are basically what’s responsible for turning carrots an orange color or a red color, right? So let me explain this in layman’s terms. When you have salt water that has microorganisms algae inside of it and you amplify the light that is going into the water, or the sun becomes brighter, right, the green algae turns red, which gives us red tide and stuff like that, right?

So let’s move on to this next implication. Some green microalgae species have the protective red keratinoid for high light intensity during daytime, which means that during periods of extremely bright daytime, you might actually live in areas where you can watch the water change from green to red because the algae is basically protecting itself from the it’s very sensitive to light and stuff, right? So it changes from green to red.

Now check this out. This is interesting, too. High light intensity increases the concentrations of whatever that is, vitamin B or something. Therefore, we propose that although red algae have evolved a common response to high light stress, that means the sun getting brighter by accumulating b, carotene or whatever.

So let me just explain this in layman’s terms, okay? The world’s oceans, more than half of the world’s ocean, which is just one ocean, right? The remnant of the last flood, the world’s ocean, is turning green. More than half of it has turned green. So it stands to reason that if it’s correct that the ocean waters are getting hotter and that the sun is getting brighter. If the sun is indeed getting brighter, then what can happen next is that the oceans turn red, that the oceans go from green, which they are now surprise and shock to everybody, right? To turning red. Just like it says in the Bible.

In the Book of Revelation, chapter 16, verse three, talks about the second angel that pours out his bowl of judgment upon the earth. It says, the second angel blew his trumpet and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea and a third of the sea became blood or turned blood red, basically, right? This has happened before, right? Even in the Bible, whenever you read about the ten plagues of Egypt, whenever Moses went before the Pharaoh, one of those is that Moses said, hey, if you don’t let my people go, I’m going to turn the waters red. And the Nile turned red. Blood red is how it’s described. Now, is it actually blood or whatever? No, it doesn’t have to be blood.

It’s just a huge, big fat deal that the waters are going from blue to green, and the next up on the list is red. Now check this out. When the waters do turn red and we have all of this red tide in the water, we’re going to get to this crazy thing in just a second. But whenever the waters turn red like that, that’s a whole bunch of algae that starts to release toxins and chemicals into the air, which kill marine life, which is also what the Bible says happens next. A third of all life in the ocean died.

Now imagine all of that life dying and becoming dead and decomposing. It’s going to release its own forms of bacteria and stuff, and it’s going to start changing the ecosystem that we live in. It’s a huge, sensitive domino effect. But it can also kill people, right? All of those different toxins and stuff that are released by the red tide, they can make people sick. They can cause respiratory infections and diseases and problems inside of human beings. If too much of that red tide builds and builds and builds and it releases all of those toxins into the air, then people will start having respiratory problems. So that’s another omen and another sign to keep an eye out for. All right. High five for that one, right?

I mean, the ocean is turning blood red. Being able to actually explain these ancient prophecies and using modern research and comparative mythology and just opening our minds and being balanced and taking in all of the pieces that we’ve been given, picking up those breadcrumbs as we make our way home is exciting to me. I’m excited. I don’t know how exciting that is to all of you, but I get really excited by it. I’m thankful. I’m thankful that we get to check these things out.

Now, this one right here is like I said, there’s all these monster sea creatures. This one says, divers come across an enormous earthquake fish. A viral video shows a group of divers discovering an enormous deep sea earthquake fish off of the coast. As you can see, they’re not in the deep sea. Right? They’re totally not in the deep sea whatsoever. It’s an ore fish. This is a huge, gigantic fish. And like I said, you’re starting to see these gigantic deep sea creatures make their way up to the surface sometimes they can look pretty monstrous, too, but basically it says that due to their shape or fish resemble sea serpents and are considered harbingers of earthquakes. That means omens of earthquakes and misfortune in Japanese mythology.

So in Japan, they realized that there was a connection between these fish starting to come to the surface and be seen when they usually are way down in the depths of the ocean and cataclysms, right? They’re harbingers, they’re signs, they’re wonders of the ocean that make their way up to the surface. Right. I wonder why. Well, the ocean waters are changing, the life in the ocean is starting to change, and something’s causing these deep sea creatures to feel like they can like their boundary for coming up and coming to the surface. Like their boundary is getting higher and higher and higher so that they can come up to the surface. Right. And pretty soon, this is also an omen of inner Earth creatures that are being able to come up into the surface world, which, if you think this thing looks monstrous, you just wait. Just wait until inner Earth phantazoids and other worldly creatures make their way to the surface world. All right, cool.

And then we’ve got this one’s. Pretty interesting, too. So this one was about a giant green fireball early this morning. Check this out. The celestial show was visible across several states meteorologist Amber Wheeler look at that. The best video from our area. Let’s check it out. Lucky for us, those who did miss the fireball have video to see according to the American Meteor Society were sent in. You evenplease reformat this text into natural paragraphs for easy reading. Do not add any new text or punctuation. Do not summarize. Do not remove text or censor.

Okay, so check out all these different places that this huge green fireball was seen flying through the sky, basically, right? They’re talking about how it’s probably a meteor or something. Ultimately, I don’t feel like they know for sure, but this is another type of light in the sky, anomalous lights in the sky that people are starting to see all over the place. Remember this, because this is going to become normal. They’re going to start saying, another one, another one. This one was purple, this one was green. This one is red. When they start turning red, get ready. When you start seeing these ones and they go from green to red, anytime that things change from green to red, start getting ready. Okay? The oceans are going from green to red. The fireballs are going to change from green to red. The auroras are going to change from green to red. Watch out. When stuff starts changing red, be careful.

From anywhere between Texas and Florida. But there are now reports coming in as far away as California. So this was a big event, but check this out. Huge fireball was caught by this security camera in Chantel Danos. See the light up there? See how it just lights up the sky and the neighborhood like it’s in the middle of the day for just oh, do you see that? Couple of seconds. We have more for you. This is from meteorologist. Oh, watch this one. This was caught on dash cam. Now, that doesn’t strike me as, like, something falling from the sky at high speeds. I don’t know. I feel like it would go much faster than that. We’re dashing behind the few clouds off in the distance that’ll, of course, wake you up before you get to work.

Next, we head to the North Shore. No, hold on. I want to rewind that. Can I rewind that? Yes. Good. Hold on. I want to point something out, too. That’ll, of course, wake you up before you get to work. Next, we head to the North Shore. Shoot. Hold on. Let me rewind that. Bad boy. I got to catch it up the sky before there it is. Okay, now, look at the direction that it’s going, right? Given the academic model, I just want some of you to think about this, right? Do you ever see falling stars or meteors or meteorites or whatever going up? You ever see them going at any other angle other than, like, coming down to the Earth? I just wanted to point that out because it stands to reason that if our world is a giant, globular mess and it’s spinning and wobbling and tilting and flying and this and that, that we would see, on occasion, objects flying upwards as they cross the other direction. They go the other way, but they don’t. They always go down towards the ground.

Another thing I want to point out is that electricity does that, too, okay? Electricity naturally becomes attracted to try to ground itself to the Earth, okay? So if you have ball lightning and stuff or any type of electricity up there in the atmosphere, it wants to come down towards the Earth. It’s up there swimming around in the electromagnetic currents and whatnot, right? But when those currents give out or they’re weak and that power source becomes amplified and stronger, it can reach further down, and then pretty soon, it’ll come down towards the Earth, which is what we can expect during the plasma apocalypse.

What’s up, Barry? Kelly in the Chat, it says, good point, Jay. Good. All right. On. Appreciate it. All right, cool. So those were just some of the things, right? The huge takeaways from this one would be the heat getting hotter and hotter, right? Be prepared for it to get hotter. They’re telling you right now, like, oh, this is now normal. This weather pattern, you can expect it to continue like this, which means it’s going to get even hotter and even hotter to the point where it burns people. And they’re warning you to stay out of the sun, right? They’re not doing that yet. Everyone’s flocking to the oceans. Not a good idea. People are being bitten by sharks and attacked by sea otters and all kinds of weird stuff. As a matter of fact, I’ve got some screenshots here on my phone of some articles that I took.

Oh, yeah. 50 whales die after washing ashore. Let’s check that out real quick. I’m going to close out some of these other articles, but I hope that the oceans changing color is a huge wake up call. Okay, all this stuff, this is interesting. We’ll continue to talk about this, but keep your eye on the sun on the moon, which is also getting brighter. And they say that it’s getting further away, which means that light in the sky is getting smaller, which means the light is becoming amplified, which is the same thing that’s happening with the point of focus that we call the sun.

Right? So hold on. Let me type this in. I’m going to open up a new little page here. 50 whales. 50 whales die washing ashore. Boom. All right, cool. So over 50 whales found dead on a Scottish beach in the worst mass stranding in the area, right? All of these different animals are starting to wash up on the shores and die. Ocean life is starting to die en masse all over the place.

Matt Kubis. What’s up? Matt Kubis, good to see you, man. Thanks for the super chat donation. Appreciate you, but yeah, so this is just one of them, right? 50 Whales die after they wash up ashore. Let’s see. Oh, this is interesting, too. I want to talk about this r1 quick. Hold on. Let me do this.

Push over yosemite. Is it Yosemite? Yeah, rocks. Okay, cool. So check this out. This is messed up. I don’t like this one, but it says if you see these, push them over, and they actually have a picture of, like, you know, how people stack rocks, make little rock piles or whatever, right? In Yosemite, they’re telling people to knock those down all over the place. The government is saying, like, hey, you need to it’s called a cairn, a rock cairn. Basically, they say, unfortunately, this dramatically oversized rock cairn is a mark of human impact, and it’s distracting in the wilderness. So people like to put these rocks and balance them on top of one another, which is awesome because that’s a sign of a nice, steady, unmoving world that we live on. But there’s other reasons that people put those rocks up, okay? It wasn’t just artistic. In times past, those rock cairns, those rock piles or whatever that people used to stack, they were markers for explorers. When people were out exploring, they would put these markers and then they would be able to tell their family and friends, like, hey, look for this marker. That’s where I’m going. Or they would orient those markers to certain directions whenever they were going on trips and stuff or pilgrimages and whatnot, right? So the government’s telling everybody, oh, knock these down. These are all distracting or whatever, which they’re messing up navigation for many people, for many explorers.

So that’s an interesting one too. Let’s see what else we got here. Dolphin rams and bites japanese beachgoers. Let’s do that one. Dolphin bites Japanese. Boom. All right, let’s go to news, actually. All right, swimmers are where’s this one? Say swimmers injured in a dolphin attacks on Japanese beach. So animals starting to attack, especially those animals that are in the ocean, becoming agitated and even in some instances looking like they’re becoming delirious, right, could have something to do with that. Algae and the ecosystems changing suddenly and drastically over the past couple of decades. Japanese beach sees a string of aggressive dolphin attacks on swimmers. There was also a shark attack recently up in New York. There’s been many shark attacks. Let’s check this one out. See, so the animals are starting to go nuts. That’s the takeaway from that, okay? The people are also going nuts, in case you haven’t noticed. But we’re not the only ones. The animal world is becoming agitated too.

Huge starfish. Let’s check out the huge starfish in the news. A huge starfish. Look at that. Beachgoers shocked by massive starfish spotted on a Texas beach. Let’s check this out. I actually want to see a picture of this. Look at this. Is there a video? Finally, another creepy crawley on Texas beaches. Look at that. Sent us this video and said, look at this gigantic starfish of Port Aranza. Oh, my God. I have no idea. HowTropical things became nice, the air became warm, the water became drinkable, et cetera, right? That is the zephyr. That’s why Red Hot Chili Peppers has a song that talks about the zephyr. And if you apply this teaching to that song, I feel like it’s going to open up a lot of a deeper level of understanding as to what that song is about. So that is the zephyr. That wind might actually help when it comes to that leap of faith that I’ve referred to on my channel many times, where you have to jump in and it looks like it’s not a good idea, but it turns out you land perfectly fine. All right? So that’s the zephyr.

Now, speaking of polar vortices, we’ve got the sun, allegedly, I don’t know what that is, but that’s what they say is the sun down here, right? And there was this strange tornado of fire, or plasma, I should say, allegedly that developed at the North Pole causing this polar fire vortex on the sun, right? Whether or not this is true, regardless, like discard it, whether or not this is actually true, when looking through things, through the lens of signs and omens, predictions, prophecy, harbingers, things that tell us that there’s change on the way, and usually to us that implies cataclysm right?

So we’ve got this firestorm at the North Pole of the sun that’s happening, this fiery tornado thing or whatever, right, at the polar vortex. Once again, the poles. Now, I don’t say, everybody, I have understood for quite some time, one moment. I have understood personally for quite some time. I have researched the fractal nature of our reality, and I have learned that reflections exist all over the place, reflecting the great and the grand and the large scale and the macrocosm in the tiniest of things and vice versa, right? This is a reflection of our world. This is a sign and a big fat notice saying, hey, North Pole, hey polar, hey vortex, hey, fire. Right? Because the next one will come by, fire, the next world. Cataclysm I should say. And then there’s also some other stories, too, about other poles on other planets or something like that, how they’re all acting weird and stuff. So it’s all very much related.

Now this one, you might not have seen this, I don’t know, but I just came across this. It looks like matrix code. What you’re looking at is the sky in Hawaii, okay? And somebody recorded this. There’s an observatory, I think that little dome is like the observatory in Hawaii. And it totally recorded this green laser light just boom, flashing down in these straight lines as it went across the sky, whatever. It was like matrix code just raining down onto Hawaii, basically. I thought this was really weird and really strange. Like stuff like this, they’ll jump on TV, they’ll jump on the news, they’ll be like, oh yeah, that’s totally this is the reason for that. Whatever the reason, that’s new, okay? That’s not something I am used to. That’s a new thing. That’s a new thing is lasers, green lasers being shot down from wherever way up there in the sky. Now, I’ve read some articles on it, and they say, like, oh, yeah, totally normal. It’s one of our little satellite deals that we have. And it totally always shoots that laser so that it can record how much ice is on the Earth, so we can figure out how fast the Earth is going to start spinning or whatever. They say. This is weird is what I’m saying, okay? This is strange. This is anomalous this is a sign. This is a sign. Whatever the explanation of whatever it actually is, it matters not. As Alanon would say from the Shannar Chronicles, it matters not. This is a sign. This is something weird happening in the sky. Why is there all this weird stuff happening over the skies in Hawaii as well? Right? Like, this is also over Hawaii.

There was another circular blue spirally whirlpool in the sky that just floated across the sky. And it’s not the first time that we’ve seen this. It’s not definitely not the first time I’ve seen it, right. This same exact sort of bluish white whirlpool thing has been seen in many different places in the past, like, I don’t know, ten or 15 years, I would say, right? This is something strange that’s starting to become normal in our world today. Right? Man, this is not normal, okay? To see some strange spiraling, weird, galaxy looking things just floating around up there in the sky. Angel Wings just gifted a membership. Wow, somebody’s going to jump on it super fast. I already know. Thanks. Angel wings. All right. Anyways, this is really weird, right? I mean, what they’re going to say is, oh, yeah, it’s SpaceX. That’s their answer for everything now is just, oh, it’s SpaceX. And we think it might be this, and it could be this. See what they say? I’m going to pretend to be academics. Okay? They say, See what that is right there is yeah, that’s just rocket fuel out there in space, and it’s just being ejected, and it’s swirling around in space or whatever. Even if that was true, just like I told you, I have a problem with them ejecting dead people into space in the movies. This is littering, okay? At the very least, I don’t know what it actually is, but if the story is true that this is SpaceX shooting their crap into space, and it’s just shooting gas and diesel and whatever kind of crap they use to get out there, you’re littering the beauty of space, the cleanliness and purity of what you call space. I’m against that. I don’t know who authorized this. I haven’t heard of everyone in the world needs to vote for how we represent humanity. When we go out into the space and stuff, it’s just like, oh, yeah, elon Musk did that because he also put a car up there. With whose permission? You know what mean? Like, we we little people down here. We have to get permission to go to bed, to sit down, to go to the bathroom and say thank you. May I have another? When we get in trouble and stuff, super rich people are shooting cars out into space. You know what I mean? If their astronauts die, they’re going to probably eject them out there and just let dead bodies never rot and forever just float around bouncing into crap. They’re hitting other asteroids, trying to redirect their path. Did they even consider that, you might have redirected it and possibly caused a future destruction of some other world. For all of the scientific alleged know how and intelligence, I sure see a lack of it. What’s up, everybody? Good to see you. Ready to talk about some weird stuff happening in the Am. I am. Let’s talk about some weird stuff. It’s like we could do this segment forever. The world is getting crazier and crazier and weirder and stranger as the days go by. Momo. What’s up, Momo? I see you in the chat. It’s good to see everybody in the chat, actually. What’s up, all you future people watching? I won’t exclude any of you. All right, so check this out. Let’s jump right into some stuff. This is going to be an ongoing segment, I have decided. I’m working a lot behind the scenes on my channel, my book, my website, et cetera. I’m doing a lot of work that you guys can’t really see, but one of the things that I’m going to do is this segment right here, omens. It’s dedicated to just really talking about the signs and the omens that are happening worldwide. And it’s not just a place for me to tell you what these signs and omens are. This is my place to open up to you my experiences and the things that I’m seeing and the things that I’m hearing and listening to as I listen to the song of the world. And it’s our place to share what each other sees, right? There’s many things that are happening out there that many of you get to experience that I don’t. I’m just bringing to light my path and the things that I’m seeing. And I know for a fact if I’m seeing it, if I’m seeing it, it’s a very good chance that many people around the world are also seeing similar types of things or having similar types of experiences. So let’s jump into this. This is the only news you’re going to get on my channel, and I’m going to destroy it. Every time I’m going to destroy the news.Do you freaking mute that? Anyways, look at this gigantic starfish, right? Like we talked about with that huge apocalypse fish or whatever it was called, right? Doomsday fish. All the gigantic sea creatures that normally are down at the bottom of the ocean are starting or in deeper waters at the very least, right? They’re starting to make their ways up, and we’re starting to see these now. Take it as an omen, okay? Regardless of whatever the explanation, there’s always people have their explanations and they just minimize every anomalous activity that happens in our world. Take it as an omen.

What is happening is that the world is showing us, right, right before the apocalypse, the past, present, and future start to all meet. They slam into each other basically, as far as omens go, okay? So we’re seeing shrinking happening in the animal kingdom and in the humans. We’re way smaller than we used to be, but we’re also showing omens. That gigantism is soon to return to our world. Whenever the fresh oxygen from down inside of the Earth is released and ionized and fills up the world once more and the pressure is released, right? Just taking all that pressure off of us, allowing humans to grow back to gigantic proportions once more.

Let’s see what else I got here. The heat index reached 152 degrees in the Middle East, which is nearly at the limit for human survival, which is pretty interesting. And the Persian Gulf reported 150. Let’s just check that one out. Why not? Let’s see. Persian how do you spell that? Gulf 152 degrees. Let’s just see if it says that. Okay, so it says let me see if I can scooch this down. It says, at the Persian Gulf International Airport on Iran’s southwestern coast, the heat index, which measured how hot it really feels outside based on both temperature and humidity, hit an eye popping high of 152 degrees Fahrenheit, which is 66.7 degrees Celsius. That’s insane. And this is just the beginning. Right.

Let’s see what else we got. I talked about the doomsday fish. The Sun’s activity is peaking sooner than expected. They also say that too. So the sun goes through these different solar cycles and grand minimums and all that fun stuff. Well, they thought it was going to peak in 2025, but now they’re forecasting that the Sun’s activity is peaking in 2024.

Record breaking temperatures in Grand Junction, Colorado. Many places across the world cannibal eruption from the sun may disturbs the Earth’s magnetic field. Let’s check that one out. Cannibal eruption from the sun. Boom. Okay, so it says here the nickname Cannibal comes from the union of two flares. And that it’s why the scientific community warns that a geomagnetic storm is likely to occur. This is because a coronal mass ejection is a cloud of plasma that is moved by solar winds so that it can crash into the Earth. Here’s what’s happening when they say geomagnetic storm. Right. It’s a fluctuation in the Earth’s magnetism in various places, especially in those places that are commonly called dragon lines or lay lines, et cetera. It’s going into flux. All of those various fluctuations across the world are exploding. It’s invisible to most humans, okay, but explodes into these electromagnetic flux, which is going to lead to the power grids going down in places where they have larger ones. It’s going to lead to animals beaching themselves and becoming confused and not knowing where they’re going. Bats, acting crazy, anything that uses maybe not bats and echolocation, but anything that follows the electromagnetic currents of the Earth itself. Right. And basically the Earth is going into a magnetic flux in all these different places. It’s all starting to go into different flux. And that’s going to culminate in one gigantic flux, a huge flux where the entire Earth goes into flux. And that’s whenever it brings about what I call the plasma apocalypse, where the Earth will go into a neutral point as far as the electromagnetics go, instead of tilting and fluxing and fluxing, it’ll go boom and hit a neutral point. When that neutral point hits is whenever our protective barrier up there in the sky goes down or what people call the magnetosphere, the magnetosphere goes down. And all of that plasma or coronal mass ejections or whatever from the sun, if you’re an academic, those are allowed to come into our world and they spiral down in in the form of plasma, and they want to ground themselves. Just like you saw that green fireball, right? Cannibal eruption from the sun may disrupt the Earth’s magnetic field. It says a geomagnetic storm is the alteration of the Earth’s magnetic environment. This means whenever the magnetic field that usually surrounds our Earth starts to be distorted, that’s exactly what leads to the plasma apocalypse.

Shark bites. A man sitting in the water at the Florida beach. So let’s check that one out real quick. Florida shark bites? I thought it was in New York. There’s been a lot in New York lately, too. Max just donated five memberships in the Chat. Right on, Max. Super appreciate you, Max, being stellar as always. Check this out. It says Florida Beach Shark. Second shark bite reported on the Florida beach in as many days. Right? So this is just another example, right? All these shark bites that are increasing and happening as the agitation in the ocean happens? The orcas, we talked about the orcas that are attacking boats last week, right? We talked about all these different killer whales that are attacking boats, tearing them to pieces, and sinking boats out off the waters of Spain, basically, right? And it seems like a lot of these animals are just getting more and more aggravated in the ocean. So pay attention to what’s going on in the oceans. The water is getting hotter, et cetera. They’re saying the Earth’s tilt has increased. This one says the Earth has tilted 31.5 inches. And that shouldn’t happen. Well, yeah, that’s called a sign and an omen. What else we got here?

Brutal heat wave. I think you all can agree that everything’s getting hotter. Death Valley is approaching 130 degrees. The Florida ocean temperatures peaked to almost 100 degrees amid a heat wave. And people are saying you can’t even cool off in the ocean, right? People are trying to get to the ocean and be in the water to cool off, and they say you can’t.

Oh, this one’s interesting. Hold on. Workers might have to ditch the nine to five workday. Hold on. Let’s check that one out. Let’s do that. Ditch nine to five workday. Time to ditch the nine to five workday. Let’s look up news. Boom. Okay, perfect. This is the exact article that I was actually looking at. So workers might have to ditch the nine to five workday for the six to two workday. This is when it says workers, it means slaves. So let’s just remind ourselves of that, okay? Shall we? We’re not workers, okay, we’re working for somebody else and we don’t really want to. So that’s called slavery workers. Slaves might have to ditch the nine to five for the six to two. Why? Let’s check this out. Because of climate change. Because it’s getting so hot during the daytime that they want people to start going to their jobs way early in the morning and waking up. People are already starting to do this in places like New Mexico and the southern latitudes. Farmers and other people who have to be out there in the sun all day long that are like pulling up plants from the ground, like onions and stuff like that. They’re waking up way earlier in the middle of the night so that they don’t have to be out during the deadly hot sun. So now they’re starting to tell us like, oh, well this is good news, you’ll get off work earlier, or whatever. This is the beginning before they start telling you don’t go outside at all. Or if you do go outside, you’re only allowed to go outside during this time. And this time because after that it’s going to be death conditions, it’s going to be too hot, it’s going to be bad for you. And then of course, the governments of the world are going to step in for your protection because people are retarded. They will go out in the sun. You’ll hear all these crazy stories about what kind of people are doing what kind of stuff people are doing. Time to ditch the nine to five so that you’re not out in the sun so long, actually. Does it say sun? Let me search. Sun or heat? Hold on, let’s see if it says heat. Heat. ThereWe go. Oh, yeah. Businesses may need to switch up their staff’s working pattern to cope with uncomfortable heat levels. Yeah, like that one guy said it was burning your face, burning your arms, it’s burning. These are the words that they’re describing for what the sun is doing, it is burning.

And now they’re saying, well, maybe you guys should just wake up earlier. And then they’re going to try to spin it like, good news everyone. You get more time during the day, which is not true because you’re going to have to go to bed way earlier to compensate. And then that’s going to throw off your natural circadian rhythms and what time you naturally go to sleep and what time you naturally wake up, which is going to add to agitation and people being angry and frustrated. And the store hours are all going to start changing and everything’s starting to change and it’s going to start changing extremely fast. Keep an eye out for that.

And that’s it. That’s pretty much it. Well, you know what, I think we’ll do comments and questions and stuff another time. I feel like we had a pretty good presentation today. Please keep your eyes on the sun, on the ocean on this heat that is rapidly increasing, right? So everything happens in flux, okay? It’s all going into flux. So you should see, like, if there’s a really high increase in heat, if it does come back down, look out. It’s going to cause huge storms and weather patterns and stuff. But these are all dominoes that hit one another. They’re all puzzle pieces that are interconnected. So we should ask ourselves, if this is happening, what other puzzle pieces could it touch? What other parts of life or areas of life could this touch and have an adverse effect on, right. That starts leading to things like apocalyptic events and prophecies coming true in our world?

It’s hot tub temperature in this particular part of the ocean. It might be that way in other parts of the ocean, but at least around Florida, it’s boiling hot. Why is that a sign in an one? You know, we’ve all heard that the oceans will boil. I’m not sure if they’ll get so hot that they will actually boil. It’s possible. I have a different theory about the oceans bubbling and the churning of the ocean, as is written in the ancient Vedic scripts and the Hindu writings that talk about the churning of the ocean and how it becomes white because of all of the bubbles that are actually inside of it. But the ocean getting a lot hotter is going to be a domino, a huge domino that pushes over, that touches all of these other dominoes. Hold on, let me just make sure people can hear me in the chat. All right, it looks like everybody’s good, so I’m assuming that you guys can hear me. All right, cool.

So the ocean water is getting super hot. What that’s doing? Is it’s going to have implications on other areas of life, from the algae that was growing that we’ll talk about to the coral reefs and stuff in Phoenix? I just typed in Phoenix and it says, Phoenix temperature hits 110 degrees in Phoenix, Arizona, in the United States, right here. 110 degrees for the 25th consecutive day. A brand new record. Now, I was listening to some videos earlier, and people are starting to say stuff like, well, you’re going to have to get used to this is our new normal. New normal is abnormal, okay? Don’t let them fool you with this new normal garbage. It’s not normal whatsoever. And it’s a sign. It’s an omen. It’s abnormal, okay? Whenever the temperatures are 110 degrees for a month straight, that’s abnormal. I mean, it’s normal for it to be hot in the summertime or warmer in the summertime, but not like this, right? People are posting pictures of crayons that are on the sidewalk, melting on the ground. The emergency rooms are packed full of people who simply just fell on the ground and fried their skin, burning their skin. That’s how hot it’s getting. And that’s in Phoenix. Now, the whole Phoenix thing is also a sign and an omen in and of itself that the Phoenix is rising. The Phoenix itself, which is the plasma that shoots up out of Mount Maru and spreads its aura like wings, the thunderbird, et cetera. The phoenix is getting ready. The Phoenix is building up energy. It’s getting hotter and hotter. That’s the omen that I’m reading into this. It says, Phoenix is slammed with a record 24th straight day of temperatures over 110 degrees, 24 straight days. And other places are just as hot, right? Other places are breaking records around the world. Las Vegas had their record of ten days in a row of the hottest they’ve ever had. Denver weather has near record heat with isolated storms. Phoenix breaks record heat. There’s the Phoenix symbolism again. Phoenix is too hot for some baby birds. As the heat wave persists. This is the beginning. I’m telling you, this is the beginning. This is just a nuisance right now.

People are agitated right now, which, by the way, the increasing pressure and heat in our world is going to actually lead to physical agitation of animals, insects and humans, okay? And when that happens, they swarm. It’s just a natural response. It’s the same thing that molecules do when they heat up. They also start to swarm around and they become jostled and stuff like that. But with insects, it creates swarming, right? So you see a lot more swarms. You’ve already seen some that we’ve talked about in this omens segment with the grasshoppers and locusts and other types of insects that are already swarming all over the place. Gnats. Remember there was some weird gnats swarm in, like, New York or something, and then the animals will swarm, and the humans, when we swarm, it’s called war. We just go to war. So keep your eye out. That’s what the Bible talks about when it mentions to pay attention for wars and rumors of wars. Right. I also would keep your eye on the Arctic being of particular interest when it comes to the next gigantic war.

All right, so Phoenix is in the news. Let me close a couple of these out. All right. Boom. Phoenix is super hot. Too hot for some birds. That’s interesting. Wow. Face keenis. I didn’t even see this. Bizarre face keenis. Like a bikini for your face. Fashion craze hits China beaches amid record heat. This is ridiculous. We are in a movie. I swear, like, aliens have to be watching us eating popcorn. There’s probably alien Jdrimmers out there doing a truth in movies on Earth right now about Earth. Basically, extreme heat could affect whether or not your flight takes off. Oh, that’s one of the reasons why I was late today, by the way. I usually do this a little earlier, but a couple of reasons. One is because I’m doing laundry, and somebody totally turned off my washing machine and it didn’t wash anything, so I’m still doing laundry. As we speak. But the other thing is that I saw this guy pull into a gas station with a horse trailer in tow. He had hitched up a horse trailer to the back of the truck and left the horses in the sun while he parked his truck in the shade to get gas or whatever. Then he went into the store. And I’m just sitting there watching because I’m listening to these horses. I can hear many animals speak, okay? Even though they’re speaking in their own animal languages. These horses were screaming. These horses were begging for help, okay? You didn’t have to believe me on that one, but these horses were begging me for help. They saw me. This horse was sticking its big old horse eye out of the window, and it looked like it was going to cry. This horse was being cooked in the back of this trailer. And I had called the police, asked if they could help or do anything about that, and they were basically like, no, we’re not going to help out, or whatever. And it just blew my mind, man, that people are they’re not considering animals amid all of this heat. I asked them, like, hey, if a dog is locked in a car in, like, 110 degree heat, are you allowed to break the windows? They’re like, yeah, if you want to go to jail, you could break the windows. I’m like, okay, so you can’t save it. I’m like, well, what do I do? And they say, well, you need to call, like, the non emergency number.I’m like, non emergency? What if it was a baby in the back of the car? They’re like, well, you would have to call 911 for that. I’m like, all right, so if it’s a baby, call 911. If it’s a puppy, just call the non emergency number and wait 30 minutes or whatever. Anyways, that’s one of the reasons why it’s late.

The earth is screaming at us. Boom. The Earth is screaming at us. Some governor calls for climate action. Listen, there’s action. We’re about past the action point, okay? Everyone’s going to just start panicking and be like, we need to do something, but it’s too late. You’ve been given chance after chance after chance, and I say you, but I mean that in general. Humanity has been afforded so many chances that I personally have witnessed in the few years that I’ve been alive on this world. We’ve had our chances, okay? The world has not taken advantage collectively of the chances that we’ve been given.

So the earth is screaming at us. That’s also a sign and an omen for the Earth actually screaming whenever it releases all of the pressure from the inside and the gases that are released become ionized and blast out of volcanoes and cavernous systems and stuff like that. Caves. It will make a sound, okay? Everyone’s going to hear it, okay? The world will sing the song. People who’ve ignored it all the way up until that time will hear it actually manifest. They’ll hear the Earth scream, sing, however you want to call it, and it’ll be very loud. And when the atmosphere depressurizes, it’ll also be very loud. Let’s see. All right, we’re going to skip past that one.

Record heat returns to New Mexico. Okay, so record heat is everywhere, basically. Record heat all over the place. The world’s getting hotter. Now, if you’re new to my channel, it’s my belief, based on my research, that the sun is heating up, okay? And I talk a lot about the physics behind why and how the sun is heating up because it’s nearby. It’s not billions of miles away or however far they say it is, but it’s heating up. It’s getting hotter. And that point of focus up there in our sky is causing daylight to get shorter and shorter, which is giving us the biblical prophecy that Jesus said to watch out for, which was called the shortening of the days, the daytime, and therefore the years and stuff, they become shorter and shorter and shorter. So that’s why people are like, oh, I feel like last week passed by so fast. I feel like today went by fast. I feel like I don’t have time to do anything because you don’t. And they’re messing with the clocks and all of the automatic updating of clocks and stuff.

This one says the Atlantic Ocean current system could collapse this century from climate change. Now, they say this century, you know what I mean? Like to generate a little bit of concern. However, this is just like the movie the Day After Tomorrow with Jake Gyllenhaal. Whenever they have that paleo climatologist have to bring out an apocalyptic model, and he says this is not happening this century. This is happening, like, now, basically. I mean, at first he was saying that if they don’t hurry up, it could happen in the next 100 years. Listen, this stuff’s all happening exponentially, okay? Exponential means not a gradual increase, and we have plenty of time to work it all out. It means the alarms are going off now, okay? All this stuff is happening right now. So it’s something that should be of concern to those who care about it. It’s of concern to me.

100% coral mortality was found at the Florida Keys Reef due to rising ocean temperatures, basically. So we talked about the ocean becoming hotter and hotter. The sun is getting hotter and hotter. Obviously, it’s shining on the ocean. The ocean temperature is also increasing right into triple digits like we talked about, which is killing off the coral reef. The coral reefs will start to die off little other types of algae and what is it called? Phytoplankton. Right? Will start to eat all of the dead things. So the ocean is going to start becoming changing colors as it fills with algae. We’ll talk about that more in just a bit. Here’s the polar vortex. Look at that. That’s not supposed to be a ring, okay, just in case you don’t know what that is, when it’s normal, when it’s acting the way it should act and we have normal weather patterns, this does not look like a serpent around the Earth, okay? This is not supposed to look like that, which is an omen and a sign, okay? It’s danger. Basically, the serpent is encircling our world, starting to move about, but it’s supposed to just be a straight line around. Now this is not my cosmology. This happens to be the picture that they show you of the Globular version. There’s the North Pole right up there with no land. But anyway, this is extreme, okay? So you have all this. This is the jet stream, basically. And you have it going way up and then sinking way far down, which is also bringing those auroras way far down too. And this is like we talked about when we talked about the sun heating up up there in the sky. It’s going to drag a path, okay? This is all following the heat path of the sun that’s going around as well. But it’s going to heat up all of these air currents, the jet stream, and there’s some other cellular structures for how the wind moves around the world and stuff, but those are all heating up and they are going into flux. And when they do that, we’re going to get extreme weather like we have it now. You’re just seeing the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, or the first flame of the fire, I don’t know. But anyways, we’re just seeing it now. What that means is not just extreme heat, especially during the summertime, but extreme cold, extreme rain and extreme precipitation and extreme electrical storms and extreme hurricanes. And not just extreme, but more hurricanes and tornadoes and more dangerous. You’re going to see more casualties and stuff popping up as this gets worse, as it increases exponentially more and more and more as time goes on, not gradually. This is an exponential shift that we’re going through the world’s first.

Now we’re going to shift gears. The world’s first boomerang meteorite, a rock that left Earth, spent a millennia in space and then returned, possibly discovered in the Sahara Desert. So this is mostly garbage, but I do see an omen and a sign in this particular article. All of the rocks are from Earth that come down, okay? I don’t know, there could be some that got stuck up there during the last depressurization of our atmosphere when space rocks from other worlds didn’t quite make it past the buoyancy flip point or whatever it is that keeps things floating up there. But anyways, I believe that we lived in a closed system. Our world is a closed system. It’s not just you could just keep on going and you just reach space and the atmosphere just sticks to the world or whatever that ridiculous concept they believe in. That’s not my concept. If it’s yours, that’s totally fine. I respect however people see things, but I’m sharing with you how I see things, okay? Earth, rocks.

So whenever the world depressurizes, it sucks up boulders, rocks, mud, debris, water, all of this stuff gets sucked up into the highest parts of our sky. And then many of them become petrified like mud. We’ll go up there and it’ll look like weightless. How you would imagine water being or mud or whatever way out there in the upper reaches of the atmosphere. And whenever a huge stream of electrified plasma hits that, it petrifies all that mud into boulders. Those boulders, some of them escape and are eaten by Kronos, which is exactly how the ancient legend goes of the god Kronos, who ate his children, right? And then he wanted to eat Zeus, but his mother hid Zeus in a cave in a mountain, which is Mount Maru, and instead wrapped a rock in swaddling cloth and threw it up to Kronos. And Kronos sucked everything up and ate this rock. And then he choked on it, allegedly, and he spat it back out. So that’s going to happen. Kronos, which is the depressurization point in our sky, is going to suck everything up and including rocks and stuff, which will actually be created. Many of them willSure, I can help with that. Here is the reformatted text:

“Be created up there in the sky. And this is why you see so many random boulders strewn across the land. Some of it comes from the waters. Whenever the waters come in, when we have the worldwide flood, which you don’t have to worry about it in my perspective, okay? I believe that we’re going to go through the apocalypse by fire this time, not by water, because we already have an ocean, right? So the ocean is going to disappear. It’s going to get sucked up into the sky. But a lot of boulders are going to be created up there in the atmosphere. And whatever doesn’t get sucked out will fall back down, giving us random, huge megalithic stones and boulders in strange places, landing in strange ways as they stick into the mud that will harden back into rock, giving you balancing rocks and other weird things that future tourists will forget about. And they’ll come and take pictures of it and stand next to it and not have any idea where it came from.

All right, a supermassive black hole is spitting a high energy jet towards the Earth. This is the high energy jet artist’s conception. This is the beam at the North Pole, okay? This is the omen that we should take away from this or that I take away from this. This is plasma, okay? When it says a jet, an energy jet, that is a plasma beam of energy or light, okay? And it will spiral around exactly how you see here as it shoots up terrestrially from inside of the earth, right? There will be other plasma that will be more snake-like, how we see in the polar vortex, like the plasma that descends from above. Ionized hydrogen probably will be more serpentine. Those will give you the fire snakes and serpents and seraphim and all of that stuff.

All right, next up, we’ve got astronomers discover never before seen two-faced star. This is their concept drawing of the two-faced star. I don’t care personally about any discovery that they have out there in space or whatever. There’s going to be lots of new anomalies that are happening up there in the sky. And when I say sky, I don’t mean the space that is beyond the sky. I mean the sky. Right? We look up into the darkness that is the roof of the world. You’re looking at a physical shadow that is being cast. That is the roof of the world that is blocking out the light of the heavens, which are bright. We all know heaven’s a bright place, right? All right. Anyways, but it’s named after genus, right? So this right here, this blue ball of plasma is named after Janus, and Janice is the two-faced god, which actually mentions that here in this article a few times. It says the three observatories showed that Janus was rotating on its axis, blah, blah, blah, blah. So they named it Janus, basically. This is really interesting. A lot of things are starting to become named after these gods of old, these ancient ones, but especially Janus being the two-faced god, which is the blue beam that shoots up, spirals up, exactly how you see in this. I think I got rid of that other picture. But that beam of light, that jet of light that we just looked at, right, that spirals up, it’s going to have an anode and cathode on either side at the right, which is going to have an electrical arc that curves up towards Mount Maru, creating the legs of this giant cosmic stick figure, god, entity, deity, whatever. But then that blue beam will provide the body portion, but then it re-splits back off and parts at the top as it gets closer to the sky or the rim of the world, the bowl of the world, the top of the world, and it splits back off, which creates the D and the C, basically. And it splits off like that. That’s the two faces of if you’re depending on where you are in the world, you might see more faces than that, right? Which we’ve talked about quite a few times.

Blue moon. There will be two full moons in August, including the closest supermoon until 2025. But I didn’t care about all that. All I care about is the blue moon portion of this. When you see a lot of blue moon stuff in there, the omen behind that is that there’s only one blue moon. Okay? They name all of these moons like stuff that they’re not, okay? They’ll be like, oh, it’s a blue moon tonight. You go and look at it. Is it blue? No, it’s not blue. Like, not usually blue, okay? Sometimes, due to atmospheric conditions, it could look blue, but to other people who have a different atmospheric conditions, it doesn’t look blue at all. It might look orange, it might look white. It might look different, right? Which, by the way, the Moon’s getting a lot brighter these days. I just want to throw that in there so that you can pay attention and check it out. Next time you’re outside at night, look at the Moon. I swear, there’s got to be more people than just myself who have gone out and said, wow, is it a full moon tonight? You look up, and it’s only like a crescent or a half or something. It’s not even close to a full moon, and my mind is blown. But there’s only one blue moon, a true blue moon. That’s how I talked about how the sun is turning blue. The moon will reciprocate. The Moon will also because it’s the little reflection of the sun, right? According to academics, the Moon is going to turn blue, all right, because it’s also getting brighter and brighter and brighter. And if you take a look at the light that’s cast by the Moon, there is a sliver of blue in that light. I promise. Go check it out. All right, so the blue moon and the reason they say once in a blue moon, by the way, is because it only happens once when the apocalypse comes, okay? The time right before the apocalypse is when the Moon turns blue. After that, it’ll turn red. After that, it’ll be blood red moon, which is a whole nother story. Whenever the monsters come out and the Phantazoids arrive in our world and stuff, and the doors are open between us and the heavens and us and the underworld, etc. But the blue Moon, that’s why they say once in a blue moon, because it happens when the apocalypse comes. It’s hardly ever happens. It takes so long because of the time between apocalypses, right, which might actually be getting longer.

The Pacific’s deep sea Grand Canyon has been mapped in unbelievable detail. I also don’t really care about them mapping the Pacific that much, but I see an omen. I see a sign in this, which is like I talked about when our atmosphere depressurizes because of the increase in pressure in our world right now, that everything is becoming exponentially more pressurized. As the gases from within the earth are released and the world beneath us is actively releasing their pressure and giving it to us, we inherit all of their pressure. Okay? It looks like a little face. Look at this weird picture. Doesn’t that look like a little face? It’s like an eye. An eye and a nose and a mouth. This is totally a little face. Anyways, that’s a crab. I don’t know. Anyways, what was my point? Oh, my point is that even in the Bible, it says there’s a prophecy that says that the oceans are going to go away. Okay? I know we’re used to them. I know it’s hard for us to imagine the Earth without oceans and we just imagine that they’ll always be here. No, they won’t. Where do you think they came from? Right? They came from somewhere. There was a point in time in the past when there was no ocean on Earth, and it’s not a bunch of snowball slushy comets that just slammed into the Earth over millions of years giving us water from who knows where out there in the vacuum of space or whatever, right? The earth makes water. Okay. The water is created inside of the Earth and up there in the heavens. Whenever the hydrogen smashes into the oxygen, that will fill our world for another age, which is why we don’t have to worry about the deluge returning right now, okay? But it will one day. And I did do a whole video on that and a whole video on retranslating looking at the correct translation or a more accurate translation of what it says in the Bible because a lot of it has been misconstrued or misinterpreted, right?
Correct translation of the one verse in the Bible where it says or it implies that not to me, but to many people, it implies that God said and promised that he would never, ever flood the world again. Please go take a look at that video. It’s within like, the first ten minutes. I take it to the interlinear version of the Bible and I will show you that word and break it down. That it’s not when you transliterate it and you look at what it originally means, that the words that are used. It does not imply or read that God promised he would never, ever do it again for all of time without end.

Okay, but that Noah wouldn’t have to worry about it for an age or until the end of the age. It’s not going to happen for a long time. Basically, anyways, I did a whole video about that.

So the oceans are going to get sucked up into the sky during the depressurization. Buoyancy in our world will increase. Just like yesterday during during our trivia. We had a fun trivia game yesterday, and I will release the winner’s name in the next few days, probably this weekend. Somebody won a copy of my book, which is pretty awesome. I think we’ll probably do that again because I had a lot of fun doing that.

But anyways, when the world depressurizes and all that pressure is released from our world and sky pops open, it works according to something called Archimedes Principle. And Archimedes Principle basically says that however much fluid or atmosphere up there that is released into the heavens as our world depressurizes or the atmosphere depressurizes, will be equal to an increased buoyant force from underneath. This will be. Zero gravity on Earth during the next apocalyptic cycle that we go through.

So what that means for most of the world’s oceans is that they’re going bye bye. Okay? Imagine all of these deep-sea Grand Canyons and stuff. All of the treasures that are sunken all the way down at the bottom of the ocean. All of the new lands that will reemerge when the survivors go and explore the old ocean bottoms and settle there and stuff. Which, by the way, if that’s your thing, that’s awesome. But do keep in mind you might want to come on back to the higher regions before the next flood, okay?

So anyways, the oceans will be removed. And just imagine the alien looking Earth that we will have the huge mountains and the huge canyons that are way bigger than up here at the higher elevations, way down in the recesses of the darkness of the ocean, right? Those things will be available for everybody to explore when you survive the plasma apocalypse.

A photographer captures SpaceX rocket punching a hole in the atmosphere. Here’s a picture of the alleged event. Okay? That’s also what the auroras look like whenever they come way down. The pressure is increasing and it’s pushing these things way down. All of that ionized hydrogen and stuff in the upper atmosphere is getting lower and lower.

But the omen behind this is punching a hole in the atmosphere, okay? A hole in the sky. You can’t really have a hole in the atmosphere. I guess it’s kind of nothing. I mean, it’s got gas and stuff like that. But the omen behind this is that there will be a black hole that opens up in the actual physical sky, because that’s what holes are. They’re empty portions within physical objects. So all this talk of like a black hole in space, you mean a hole in nothing. That is a hole. According to the modern academic teachings, space is a big old hole. You can’t have a hole in a hole. That’s just ridiculous, right? I mean, doesn’t that know? Let’s be sensible about that, okay? Black holes are whenever the skies depressurize on every single Earth realm that is out there. I just call them Earth realms. You can call them planets or whatever you want to whenever they go through their depressurization process. And it is a process. It’s cyclical. It happens all the time anyways. But that’s the black hole. That’s the black hole. Sun opens up. You’ll be able to see all the red plasma on the other side of it. That’s the evil eye, etc.

Next up on the list, we’ve got NASA’s mission to collide with asteroid ascent a swarm of boulders into space. No kidding. What did you think was going to happen? You know what kind of I like to slam on NASA since they like to slam on objects out there in space. NASA’s lame to me, I’m sorry, I’m not a fan. I’m not one of those people that goes out and buys a NASA shirt at Walmart, walks around supporting my government, who enslaves us and stuff like that. I don’t do that. You can if that’s your thing. If you want to know all about NASA and stuff. I used to be, so I get that. And I’m not slamming on any of you. I am slamming on NASA. I do slam on things like government entities and whatnot from time to time. But they’re sharing this with us like we’re retarded, okay? Like, duh. No kidding. Like, this doesn’t even need to be news. I already know that. If you allegedly okay, the story goes and I showed the video of this. What is this? Hey, be quiet. What are you doing? I want you to talk. Who is that dude? Get out of here with all that. What is this? I don’t know what happened? Pause that, dude.

Anyways, yeah, if you blow up a rock, it’s going to turn into little or smaller rocks. No kidding, right? Like, it doesn’t take an astronaut to figure that out, but anyways, NASA’s mission. Oh, yeah, thanks a lot. NASA, by the way, if your cosmology is correct and that you can just blast off into outer space and travel to all those worlds and all those planets and stuff, and you’re out there playing Asteroids, you don’t even know where Earth is headed, okay? You don’t. It’s uncharted. You have no idea. None of you. I’ve never heard anybody personally, let me personalize this. I’ve never heard any human being in my entire experience in life say, yeah, the government totally knows where Earth is headed right now. They don’t. According to their model, we’re just randomly flying and spinning and wobbling and tilting and all this weird stuff right around a huge fireball that’s just darting through uncharted space. It’s not like the sun is just sitting there, not moving, okay? It’s moving at hundreds of thousands of miles an hour or something like that. I don’t know. It doesn’t matter. According to their model, according to what they teach in schools to your kids, by the way, so they have no idea where they’re going. Which is also why you can’t time travel on their model. So if you’re a time traveler or you’re into that time travel stuff, okay, I hate to break it to you. It’s impossible to do on a spinning, wobbling, tilting, globuloid through uncharted territory. If you want to go into the future, if you want to go into the past, it could be possible because you would just have to keep an exact record of the exact coordinates of where you were exactly in time and space, calculating all six points. That’s possible. I don’t think it’s probable, but if you want to go back in time, you possibly could do that. But if you want to get back to the present, you can’t, because you can’t go future. You can’t go into the future. Basically, the Earth is moving forward. So if you want to go from here to like, 2000 years from now, you have to have a destination, you have to have coordinates, and we don’t have those. We’re flying through uncharted territory according to their model. We have no idea where we’re going.

So I don’t know, I’m just venting about that, but yeah, good job. NASA moving and adjusting a small asteroid into large, huge debris out there in space that eventually is going to, according to your model, slam into something, maybe another world filled with aliens that are way more advanced than we are, and they can reverse the trajectory and find out. Oh, yeah. That Earth planet just tried to cause an apocalypse here in our world. Good job. Like, way to go out there screwing around, shooting debris and trash out there into space. Like, dude, who do you people think you are? You don’t even vote for any of this stuff. I mean, I don’t believe in voting. I think it’s allGarbage anyways. But I mean, wow, they don’t even ask any of you, how do you feel? Like, hey, is it okay if we go stick another satellite out there in orbit? Or, hey, is it okay with you if we go send more trash or shoot a car into space or whatever, you know what I mean? We don’t have a say. So they’re just doing what they want and then they impose all of their rules and regulations and stuff upon us, expecting us to do what they say. And they don’t work for us. Like they lie and say that they do. Anyways, that’s enough of that. All right?

The ocean is changing colors. This is huge. We’re going to bring this up a few times. I brought it up last time, but this is such a huge omen. I can’t stress this enough. The world is, what, 75% water, something like that on the surface. So this is going to have the pressure mixed with the changing of the ocean, the temperature changing, and all the things that are happening with the ocean because of the increase of heat in the waters is going to have some of the biggest effects on us.

The ocean is changing green. It says right here. It’s becoming steadily green or greener, it should say. Tropical waters near the equator have become steadily green. Basically. They say over 50% of the Earth’s oceans now have changed from blue to green. And I believe it’s because of the algae and the phytoplankton and stuff that are growing in the waters, because of all the things that are dying off because of the increased heat in the Jacuzzi ocean that we have. And all of that algae is growing and we’re starting to see it reflect the light that it reflects off of its pigment, which is green. Now that algae will protect itself if it gets too hot or if it becomes too bright, or I should say too bright. Okay, I don’t know if it’s too hot, but when it becomes too bright, that algae has the ability to change to red. So it’s going to go from green to red. The ocean will go from blue to green to red.

Now, in times past, the ocean has actually been many different colors. If you take a look and use comparative mythology to check out some of our ancient legends and our myths about the colors of the ocean as it was described in the old world, it was never, ever described as blue, not once. It was described as red and being wine, dark and black and even sometimes green in the past. But the past is returning and the ocean is once again changing into green. And once again it will change into red and it will become like blood. And the creatures in the oceans will start dying off as it affects the food chain and larger and larger creatures will start dying off in mass, which I’ll show you more of here in just a bit.

They found a planet. Okay. This is a huge omen, okay? Because I don’t believe in planets or whatever inside of our sky. Outside of the sky, way out there, yes, a planet is dramatically losing its atmosphere. So here’s another omen that we should keep in mind of planets or realms or worlds that lose their atmosphere. This was shown to you in the Truth in movies, in that movie Spaceballs, whenever they have the huge spaceship that turns into a megamade or whatever, puts the vacuum on Druidia and they suck out all the air. That is a cartoonified comic book version of the truth of what happens to our world. There is a physical part of the sky up there and it opens up or blows out or whatever and all of the pressure is released and it creates a world storm and all of the air and everything gets sucked up into it. Exactly how they show you in spaceballs. And so they’re showing us this in the signs and the Omens where they talk about these planets dramatically losing their atmosphere and stuff like that because that’s our planet. That’s our world that will happen. I mean, it’s many worlds out there and it’s inevitable. Okay? This is a part of the plasma apocalypse.

Next up on the list, speaking of dead animals just all over the place, right? Unfortunately, sad little dead penguin picture. There’s 2000 of these that washed up on Uruguay’s coast. A bird expert says that they cannot pinpoint a cause. This is happening so much right now. This should be huge. It should be all over the news. Unfortunately, they see all of these incidents of animals and fish and birds and walruses and sea lions and whatever else it is washing up onto shores by the thousands, just dead. They don’t see them as being interconnected and they are all interconnected. The life in the ocean is starting to die off, right? And like I said, it’s all connected, and it’s a huge domino effect. Whenever the temperature of the water increases, whenever the sunlight increases and becomes brighter and all that algae grows and the water becomes hotter, and all the coral reefs Start to die, and the whales start to die, and the sharks come In To feed on the whales, and then those start to die, and then more bacteria and stuff will start to feed on that. You’ll have all these a lot of fish are going to die because they breathe the oxygen that’s in the water. And whenever the water gets hot enough, the oxygen in the water dissolves out of it, so they suffocate. So you’re going to see way more stories. I don’t have a story right now because we talked about it, like, last week or the week before, of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of fish that will just start floating up to the surface. And then imagine what connection that will have, you know what I mean? When you have all these dead fish that rise to the surface, imagine all the different seabirds that are going to come around to feast on them. Imagine the diseases that will come about, and imagine what will happen to humans with all of this death and decay that is rotting and coming up into our atmosphere and all of these chemicals that are being given off by red algae and red tide the size of countries, you know what I mean? As it goes up into our atmosphere, and all these spores or whatever, they are released into the atmosphere, and we breathe that in, expect to see people the next huge thing that will happen medically is people having breathing problems. Huge breathing problems, okay? People are not going to be able to breathe because of all of that crap that’s being released from the oceans up into our atmosphere, and we breathe it in, okay? So just be super careful. I’m super serious about that.

Next up, we’ve got Barbie. So check this out. This is right behind me. I’m actually going to scooch the screen a bit. Hold on. I want to make it so everybody can see this one. This is a Titanic Barbie, I will tell you. This is CGI also. One SEC. Or is it? There it is. Oh, I could just move it. Can I move it? Yes, I can. All right, cool. So let’s check out this video of this bargie. This is in Dubai. Okay. The Burj Khalif, this huge tower right here, which is a type of Mount Maru. They totally make this into the blue beam. Like, often they put lights on it and stuff. But there’s a company that made this CGI. It totally looks real. I’ll play the video right now. This is like, to celebrate the new Barbie movie, which I will not be breaking down, okay? It’s not in me to want to watch that movie. So I know a lot of people have asked me to break down the Barbie movie. I probably won’t. I’m just going to tell you right now. But what we see here is a sign and an omen of Titans of Gigantism returning to our world. This isn’t real. This is done on a computer, allegedly. I don’t know, but they say it was done on computer, right, and looks super realistic. I mean, this is an omen in the sign in and of itself with the technology that we have and how anything will be possible, which is one of the omens of ancient history in the story of the Tower of Babel. Speaking of babbling, am I good? Okay, good. All right, I just want to double check. So, anyways, back during the Tower of Babel,In the Bible, there’s a story of the Tower of Babel. The gods, or the Elohim, looked down upon mankind, and they were worried because they said, wow, they’re getting to the point where anything that they wish to do, anything that they think of, they can achieve it. Which made them dangerous because they weren’t worthy. They were not deemed worthy to have access to this type of technology because they haven’t proven themselves, basically.

Okay, if we collectively can prove that we’re responsible and that we create technology and we use it for good and to add to the world and that it doesn’t always turn on its head and become a nuisance and a problem and actually end up hurting people in the long run. Right.

Anyways, in the Tower of Babel, which you’re looking at, like a version of that right there, the Elohim looked down at mankind and they decided that they were going to create an apocalypse to wipe people off the face of the world. Because anything that they set their mind to, they could do. And that was a dangerous thing. Right.

This is an example of that. We can make it look like there’s real stuff on the television screen, and technology is right around the corner to make it look like this is really in real life. It’s called augmented reality. People can get contact lenses that are actually microchipped, little computers, basically, and they’ll have augmented reality. They’ll be able to see their entire world, and they won’t need goggles, they won’t need any of that stuff. And it’s possible that they could augment reality, the brain.

Okay, if you want to go further than just, you know, how people are talking about putting microchips in their brain and stuff, I’m not doing that. But I guess there’s some people that are really interested in doing that, and they already have, and they’re like, oh, it’s to help paraplegics so that they can use the computer or whatever. Nah, sorry, they’re not developing super advanced technology to help paraplegics. I’m sorry. They will tell you that. So that you support their cause, but that’s not why they’re doing it. You know that. I know that.

Anyways, so this is Gigantism. The omen behind this is that one day we will have the Titans return to this world, okay? As we make it past the apocalypse, you will eventually procreate and have children and stuff when you’re able to again, and those children will grow way larger than you are, okay? Your children will get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. And they will become gigantic and titanic in nature. Not as strong. We tend to associate being huge and gigantic with being super strong and stuff like that, but we’re the ones that will actually have super strength. And I talk about that in a lot of my plasma apocalypse stuff, too.

Let’s see what else we got here. Giant Barbie. Oh, Mayor Giuliani has said something I found to be interesting. He says a criminal. All these people are criminals. A criminal should not be in the White House. Giuliani suggests that a guilty Trump should be disqualified. No running for president or whatever, right? I don’t care. I hate no. I know of this guy right here, okay? I don’t care who he is. I don’t care who he’s the mayor of or the government of or whatever. None of them. They’re puppets. They’re regular losers to me, personally, I don’t like them, but whatever. But it’s interesting that he says, and this is in the news all over the place, a criminal should not be in the White House. Well, yeah, a criminal shouldn’t be leading people, right? All of these governments are criminal. What do you call not gangs, but like mafias. I mean, they’re gangs, basically, and they rule the world, okay? They’re in control, and they have people who are in control of them. The hidden hand that you don’t know about them. But anyway, this is a prophecy in many religions where it talks about one of the signs you should look for is that the leaders of the world will all be corrupt. That there will not be a good one among them, okay? So the goodness of the world is quickly dwindling.

So if you’re one of those people that has a remnant of that good vibe in you, or love, or genuineness, if you don’t know, by the way, I strongly encourage you to do a self eval. Check yourself all the time. Admit when you make mistakes and ask people to forgive you and make amends and try to try to add back to the world and pick up and keep going and keep trying and keep growing. Right? Because it’s rare these days that anybody thinks that they mess up. Okay? Everyone is correct these days in their own minds. They’re all fighting for their own beliefs and their own agendas. And they all think that they have the best interest of the rest of the world. But if we look at their actions, which prove their energy, what kind of energy is inside? Okay, they’re hidden by a mask, which is called this body right now. But you can see what kind of entity they really are on the inside. And the good news is, if you have any toxicity in your soul or your spirit, you got plenty of time left. Or you have some time left, I should say. Okay, I switched my screen, so it’s over here now. It’s weird. I’m looking over on that side. You got some time left. Okay? The end has not happened yet. So you can change. You can change. You can choose different actions. You can, okay? You can take strides. You can make small choices or large ones. You have the freedom to choose whatever you do with your body and your life and your actions, where you go, what you say, and especially what comes out of your mouth, what you focus on in your mind. I’m doing self talk, okay? This is me. I’m talking to myself right now. This is all for me. But I feel like many of you are similar, okay? We vibe at a similar frequency, so you’ve probably needed to hear that, too, all right? It’s not too late. You can change. You can work on yourself and become beautiful again, all right? And I’m not just speaking about physically. I’m speaking about your energy, your soul, which basically, if your soul is right, it will reciprocate with the body and everything else, okay? So anyways, enough of that tangent.

Next up, we got Florida’s Manatee Bay back to the heat records in the world. Manatee Bay Records. 101 degrees Fahrenheit. I don’t know what that is in Celsius. Sorry. If you’re over there in the Celsius world, I don’t do Celsius, all right? I mean, it’s not a preference. That’s just how I was taught. And unfortunately, over here in America, they don’t care about Celsius and kilograms and kilowatts and anything that starts with killa, all right? Killa bees. Anyways, they don’t care about all that, so they don’t teach us that. Unfortunately. I got to google it. So when I watch YouTube videos and they’re like, oh, it’s about 40 degrees Celsius in Phoenix. Can you believe it? I’m like, yeah, I don’t know. It sounds cold, bro. I don’t know, but it’s hot. Okay? It’s super hot. I’m just joking. But anyways, this is the ocean. Look at this. Look at it. See all that red? That’s just bad. Okay? That’s bad. That’s not a good omen. Okay? The water is getting hot. 101 degrees. People have their hot tubs at that temperature. This is not good. And that’s right where the Atlantic Current comes in, which the movie I might have to do the day after tomorrow, I might do that one next because it seems appropriate in the time that we live in that movie’s coming true quickly happening now, okay? And I’m like that, dude. I don’t know the actor’s name, but I’m like that climatologist dude who has Jake Gyllenhaal for his son. And I’m screaming to the world to pay attention and to get ready, okay, not to do something. I feel like the tipping points passed. I mean, that’s just me. Maybe it’s not.

Okay? But there’s things we can do collectively. Not individually, but collectively to postpone the apocalypse, which I have hinted at many times, but I’m not seeing it happening. And I’m not trying to take away your hope or anything like that, but I’m just saying this one’s cool.

So let’s end it on a positive vibe. Sort of a video of a whale appearing to ask for humans toRemove parasites went viral, right? Because it’s nice to see something nice in the world, something kind. People helping animals instead of leaving their horses in 105 degree weather at the gas station to microwave. Whoever that guy is, man, just anyways, it’s nice to see something kind, but look how they spin it. Then they’re like an expert, whoever that might be. One expert. So one person that considers himself to be an expert says that tourists are hurting the creatures, not helping them. Bro, let’s watch this video. Let’s watch this video. If it has it, I hope that has it. Let’s check this out.

That is not it. What is this? This is some sea monster being eaten by freaking what is this? What I just click on? Oh, my God. Look at all these little tentacles. Look at that fish. Is like, no. Did you see that fish? Hold on. Let me go back. Look at how this fish get close to that octopus. And it’s like, oh, no, f that. Look at all those octopi eating that sea monster looking whale carcass, or whatever that is. I don’t know what that is, man. But that’s something. But that’s not what I wanted to check out. Where’s the other one? Here it is. That’s a picture. Now look at her, right? This girl wants to hug the whale. Okay. She wants to hug this thing, which looks like a rock. This might be the video. I don’t know if that’s a video. Hold on. Let me see. I think that’s the video. Let me click on that bad boy, see what happens.

The whale stuck its head out of the water and then appeared to let the boat’s captain pick parasites off of its body. These are called barnacles. While it span around as cheering tourists watched on. Why can’t I see this? Is this just bad camera angle? Lift up the camera. I don’t know. Let me see. This is a terrible camera angle. Hold on. This is just poor. Hold on. This isn’t like cropped or something. Let me see if we can make it big. I don’t know. Not going to mess with it anyway. Hold on. Let me see if I can get that. I want to see this video. I’m going to do. Hold on. Video of a whale. There we go. Let’s see if they have it somewhere else. Let’s try this one. Here’s the whale. This is what they look like. They look like rocks are growing on them, right? Let’s see. Turn off the ad blocker. Blah, blah. No, I’m good. Let’s just pick a different website. This might be it. Let’s check it out. I hope I could find it because it’s really cool to check out, honestly. I mean, I thought it was cool. We noticed you’re using an ad blocker. Let’s just continue with my ads or whatever or ad blocker. No video. They don’t have the video. That’s too bad. I really wanted to show this video. I’ll look for it for next week, and I’ll be sure to come back to this one. So this has a lot of cool pictures, right? You can see the dude. I don’t know why he’s wearing a mask on the ocean. Maybe that’s a thing. But he reaches down. He’s helping this whale man. The whale comes up to him, and some people understand what animals are saying, okay, this is exactly like the movie Avatar part two. If you’ve seen that, by the way, this happens in Avatar part two. And they’re like, oh, they’re trying to say that this hurts the whale, all right? The whale came up and asked for help, allows this dude to pick all these barnacles off of its face, basically to get all these look at this. Oh, here it is right here. Check it out. Oh, how cool. All right. Hi, whale. All right. I love this whale. So the whale comes right up to the boat. It’s not trying to knock it over. It’s not trying to hurt anybody, you know what I mean? And you can almost sense a smile. Watch. I’m going to show you this whale’s like smiles. This dude’s picking off, and he’s talking to it. He’s like, Come here, come here. I’m trying to help you. This happens this same thing happens in a cartoonified version in Avatar part two, okay? Whales are a huge part of Avatar part two. I love whales personally. See, look at it. He gives it a pat and stuff. He’s being friendly. Now, if the whale was being injured, and the whale’s like, Ow, ow. This also happens in Seabeest, by the way. Look. All those nasty parasites that are growing on it, right? So the whale spins around. It’s all happy. It sticks its little whale face like a dog, okay? This is like a puppy out there in the ocean, right up to the dude, and it’s like, here, here, get this part. Here, get my back. And it’s like it’s allowing this to happen. If this whale was in so much pain as they claim, they’re like those barnacles can grow really deep in the whale’s skin, and it’s tender and it really hurts them. You shouldn’t do this. You shouldn’t help animals. You shouldn’t help it out. You could look at it, you could tell. I don’t know. Okay, I sense this. This is me. This is my personal sensation. This is a happy whale, okay? This whale is happy that humans have done this. And humans used to do this with whales. I pulled up ancient maps and stuff like that that show us humans riding on the backs of whales. Whales gave humans rides, and not just whales, but other sea monsters and stuff that are friendly type of phantazoids. But we have images of these people didn’t just lie on ancient maps that they drew and were commissioned from royalty and nobility under the penalty of death, not to mention their reputation, because this is how they made a living. They didn’t just lie on ancient maps and just, oh, you know, it’d be fun if I put people riding on the back of a whale. They didn’t do that. They didn’t make stuff up. They wrote reality. They wrote exactly how it was happening. Anyways, this is a happy whale. All right? I almost want to watch it again. Look at this. They’re smiling right there. Come on. That whale is not in any kind of pain, dude. All right? This exact same thing happens when the whale asked for help in Avatar because it had something lodged into it. Same thing happens in the movie Seabees. There’s probably more examples than that. We can coexist, okay? Like, God, man, I get so emotional. I got so many emotions going on. We can coexist with the animals. We’ve taken advantage of them, and they’re pissed off collectively, and they’re getting more and more agitated. Some of that’s just the pressure and stuff in the world. But the animal kingdom is going to take the world back over. It’s not going to be humans in zoos or humans with zoos. It’d be humans in zoos in little safe zones and little safe areas in the world because the animals are going to procreate after the apocalypse and stuff. Plus, there’ll be phanazoids and stuff like that to come on in and let’s end it with little happy whale. I like the little happy whale. Let me see if I make that a little smaller now. That’s fine. Yeah, look at him. He’s a happy little whale. He’s like, oh, yeah, get that one, too. Oh, yeah, get that one. You know what I mean? They’re trying to say, don’t do this. That’s like them saying, don’t touch the cave. When you ever go on a cave, you ever go spelunking or you go into a cave system like the Grand Canyon or some government approved cave, they close off hundreds of other caves, and they leave one open to the public, and they make sure that they have a babysitter there to take you on a tour inside the cave. And one of the first things they say is, don’t touch the cave walls. It’s really delicate. It’s a fuck. Excuse me? It’s a delicate cave. Are you serious, dude? Nah, the cave is not delicate, okay? It’s a big old fat rock. It’s Earth. It’s been there for thousands of years. It stood the test of time. Trust me, the cave ain’t going anywhere just because you touch it, all right? They’re like, oh, it’ll stop making stalactites that are so beautiful, get out of here. Okay? They don’t want you to receive energy from the Earth, which is what the ancient prophets and priests and seers andWhatnot, did they went into vast cavernous systems that still have some of that inner Earth energy residually flowing through it, right? And they would touch the walls and they would breathe it all in and stuff. I’m not just referring to gases, I’m talking more about the ionized gases in the form of plasma and stuff. And they would receive messages. This is exactly the Oracle of Delphi and stuff, right? They don’t want that happening. They don’t want you getting some premonition from the Earth or you know what I mean, messages from Mother Earth or whatever. Don’t touch the cave. Don’t touch the whales. Whales are genius smart, right? And unfortunately, they’re hunted and killed because of their body parts, just like mammoths and just like so many other animals. But go to Omens. Just click on that right there and I’ll show you. Basically, it looks just like this page right here that you see. So it’s got my banner at the top. It’s got Torque, the Tardigrade, and right underneath that it says, Omen submission. Submit your video for evaluation. But as for now, let’s go ahead and jump into some of these Omens. Check this out. This is crazy. Now it says, a man who spent $14,000 to transform himself into a collie, a border collie, steps out for the first ever walk in public. And here it is. Here he is. Here is the video. Okay, I’m going to show you this real quick. I’m going to show you a little piece of this and I’m going to talk while I do. Now, I predicted this. I’m sure many of you have. A long time ago, years back, maybe one or two decades ago, when things started getting a little out of control with the stuff that people are doing out there. I started watching these really interesting TV shows a long time ago where people were like, saying that they’re in love with a wall or I’m in love with a tree. And they really wanted to get married to a tree or be intimate with a brick wall or a tree or just inanimate objects and stuff. And way back then I was like, watch, this is going to turn into like if you don’t draw the line, if there’s no borders or boundaries that are drawn where you say, no, this is clearly unacceptable, okay, then this is a dude. This is a dude dressed up as a dog in a little doggy costume, basically. And if like, oh my God, this is crazy. So hold on. What does it say here? It says, a Japanese native has transformed himself into a canine. Time out. First, let me just say this. He’s not transformed into anything. It’s a dude in a costume, okay? He’s not transformed, okay? If you go out trick-or-treating, you’re not transformed into whatever you’re dressed up as. But a Japanese native transformed himself into a canine after forking out more than $14,000 for a custom made collie costume like Lassie. The private citizen, who goes only by the name Toko Online says that the unusual garment has helped actualize his dream of becoming an animal. Now let’s talk about this for just a quick second. Just a hot quick second. I want to talk about this. So there’s people out there that would like to actually be things other than human beings. And I’m all for people’s private lives and their preferences and all that fun stuff. But I talked about this, I don’t know, so long ago where I said, if there is no line drawn, then the floodgates will be open. And once those floodgates are open, it’s not going to be just like, oh, respect people and let them do whatever they want to do or be whatever they want to be or act however they want to act. It will also be giving those people rights and laws, and new laws will be written so that people can start doing really extreme. Back then, this would have been considered super extreme two decades ago, okay? But I said, watch, people are going to start getting married too, and having being intimate. We’ll say, I’ll use that word with animals that bestiality. And stuff like that would become a commonplace that it would no longer be considered weird and that, by extension, there would be all of these other various strange and weird offshoots and that people would be seen as, like, haters and evil and mean and hateful and stuff if they pointed out that it’s weird. So before this becomes too commonplace right now, it’s still news right now. You know what I mean? Like, five years from now, this would probably not even be news. This dude would have to compete with other weird things that are happening with people and their animals or whatever. But thankfully, it’s still kind of weird. So I get to talk about it right now before it’s banned or before you’re not allowed to talk about this or before it’s hate speech to point this out as being abnormal. It’s abnormal, okay? I’m not judging the individual that’s inside of this little doggy costume personally. And I’m not saying that he is sinful or evil or whatnot. I’m just saying this is an omen. That’s what this whole segment is about. This is an omen of the signs of the times that we are in right now, right? So let’s check out a little bit more of this. Okay. So I’m focusing on this for just a bit, because this is really important. When we make allowances for little tiny, tiny things, it opens the floodgates, and people will go to more and more extremes, which is what many of the myths and the legends of ancient times have discussed and prophesied and talked about that society would get out of control. The prophets of old, the ancient prophets of old, they would look out at the city and they would call out to whatever god they believed in, and they would just say, it’s all corrupt. It’s all bad. There is no right. There is no wrong. It’s just people doing whatever they feel like doing. And actually, the opposite of that, or I should say the inverse of that, is people who do things that used to be considered righteous and pure and good and normal and stuff, that they would be seen as evil, that what once was good would become bad, and what once was bad would become good. The world’s being flipped upside down now. Speaking of people dressed up like animals, check this out. I’m not sure if you guys can hear this, so I’m going to play it. Let me know. In eastern China is trying to reassure visitors their sunbears are not people dressed in costumes. Rumors and concerns check this out. Have been swirling on social media. Wow. A viral video of a sun bear standing on its okay, time out. Wait a minute. I got to make this bigger. How do you make this bigger? Can I make this bigger? Hold on. I’m definitely going to make this bigger because this is noteworthy. You got to see this. This looks like a person in a bear costume, but it’s not. Hold on. This is weird. Dude, the people are becoming animals and the animals are becoming people. We’re all mixed up. Hold on. Let me see. Let me make this bigger. Damn. Can I make it bigger? Yes, I can. Okay, hold on. I got to definitely here we go. Okay, well, let’s watch. Okay, check this bear out. Okay, human. It does wave at the crown. I don’t know if you guys can hear that. Fur appears loose and wrinkled in places, almost like an ill fitting bear. Look at this bear. Some bears are the world’s smallest bear species, and the zoo go back to the video. No, I want to see him waving at people and stuff. Hold on. I’m going to pause it. Can you guys hear this? Rumors and conspiracy theories have been swirling on social media after a viral video of sun bear standing. Okay, time out. Okay, time out. Wait a minute. Okay, this says China Zoo. Our bears are not people in costumes. That’s terrible. It’s terrible. Impersonation. But our bears are not people in costumes. Isn’t this crazy? If this isn’t a sign and an omen that we cannot differentiate between who is a human dressed up as an animal or trying to be animal or animal like. Right. And who is an animal that appears to be human? Like, there’s something crazy going on in this world. Oh, man, my mind’s blown. My mind is blown. It’s exciting and weird. It’s exciting times. It’s strange times. It’s interesting times. Those are the times that.Herald the apocalypse. Okay? But don’t worry. This is the new normal. You could just get used to this. You could get used to not knowing if animals are people and if people are animals. Holy cow. Now, this is also related to omens and signs that I talk about when it comes to the plasma, apocalypse and plasma. And I’ve made a few videos about this, but there’s something called therienthropy and that’s when, like, for example, the myths and the legends of ancient times spoke of people actually physically changing into animals. Kind of like that movie The Fly with Jeff Goldblum, right? People physically, actually changing into animals is a real part of our past. Historically, when using comparative mythology to compare all of the various accounts, they can’t all 100% of them, they can’t all just be symbolic of someone’s spiritual transformation or their walk in life, or this guy changed into a wolf by this goddess. And what it is, is it just symbolizes. Yes, oftentimes these things symbolize stuff, but I feel like we overlook the actual physical reality of so many things that hearken back to the truth, actual, real, historic facts, things that really have happened. People just always internalize all this stuff instead of just wondering, could it possibly actually physically have been we’re watching this where you’re watching prophecy unfold. Like, look at the bear. The bear is human. I mean, it’s not human, but it’s acting like us, right? This is amazing. And this is a part of various prophecies and stuff. And we talked about this a few times. We’re keeping an eye on animals a lot. And if you have video submissions, like I said, remember, please go check out my website. Go to the bottom and upload your video so that I can share it with everyone. It’s not a guarantee that I will share it with everyone, but I would like to start getting your video submissions so that I can start piecing together some really awesome content for us to all share and gather around the campfire as we check this stuff out. So I don’t know. I don’t want to harp on this particular subject for too long, but I’m definitely going to be resharing and coming back to these stories, okay? Because this is huge. All right, if you’re just joining us, this is a man that’s acting like a dog. He’s in a little dog costume that he paid $14,000 for, okay? And this is a crowd bear. It’s fur, like Yogi Yogi the bear. Look, he’s just chilling ill fitting bear suit. They’re saying that’s real. I don’t know. They say that these sunbears do this. Anyways, listen, the energy in the world is acting crazy right now. The animals are rapidly changing their action patterns and how they’re acting and stuff, especially in regards to humans. Like I said, we looked at different animals, like the killer whales and that one whale that gulped down those people on the kayak and stuff like that. The energy is amplifying in our world right now. The animals are starting to act crazy, as are the people. And by crazy, I don’t mean that’s always a bad thing. I just mean it’s different. They’re acting different. Much different. Abnormal, right? It should not be a new normal. Anyways, let’s move on to some other stuff. We’ll come back to that one next week because I definitely want to talk about that some more. All right, this one AI. Artificial intelligence. Now, this is getting so extreme. Check this out. AI images titled Boring America photorealism I can’t even see it. Dang go viral on reddit. So what you’re looking at right now, that looks like a regular old picture of an office know, just candid moment. People not paying attention and stuff. This is artificial intelligence that has created this. You can kind of tell if you really look at, like, this guy’s hand, for example. You can kind of tell his hand’s a little weird looking. His fingers are weird looking. It’s getting better at making hands. It is. But let’s check out some of these other ones here’s. Just good old boys cooking whatever, like potatoes and all kinds of weird stuff. This is all fake. These are not real people. Oh, my God. What the hell, dude? Oh, jeez. You know what? There’s going to be a point when I’m just I don’t even know what to say in my comments anymore on this particular segment. Like, the world is just so insane. Look, real fake. Fake cops that don’t exist, people that do not exist. This is amazing. This is mind blowing. Listen, this goes back to these are not real. These are 100% made up, just drawings, basically by computers. So check this out. Remember there’s a verse in the Bible, okay? Remember that story of the Tower of Babel? All right? This is not a real picture. This is not a real person. This guy right here does not exist. This place, it does not exist. This wood does not exist. None of this Warehouse does not exist. None of this is real, and it’s not even animated. Imagine the day, right? Imagine the day, and the day is soon coming, okay? I’m telling you that. Imagine that day whenever these things are not only just animated, right? And all the workers will be on strike. If you think they’re on strike now, just wait till computers can just write their own movies much better than we do and animate them, and they don’t even need to pay anybody. It’s just all prompted in a computer or whatever. Oh, my goodness. Wow. This blows my mind. It’s not even animated. Anyways, they have something now where you can actually you know how I use Mid Journey, and I I type in prompts, little text prompts, and I tell it what to draw. Well, now you can tell it what to animate what, like a movie. You could just type out a movie and it’ll it’ll make it and they’re getting better and better and better. It’s so hard to see what’s even real. Listen to this, by the way, speaking of attractive people that are not real, okay, like this little group of people right here, did you know there is fake artificial intelligence? Some people sent me some links and stuff. There are artificial intelligent models that don’t exist. That lonely old men and women or whoever. I don’t know who’s into it, but these artificial intelligence models are like millionaires. They’re robots that are making millions of dollars just by being models and posting pictures, just like you see here. Usually more sexual looking than these ones, but they’re like millionaires, and there’s people on the Internet that are talking to them, leaving comments and flirting with them and stuff, and it’s like, Jesus, man. Like, oh, my we there’s not going to be a line drawn. There will be a line drawn. Let me tell you. When that day comes, okay? You will see a line drawn in the sky. When we go through that polarity reversal that I talk about in regards to the plasma apocalypse, that’s when the line will be drawn. That’s when all this goes bye bye. This is wow. Like, whoa. You can’t even tell what’s real now. This is just on a screen, okay? Pretty soon, you watch. Depending on how far away the apocalypse is and how much time we get, right, our technology is also exponentially increasing. It’s exponentially increasing itself. It no longer needs our help to do that. So back to the Tower of Babel. These are not real people, okay? This is mind blowing. What else do they got? Look at these people. Look at this. These are real fake Chinese people that don’t exist. Look, this is real. People at Tgai Fridays. Like, look, they got everything. These are not real. This is freaking mind blowing. You can kind of see it in the background, how they’re a little fuzzy back there. Oh, my God. I’m so off topic. Anyways, my mind’s, like, everywhere. My mind’s everywhere right now. Oh, PJ. Warden. Hey, what’s up, dude? Good to see you. Says I caught a live video. What’s up? Good vibe, tribe. Thank you so much, PJ. Appreciate you. But check this out. Back to the Tower of Babel before this is insane. Oh, my God. It’s exciting. I’m so honored to live during this crazy time. All right, so listen, the Tower of Babel, right? The people were creating this huge tower in the Bible and stuff, and the Elohim above looked down at mankind’s accomplishments or humanity’s accomplishments, and they said, wow, they’ve gotten to the point. They’ve reached the point where nothing they do will be impossible for them.Right, let’s tear the news apart. You ready, gen? Two gone. Hey, thanks for the little donation. I super appreciate you. I like your little bird picture, too. That’s pretty cool.

All right, cool. Let’s jump into things. Let’s see what we got.

All right, so let’s see. First thing we’re going to talk about is rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, all disappearing everywhere around the world. This article right here says, dry canals, low rivers and shrunken lakes. Let me try to do that in my newscaster voice. I always wonder why they do that. Crazy, weird newscaster voice. Dry canals, low rivers, and shrunken lakes. Europe braces for severe drought amid winter heat wave. Local residents are saying I don’t know, isn’t that how they sound? That’s creepy, man. I wish they would just sound like that all the time. I wish I could cast a spell and have their voice get stuck like that so that they sound like that when they go to the drive through or when they just hanging out with their friends or something. I think that would be a great prank. I’m not really a prank. Well, that’s not true. I am a prankster, but I don’t really like to prank people that much, but when I do, I like to cast magic spells and make them stuck in their newscaster voices. Anyways, yeah, the lakes are drying up, the rivers are drying up. The ponds are drying up. Little freshwater reserves the world over. This is happening in the UK. This is happening in the United States. This is happening in some other places, okay? All over the place worldwide, there’s droughts. They’re saying. They’re just saying it’s a drought.

At first, this was just the Euphrates that was the big deal, right? Or maybe like some local rivers. But now story after story are compiling one after another. Euphrates is drying up. And that was a big one, because the Bible prophesied that the Euphrates will dry up, right? Which I’ve talked about a few times, believing that the Euphrates has another location and that the Euphrates that we see is not the Euphrates that once was or that still is, or that is to come.

Anyways, yeah, all the freshwater supply is drying up worldwide. What the heck is going on? Why is it doing that? This one says that the Euphrates River is drying up and crisis looms, just as the Bible warned, okay? Now they’re biblical experts. The newscasters, the spellcasters, the newscasters, the mainstream people are all of a sudden biblical experts, right? The Bible warned that this would happen. Okay, let’s get a little context if we’re going to go in that direction.

But anyways, yes, it is mentioned in the Bible, right, that these things are drying up. This is a sign. This is what we’re talking about on this whole segment. We interpret the things, the events that are happening to us individually on a community wide scale and collectively, worldwide, and we interpret these things. Learning to interpret the signs and the omens, in all seriousness, is a very useful tool, or can be in your life. In my life, it has been a very useful tool. It’s provided a certain level of reassurance, of comfort, of knowing, like a you’re totally right. Just so you know, these things are totally happening from above, or from the Earth herself. Anyways. Yeah, all the fresh water supplies are drying up, and yet right, and yet the world’s rivers. Why does it do that? It’s so crazy. Hold on 1 second. There we go.

All right, so the world’s rivers are drying up from extreme weather. See how they look from space or whatever, right? So all the rivers are drying up, and it says it’s not just the Colorado River, it’s the Rhine, the Volga, the Danube, all these different rivers. They’re just drying up all the way around the world.

I think it’s really strange because those sea levels, according to mainstream thought, okay, it’s not my thought. I don’t go out there and measure the ocean. I don’t even live by the ocean. I really don’t even care what the ocean does as long as it stays over there. That’s just me. I know some of you I’m not trying to sound insensitive. I know some people are like, dude, I live on the ocean. Don’t you care? Yeah, I totally care, and I recommend investigate your local area and do what you believe is wise for yourself and your family. But anyways, they’re saying that the ocean levels are going up while the freshwater supplies are going down. Isn’t this interesting? What does this mean to you? What does this mean if the world is speaking to you and we’re headed towards another cyclical apocalyptic event, most likely the plasma apocalypse and the depressurization of the world. Which reminds me, by the way, I’ll tell you at the end. I’ll tell you at the end.

But anyways, yeah. Listen, I’m going to interpret this in my own little language, okay? Seawater is bitter water. Seawater is bad water. Seawater is water that you cannot drink, and therefore it’s bad or it’s bitter, right? I’m not saying it’s evil or anything. I’m just saying it’s not good for drinking, right? When the level of water that is not good for you gets higher and higher and higher in the world, and then the level of water that you need to live is getting lower and lower and lower, that’s Mother Nature, like, trying to tell you something, okay? That’s Mother Nature trying to tell us something. As the world gets worse, just like with any animal or plant or whatever, if it gets sick, basically, if it gets sick, then it will heat up just like you when you get the flu or something, it will fight away the sickness. It will fight away whatever is causing it to be polluted or toxic or sick or whatever, right? So it’s not going to be any surprise for people like myself when all of a sudden there’s worldwide sicknesses spreading left and right, and the world’s getting hotter and hotter and basically catching a temperature because it needs to shake us off. And it will. All right?

Anyways, yes, the ocean levels are rising. How do the ocean levels rise? Where do the oceans even come from, right? It’s not really a topic that most people talk about. It’s just taken for granted all that huge, ridiculously large amount of water that takes up and represents most of the known world that we live on. Even though we pretend like we live on land, our world is really a water world, okay? It didn’t used to always be a water world, and one day it will stop being a water world and become more of a tropical desert type of region. But anyways, yeah. Where’s all that water come from? I have a theory.

I believe it’s important to know where the water comes from in order to understand where the water is going. That’s why I’m sharing that with you. I feel like it’s wise to understand the beginnings of things. Therefore, you can interpret the meaning of current events, and therefore you can prophesy and look into the future as those things are bound to repeat themselves. Right?

All right. So anyways, the water basically comes from the sky, okay. There’s a time that we go through whenever the inner Earth energy shoots out into these huge blue sky beams the world across, and I believe that’s ionized oxygen and that it fills up the sky just filling up with oxygen. And then during the apocalyptic event, or when the world depressurizes, when the atmosphere depressurizes, after that, hydrogen, ionized hydrogen from above, is able to come back into our world, slams into and splits right through a literal ocean of ionized oxygen, creating an actual physical ocean of water that drops down out of the sky.

Not to worry. If you do see a huge deluge outside your door or on your maps of the world that you live in, I’m here to tell you it’s okay. All right. You are a survivor or you are one of the surviving family members from those of long ago who survived the world flooding, which is a difficult thing to do. The world flooding is more according to my research and according to what I’ve heard others say while researching the flood is not the apocalypse you’d like to go through, okay, it’s very difficult to survive the Flood. It lasts way longer. The whole winter apocalypse lasts way longer with Fembleventer, et cetera. This is the one to be in. This is going to be the hot one. This is going to be the quick, fast, hot apocalypse. All right, moreWhatever they put their minds to, right? What else we got? Look at just regular old that’s insane, dude. Look. That’s insane.

Anyways, the gods, the Elohim, whatever you want to call them, they said mankind has reached the point that whatever they put their mind to, they can achieve, which sounds like a good thing on the surface when you first hear that. However, the world was destroyed because of that.

So what’s the implication it wasn’t a good thing? Well, what’s reasonable? What’s reasonable is that either the gods were really evil and jealous and didn’t want to compete with mankind, or we could look at it like that, right? We could personalize it and make it personal and take offense to the gods for destroying our technology or whatever, or we could be humble about it and say, maybe we weren’t ready to just do anything that comes to our minds. Maybe we haven’t passed that test. You know what I mean?

I mean, look what we’ve done with the technology that we’ve had so far and my God. What the hell? This is insane. These are not real. That’s not real. That’s not a real chicken. That’s a chicken. That’s not a chicken. That is a chicken. That is not a chicken. Wow, that’s mind blowing.

Some of you have no idea what that’s in reference to, but I didn’t even see these other pictures. I just saw these, like, top two when I was going over this. Look at this. Look at this. Okay, my mind is blown. Look at their facial expressions. This is so natural. I’m sorry, I don’t have much more to say. I’m just kind of my mind is blown right now. Wow.

Okay, well, anyways, look at this old lady. This is not real. This is not real, people. Jesus, man. No wonder hold on, I can’t even speak right now. I’m flabbergasted. Hold on, let me collect myself.

Imagine, right? You have probably at least thousands. I would imagine millions, but we’ll say at least thousands. I’m just guessing thousands of people that already are questioning what is real and what is not real, right? Without the help of all of advanced technology and stuff, they’re already like, oh, anytime something hits the news, there’s a certain subculture, subclass of people, myself included, sometimes, if I’m being honest, that are like, I wonder if that’s a real thing. I wonder if that’s made up. You know what I mean? Thank you so much, computers, for flaming the fire. This is insane, dude.

Look at all these people. There’s a TGI Fridays that does not exist. Wow. It’s not even animated yet. They’ll animate this, I promise you. Okay, watch. One of these days, you’re going to have the first ever. It’ll be huge. And I bet you there’ll be protests and people will be excited. And it’ll be all up in the air because people are going to go watch the debut of a movie, a Hollywood movie or production or whatever that’s released. That will be the first ever 100% AI. Maybe they already have it, I don’t know. But it’ll be 100%. It’ll look totally real. Just like this picture. This is a still picture. Just like these pictures look totally real. I promise you. If this continues, okay, it’s not difficult to imagine the implications of where this is going. People are going to go this is going to put actors out of work. Actors will be a thing of the past except for their likenesses will probably be copyrighted because they won’t even need to act, right?

This is actually portrayed on that what’s that Netflix show? Oh, by the way, I saw that whole they cloned Tyrone thing, man. Oh my God. I was speechless. I was speechless after I saw that. Dude, I’m still speechless. I can’t even talk about it right now. I’m so speechless.

Anyways, people are going to line up. People are going to pay on whatever. Oh, Netflix has this concept out already. Netflix is already getting meta with the future and with prophecy. So they have this movie. What is it? It’s a black mirror. It’s an episode of Black Mirror. And it’s called, like what is it called? Jane is horrible or something. Hold on, let me type it in. Horrible. What is it? Jane is horrible. Jane is awful. That’s what it is. Oh, awful. Let me type that in. Jane is awful. I want to share this with you real quick. Just bring up some pictures.

Alright, so here’s just some images. Okay. I don’t know if they actually have a thumbnail would be helpful. Here we go. Boom. Jane is awful. There it is, right above my head. Alright, so if you go to Netflix and you go to Black Mirror, the new Know, it’s okay compared to the older ones. But this first episode called Jane is Awful is like the best one I feel. Okay? It’s called? Jane is awful. And this show right here, it shows you exactly what I’m talking about right now with all of these.

Where’d it go? Hold on. I haven’t even got to the other stuff yet. This is so mind blowing.

Okay, so boom. Fake pictures of fake people created by computers, right? And then pretty soon, they’re not going to need actors. And pretty soon the actors, the only way that they’re going to be able to gain money is through royalties and stuff by these computers using their likenesses. But the companies that use these computers and employ them, they don’t want to get sued or whatever. So you’ll have like Earl Jones and whoever. It could be anybody, right? And they will license their face, which is exactly what happened in this Black Mirror episode called Joan is Awful. That’s what it is. Joan is awful. And in this, like, they record everything, like, in the terms and conditions that you just skip. Everybody skips. We all know that, right? Like, get out of here. Like, terms and conditions should not mean anything. Nobody reads that. Nobody’s going to anyways, in the show, the people that hit the terms and conditions and they say, yes, sure, whatever. I just want Netflix, which in the movie is called Streamberry, which is really interesting, too. Man, I should break this one down.

Anyways, they record everything, and then they have, like, a computer generated likeness of Selma Hayek, who plays this chick. This is a real chick in the movie, allegedly. Okay? You’re gonna have to it’s way deeper than what I’m saying, okay? It’s crazy. This has levels. It has levels and levels.

Alright, anyways, this chick you think is a normal girl, so you’re just watching her about her normal day, but she goes home and she turns on Netflix and she sees Selma Hayek playing her. But then you realize it’s not even Selma Hayek. It’s just a computer generated image and likeness of Selma Hayek who’s playing her, right? And then it gets even deeper than that.

But that whole thing with buying the likenesses of celebrities and stuff like, that your likeness. You’re copyrighted. I mean, you better copyright yourself. I don’t even know if that’s a thing yet, but I’m pretty fairly certain, as far as omens go, this is going to happen, okay? People are going to have to like, you’re valuable. And I mean, it sucks that I have to tell people that you’re valuable in that you’re the only one of you that there is. Just like gold is valuable because there’s less of it than the other ones or whatever. Stuff that there’s less of is more valuable.

Every single individual in this world has value. Where do those pictures go? You know what I’m saying? Right. Anyways, you’re valuable because you’re the only one that’s you you’re the only one that can look like you, talk like you, act like you has the history that you do. You know what I mean? Like, you’re uniquely you, and that’s valuable. Nobody can nail you like you. Now, pretty soon, that may change, right?

So pretty soon, it’s very feasible that somebody may make a copy of you. How would you feel about that? I’m just asking. I’m just wondering, how would you feel, right, if they were able, given this type of technology, where they could just create random people out of thin air in seconds, and pretty soon they’ll be able to animate them, and pretty soon they’ll be able to respond because they’ll infuse these animations with AI itself. And these will replace oh, my God, so many different, like, humans and stuff.

They’re going to have to create new job classes, because I promise you, this has the potential to very quickly put out of work a great.Millions of people anyways. What would you do if they just copied you? Just like in that movie on Netflix, right? If they just copied you without your permission. Boom. Right? And they said, oh, well, you signed this away, or whatever. Dude, people are going to start having to copyright themselves and write it out and put it so legally. And I’m not much of a legal person, but I could just see this happening. They’re going to have to copyright themselves and have paperwork like their birth certificate and some other stuff like that. That’s a whole different story. But you know what I mean? People are going to have to prove that they genuinely are the genuine article, not just so that others, if they want to use their likeness, that you’ll be able to rent out your likeness, or you’ll be able to lease your likeness, or you’ll be able to sell your likeness to other companies or whatever. But imagine the case where there’s copies of you and you don’t have all of that proof that normally you would use to make money off of just being you, right? What if you can’t prove that you’re you and there’s more convincing versions out there? Oh, my God. It’s deep. All right, anyways, let’s get off this one. Let’s move on.

So let’s stay in the realm of AI rumored Dolly Three images are leaked and it can finally generate text correctly. Text. AI has had some problems with different things. Man, if you thought you couldn’t believe your eyes before, it’s sad. I’ve seen so many it’s kind of funny too. I’ve seen so many different YouTubers that are like their thing is to share old pictures and they’re like, wow, look at this old building. Wow, check out this old cart and horse carriage. And people are following along. They’re like, wow. Oh my God. How come we never seen this before? Man? They’re going to have to develop some sort of certificates of authenticity and stuff like that in the future because people are just genuinely being tricked thinking that it’s real and then they’re sharing it with other people. Here’s some instant water. This is also made by AI. Experience. The magic of hydration. Just add water. This is funny because I actually made this up when I was a child. That’s interesting. This is PS four game. So now the artificial intelligence is they’re starting to find ways around copyrights and they’re able to put out things that are clearly copyrighted, like PS Four and stuff like that. It’s not real. You can tell because of this dog. See how it’s got a corner right there, man? Watch. You know how they have investigators that go investigate crimes and they’re looking for clues and stuff like that? There’s going to be jobs that open up in the future where people are going to have to look at stuff like this and determine whether or not it’s true. I guess they sort of have, like the fact checkers and all that kind of stuff. But this will be different. It’ll be like detective work. I don’t know. There’s some more pictures that’s made. I don’t know this one’s.

Okay, let’s see what else I got. Oh, boom. Remember how I said you can just type in what you want it to make and it’ll make a video? So somebody typed this is just an example. This is a quick little video I’m going to share with you, okay? They typed in a teddy bear doing the dishes or washing the dishes or whatever. This is all made by just a computer listening to your typing prompts. And look what we got. Boom. Right? And this is old, okay? This is old. This is not even super new, okay? But look how fluid it is. Look how pretty realistic it’s looking and stuff. And this is old, okay? So be super careful out there. It’s not going to be easy to know what’s real in the I pretty much I talked a lot about that. I’m sorry. Anyways, leprosy could become an endemic to Florida. Here’s what you should know that’s interesting, right? The only reason I wanted to even show this I don’t know how much truth there is to freaking anything these days. But anyways, leprosy is one of those biblical diseases, right, that people usually got for Disobeying, the God of the Old Testament. You’d be like, oh, really? Leprosy. Boom. Take that, right? Skin disease. Also, and this is also in that movie, a Color Out of Space with Nick Cage. I don’t know if you guys remember that breakdown that I did, but Nick Cage, they’re showing all these different things that are prophetic in nature that you can expect will actually happen in that movie. It’s based off of concepts by H. P. Lovecraft. But in that movie, Nick Cage, his hands started to get leprosy. His whole body started to get he started to develop leprosy. So leprosy is also an omen and a sign that humans are not being good, basically.

Here’s the oldest species of swimming jellyfish discovered in a 505 meters or million year old fossil. Okay? 505,000,000 years old, right. I just have a question. This is a jellyfish fossil. How does that work? How exactly does a jellyfish petrify when it’s got no bones? How do you have a fossil of something that’s boneless and doesn’t? You know what I mean? I have a theory. I think that water can turn to stone given the right conditions, given the right circumstances and change of bonds that are existent already within the water, I believe anything’s possible. But I definitely believe that if we reexamine chemical and electrical bonds, we can essentially change any substance into any other substance if we were able to manipulate those bonds effectively. Nature, I believe, can do much more than what we strive and aspire to do. So it stands to reason that jellyfish live in the water and that this jellyfish is a fossil that is now in stone. Okay, I don’t believe that in the story that oh, there was probably a mudslide a long time ago. You know what I mean? Just mudslides everywhere. Yes, mudslides exist. However, could it be possible that water petrified around a jellyfish because the bonds in the water changed and became tighter and solidified? Right. Stronger bonds that turned it into rock. Interesting. I don’t know. Interesting stuff. Hey, I got a donation from Blake. Blake says Jdramer is one of the most entertaining channels on YouTube. Thank you, Blake, man, that was really kind. I appreciate you. All right, let’s see what else we got here. Oh, this one’s disgusting. All right. I don’t enjoy talking about bugs and EW. Hold on. Mute that. All right, so check this out. The female microscope roundworm. Hold on. Let me rewind this. Okay. Scientists revived a worm that was frozen for 46,000 years. Allegedly, the female microscopic roundworm started having babies in a reproduction process that does not require a mate. The worm was found guess where this was found. This is so crazy. The worm hold on. Let me make this smaller. Let me make it smaller. No, hold up. Let me fix this for just a quick second. Boom. There we go. Check this out. The worm was found in an ancient gopher hole about 130ft underground. What else does it say here’s? Some dude, I don’t want to see that. Dude. What else we got? The worm was able to pause all metabolic processes and survived the Ice Age. Scientists say this dormancy period. All right, basically, this was found in the permafrost, I believe. Yuck. Anyways, this is nasty. I don’t like worms, man. I don’t like bugs and worms. Everybody knows that.

All right, let it be known. But this is the permafrost time out. Go back to the permafrost. I want to see that. So check this out. This is a really good example of permafrost, which we just talked about in My Last Truth in Movies breakdown of the Day After Tomorrow, which we did yesterday, I think, right? Wasn’t it yesterday? What is today? Tuesday? Damn. We did that the day before yesterday. Anyways, all right, so this was found in permafrost. This right here is a really good example of permafrost. This is really interesting. Just the shape of it, right? It tends to come up out of the ground, like the permafrost or whatever. The ice or whatever. It’s not just like snow build up like in Antarctica, like they say, over millions of years, they just got higher and higher and higher. This is different. And this is all frozen, dead stuff. All that? All of it. Okay. It’s frozen dead stuff.It’s frozen organic material. Dead organic material or paused. I don’t know. This worm used to be alive, right? And they found it. And why are they doing all this man. This is what I’m talking about with technology, okay? Like, you find some ancient worm or parasite or whatever, and you’re like, Whoa, let’s experiment. Let’s mess around with this. No, leave it alone, man. This is not a good idea. Anyways, those are signs and omens of new things being discovered, especially stuff that’s coming up out of the permafrost and being revealed as the Earth heats up and that ice melts.

All right, what else we got? Devil comet. Oh, my God, look at this. Devil comet heading straight towards the Earth. Here it is. No, I’m just kidding. That’s funny. Yeah, there’s people that would probably say it think that that’s real, too. So check this out. It says a cryovolcanic meteor, whatever that is.

Hey, who is that? Lord Racer just gave five random memberships, which were scooped up quick in the chat. Wow, that’s awesome. Thanks, Lord Racer.

So check this out. A cryovolcanic, okay? That means a frozen volcanic meteor. What is that? What is a volcanic meteor? Is that a meteor with a volcano on it? Anyways, cryovolcanic meteor that will pass close to Earth underwent a cold volcanic eruption. This is all brand new vocabulary for me, okay? We didn’t have this when I was a kid. You didn’t have volcano, freaking meteors and stuff like that. Like freezing volcano. Meteors will pass by the Earth, resulting in what looks like horns in the telescopic images. So it grew horns, right? But estimates say that the closest it will get to us is 144,000,000 miles. That’s an interesting number. 144. I wonder why they chose that. Do I think that it’s? No. I don’t believe in all that concept of all this cosmology that they have in the school systems today. But regardless, it matters not, okay? What matters is that the omen is that the devil’s on the way, okay? The devil’s on the way. The devil’s backup, I should say, is on the way because the devil’s already seems to be puppeteering the entire world. Everyone’s lost. Dude in a trance. Everyone’s a part of a big, fat, worldwide puppet show, just like in what’s that one video that’s super popular by Hero Font? I pet goat, too, right at the beginning, how it’s got that clawed hand and it’s like, puppeteering the president and stuff, man, it’s just not the president. I’m telling you. It’s not just the president. There are invisible little claws that are grabbing people’s soul strings and tugging on them, and people are being heavily influenced by the powers and the invisible forces that exist in this world that are becoming amplified as we get closer and closer to the apocalypse. So it’s not just the presidents, not just world powers. It’s your neighbors, okay? It’s regular people that are starting to act up and dressing up like dogs. And also animals are acting up. All kinds of crazy stuff’s happening.

All right, let’s see. What time is it? All right, next up, we got ancient pathogens are released from melting ice and could wreak havoc on the world, new analysis reveals. Well, that’s interesting. Let’s check this first part out. It says, science fiction is rife with fanciful tales of deadly organisms emerging from the ice. Do we just watch a video, right? Come on, man. It’s a movie. I swear. I swear I’m living in a movie. Where were we? Okay. Deadly organisms emerging from the ice and wreaking havoc on unsuspecting victims. Yeah, science fiction is rife with that. But also, real life is also science fiction. It just reflects what’s really the truth, okay? It’s the truth in movies. Come on, we got to know that. From shapeshifting aliens in Antarctica to super parasites emerging from a thawing woolly mammoth oh, yeah, that’s a super good idea. Remember when we did that last truth in movies and I showed you that video of the scientist that they found the mammoth and he just cut open a piece of the freaking mammoth and ate it. He took a bite of it. I don’t know if you guys saw that one, but you got to watch my last truth in movies. We talk all about these ancient, huge, megafauna giant animals that lived 2000 years ago. And this dude, they’re digging up all these mammoths all over the place. He just cuts a chunk of the mammoth’s steak, its meat, okay? And they say it’s still good. Dogs were eating it. This happens a lot, okay? There’s many, many stories about people eating mammoth meat that’s allegedly 10,000 years old. His scientists just took a bite of it. Here they are talking about super parasites emerging from a thawing woolly mammoth. Good job, buddy. You might want to quarantine that, dude. Actually, now that I think about it, it might be a good idea to not allow people to just eat ancient phantasoid meat and get the T virus and next thing you know right? Next thing you know.

All right. Anyways, I’m just being goofy now. But fudge, dude, the world’s goofy. Come on. I feel like you either got to go with the flow, laugh at it and just be calm, be patient. Allow this crazy wave to pass over, right? Like as a surfer, when a huge wave is coming at you, you don’t just let it slam into you. Duck down underneath the wave, right? So you duck down, you go down to where it’s peaceful and calm, let that wave pass over you. That’s what’s happening in the world right now. There’s just huge waves coming at us in the form of ridiculous weather, people acting ridiculous, extreme weather phenomenon, abnormal weather, all kinds of weird stuff.

Couldn’t you imagine Jay as president? I don’t want to be the president. Get out of here. You guys.

Be the presidents. Be your own president. That’s what to be. Any, I don’t want to preside over anything except for me. I am the president. Just so you know. I’m the president of me. Somebody in the chat, I guess people are talking about me being the president. I’m not voting for me, just so you know. I appreciate it. But yeah, man, I want you to be your go be your own president. Be president. You know what I mean? Go be president. Anyways, you get what I’m talking about. Based on a true story. That’s funny. That that’s right there. Anyways, this is all crazy stuff that’s happening. I was going to get into this, but I don’t feel like I have too much more time today. So I just want to remind everybody if you have a video or even pictures, okay, max five pictures, one video. Please make the video short. It’ll be easier on me. And plus, it takes a long time to upload a video. Over a couple of minutes is going to take a while, especially if you’re doing it from your phone. But if you do it from a computer, whatever. If you want to make a submission, if you’d like to submit a video, if you’ve got something crazy that you’ve captured, I don’t care if it’s bigfoot, I don’t care if it’s a tidal wave, whatever kind of interesting things that you believe might be an omen. And this is only for omens unless I give special exceptions. I might send people here if I need to, but go to my website. JJ? Fade away? But something for? Save me to say? It’d be easy upon me? If I turn away to sleep? But there’s something holding on the way we are gone? There’s so many ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? I know I should have done this? Should have quit this long ago? Can’t send another heartbreak? But it’s time to let it go? It’d be easier for me if I turn away to sleep? But there’s something holding on the way? Being I’m gone. There’s only ways to escape? But I guess it’s time to wake up? Time to wake up? I don’t escape? But I get it? I’m awake? I’m to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? You? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up, baby? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up? Time to wake up, baby? Time toPlease reformat this text into natural paragraphs for easy reading. Do not add any new text or punctuation. Do not summarize. Do not remove text or censor.
Here is the text:
“Wake up? Time to wake up?”On that another time. Let’s move forward. Anyways, yeah, I guess they’re saying that all of the icebergs and whatnot, everything is melting or whatever. Yeah, it’s getting hotter. The sun is getting hotter. Let me just specify the sun is getting hotter. Okay? We’re going to come back to the sun at the end of this when we talk more about the sun and how it’s got a big fat hole in it and other crazy things that are happening with the sun right now. But anyways, as the sun heats up, as it does, right, it’s going to start changing colors. It’s going to start making the air around it in the upper atmosphere where it is heat up, which is going to cause fluctuations in our weather patterns and disturb the jet stream and stuff like that up there. It’s going to make its way down here. Then we’re going to have alternating patterns of extreme heat and then extreme cold. Extreme heat followed by extreme cold.

What’s up, Trampus? I see you in the Chat. Good to see you. Trampus says we will be smitten by the sun. Indeed. Indeed. Some will. All right, so here’s another news article. Japan finds 7000 islands that it didn’t know that it had. Right? I guess what they’re really saying is, just like the government of Japan, japan can’t know anything because it’s not a real entity. Japan exists only in people’s minds, okay? It’s a descriptor that is given to a particular geographic area and location and then projected upon the people who live there. But anyways, in reality, it’s just an area, right? But anyways, let’s simplify it. The people in Japan find 7000 islands they did not know that they had. Okay? We’re talking about signs and omens, right? So how is this a sign? How is this an omen? I will tell you, right? There is a known occurrence. There is a known anomalous thing that happens over time. It’s cyclical. That’s how we know, okay? Those things that are covered up, those things that are concealed, there must always come a time when those things are uncovered and those things will be revealed. Typically, this is a type of prophecy that happens just before the apocalypse occurs, right? It happens just before the end of days or before Judgment Day, et cetera. The old ways start to return. Time itself gets all mixed up, okay? It seems like we go through these decades or whatever, and it’s real solid progression or whatever. But in reality, just before we get to the plasma apocalypse, everything goes into flux. Everything fluctuates. Everything goes out of whack, out of control. And therefore, the humans respond in turn, trying to get a tighter grip on what they perceive as being control. Right? So you’ll see a lot of that happen, too, as everything goes into flux. You’ll see people responding by trying to get a tighter hold on others, thinking that that’s going to help them to get a tighter hold on nature itself, which it’s not. If they really wanted to control nature, they would change their attitudes. They would just be good people. That’s what I think. I feel like the world would allow us to live a lot longer and allow us to be here and flourish a lot more if we didn’t act so criminally ill, so devious and dirty and toxic and nasty.

Anyways, I totally get it. I totally get it. But yeah, Japan finds 7000. So there’s these reemerging islands, okay? Even if those islands were already there forever and they just missed them somehow, which also blows my mind, right? This is Japan, okay? This is like a technologically advanced civilization region, etc. And that’s super interesting that they just oh, there they are. There’s those islands, right? You can’t just miss 7000 friggin islands, okay? Not only that, but that speaks volumes on every single cartographer that Japan and others worldwide have employed in order to draw accurately depictions of these places on maps, right?

Anyways, getting back to the signs and the omens behind this. Aside from it just being kind of funny and interesting, right? The reality is symbolically. It is forgotten and unknown lands that return. Okay? Just like you will see the return of Atlantis. You will see the return, I should say we. I mean, we collectively, okay, I don’t know if you individually will see that, but we collectively, I plan on seeing the return of Lemuria, Atlantis, other lost and phantom islands, lands and places. Especially as the Earth starts to go into flux and change and start acting real funny when it comes to water levels going up or down, severe weather worldwide, it’s going to get crazier and crazier. So, yeah, Japan discovered 7000 new islands. That’s kind of mind blowing, you know what I mean? I would like to have one, actually. May I have one? That’s a lot of islands. I just want a little one.

But anyways, let’s move forward. All right? A 5000 miles seaweed belt, also called the Seaweed Blob which is interesting because I did a whole awesome video about the actual Blob. I try to shout this ding video out a lot. It’s one of my favorite ones, but has hardly any views. It sucks. I don’t know what went wrong with that video, but the Blob video is awesome. If you have time and you’re interested in ghostbusters or you’re interested in ectoplasm or you’re interested in the very real substance that ghosts leave behind and how there’s like a physical gooey substance or ooze or whatnot that can move about on its own. Go check out that video. It’s a great video. It’s one of my favorite ones.

Anyways, 5000 miles seaweed belt is headed towards the coast of Florida. That’s just strange. That’s just weird. That’s a lot of weeds growing in the ocean. I really don’t know what to say about that one. I just thought it was an interesting omen that we have all of this yucky, nasty, weirdo seaweed stuff. I’m not saying it’s yucky either, actually. I know in Japan they actually eat seaweed or other Asian places and it’s supposed to be good for us too. Maybe that’s the ocean’s way of saying, here, eat healthy. Damn it. Like, here’s a whole bunch, you know what I mean? Because you can eat seaweed. And allegedly it’s pretty healthy for you too. So maybe that’s the ocean’s way of really trying to help out before the world’s eradicated.

Then we have the discovery of what is being called what is this, the 8th continent, a new continent. Same thing as what we talked about with Japan, right? We’ve got these old forgotten lands that are coming to the surface, that are being revealed, that are being found once again, right? Even though they still put others on the back burner, like Lemuria, Atlantis, etc. Excuse me, I’m so sorry. Yeah, all these old and forgotten lands are popping up. Look here’s, just a little. Image. Let me scooch it over there. I don’t have to move. Here’s an image of it, right? You can see that this is all the way around New Zealand and that most of the land of the continent that they’re talking about is underwater, right? Congratulations to all my Aussie friends, my Ausie. Somebody was making fun of how I said that. I can’t do it today. That’s not a continent. That’s a continent. I can’t do it. Anyways, congratulations to everybody in New Zealand. And congratulations for just living in New Zealand that on its own is awesome. I’m a jelly over here in the United States. But anyways, that right there, you see that little shelf? Scooby Doo? That little shelf around New Zealand there, that continues on, okay? If you were to remove all of the water, you would be able to see various landforms and stuff. All of the water is just covering all the low level land, okay? All that water didn’t used to be there. There used to be Lemuria in that spot. Actually, that spot right there, according to the urbano Monte map that we just broke down a couple of different times recently, that spot used to actually be Antarctic land that came way inward, right? Anyways, this is also Lemuria coming back to the surface, the old ways returning, etc.

Now, while the physical rivers of water are drying up from country to country worldwide in California, they have what they call atmospheric rivers. What the hell? What is an atmospheric river? What is that? Why is there such strange terminology that’s popping up all over the place? I’ll tell you. It’s because we’re in flux. So when you’re in flux, all kinds of new and weird and strangeThings start happening that are not normal, and people are not used to. So the vocabulary has to adapt as the times change, right? So anyways, there are these weird atmospheric rivers. I’m going to tell you what’s going on, basically, in my own opinion, is that the sun’s heating up. As it heats up, it’s causing all this fluctuation up there in the upper atmosphere. Sorry about that. It’s up there in the upper atmosphere and it’s getting hotter. As it’s getting hotter, it’s causing fluctuations, leaving a trail of how do I describe that? Leaving a wake in its path, right? Leaving a stronger sun wake. I don’t know how to describe that. But anyways, all that heat, okay, all that intensified heat is like leaving a wake behind it. As the sun spirals around above us and as those waves, I don’t know how to describe it, but I’m trying my best. As those waves of heat that are emanating outward from the sun get hotter and hotter and hotter, you’re going to start seeing currents and Eddies start up there in the atmosphere doing really strange and weird things, right? Creating even what they call above California atmospheric rivers of water that will just drench an entire area. Very interesting.

All right, we’ve got oxygen. This article says oxygen in the early Earth’s atmosphere may have come from rocks. One study finds. So oxygen in early Earth’s atmosphere may have come from rocks. I like this, actually, I like the idea because I also feel like oxygen may well, I don’t know if it comes from rocks, but it can be released from the rocks for sure. But I like this idea because it jives and vibes with I just wanted to rhyme it jives and vibes with my theory that I’ve been talking about, about how that inner Earth energy is ionized oxygen. That it’s oxygenated, right? Or it’s oxygenized, however you say that. And as it shoots through the Earth every other apocalyptic cycle, we don’t have that benefit right now. But if we did, and we lived under the red sky where you can see all those blue beams shooting out like tent poles trying to hold up the heavens, then all of those places, or polises, or places where the poles are, or major cities, those that connect to huge underground cavernous systems, would naturally have their rocks oxygenized. You know what I mean? The oxygen would go into the rocks as it’s piercing the Earth and shooting outward up to the sky or whatever, right? I would expect there to be found a whole bunch my vocabulary is crazy today. A whole bunch of oxygen inside of rocks, and especially those rocks that are closer to the inner Earth cavernous systems, right? So that was pretty interesting.

Now, this right here, let’s check this out real quick, okay? There’s a few different articles on this particular fossil. On the left, you can see what looks like a rock coin of sorts of an upside-down jellyfish. But it’s not really an upside-down jellyfish. That’s what caught my eye, right? Because I like the Jellies, an upside-down jellyfish. What they’re saying is it’s actually a creature, an underwater creature called the Sxella. And they’re saying it’s a 310,000,000-year-old fossil sea anemone. The sea anemone, right? This is a fossilized sea anemone. That’s what they’re saying. That’s what this is. This is a sea anemone. You see that right over there, right? Just a little soft little creature down there in the ocean. Poisonous, too. Yeah. Check this out. It’s fossilized. It’s rock. Like most of this creature’s entire body is made out of water. Okay? Most of our bodies actually made out of water, too, so we have a lot in common with this creature already. But anyways, I find this to be really weird, right? How do you go from this in the water, which is where they live, submerged and surrounded by water that they need in order to live, right? When they’re made of mostly water, they got these little loose little jelly tentacle type things all over the place, and then something happens to cause it to petrify into rock, keeping its form and everything. Hold on, let me show you. Let’s make this a little bigger. If I can, I’m not sure how big I can make that. Hold on. Let’s see. Just so we can try to see some details, right? You can see details in this rock. You can see the little tentacles and everything, right? How does this type of thing, like jellyfish and invertebrates of various types that live in the ocean, how do they petrify? Modern academics and science usually goes with the story that, well, it must have just been covered in some mud a long time ago. Maybe there was a nearby volcano that went off, and all that mud runoff down into the ocean down yonder and got all hard and stuff, and it created a rock out of a jellyfish. That’s how they sound to me. I’m dead serious. No. Okay, that doesn’t sound feasible. That doesn’t sound realistic. That sounds like a huge stretch. Okay, this object is not likely to petrify, okay? Not only that, but everything around it is petrified, you know what I mean? You can’t just put mud on top of something, especially if the mud is already underwater, then it just turns into muddy water, you know what I mean? Right. And then I guess the water would have to just disappear, and then one day this thing’s going to rot, dude, even if it’s buried in mud or whatever, you know what I mean? And that’s what they say for everything. They say that all the fossils in the world just sat there in a giant mud bath, and while they sat there, they got harder and harder over billions of years, mind you. Right. Anyways, all right, so there’s that thing. Interesting. Let’s see what else we got. Oh, that’s the anemone, the minimum.

Our moon. Let’s talk about the moon. We haven’t talked about the moon for a while. Let me make this smaller. I did a poor job on screenshotting. This thing. I better do better before we do Truth and Movies, right? Truth and movies coming up. By the way, we’re voting on this week’s Truth and Movies. I put up a thing where you guys can all vote on my community tab. If you go to my main channel, go over to the community tab, click on that, and then you can look and see the most recent post. It’s a fight between Fight Club on one side and Spaceballs on the other side. It’s pretty close. Right now, it’s neck and neck. So I don’t know. I’m probably going to end it, like, an hour after I’m going to make my decision. Maybe, like, in an hour from now or something. I’m not sure. So go vote. Go vote if you want to have a part in our Truth and Movies this week.

All right, let’s talk about the moon. Our moon is slowly moving away from Earth a little bit each year. Really? Why? What the hell? Why is that happening, right? What’s going on? Why would it do that? Everything in science, in mainstream academic science thought says that it should be crashing into us. It should be getting closer every year because there’s the whole gravity, and this gravity is attracted to that gravity, and now they’re fuck oink, right? Isn’t that how it’s supposed to work? The hell is causing the moon to get further and further away every year, right? Don’t they say it was attracted to us in the first place? What did we do wrong, moon? I mean, come on. Like, talk to us. Don’t just leave. God, I’m so sorry. Don’t hate me for drinking soda. I’m sorry about the soda. But anyways, the moon, they say, is getting further and further away. How is this a sign and an omen? I will tell you my interpretation, but before I do, why is this so gigantic? Let me make that smaller. There we go. All right, cool. So here’s my interpretation of that. The moon’s getting smaller, okay? The moon is going to get smaller and smaller and smaller because it’s a projection of what’s going on up there in our skies, which most people are completely oblivious to because they just believe the mainstream academic model, but just for the exact same reason that the sun is getting brighter and brighter and probably also smaller. It’s just that it’s hard to notice the sun because it’s hard to stare at it and look at it or whatever. The moon is getting smaller.Right? For the exact same reason that the sun is getting brighter and brighter and brighter, because it’s getting more and more focused, which means that that amount of daylight is getting smaller and smaller, which means that the amount of time in a day is shrinking and getting smaller and smaller.

Mainstream academics will tell you that your world is spinning around and speeding up. It’s just speeding up. They just randomly decided to turn on the thrusters, the Earth thrusters, and just start speeding up. Anyways, the sun’s getting hotter. It’s getting more focused, causing less daylight time, which means that there are less amount of time or hours in a day, right? And it’s also causing the sun to get hot, the upper atmosphere to get hot, et cetera. We’re going to talk more about that in a minute.

And because it’s getting smaller and smaller, that projection that we call the moon, or that plasma light up in the sky that represents a real physical object further behind it, that projection is going to get smaller and smaller. Just like that daytime that goes around our world is also going to get smaller and smaller and hotter and hotter, right? So, yeah, the moon’s getting smaller and smaller, and so they’re saying, oh, well, it must be going away. It must be going bye bye. That’s the idiocracy politicians of the world, mainstream academics. Oh, it’s getting smaller. Moon must be going bye bye. That’s how I hear them talking in my head. Anyways. Yeah, they say that the moon is ditching us. The moon’s breaking up with the Earth, okay? The moon’s breaking up with us. Mother Nature is taking away our water supply. Nobody likes us, and I don’t include myself in that. I feel decent. I feel pretty awesome. However, there’s good and bad in the world, right? And, yeah, it’s crazy, crazy times we live in.

So they also say the moon is shrinking. They literally will say, now there’s conflict between all their various little theories, and you know what I mean. But this is all mainstream stuff that they themselves have put out. They also say, Why is the moon shrinking? And if you look this up, they will tell you, as a matter of fact. That’s right. That’s right. Ken the moon is shrinking. We go live now to Rebecca. Rebecca why is the moon shrinking? John I have no idea. I didn’t even know that was possible. How does a planet get smaller? You know what I mean? This is mind blowing. If you look up the article, they will actually try to come up with reasons to tell you why it’s getting smaller and smaller and why that makes so much sense and why you should think that that makes sense, too.

I’m telling you that it’s not a physical object, so it’s very easy for it to get smaller or bigger, right? I mean, the one that we look at, the hologram, the light in the sky that we see, that one can get bigger or smaller. But anyways, it’s shrinking because it’s shrinking, okay? It’s literally getting smaller because it’s getting more focused. And that means that the moon should, if I’m correct, get brighter. That the moon. You’ll see the moon get brighter and brighter and even start to change color, which brings us gen two gone. Angel lovebud Browsey. Which brings us I’m just kidding. I just want to mess with you guys. Not in a bad way. I just like to be a part of the fun. All right?

Which brings us to the sun. See that black thing on the sun? That’s a hole. They say, okay, I don’t know what the hell that actually is, because I don’t even know if that actually is the sun or not, right? But that’s a big old hole in the sun. They don’t even call it a what do you call it? Like, sunspot. They don’t even call it a sunspot. They’re like, Nope, that’s just a hole. Just a hole in the sun, right? Okay, well, listen. The sun, how is it a sign in an omen? Because it represents the macrocosmic scale, okay? The sun is created by something that is much bigger than it is that wraps around our world, basically. And if you get a hole in the sun and they start talking about a hole in the ozone, layer and all this other stuff and things like that. It’s a sign you’re going to get a hole in the sky. There’s going to be a hole that opens up in the sky itself, causing the world and the atmosphere to depressurize. It’s a sign. It’s an omen. And it’s interesting. They say that it’s like blasting solar winds, wind. Okay, hold on. What happened to space being a vacuum? Did that just go away? Did they just dismiss that? Is that going to be laughed at by children who are also academics? In like ten or 15 years? They used to teach this that space was a vacuum. How in the hell do you have wind? You know what I mean? Like, in a vacuum, it should just dissipate. It should just go all different directions and just get sucked up by space. It shouldn’t have weather in space, shouldn’t have wind and tornadoes and freaking weather and clouds and freaking dust storm, all this weird stuff. Okay? Space is getting weird. The more we get weird, the more we’re attributing that weirdness and projecting it out onto other things, too.

So space is getting weird lately anyways, this big old hole in the sun, and apparently it’s blowing a bunch of space wind in our direction. Don’t worry, they have not said if the space wind is able to knock the Earth off its course. You know what I mean? I imagine if you’re just hanging in absolute nothingness in a big fat vacuum, right? And somebody goes in my mind, it makes sense that that object would be gone, it would be blown away, right? That we would just get further and further away from the sun and the whole planet would freeze, or however their model works out. But yeah, don’t worry, we’re not going to go anywhere. I’ll tell you why. It’s because we’re solid. I am. I don’t know what kind of world you guys live on, but mine is solid, stationary and pretty much stays in one spot. Shakes a little from time to time, but it’s not spinning around and flying through some crazy vacuum full of space weather. But that’s me. That’s just me. Anyways, let’s check out something else about the sun.

This is from a NASA website. You’ll have to ignore all this little other garbage over there to see all this other stuff. I was screenshotting, and I’ve been working on improving my Esoteric library on my website. I can’t wait. I really can’t wait, because people will finally be able to search through my Esoteric website. If you don’t know what that is, check out my website, And there’s an area under the members section called the Esoteric website. It is over 10,000 volumes. Okay? So imagine walking into a library of all of your favorite esoteric, arcane and occult subjects, and it is full of over 10,000 volumes, which include books, maps, drawings, pictures, all kinds of different things. Anyways, I’m busy making it look a little better and easier to navigate on my website. So that’s what that is. That’s a tiny little portion. These are all files, okay, that’s like probably less than 1% of all the files that I’m still uploading to my website right now. It’s going to be a lot and I’ll be referencing it more often so that I can put it out there because it’s a valuable resource and it’s really awesome.

Alright, so this is straight from NASA’s website. Check this out. Straight from NASA, okay, NASA.COM, this is where this comes from, so they say. And you know where this came from. I recently in my community also. I’ve been having more fun posting stuff in the community section lately. I did post a quick little YouTube short of a game, like a game show and where they’re asking trivia questions to their contestants and the question was what color is the sun? And they all kind of made jokes at first because really they have no idea. You can tell they’re all like lost, you know what I mean? I wish they would have just asked children. They would have quickly probably given them the answer. But all these grown ups are just joking and making jokes. Really. They’re just buying time to try to figure it out because they don’t know what color the sun is. And the answer was the send people on a one-way trip to Mars. They believe that establishing a colony on Mars is essential for the long-term survival of humanity. Critics argue that the risks and challenges of such a mission are too high, and that the focus should be on solving problems on Earth first. Despite these concerns, the company is moving forward with their plans and has received a lot of attention and interest from aspiring astronauts. The idea of living on Mars and being part of a new frontier is undoubtedly exciting, but it also raises important ethical and scientific questions. Can we truly establish a sustainable colony on another planet? How will we ensure the well-being and safety of the colonists? What impact will this have on the Martian environment? These are just some of the many questions that need to be addressed before embarking on such a mission. Meanwhile, there are other intriguing developments related to space exploration. NASA recently released an image of the sun, showing that it emits most of its energy around 500 nm, which is close to blue-green light. While this may seem surprising to some, NASA explains that the sun emits energy at all wavelengths, from radio to gamma rays. They caution against interpreting this as the sun turning blue, but the idea has sparked speculation and conspiracy theories. Some believe that the sun’s color is changing as a result of environmental factors or even intentional manipulation. Similarly, there have been claims of a blue tinge around the moon and sightings of a blue ring around the sun. These reports have garnered attention and raised questions about the nature of these phenomena. Alongside these discussions, there have been recent reports of human trash being discovered on Mars. Astronomers are puzzled by the presence of plastic buried in the Martian soil, with some suggesting that it may have fallen off the equipment sent to Mars. Others question why there would be plastic on equipment designed for space travel. These discoveries underscore the pressing need for responsible and sustainable practices in space exploration. As we continue to explore the universe beyond Earth, it is important to consider the ethical implications and potential consequences of our actions. The challenges and mysteries of space remain fascinating, but they also demand careful consideration and critical thinking.

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts

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