Most Aliens Arent From Outer Space! You Need to Watch This!

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– Most extraterrestrials are not from outer space, they’re actually a lot closer to home. That’s what we’re going to talk about in today’s presentation. Make sure to hit the bell so you’ll get access to all notifications and check us out at Leak project for exclusive content.
– Alastair Crowley was most likely an intelligence agent for the British Crown. He was also extreme with the occult. Started several mystery schools. He might have made a few changes. But we’re going to talk about that.
– Most of these extraterrestrials are not from Zeta Reticuli, but are actually closer to home. Alastair Crowley most likely opened a portal to the in between in 1918. Crowley was also strongly connected with Jack Parsons. Parsons is connected to the pioneer of rocketry and space travel.
– There is something more to it than just energy and boiling water. You’ve got these entities that are actually controlling people in the third dimension without them even knowing it. They could easily be influencing us from the in between, and we wouldn’t even know it.


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Having a fantastic day today. Did you know that most extraterrestrials, most aliens that we know about anyway, they’re not from outer space, they’re actually a lot closer to home. And that’s what we’re going to talk about in today’s presentation. Make sure to hit the bell so you’ll get access to all notifications and check us out at Leak project for exclusive content.

Okay, let’s talk about this alastair Crowley. Alastair Crowley, one of the most infamous magicians, hermeticists and how do I put it? He pushed the envelope just a bit too far sometimes. Possibly. He was most likely an intelligence agent for the British Crown and he was also extreme with the occult. He started several mystery schools. He actually also changed several mystery schools, was kicked out of several mystery schools. And if you look at his childhood, if you look at his upbringing, then you will probably understand why he went as extreme as he did towards the opposite spectrum of what most people consider holy and righteous and rightful morals, et cetera. His parents were extremely fundamental when it came to religion and he broke out of that and turned into this just genius rebel that unfortunately, probably from the research that I have done, when you looked back at his life, he might have made a few changes, I don’t know. But we’re going to talk about that.

So in this presentation I’m going to explain to you how most of these extraterrestrials, or what appear to be extraterrestrials, are not from Zeta Reticuli, but are actually much closer to home. And it’s been portrayed a little bit in certain movies and certain TV shows, kind of like the in between or the Upside Down. The military is going to do everything they can to obtain the tools needed to win a war and remain supreme. Well, Crowley used magic and was able to harness these energies through invocation that still to this day have a major impact. We’re going to talk about that. We’re going to talk about the portals that were most likely opened around 1918, and that was during the Alamantra workings that Alastair Crowley and several other people were a part of. It took place in New York City. It lasted about six months and Crowley made contact with an entity that he refers to as Lamb.

Now if you look at the thumbnail, you’ll see in the thumbnail that Lamb is depicted on one side, and on the other side you’ll see what appears to be an extraterrestrial, or what some people refer to as the grays. Now Lamb is far from your typical gray, but what’s interesting is Lamb itself and the power that resides within this extra dimension, this different dimension that is more likely the in between. In between the third dimension and the fourth dimension, there resides energy and life and power beyond most people’s wildest dreams. And if you learn how to harness the energy in the in between and you learn how to tap into the third dimension. If you find an opening as an example, now you have access to the third dimension and you are a being of incredible power and intelligence far above and beyond what most 3D interprets. So when they made contact with Lamb and you can actually get the workings, the Alamantra workings, those are available. So look that up. Alamantra workings. Alastair Crowley, 1918.

So this happened in 1918. Well, do you know what else happened in 1918? In 1918 was the end of World War I. The end of World War I, the 11th month, the 11th day of 1918, the 11th hour. They declared the powers that be an end to World War I. Well, do you know what else took place in 1918? Just type it in real quick. There’s something else of significance that happened in 1918. I just want you to look it up, add a little breadcrumb for you to do a search when you add those two things together and then you realize alastair Crowley most likely made contact with Lamb, this extra dimensional being, in 1918, and in doing so, opening a portal to the in between. We now have another dimension next to ours that is readily available and beings are readily available to move in and out of this portal.

Now Crowley was also strongly connected with Jack Parsons. Jack Parsons and JPL. JPL with NASA. Well, JPL, you can think Jack Parsons a rocket man, a rocketeer, a mad genius. Also, most likely from the research that I have done, he was a fascist and he was heavily into the occult and he was heavily into certain substances and they performed certain rituals that tore the fabric, this protective fabric, whatever it is, this protective barrier, it tore that open. And Crowley and others have continued to open up this portal. This opening is now formed. There’s entities moving in and out of dimensions.

And then we start to see in the plethora of cases where people claim to be abducted by extraterrestrials. Well, let’s also remember that Jack Parsons, jack Parsons is this rocket man. He is this incredible mad genius scientist that’s dealing with his own opportunities in his head because of his upbringing. He’s dealing with that. You’ve got Alastair Crowley, which is influencing Parsons. Parsons is connected to the pioneer of rocketry and space travel and weaponry in many ways. The modern warfare with rockets, etc. They’re summoning entities from the in between and other dimensions. And then guess who else who they make friends with? Well, they make friends with Scientology. The Master Hubbard. Ron L. Hubbard.

So now you have the Trifecta, now you have the Triad, you have the Triad, you’ve got Crowley, which is influencing pop culture. He’s influencing the magical realms and he is also connecting with these higher entity beings. He’s bringing this information in. He’s working as an intelligence agency for the British government, most likely, probably not very far underneath the crown, and he is influencing the world. There’s a reason he’s on the Beatles cover. There’s a reason people still talk about him today. He also wrote a book called Four, which was his magnum opus. In his magnum opus is a book called the Book of the Law. If you read the book of the Law, he says, don’t read it more than once. I’ve warned you, do not read it more than once. But you’ll read it more than once, and when you read it more than once, you’re going to go, what in the world did he just tap into? Because it starts off completely different than when it ends. But when you read it and you start to understand that you are tapping into energies and entities far beyond the physical 3D realm, and you’re actually connecting to the in between, you’re able to pull in these entities that might pretend to be aliens.

So we’ve got Parsons, we’ve got Hubbard, we’ve got Crowley. Parsons blows himself up during a rocket experiment. He wanted to bring in the moonchild. Crowley makes contact with Lamb, and then you have Hubbard, which writes Scientology. Hubbard has literally his own navy at this time. It’s a private navy. Hubbard is influencing the minds of all of those around him. He writes Scientology, creates his own religion. They get famous people connected to the religion, funding the religion. There’s famous people to this day, extremely famous and powerful people connected to Scientology, even though there is much to be questioned, and there’s many people that are questioning the faith. All faiths right now are being questioned more than ever because of the amount of information. Hey, what’s up, Rainbow? How are you doing? Good to see you. So with all this information at our fingertips, with where we are and our minds and our evolution and this information, and now they’re talking about disclosure. They are admitting in these congressional hearings that there’s extraterrestrials. They have recovered non human biologies in these craft. They haven’t came out and said that we’ve found extraterrestrials, but they have just different words. It’s all about verbiage, and this has been going on for a long time.

So that’s another thing, too. They’re controlling the narrative, making it appear as if it’s just been a phenomenon that’s happening over the past five to ten years. But really, we can take this back before religion. We can take this back thousands of years. But what changed was around 1918, when Crowley makes contact with Lamb. They tap into this.

  • Leak Project

    The Leak Project is an esteemed member of the Truth Mafia, holding Tommy Truthful's certification. With a vast wealth of knowledge, they have gifted us the Serpent Verse and the Eagle. Furthermore, they were the pioneering force behind an exclusive interview, revealing unprecedented wisdom to the masses. Delve into the ancient war, characterized by the fierce rivalry between two brothers, Enki and Enlil. Brace yourself for a truly unique and captivating experience.

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3 thoughts on “Most Aliens Arent From Outer Space! You Need to Watch This!

  1. Avatar Of Tommy
    Tommy says:

    In 1918, a portal emerged, connecting our realm to the mysterious 8th Sphere of the Astro world. Today, we delve into this fascinating topic through Gigi Young’s insightful analysis. Let’s explore the story of Jack Parsons, Crowley’s protege who continued his enigmatic work in 1946, completely unveiling the portal to the lower astel realm. Curiously, a mere 116 days after the infamous Roswell event in 1947, Crowley himself met his demise. It’s worth noting that “Babylon” holds numerological significance as it equals 116, synchronizing with the Babylon Workings. Numerology, the universal language of the elite, may hold the key to unraveling these enigmatic occurrences. It is said that the interdimensional fallen angels, not aliens, began appearing after Parsons concluded the ritual and opened the portal. This is just my interpretation, as we strive to discover the truth together. Welcome to the realm of the Truth Mafia, led by yours truly, Tommy Truthful. Stay tuned for more engaging and unique insights.

  2. Avatar Of Sabastian Augustine
    Sabastian Augustine says:

    Dear Truth Mafia

    I wanted to share with you a dream I had between 2015-2017 while incarcerated.
    Beginning: so I was at the beach and many people were there. Then I saw red lights like about three floating above the water in the sky. They began circling around each other.
    I realized nobody else at the beach even noticed the lights and I was trying to tell anyone hey do you see those lights? Then the lights formed into one next plunge and splash into the ocean.
    I sensed something was wrong and got nervous. Before I could tell as I began to walk quickly away from the shore everyone had disappeared so I was the only person left on the beach. I just had to get away but felt something was coming to me. All of a sudden then at my waist to chest height (I’m 5’9) there came next to me the round smooth with no sound craft just floating ever so slightly above ground. It was alternating between being translucent and smooth silver like a cloaking device. Then it stopped and wasn’t invisible. The craft opened up the roof in on section a bit like a clam shell then out comes a being just like a grey or “lamb”. Without saying a word but told me or as it was more apparent mentally I was meant to get in the ship. The being was almost robotic in nature. Once in the ship where you have to sit but lean back almost laying down in an angle. The being was expecting me to drive the steering or direction control drops down so your hands can grab it it felt similar to a video game console but like having two sticks with buttons for each hand but resemble f-16 driving stick. Anyway I was meant to drive as the grey being was sitting in the space beside me expecting me to as well. Of course I had no idea. Then all of sudden we lift up and out very quickly.
    The next part I appeared in a place like ancient ruins maybe greek or roman. I say that because of the columns but not sure of the exact place. It was very sunny and this ruin had steps up to like a main building maybe a temple. Then it was shown to me a big book bound in leather on a platform. Again it was apparent that I supposed to know how to read that foreign language and understand why I was taken to this place at all. Then the dream ends there.

    As a side note I was not ever deep into ufo subjects nor really believed in aliens. Although I learned and experienced lucid dreams when I was younger then again delved in consciously while incarcerated as a way to find out whats going on because being locked up you are very much cut off from the world.
    For example
    I actually found out “my girlfriend” was cheating on me through a dream I saw it taking place thus confirming my suspicions then confronted her about it she was shocked how I found out with detail. So it’s weird that I dreamt this so vividly. I basically learned to this day how to directly tell myself before sleeping lets have a dream. This is not the only dream I’ve had on this subject. I wish to share more just haven’t found those who would understand till now since taking in this info you have been researching.
    Thanks for your time and I appreciate all the work you share.

    • Avatar Of Tommy Truthful
      Tommy Truthful says:

      Thank you for sharing your dream with such detail. It’s fascinating how dreams can provide us with insights and experiences that we may not consciously seek or expect. Let’s break down your dream further:

      The dream begins with you at the beach, where many people are present. The beach can symbolize a place of relaxation, leisure, or emotional transitions. The red lights floating above the water in the sky could represent something unusual or out of the ordinary catching your attention. The fact that nobody else at the beach notices the lights indicates a sense of uniqueness or heightened perception on your part.

      As the lights start circling and eventually merge into one before plunging into the ocean, it suggests a convergence or blending of different elements or situations in your life. The ocean often represents the subconscious mind or deep emotions, and the plunge of the lights may signify a transformation or a dive into the unknown.

      Feeling a sense of nervousness and sensing that something is wrong reflects an intuitive awareness or apprehension about the unfolding events. Walking quickly away from the shore, you find yourself alone on the beach, suggesting a desire for solitude or a need to distance yourself from others.

      The appearance of the round, smooth craft floating above the ground, alternating between being translucent and smooth silver, may symbolize a hidden or mysterious aspect of yourself or a potential opportunity. The craft’s ability to cloak itself could represent the need to protect or hide certain parts of your identity or plans.

      When the craft opens up, a being resembling a grey or “lamb” emerges. Its robotic nature suggests a detached or objective presence. Without speaking, the being communicates to you mentally that you are meant to enter the ship, indicating a sense of purpose or destiny. The expectation for you to drive or take control of the ship’s steering symbolizes personal agency and responsibility in navigating your own life.

      As you lift up and out quickly, it signifies a swift departure or ascent to a new level of consciousness or experience. The dream then transitions to ancient ruins, possibly Greek or Roman, with sunny weather and steps leading up to a main building or temple. These ruins may represent a sense of history, wisdom, or spiritual exploration.

      The big book bound in leather on a platform suggests knowledge or information that is significant to your journey. Although it’s written in a foreign language, there is an expectation that you should understand it, indicating a need for insight or understanding in a specific area of your life.

      It’s interesting to note that you discovered important information through dreams, such as confirming suspicions about your girlfriend’s infidelity. Lucid dreaming and consciously exploring your dreams while incarcerated provided you with a way to connect with the outside world and seek answers.

      Dreams can be deeply personal and have various interpretations depending on the dreamer’s experiences and emotions. It’s important to reflect on the symbolism and emotions within the dream to gain insight into your subconscious mind and personal growth. Thank you for sharing your dream, and I’m here to help if you have any more questions or dreams to discuss.

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