Predictions and Pavement

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– These clips were all posted in 2020 and early 2021, before the widespread pushback against Wokism. We are in an information war, a digital dungeon that needs only to deceive the many, to defeat the few. By this false death, this false war, false defeat for the people will raise an echelon of new rulers.
– A resistance does emerge, a collective only now sheding their cocoons. The enemy is not being defeated, but is constructing the illusion of defeat. The people have lost faith in these leaders and they are aware of much of the corruption. I do see good times coming, but it’s part of the plan.
– A major US bank chain will collapse in 2022. Mainstream media would suffer a huge loss of face, a loss of viewers and popularity. I have asserted that the Hidden Elitists are offering us a puppet show. When the good guys make their move, it will satisfy the angry and suffering populations.
– YouTube is an instrument of the opposition. The world has awakened from its stupor of blindness and absolute ignorance. In 2024, CERN will be prominent in the news worldwide and in France during the Olympics, there will be a very high signature for violence. The elite are waiting to see what card they will play.


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“These clips were all posted in 2020 and early 2021, before the widespread pushback against Wokism, back when big tech was heavily censoring and disallowing people to talk about the very thing that are openly discussed today across social media. Before the Twitter files takeover, before the accelerated decline of mainstream media back when mainstream media was at its height and ruling supreme, before the fall of CNN, before the collapse of a few banks and the FTC scandal, before the Supreme Court began dismantling liberal institutions and before the sleeping giant of the Christian Reich began to make headway against Hollywood and the socialist institutions plaguing America.

No worries. Just opinion pieces spread across the pavement. Not all battlefields have clear lines of demarcation. Not all battlefields are strewn with the carcasses of those who have fallen, littered with the moaning chorus of souls as their essence drains their awareness completely away. Not all warriors are called to the shield wall, nor are all those in battle to actually behold their enemies.

We are in an information war, a digital dungeon that needs only to deceive the many, to defeat the few. In this war, our friends are often closer than our family, a new kind guard with bonds tighter than blood could ever mind. We fight a war against those who hide behind their puppets, messengers, and heralds that cry false narratives to the masses, for unseen masters that siphon off our spirituality with their divisiveness. We are governed by insanities and untruths, by marionettes who have sold out whole nations just to dress their families in vanities.

But this has all been foretold. The seers whispered these truths through the smoke of ancient Brazen altars. The oracles were visited, and treasures of knowledge about the world to come was given to those before us. The sybils danced the ritual prophecies under the influence of both smoke and shroom. And the prophets received their visions in the day before they taught the people at night, do not be deceived by the ploys of iniquity, the casting down of the vilified, the dark lords, the hornblowers that have served the elite, the agent provocateurs of the night.

These people the world has come to recognize when the houses of the great fall do not fall for the deception when lords are brought down to the frenzy of the masses when they cry freedom and shout for the heads of the guilty of the oppressors this magnificent series of toppled castles, coups and victories see that you do not join the masses.

In this conflict are hordes of NPCs masquerading as conformists, a thousand, thousands of distractions devised to darken your understanding, to restrain you from basically a want to search for the spiritual. So many are lost in chasing demons, in pursuing perceived enemies in an effort to save them. But the treachery was committed eons ago, and we are souls. We souls. We’re victims of a war fought in dimensions far beyond our capacity to feel the enemy is a hydra of pure hatred and heads will devour each other as the worldwide Leviathan grows even more powerful. By this false death, this false war, this false apocalypse, false defeat for the people will raise an echelon of new rulers. The people will raise new kings and new heads of state. New hornblowers and Leviathan will smile, for the new monstrosity of iniquity will be one that is specifically chosen, specifically empowered and specifically defended by the people.

Pillars are falling, monuments long standing, are sinking under the assault of another force. Long ago, a wave began to build and its encroachment draws near a tsunami of a divine essence for which this world has not enjoyed in a very long time. A resistance does emerge, a collective only now sheding their cocoons. A legion of souls who have survived the search through NetherRealms of seeker. Yes. The Kingdom of Seeker. Some of you know what I’m talking about. A new army of warriors of a very different armor, brandishing weapons this world cannot oppose. They have entered Rostal and they have come back from the gates to walk among us, to stand disguised as us, to be us, when the darkness encompasses us with the war drums of chaos.

The Hidden One has always raised an army. Invisible soldiers disguised in cloaks of darkness to the living dead, but illuminating the lives of those chosen to see spiritual things. Every avatar is ensnared in this web of multifaceted delusions, deceived by an enemy that disguises the conflicts and hides assets, its troops being the unseen phenomena that afflict our lives. The rage, the appetites that can’t be satiated, the addictions, wrong decisions and empathy we feel when we see those who have fallen. Shakespeare was not wrong. All the world is a stage.

Even if the US military is taking down many in the deep state, I must offer this the elite are unknown to the public, even unknown to the leaders of our world. There is a buffer echelon of billionaires, CEOs, military leaders, operatives. The enemy is not being defeated, but is constructing the illusion of defeat. This is easily done by the liquidation of these assets, the actual sacrifice of the entire strata of people they have networked that we refer to as the deep state. A tactical decision serves the purpose of deceit while also being a ritual sacrifice of pawns that secures the safety of the bigger pieces. The sacrifice of their own visibly public army of puppets is necessary because the awakening of the masses. The people have lost faith in these leaders and they are aware of much of the corruption. So it’s time for them to go.

The creation of the illusion of victory is a tenet of the communist takeover agenda which the Bolsheviks executed perfectly against the patriotic Russians in 1917 to 1919, spreading disinformation that the enemy was being dealt with behind the scenes and that everything was okay once the people realized it was untrue. It was too late. 22 million people disappeared into work to death camps.

Evidence that this scenario is correct is the fact that the mainstream media, which has no army, no special forces, no armed assets, has continually, without interruption, streamed false narratives and pushed agendas is still operating. Not one news studio has had any infiltration extraction forces enter them, stop or force them to report the truth. The plummeting ratings of CBS, MSNBC, ABC News, CNN, all of them, the numerous liberal media would have terminated any other shows, series or reality programming. No one could survive. But these are leftist media venues. To survive this absolute loss of viewers would not get their who get who now get their news from conservative platforms on social media means that they are funded and supported by a powerful enemy of the people, an invisible enemy who has remained untouched. And further, big tech and social media giants with impunity still edit, cancel, delete and remove people and reports from their platforms following antipatriotic agendas.

Taking these four items into consideration is my belief that any resistance or success against the elite is part of the plan. That relief victory for the patriots of many nations is coming, I cannot deny. But this subject world events, it needs more analysis. So this is what I’ll provide in a series of coming videos using isometric projections in our journey to separate fact from fiction.

I do see good times coming, but it’s part of the plan because of what follows. For all the media hype, the Russian Ukraine conflict remains just that hype. And a conflict hardly erupting into any modicum of international degree. There’s no World War Three here. All the doomsayers were predicting it. It never happened and it’s not so. Not a single NATO nation employed their military against Russia. That should tell you something. There may occur an unusual distraction world news all over social media scientists are baffled, but believing Earth has received its first extraterrestrial transmission. I don’t believe it, but a whole lot of people will.

It will be a change in the White House, a new Reich. They’ll make two things their priority. One is energy independence and then the filing of antitrust suits against big tech companies. Yes, there’s going to be some conservative Republican retaliation against big tech for all the stuff they did in the last two and a half, three years. Another interesting aside is the fact that a member of the British Royal family may come up missing before the end of the year or pass away before Christmas. It too will be world news.

Now, what I see is that the conservatives I’m a conservative and I’m a Republican, but I’m not with what I see coming. I see that the conservative and Republican basically voter base…”In November, the other arm of the deep state is using it to push the United States into a puritanical regime. Overturning Roe v. Wade was just the beginning, as the United States is going to shift to the far right. The left had their chance to go as far left as they could, and now the conservatives and Republicans will be given free rein. It’s predicted that there will be a systematic cleansing of socialists and Democrats in the upcoming November elections, resulting in their loss of seats, governorships, senatorial seats, and eventually even the White House. However, this new conservative regime won’t unfold as expected. It is anticipated that it will quickly become puritanical, and the people in power will start reinterpreting what it means to be an American citizen. There is a possibility that people who feel their citizenship is secure now might feel differently in five or six years.

The author acknowledges that their predictions may attract criticism, but they are not concerned about it. They mention having a track record of successful predictions and claim that their current predictions are not yet complete. They believe that true intelligence lies in assessing the value of material rather than simply critiquing it. The author also highlights their previously published work and the evidence they provided to convince their publisher.

The author touches upon various predictions they have made for the years 2021 and 2022, including the increasing reporting of rescued children, the widening rift between reality and the mainstream media, the collapse of a major US bank, and the perpetuation of false narratives by globalist-owned media. They express the belief that the media is being used to expose the misdeeds of socialist globalist leaders who are now being portrayed negatively. This process is viewed as setting up fall guys for the imminent actions of the so-called “good guys”, who are seen as controlled opposition serving the hidden elitists.

According to the author, these “good guys” will overthrow the power of world banks and establish a new financial system that is fair and just for all nations. They argue that this new financial system is essentially the same as the long-resisted “mark of the beast system” advocated by the world banks. The mainstream media and Hollywood, still controlled by the elite, will supposedly commence a global campaign to educate people about the presence of aliens on Earth.

The author muses on the nature of true evil, suggesting that it disguises itself and uses scapegoats to distract from its greater iniquities. They propose that the masses, who have been driven to desperation by their enslavement, debt, and racial conflicts, will be led to believe in the hope of witnessing the downfall of the elite. The architect of deceit, as the author refers to themselves hypothetically, would use this opportunity to introduce a cashless society disguised as a new financial system, ultimately fulfilling the masses’ unwitting request for the mark of the beast system. The author suggests that the masses will be given heroes who will perpetuate the deceit, believing that their actions are favored by God.

In the end, the architect of true evil’s plan would be to let events unfold exactly as they currently are, building a false peace and creating an expectation of the imminent arrival of a savior. The author predicts that there will be numerous claims about the Galactic Federation on YouTube in the coming months, cautioning against believing this misinformation.”was started in 1962 by the entity called cosmic awareness. Later on, cosmic consciousness. Don’t fall into that trap. This is further deception about off world manipulation now, man, all the manipulation of the human race, the upper echelons that own the elite and the elite own the media, every bit of that’s coming from underground. Don’t buy into all that UFO crap.

UFO activity. Listen, man, this is something I have studied extensively going back to the 1890s. Almost 100% of all UFO activity, these unidentified objects were seen coming out of bodies of water or straight out the ground in mountainous areas and returning to them. They are not seen going in and out of our atmosphere. These UFOs don’t come from the stars people. They’re not even coming from the moon, which is a hologram hiding something else. They come straight out of the ground.

If a true socialist takeover with the Biden administration had been successful, then there would be no resistance. The Bolsheviks did not allow any resistance. This is nothing but a finger on the same fist. It’s the same people trying to take over America. They did not succeed.

Now, the reason so many people are blind to it is because they’re continually allowing themselves to be jacked into the brainwashed system we call mainstream media. Mainstream media tells you everything but the truth. If they ever report the truth, it’s because it does benefit their agendas. But that’s very rare.

What we are seeing right now is a huge division in the human family, those who follow mainstream media and believe the narratives that are expounded and the huge growing population of people who are now using YouTube, Facebook and social media as their news sources from people who are on the ground, people who are doing their own research. No longer listening to me.

People who are deleting all the mainstream media pop ups that pop up on their YouTube channel. Like, I do anything even remotely close to mainstream media if it pops up on my YouTube deal in the Ellipsis. I now push turn off notifications on that channel, and YouTube is steady finding more. I’ve already shut off so many hundreds of them. I’m now getting some weird ones, like some weird small town liberal gazette. I mean, all the the big, big ones I’ve already stopped. But YouTube’s going to continually push. They’re going to do whatever they can. YouTube is an instrument of the opposition.

But the very fact that opposition exists and it can still use platforms like YouTube and release videos and not get shut off and censored means that the opposition is opposed. Because in a true socialist communist takeover, like when the Bolsheviks took over Russia, there is no resistance. It is a full 100% takeover. They mow over the people. They enslave them, they imprison them, they indoctrinate them. And within one generation, everybody is fucking atheist social.

When I hear that Galactic Federation out of these people’s mouths, it’s like, oh, okay, so they have divorced themselves. Here’s a whole group of truth errs who have divorced themselves from the mainstream narratives, and yet they have fallen prey to a very well constructed, cleverly put together false narrative about the Galactic Federation, a chain of banks, though in 2023, they will either crash or they are absorbed by other banks. And this occurs in many nations. And yes, now Switzerland is included. If it’s not a total collapse of these bank chains, then it is a systemic collapse of a type of banking. I need to make that distinction because what I was measuring kind of morphed on me the more I looked at it. And it wasn’t so much a type of banks, it was an entire method of banking that I ended up analyzing. And I’ll probably get to that here in a minute. So there’s a high probability that the World Economic Forum is finished by the end of 2023. Moving on to 2024.

Now, the EU and Switzerland Free Trade Agreement will either end or it will be completely amended so as to be very different, fundamentally different than what it was in its inception. Now, this is really only important to the EU and Switzerland. Now, also in 2024, I found something very interesting. In this year, CERN will be prominent in the news worldwide and in France during the Olympics, there will be a very high signature for violence. You pretty much know what types of violence occurs at Olympic events, but we have strong isometric signals for the French Olympics in 2024. The incident with CERN, I don’t know what it is. I can only imagine, but it’s going to make world news.

Sometime in the near future, Jerusalem will be captured. And in this way, this is how the elite will set the stage for the next crusade. They will ready the world to receive the first horsemen. This planning began with the Balfour Declaration in 1917, authored by Walter Rothschild and Sir Arthur Balfour of England. It was the British who secured a home for the Jewish people. The plan is to have Jerusalem retaken by the Palestinians, Muslims of the Middle East. This will allow the elite to empower the Western nations to come together under a Christian coalition and invade the Middle East in an all new crusade, which will basically roll out the red carpet for the apocalypse.

Imagine a scenario where so many people have finally opened their eyes that the cryptocracy can no longer stem the tide of revelations. They can’t stifle the masses. They no longer hold back the truth blossoming across the netscape. The world has awakened from its stupor of blindness and absolute ignorance, and suddenly YouTube and platforms everywhere explode with knowledge that has all been kept secret from the foundation of the world.

We’re heading there quickly. But the brighter the torch, the quicker the burning. But I also imagine that this ancient ruling body of invisible oligarchs have foreseen every bit of this and planned for the exact eventuality. They need a single event that will result with the ushering end of all their designs a coupe de Gras. And that’s about where we are right now, waiting to see what card they will play.

Will it be an EMP blamed on an X flare? Will it be an attack blamed on an extraterrestrial civilization war? Will it be a total infrastructure collapse induced by AI? What cards do the elite have left in their deck? Got an idea? Leave it in the comments section.”

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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