Secret of Firmacus Maternus: Deciphering the Lunar-Phoenix Matrix [May 2040]

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• The text mainly discusses the speaker’s approach to revealing and understanding future events using various methods like mathematical vantage points, isometric projections, eschatology, and the Phoenix phenomenon’s 138 year sequencing. The speaker highlights a novel method revealing what’s going to unfold in 2040.
• The speaker also elaborates on his philosophy towards life, like remaining objective while observing the past and the future, understanding we’re independent of the phenomena we observe, breaking free of negative societal programming, and not allowing anxieties and fears to impose on one’s reality. He also hinted at a personal struggle that caused him to step back and reset, recognizing the need to listen to the spirit for guidance.• The speaker talks about his spontaneous, non-scheduled approach to creating and uploading content such as live videos or voiceovers. Inspired by external forces, he doesn’t adhere to a strict time frame or schedule for releasing content.
• He discusses his old and new technological set-up. He has moved from wireless internet to using a direct hook-up and has gotten a new larger computer screen. He mentions the need to fix the audio and hints at needing someone to help with that.
• The speaker also mentions several individuals in and the state of the chat room, having over a thousand participants, and acknowledges some of his longest standing followers. He also comments on the process for managing chat room moderation and discusses some issues with YouTube policies.
• The narrator delves into theoretical concepts, including those of French philosopher Albert Camus and P. D. Alspensky, who suggest that existing events and information hold the keys to the future. There’s an emphasis on the power of past events to shape the future. Also, he mentions that there’s a clear-cut plan for the unfolding of events, and hints at certain upcoming changes.

• Discussions on the implications of the seals from eschatology are brought forth with a focus on the first and second seals. The narrator interpretted the second seal’s breaking as signifying not outright war, but widespread chaos, denoted by the symbol of a knife rather than a sword. This implies a swift, coordinated series of disruptions, possibly orchestrared.

• The narrator mentions his own theories and research on patterns in historical events, and hints at the year 2040 being significant. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining purity and precision in his data. There’s also a critique of fellow theorist Graham Hancock, while discovering a 138-month cycle related to the sun and moon, proving cyclic patterns in the universe.• The text revolves around events from different years that are connected to the year 2040 by an 11.5 year solar cycle. These events include discoveries in the astronomic sphere, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions in specific regions, and significant historical occurrences.
• It is suggested that the frequency and type of phenomenon tied to a certain date in the future can be predicted by recognizing patterns from these past events. Events include those involving NASA, global occurrences like mass migrations or genocides, and catastrophic natural occurrences. The theme of uncovering patterns and secrets within history, astronomy, and physics to forecast future events is consistent throughout the text.• In 1937, a tragic gas explosion occurred at a school in Texas, killing 300 people. During the same year, catastrophic typhoons in Hong Kong took the lives of 10,000 individuals, and the Sino Japanese war began. An asteroid named Hermes passed dangerously close to Earth. Furthermore, a significant event in 1925 was the Great Eclipse in New York City that created an unprecedented event, making the city standstill.

• The text mentions several historical events connected to the year 2040 via the solar cycle. These include the eruption of the Sakurajima volcano in Japan and the start of WWI in 1914, the establishment of the automobile with a combustion engine in 1891, the transport of a big obelisk from Egypt to New York City in 1879, and multiple natural disasters in Peru in 1868. Significant meteor events were recorded across North America in 1833 and in Italy in 1891.

• The text further informs about a series of events in Japan that led to important transitions like the ending of the rule of the Shogunate and the beginning of the Meiji Restoration in 1868, and the closing of its borders to all European nations in 1638. Details of various natural disasters linked to the solar cycle in 2040, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis in diverse locations around the globe, are also mentioned.• The text outlines significant global events connected via a 138-month solar cycle, culminating in the year 2040. These events include various military actions, natural disasters, and celestial occurrences, such as a comet’s appearance, meteorite showers, and the moon appearing to burn and then go dark.

• The text suggests a catastrophic scenario for the year 2040 with elevated cosmic activity and a third world war involving India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Europe, and Italy. There are also mentions of religious strife, with Arab nations attacking Israel, Jewish expulsions, and genocides in Africa. The narrative concludes with a catastrophic occurrence affecting New York City and destruction in the Atlantic.
• The text highlights a wide range of devastation and destruction from coast to coast, from natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis and storms to social unrest, war, famine and plague. Key places mentioned include the coasts of Galveston and Texas, the end of the Golden Gate Bridge, Hollywood, the Panama Canal, Iran, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and Japan, and the exodus of Americans to Europe.

• The U.S. and UK federal governments cease control as a result of these disasters, while Israel receives arrivals from all over the world. The central movement is the Great Pyramid. The text forecasts major geographical shifts, with North, Central and South America moving south, China and Japan moving north, and Australia becoming a prime spot following a huge shift.

• The third point is more abstract, with complex numeric patterns and arithmetic models suggesting a cycle of destruction and rebirth. There’s a reference to a particular cycle related to the year 2040, which supposedly connects to events in 1147 AD and 1667. The text notes the importance of the “Phoenix cycle” and pi in these calculations, resulting in prophetic deductions related to pivotal historical events linking to the predicted happenings in the year 2040.• The speaker conducts research aiming to predict future events, focusing particularly on the year 2040, based on analysis of different datasets such as the solar cycle, and certain unexplained facts. Unverified predictions include the Pope declaring himself to be God, the destiny of the Jesuits, and someone from the Order of the Dragon rising to power.

• The speaker discusses the Order of the Dragon, a secretive noble order in European history that was against the church, possibly having members like Vlad Dracul. Contrary to popular belief, the Order isn’t considered evil by the speaker, and he believes its negative image might be due to the labels given by the Papacy or church programming.

• The speaker’s approach to his work is to produce as much material as possible, expecting others to use his research for their own understanding. He also interacts with his audience, announcing future live video sessions, mostly Q&A, to cater to his growing viewership, and provides them with free downloadable content for further study.




Let’s get that audio check done. Let me know if you can hear me. I kind of got a new set up as of this morning.

It yeah, man, audio is good. Excellent.

That chat is moving a little faster than I can keep up with. Appreciate my moderators and my new moderators. I surprised a couple of people. I don’t know if they’re in the chat right now. I may surprise a couple more.

I know there’s many of you that have been around since I had 300 to 1000 people listening to me on a weekly basis. I know your names.

Oh, we got a good one today. Got a good one. I’m just checking out the chat. You guys know I want a few more people to get in here before we take off on this absolutely new way. A whole new approach to looking at calendrix. Absolutely verifiable.

For those of you who have Chronicon, you will be getting into it. I promise you. This is going to open up your mind to a whole new way of looking at future times to ascertain exactly what’s going to unfold.

It’s fascinating listening from Boston. We’ve got some Massachusetts in the house. Alfa left 29,000. Yeah, that was all recently. It’s crazy.

What we got in here, 660 people, always growing. You guys can hit that like button, let me know you appreciate it. You’re going to get it today, I promise you. I’m going to earn that. Like today.

Just like the last presentation when I went really deep on Calendrix, I provided a free PDF. And I know because there’s been over 1200 downloads of that PDF. I look at the Podia analytics. Thank you guys for taking the time to download that and look at it yourself. It’s really astonishing material, but we’re going to do that again.

This presentation here, you need to be able to see, not just listen to me tell you. You need to be able to see this as well. And for those of you who have your chronicons, you’ll be able to look it up and see all the source materials, where all this data had come from. It’s mind blowing.

We are going to basically do a decode using world history just to figure out what’s going to happen in the year 2040. Now, we’ve already done it using cylindrical isometrics. I’ve already got multiple chapters and published books showing you the palindromic nature of historical events and how they sync up and tell us they give us a window into the future based off past precedents. We can look at mathematical antecedents and see what’s going to unfold at certain times in the future.

I’ve done this extensively with the year 2000 and 42,046 in my book, Nostradamus and the Planets of Apocalypse. Further, I have two full chapters on the Cursed Earth period of 414 years, which is 138 times three in my book when the Sun Darkens.

I show a lot of isometric projections all over my channel, spread throughout all kinds of videos here on YouTube. So this palindromic sequencing of world events that basically lets us know what’s going to happen at a future time should not be mysterious to you. It is why those of us who follow the Archaics model realize we’re in a construct and we’re not bothered by that. It’s not harrowing to us that we’re in a controlled environment.

Yeah, this is a program. It’s actually very liberating. Once you understand that we are absolutely independent of the phenomena we observe. We can observe the past and we can observe the future. While we remain objective right here in the present, it’s very easy to do. All the tools have always been with us.

So one of those great minds in the past was Fermicus Maternus. He was a great mind. I believe it was 14 centuries ago. 14 or 15 centuries. 13 or 14 centuries ago. He was a man before his time, way more sophisticated than the church fathers of his day. He knew that by studying the events of the past, we could literally construct future events. We can put them together.

And for those of you who buy into the model, that if we’re entertaining ideas, we create them for the future, this is the difference between subjectivity and objectivity. If you fear something, then yeah, you become a participant. If you’re fearless, then that means you remain objective and you can see the construct for what it is, the unfolding of phenomena that we as souls will flow through.

Now, if you’re going to suffer any of those repercussions of flowing through future events, it’s because you allowed these things to enter into your space. You allowed them to enter into your reality by worrying, by anxiety. We’re spiritual beings. This is a great ride. This is an awesome ride. And if you’re still suffering any of the dungeon programming, negative default programming of our reality, I get that it’s very hard to break free.

That’s my mantra. Break free or die trying. It’s difficult, but once you start getting the hang of it, that this isn’t a single event that you will do in your life, but it is a daily struggle once you understand that and you realize, okay, so I get it. Now I’m going to take two steps forward, but I’m always taking one step back. I have to. The construct is going to push me back. It’s what you do with that pushback that defines who you are.

And that’s what we’re doing here in Archaics. We’re ignoring all this dungeon programming, all this negative stuff that’s going on in social media and all these clowns out there making ridiculous claims, listen, man, you know what? We’re ignoring that. Don’t care. This right here, this is a circus. And many, many people take turns being the clown. But we don’t have to participate. We don’t.

There are beautiful things happening in this world. And yeah, a lot of things are nefarious and they’re corrupt, but you know what? I’m not buying into that. That’s not a part of my reality anymore. I see what’s going on. Just because I can observe the wallpaper and it looks like watermelons and peaches, it doesn’t mean I have to taste it. It’s just there for me to observe.

So I’m going to go into this here in a few minutes after I look at this chat. But you are going to have this presentation for you to read and for you to show people and for you to be able to do this yourself.

But we’ve gone into the isometric projections, and I promise you that not one single isometric projection is anywhere in this presentation. We don’t need them. We’ve already done them ad nauseam. We shelved that. We’re done with it. Looking at the 138 year patterning of the Phoenix phenomenon throughout world history, ad nauseam. We already covered it. We’re done with that.

Done looking at the prophecies of Nostradamus and the prophecies of Mother Shipton, which specifically focus on 2040. We’re done with that. We’re shelving it just for this presentation. We don’t need any of that.

Because I’m going to show you that all the things I’ve told you about May of 2040 can be seen from a totally different mathematical vantage point. Isometric projections was one. Eschatology is another involving multiple different personalities in the ancient past. You know what I mean? That’s another. The 138 year sequencing of the Phoenix phenomenon that we’ve documented, that’s another. But this one’s totally novel. This one is not like any of its predecessors.

This is a totally different way of showing what’s going to unfold in 2040, and it’s pretty astonishing.

I’ve been on a roll lately, guys. Like I told you, I told you about a month ago, I was wrestling. I was releasing videos. Yeah, but I was wrestling, and I even told Don, you know what? I’m going through something right now.

Although I’m on top of the world, everything’s taken care of. I’m good. I’m good, guys. It was internal, just a struggle. It’s like, man, hold on, man. There’s something I’m going in the wrong direction. I don’t like this direction. I’m going I’m going in the wrong direction.

I’ve been listening to other people, and I’ve never done that before. I’ve always gone my own way, even to my own detriment. I learned by making mistakes, and I’ve made a lot of them.

But you know what? Something was wrong. And I had told dawn, you know what? I need to sit back today. I need to do a reset and just not do anything. And I need to listen to spirit because I feel like it wants to communicate, but I’m blocking it. AndYou know what? I had a breakthrough. You guys already know. Book of Job started it. And then from there, the video about the first Seal, and then there about the seven seals. Yeah. And then this and then this right here. Here’s another one. Guys, you will get the PDF. Thank you.
Dr. Corey Stern. Always a pleasure. Delta Don. Yep. Gas money for the road. Thank you, guys. All right.
Oh, man. Chat’s going on. What we got? We got over a thousand people in here. That’s good. I don’t know if this is a really good time to do a live video. I never really keep to a schedule. I know some channels have schedules they go by so you guys can be familiar with them and all that. Dude, guys, I don’t live my life like that. I just don’t live my life like that. I am led 100% by inspiration. If I feel like releasing a video or doing it, it’s going right there. So if it’s going to be an upload, it’s going to be an upload. It’s going to be a short. It’ll be a short. If it’s going to be a live video, I just go ahead and schedule it, get ready for it. Do that live video. There is no rhyme or reason or scheduling with archaics I am just totally, 100% led by things I cannot see, but I only feel. And that’s probably the way I’m going to continue to do this. And this coffee is great.
This is so this is a much better this is a much better set up. I have you guys know I’ve been having some problems, but we’ve drilled holes in here, run the cable all the way to the modem. So I’m not using WiFi anymore. I’m direct hook up, got a new computer screen. It’s huge. I can see the chat really good. Yeah. The only thing I have to do is fix this audio because I’m not using this microphone right now. I have all this equipment, cloud clarification and focus rights, and I got all this equipment, but I got to have somebody come over here and look at all this. Matter of fact, I was talking to Justin about it just the other day. I need to have him come over and look at it. He’s real good at that stuff. Can’t figure out why am I using a coaster? No, I’m using this heat pad. I’m not using a coaster. I put my coffee on. This stays hot. One of you guys donated it to me. You know, I wouldn’t be able to find nothing like that in a store. Hi, Jayhart. It. So John, myself included. I took a bunch of them, too. But thousands of pictures, guys. Thousands of pictures.
John just finished the Encyclopedia Britannica for 1910. Taking all these pictures, these beautiful black and white illustrations and all these places around the world, it’s just amazing. He’s about to start on the 19 two editions for Encyclopedia Britannica. But all these other books, they won’t even fit on the shelves anymore. But it’s okay. I’m continuing to build out one talks New Zealand how are you doing? He was here with us. Enjoy this day, guys. Listen, a lot of my upcoming videos that are voiceovers where you don’t have to see my face, that’s when I’m going to show off the pictures from the archaics library. Some of these books have beautiful the pen and ink work that was done in the 17 and 18 hundreds is unmatched today. They didn’t use computers. They didn’t digitize their art. These were artists. Their proportion perspective, it’s just all the lighting is fantastic. So you guys need to see a bunch of these pictures. I’m going to show them in my videos when I do voiceovers for stuff. Hold on for dear life. That’s a good one. Of course, there’s no pun intended, right? Non. Oh, man. John in the chat somewhere. Phoenix protocol. How you doing? It’s almost time to set up another discord chat. There are a lot of dons in the chat. Hello. Johar Lee. Sully sully. How long you been with archaics? I’ve been seeing you in that hat for quite a while. Quite a while. Come to think of it. Mr. C, too. You’ve been around quite a while. I was looking at an old video and I saw you in the chat. Greg G. Been around quite a while. That’s right. All right, guys. Nelson Perez, you too, man. No doubt. You too. Any of those names I just named. You guys want a blue wrench, you let me know. Send me an email or say it in the chat. I’m pretty sure that Don or one of my other moderators will catch it and let me know. I can’t sit here and chase. The chat goes too fast. And people want to hear this presentation. They don’t want to sit here and all right, Nelson, I just got you. Mr. C. I’m about to start this presentation. I seen Mr. C pop up. Got you, ma’am. Don Marie Farrell. You’ve been here a long time, too? Yeah. I don’t want to leave you veterans out. Arcade’s veterans. Been around a while. Let’s get on with this presentation. We got 1250 in the chat. Fermicus maternis.
All right, guys. You can do your own googling. You can do your own research on the man. It’s only one quote that I’m even interested in because it would have required years. It would have required a lot of research for him to actually say what he said. It’s not a light statement. It comes with a lot of weight to it.
The man said the beginning of anything was to be found out by the unfolding of historical events. You can’t just write that, especially 14 15th century, 15th centuries ago when you’re being peer reviewed by everybody else who’s trying to write and be important. Because back then the peerage was all trying to get funding. This is what they wanted to do. They needed to find a baron, a duke, a lord, somebody in the nobility, a king, even a prince who would fund them. And this is how men did their research back then. If they were not a part of the nobility themselves and didn’t come, it wasn’t born into money, it was a sponsorship, just like today, a sponsorship. Not much has changed, I guess. Well, yeah, I guess things have changed because back then, the sponsorships were probably a little politically motivated. You had to write in favor of the person that sponsored you. But like me, I don’t really have any sponsors. I don’t have any sponsors because so far, every sponsorship I’ve gotten good donations for archaics to keep the wheels going. But I’ve been offered many sponsorships by large companies, but they get offended when I won’t push their products. And I tell them, I’m not pushing a product on archaics. You’re not going to see products on my line, you’re not going to see my videos. If you ever see a video interrupt my content in my videos, it’s because YouTube is doing that. I’ve disabled all mid rolls in order to keep you guys from seeing all these ads that break up these videos. I buy my music rights. I buy all the images you see on Archaics. I pay for those copyrights, I pay for the copyrighted music. And I also pay for the video clips, every video clip you see. Because if I wasn’t to pay for those subscriptions to Shutterstock, one, two, Three,, a couple of other smaller companies, I get my music from David Thessalian. I’ve used a couple of songs like from Grindel Dark and Max Egan by permission. But the reason I pay for all these is because it keeps YouTube from putting ads in the middle of my videos. I’m not with that, I’m with the presentation. They can put ads in the beginning of the videos so I can make a little bit of money so I can fund this lifestyle. But the middle of my videos are off limits, so I can’t do that. So I just received notification that YouTube has shut down Square Peg’s channel. That could be for a couple reasons. Certain words, I got certain words blocked in my chat. You cannot even say them. I don’t know what’s going on. I’ll talk to her later and see what’s happening. But let’s see. Broke up my flow a little bit. Let me get down here and find this chat. I’m way behind on the chat. There we go.
All right. And Square Pig, I might have to talk to you about that. I ain’t heard anything about that. All right, so Pharmacus Maternus had toSure! Here is the text formatted into natural paragraphs:

I have had a lot of research under the belt in order to have asserted such a statement. But he’s not alone. He’s not alone at all. Albert Camus. Some of you guys know who that is, french philosopher. He said the last pages of a book are already contained in the first pages. That’s crazy. That is crazy. And then my favorite P. D. Alspensky a hundred years ago. Guys, future events are wholly contained in preceding ones. And if we would know the force and direction of all events which have happened up until the present moment for example, if we knew all the past by this, we could know all the future. I got to say his name again. That’s al Spinsky. This is a student of Gurjeef, but I’m more partial to Alspensky.

I see some people talking about YouTube, about their chat, I mean, about their censorship and all that. So, guys, listen, it could be anything. Somebody else said that Square Peg Divergence is still up, that that might be misinformation. Someone else in the chat just said that your channel is still there. I don’t know. I just know that the archaics chat is monitored every day, not just by me, and it’s for good reason. And it’s because there are people who like to put trigger words in the chat. You know what I mean? Yeah, we eliminate all that. I don’t know, man. We’ll find out. 117 Gunsner said the channel was gone, but he’s just checking it’s there now, so I don’t know. That’s neither here nor there. We can look at that later. It says the channel is there, but it’s not working. I don’t know. That’s weird. Oh, I like how you did that. Greek archaics free breaker. That’s awesome. I like that.

Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of comments about we’re already in the third Seal, about David Nino Rodriguez had a guest named Bo Polny or something who says we’re already in the third Seal. Listen, guys, just use a little common sense. Just a little common sense. If the whole sea narrative in January of 2020, from December 2019 to March 2020, that little window right there woke up the whole world, you understand? And in eschatology this is the breaking of a seal, which is a revelation and a part of the unveiling, then you can’t isolate some small particular that only affected a small amount of people and say, well, that must have been the breaking of the second seal. So we’re in the third Seal now, man, you can’t attribute American politics to the breaking of a seal when it only affects Americans in a few other countries. No, I promise you, the breaking of the second seal has not happened yet. But when it does, it’s going to be a world affecting event just like the first Seal.

Yeah, I just feel that what the game plan? I just feel that the game plan is very written out. I believe they’ve been preparing for it, they’ve been funding it, and I think it’s going down. I think it’s going down. That second horseman, the 400 years ago, they started mistranslating that from the Greek. And in the Greek, that’s not red. It’s like the red yellow flames. And it’s not a raging fire. The idea is not a raging fire. The idea is a bunch of little flames. It’s not a great sword. The word great in Greek is not even there. It’s not a great sword. It’s a knife. It’s a dagger. It’s the weapon of the assassin. That is what the second seal is. It’s not war. It’s not all out war. Take peace from the Earth does not connor it’s not necessarily connotes war. To take peace from the Earth would be like to promote terror and have thousands of fires going on from thousands of bombs and then thousands of sleeper cells unleashed on all these civilizations. All this chaos, it’s not designed to conquer. It’s designed to sow chaos. It’s designed to take peace from the Earth.

Yeah. The weapon of the sword, where the sword would be a symbol of conventional warfare. The dagger is not the knife is not a symbol for conventional warfare in prophetic material. It’s not. What we have in the second seal is an event that’s going to wake the whole world up, say, damn, they’re going to realize, whoa, all this was too coordinated, too perfect. It went down too fast. It’s going to affect multiple different areas all the exact same time. Yeah, that’s what it is. Guys, I’m not the only one that’s connected these colors to Islam. I’m not the only one that I mean, this is over a hundred years ago. It was already being talked about about world wars and that one of them would involve Christianity and Islam. We’re entertaining tangents now. Let’s get back to our deal.

So we have a, like I said, absolutely independent of the Phoenix phenomenon’s 138 year periodicity, which is so well documented across my channel and published books. Put it aside. All the isometric patterning, using totally different historical events to show what’s going to happen in 2040, put it all aside. Mother Shift in Nostradamus and all the other eschatology just that point to the year 2040 and all the other theorists that are now coming on board inferring that, yeah, it does look like 2040. They got different agendas that are dated for 2039, 2000, and 42,041. Put that stuff and shelve it aside. Remember, in Archaics, we don’t like to cross pollinate. We want our data pure. We want our output original and precise.

So what I’m going to show you now shocked the hell out of me. But what got me looking was my recent criticism of Graham Hancock. Because to me, believe me, the man will never debate me professionally. It would be professional suicide to ever allow me to go on a big deal and for me just to ask him penetrating questions about his ideas and theories. Because I’ve read the man’s bibliographies and I can cite nothing but his bibliographies and show that he had access to the accurate information and refused to divulge it and instead pushed his narrative that Atlantis is 9600 BC. But since I’ve gone deep into that research, I’ve made some more discoveries about the moon count systems, not just from old books, but rather some pretty modern books as well, that talk about all these ancient Egyptian count systems were months. I’ve even found more data. And I’ve already overwhelmed you guys with references in my last four or five videos on graham hancock concerning this moon count system.

But if the moon count system was so prevalent in ancient times, I’m like, man, there’s got to be something that connects the moon and the sun that could be used as a unit of cylindrical reference. There’s got to be. I searched and searched and searched. Couldn’t find anything, but I was looking in the wrong directions. I searched everything, trying to find what is it I’m missing. There’s no way this 138 year patterning goes all the way 58 centuries to 2040. There’s no way that this could be confirmed isometrically there’s no way that mother shifted and nostradamus could have predicted what they predicted and gave us the timing without there being something I’m missing.

I found it. I found it, and it was something that’s known to many of you didn’t even think about looking at it, because I’m not thinking in the moon count system. Somebody else brought it to my attention that the solar cycle is 11.5 years. So when I started looking into it, it was 138 months. Our sun has like a heartbeat, this pulse every 138 months. But you never hear it like that from the scientific community. The scientific community is always telling you, 11.5 years, solar cycle. They say sun spots are attached to it anyway. I don’t even care. I don’t care about no NASA theories. I don’t care about any astronomical theories. I don’t care about anybody trying to tell me that the sun is 93 million mile away or if it’s local. I’m not none of that. I’m a simulationist. I have seen absolute historical proof that the sun in the simulator has appeared absolutely local to many cities that were getting aired out in the 18 hundreds, suffering all kinds of fallout from the sky. When a city 60 miles away under the same sun, had blue skies, not a cloud in the sky and didn’t suffer anything like meteorites and earthquakes and ever read the sun turning red and this fiery dragon appearing in the sky that other cities suffered? Therefore these things are highly localized in reality, can compartmentalize the phenomena so that people a little furtherHere is the reformatted text with natural paragraphs:

“Away won’t see it. Absolute proof of that is 1917. The Fatima apparition. You guys know the story in Italy? You know the story, 5000 something people or 75,000 people. I can’t remember the second time. They’re all out there waiting for these miracles to happen. These kids are talking about, they’re talking about they’re talking to the Virgin Mary and all this and all the witnesses. Tens of thousands of people saw the sun change color, change size, move erratically across the sky, and then plunge over the horizon and come back up. There is no way that the sun could have done that and the rest of the world not see it. It’s not. Therefore, just like the Phoenix phenomenon, whatever is in our sky is able to compartmentalize phenomena and make sure that only certain sets of observers can see certain phenomena while it insulates that area of activity away from all other observers who have no idea that something is going on. This is why the Phoenix phenomenon is so mysterious to many new people who come to archaics. You actually bring that Newtonian physics baggage into my channel and you try to process this information from the perspective of someone who is bringing all this NASA crap, all this astronomy, all this brainwash from the scientific community. It’s not true. We live in a construct. And that construct can compartmentalize phenomena to make different people at the same locations experience different things. The historical record is very clear. This has been going on for a very long period of time.

So, all right, so what we have here, it should come as no surprise that eleven and a half years is 138 months. Should no surprise. Remember, reality is like a mandelbrot set. 138 months, 138 days. I’ve shown in my own bionumerical. I have a video on BioNumerics. In that video, I show the number of days in a man’s life is equal to the years of world history. It is the exact same construct. It’s just the denominations are different. 138 days wouldn’t be any different than 138 months, which is no different than 138 years. And I’ve shown this multiple times.

And we’re going to go into it now because I’m going to start going in reverse from the events in world history that are closest to 2040. I am about to read to you these events in every event. You got to understand, I have eliminated you guys know how big Chronicon is? I have eliminated over 1000 pages. 1000 pages of data is eliminated. And I’ve stuck with only those events that go back 22 centuries that are connected to 2040. By every 138 months going back in time, we are skipping hundreds of thousands of events and only focusing on those that are connected to 2040 through the solar cycle. Let’s do it. And then when I’m done reading to you these events, I’m going to show you how all of these pieces of holography that happened in the past are constructed into a picture that tells you what’s going to happen in 2040.

Firmicus. Maternis PD. Al Spinsky. Albert Camus. They’re all right. They’re not the only ones. I’ve cited many of them that have this, even Albert Einstein, I’m a critic to him. But you know what? Even Albert Einstein was real big on time. Being a geometrical construct and therefore geometry implies patterns. And that patterns have predictability. All right, let’s do it. Drink some more coffee.

All right. So these are the events that are connected to 2040 by the 138 month solar cycle.

In the year 2006, UB 313 was discovered and it was named Eris. This is an formerly unknown moon or small planetoid. Now, I’m not saying space is real. I’m saying this is what is reported as being sighted in the stellosphere giant asteroid is discovered perpendicular to the ecliptic, traveling from north to south. Guys, this was on the news. I personally saw it, wrote it down. In 2006, they reported an asteroid and it was mysterious because it wasn’t on the plane of the ecliptic. It came out of the north, passed over the ecliptic and disappeared into the south. You can’t see something coming from somewhere you don’t have telescopes aimed at. It was a shock to the astronomical community because they had formally believed that nothing travels north and south across the plane of the ecliptic perpendicular to the ecliptic. Shortly after this, you couldn’t find references to that event. And I know why. I know why. It’s absolute proof that we do not have one ecliptic. We have two. One ecliptic belongs to Soul, our sun. The other ecliptic belongs to Nemesis. Now remember, this is all simulated. The sky is simulated, but it’s simulating what is real somewhere else. A system that has two large gravitational bodies that have their own ecliptic planes.

2006. An earthquake in Jakarta kills 5000 people and volcanism is reported from Mount Marapi. This is important, guys, because the amount of times the same type of event is mentioned increases its magnitude. Meaning we can ascertain what’s going to happen at a certain date in the future by the frequency of mentioning of certain events at certain coordinates, which is longitude and latitude. And we’re going to see that here. This gets deep.

1994, remember, everything I’m mentioning is connected to 2040 by the solar cycle. 1994, comet Shoemaker Levy nine fragmented into 21 pieces. That all slammed into Jupiter. And it was all the news back then. Remember, everybody’s watching the news. The explosions were larger than our own world. And remember, I’m using NASA parlance. This is what they reported they could see in telescopes. It doesn’t matter if it was real or not. It entered the human consciousness at that time as real. Now, Space Control Complex and Cheyenne Mountain goes online. 800,000 Africans are massacred in Rwanda in a 100 day period. That’s a lot of people. That’s almost a million people. It may have been over a million, but the news reported 800,000 quakes were felt from Canada, California, all the way to South America. La. And Mount Marapi in Jakarta erupted, killing 60 people. That’s the second time we have the mention of natural disasters in Indonesia. Some of you guys have paid close attention to my Phoenix fallout predictions for 2040. What areas of the world are going to be most affected? You’re going to see. Remember, this is a fourth different data set using a totally different method. And yet you’re going to see patterns and parallels with what I told you, what I’ve told you guys about Southeast Asia, what’s going to happen, what I told you about what’s going to happen to the Gulf of Mexico, specifically Texas, New York, South America. Yeah, totally different data set here.

Continuing on, 1983, connected to 2040, hurricane Alicia devastates Galveston. NASA launches the Iris space telescope that photographed comet Iraqi alcock, which was the closest known comet in 200 years. The Iris telescope discovered a Neptune-sized body at the edge of our system, and it made world news. This was in 1983. Six months later, it spotted it again, published the telemetry and the digitized pictures of this body at the edge of the system. And Jet Propulsion Laboratory announced on world news that they had discovered Planet X. Three months later, silence from the scientific community. Zechariah Sitchin reported a lot about this. That was 1983.

Continuing on the solar cycle, 1971, astronomers discover a radioactive burst from the region of Cygnus one indicating black hole activity. For those of you who don’t know, the Cygnus Rift is one of the most mysterious places in the night sky. The Cygnus Rift is extremely black. Astronomers claim that they have seen through their telescopes. Stars disappear behind the rift, meaning it must be local. But whatever it is, light can’t penetrate it. We can’t see through it. It’s called the Cygnus Rift. It’s like a tear in space. In this year of 1971, India invades Pakistan.

Continuing on the solar cycle from 2040 is 1948. The state of Israel began an Arab League nations attack. Palestinian genocide. Mass international migration to Israel begins. Remember what Nostradamus said about the migrations after 2040? That wasn’t me. Nostradamus said that. Yeah, we’ll get to that in a minute.

1937 is connected to 2040 by the 11.5 year solar cycle. 1937, Hitler asked the British government if he could relocate the Jews in Germany to Palestine. And he had to ask them for permission because of the British mandate by General Balfour of Britain. He couldn’t just move them. The British government denied him and said he had to keep those people there. So the Golden Gate Bridge in 1937 in San Francisco is open to traffic. In Texas, 300 people were burned.”Alive when a gas explosion at a school killed all the students and all the teachers. 300 people died. It’s one of the worst tragedies in the state of Texas up until that point. Also in 1937, asteroid Hermes passes very, very close to our world. And a typhoon. Remember I’ve showed you guys typhoon? Typhoon, same word. Typhoon is typhoon the phoenix. But typhoon at Hong Kong kills 10,000 people. And in 1937, the Japanese Chinese war, it’s called the Sino-Japanese War begins. This is something you’re going to see. A lot of Japan figures very prominently in these calendars. And if you live in Japan, you had better pay attention to this video. This is conclusive.

1925. Connected to 2040 by the solar cycle. The Great Eclipse of New York City. Guys, I got to tell you about this because I got to tell you about this, okay? In 1925, I don’t know why there hasn’t been more about this on television and magazines and newspapers and all that, but in 1925, it was an eclipse. So there’s nothing really mysterious about it, but it was like a total eclipse. New York City, populated with so many people, was absolutely silent. The writers of the time remarked about it in the newspapers, like, wow, they had never heard the city so quiet. It was an eclipse, and the city was cast into darkness. Everybody was quiet. And the telephone company in New York reported that for ten minutes, there was not one single call made in the city of New York. They had never seen anything like that. It was in 1925. So this is connected to the Phoenix of 2040.

1914, the volcano Sakurajima in Japan erupts. World War I begins. Paramount Pictures in Hollywood is established all in 1914 connected by the solar cycle to 2040 mass migrations of Europeans to North America, Australia and South Africa and the Panama Canal officially opens. Remember, guys, when we get to the bottom of this list, we’re going to deconstruct this and reconstruct it into a picture of what unfolds in 2040.

1891 is connected to 2040 by the solar cycle. 1891, the automobile with a combustion engine is made for the first time and a meteorite over Italy is seen, followed by a rain of stones.

1879 connected to 2040 by the solar cycle. A great obelisk from Egypt is transported all the way to New York City.

1868 connected to 2040 by the solar cycle. For eight days, Peru is afflicted by earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, storms and strange lights in the sky. I guess that’s the Meij or Meiji Restoration ends the rule of the Shogunate in Japan. Tokyo becomes the new capital. Those of you in Japan, please pay attention. Please pay attention.

1833 is connected to 2040 by the solar cycle. Most spectacular meteor shower on on record north America across North America in the Pacific, the island of Tuanaki completely vanishes with all of its inhabitants.

1822 connected to 2040 by the solar cycle. Earthquake in Java and volcanic eruptions last for 5 hours, killing 4000 people at least. Again. We have Indonesia.

1799 is connected to 2040 by the solar cycle. It is the first Continental Congress convened to establish the United States federal government. 2040 is connected by solar cycle to 1776 the Declaration of Independence and New York City is attacked by the British.

1730 is connected to 2040 by the solar cycle. Earthquake activity begins for five years in the Canary Islands and noxious gases are released from the ground that kill wildlife. Earthquake at Hokaido, Japan, kills 137,000 people.

1717, seven is connected to 2040 by the sun cycle. The UK. Formed from England, Scotland and Wales. Volcanic activity on Santorini. This is in the middle of the Mediterranean. A tsunami appears off the coast of Wakayama, Japan, and spectators report that there is a large, luminous ball of light inside the tidal wave. Where have we seen that before? Are you guys paying attention to this? This is 17 seven and yet the tsunami. I showed a picture. I showed the video on my channel of a white apparition, a white ghostly thing coming out of the water and going through buildings. That was very specter, like when the tsunami hit Japan in 2014. Also, I just did a short earlier today unusual phenomenon, william Corliss book. Remember in that book, he reports tidal waves had glowing orbs inside of them, just like the inside of tornadoes. These little foo fighters, these little willow wisps, they’re intelligent and they seem to create disastrous phenomena. They’ve also been seen triggering volcanoes. That’s right. 17 716 84. In the month of May, europeans see objects in the sky that are reported to be comets.

1672 Ad. Astronomer Cassini reported a large object near Venus seen from the Paris Observatory. And a comet is seen by Europeans. These are two different incidents in the same year.

1661, connected to 2040 as well. Like all these others, Europeans report the appearance of a comet in Worcestershire and Hereford, England. Flames are seen in the sky during an earthquake. Also reported by William Corlis.

1638 Japan closes its borders to all European nations. This is in the year 1638. They got tired of that East India Company. They got tired of all the British and the Catholic intrigues. The Vatican was always trying to get their hand in there as well.

1580 Ad. Sir Francis Drake completes circumnavigating the world. I think he just went in a circle. But Comet reported by Europeans. Pope declares himself to be Lord God. Powerful Spanish Armada is wrecked by storm off the English coast.

In 1569, Mercador published his modern map in longitudinal and Latitudinal grids, and the Jews are expelled from all Papal States. This is back when the Vatican, before the Vatican became a captured operation. For those of you who don’t know, the Vatican has been captured. That’s why they wear those small hats now. But prior to that, the Vatican was a staunch enemy of these people.

1534. The Society of Jesus. You know them as a Jesuit, founded by Papacy as an international spy assassin network loyal to the Pope. This is all connected to 2040 by the Sun Cycle.

1431, three papal armies are defeated by the Bohemians. This is after two earlier armies were sent a couple of years earlier, and they got their asses kicked as well. The Bohemians were not playing, and they did not like the Pope. And the Pope lost every army he sent after those people. These are the bohemians. In the same year, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake. In the same year that Vlad Dracul of the order of the Dragon was born in Wallachia.

1419, also connected to 2040 by the solar cycle. 1419, epidemic in the Fujian province, china kills 174,000 people. It lasts for three years. In the year 14, eight Ad. Sidisman of Hungary reforms the Societus draconis known as the Order of the Dragon.

1362, england begins opening parliament in English rather than French. Remember, since the days of the Mormons, they had been a captured operation. The Norse Goth expedition of King Magnus of Norway finds North America largely empty. And the few natives were hostile. This is the background story to the Kensington Runestone, which was left and found in the roots of a great tree here in North America. It shows the Kensington Runestone shows that the Norse and goths came here by order of King Magnus of Norway, basically to survey North America. And they describe everything they saw and how they got attacked by Indians and all that. So 1316 ad. The height of the great European famine, cannibalism is reported. These are the days when the Euphemism long pig was created. It’s a pretty dark part of our history.

1293 Ad. Earthquake in Kamakura, or Kamakura, Japan, kills 20,000 people. And Roger Bacon died in this year. Another famous. Another famous. Absolutely genius. He’s a genius. Soul. Roger Bacon.

1281 Mongol Chinese fleet of the Khans is wiped out in a typhoon. I believe this was the second one. It happened a few years before that, too. The Khans tried to take Japan both times they were wiped out in these really bizarre storms. Yeah, it’s crazy. Wasn’t Japan’s time in the year 1270 Ad. Connected to 2040 by the Phoenix cycle? The 8th Crusade begun? It was a total waste of life. Total waste of life. And it didn’t result in anything except enriching the church a little bit. So remember, we got another page to get through. These are all connected by the solar cycle to the year 2040. We’re going to reconstruct all this as soon as I’m done reading this list.

1258 Ad. Babylon is destroyed, called Baghdad by Hula Ghakan andIn the year 2040, a series of historical events connected by the 138-month solar cycle paint a picture of the future. By reducing these events to their lowest common denominators and considering their frequency, we can understand what may happen in 2040.

These events include reports of a gigantic mystery body approaching, heightened activity at Cheyenne Mountain, increased radioactivity from the sky, sightings of a comet and another mystery body near Venus. A world war is raging, involving India, Pakistan, China, Japan, European nations, and Italy. Arab nations attack Israel and control the Mediterranean, leading to genocide in Africa and the expulsion of Jews from many countries. Asian invaders flood the Middle East, taking Babylon and making inroads into Europe.

Additionally, there are reports of huge objects blocking out the sun, moving from north to south, causing a great darkness and silence in New York City. Spectacular meteorite showers are seen worldwide. The moon appears to burn, then goes dark, followed by the crossing of an object that appears as a second sun. New York, known as the new Egypt, is wiped out, and a fleet of ships is destroyed in Atlantic storms, resulting in watery destruction.

These events, connected by multiples of 138 months, reveal a layering of the Phoenix holography, with cycles of 414 months and 552 months also appearing. The orders of magnitude indicate different magnitudes and patterns in these events. This information suggests that remaining in Japan could be unwise in 2040.

The full details and analysis of these events are available in a PDF that will be provided for free. It includes a visualization of the events and their magnitudes. By examining these historical events, we can gain insight into the potential future of 2040.Here is the reformatted text:

– The coasts of Galveston and Texas are destroyed, along with infrastructure. There are deaths across Texas.
– The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is destroyed.
– Hollywood is destroyed. The U.S. Federal government ceases to be a controlling authority.
– Earthquakes occur in North and South America. Mexico experiences strong and strange phenomena in the sky before facing starvation, plague, and war.
– The Panama Canal is destroyed. Peru suffers from earthquakes for a week, accompanied by tsunamis, flooding, storms, and strange sky phenomena.
– There are earthquakes in England during fiery sky fallout, leading to the end of the UK government as a controlling authority.
– The Canary Islands experience earthquakes over five years, leading to the killing of wildlife with poison gases.
– Italy suffers from stones falling from the sky. There are volcanic eruptions in Thera, Italy, and Greece, causing a high death toll.
– Iran experiences a major earthquake resulting in enormous loss of life. Indonesia, Jakarta, and Java are also hit by earthquakes, leading to their destruction.
– A huge naval fleet in the Pacific is lost in storms, while Hong Kong is destroyed by water.
– China experiences a plague with massive deaths, and Pacific islands sink into the ocean, drowning the inhabitants. Japan faces an earthquake with a high death toll, accompanied by unusual phenomena and volcanic destruction. The government of Japan ceases to exist, and Tokyo is destroyed.
– Americans flee to Europe and the Mediterranean, causing famine in Europe and resulting in European migration. Armies invade Italy, and new people from all over the world arrive in Israel.
– The Great Pyramid becomes the center of movement in the world. The axis mundi shifts, resulting in a movement of North, Central, and South America 30 degrees south. This shift causes half of Texas to be destroyed as it goes underneath the Gulf of Mexico. China and Japan are shifted to the north together. Australia also experiences a shift, becoming twice as big as it currently is.
– The equatorial bulge plays a role in floods that occur cyclically. This theory is supported by a scientist from the 1800s who documented the cycle of waters moving from the outside to the inside and vice versa.
– The year 2040 is shown to be patterned after the number 138 and other cycles. Historical events such as wars for Jerusalem and the first English permanent English settlement in North America are connected to this pattern.
– In 2040, North America experiences a mass migration, and people go back to the lands of their ancestors, closer to the center of motion in Egypt, the Great Pyramid. The safest places are in North Africa and the Levant.
– During this time, there is a collapse of infrastructure, a shortage of batteries, and a halt in the manufacture of oil-dependent technology engines.
– Underground facilities and cities exist, but in some cases, they may be negatively affected by geological shifts.
– Different mathematical perspectives provide different patterns and insights into the future.
– The year 2040 is significant, as it aligns with historical events and patterns.It’s crazy, guys. They’re on the PDF. They’re at the bottom of the PDF. You can share those with people. So even in other dimensions of arithmetic, we can verify what basically was going to unfold in certain years in the future. We’re only focusing on 2040. I’ve done an equal amount of research for 2046 in 21 six. But this video is about 2040 and showing a fifth data set that’s completely independent of anything else I’ve ever published in my books or on my channel.

This is a scientific cycle, 11.5, the solar cycle. But there is one thing puzzling here. The only puzzling part to me are the facts that I can’t seem to fit in. So I’m not going to practice exclusions. I’ve included everything, but there’s three items here I just don’t know. Do these three happen before the Phoenix in May of 2040 or after they happen in 2040? I just don’t know when. And this is the Pope declares himself to be God. The next one is jesuits are either destroyed or they are empowered. And the next one is a member of the Order of the Dragon rises to power. So I don’t know, guys. I’m not even going to try to pretend to fit that into the narrative anywhere. I just don’t it’s that’s my presentation. That’s my presentation, guys.

And Nelson Perez, what is the order of the dragon? Look. It’s called societus draconis. Throughout European history, different nobles have revealed themselves to be a part of that order. Vlad Dracul, his father was in the society’s. Draconis we don’t know a whole lot about it. It was a secret order, but it was anti papal. It was completely against the church, and I don’t know much about them. I believe the dragon is a turn off for a lot of people. They automatically assume that an order that called himself would be Satanic or Nefarious. But these are just the labels that the papacy put on these people. No, I don’t believe that. Just like the snake has always been demonized by the church. But no, in ancient times, it was a noble symbol. I mean, even the ancient Egyptians had the cobra. It was the interpreter of secrets, the speaker of omens. And just like the ancient Danin, an offshoot of the Phoenicians, they were the people of the serpent, later called the Tawatha Day Danin of ancient Ireland. Their symbol was the serpent. It was on their sails. They had these dragon ships. There’s nothing evil about these people. It was just their symbol, I guess. I don’t know. I just don’t have that evil connotation. I don’t see that. When I read the historical material, I see no evidence of it. What I see is church programming. A lot of the Babylonian priesthood programming bled off into the later Roman and Catholic churches. It’s there because the Babylonians were the one that was really big. Babylonians were really big on demonizing. A lot of these symbols that didn’t have those original meanings. The serpent didn’t have an evil meaning in the beginning at all.

So, yeah, a lot of this is not conclusive, guys. My research is really designed, as I’ve been stating from the very beginning, for other people to pick up, light that torch and run with it. Yeah, it’s not conclusive. I’m never going to stop producing material because I have a lifetime of it. I’m never going to stop. But I can’t focus all my energy on one thing. I got to hit it and move. I got too much to reveal. I tell you guys all the time, hey, griddle dark. I tell you guys all the time, man, I got 500 more videos than me, and it’s just a joke. I have unlimited videos. I have research notes. Hadn’t got to yet. So you got more and more of these coming. But I appreciate you guys participation. I think my next live video is going to be strictly Q and A across the board. I have a lot of new people coming to the channel, and I would like to spend about a two hour session just catching them up. And I think I’m going to wait two, maybe three days, we’re going to go live again, but it’s just going to be strictly Q and A before I start going into these deeper presentations.

Oh, I do have some more videos in the next couple of days coming out, but as far as live videos, I think the next one needs to be Q and A. Unless the spirit just takes over, man just has me do something else. I don’t know, but I’m calling that right now as Q A. Oh, Victoria Z. I know you’re going to read those notes. Yeah, I already know and probably blow up my email. Euthanasia, I haven’t seen you in a while. Good to see you. Hey, Ryad. Carol herring truth seeker. I always post the live about 24 hours in advance. Carol, are you saying that I need to do a community post announcing the live videos? Carol, I’ll be in New Mexico pretty soon, too. Don and I are going to pass through New Mexico if you’re still over there. Okay. Arcade community post would be great. Okay. I thought you guys got notified from the lives just for me, doing a live, posting it 24 hours in advance. I didn’t know the community posts were the only way I could really get notified. That’s new to me. Decoding with Cody. Yeah, man, that’s what it’s for. Run with it. These PDFs I offer free. Get the PDFs, run with it. Believe me, you’ll find a whole lot more than I did. Yeah, we’ll do that live. We’ll do the live real quick.

All right. Carol, I’m not doing A-Q-A right now. As a matter of fact. I know I’m a big boy, but I’ve been drinking too much coffee and I got a potty. I got to go. I really appreciate the donations, appreciate you all hitting that like button, sharing the video, and give me ten minutes. In the description box and the pinned comment, you’ll have a link for a free download of this entire data set that I just provided and the interpretation at the end, and all of it’s in there. Even the other dimensions of arithmetic, examples of how we can look at historical events and ascertain what’s going to happen in certain years in the future, and what they apply to all that’s in this PDF. Give me about ten minutes, okay? What does Joan of Arc have to do with it? She may not have anything to do with it, but in the collective, burning people at the stake was something that the authorities and the church worked together on for malcontents and dissidents and people that they feared their power over the people. So as applied to 2040, we’re looking at the removal of the police state infrastructure we have that would allow for those type of situations where people are being killed, burned at the stake a lot more easily today. You got to understand, you put somebody on death row today, they don’t get killed for 22 years. They just sit in a cell until they’re old and then finally they get the needle. Yeah, that’s how death row works now. It takes twelve to 25 years to actually die. If you get sentenced to death, like in Texas, because all the appellate procedures and all that. But what I’m saying is to interpret that right there would basically be a return to the Guillotine type punishment in 2040. So yeah, but I got to use bathroom, guys, I’m sorry, but I’ve been drinking too much coffee. And I want to get that PDF out because people want to run with that, and I want to let them. And also, for those of you who haven’t taken advantage of it, I’ve got several free PDFs on Podia. So when you click on the podia to get this download, go look at all the stuff. There’s a lot of free PDFs in there to download. Yeah, one talks. Thank you, guys. Phoenix Protocol. Send me an email, man. We need to set up a discord chat. Other than that, guys, I got to go. I love you. I’m sorry for catching out earlier. Just wanted to get my presentation done, and I’m already working on another video, so just got to do it. I’m about to type in Love you guys and go. Yeah, man, because I got to party laters. Bye.

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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