Video 16 Spiritual Physical Tsunami Part 4. Judgment on the natural world.

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• The text refers to a spiritual interpretation of biblical scripture, particularly the story of Lucifer’s rebellion and downfall. The author suggests that Lucifer sealed up all the energy from heaven, leading God’s angels from heaven to Earth into confusion and corruption, starting the human host body system. This event signifies the start of the natural world and the eventual judgment that will be passed to separate the good from the evil.

• The author also discusses deep mathematical concepts like the Fibonacci sequence, the golden angle Pi, and the digital roots of numbers. The author ties these mathematical principles to the creation of the natural world and the human host body system, and proposes that understanding these concepts can provide insight into the spiritual reality.

• The text also contains a theory about the impending destruction of the Statue of Columbia and the Hoover Dam in 2023, symbolising the birth of the Antichrist and the beast system. The author draws parallels between the biblical passages, particularly Ezekiel’s lamentation over the King of Tyrus, and contemporary events, viewing them as divine revelations.• The text discusses the concept of dualism reflected through natural phenomena such as light and darkness, sun and moon, male and female energy. It explores the biblical symbolism behind these ideas, suggesting a spiritual understanding of them. The text also links these concepts to the balance between good and evil, drawing upon the story of Adam and Eve, and the tree of knowledge.
• The passage then delves into a discussion about the angel Lucifer, whose fall from heaven is described as a great sacrifice. The author interprets Lucifer’s story through a metaphysical lens, considering him as a bringer of light, a divider of good and evil, and a source of the ‘imprisoned lightning’ embodied in human bodies. Lucifer is also theorized as a builder under the employment of the Lord God, utilizing the metaphysical power of crystals and sound technology to influence the world.• The text asserts that the Scripture indicates the constancy and steadfastness of the divine entity called our Father of lights. It suggests that like the consistency in the phase angle in a generator’s energy production, divine energy, represented by the number nine, overrules human fickleness and shifting affections, symbolised by numbers six and three. This steadfastness leads to spiritual transformation akin to Jesus’s transition from flesh to spirit.

• The text underscores the importance of love in human relationships and in connecting with divinity. It refers to erratic change and instability in human relationships due to the lack of true love. Love, as the Greek word Agape describes, is characterized by affection, desire to do good to others, personal attachment and understanding. A relationship based on such love, like a preordained relationship between spiritually converted couples, is superior and more stable than those not based on divine love.

• The text advocates loving God, oneself and one’s neighbor to receive the Holy Spirit, which instils the capacity to understand and express true love. The speaker emphasizes this spiritual love’s importance in Christianity, referring to the commandments and scriptures, and urges followers not to sin and adhere to them.• The text discusses the dichotomy between those who claim Christianity but do not reflect it in their behavior, and those who display true faith through their actions. It suggests that genuine Christians love unconditionally and keep the Lord’s commandment to love God and their brethren selflessly, whereas the “Lukewarm Christians” are materially focused and sow discord, producing “bad fruit”.

• The author warns that individuals who masquerade as righteous, comparable to ‘Satan’s ministers’, could lead people away from truth. This deceit is illustrated through a personal encounter with an online persona who, despite initially appearing friendly, displayed confrontational qualities and indirectly mocked the author’s faith. This reveals a duality in their behaviour, consistent with the idea of false Christians.

• The text also discusses a divine revelation given to the author through the minister character, emphasizing the negative spiritual forces at play in the world. It emphasises that society’s sin is feeding a ‘demonic energy’. This discovery further underlines the need for authentic faith and good deeds as protection against such forces.• The text discusses a symbolic interpretation of an image that includes a building labeled “Kronos” which signifies the God of harvest in Greek mythology. The said image associated with a fall harvest feast invitation, stirs suspicion. Kronos is also connected to Roman deity Saturn, related to time, generation, wealth and destruction after having propped individuals up for power, money, etc.

• The text surmises an inspection within the image, leading to a symbolic understanding of a number of elements, each thought to denote a certain spiritual force. These elements include a sheep in fire, symbolizing suffering angels; a goat and a cock, signifying entities set out to ruin as many souls as possible and rejects of Jesus respectively. There are also dragone, owl and a raptor, representing demonic energies in various contexts, aiming to consume male energy which is symbolized as the burning sheep.

• The image also encourages the need for spiritual discernment to understand and filter spiritual teachings and remain cautious of teachings that could potentially mislead. The text recounts an encounter with an individual revealed as not possessing a wholesome spiritual persona, reminding readers about the importance of maintaining a strong personal relationship with the divine.
• The text emphasizes on the impact of both positive and negative actions, thoughts, and words, as guided by religious faith and scriptures. It warns against causing discord among believers and reminds the readers of the teachings of Jesus and Paul about understanding and spreading love, not animosity. It reverberates the importance of reproving fellow believers in a loving and constructive manner rather than causing division.

• The author also highlights the distinction between divine love (associated with virtues like joy, patience, gentleness, faith) and the world’s natural love (based on survival, self-serving, and often harsh.) The readers are urged to serve others instead of serving only oneself.

• The text also interprets certain religious scriptures in context to an experiment on the impact of spoken words on water, emphasizing how our positive or negative intentions can affect the nature around us. It underscores the belief that negative intentions can manifest in the form of divine judgment or correction.• The text emphasizes the interconnectedness of people and the impact that emotions and actions rooted in hate and discord can have on the world due to this connected nature. It elaborates on the theory that our words and intent can influence our surroundings, underscoring the belief in the power of energy, frequency, and vibration, and their impact on human emotions and actions.

• The text also delves into the topic of music frequency, focusing on the change from 432 Hertz (Hz), believed to be in sync with creation, to 440 Hz, which was institutionalized as the A note on the musical scale. It indicates that this change potentially creates a discord in our emotions – causing stress, anxiety, fear, anger and hate, akin to static noise. The author hints at a deliberate agenda behind this adjustment enacted around the onset of World War II, drawing parallels between this frequency change and a “frequency war.”

• In conclusion, the author shares personal anecdotes of divine confirmations supporting his belief in the powerful connection between the frequencies 432 Hz and 528 Hz, seemingly representing male and female energies respectively. He affirms the pivotal role of individual free will in this dynamic and stresses the responsibility of making conscious choices, and our inherent knowledge of good and evil.• The text touches on the author’s spiritual revelations through mathematics and geometry, using concepts like the Fibonacci sequence, pi, phi, and the golden angle to understand the natural world and the human host body system. The author regards such understanding as a way to comprehend God’s master plan that reveals truths about creation, suggesting that these truths are deliberately hidden by educational and religious systems.

• The author also discusses an artist’s graphical representation of the math and geometry of creation and the significance of the artist’s name. He goes on to mention that the earthly world and the human body system are essentially lucifer’s domain until individuals experience a spiritual conversion.

• The author then attempts to offer his understanding of various Biblical passages. He constructs a connection between the mathematical concepts and religious teachings to explain the structure of creation and the creator’s intentions. The author criticizes the education system for not teaching the Fibonacci sequence and asks his readers to seek a direct relationship with the creator.• The text discusses the relationship between mathematical constants and natural phenomena, asserting that the frequency of sunlight (432 hertz) when divided by the mathematical constant pi (approximately 3.142), results in the so-called “golden angle” of 137.5 degrees. This numerical correlation is crucial for plants’ growth as they exploit this angle to optimize their exposure to the sun.

• The Fibonacci Sequence, a mathematical string of numbers fundamental to many natural structures and patterns, and the Golden Ratio, a constant ratio found in various design and nature settings, are both used to illustrate these phenomena. Furthermore, various numerical factors of the Sun, including its diameter, radius, and the speed of light, connect to the number 432, strengthening this relationship.

• The passage implies a connection between these natural numerical phenomena and religious and spiritual concepts, referencing biblical phrases, sacred geometry, and religious artifacts. It suggests that the underlying numerical principles of creation, derivable from the Fibonacci sequence, golden ratio, and the linkage to frequencies like 528 hertz and 432 hertz are fundamental truths that ought to be understood better.• The text discusses the symbolic meaning of sun worship and the connection between male energy, personified as Lucifer or the Egyptian sun god Ra, and the creation of the natural world. The text also discusses the role of the sun and 432 Hertz frequency in the creation of original parthenogenic reptilian host bodies, and how this is linked to bible parables.
• The text explores the understanding of human energy systems in relation to religious beliefs. It delves into the symbolism of the seven chakras in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and how these total frequencies equal the golden angle found in natural growth, representative of our electromagnetic field. The text equates finding the keys to the universe with finding the keys to the kingdom of heaven, insinuating knowledge of soul transmutation being crucial to understanding the universe.
• The third point delves into biblical interpretations and potential hidden meanings within the concept of the Tabernacle, using it as a symbol for the human body. The text explains the “seven chakras” as forming electromagnetic fields in the human body, again referring to the importance of frequencies and energy in understanding human existence and spirituality.• The text discusses the spiritual interpretation of the human body, or “tabernacle”, where one’s good and evil dualities reside. Furthermore, understanding and acknowledging this dualistic nature, one’s transgressions, and accepting Jesus’s sacrifice are vital to achieving spiritual conversion. The text also cautions against New Age teachings about raising vibrational energy for enlightenment or salvation, saying these teachings misuse the context of the Bible.
• The narrative highlights the importance of dedicating (or consecrating) one’s life to God and relinquishing worldly or material pursuits. Such consecration allows one to serve God, be guided by his commandments and keep his focus on spiritual pursuits over the material world. This is essential for achieving peace, wholeness, and a deeper connection with God. Failure to do so, or deviating towards worldly opulence, can lead to spiritual discord.
• On a deeper level, the text hints at the human body acting as a “radio antenna” connecting with God through energy, frequency, and vibration—a process dependent on how one exercises free will. It suggests that focusing on the materialistic world could result in the individual serving worldly desires, thus disrupting their connection with God.• The text provides a detailed interpretation of the significance of offerings made by the twelve tribes of Israel, as depicted in the Bible. The author correlates the Biblical verses with the principle of chakra frequencies, revealing a pattern that aligns with numbers 3, 6, and 9, often associated with the mathematician and physicist Nikola Tesla. This pattern, the author suggests, may hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe.
• The author warns about the danger of misconstruing these teachings as a path to divine source, which could potentially lead to spiritual deception. They reiterate the importance of connecting with divine source through the teachings of Jesus, as prescribed within Christian belief, and emphasise that the offerings by the tribes are valuable due to their symbolism of material sacrifices for spiritual worship.• This text delves into the connection between spirituality, science, and musical theory, asserting that Lucifer was given free will by the Lord to create the Earth, using angelic energy and tablets and pipes (representing frequencies). It further suggests that these frequencies vibrate to create the arrangement of matter in the heavens and Earth, mirroring concepts from other world religions and science, as they all hold partial truths that can distract from the full truth in the word of God.

• The text explores how Lucifer was clothed in nine types of crystals, as transducers of electromagnetic energy, which can influence vibrational patterns. It mentions the relevance of the 9 core creative frequencies discovered in latest scientific research, and the universal significance of the numbers 3, 6, and 9, as expressed by Nikola Tesla. The text further demonstrates how these concepts are tied to the underpinning dualistic host-body system and the importance of understanding it to prevent being drawn away from the truth found in the word of God.

• The author sees the Earth as part of God’s plan to enable fallen angels to return to him through seeking truth and repentance. They emphasize that while the Earth is a beautiful creation, it is ultimately a distraction designed by Lucifer to steer us away from the Lord. It insists that all elements of creation, down to the mathematical level, provide irrefutable evidence of God’s existence for those willing to see the truth.• The text discusses spiritual symbolism within the Bible, specifically focusing on the twelve tribes of Israel and their offerings to the Lord in various verses. It interprets mathematical equations, such as six covered wagons and twelve oxens equating to 18, which then compresses to a nine-six-three code. The code, along with other biblical verses, seeks to explain the interlocking energies within each person.

• The author elaborates on other symbolism, including the merkaba, a term derived from Jewish mysticism and New Age teachings, which is said to represent the energy fields of the human body and its connection to the broader universe. The author also makes connections to modern culture, such as basketball and Mayan culture, to illustrate these concepts. The text delves into the interpretation of Biblical verses and seeks to draw connections to contemporary forms of spiritualism.
• The text illustrates that the spiritual meaning of ‘twelve oxens’ is not tied to physical farming but instead refers to seeking spiritual truth through the teachings of Jesus by turning away from worldly temptations. This is achieved by activating the double mercava, a spiritual formation that connects us to Christ’s Spirit. The twelve oxen symbolizes the abandonment of worldly pursuits and focus on God, represented by the geometrical figure, dodecahedron, that permeates all creation, including our DNA.

• The DNA spirals upwards at the golden angle of 137.5 degrees, similar to the human host body’s own electromagnetic field. This field is comprised of counterrotating male and female energy fields that form a balance and a pathway to enlightenment via sin or return to God. The golden ratio that is seen throughout nature can also be traced back in the human anatomy, signifying a divine balance.

• The numbers three, six, and nine, key numbers according to Nikola Tesla, are essential to understanding the spiritual conversion from a material-based state (6) to a spiritual one (9), as depicted by Jesus’s time on the cross from the 6th to the 9th hour. The ‘Field of Pennsylvania’ crash on 911 is interpreted as a symbol of human’s descent into the malice of the natural world. The text concludes with a cryptic scripture from Psalm 1611 that emphasizes the importance of spiritual balance and purity.• The text emphasizes the importance of biblical interpretations and the connection of human beings as part of Lucifer’s creation, hinting at how our physical form ultimately decays and returns to the earth. It brings attention to 1 Peter verse 22 through 24, interpreting the decaying bodies as a moral perish or ruin and highlighting the need to purify our souls, obeying truth through spirit for eternal life.

• The text discusses the Fibonacci sequence and its significant role in nature which can be found in all living things, bringing focus to its close relation to the golden ratio of phi. Emphasis is given to the nine creative frequencies, especially the 528 Hertz, which is said to depict the balance between sound and light and aligns with the sunflower pattern and Fibonacci sequence. A question raised in the text is the lack of inclusion of this mathematical concept in our education system.

• The text draws upon cinematic symbolism, specifically in the movie “Creed”, associating the protagonist’s name, Adonis Creed, with religious belief, Baal/Elohim, magnetism and the seven days of creation. It emphasizes the connection of the 528 Hertz frequency and Pi and interprets a dialogue as a hint at the Seven Days of Creation. The text suggests that the protagonist’s adherence to a disciplined training schedule (24/7) aligns with the concept of seven days of creation drawn from the biblical Genesis.• The text discusses the connection between religious concepts and science, specifically a frequency of 528 Hz which is described as the perfect balance between light and sound. The reference to 168 hours in the first 7 days of Creation and the division resulting in the value of pi is highlighted as a significant revelation from God. An electromagnetic toroidal field within our system is mentioned, implying a complex and deep-layered understanding of existence.
• The text also refers to the movie “Inception,” using it as an allegorical representation of divine and human themes. The protagonist’s mission to manipulate a man’s inheritance-related decisions reflects the manipulation in our reality. It further investigates the movie’s themes for biblical correlations, pointing out that the movie’s name lends itself to the commencement of creation. The characters and situations are dissected in-depth, focusing on their symbolic meanings that parallel biblical narrative and spiritual understanding.• The text revolves around the theological and spiritual interpretations of the movie, ‘Inception.’ The author reads into certain aspects of the movie with a spiritual lens – arguing that certain scenes and plot points evoke elements of Christian philosophy and cosmology. Ideas such as duality, the subconscious, and self-revelation form the crux of his analysis.

• Using cryptic numerology, symbolism, and references to Biblical verses, the author interprets both the movie’s plot and the lead character Fisher’s journey as metaphors for spiritual awakening and personal transformation. The movie is seen as highlighting the struggle between good and evil within us, the need to choose spiritual enlightenment over earthly desires, and the central theme of Christ’s redemption in Christian thought.

• The author suggests that the movie covertly mocks the spiritual blindness of humanity while also revealing ‘truths’ about the nature of Creation and spiritual existence, as understood in the Christian worldview. He emphasizes that an understanding of these spiritual perspectives and the application of these insights to our daily lives could lead to personal redemption and spiritual awakening.• The text talks about the spiritual interpretation of certain aspects of life according to religious teachings. It suggests that humans, in their fleshly desires and mental tendencies, are naturally inclined towards sin, but through the mercy and love of God—and by His grace—are saved and given a new life in Christ. The spiritual enlightenment from God changes the lives of individuals, filling them with goodness, righteousness and truth, and helping them reprove unfruitful actions. It reiterates how an individual’s spiritual awakening helps them disconnect from negative influences and attain a state of righteousness.

• The text also delves in depth into the aspect of frequencies, specifically 528 Hertz and 432 Hertz. It describes how these frequencies are connected to the creation of the natural world and the male and female energies respectively. It also alludes to the importance of finding balance between these two energies for spiritual enlightenment. This balance is also found in the natural world, as seen in the formation of circles (528 Hertz) and the spiral pattern of the earth’s electromagnetic field (combination of 528 Hertz and 432 Hertz). The text also explains the numerical representation and meaning of these frequencies, connecting them to beliefs about male and female energies.

• The text, however, warns against false interpretations of these concepts, particularly in context of New Age movement which promotes 528 hertz as the love frequency. Instead of seeking true conversion through religious belief and repentance, this movement suggests that individuals can achieve spiritual enlightenment and balance through raising or balancing our dualities. This is deemed to be a deceptive and false balance, which leads people away from the truth and is considered an abomination. The path to peace, it states, lies in the reconciliation and balance of energies bestowed by a higher religious entity.• The text explains the idea of a 528 Hertz frequency referred to as the Miracle Note and Love Frequency by Dr. Herowitz that supposedly plays a vital role in the organic function and spiritual aspects of life. It is said to be present in several natural ecological processes, like the color of plants or the humming of bees, and could also play a part in human health – even DNA repair. It promotes the concept of a deep spiritual connection with nature.
• However, the author critiques this notion, explaining an alternative viewpoint that true undivided love can only be sourced from a heavenly entity, not earthly systems. The author further delves into the human ‘twin host body system’, interpreted from religious text, and links this to the attractive power of nature and human love which could result in spiritual traps. This is correlated with understanding about 528 Hertz and the presence of female energy.• The text is about an interview with a man named John who was allegedly abducted and hypnotized by beings referred to as Elohim or aliens. In the interview, the subject recalls his encounter where the Elohim claimed to be original creators who made worlds of love and humans in their image. This experience is related to the concept of the “female love frequency” of 528 Hz.

• The author elaborates on his interpretation of the interview and connects it to biblical scriptures and teachings. He introduces the idea of the duality of light and dark, the deceptive nature of New Age beliefs, the concept of “entering the sheepfold”, and the love frequency linked to human procreation and DNA. This analysis ties into the bigger theme of spiritual duality and the deception of the New Age movement.

• The author concludes by discussing a movie, Vision Quest, which he perceives as predictive of “the great Tribulation kickoff events”. He touches upon issues like relationships and sexuality, and their influence on human behavior. He also mentions the biblical story of the Samaritan woman, emphasizing the spiritual view of marriage and intimacy. Finally, he suggests that our DNA functions as a transmitter and a receiver, which involves energy, frequency, and vibration.• The text discusses the significance of energy, frequency and vibration in real-time interactions, pointing out that real-time manifestation from one’s body interacts with someone else’s electromagnetic field, and is communicated back into the body. This energy transfer affects both their physical and spiritual relationships; for example, lust, desire, or physical attraction not only affect the dynamics of relationships but also lead to spiritual disconnection from the divine due to behaviours labelled as sinful.

• The text also explores the deeper spiritual meaning of scriptures and numbers, particularly the number five, and how it’s connected to the Samaritan woman’s five husbands, and the scorpions in the biblical pit. The scorpions are seen as spies keeping a watch on human activities through observation via their human hosts, and the number five is connected with the tormenting period of these scorpions. The author also mentions the implications of indulging in lustful desires — such sinful acts lead to the depletion of our inner light, resulting in feeding the darkness within and being consumed by it.

• Spiritual conversion is emphasised as a crucial step to deter the impending doom brought about by desires of the flesh, necessitating the need to know the word of God as a preventive measure. This metaphorical ‘duck hunting’ manoeuvre is seen as a trick to divert people from the path of righteousness. Lastly, the text mentions the perfect gifts that come down from the ‘Father of lights’ to guide us and pay our spiritual debt. The Holy Spirit is described as the light that manifests and reveals all.


Site: : full summary text presention: video-16-spiritual-physical-tsunami-part-4-judgment-on-the-natural-world

The word of the Lord came unto me, saying son of man, take up a lamentation upon the King of Tyrus and say unto him, thus saith the Lord God, thou seest up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth, and I have set thee so. Thou wast upon the holy mountain of God. Thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created till iniquity was found in thee.

Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine. Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

Hi everyone and welcome back to my part four of my spiritual tsunamis video series. In this video, I’m going to explain to you, using the word of God, the very moment that Lucifer sealed up the sum of all the energy from heaven and led away captive all of God’s angels from heaven to the earth, into Babylon, this land of confusion, to start the flesh host body system. And when we became the imprisoned lightning that this mighty woman whose name is the mother of exiles, holds in her flaming torch. And this was the moment that the Lord God dispatched Lucifer as his angel messenger to start the natural world that we call the earth, that the Lord is going to bring judgment against, to separate the grain from the chaff and the wheat from the tears through the human host body threshing apparatus, also known as the Kellopoth. And I’m going to warn you in advance that the content within this video might get fairly deep. Because I’m going to explain some mathematical concepts, such as the Fibonacci sequence in Phi, the golden angle pi, the digital roots of numbers. The nine Sophagio frequencies, which include the seven energy systems known as Chakras and then apply their application to the creation of the natural world and the host of heaven as well as the human host body system.

So my suggestion is that if you need to stop the video to understand what I’m showing you, then please do so that you can comprehend what’s being revealed. Then I’m going to decrypt the movie vision quest so that I can explain to you how the Lord used this movie to show me that judgment begins on the entire natural world in the human host body system. In the year 2023 with the physical tsunami event to cause the destruction of the Statue of Columbia in New York City and also the destruction of the Hoover Dam to symbolize the birthing of the antichrist in the beast system.

I’m going to read from Ezekiel 20:12 through 18 all the way through so that I can give you a mental image of how beautiful Lucifer was in heaven from the Lord’s description that he’s given to Ezekiel to bring up a lamentation against him, and also what the Lord is convicting Lucifer of as he’s speaking through the King of Tyre. The Lord commands Ezekiel to say, son of man, take up a lamentation upon the King of Tyrus and say to him thus say of the Lord, thou sealest up the sum full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. Thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was thy covering the sardis, the topaz, the diamond, the barrel, the onyx and the jasper, and the sapphire, the emerald and the carbuncle and the gold. Thy workmanships of thy tablets and thy pipes were prepared in the day that you were created. Thou art anointed cherub that covereth, and I have set thee so. Thou was upon the holy mountains of God. Thou hast walked up and down the mist of the stones of the fire. Thou wast perfect in all thy way from the day that thou was created till inequity was found in thee by the multitude of thy merchandise. They have filled the mist of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned. Therefore I will cast thee as profound out of the mountain of God and I will destroy thee, o covering charm, from the mist of the stones of the fire. Thy heart was lifted up because of thy beauty. Thou was corrupted by thy wisdom and reason of thy brightness. I will cast thee to the ground. I will lay there before the kings that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thy iniquity, by the inequity of thy traffic. Therefore I will bring a fire from the midst of thee, and I shall devour thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee.

Although the Lord is having Ezekiel bring up a lamentation against the King of Tyre, we know from this description in verse 14, when the Lord says to the King of Tyre, thou is the anointed cherub that covereth, and I have set thee so. Thou is upon the holy mountain of God. Thou hast walked up and down in the midst of stones of fire. That the Lord is speaking to Lucifer, his anointed cherub that has been in Eden, the garden of God, and has walked up and down the holy mountain of God before being cast down to Heaven, to the earth.

There are a few things throughout this scripture that we must understand before we can grasp the full understanding of why the Lord is having Ezekiel bring up a lamentation against Lucifer. First, we must understand what the Lord means when he says thou hast sealest up the sum full of wisdom and perfect beauty. The question is, what is the thing that Lucifer is sealing up the sum of that is full of wisdom and perfect and beauty. And what does it mean when the Lord says to Lucifer that he was the anointed cherub that covereth? What is the thing that he’s covering? And then we need to apply our understanding to those questions to understand what it means. When the Lord convicts Lucifer of defiling the multitude of thy sanctuaries by the inequity of thy traffic, so it causes the Lord to bring a fire from within the midst of thee and devour all that behold thee that are worshipping Lucifer on the earth. And as we unpack this verse by verse, I want you to create a visual image in your mind of what’s transpiring in these scriptures. Because we are being shown the mystery of the human race. And the Lord God convicting Lucifer of sealing up the sum of all the angels in heaven that are full in wisdom and perfect in beauty, that he is leading astray from heaven to the earth, who are trading their angelic heavenly bodies for a defiled and perverse flesh host body. So stay with me, but keep in mind this is all being done under our own voluntary free will and the Lord is allowing it to happen to fulfill his master plan, because he is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

In verse twelve it says thou sealest up the Sum, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. sealest up means to close up, to seal. It also means to make an end, to stop and to mark. Mark is defined by a recognition, designation or punishment. Because when all of God’s angels who traded their heavenly angelic bodies for a flesh host body and put their trust in Lucifer to provide for them here on earth, they all became marked as his property. The Sum means measurement, which means to divide or to apportion, also consummation, which means to complete, finish, fulfillment of an end goal or ultimate end. It also means a pattern. A pattern is to make, mold or design by following a specific pattern. And think of the Kabbalistic flower of life that I covered in my Mystery of Life video that brings forth the Platonic solids through vibrational frequency which forms the geometric shapes for all creation. It also means a fixed quantity to balance out, to measure out by weight or dimension, to arrange equalize through the idea of leveling out, mentally estimating and to be tested, which is describing Genesis one four. When God H 430 Elohim, the gods and angels of the supreme God, saw that the light was good and Elohim divided the light from the darkness. Divide means to divide or distinguish, to separate mentally, to understand, to be.Please find the reformatted text below:

Cunning, discern, have intelligence, perceive, to be skillful, teach, think or give, to have understanding, deal wisely. A man light means illumination or luminary in every sense, including lightning, happiness, and to be bright, clear the light, the day, the morning and the sun. And it’s from H 215 to be or causatively, to make luminous, set on fire and shine. Darkness means the dark, darkness, misery, destruction, death, ignorance, sorrow, wickedness, the night, or obscurity. And it’s from H 28 21. To be dark or withholding light transitively, to be darkened, to be black, to make dark, cause darkness to be dim and to hide.

Which is describing Elohim or Lucifer balancing out the sum. And dividing the light from the dark, the good from the evil, the happiness from the misery and destruction, the male energy from the female energy, which is the tree of knowledge and good and evil that Adam and Eve took from so that God could use as a test to see which angels would repent and come back home to him.

The sun is also the source of male energy personified by the sun god RA, Helios, or Apollo. And the moon is the source of the female energy, which is why there’s an interconnection between a woman’s menstrual cycle and the moon cycles. And you need to keep in mind that we are light beings trapped in flesh.

And it’s about destroying the male energy from the angel side of our spirit, of our duality, and transmuting it into female energy, which is the conversion of light to dark, from male to female, which was a symbolic representation of why they destroyed the twin towers in the old human temple. And then in Genesis 116, it says, and take notice to the correlation of the twin pine mall sign that also reads 116. When the towers were destroyed 116 years after the Statue of Liberty arrived in New York City, and God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and he made the stars also.

The strong’s meaning of light here is much different than what we covered in Genesis one. Four light means a luminous body or a luminary, that is, the light as an element, figuratively brightness, that is cheerfulness, specifically a chandelier, a bright light. And it’s from H 215 to be luminous, literally or metaphorically, the break of day, glorious kindle, to give light, to set on fire, to shine. And the strong meaning to describe the lesser light here means abbreviated, that is, dimutive, lesser, and it’s from H 69 62 to cut off, that is, to detest, which is describing that female energy.

This description of the sun being a chandelier or a burning lamp is important because it gives us a clue of what wormwood is that’s described in Revelation 810 that I’ll explain later. Okay, let’s continue unpacking.

Ezekiel 20 812. Full means the fullness, the multitude, as in the worth, to accomplish, to be at the end, to be fenced in, gather, selves together, replenish, as in replenish. The earth of wisdom means wisdom in a good sense, skillful in wisdom and perfect means complete the whole, specifically a sacrifice entirely consumed or an offering sacrifice.

So let me summarize this for you. Lucifer is sealing up all the angels that he led astray from heaven in a fixed quantity, which means there’s no more angels fallen from heaven into this system. I get that question a lot. And then he divided the light from the dark, which was the good from the evil and then created the sun and the moon to rule over the day and night. And then finally the flesh host body system. And that’s the imprisoned lightning that the Statue of Liberty represents holding the torch, which is representative of all of us who are trapped in our flesh host bodies.

So whatever angels decided to leave heaven and come here to the earth are already here. And every time a baby is born, an angel is being made into a spirit until all the energy is used up and consumed. And that’s where we’re at. And he is dividing, separating and apportioning and measuring out that energy to arrange and balance the pattern of creation that are brought forth through vibrational frequency to create this world, which in the Bible is defined as a decoration and an orderly arrangement made up of the inhabitants. The wandering stars in these heavenly hosts above are not planets, they are gods and angels balancing out the orderly arrangement that we call the earth.

This description of being complete, whole in a sacrifice or an offering is why the Lucius Trust Company which are the spiritual advisors to the United Nations from a theosophical perspective to believe that the descendant of these Solar Angels that fell from heaven was not a fall into sin or disgrace but rather an act of great sacrifice as suggested by the name Lucifer, which means light bearer. Who brought the light to start this system? Guys, you can’t make this up. This is their belief in their own words on their website that Lucifer sacrificed himself for all mankind comes right out of the Bible, which is truth. If you were part of the rebellion that wanted to leave your first estate in heaven away from the rule of the Lord God to start this flesh system. These are the angels that were turned into spirits. That the Lord will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all that behold thee who are worshipping lucifer. And these are the people that are running our world. Guys. In Ezekiel 20 813 we are given the clues of why Lucifer became lifted up with pride that eventually brought forth inequity within him, which means morally evil, perverseness, unrighteousness, wickedness to deal unjustly even though the Lord created him, perfect in beauty. And if you remember from Psalm 82, this is exactly what the Almighty l, the Lord God is saying to elohim the angels and gods of the supreme God that are standing in the congregation before him. And he asks him, how long are you going to judge, unjustly and defend the wicked, which is indicative of Lucifer’s character that he brought to this world? And I’m going to prove to you, especially to the people that have been indoctrinated into religion, that keep leaving me comments that Lucifer cannot create, that Lucifer was a builder in heaven for the lord god. And he was also the Lord’s Deputy that the Lord God commissioned or dispatched to build the heavens and the Earth in Genesis Two and was the original Freemason.

The Lord is speaking to Lucifer in Ezekiel 28 verse 13 and says to him, thou hast been in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, the topaz, the diamond, the barrel, the onyx and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald and the carbuncle in gold. Thy workmanships of thy tablets and thy pipes were prepared in thee in the day that thou was created. These precious stones that Lucifer is described as being clothed with are classified as crystals, which there are seven crystal systems consisting of 32 crystal different classes that obey the laws of symmetry, which is why there’s 32 points on a compass. You can read these classes for yourself and do your own research. But what’s important to note here is that a crystalline state describes the strict arrangements of atoms and molecules within a structures. Crystals also hold measurable electromagnetic power, which can be used as a semiconductor, an oscillator or a transducer to influence certain vibrational frequencies and patterns that enable the flow of electrons to resonate, amplify and transmute energy.

Let’s continue. Lucifer’s workmanship of ditabirts and pipes were prepared in the day that he was created. Tablets and pipes, we know, are classified as musical instruments that produce sound, frequency and vibration that are described as being prepared in thee for his workmanship. Workmanship is defined as deputyship, employment, occupation to dispatch as a deputy a messenger specifically of God, that is an angel. And we’ve just come full circle back to Genesis two, verse one and two. Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them. And on the 7th day, God elohim God’s, angels of the supreme God, ended his work which he had made and he rested on the 7th day from all the work that he had made.

And you can see that this word work is the same definition of workmanship which means deputyship, employment, occupation to dispatch as a deputy a messenger specifically of God that is an angel. And this word from all has significant meaning also, which means a whole, aTruth, there is no variableness, and it’s what spiritually converts us to make one new man from the two. So there’s no variableness and no shadow of turning anymore. Variableness means a transmutation of a phase or an orbit, and a phase is a fraction of a cycle in a periodic quantity that is completed in a specific time reference expressed by an angle, which is also known as a phase angle between a waveform, shown here in the middle.

For an example, all generators that produce energy operate at 60 cycle to maintain the phase angle imbalance between the waveform of the energy that is being produced. If the energy that is being produced drops below 60, wave begins to oscillate, vibrate and dampen, similar to how white light gets broken up into various colors and frequency and vibrations through a prism.

So the Scripture is telling us that our Father of lights from heaven above whose Holy Spirit is truth and love, is steadfast and remains constant. And there is no variableness which is represented by the number nine because nine is male energy that rules over the number six, which is frequency, and also the number three, which is vibration. And this is the mechanism of how we get disconnected from that worm in the pit within our own electromagnetic toroidal field. And this was also the symbolic representation of Jesus being on the cross for 3 hours from the 6th hour to the 9th hour before he returned from flesh, represented by the six, back into Spirit, represented by the number nine.

Variableness also means fickleness, which is characterized by erratic changeableness or instability, especially in regard to affections and personal attachments, which means, unlike our Heavenly Father’s love that never changes. The 528 love frequency. That our flesh relationships are based on are subject to erratic change and instability. Such as my own personal example of how my wife’s love changed for me after I got spiritually converted because our relationship wasn’t based on true love. Like the perfect and complete love from our Heavenly Father above who came in the flesh to die for our sins.

And shadow of turning means a shading off that is obscuration, which is referring to the darkening of the light or the good spirit inside of us that is being overtaken by that demon spirit in the pit when we are enticed, entrapped and snared in sin. And it’s from G five seven five that leads to separation, departure and reversal from the Lord God. And turning means to turn. That is a revolution, a variation, a turning, which is describing the male energy from the good spirit inside of us that is being consumed through frequency and vibration, through sin, which is represented by the aura Boris or the snake eaten its tail, which is the female energy in the time of the female rival that we covered earlier in Daniel Twelve and also in Zechariah Five.

Now, I want to clarify, it doesn’t mean that all love in this system is a false love or based on deception. Would the world be a better place if everyone showed love to one another? Absolutely. And if you’re one of those blessed couples where both the husband and wife have been spiritually converted, then you know that the Lord led you into that relationship because it was preordained from the beginning. Because I don’t know any couples who are both converted. In fact, it’s the exact opposite, where most cases one person is converted and the other is not, or is not even a believer, which is the source of tension in the house. But regardless, we’re commanded to love everyone, even our enemies.

The Lord says in Mark twelve, verse 30 and 31, “and thou shalt love the Lord God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind and with all thy strength. This is the first commandment. The second is thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is no other commandments greater than these.” And then in Galatians 522 it says “but the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. Against such there is no law.”

And I want to go through the Strong’s meaning of the word love so that you can understand how love is defined using the word of God. Love is the Greek word agape, meaning love, that is, affection, benevolence, which means you have the inclination to perform kind and charitable acts, specifically a love feast. And a love feast is a mutual love and fellowship and charity. And charity is a virtue defined as love directed first towards God, but also towards yourself and one’s neighbor as an object of God’s love.

Love is from the root, G 25, agapio, meaning to love in a social or moral sense, and to be loved. And it’s from G 53 68 to be a friend, to be fond as an individual, to have affection for denoting personal attachment as a matter of sentiment or feeling, for embracing especially the judgment and deliberate ascent of the will as a matter of principle. Which means you really care about the well-being of others and how they are living their lives according to the moral principles that the Lord commands us to live by. And you care enough to actually reprove them when they’re not following the commandments of the Lord. And it’s compared to G 53 84, a dear friend, an associate or a neighbor. But it denotes a rather passive voice, acquiescence and objective considerations, by implication, to wish for interpersonally, for future tense, which another way of stating this is that you are wishing for the best for someone who may be struggling with their walk with the Lord. Or that you’re praying for them, like we often do for the lost who don’t know the truth. Which is usually an indication that someone has likely been spiritually converted. And it’s also from the root G 35 63, which means the intellect or the mind defined or human in thought, feeling or will by implication, to understand and to know absolutely, with the former being chiefly of the heart. And the latter being the head, which means that you know in your heart and mind when you feel loved and that you love somebody else because you can perceive it in your mind and you can feel it in your heart and you know it absolutely to be so. And lastly is G 23 72, which means passion, fierceness, indignation, and wrath. And passion and fierceness don’t just have to apply to being jealous. It can also apply to someone that you really love when you see them acting contrary to how the Lord commands us to act, and you give it to them straight by reproving them in a passionate way that is done out of love, because you truly care for that person. And I remember my sister telling me that it’s okay to sin because Jesus died for our sin. And I went off on her and I made it very clear that she was incorrect. It’s not the best approach, but when we love somebody and we care about their salvation, then we need to reprove them, just like Paul did when he got in Peter’s face for Peter teaching the Christians to follow the law.

It’s not until you receive the Holy Spirit that you truly understand what love is. And the only way that you can know what true love is is to have a relationship with the Lord God. I’m going to have Max McLean read First John, verse two through 20 to you. Because this scripture will convict you to the core if you haven’t been spiritually converted.

My little children, these things write I unto you that ye sin not and if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father Jesus Christ, the righteous. And he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. And hereby we do know that we know him if we keep his commandments. He that saith I know him and keepeth not his commandments is a liar. And the truth is not in him but whoso keepeth his word in him. Beverly is the love of God perfected? Hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk even as he walked. Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning. Again, a new commandment I write unto you which thing is true in him and in you, because the darkness is past and theTrue light now shineth. He that saith he is in the light and hateth his brother. He is in darkness even until now. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. But he that hateth his brother is in darkness and walketh in darkness and knoweth not whither he goeth because that darkness hath blinded his eyes.

I read unto you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for his name’s sake. I read unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is, from the beginning. I read unto you, young men, because ye have overcome the wicked one. I write unto you, little children, because ye have known the Father. I have written unto you, fathers, because ye have known him that is, from the beginning. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong and the word of God abideth in you and ye have overcome the wicked one.

Love not the world, neither things that are in the world. If any man loved the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father, but is of the world and the world passeth away, and the lust thereof. But he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.

Little children, it is the last time. And as ye have heard that antichrist shall come even now are there many antichrists whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us. But they went out that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us.

Most people that have been spiritually converted and who are awake to the truth about this world love unconditionally and we pray for the lost, that the Lord may open their eyes and lead them to the truth about this world and why we need Jesus. But Mark is not talking to the lost in this Scripture. He’s addressing individuals that were among the church, which could be compared to the Lukewarm Church today and the people who claim to be Christian, for example, that may go to church on Sunday but live their lives like everyone else for the rest of the six days a week. Just like the heathen gentile that submit to the desires of the flesh and of the mind and are pursuing the material things of this world over, putting the Lord God first before everything else.

These are also the same people that if you try to explain to them the truth about what the Lord has revealed to us through Jonathan Kleck that this world is nothing but a hunting trap to convert angel into. A locust then you become the target of their persecution and you are labeled as a troublemaker and will often be asked to leave the church. These are also the same people who claim to be Christians but then attack their fellow brethren on YouTube or Facebook and sow discord to cause division within the body of Christ, instead of praying for them like we are commanded to do, to unite the body of Christ, not divide.

So what Mark is telling us is that if you’re one of these people whose actions are producing bad fruit that is contrary to what the Lord commands us to do, then how can you possibly say that you have the light in you? And if you can’t love your own Christian brethren in a way that we are commanded to do, then how can you possibly say that you have love for your enemy and those who persecute you? And how can you really say that you’re keeping the Lord’s first and second commandments? To love the Lord God with all your heart, mind and spirit, and love your brethren as you love yourself, which, according to Jesus’s words, that he’s speaking through Mark, makes you a liar. And there is no truth in you two.

Corinthians 1114 and 15 says and no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers are also transformed as ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works. The Scripture is saying that many of Satan’s ministers appear to be righteous and working for the Lord, just like Judas was, and then he betrayed Jesus.

That’s why Mark finishes the Scripture with little children. It is the last time, and as you have heard, that Antichrist shall come even now there are many Antichrists, whereas we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not with us. If they had been with us, they would have no doubt continued with us. So clearly there were people claiming to be Christians that were among the church back then that were actually antichrist, which means there are people today among the church who are claiming to be Christians but are also antichrist because we know from the Book of Ecclesiastics that there’s nothing new underneath the sun. And that’s why Jesus tells us we will know them by their fruit. So if there’s someone that is producing bad fruit, then the tree itself is bad.

I want to share with you a brief testimony of how one of Satan’s ministers of righteousness came at me in his attempt to steer me away from the truth and so that I can show you how the enemy works. But before he even had a chance to try, the Lord revealed to me who he was working for right away. And I believe this person was even a pastor.

When Satan’s ministers come at you, they always start off by befriending you and giving you praise and letting you know how much they appreciate you for your service for the Lord and how much they are in agreement with you so that they can gain your trust and get close to you.

But not only did the Lord reveal to me the spirit that was driving this person and who this person was working for, he used this person to reveal to us the entire system that the Lord has revealed through Jonathan Kleck that God’s sheep are being consumed like fuel for the fire by Lucifer’s demonic female dragon energy that is attached down to the worm in the pit that is feeding off us through sin.

So one day I received a request from one of my Facebook friends asking me if we could set up a call to talk. And usually I’ll talk with people if the Lord puts it on my spirit to do so. But with this particular person, I didn’t really feel led to. But he was so persistent that I eventually gave in and I agreed to schedule a time to talk with him the following evening.

So the next evening came, and as the time was approaching, I kept feeling in my spirit absolutely no desire to engage with this person. So I sent him a message stating that I couldn’t talk. And he responded in a way that was confrontational, as though I wasn’t giving him enough proper respect that he deserved as another brother in Christ and a servant of the Most High. And he was trying to guilt me into talking to him. And then in a last-ditch effort to get me to talk, he texts me a message stating that he wanted to share with me something from Genesis one and two that he said Jonathan Kleck was teaching incorrectly, which immediately raised some red flags.

And right then I felt the Lord telling me to go to his Facebook page and look at the image that he had just posted 2 hours earlier. So I went to this person’s Facebook page, and this was the picture that the person had just posted, which was an invitation for a fall harvest feast. And immediately I could see this person’s dualistic spirit within the two emojis that he’s used. One emoji has two hands praying, which is the good side, and the other has a face with one eye winking and he’s sticking out his tongue, which, if you know the Word of God from Isaiah 574, it’s the enemy outright mocking you, where he says, “Against whom do you sport yourself? Against whom do you make a wide mouth and draw out your tongue? Aren’t you children of transgression, a seed of falsehood?”

And then in Psalm 30519, it says, “Let not them that are my enemies wrongfully triumph over me, nor let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause.” So with the Lord revealing to me what this person was working for and all the evidence He provided, I messaged the person back that I wasn’t interested in discussing anything with him and that I had blocked him from my Facebook page.

It is a very helpful talent. Thank you!Rejoice over me, neither let them winked with the eye that hate me without a cause. So immediately red flags went up about this person and I heard in my spirit the Lord telling me to enlarge the image and look closely at the images within the image. And I’m going to start with the building in the back of this person’s backyard with the words Kronos on it and then move from back to front to show you what this picture is revealing to us.

Kronos was a Greek god who was referred to as the God of harvest and is often depicted holding a sickle. So think about this. So here’s a picture with the words Kronos on the building in this guy’s backyard, which means God of harvest. And this person just so happens to be posting an invitation for a fall harvest feast. Probably just another coincidence.

Kronos was also identified in classical antiquity with the Roman deity Saturn, who is also known as the God of time, generation, dissolution, abundance, wealth and agriculture. Kronos is also depicted eating his own children because that’s what he does after he’s done propping up people who have exchanged their souls for money, power and fame.

But this is where the Lord told me to enlarge the image and look within the fire pit. And if you have eyes to see, then you can discern that there is a sheep that is being consumed by the fire, which is a symbolic representation of all of God’s angels who are led astray captive to the earth, that are being hunted as fodder by this other race. Because in Romans 836 it tells us as it is written, for thy sake, we are killed all day long and we are counted as sheep for the slaughter guys.

And just pause and take a second to comprehend what you’re looking at because not only is there a sheep being consumed by fire in the pit, behind the fire pit is a goat and a cock watching this sheep being consumed. Because we know on Judgment Day that Jesus, who is our shepherd, is going to divide and separate the sheep from the goats. And this other race wants to destroy as many sheep and souls as possible before that day comes. And the cock represents all those who reject Jesus because it represents Peter denying Jesus three times in Matthew 26 34.

But this only gets better and even more profound because not only is there a sheep within the fire pit that is being consumed, there is also a dragon, an owl and a raptor that all represent that demonic dragon Double X female energy from Lucifer that is encompassing and consuming the male energy represented by the sheep that is being consumed by fire.

In Revelation Twelve nine, it says, and that great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan, which deceives the whole world. And if you look closely to the lower left of the fire pit and use your spiritual discernment and eyes to see, you can see the face of a dragon within the flames. And to the right side of the fire pit is an image of an owl who is often associated with Lilith, which in Judaism was said to be a shapeshift and demonic succubus that Adam fornicated with. But in the Bible, Lilith is referred to as the screech owl in Isaiah 30 41.

And it’s from age 30 915 Leila, meaning to twist away from the light that is the night adversity. And I’m sure you’ve heard of the song by Eric Clapton, layla, you got me on my knees, Layla, now you know what and who he is referring to, which is that dark spirit that twists away from the light, which is Lilith.

And in the lower part of the middle of the fire pit, there is a head of a raptor, which we know is a dinosaur that has the same female demonic dragon energy from Lucifer that the movie Jurassic Park coined. The phrase clever girl, which cryptically is telling us that the raptor’s spirit is female.

It clever girl that I want to point out to you is the image of the serpent that is coiled around the cross. You have to look closely, but there is no doubt that this is a physical manifestation of the symbol of Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness in John 314 and 15, where it says and as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up. That whosoever believe in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

So when we collectively consider these images of the dragon, the owl and the raptor that the Lord has revealed to us in this fire pit, which is a symbolic representation of the female energy that is encompassing and consuming the sheep within our own toroidal field that is being transmuted to be used as fodder to birth that other race from the pit through our backsliding and transgression and sin. You get an exact depiction of what the Lord is asking in Jeremiah 31 22, where he says, how long will you go, O backsliding daughter? For the Lord has created a new thing in the earth. A woman shall compass a man.

The strong’s meaning of shall compass means to revolve, to surround or border on every side. Compass about Turn Self Away, which is describing the female energy encompassing and consuming the male energy of the sheep and transmuting it down into the fire pit to feed that worm, to birth that new race of scorpion locusts. As Kronos in the background keeps you enslaved to the desires of the flesh and of the mind and the material things of this world has to offer.

But if you believe in Christ’s Redemptive work on the cross and turn your heart, mind and spirit back to Him and stop backsliding like Israel and Judah were doing in this scripture, then the Lord will lift you up. Out of the fire pit and sever that connection to the worm in the pit and reconnect you to Christ’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit, which is another form of male energy which is represented by the number nine.

Because what the Lord is showing us in this image is essentially what is transpiring within our own electromagnetic toroidal field, within the human host body, threshing apparatus to separate the grain from the chaff, the wheat from the tears. And you will either accept Jesus or reject Jesus, which is represented by the cock, and you will either be a sheep or a goat when Jesus separates us on Judgment Day.

There is no other way to test the Spirit than by seeking the Lord’s counsel directly for your own spiritual discernment and confirmation of the truth of what someone is teaching you. And this includes myself. That’s how you know you have a relationship with the Lord and not just with your pastor or teacher. Because if you’re relying on man for your spiritual discernment, then that’s not a good position to be in, because it means you have a relationship with your pastor or teacher and not with the Lord.

And eventually you will be deceived by one of Satan’s ministers of righteousness that comes like an angel of light. But we can often tell the kind of spirit that is controlling someone by applying Jonathan Kleck’s sponge technique that he uses to test their spirit by just squeezing them enough. Using love, of course, to see how they respond to the truth when you show it to them or when they are reproof for not acting according to the word of God, or if you correct them for teaching something that is incorrect. Because what’s inside a person will always be made manifest by the light if you reprove them with truth and with love.

In the case of this person who was attempting to lead me astray from the truth. When I told him that I wasn’t interested in speaking to him and I sent him the image of the sheep that was burning in the fire pit, he started to go off the rails and his true nature of his spirit that was controlling him came out. And he started coming at me with all types of accusations and trying to discredit Jonathan Kleck and telling me that I was exactly like him. And I wasn’t hearing from the Holy Spirit, but I was hearing from Satan.The enemy. And I always go back to Matthew 7:16 when Jesus says, “Ye shall know them by their fruits.” Because just as love and the light that we shine out into the world to others can encourage and strengthen our brethren and lead unbelievers to the truth, so can negative thoughts, emotions and our actions and the words we speak, and what we sow can set fire to the course of nature.

James 3:6 says, “the tongue is a fire, a world of inequity. So is the tongue among our members that it defiles the whole body and sets fire to the course of nature.” And this goes back to the quantum entanglement and the interaction that we have with people in the world around us that I shared earlier.

So the one thing you should take away from this section of the video is that the Lord hates a false witness that speaketh lies and that sows discourse among the brethren. Discourse means tension or strife resulting in a lack of agreement, dissension, a contest or a quarrel, brawling or to judge others.

So if you’re encountering people like this who are claiming to be Christians and part of the body of Christ, then watch out, because they could be a Judas in disguise. Yes, the Lord commands us to reprove one another if our fellow brethren is not teaching the truth or is acting contrary to the Lord’s commandments. But we are to reprove them in a way that is done out of love and in a way that corrects them and strengthens their understanding of the Word, not in a way that sows discourse and causes division within the Church.

Because Paul warns us in Galatians 5:9 that a little leaven leavens the whole lump and haven’t been on the receiving end of being called a self-appointed or false teacher by people who are not qualified to reprove me because they themselves don’t know the word of God or have even watched my videos. I know this too well, and I have witnessed what it does to the body of Christ and how destructive and divisive their actions can be.

Galatians 6:6-10 says, “let him that is taught in the Word communicate unto him that teaches in all good things; be not deceived, God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, he shall also reap. For if he soweth to his flesh, shall of the flesh reap corruption. But if he soweth to the Spirit, shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”

So if you’re going to reprove your fellow brethren, make sure that you sow in the Spirit to produce good fruit and is a benefit to them. Sowing discourse in a negative way that is destructive or decisive is sowing to the flesh, which the Lord tells us we will also reap in the flesh because it will remanifest back to you in the form of the Lord God’s divine judgment or his correction, if you’re lucky.

This is the difference between Divine love and the 432 Hertz male energy which we receive from our Heavenly Father above, which is joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith and meekness, and temperance. Against such there is no law and the 528 Hertz false love, which is the female energy that is from nature in the natural world.

That Elohim said in that video clip that I played for you earlier that they make worlds of love because although nature is visually beautiful to the eyes and was created as a decoration and an ornament to make it seem appealing to the senses. Nature is also very cruel and vicious and self-serving, which is where we get the concept of survival of the fittest comes from, which is the difference between living in the flesh and living in the spirit.

Because people, not in Christ, will often justify their actions according to nature, which is self-serving, which is opposite of love, joy, peace, long suffering and gentleness, goodness, faith and meekness and temperance. Which is why Jesus washed his disciples’ feet to show him how Christians are meant to serve others and not serve ourselves like the natural world.

When the Lord was leading me to the understanding that all of creation was based on energy, frequency, and vibration. I had come across a website that contained the results of an experiment that was conducted to determine if water had memory and if the words we speak, both positive and negative, would visually influence the seismic patterns of the water. And what they found was fascinating. And don’t take my words for it. Do your own research.

This seismic pattern here to the left that was captured during the experiment was a result of someone speaking the words love into water, which produced this geometric shape that is pleasing to the eyes. This next image, which is less appealing, was captured when the words “I will kill you” were spoken into the water.

But what’s interesting is that when I was making this part of the video, my brother Jeff reminded me of this experiment while I was explaining to him what my next video was about. And the very next day I was led to 1 John 3:15 and Psalm 11:2, which becomes a confirming scripture. That the Lord used to confirm to me that not only do the words we speak, such as “I will kill you,” can influence the seismic image of the water, but more importantly, even the intent of what is in our heart, such as hatred for one another, can influence those around us and set fire to the course of nature.

Which is why Jesus said in 1 John 3:15, “whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer.” Because if you really look closely at this image to the left, you can see that there’s an image of a man drawing back a bow and a string and an arrow, as though he’s ready to shoot and kill someone. Psalm 11:2 says, “for the low of the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot the upright in heart.”

When we break down the strong’s meaning of some of these words that the author uses to describe what the Lord is communicating to us, we get an even more accurate depiction. For the wicked bend their bow. Bend means to tread or to walk, meaning the course of life. Also a string as a bulb, an archer to draw, which if you look closely at this image, is an exact depiction of the words “I will kill you” when it’s spoken into the water. Bow means bending as a bow for shooting, hence strength. The iris, and it’s from H 69:80 to set a trap, to lay a snare. And it’s from H 71:80 to be cruel or to be fierce. This is not describing a bow in the sense of a weapon.

The word iris provides the clue that this is describing the light such as the bottom half of the rainbow that has been turned upside down and is the shadow of turning from a once undivided light from our heavenly Father of lights above where there is no variableness, to shading of darkness, which is the demon side of our duality in this system, from when Elohim divided the light from the darkness, which is that spirit of warmwood that goes down to the pit.

Because Matthew 6:23 says, “but if the eye be evil, the whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, then how great is the darkness” then the scripture goes on to say, “they make ready their arrow.” Arrow means a piercer, an arrow, a wound figuratively of God, and it’s from H 60:86 a tree from its firmness, from H 60:95 to fasten or to make firm, that is, to close the eyes or to shut.

This phrase “they make ready their arrow” is describing a person’s intent of what’s in their heart that comes from the darkness that’s inside a person, from that spirit that we inherited from the seed of the serpent. And this goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3:3, when the original trap and snare was set where it says, “but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” And you can see that the strong’s meaning of “of the tree” that we know is describing the DNA from the seed of the serpent has the same meaning of this word “arrow” used to describe how “they make ready their arrows.” Because it’s describing how that evil sideOf our duality that we inherited from the family tree of the serpent that we become fastened to, which closes our eyes and blinds us from our true identity. We become exposed to evil in this system and inherently, we either take aim at others with our arrows of hate or we become targets of others arrows of hate. Which when you understand our dualistic condition and how we are all connected. You can see how the whole entire world is set up to divide everyone through economic, class, race, our political systems and even our religions and beliefs upon their string means superiority.

A chord or a string which is describing the cord of connecting to that female energy that we become yoked to, which is our duality. Privily means darkness. Obscurity privily secretly because the snare or trap that was done in secret can’t be seen unless you get spiritually converted. And shoot at the upright means shoot to flow as water, especially an arrow to shoot to a point out by aiming, which is describing that demon spirit of wormwood setting fire to the course of nature through hate and through the intent of our heart, which is visually describing exactly what’s depicted in the seismatic image of the water that depicts an archer aiming a bow when the words I will kill you is spoken into water. Because the water inside of us is a superconductor of energy, frequency and vibration and our DNA is an amplifier for reception and transmission in real time. And what we reap is what we sow, because we are all connected.

Do you understand?

Guys, I hope you can appreciate what was just revealed to you in this scripture and you’re able to wrap your brain around how perfect the word of God is and what he is showing us. That the words we speak and the hatred that we hold in our heart towards others can set fire to the course of nature around us, because we’re all connected. So if you’re someone that is sowing discourse, just stop it and repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness. Because you have no idea the effect that you’re having within the body of Christ and everyone around you. Once you understand How We’re all Connected, and how energy, frequency and vibration can both positively and negatively affect and influence The Human motions and Actions, then you can understand why There Was A concerted and malicious effort by The Rockefellers and The Secret Fraternal Brotherhood who Run The World to Purposely Change The Tuning frequency standard that Was Once Set To 432 Hertz, which Is mathematically, geometrically And Harmonically synchronized With Creation In The Heavenly Realm to the 440 Hz, which mathematically, Geometrically And Harmonically is Indisced to The Universal Creation In The Human Body.

Which takes the argument out of consideration that what I’m explaining to you is all just some sort of conspiracy theory of why they changed the tuning frequency. Because the math doesn’t lie. The first effort to institutionalize 440 Hz as the A note, in fact was at a conference organized by Joseph Gobel in 1939, who was a Nazi German politician and chief propaganda minister, who had standardized the A note to 440 Hz as the official German pitch. Then, in 1953, David Rockefeller used the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research to take Kawabel’s initial 440 Hz music frequency to pass a worldwide agreement declaring that middle A on the piano scale would be forever tuned exactly to 440. Just happens to be the year that Watson and Creek mapped the first three dimensional model of our double helix DNA that was based off Roslyn Franklin’s research. Probably just a coincidence.

This frequency became the standard ISO 16 reference for tuning all musical instruments based on the chromatic scale, which was the most often used for music in the west. And when you begin to understand that energy, frequency and vibration is what controls variations in emotions such as stress, anxiety, fear, anger and hate. Similar to how listening to a relaxing or enough lifting song in the car can be relaxing or motivating. But then, as you get further away from the source and start to lose the signal, all of a sudden you begin to get irritated. Because that frequency becomes more like static, which is indicance or is deceasing to the body. And before you know it, you’re reaching for the radio to turn off the station. But what if you couldn’t turn off the static? What impact do you think that frequency of static would have on you? The rest of the day, you’d probably become irritated, angry, stressed or combative, which can set fire to the course of nature. Now you can begin to understand why there would be an agenda to change from 432 Hertz, which is mathematically in sync with our creator spirit, to the 440 Hz frequency just as the Nazis entered into World War II. This is the frequency war that we’ve been engaged in. And who knows what other type of weapons that they’ve been using?

Because the ultimate goal is to shut down the right side of your brain that operates the heart and mind in the connection to the divine source, in the divine community, which is based on the fruits of the spirit, which is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith and meekness, and temperance, which is what the spiritual church is based on. But regardless of the static that we may be listening to. The Lord tells us in Romans 118 through 20 that we are without excuse because we have a conscience, knowing good and evil, right from wrong. And he says, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who hold the truth and unrighteousness, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has showed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even his internal power and Godhead, so that we are without excuse. So it doesn’t matter if our emotions are being manipulated or we’re being deceived by science. Ultimately it’s your own free will to choose what spirit that you want to listen to and what truth and lies you want to believe. The evidence of our Creator is all around us and it’s written within our hearts and minds inside of us, so that we are without excuse.

Now I want to show you how I was led to the understanding that 432 hertz is the male energy from our Heavenly Father above and is the other side of the earth’s electromagnetic toroidal field in this system opposite the female 528 hertz frequency. And without this frequency, there would be no sun and life as we know it could not exist. When the Lord was showing me the math and the geometry that was connected to the 432 hertz frequency, I was praying and asking Him to confirm to me that my understanding was correct because everything that he was showing me was pointing in that direction. And then one day I was going over my friend Cliff’s house that I play hockey with to get my skate sharpened and I’m walking into his driveway. And this is how the Lord confirmed to me that my understanding was correct, because my friend’s Cliff’s house number is 432. Guys, this is no coincidence, because if you watch my tribulation kickoff events video, cliff is also the same person that the lord used to confirm to me that the tsunami was coming when he was showing me the number 17 and how it was connected to the beast of Revelation 17 that would rise out of the chaos after the tsunami event.

And I said to the Lord, if he wanted me to warn people that a tsunami was coming, then he was going to have to have someone come up to me right in my face and say the word tsunami, which Cliff was the one to do. So when we were stepping onto the ice during drop in hockey. And after that we became friends. And then he used Cliff again while I was praying to the Lord about how the tsunami event would unfold. And the Lord showed me that the US would be in conflict with Russia. When Cliff showed up at hockey again wearing an old Cold War style Russian CCCP jersey with the number 17. I mean, you really can’t make this stuff up, guys.

So fast forward to several months later while I was making this section of the video and I was struggling with how to present this data to you because it can be fairly complex to understand if the information is not presented.With the proper context and applied to an application that you can understand to make sense of it all. Because the way the Lord revealed it to me was through numbers and through math and geometry, which if I had presented to you in that format the way it was revealed to me, then I probably would lose most of you along the way in the details. Because if you’re anything like me and how I was in school, unless I know the details and why I’m learning an equation and how it applies to everyday life, it’s hard for me to pay attention and to get excited about learning.

Because once you understand how the Fibonacci sequence pi phi and the golden angle applies to the natural world and the human host body system, which all connects back through the word of God, then learning becomes so much more interesting because you know that it’s the Lord revealing to us the truth about creation and his master plan, that our freemasonic education system and the religious institutions purposely will not teach you because they don’t want us to know the truth. Because when you know the truth, then you realize that the universe becomes very small and the Earth becomes the focal point of all creation, which leads you back to our Heavenly Father through His Word.

And you’ll realize that this creation is not that complex, as we are conditioned to all believe, where only a few scientists can understand it.

So as I was contemplating on how to present this information to you in a way that you could all understand it, a YouTube video that was produced from the graphic artist Christobel Villa from Eteria Studios coincidentally popped up in my YouTube feed. And after watching it, I couldn’t believe how perfect the graphic images that he created align with everything that the Lord was showing me. And I just want to say that this gentleman’s artistic ability is the best I’ve ever seen when it comes to this content.

But not only is Christopher’s work a perfect representation of the math and geometry behind creation in the 528 and 432 hertz frequencies, even Christoval’s name bears witness to the entire system of what the Lord is revealing to us in this video, and he becomes the confirming witness to the truth when you understand what his name means. Christoval means bearing Christ, and Villa means a country estate, a detached or semi detached urban residence with a yard or garden space. So Christoval’s name literally means bearing Christ detached urban residence with a yard and a garden space, which is describing the earth and the natural world in the Garden of Eden that the Lord God created when he dispatched his Angel messenger Lucifer to build this detached earth as our urban residence or villa that began his redemptive plan to give all the angels that were led astray captive from heaven to the earth a second chance to come to repentance so that we can come back home and remember from the strong’s meaning of wild g. 66. It means wild as pertaining to the country, literally natural or fierce wild and raging from G 68, the field to drive as cattle, specifically a farm, a country, a piece of ground or land.

And as we go through this next section, you’ll see that I added my own section to Gestoval’s work to fill in the rest of the story of creation and how it relates to the natural man and the host of heaven. And then we’re going to go through the mathematics and the geometry so that I can explain to you how everything is connected. And then we’re going to connect it all back to the Bible. So you can understand that the Lord is going to bring judgment on the natural world, because you need to understand that this carbon based world is Lucifer’s villa or his kingdom, and he owns the entire flesh, host, body, carbon system in your soul until you get spiritually converted.

So let’s go through.

Don’t. Sam SA ram. Sam sainted. When he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed, then when lust hath conceived it, bringeth forth sin and sin. When it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Do not err, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning of his own will beget he us with the word of truth.

You it. A false balance is abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight. A just weight and balance are the Lord’s. All the weights of the bag are his workload.

Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine. Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

Sam, sam bow wow. Woe to the crown of pride, to the drunkards of Ephraim, whose glorious beauty is a fading flower, which are on the head of the fat valleys of them that are overcome with wine. Behold, the Lord hath a mighty and strong one, which as a tempest of hail and a destroying storm, as a flood of mighty waters overflowing, shall cast down to the earth with the hand.

Though thou hast not known me, I am the Lord, and there is none else. There is no God beside me. I girded Thee, though thou hast not known me, that they may know from the rising of the sun and from the west that there is none beside me. I am the Lord and there is none else. I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil. I, the Lord, do all these things.

I know that this last section was a lot to digest and may have been challenging to put into context without having me explain it to you, especially if you’re just seeing these concepts for the first time. But I wanted to provide you with a practical application using the Fibonacci sequence in the mathematical values of pi, phi and the golden angle that you could visually see before I went through it and explained it. And hopefully you’re beginning to comprehend how this mathematical sequence that creates design of the pattern of the sunflower, as well as how other plants grow in nature to maximize the exposure to the sunlight as well as the spiral. Structure of our helical ladder, of our DNA that creates the human host body’s own toroidal field at a micro level as well as the Earth’s toroidal field at a macro level that rises up like a spiral staircase in the heaven that Christoval depicted in the Vatican is the math that is foundational to an electromagnetic field.

And you should be asking yourself the question, if the Fibonacci Sequence is the foundational application to the creation of nature, then why is it not taught in our education system? I’ll tell you the reason why. Because a lot more people would be able to put the puzzle pieces of creation together and the theory of the Big Bang and evolution would be destroyed and would ultimately reveal the master architect who is responsible for all creation. And a lot more people would seek a relationship with him so that they can return home. Because all of this points back to the Bible and the Word of God.

I want to begin explaining this last section with this image here of this ancient Egyptian hieroglyph that depicts a pharaoh holding up a pi symbol to the rays of the sun, which is the first clue that the sun is connected to the 432 hertz frequency and is the male energy in this system. And then I’m going to explain the Fibonacci in great detail so that you can better understand the math and how it’s connected to the values of pi, phi and the golden angle. And also time, because I’m going to show you another application using the Fibonacci sequence and how it’s applied to the Dome of the Rock, which is said to be the intersection between the heaven and the earth, also known as the Access Monday, which for Jews and Muslims is the holiest site in the world.

If you remember earlier in the video that the value of pi, which is equal to 3.142, is connected to the 528 hertz frequency in the seven days of creation. Because when you divide 528 by 168, which represents the amount of hours in the seven days of creation, you get 3.142. And when you multiply 3.142 by 432, which represents the cycle of the moon, you get 1,442.464, which is the exact measurement in nautical miles of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. And just to make this infinitely more interesting, when you add up all the digits in 1,442.464, you get 27, which is an extremely sacred number in the Bible.Creation because 1000 years is like a day in the Lord, you get the value of 3.142. And 528 hertz is also the frequency that forms a perfect synchronized balance between light and sound. And without 528 hertz there could be no circles.

So if we just assume for a minute that the sunlight’s energy gives off the 432 hertz frequency and then divide 432 hertz by the value of pi, which is 3.142, that this pharaoh is holding up to the rays of the sun as to cryptically indicate that’s what he wants us to do. Or that’s what he’s showing us. We get the number of 137.5 degrees, which is the golden angle and how plants grow according to nature, which is the mathematical ratio produced by these two frequencies of 528 and 432 hertz in order to maximize the plant’s exposure to the sun’s energy.

Before I can explain how to calculate the golden angle, we need to understand how we arrived at the golden ratio of five, which is equal to 1.6 118. And the only way we can know this is to understand the sequence of the numbers that make up the Fibonacci Sequence. You need to pay close attention to this section and stop the video if you have to. But please don’t be intimidated by this equation because it’s really not that complicated.

So if there’s anyone watching this that may be intimidated because you don’t consider yourself good at math or you might be thinking that this information is too complex for you to understand, don’t let Satan get into your head and tell you that you can’t understand this because it’s not that complicated. And what I’m going to explain to you is the truth about creation that we should have learned in school.

The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence of numbers that produces the golden ratio that we find in nature. The sequence begins at zero, which represents nothingness. And then the number sequence grows by simply adding the two preceding numbers to get the next number in the sequence. For example, zero plus one equals one, and then one plus one equals two, and then two plus one equals three, and then three plus two equals five, and then five plus three equals eight, and then eight plus five equals 13. And this sequence keeps growing to infinity. And this sequence also holds true for the negative in infinite smallness which starts to get into physics of compression, which is what false science teaches as gravity that Neil DeGrace Tyson can’t even explain.

So as the Fibonacci sequence expands, it gets closer to the golden ratio of five, which is 1.6 118 which we calculate by simply dividing a number in the sequence by the preceding number in the sequence. For an example, if we divide 144 by the preceding number, which is 89, we get 1.61,797,753. You can see it’s not quite 1.6,118, which is phi, but it is close and will continue to get closer as the number sequence expands.

Now let’s apply the Fibonacci numbers to the spiral pattern of the golden ratio of phi within the golden rectangle to demonstrate how plants grow according to this sequence as well as show the origin of an electromagnetic field. We begin by drawing what is referred to as the golden rectangle which in nature would be considered an invisible grid with any reference point. And you can think in terms of planting a fenced in garden beginning with nothing. Then you begin plotting the Fibonacci numbers within the sequence beginning with one and then one again and then two, which is where we first see the golden ratio begin to emerge. Then three, 5813, and then 21.

And then if we plot the golden spiral through the intersecting grid points to account for the female energy because female energy is curved lines, we can see the golden spiral begin to emerge. So if we wanted to find the golden ratios between the number sequence between eight and 13 within the golden spiral, we would just plug in the numbers with AB and 13 and b equaling eight.

Then we would simply divide 13 by eight to get the golden ratio which is 1.65 which I have inserted this pine cone to use as a real world example to demonstrate how there are eight spiral turns to the left and 13 spirals turning to the right. And perhaps this is the true meaning of going to the left or going to the right in the Bible as it relates to this system because left always means through the idea of wrapping darked as envelope which is describing the female energy of the electromagnetic toroidal field. And the right in the Bible means strong stability, certainty, truth and trustworthiness which is describing all the characteristics of the male energy in the system from Jesus. You guys can take this to the Lord and pray on it, but it seems logical to me.

And now you know why the Pope and his bishops within the Catholic Church are sometimes photographed holding a Fibonacci spiral staff with a cross in the middle. Because the cross represents the four primary points on a rose compass generating from Lucifer’s carbuncle in Hell, in the center of the earth, which is the cornerstone that the Lord God set when he laid the foundations of the earth that produces the female 528, hertz energy and the electromagnetic fields that produce the Fibonacci mathematical sequence and the golden ratio and the golden angle used to create the natural world.

And more importantly, the natural man that Elohim made that was grown by germination, which was that reptilian serpent race because they worship and serve the creature and the creation over the Lord God who is the creator of everything. And I wonder what the odds are that my ex wife just happened to purchase these chairs in our old house that have the Fibonacci golden spiral design built into them. I’m guessing that’s probably just another coincidence.

Now that we understand the Fibonacci sequence and how we divide the preceding numbers to calculate the value of five, which is equal to 1.6 118, let’s apply this understanding to understand how we find the golden angle of 137.5 that plants in nature grow according to this angle to maximize the energy from the sun. And the only other variable that we need to calculate the golden angle is to know that the circumference of a circle is 360 degrees.

So if we apply the phi formula to the circumference of a circle to calculate the phi ratio to get the golden angle, we can start by visually wrapping this ratio of the straight line around in a 360 degree. Circle and apply the phi equation, which is a plus B divided by A. And in practical terms, it’s one plus zero 6118 divided by one, which still gives us the value of phi 1.6 118. Now, to simply get the ratio of the angles within the circle, we need to divide phi, which is 1.6 118, by 360 degrees, which gives us 225.5 degrees, which is the value of A.

And to get the value of B or the angle of the remaining degrees in the circle. You can either subtract 225.5 degrees by 360 degrees, which is 137.5 degrees, which is the golden angle, or you can divide 222.5 degrees by five 1.6 118. And again, either way, you get the golden angle of 137.5.

So by using this formula and this data alone, we can conclude with certainty that the Sun’s energy is based on 432 hertz frequency, because 432 hertz divided by pi 3.142 equals 137.5, the golden angle. But let’s look at some more data to provide more evidence of this. Because once you understand how 432 hertz frequency is connected to the heavens and specifically the sun, then 432 hertz and the factors of 432 hertz unlocks our understanding of the entire heavenly realm and how everything is connected through numbers.

For an example, the diameter of the sun is 864,000 miles, which is a factor of 432,000 times two, which breaks down to the digital root of nine, which is the Lloyd’s energy, because eight plus six plus four plus zero plus zero plus zero equals 18, and then 18 breaks down to one plus eight equals nine. And the radius of the sun is also equal to 432,000 miles, which also has a digital root of nine. And the speed of light, which is clearly associated with the sun. And the growth of nature is equal to 100 and 8624 miles per second, which is 432 squared, or 432 times 432, which also has a digital root of nine, because one plus eight plus six plus six plus two plus four equals 27. And then 27 breaks down to.Two plus seven equals nine. There’s a lot more connections that 432 Hertz has with the heavenly realm that we’re going to get into later in the video. But I want to stop here for now and focus on the golden angle of 137.5 within the human host body system. Because now we’re getting into the root of what sun worship is all about.

Because worship of the sun is not only about worshipping creation in the natural world. It’s about worshipping the creation of the natural man that was grown by Germination that Elohim made in Genesis 126 and is the reason why. This pharaoh king is holding up the symbol of Pi to the rays of the sun. And why the Statue of Liberty, which represents the human host body system, is overlooking the sun in New York City.

Because the sun is the source of the male energy and the male personification of Lucifer or the Egyptian sun god RA. And without this energy from the sun and the 432 Hertz frequency, then nature could not exist, nor could Elohim have grown the original parthenogenic reptilian host bodies. This is one of the biggest revelations that the Lord has revealed to us to help put the parables of the Bible into context.

One Corinthians 214 says but the natural man receiveth not the things of the spirit of God, for they are foolish unto him, neither can they know them, because they are spiritually discerned, and natural means inanimate. And it’s from G 41 52 demonically, a spirit. And it’s from G 54 46 physically, instinctive, lower or bestial in nature, natural, sensual. And it’s from G 54 49 growth by germination, by natural production, lineal, descent, a genus or sort, native disposition, mankind.

But just because the Lord deputized Lucifer as his angel messenger to create the system that we call the world, it doesn’t mean that the Lord God isn’t in control of everything, and it’s not his master plan that’s being executed exactly the way he intended it to happen.

Because in Isaiah 45, verse five through seven, it says I am the Lord and there is no one else. There is no God. H 430 elohim the angels and gods of the supreme God beside me, I girded thee, but thou hast not known me. They that know me from the rising of the sun and from the west, there is no one else beside me. I am the Lord, and there was no one else. I form the light and create darkness. I make peace and create evil. I, the Lord, do all these things, which includes allowing Lucifer to create this carbon based system and the natural world, and the creation of the human host body that he’s using to wholly reap the good angels from the rebellious angels as his human host body threshing apparatus.

And you can see that these seven energy systems that the religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and other new age religions refer to them as the seven chakras, which in the Indo Aryan branch of the European language of the Sanskrit, means wheel or disc that the seven frequencies, when added together, equals 4536. Then when you divide by the number of 33 vertebrates in the spine of the back, it equals the golden angle of 137.5 degrees found in nature and how plants grow, which is the electromagnetic field that coils up the spine to form the human host body’s toroidal field, which are primarily based on the numbers three, six and nine, because these seven frequencies all break down to the digital roots of three, six, nine.

Now we’re one step closer to understanding what Nikola Tesla meant when he said, if you only knew the magnificence of three, six and nine, then you would have the key to the universe. Because finding the keys to the universe is the same as finding the keys to the kingdom of heaven, which only comes from knowing the truth that your soul is being transmuted to birth another race of demonic locusts in the pit through energy, frequency and vibration, through the Lord God’s human host body threshing apparatus in all those who reject him. And once you find the key, then hopefully you’ll turn back to the Lord, repent with Godly sorrow and believe in Jesus’s redemptive work on the cross so you can receive the Holy Spirit and get converted and return back to him.

That’s what he meant. If you remember correctly from part three of this spiritual tsunami series when we unpack Isaiah 518, that describes the Lord’s vineyard being destroyed, which was a parable for Judah and the Israelites joining house to house and commingling with the serpent race.

We also see the definition of this word wheels, used to describe the interlocking male and female energy that forms what is referred to in the Bible or Judaism as merkaba, which means light, spirit, body. From the strong’s meaning of the word car that I have outlined here in white, these wheeled vehicles is describing the seven chakras of the human host body’s toroidal field that is yoked to a cord of vanity, which is the female energy from that demonic entity that is feeding off us in the pit.

Now you know why in the movie Return of the Jedi, there was a scene where Princess Leia was chained to a worm because the producers were mocking us. Isaiah 518 says, woe unto them that draw inequity with cords of vanity and sin, as it were, a cart rope. And the strong’s meaning of draw means to sow inequity means perversity. That is morally evil. To make corrupt, to commit inequity. And to pervert with cords means a rope as twisted, especially a measuring line, a district or inheritance as measured, or a noose of cords as tied together. Also a throw, which is describing childbirth pains, especially paturation, also destruction, ruin and a snare, because as soon as we are born into the flesh, as it states in Job 24 20, when we get disconnected from the womb, we become quantumly connected to the worm through that noose.

And that worm begins feeding off us and stealing our inheritance if we don’t cut the cord and get spiritually converted. And it says the womb shall forget him, and the worm shall feed sweetly on him, he will be remembered no more, and the wickedness will be broken off like a tree.

A vanity means desolating evil as destructive, literally ruin, or morally, especially guile, which means treachery, cunning and deceitfulness, idolatry and false deceptive lying in vanity and sin means an offense or a penalty, and as it were, a cart means something revolving as a wheeled vehicle, a cart, chariot or a wagon. And I want you to pay attention to this word wagon for the next section when we cover in the Book of Numbers, chapter Seven, where I explain where these energy systems or the chakras are encoded in the chapter verses. Cart further reduces to H 56 96, which means to revolve, circular or around. So think of this wheeled vehicle as the counterrotating male and female energies of the human host body. Toroidal field that is, the male energy that is being threshed out through sin to feed that worm in the pit and turn the host into a beast, just like Nebuchadnezzar was, which is represented by the false star of David, which we are told in Acts 743, is really the star of Renfin, which means bail or Satan.

And lastly, rope means something entwined stringed or a wreath or foliage, a band or cord, a wreath enchained to interlace, to pervert and wrap up. And think of this rope as the frequency that entwines and bands those two opposing spirits together.

Now I want to show you, within the book of numbers in chapter seven, how these seven energy systems, or seven chakras, which, remember, means wheel or disc that form the electromagnetic toroidal field of the human host body. Tabernacle. That fences in and entwines those two opposing male and female angel demon.

Dualistic spirits together are cryptically hidden within the chapter verses in the description of the offerings that the twelve tribes of Israel offered up to the Lord at the time of the consecration of the tabernacle. And if you’ve made it this far in my spiritual Tsunami series, then you should know that the strong’s meaning of Tabernacle means A residence, a temple, a dwelling place, a habitation and a tent, which is where the Lord dwells in which was also a physical representation of the human host body with the holiest of Holies, where the Ark of the Covenant was placed that stored the Ten Commandments.

And the instructions on how to build the tabernacle represented the nuclear envelope within our cells that houses…Our DNA holds the instructions on how to build the human temple or tabernacle, and the laws are written in our heart and mind to guide us in distinguishing right from wrong. This is also how opposing angelic and demonic spirits attach to us, like a receiver. One Corinthians 3:16-17 states, “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” Furthermore, in 2 Corinthians 5:1, it says, “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.”

The term “tabernacle” refers to a temporary residence, such as the human body serving as the abode of the Spirit. It can also be understood as a shade or shadow, representing the darkness of error and the demon side of our dualistic nature. This dualistic condition is associated with the worm in the pit, which feeds off us through sin. Some people in the New Age religion lack understanding of this twin-host body tabernacle and the dualistic angel-demon condition revealed by Jonathan Kleck. They try to take the Bible out of context and use it to promote their own ideas, suggesting that raising our vibrational energy to a higher state of consciousness is the key to salvation or enlightenment.

However, true salvation and connection with God require receiving the Holy Spirit, repenting for our transgressions and sins, and believing in Jesus’ sacrifice and redemptive work on the cross. It is through this process that we can be released from the levy held against us. Proverbs 11:1 emphasizes the importance of honesty and justice, warning against deception and deceit. It speaks of the two voices within us, one urging us to do good and the other tempting us to sin. An abomination is anything morally disgusting, including idolatry, symbolizing the human host body. On the other hand, a just weight brings delight to the Lord, representing completion, wholeness, and peace through the Holy Spirit and the unity of Jesus.

Throughout my video series, I have explained how the human host body tabernacle, known as the kellopoth, was part of the Lord’s plan from the beginning. It serves as the Lord God’s apparatus to separate the good Spirit from the evil Spirit through our spiritual conversion. When we receive the Holy Spirit, Jesus restores us and connects us to a new divine source, His Spirit. This spiritual conversion requires belief in Jesus’ redemptive work on the cross, godly repentance, and the acknowledgement of our transgressions against the Most High. It also entails discerning the truth that this world is in opposition to the Lord God and everything in it has been inverted to hide the truth from us.

Repentance and acknowledgment of our sins committed on Earth, following God’s commandments, and seeking the Lord wholeheartedly are essential. Our focus determines where our heart truly lies. In these critical times, if our pursuit of material things overrides our commitment to serving the Lord, can we honestly discern where we stand? In 1 Peter 4:18, it asks, “If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” This reminds me to live out my salvation with fear and trembling, constantly questioning if I am doing enough for the kingdom.

In Matthew 22:36-38, when the Pharisees test Jesus’s knowledge of the Law, one of them asks Him about the greatest commandment. Jesus answers, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.” Jesus, being the author of the Torah, rightly identifies this commandment. It is significant because it aligns with the theme of chapter seven, where the twelve tribes of Israel consecrate the Tabernacle by forsaking their material possessions in exchange for atonement of their sins. This act symbolizes consecrating our human Tabernacle by dedicating ourselves wholly to seeking and serving the Lord, letting go of worldly attachments. Consecration encompasses the act of dedicating one’s life or time to a cherished purpose, such as worship and studying the Word.

However, consecration can also be misused. Numerous videos on YouTube feature actors and singers confessing that they have sold their souls for wealth, power, and fame. The Bible contains numerous accounts of people serving the God of this world, just as we discussed earlier with the example of Adonis Creed from the movie “Creed.” Now that we understand that chapter seven emphasizes focusing our energy on serving the Lord and expressing our adoration for Him, rather than attempting to enter the sheepfold through other means, such as elevating our vibrational frequency beyond our duality, let’s explore the spiritual revelations in this chapter.

In Numbers 7:1-3, it describes the day Moses fully set up the tabernacle and anointed both its instruments and vessels, including the altar. The princes of Israel, representing the heads of their respective tribes, offered six covered wagons and twelve oxen, with each prince contributing one wagon and an ox. The offerings were brought before the tabernacle.

Understanding that the tabernacle represents the physical manifestation of the human host body, we need to apply the Strong’s meaning to the words “vessel” and “instrument” that Moses anoints. This process is part of the offering and communion with God. The use of gold and silver for these vessels likely relates to their atomic makeup, as discussed previously in Daniel. These instruments and vessels connect the energy systems within the human tabernacle, serving as a radio antenna to communicate with the Lord. Whether we choose to worship and serve the Lord or focus on material pursuits, which aligns with serving the God of this world, determines how the Lord utilizes these instruments and vessels. They either facilitate the redemption, conversion, and reaping of the angel within us or allow the worm in the pit to consume our souls through energy, frequency, and vibration. This process involves the interaction of the seven energy systems to fulfill the Lord’s redemption plan, always under the umbrella of our free will.

Instrument and vessel, according to Strong’s, refer to something prepared as an apparatus. An apparatus is a complex instrument or tool. Through consecration and devoting ourselves to the Lord, we create an apparatus within our human tabernacle, allowing the Lord to work His redemption in us. We worship the Lord in spirit, and with our free will, we choose whether to serve Him or the God of this world.

By studying these revelations and seeking a deeper understanding of God’s Word, we can align our lives with His purpose and consecrate ourselves to His service. It is essential to discern the truth, acknowledge our transgressions, and join in communion with the Lord through repentance, belief in Jesus’ sacrifice, and obedience to His commandments. In this way, we can walk the path of righteousness and live in fear and trembling, acceding with diligence to honor Him and contribute to His kingdom.mechanism to serve a particular purpose. Instrument is also defined as a vessel or a weapon, and it’s from H 30 615 to end, to cease, to be finished, to perish or transitively, to complete and prepare, consume, accomplish, destroy and holy, reap, make, clean and take away.

Let’s continue then.

In number seven, verse eight through eleven, it says and the four wagons and the eight oxen he gave unto the sons of Marari according unto their service under the hands of Ithamar, the son of Aaron the priest. But unto the sons of Koath he gave none because the service of the Sanctuaries belonging unto them was that they should bear upon their shoulders. And the princes offered for the dedicating of the altar in the day that it was anointed even the princes offered of their offering before the altar. And the Lord said unto Moses, they shall offer their offering each prince of his day for the dedicating of the altar.

So what this is saying is that the Lord is instructing Moses to tell each of the twelve tribes of Israel to offer their sacrifice, each on their own day, for twelve consecutive days.

Number seven, verse twelve through 83 is where we see the pattern of these seven chakra frequencies begin to emerge within the verse numbers on each of the twelve days that the twelve tribes of Israel present their offerings to the Lord to consecrate the tabernacle. And we begin to further understand why Tesla said that three, six and nine are the keys to unlocking the mysteries of the universe written within the Bible, because every chakra frequency has its own digital root of three, six or nine using Pythagoras’s system, and it reveals one of the greatest mysteries written within the word of God.

And I would encourage you to get your own physical Bibles out as we go through this.

Number seven, verse twelve through 83 describes twelve days of offerings that are presented to the consecration of the Tabernacle by each of the twelve tribes of Israel. In each of the twelve days, there are six verses that contain the exact same description of the offerings being presented to the Lord. The only exception is the name of the tribe who is making the offering.

For example, day one, verse twelve through 17 reads and he that offered his offering the first day was Nishan, the son of Amidad of the tribe of Judah. Then in verse 13 it says and his offering was one silver charger, and the weight thereof was 130 shekels, one silver bowl of 70 shekels after the shekel of the sanctuary. Both of them were full of fine flour mingled with oil. For a meat offering, one spool of ten shekels of gold. For incense, a young bullock. One ram one lamp of the first year for a burnt offering, one kid of a goat for a sin offering and for the sacrifice of a peace offering. Two oxen, five ram, five he goats five lambs of the first year. This was the offering of Nishan, the son of Amidad.

When we compress these numbers in each verse to the digital root, by simply adding them together, you can see that there is no pattern that aligns with any of the seven frequencies to the right side of the screen. However, when we take the first verse from each of the twelve days of the offering from each of the twelve tribes of Israel that I have highlighted in yellow. Then we see the three nine six frequency pattern emerge every third verse which repeats itself four times throughout the twelve days.

Now if you have to stop the video and take your own Bible out to see the pattern for yourself to understand it, then I would recommend it to do it.

Now before we continue, the first verse that describes the name of the tribe for the first day in this sequence is verse twelve. The digital root of twelve is one plus two equals three. Day two for the second tribe is verse 18, one plus eight equals nine, and day three is verse 24, which is equal to two plus four equals six, which gives us the first sequence of three, six, nine and day four is verse 33, plus zero is three. Day five is verse 36, three plus six equals nine, and day six is verse 42, four plus two equals six, which gives us another pattern. And then the sequence repeats two more times.

Now when we take the second verse from each of the twelve days of the offerings from each of the twelve tribes of Israel, we see the 417 frequency sequence emerge in the same pattern every three verses beginning with verse 13. I have a testimony that I want to share with you about this 417 frequency and how it was led to this frequency that I’ll explain later in the video. Day one, verse 13 is 13, one plus three equals four, and day two, verse 19 is one plus nine, which is ten, and that breaks down to one plus zero equals one. And then day three, verse 25 is two plus five equals seven. And you can see that this pattern repeats four times.

When we take the third verse from each of the twelve days of the offering from each of the twelve tribes, we see the 528 hertz frequency emerge in the same pattern every three verses beginning with verse 14. Day one, verse 14 is one plus four equals five. Day two, verse 20 is two plus zero equals two. Day three is verse 26, two plus six equals eight. And you can see the pattern keeps repeating four times.

When we take the fourth verse on each of the twelve days of the offering from each of the twelve tribes, we see the number six, three 9 Hz frequency emerge in the same pattern every three verses beginning with verse 15. Because on day one, verse 1515 equals one plus five equals six. Day two, verse 21 equals two plus one equals three, and day three, verse 27 equals two plus seven equals nine. And you can see this pattern keeps repeating four times.

When we take the fifth verse from each of the twelve days of offerings from each of the twelve tribes, we see the number seven four 1 Hz frequency emerge with the same pattern every three verses beginning with verse 16 on day one. Verse 16 is equal to one plus six equals seven. Day two, verse 22 is equal to two plus two equals four, and day three, verse 28 is equal to two plus eight equals ten, which further reduces to one plus zero equals one. And you can see that this pattern repeats four times.

When we take the six verse from each of the twelve Days of the Offerings from each of the twelve Tribes, we see the 852 Hertz frequency emerge in the same pattern every three verses beginning with verse 17, because on day one, verse 1717 equals one plus seven equals eight. Day two, verse 23 equals two plus three equals five, and day three, verse 29 equals two plus nine equals eleven, and eleven further reduces to one plus one equals two. And you can see the pattern repeats itself four times.

And for the last frequency of nine six 3 Hz, which is the highest frequency on the Sophedria scale, and what other religions refer to as the Crown Chakra. And through their teachings they believe that by elevating our own vibrational frequency to this level, they can achieve a higher state of consciousness by activating the penal gland to connect with a Divine Source, not the Divine Source. Because if you are attempting to enter into the sheepfold another way other than through Jesus, then you’re opening yourself up to connect with Lucifer, who masquerades around like an angel of light. And I have encountered a lot of people in my walk with the Lord who have been deceived by this seducing Spirit into believing that this is the path to the Divine Source, because Lucifer always comes like an angel of light, which is one of the reasons why I believe the Lord is having me make this video.

Since there’s not a 7th verse in the Twelve Days of Offerings. To find the 963 Hz frequency, we have to go back to the beginning of Numbers, chapter seven, verse two, and three and seven and eight, where it describes the total amount of the offerings that the twelve tribes of Israel presented to the Lord in the consecration of the tabernacle. And when you think about it, it makes perfect sense that we would find this frequency within these verses, because these verses describe the material sacrifices that thePart of to a portion, hence a musical chord as parted into strings. So think frequency, because Lucifer’s tablets and pipe were made the day he was created.

So in summary, the Lord is allowing Lucifer and all the angels that have chosen to follow Lucifer and go and start their own system that we call the earth under their own voluntary free will to choose and he’s sealing up the sum of all this angelic energy that is full of wisdom and beauty from the Lord. And he’s using his workmanships through his tablets and pipes to produce these frequencies that are described as parted into musical string chords to apportion, design and arrange atoms and molecules to create the orderly arrangement of the heaven and the earth and all the hosts of them described in Genesis two, verse one and two.

This is where the Bible, science and other spiritual concepts from other world religions intersect, because there are always half truths found in every deception in order to confuse people and move them away from the source of truth, which is the word of God.

We are told in Ezekiel 20 813 that Lucifer was clothed with nine classes of crystals that each hold measurable electromagnetic power that can be used as a semiconductor, an oscillator or a transducer to influence different vibrational, frequency and patterns and also enable the flow of electrons to resonate with amplify and transmute energy.

Researchers on the fringe edge of mainstream science have now concluded that there are a total of nine creative core frequencies that are responsible for all creation, not the original six sophagio frequencies once thought. And if you were to graph these nine frequencies, it would look something like this. This is my own graphic that I created from an image taken from Dr. Leno Harowitz’s work, who I’m not endorsing at all. But I will tell you that he has discovered many of the pieces to the puzzle that the Lord led me to so that I could understand the whole picture and make manifest what has been hidden in the dark.

Because if you don’t understand the twin host body dualistic system that the Lord has revealed through Jonathan Kleck, then you will get drawn into the spiritual appeal of these new age religions and away from the truth that our salvation comes only through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Because ultimately I believe that everybody is searching for truth and Lucifer comes like angel of light through these new age religions.

Nikola Tesla said if you want to find the secrets to the universe, you need to think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. And then he said, if you only knew the magnificence of three, six and nine, then you would have the key to the universe. And what he stated here is the absolute truth and is consistent with the word of God because we are told in Psalm 33 six through nine, by the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the hosts of them. By the breath of his mouth he gathers up the water of the sea together as a heap, he lays up the depths in storehouses. Let all the earth fear the Lord, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him, for he spake and it was done he commanded and it stood fast.

The strong’s meaning of breath is Hebrew word Ruak, meaning a wind by resemblance, a breath, a spirit, also a whirlwind. What you are looking at here is a mathematical representation of an electromagnetic toroidal field that can be applied for both the Earth at a macro level and also the twin host body system on a micro level that is ultimately governed by L, the Almighty God Spirit, or Ruak that is represented by this nine, which is male energy. Even though he dispatched Lucifer to build this system, he’s ultimately in control.

So when you see this description of the word whirlwind in the Bible that the Lord has always described as coming out of this is the counterrotating magnetic fields of the earth made up of both male, which is represented by the nine, and female, which is represented by the six. And I’m going to show you later how this three represents the conversion mechanism of where your spirit goes up, anna or kata down to the pit.

And the clue that we are given about this three, six, nine conversion process is coded in Luke 23, verse four through 46 when Jesus died on the cross. And it says, and it was about the 6th hour and there was darkness over all the earth until the 9th hour and the sun was darkened and the veil of the temple was rent in the mist. And then Jesus gives up his spirit to his Father. When we look at the strong’s meaning of some of these words, it tells the story of what’s occurring at a spiritual level within our own toroidal field.

The strong’s meaning of sun means light, to take, for oneself, to choose to take up or away, to lift up, to expiciate sin. Darkened means a shade or a shadow. Darkness of error, which is describing the other side of your duality. Veil means something spread thoroughly, specifically, the door to the most holy place from G 25 96 kata down, and it denotes opposition. We’re going to come back to this translation of the word natural in a minute.

So there’s a door between the holy place and that which is down, which is that wall of partition that Jesus came to abolish. Rent means to split or sever to divide. And when we get converted, Jesus divides that light from the dark, that angel from the demon, and severs the connection down kata to your worm in the pit.

So on a spiritual level, this is describing how the veil or the wall of partition was rent, which means split or divided. But on a physical level, the actual veil in the physical temple is being torn open to manifest what was happening at a spiritual level. And this is how you need to read the Bible to understand the meat of the Word, to get to the real truth within his word.

If you watched my previous sections of this video series, then you should know that the strong’s translation of the word natural from the Greek word kata is in reference to the natural man that was grown by Germination through a parthenogenic self fertilization process that only certain species of bees, fish, birds, scorpions, reptiles and plants are capable of without needing to be fertilized by the male sperm, which are all species, by the way, mentioned throughout the Bible, if you’re paying attention.

But as the Lord was leading me into this next section, he led me to a much deeper understanding of the meaning of the word natural that literally ties everything together. That the Lord has allowed me to reveal in these previous sections down to the mathematical level in the digital roots of these numbers, and also applying the application of the Fibonacci sequence phi and also pi, so that he could show us how everything is quantumly connected in a way that I think everyone will be able to understand if I do a good job explaining it.

The most important concept that you understand as we go through this next section is that this earth was designed for one thing and for one thing only. It’s all part of the Lord God’s master plan to determine who is willing to seek out the truth about their identity and about this world with all their heart, mind and soul and come to repentance and turn back. To him so that he can get all the angels that were led astray from heaven to the earth and reconcile them back to him. That’s it. That’s what this world is all about.

So no matter how beautiful of the creation this world may be we are not to love any of it. Because the Lord God never intended us to be here in the first place. Because this is Lucifer’s creation that the Lord God allowed him to create as a decoration and an orderly arrangement to keep us distracted from coming to the truth. But you’ll see in this next section that he had Lucifer design it in a way that provides undeniable evidence of his existence so that we are without excuse.

So if you’re someone that has bought into the deception of evolution or Darwinism and believes that this all happened as a result of the Big Bang, after watching this video, then you honestly do not want to know the truth and you deserve to be held accountable for your eternal punishment that you’veTwelve tribes are offering up to the Lord, which is symbolic of giving up and turning away from the material things of this world and offering ourselves up as a holy, spiritual sacrifice acceptable to God and by Jesus Christ. Because it’s our own individual decision to serve the Lord over the things of this world and the God of this world, we find the 963 Hz frequency.

When the twelve tribes of Israel brought their offerings before the Lord of six covered wagons and twelve oxen in verse two and three, six covered wagons plus twelve oxen equals 18 and 18 is one plus eight equals nine. Then in number seven, seven where it says and Moses took the wagons and the oxens and gave them onto the Levites, two wagons and four oxen he gave onto his sons of Gershon according to their service, two wagons plus four oxen equals six. So there’s your nine and your six. Then in number seven eight, where it says and four wagons in eight oxens he gave unto the sons of Marari according to their service, under the hands of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest, four wagons plus eight oxen equals twelve, which further compresses to one plus two equals three. So there’s our nine six three code.

Now let me explain to you the significance of the six wagons full of the offerings for the consecration of the tabernacles throughout the twelve days. If you remember from earlier in the video when I unpacked Isaiah 518 where it says woe unto them that draw inequities with cords of vanity in sin as if it were with a cartrope. By unpacking the strong’s meaning of these words, we were able to understand that the scripture is describing that original serpent race. Sowing their moral, evil, demonic female spirit within their seed into the tribes of Israel and Judah through fornication that attaches to that worm in the pit and begins feeding off them sweetly as soon as the umbilical cord is cut from the womb that we covered earlier in Job 24 20.

And if you remember, I had told you earlier when we unpacked this scripture to pay attention to the strong’s meaning of this word wagon in the translation of this phrase, as it were, a cart rope, which means something. Revolving as a wheeled vehicle, a cart or a chariot, a wagon to revolve circular, as in our toroidal field in a rope, which means something entwined a string or band, a cord to pervert and wrap up. Which is describing this wheeled vehicle as a human host body’s electromagnetic toroidal field in front of you known as mercava, which means light, spirit, body and also is referred in act 73 as the Tabernacle of Remthan, represented by the one dimensional false six pointed star of David, which symbolizes the two interlocking male and female’s energies within the human host party tabernacle.

So the significance of these six wagons that contain the offerings that are being offered up to the Lord is symbolic of the six pointed interlocking star tetrahedrons that entwine and band as a cord these two opposing male and female energies that make up mercabra which include these seven frequencies that have variableness and a shadow of turning. Unlike our Heavenly Father of lights from above.

But while I was making this part of the video, just as I was completing this section, my brother Jeff sends me an old video from Jonathan Kleck with Jonathan explaining how the Lord showed him how. The sport of basketball is literally a physical representation of merkaba and the spiritual battle that is transpiring between the angel and demon spirit, which is that male and female energy inside of us in order to catch our souls in their net of frequency and vibration, to be transmuted down to our worm in the pit.

And I’m not going to explain Jonathan’s entire video, but I left the name of the video that you can watch on YouTube above, to the upper right side of the screen if you’re interested. But what the Lord had brought to my attention through Jeff, by sending me the Jonathan’s video was when Jonathan was explaining how the basketball net, when viewed from above, forms the same twelve pointed star, also known as a dodecahedron, which in Jewish mysticism in the Kabbalah and in many new age teachings, is referred to as our double merkaba of light, body and spirit, where the male and female energy forms a polarity together as one which provides connection to the octaves of light within all of creation.

The net net of what Jonathan was communicating in this video, no pun intended, is that the enemy is not only mocking us by keeping us distracted, watching a sport that represents the apparatus that destroys an angel, but also how they are essentially trying to rack up as many points as possible by catching God’s angels in their basket through the transmutation process of these interlocking fields of male and female energy within Mercarba, through energy, frequency and vibration.

And as I was searching for Google Images for a basketball, I came across this wallpaper that someone had created, which is a depiction of exactly what Jonathan was teaching in his video. This wallpaper has star shaped lights that represent God’s angels because we are the stars. And there’s a pentagon shape which represents the angel side of our crystalline hexagonal and pentagonal shaped structure of our DNA falling through the twelve pointed net symbolizing the double mercava. And there is a fire below the net consuming the angel, which is no different than the woman with the basket in Zechariah Five that represents her harvesting the unconverted souls and taking them down to feed the worm in the pit that we covered earlier in part three of the series. And it’s also the same concept that I covered in my Jesus Is our Rock series of the grand ball court sport at the Mayan Pyramids at Chicken. Itza Mexico, where the Mayans would play a similar type of basketball game, only they had to throw a ball through a stone carved hollow hoop that’s in the shape of a mitochondrial circular DNA, which, I explained in great detail, is the DNA that we inherited from the seed of the serpent. That has an aura. Boris or a serpent’s eaten its tail. Because what has been will be again. Because there’s nothing new underneath the sun.

So when Jonathan was explaining in his video that there was another dimension to merkaba other than the six pointed two interlocking three dimensional star tetrahedrons referred to as the Tabernacle of Moloch or the Star of Remphen mentioned in the Bible represented by the six wagons in numbers seven, verse two and three. I went to this website that he was teaching from to understand how the six pointed two interlocking three dimensional star tetrahedrons became a twelve pointed star, also known as the double Mercava. And what I found within the teachings of this website that jonathan was teaching from is that these newer age religions believe that as one enters into enlightenment, whatever that means, these fields of light, of the star tetrahedron begin. To Morph until these fields of light become a double mercaba which is symbolic of the twelve pointed star formation which they believe activates inactive DNA inside of us that enables them to balance out or raise above our duality and to connect to their divine source.

And you have to keep in mind that within these new age teachings there is always some version of the truth that is used to lure people in and away from finding Jesus because the enemy is a copycat and he always tries to mimic the Lord God because he wants to be God. And this concept that these new age religions teach is exactly what the Bible says in the description of Solomon’s temple in one Kings six eight, which is a symbolic representation of the human temple in our cellular formation. The door in the Middle Chamber was on the right side of the house. And they went up the winding staircase into the Middle Chamber and out of the middle and into the third, which is describing Jesus raising up that inactive third pillar of DNA through the Holy Spirit to form his new Jerusalem triple Helix third Temple and making one new man from the two and making our eyes single and full of light.

So if we take this twelve pointed star double mercaba and apply it to the Bible, we can find the clues of how this six pointed star of the merkaba transforms into a twelve pointed mercaba written in the description of the twelve oxen in number seven, verse three from the strong’s concordance of the word oxen. TheStrong’s meaning of oxen means an animal of the ox kind used for plowing. And ploughing means to till or the cultivation of land in order to raise crops. But the spiritual meaning of the twelve oxens being offered to the Lord in number seven is not talking about physically tilling the soil of a field because in Luke nine six two Jesus refers to plowing as tilling or plowing through the lies of the world and to search out the truth within the word of God and through Jesus and then sowing the seeds of truth to others and not looking back on the world where he says, let no man have him put his hand to the plow and then look back, for he is not fit for the Kingdom of God. So Jesus was not talking about physically plowing the field of the earth, it’s about making a decision to set your heart, mind and body and spirit on the Lord God and seeking the truth with all your heart, mind and soul and spirit within his word.

And this is the way we as believers in Christ achieve enlightenment of the truth through the Holy Spirit and within the word of God. Because the word oxen is also from the root H 1239 which means to plow or generally to break forth, that is, to inspect, to consider, to make an inquiry, to search or seek out which is referring to seeking out the truth that the Holy Spirit reveals to us as it activates all the instruments within the human host body apparatus to form the double mercava connecting us up to Christ’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit so Jesus can wholly reap the angel inside of us when he comes for his bride by making us whole and into one new man from the two. Which is the spiritual significance of the twelve Oxen because the twelve oxen represents turning away from the material things of this world and setting your heart, mind and soul on the Lord God.

The double merkaba of light represented by the twelve pointed star, is also known as the dotechahedron, which is one of the five Platonic solids that makes up the five geometric shapes for all creation that can be found in the Flower of Life that I went into great detail to explain in my Mystery of Life video that has twelve flat faces with each face having five pentagonal sides totaling them out of 6480 degrees. In sacred geometry. The dodecahedron represents the symbol of spirit, which makes perfect sense because it’s the geometric shape of how DNA, which are crystals, are packed in columns of dodecahedrons that forms the Helical staircase structure of our DNA. According to the phi and the golden ratio, which we know is equal to 1.6 118 shown here to the right side of the screen. Because we know that our DNA acts like a receiver and connects to those two opposing angel and demon spirits, which is our duality.

And these pactodecahedrons of DNA begin to spiral upwards according to the golden angle of 137.5 degrees that we covered earlier in the video, which is the same degrees as the angle of the human host body. Tabernacle’s own electromagnetic field of the counterotating fields of light of Mercava, which is also referred to as the Taurus. With the counterrotating male energy tetrahedron spinning anticlockwise upwards and the female energy tetrahedron spinning downwards clockwise, forming a divine balance orb of light in the tree of knowledge of Good and evil that is slowly consuming the male energy of the angel through sin, through these energy, frequency and vibration. Or if you turn back to the Lord, you get wholly reaped and redeemed back to Him through Christ’s Divine Spirit. The Holy Spirit, which is the mystery of life.

And you can see by the image of Leonardo DA Vinci’s, van Truvian, man and the other parts of the human anatomy that the entire human host body was designed according to the golden ratio that is found in nature and all of creation.

I have to end this part of the video here because the size of the video is beginning to affect the performance of my application. But in this next section I’m going to explain to you how the numbers three, six and nine that Nikola Tesla said were the keys to understand the mystery of the universe that makes up the human host body’s toroidal field are foundational to all of creation and the material world through energy, frequency and vibration. And other keys to how we get spiritually converted from being in a carbon based material form represented by the number six, to being turned up and returning back into Spirit to be reconnected with Christ’s Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Represented by the nine, which is a symbolic representation of why Jesus was on the cross from the 6th to the 9th hour before he gave up his spirit, and how the number nine and the number three is connected. To all those who don’t get spiritually converted and go down to the pit, which is the plummet line to the carbuncle, or the cornerstone that the Lord God set when he laid the foundations of the earth, which is hell in the lake of fire.

And you will understand why on 911, they purposely crash Flight 93 in the Field of Pennsylvania that’s now referred to as a field of honor forever. Because the field represents the wild, fierce natural world from the Route G 66 that we covered early in the video, which is the crown of the pride of Ephraim, whose fading flower is on the heads of the fat. Valley described in Isaiah 28 that we’ll unpack in the next section of the video because it represents Elohim’s creation of the natural world and the crown or the electromagnetic field of both the human host body system and the earth and the flower pattern that is created by nature by the fibonacci. Sequence that the Lord God commissioned Lucifer to create so that he could give us all a second chance to come to repentance. And so that he could separate the good angels from the bad angels, the grain from the chaff and the wheat from the tears. So that we could go back home.

And I want to finish this section and leave you with a scripture from Psalm 1611 for you to unpack yourself using the strongs before you watch the next section of the video. And I’ll pray that the Lord gives you the eyes to see and the spiritual discernment to understand what he’s showing us in this scripture, because it says a just weight and a balance are the Lord’s. All the weights of the bag are his work, because this scripture pretty much sums everything up that I’ve been showing you and it’s going to carry over to the next section. This concludes part four of the series.

And guys, I really didn’t expect to be doing another part five because I know that there’s some people eagerly waiting to see what the Lord has revealed to me in the movie Vision Quest. It really is difficult to gauge how long these videos are going to be because I can never tell exactly where the Lord is leading me or how deep he wants me to go until I begin creating the video, because he only gives me the broader storyboard when I start the video. So please be patient. I’m going to try to get this final section done as quickly as possible because I can tell you that I know that we’re getting close to something big happenings and we all need to be sure that we have our spiritual house in order because there’s not much time left. And when Jesus comes, he’s not coming for an unclean bride that I know with certainty because he’s been showing me and convicting me to the core where I’ve been falling short. So please don’t take your salvation for granted. Keep working it out right to the end, but still have comfort if you know that you’ve been spiritually converted and have been made whole again. And please know that I’ll be praying for each and every one of you. Peace and grace.Chosen over the truth. I’m sorry, but that’s just the truth and I’m just giving it to you straight. If you notice throughout the Bible that the inhabitants of the earth is always referred to as part of nature, whether it’s the tree in the Garden of Eden or a tree that produces good fruit, bad fruit or no. Fruit at all. A wild branch that has been broken off for its disobedience, or a vine that has become withered, or a vineyard that’s been trodden on, or a field that has been sowed or reaped.

And of course, there’s the reference to the separation of the wheat and the tears at the end of the world harvest. And this is by design, because we are all part of Lucifer’s creation and we are all carbon based life forms that will eventually decay and return to the earth. And that’ll be it if we don’t come to the knowledge of the truth.

In one Peter, verse 22 through 24, it says Seeing you have purified your souls and obeying the truth through the spirit unto unfringed or sincere love of the brethren, see that you love one another with a pure heart feverently being born not of a corruptible seed, but of incorruptible by the word of God, which liveth and abide forever. Corruptible means decay. That means to perish, to ruin, especially by moral influences. Incorruptible means undecaying, uncorruptible and immortal.

For all of flesh is grass, and the glory of man is a flower of the grass. The grass withereth and the flower falleth away. This reference to flesh being as the grass and the glory of man as a flower of the grass that withers and falls away? Is the Lord telling us that our choice to trade our immortal spiritual bodies for these carbon based, decaying bodies of matter and our lives within this world is essentially the lifespan of a flower and a vapor? But if we purify our souls and obey the truth of the Spirit within his word through the gospel of Jesus Christ, then we can have hope in our salvation through Christ and eternal life in heaven.

This pattern that you see in front of you within the sunflower is produced using the mathematical Fibonacci sequence found in nature, which can be found in the body of all living things. And as the sequence expands, we get closer to the golden ratio of phi, which is 1.618. And as we go through this, I want you to ask yourself the question if this mathematical sequence is foundational to the design of all life, then why is it not taught in our education system?

The Fibonacci mathematical sequence manifests as a result from energy. And the way energy manifests is through vibration and oscillations, which are the wavelength of a particular frequency. And all matter is made up of atoms, which includes particles, protons, neutrons and electrons that make up the element of all creation in this system that we call the world, that is held together through frequency and vibrational energy.

So the significance of Lucifer being clothed with these nine precious crystals is what produced the nine creative solfeggio frequencies that enabled life to begin during the seven days of creation. You can see in the center of this pattern that the 528 Hertz is the same pattern as the sunflower, which is foundational to the mathematics behind the Fibonacci sequence.

So I’ll ask a question again, why is it not taught in our education system? Because this is not a new age concept. This is the real science behind the nine creative frequencies of what we call the Earth, with 528 hertz being the only frequency that forms a perfect circle in balance between sound and light. 528 Hertz is also the color green, which is the color of life, and has been determined to be nearly the precise center of the electromagnetic color spectrum in the center point of the rainbow, which are actually round in shape when viewed from the right perspective, making 528 Hertz one of the foundational frequencies.

Because without this perfect synchronization imbalance between light and sound, there could be no circles. If you’ve watched my Jesus’s AROC video series, I explain how Plato proved that in the geometry of creation, the genesis of straight lines is formed from male energy, and the genesis of curved lines are formed from female energy. This is where we get the mathematical value of pi, which is equal to 3.142. Pi is the circumference of a 360 degree circle divided by its diameter.

So when I learned that these nine creative frequencies formed A complete circle of light and that the 528 Hertz Frequency was the only frequency that formed a perfect synchronized balance between light and sound and is the precise center of the electromagnetic color spectrum, and without it, there could be no circles. I thought to myself, this has got to be the source of the female energy in this system. And let me explain to you how the Lord confirmed it to me.

So right around the time I was being shown the importance of the 528 Hertz frequency, I was asking the Lord, lord, is 528 the source of the electromagnetic energy of the Earth? And then one day, when I was watching the movie Creed, he confirmed to me that it was, or at least half of it. There is so much symbology throughout this movie that there’s no doubt that Sylvester Stallone absolutely knows the truth about the entire system. If you watch this, there’s even an image of a scorpion stinger on the glove of the main character, Adonis Creed. If you have the spiritual eyes to see.

Before we get into it, I just want to look at the meaning of Adonis’s Creed’s name. In Greek, the name Adonis is derived from the Hebrew Canaanite word h113, meaning Adon, meaning Lord, master, controller, human or divine. This is not the Lord God. Throughout the Bible used to describe Jehovah, the self existing eternal Jehovah. In the Bible, this is Baal, or the Elohim of Genesis 2:2 that created the heaven and the Earth and all the host of them. But what’s even more fascinating is the Syrian name for Adonis is Gauss. If you’ve done any research at all about magnetism, then you’d understand how profound this is, because Karl Frederick Gauss was a German mathematician and physicist and a pioneer in the study of magnetism and electricity, who is the inventor of the Magnometer which is a device that measures the direction and the strength of a magnetic field. Gauss’s laws were used to describe magnetic and energy flux and have served as the foundation on which James Clark Maxwell was able to develop some of the most famous equations based on electromagnetic theory.

The meaning of Creed is a formal statement of religious belief or a confession of faith. So by definition, Adonis Creed means a confession of faith to the Lord or Master who is Baal or Elohim in the Bible who created the heaven and the earth and all the hosts of them and ended his work on the 7th day of Creation.

Now watch, because this is where the main character in the movie, Adonis Creed’s name in this movie, Creed, which means a confession of faith to Baal or Elohim, whose Syrian name is Gauss, which is connected to Magnetism, is all connected to the Seven Days of Creation, the 528, hertz frequency and Pi. In one of the scenes when Adonis, who is Apollo Creed’s son, tracks Rocky down and he’s trying to get Rocky to agree to train him, And Adonis pleads with Rocky and he says to him come on, rock. I’ll train 24 by 724 hours a day, seven days a week. And in that moment, I felt the Lord put on my spirit that this was significant. And I immediately thought about the Seven Days of Creation when Elohim finished his work in Genesis, 2224 by seven is such a commonly used term to describe a reference in time that a business might be opened. So not many people would think that this was significant. But I was being shown this just as I was completing a section of the video where I had correlated the seven Days of Creation with the seven circles that make up the seed of life within the Kabbalistic flower of life pattern that brings forth all the Platonic solids which are the five geometric shapes that makes up all of Creation. So when I was led to multiply 24 by 724 being the number of hours in one day of creation because, remember, on the Lord’s time clock we are told that a day is like 1000 years. And if you multiply that by Seven Days,Of Creation you get a total number of 168 hours for the first seven days of Creation. And when you divide 528 Hz frequency, which is the perfect balance between light and sound by 168, you get 3.142, which is pi. This is not a coincidence, guys. This is not Rich Mablo coming up with this on his own. This is the Lord God revealing to us the true science behind Creation.

And right after the Lord gave me the confirmation that 528 Hertz was the female side of the electromagnetic toroidal field within our system he gave me a second confirmation by using the movie Inception. The theme of the movie Inception is about a battle for control over the world’s energy resources primarily controlled by one company which is owned by Maurice Fisher who plays a very sick man who’s about to pass away and his son, Robert Fisher plans to inherit the company. One of Fisher’s competitors hires Leonardo DiCaprio’s character who plays the role of a professional thief who steals information by infiltrating the subconsciousness of his subjects. And he’s offered a chance to have his criminal history erased as payment in exchange for implanting an idea into Robert Fisher’s subconsciousness while they are asleep on the plane. So that idea that he implants will grow into a decision to cause Robert to break up his father’s company when he inherits the company after he dies.

Now, I want you to keep in mind the theme of this movie as it relates to breaking up this one single energy company that’s controlled and operated by one person who controls all the world’s energy and view this as a symbolic representation of breaking up the white light that was made of all that angelic energy that Lucifer, the light bearer, led astray from heaven to the earth and divided it up similar to white light passing through a prism to form the nine creative frequencies and to form the orderly arrangement of this system in 528, where we are all asleep.

The first clue that we are given that this movie has been taken right out of the pages of the Bible is the name itself, inception which means the beginning of something such as an undertaking, a commencement, an origin which is in direct reference to Jude one which speaks about the original fall from heaven. In verse six it says and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he is reserved in everlasting chains under darkness until judgment of that great day. The strong’s translation of angels means a messenger, especially an angel to lead by implication, to induce, to lead away. And we know who that original angel was that the Lord God dispatched to induce and to leave all of the angels away from heaven to the earth. First estate means a commencement in order of time from the beginning, a magistrate power as a principality which is the same definition of inception when the angels decided to leave their first estate in heaven to commence the development of this system. He as reserved means to watch as to guard by keeping an eye on to prevent from escaping, to detain in custody. Everlasting means enduring forward and backwards. Eternal chains means a band that is a ligament of the body, a shackle bond, a chain to bind and to bond, which the Scripture is describing the angels that left heaven so that they could come to earth and start this flesh system which are the ligaments of the body and more specifically, the forward and backward pelodronic genetic sequence of the hydrogen bonds of our DNA which are the shackles of these flesh host body prisons that we’re trapped in.

And just so it’s clear to everybody, this movie is a mockery of everyone who is asleep in 528, which is the Earth. Throughout this movie, we are shown this code with the number 528 four nine, one. And if I hadn’t shown you what the 528 frequency was prior to watching this movie, then you would have no idea the truth that we are being shown in plain sight within this movie. Because I had no idea either until the Lord made it manifest to me. And I must have watched this maybe four times in the past. So we know what the 528 is in reference to. It’s the 528 hertz frequency, which is the female side of the electromagnetic toroidal field of the Earth.

But just wait until I show you what the Lord has revealed to me, what these other numbers mean and what they’re cryptically telling us. So let me set the stage for you in this scene. So right after the Inception team goes under to implant this idea in Fisher’s subconscious, they’re all in this dream state. And this prostitute approaches Fisher at the hotel bar, which Mr. Charles, who is the character that Leonardo DiCaprio is playing in the attempt to gain Fisher’s confidence, intercedes and acts like he’s there to help Fisher and protect him. This woman then leaves her number for Fisher. And then I’ll let the scene play out for you.

I was telling you my story. I guess it wasn’t to your, um I have a lot on my mind. There goes Mr. Charles Fisher. Pleasure to see you again. Rod Green from marketing. And you must be believe it. Now just stop and think about what just transpired in this dream state in five, two, eight. And remember what we were warned against in One Peter 211, where it says dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers, which means as foreign residents, aliens. Meaning you angels that left your first estate in heaven, that are bound together in bonds of your flesh host bodies and that are all asleep. In five to eight. Abstain from fleshly desires and lustful desires, especially what is forbidden, which is fornication which fisher. Abstains from which we know is in direct reference to Genesis three three. You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, least you’ll die. Which means Euphemistically, to lie with a woman, which are the carnal inclinations and the war and spiritual battle inside all of us against the demon side of our duality that is attached kata down to the worm that never dies, must have blown you off. That is, unless her phone number really is this woman leaves a six digit number, which ends up being the code that they use to break into Fisher’s mind at the end of the movie to implant the idea in his subconscious for him to break up his father’s company that he’ll inherit when his father passes. But notice the subtraction sign between five two eight and four nine one, which I’ll explain in a minute how the Lord told me to subtract 528 from four nine one, which equals 37. And I’ll explain what 37 means in a minute. Funny way to make friends, someone’s stealing your wallet like that. You the woman steals Fisher’s wallet, which is a sign of lawlessness in this system. And then Fisher uses the Lord’s name in vain and he says, God damn it, when he realizes she has stolen his wallet, which we are told is worth $500 500. In the strong Greek, is antichristo, which means antichrist, and one who opposes Christ and puts himself before the Messiah as the opponent or the enemy because this world is antichrist. Because we are told in Luke four six that the earth is Satan’s kingdom. When Satan tempted Jesus and told him that he would give him all the powers over all the kingdoms of the world if he had just bowed down and worshiped him. Which is why Jesus came into this system in the first place, so that he could break down the wall of partition to abolish the enmity, which is defined as the adversary, the opponent, especially Satan. That we get. Yoked. To when we are born into this flesh system in 528 so that he can make one new man from the two, which is our spiritual conversion that we covered earlier in Ephesians 215. And I want you to pay attention to this strong’s translation of Have Broken Down where it says to give vent to joyous emotions to break down and bring forth with tears for later in the video. Listen, don’t worry about it. My people are already on it as we speak. Who or what is Mr. Charles? It’s a gambit designed to turn Fisher against his own subconscious. And then this new female member of the Inception team asks her male counterpart who and what is the purpose of Mr. Charles’character that Leonardo DiCaprio is playing out in this scene. And he responds to her. He’s a gamut designed to turn Fisher against his.Own consciousness.

A gamut is defined as a remark made to open or redirect a conversation. And in this case, this conversation that Fisher is having against his own subconscious is designed to give himself the idea, through Mr. Charles, to break up the company that he will inherit.

Now, if we apply the understanding of this word, gamut, to our own duality and our own conversation that we had prior to being spiritually converted with that demon side of our duality described in Ephesians two, verse two and three, we can see the cryptic message that’s being communicated in this scene.

Ephesians two, verse two and three says, wherein time pass you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that worketh in the children of disobedient among whom we all had our conversation, in time pass in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind. And we were all by nature children of wrath.

The strong translation of nature means growth by germination, natural production, lineal descent, a genus or sort. Native disposition, mankind in nature. This native disposition, mankind is in reference to the original creation of man in Genesis 126 that was native to this world that Elohim created, which is that blue blooded serpent race and the source of the female energy in this system.

Notice when this male character says that Mr. Charles is a gamut designed to turn Fisher against his own subconscious. That the producers of the movie show this female prostitute walking away. This is by intent because our own subconscious, which is that adversary, Lucifer or Satan’s, evil and demonic energy is female. Who or what is Mr. Charles? It’s a gambit designed to turn Fisher against his own subconscious. Mr. Charles’s name is significant because the name Charles is derived from the old English word Cherial, which means a free man and was used to distinguish a free person from a bodsman or slave. And that’s what we are in this flesh system because Lucifer has legal entitle in the deed to our soul because we traded it to start this flesh system and that’s why Jesus came to purchase it back for us. So stay with me because I’m going to bring this all together.

In this next scene, the two members of the Inception team go up to room four nine one, which is just below room 528, to insert explosive charges. Because when Fisher and the Inception team go under within a dream within a dream to go deeper into Fisher’s subconsciousness, they are planning to blow up room four nine one to collapse five two eight down on top of it to use as a kick to wake everyone up after the idea has been implanted in Fisher’s subconscious.

But notice this line under four nine one. And I’ll let this scene play out for you. But this is where the Lord told me to subtract five two eight from four nine one when he says the room should be directly below five two eight. This room should be directly below five two eight. Yeah, this is when I felt my spirit to put four nine one below five two eight and subtract them. And when we do, we get the number 37, which I’ll explain what 37 means in a minute.

And then finally, in this next scene, this is where the Inception team is setting up the charges. And this is how the Lord confirmed to me that 528 is the frequency and the source, the female energy part of the Earth’s toroidal field where everyone is asleep and dead in their trespass in sin. Use a timer. Now I have to judge it for myself while you’re all asleep in five to eight. Well, you’re all asleep in five to eight. So do you use a timer. Now I have to judge it for myself.

Remember, for me this is very important. Five two something. It was alarm or good enough. We can start there. Fifth floor. Yep. And then once they break through the door into five two eight. In the next scene, they go into a dream within a dream again to go deeper into fish’s consciousness, which is represented by a vaulted cube shaped room. If you’ve watched my Mystery of Life video, then you would understand the significance of this cube shaped room because it represents Metatron’s cube which in Jewish mysticism represents the metaphysical relationship between the spirit and the flesh, mind and matter and the geometry of how our spiritual energy is trapped inside through frequency and vibrational energy.

528 minus four nine one into the safe code key. Now, keep in mind that he’s trying to break into his own mind to plant the idea that is going to influence him to break up the energy company that he’s going to inherit, which is symbolic of the two dueling male and female energies that are warring against each other in his own mind, which is his duality.

528 minus 491 equals 37 which in the strongs means to make holy. That is, ceremonially purify or consecrate mentally to venerate, which means to honor in recognition of the qualities of holiness, excellence and wisdom, to be holy, sanctify. And it’s from G 40 sacred, physically pure, morally blameless, ceremonially consecrated, a saint. And 37 in Gematria can also mean the only son, which is only used once in the Bible in John 316, where it says god gave his only son and whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Then the door of the safe opens and Fisher is given two options. The first choice he is given to accept his inheritance, which is symbolic of material wealth. And the second option that Fisher has in the safe is a pinwheel that he made as a child that he chooses to take over his inheritance, which is significant because a pinwheel symbolizes childhood and innocence and is a device in the form of a revolving wheel that revolves when blown on from a breath or from the wind. And what does the Lord say in Matthew 18 three? Verily I say unto you, except you be converted and become like little children, ye shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.

And the strong’s meaning of converted means to twist. That is, to turn quite around or reverse convert, to turn back, to turn self about, to turn, that is a revolution and turning, just like the pinwheel. And the only way to be converted is to have the Holy Spirit come into you through his spirit or the breath of the Lord. And this pinwheel is a symbolic representation of Fisher’s spiritual conversion and believing in the Lord God’s only begotten son who has broken down the middle wall of partition and has abolished the enmity to make one new man from the two, thus making peace. Which, in Fischer’s case, is breaking up the energy company rather than following in his father’s footsteps.

And notice that Fisher is breaking forth and bursting into tears, which is the exact same translation from the word hath broken down that I boxed in red and also highlighted in yellow, which means to loosen, to break up, to dissolve and to melt, shattering into minute pieces but not reducing the constituent particles which is describing the lively stones of his DNA being assembled into Jesus’s triple helix. New Jerusalem. And to give vent to joyful emotions, to break forth and to burst into tears. Which is exactly what he’s doing here.

And then in the final scene, Fisher wakes up in five to eight and begins his new life and no longer follows in his father footsteps like everybody else is taught to do so.

You can clearly see that there’s much more to this movie than meets the eye when you understand that this world was created and is held together through energy, frequency, and vibration. And that the producers of inception are mocking all of god’s angels that were led astray captive from heaven to the earth by telling us the truth in plain sight, that we’re all asleep in 528 because we lost our identity when we were born into the flesh, asleep and dead in our trespass and sin. Described in Ephesians two, verse two through five, where it says and you has he quickened where you were dead in trespass and sin where in time pass you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now working in the children of Disobedience, among whom we also had our conversation in time pass in the lust of our flesh, fulfilling…The desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath even as others. But God, who is rich in mercy for his great love, whereith he loved us even when we were dead in sin, has quickened us together with Christ. By grace we are saved. And quickened means to reanimate cojointly, which means to give new life to and it’s from G 48 62 union with or together resemblance and completeness, as in making one new man from the two. Then we become made in the image of God.

Then in Ephesians five eight through 14, it says for ye were sometimes darkness, but now you are light in the Lord walking as children of light. For the fruit of the Spirit is all goodness and righteousness and truth proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is ashamed to speak of these things which are done in them in secret. But all things that reproved are made manifest by the light. For whatever does make manifest is light wherefore he said awake thou sleepest, arise from the dead and Christ will give thee light.

Because until you are woken up in this system to the truth and you become spiritually converted and disconnected to that female spirit of Lucifer that is working in the children of disobedience that you are born attached to in the pit, then you are already dead in your trespass and sin and are under the curse. And I’ve already explained to you earlier how 528 Hertz is the precise center of both the electromagnetic color spectrum and the sound spectrum that forms a perfect circle in balance between light and sound and is the precise center of the rainbow in the color green. And without this frequency, there could be no circles. Which is where we get the value of pi from by dividing 528 by 168 hours for the seven days of creation. Which proves that 528 hertz is the source of the female energy in this system. That originates from the cornerstone, or Lucifer’s carbuncle, that the Lord God set when he laid the foundation of the earth.

528 Hertz is extremely important to the creation of the natural world because its connection to Pi. And when you combine 528 with 432 Hertz frequency, which is the male energy in the system, the two frequency is what creates the spiral pattern of the electromagnetic field of the earth and also the whirlwind that the Lord is described coming out of in Ezekiel 114. And it says and I looked and behold, a whirlwind came out of the north a great cloud and a fire unfolding itself and a brightness was about it. And out of the mist thereof as the color of amber out of the mist of the fire.

There are two root words used to describe the meaning of whirlwind. The first is H seven three seven, which is Hebrew word rawak, meaning a wind by resemblance, a breath or a spirit. And the second is H 55 91, meaning a hurricane, a storm, tempest, whirlwind. And it’s from H 55 90 to rush upon, to toss temptuous, to be troubled, come out to scatter with a whirlwind. And this color amber that Ezekiel is described seeing is the exact same color as 432 Hertz on the color spectrum seen here to the right, which is associated with the sun and the heavenly realm and 528 Hertz being the color green, which is associated with nature in the natural world.

The reason why 528 hertz represents the 6th side of the electromagnetic field is because when you apply pythagoras math and when we reduce 528 to its digital root, which is the foundation to understanding energy frequency and vibration in terms of a numerical value, which I’ll explain the importance later in the video. You get the number six because five plus two plus eight equals 15, and 15 further reduces to one plus five, which gives us the digital root number six, which we know has to be from loose first female energy because 528 is directly related to a circle in pi, and curved lines are female and straight lines are male.

So when we apply the same simple math and the same principles to the frequency 432 Hertz to find the digital roots, we get the number nine, because four plus three plus two is nine, which is the male energy in this system. And I’m going to show you later that this number nine is the divine number or the Spirit from the Almighty l that governs the number six and three within our toroidal field. And now we’re one step closer to understanding what Nikola Tesla meant when he said if you only knew the magnificence of three, six and nine, you would have the key to the universe, which we’ll get into later in the video.

This is where the truth and lies about 528 Hertz intersect. Because I’m going to explain to you how 528 Hertz is being promoted by many in the New Age movement as the love frequency and the miracle note. Because if you don’t understand the truth about the dualistic angel and demon condition of the human host body and why you need to be spiritually converted, that can only come from receiving the Holy Spirit through Godly repentance and your belief and faith in Jesus’sacrifice that he made on the cross as the payment for our debt and transgression and sin so that we can return home to Him, then you will be drawn into the spiritual appeal of these new age mystical religions that teaches that the human race is entering into an age of spiritual enlightenment and new understanding of the human condition and consciousness.

And that the next evolutionary phase of the human race is to balance out or raise above our duality so that we could be more closely connected to the divine Creator through love and through spiritual enlightenment and having a more intimate connection with nature in the natural world. And many have fallen for it because we know that Lucifer masquerades like angel of light to lead everyone away from the truth.

And if you’re someone listening to this video who is caught up in the New Age deception, I want you to listen to what the Lord is telling us in Proverbs eleven one. A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight. False means in the sense of deceiving, fraud, a craft like the Masons deceitful, false guile, treachery. And it’s from H 70 411 specifically to delude or betray as to cause, to fall beguile. And where have we heard that before?

Balance means only in the dual, a pair of scales balances. And it’s from H 239 through the idea of scales, as if two ears, which is describing hearing those two opposing thoughts in each ear, one telling us to do good, the other telling us to. Sin, which is that conversation that we constantly had with ourselves prior to being converted, that we covered in Ephesians two two, which is the two opposing male and female energies and the spiritual battle that is in war inside of us. And it also means to weigh, that is to ponder, which means to consider something deeply and thoroughly to meditate. And that’s exactly what these New Age religions and yoga teaches is the path to spiritual enlightenment.

Abomination means something morally disgusting, especially idolatry, concretely and idle, which is describing the dualistic twin host body system that people are attempting to balance out their two spirits, which we’re told is an abomination to the Lord. But a just weight is a delight, which means complete, whole and peaceful, because when Jesus reconciles one new man from the two described in Ephesians 215, he also makes us peaceful inside because there’s no more war going on. A weight means to build a stone, to build or repair, which is describing building up and repairing those two spirits into one is a delight, means to be acceptable, have favor good, to be pleased with, specifically to satisfy a debt, be acceptable, accomplish, set, affection approved, be pardoned and reconciled self.

So if there’s anybody watching this who’s been deceived into following these New Age religions, there it is, guys. A false balance is an abomination to the Lord. Dr. Herowitz, who has a degree from Harvard University Health, who is leading the 528 Love Frequency movement that I’m not endorsing at all, nor am I condemning him for not knowing the truth, because I don’t know what’s in his heart said. And I’ll paraphrase, grass is green with Love 528. That is why chlorophyll is the most powerful healing pigment.In biology, it is why people and animals eat grass to regain health and why the air you breathe, the prana of life or the chi in Oriental medicine, is filled with the Holy Aloha Spirit of Love. It vibrates at 528, sending spiritual signals for substance through your blood, restoring and invigorating every strand of DNA and cell in your body.

Then he goes on to say the air that we breathe, for instance, contains oxygen that carries these 528 resonating electrons. The basic structure of carbon six is a hexagonal ring in organic chemistry and reflects the sacred geometry of 528 Hertz frequency that unites deep rooted relationships with nature and all life together.

And he promotes 528 Hertz as the Love Frequency and the miracle. Note chlorophyll, which are the green pigments that capture light energy from the sun, that are used as the energy source in photosynthesis and that are found in chloropass of the plants, also vibrate at 528 Hertz and is what gives plants that green color. The greenish yellow light found in chlorophyll is also in sync with the green color heart of the Rainbow that is also vibrating at 528 Hertz. And coincidentally, the bees that pollinate many of these plants are also buzzing at 528 hertz.

And this all sounds very attractive and spiritually uplifting to the untrained air, right? And I’m not disputing anything that Dr Herowitz has stated here as untruth, because the research that I have done has led me to the understanding that 528 hertz is the foundational frequency to the creation of the carbon based natural world and is how plants grow in nature.

According to the Fibonacci sequence phi and the golden angle, which is 137.5 degrees. Because if you didn’t know the truth about the twin host body system and that we are a mixed race that is yoked to a demonic entity in the pit that is feeding off of us through sin to birth another race, then who would oppose the promotion of a frequency that sends love signals and is uplifting to your spiritual nature and that repairs our DNA and unites nature in all life together? Not many. And you can see why people would get drawn into the spiritual appeal of this New Age concept in connecting with nature.

But when you understand the truth about the human race and that elohim changed the glory of the uncorruptible god meaning an immortal angel into an image made like into corruptible man, which was that carbon based, natural, reptilian man. That was grown by Germination in Genesis 126 that Adam and Eve commingled with. Then we can apply what Dr. Herowitz is teaching as part truth and be able to understand why the human host body’s own electromagnetic field follows.

The same Fibonacci sequence phi in the golden angle as plants grow to maximize the sun’s exposures on its leaf so that the chlorophyll can draw as much energy from the sun as possible. Because when you add up the seven energy systems or the seven chakras within the human body, you get the number 4536 Hz, which when you divide it by the number of vertebrates in the spine, which is 33, you get 137.5 degrees, which is the golden angle that follows the same principles as a magnetic field and how plants grow.

And you can clearly see the similarities between the organic chemical makeup of the hemoglobin found in red blood and the chlorophyll found in plants, which is almost identical. And I’m going to explain all of this in great detail so that you can appreciate what was just revealed to you. And I’m going to show you that everything that I just explained is written within the Scriptures, which is going to be so mind-blowing because the Lord is going to bring judgment against the creation of the natural world and the human host body system that was grown by germination.

But first let me finish explaining 528 and then I want to share with you how I was led to the understanding that 432 hertz is the source of the male energy in this system. But the problem with Dr. Herowitz’s position that 528 hertz is the miracle note in the love frequency that unites deep rooted relationships with nature and all life together is that once you understand the truth about the dualistic twin host body system and you’ve been spiritually converted and made whole again in the image of Christ spirit. Then you will understand that undivided true love can only come from our Heavenly Father above.

And that the love in this system that we call the Earth is often mistaken for physical attraction, affection or infatuation lust and the desire to find a soulmate so that we can marry and raise families. Which is exactly what Elohim wanted us to do when he said in Genesis 128 to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, which is nothing more than using man as a hunting trap in order to trap God’s. Angels who left their first estate in heaven when Lucifer sealed up the sum of all that energy to be used as fodder to birth that below ground race in the pit.

Now, when we apply our understanding of 528 Hertz and its connection to nature in the twin host body system and the source of the female energy, we can better understand why. The Lord describes a strange woman’s lips in Proverbs 5:3-5 as dropping like a honeycomb and her feet take hold of hell, where it says for the lips of a strange woman drops as a honeycomb and her mouth is smoother than oil, but her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death, her steps take hold of hell, and the strong’s meaning of her feet means a foot euphemistically the podena, which is the genitals parts of a woman. It also means to specifically be a reconnaissance, which means to inspect, observe or survey an enemy’s position and strength in order to gain information for military purposes. It also means to spy out, which is describing that entity in the pit that sees through your left eye, watching everything that you do and causing you to sin and just waiting to strike when the time is right, when they hatch from the pit.

But one of my favorite scriptures that the Lord used to show me the truth about love is in Isaiah 42:22 because this scripture is so close to my own personal experience with what I thought was love in my own life, which was my ex-wife. But he used this experience to bear witness to the truth because he gave me everything that I thought I was looking for in a wife, only to find out after I was spiritually converted that she wanted nothing to do with me because we were no longer spiritually connected. And it says, “but this is a people robbed in spoil. They are all snared in holes. They are all hidden prison houses. They are all prey. And none deliver them for a spoil.”

And none says, “restore” the strong’s meaning of rob means to catch, to take for prey spoiled means to destroy. In whole means the crevice of a serpent, the cell of a prison, a hole. And think of the female reproductive system they are hid. Means to hide self to do secretly to hide as in the bosom which is the female breast, that is to cherish with love and affection which means they’re hunting us through love, cherish and affection and attraction to the bosom, which are the female breasts. Did you ever wonder why both men and women have an infatuation with the female breasts? Now you know.

And the song “Cherish the Day” from the band Sade just so happened to be my wife and I’s favorite song when we were together. Probably just a coincidence. In prison means a prison in the original sense of separation. Two heterogeneity diverse mingled seeds which are the two mingled seeds that was a result from Adam and Eve fornicating with that reptilian natural man that Elohim made in Genesis 1:26. And you can see by looking at the artwork that my wife bought for our house what this love frequency is really about because it’s an image of a big praying mantis that the Lord showed me was working through my wife that was hunting me. And if you have eyes to see and look closely, there is even an image of two forward and backward snakes that represent the twin female energy of the hindekagram or the Kellopod cycle. Guys, you can try to make this up, but it would be very hard to do. So now I want to close this 528 section offBy showing you a video that Jonathan Kleck shared of an interview of this gentleman named John who is being interviewed on a hypnosis who claimed that he has been abducted by Elohim, or what people might refer to as aliens. You can watch the full interview on YouTube, but I’m going to play a brief clip of John telling us what he is being shown through this encounter with Elohim.

Then I’m going to play a brief clip of Elohim speaking through John and telling the interviewer that they were the original creators and that they make worlds of love and also made us in their image. And this should help explain what the female love frequency of 528 is really about, using a real life encounter in Elohim’s own words, that’s if you believe the interview is authentic.

But even if you don’t accept the interview as the truth, I’m going to prove to you, using the scriptures, that everything that I’ve shared with you is the truth. Okay, John, what is it you say? Bugs. Bugs. How big are these bugs, John? Bigger than me. Bigger than you. How old are you, John? Three years old. John is safe. As in from us. We’ll protect him. Who is us? Who are you? The alien. Alien? Alien. We’re the original makers. We’re the maker of worlds. Make worlds with love. You made the people. Yes. You’re our children. What do you look like? You would find it hard to look upon my face. Why? They’re different. Pretty. We’re not so pretty. We think we are, but you probably would think not. We made you in our image, but there are difference.

I would encourage you to watch the entire interview on YouTube because it’s fascinating how accurate the information is that this subject reveals in the interview as it relates to what the Lord has revealed through Jonathan Kleck’s ministry and also myself. Specifically when the entity that possesses John and reveals himself as Elohim and says, we make the worlds of love worlds as in the plural sense such as Earth’s binary twin system that the Lord allowed me to reveal in my US and Them part Two series where it says in Hebrews eleven three through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear and frame means to complete or to repair.

Joined together. And it’s from G 25 96 Kata down natural and joined in opposition, which is being made from things that don’t appear, such as energy, frequency and vibration. That can’t be seen because although the Lord dispatched Lucifer as his angel messenger to build the world, the Lord spoke everything into existence through the breath of his mouth, which is spirit.

But notice when he says that they make worlds of love which is referring to the love frequency of 528 Hertz that connects and binds all living life in the natural world together. And then when he says that they made us in their image which is both light and dark, the tree of knowledge of good and evil from when Elohim divided the light from the darkness in Genesis one four, which is the curse and is also the balance between our duality that these deceptive New Age religions are promoting. That is an abomination to the Lord, which is their attempt to enter into the sheepfold.

Another way described in John Ten One where Jesus says very verily I say unto you he that enters not by the door in the sheepfold but climbs in some other way is the same as a thief and a robber. The strong’s meaning of door means a portal or an entrance, a door which is describing the door or the portal to the Sitra akra in the pit where that demonic spirit resides.

And notice how Jesus says climate up, not climate into the sheephold, because climate up means to literally to arise. Or ascend up, which is what the mystery religions of the Kabbalah and the Kundalini spirit in yoga is all. About because they’re attempting to open themselves up to the Divine Source and channel their energy up through the human host body energy systems or the seven chakras to the Ketter, knowingly or unknowingly to connect to the divine feminine spirit of Lucifer or nature to get back to the source in which they were carried away captive from.

And this is one of the biggest deceptions that are being promoted through these New Age religions, because anyone who attempts to enter into the sheepfold without Jesus Christ is a thief and a robber. And if you really think about it, of course there has to be a love frequency.

Otherwise, how could man be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth like Elohim commanded them to do in Genesis 128 when Elohim blessed man as a benefit and blasphemied the Lord God and said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth? Because we know from Job 24 20 that once we are conceived in inequity at birth with that demonic female energy and that worm begins feeding sweetly on us as soon as we come to age.

This is when we all have the desires to fornicate and pass on our seed as all living things do in nature, to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth because it’s wired into our DNA from that demonic spirit. And this all ties back to the movie Vision Quest that the Lord used to show me that this year would be the year of the great Tribulation kickoff events.

When I was making dinner one evening and I heard the song Only the Young from the band Journey playing in my head, which was the Lord telling me to watch the movies. And the lyrics go like this only the young can say they’re free to fly away like as in flying up on two wings of an eagle described in Revelation 1214 in The Rapture of the Church.

Sharing the same desires burning like wildfire they are seeing through the promises and the lies that they dare to tell is this heaven or hell? They know very well, because we all do, because we have a conscience. Only the young can say they’re free to fly away, sharing the same desires, burning like wildfires.

And this wildfire is so strong inside of us that at one point in the movie, loudon Swain was ready to give up his vision quest to wrestle shoot the state champion at the 168 weight class just because he met a girl. And excuse my language, gut late and ask yourself, what is that burning fire? And where does that burning fire come from that drives men and women, as soon as they come to age, to want to go sleep around with several different men or women at the same time and risk developing a reputation or even getting pregnant with one or perhaps two dads like Eve did?

You’ve all likely heard the story of the Samaritan woman that Jesus is having a conversation with at the well when he’s revealing himself to her as the Messiah. And he says to her, if anyone drinks from his waters, meaning the living waters of the Holy Spirit, they will not thirst again. And the woman says to Jesus, sir, give me this water so that I may thirst not, neither come heareth to draw.

And Jesus says to the woman in John 416, go call thy husband and come hither. And the woman answered him and said, I have no husband. And Jesus says unto her, thou hast said, I have no husband, for thou hast five husbands. Clearly, Jesus did not differentiate between the meaning of husband from the Samaritan woman who was sleeping with five different men to the more modern times when a woman marries a man through the custom or traditional marriage service performed by a priest or a rabbi. If you’re sleeping with somebody, then you’re considered married in the Lord’s eyes.

That’s why in Ephesians 531 it says for this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and shall be joined with his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. Because when we’re old enough to begin fornicating with other men or women, then through this act of intimacy, the two become quantumly entangled and intimately connected with one another. Because our DNA is essentially crystals that function as an energy amplifier, like a coil operating primarily on the numbers three, six and nine, which is energy, frequency and vibration that we’ll get into later in the video.

That functions. As a transmitter and a receiver through photon and phonon reception and transmission for intercellular communications and cellular upregulation, which meansPrecipitation in real time for both internal and external communication that is constantly manifesting itself in real time through the body’s own electromagnetic toroidal field. So what an individual is putting out into the world is interacting in real time with somebody else’s electromagnetic field and coming back into the body, which is being communicated through energy, frequency and vibration in real time.

For example, if you are putting vibes out there to the opposite sex, so to speak, and you’re checking them out or they’re checking you out, those signals are manifesting in real time both inside and outside the body through your own toroidal field. And the more intimately those toroidal fields become entangled through physical attraction, lust, desire or the physical act of fornication itself, i.e. sin, not only does it physically and psychologically change the dynamic of the interaction or the relationship, but it also feeds that worm in the pit and spiritually draws us away from the Lord because sin separates us from the Lord.

There’s a lot more spiritual meaning to the scripture when you apply the geometry to the number five, with the number five being the number of husbands that the Samaritan woman has, because there’s always a deeper meaning being communicated with the use of these numbers. But first, let’s look at the strong’s meaning of husband and apply this understanding. Husband means a man, a husband, the countenance, which is appearance, especially the expression of the face. But it’s from G 3700 to gaze with eyes wide open as something remarkable, which denotes voluntary observation. And it’s from G 23 34 to be a spectator, that is, to experience and signifies an earnest but more continued spection, which is describing checking somebody else physically because you’re attracted to them. Which is exactly what Eve was doing in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 36, where it says and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and it was pleasant to the eyes and the tree to be desired to make one wise. And she took from thereof and did eat the strong’s meaning of pleasant means a longing, a desire, a delight exceedingly. Greetingly lusting. And to covet and desired means to delight in beauty, covet, desire, goodly lust. Nobody longs in lust after a piece of fruit. Guys.

So all you people who have been doctrinated into religion, please stop leaving me messages and comments that Eve took from a literal piece of fruit from a literal tree. But it gets deeper because husband also is related to g 46 48, which means to take aim at, to spy, and further reduces to g 46 49 to peer about through the idea of concealment a watch century, scout or a mark.

And if you remember from Proverbs 53 says for ellipse of a strange woman drops as honeycomb and her mouth is smoother than oil, but her end is bitter as warmwood, sharp as a two edged sword. Her feet go down to death, her steps take hold of hell, and the strong’s meaning of her feet means a foot euphemistically the pedenda, which is the female genitalia, specifically as a reconnaitor to inspect, absorb and survey as an enemy’s position of strength in order to gain information for military purposes and to spy out. So who or what could possibly be concealed that is peering about, taking amat as a watch, sentry or scout, which is someone who does reconnaissance to gain intel for an army that is going into battle?

Well, let’s look at Revelation Nine five that describes these locust scorpions from the pit that are feeding off us. And it says and to them was given that they should not kill, but they should torment five months. And the torment was the torment of a scorpion when he striketh the man. And scorpion means to pierce a scorpion from its sting. But it’s from G 46 49 to peer about through the idea of concealment a watch century or scout that is a goal or a mark. So we can clearly see that there’s a connection with the Samaritan’s woman’s five husbands and the strong’s meaning of the scorpions in the pit, because both are described as being concealed, peering about as a watch, sentry or scout. Which is an indication that the scorpions from the pit are using the human host body system as their eyes and ears to keep tabs on what’s going on on the surface.

There’s also a connection with the number five husbands, with the number five months that these scorpions will be allowed to torment man. And coincidentally, there’s a connection to the five pointed star on the clothing brand supernatural that this girl is wearing that says hunter in training on her shirt that has a five pointed star that is burning, that represents that she’s hunting angels through fornication, which is consuming an angel to be used as fodder to Burt. That scorpion from the pit, which is all pointing back to the attack on the five pointed star or the pentagonal shaped structure of our DNA that we received from Adam, which was the symbolic meaning of why they purposely bombed the pentagon on 911 to symbolize that there would be an attack on our DNA to get rid of the good spirit from Adam through the human host body. Kellopoth which, remember is the Lloyd god’s human host body. Threshing apparatus or instrument to separate the grain from the shaft and the wheat from the tear.

This so-called 528 miracle love frequency that connects all living things in the natural world around us is the frequency that causes us to be snared in the human host body trap. Whether we’re enticed into finding our soulmate so that we can get married and build families or to indulge in more primitive and lustful desires such as physical acts of fornication. Both ultimately lead to the light inside of us, to be consumed by the darkness and to be transmuted down to feed that demonic worm in the pit if you don’t get spiritually converted, which is very difficult for many who don’t know the word of God to accept.

In James 114 through 16, it says but every man is tempted when he is drawn away from his own lust and entice. Then, when lust has conceived, it brings forth sin, and sin, when it’s finished, brings forth death. Do not ear, my beloved brethren. The strong’s meaning of entice means to entrap, that is, to delude allure beguile. To decoy a trick bait. To decoy a trick bait. Really? That sounds a lot like duck hunting when a hunter uses a duck decoy as trick bait to lure the ducks in close enough for the kill. Because it’s the same concept when all of God’s angels were lured away from the Lord God in heaven with that natural man that Elohim created in Genesis 126. Now you know why the word image means a phantom and an illusion. Because it was nothing more than a decoy to lure us all away from heaven to be hunted.

Entice also means wile, which means to disarm in a seductive manner, to device, crafty, deceit, guile and subtlety, which is all done through love, cherish and affection in attraction to the bosom that we covered earlier in Isaiah 42 22.

Lust means a longing for especially what is forbidden, as in you shall not eat it, neither shall you touch it lest you die. It also means concupiscence desire to lust after. And it’s from G 1937 to set your heart upon long for covet passion, fierceness, indignation and wrath. And why do you think there’s so many fights between guys over girls and fierce cat fights between girlfriends that are over boys?

Then in James 117 it says every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. And the strong’s meaning of perfect means complete in a mental or moral character. Perfect. And it’s from G 50 56 to set out for a definite point or goal by implication, the conclusion of an act or state, specifically an impost or levy as paid, which is describing the levy and the debt that jesus paid for us on the cross that has been held against us, for our transgression against him in heaven and all the sins that we have committed here on earth.

This perfect gift that comes down from the Father of lights to pay our debt for us is the light or the frequency of the Holy Spirit. Light means to shine or make manifest, especially by rays, light. And it’s from G 53 46 to show or make known one’s thoughts. Because the Holy Spirit is truth and reveals all.


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