PROTECT YOURSELF against DEMONIC POSSESSION! Principalities Powers Rulers of Darkness Revealed2018

Spread the Truth



• The text presents a detailed exploration of spiritual warfare as depicted in various religious texts and belief systems. The host discusses the concept of wrestling against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness in a metaphysical context, suggesting that the battleground is not physical but within us. They suggest the war is between the personas or ideas of self we’ve been conditioned to believe in and our true identity.

• The text delves into the notion of life being a simulation and refers to influences like Elon Musk and his theory of simulation. It mentions societal norms and pressures that shape our identities and repress our authentic selves, creating a kind of spiritual conflict that keeps us from realizing our potential. The speaker suggests this is because we can’t win a battle as long as we don’t recognize that we’re in it.

• The speaker interprets wrestling not as struggling with external factors, but as a match between opposing thoughts within us. The speaker breaks down various scriptures and parallels them with the personal struggle between imagined and real identity, between the head and the heart. They argue that this internal tussle is the actual war referred to in scriptures, dismissing theories of demonic interference or external spiritual beings and defining them as thought processes or lies that have been internalized.


Hello my friends. Jacob is here and it’s Tuesday. So happy Tuesday to you. Thank you for coming. Thank you for pressing play and spending a little time with me. I’m very excited because I didn’t know I was going to be able to get this show out to you because I did that live stream yesterday, which if you haven’t seen it, it’s about Israel. It’s important stuff going down. Check it out. And if you don’t want to check it out, this show is for you because we’re talking about a particular passage in scripture that is very important and it has been misunderstood for years.

And now, right now, right here for all of you, for your viewing pleasure, you will get the answers you have been waiting for. We’re going to find out what the principalities and powers and rulers of darkness really are. Not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. This is a big deal.

For many years, people have said that these principalities and powers are spooky demons in the Muslim faith. They would say that they are the Djinn. Many who work at CERN would call them extra dimensional beings that are pulling the strings. If you were a Gnostic, they would say they’re the archons. And if you love nibiru, you might say that they’re the Anunnaki. But what are? Huh? Do you know?

I know there is a war going on for you. That’s right. It’s going on within you. And you can’t win the war if you don’t know you’re in a battle to begin with. To be truly free, you have to understand what these principalities and powers and rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places really is. So I hope you’re buckled up people, because there’s a war going on and we’re about to win it’s.

Hey, you’re still here. I’m glad. There’s a belief in the world that everything that you see, touch, taste and smell and hear and experience in the sensual world that it’s not real. Others like Elon Musk and Medal of Science winner James Gates, the scientific advisor to President Obama, who’s a quantum theorist, one of the top guys. And when he was calculating how everything worked together with quantum mathematics, he found at the very core of everything computer code.

They would call it a simulation. That’s right. People are spending gabillions of dollars trying to get out of it. And then of course, the blinded masses, those that just basically accept what they’re told, they would say that things are the way they are. You know, you live in one box and then you travel in another box to get to work at another box and that’s know, wash, rinse, repeat, you just continue to do this and no one feels fulfilled, no one feels alive. And a lot of people are just downright sad, which is why drug use is just soaring in the United States today.

Now why do I say all of this? What does this have to do with the principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places and rulers of darkness? Well, I would go so far as to say that everything that we believe becomes our belief system, in fact, can be the very chain that enslaves us or the very truth that sets us free by examining a specific passage in Scripture that has been long misunderstood that is going to unlock everything for all of you. We’re going to examine this text from Ephesians chapter six, and we’re going to look at the original language. We’re going to see what these words really mean and it’s going to uncover something for all of you and you’re going to see who you’re really fighting against in Ephesians chapter six, verse twelve, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood.

Okay? So let’s take that right off the bat, okay? Right off the bat. We’re wrestling not against flesh and blood. Let’s look at the word wrestle and define that, okay? Let’s take it word by word, line by line, precept by precept. The literal definition of wrestling from the Greek is a contest between two fighting for preeminence. Isn’t that interesting? Each endeavors to overthrow the other two at war.

You’re going to see how this all ties together for what’s going on within all of us. So that word wrestling is not about like you’re struggling with or you’re dealing with. It literally means for. We are wrestling as one opponent against another opponent, not against flesh and blood, which of course you understand that it’s a literal thing here. We’re not wrestling against our neighbor or our in laws or people at work that give us a hard time. No, we are wrestling against principalities and powers and rulers of darkness, right? And that’s what this world has become. It’s become very dark to the truth.

You so this wrestling, this wrestling is actually expressed in Scripture. It’s a match between two men, okay? And these two men are an example of you and me. There’s the first Adam, the man that was formed in the dust of the earth. And then there’s the last Adam. There’s the Christ man, if you will. There’s the first man who eats of that tree of knowledge of good and evil because he’s born into the world and he’s told this is your name. This is how you must act this is how you must behave. And this is how you must think. And this is what you must eat and this is what you must drink. And this is where must go. And this is how you must behave. That first man ruled right, by a belief system formed in the dust of the earth. And if you understand anything about dust in Scripture, it means lies, imagination, idolatry. If you’ve been to the channel long enough, you understand that that when you’re formed in the dust of the earth.

It’s actually equivalent to you coming into the world. And every experience molding you into this idea of who you think you are. If I say, well, who are you? And you say, My name is Joey, guess what? You’re wrong. Because Joey was a name you were given. That’s not who you are. Who you are is more. And that’s what we’re wrestling against.

Now watch how this goes on. So you got these two men in scripture, okay? Got the first man and the last man. And I’ve talked about this. Adam had two sons. He had Cain and Abel. The firstborn was the killer. The killer, the hunter, the one that kills Abel the shepherd. Okay, firstborn, secondborn, Adam brought death into the world. Abraham had two sons, ishmael and Isaac ishmael hunter, killer, born of a slave, had to be cast away because the kingdom was going to go to the wrong person. Isaac the shepherd. Isaac has two sons. Now, this is interesting because Isaac’s wife, Rebecca, when she was pregnant with twins, that was Jacob and Esau, the Lord, an angel of the Lord, a messenger of the Lord. Someone came to her and said to her, there are two nations at war. Within your womb, the elder shall serve the younger. Two strong nations, but the elder shall serve the younger.

So in that womb, there was a wrestling match going on. It’s a picture of what’s going on within us. There is a wrestling match going on within us between the idea of who we think we are and the truth of who we really are. But for God, there’s the wrestling match between the one formed and the dust of the earth. You know, the idea, the Joeies of the world. And then there’s the one that was from Christ within, from the Spirit, from God, from the infinite source of all things. Another way of looking at it is, there’s a wrestling match between the soul and the spirit? Another way of looking at it is there’s a wrestling match between the head and the heart? This is what we’re talking about, people.

Now, when Paul was writing to the Ephesians, he was not talking about flesh and blood. He wasn’t talking about the temporal world. He was talking about something that was going on spiritually within you. Two opposing thoughts at work within you. Come on. Now, I know


Spread the Truth

2 thoughts on “PROTECT YOURSELF against DEMONIC POSSESSION! Principalities Powers Rulers of Darkness Revealed2018

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    I understand that the war is between ourselves, who are you and what are you about, I choose Good, so I must make my life about that, in every thought and action, to be aligned with Good. 🌸🩵 by the way ,Cain brought the fruit of the Earth, Able was the first shepherd, who tended the flocks

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