2024 COVID Lockdowns? Peak BEHIND the VEIL on UFO BRICS MORE!

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2024 COVID Lockdowns



➡ This narrative predictions for 2023 and 2024 COVID Lockdowns claim that amidst economic struggles and political tension, the world may face the resurgence of a new variant of COVID, named Eris after the Greek goddess of strife and discord, symbolizing the rising societal issues such as narcissism, lack of empathy, and declining holiness. Additionally, it criticizes churches for failing to remain steadfast and faith-filled during times of distress, and urges their audience to remain resilient and dedicated to their faith, irrespective of changing circumstances, COVID or otherwise.


Goddess heiress and the COVID resurgence in 2023 and 2024 COVID Lockdowns

Let’s take a look at this in today’s video. And as we do, it is imperative that you pay attention, because there is one thing that the devil, Satan, and fallen angels are after in your life. And we want to talk about that in today’s video.

Do you remember what it was like in 2019, 2020, when the virus hit America? Do you remember going to the grocery stores and having to social distance? Do you remember having to only have one or two people in your homes in certain countries because if not, they could have you arrested? Do you remember when presidents were able to dictate whether you can have people in your homes for Thanksgiving? What happened to society that it was so easily manipulated and controlled and placed in a sector of life that was simply diabolical? How was it so easy for society to be segregated, controlled? And the lack of empathy, the lack of love, the lack of holiness was apparent.

And here we are in late 2023 as our world economy is on the brink of tumbling, as BRICS nations have decided to come together to attempt to dethrone the dollar. Now the stage is set for the 15th edition of the crucial BRICS Economic Summit, and leaders representing almost half of the world’s population have made their way to South Africa’s Johannesburg. A central focus of the summit will be the possible expansion of the bloc. The second pivotal discussion will revolve around the bloc’s de-dollarization bid.

Meanwhile, palpable suspense over the much-anticipated bilateral meeting between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping continues to intensify. Now, China and Russia have expressed interest in expanding the group in an effort to grant it greater weight in international affairs. Additionally, over 40 countries have expressed interest in joining the bloc, and 22 have been formally requested membership. The member countries of the Brie bloc, that is, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are looking into an alternative currency to the US dollar.

As you have nations upon nations claiming that they’re visiting parts of the moon, making contact with certain beings, UFO disclosures left and right. And as all of these things are brewing, you have a new variant that arrives on the scene. And the people that control these variants, the people that control the name of these viruses, have gotten pretty creative. It’s a game to many of these people. Matthew 20:4-12, “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.” And it takes a really cold individual to decide to name the new variant Eris on behalf of the Greek goddess Eris.

As we talk about this topic, if you can be so kind to if you’re enjoying the video, press the thumbs up. Share this content and subscribe if you enjoy the content, you know that when you speak on this topic, you’re putting a lot at risk. Between 2020, 2021, 2022 this channel has been suspended multiple times. And this is not the only one. Many others have as well for speaking on this topic. However, it is imperative that we talk on it. So if you could be so kind to share this content, it would be a blessing.

The Greek goddess Eris, the goddess Eris, she was personified for a couple of things. It is said that she was a god of war, that she was a goddess that enjoyed bloodbaths, that she was a goddess that enjoyed creating strife among nations, creating strife among the people. Wherever Eris was, there was division, there was fights, there was quarreling. Nonetheless, it is insanity to me to even understand why people that are, quote, the most brilliant of the brilliant on earth, to decide to name viruses, to decide to name pandemics on behalf of entities that are fallen.

That is how you know that the condition of humanity that the condition of humanity as a whole has reached a state where brother, sister in the Lord I come to you today to simply remind you that the devil, his fallen angels, his entities, whether they’re called Eris or Eris’s mother, Eris’s grandmother, whatever entity it is that they are defeated in the name of Jesus Christ.

Ever since the pandemic, there has been a deficit of empathy in the United States of America. The amount of people that have had to turn to medication to be able to sleep, the amount of people that have had to turn to medication to increase their dopamine, the amount of people that are trying to do anything and everything possible to try to regain anything that they were before the pandemic is staggering. But no matter how much they try, empathy is at a deficit. And as empathy is growing, and as there is a lack of empathy in this world, narcissism is on the rise, love is growing cold. Empathy is declining. Holiness in the church is declining. Integrity is declining. The effects of social distancing, the effects of the pandemic, will carry on for many generations.

When I think of the many churches who decided to close their doors during the pandemic, it’s amazing how God can cast out devils, heal the sick, but he can’t heal COVID. What happened to all the faith healers? In fact, start taking account of many of them on YouTube right now. The many people that claim that they can do all these things, where were they during the pandemic? Where were all the mega pastors during the pandemic when they have crusades? Everyone’s walking around, throwing their wheelchairs everywhere, throwing their crutches everywhere. But during COVID what happened? Many of them were nowhere to be seen.

One Timothy 4:1, “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.” It’s easy to worship Jesus Christ, it’s easy to follow the commandments. When everything is going well, it’s easy to do what you’re doing when everything is flowing how you want it to flow. But when the sheriff knocks out your door and tells you to shut that church down, what will you do? Sunday shots of a packed church went viral. You may be seated. Amen.

By Monday, Pastor Rodney Howard Brown of The River at Tampa Bay Church had a warrant out for his arrest. His reckless disregard for human life put hundreds of people in his congregation at risk and thousands of residents who may interact with them this week in danger. Hillsborough Sheriff Chad Chronister said Brown encouraged members to show up in person amid the coronavirus pandemic, even providing bus transportation. Brown turned himself in on charges of unlawful assembly and violating public health, emergency rules of isolation and quarantine.

When YouTube comes to your channel and censors it and tells you that you cannot be monetized anymore, what do you do? This is why I encourage all channels to consider not monetizing their channels. It’s not because I am better than you. I am no better than you. I am the sole provider in my house, and I work a full-time job just like you do. I could use the benefits of being monetized, but the reality is that at any point in time, they could demonetize you and censor what you say.

I digress because it’s like I’m beating on a dead horse here. I’m not worried about a new variant coming in 2023 or 2024 or 2025 or 2026. We’ve been there and done that. We made it through in the name of Jesus.

I don’t live in the same house that I used to live, and I don’t work in the same job that I used to have. Life has changed, but we made it through. And for many of us, we’re still trying to recover from anything lost.

You know it and I know it, but that’s just in the physical realm. I’m not so much worried about the physical right now. I’m worried about the spiritual condition of the church in America and abroad because it doesn’t seem as if we’ve learned our lesson. I’m not talking about a mask, and I’m not talking about social distancing, and I am not talking necessarily about any restrictions. These are temporary and these are things that are in the physical. But there is something that is still lacking that the church has not learned from whatever happened during the pandemic. We’re still too comfortable. We’re still too comfortable.

And when the scriptures warn us that the last days will be as the days of Noah, when the scriptures warn us that the last days will be as the days of Lot, when we


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1 thoughts on “2024 COVID Lockdowns? Peak BEHIND the VEIL on UFO BRICS MORE!

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    Just want to thank you for the overview of the past few yrs, it will bode well to remember what they have done and are continuing to do today, May we not forget!🌸

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