Richard Dolan Alien Mafia Covert Control

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➡ The speaker discusses his beliefs in covert infiltration in human society by other groups, and the potential motives behind it. He briefly promotes Noble Gold Investments, then shares his journey into UFO research, triggered by a book he stumbled upon which connected UFO sightings with significant elements of national security. He decided to shift from academia to focus solely on the subject, and has found it to be a stirring journey uncovering major hidden elements in the world. He recounts a very vivid personal encounter with an unusually bright object in the sky that disappeared suspiciously.
➡ The speaker discusses a series of personal encounters with unidentified flying objects (UFOs), noting a feeling of telepathic communication during these events. They also believe that these non-human beings could potentially take human form due to advanced genetic engineering. The speaker hypothesizes that these beings could have ancient origins on Earth, possibly related to ancient alien theories, but remains skeptical. They also propose the ability of these entities to manipulate spacetime, introducing possibilities of interdimensional navigation.
➡ The text discusses various theories regarding extraterrestrial presence and inter-dimensional beings, underpinned by the perspective that we, as humans, may not be alone in navigating the universe. It suggests that the recent acknowledgment by government institutions of unexplainable sightings is not an attempt to fabricate an alien encounter narrative, but rather a forced acknowledgement due to pressure from certain factions. The text also outlines the transformation humanity is undergoing due to technological advancements and speculates on a possible alignment with an increase in non-human intelligence encounters.
➡ The text discusses the increasing interest in humans displayed by UFOs/UAPs, potentially due to advanced technological developments such as atomic bombs and early computing. This interest seems to have spiked during significant periods such as the 19th-century industrial revolution and World War II, culminating in increased sightings during nuclear testing. The text also suggests that humans could be progressing towards a level comparable to these intelligent beings, and speculates on potential interactions with civilizations from Mars.
➡ The text discusses the possibilities related to UFO sightings, questioning why they are here and what their goals might be. It suggests that these beings could be intrigued by Earth’s abundance of life and variety. The conversation hypothesizes that aliens might ultimately aim to assimilate us into their society, speculating they could be influencing and infiltrating our society and institutions.
➡ The text discusses different phenomena including the Mandela Effect, an alternate reality theory, USO sightings, and unconventional scientific events. Also, mentions the speaker’s project on compiling noteworthy USO cases – unidentified submerged objects sighting – emphasizing the Caribbean as a hotspot. The author describes specific supernatural incidences, questioning the existence of alternate realities and questioning the reliability of memory while interacting with media.
➡ The text is a complex discussion that involves unidentified submerged objects seen in Puerto Rican waters, sparking excitement among witnesses and instigating an investigation by local politicians. It also highlights the research and observations of Dr. Robert Shype on unidentified aerial objects. The conversation also includes speculation on whether an advanced civilization might be operating on Earth and implies a correlation with the global control system imposed by world economies, suggesting that the presence of this advanced civilization might prefer single, centralized governance systems on Earth.
➡ The speaker reflects on concepts of reality, intelligence, and the limits of human understanding, finding parallels with concepts of extraterrestrial life and the unexplained phenomena happening at a location known as Skinwalker Ranch. He asserts the existence of an unknown “grander reality” and highlights the importance of maintaining an open mind and a tentative approach towards understanding these mysteries.


I have a few friends and colleagues, some of whom are not that well known, but they’re quite brilliant, who believe that there s an infiltration that has been going on, that some group, maybe more than one group, but at least one group is infiltrating our society. For my part, I’ve I’ve come across a number of stories that make me think that’s entirely possible. So if that’s so, then you have to ask, why would they have an infiltration? They wouldn’t just be randomly living among humans for no reason.

I can’t believe that. There would have to be very likely be a mission. There would have to be a plan to monitor the powerful elements of human society. And that would have to include leading edge science would have to anybody else a little bit stressed out about finances right now? Yeah, join the club. You’re not the only one. Noble Gold Investments can help you with that. Actually, let me read to you a couple of testimonials directly from people that Noble Gold Investments has helped.

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Go to leakprojectgold. com, give them a call. 1877-646-5347. They have an A plus rating with the Better Business Bureau. Countless five star reviews. Noble Gold Investments is the gold company that I trust. Amazing opportunity today because we have Richard Dolan with us and you are at the cutting edge of research. So I’m going to take this time and ask you some very pinpointed questions. But first of all, I got to say, how the heck are you? Thank you, Rex.

Very happy to be here. I’m looking forward to having this great conversation with you, to be honest. Me too. And you are at the forefront of research. So you’ve been doing this for decades. You’ve written several books on the subject, and you always take things very seriously, which I applaud you for that. I want to know why you got into UFO research. Yeah, I did not grow up with a particularly strong interest in the subjects.

Back in when I was in my twenty s and my early thirty s, I had a certain career path that I thought I had laid out for myself, which was teach history at an American university. It was something that I loved. History is my first and still greatest intellectual love. I’ve known it longer than I’ve known the UFO subject. And I thought, well, just I’ll teach, which I will enjoy doing.

And initially it was going to be German and Soviet history. And then I moved into US diplomatic history, us. National security Strategy of the Cold War. And I was into all of it. I found it just absolutely fascinating. And then I was still in my very early thirty s this is thirty years ago, early 1990s, I was in a bookstore. I saw a copy of a book by Timothy Good.

His famous book, Above Top Secret, the worldwide UFO cover up. And I had not ever seen it before. I didn’t know who Timothy Good was. It was on a display stand, and I flipped through it and I thought, oh, he’s got these documents. Are these real, these alleged documents? And there’s all of these departments that I had studied in my own research, and he’s connecting them to UFOs and individuals that I had studied in my research, and he’s connecting them to UFOs.

And I thought, okay, wait a second, this is a little crazy. I’m trying to make myself an expert here in this area, and there are these claims that there’s a major UFO connection. And I thought, if nothing else, I have to be responsible and just figure out, is this a thing? Is this something that was taken seriously? Were there high level national security people in the United States in the 1940s and the 1950s who were seriously looking into the matter of flying saucers, as they called it back then? And the answer is yes, absolutely they were.

And then I thought, well, did they ever figure out what they were dealing with? Did they just say, oh yeah, really, it’s just natural phenomena or hallucinations or what have you or something else? And as far as I can see, the answer to that was no, they never figured it out, despite what they were telling the public. And I thought, oh, so they’re just lying to the public.

What else is new? And so that really triggered my interest. And I just thought I would study the subject for a few months, look back, I laugh, but that’s actually what I thought I would do, just a few months and resolve for myself, was this a thing or not? But it became quickly evident to me that this was a thing and that it was taken seriously. And no, they never, as far as I could see, figured out what it was.

I was off to the races, and I just thought, I find this more interesting than anything else I’ve ever looked into, and I couldn’t pry away from it. And within a year and a half of that I said, I don’t even want to do I’m out of academia. I don’t want to do this. I knew that there’s no way I could do the UFO subject at that time.

And so I just devoted myself to this subject, and that’s been for the last 30 years. Wow. That’s how I got into it. And it’s been the most interesting journey of my life, without a doubt. It’s opened up many doors, and what I mean by that is simply you look into the UFO cover up and that’s the right word for this. You start realizing there’s a lot of other things going on in our world that are equally hidden.

The crowbar to pry open the UFO secret also allows you to pry open or look into a lot of other things as well. So it’s just been one heck of a ride. No, that’s fantastic. Thanks for sharing that with us. Have you ever seen an Et or a UFO? Yeah, I would say I’ve had a couple of sightings of what I would call UFOs. None of them were up close, none of them where I could actually see the contours of a craft.

In both cases that I’m thinking of, they were very bizarre lights in the sky, but very emphasis on very. So in one about 25 years ago my goodness, no, it was not 20 years ago. I was with my son, who was three at the time. So wait, he was born 96 and I was out in front of our house with him. It was a beautiful May afternoon in Rochester, New York, which is not always a sunny city.

It’s very cloudy in rochester. We’re right by Lake Ontario. We get a lot of clouds. But on this particular day it was absolutely perfectly blue sky. Not a single cloud anywhere. And I was with him. We had just come back from a corner grocery store. I was holding his hand and I saw this bright, very bright light in the daytime sky. Unusually bright, extremely bright. And we live by an airport.

I see aircraft all the time, but this was very different. So I was looking at it and I thought, that is the brightest I think that’s the brightest object I’ve ever seen in the daylight sky other than the sun. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything brighter than that. So I was just looking at it and it was moving very slowly toward our position overhead. Maybe 2020, 5000ft altitude, I’m just guessing.

And I was just looking at it and I thought, this is really weird. And this thought came into my mind which was don’t look away. If you look away from this, you will never ever see it again. No reason for me to think that there would have been no place for that thing to hide in the sky if I had looked away. I should have very easily been able to find it.

But this thought was like, don’t look away, don’t look away. So I’m staring at it, but I had this little boy next to me, my son, who was trying to get my attention. I’ll never forget. And he’s calling my name. I think he was nervous that he sees his father turn into a statue on the sidewalk looking up at the sky. So he’s trying to get my attention.

He’s calling me daddy. Daddy. And I remember saying, hang on, I’m watching something, hang on. But he was becoming very worked up. And so I actually pointed with my left finger to this thing in the sky to hold its position, and I turned to him for about 1 second. I’m watching something hang on. And I turned back and that thing was gone. There’s nowhere for it to have gone.

There was nowhere for it to have gone. I don’t know what happened to it. I spent the next five minutes patrolling every aspect of the sky for this thing, and it was just not there. So that’s a coincidence, or that’s more than a coincidence. And it was weird because when you study UFO sightings, you often will get this sense of a personal mental connection. I mean, what happened with me is a drop in the bucket.

There’s so many of these types of situations. It’s not unusual. And I suspect that’s what happened to me. I can’t really think of any other way to explain this. The thing was there. It was unbelievably bright, and it was slowly moving. I turned away for a second, and when I looked back, it was just nowhere to be found. I had another actually really crazy site. So the 1999 one was a year before my first book came out, and no one knew me in this field.

I was still working on it a number of years later. I was walking in the early evening. We had a family dog. I was with my first wife and my daughter, who was eight, no, nine years old at the time. And I have this all written down. Why can’t I remember? I think it was in 2007, and it was a beautiful August evening. It was about a week or two before the annual meteor showers that you get in August.

And I was in a goofy mood. I’m often in a goofy mood, and I said, hey, wouldn’t it be cool if we all looked up and saw a UFO right now? That’s what I did. So we all looked up and there is this object zooming across the sky. This was not an aircraft. No way. And you might think, well, it could have been a meteorite. Yes, it could have been, but it wasn’t.

I’m telling you, it was not. It was very bright and it went into the thinnest patch of cloud and never came out. It just went into the cloud. And my daughter got really scared. She got very nervous. And I remember telling her, no, I’m sure it was just a meteorite. Years later, I remember talking with her about that. She had better eyesight than I did, no surprise. And she remembered it very well.

She said, Look, I know that was not a meteorite. And I agree with her, I don’t think it was either. So whatever that thing was, and again, it’s this mental connection, right? I mean, what prompted me what would have prompted me to say, oh, yeah. Wouldn’t it be cool if we looked up and saw a UFO and then boom, this thing was just right there, booking at a really good clip across the sky.

I mean, that definitely sounds like a telepathic communication and they wanted you to look up and then so do you think they’re non human? Yeah, I do. Well, I think they have the ability to take human form. I mean, I honestly think this now. So they’ve got mastery of genetic engineering, it seems to me. I think if they want, they can probably just grow their own humans. I suspect they probably do.

I mean, there’s many, many cases of people being taken on these craft. They see non human entities, but they also see human entities. Hell, you got the Travis Walton case of 1975. Travis saw non humans and humans aboard the craft. Many, many other abductees, very credible people, in my view, I think in most other researchers views, have also seen at various times human looking occupants of these craft.

It’s a weird thing to consider. You’d think, why would aliens look human? Maybe they’re not really aliens. I tend to think beings that look as human as we do probably evolved here, actually, is what I think. Doesn’t mean that you wouldn’t have other types of humanoid looking creatures that may have evolved elsewhere, but to look exactly human, I don’t know, that seems like a bit of a stretch.

I think they came from here. And really, it makes sense to me. You can have an alien group come here a couple of thousand years ago. They think, oh, these human beings, they’re very useful, they’re pretty clever, we can use them. Why wouldn’t they take a few, breed them for their own society and bring them into their civilization and have them work for them? Those human beings would have very little in common with us.

They’d have much more in common with the species that they’re working with. And so I don’t see it as actually all that difficult a proposition to think that there would be human looking we’ll say aliens, for lack of a better word. So are they human? Yeah, I think they can be. But I think their capability and technology is well beyond what we are able to do here. And definitely one of the things that they can do very well is get inside our heads very well.

Now, would you connect these beings back to the Anunnaki? I don’t know. Zechariah Sitchin wrote a lot about the Anunnaki. These were the gods that the ancient Sumerians did worship. They did write about this is very well known. As the years go by, I have to say I’m less and less enamored of Sitchin’s theory about the Anunnaki. I am not saying that there is no real connection to, let’s say, the ancient aliens hypothesis at all, but been, you know, on a personal level, really trying to look into that whole matter for the last especially the last five years, it’s become a very big interest of mine, to be honest with you.

It’s gotten me into a very deep study of Paleoanthropology human origins, human evolution. It’s fascinating to me. All of our prehistory. I’ve been looking for that hole in our history where you can find an alien, a major alien presence, and I haven’t really found it to my satisfaction yet, but I have seen openings for ancient mysteries and likely, or let’s say possible alien observation. Yeah, I am very open to that.

But as far as a slam dunk, I’m not sure Sitchin’s theory the reason. I don’t I’m very skeptical of it. He’s talking many hundreds of thousands of years where they came here and tweaked us. I’m not saying that’s impossible. Human evolution went through several leaps over the last several hundreds of thousands of years. Maybe that’s possible, but for the Sumerians to have any memory of that to me, seems absolutely inconceivable that they wouldn’t.

I just don’t think they would. So to me, I just take it as far as I can see it’s. Their story, their mythology of their origins not all mythologies are 100% factually true. We have to keep reminding ourselves they could be based on something, sure, but are they going to be exactly accurate? I don’t think so. I don’t believe so. So I’m still researching that. We could have a major cataclysm here.

And then if we got back to a high level civilization, started digging, pulled up some Marvel comics or some DVDs or something, we might think thanos was a god, right? I mean, you bring up some great points. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And the thing about ancient people, I keep reminding myself, yes, people in ancient times were every bit as intelligent as we are, and in some ways, I would say more intelligent.

They had to do more things to stay alive. They had to be much more alert on so many levels to survive. But on the other hand, the reliability of their stories I’m just sorry, but we cannot just take it at face value. That’s really not a wise move, not just when it relates to alien beings, but really anything. I’ve studied this so much. I’m a real student of ancient literature, and I love ancient literature.

I absolutely love it. But that doesn’t mean that you can just take it at face value. You just can’t. Where do you think they come from? I believe that very likely some of them come from another planet in this universe, like extraterrestrial. But they’ve figured out some way to, let’s say, play games with space and time in a way that we can’t do that. One of the papers for the ATIP program that was undertaken on behalf of Robert Bigelow’s organization, Bass, was done by Dr.

Hal putoff, and it was called Spacetime Metric Engineering. Spacetime metric engineering. It’s a hell of a title, and I think that’s what these beings can do extremely well. They can engineer spacetime in ways that we do not yet understand. So if you can do that does that mean that you can navigate what we might call dimensions? Well I don’t really know if that’s the case but certainly if you can manipulate space and time in some way, that seems to me that you’re able to manipulate what we would call our fundamental reality in ways that would seem like an interdimensional kind of a thing.

So I think that’s a real possibility. And look, you’ve got physicists today, they’re talking about multiverse and multiple dimensions and infinite number of dimensions or at least a string theory. First you had eleven dimensions and then they moved it to another number. Maybe that’s all real, maybe that’s all BS, no one really knows. But there’s series of the membrane or the brain. So like there’s this infinite number of realities, versions of you and versions of me where one of them is like right in front of the nose of your face but you just can’t see it, it’s just right there.

And is that the case? Are they coming through this other dimension? I don’t really know how to understand that. All I can say is people way way smarter than me, this is what they think is possible. And so there you go, that’s one possibility. But I still think the extraterrestrial hypothesis actually has the neatest and least complicated explanatory vision for me. And you see in this field, I mean for the last 50 plus years people have really been kind of into all of these alternative hypotheses from Jacques Valet and John Keel and right on through talking about different dimensions because it just seems cooler.

I don’t know, it seems more interesting. Valet back in the 70s said my God, if it turns out that it’s just the extraterrestrial hypothesis that’ll be a real letdown. So boring basically is what he said. And I think that was not the best thing for him to have said. I’m going to be honest, I mean I love Jacques Valley’s work but I don’t think that was really very helpful.

And I think it’s a much simpler proposition to look at this. We ourselves see ourselves having the ability to go elsewhere whether through avatars or whether we may be able to warp space and time. But it’s really not an impossibility. Why should it be impossible to think that someone else has been able to find us and come here as well? I think that’s what’s happened. Yeah, I agree.

It just seems like genetically maybe there was a little tweak done to make us think that or the mind control programming with the media and just people in general often will laugh at the UFO phenomena unless they’ve had an experience. And then even people that have had an experience they’ll just talk it off as something else. But it seems like we’re getting to a point now that the more the media discloses Et disclosure, the more people are saying, wait a second, this has got to be fake.

And I think that has a lot to do with the past 70 years of the disinformation campaign. I think so. I just saw a little clip by Paul Joseph Watson, I think, the other day, and he was talking about the Mexican thing, and he’s like, you know, he’s last five, six years before that, you had the government denying, denying UFOs, and then suddenly he says, now they’re saying it’s real.

He’s talking about us. Congress in this case. He says, Sorry, but I don’t buy it. Now, I think he actually missed the point here because the government is not saying UFOs are real. It’s actually what the government is saying. You have the Navy and you have the Pentagon, which is saying, yes, they are seeing some of these objects that are not easily explainable, but why are they doing that? The whole thing came out.

I’m going to maintain this because I know it’s true. The whole thing came out because you had a group I’ve called them a faction within the establishment. Some of them retired, some of them not, be of people like Elizondo, Chris Mellon leading the way. You had journalists like Leslie Kane and Ralph Blumenthal and a number of other people, hal putoff, who I know, and they pushed for this to come out.

That is what happened. They helped to form to the Stars Academy of Arts and Sciences with Tom DeLong. TTSA TTSA did that big press conference in October 2017, and that was a huge splash. And they talked about the Tic TAC UFO there for the first time. They talked about the whole thing of the ATIP program was clearly coming out. It was going to come out once they got Elizondo on board.

It was a done deal. And so what ended up happening, leslie and Ralph knew this was a story. They pushed hard, along with Mellon’s support for The New York Times, to take this story, which ended up happening two months later. And that’s when all hell broke loose, and Politico will believe them and put them in there too. So that happened. And I think that was an unwelcome, a very unwelcome development for the United States Navy and for the government.

In know, you look at what the response was, it took the Navy two years to acknowledge those videos that were released shortly after that. They didn’t acknowledge it for a long time. They were trying to trash talk against Elizondo and say, well, he was never director of ATIP. That was a lie. They did a lot of things to throw a lot of cold water over this, and eventually they obviously realized, okay, we’re going to have to make some kind of acknowledgement.

And so that’s what they’ve done. But this is not them. This is where I think Watson really got it wrong. This is not a concerted effort to pull the wool over people’s eyes in the sense of making them believe in aliens. Quite the opposite. The US government officially is still downplaying any kind of belief in extraterrestrials or aliens. Where has anyone heard that otherwise? Absolutely not. We listened to Sean Kirkpatrick just a few months ago give a briefing to the Senate on the know, the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, their whole progress, and he completely downplayed anything to do with extraterrestrials or even truly anything truly extraordinary or anomalous, in my view.

So I think the tendency is to downplay the extraordinary nature. But there’s a war going on. There’s always been. 170 years ago, Donald Keough, one of the OGS of Ufology, wrote all about this. He talked about the secrecy group within the Pentagon, the guys who were just absolutely adamant on maintaining the secret. And he talked about people allied with him and others who were like, we need to end this secret.

This is an old story. He talked about the rivalry between the Navy and the Air Force back in those days. There’s always rivalries going on within the establishment. I believe that’s exactly what we are seeing. And so back to your original point that got me into this whole little rant. I think it seemed to me that you were implying some people think this is an op of some sort, a disclosure op, basically a big head fake against the public, and there’s always ops against the public, and there’s always lies by the government.

But it’s a different kind of lie, I think, than what some people are saying. It’s not, oh, the aliens are here. Run for the hills. That’s not the lie. The lie is it’s basically what it’s always been. It’s nothing to see here. Move along. Go about your lives. We’ve got this. That’s really the lie. Well, and then, in a sense, they would win the powers that be that don’t want us to know about it.

If they get people to think that it’s just a big Psyop and it’s not reversal yeah. Have people running around in circles because if they think it’s a big Psyop, good luck finding it. So you have a lot of researchers in the alternative field running around in circles looking for the Psyop or coming up with their theories, and none of those theories will end up being true. And so, yeah, from point of view of disinformation and public control, yeah, I think you’re right.

It would work out pretty well from their perspective. Wow, man. We’re definitely in an amazing time for this disclosure, I feel. And I wanted to ask you about the year 2030, because it seems like that’s a big year for the powers that be. And I wonder if there’s influence, like an Et influence with that year or that. Well, it’s interesting you mentioned that year specifically. One of the things for me that has always been intriguing is the relationship between this phenomenon of other beings, other intelligences here, operating in large numbers, in large numbers around the planet, doing whatever they’re doing at the same time that the human species is going through.

What is the most profound transformation that we have probably undergone since, I don’t know, since we discovered fire, the technological revolution that is giving us strong artificial intelligence, giving us advanced nanotech, giving us quantum computing probably very soon, and every genetic mastery and everything else we can think of, it’s all happening, like, together. It’s creating a transhumanist future, right? I think we can all see this. So they’re happening at the same time.

You have this non human intelligence coming in large numbers at a time when our species is going through a transhumanist transition. And I can’t think that’s a coincidence. I just cannot think. So I believe that when I look over the long history of what I feel are reliable and good UFO sightings and encounters, and I’ve been really trying to do this on my own, it seems to me that, yes, there is very good evidence for a long standing presence by someone.

But my view low level observation, not a whole lot of interaction. Sightings in ancient times, every couple of years, maybe every couple of decades, maybe sometimes every couple of centuries, depending on how far back you go. Admittedly, they didn’t have a lot of writing. It was much easier for stories to get lost. But still, this wasn’t something that was really a major element, it seems to me, in people’s consciousness back then.

Just doesn’t seem like it. But things did, I think, seem to change maybe around the beginning of the 19th century, by my view of it, and then again in the middle, early middle 20th century, World War II, where things really exploded. And I think it’s human development that caused this. In the 19th century, you’re starting to get genuine application of science, scientific and industry into our world, where humans were, for the first time, really, in a big way, learning to manipulate the world around us.

And I think any observational intelligence would have thought, okay, now it’s time to watch these beings a little more carefully, because now they’re going to be moving into hyperdrive. And then the Second World War. Absolutely. I mean, that was a major event, and I think that got a lot of attention. Atomic bomb, but also early computing, electronic like radar, all of these other things are happening at the same time.

So it’s our general development that I think has triggered an interest, because I think we’re probably an interesting show right now in this part of the galaxy, and I have a strong suspicion that we’ve brought in the local neighborhood to check us out. Well, then that would explain why there were so many sightings during the nuclear testing. And there’s some researchers that talk about possible wormholes being generated or some.

Type of vortex that allows entities to come in during nuclear I think it’s totally possible. Yeah, I think so. Actually. I think it’s probably I’m sorry to cut you off, but yeah, the thing with the nukes nuclear testing I don’t think there’s any question about this. This is in my view, in terms of research, this is a slam dunk to say that UFOs, UAP, aliens, they are interested in our nuclear technology.

I don’t think it’s even possible to argue against that in any way and maintain credibility. There have been statistical analyses of this done for years that have proven this is true. Like a very strong interest in our nukes. Researchers like Robert Hastings written entire books about it and done documentaries. It’s very obvious and it makes sense. From 1945 until the end of the 20th century there were what was the number over trying to think how many nuclear detonations there were? Over 1000.

I used to know this number anyway. A lot, we had a lot of detonations and some of them were upper atmosphere, some of them were below ground but it was just a ton of these detonations. And you’ve got to assume like any group that’s watching us might be thinking whoa, whoa, whoa, what are you doing here people? This is a lot of explosions. Maybe this is not such a good idea, which that’s not difficult to imagine.

Right. So I think there was a very strong interest in that. But basically the whole trajectory of our society is that we’re going on to this exponential growth chart and I don’t think it’s not incremental, it’s like it’s a leap. Especially when you step back a few decades and you look at it, it’s like a massive just leap. And I think they know this and I think we’re actually leaping up to much more comparable to their level in some cases.

I’m not saying we’re going to surpass them anytime soon, but we might actually achieve more of a parity than people realize. People have this idea, oh well they’re thousands or millions of years ahead of us, we can never catch up to them. I don’t think that’s realistic. I think that we can. I don’t think that progress goes indefinitely, forever. It can’t be possible. It has to plateau. There’s got to be a plateau and I think they’re at it and I think maybe we’re coming toward it.

Probably there’s incremental things maybe they’ll be better at than us in some ways. But I think we’re going to become very formidable from their point of view and therefore worth monitoring. Now Haima Shed says we’re actually working with high level civilization from Mars and they’re not ready to make themselves known yet. What do you think about that testimony? Yeah, I don’t think that we’re currently working well I mean from Mars? No, I don’t think so.

But are there anomalies about Mars? Yes, I think that there are. Could there be a presence of some group maybe under the ground in Mars? Sure, yeah, it’s possible. How people know these things for sure is beyond me. I’m always wondering, where are you getting this information? Where is it coming from? What is our mean? I’ve talked to a lot of people over the years, and some of them can talk a really good game for a little while, but back it up for a while.

Remember we had this so called 20 and back program going to Mars, fighting the aliens and all that, and we just had that for several years and could not scrub ourselves from it until a few years ago. So I’m not saying that everything connected with Mars is phony. I don’t think that. But in terms of a claim like that, that’s a hell of a claim. And I’d like to know where that individual gets their information.

What’s the know? Yeah, I want to know. I mean, that’s a big deal. Maybe they’re out there in Sedonia or something, but you bring up a great I’ll give you an example. I’m sorry. So I had a conversation a couple of years ago with James Goodall, who mean, I love Jim he’s former military, high level, like, I think is it? Master sergeant, tech sergeant, master sergeant, high level clearances expert in aviation, first civilian ever to see the stealth fighter in action.

He was hanging out in Nevada, written books on all this, knows UFOs inside and out. He believes that we have absolute breakaway technology to go throughout the solar system and beyond. And I would bet that he would say, oh, yeah, there’s stuff going on on Mars. And I respect him. And there’s other folks who would say the same. But is it because he absolutely knows, or it seems like a logical thing? It seems like it could be logical, but I would really want to see some evidence to back that claim up.

Yeah, absolutely. Bring us the data. So what’s the best if you were to take the top three your top three unexplained or maybe explained files? Like, what would those be regarding the phenomenon of this whole subject? Yeah, well, one of the things I’m always asking myself is there’s some very basic questions that we still need to answer. Question number one is how big is this phenomenon? How broad is it? What’s the volume? We don’t really know the answer to that.

It’s a really basic question to ask. How many genuine craft or sightings per year around the world are there? I mean, you think about this. We don’t have the slightest idea. Does anyone really know how many sightings worldwide? And that is because most of the world does not have a good reporting system to accept reports. The non English speaking world does not have a very good system by which people can put their sightings in.

I mean, I’m sure there are some exceptions here and there, but I’ve been looking and I continually am searching, and I just don’t see that. We’ve got here in English speaking world. We’ve got the MUFON database, and we have the National UFO Reporting Center. There’s nothing like that in other languages, so we don’t know. My estimate, though, is that we’re looking at tens of thousands of legit sightings a year.

Tens of thousands. So maybe as little as ten, but maybe as many as 50 or 60, maybe more. And then, of course, beyond that, this is getting a little crazy, but I’m just going to say I think there’s a lot more going on than even what we’re detecting. You look at most sightings that people have, they tend to be fleeting. They tend to be almost accidental. I’m continually struck by sightings that happen at one, two in the morning, three in the morning.

I was just talking an hour before we went on. I was chatting with Tracy about a USO case, one that I was researching and one that she just told me about from a friend of hers. In both cases, you’re talking after midnight, people on a lake after midnight. That’s an unusual situation. And when you’re out there, then this thing comes up out of the water. Normally, that would be unremarked upon a lot of these sightings.

In other words, they happen by chance. And so we don’t even know how many objects there are out there. But I think it’s a lot. I think there’s a lot. That’s one question. Another question is, as you ask, where do they come from? That’s interesting, but I think even more interesting is what the hell are they doing? When we see a UFO, does anyone ever ask, what are they actually doing? Okay, so if you’re in an abduction, then you know, okay, so they’re taking me, they’re screwing with my genetics, are doing whatever.

Okay, but what if you just see an object zipping across the sky or stopping and zigzagging, or coming out of the water? What is it doing? We’re so blown away by the anomalous nature of it, we very seldom just stop to ask, is there an infrastructure behind this? Is there a civilization here? Do they have a city down there? Are they traveling from one alien city to another? Do they have manufacturing facilities that they’re going to? What’s happening? We don’t really have a clue.

And to me, that’s just absolutely a fascinating question to ask, and I can’t answer it either. All I can do is speculate. But we have to keep asking this because honestly, it’s important. Whoever they are, they’re here and they’re doing something, and we ought to want to know what that is. And then the last question, I guess, is related to it, but it would be, why are they here? And is that related to what goals they may have? And do those goals have to do with planet Earth, which I’m guessing partly yes.

And do those goals have anything to do with the human species which I’m also guessing yes. I’m thinking Earth is interesting for them and I’m thinking we’re probably interesting to them. Maybe it’s a problem that has to be dealt with so that they can live here. But for whatever reason I think they’re here because of this world and I think they’re here because of us. This world is I mean there’s I’m sure there’s many planets with life but we might stop to consider just that not all planets with life are created equal.

Some planets you got to scrape out life. It’s not easy. They’re mostly desert or they’re mostly this or that. They may not have a super abundance of life. We do. Earth does. Earth is like paradise. This is an absolute gem of a place. And you got to think any beings that can find this world they might think, holy crap this is the jackpot. You got lawless water. You’ve got all these life forms anywhere you know from pole to pole and I mean we’ve got life south Pole.

We got penguins in the south pole. We have life in the depths of the oceans. We have life in the tropics. It’s incredible variety. So I think it would be very interesting for any species to check this out and to think this is a special place. Oh great point. And then they’re probably wondering why so many big corporations are destroying it like they are. But maybe it has something to do with suppressed technologies.

What do you think? I suspect we can’t help any of that stuff. Okay. I think so. I’ve been thinking about this. I’ve railed against corporations probably as much as anyone I know. But the thing is when you really think about the fact that corporations exist it’s actually corporations are an extremely logical development for our civilization. They’re a very efficient form of manipulation of the environment. They work really well.

They’re effective at doing what they do. A corporation is simply a group of people getting together for a specific economic purpose. Right? I mean that’s what they’re all about and that’s what we are. We are social creatures that organize. Human beings are utterly social creatures and we are great at organizing ourselves for specific purposes. And a corporation to be quite honest is a super efficient way to do this.

We’re also very naturally very aggressive. We’re very assertive. Can’t really take that out of us very easily. I mean you can see that there’s efforts to try to do so. But that aggression, that violence is actually what caused us to excel. It’s just the fact the fact that we’re a violent species that we know how to kill animals, we know how to kill each other, that is actually a major spur to our technological development.

And without that aggression and violence we would never be where we are today. That’s just the reality. To expect us somehow to act differently, to act in a non selfish way. I think we’re talking about a different species, not the human species. I think that’s going to be a very tall order. So this is what we are. We’re a very violent, aggressive species. And I can imagine aliens looking at us thinking they’re too violent, we’ve got to chill them out.

But the thing about any of these aliens, I’m just going to take a wild guess they’re probably every bit as domineering as we are. I’ll bet you they’re used to getting their own way. I’ll bet you that if they come from another planet, they have done what we do, which is they’ve taken over their planet. They don’t think about it. We don’t think about it. We take all the other animals, cows and sheeps and goats and dogs and cats, and we’re like, okay, you’re working for us now.

Okay, we’re going to domesticate you, we’re going to eat you, we’re going to turn you into our pets and whatever. We don’t even think twice. This is what we do. Do you think aliens didn’t do the same thing? I’m going to guess they do the same thing. And they may have evolved into a highly technological, rationalized, bureaucratized society as we are doing, which doesn’t allow for random violence any longer, which we are also doing, but that doesn’t mean that they’re not used to getting their own way.

And I think I’ve kind of got off your question there. You talked about corporations and just pillaging the planet, but this is a tall order for us, I think. We are pillagers. We are pillagers of the world. So how are we going to be able to figure that whole thing out and still have technological progress and be peaceful and give people what they want for satisfied life in an era in now moving forward in which let’s face it.

We’re moving into an era of 24/7 surveillance and centralized espionage against you, against me, against everyone, and total economic minute planning at this point, so that even economic freedom, I think, is becoming questionable for a lot of folks. We’re moving into a world where there’s no more wiggle room for freedom, and I suspect that that’s the norm for them. I think that’s what they’ve already achieved, and it seems to me that’s what we are very likely moving toward as well, we’re becoming like them.

Maybe that’s why they’re interested in us. Yeah, so that they can assimilate us and then they can remove basically, yes, I think so. You can look at it in a positive way. They might be thinking, well, we’re going to bring them into our galactic federation of light or whatever, and they’ll live with us in that harmonious way. Okay, well, that would be cool, but in any case, they definitely want to bring us into their infrastructure.

I suspect that’s true. Well, and that could explain yeah, you get a one world government, get everybody completely controlled, and then you can bring them into the Federation and then they’re not as worried about intermingling because we are such a violent species that they can’t have that violence. But they also know, like you said, our greatest problems are our greatest opportunities. That’s a trip. It would be like if they’re bringing us into the fold, it could be the old adage, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Who knows? They might be thinking, these humans need to be managed. They’re a wild horse and they need a good rider. We got to break the horse. It could be in fact, when I think of it from that perspective, I think that’s probably the case. They’re probably thinking, yeah, they’ve got to go through this transition. They got to become a little more like us. We have to drain a little more of the violence out of them and make them remember the old Star Trek episode with the Borg? Maybe that’s a little more extreme than I hope that’s too extreme, but something like that.

Bringing us into a broader society is not from necessarily an altruistic point of view, but just from the point of view of managing an upstart species. Might be the way that they want to do it. Do you think they’re involved somehow with CERN? I don’t know. I have a few friends and colleagues, some of whom are not that well known, but they’re quite brilliant, who believe that there’s an infiltration that has been going on, that some group, maybe more than one group, but at least one group is infiltrating our society.

For my part, I’ve come across a number of stories that make me think that’s entirely possible. So if that’s so, then you have to ask, why would they have an infiltration? They wouldn’t just be randomly living among humans for no reason. I can’t believe that. There would have to be very likely be a mission, there would have to be a plan to monitor the powerful elements of human society, and that would have to include leading edge science would have to so on that basis, I could easily envision that they would be interested in something like CERN.

Get me wrong, I don’t have evidence of that, and I’m not making that claim here, but all of that just seems entirely logical to me that they would that they would be on top of it. And yeah, I mean, CERN is definitely some seriously cutting edge science. You would think they’d be interested in that. There was a video that came out, I think around 2012, where a professor at CERN had a Bond sign on his shirt, like basically just a cardboard sign that said Bond one.

And he was holding his thumbs up and they were singing Because I’m Happy. The song because I’m Happy was on. I’m so happy. And I thought to myself, now this is just pure speculation, but I’m like, did they change the timeline somehow then? A lot of weird stuff with the Mandela Effect, and I think 99% of that can be explained by maybe bad memory. But I certainly remember those big checks being handed out, and I asked my parents about that, and they remember those big checks being handed out, but supposedly he didn’t hand out those big checks.

So Ed McMahon crap, I don’t remember that now. But Mandela Effect, I just had a conversation with someone about that the other day. It came up, and I remember thinking, oh, crap, maybe the Mandela Effect is real. I don’t think it is. But think about the Mandela Effect. I mean, why is it always having to do with TV commercials? Or at least it seems to with me? It’s like, I remember that commercial being different.

This is the whole significance of the Mandela Effect. You’re going to tell me about a different ending to a movie or a commercial? Come on, can we do better than that, please? And actually, I am convinced that that whole thing was founded on a completely false premise. I mean, the person who came up with it believed that Nelson Mandela had died in prison. I think that’s what it was.

And, yeah, I’m thinking yeah, you’re thinking of Stephen Biko. I mean, he was the other famous South African political prisoner. Peter Gabriel wrote a song about him way back 40 years ago. It’s a great song. I mean, to me, it just seemed like a logical thing, like, lady, you got the whole thing wrong. You’re thinking of the wrong person. There is no Mandela Effect. Your whole premise is flawed.

But look, is it possible let me just say this. I’ve come across a few stories where you do wonder, is there an alternate reality that someone was able to go through dimension? I don’t want to sound like I’m dunking on the idea completely, because I’ll just be honest and say I have encountered a few stories from very credible people that make me think, did they encounter someone who came in from a different alternate reality from the one we have? Similar, but different, and that would play into the whole idea of multiple universes and that kind of thing.

So maybe it’s true. Maybe it’s I certainly I’d be very arrogant and foolish to say it’s impossible. I can’t say that it’s yeah, yeah. I appreciate that, and you brought up some great points. But here’s one thing that’s interesting, is I just brought up Peter Gabriel last night, so we’re in the synchronicity. Shock the Monkey, his song, Shock the Monkey because a friend of mine, he was such a great musician.

I love his music. He’s fantastic. One of the best, one of my favorites. So you talked just recently on your YouTube channel. Great YouTube channel, by the way. Hit the bell, folks. So you’ll get all notifications because Richard does some awesome podcasts. You talked about this, USO sighting in the Caribbean. Yeah, there’s A-A-I am doing a book on mean. For the longest time, I didn’t want to announce that I was doing a book on this because you really should never do that.

You should never announce your projects in advance. That’s a bad idea. And this isn’t the first time I’ve done this bad idea, by the way. So I have this habit of announcing projects before they finish, but this one will get done. I’m closing in. I think I’m close to 400 pages already, and it’s moving along. So one thing, I’m doing a compendium of all of the what I consider to be very good or at least noteworthy USO.

Cases. So water based UFOs, but not like, not UFOs in the rain, not UFOs even hovering over water. It’s in the water with a few exceptions. I’ve included a few exceptions just because they’re just too good, or if they’re US. Navy cases and there’s an object that’s like, right on the water, I want it anyway. So I include a few exceptions, but mostly it’s straight up. You know, for that, I’m constantly using Google Earth, putting little pins in there.

I’m trying to like, where was this one? Where was this one? Where was this one? So I’m tracking them all, and I look at Hotspots, and I just did a recent show where I talked about the Caribbean as a hotspot, and that is an absolute hotspot of USO. Activity, no question about it. Particularly the area around Puerto Rico, but also other parts of the Caribbean are very, very active with this phenomenon.

There’s no question. So there is to there was a few I talked about three recently. One was a Navy case that was, I think, just south of the coast of Cuba. That one was not a strictly speaking USO. Case, but it was a hell of a case. It was a us. Navy written by reported by a man named Chester Grzinski, who died at the age of 80, just a couple of years ago.

And Gresinski was really interesting. I would love to have met him, but he was an 18 year old kid in 1958 and comes up above deck. He’s called up by one of his Navy colleagues, you got to see this. And he sees this bright, bright spherical object that then becomes orangey, spherical, and then it gets closer, and it resolves. It’s a cigar shaped craft, he says, and the ship was just freaking out.

This was a huge thing. The object then eventually just zipped off. He said he saw a silhouette of figures inside windows. I mean, that’s a crazy thing to say, but he’s not the only person who’s ever made such a claim, not by a long shot. So that was an interesting one. Then there was a USO. There was a case off the coast of west coast of Puerto Rico that I talked about where in 1989, a diver, he’s a fisherman, and he was a professional diver.

He’s an indeterminate number of miles off the coast of the west coast of Puerto Rico. Wasn’t clear how far up, but he was out in the open water and he said he saw this bright light come up from below, very large. And he said it then moved a little bit away from him, but then stopped. And he decided, well, his diving equipment was right there with him. He put his snorkel on, his flippers, whatever, and he goes into the water to look to go after this thing.

And according to his story, this was investigated by in fact, I have the book right here. This is flashpoint by Scott Corrales. This is one of the books that I was looking at, where this is in here. He said he touched this craft. He touched it. He felt water being sucked. He said there were all of these little pores in it that was sucking water in. He could feel the suction.

He eventually had to go up for air. He went back down underneath it and felt water being pushed out the underside of it. He said it lit up a couple of times while he was in the water, like this. Lit up bright the second time it did. So he felt heat. Fish started swimming away from it. And he thought, you know what? I’m going to get out of here too.

And he surfaced and he said it just zipped off. And I think I’m trying to remember this correctly, but I think it lifted out of the water and just flew away. That’s his story. It’s a crazy story. I mean, you might think, how can I believe such a thing? But there’s so many stories, especially from Puerto Rico. And the last one I’ll mention is actually, I think the best.

1975. You have a member of the Puerto Rican House of Representatives. His name was Arjuna, I think, or something like that. And he’s flying in between Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic is this tiny little island. It’s 5 miles in diameter, belongs to Puerto Rico. It’s called Isla de Mona. Mona Isle. No one even lives there, but it belongs to Puerto Rico, and it’s got natural value to it.

So he was flying out in a small craft with his wife and a couple of other people. And just as they’re approaching this thing, so they’re in a small aircraft. They’re low over the water. They’re not super high above the water, so you got a good view. And they see this bright object below the water, and it’s pacing them. And they’re all looking out. They’re like, what the hell is this? And they’re getting closer and closer to it as they’re descending on approach to Mona Isle.

And they could make out a shape. They could see an actual thing. And then they saw it make a right angle turn to go south directly into the Caribbean Sea. And it left at a high rate of speed. According to them, that representative actually within a few days, along with a few other members of the Puerto Rican House of Representatives, created a special committee to investigate UFOs connected with Puerto Rico.

The whole thing was stymied by opposition party, which said, this is stupid, and also by the US federal government, which was said to be behind squashing this type of investigation that was based on a USO incident. Look, you got a politician in the guy. He had nothing to gain by saying, oh yeah, we saw this UFO under the water. I mean, he got so worked up, he started to create a committee to investigate it.

So there’s just a lot of stuff going on in the waters in that region. Yeah, I want to go to the Caribbean now. That’s even more an excuse to get out there. One of the final things I wanted to say about the UFO phenomenon, which is pretty incredible, is there’s been some people, one person I know in particular, Dr. Robert Shype, he lives off the California coast in Marina del Rey, and he’s retired, basically.

Wait. Did you say Robert Schock? No, robert Shype. Dr. Robert Shype. Okay. I’m not sure I know. Really cool guy. So he actually started the first online pharmacy, and I think he sold it a long time ago. But he’s okay. Wonderful area, right? He’s a Marina del Rey and he’s right off the water. And he’s got these cameras that are filming at, I think, 60 frames per second or 120 frames per second.

And what he does is he’ll wait for a craft, whether it’s a helicopter or anything above 150ft, and you’ll see these things that he calls dragons, and it looks like they’ll fly out of the water and then fly back into the water. Oh God, I need to look into this. Yeah, they kind of look like Tic TACs. But another way that he can confirm that they’re legit is sometimes when they’ll fly past and the K band will go off.

He’s got radar detectors and so his K A band will go, there’s been osprey out there lately. Like they had ospreys out there flying around people that were paragliding, which is really bizarre. After we’re done, I’m going to ask you to give me a link for that because I was just looking into Marina del Rey yesterday on another case. That’s a whole area there. I mean, that’s a big, big area of sightings.

Without a doubt, big time. And if you look on Google Maps, about perfect number 33, about 33 miles from his house, there’s this what looks like a base, possible military base that they’ve kind of covered up. But that’s really bizarre. When I say covered up, it looks like they use some type of smudging tool or something on Google Maps. Yeah, they do that sometimes. The thing is, some of these mean, I often wonder, are people noticing advanced military.

Equipment or craft or tests. And I think the answer has to sometimes be potentially yes. I don’t think that’s difficult for us to understand. The real question that I have is, are they all explainable by the military? First of all, the military ones would be interesting to know about anyway, just because these are interesting things and you want to know how advanced is their technology. But there are just so many of these, and they go back for so many years.

It’s obvious that it isn’t. In doing the USO research, I was surprised by how many good cases I was able to find in the 19th century and in the early 20th century. Quite a few. Quite a few. Quite a few. So they’re not explainable by our advanced military tech? Not those. Not a chance. So there’s something you have to ask. What would they be doing in our oceans all throughout that whole century? And I don’t have an answer.

Maybe that’s a nice place for them to be. Maybe they come from a water world themselves. I don’t know what it would be that would make sense. Like, enceladus or something. Like even in our own solar system, possibly. If you look at they’re coming up with all sorts of data that there could be life under the ice. I’ve heard this as well. Yeah. I don’t know if that’s where they would be from.

I really don’t know. There’s just so much about this. I’ve looked at this for 30 years, and I’m still baffled by so many of the aspects of this phenomenon, which is good. It’s a hell of a mystery, and it’s definitely enough to keep me going. I would like to be farther along than I am, to be honest. But I am where I am. There’s a lot of some answers and a whole lot more questions.

You’ve got an event coming up here pretty soon. Yes. Thank you for showing that. There we go. Yeah, my pleasure. Yes. Stairway to the Stars. That’s November 10, 11th and twelveTH at the Luxor Hotel, which, by the way, is a very cool place to go to. It’s that big black pyramid which they have at the top of the screen. Oh, I see. They have ancient aliens. They’ve had a lot of panels there.

So that’s their Ancient Aliens panel, I guess. Nice. But yeah. Yeah, I’m looking forward. I’m going with my wife, Tracy. We’ll both be there. I’m doing a full lecture and I think a couple of other things, and I think that’ll be a lot of is I don’t really do as much travel for conferences in my post COVID world. Oh, there’s some of my books. Thank you for showing the books.

There you go. Yeah, my pleasure. Yeah, people should go to Disclosurefest. org. There’s my bio. You’re very nice to show my bio. I don’t know where that Amazon. This is your website right here. There we go. Okay, Richard. There we know, honestly, Rex, maybe like you, I feel very lucky that I get to do what I do. I get to study a subject that absolutely is riveting, has just blown my world wide open and continues to do so.

And I’m able to devote myself full time to it. And it’s absolutely fascinating, and it’s something that’s important. It’s important to our world. This subject really does matter. And despite all the renewed attention that we’re seeing on it these days, yes, that’s positive. But we are still in the baby steps phase. We’re still in baby steps. We have such a long way to go before we start really asking, as a society, I would say, the really important questions, like, what are they doing here? What’s their goal? It’s been very obvious that we are in a global revolution.

I don’t see any other way to look at it. Coordinated with breathtaking centralized power. World Economic Forum. Undoubtedly, Bilderberg. Undoubtedly. You have all the national governments of the world basically acting as one. When they did the lockdowns, all the policies were the same. The slogans were the same. Build back better. Like, oh, you all thought of that. So it was obviously a lot of coordination. And it’s a coordination clearly designed to create minute digital control over the human population.

That’s that and it’s working. So COVID’s receding a little bit, but there’ll be something else, obviously, and they’ll just keep going. So I think of that and I think of a covert presence of another civilization that is here. And I have to ask, is there a relationship? Do they have an interest in this? Do they support this revolution? Do they oppose it, or do they just not care? I suspect they support it.

I suspect they support this centralized control system that is coming around us. Because maybe it’s easier for them. If you’re a manufacturer and you got a purchasing agent in your company, the purchasing agent usually doesn’t want to deal with like, 100 different suppliers. They want to deal with a couple, like maybe one, maybe two, but they don’t want to deal with 100 different groups. And if you’re dealing with planet Earth, do you really want to deal with 200 sovereign nations that each have their own little ideas about how things should be? No.

You want one big mafia boss to deal with. You want one Don Corleone to deal with. And I think that’s what we’re developing in our world. And the mafia example, I think is quite appropriate because that’s how I think of our world, basically run by organized criminal factions. So I think that’s simpler for them. Easier. I think they’ve done it before, too. It’s almost like this is a blueprint for them and this ain’t their first rodeo.

Maybe they that’s what David Jacobs has been saying, dave Jacobs for years. Exactly. Yeah, they’ve done this before. They’ve done it before. Maybe that is true. On a final note, I got to say, though, maybe Loki is out there. Maybe we can get some tricksters out there to mix things up a little bit or a Flash Gordon out there or something. Know freedom. William Wallace I mean, I’m all about freedom.

I like technology, but I don’t want to be assimilated into the Borg. I don’t care. Well, we’re either going to be I mean, the danger is we’re going to be assimilated into the aliens version of it or just whatever version that would be independent of that under the humans. I mean, is it going to be much different? I really do wonder. But the whole Loki idea is an interesting one because there are some really bizarre elements of our reality that make you wonder, are we dealing with other know, people? Talk about the skinwalker ranch, for example, and that doesn’t all seem like extraterrestrial aliens, does it? I mean, it’s an intelligence that seems to operate on orders of magnitude beyond what we’re able to understand.

And maybe that’s something different. I’m not really sure. We’re opening up. We think that we can understand everything. But I remember about 40 plus years ago, I was feeding my dog. Forgive me, I’ve told this story once or twice, but it had a big impact on me back in those days. I think that was when I was in my very strong atheist phase. I just didn’t believe in any kind of transcendental reality.

I was probably 2021, and I had a dog. I’m feeding my dog a can of dog food. I’m going to the cupboard. I get the can opener. I’m opening the can. And my dog’s watching me, of course, because he’s smart and he knows his tail’s wagging. He’s like, I’m going to get fed. I remember observing him while he was eating, and I thought, he’s pretty smart. He knew that I was about to feed him.

He knows me. He knows all kinds of things that I’m not even aware of because he’s got great hearing and great smell and all of that. But I thought, well, there’s a lot of things he doesn’t really know, like how the dog food got into the can to begin with. It’s like that we have factories that make dog food. Of course, he’s not going to know that because he’s a dog.

Can’t expect your dog to know that. And I remembered laughing at the very thought of that. But then I thought, well, gee, Richard, you think you’re so smart. So your dog’s at this level of intelligence. You’re at this level of intelligence. You know things that he doesn’t know. But what’s here, what’s there? In other words, we have severe limits as well on what we are able to understand, right? I mean, let’s just face it.

We’re really good at organizing reality. We’re great at it, it’s true. But are we perfect? Do we really have a full grasp of everything? And I suspect we certainly don’t. And I just believe that there are probably elements of this grander reality maybe connected to something like skinwalker, and we’re just not there. Maybe we’ll get it at one point, but I don’t think we’re there right now. We’re opening our awareness up into a reality that I suspect is very bigger and grander and beyond anything that we comprehended in the past.

So that’ll be a challenge. That’ll be an interesting point of exploration for us in the future. That’s something to look forward to, maybe. Absolutely, yeah. The universe’s consciousness in the mind of the creator. Different levels. Yes. Layers. I agree with that. I agree with that. I didn’t always agree with that, but I absolutely believe it. I think there’s call it a divine intelligence, creative intelligence of the entire universe that I think actually pervades all of reality.

I can’t prove it scientifically, but I believe it’s true. So go figure. I really hope to meet you in Vegas, and this is oh, you’re going to be there. Excellent. I’m doing my best to get out, so and I got to say, really, I’ve interviewed so many different people on the Et phenomena, and this interview that I’ve done with you, Richard, has been absolutely one of my favorite.

I think that you are hitting all cylinders, and the way that you describe things, it makes perfect sense, and so I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to spend it here with us at Leap Project and looking forward to talking with you again. It has been my pleasure, Rex. Honestly, I’d be happy to come back in the future. Yeah. I think the last few years, what I’ve been most interested in doing is synthesizing.

Synthesizing to the best of my ability. Not perfectly, but I realized I think it was right before I wrote the Alien Agendas book about three years ago, I was thinking, you’ve been studying this a long period of time. You have a very good factual kind of knowledge of the subject. Why don’t you start really trying to organize this information and do your best actually to understand what you think is going on? Doesn’t mean you have to know for sure.

It’s easy to make mistakes, and I’m sure I’ve made many, but, yeah, I’m actually interested in trying to do that. I want to figure out what’s the big picture, what is the likely scenario? And that involves a little bit of speculation. But I think from my attitude is, as long as I make it clear to people that I’m speculating on this or that matter, I think it’s fair game.

And the biggest thing that I don’t care for is acting as though I have absolute certainty over something when I don’t. And this is something that I mean, you run into this in this field frequently, and it’s something that’s, unfortunately, we shouldn’t do that. We need to be a little more careful. I’m not saying never form an opinion, but we should recognize that opinions can be wrong. And I’ve been wrong about a lot of things in the course of my life.

I always reserve the right to be wrong in the future, because when you’re dealing with a subject as difficult as this one, you’re going to be wrong. Sometimes it’s the price to pay for research. But we should be modest in our conclusions and provisional, at least as much as possible. That’s what science is. Science gives you provisional answers that can always be revised when new information comes along.

And that’s what I feel we’re best at when we do that in this field. Absolutely. Right on. Well, thank you so much. And thank you, everybody, for watching this presentation. Hit the bell. Be well and be the change the world needs to seem. Sam. .

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