Leak Project Real Reason ET Disclosure Wont Happen Officially Dr Courtney Brown

Spread the Truth



➡ The text discusses the existence of extraterrestrials and the notion of the U.S. government possessing their spacecraft technology, utilizing it in a secret space program. It suggests there may be a base on Mars where humans and extraterrestrials operate, and highlights a serious concern about human trafficking by unapproved extraterrestrial groups. The conversation also speculates about the true beneficiaries of the secret space program and mentions the upcoming release of detailed information on the subject.
➡ The text discusses theories about extraterrestrial life and hierarchical control, emphasizing Reptilians as a supreme force utilizing other alien species for tasks like abductions and battles. Different types of Grays are highlighted, including their alleged origin story as beings who ruined their own environment and underwent genetic modifications. The author strongly opposes these narratives, instead suggesting the Grays were once like humans, conquered and genetically transformed into emotionless drones by the Reptilians.
➡ The text discusses theories of extraterrestrial interactions with humanity, asserting that certain entities, notably the Grays, have been manipulated into their current state by stronger extraterrestrial forces. This manipulation, likened to a kind of mental lobotomy, is hidden by channelers who romanticize these beings. The piece also highlights theories of external genetic manipulation leading to rapid human evolution and critiques mainstream scientific refusal to consider these ideas.
➡ The Farsight Institute, a non-profit organization specializing in remote viewing, hosts their major projects on their website (Farsight.org) and on their streaming service (Farsightprime.com). Their offerings include a secret space program and a series on “the Graze,” with new programs released regularly, as well as free instructional videos. Despite no explicit, polarizing, or violent content, the organization claims to be shadow-banned due to the potentially controversial nature of their material. The Institute suggests skeptics check their Instagram page, Courtney Brown farsight, for UFO content.


Whether the extraterrestrials actually exist, they’re then preventing the next question is, well, if they do exist and the ships exist, the next question is, where is our version of those ships? So they’re preventing that question from actually happening. If you never answer the question of whether the extraterrestrials exist, you never get to the question of do you have your own ships? But to anyone who’s any reasonable observer of this stuff, yes, the extraterrestrials exist.

Yes. The US. Government has long had crash ships and working extraterrestrial ships, and they obviously by this time have their own versions of those types of crafts. Thus what are you going to do that once they have their own versions, what are you going to use them for? You can’t use them on Earth for like, normal earthly stuff. You can’t use them instead of just because you don’t want people seeing them.

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You would have your own space program. You’d use them in space. You’d probably set up a base on Mars. And in fact, Chaim Mashed, former head of the Israeli space, has absolutely said, we have a base on Mars. There is a human base on Mars where humans and extraterrestrials work side by side, underground, and a base on Mars. In our last program, we talked about such a base explicitly.

I showed you pictures of the base, and I showed you the remote viewing projects that we did and the results and how even our remote viewing projects, we got that accepted in a major journal and it was pulled at the last minute, like ten days before actual publication. You get everything, which is and I showed you the pictures on Google Earth, on the Mars option of Google Earth of that same location where you could clearly see it was censored.

So you have NASA, JPL, Malins base science systems, pictures of the actual spot, but anything directed to the masses, such as the Mars option of Google Earth, it’s censored know, you have this level of information that is really undeniable and that we can have a base on mars, because these ships, they have to exist. Can you imagine the level of incompetency, of having crashed ships since the 1940s and still 2023, not knowing how they work that level with extraterrestrial help in terms of figuring out how they work, you’re talking 70 years, and they can’t figure out how to make such a thing, how it works.

That’s impossible. With this huge level of black budget funding, it’s not credible to think that we don’t have our own versions of those things. And so we have to have a secret space program. So what we did with our latest remote viewing project is going to be out in less than a week. We did a whole project on the secret space program, and that’s coming out in a week.

And it is a jaw dropper if there ever was one. Not only do we have a secret space program, but you get to see what they’re using, those ships. It’s very, very interesting. I’ll give you a little bit of a hint, Rex, and you may want to ask me back at some future point in time just to talk about that particular project. One of the things they’re using it for is earth is a huge site for human trafficking.

Not just among the extraterrestrials that are working with the US government, but for other extraterrestrial groups to just sort of fly in and try to capture people for their own purposes, to do for slave purposes, mercenary purposes, all types of everything from prostitution to child trafficking. There’s a huge level of that. Now, the extraterrestrials, the sort of fascist extraterrestrials that have the agreements with the US. Government, they don’t want that.

This is their property as far as they’re is concerned. They don’t want random extraterrestrial groups coming in here and stealing their turf, their people. It’s like going to a prostitute in a minor city and trying to take her and free her or try to break her out. And what’s going to happen is you’re going to be chased by the gang and they’re going to say, you’re stealing our property.

That prostitute, as far as they’re concerned, is they own that prostitute, and they’ll come after you with guns or whatever to get their property back. That’s what the trafficking stuff is all about. And so you get extraterrestrial groups from who knows where coming in and wanting to sample a few of these humans for their own purposes. And the fascist controlling extraterrestrials are like the pimps and other gangs that control the prostitute community here.

They don’t want anyone taking their property. And so the human sacred space program is involved in policing some of that. So when other groups come in and they want to do stuff on Earth, but they’re not part of the groups that have these written agreements with the US. Government, they go after those ships. They actually have technology to shoot them, knock them out of the sky, and they can crash, and then the crash retrieval program for the United States government immediately goes out and gets those things, captures the people, captures the ships, gets more technology.

And the fascist extraterrestrials that have the agreements with the US. Government are smiling from well, if they had ears, they’re smiling from ear to ear. They have the human militaries being trained essentially like trained dogs to do the policing on their own property. That’s some of the stuff that the so it looks like. And the humans say they think they’re doing a good job. Now, if you train your dog to do something and they go around and they jump through a hoop or something like that, and you give it a biscuit afterwards, the dog is so happy.

The dog thinks it’s doing a great job. Well, the humans involved with the secret space program, they think they’re doing a great job, too. They’re protecting humanity from these rogue extraterrestrial groups that are trying to come in and do human trafficking. But you have to ask with a dog, you have to say, well, yeah, but it works for its master. It’s the masters who’s in control. So you have to then say, what is the underlying basis for what the masters want out of their out of their mercenary and military groups anyway? But the human secret space program absolutely does exist, and they actually do operations that look on the surface like they’re protecting earth, but for whose benefit? That’s it you could have somebody that’s like a guard that protects prostitutes from raids by other organized criminals that would come in and want to kidnap a prostitute and take them across to use them in another city or something like that.

And you can say that those guards are protecting those prostitutes from those raiding organized gangs, but then you have to say, okay, but who are they working for? Who are these guards working? Well, they’re working for organized criminals that are doing their illnesses stuff. So you have military people defending their property against other military people that want to sort of encroach, but they’re all like organized criminals on both sides anyway.

So the secret space program exists, but for whose benefit? That’s really what you have to do. So, anyway, that’s coming out in just a week, sort of the details of what they’re doing. And on one level, it can look sort of altruistic. They’re out there protecting humanity, but you have to ask the questions behind the scene. Protecting humanity for the benefit of who? And that’s pretty frightening. It’s like the devil you know, the devil you don’t know.

Well, they’re both well, that’s intense, and it makes me think more about the connections before world war II and world war I, when Germany and Hitler was attempting to make contact with different beings and different types of artifacts and such. I’m wondering how much of that was actually technology, possibly et technology. So the grays are these grays, like, manufactured? Are they government? Let me repeat that. Are they a rogue faction that maybe does work for certain agencies, clandestinely, that put on masks and have hallucinogens, no neuro Linguistic Programming, MKUltra kind of stuff on certain people? Is it a combination of ETS and peoples? What are we dealing with? Okay, the grays are another that’s another whole issue, and that’s another whole project that’s coming out in about five weeks, and we’ve done all the work for that.

David M. Jacobs, in the book Walking Among US, has written a lot, actually, in all of his books. He’s a professor. He’s done a tremendous amount of background work from using a different methodology, talking about what the graves are involved with. Now, the limitations of David M. Jacob’s work is that he only looks at the stuff from the perspective of the abduction phenomenon. So he only knows that side of it, the groups that you actually see doing the abduction.

Now, the interesting thing is that the Reptilians there is an extraterrestrial group called the Reptilians. They don’t do anything that we can see up front by themselves. When they engage in battles, they send their mercenary forces. They send the forces, their slave forces that they control to fight those battles. They very rarely seem to expose their own ships to loss. They would rather send their minions that they control to do the battles.

Similarly, when they do the abduction phenomenon, it’s very rare that you actually encounter a Reptilian, but the beings that are there are all ultimately controlled by the Reptilians. So David M. Jacobs doesn’t actually write a lot about the reptilians. He mentions that they’re there. They seem to be behind the scenes. He doesn’t know if they’re important, things like that. That’s exactly what the Reptilians want. So the food chain goes like this.

The Reptilians are absolutely at the top. They’re extremely capable on a telepathic control manipulation level that technologically enhanced the whole thing. Under that, you have a group that we would have to call Insectoid. They actually are like large beings of what we would call insects, but they’re large, they’re human size or bitter, and those are very commonly referred to in the abduction literature. And then under that, you get grays.

And grays normally come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. You get what they call tall grays, which have more authority, and they seem to be underneath the authority of the Insectoids, but nonetheless, they have pretty much good levels of authority. And then under that, you have small grays that seem to be more robotic, more like drones. You know, the Star Trek stuff where the Borg? You know, the Borg well, the Greys seem to be more like the Borg, okay? And the Borg are very interesting analogy because inside every Borg is a real life human being that if they were freed, they were just like you and me originally, but now they’re controlled inside the Borg.

They’re assimilated into the Borg and they don’t have free thoughts and so on. So the Greys are sort of like that. Now the story and people who have talked a lot about, written a lot about the Greys are people like Lisa Royale. She’s a channeler and talked they both actually learned channeling from the same teacher, apparently. And they both have written and spoken hugely about the Grays. The basic story that comes out about the Grays is that they were a species that destroyed their own environment.

And then because they destroyed their own environment, they had to start living underground where spaces were more confined. So they started to manipulate their genes to make themselves shorter. And then they were feeling so guilty about how they destroyed their whole planet that they started to manipulate their minds so that they wouldn’t think thoughts. They wanted to control their emotions. And they eventually ended up with minds that didn’t experience emotions because they didn’t feel that those emotions were helpful in any way because they ended up getting angry and upset and they destroyed their environment and destroyed their world.

And then eventually they came to the surface and they said, this is terrible. We’ve genetically manipulated ourselves into a species that’s going to die. We have to have new blood, new genes in order to survive. So they went to the Galactic Federation, asked for permission and came to Earth where they conduct these experiments to come up with a new version of themselves that they can move into new bodies.

And they call that group the that’s and the Estesani are essentially hybrids, are actually what David M. Jacobs called Hubrids. And those Hubrids are hybrids are what he calls those are beings that are closer to the original Greys. Hubrids look like us, they’re very close to looking and feeling like us, but they still have the mental telepathic capabilities. Okay, that’s the story basically that comes out of the channeling community about how the Grays did it to themselves.

Rex, that’s 100% absolute, total, complete garbage. None of that is real. None of it happened. It’s all a lie. We did a project on the Grays and I actually went in quite naive thinking that I was going to replicate that story. That’s not what happened at all. The project is coming out in five weeks. What happened makes total sense. It makes sense. What really happened what really happened is that the Grays were a normal species.

They actually looked like us, they actually looked humanish. They were normal species, they had full emotions. In fact, their level of emotionality was a little bit higher, more sensitive than humans. They were emotional people and they were a modern people. They had a modern society. Everything was going good. They were invaded and conquered. It was a holocaust, a holocaust of unbelievable proportions. It was nuclear. They smashed, they killed.

And it was forces that were controlled by the Reptilians. There were not necessarily all reptilians in the attacking ships, but the beings that controlled those beings in the attacking ships were reptilians. It was a reptilian attack on these people. It was a holocaust of unbelievable proportions. And everybody’s in Isbee, they took all those people and they stuffed them into bodies that they could control. That means reptilians are really good at genetic manipulation.

If there’s anything they’re really good at, it’s working with genes. They know how to fine tune a gene pool so that they get exactly what they want. They think of it as like cooking. They’re going to add a little bit of this spice, a little bit of that spice, a little bit of this, a little bit of that ingredient. They get it just the way they want. They know how to do the genetic manipulations.

So they wanted a species that would be robotic, just like the Borg, that would have no emotions, that would do what they’re told to do. And they took all those people that were just like you and I, perhaps a little bit more emotional, and they stuffed them as isbees. They stuffed them in the new bodies that were genetically lobotomized. They were genetically lobotomized. Talk about a prison. They couldn’t feel emotions anymore.

And that was perfect for operations like you have here on Earth, where you’re flying around and you’re doing all types of atrocity type things. You’re kidnapping people, you’re abducting people, you’re denying so called experiments on people, genetic manipulation, all that jazz. That was perfect for that type of thing because you don’t have empathy anymore. When people are crying and screaming, you don’t worry about it. You don’t think about it, because you’re motionless and you come across as a Borg, just like in Star Trek.

I’m totally convinced that when Star Trek was a group of by the way, I should mention to everybody that the bad ETS dominate on Earth, but in this solar system, currently, the good ETS. Which are opposed to all of this and think all of this is horrific, are way more stronger. They’re dominant in the solar system, but they can’t do anything to Earth unless they can get the Earth people to rise up and to actually recognize what’s going on and basically have a revolution from below.

That’s what they’re trying to do. And part of the process is seeding information into the script writers and producers in Hollywood to get this type of information out in a way that we become used to thinking about it. So that’s where the Star Trek stuff came. That’s where the Borg stuff came. Script writers, when they’re in the middle of the night being fed information, and then of their own free will, they wake up in the morning and say, that’s a great idea, and they have a new show coming out, and you have the Borg, and everyone’s really happy.

So they’re not controlling the people. The good ETS are not controlling. They’re not mentally controlling and enslaving. They’re just giving ideas in the middle of the night and in the morning out of their own free will. The scriptwriters either like them or don’t like them, but that’s where a lot of these ideas come from. Star Wars, The Galactic Battles, that’s where the ideas of the Star Trek, so many of these things, the Matrix movies, so much of this stuff comes from extraterrestrial plants during the middle of the night, and people have these ideas.

And so that’s where you get the grays. Now, so the grays that Dr. David M. Jacobs writes about are those they’re not bad people and they didn’t do this to themselves. Inside every drone, inside every grade that looks like they’re just like a robot is a person, just like you and me, that’s inside a body that is incapable of feeling emotions. And so they get them to do all types of things that are ghastly, but that’s not their normal state.

And they weren’t like that beforehand. And remember, it’s impossible to kill it as be. So those people had been around for a very long time. That’s what this whole channeling community has been duped into doing. They put out a story, a completely fabricated story that is designed to cover up the fact that the very same beings that they’re channeling, ultimately through the Reptilians, are responsible for some of the biggest Holocaust incidents in the entire galaxy.

And they’re basically whitewashing all of that and making it impossible for people to even know what actually happened. And if you look at some of the writings that comes out of these people, again, I’ve mentioned Lisa Royale and Darrellanka. I love both of them. I think they’re incredible people. But if you look at some of the stuff that comes out, I often see things that talk about the grays in sort of a loving way, in the sense of saying they’re so cute and adorable, how they do XYZ when they’re doing and they get confused sometimes and it’s so fun to watch them.

That’s like the way we look at our cats and our dogs, our pets. We look at the funny things that they do and you make videos of them and put them up on Instagram or these how many animal videos that are so cute and adorable that you see on YouTube? These know, YouTube may not put out anything that’s cutting edge, but in terms of animal videos, they’re the best.

That’s what you want to see. You have tons of animal videos and the animals look so cute and adorable, how they’re doing stuff. And that is, in fact, how these people how the people that the channelers like Darrell and Lisa Royale, that’s the beings that they’re channeling, not Darrellanka and not Lisa Royale, those people are unbelievably great. But the beings that they’re channeling are the ones who come up with these stories.

And when they talk sort of lovingly and adorable about these adorable grays that do XYZ. They’re making fun of people that are mentally incapacitated, essentially lobotomized, who would not act that way at all under normal circumstances. And they’re not adorable. It’s a crime. It’s criminal. And none of that is coming through the channeling community. If you listen to the Bashar, for example, that comes out of Daralanka, and also Lisa Royal has channeled Bashar, as well as a few other people, a few other ETS, they come across as so earnest and interesting and full bubbly and personalities are so amazing, and they seem so open.

But if you look closely at the stories that are coming out, it’s filled with both a mixture of true stuff and lies. And the lies are all carefully camouflaged to blend in with the true stuff so that you’d never know. And that’s what you get with a civilization that has had millions of years to fine tune exactly how to do this. And if you say, well, then can a channel actually sort this out? Can a channel go up against a civilization that’s a fascist civilization that’s had millions of years to fine tune how to manipulate a society? Can an innocent, honest, trustworthy channel actually go up against that? Like, what hope do they have to actually come out with what the truth is? Because what you’re doing when you’re a channel is you open yourself up and you let another entity come in and use your voice, use your mind, use your body and talk.

There’s no possible way you can beat that. Now, remote viewing doesn’t do that because the remote viewers are still in control. The remote viewers go in, and they’re using the same mental processes that channelers are doing, but it’s the remote viewers who are going out and lurking. They’re not letting anyone take over their mind, so they’re still in control, and they’re watching it. When David M. Jacobs and John Mack write their stuff about the abduction phenomenon, they’re reporting exactly what their patients are actually telling them.

They’re actually reporting what people are actually saying and analyzing and putting it all together. That’s very different. They’re not letting anyone sort of do it for them. They’re analyzing it raw data. Anyway, let me pause for a second. Otherwise, I’d keep on going. You could have me keep on this is a very passionate subject for me, so I keep on going for hour after hour. Well, and it should be and to think about an entire civilization that could be usurped up like that and put into these bodies with no emotions, and I wonder how long the bodies last and where do their souls go after? How do they actually trap their soul and get it into this body? Can I mention that? That’s actually easy.

They have that ability. That’s something that’s very well documented. They can push an ISBE a person right out of the body, and they can literally just push and you’re out. And then your body is just sort of lifeless standing there. And there you are, fully awake and everything and looking at it. So we have a whole society, a whole civilization that’s trying to figure out if the soul is real and the extraterrestrials look at us and say, wow, that’s a problem group if there ever was one.

Because you’re trying to say, are we real? Meaning we identify with our physical bodies as if the physical bodies as the whole is it. Nobody else in the galaxy thinks that way. Nobody does that. In fact, in other societies, on other planets, when people die, they don’t lose their stuff. You don’t lose your bank account. You don’t lose your house. You don’t lose your family, your friends. Bodies are interchangeable.

The extraterrestrials know how to do that. But part of the process for keeping the human civilization dumbed down is to keep that information out of the society so that people don’t know about that. And there’s technological reasons that I haven’t covered today. But I’ve mentioned in the past there’s technological reasons why that works. It’s a very complicated thing. By the way, I should mention also that Bob Lazar has mentioned as well as many others that this stuff has been going on for millions of years.

And for the human, civilization is not a result of natural evolution. But you had multiple levels of genetic manipulation of the species to get where we are today. It’s a constant effort to come in, genetically manipulate things and then send the species off. Now, I’m not opposed to evolution. Evolution does work. But the mainstream science issue of evolution is just completely bonkers. What they’re basically saying is that over the last 150,000 years, which is a really short time span, within a relatively short period of time, you get the emergence of us that we pop out of.

Neanderthals, faded away, and chromagnes came about and we popped out of apes and just a little while ago. And then in the last few thousand years, we have our first civilization and we learned how to burn fire and now we’re building skyscrapers and spaceships. And all of that major development happened within the last thousand or 2000 years. What? And just a couple of hundred thousand years ago, we were neanderthal.

And just a little while before that, we were apes. Now, look, I’m not opposed to evolution. Evolution does happen. But it takes millions of years, hundreds of millions of years for evolution to actually work, to produce major changes. But you have these rapid departures of evolution in human development and those clearly are the result of genetic manipulation, external genetic manipulation. And then you get a sudden emergence of who we are and what we’re doing now.

And all of that is covered up. You can’t even talk about that. If you talk about that in any type of mainstream circle where evolution is discussed, you’re not allowed to even mention it. You can’t even raise it as a possible idea. Science is risky business. Think about all the people in the past that tried to go against the mainstream and they were hung, or told they were devil worshippers, or had a demon inside of them or burned alive.

So when you’re at the forefront of technology, when you’re at the forefront of science, it’s a risky business. And for some people, it’s definitely worth it. And Dr. Courtney Brown, you’re at the forefront and I appreciate what you do and I’m really looking forward to watching these that are coming out, these new projects. So I’m going to go to Farsight Prime and I’m going to purchase them when they’re available.

I’ll leave a review as well. And this has been like, we’ve done some amazing shows and this is one of my favorites. So thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to spend it with us here at Leak Project. And anything else that you would like to share with us before we finish up this awesome podcast would be wonderful. Sure. The main regular website has a ton of information and some access to a lot of our free projects is Farsight.

org. Org because the Farsight Institute is a nonprofit, all of our major projects. So that’s like going to Disney’s website and finding out everything that Disney’s doing, you can find out there. But if you actually want to see all of the major shows that Disney comes out with, or Paramount Plus or Hulu or whatever, you have to go to their streaming service. And our streaming service is Farsightprime.

com. So it’s Farsight. org is our website, which that’s a good place to get started. All our projects are nicely organized there. And then you have Farsightprime. com which is a streaming service where we come out with all of our major projects. And so the project that’s coming out in a week, secret space program, and the project that’s coming out in five weeks next month, in October, middle of October, is on the Graze that’ll all appear on Farsightprime.

com. We have a new major project that comes out every single know and as well we have a news program called Et News, which is literally the news of what the extraterrestrials are up to, what they’re doing. And we have about five major programs a month that come out so people really get their money’s worth. And there’s no other venues that show remote viewing stuff and full major projects.

I have to say we’re the best because we’re the only group. There’s no other. If you do a search for remote viewing on Google or YouTube, you often don’t even find us because there’s shadow banding that’s going on. Yet we are the only venue that has this. So we have free instructional videos as well. We’re the largest venue without any question. We’re also the only venue. But the authorities are really worried about the.

Stuff we have. We don’t have any sexually explicit information, we don’t have any political polarized information, and we have no violence. So you can say, well, why are we being shadow banned? Well, the reason is simply the reality of the content of the remote viewing stuff is the stuff that the society, the powers that we sort of really worry about. So to get started is Farsight. org, like seeing far farsight, and then farsightprime.

com is where you see all of our major projects. And if you’re still skeptical and just want to see some UFO videos, there’s always my Instagram site, which is Courtney Brown farsight, and that should wet your appetite enough to go over to farsight. org, and that should whip your appetite enough to go over and see the actual full projects with the remote viewing and so on. That’s at farsightprime.

com. That’s what I’m talking about. All right, well, I’m looking forward to talking with you about your next project, so that’s great. Send me an email, and I will share it with the world, and I hope you have a fantastic week. Wow, it’s Monday already. You rick, I want to thank you so much for inviting me back on your show. Thank you. Take care. Okay, bye bye now.

Change the world needs to see. Okay. .

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