Decode your Reality ONE HIT WONDER DECODES 1

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âž¡ Logan, the guide for Decoder Reality, discusses various one-hit-wonder decodes touching on diverse topics from ancient deities, popular culture, theological narratives, to numeric patterns in tarot cards and language. The narratives explore connections between seemingly unrelated elements, highlighting the interplay of duality and balance, energetic exchange, and the scripted nature of our reality.
âž¡ The text is a complex explanation of various symbols and numerological signs in everyday objects, films and scenarios, stating that they potentially reflect a deeper metaphysical meaning or narrative. Elements discussed range from the three-act story structure, references to Tarot, numerology in movies like The Truman Show, the symbolism in the sinking of the Titanic, and the interplay between theology and the concept of life’s cyclical nature.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, both male and female, always, my name is Logan, your tour guide here for decoder reality. And this is another episode which I haven’t done. Been forever of one hit wonders, and I thought I would throw together some single slide decodes. I have so much material, and I just want to get this material out so I can get it off the shelf.

I literally have hundreds and hundreds of these slides, and I thought it would be really nice to come in here and show you these. Like, rifling them off like an Uzi gun, one by one. So some of these are going to have one or two slides pertaining to the decode. Some of them will just be a single slide, but we’re going to rifle through these. This is going to be really short and quick, but these are one hit I consider one hit wonders.

We’re going to start off with Nlil and Enki. I could do a full decode on this right here. I have all of my slides, by the way, all here on the left hand side. We’re just going to leave this up here. But Enlil and Anki, we’re going to start it with this right here. And right off the bat, ladies and gentlemen, you’ll notice that Enlil and Anki is a match to the word demiurge.

That’s right, demi meaning two. That’s because Enlil and Enki, you can separate them. These are just the two personalities that the demiurge has, just like you have. You have a spirit and an ego, just like the demiurge has the yin yang. Peace and calamity, good and evil, hot and cold, and Lil and Anky, you can separate them all you want, but they’re going to be one and the same.

Ladies and gentlemen, these are the personalities of the demiurge right here. Just like you having an alter ego. See how this works? Alter ego is 30. Demiurge is 30. Santa Claus, Jehovah, they’re all 30s. Enlil anki 30. There you go. Alter ego showing you there’s N, Lil and Anki right on the screen. Right there. Right there on the screen. How about this one hit Wonder. This movie called Soylent Green should probably do a full decode on this one starring Charlton Heston.

Look at the release date of this movie. April. That’s the 25th prime number. The word graveyard equals 25. That’s the black sun, which is Earth because the black sun equals 25. But it’s April 19, and you can bring this together. And it’s four one nine, which becomes the 81st prime number. And here’s the comedy, to me, anyway. And it’s all about population control. Soylent Green population control. Hilarious, if you ask me.

Let’s keep going. How about this one right here? Lights, camera, action. Been showing this over and over. This is kind of one of my favorites because it shows you that you’re in the movie. We go 56 digits into the golden ratio, tied to light, tied to the patterns of nature. The total it gives us is 271. That’s a prime number. The 50 Eigth prime number tied to the word Puppet Master, tied to my birth card, which is why I have all this Prison Planet series and been showing all this kind of stuff.

It’s the trapped in limited card. The question is, do we ever get out of this reality? Notice that the last number, the 56 digit, is the number nine. Nine is the great repeater number. Okay? Nine completely continues to repeat the game over and over and over and over. Nine is going to give you 16, which died to the sine wave. How about this one right here? This one? Hit Wonder, the Manchurian can I going to get into some English.

Mix it up a little bit. English ordinal Manchurian candidate. What a great movie. 1962, remade in 2004. Denzel Washington and Leaf Striver. One of my favorites. It was all about the Red Queen and having mind control over the Manchurian Candidate. Manchurian is going to be the number 102. That’s tied to Pandora’s box. It’s tied to the word Aphrodite, which is Venus. Venus Runs Pandora’s Box. We got the queen there, and it gives us a total of 196.

This is going to be tied to the Lake of Fire. By the way, I got a decode coming out on that, but there it is. It’s the isotope of gold. The 79th element led to gold. Manchurian Candidate, you’re being harvested for your energetic expressions. Ladies and gentlemen, how about this one? Hit one. We’re going to get into some theology. Genesis, eleven verses nine. This is going to be one one nine.

That’s tied to tin, and that’s going to be tied to Zeus, aka. Jupiter. But it’s the Tower of Babel. And here’s the word Babel in Hebrew from its original spelling going to its original numerology. It’s going to give us that number, 16. And then you get the comedy, right? Because here is the Tower of Babel right there. Bam. There it is, 16. Which is why people it’s so funny when people say, oh, the Tarot cards are demonic.

Well, then that makes your Bible demonic because it’s completely embed together right there. But then you bring in this element, sulfur, right here. Sulfur is very violent. This is tied to hell. Hell is 16. Fire is 16. But I just thought this was so fascinating, the Tower of Babel. You couldn’t have narrated it better than this right here. How beautiful the Tarot cards are when describing our reality.

And then we get into this amazing one here. Wonder the words give and take. This is how our reality operates through the energetic exchange. It’s all about currency. This number, 27. This is tied to the great beast, which is the stargate above our head, which is tied to the Jesus Christ character, which is tied to the number 13, that’s for a different story. But it’s all about give and take and the energetic exchange in our reality.

How about this give and take right here? Talking about give and take, how about this 14th card in the tarot called the temperance? Notice that this angel is carrying two cups and this is the energy give and take going back and forth. It’s an integration card, finding balance. And this is exactly in science and in the medical homeostasis means balance. It’s a self regulating process. This is what you want to be.

You want to be balanced. 43 being the 14th prime number. 14th tard in the tarot is the Temperance card. See how beautiful the tarot is with Chaldean numerology and mixed in with the bridge of mathematics. It’s all scripted reality. Speaking of homeostasis, here’s where you’re going to get the devil and God and the balancing of those two chalices on that card with the Temperance, with the angel in between the God and Satan both equaling the number 1443 being the 14th prime number.

Homeostasis, ladies and gentlemen, good cop, bad cop doesn’t get any more crystal clear than that. How about this word right here in the law and order court? If you ever been have the luxury of going to court, maybe you were selected for jury duty. Jury duty is typically a body of twelve people sworn in to give the verdict, to hand down the sentence. And it goes, of course, to the twelve apostles.

This is the great beast above and jury equaling the number ten tied right to the 10th card. And there’s that wheel. And the jury again is going to give the verdict of what the wheel of fortune is going to be for that defendant that’s waiting its sentence, its trial jury being ten. Really, really interesting. This doesn’t need any captions, doesn’t need any numerology at all. This being the central processing unit.

Kind of looks like this right here. What do you think? Classic one hit wonder decoding. You don’t really need much more to see that right there. It’s pretty evident right there. I thought that was an amazing one hit wonder. How about this one right here? What God is supposedly with these three words omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent. The seven, seven, seven jackpot. It’s going to give us the 137. Uhoh, must be the masons because it’s tied to the number 33.

There’s the eye of Providence on there. The square encompass 47 being tied to the tetragrammaton. Well, yeah, I mean, that’s what the masons are tied to. But anyway, 137 being the 33rd prime number. And it must be the masons because they must get everybody pregnant since pregnancy has tied right to the number 33. And we can include the Jesuits in there because they’re pretty sneaky from what I see out on the decoding world stage.

So pregnant tied to those sneaky masons or Jesuits, just like being tied to God stuff, must be the masons. Anyway, let’s keep moving forward. This is a really amazing one hit wonder. I really want to start doing more of this with the numerology, tying it into the Tarot, because the Tarot gives us the picture off of these words. And so these three words right here are tied to a movie or a screenplay that gets written.

And this is tied to your life, right? It’s called a three act structure, which it divides a story. You have a story, and the story needs the setup, which is right here. It starts off beautiful, and then you have some kind of shit show, some kind of confrontation 59. You get the worry, stress and anxiety, and then you have the resolution, which is now what choice you’re going to make.

And do we have a choice? It’s just so beautiful how this is so narrated through the Tarot and the Numerology. This is definitely a one hit wonder right here. How about this one right here? Truman Show. Once again, so many nuggets with this movie. The Truman Show being 57. Life is a simulation. Absolutely. Stairway to heaven is 57. Heinz 57 ketchup. How about this one? This one’s amazing as well.

Right here, ladies and gentlemen, the Titanic that sunk on the 14th, 15 April 1912. Here are the two cards of illumination tied to it. And if you didn’t see it at first, if you don’t see it at first, you’ll get it. Because April 14, when it struck the iceberg and then sank, or it went to sea and then sank and sank on the 15th. Like, this is card 33.

This is card 32. Well, in Fahrenheit, water is liquefied at 33, and then it freezes at 32. So this essentially is as above, so below. Titanic as above. And then it sank and it went so below. Definitely a one hit wonder right there for sure with the cards. How about this right here? Do you ever play with a yoyo? Yoyo being the 80 nate tied to the hourglass.

This is life. This is heaven and hell. And you flip the thing over when the game is done. Just gets flipped over again. The first will be last and the last will be first. That’s what theology was all about. The hourglass gets flipped over, noticing that yo and yo is a 17, the one seven. So it’s life and then life again. And then life again, and then life again.

It never ends. The word matrix is 17. The word fish is 17. That’s what we all are. This one’s a really funny one. How do you get this? Who invented this one? Is probably the biggest one hit wonder out of them all. Okay? I mean, you all say this, right? It’s the 33. You count the fingers, and the middle finger is going to give you that 33 right there, the middle finger.

So again, ladies and gentlemen, didn’t mankind really kind of script this? I mean, whoever came up with this, did they know this and then say, well, we’re going to use the middle fingers because they’re going to be the 33. Come on. This is the comedy of the god, the supernatural, straight up. The god’s a stand up comedian. Said it before. I’ll continue to say that this is another great one.

Hit wonder. Got a lot of graphics on here. The words I am, I am, that I am is the 9114. And then it’s going to be a match to Pineal. Okay? That’s how I pronounce it. Some of you may pronounce it Pineal. I pronounce it pineal. Okay. That’s how I pronounce it. And there’s the nine and there’s the 14. The pineal. I am. And I did a decode on this, the Pineal part two decoded, you should check that out.

Here are the two tarot cards representing the nine and the 414. It’s the hermit and the temperance, right? It’s balance and then it’s wisdom, the balancing of wisdom. And then you get the nine of hearts, pandora’s box and then the magic wand of the ace of clubs. And there’s a lot of things going on here with the dog and the butterfly. And I’ll let you guys and gals all figure that out.

This is kind of really interesting. And then the last one, hit wonder, some Rockwell. You’re on television. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. So when you’re in the closet, when you’re in the bedroom, when you think you’re in, when you got the shades turned down, no one’s looking, somebody’s watching you. So when you’re doing the woohoo, you’re on television. You’re being watched. There you go. So there you go.

Ladies and gentlemen, some one hit wonder decodes. Rifling these things out. Really appreciate each and every one of you for all your support. Thanks to all you patreons for supporting this great research. A lot of great decodes I have over there exclusively for the members. But ladies and gentlemen, I really appreciate each and every one of you for being here for all these years. It’s been a fun ride.

Continue to pump out this stuff. I’m going to maybe do these. I have so much material. I’ll continue to pump this stuff out. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Logan for decode drew reality. Until next time, we will see you later. It. .

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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