Decode your Reality Gematria Decode – LETS TALK ABOUT THE WAR MOVIE

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“Decoding Reality: Exploring the Scripted Nature of Life by Tommy Truthful”

In Logan’s latest video from Decode Your Reality, he delves deep into an incredible gematria decode, employing the Chaldean cipher to unravel the mysteries of our existence. The video takes viewers on a thought-provoking journey, proposing the intriguing idea that our reality is akin to a meticulously scripted movie, with major global events following a predetermined narrative. The ongoing conflict in Israel serves as a prime example, illustrating how wars and significant occurrences are orchestrated, much like scenes in a grand cinematic production. These events are believed to be orchestrated by hidden forces symbolized by figures such as Lucifer and Jesus, reshaping the world according to their design. The narrative goes even further, suggesting that major religions are part of an elaborate “Ponzi scheme” masterminded and controlled by these enigmatic powers.

Throughout the video, Logan explores the concept of life as a coded reality, influenced by numerological principles and profound symbols. He posits that wars serve as a means to bring about change through chaos, ultimately leading to a new order. Logan encourages viewers to perceive life as a matrix or a movie, advising against becoming emotionally entangled in its intricacies. Instead, he hints at potential future transitions, offering prophetic insights derived from his understanding of codes and symbols. As the video concludes, Logan reassures his audience not to panic in the face of global events but rather to recognize them as cyclic components of a larger, possibly metaphysical, narrative.

The narrative emphasizes the pivotal role of numbers in our world, drawing parallels between them and the source code behind final products, from automobiles to smartphones. Logan distinguishes between consumers and creators, suggesting that most people prefer enjoying the creations rather than possessing the power to create. The conversation then delves into the symbolism and numerology associated with war, whether real or perceived, and its connection to religious beliefs and mathematical sequences.

This captivating video offers a multifaceted exploration of reality, merging elements from various belief systems, numerology, and atomic theory. Logan encourages viewers to seek personal happiness and balance while highlighting the intriguing possibility that major global events are intricately tied to specific numerological patterns.

Logan also delves into the complex world of numerology and symbology, linking elements such as the periodic table, popular culture, language, and religion through a web of numerical references. His video presents a rich tapestry of interconnected codes that shape our understanding of the world.

Intriguingly, Logan provides an astrological reading, dissecting the launch of a Hamas missile on October 7. He meticulously analyzes the positions of celestial bodies at the time, drawing correlations between these astrological and numerological aspects and significant events. Additionally, he explores the astrological foundations of the Society of Jesus, shedding light on its military role within the Church and its astrological underpinnings.

The video also ventures into alchemical, numerical, and symbological perspectives, touching on topics such as the Piscean age, celestial bodies like Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter, and their associations with religious institutions. Logan unravels the significance of alchemy, geographical coincidences, and elements like titanium and hydrogen in decoding layered realities. He also discusses the symbolic representation of the sun and moon as bride and groom, culminating in the advice to choose personal joy and experiences over mainstream influences to gain a deeper understanding and control of our reality.

In summary, Logan’s latest video offers a profound exploration of the scripted nature of life, blending numerology, symbology, astrology, and metaphysical perspectives to unravel the mysteries of our existence. It challenges viewers to question the reality around them, much like a thought-provoking movie, and encourages them to embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.


➡ The text is a commentary on the belief that reality is a scripted movie, using the current conflict in Israel as an example. It argues that major events, including wars, are predestined and executed like a movie script, driven by unseen powers symbolized by figures such as Lucifer and Jesus. Major religions are seen as part of a “Ponzi scheme” designed and controlled by these same powers.
➡ The speaker discusses the concept of life akin to a coded reality, influenced by numerological principles and symbols. They touch upon war as a means to usher in change through chaos, ultimately leading to order. The speaker emphasizes viewing life as a matrix or a movie and not getting emotionally engrossed in it. They hint at potential future transitions, possibly prophetic based on their understanding of codes and symbols. The speaker concludes by reminding listeners not to panic about global events but rather see them as cyclical parts of a larger, perhaps metaphysical, narrative.
➡ The speaker emphasizes the importance of numbers in our world, likening them to the source code behind final products, providing examples such as cars and phones. The narrative moves on to claim that most people prefer the creations rather than the power to create, distinguishing consumers from creators. The chat then touches on symbolism and numerology related to the concept of war, whether real or a simulation, and their connection to religious beliefs and mathematical sequences.
➡ The text discusses various spiritual and philosophical perspectives from a metaphysical standpoint. It explores the idea of reality as a scripted, cyclical phenomenon, drawing on elements from diverse belief systems, numerology, and atomic theory. The author encourages readers to seek personal happiness and balance, whilst suggesting the possibility of major global events being closely tied to specific numerological patterns.
➡ The text discusses a complex interpretation of various numbers and symbols in relation to multiple topics such as the original language of Israel, the Hebrew gamatria, and the numerical symbolism in elements and popular culture. It explains that everything from the periodic table to elements of popular culture, language, and religion connects through a web of numerical references and constitutes a vast integrated code.
➡ The given text is an in-depth astrological reading indicating the launch of a missile by Hamas on October 7, analyzing the positions of various planets at the time and drawing correlations to significant events and influences from these positions, both astrologically and numerologically. The text also explores the astrological foundations of the Society of Jesus, describing its military role within the church, which is linked to certain astrological signals, and the astrological significance of Virgo and Jupiter in their founding chart.
➡ This text presents an interpretation of reality using astrological, alchemical, numerical and symbological perspectives – notably relating to the Piscean age, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and their associations with the Church. It explores the importance of alchemy, latitude-longitude and elements like titanium and hydrogen as indicators of layered realities and addresses the relationship between astrological phenomena and major societal occurrences. The text asserts the significance of numerology, and also discusses the symbolic representation of the sun and moon as bride and groom. It concludes with the advice to choose joyful, personal experiences over mainstream influences, in an attempt to better grasp and control reality.
➡ The author questions the reality of our world, comparing it to entertainment like movies, where seemingly horrific events are permissible due to their inherent falsehood. They theorize about geographical coincidences suggesting that the U.S. might be the new Eden and discuss plans to speak at an event in San Diego and travel to various places globally.
➡ The speaker discusses the metaphor of life as a “war movie,” advocating for investing time into productive activities and self-discovery. They detail how to use a specific website to understand personal Tarot cards, and through a tarot reading, they emphasize that life is akin to a movie where people are having their own unique experiences and being subconsciously controlled. They also express their preference for providing virtual readings over in-person ones, as they believe it leads to a more focused interpretation.
➡ The speaker is sharing their experience as a Tarot reader, discussing their next event at the Adams Theater in San Diego where they’ll be offering readings and giving away insights. They express their appreciation for their patrons and encourage everyone to enjoy life, stating they believe everyone uses each other and it’s best perceived as a comedy of life.


It sam dam. Sam, it I can’t remember anything. Can’t tell if this is true. Deep down inside, I feel the stream. This terrible silence stopped me. Now that the war is through with me, I’m waking up. I cannot see that there’s not much left to me nothing is real but pain now hold my breath as I win forget, oh, please God, wake me back in the womb it’s much too real income that I must feel but can’t look forward to reveal look to the time when I live to the dude that sticks in me just like a wartime novelty tight machines that make me be cut this life up from there hold my breath inside with Monday oh, please God, wake me now the world is gone I’m just one oh God, help me hold my breath as I wish god, help me imprisoning me all that I see absolute all I cannot live.

I cannot die. Second myself fighting my whole exing my sight digging my feet, digging my hair ain’t digging my arm, digging my leg, digging my soul everyone life in hell. Sam. It all right, ladies and gentlemen. Yeah, I didn’t want to stop interrupting this classic masterpiece song. One of my favorites, favorite bands, 1987 Metallica’s Injustice for all. And they have brought out so many tunes talking about how our reality works.

I was just talking to a really close friend of mine about the song 1991 off the Black Album called Sad but True. If you want to know how this reality works, ladies and gentlemen, go read the lyrics to that song and you’ll have everything you need to know about our reality and how it works and the whole machinations of how it works, et cetera, et cetera. So welcome out, ladies and gentlemen, to another live podcast.

This time we’re going to talk about the war movie because it’s exactly what we are all in. We are inside of a movie. Come on, let’s all say it. You’re in a movie. We got to kind of get that derelict going down. Let me get some music on here. I’m going to be once again looking over to my right. Your comments, all your great comments are coming in, so keep them coming.

Here we go. Let’s get this on and we’ll set the mood, ladies and gentlemen. And got a new theme, got a new room. I like to kind of mix it up a little bit. If you notice behind the television screen that I’m on, we’re going to see this graphic a little bit because I’m going to be going through some slides and you’re going to see that’s, like, World War I kind of scenery right there.

Them in the trenches fighting. So I wanted to kind of get some really kind of in tune graphics here with what we’re going to be talking about. A little bit of a different setup, but nonetheless, ladies and gentlemen, this is a very hot topic, and I want to be very crystal clear here with this, okay? I am not giving you this information to give this thing energy, even though slightly we are, because anytime you talk about a certain topic, it’s a contradiction, right? You’re going to give it energy.

So essentially, it’s going to get energy. But this is informative educational purposes, energy. These are my opinions and truths. And what I’m about to show you is some groundbreaking material that I know that no one’s ever seen before from the decoding aspect of this country of Israel that’s under attack, okay? And why it’s been under attack so many times. Well, keep in mind that the three major Abrahamic religions are located in this country.

Christianity, Judaism, and, okay, those three, the Quran, the Holy Bible, which includes the New Testament and the Torah, these three are all located inside the country of Israel. Why? Why are they all there? Why is there three? Why can’t there just be one? Well, because if there was just one, folks, there wouldn’t be a variety. People like variety. And so what I’m going to show you here with this presentation is that it’s all a big Ponzi scheme.

And that’s not like I’m not Poo point. Like if you’re a fan of theology or religion, I’m not ditching or dissing your religion, but I’m simply going to show you that the reason why the three major religions all are located in the same country or in the same city, literally, with a stone throw away, is because they’re all under the guise of the same boss. And that’s the kind of comedy as these people argue about who’s got it right, but yet they don’t even realize that they’re all working for the same boss.

That’s the comedy that I can see here, ladies and gentlemen. So let’s talk about the war movie and what I mean by that. If you’re new here, maybe like, what do you mean, a movie? Yeah. This reality is a movie, folks. When you turn on Platoon or you turn on Zero Dark 30 or you turn on some war movie, is it real? Well, I know your answer is going to be no, it’s a movie.

Okay, well, then I would say, well, are the actors real? Yeah. Is there a real director? Yeah. Are there really people reading their lines, reading their scripts? Is there extras in the movie? Yes. Yes, there’s going to be all yeses here. So please tell me, is it real? You see? Oh, it’s make believe. See, think about the words that we use. Make believe. I’m going to make you believe.

Make believe. The word make. I’m going to make you do it. I’m going to make you go to the gym. I’m going to make you eat a better diet. I’m going to make you drink more water. It’s a force make. And then I’m going to make you believe. Believe that what is real as morpheus said in The Matrix, define real. So, ladies and gentlemen, I’m not definitely not having a heartless reality here with what’s going on.

When I look at stuff like that, I’m grateful I’m not there, but I don’t watch it because it’s not part of my reality. Not that I’m heartless, but I can tell you right now, ladies and gentlemen, it’s all scripted. It’s a scripted war, and it’s all part of the predestination. And this is a movie, and we’re entertainment. You’re being watched. You’re being observed. So when you start to tune into that kind of stuff, because I know a lot of you have, and you’re curious, you’re not only giving it energy, but it’s becoming a part of your reality, right? When you can observe it and just be kind of say, it’s just a movie.

Like, I’m going to go turn on Zero Dark 30 tonight, right, and I’m going to watch that movie. Does that really happen? Yeah, of course. They acted it out. So these people over there, they’re all acting out their parts. They just don’t know they’re under mind control. All of them, both sides. It’s always good cop, bad cop. You’re going to have the antagonist and the protagonist. That’s why movies, that’s what they have, especially the superhero movies.

They have a villain and a superhero. You can’t have a movie unless you have one or the other. You need both to give you contrast. This is how our reality works. It’s predator, prey, folks. That’s what you got going on over there. Predator and prey. And war is big business. It’s big money. Big money. So anyway, I wanted to kind of tell you a little bit about the dates.

I’m going to show you some astrology. I got a lot of slides to go over with you, ladies and gentlemen. I’m going to do my best for those of you that are new to show you kind of how this methodology works. Because, ladies and gentlemen, it’s not just about interpreting ancient text and reading this and that and saying because a lot of people say, oh, yeah, there’s all the prophecies coming true.

That should prove to you that you’re living in a predestined script. Do you want to be part of that? Do you have a choice in being part of that? Why these dates are chosen. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, it’s all a big Ponzi scheme, see? So on October 6, or was it the 7th, that was when the first missile went off at 06:30 A. m. From that group, Hamza.

And the card is this one. This is the official first missile launch. The attack, the 20 Eigth card in the deck, and Lucifer equals 28. It’s the movie. Lucifer. The light. Bringer the movie is the Light, and you can correlate it to the Devil. I know a lot of you. Oh, there’s the devil right It’s your ego, too, of course, tied to the ego. And this is also tied to Jesus, because this converts into the two of Pentacles, which is the 66 card in the deck, and that’s the latitude longitude edition of the city of Bethlehem.

So Jesus and Lucifer, ladies and gentlemen, in my opinion, one and the same, or at least it’s good cop, bad cop. Jesus had a twin brother named Thomas. Both of them equal 24 in the Greek numerology, where the original spelling of these words and origins came out of. That’s why church equals 24, 24 hours in a day. And then you get into 365, and that’s going to be the isopsophy, the Greek isophy, which is numerology of the deity called Abraxis.

Then you get into Jupiter ascending, and the house of Abraxis. Jupiter, the largest planet in solar system, gets the nod tied to Abraxis, the three six five, the two four, and the Christ. I know it. He’s going to save you. I get that. Some of you, I know that you’re going to put your faith in that. That’s totally fine. I’m not here to change your mind on anything, ladies and gentlemen.

I’m just a tour guide to show you the breakdown of the spoken word, the letters, numbers and symbols that run over this reality. If you’re a coder, if you’re somebody that codes reality, if you sit there and you write program, because right now on YouTube that you’re watching this through your phone, on your phone you have an operating system. That operating system needs specific code to work so you can see me and hear me clearly on your screen, computer, laptop, phone, whatever.

That’s why your phone’s constantly saying update, update. The software is updating to keep up with the Joneses. So just like a computer has HTML code, so does our reality. Letters, numbers and symbols. That’s what rules over this reality behind the expression of the letters, numbers and symbols, which is what we end up defining as, oh, there’s a tree over there. There’s a giraffe over there. There’s the TV, there’s the alarm.

Oh, there’s the car. My car’s got four wheels. That’s the final product of the code in our reality, the matrix, if you want to call it that. So of course, the retaliation from the country of Israel was the following day on October eigth, and it was the ace of diamonds card. And this card right here is the 27th card in the deck. This card right here, ladies and gentlemen, is tied to the word currency because that’s what war is.

War is a massive amount of currency because there are a lot of people marketing the war. A lot of you have shared posts, and you know what you’re doing? You’re marketing for free the war. You’re actually marketing it. I get it. I know you’ll justify why you do it, because I got to tell people, oh, my God, look at what’s going on. I get all that. I’m not being an ass on this.

What I’m saying is you’re marketing the war for free is what you’re doing. You’re perpetrating it. You’re keeping it alive. You don’t have to agree with me on that. That’s totally fine. But I’m just telling you magic 101, man. This whole reality is based on marketing. You market, you’re marketing yourself. I am this, I am that. Look at me. I’m going to do this. Look at my company, look at my business.

Buy my product, buy my house that I have listed for sale. Buy my car on my lot. It’s all marketing. And so this war is being marketed, and there’s a purpose for it, obviously, to move into the next stage of the chapter of our reality. Essentially. Are we moving into the third one? Is this what we’re going to be essentially moving into? That’s the big question. Well, I’m going to give you I normally don’t do predictions, but I really couldn’t help myself with this one.

I’m going to show you, using my methodology, what the possible dates would be for if we end up moving towards that. And again, ladies, I’m really being neutral to this because, again, it’s a movie. When I know it’s a movie, I treat this just like I watch a movie on TV. Is it real? It’s real, but it’s not real. Okay? So I don’t want to give it any of my attention via emotions, do you? Because your emotions feed it, essentially keeping it alive.

I know it’s really a contradiction because you got to feed something, right? That’s why I say, do we ever get out of this game called life? Do we just keep getting recycled back in reincarnation? Or do we have a chance to get out of here? Some of you, I know, do not want to be here anymore. I get that. Maybe you got a code, you didn’t like it.

Maybe you don’t like your life, but we don’t even know what’s on the other side, right? This could be the vacation spot of all vacations. I have done a decode called The Greatest Show on Earth. This is it. You’re in it. You’re in the Greatest show on Earth. This could be a vacation spot for spirit or God, whatever. Okay, so that’s what we’re going to start with here.

And like I said, what I’m about to show you with these slides, some of you are going to have your jaw on the floor. You’re going to be mind blown. If you’re a fan of astrology, I’m going to show you the astrological date for the start of what’s going on over there. I’m going to try to use my words very off the cuff here. You know what I’m talking about? I’m going to show you the astrological map of October 6 when this whole thing started.

October 6 being 106, 106 being tied to the two base pairs of our DNA. That’s how dialed in this whole thing is. This is the code that runs and operates the finalized version of the code that you’re seeing as, oh, there’s something going on in the Middle East. That’s the finalized version of the Last step. But I go all the way back and we look at the code behind it.

And that’s what I’m interested in because that’ll tell you what’s, narrating, that okay. And it’s so funny because at the end of this presentation, one of the astrological maps I’m going to show you is the Society of Jesus because they’re known as the Militants. And their founding date in 1540, on September 27, when I show you the astrological map, you’re going to see something very similar. And remember, ladies and gentlemen, it’s getting mad at these organizations or oh, it’s them.

I knew it. Yeah, it’s the freaking praying mantis. It’s the grizzly bear eating the salmon. The salmon’s like, oh, it was the grizzly bear that did it. Or It’s the polar bear that ate the seal. The seals are pointing at the polar bear. It was him. It was his fault. Folks, we live in a predator prey. You don’t have to like it in your body right now. You have predators coming in.

They’re called pathogens and bacteria, and you have an immune system that attacks those to keep you well. Use your common sense and logic. What created your immune system? And your answer probably is like, well, God did. Okay, cool. Well, what created the pathogens? Are you going to tell me that’s the devil that created the pathogens, god created both folks, the immune system wouldn’t have a job without the pathogens.

It needs something to do. Okay, so this reality needs war. In order for us to move into the next chapter of life, you need chaos. That’s what we’re seeing. That’s what the war is, chaos. And then what will follow the war, because it will end eventually, is you’re going to have order and there will be change at the other end. That’s how it always works. Go start to study the history of these wars.

Vietnam, world War I, world War II, the Korean War. They’re all chaos. And then the order comes in, and then everything changes and everybody goes back to their merry way, going back to marketing their lives, going back to buying products, consuming things, being a human being. That’s what people do. Okay, all right, so enough chitchat here. Let me just kind of go through a little bit of your comments here.

I’m going to look to again, my second monitor is right here, and let’s take a look at what all you great decoders are here coming in with your comments. So someone’s saying, stock up on the canned goods, ladies and gentlemen. People ask me like, what are you doing? Nothing. I’m feeding the animals. I’m feeding stray cats, dogs. I’m feeding the tajonas, I’m feeding the raccoons. I’m doing my normal, everyday stuff, going to the beach, focusing on videos, pumping out.

That’s what I’m doing. I’m not letting this affect me. I’m not going to be like, oh, I better run to the if shit runs out, shit runs out. I don’t really think there’s any way to prepare anyway. And the great part, the great news, ladies and gentlemen, the best news I can tell you is the end of the world ain’t another. The ending is just the beginning. As Ronnie James Deal sang him the great song Heaven and Hell, black Sabbath, the ending is just the beginning.

And they says the closer you get to the meaning, the soon you will realize that you’re just dreaming. This is a dream. It’s a movie, folks. It’s not even real. So why would you even pay attention to it? I know. Because it’s important to you because you got to go tell your friends about it. I get all that’s. So if you haven’t watched my I’ve already decoded war twice.

World War decoded and then War decoded many. I think it was years ago, but the World War decoded, I think it was within a year, I decoded that. And I would encourage all of you to go watch that one because it will describe to you, it will show you the numbers behind the scenes that people don’t pay attention to. Most people don’t. I know a lot of you do.

That’s the great news. Everybody here is interested in knowing the source code behind what we see as the final product. Like, if you take a car, someone who builds a car, the final product is the car in the showroom floor that you go by. But before that car got finalized and put together and assembled at the plant, you go all the way back. It starts with the engineer and the drawer.

They draw it out, and they do the dimensions. And the dimensions are with numbers, folks. The car is going to be this long. It’s going to have a curb weight with this. And it’s all numbers. So the car that you’re driving right now essentially began as a Blueprint, and it was all based on lines, symbols and numbers. The car you drive, it’s that simple. It’s the same thing with these phones.

I can measure this has a measurement right here. You can measure the sides. It has an operating system. What operating system are you on? Ten point 210. 4. What phone number do you have? Like, you have iPhone 14. That’s the number 14. So it’s all based on numbers, folks. And this movie that we’re living in is exactly just that. It is based on numbers, letters and symbols, which most people are not interested know.

Again, most of you here are interested, but the majority of the world, they’re not interested in the things here’s. The great Neville Goddard says, most people would rather have the things created than the power to create. Most people would rather have the final product than the ability to create the product. So you have more consumers than creators. That’s why people rush out to get the new phones and the new this and the new net.

I just got to have it. I got to go camp out for two days to get my new phone. Do we have Jordan in the house? Jordan, is that you? Did you because the Avatar is not the same. So there’s a waters above here, but I’m not sure if that’s Jordan because the Avatar does not look familiar. So I don’t think so, but I don’t know. Got my watermelon juice, my third leader today and I love it.

Oh, Jennifer. Okay, people thought Jordan was in here, so Jennifer is the waters above. Thanks for clarifying that. All right, let me get my cursor on here, ladies and gentlemen. And we are going to jump into this presentation. Okay, just get this ready to go here. Okay, so here we go, ladies and gentlemen. Are you ready? Here we go folks. Bam. There we go. Okay, so here we go.

Let’s talk about the war movie. It’s a movie. Okay, first and foremost and again, ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to digress and say what you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting they’re possibilities for you to consider in which you can then come up with your own logical conclusions. That’s my disclaimer. This is for educational purposes, okay? You got to make the determination on what it is that you want to believe.

I am not here to force anything on you, but I stand in my research. Okay? So here we go, ladies and gentlemen. So first and foremost, this one was pretty big. Here’s the organization that started it all off. And you’ll notice that the five letters that it has 51413, is a mirror of the word Satan. 314-155-1413. So I know oh, there it is. I knew it. The devil.

Yeah, well, Hummus is playing the freaking villain. Of course, there has to be characters on the world stage that play the villain. This group’s playing the villain in the movie. This is a movie. Okay, so there you go. Bam. Satan hummus, hummus. Whatever. All right, so let’s start with this right here, ladies and gentlemen, because this is a big deal. And I’m going to show you stuff. Like I said, I know none of you have ever seen this kind of stuff.

I’m not saying that to brag. I’m just saying get ready to get excited because I’m going to show you some groundbreaking material and you’ll have a lot more information and you’ll have a different set of glasses that you’ll look through with this reality. Okay? So what you’re looking at here is the numerology of Israel in Chaldean numerology. I’m going to be doing it from their own language in Hebrew as well.

Okay? And what I’m doing is I’m breaking down the individual numbers. 132153. I’m going to say that 132153 is a one, one, three. Why do I have this guy pupping on strings? Well, because, you see, one one three is the 30th prime number in mathematics, and that matches the word role play, you see, which matches the new age name of the Yodhevahe, which is the god of Israel, Jehovah.

Is this all just a coincidence, what I’m showing you here? Am I trying to stretch anything? And again, just keep in mind I’m just using one numerology cipher. Not four different ones, five different ones. One, okay? This country, like everything else, is being role played. They’re not in control. They’re not calling the shots. And then if you bring in Gnosticism, you’re going to get what they call the Yodevahe, the Demiurge, which is also Yaldaboth.

Okay? Yaldaboth. It’s all the same thing, ladies and gentlemen. It’s all big Ponzi scheme right here. And then let’s bring some more mathematics into this. So 47 is the 15th prime number matching Israel. And then we go in, we bring in the Greek the Greeks call the Yodhevahe the Tetragrammaton 47. Scripted reality is 47. Okay? So, I mean, mathematics, like I said, numbers don’t people can fib and kind of make things up and tell you truths that they’re truths, but they’re kind of a little bit on the flaky side.

But numbers, they don’t flake. Numbers don’t flake. All right? They don’t flake. They’re exact. Okay, so 47 being the 15th prime number. There you go. So we have a connection to the Yodhevahe here, and then we have a connection to the Yodhevahe here through mathematics, okay? So there’s really no doubt about it what the god of the Israel is, which is role playing everything. It’s the yodhevahe, right? Yaldaboth, et cetera, et cetera.

And then there you go, ladies and gentlemen. So what is the God of the Bible? Well, right there, that’s what the Tarot says it is. Okay? See, you want to be this guy. You want to make friends with the devil. You want to be like I was telling a friend, I’m like I would be like, hey, can I count the rivets on your horns? Can I take a look at your wings? And as I’m telling you this, ladies and gentlemen, I live in building 15.

I know. And they say, oh, I knew it. Logan’s the devil. No, see, I’m in tune with the number 15. See I’m counting the rivets. Can I wear your pentagram crown? Can I touch your wings? It’s just funny. Okay, so then there’s that, ladies and gentlemen. And then we bring in more mathematics. And this was probably the humdinger of all humdingers here. Is that 15. You know, when you go into mathematics, beyond it being tied to the 47, you can see that it’s the fifth triangular whoops.

It’s the fifth triangular number, and it’s the third Hexagonal number. And what is 53? 53 is tied to Iodine. So if I go to the periodic table here, and we go here, 53 is the I. I am that I am Iodine, which is this is tied to Jupiter, too, by the way. 53. 53 is the 16th prime number that’s tied to light and the game. Okay? So this is a subtle you look at this 53 or the 35, which is the simulation.

But here you go. You add all the digits up. Here are the five trigonal numbers, one, 3610 and 15. And then the three Hexagonal numbers, one, six and 15. And you break them all down to the single digits, and you go right back to that 30 again. And there you go. Remember that movie, Zero Dark 30? It’s all about war, because this deity right here is a war god, folks.

It’s a peace and evil god. It’s a jealous god, right? That’s what it’s saying here. I’m not saying it. It’s saying it. It’s telling you. I’m not making this up, man. This is what the mathematics are telling us here, okay? That’s why this country has been under attack so many times, et cetera, et cetera. That’s why it has all the religions, because this energy right here owns all of them.

It owns Allah. It owns all of them, okay? Christianity, Catholicism, it owns all the religions. Jehovah’s Witness, Seven day Adventists, all of them. It’s a big Ponzi scheme here. Ponzi scheme is 53. This is not what I’m I didn’t make this up, man. The source code is the what created this, all right? And then when we add them up from the original aspects, one, 3610, 15 for the Trigonal, 1615 from the Hexagonal.

It gives us the 57. And there you go. Here’s the comedy, right? There was a movie made out that came out on June 1, the Truman Show, 57. So what does Israel mean? It’s the movie. You’re in it. You’re seeing it, okay? That’s why you should just be laughing more and get rid of the things in life that cause you distress, that cause you unhappiness. Get rid of those things in your life.

You’re not going to change those things in life. The world has to change it, and the world’s, under the guise of the demiurge, whatever created this reality, it’s its reality. It’s responsible to make the change, not us. Of course we’re being utilized. We’re being used. And maybe the free will that we have, which is very little, is having the ability to see this stuff and then saying, you know what? I don’t want to be on the strings anymore like this.

I don’t want to play anymore, because I see that you’re both the YinYang. You’re both the hot and cold. You create the peace. You create the evil. Focus on creating your bliss in your life, your utopia in life, helping out nature, feeding the animals, taking care of this, taking care of that, turning off the static on the world stage. Because I’m telling you, the reason why war is in our reality is because it creates a lot.

Of energy, and it’s the doorway to change. That’s what it is. Okay? So even if we go back to the number 15 through mathematics, and we bring in another layer now to touch into alchemy, oh boy, what a bridge this is, right? We get Lucifer’s element called phosphorus. And you can see that the 30 is the atomic mass of phosphorus. And there you go. Okay, there really isn’t any room for error here, or trying to stretch anything or any there’s really not any room for that.

All right, and then how about this one right here, folks? You see, it’s is RA l. RA is the center point. I see a lot of graphics go around. People have L in the middle. I’m like that’s. I don’t know why you would do that. RA is in the dead center. You can go brahma Vishnu, Shiva and Brahmu Vishnu and Shiva is 57. If you do, it numerology.

So if you bring Hinduism into this, oh, they don’t got it right because they’re not an Abrahamic religion. Well, that’s your opinion, but it’s all a Ponzi scheme down here, so it doesn’t matter. So what’s the fighting for? It’s ridiculous. The fighting, the division. Just go own your shit, own your space. Just go be you, man. Right? Just go be you. That’s it. So the raw is the big takeaway because it’s raw.

And I’m going to show you the connections between why the United States supports Israel and the Vatican is in here and Google’s in here. And it all comes down to this, because RA is a 21. And that’s going to reduce down to the number three. So in the sandwiched, in between the four and the eight, you have lithium. And it’s so interesting because lithium is used for the brain.

So think about it. You’re talking about being role played and the brain and lithium has been shown to act upon neurotransmitters. Okay? The word three is 21. There it is, right there. So why three? Because three is the Trinity, god, the Son and the Holy Spirit. If you want to bring Christianity into it, you can’t get around it. It’s totally in your face. Whoop. So let’s get into the Iron Dome.

Let’s get into the Iron Dome. This is to protect Israel. It’s created by the military, the air defense system. Look at what it’s called. Rafael RA is RA Aerospace. It was first declared operational on the 27 March. Here’s the 27 March Tarot card to give you the picture. This is the wounded warrior. This is the dome to protect missile, protect the country from missiles coming in. And you get the nine of clubs, the nine of wands, which is a Wounded Warrior card.

This is the comedy, folks. Like, is the Tarot so evil? When I can show you the narration of the Iron Dome when it was first launched on the 27 March. And it’s just that 27 is so interesting because you’re going to see, like the Society of Jesus was founded on the 27 September. Why the 27? What’s the big deal with the 27? Well, it’s chaos and order is what it is.

Okay? So here it is in Hebrew, they call it the Iron Dome. I’m going to go to the Hebrew language now. And folks, you see, this is probably the most funniest screenshot that I have in this presentation. Now we bring in what’s called the medicine cards. These are using animals, insects and reptiles. This was created by a few Native Americans, jamie Samson company. And they created this 52 card deck to match the 52 cards of the cards of illumination.

And there’s the comedy, the armadillo. What does the armadillo have? It’s got a protective shell over it. So the question is, do you think that Israel and the Raphael advanced defense systems and Israel aerospace industries created it and called it Iron Dome to match the 28, to match the freaking armadillo card? Or maybe the Native Americans, they were hanging out with the people in Israel and they knew it was called the Iron Dome.

There’s the Iron Dome on the damn armadillo. That’s what protects us. That’s what protects it. This is a scripted reality, folks. Mankind’s just along for the ride, okay? Just along for the ride. This is why God’s a stand up comedian or whatever, created this reality. Stand up comedian. All right, so here it is. It’s the Raphael raw. It’s all about the Raphael. It’s all about the raw, folks.

And I’m going to get into the raw here in just a little bit. And then it’s called the Iron Dome. Why iron? Well, because iron on the periodic table is 26, which matches the numerology of the Yodhevahe, the Israelite God of the Bible, to protect Israel iron. This is isotope 56. The word sun in Hebrew is 55. Go check out Psalms 84, verses eleven, where God says, I am the sun and a shield, the sun and the moon.

There’s a lot of reference to that being the sun and the moon, folks, okay? That’s why a lot of these Passovers and Easters, they’re all done on sunsets and first full moons and all that stuff. It’s all paganism, but of course they despise that, but that’s exactly what they’re doing. So here’s my only slide to show you possibilities of what could be the dates of if we’re entering into this.

I say if because I can’t say for sure. This is just for educational purposes. This is not me trying to finalize anything. I’m really not big into predictions. But of course, looking over my World War decoded, when you do the numerology of the dates of World War I and World War II, you’re going to clearly see they add up to the number. This is one way to do the numerology.

You can do the single digits or you can add up. July is 728 and then 1914. So you separate them all and you can see that they both have a 68. Okay. These are the cards associated with the day, the 13th card in the deck, and then the 10th card in the deck, the 36th card in the deck. And then here are the possible dates that I kind of looked at on the calendar of when this may be announced officially.

These are the dates that add up to 68. Now, obviously, if it doesn’t happen in 2023, then you could finalize it in 2024, but these are the possible dates because these add up to the 68. So like I said, this is just an opinion. We’re doing this just for educational. I’m not saying this is set in stone. I’m just showing you this here. Okay? All right. And then you can add up the cards.

That’s what we’re looking at. My take is probably right here would be the day. November 14 would be my choice if I had to pick one. But again, these are just very loose. Okay, so let’s go back into some numerology now. And you have the word God. And this is why I don’t really like to use this word, because it carries so many meanings to it. It’s so vanilla.

And is it describing the creator of this reality? Well, I mean, you can see it’s a 14, it’s a three seven four. And when you say three seven four, you get that 68, which is right here, 68 World War II, 68 World War I. And then maybe what we’re headed to, right? I mean, is this really fabricating anything here? Well, no, this is speaking the words out, 374374.

Okay. And then we get into some more of the breakdown of Israel. Now we’re going to get into the original language of Israel. And you can see it’s a 64. Using the original 22 letters, we can reduce them all the way down and then we can go and go all the way up to the Hebrew gamatria, which is going to give you the R is going to be 200.

So it’s a 64. This 64, when you go to the periodic table, 64th element is gadolinium. And what do you have there? You got God, you got the GD on television. This is the cosmic joke. You’re on television, folks. You’re being used as an instrument, as an actor or actress. That’s what the 64 means. 64 squares on a chessboard, 64 possible codons in our DNA. Are those all just coincidences? Okay, and then you see that RA.

It’s is RA l. RA is a 21. Gamatria is 21. RA is a 21 in Chaldean. Chaldean is so many of you may not know this, but Chaldean is very, very closely associated to Hebrew language, very, very similar. Okay? So the 21 is a big deal, as is the three, which I already showed the three. Okay? So we’re going to extend upon this. And this was in my gamatria decoded.

And this was off of the band Slipknot’s album, all Hope Is Gone, their 2008 album. They had a song on the album, and it was called Gamatria The Killing Name. The total lyrics, the numerology was 6066, the six, six, six, which just means the man. And if you read the lyrics, it tells you there’s something inside of you and it’s going to use you. And there’s that 68, right? The Killing name right there.

So we have the World Wars, 68, and it’s all about killing, right? Killing. And it’s tied to RA, folks, is RA l. So here’s Gamatria in the original Hebrew language, 56. Is this an accident here? I mean, am I really trying to stretch it? This movie comes out, this series comes out. It’s all about being hunted. It’s predator prey. War is the Hunger Games, folks. Okay, so we have the Killing name here.

We have the wars tied to it here. And then we have the word Gamatria being 56 tied to The Hunger Games. And then when you say 56 in Hebrew found from the 56 of the Gamatria, you get the 21, which is Gamatria in Chaldean, which is RA, which is right here. RA 21, see, is RA l. And then you get the Tarot to show you the picture. This is what you’re in.

You go down into the portal. You’re under the guise of the four fixed signs of astrology. The stargate above is going to be the ruler of this reality. The great beast above. Do you ever get out of that? That’s the question, right? And then you have the most popular sport in the world, and you have the five and six. You have the Hexagon and the Pentagon right on it.

There you go. 56, the most popular sport in the world, football, soccer has got the five and the six on it. And there you go. Coincidence. Okay, so we also know that the 56 is lights, camera, action. So The Hunger Games is the movie. That’s what this movie tried to tell you. You’re in it. That’s war. It’s lights, camera, action. We’re entertainment. Human beings are entertainment. You’re in a reality show.

Your movie. It’s your reality show. You’re the star of the movie, I would hope. And then this is where it gets really interesting. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s some connections. Again, this is the groundbreaking material I know no one’s ever seen before. So I’m about to show it to you. And here we go. Here’s the full gamatria for Israel. Now, it goes to triple digits, and you can see that RA is a two one.

And this is where you’re going to get the Vatican in bed with Israel, because this is the reason why Francis stays in suite number 20. One, because they’re tied to RA. So what do you think’s running the Catholic Church? What do you think’s running the Vatican? Same thing that’s running Israel. I did a decode on the Vatican twice. I’ve done a decode on Society of Jesus, and I showed that they’re all part of Judaism.

They all work together. They all work together. It’s a Ponzi scheme. That’s just the way it is. You can’t get mad at it. It’s just a big movie, right? And then you get this element right here, Mercury. Mercury being the planet of communication. There’s the 201. Its average is 200, RA, 201. Mercury 80 is tied to the tree of life in Hebrew. The tree of life in Hebrew, Numerology, is the number 80.

And Mercury has a lot to say about that. Okay? So you now have the connecting point of why Pope Francis stays in suite 201. It’s tied to Mercury, which is tied to RA is the Egyptian sun god. Mercury is the best buddy of the sun because Mercury is the closest to the sun. It has an 88 day orbital period. And then you can get into Radium, and we’re going to get into that in just a second.

The total numerology for Israel is 541, okay? And I’m going to get to that in a little bit. But when you say 201, which is RA, because that’s the highlight, is RA l, it gives you the number 5114, which is a permutation of the 541. See that? This is how you got to look at our reality, folks. It’s not just there in plain sight. You got to look, you got to look, you got to look.

5114 is a permutation of the 541, 201. Okay, so now you have now you know why the Vatican and Israel are one and the same. There is no separation. Don’t ever think that is the case. Catholicism is Judaism. They’re all the same, all the same thing. It’s a big Ponzi scheme. So now you bring in this group right here, which I’ve already broken down. And these are the militants of the church, right? That’s what their job is.

And they were formed on September 27 in the year 1540 in Paris, France. And this September 27 is the 270th, the 271st day. In leap years, the 1540 was a leap year. But as a decoder, I look at both dates and I add them together and look at what we got here, folks. September 27, these guys are the protectors of the church, and you now have 541, which matches is RA l.

See how this is just it’s right there. You can’t miss it. Pretty easy to see. Really easy to see. And then going further into some mathematics, going back to the Israel in its classic form with double digits, it becomes the 21, and we locate the 21 in the string of the golden ratio. We have to go 56 digits in 21 is digit 55 and 56, and that’s going to give you 271 for its total.

271 is the formation date of the Society of Jesus right there. And then you now get into back. We get back to the Iron Dome, right? Because this is digit 55 and 56. This is going to be isotope 56. Remember what 56 was? The Hunger Games. Lights, camera, action, speed into light, spirit into matter. These are all 56. And then you get into what is called the sun, sun being 55.

And there’s the atomic mass of iron, okay? The yodhevahe right there. So the yodevahe tied to RA, tied to Yaldaboth, tied to all of the deities, folks. That’s why the arguing and the division is just rather comical to me. It’s all one and the same. And then we bring in the string of the 3. 144 pi, and we locate that 21, because RA is 21, right? Big time.

And we got to go 137 digits into the string of the 3. 14 pi, and it gives us the total of 60. One, of course, 61 is Prometheus prometheum. And we go 137 digits in, and then we just go right back to barium. Barium has its most abundant isotope, 137, remembering that 137 is going to be tied to this right here. And we have now the lights, camera, action, the Hunger Games, barium.

This is light being swallowed down to come into this reality. Okay? So there you go. There’s the big humdinger there. And then this is where you’re going to get the tie in of the United States and Israel. And why the United States backs Israel? Because you see the address of Washington, DC. Is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. And you see Radium. RA is RA l is this isotope 226? Its half life is 1600 years.

Okay? That’s why the US. Has a 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest address. So these guys are in bed together with these guys, which are in bed together with these guys. It’s all a big Ponzi scheme. As well as this organization right here, the largest gatherer of artificial intelligence also coincidentally, has the 1600 as their corporate headquarters. 1600 Amphitheater Parkway in Mountain View, California. RA is RA l. Okay, these are all working together, but they’re being used because these people that are in these corporations, their minds are not their own.

So don’t get mad at them. Just you don’t have to just pay attention to them. That’s just the way it works. Okay, so let’s get into the October 7 date of I think I had said October 6, October 7 of when the first missile was launched by Hamas. And here is the astrological map, 06:30 A. m. . I am using Vedic sidereal astrology because this is the true map of what’s above on the canopy.

Tropical will move everything 24 degrees ahead. It will be the future, not in real time, all right? That’s why the sun is in Virgo. You have the sun here in Libra already, which has its own merit. All right? It has its own merit. But the big standout here is at the rising sign position at 06:30 A. m. . What do we have right here? You have Mars, the god of war.

When this whole thing went off, the attack on Israel, mars was at the rising sign position, and it was in the 14th Nashakra called Chitra. And the Lord of Chitra is Mars. So Mars is Magnified, it’s at home, it’s feeling pretty, and it’s in the sign of Lib, RA, Libra, Israel. It’s the RA, folks. And we shoot right across the way here. And now we see the desire of Rahu in the first Nashaktra, number one Ashwini.

It’s in the sign of Ares. And Ares is ruled by Mars. Mars, remember, the word God is 14, okay? The killing name tied to this right here, folks. Right across, we have the wound of Chiron in the 6th house with Poseidon in the sign of PISCES, right? This is tied to carbon. And then this is really a big humdinger here because you have father and grandfather here. You have Jupiter.

We have Zeus right here in Ares, which is ruled by Mars. You see, Jupiter is in the house of Ares, and Ares is the landlord, okay? So when Jupiter comes into a house and the landlord is Mars, jupiter behaves and takes on the characteristics of Mars. It has to succumb to the layer of Mars. So it’s not only under the landlord of Mars, but it’s in the second Nashakra called Bharani.

And this in Hindu, in the Vedic text, is Yama, the god of death. This is tied to Pluto. And then you have Uranus here, obviously, to keep this thing wide open. And you have so Uranus and Liberah with the country of Israel. See all these RA references? And we have basically Jupiter Conjunct sitting right next to his grandfather, Uranus. And we have the ultimate desire of Rahu under the guise of Mars.

Mars is the landlord. Rahu is going to behave like Mars, and Mars wants to go into war. And that’s what this whole thing is telling you. So there’s no escaping the astrological map, folks. This is the great beast above. Sitting at the top of the chart in the mid heaven position is the moon. The moon sitting in the 7th Nashaktra in the house of Gemini. This is when the Twin Towers got taken down on September 11.

Rahu was right here in Ardra. And just across the way down here at the icy position, in the root position in the underworld, exactly in the underworld is the ruler of the underworld. It’s Pluto. Pluto is in Capricorn. Capricorn is a Saturn ruled energy. Pluto is under the landlord guise of Kronos. And Kronos is here, right next door in the fifth house. And this is going to be tied to the number 50.

And this is a 50 year anniversary of Yom Kippur, the most holiest day when they started this attack. And Saturn obviously has a big say in this, folks, tied to the number 24, which I’m going to say this, you can take it for whatever you want to take it, folks. Jesus is 24 in numerology, okay? It’s right there. And you got to take into consideration that the Christ says in the Bible, I’m not coming with peace, I’m coming with a sword.

That’s all war, folks. The society of Jesus, Israel, the Messiah, they all use this energy to pivot and move and shake and make this world move, okay? That’s what they do. Here are the, this is the card, I told you, October 7, the two of diamonds. Two of diamonds is card 28. And here’s the element to give you a further extension. It’s nickel. Nickel is called devil’s copper.

The day that they started this attack was on Devil’s copper day right there. This is the big humdinger right there. The sun being right next to mercury as well. The sun being in hosta. This is hasta is working with the hands, working with guns, working with knives, working with tanks. And Mercury right there to make it all happen with the communication, okay? So this is what this whole thing looks like, ladies and gentlemen.

This is like attack on spirituality here because this is Chiron is in the 27th Nashakra Ravadi. And Ravadi is like the highest of all spirituality. So it’s religion under attack. So this whole thing is saying here all scripted, ladies and gentlemen, the whole thing is scripted and it ain’t man scripting. It they’re just carrying it out. Okay, so here’s like some more highlights of this, how the moon gets into play on this and how the killing name, remember Gamatria, the killing name right here is 68.

Remember that God is a three seven four and three seven four is a 68. And God is 14. And there’s the 14 where Mars and K two are to give the energy to Rahu to move into war with Ares. And Zeus is going to be there as well as his grandfather Uranus Uranus. And the element that ties to the number 14 is nitrogen. So nitrogen has an atomic mass of 14.

It has seven protons. These are the numbers of Lucifer. According to Manley P Hall. 741 are the numbers of Lucifer, the light, bringer the movie. So we have the 14th Nashaktra here where Rahu and Mars is taking this thing into war. And then we have the moon in the 7th Nashaktra to match the seven protons of nitrogen. See how all this is connected? That’s why the moon was at the mid heaven position here.

Moon being the ruler of cancer. Cancer is a debilitating disease. So this is very, very fascinating, this energy right here, because we now can get into the society of Jesus. And I’m going to break down their founding astrological map now briefly to show you how this whole thing works. And you see, these guys are the militants of the church. That’s their job. That’s what they incarnated for, to protect the church and to cause the wars, cause the resistance and whatever else they do, they do a lot of good for the world too, because they have charities and all that.

But they were formed in 1540 in France. They protect the cross. That’s why you’ll never see me wear that symbol right there, ever. It’s part of this construct. See, the latitude, longitude says so much the code behind the code, right, of how our reality works. This is why I tell you, like, where’s your latitude longitude right now? Where are you sitting at? Where were you born? And this is the truth.

Here you go. So, Paris, France, where this thing was developed 48 degrees north. The north is coming down from the heavens, right? It’s coming down and then the longitude is going across. Well, you see Jupiter and Saturn equal 48, which matches the latitude of Paris, France, where this organization was formed. And this is their astrological map right here. And what do you notice right here? What’s in ares.

Jupiter, just like Jupiter is right in Ares, right here. But it’s not just Jupiter here. You see, when they founded this thing on September 27, jupiter was literally mounted on top of Kronos, his daddy. And it’s in the sign of Ares, which is a Mars ruled energy. So what is this telling all of us? This organization is the military of the church. The church is ruled by Jupiter.

Saturn rules government and military. Mars rules going into war. And the magician card in the Tarot summarizes it nicely. That’s what they use their magic for. Everything’s all about magic. This group right here, they use magic. They’re the militant of the church, folks. That’s what the job of this organization is. All this energy in their first house. I didn’t have the time. I think I chose, like, 09:00 a.

m. So this may change, but it’s all in Virgo. Virgo being the 6th zodiac sign, being tied to the Immaculate Conception, the Virgin Mary. That’s why the church has the story of the Virgin Mary. That’s why the last day of creation and Judeo Christianity is day number six because it’s tied to Virgo. And you got the sun here. You got Mars here. You got Neptune here, the devil’s pitchfork.

You got K Two. You got Mercury all inside the house of Virgo. And then you have the rahu with black moon Lilith here in the 27th. Nashaktra 27 is tied to the word Jupiter. Jupiter. Jupiter is the co ruler of PISCES. We were all born into the Piscean age, 1540 Piscean age. So all this energy right here has a symbiotic relationship with this first house, which is a Mars ruled house.

So we just go back up here to Mars. And what’s here? Saturn and his son Jupiter. These are the militants of the church. That’s what this whole map says here, amongst so much other things, pluto moon here and Cancer. And these guys are the militants of the church. The church is Jupiter the military is Saturn with Mars to go into war. They defend the church. They cause the resistance.

It’s so clear to see with the astrological map here. And then we bring in another layer here to give you an extension upon this to solidify. What I’m telling you here is that when you take the latitude longitude and you bring it into alchemy, alchemy is just so special. It’s so important to decode. In your reality, it’s way more important than so many other layers. But here it’s titanium and hydrogen, 48 degrees north.

Titanium. We could have brought in cadmium in here as well, and we could have brought in helium, but it’s titanium and hydrogen. And when you say titanium and hydrogen, you get 58. And 58 is the tied to the number 271. And this organization was formed on the 271st day of the year because September 20, 740 was a leap year. So is this a stretch when it matches the freaking latitude longitude, what is titanium? Saturn’s moon, Titan, the titans of the Earth.

Hydrogen being the sun, 58 being puppet master. Remote control equals 58. Titanium being 26. Tied to what? The yodhevahe, ladies and gentlemen. All right, I think that’s the last slide I got. Yes, that was the last slide I got. So there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, the official breakdown of the war movie. And now you know the moving parts using numerology, mathematics, alchemy, these are the things that are behind that create the final product, which is this organization.

And that organization, it’s this, and it’s the Church. And yada, yada yada. Behind the scenes of all these things are numbers, letters and symbols. Alchemy. I just showed them all to you, the Tarot. They all tell us how to define our reality through the things that we see and observe. So now you know. Now you know why Pope Francis sits and sleeps in suite 20. One, because it’s tied to RA, tied to Mercury.

It’s all a Ponzi scheme. Ponzi scheme is 53. Iodine is 53. Jupiter has the all seeing eye on it. Jupiter peter was the first pope of the Church. Peter, St. Peter. First pope jupiter jew peter. Jupiter is Zeus. Go all the way back to the Matrix. Matrix is the Matrix came out on March 24. Jupiter is tied to the number 24, and it’s symbol and then they had a movie, the Wachowskis, called Jupiter Ascending.

Hello, kind of no brainer. And Jupiter is abraxas. And Abraxis is the three six five, which is the Gregorian calendar. And there’s 24 hours in a day, and the symbol of Jupiter is 24. See how all this works? Jesus is 24. Who do you think Jesus is tied to? The society of Jesus. They use that name. You want to keep using that name, go ahead. Trying to say here like you are Jesus.

I mean, inevitably, you are the Christ. You’re having the Jesus Christ Superstar experience. It’s your. Movie, not mine. So if you want to go ahead and pay attention and support and market those things on the world stage, I don’t live in your shoes. But the very one thing that I’ve done that has really made my life come alive and made me a better person is I shut the mainstream off because I know it’s a movie.

I’m not interested in, that. I’d rather actually watch a movie that actors are actually reading a screenplay than knowing that these people’s minds are not their own and they’re all doing what they need to do, and it’s craziness. Right. All right, so let’s go to some of your comments. Opie Land. Any comment about the ring of fire? Go check out my Ring of Fire decoded. I decoded it.

Ring of Fire should check it out. Let me see if I can find this. Okay, here we go. Oh, I already had it open. Hello. So if you go here to my channel, and if you’re looking for any video, I have obviously a lot of videos. Right. If you’re looking for a specific one, just come over to this magnifying glass, click on that, and then you would click on, like, the World War here, right? Which I hope that everybody’s watched.

This was a lot of big drops going off in that thing. And then you were asking about A Ring of Fire, which is one of my I thought it was one of the better ones. Didn’t get a lot of traction. But you should check this one out because that’s what John I had the song Johnny Cash I fell into a burning ring of fire. Well, the ring of fire is earth.

It’s Pandora’s box. That’s what he was singing about. That’s why all these artists, they’re being used. They may be singing about women, essentially. That’s a lot about what it is, women chasing the ass. And it’s Pandora’s box. Pandora being Venus, aphrodite, aphrodite being 102 in Greek numerology. And 102 is tied to the 45th element. And Pandora’s box is 45. So this is the bridge of Alchemy, the beauty of Alchemy.

Right? And it’s the flower of life. So any comment on the Ring of Fire on Saturday? No. Dan’s asking about being born on or after an eclipse event. I mean, it would be in your charts, right? But when I break down someone’s cosmic code, when I do a reading, it’s hours and hours of going into the charts. Astrology, both Western and Vedic Chinese in there as well. Cards of illumination, tarot, human design, numerology.

So that these are just the basics. And when you go through the basics, there’s hours of information to talk about, to define who you are and why you’re here, your strengths and weaknesses, how you can become more of an observer of this reality versus someone who’s habitually programmed to live through your addictions. And the addictions I’m not talking about the normal word of addictions. I’m talking about being addicted to your habits and your habits of the way you react.

So when you can kind of be more of an observer, like take for example, what’s going on in the world stage right now? Are you that addicted to tune into it? Because you got to see what’s going on. Like, oh, I just got to check it out. Why? Because you’re programmed to do it, that’s why. Way there’s something inside of you. The voice in your head is like pushing you.

You say, well, I don’t want I’m not going to do that. And maybe that’s where you get to sever the cord. Maybe that’s where you get to sever the cord. See, I’m still being role played on all the numbers that I look at. They keep coming back as I’m being role played. And I’m like, okay, whatever, I’m surrendered to that. But at least I know what I’m dealing with.

The value in knowing how you’re coded and whatnot it what is the spiritual significance of feeding animals. I want to try to keep the comments kind of about what’s going on here, but I can address some of this stuff. Just service to others brings me joy, right? Brings you joy. The other night I walked out of my place and I have to go down two flights of stairs and there’s a large concrete wall that runs along the building and there’s a ledge like about that wide, and the stray cats sit up there and I feed them.

And just the other night I had three or four stray cats. I had a tajona, which is a Mexican badger, and I had a raccoon all hanging out on the wall. It was pretty amazing. And that’s what gives me joy. I feed the ants. I like watching insects. It’s really fun. That to me is more fun than going tuning to CNN and watching that movie. To me it’s boring and it’s not even a good energy to watch.

Astrocatography is amazing if it nothing new under the sun, ladies and gentlemen, same old script. Without the sun, folks, you got no movie, right? The sun has such a big part in all this, the sun and the moon, that’s the bride and the groom. The word bride and groom equals sun and moon. They kind of rhyme. Sun and moon, bride and groom. So when you get married, it’s just like the marriage of the sun and the moon.

The moon’s the consort of the sun. The sun needs a bride. It creates the moon. The moon is the sun at night. Okay, so let’s do a couple cards and then we’re going to call it a night. Thanks, everybody, for joining in for this presentation of the war movie. So my suggestion is the next time you want to tune into next time you grab your phone or you’re on your laptop, whatever, are you really going to punch in a news station knowing what you know, now I know it’s entertainment, right? You’re better off watching at least watching a movie, because at least you know that those people are paid actors, right? And it’s more fun, I think.

I mean, I know it’s horrific, right? Innocent people and all that, but it’s like, well, why is that stuff being allowed to happen? You know what my answer is on that? This reality is not real. That’s why all this stuff’s allowed to happen. Unconditional love is how everything goes, because it’s not real. That’s why everything goes in a movie. When you watch a movie, you’re seeing people die, shot, killed, sliced open.

It’s not real. That’s why it’s allowed to happen. So you take that same context, you move it into our reality. I’ve been around 50 years, and I’ve seen a lot of things, right, and it just keeps going on. It never stops. It’s not real. Make believer. Did I say the word Iowa means something? Well, yeah, actually, Iowa. One day, of course, the voice in my head that runs me, right? I don’t take any of the credit, any of the videos that you’re seeing.

I mean, it’s whatever’s running me. That’s what downloads all this information to me. Well, one day I decided to take the map of I was studying Egypt. I wish I had the graphic, but I’ll make it quick. I was studying Egypt, the pyramids, as I often do, and I saw the Nile River. And for whatever reason, of course, the voice in my head, I took the map, I took a screenshot of it, and I overlaid it onto the US.

And sure enough, there was the great Mississippi River that runs through St. Louis. And so when I started to match up the Nile River, it was almost identical to the great Mississippi that runs through St. Louis. And then I talked to Jordan at waters above, and he’s, you know, United States. I’ve been saying it’s the new Garden of Eden. And it’s just so interesting, right? Because you have the Mississippi matching up with the Nile River, and Egypt was the promised land.

So then if you go north of St. Louis, you’re going to move into Iowa, and Iowa is the what the I, right? And then if you take a look at if you go look at the map of Egypt and Cairo, and you’ll see that the Nile River dumps out into the ocean there, and it looks like an eyeball. If you look at Egypt, if you look at that whole area, it looks like an eye that borders the water.

The land does. It looks like an eye. And if you take that same thing, and then you have this city called this state called Iowa that’s right above St. Louis. Come on. And you have all these, like, memphis, Tennessee. Memphis, Egypt. Go do it yourself. Go do your due diligence. I’m telling you, the St. Louis, the Mississippi River is the just a it’s the same thing. So ridiculous.

All right, so, yeah, big shout out to Jason from Archaics. Big shout out to Jordan over at waters above Donut. He’s supposed to be coming. I got the event down in San Diego next week. I will be in San Diego, so looking forward to meeting some of you great minds of the decoding world. I will be in San Diego officially on the 20th, the event’s on the 21st.

I’m going to be there the whole weekend. I do have some people that I need to hang out with. I used to live in San Diego, so I got friends there, but I’m sure I’ll make some time to do some other little gathering. I don’t even know what I’m getting into. I know I get to speak for like 45 minutes to an hour. There’s a panel, a questions and answer panel with myself and Max Egan and Jason and a few other ones I have never met.

So I don’t even know, but just looking to hang out, shake hands, get some hugs, have a good time, pull some tarot cards and I know Donuts supposed to be showing up. I don’t know what time the panel is. I just know it’s at the end of the night. I think the events from 09:00 A. m. , god, it’s going to be tough for me to get up that early.

09:00 a. m to, I think. 06:00 P. m or something like that. And then I’m sure there’ll be some food at the end of the night, some dinner somewhere. I’m probably going to go eat somewhere. I mean, I love San Diego. It’s such a great city. So that’s what’s going on for the agenda for next week. And then I’m going to be in La from the 25th till Halloween.

Then I come back to Mexico. I’m probably going to do a meet up in La. So if you’re in the La. Area and you can’t make it to San Diego, I’ll probably be announcing that so you can come out. We can all hang out. We had a small group last time, like 15 people. It would be great to kind of double that, triple that, and that’ll be fun.

TJ you’re asking about some plate I created Shamayana. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Astro 360? Is that what you’re talking about? Yeah. Miriam says only 1 hour. Logan needs four. I know. I don’t even know what I’m even going to talk about yet. I haven’t even figured that out. I got so much going on. I got to pump out some videos for all the big shout out to the Patreons.

Thanks, everybody, for supporting this great research. I have to do videos for all of you and supply you with videos while I’m gone. So I’m really busy between now and next week. Kelly I don’t know if we’re going to be streaming it online. That would be Jason. I think he said he’s going to be filming it. I’m not sure if he’s going to be doing it live, but somebody asked me about watermelon.

Okay, so this is my third liter today. Three liters plus two and a half liters of water. All I do is just I take a watermelon, I cut a slice, maybe like that big slice it, and then I just cut around it and I throw it in a blender, and I just blend it up. No water, nothing. And it’s like a puree, and it’s amazing. And I try to do two of these a day.

It’s been a game changer, got to be honest. And of course, watermelon is the striped fruit, which is tied to Jupiter. So funny. I know people are still waiting for the course. I know, folks. I got to get on that. I just haven’t been called to finalize it yet. It all right. So am I planning on coming to New York? I want to go everywhere. Next year is the year that I’d like to go on tour in not just the US.

But the world. I have a lot of people that are in Australia. I want to get to Australia. I have a lot of people in Amsterdam, a lot of people in London, a lot of people in New York, Los Angeles. So these are the areas that I’d like to go to and start doing seminars and teaching this course on how to life code, how to decode yourself, and then of know, being able to do some questions and answers live.

Doing terror, just make it fun. That’s all I want to do. So definitely that’s on the yeah, Europe, for sure. I would love to go to Switzerland. I would love to live in Switzerland for a while, to be honest with you. I just don’t do so. The largest fruit is the pumpkin. I looked it up. What about the six of spades? Card? It’s the card of it’s actually like the transverse of spirit into the pineal gland or the implant in your brain, the egg, the thalamus.

Yeah. Switzerland is like I would love to go live in Switzerland because I just dig the mountains, how big they are. I just don’t do cold. Thailand’s on the list. Yeah. London. I love London. I lived in London for three years, north of London when I was in the military. So yeah, I was in the military, folks. I served my country. I was in Desert Storm in 92, 93, 94.

Canada. I love Canada. I have so many places I want to go to. It’s a lot to put these events together. I’m not the event planner. I wish I could find somebody that could be that person to put them all together. And then I know what goes into planning events. I know what goes into assembling all those. It’s a lot. Getting the butts in the seats is the big challenge.

Showing up and doing the work is the easy thing, but getting the people to get in the seats because I was on the seminar circuit, I know a little bit about it. Okay, so let’s just finalize this. Let’s move back to let’s talk about the War movie. Let me pull a couple of Tarot cards to give you kind of what’s going on here with the Tarot, what the Tarot has to say.

So let’s talk about the War movie, right? It’s a movie. I hope you all know that. Now that’s my opinion and truth, it’s not real. And if you tune into it, I hope you don’t, to be honest with you, like people say, well, don’tune into it. Turn it off. Use your time wisely with something else. Go build a garden. Go plant a tree. Go feed an animal. Go rescue an animal.

Go do some research on yourself. Go do some research on your children. That’s what I would be doing. Well, let’s hope we don’t go to martial law. TJ. All right, let me give you guys a little bit of a I want to give you a little bit of a shortcut because I don’t think it’s all in the cards is working. Hang on, let me just check. I want to show you how this works just so you guys can get some benefits of this.

So those of you that don’t know what your card’s description is yeah, okay. Slash. Okay, let me just show all this to you. All right, so you’re going to go to this website right here if you’re interested in knowing about your card or any card, because, ladies and gentlemen, you have two primary cards. Most of you will, right? And I hope you have this chart by now, which is the boilerplate chart for the cards of illumination over here being this is 52 cards.

This is the master life. This is the master spirit handler. And wherever your card is located at, let’s say you get the tennis spades. Well, this ten of spades is going to be ruled over by the four hearts. So these are your two primary cards. If you got the Jack of spades, you’d be tied to the I’m sorry. If you have the ten of clubs, you’re going to be the Jack of spades tied to that, right? So in order to find these on this website, because this is my friend Sharon’s website, and she’s got it down right now.

So you can’t look it up, but there’s a shortcut to do it. And all you got to do is when you come to it’sall on the Cards. com, you just come up here. And now you have to do forward, slash and then whatever your card number is. So let’s just say it’s the 100 and then club it will be C, and it cannot be capital. And then h.

Yeah. Ten C. Why did that go to ten? Let me just do this on the fly. Ten C-H-T whoops HTML, and it will pull the card up. You see, that’s all you got to do. So I will copy and paste this and put it into the chat here for all of you. I will pin it to the top. All you have to do is copy and paste that and wherever.

Come on, get out of there. Okay, so I’ve pinned the address at the top to look up your card. Now you just copy and paste that in order to change the card. Just go up to the address and you’ll see the card there. That one I have there is the ten of clubs, ten C. So if you’re the nine of clubs, you’d replace the ten with the nine.

If you’re a nine of spades, you’re going to go nine S. If you’re a nine of hearts, you’re going to be nine H. Okay? It’s very simple. All right, so there’s a little shortcut for all of you. Okay? So let’s do a couple of Tarot cards. And I’m going to sign out. If you’re interested in a reading, send me an email decodereality@gmail. com or just go to my website, cosmicsugar.

org, and just fill out the form and whatever. I’m pretty backed up, though. Okay, so Tarot deck, we have the seven of cups at the bottom. Illusions, choices. So let’s talk about the war movie. Let’s see. That’s all I’m going to say. Let’s talk about the war movie. What does the war movie got to say about all this reality? And we have the moon. Interesting, right? Because this whole thing started off on October 7, and the moon was at the mid heaven position.

The Moon. The moon to me is feminine. It’s the consort to the sun. And it has everything to do with incarnation reincarnation. Because if you check out my 42 decoded, I showed the water cycle, which is just a layer of our reality to tell you how this reality works. The sun evaporates, it condenses to the moon. Then the moon precipitates, then the Earth gets the water. The water is us human beings.

The water cycle is the incarnation reincarnation process. So the moon to me is the great server in the know Pink Floyd that’s on the great gig in the sky. I would say it’s the moon. Okay, so let’s talk about the war movie. Well, DreamWorks pictures, they got somebody sitting on the moon with a fishing pole. DreamWorks pictures, you’re in a movie. The moon has a lot to do with the movie.

Let’s pull another card here. Let’s talk about the war movie. Do we get the moon card? Next card. Well, there you go. So you get the six of cups. Six of cups. This is card number 42. Life, the universe, everything. Remember, that Jupiter’s symbol is four. 2422-424-1241 is the 53rd prime number. That’s Jupiter’s symbol. 53 is Iodine. Jupiter has the great red spot on it. That’s the eye.

That’s the Egg of Earth. And there it is. Card 42. The Six of Cups this is the card of Christmas, December 25. I have a deco coming out on the birth of Christ, and I got all these people oh, it’s dumb. You better not. Some people’s comments blow me away like no one knows, no one knows when even if it was real. This is the birth card of Christ.

This is the card of carbon. This is the card of Virgo. This is Virgo right here. Virgo being the 6th sign. The 6th sign is your third eye. The war movie. The war movie is DreamWorks pictures. And then the third eye, it’s in your third eye. DreamWorks pictures, folks. That’s what it’s saying. You’re in a movie. It just confirmed it. One more. Be the star of your movie.

But one more. Let’s talk about the War movie. One more. Here we go. Last one, and then you get my God. Oh, Lordy, lordy, Lord. All right, this is the card I pulled. You see that one? It’s the Ace of Swords. I got to show you this. That was the last card I pulled, right? War Movie. Hold on. There you go. Man, it’s just so freaking hilarious, this damn code.

Let’s see if I can find it. Hang on, folks. I have to show you this because this is funny. There you go. So I did a decode on Westworld, and you can see that Westworld is a 40. The 40th card in the deck is the ace of spades. And the ace of spades is the Ace of Swords. Westworld mind control. That’s exactly the card that I just pulled right here.

The war movie. Mind control. Check out my MKUltra. The people that created the MKUltra program think they get a hall pass. They were being mind controlled, too. It’s all fractals. So you’re in the movie DreamWorks pictures. You’re having a Jesus Christ Superstar experience, and you’re being mind controlled. Let’s talk about the War movie. Crystal clear. I mean, it doesn’t get any more clear than that. Three cards. Bam.

Right there. All right, folks, last question. Can I get a decoder archaics errands. I do not do decodes in person for people other than Tarot. I will be doing some Tarot readings, but I don’t do, like, full blown readings, because my readings I do on Zoom. And the advantage I have of if I do a reading in person, I have to sit next to you. I have to show you the screen, and you’re, like, paying attention to me.

And I’ve found that when you’re in front of your screen and I’m in front of my screen, and when I join on zoom, I don’t show myself. I show the screen. And I show all the graphics of all your charts. And you know what you’re focused on? You ain’t focused on me sitting next to you. You’re focused on the screen. You’re focused on my voice. You’re focused on my cursor.

So I found that it’s much more of a Deliverable presentation to give you your code when I’m not there with you, and you can record it. Okay. These advantages, they just go out the window when you’re in person. But I will be doing tarot readings. That’s my number three reading for people that want to get readings at the event. I know they’re limited on space. I didn’t even get a table.

I thought I was going to get a table. I’m not getting the table, so I don’t even know what this is even going to look like. So that’s what I got. That’s all I can tell you. I definitely can help you with a reading. I’m sure I’ll do them at some restaurant for some people, but that’s what I got, so I hope that helps you modoc roughstock. And, folks, if you’re interested in a reading, go to my website, Cosmicsugar.

org. Click on the personal readings and it will show you the three that I have right now. And the one I’ll be offering at the show will be the Tarot. The number three reading. That’s the only one. I may be looking at some people’s charts. That’s what I did at the meetup in La. I quickly pull up your chart, and I give you i, like, giving a lot of stuff away, so I’ll probably be doing that.

But a full blown reading for hours, I will not be doing like that. I want to be able to reach more people. So, yeah, no table. So funny. Dustin, you’re coming down. Awesome. Miriam, please show us the cards again. So, the cards I pulled for let’s talk about the War movie. Is the moon DreamWorks pictures. Is this all just a dream? There’s a lot of merit to that.

Then you’re in a movie, and then you’re the Jesus Christ Superstar experience. You’re having the six of cups. It’s a card tied to December 25, card 42. And then you have the Ace of Swords, which is tied to Westworld. The implant, your brain. This is Card 51. What’s the element on the periodic table? That’s 51. Antimony. What is antimony? Not alone. It means not alone. The voice in your head owns you.

Final answer. Except for you. I know. Except for you. You are the only exception. You’re not being controlled. I know. That’s totally fine. Yeah. I don’t know what’s up with the tables, man. I thought we were supposed to get tables, and I was told that they don’t have enough room because of the event center. It’s called the Adams Theater in San Diego. I’ve never been there, but I guess not.

They have a merchandise table, and whatever they’re doing, I don’t know. So I don’t even know what the setup is. I don’t know if I’m just going to get a chair to sit in. That’s totally fine. I’m just saying I’m just along for the ride, man. I just want to meet and greet people I want to listen to some great wisdom and knowledge. I want to be an observer, see some different viewpoints.

I’ve never met Jason. I can’t wait to sit with him and go over and talk numbers. He’s got all these systems I cannot wait to dig. Oh, man. That’s the one thing I’m really looking forward to is his calendar system and all that. I haven’t even done any of that stuff with really? That’s what I’m really mainly interested with him and sitting down with him and hanging out and having some fun.

Okay, so I’m going to go, folks. Where’d I get my Phoenix deck. I don’t have a Phoenix deck. I don’t know what Phoenix decks you’re talking about. All right, folks, what is the site to use? Chaldean? I use Days of I’ll send it to you right now. I’m having so much trouble tonight with my hang on because I have it on full. This is the website I use here for my currently right now I have a car tent.

The one for Phoenix video you did. I don’t even remember TJ you’re talking about. Let’s talk about the Phoenix event. I don’t even know the content in there that I would talk. I know I did the astrology and all that stuff. I don’t know anything else. All right, ladies and gentlemen, so big shout out to all of you. You great decoders. Thanks for joining in tonight. Thanks for all my patreons.

I got some great material. I got parasite coming out. It’s already uploaded, but I got to trickle these out because I’m leaving next week. So I got obligations here to the patreons. So that’s going to be up next for the patreons is parasite. Decoded parasite what’s parasiting you? Everybody’s being parasited. That’s just the way you’re a host and you have a parasite. It’s called your brain. It’s not a bad thing, ladies and gentlemen.

That’s just the way this reality works. Everybody uses everybody. We all use each other. That’s the comedy. We just got to have fun and laugh with this. It’s just a big movie. That’s it. And I hope you’re the star of the movie. So instead of being an extra in their movie, that’s not really that much fun. All right, so, ladies and gentlemen, what are we going to play? I know what we’re going to play.

Let me see. All right, here we go, folks. This is what we’re going to end this sucker with. We’re going to end it with some more metallica and we’re going to end it with some creeping death. All right, ladies and gentlemen, it’s been an honor and a pleasure to be here with all of you. Let’s talk about the war movie. My name is Logan, your tour guide. Hope to see you in San Diego next week.

Sending you guys a ton of love from Mexico. Till next time, ladies and gentlemen. We will can’t even find my damn photo. See you. Later want to bird to the barrel age to his every word in his fear only on the one but deliver white. Nothing must be done. Wonder me. Don’t let you die. Let me die. I said if I don’t want. Don’t let you die. Let me die.

Don’t kill the mother outside. It’s your wonder. Ram. Sam. This is the name I want for hair the destroyer belly the storm. I don’t die. Let me die. I think you might want don’t let me die. Let me die. You sam. Sam. Ram. .

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