Understanding Chaldean Numerology and its Origins

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 Chaldean Numerology and its Origins By Tommy Truthful

Chaldean Numerology

Chaldean Numerology is a mystical practice that believes in the power of vibrations and frequencies. It suggests that everything in the universe is made up of vibrations that attract similar vibrations. This ancient system of numerology is based on the principle that our destiny is determined by the vibrations of our birth date and legal name. While we cannot change our birth date, we have the ability to partially reprogram our destiny through a name change.

The Highest Self and the Human Self

Chaldean Numerology divides our being into two aspects – the highest self and the human self. Our full birth date represents our highest self, defining our inner core, purpose, and the experiences we are meant to have in this world. On the other hand, our legal name, combined with our birth date, represents our human self. This aspect acts as a vessel through which we either align with our life’s purpose or veer off course. When our highest self and human self are in conflict, we may experience a sense of disharmony and a longing for a different path, often leading to a mid-life crisis.

The Scientific Basis of Destiny

Chaldean Numerology claims that destiny can be scientifically proven. August Darius Danielsson, a renowned Chaldean Numerologist, has successfully predicted stock market trends, political elections, and even the future of celebrities. With over 400 accurate predictions and an accuracy rate of over 95%, these results validate the existence of destiny. By using numerology software tools, individuals can retrospectively analyze their own lives and observe the patterns of their ups and downs throughout the years.

The Influence of Destiny on Choices

While we may believe that we have free will to make choices in life, Chaldean Numerology suggests that our choices are ultimately dictated by our destiny. Through numerological calculations, one can see how their choices align with their predetermined vibrations. This theory can be further verified by analyzing the destiny of others, such as friends, family members, or even celebrities, and observing the accuracy of their numerological predictions.

The Significance of Legal Names

In our society, our legal name holds great importance as it is considered our true name. It is the name recorded on official documents and used by authorities and institutions. Chaldean Numerology emphasizes that our legal name, rather than our nickname or social media handle, determines our destiny. Ancient Egyptians, who also practiced Chaldean Numerology, kept their true names private to maintain the privacy of their destinies.

Learning Chaldean Numerology

While numerology information can be found scattered across the internet, the science of Chaldean Numerology is rarely taught. However, Numerology Toolbox offers comprehensive training courses led by Master Numerologist August Darius Danielsson. From basic foundations to advanced levels, individuals can become certified Numerology Masters, learning to read the destinies and characteristics of others with precision.

The Vibrations of Chaldean Numerology Numbers

Chaldean Numerology assigns specific vibrations to each number based on ancient clay tablets that date back at least 2,500 years. These tablets, believed to originate from the ancient Gods, provide insights into the characteristics and meanings associated with each number. Let’s delve into the vibrations and meanings of some key numbers according to Chaldean Numerology:

Numerology Number 1 – The Feminine Winner Mentality

Represented by the celestial body of the Sun, the number 1 signifies a strong desire for freedom and abundance. Individuals represented by this number possess a winning mentality and strive for success. They dislike authorities and prefer to be in control. Highly creative and perfectionistic, they have a hard time dealing with challenges but seek a hedonistic lifestyle filled with abundance and freedom.

Numerology Number 2 – Softness and Empathy

Represented by the celestial body of the Moon, the number 2 represents softness and empathy. Individuals with this number tend to be gentle and creative but can also be melancholic. They possess an intuitive understanding of others but may struggle to see the bigger picture. Men represented by this number may try to appear tough due to their fear of weakness.

Numerology Number 3 – Strategic Thinkers and Doers

Represented by the planet Jupiter, the number 3 is associated with expansion, growth, and the “male winner mentality.” Individuals represented by this number excel in strategic thinking and have a talent for keeping an overview. Unlike those with the number 1 mentality, they prefer to do things themselves and often appear as “one-man armies” due to their need for control and assurance of quality.

Numerology Number 4 – Uniqueness and Inventiveness

Represented by the planet Uranus, the number 4 is the shadow number of 1. It signifies a desire for uniqueness and thinking outside the box. Individuals with this number are natural-born engineers, scientists, and inventors. They often clash with authorities due to their rebellious nature and may face adversity for their unconventional ideas. Despite having many enemies, they are perceived as the black sheep and possess great problem-solving skills.

Numerology Number 5 – Social Butterflies and Networkers

Represented by the planet Mercury, the number 5 represents motion, communication, and social skills. Individuals with this number are natural-born speakers and excel in building connections. They have a wide social circle and adapt well to different situations. The number 5 signifies vigor, business acumen, and the ability to make friends easily.

Numerology Number 6 – Comfort and Charm

Represented by the planet Venus, the number 6 is associated with comfort and charm. Individuals represented by this number are slow movers but possess a strong sense of charm and trustworthiness. While they can be stubborn, they are also skilled in manipulation and using their charm for personal gain.

Numerology Number 7 – Seekers of Deeper Meaning

Represented by the planet Neptune, the number 7 signifies insight and the pursuit of deeper meaning. Individuals with this number have profound thoughts and seek to understand the hidden intentions behind people’s actions. They possess a strong gut feeling and are known for their frankness and integrity. Similar to those with the number 2 mentality, men represented by number 7 may fear appearing weak.

Numerology Number 8 – Builders and Practical Thinkers

Represented by the planet Saturn, the number 8 is known as the major destiny number. Individuals with this number are meant to create lasting change in the world and approach life with practicality and cynicism. They are often perceived as being in control and excel in building things up slowly and thoroughly. Many CEOs are represented by the number 8 due to their ability to handle major responsibilities.

Numerology Number 9 – Enforcers of Karma and Justice

Represented by the planet Mars, the number 9 is considered divine and symbolizes everything. Individuals with this number focus on justice, integrity, and honor. They possess a strong sense of frankness and a developed gut feeling. Many people represented by the number 9 have faced challenges in their childhood, as they are meant to see the bigger picture of life.

The Chaldean Table and its Origins

The Chaldean Table is an essential tool in Chaldean Numerology for calculating the vibrations of a person’s name. Its true origin remains a mystery, with various myths surrounding its creation. According to one popular myth, the origin can be traced back to the ancient Persian city of Pasargad. The Greek hero Perseus and his wife Andromeda of Ethiopia founded the city and had seven children. Their firstborn son, Perses, later underwent a numerological name change and became known as Kourosh Jahangi Hakhamanesh, which translates to Cyrus the Great – a wise conqueror. This name change was said to have transformed him into an intelligent, charming, and charismatic leader.


Alright, here’s the truth about Chaldean Numerology: they believed the number 9 was so special that they left it out.

Chaldean Numerology


Chaldean Numerology

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The Chaldeans avoided using the number 9 as it was considered sacred. Instead, they focused on numbers one through eight, which when added up, equaled 36. This association with the number 36 led to the name “Truth Mafia.” Interestingly, this year marks the 36th anniversary of HAARP, a facility that’s been linked to the occurrence of what we might describe as unnatural disasters. It also aligns with the 36-year span since Israel established Hamas.


It’s worth noting that 666 is recognized as the 36th triangular number. This number once held a deep significance and was intricately connected to our DNA, but it has been distorted over time. The distorted 666 energy represents patriarchal control and the dominance of materialistic forces, affecting our lower chakras and causing imbalance and misalignment. It activates survival instincts and basic needs, hindering the free flow of the pure Christ energy within us.


The distortion of 666 was introduced thousands of years ago to seal our DNA and prevent dark forces from advancing their One-World-Order agenda. This seal intensified feelings of separation. 666 is linked to the carbon atom, a fundamental component of human DNA, consisting of 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons. Carbon-12, the most abundant stable isotope of carbon, forms the basis of life and the material reality we experience.


When carbon’s 666 is combined with other elements, particularly phosphorus, it initiates chemical reactions that give rise to DNA and RNA. Phosphorus, known as “Lucifer” in Latin, is the “Light-Bringer” or the Morning Star. Phosphorus exists in our DNA and is integral to our consciousness and spiritual energy, allowing us to perceive the world and our identity in the light.


Lucifer, in this context, does not refer to the prince of darkness or Satan but rather the phosphorus residing in our DNA. Understanding this scientific reality provides a key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. It aligns with the ancient Egyptian concept that the body is the dwelling place of the divine, and the proverb “Man, know thyself… and thou shalt know the gods.” Ultimately, it emphasizes the interconnectedness of humanity with the cosmos, as expressed by Manly P. Hall’s wisdom: “We are the gods of the atoms that make up ourselves, but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe.”

The Rise and Fall of the Achaemenid Empire

Cyrus the Great, also known as Achaemenes, became a visionary king who brought abundance and happiness to his people. His rule expanded to include many city-states, and his empire, known as the Achaemenid Empire, became the greatest empire the world had ever seen. However, the empire met its downfall when Darius III, influenced by the rival god Enlil, changed his name and that of the empire, leading to its eventual destruction at the hands of Alexander the Great. The knowledge of Chaldean Numerology was lost as temples, libraries, and universities were set ablaze, including the magnificent palace at Persepolis. However, some Parsis in India have preserved the ancient tradition, and the original knowledge of Chaldean Numerology has been passed down through generations.

The Legacy of Chaldean Numerology

Though the knowledge of Chaldean Numerology was nearly lost, modern practitioners like August Darius Danielsson have revived and expanded upon its teachings. By studying ancient clay tablets and connecting with direct descendants of the Achaemenid Dynasty, Danielsson has rediscovered the advanced formulas of Chaldean Numerology. Today, tools and resources are available for individuals to explore Chaldean Numerology and gain insights into their own destinies.

In conclusion, Chaldean Numerology offers a unique perspective on destiny, vibrations, and the power of names. By understanding the meaning and vibrations associated with different numbers, individuals can gain insights into their own characteristics and life paths. While the true origins of Chaldean Numerology may be shrouded in mystery, its teachings continue to captivate and provide valuable insights into the human experience. Whether one seeks personal transformation or the ability to predict future events, Chaldean Numerology offers a fascinating and powerful tool for self-discovery.

Chaldean Gematria is the purest cipher. Usually, I advise people to start with English ordinal gematria, where A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, D is 4, and so on, all the way to Z, which is 26. It’s based on the basic alphabet. But the pure cipher, the one in which the elites hide all the secret codes in the source code of this matrix we live in, is Chaldean Gematria. It’s the only cipher you really need, along with Latin. Latin is Jewish gematria, and these are the ones we can truly call gematria; the rest are just numerology.

You’ll see how Chaldean Gematria is connected to all the elements on the periodic table. Then, when you look into the atomic weight of each element, you use Latin. If you want to learn how to decode your reality, learn Chaldean Gematria; it’s the one you want to focus on, trust me.

Many people out there are teaching multiple ciphers at once, and they’re either unaware of what they’re doing or trying to mislead you. They use ordinal, reverse ordinal, reduction, reverse reduction, Francis Bacon, and keypad ciphers, and if you use all of them, you can make anything match up. So they’re being very deceptive.

The best approach is to stick to two ciphers: Chaldean and Latin. We have the largest database on the internet with Chaldean Gematria. You can use the calculator below to learn what matches with 23 in Chaldean Gematria. Just input the number 23 in the calculator, On the Chaldean Cipher, hit the enter button, and you’ll see all the matches. Our database consists of over 30,000 words in the Chaldean cipher. Nobody else has such a massive database. We’re also building the Latin cipher in real-time, so our database is growing every day. I’ll provide an example below to show you a breakdown.

In Chaldean Gematria, the word “Chaldean” itself equals 27, the same as Element 27, which is cobalt. Cobalt-60, a radioactive isotope of cobalt, finds application in cancer treatment.
Additionally, there’s an intriguing connection to the number 27 in Chaldean Gematria with regard to the pharmaceutical industry, often referred to as “Big Pharma.” This industry, tied to the treatment of various ailments, corresponds to the number 27 in Chaldean Gematria. Another interesting correlation is found in the term “Aline Scarab,” also equating to 27 in Chaldean Gematria, which may have cryptic ties to Big Pharma, not immediately evident to most.
Consider the movie “Blue Beetle,” where nanotechnology merges with the protagonist’s DNA, akin to programmable matter like graphene oxide, present in the COVID-19 shots. This narrative mirrors their ambition to immerse humanity in an artificial quantum realm, effectively ruling as deities.
So, what’s the significance of cobalt, Element 27? Beyond its role in batteries, cobalt holds importance in the development of lithium-ion batteries used extensively in electric vehicles. Collaborating with nickel and manganese, cobalt is integrated into the battery’s cathode, enhancing its safety and performance. For context, cobalt contributes approximately 4.3% of the mineral weight in an average battery produced in 2020.
To delve deeper, a battery essentially animates or vitalizes something, giving it life. This concept aligns with the broader scope of their smart grid infrastructure, smart cities, nanotechnology, and the human immortality agenda for 2040.
Now, let’s explore the atomic weight of Element 27, which stands at 58. Interestingly, “agenda” also totals 58 in Latin Gematria, sometimes referred to as Jewish Gematria. There’s another match with “Lambda,” also equating to 58. Lambda is a notable provider of GPU workstations, servers, laptops, and cloud services for deep learning and AI. The SARS-CoV-2 Lambda variant emerges in this context, revealing the intricate ties between these concepts and the advanced technologies they represent. Mastery of their secret language, composed of numbers and symbols, unveils the deeper connections at play.


  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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