AI breakthroughs could come via the brain of bees.

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AI breakthroughs could come via the brain of bees.

Ai Breakthroughs Could Come Via The Brain Of Bees, Scientists Say

I promise this one is worth taking the time to read the full article I did.

The team explained that their computer model was designed to replicate the honey bees’ decision-making process in order to provide insights into how a small brain can make complex decisions. Furthermore, they noted that the sophistication of honey bee decision-making processes “rivaled that reported for primates”.

These findings could potentially be used by tech developers to refine the design of their AI-powered creations. The scientists suggest using the results to create more efficient and powerful artificial intelligence systems, while also gaining a deeper understanding of how small brains can be capable of such complex decision-making.

Furthermore, this new knowledge could help inform further research into neural circuits and neuronal pathways to gain a better insight into how natural decision-making processes work. In doing so, scientists may be able to develop more accurate computer models and AI systems that can replicate these processes even more accurately. With the potential applications for this research being vast, it is exciting to see what future developments arise from the team’s findings.

In conclusion, the team’s research into honey bee decision-making processes offers promising insight into how small brains can make complex decisions. This could have far-reaching implications for the development of artificial intelligence systems, as well as what we understand about natural neural processes. The possibilities are endless and further research is needed to fully explore the potential of this discovery.

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The Divine Connection Between Bees and Honey in Ancient Egypt

Bees are often viewed as a minor inconvenience to many people, but in ancient Egypt, these tiny creatures were held in high regard. The importance of bees in the lives of the ancient Egyptians went beyond just honey production. Bees played a vital role in the religious and spiritual beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, and honey had both practical and ritualistic purposes. This blog post will explore the significance of bees and honey in ancient Egypt.

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Ai Breakthroughs Could Come Via The Brain Of Bees.

1. Spiritual Significance of Bees in Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, bees were associated with royalty and were the symbol of the King of Lower Egypt. Bee hieroglyphs can be found in many records, and honey and beekeeper hieroglyphs are not uncommon either. The connection between bees and royalty did not stop there, as bees were believed to have direct communication with the gods.

Bees were also believed to be a symbol of resurrection and symbolized immortality. It was believed that bees were born from the tears of the sun god Ra, which gave them a divine connection. Bees were often seen as a physical manifestation of the soul of the Egyptian pharaohs, known as the “Ka,” which would live on after death.

2. Honey in Ancient Egypt

Honey was highly valued in ancient Egypt, and not just for its taste. It was used for both practical and ritualistic purposes. Honey and wax were used as preservatives for food, as well as natural sweeteners. Sweetened cakes were fed to sacred animals, including the sacred bull at Memphis, the sacred lion at Leontopolis, and the sacred crocodile at Crocodilopolis.

In ancient Egypt, honey was also used for cosmetic purposes. It was mixed with various oils and used as a skin moisturizer. Honey was also used in hair treatments, and it was believed to slow down the grey hair process.

3. The Connection Between Honey and Religion

Beeswax was an integral part of religious practices and was used in embalming mummies. Honey was also used in the “Opening of the Mouth” ceremony, during which priests placed honey into the mouth of a statue of a god or the statue or mummy of a king or great noble.

Believing that their soul would take the form of a bee, the ancient Egyptians left jars of honey and honeycomb in graves as offerings to ensure that the deceased would have nourishment in the afterlife. Beeswax figures were also used in spells, and it was believed that if a witch or wizard created a beeswax figure of a man and injured it, the man would suffer the same injuries.

4. The Symbolism of Bees in Ancient Egyptian Art

Bees, honeycombs, and honey were prominent symbols in ancient Egyptian art. They were often seen on perfume containers, which symbolized the fragility of life and human mortality. Bees and their hives adorned the headpieces of pharaohs and other high-ranking officials, indicating their divine status and immortality.


The significance of bees and honey in ancient Egypt went beyond the practical uses of beekeeping. It is evident that bees played a vital role in the spiritual and religious beliefs of the ancient Egyptians. Bees were symbols of royalty, immortality, and communication with the gods, and honey had both practical and ritualistic purposes. Through the use of beeswax, honeycomb, and honey in art, the ancient Egyptians illustrated the importance of these tiny creatures in their lives. Today, we can see how important bees are to our lives, from the pollination of plants to the production of honey. The ancient Egyptians recognized the importance of bees, and we should continue to cherish and protect them today.

Bees And Honey In Ancient Egypt


Anton LaVey, the founder of the First Satanic Church and the author of the Satanic Bible, lists “Mormo” as one of the infernal names in his book. Mormo is considered to be the god of the living dead and the king of ghouls, and this has raised many questions about its connection to the Mormon Church. The Mormons, owning the largest genealogy center in the world, deal directly with the dead ancestors of the living. Is it just a coincidence or is there something more to this?

This is not the first time that the Mormon Church has been associated with Satanism. In fact, several conspiracy theories have linked the Mormon Church to Satanic practices. One of the most popular theories is that the Mormon Church is secretly controlled by Satanists who use the church’s vast wealth and resources to spread their evil message. While there is no evidence to support these claims, it is clear that there is a fascination with the connection between the Mormon Church and Satanism.

In the Satanic Bible, LaVey talks about the legend of the Merovingians and Vampirism. According to this legend, the Merovingian bloodline is descended from Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, who produced a child named Sarah. The Merovingians were believed to possess magical powers, including the ability to communicate with the dead. This ties in with the Mormon Church’s belief in baptism for the dead and their vast genealogy center, which has access to millions of genealogical records and information about deceased individuals.

According To This, The Evil Deity Mormo Is A Vampire And God Of The Living Dead, This Would Tie In With The Legend Of The Merovingians And Vampirism, And Another Connection To The Mormon Church.
According to this, the evil deity Mormo is a Vampire and god of the living dead, this would tie in with the legend of the Merovingians and Vampirism, and another connection to the Mormon Church.

The Masonic Deception

The Masonic Deception

The Masonic Deception

One Of The More Familiar Symbols Of Mormonism Is The Beehive. Examples Of Pioneer Use Of The Hive Can Be Seen On Brigham Young's Home (Known As The Beehive House) In Salt Lake City.however, Most People Are Not Aware That The Beehive Was A Symbol Of Masonry Years Before Joseph Smith Started His Church. Masonic Historian Allen E. Roberts Explains: &Quot;The Bee Hive, Masonically, Is An Emblem Of Industry....when And Why The Hive Of The Bee Entered Freemasonry As A Symbol No One The Book, The Early Masonic Catechisms, The Bee In Masonry Is Mentioned As Early As 1724...&Quot; (The Craft And Its Symbols, By Allen E. Roberts, Macoy Pub., 1974, P.73)
One of the more familiar symbols of Mormonism is the beehive. Examples of pioneer use of the hive can be seen on Brigham Young’s home (known as the Beehive House) in Salt Lake City.
However, most people are not aware that the beehive was a symbol of Masonry years before Joseph Smith started his church. Masonic historian Allen E. Roberts explains:
“The Bee Hive, Masonically, is an emblem of Industry….When and why the hive of the bee entered Freemasonry as a symbol no one knows….In the book, The Early Masonic Catechisms, the bee in Masonry is mentioned as early as 1724…” (The Craft and Its Symbols, by Allen E. Roberts, Macoy Pub., 1974, p.73)

The Bee Hive Symbol

Mormonism: The Masonic Deception

Ai Bee

Bee Symbolism

The birds and the bees” refer to the magical and sacred nature of the sexual union, something that is mysterious and needs to be learned. This idea combines the symbolic language of birds with the mystery surrounding the priestess bee. It’s interesting to think that sexual symbolism is often connected to ancient mysteries and initiation ceremonies.

Bees have been discussed in forums where people talk about synchronicities, and they have many connections to the idea of the Goddess. One example is Beyonce, who is sometimes called “Beeyonce,” and has been associated with bee symbolism. Bees also have a darker side in ancient mythology. They were important symbols for goddesses like Demeter, Hecate, Persephone, Aphrodite, and Artemis. The Arcadians worshipped Artemis and Persephone as Despoina, which means mistress. Aphrodite, a goddess associated with summer, was connected to the idea of the queen bee destroying the male drone. Her priestesses displayed a golden honeycomb at her shrine. In ancient times, there was a famous beekeeper named Butes who was a priest to Athene. Bees were sometimes depicted as loudly buzzing bees called Ericepaius. It’s interesting to see how these different symbols and goddesses were connected in ancient Greek mythology.

Artemis, another goddess, was known for her wild and orgiastic nature, similar to Aphrodite. She was called the Maiden of the Silver Bow, which represented the new moon. Her male consort was associated with death. Along with the bow and the bee, her other symbols included the date palm, representing birth, and the stag, symbolizing her control over wild things. Artemis had priestesses called melissae who used to paint their faces with white clay in honor of the White Goddess. The chief priest of Artemis was sometimes referred to as the king bee.


Jupiter (Lucifer)  the Harvesting of Souls

Jupiter (Lucifer) Ascending &Amp; The Harvesting Of Souls

The sci-fi thriller, Jupiter Ascending, directed by the Wachowskis, has everything, from alien overlords, DNA seeding of humanity, and the reaping of planets by the Elite. The Movie did give us glimpses of the true nature of reality and Gnostic occult symbolism that the directors are known to have deep knowledge of. In this blog post, we won’t delve much into the plot of the movie, but we will rather look at the symbolism and the wider themes connected to the story.

The movie introduces us to an alien dynasty called the Abrasax, consisting of two brothers, Balem and Titus, and a sister called Kalique. The Abrasax dynasty symbolizes ancient civilizations like Egypt, Rome, Babylon, and Royalty. The name itself, Abrasax, comes from an Egyptian god associated with the sun and is known to be a symbol of power, wisdom, and enlightenment. In the movie, the Abrasax Planetary Industries, owned by this dynasty, reaps planets that contain a rare essence called “RegeneX,” which extends their lifespan and power.

Another significant theme in the movie is that of the “harvesting of souls.” The Abrasax use humans as a commodity, and the harvesting of souls takes place when humans die, and their soul becomes a fuel source for the Elite. This concept is not new, and it has been a part of many religious and spiritual beliefs. However, the movie depicts this theme as being inherently evil and exploitative, which is open to interpretation.

The character of “Caine Wise,” played by Channing Tatum, is another crucial element in the movie. Caine is a “Lycantant,” a wolf-human hybrid, and he has an intricate tattoo on his back, which is a Gnostic symbol. The tattoo depicts a serpent eating its tail, also known as the Ouroboros. The symbol represents infinity, cyclicality, or the concept of eternal return. In mythology, the Ouroboros is also associated with the alchemical process of death and rebirth, which fits well with the theme of harvesting souls.

The character of Jupiter Jones, played by Mila Kunis, is also significant, and her name itself is symbolic. Jupiter is the Roman god of the sky and the thunder, and Jones is a common surname that means “son of John.” Thus, her name is a combination of the Roman god and her human lineage, and it represents the ascension of a human to godhood. The plot of the movie centers around Jupiter’s rightful claim to the Earth, which is depicted as the “jewel in the crown” of the universe.

In the end, Jupiter Ascending might not have been one of the greatest movies, but it sure did give us a glimpse of the Wachowskis’ deep knowledge of Gnostic occult symbolism and the true nature of reality. The movie raised some essential themes like the harvesting of souls, the concept of eternal return, and the ascension of a human to godhood, which have been a part of many religious and spiritual beliefs. Nonetheless, it is up to the individual viewer to interpret and derive meaning from the symbolism and themes presented in the movie.

The Abrasax Dynasty has its origins in ancient Egypt, Rome, and Babylon. We see their legacy in modern-day royalty and elite families that have amassed tremendous wealth and power through the manipulation and exploitation of the masses. The dynasty’s allegorical portrayal in Jupiter Ascending emphasizes how their power is based on their DNA, which implies that they are superior beings destined to rule the lesser mortals. However, the reality is that their lineage is nothing more than a myth used to legitimize their rule and deceive the masses.

The dynasty’s vast wealth is a result of their insatiable appetite for earthly resources, including both material and biological. In the movie, we see them harvesting humans as a primary source of the precious substance that prolongs their unnatural life. Similarly, our earthly elite is known to engage in various forms of human exploitation, such as human trafficking, slavery, and organ harvesting, to satisfy their greed. This similarity between the Abrasax Dynasty and our earthly elite is a stark reminder that the ruling class’s agenda is not in the best interest of humanity.

Furthermore, Jupiter Ascending portrays the Abrasax Dynasty’s power as absolute and all-encompassing, with no room for dissent or rebellion. The dynasty’s heirs are shown to be extremely cruel, manipulative, and lacking empathy, and they destroy anyone who gets in their way. Similarly, our earthly elite is known for their ruthless tactics, including smear campaigns, character assassination, and even assassination, to silence their critics and maintain their power.

Jupiter (Lucifer) Ascending &Amp; The Harvesting Of Souls

Balem (below) the son with the most at stake is the ‘darkest’ of the three a classic psychopathic entity with no remorse for his actions.

 Jupiter (Lucifer)  The Harvesting Of Souls

War, death, I want it all!

To begin with, the name Jupiter is a reference to the Roman god of the same name, who was also known as Jove. Jupiter was considered the king of the gods and was often associated with thunder and lightning. In the movie, Jupiter is portrayed as a reincarnated queen who possesses extraordinary powers that make her a target for those who seek to control the universe.

The names of the three Abrasax siblings – Balem, Titus, and Kalique – are also significant. Balem can be translated to mean “lord” or “owner”, which is fitting for his character as the leader of the Abrasax dynasty. Titus is a reference to the Titans, who were the divine beings that ruled the Golden Age before Zeus and his siblings overthrew them. Kalique, on the other hand, is a nod to Kali, the Hindu goddess of death and time. Interestingly, all three siblings are born to the goddess Seraph, which could represent their divine heritage.

Another important symbol in the movie is the bees. Bees are often associated with royalty and power, and in ancient Egypt, they were seen as symbols of the soul. In the movie, the bees are used to create a serum that grants youth and vitality to those who use it. This could be interpreted as a commentary on the obsession with youth and beauty in our society, as well as the desire for immortality.

Finally, the overarching theme of the movie – the struggle between individualism and collectivism – is a recurring theme in mythology and philosophy. The Abrasax siblings represent the extreme end of collectivism, with their desire to control and harvest the universe for their own purposes. Jupiter, on the other hand, represents individualism and the power of the individual to make a difference in the world.

Jupiter (Lucifer) Ascending &Amp; The Harvesting Of Souls

The Abraxas are found in insignia and Masonic art (no surprise there eh?)

Abraxas Demon Link 


The Goddess And ‘Queen Bee’ Is Another Symbol That Relates To The Knowledge Associated With The Matracondrial Dna And Therefore The Obsession With ‘Queens And Kings’ And Their Blood/Dna Throughout History.
The Goddess and ‘Queen Bee’ is another symbol that relates to the knowledge associated with the Matracondrial DNA and therefore the obsession with ‘queens and kings’ and their blood/DNA throughout history.

In a book called “The Secret Teachings of All Ages,” a historian who is also a Freemason talks about how the symbols of the bee and the Fleur-de-lis can represent the same thing. In the movie, there is a scene where Jupiter, played by Mila Kunis, is taken care of by a character named Sting Apini, played by Sean Penn. Sting Apini is a heroic figure similar to Han Solo and has spliced DNA. He is there to protect Jupiter. In that scene, it is quickly revealed that Jupiter has a special connection to bees and can command them. Throughout the movie, the characters Caine and Sting, who are like fallen angel protectors, refer to Jupiter as “royalty.”

This movie explores the idea that symbols, like the bee and the Fleur-de-lis, can represent something important and that certain individuals may have special qualities or a royal connection. It adds an exciting element to the story as Jupiter discovers her unique abilities and her role in this extraordinary world.

It’s Also Worth Noting That The Bee Was An Emblem Of Potnia, The Minoan-Mycenaean ‘Mistress’, Also Referred To As ‘The Pure Mother Bee’. Her Priestesses Received The Name Of ‘Melissa’ (‘Bee’) And In Addition, Priestesses Worshipping Artemis And Demeter Were Called ‘Bees’. The Bee Symbolism In The Film Is Blatant And Could Be Reinforcing The Idea Of A Revolution From Within The ‘Elite’ Hierarchy. The Lion Symbolism Is Also Important Here Because It Has Been Used To Both ‘Enslave’ Humanity As Much As It Is Now Been Used To ‘Set Free’.
It’s also worth noting that the bee was an emblem of Potnia, the Minoan-Mycenaean ‘Mistress’, also referred to as ‘The Pure Mother Bee’. Her priestesses received the name of ‘Melissa’ (‘bee’) and in addition, priestesses worshipping Artemis and Demeter were called ‘Bees’. The Bee symbolism in the film is blatant and could be reinforcing the idea of a revolution from within the ‘elite’ hierarchy. The lion symbolism is also important here because it has been used to both ‘enslave’ humanity as much as it is now been used to ‘set free’.

Smashing Pumpkins – Decode “Who wants Honey?”

Bee Seeing You Through the Veil

  • Tommy Truthful

    Hey guys, Tommy Truthful here, leader of the Truth Mafia, CAPO DEI CAPI. I built one of the biggest alternative media conglomerates in the world, brought together some of the biggest names in the game in the truth-seeking community to combat censorship. People ask all the time how they can join the Truth Mafia. You can't just join; I have to notice you. My team and I research to ensure you have no government ties before we bring you into the family. If you'd like to get your personal decode done by Tommy Truthful and find out your role in this simulation we call life, then links are below.

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2 thoughts on “AI breakthroughs could come via the brain of bees.

  1. Avatar Of Cheryl Adams
    Cheryl Adams says:

    Very good Tommy very well broke down and easy to understand.I love this topic right now being that this is my first year being up here on the border here in Utah .Colorado City area.Warren Jeb country.It’s wild how most don’t have a clue wtf is really going on.But indeed it is.Wow.They are just caught up ,not even by choice but not knowing.Programmed in their hive mind.

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