Archaix The Emerald Tablets Billy Carson Book Review

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“Archaix: Dissecting Billy Carson’s Take on the Emerald Tablets”

Billy Carson, a name resonating in the circles of ancient knowledge and alternative history, has attempted to decode the enigmatic Emerald Tablets in his book, “Archaix.” While Carson boasts commendable credentials, including endorsements from notable figures and an impressive track record with Gaia network, his interpretation of the Emerald Tablets sparks contentious debates.

The Allure of Billy Carson’s Background
There’s no denying Carson’s allure. His work as a television host and endorsements by celebrities within his field can be enticing. However, diving into claims like his certificate of science from MIT and the ambitious aspirations of his space agency leaves room for skepticism.

Emerald Tablets: History or Hype?
The Emerald Tablets’ very origin is shrouded in mystery. Carson attributes them to an ancient being called Thoth the Atlantean. Yet, historical records provide no validation for this. Moreover, Carson’s assertion of the Tablets being lost due to poor preservation techniques in antiquity stands refuted by numerous ancient tablet discoveries.

Interpretations or Misinterpretations?
While the Tablets themselves are a topic of debate, Carson’s book infuses them with tangents about aliens and cosmic significance. Claims that they influenced biblical figures and events, especially those like Jesus, tread on historically thin ice. Not to mention, the idea of the Tablets influencing the Bible when they are suspected to have been written in the 1920s is hard to digest.

The Age-Old Atlantis Connection
Carson’s take involves the legendary city of Atlantis. The ambitious chronology of Thoth ruling over Atlantis and Egypt for an incredible 16,000 years, and the subsequent linkage to the Great Pyramid of Giza, can seem more like a dramatic storytelling ploy than a historical recount.

Emergence, Simulation, and… the Tablets?
Diving into topics of Emergence and Simulation theories, the narrative of the book sometimes overshadows its primary topic. These modern philosophical debates get woven intricately with the Tablets, leading to an amalgamation that might seem confusing to readers.

Digressions and Diversions
Carson’s discussion about Thoth and cymatics, though intriguing, digresses with numerous unrelated historical details. The extensive discourse about figures like Mozart does little to illuminate the Tablets’ primary message.

Billy Carson’s “Archaix” is an interesting blend of modern theories and supposed ancient wisdom. While he might excel in marketing arenas, even venturing into cryptocurrency advice, the academic solidity and depth in his book on the Emerald Tablets leave much to be desired. As with all self-published works, critical thinking and discernment are paramount for readers navigating Carson’s portrayal of the enigmatic Tablets.

➡ The text is a review and critique of Billy Carson’s guide to the Emerald Tablets. The author mentions Carson’s impressive credentials, his endorsement by multiple celebrities within his field, including his work as a television host and his acclaim from the Gaia network. However, the author expresses skepticism over some of Carson’s beliefs, qualifications, and alleged achievements, such as his certificate of science from MIT, his acceptance of the uniformitarian model, and claims that his space agency is developing alternative propulsion systems and zero point energy devices.
➡ The text discusses the author’s skepticism towards claims made in a book about the Emerald Tablets. The author criticizes the book’s validity due to its self-published status, lack of referenced evidence and the blending of facts with opinions. They also questions the original book’s assertion that the Tablets were created by an ancient being called Thoth the Atlantean, as there are no historical records supporting this claim.
➡ The speaker critiques a book on the Emerald Tablets, arguing that it misinterprets information, contains irrelevant tangents about aliens, and relies on improper sources. The Tablets, he insists, were written in 1925 and don’t require an understanding of the universe’s size, contrary to the book’s assertion.
➡ The text discusses the Emerald Tablets of Thoth and questions their authenticity. The speaker disagrees with Billy Carson’s claim that the original Emerald Tablets are lost due to lack of preservation methods in the ancient world. Using examples of various discoveries of ancient tablets, the text argues that despite numerous excavations, no Emerald Tablets have been found because they were likely written only in the 1920s. The speaker also raises issues with Carson’s accounts of Thoth ruling Egypt and Atlantis over a span of 16,000 years, reasoning that it is implausible for anyone to live that long. Carson’s suggestion that the tablets were hidden under the Great Pyramid of Giza and later distributed to Atlantean colonies by priests is also dismissed as a ploy to suspend disbelief. The text considered Carson’s reference to J.R.R. Tolkien as evidence for his claims inappropriate, as Tolkien wrote fiction. The text concludes by elaborating on the pattern of creating fabricated religious texts for political and cultural reasons, likening this to the purported creation of the Emerald Tablets.
➡ The text criticizes the authenticity of the story of the Emerald Tablets and denounces the belief that Thoth or a god presented them in 1925 as baseless. It also disputes Billy Carson’s claims about their historical context and links to figures like the Queen of Sheba or Jesus, asserting that these are inaccurate interpretations built on manipulations of a few facts mixed with fiction.
➡ The text discusses different perspectives on the origins of ancient texts, with emphasis on the works of Thoth. The author challenges widely held views about the Pyramids, Sphinx, the timeline of ancient Egypt, and even the Zodiac, citing it as a part of “archaeoastronomy” misinformation. The author refutes the idea that Mayans or Aztecs built cities like Tiltuikan and Chishinitsa, associating them with the Toltecs instead. A comparison is made between the Bible and the Emerald Tablets, suggesting that Jesus may have borrowed from or been influenced by them.
➡ The text criticizes Billy Carson’s claim that the Emerald Tablets, supposedly written in 1925 and alleged to be 36,000 years old, influenced the Bible. The author finds numerous modern colloquialisms and terms in the Tablets, arguing they aren’t legitimate ancient texts. In addition, the writer debunks Carson’s connections between these texts, Atlantis and biblical figures, along with challenging Carson’s plagiarism of unrecognized authors relating to the Great Pyramid. Finally, the author shows skepticism towards Carson’s linkage of Atlantean pursuit of eternal life to the modern 2045 Initiative.
➡ The text discusses Emergence and Simulation theories, suggesting an interplay between information, codes, languages, and consciousness. It debates many scientific and esoteric concepts, yet the author implies that these pale in comparison to the primary topic, the Emerald Tablets. The author questions the claimed antiquity of these tablets, linking them to modern colloquial language usage and concepts from the New Testament, not an ancient past. The text also criticizes an overabundance of unrelated filler content and external links.
➡ The text criticizes an elaborate work on Thoth and cymatics, dismissing it as filled with unrelated details, historical digressions, and links perceived as irrelevant. Despite a prolonged discussion about the dealings of Mozart and various other figures with sound theory, it argues the work fails to elaborate on the main topic. The text also slams the author’s attempts to interpret and adjust the original message of the Emerald Tablets, arguing it’s a mere attempt to sound more intelligent. The text questions the credibility of cited sources, particularly ‘The Book of Destiny 2012’. It continues to highlight the pervasiveness of ‘filler’ content, evidence of copying from Facebook posts, and misinterpretations that connect unrelated texts and ideas.
➡ The text is a critique of Billy Carson’s book on the Emerald Tablets, arguing that it’s a mix of unfounded ideas and old concepts presented as ancient wisdom. The author labels Carson as a competent marketer who sells cryptocurrency advice but disparages his book as unendorsed by any scholars, lacking depth, and referred to as boredom from the 1920s.


We’re here today because we are going to take a real hard look at the Compendium of the Emerald Tablet, a beginner’s guide by none other than the renowned Billy Carson. There it is, right there at the bottom. Guys, Billy Carson wrote this book. Not only does it come with a lot of impressive accolades, the man himself has more titles than the law allows. But George Norrie of coast to coast.

Am. You all know that show. George Nori said this billy Carson is an amazing researcher that I have admired for a very long time. George Nori said that? Eric Von Daniken bestselling author, author of Chariots of the Gods. So we can’t be wrong, right? Oh, and he’s a television host. I am so impressed with your work and your research. It was a pleasure. Eric Von Daniken said this about Billy Carson.

So this is what you get according to the back of the book, the Emerald Tablets. With this book, you will compare Thoth’s ancient wisdom with popular teachings from figures such as Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Osiris, Horus, modern scientists, and more gain a greater understanding of quantum hermetica. We’ve all wanted a deeper understanding of that. Discover previously hidden knowledge that will help you in your life. My friends, I have read this book on the way to the SoCal errant Expo in San Diego.

I finished it right before. I was going to wait till I got back home, but why? I’m not doing anything in this hotel room. Not doing got all my stuff spread on one bed, going through files, doing all kinds of things, and I just pulled it out about 15 minutes ago and said, why am I waiting? You guys need to hear what’s in this book. I mean, having over a hundred of you in the past three years sent me emails or made comments asking me, jason, how come you never cite the Emerald Tablets? Jason, how come you’ve never done a video on the Emerald Tablets? Well, I’m going to tell you why.

Because Billy Carson did a video insuffice it to say there is no other video that’s really needed. You’ll understand here in a little while. The Emerald talbot’s a Beginner’s Guide by Billy Carson. Got some intriguing stuff in here. Jimmy church. Jimmychurchradio. com. I heart radio and coast to coast. Am. Jimmy Church. Today, Billy Carson brings to our community the compendium of the Emerald Tablets. Finally, we are able to dive deeper into the meaning of what thoth really intended for us to know.

To explore and discover what is truly important about ourselves and the world around us. Thoth wanted us to know all that in this book. Jimmy Church. Jimmy Church is basically praising Billy Carson. I don’t know who Busy Gold is. Curious name. Gold. I know a lot of golds. Busy Gold one of the world’s top personal development, development and wellness experts. Billy’s assimilation of scientific, metaphysical and historical concepts is mind blowing.

He has an eloquent ability to relay challenging concepts in a practical way, offering each and every reader a chance to delve deeper into the scientific and spiritual mysteries of the universe. Thank you. Busy. Carson. Billy Carson. You know he did all that in this book, right? So you should be proud of him. And Donnie Arcade, billboard artist I don’t know why a billboard artist would be cited, but he’s here.

His name is Donnie Arcade. Ancient knowledge updated to a modern format. This book is a well preserved time capsule and a must read for anyone on the path to enlightenment. Okay. Dr. Tara Swart, neuroscientist and author, MIT that’s a very impressive credential. Billy is a thoughtful and engaging person who seeks to challenge the status quo and inform people about esoteric subjects of interest. Good for you, Tara swart.

Nothing’s going to come back and bite her on the ass. That was a very neutral statement. Good for you, Tara swart. Jason Martel, television host. Ancient Aliens. I love the fact that you travel the world and visit these ancient sites in person and do real field research. I love your work. So many people said the exact same thing about Zechariah Sitchin. Wow. Forbidden Knowledge, Inc. Coral Springs, Florida.

This is a book put together put together by Billy Carson. Copyright 2019. Now, there were many things that jumped just immediately were apparent to me as I was going through this book. You guys already know that I’m a Billy Carson critic, and for good reason, but we’re not even going to get into it in this book. Nothing about the assimilation of Zechariah Fitchin’s mistakes parroting those mistakes, and widely publishing those mistakes.

Billy Carson is not a chronologist. Billy Carson has done nothing but look at modern translations of modern book and basically uphold the mistakes that were made by his predecessors without actually thinking these things through. He’s not the only one. I’m not Isolating. Billy Carson. Many modern researchers have made those fundamental mistakes in chronology that Archaics has corrected and put out there for debate, and has thus far, not yet been challenged by a single soul.

Billy Carson is one of those I seek to debate, especially on chronological issues concerning the Sumerian Academ and the Amorite syllabaries. We have a real problem with anybody? Any kings living for tens of thousands of years? Any kingdoms living for hundreds of thousands of years. The Sumerian King list, 241,200 stars, is only 670 years. Mr. Carson needs to do his homework and figure out what Sumerologists have found out about the Shah.

It does not mean a year. Now, we can forgive him those trespasses. We can set that aside. He is not a chronologist. He would not know about these timekeeping systems and how to interpret them. I get that. But what’s in this book is something entirely different. And if we can forgive Mr. Parson of the grievous error that we find in this book, that remains to be seen at the end of the video.

I will leave it up to you, my listener. I will not pass forth that type of judgment on the man. I am not impressed. I don’t know what you will be by the end of this presentation. He comes with a lot of really intriguing credentials. So he is endorsed by the Gaia network. You guys know I’m a critic of almost every single individual that has appeared or is promoted by Gaia.

Yeah. Got nothing positive to say about almost any of them. So he explores the secret space program. Billy Carson also serves as an expert host on Gaia’s original series, ancient Civilizations. So Billy Carson, with his Facebook education, running 20 Facebook groups and gleaning all this information, putting it together, and now he is an authority on ancient civilizations. This is very impressive to me. Is he a Harvard alumni? Of course not.

I’ve never heard Billy Carson say that he was from Harvard. I know a lot of people accuse him of that. If you have a video clip out there where he is claiming to be Harvard alumni, please send that to me. As far as I know, he’s never claimed that. I don’t know. So Billy Carson has accepted the uniformitarian model. Again, that’s a red flag for me. You guys know that we’re going to push forward anyway as a uniformitarian.

He believes we live in a Newtonian universe. He believes in the solar system model. He believes that the Earth 24,000 miles around is spinning on its axis 1000 an obliquity of 25. 5 or 25. 3 degrees down to 23. 5 degrees. This obliquity and this rotation on the axis at the same time that this world is 93 million mile away from the surface of the sun, traveling at extreme velocity with the sun through the galaxy.

He believes that all of these forces are operating at the same time. Although he puts his feet on the ground and can feel no movement just like we can, he has accepted a paradigm he cannot prove. But that’s okay. We can forgive him that many people have accepted that paradigm. So he is a pioneer of the fields of archaeoastronomy and astroanthropology. So I would have to question him as to his expertise in astroanthropology.

I need some more information on that. As far as I know, not one single biological organism has ever been captured from space. It is interesting. So Mr. Carson has earned a certificate of science with an emphasis on neuroscience. I need to see these certificates. I’m just not going to accept things at face value from MIT. It’s almost unbelievable. I’m wondering if this is one of those little 30 day, 60 day things you write in for because some universities do that.

I don’t know. I would have to see it. Among his most notable achievements, billy is the CEO of first class space agency based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. That’s very impressive. Specifically, his space agency is involved in research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero point energy devices. I’m sorry guys, I’m calling bullshit. Yeah. Billy Carson. This is some drifter. Zero. There is no zero point energy devices in your possession.

None. I’m not trying to hear that there are no what is this? Okay, alternative propulsion systems. Now that’s too tenuous. I can’t say the man doesn’t have an alternative propulsion system because he could have invented something out of paper machete using kerosene. He could have manufactured something and technically he could win in court. Oh yeah, look, light it. It goes about 40ft. It’s an alternative propulsion system. So that’s a hard one.

That’s a hard one, guys. I’m not going to be able to argue that one. So he’s got a lot of list of credentials. I don’t know where he stood in 2012, but countdown to Apocalypse TV miniseries documentary. I don’t know where he stood on the 2012 stuff. I know I was publishing books long before 2012, and one of them was about 2012 was bullshit. Nothing’s going to happen.

So I don’t know where he stood on that. If he was promoting the 2012 fear porn or not, I don’t know. But that’s neither here nor there. We’re going to stick with the subject matter. This is about the Emerald Tablets. I have a lot to say here, but we got to start with this. In the preface it says, goals of the Compendium of the Emerald Tablets a Beginner’s Guide.

The goal of this book is to provide you with a deep understanding of the profound and ancient knowledge that is your birthright. I will lead you on a journey that will delve into the history of the Emerald Tablet and the secret mysteries contained within these cryptic artifacts. As we begin, it is important for you to know that the Emerald Tablets were written by an ancient being known as Thoth the Atlantean.

To date, there have been two manifestations of the Emerald Tablet. First, thousands of years ago, Thoth created multiple tablets and text and then concealed the location of these ancient tablets. Second, Thoth chose to incarnate as Hermes the thrice great presmegistus. As Hermes, he carried a single emerald tablet. I have a lot of problems with this opening statement. It is very artistic. It is semi well written. But you are now being groomed as a victim to suspend your disbelief.

Because if you can get through the first two paragraphs if you can get through the first two paragraphs of this book, you can be made to believe in anything. And you probably have no business listening to archaic presentations. You need to go listen to Billy Carson. Let me repeat some of these statements here. First of all, he calls them cryptic artifacts. And yet we do not have them in our possession.

There were two manifestations of these tablets. The first manifestation was as tablets many thousands of years ago that have now been lost. Their location is unknown. They have not been actually seen by anyone. The second time they manifested was by Hermes Tresma GistUs. But that’s not true. I may not be an expert at the Porpoise Hermeticum, but I know the Hermetic texts really well, and I dare say I know them better than Billy Carson.

And there is no references in the Hermetic text to the Emerald Tablet. There is only one Emerald Tablet, and it’s a bunch of mumbo jumbo, and we’re going to see about it in here. And it doesn’t have anything in it that he’s promoting in these other 13 tablets. See, this is what a lot of Christian apologists like to do. They will take two or three knowns and insert an unknown in there, innocuously? Because once you read two or three things that you can probably, ascertain may be true, the untrue one becomes more believable.

And in this way, the author can get you to suspend your disbelief. Suspension of disbelief is a writer’s gift. It takes an expert writer to be able to do that. He didn’t do that with me. He may have done that with you, but I’m not buying this statement here. The Emerald Tablets were written by an ancient being known as Thoth the Atlantean. I’m a pretty well read guy.

I’ve got the Greek classics, I got the Roman classics. Some of them were very, very huge and boring. Many of you have never heard of Luke Fretius and read his huge book. You’ve heard of Herodotus, you’ve heard of Kleiny. But have you read thusdides? Guys, there’s a lot of Greek texts out there, and there’s a lot of apologetic texts. Apologies are what they’re called. Nothing about the Emerald Tablet, nothing about Thoth the Atlantean.

In fact, I’m telling you now, and I’m willing to stake my reputation on it, there isn’t a single text in the world that can be found over a hundred years ago and before that ever says the statement, thoth the Atlantean, it does not exist. Now, today, there have been two manifestations of the Emerald Tablets. First, thousands of years ago, thoth created multiple tablets of text and then concealed the location of these ancient tablets.

Second he chose to incarnate as Hermes the thrice great. Okay, we don’t know if he chose to incarnate as Hermes the Thrice Great at all. All we know is that Hermes Tresmegistus guestus does have hermetic texts. He has written, he has contributed to the Corpus hermetical. However, it’s only a reference to a single tablet. It’s called the Emerald Tablet. There’s never been an inference that there were other tablets.

So this opening statement, I mean, was it published by Hasbro? Who published this? Mattel, who published this book? I know. Booktree wouldn’t have done it. Oh, it’s self published. Billy Carson. Forbidden knowledge. Inc. Okay, he published his own book for all the people. Wow. For all the people who endorsed this book. Did you know he was self publishing it. Okay. That’s neither here nor there. So it was published by Mattel or Hasbro.

Now let’s move on, guys, because this is going to get deep. There’s some really compelling material in here. I’m going to give Billy Carson this card when we get to it. Yeah, it’s really interesting. So we’re going to move on to chapter one, validating the study of extraterrestrial life. I guess we’re going to validate that study. First and foremost, I would like to establish that I believe the Emerald Tablets represent the writing of an alien entity named Thoth.

The written and physical evidence left on Earth, especially where the Emerald Tablets are concerned, supports that an alien force has purposely engaged with and powerfully influenced humankind. Okay, the only evidence that happened is right here in this book. He wrote that there is no evidence outside that he said he believed, but outside of his belief, there’s no evidence whatsoever that Thoth, who is in the Egyptian Book of the Dead called Kihuti, was atlantean or an alien.

Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Let’s move on. So Billy Carson has a habit. He has a habit of providing filler because his book doesn’t really need to be, but maybe 1718 pages thick. He has a habit of providing filler where he’s going off on a bunch of opinions, and then he will assert facts about. Like on here on page two, he’s already talking about the Mars project, which is a verifiable project.

He goes into a lot of detail about the Mars project, what they intend or plan on going to Mars, searching for extraterrestrial life. None of that. There is no bridge. There’s no chain of data here that connects the Mars project to Hootie Thoth with Thoth being an alien. We’re going to see this throughout this entire book. It is very popular with conspiracy theorists. It is very popular with a lot of people who are unqualified to put these type of books together.

This is what they do. And he filled this entire book with all kinds of things. And then he did one of the things that’s my greatest pet peeve. You guys know, I must have a bibliography if I’m going to take somebody serious. He doesn’t have one. What he has are links. Billy Carson wrote a book, I’m assuming, because it’s so chopped up and it’s very unusual. There’s not a really good flow to this book.

It’s almost as if he took a bunch of Facebook posts. And at the end of each Facebook post is a link to where you can get more data if you’re interested in that filler, because the actual posts, the filler have nothing to do with the Emerald Tablet, have nothing to do with trying to prove that Thoth Cahooty was an alien or an atlantean. None of it. More than 50% of this book is packed full of these extraneous pieces of information that do not support the thesis.

It’s ridiculous. So we move on. Here’s another example. On page three, he provides a link on page three to some Daily News article about space aliens and the Catholic faith. As if that anyway endorses what he’s promoting. So the Vatican Observatory has been at the forefront of efforts to bridge the gap between a religion and science. Then he goes off and spends pages explaining how the Vatican is bridging that gap, but it doesn’t bridge the thesis.

None of that even supports any of his positions. Crazy. Oh, and if you want more know you want to know more about it, on page four, there’s a link. Now, I don’t know how you’re going to tap onto a link inside of a book, but it’s right here. You can probably just copy and paste. You can’t even copy and paste it. You’re just going to have to write it all the way out.

So here it is. It’s a Fox News link concerning the Vatican. So here’s, even the links aren’t primary sources. So I’m sorry, guys, I’m just a critic. I really am. I can’t believe I’m doing a book report on the Emerald Tablets, but I just had so many people asking had I got to do well, we’re going to read the tablets soon, so you’re going to get all that.

So the fastest of our universe and beyond. Oh, my God. There exists 40 billion Earth sized planets in one galaxy. Exclamation point. Can you believe it? According to a news report from the Royal Astronomy Society posted on January 16, 2017, the Astrophysical Journal reports that there are approximately two to 10 trillion galaxies in the universe, and within each galaxy, there are 200 billion stars just like ours. They’ve counted them, guys.

They’ve got the equipment to count all this. They’re amazing. It’s NASA, guys. It’s the same place Ben Davidson gets all his material. All his data comes through NASA filters. Here it is, right here. Apparently, NASA endorses the Emerald Tablet. Amazing. So he goes on pages, he says, what do all these numbers mean? They mean that they are markers of authenticity. This is what Billy Carson said. All this data about all these planets and stars that are supposedly out there in that light show, they are markers of authenticity.

Our study of the Emerald Tablets necessitates that we have a clear and profound understanding of the massive size of our universe. I’m sorry, guys, I read the entire all 13 tablets in here and there is no need to understand any of those things in reading the Emerald Tablets text. The only understanding that you need concerning the size of the universe is Billy Carson’s very, very twisted interpretation of these tablets.

Now, for those of you who want the true origin of the tablets, I’m going to tell you now. They were written in 1925. Billy Carson should have done his homework. There is nothing old about the Emerald Tablet. If there was, I would have read about them in Henry Cornelius Agrippa. I would have known about them in the writings of Trip Mitheus. I would have read them. They would have been mentioned by Rene Descartes.

They would have definitely been mentioned by Francis Barrett as well. They would have been in the Magus. Charles Burgoyne would have never omitted such references to the Emerald Tablets. Guys, he’s not even familiar with who all the great hermeticists are, who all the great mystics are, and who especially all the great Christian mystics and astrologers. Nothing. Billy Carson doesn’t know who they are. He hasn’t read those books.

18 one the Magus, volume one in volume two by Francis Barrett. You’ve got no business writing about these type of materials if you have not familiarized yourself with the compendiums that are the Magus. Crazy. So we move on. They are markers of authenticity. Perhaps we would be safe to declare the number of planets in our universe are unknowable. Wow. Understanding the magnitude of the number of planets in our galaxy enables us to realize that the ODS beat the odds beak for the existence of extraterrestrial life forms.

Do you understand? Do you understand the suspension of disbelief that is being required of you? He is asking you to entertain the fact that there is a vast gulf of things we do not know. And because the unknowns are out there, it means it gives us more knowledge about what he’s trying to interpret as the Emerald Tablets. It’s convoluted. Don’t fall for it. Yeah, it’s just simply put, it would be more unimaginable to believe that there is no alien life elsewhere in the universe than to believe that Earth is the only inhabited planet.

It sounds like Carl Sagan to me. But the gist of the matter is, this book is supposed to be about the Emerald Tablets. It’s not supposed to be a dissertation about alien life. Extraterrestrial life is if there’s anything green and slimy that’s actually up there in that light show, that’s not what this book is about. But he has to go into these details because of the interpretation he forces upon this 1925 text.

Crazy. Oh, by the way, if his argument is unconvincing, you can click onto this link right here on this paper because it goes to a 2017 article in Physics News. And if you don’t like that one, there’s another article that he cites in the Guardian. Right here. There’s a link to the guardian. Wow, it’s a hell of a cognitive leak. So really goes pages six and seven and 85678, I believe.

Nine two. Let me look. He just goes on guys, it’s Filler. He’s got a huge section on religion and science has nothing to do with the Emerald Tablets. He’s got a huge section on the aliens creationism or intelligent design. He’s got another one who believes he goes into Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism. He’s presenting a case that extraterrestrials exist. Therefore, thoth the Atlantean is an alien, you see the connection? There no you don’t, because there’s not one.

So he spent a lot of time on what science accepts, and that because science has accepted all these things. This is how he’s going to force an interpretation onto the Emerald Tablets. But I’m going to tell you something else. Science is also accepting. They’re accepting right now and at breakneck speed, that we live in a construct that the quantum model of reality and reality tunnels is probably more truer than previously believed.

Simulation theory is now on the table in the scientific community and has been for about ten years. But even more so in the past 90 days, more and more scientific news is being brought to the public’s attention about really developed scientific minds. Now entertaining the idea that we are in a mathematical congregation, but that doesn’t support his thought. The Atlantean from space model, it’s crazy. Guys. You have to understand, too, because the reason why accumulation theory is offensive to these guys is because it kills ancient aliens.

Holy kills. It page eight, Billy. Billy Carson says that famous Armenian mystic and writer George Gurjeef searched for the source of esoteric knowledge and stated that what he found will seem strange to many people when I say this, that this prehistoric Egypt was Christian many thousands of years before the birth of Christ. I like gurjeef. I like P. D. Alspensky even more his student. But I really like that statement because it’s true.

It’s the same thing that Gerald Massey published before Gurjeef got a hold of his writings. Gerald Massey said it in the 1870s and 80s. Billy Carson said, by researching ancient documents such as the Emerald Tablets and studying mainstream developments in physics and astronomy, those who search for the truth will find their answers. Wow, that’s profound. By researching ancient documents like the Emerald Tablets, written in 1925, and studying mainstream developments in physics and astronomy, those who search for the truth will find answers.

That’s amazing. Thank you, Billy. Oh, he provides a link to provide more, I guess more evidence or support for that statement. The link goes to we made contact with aliens. How would religions react? It’s a BBC website. Wow. BBC. com Future Story 2016. So thank you, Billy, for that link. According to Dr. Makukov and Dr. Shervach, the sudden boom in evolution experienced on Earth billions of years ago is a sign of something happening on a higher level that we are not aware of.

And that mathematical code and DNA cannot explain evolution. A lot of leaps there, but none of it has anything to do with thoth the atlantean from space. None of it. It’s interesting to unpack, though. I’m just not a uniformitarian. You’re not going to talk to me. In models of millions of years. Humans just can’t even conceive it. Yeah. Do you have any idea how long it would take you how long it would take you to throw 1 million marbles? If you threw a marble every 2 seconds.

Most people have no concept of how long a million is, how much a million is. Now your arm would give out. Oh, there’s a link for that, too, on page ten. Donnie Arcade. Didn’t we already read about him? Yeah. So I will say this, Billy Carson, for as much as I critique him, I will say I am impressed that Billy Carson has inferred in some presentations, that he is willing to entertain that extraterrestrials.

And aliens, those on the outside of the construct are just humans, just like us. Different stages of development or whatever, different DNA sequences added because of living in different biospheres for different periods of time. That’s impressive to me. He’s willing to concede. We’re not looking for little aliens with big heads and big old eyes that look like stretched out frogs. We’re not looking for that. So I’m impressed with that, Billy.

I’m on the team. So we start that’s chapter one. We’re going to move on to chapter two. This is going to get juicy, guys. That’s how my bro Mark Leaky says it. It’s going to get juicy. Let me get this right here while I’m uploading that. I don’t want that to mess up. Okay, cool. Now it’s going to get juicy now. So Billy now has to attack something.

Let me explain. Chapter two starts history of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. Before we begin our examination of the Emerald Tablets, we must first address the question as to why there are so few certainties regarding ancient writings and texts. Most ancient texts are written on animal skins, papris or other perishable items. Very few writings are found on stone or baked tablets, and even those can be damaged or lost.

Stone inscriptions depend on someone keeping them safe from the scrap pile of changing generations. Even fewer writings appear on precious metals. So he’s making it I’m not going to read the whole page, but he’s making the case that the reason why we don’t have the actual Emerald Tablet text is because there was just no way to preserve all these things from the ancient world. I’m going to disagree.

I’m going to disagree because the underground library at Ebla was fantastic. The tablets of Mari in Metania were awesome. More cuneiform tablets were found at Hattus underground. Also underground were found the tablets of Yugurit. Northern Syria tablets have been excavated at Biblos in Egypt. At Amarna? Stone tablets in the hundreds of thousands have been found in Assyrian cities like Nineveh, Burs, Nimrod, at Uruk, or biblical Erek, we have found cuneiform tablets at Ur tablets.

Seals have been found all over Mohindodero. Tablets have even been found in the Mediterranean. Mycenaean tablets. So Billy is wrong. Hundreds of thousands of cuniform tablets have been excavated and found. It’s where we got so much data from 1849 all the way up to the 1980s when the last big cash was found. So, no, I’m not going to give him that wiggle room. And I’m going to tell you, out of all hundreds of thousands of all these translated tablets sitting in museum basements and storerooms and distributed all over the world in private collections, there has never been a report of the Emerald tablets.

None? None. Why? Because they were written in 1925. So, moving on, moving on. On page eleven, he says, get this. Now remember, he’s laid all this out. He’s got to get you to suspend your disbelief to get to this point. Billy Carson wrote this. William Carlson wrote this. Thoth ruled Egypt at a time that far outpaces our present understanding of precisely how old Egyptian civilization is. There you go.

You’ve been asked to believe that Egyptian civilization is far older than Egyptian archaeologists assert, ruling Egypt for 16,000 years. From 50,000 to 36,000 BC, thoth became the highest of highest priests of ancient Atlantis, craned by his own father, the master of masters of pre deluvian Atlantis. Wow. This ruling occurred after the floods that devoured the ancient civilization. Wow. Billy Carson needs to debate me real quick about the dating of Atlantis, and I’m going to tell you now, he’s more than welcome to bring hand Graham Croc.

He’s more than welcome to bring Graham Hancock. Both of them together would not survive that debate with dignity. I have an overwhelming amount of data that shows the Atlantis narrative could have only unfolded historically in the 13th century BC. And I have a long list of books and scholars that say the same thing. It’s not only my conclusion so, so ridiculous. 16,000 years. So we’re asked to believe that Thoth lived for over 16,000 years.

Now, any of you guys are familiar with probabilities probability ratios? You already know the longer one lives beyond a normal lifespan, the greater there is a propensity for dying by accident. It’s almost impossible to conceive that anybody would live for longer than 500 years, not because their body wouldn’t be able to take it, but because sooner or later you’re going to succumb to something dumb, something stupid, unforeseen, accidental.

You’re going to misstep. You’re going to fall wearing full bodysuit of armor or carrying something too heavy and go straight into the water. It’s going to snag your jacket and it’s going to take you to the bottom of the abyss. Anything can happen. The longer a person is in this world, the higher the mathematical probability of exiting this world becomes. 16,000 years is ridiculous, but we can understand because this book was published by Mattel or Hasbro.

So let’s move on. I don’t even want to talk more about that for anybody even believe that crap? All right, page twelve. The emerald tablets of the Atlantean, thought laid hidden and buried under the Great Pyramid of Giza for centuries. I don’t know how even name those there. They’re there. The date of their concealment is unknown, but we do know it was sometime after Thoth left his earthly kingship over the Egyptians.

He knows that. Billy Carson knows that. Even now, under the great Pyramid of Giza, lies an undiscovered place of otherworldly appearance and the access point to a realm referred to oh, my God. I’m allergic to stupidity. The great halls of Amendi. Yeah, it’s right there, guys. For generation upon generation after the earthly departure of Thoth, specially appointed priest of Thoth performed as guardians to the hiding place of the domain.

Yeah, guys, he’s not writing to high schoolers. He’s trying to get you to believe this shit. Around 1200 BC, priests removed these tablets from Egypt and carried them throughout the world to all former Atlantean colonies. The further away from Egypt the priest traveled, the more new civilizations experienced religious renaissances. Finally, the priests left the tablets buried under an unmarked temple. No one knows where they are. It’s an unmarked temple, perhaps under the Pyramid of Patal.

The he’s talking about Patal Votan. And the reason he’s even mentioning him is because of that gum sarcophagus lid that Eric von Daniken was the first one. And then Zechariah Sitchin saying that Lord Pacal baton was laying back in a chair getting ready to take off in a rocket. But I have a video where I’ve already showed you guys. All the sigils were flames. Not rocket, flames. All the sigils were flames.

All the symbols were earthquakes and violence and all that. Yeah, man, it had nothing to do with that because if you looked at the top, which most ancient alien shows cut off so you don’t see if you look at the very top, it’s a phoenix. It’s a Mayan phoenix. And the flames come off the wings and wrap the whole sarcophagus. And the dude was looking through a telescope, not a damn rocket.

He’s looking up through a stargazer or a star watcher’s apparatus and he’s looking at the phoenix. Yeah, guys, it’s just ridiculous. So it happens when you don’t know history, but you sit here and write books about so anyway, it wasn’t too long okay, wait a minute, I’m skipping something. Okay. He’s talking about Pacal. Yeah, Lord Pacal. Now. So how did the emerald tablets find their way into the possession of the American spiritualist, Maurice Dorial? Here’s where our story gets really interesting.

It wasn’t too long after Doriel’s providential survival from the trenches of World War I that he had a revelation from Thoth. The god told him how to find the ancient Mayan pyramid housing the tablets, and he instructed him on how to recover the tablets for modern translation. Then Billy Carson switches over to what he’s trying to convince you is factual, and he switches over and uses Jr. Tolkien as evidence on how such a thing could be possible.

The author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, billy Carson, sits here and presents the argument that because Jr. R. Tolkien also fought in the trenches of World War I and came out and wrote a beautiful fantasy epic series the Lord of the Rings. This is evidence that Dorial could have had a similar experience and wrote the Emerald Tablets of Thaw. The only problem is Billy Carson’s, using a real historical person, jr.

Tolkien, who came out of the trenches and wrote a fake fiction, fantasy, epic story, exactly what the Emerald Tablets are as well as we’ll see. It’s amazing. Guys, Boriel completed his translations of the Emerald Tablets in 1925. Does anybody, any of my archaics veterans see a pattern? Do you see the pattern? Do you remember a politician and a Jewish priest? This isn’t a joke. A politician and a Jewish priest get together and they want to start a new culture and they’ve got to invent a religion for these people.

So they make up a story that there’s a Moses and they make up a story about all this stuff and they hide these old books that were written in Persia, like King Suleiman the Great, they turned him into Solomon and they allowed these books to be found. And Ezra claims he went to a mountain for 40 days and received a revelation from God after the entire Old Testament had been lost.

Guys, I’m not making this up. This is in the Bible. The Jews did not have Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy and all the rest of the books after the Torah, the books of the law, all the way to Malachi. The books of the prophets, nothing. They had not a single book of the Old Testament in the days of Ezra. Nehemiah ezra had a vision, went to the top of a mountain, spent 40 days at the top of the mountain, received the word of the Lord, and the word of the Lord gave him Genesis through Malachi all over, and he wrote it all down and came and brought those books to the people.

This story is so ridiculous that even the church removed first and second Ezras out of the canon of scripture. They left the book of Ezra first and second Ezras had to be removed because they told that story. Here it is, guys. Same thing with emerald tablets. We don’t have the actual emerald tablets. All that’s just a fiction. It’s a story made up about ancient times. Nothing happened. 16,000 years, whatever, before the flesh.

Ridiculous. Thoth gave Dorial permission to retain a copy of his translations after making the Arduous journey and delivering the tablets to the doorway of the halls of Amenti. All right? He said they were hidden in a Mayan pyramid and then taken to the halls of Amenti in Egypt. I guess, I don’t know. He was entrusted with hiding the glistening emerald tablets of thought, the Atlantic. Do you understand how fantastic this is? This is just fantastic.

A god appears in 1925 and tells this god has a revelation. And he writes down the Emerald Tablets. And then after writing them down, then he reveals their location. And the guy travels all the way there and finds these Emerald tablets, picks them up and then takes them to Egypt by ship. Finds where they’re supposed to be safeguarded, gives them over. And that’s why he doesn’t have the physical evidence today to prove his story.

Wow. Amazing what some people will allow themselves to believe. It’s just amazing. Do I believe that Billy Carson believes this? Of course not. Of course not. No, absolutely not. Just ridiculous. A little late, but I’m going to get through this one. So Billy Cardin says, now, 3300 years later, a new believer finds entry into the most secret of secret places, returning the gift to the ancient ones. When Dorial departed with his back to the pyramids, thought sealed the entryway, which is still unknown by any living person today, is Billy Carson talking to third graders? Oh, my God.

I’m losing IQ points. Billy Carson asserts a fact. Thoth was a god king of Egypt for thousands of years. There are no texts anywhere from ancient Egypt. Let’s say that. Wow. Now I will say this. He isolated 1200 BC as a period of great chaos in Tuma. Billy Carson has done something that a lot of people do when they’re trying to pass off bullshit as real. Billy Carson is very aware, I know, because he cites it.

He’s very aware of a very academic book called 1177 BC. When the whole world was destroyed, it was a phoenix phenomenon event. But there’s a scholar who wrote 1177 BC the year civilization collapsed. It was written by Eric Klein. He’s only a couple of years off. It was a Phoenix episode. I have documented this extensively. Billy Carson is aware of the book. The book is very popular, though he ended third in his date, though any academics or scholars who wanted to research or look into this would see this data point.

Oh, he’s saying that all this happened during a period of chaos and turmoil. We already know. We already seen the data sets that are in 1177, the year that civilization collapsed. It’s very, very popular to insert factual material into fictive narratives and make you believe some bullshit. That’s what he did. We’re going to move on. Page 14, it says, for several millennia, there have been historical and academic appreciation of the single emerald tablet of Hermes, the Hermes text written in Thoth’s atlantean language.

I have no idea what he’s talking about. And modern images and representations of the emerald tablets often show one tablet signifying, the Hermes tablet. It’s the only tablet that’s ever existed, and we’ve never found that tablet. It’s just a bunch of lines on a piece of paper. He’s making a whole lot up around something that can be textually verified. Ridiculous. But in order to prove his case, he provides a link.

Yeah, I have no idea where this link goes, but it’s a link with a bunch of stuff talking about how the Emerald Talbots came into existence in 1925. He provides the link. Wow. Then one paragraph later, he provides another link. He says, the Brotherhood of the White Temple. You know what it sounds like to me? Sounds a lot like the Great White Brotherhood, the scam organization that was putting out a bunch of false data in the 1980s.

Early thousands. It’s still functioning today. And you can find copies of Dr. Doriel’s translation at their website, brotherhoodofthelighttemple. com. Wow. That’s where you got it, Billy, off a website. Then you wrote this book. It’s embarrassing. You should apologize, Billy. Now, again, we have a lot of filler. And at the end of this long section of filler that has nothing to do with the interval tablets, you can do further research on Newton’s commentaries on the tablets by following this link.

Newton did not have commentaries on the tablets. That’s a lie. Yeah, he had commentary on the single Hermetic emerald tablet, which is not a lie. Remember, Billy is wrapping a bunch of lies around a few facts because the few facts promote the fiction. That’s what happened. What he did, he seems to be very good at it. Certain hieroglyphic texts state that one chapter of the book of the Master of the Hidden Places was still in existence during the reign of Hisepti, about 42 66 BC.

About 1000 years off. But it’s okay. I found that pretty interesting. There’s only a few very ancient Egyptian books, and on page 17 he says, the Book of the Dead reported that the god Doth was designer and builder of the great pyramid. These words were carved into stone at the very dawn of civilization on planet Earth. Wow. The Book of the Dead recorded that the god Thoth was designer and builder of the great pyramid.

Wow. I’m the author of lost scriptures of Giza. I had to read the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The Egyptian Book of Two Ways. I had to read the coffin text, the wall text, and the pyramid text. I put together all this material and never once found any reference to Thoth being the builder of the great pyramid. Now, I do agree with the position that Thoth is identified as Cana, who was Enoch, who was Enki.

I do believe that messenger of the gods. I get that there’s no reference to Thoth building the Great pyramid. Now, that is entirely invention. Many believe the emerald tablets of Thoth are the source material for the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. If you read the apocrypha text, you will find out that Jesus was a student of the Egyptian mysteries and he taught reincarnation and meditation. I know this to be true because on my last trip to Cairo, I visited the Coptic church where Jesus and his mother lived.

While he was there, they lived under the church in the basement. Oh, my God. There is not a single place in Palestine or in Egypt that can be identified at all with Jesus and Mary. All these places came into existence after the Council of Nicaea in 325 Ad. Prior to the Council of Nicaea, none of the Church fathers ever enumerated listed, mentioned. Any of these places is famous.

It’s almost as if they were all invented expuls facto. There are whole books published about the dearth of holy places in the first, second, and third centuries Ad. And only in the fourth and fifth and 6th centuries. All of a sudden, the Church started assigning all these places. Well, that’s where that happened. That’s where Paul did this. That’s where this happened. None of these places were known. Yeah, guys, there’s a lot of scholarly research about that.

What Billy Carson’s really admitting right here is he was fooled by local Egyptians who told him some bullshit, and he fell for it. And he took pictures of that bullshit. And he’s trying to pass that bullshit on you and I right now. It’s crazy. No good. No good. No. Queen of Sheba. According to DJ. Conway in crystal enhancement. The Queen of Sheba knew about the original Emerald Tablet of Thoth.

The Queen of Sheba is a figure first mentioned in the Hebrew Bible. She introduced Solomon to the great mines of Africa, including extensive emerald mines. Their story has been elaborated and expanded over many years by Jewish, Islamic, Ethiopian cultures, and has become one of the most popular legends in the ancient Near East. And if you want more information on this filler that has nothing to do with anything, then you can go to WW dot pbs.

org myths and Heroes. There’s another link. Yeah. We don’t care about the Emerald Tablet. That’s not the subject matter of this book. The subject matter of this book, Emerald Tablet, is old. It goes back centuries, but it was never a tablet. It’s just some writing on a text. It was just a few lines. The Emerald Tablets is like 5000 word, and it’s in here. We’re going to read huge portions of it.

That’s what we’re going to do. Ancient Egyptian priests often referred to a sacred science, a secret science known to them. So formidable was its power, they caught it to no one who had not been firstly prepared, tested, and accepted. Https plato stanford. edu entries, pythagoreanism or whatever. I have no idea why he said that, how it even supports his deals, but it’s just crazy. Manatho and the early Church fathers.

According to Manatho, thoth wrote 36,525 books. An ancient Egyptian story tells how the Book of Thoth first appeared. Wow. This is why you need a chronologist when you’re going to try to read these ancient texts, especially when it starts throwing numbers. That is not 336 thousand, 525. It’s not. This is a mid gross mistranslation or a calendar code, because the year is 365. 25 days. This is 36.

Five two five. I don’t know why he didn’t I don’t see, I don’t understand why he didn’t pick that up. Basically, it’s describing that Thoth wrote one book for every day of the year according to Thoth himself. Same thing said it was the same thing said about Enoch. Remember, Enoch wrote 366 books according to Thoth himself. The book contains the secrets as to how humans may perceive the gods.

Wow. He goes on a lot about Thoth. None of it has anything to do he cites more links from Jstore. org. Stable. Yeah, he goes into some depth here, guys. Problem I’m having, though, is he’s citing websites that cite authors who wrote lot. There’s a lot of filters here. It’s not good, guys. It’s not. It’s crazy. Another link he goes on st. Thomas Aquinas, sir Isaac Newton, Philip of the none of these I read all this.

There’s nothing to support his thesis on the legitimacy of the tablets. He just goes off and gives the histories of all these men and Sir Francis Bacon and Professor Darl Khune. Then he provides pictures of the pyramids. Guys, it’s all very convincing to someone who is not a critical thinker. It’s just filler. It’s full of a bunch of filler. And when you read it, it reads like a Facebook education.

It’s crazy. Then we get to this part on page 23. This is why we need to pay close attention to the Emerald Tablets, because this 36,000 year old text date that Thoth built the Great Pyramid, which would backdate the age of the pyramid considerably. Once you go back in time through full processional periods of the equinox, you then arrive at a time when the Sphinx aligns with the constellation Leo.

Guys, I’ve tried to tell you the Zodiac is a lie. I have not yet had a single person counter that free data set download I provided you guys on the Zodiac. It’s not old, and the Sphinx wasn’t a lion. No one with a modicum of intelligence can look at the Sphinx and determine that that is the original head and face. It’s been whittled down to the size of a pea on a giant body.

The original was noobus, and it was a dog, a jackal. It’s been taken away, and now it’s got a human face in a weird headdress. Yeah, guys, that’s not the original. Anybody can see an aerial view of the Sphinx and see that the head is too small. Yeah. Hancock, Bobble, all these guys, they’re lying to you. They’re lying to you. The whole processional cycle of the Zodiac and all the degrees in 2160 years, and the whole cycle is 25,920 years.

It’s all bullshit. Still waiting for that debate, guys. It’s all bullshit, Archaeoastronomy. Absolute bullshit. All right? But he’s going to use that. We already know the date of the pyramid. We already know 20 eigth and 29th century BC. We already know that. Even the scientific testing confirmed it. So, yeah. You can further explore this research by reading Graham Hancock’s The Mystery of the Sphinx. The geologist Robert Schock has done an incredible amount of research and inspection of the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.

His work has been the focal point of several documentaries which underline the significance of his arguments, which establish the age of the pyramids to be much older than modern Egyptologists are willing to accept. This is all lies, guys. Every bit of it. I will debate every one of these men. That area of northern Egypt was flooded in recent history. Brabo and Diodor Siculus know this. They mentioned the Great Sea of Crichtonus.

That was North Africa, where the Sahara Desert was. The Great Pyramids were underwater all the way up to a third of their height. The Sphinx was underwater for 340 years. It was not protected by the white limestone casing blocks that were on the pyramids. Therefore, it suffered the most water damage. It’s all ridiculous, guys. Oh, by the way, his authority is a link to a website. Let’s see.

One of the biggest falsehoods about the Aztecs and the Mayans is that they were responsible for building the city and pyramids of Tiltuican and Chishinitsa, as well as the surrounding areas. My trip to Tiltivikan in October 2016 confirmed this, when my archaeologist guide said that neither Mayans nor the Aztecs founded or built Tiltican. Billy and I agree. Yes. The Maya did not build those cities. Neither did the Aztecs.

There’s no doubt. Aztec says that the Tolteca built them. Who were the Toltecs? Well, they were porcelain skinned, bearded northerners. They came from the north. That’s who they were. All right, moving right along. A lot more links, okay? A whole bunch of information about Nawadal speaking Aztecs, information about Tiltilbican pyramids. Still unexcavated stuff about Aztecs. 123-4567 more links. Here’s some memes that you could stole off Facebook. You know what? Absolutely.

Here’s, next page. Unimpressive. It’s just a bunch of links. It’s crazy, guys. It is crazy. Okay, so I did find something interesting. This pyramid is a precise calendar. It is 91 steps on each of its four sides, plus a platform on top. Four times 91 is 364, plus the flat surface on the top is 365. This dates those pyramids in Mexico after the 713 BC change in the calendar that I’ve so widely documented in arcades.

That’s very interesting. That’s on page 26. Billy Carson doesn’t know any of that history, or he would have mentioned it here. He probably hasn’t really paid attention to Emmanuel Velakovsky and Hans Bellamy. So here’s the rocket man. This is the Rocket Man. You guys have seen all this? I’m going to show you a little closer. Billy Carson had an artist or he used an artist rendition that made the Rocket Man look African black.

But he’s not. It’s just an artistic version. He’s actually, like, Central American. And it’s a phoenix right here, guys. Way up here. They cut it off. They always cut it off. Right here. My finger is right here. There’s a Mexican phoenix up there. There’s a phoenix bird and flames coming around. And he’s a sky watcher and he’s looking at the phoenix in the sky. Yeah, it’s crazy. So that’s Lord Pacal von Daniken and Sitchin calling the Rocket man.

And of course Billy Carson’s going to follow suit. Billy Carson says that these are the Atlanteans who were building pyramids in the Americas. His source, he’s got a source for this, guys, it’s a yeah to ancientorigens net. So he goes off and about doriel’s preface and waters and emeralds. And again, another link. So unimpressed. So we get to page 31. Now a word as to the material aspects of the tablet.

They consist of twelve tablets of emerald green formed from a substance created through alchemical transmutation. Transmutation is the changing of one element into another by radioactive decay, nuclear bombardment or similar processes. They are imperishable resistant to all elements and substances. In effect, the atomic and cellular structure is fixed, no change ever taking place. Billy Carson is amazing how he knows all this concerning the tablets have never been found.

So in this respect they violate the material law of ionization. Upon them are engraved characters in the ancient Atlantean language, characters which respond to Attuned thought waves, releasing the associated mental vibration in the mind of the reader. Again, there’s no precedent for any of this. It’s highly imaginative. The tablets are fastened together with hoops of golden colored alloy suspended from a rod of the same material. So much for the material appearance.

He’s got a pretty good, pretty good source. It’s called crystallinks. com emeraldml. Amazing. All right, we’re moving right along. History of thoth the atlantean. I’m not making that up. That’s what he said. It’s the history of thoth the atlantean. There it is, guys, it’s Thoth from space. In this chapter I will establish the true source of the teachings of Jesus. It appears that most of his biblical teachings and statements come directly from the Emerald Tablets.

This also points to the possibility that Jesus may be Thoth or the son of Thoth. Guys, I’m not going to read all these statements. I’m going to tell you now we’re going to skip through a bunch of this, but I have gone through a bunch of this material and I could not believe that he is quoting verse after verse after verse after verse of the Bible in showing where these verses mirror verses that are found in the Emerald Tablets.

And this is Billy Carson’s evidence that Jesus borrowed from the Emerald Tablets. Now Jesus was 2000 years ago. The Emerald Tablets were written in 1925. But Billy Carson says that Jesus took from the Emerald Tablets and not some guy in 1925 who had read the Bible, had inserted some things in the Emerald Tablets that were very biblical. Wow. This is the Emerald Tablets. I thought the Atlantean, master of mysteries, keeper of records, mighty king and magician.

These records of the mighty wisdom of great Atlantis. Any connection between Thoth and Atlantis is 100% pure Walt Disney fiction. There isn’t a single historical record or text that connect thoughth of Egypt to Atlantis. This is Golden Dawn garbage research. That’s exactly what this is. Billy Carson should be ashamed for actually taking this into consideration that this 1925 document was even real. It’s crazy, guys, absolutely crazy. That’s how the Emerald Tablets began.

So he goes and he’s talking about the river of life, how it must have been taken from the Emerald Tablets because, you know, the Bible couldn’t have been older than the Emerald Tablets because the Emerald Tablets are supposed to be 36,000 years old. Wow. Keep in page 36, keep in mind the Emerald Tablets predate the Bible by 36,000 years. Billy Carson said that. Then he goes through and he shows all the numerous places in the Emerald Tablets that sound just like parts of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Amazing. It’s amazing, guys, it boggles the mind. It’s page after page after page. This is filler, guys. It’s page after page after page of just showing that whoever wrote the Emerald Tablets was very familiar with the New Testament. It’s as simple as that. But in Billy’s mind, it’s the other way around. The Emerald Tablets are older, they’re 36,000 years old. Therefore the Bible was copied from them. Wow.

Billy is actually proving by these multiple citations the exact opposite of what he’s asserting. Crazy. So on page 43 in one of the tablets, it specifically states, far to the stars, I journeyed until face and time became as. Not okay. I’ve read a lot of ancient text and references to timespace and space and time. This is a modern colloquial. This isn’t something you’re going to find in an ancient text.

They did not regard our reality like in this fashion. This is very post Einsteinian. Yeah, it’s everywhere. It’s time spacetime switches it up. Sometimes it’s time space, sometimes it’s spacetime. It’s crazy. By the power of the spoken word, the Logos, the world was altered and almost destroyed by fire and water. It is reminiscent of the Hebrew account of Noah and his ark. After the catastrophic global flood, thoth gathers together his crew that he used in building the great Egyptian civilization.

The sinking of Atlantis was not the great flood. There are three great floods, there’s actually four. One of them is very little known. The capture flood of 40 39. It’s when the moon first appeared. Then you had the Gihan flood in 34, 39 BC that killed one third of the human family. The same time that both Enoch and Inky appeared in the chronological record. The next flood was twelve centuries later, and it’s called the Great Flood.

It’s the Noahic flood. It’s the day the sky fell, it’s the day the vapor canopy collapsed and the world was flooded for eleven and a half months. Then 552 years later, there is a fourth flood. It’s called the Ogaijian deluge. These are the four floods and Atlantis was after those. Atlantis was the. Destruction of Atlantis was a Phoenix event. It was 1135 BC after the invasion of the Sea People’s Federations.

So, yeah, it’s just crazy, guys. All the anachronisms, it’s just great. So there is a reference to a ship in the Thoth material in the Thoth tablets. But on page 45, Billy Carson says, the great ship is not an ocean going vessel, it is a ship for the skies. Again, suspension of disbelief. He needs you to believe in spaceships. So on page 48 again, we have for some 16,000 years, he ruled the ancient race of Egypt from approximately 5200 to 36,000 years ago.

It’s all fiction. Again, on page 49, tablet two, we have a reference to spacetime and time. Space. Yeah, guys, it’s just not even worth reading the individual I’m going to read some portions, but this just isn’t worth reading. A lot of it’s just so total garbage, total crap. It’s terrible. Another link to Nature magazine. And he’s got more filler. Guys, it’s just stuff that has nothing to do with Thesis.

He’s just populating it with filler. A bunch of stuff that doesn’t have anything to do with it. And here’s what I don’t like. Here’s something I don’t like here’s. A lot of specific cylindrical and geometrical data associated to the Great Pyramid. A whole bunch of calculations. He probably put this chart together. A lot of arithmetic down here, all associated to the geometry of the Great Pyramid. Well, what I don’t like, it’s like I put it in the margins right there, all from authors who are not cited.

Guys. I’ve read Taylor. I’ve read Smith. I’ve read Sir Flinders Petrie, david Davidson. I’ve read a lot of Lucifer, not all of it. I’ve read e Raymond Cap. Guys, man, all these Great pyramid, even Bonnie Gaunt. I’ve read all of them. He didn’t cite a single one. They’re the pioneers. They’re the ones that put all that material together. Didn’t cite any of them. You suck. All right, on page 53, hermes Bryceborn is the strongest candidate for false mention of my soul, roaming free will, incarnate to dwell among men in this form or another.

He’s claiming it came from the Bible. Guys, there’s no actual connection, but it’s crazy. And then he’s saying that there’s a connection between Hermes, Tresmagistus and Dorial of 1925, but he can’t cite any evidence of a connection other than that he’s claiming a connection exists. So again, he’s trying to get you to suspend your disbelief because the whole idea is tenuous. It’s bad. Again. More Bible verses. On page 54.

He cites Bible verses every time anything of the Emerald Tablets written in 1925 mirrors a Bible verse. This is evidence to Billy Carson that the Emerald Tablets are legit and that Jesus was copying the Emerald Tablets totally, absolutely ass backwards. It’s crazy. Now, another thing. On page 56, it says, the masters of everything said, after their forming, we are they who were formed from the space dust. Okay.

The earliest references to space dust that I have been able to find are in the annals of the Royal Astronomical Society. 1880, 718, 88, I haven’t found they were calling them dark nebulae, and then later they started calling them cosmic dust. But 19 two, a lot of space dust fell all over the world. At least that’s what it was called. And this was written in 1925. To find the term space dust in an ancient text is assuming this was 36,000 years old.

No, we’re not buying it. Not buying it’s. A modern colloquial. Not buying it. On page 57, he says, following in the footsteps of the Atlanteans who were seeking eternal life in the physical form. I’m sorry, guys. He’s saying that the 2045 Avatar Project, the 2045 Initiative, has something to do with the same thing the Atlanteans are trying to do. We don’t have anything. There’s nothing. It’s all inventive, it’s all made up.

Not even Plato said anything about Atlantis doing anything like that. This is the problem with mystics and mystic histories. They make up all these things. A lot of them are Golden Dawn Society books that just got out of hand. Helena Blavatsky. This is all the Facebook educated galactic arc koreans and galactic Federation garbage research that’s out there. He is literally taking this material and trying to use this as evidence that these Emerald tablets are real and they’re not.

They’re comical. They’re just comical. Guys, it’s sad, it really is. But if you want to learn all about DARPA and the Avatar program, he’s got a lot of filler in here about that in a link that’ll take you there if you want to write out the whole link. Another thing that stood out, another phrase or term that stood out that does not belong in the Emerald Tablets. Assuming the Emerald tablets are authentic, you would not find a reference to Earth’s crust.

That’s a very modern description. So yeah, we have that. I’m going to give you the page, guys, let me give you the page. Yeah. On page 59, the Emerald tablets purportedly talk about Earth’s crust. Not buying it, guys. No, ancient text talks about Earth’s crust. The first mention of crust was in the early 18 hundreds. Yeah, guys, Jason’s going to find it, but you can look up all this stuff about the crust of the Earth and like, it matters.

Like it really verifies. What he’s saying? He provides a link on page 60. Yeah, quantumgravityresearch. org emergence theory. Overview. Emergence theory is very interesting. It’s not his theory, but it is very interesting. And I’m on board with it, too. He provides several links for that. So you know what? Let’s just talk about emergence theory real quick. We got time. Hour and 24 minutes. We got a little time, guys.

Emergence theory is a quantum gravity unification theory that brings together quantum mechanics, general and special relativity. At the root of emergence theory is the idea that the whole of reality is made of information that must follow rule and be enacted upon by a user computer, cerebral interface, holography, anybody? According to the theory, information is defined as symbols that convey meaning. Codes and languages are examples of symbols that convey meaning.

These symbols and meanings must then follow rules. For example, words must be arranged in certain ways to create communication. Lastly, a chooser or some form of consciousness must exist to interact with the information and choose how it is used. Simulation theory, anybody? Remember? Guys, you’re an avatars. You are jacked into you’re an immortal being jacked into an avatar, which belongs not to you, but to the construct. This belongs to the construct.

I’m inside of it. It wraps me like a glove and I’m able to use it to experience this false reality. Nice. He goes into the emergence theory quite a bit on the next page, on page 62. We don’t need to, we can move on, guys. He provides a good link for that. We move on to page 65 where he provides more links. It’s just more filler, guys. It’s filler on all kinds of scientific concepts that don’t have anything to do with bridging the data and his theory together.

It just doesn’t make he’s got all these links. It’s just ridiculous. He gets old. This is all filler, guys. Yeah, it’s just pages, guys. I made a lot of notes. I made all kinds of notes. Holographic reality, people’s. Research is all other filler not related to. He just goes off on Holographic theory now and just cites source after source after source. But none of this has anything to do with showing you that the Emerald Tablets establishing the veracity or the provenance of the Emerald Tablets.

See, we got more and more. It’s just more stuff, more Facebook memes just thrown in the book. It’s crazy. And more links. Okay, on page 71, he refers to the atlantean home world. Remember suspension of disbelief? Throw in a bunch of facts and then you slip in your little disinformation. Here’s another little piece of disinformation. The term atlantean homeworld is nowhere in any ancient text. It’s not even mentioned in the Emerald Tablets.

Remember the 1925 Emerald tablets by Dorial are being translated. This is a commentary on those. And in the commentary he says they’re actually 36,000 years old, but they weren’t. Boreal admits they’re written in 1925. So Billy Carson, he’s just out of there, man, I thought the atlantean again, that’s the Emerald Tablet. This is the beginning. Number three, it’s on page 75. And then he goes off on a huge deal on Gaia rajan’s eloquently defies Thoth’s admonition.

It’s crazy. Provides a link, has nothing to do with anything, nothing to do with anything. So we have Bible verses, things that are specifically in the Emerald Tablets, and then he shows where they are in the Bible. And then his conclusion is, it is easy to see the fairness in the words of Thoth. I even put the note there. No, that is stolen from the Bible. Thoth did not write this stuff.

This is whoever wrote the Emerald tablets borrowed heavily from the New Testament. It’s not the other way around, guys. It’s ridiculous to even assume so. More links. Yeah, guys, it’s a lot of filler in here. More links, a lot of filler. I’m moving along. More links. Oh, a lot of these links are to forbidden knowledge, news, tumblr. Apparently Billy Carson has a tumblr. Forbidden knowledge news tumblr or forbidden knowledge tumblr and WordPress.

More links. More links. More links. Okay, so I found some anachronistic material on page 90 in the translation of the text themselves, shown right here. I did notice that the text specifically says, remember, this is supposed to be 36,000 years old or whatever. It says rested I there on a planet of beauty. Then further down, it says, many, many the stars I passed in my journey, many the races of men on their world.

Now, guys, this is all written in 1925. This wasn’t written in the ancient past. Another colloquial. This is an important one. Page 91. It says, far in space constructed bay a planet. This would have never been found in an ancient text. Guys, there it is right there. Far in space. Hold on, there it is. Why it’s not clear? Guess the light’s no good. Far in space. Far in space constructed.

They a planet. No, the word space would not have been used to describe the vault of the sky. No. Crazy. But he provides a link right there if you want more information. And another link on the next page to back that one up. Then he goes off in the Kardashov scale. Explain type one, type two, type three, type four, type five. None of this stuff has anything to do with the thesis.

It’s filler. It’s a bunch of filler. Humans are spaceborne. Thy bodies are nothing but planets revolving around their sinful sun. All that’s modern colloquial, it’s all modern description. It would not have been found in an ancient text written in 1925. That’s all it’s evidence of. Again, the tablet says, travel thy through spacetime. And then it says, Listen, ye SpaceBorn. Yeah, my guy, this is all invented in 1925.

It sounds like it was written in 1925. Emerald tablet, number five. Often I dream of the buried Atlantis. There it is, trying to connect that Atlantis shit. Again, black, yet not black, but dark like space time. Again, modern colloquial provides a link if you want more information. Again, there is a second reference I found in here to Earth’s crust. These are slipped little these are little slips by the guy in 1925 who was trying to make this sound very old and very ancient.

He slipped a few times. He used some modern colloquials that you would not have found in ancient text. Earth’s thrust into the pathways on page 103 page 104. Thaw he the Atlanteans, by their magic opening the gateway that would bring to Earth a great woe. Sounds like the book of Revelation. They open up a gate and remember whoa, whoa, whoa. Unto the inhabitants of the Earth. Yeah, guys.

Gave the commands that shattered the world deep beneath Earth’s crust. To the halls of Amente swiftly descended the dweller. All right, starting to sound like Cthu. Starting to sound like some old alias or Crowley stuff. Page 105. Then gathered I, the Sons of Atlantis, into the spaceship. I brought all my records, brought the records of Duncan Atlantis. Man, this is all written. Expos facto, guys, it’s so obvious.

This is why no scholars, no academics entertain Billy Carson. I’m going to leave page 107 right here. We’re going to go back to an academic in the front. Remember this academic right here? Yeah. I’m not. Dr. Tara Swart, neuroscientist and author MIT. Remember how guarded she’s the only one that held back. Out of all these people who are just praising the genius that is Billy Carson, he held back.

Billy is a thoughtful and engaging person who seeks to challenge the status quo and inform people about esoteric subjects of interest. There is nothing in the statement that praises the genius of Billy Carson. She was very guarded. Why? Because she’s an academic and if she endorses him, she’s going to get punished. Yeah. Other scholars and academics would see her as a quack. Because that’s what it is. Yeah.

This is the emerald quackeries, not the tablets. That’s what this is crazy. Can’t believe I’m doing a book report on this. I feel dirty. All right, so over the spaceship erected a marker in the form of a lion. Yet like unto a man there neath the image rests. Yet my spaceship, the Insinuation, in 1925, is that the Sphinx is sitting on top of boss spaceship, the Atlantean. This is so stupid.

The original was anubis. If this was a 36,000 year old text, it would have never described the Sphinx as a lion. Wow. Move on. More filler. Oh, my God. There’s pages and pages. Pages. All the attributes of yin and yang and Eastern mysticism, and none of this has anything to do with the emerald tablets. More links, more filler. It’s a bunch of it. Guys, everything about this. Okay, there’s a reference to the seven.

But remember in the 1920s, 1920s, right after the turn of the century, when the seven was written about in the Necronomicon, and the seven was written about by Charles Burgoyne, and the seven are written about in the Book of Revelation. And on the Sumerian King list, the seven are written about. So it’s not surprising to see that there is a reference in the Thoth material to the return of the seven.

Billy Carson says it’s not seven individuals, it’s the seven chakras, the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and the crown chakra. But the text doesn’t read like that. That’s Billy Carson’s interpretation of all this mumbo jumbo. So anyway, if you want to know more about Chakras, you can go to blog. MindValley. com seven. Chakras hashtag he’s got a whole link to. And it doesn’t make any sense because it has nothing to do with this text at all.

It’s a lot of filler, just like this whole section on cymatics and Mozart has nothing to do with the thought text. The thoth text don’t even concern cymatics. There’s nothing about it in there. But he goes off and talks about cymatics and cymatic history and provides all these links and then goes into great detail on all the historical figures that talked about music and sound theory. And it’s just crazy.

Leonardo DA Vinci galileo Galali rob Hook ernest Cladney michael Faraday Guys, this is all filler. That’s what I put. I put that in the margins. Filler. You can see that. Filler. Filler. That’s what it all is, guys. This could have been 17 or 18 pages. It’s just pages. Here’s more filler has nothing to do nothing to do with the text guy. It goes on here’s another page. Just filler it’s.

Just filler it’s. More filler here, guys, on this page. Let’s see. He provides a link, though. And here’s more filler with another link. Cymatics. It got nothing to do with the text. Here’s the beginning of the next. Looks like a Facebook. Something was added to the deal. You are more powerful than you even know. Sounds familiar. Billy Carson and I were on Facebook at the same time together.

He used to have a lot of groups. 2017 and 2018. I was power posting. Let’s see, cosmic radiation, magnetism and sunstone. All right, well, this right here not cool. Not cool. Huge. I’m going to see if you can see that better. These dates are in the tens of thousands. No good, no good, no good. Yeah, this is all very arbitrary. This is the Aztec calendar stone. It’s called the Stone of the Fifth Sun.

None of this data that’s around it has anything to do with that. It’s all artistic license. And there’s a link about it right here to a Krishna website. And then over here, I wrote in the margin of this section right here, because it says, oh, spoke to me again. The seven saying, from far beyond time we come. O man traveled we from beyond space time. No ancient text would read like this.

This is modern concepts. This was done in 1925. Einstein’s theory of relativity in spacetime and time, space and all that became real popular only after 19 two p. D. Alspensky. Only after 19 two were writing like that. Parson seeks to change the seven to the Chakra system. But that’s not what the tablets conveyed. The tablets conveyed the seven or seven individuals. This is in the mystic tradition, the occult tradition of Thomas Bergoyne of the Sumerian King list of the book of Revelation.

The writer in 1925 of the Emerald Tablets was tapping into the old traditions of the seven from the ancient Babylonian texts that talk about how the seven were evil storm gods. So it’s Billy Carson who’s changing this to it doesn’t even matter, though, because the text was written in 1925. Yeah, guys, a lot of links. Lot of links. A lot of Facebook looking things. Page 144. Speak Eye of Ancient Atlantis.

Speak of the days of the Kingdom of shadows. Sounds all good. Written in 1925. Guys, the whole Atlantean deal just so crazy. Okay, here’s another red flag I found on page 155. It’s too modern for ancient text. It says, deep in the essence of matter are many mysteries concealed. Nine are the interlocked dimensions, and nine are the cycles of space. You know what? Come on, move around. Interlocked dimensions is modern colloquial.

Yeah. So this is Billy Carson’s interpretation of that passage. In these passages, Thoth is teaching us that space is curved and partitioned and that time and space are bound together. Understanding the complexities of the curvature of space and spacetime constructs as well as spaces in two and three dimensions is a monumental undertaking. Yet it is surely worth the effort for a greater understanding of how modern science can be used to complement the study of the Emerald Tablets and Thoth’s emphasis on the space born time and higher consciousness.

Newton’s laws of universal gravitation and of motion are explained along with Einstein’s special theory of relativity, which states that measurements of space and measurements of time are interrelated. It is impossible for something to happen to the space without the time being involved in the same thing. He also discusses the intricacies of perbed space in two and three dimensions. Emerald. Talbot doesn’t talk about any of that. That’s what he got out of it.

It sounds to me Mr. Carson’s just trying to sound more intelligent than he really is. Yeah, not a binary. You’re not suspending my oh, but he does quote the fame in lectures caltech University. There you go. Two of them on the end. Then more filler, then more of the text is just rambling, meaningless rambling. And then I couldn’t believe he cited this book. It really shocked me. It really shocked me that as an authority in his book, he would cite this book the Book of Destiny 2012.

Why would you cite this book unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012. Why would you cite this author as an authority? The Four Agreements and Peril and Miss Anatomy of the Spirit sacred Contracts in The Book of Destiny unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012, a contemporary Mayan priest and shaman reveals the genius of the ancient Mayan calendar and its accompanying horoscope, and examines in depth the ancient 2012 prophecy.

The Book of Destiny is the most complete and authentic book on the secrets of the ancient maya culture and what it means for readers today. It is a companion read to the Emerald Tablets of thought as it allows us to go into the world of the ancient Maya civilization understanding them better as a colony of Atlantis. Every bit of this is made up. Wow. OMG. Wow. More filler.

He’s got a lot, he just packs it. Things that just don’t really have anything to do with the text. He just packs it. It’s a lot. Guys, I haven’t even showed you all the images and here’s a bunch. It’s a bunch has nothing to do with the text. It’s a lot of things that were just taken off Facebook. Look at it, they’re all, they come from you’ve all seen these before, floating around in 20, 14, 20, 15, 20, 16.

Just a lot of mumbo jumbo. It’s just crazy, guys. Yeah. So in the twelveTH tablet we have some filler and then a Marxist. org link. Then it says, List ye o man, to the words of my wisdom list, to the voice of thought, the Atlantean again, ponkered have I, the law of time, space knowledge have I gained of the future of time. No text ever has ever said there’s no text in history, guys, that ever links Thoth and Atlantis.

There are none. Crazy. Yeah. So much filler. Things that just don’t have anything to do with the text. So much filler. Here’s another one. The actual text from 1925 says, nation shall rise against nation. That’s in Luke chapter 26. Matthew, chapter 24. This is what Billy Carson says. Sounds very similar to a verse in the Bible. I wonder where the writers of the Bible copied this. Oh my God.

Matthew 24/7 for nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places. He stopped there because Jesus continued and says, but the end is not yet. So it’s interesting, Billy Carson is still claiming toward the end of the book that any similarities between the Emerald Tablets and the New Testament is because the New Testament copied the Emerald Tablets, and yet the Emerald Tablets didn’t appear into the historical record until 1925.

Wow. It’s just so much. So much filler, guys. Just a bunch of stuff that’s got nothing to do with the text. More links, more links, more filler. See, these things are just filler, guys. They don’t contribute at all. They don’t contribute at all to the text. Just filler. Really juvenile. It’s like a like a senior in high school could have put this together. And then Thoth says on page 199, I dwelled in ancient Atlantis.

Oh, man, it sounds so authoritative. Oh, here’s a Tesla. Meme. I’m pretty sure thousands of us saw that on Facebook floating around. Nicola Tesla. Yeah, man. Symbols, pyramids, quartz and other energies. It’s just a link, there’s nothing to it. Wow. So much. So much filler. None of it having anything to do with his discourse, the text, none of that. Just things that he found interesting to throw in there to make it over 200 pages.

Nothing if more filler, a whole bunch of filler. Just random stuff, didn’t have anything. Oh, more links, more links, more filler, more filler. Just to make it sound, make it look good. Wow. Okay, so he says on page 208, he says, coincidentally, a stargate requires six points to define an address or location in three dimensional space. If there’s a verifiable source that says that we have stargates, would you please send me that link? Wow.

More links, more links, more filler. All right. Oh, here it is, page 212. The Bajnan Pyramid of the sun is a fully operational stargate. Wow. Opening it will require great care. So it’s never been opened. So he doesn’t know, he’s just making this up. The capstone and quartz still need to fill in the place for the pyramid to focus its correct resonating frequency. All right, man, just stop.

Just travel through the stargate. Oh, okay. He got a link. There’s a link here. There’s a link that tells you how to open stargate. Wow, amazing. Okay, well, so we get to page 213, supplemental tablet 15. Wow. And it’s nothing. It’s just mumbo jumbo with some more filler. Throwing a chain around a world. Look at that, look at that. Globe model at that equatorial chain at 23. 5 degrees obliquity.

That’s interesting. So we got a lot of mumbo jumbo in the back with some link. Okay, now we have a link. What is this? On page 220, on the very last page of the book, there are so many similarities between what Thoth wrote and what claimed to be said by Jesus. The biblical text was written between 100 Ad and 900 Ad. The Emerald Tablets were written over 36,000 years ago, yet so much of the content is virtually the same.

Wow. Could it be the same Billy? Because in 1925, somebody who knew the New Testament inserted all that into into his creative fiction called the Emerald Tablets. Oh, my God, you really wow. Wow. There’s a lot about Billy Carson that should be addressed in this video. I’m going to wait and reserve that for the future. This book, this is a book monkey presentation on the Emerald Tablets. On the absolute fallacy, the farce that is the Emerald Tablets.

There is nothing special, there is nothing ancient, there’s really nothing to learn in the Emerald Tablets. It’s crude creative nonfiction garbage from 1925 that was trying to employ a lot of different concepts that were understandable in 1925 and trying to borrow old syntax, old sentence structure, and try to make it look like a hermetic tretus. It’s not. It gives itself away. This isn’t just Jason of Archaics telling you this, guys.

There are no academics, there are no scholars that will endorse Billy Carson’s book for a reason. This book sucked terrible. You know what you are, what you consume you are, what you consume. Guys, you want to know what a really good book is? Doesn’t provide links, but provides thousands of data points, hundreds of bibliographic citations, gives you by the time you’re done reading that book, you know you’ve learned not one thing, but so many things that many people who have ordered this book have had to read it multiple times.

My very first published book, the Lost Scriptures of Giza Enoch and the Secrets of the World’s Oldest texts. Simple title, simple subtitle. But the information in that book is game changing, and it far exceeds all this bribble that just we went through. We just went through right here. Okay, billy, for all that Billy Carson is or is not, he’s good at marketing. He’s real good at getting people to part with their money.

You know what? He sells cryptocurrencies. That’s his business. He doesn’t even sell the cryptocurrency. He sells cryptocurrency advice. And that’s his business. That’s what he wants to do. But people are dumb. They fall for it all the time. They pay him eight grand for some advice. He’s not selling cryptocurrency. He’s not even selling any type of package where he’s going to invest their cryptocurrency for them. No, he’s selling some BS advice on how you do your cryptocurrency, and yet he himself has not made public how much cryptocurrency does he have in his wallet? How has he increased his wealth with cryptocurrency? Yeah, guys, you got to know the grifter game.

You got to understand it. He’s a competence man. This is what he’s done. If that book is absolute garbage and it does not have the archaic stamp of approval and I really feel almost disrespected that I had to stoop so low to critically examine and waste my time reading such a pitiful piece of material. But this is Jason of Archaics, and I’m on my way home. I’ll be back in Texas tomorrow.


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