Secret Spaceport in Antarctica Eric Hecker Stationed at South Pole 366 Days

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Secret Spaceport in Antarctica



➡ The speaker had spent a year at the South Pole station in Antarctica as a tradesman and fireman. He believes the technology there was used for air traffic control for off-world activities. He also talks about the possibility of investing in gold and silver through a 401 or IRA and promotes noble Gold investments. The speaker discusses his views about misinformation in mass media, especially in the context of disclosure of classified information or hidden truths. He suggests that many popular sources of information, including podcasts, may actually be controlled by large entities or “alphabet agencies”. He shares first-hand experience of a television show he participated in, which edited out his findings about unidentified submerged objects. He proposes recreating the investigation independently. The conversation also touches on the concept of Bigfoot being an alien or part of some secret project. In addition, he talks about his present contentment and praises the host, Rex, for being a genuine individual involved in disclosure efforts. He also shares appreciation for his physically fit, nearly 70-year-old, retired military father.
➡ The text discusses a person’s experience in Alaska where he focuses on pyramids and massive military bases near Fort Greeley. He suggests that these structures might be linked to exotic propulsion systems and other off-world activities. Furthermore, he reflects on his time spent at the South Pole station, where he had access to all areas within a highly compartmentalized facility. He believes the technology at the station is being used as a cover story for the existence of directed energy weapons. He also claims to have faced repercussions – including threats and physical assault – for speaking publicly about these issues.
➡ The speaker recounts his unsettling experiences involving school retreats that had MKUltra-like activities, his time at South Pole Station and possible involvement in ultra-operations. He advises parents to scrutinize who they entrust their children to and suggests that these nefarious activities continue to exist. He also promotes his website, deciphering TV, and his previous deep-dive interviews on Antarctica.


This is many interviews deep with Rex, but what we usually discuss is my time at the South Pole station. I spent 366 days on the continent of Antarctica. The vast majority of that was at the South Pole station directly. I was a tradesman and a fireman in an emergency capacity when needed. And with that dual role function in, I had the key that went to every door in the facility.

Yeah. And I mean, again, this goes back to what I was disclosing at the South Pole station that I believe one of the facets of the purpose of the technology down there was to be like an air traffic control tower, so to say, for what would be on and off world activities of vehicles with exotic propulsion systems. However people want to put it, whether they want to call it off world stuff, completely foreign to the planet, or back engineered stuff.

So this is pretty cool. Did you know that you can actually buy gold and silver with your 401 or IRA? A lot of people have IRAs just sitting there now. It’s real easy, too, if you qualify. Another cool benefit. If you give noble Gold investments a call, go to leakprojectgold. com and give them a call. 1877-646-5347 this is a solid silver America, the beautiful coin. And they will give you one of these if you convert your 401 or IRA.

If you qualify, just find out how, give them a call and go to leakprojectgold. com. Enjoy this presentation and thank you for being the change the world needs to see. How have you been? Fantastic. How about you? I’ve been doing like, do you have a place in Hawaii and Alaska now after all of your success? Oh, boy, that would be fantastic, wouldn’t? Yeah. Yeah, that would be living the best of both worlds.

But no, I’m not that far ahead in life yet. I’m just very happy with how things are going currently. With just pretty much everything. I’m very contented. It’s not all the time that you have reduction row in life, but that’s all I’m a big fan of saying. If it wasn’t for bad days, what would a good day be worth? But I’ve definitely had enough bad days that I’m enjoying The good ones that are currently going on.

So things are great. Rex, I’m very happy to be chatting with you today. You too. Like I said to you in some of the texts, you really are one of the first people to open your door to me to communicate and with value, might I add, because when you and I talk, you understand what I’m getting at and I’m learning that in the disclosure community, that’s a very rare thing.

There’s a lot of folks that are content creators that are just looking to throw people in front of a camera and a microphone and fill airtime, and they’re airheads. They’re not really involved in disclosure. They’re in the hobby of creating content. I respect that. You’re actually somebody who’s trying to accomplish something out there. There is no try and do, man. And thank you. We are accomplishing this, and it’s actually happening pretty fast, man.

And I’ve got to say thank you, because you’ve been going on so many podcasts lately that are big budget. They’re flying you out. They’re rolling out the red carpet. This is great, man. I was so happy to see this. Yeah, this has been so amazing of a journey because, again, I really feel like a lot of the conversations and connections that I made were post conversations with you that discussing stuff with you and your ability to ascertain what I was putting out there held a lot of weight in this equation.

So my hat goes off to you. Thanks, brother. The checks in the mail. And, folks, disclaimer. I’m paying Eric to say this right now. I’m getting a yeti NFT background. Do you like that? It’s pretty actually, really, it’s really cool. It’s very interesting to me, to be honest, this whole concept of the Sasquatch and the Bigfoot and how it’s intertwining into these other conversations that I simply never saw coming.

Right. But the way my brain works is I’m pretty much open to all possibility, always. I’m partial towards us discussing things that we can prove, but I’m open to how other things can be as well. And this whole idea that Bigfoot is also, like, some inteRdimensional, all the above type stuff is really like, whoa, where does it end? A very interesting topic. Where does it end? Because here’s the problem with that.

Know, I’ve got friends that swear they’ve seen a Bigfoot, like, in the fields of Kansas, of all places. And there might be, but I think a lot of it. It’s interesting because the more research I do with the extraterrestrial, interdimensional, non human phenomena, it seems like there’s smoke and mirrors and so much trickery. And I’m starting to question, are there events that take place? And, for example, there’s, let’s say, secret project going on? And so somebody sees it, somebody hears about it.

So how does this black ops program muddy the waters. Well, let’s create Bigfoot. Let’s create aliens and let’s blame it on. No, let’s say Bigfoot is an alien. Now that’s it. We’re going to say Bigfoot’s an alien and that’s the answer. And people are going to be like, what’s going on? I can totally follow that logic. That’s where my brain goes all the time. But my point was just that this really left fielded.

But, but now that you bring the topic in that direction, I would love to run because I feel like that’s a big issue going on in disclosure. And I think you’ve been in disclosure longer than I. And I think this is a problem for we, the people of this planet, is that there does seem to be all kinds of misinformation and disinformation in the disclosure community. Now I recently made a post on Facebook and I just simply stated, popular belief is that the mass media is wholly corrupted.

And I don’t think we’d find a lot of people arguing that. But then I followed that statement with this one unpopular belief. The Internet is the mass media. And I think everybody will rapidly. Oh absolutely. FoX News is corrupted and CNN is owned and we’re just know a puppet show because it’s the mass media. OK, I wouldn’t argue that, but I wouldn’t limit that conversation of the mass media to that medium.

I think that there is a savage amount of infiltration into the disclosure community that is wholly funded by alphabet agencies. I think it’s clearly evident that the general population of this planet is currently having legitimate conversations like whether we’ve had breakaway civilization activity, whether there’s been antigravity, the value of things like Nikola Tesla, technology, a whole bunch of these things have been topics of manipulation. And we the people have just been suffering from misinformation and disinformation en masse on the Internet as well.

Because people haven’t really considered that what looks like a one man band podcast. And I am absolutely not like trying to play games here with you, Rex. I believe you’re someone that probably has witnessed this stuff, that a lot of these folks are actually a massive know. You get in touch with some of these folks and they have a whole mass of producers, a sound guy, a video guy, they have a whole production.

I know when I deal with someone like Rex, this is legitimately, this is just me and Rex talking. Rex is not some huge entity. There’s not nine guys between me and Rex. When I shoot him an email, it’s Rex and I, two real human beings, but this is not the case for the vast majority of folks that I engage with. There seems to be something else big going on and control and I would offer into the mix from my own direct, firsthand experience.

I was actually, I guess you would say, like a host of the Alaska Triangle series in season two, episode nine in Ketchikan, Alaska. I believe Rex and I have probably spoken about this before, but this is a full production television show where they sent me out to look for unidentified submerged objects. We located them. I accomplished the mission for this television series and then they edited out everything that I found.

Why don’t you and I go out there, right? There’s nothing that would. Rex, there is nothing that could stop us from doing exactly what they did. All we would need is a nominal amount of equipment. In the grand scheme of what audio recording equipment costs, I mean, flighTs, accommodations and rent to boat captain. I already know where we went to look. This could absolutely be recreated. I think we need to go out there and spend some time out there.

My dad retired military, Golden Knight and he’s a tough dude, man. He actually is doing a bike race this weekend in Texas and he’s almost 70 and he’s doing a mountain bike. Whoa. Yeah, that’s impressive. I know. They don’t make men like that anymore, Rex. Anyway, I’m glad that he’s my dad, but the reason I brought him up is because he told me, and I need to talk to him more about this, that he actually did some jumps in Alaska before in some weird places.

And that’s all he really told me. But I was like, oh, okay. And he talked about there could be a pyramid out there or something. Absolutely. There’s a lot of conversations about that. I believe both Joe McConaughey and Pat Price, if I remember things correctly from the remote viewing program, which had a history of wonderful accuracy, discussed a pyramid in Alaska out near Delta Junction, right, where they have Fort Greeley, which know I find all this stuff more than coincidental.

They just happened to build the massive military base right next to what these known accurate remote viewers were targeting. As for all practical purposes, some sort of almost like intergalactic spaceport that there was that much activity going, wow, okay, hello, I’m talking about. Yeah. And I mean, again, this goes back to what I was disclosing at the South Pole station that I believe one of the facets of the purpose of the technology down there was to be like an air traffic control tower, so to say, for what would be on and off world activities of vehicles with exotic propulsion systems.

However people want to put it, whether they want to call it off world stuff, completely foreign to the planet, or back engineered stuff that many factions and governments around the globe have access to. So people want to monitor that traffic as well. Okay, so for those that haven’t seen our podcast, I would recommend going back and watching, but just a quick introduction about yourself, where you were at, at the South Pole, and you were there for a year and a.

Just, yeah, just tell them real quick what you did, if you would, please. This is cool. This is many interviews deep with Rex, but what we usually discuss is my time at the South Pole station. I spent 366 days on the continent of Antarctica. The vast majority of that was at the South Pole station directly. I was a tradesman and a fireman in an emergency capacity when needed.

And with that dual role function, I had the key that went to every door in the facility. I got to see in every compartment of a massively compartmentalized facility to learn that the science as presented was more or less a cover story for what we now contemporarily refer to as directed energy weapons systems. I think it’s very important that we people in this planet understand what actual technologies exist that are currently being utilized against us, the population of this planet, en masse, for the benefit of other people that don’t have our best interest at hand.

Okay. And for those that didn’t watch the podcast, you had talked about an actual machine out there or some type of technology that most people think is just receiving information, but it’s also sending information. That is correct. There’s two technologies in particular. One being the ice cube neutrino detector, which is a large phased array antenna that a lot of people understand and not looking to get into a battle on this one.

But there’s folks that know and there’s folks that don’t know that it’s not that challenging to take a receiving antenna and make it a transmitting antenna. And I provided documentation that proves that unbeknownst to most folks, the array also can transmit. So in addition to that system, there’s an elf system that I discovered, even though that we were told that it was deenergized and defunct, was actually energized and working perfectly.

So these two systems in and of themselves could be utilized to do things that the average citizen of this planet hasn’t really considered before. But these are patented, referenceable technologies that exist. Directed energy weapons are real. I am just, I guess, pulling back the veil on a location that people weren’t aware of, where it’s at. In all these conversations, people say, well, if somebody knew something, they would say something.

Okay, I’m going to agree with that logic and just follow through with, my name is Eric J. Hecker, and I saw something, and I’m saying something. I’m fulfilling my end of the bargain. Have you had any weird people following you, people knocking on your door, asking you what’s going on, calling you up, saying, hey, we don’t want you talking about this kind of stuff? Yeah, I mean, with regularity, actually.

I’ve had employers sign me personnel that were very direct in things like that, where they were asking me all of my thoughts on things, know, recommending that I don’t speak publicly. And I went against those recommendations. I’ve had as recently as the event in Washington, D. C. With Dr. Greer in June, I was physically accosted in the streets. There were some dudes looking to start a fight, I guess you would say after the event, I presume they probably had cameras somewhere and hiding.

It looked like they were trying to instigate a situation publicly. And in that circumstance, I was threatened with violence. I was spitting my face, and technically, that’s an assault. I don’t think people would have thought ill of me if I had given that guy an uppercut. But you asked, do things happen? Absolutely. So how did that sit? You tell us about that. Immediately after the National Press Club event, the official disclosure to the news, immediately after that event, I had recorded some stuff with the third phase of the Moon guys were at that event, and we recorded some stuff.

And then when that was over, we were exiting the building. There was apparently some sort of altercation, I guess I would say, near the elevators, that some guys tried to be aggressive with Dr. Greer, which engaged a response from the security team that apparently rapidly rushed these dudes into an elevator to eject them out of the building. We had shown up on the heels of that event occurring at the elevator bank, and we’re looking to egress through the elevators.

And we were informed like, hey, be careful. We just sent these agitators out, so watch yourselves. Okay, thank you very much for the warning. We got into the elevator, we got to the ground floor. We were looking to exit the building. I was there with another whistleblower, and as we were walking out, this is a friend of mine that knows me well, and she saw obvious agitators outside the building, and she turned to me and she said, she goes, are you ready for bodyguard mode? I said, sure, let’s go.

And we exited the building at which. 2 large gentlemen were accosting us. I guess you would say verbally, I mean, if we’re going to find terms for it. They were screaming, and apparently when we started exiting the building, the rest of the event started following us. I didn’t even realize that, but as we exited, we were in the front and this guy started yelling. He goes, and you can bleep accordingly, but I’ll just speak honestly.

He just said, hey, are you with those? And I turned and I looked over my shoulder, and it was at that point I realized that we had folks from the event in tow. So I looked back at this guy and I just said, I don’t know who you’re talking about. I said, but you look like the biggest I can see right now. At which point. Can I get a drum roll? So he just started running up to me and some other guy from some vehicle at the curb came running out of the vehicle, and these two guys got in my face and started doing the usual, I’m going to kick your ass and you’re a dead man and all that stuff.

And I just told him, I said, well, hurry up and make your actions match your words. I said, you came running up to me. I said, apparently you intended on doing something. I said, so to do it or turn around and walk away, like it just is what it is. I said, you came running to me. I said, I’m standing right where I was. I said, if you intend on doing something, I said, hurry up and do it.

I said, or turn around and walk away. I said, because I think you’re not going to do anything. And it got loud back and forth. They eventually did turn around and walk away. I laughed at them, told them, look, I told you that’s what was going to happen. They got very agitated, came running back, and it became a copy of the previous conversation. But this time they proceeded to start spitting in my face, and I proceeded to start laughing at them.

And I told them, is that all you got? I said, you’re going to have to do a lot more than that to offend a plumber. I said, I’ve had a lot more stuff hit me in the face by accident. I said, you’re going to have to try harder. I said, or you’re going to have to turn around and walk away again. And they turned around and walked away again.

What was their excuse? What else were they saying besides are you with this ahole? They were also saying antagonistic things like, what are you going to do? What are you going to do? Doing the whole chest bumping routine. But, I mean, what was their whole purpose in coming after you was they said, are you with that? You have a cool head, bro. You’ve got a really calm and collected, like, the way you handled that.

Super calm and collected. I applaud you for that. Thank you, sir. Yeah. I’ve never been a fan of bullies, and I’ve also been very aware that they’re usually just blowhards, so I let them blow off some steam. I knew they weren’t going to do anything. Your mic’s tripping. Oh, really? Yeah, it started popping about five minutes ago. Ladies and gentlemen, the men in black are already messing with the audio levels on our guests.

Eric. Eric Hecker. They’re messing with his mic. Let’s try it again. Can you hear me now? Yeah. Does that sound better? Yeah, it does sound better. Excellent. I just reset my audio device. I apologize. I haven’t been in studio for a while, so things get weird. Could have been cash build up or something like that. Who knows? Could have been a number of things. Okay, you’re out there for a year and you told me a story about, or one time where there’s somebody there that knew you before you went out there, or something like that.

Like a lawyer, like a CIA dude or something like that. Oh, jeez. Remember that? Not specifically, but, yeah, I mean, that’s kind of where I get into the whole deciphering. My experience is that there seems to be a lot of oddity in my past that I’m now looking into, because obviously everybody goes, oh, how did you get to go to South Pole Station? And at the time, I didn’t think that much of it.

But now, in hindsight, I absolutely see that that was a very privileged position to function from on this planet. I mean, there’s a lot of odd stuff going on and few and far between. Get to have time at the South Pole station in the winter. Those are just the facts of life. So I have to actually really respect that. That was a special opportunity, and it is a very fair question to ask.

How did I get to have that chance? Seems to be a fair question, but a complex answer. And I think I walked a very peculiar path in life to be afforded such an opportunity. You think you’re ultra. Oh, absolutely. Oh, I know that for a fact. I know the facilities on Long island that have since been knocked down that were very nefarious, that I attended in grammar school, where all kinds of horrible stuff happened.

Long Island? Yeah, absolutely. There was a very wealthy family, the Brady family, at the time their home was constructed on Long Island. Oh, jeez, I can’t think of the name of it right now. It was a Gaelic term that meant, I’m sorry. Now I remembered it. Inishfada. I-N-I-S-F-A-D-A. Innishfada was the property that the Brady family built on Long Island. At the time it was constructed, it was the fourth largest residence in the nation, and they were affiliated very tightly with the Jesuits at the top levels.

They had people that visited the property that became pope, and the property was later given to the Jesuits. It was called the St. Ignatius Loyola Retreat House. And when I was in grammar school, we would be brought there under the false pretense of a retreat, a religious jaunt. And in reality, there was MkUltrA type stuff going on there, up to including what I would call what we know is SRA.

It happens. But this is also why I talk, is to cast a light that this activity, A, existed and B, is continuing. The parents of the world need to have an appreciation, or lack thereof, for the people they discharge their children to every day. There’s a real responsibility for the parents to look deeper into who they’re discharging their children to every day, because I believe that mix. We had said something earlier about the muddying of the waters.

I think, unfortunately, in today’s society, where we’re very separated from each other as a community, there’s been a massive compartmentalization of humanity, and there’s not enough, I would say, caring adults and or parents connected to the compartments that are very isolated now from the community that we discharge our children to every day. Nobody really seems to know what’s going on with the kids anymore. And I think that’s very scary.

Absolutely. Now, were your parents or are your parents Catholic? My whole family was Roman Catholic. I went to 13 years of Catholic school. Excuse me, I was just about to say, nothing wants to make you less Catholic than 13 years of Catholic school. That’s what I heard, man. Yeah, we had the whole nun routine and all kinds of shenanigans. They pretty much beat the snaps out of us.

Those are the facts of life. Okay, so that would explain why your parents unknowingly were taking you to these retreats, which were really. It wasn’t even my parents. It was the school directly. We would get sent to school, and then from the school grounds, we would jump into buses and then be brought to the facilities. Over in Roslyn, Long island area, this St. Ignatius Loyola Retreat House, which has since been knocked down.

Okay, so if you want to listen to the rest of this presentation, I know you do, you need to go over to our Patreon page. Just go to Patreon Leak project. You can watch this in full, unedited ad free for a buck, including hundreds of hours of exclusive content. And the subjects get pretty intense, folks. So go over to Patreon, listen to it in full, let us know what you think.

And you can also go to deciphering TV, which is Eric’s website. And Eric has been doing some just awesome interviews lately, so make sure you listen to his shows. If you want to hear the best shows, go back and listen to the presentations we did a couple years ago and we got in some very deep information about Antarctica. So go back and listen to those to add to this information.

And I got to thank Eric because he is definitely putting himself on the line to share this information with us. So thank you, Eric. You’re appreciated. May the force be with you. And may the force be with you. Be excellent to each other. I appreciate you. Have a beautiful day. Be the change you want to see and hope to see you on Patreon. It Vader. .

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