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➡ Logan, in his show ‘Decode Your Reality’, hosts another episode on Scripted Reality with the focus on artificial intelligence and robots, primarily on Sophia the robot. He emphasizes the detailed decoding and analysis of interconnectedness between Sophia’s creator David Hansen, his birthday and birth card, Sophia’s activation date, various numbers and their meanings, and Greek mythological entities, suggesting deep consideration and possible intentional planning behind their creation.
➡ The text delves into numerous complexities of numerology, mythology and symbolism, highlighting the confluence of various concepts such as the golden ratio, the Yin and Yang, the birthdates of David Hansen and Sophia, spirit into matter, among others. It questions if humans are instruments to transition human mind into machine while linking everything back to larger concepts of life, universe and consciousness.
➡ The text discusses a complex metaphorical interpretation of numerology, linked with biblical references, card reading, and chromosomal biology. Using numerology, the author ties concepts such as spirit, matter, duality, and knowledge to specific numbers and interconnects various entities including Sophia, the Queen of Clubs card, the Y chromosome, the number 25, and the concept of a scripted reality.
➡ The text discusses a theory of “scripted reality”, drawing symbolic relationships between various elements like cards, numbers, and mythological references, suggesting an orchestrated design behind human life and events. It emphasizes the importance of individual interpretation and belief in shaping personal reality.


What you’re about to experience are my opinions and truths. I’m suggesting they’re possibilities for you to consider in which you can then come up with your own logical conclusions. You, ladies and gentlemen, fellow decoders around the world, wherever you may be, male and female. My name is Logan and this is decode your reality. And today we’re going to be doing another episode of Scripted Reality. This will be scripted reality number 14 got a lot of traction on these scripted realities.

This series right now. Thanks, everybody, for your comments, your feedback, your support, sharing this research. This is a collaborative effort between all of us. And this one, as you can see, is on robots. This is going to be an artificial intelligence. This one’s a humdinger, ladies and gentlemen. Get yourself strapped in, get settled in, put on a pair of headphones, block out the outside world. I promise you this one once again will blow your mind.

Let’s begin scripted reality number 14. So really the big thing that got me started on all this today was Sophia. I was watching this sponsored video on Facebook of all things, of this marketing guy named Gene. And he was talking about this and it triggered in me. I had shelf this before I had started working on Hanson Robotics and Sophia and I had it shelfed and I’m like, okay, well, I’m going to follow this rabbit hole.

And I’m glad I did. So I opened it back up and this is what we’re going to be showing you on Scripted Reality 14. It’s going to be Sophia the robot and the creator, David Hansen. Now, what’s interesting, like these birthdays we’re going to get into. He’s born on the 20th, she’s born on the fourth. She was activated, I shouldn’t say born activated on the 14th. Here are their two cards of illumination.

Now, is David a fan of the cards? Maybe he’s from Texas. He’s got the Jack of Hearts card looking. This is the card looking for love and Sophia being activated on February 14, Valentine’s Day. Looking for love. You see what I mean? Looking for love. This is his birth card. So maybe he’s consciously aware of that. Great. And he chooses or they chose whoever chose it. February 14, the 45th day of the year.

Card number 37. The Jack stuck in the box. Are we just Jack stuck in the box and are we taking our consciousness and moving it into machine? That’s what it’s looking like, ladies and gentlemen, as we move into the age of Aquarius, which is the electrical age, which is. I know thyself. These are ideas. These are things to have fun with here. Okay, now, when we look at David Hansen, Jr.

His birth certificate name, or at least his name, that I can only find. Couldn’t find anything else besides this. He’s got the number 45, which represents Pandora’s box. I know what this 45, of course, is tied to. Venus. Venus is tied to love. He’s got the birth card, looking for love, the Jack stuck in the box. And then he moves it into the Jack of diamonds with Sophia.

So interesting. On Valentine’s Day, looking for love, February 14 being the 45th day of the year, when he activated Sophia. His name is 14. It’s really interesting. Just remember this word, David. David being 16, tied to the word light. Light. Jesus says, I am from the offspring of David. David is light. Jesus is from the light, if you’re a fan of that character. But we get into the Ching series now, which.

This is a new one for me. I’ve never shown this, integrating this into my decoding efforts. But, of course, the logo for Hanson Robotics, which is over in Hong Kong, Chinese territory, so to speak, there it is. This is the Ching chart. And they have just like a chessboard, kind of. And, of course, you get the nine and the 696, or the six and the nine. The Yinyang, of course.

And then we look at where his logo sits. It sits in row six vertically, and row one horizontally. That’s the one and the six or the six and the one, the one and the six. Or it’s opposite the six and the one. And I’m going to show you the six and one, because that’s tied to Prometheus, which is the Titan hole, stole fire, which is wisdom, light, and gave it to the human beings.

Tied to the logo for Hanson Robotics using this 16. And it’s just so fascinating, ladies and gentlemen, because now we get into Gnosticism, and we get into Sophia. Sophia. And then you have Yaldobath. All these characters are somehow, some way coming into play here. Sirius equals 16. Is that where Sophia comes? Is Sophia just serious? Are you serious? Yeah, I’m serious. Sirius is 16. Sophia is 16. Our son is supposed to be in a binary system with Sirius.

Jesus says, I am from the house of David. David is 16. So is he saying he’s from the house of Sirius? Is this where our solar system, our galaxy, our logos, the sun and earth? Is this where we’re all born from? Sirius, maybe. Right? We can’t leave this out because of that 16 connection connecting point there. And remember that David is 16. Okay, so you can see how it goes.

All the way back to the Greek archaics. This is the Greek archaics, from Greek isopsophy, breaking it all the way down to the single digits. There’s that 16. So you fans of the human design rejoice, because this is another layer that I’m bringing into my decoding efforts here with the 16 channel to 48. If you have either one of these gates activated, well, then you have something connected to this.

I have gate 48 connected, and this is a connecting channel, gate 16 to 48. So here are the two hexagrams for the I Ching. That’s what the human design is based off of the ancient E Ching system. And you can see how it’s so interesting how this starts to tie into SOphia and wisdom, because that’s what it means. And light and serious, Because 16 is you, which means providing for.

Providing for. For this hexagram in the. In the gates of the ancient eching system. And it’s tied to the 48, which is the well, the bottomless pit. And the word light equals 16. So it’s light going down into the bottomless pit, the well, the gorge, water, earth, ground. That’s what this whole thing means right here. When you have the eyes to see this esoteric information showing itself through these layers.

And when we bring in the periodic table, now, we bring in alchemy to connect the dots, to give us another layer to see how all this works. 16 and 48. When you add that up, simple math, it’s going to give you 64. And there are 64 ancient E Ching numbers. When you go to the description of the eaching system. Here it is. And you scroll down, I’m going to leave all these links in the description of this video for all of you for easy access.

If you want to start incorporating this into your decoding efforts, especially if you’re a fan of the human design, but you come all the way down here and they’re all listed out, all of them, and they’ll tell you, and this is where you’re going to have all the human design layers. And we can talk about all of this stuff right here. If we click on this number 16, this U right here, it’ll give you this hexagram 16, and you can read about it.

Right? But for easy access, I’ve already provided that here, 16 and 48. But that’s what it looks like, taking the ancient E Qing system and bringing it into alchemy, and Alchemy being tied to the number 64 hexagram, 16 to 48, you’re on television. That’s what this means, folks, it’s spirit into matter. The well is bottomless. It never ends. It never ends. And if you go read about the Gate 16 and Gate 48 in human design, if you have these connected folks, then this is going to be really valid information for you.

Skills and depth, light and depth, light and earth, kind of what this looks like here. And this is kind of mind blowing. Obviously, with this connection, the 157 being the average isotope of Gadolinium, and 157 is a prime number. It’s not just any prime number, it’s the 37th prime number, which connects to Sophia’s activation date on February 14. How about that coincidence? Did David Hansen know this? Was he sitting down? I mean, obviously, consciously choosing the logo, the one and the six, which obviously was the knowledge and the conscious awareness of Sophia.




THE GOLDEN RATIO IS TIED TO LIGHT. IT’S TIED TO NaTuRE. ThE MEaSuREMEnT OF Nature, THE 1. 61, the GoLdEn Ratio. Spire, how does this fit into David Hansen and Sophia? Well, how about their birthdays? Hansen born on the 20th. SOPHIA ACtIVATED ON THE 14th, 20 Plus 1434. And there’s the full expression of that golden spiral right there. You could stop here, obviously, this box if you want to.

BUT WHY THIS AND HOW THIS IS SO SIGnIfICANT? And again, do you think David Anson was bringing this into the whole mix of things, seeing that he was born on the 20th and she was activated on the 14th. I mean, the birth cards. I can see Sophia. I can see being tied to you. Yes, he’s over in Hong Kong. The ancient Yi QING System, CHInese. I can see all that.

But is he bringing the golden ratio into this as well? AND AGAiN, HE DiDN’T CHOOSe HIS BIRTHDAY. MAY HAVE CHOSEN AN ACtivation date, of course, but the 34 is the big Takeaway. And I’m going to show you some extensions on this. So let’s begin with this piece right here. So if you add them all up, this golden ratio spiral. 11235. 813. 21. 34, you’re going to get 67.

67 is the 19th prime number. Why is this a big deal? Because it’s the sun card and the sun is the spirit in the sky. The word spirit equals 19 in numerology. Spirit into matter. Is this another layer that we’re moving towards? We are putting it now into machine? Are we the liaisons to move it into machine, to move our consciousness into another layer of being? Is that what this is all about? Now again, ladies and gentlemen, this is a scripted reality.

I know this guy may consciously aware. I get that. David, 16, you, 16, Sophia. 16, I get that. But is he consciously aware of this breakdown? Is he consciously aware of how his birthday adds up to the 34? These are things you’re going to have to answer. I’m not going to give you the answer to that, but let’s keep going. So when you take the number one, six and four, eight, and you say them through numerology, you’re going to get the number 67.

How about that? Coincidence? 67. So it’s the sun, Sophia, light coming down into the well, which is the bottomless pit of earth, never ending. It just absorbs the light. The word source equals 26. The word Yodahevahe equals 26. It’s really fascinating, folks. Really, really fascinating. How about alchemy? When we take this hexagram 16, we combine it with hexagram 48, Sophia into the bottomless pit. These are the most abundant weights of cadmium and sulfur.

We add them up. Look at what we get, folks. 145. 873. 145 is the average weight, or isotope of Prometheum. Look at the protons of Prometheum, 61, which is a mirror of the 16. Coincidence? Not on your Nelly. As Bob Proctor would say. 145. 61. So let’s talk about Prometheus a little bit. Prometheus being the Titan who most famously stole fire. Wisdom. Look what it says. Technology, knowledge, wisdom.

Defying the Olympian gods and giving it to humanity. Prometheus being that 48, 48, 48. Which combines to the Channel 16 in the human design, which means the. Well, the gorge. Never ending knowledge is never ending, folks. Prometheus represents knowledge. It represents knowledge. And Prometheus, of course, there is this aspect of Prometheus molding man from Clay with his brother Epimetheus, forethought afterthought. And the whole stories of mythology is just so fascinating, so very fascinating.

So now we GEt. Go back into Sophia here and we get the emanation of the light of God. She is said in the gnostic text to be the feminine aspect of the God. Right. The feminine aspects of the God. And we have to bring that in because the yin produces the yang, the female and the male. It’s this whole chicken versus the chicken and egg, male, female, the emanation of light.

And when you continue to look into this Sophia aspect, and I’ll leave this link, you should go read about this a little bit more and more when you go to Sophia. Let me just take a look at. That’s the Robot. Where is my. Here it is. So when you come down here and you start to look at even this right here, folks, if you go study this, it’s a Gnostic text.

Why are we supposed to dismiss this? A lot of people do like, oh, it’s just the Bible. Don’t steer away from the Bible. Why would you just limit yourself? How about this knowledge? And this is where you’re going to get the word Numa. Numa meaning spirit. Spirit bringing her spirit of knowledge. And that’s what we’re going to get into the band tool, all you tool fans. What an amazing album this was.

And I once again, looking at the lyrics, as I often have done so many times, counting the line by line items. Well, when this word is spoken, it’s in the fourth line item. Okay. That doesn’t really give us much. Of course, there are four blood types, so there is a connection there. But I decided to add up all the words. So let’s do the line items. Here it is.

77927 for the first, seven for the second, nine for the third, two for the fourth. And then it gives us a total of 25, folks. You know what 25 is? Bam. Sophia. That’s right. We’re the sun becoming. I’m not saying tool has got the final say on this, but wake up. Remember, we are one spark. Sun becoming. We are the sun becoming. The sun becoming. The sun becoming.

So this is saying here, Prometheus, spirit into matter. Sun becoming. Pneuma. Sophia. So mind blowing. So mind blowing with this right here. So let’s keep going on this. How about the Unicode for the computer? Unicode for the Hexagram 16? Can’t get any more crystal clear than that. A match to Sophia being the 25. Can’t get any more crystal clear than that, ladies and gentlemen. So let’s dig a little bit into this 25 and let’s go 25 digits into the golden ratio.

Considering that the golden ratio is the measurement of nature, this is why I love to use it. We can talk about the measurement of light, et cetera, et cetera. 186,000 miles a second. Yada, yada, yada. 25 digits in it gives us a total of 133. You bring alchemy into us to get to the bridge. And now you have barium. Barium. 56 protons. 56 protons gives us the connecting point back to numerology.

Lights, camera, action. See how this is so told? Beautifully. This whole story is so beautiful. And it’s spirit into matter. That’s what this whole. And again, are we as human beings? Are we the instruments to now take the mind of man and move it into machine? Is that what this whole thing’s about? With this handsome robotics, folks. You can see the handwriting on the wall the way we’re going.

Unless something upends our whole entire lives and smashes it to pieces. Wow. I mean, I don’t know how else that you would even look at this. Moving into the age of Aquarius. I know thyself here. 56. And this 133 is a humdinger. I showed this in my Christ decode, my cross decoded. And that was the total addition of the latitude longitude of cavalry, where Jesus was crucified in the story.

And Bethlehem, the coordinates of Jesus was born. You add them up, you get 133. And it’s not just the 133, folkS, telling you that you’re in a movie. But then you locate the word Christ is 18. You locate the 18 in the string of the golden ratio. It’s that digit, 91 and 92. 91 and 92 is the addition of the total that we got here for the latitude, longitude.

Coincidence. You see how deep this goes, folks? The source code is amazing. 91 is tied to Lucifer. 92 is tied to uranium, which is sky Uranus. We have Lucifer and Uranus here tied to the Christ. Separation. Is there a separation? This whole story, folks. The 133 being tied to the 133 from Sophia. And the measurement of 25 in the string of the golden ratio. And then we have the last digit here in this string.

The 25th digit being the number six. The number six is going to be give you the one. Five, three. It’s the fish. Six is a pregnant woman. Six is carbon. This is the six. Six. Six. Element six plus twelve is 18. You’re going to have Jesus in there. And just like that, ladies and gentlemen, spirit into matter, carbon, spirit into carbon, spirit into duality, spirit into matter. Seed matter is 20, spirit is 1919, is lights.

Okay, lights. And then you get the whole Christ story being tied to that 133. The total for 25 digits tied to Sophia. Coincidence. 133. Okay, check out my cross decoder if you haven’t watched that. So let’s move it to solar spread number 25. Since Sophia is 25, meaning knowledge, which is a match to. How funny is this? Add the word Apple, the word Apple’s 25. Coincidence. So then we go to solar spread 25.

I’m going to leave the link for the solar spreads as well. If you want to start using this great tool. We look for space 25. All these spaces are numbered. Space 25, it’s the five of diamonds. This is card 31. And we now have the picture, the five of pentacles. Card number 69, Yinyang. And what this means is, here’s the church, the church waiting for you because you’re in rough times.

So this is the Yinyang. This is the peace and evil here. What this card is depicting, it means you, hard times. And the Church is going to save you. The five of penTacles. That’s why it’s got a church stained glass window here. That’s what this means right here. But this is Yinyang again. So we just go all the way back up to the Yinyang right here. The hell was the Yinyang? I haven’t gotten to the Yinyang yet.

Oh, there it was, the Yinyang right there. From these two words, the you and the Jing. Okay, you can see how all this stuff is tied together. It’s so beautiful. And then we add in another layer to the cards, ladies and gentlemen. See, when you get your solar spreads, you always will have the spirit spread to connect to it. So the way this looks is when you get this boilerplate chart right here.

You have the Master Life configuration on the right. This is where your ego card is. And then you have your master spirit, your handler card. So you’re going to look to this space to match the space of where that card is. This is the ground Zero. We’re at solar spread 25. So it’s the five of diamonds and the Queen of Clubs. The Queen of Clubs, ladies and gentlemen, is the 25th card in the deck.

Sophia is spirit into matter, knowledge into matter. And the 25th card in the deck, the Queen of Clubs sits in space. 25 in the spirit side. Say it isn’t so. Are you serious? Totally serious. And then we get the connecting point between the two cards. The queen of Clubs and the five of diamonds. Card 25, card 31. You add those up and you get the number 56. Lights.

Camera, action. Spirit into matter. You see how beautiful this is undeniable here, that we’re living it. You’re living in a scripted reality. You could be consciously aware of it, but I’m consciously aware of it. But my life continues to be scripted. No matter what I do, it’s scripted. So here’s another extension onto this. 25. 25 being Sophia. The word parasite. Big shout out to my Patreons. Checking out my parasite.

Decoded. Your mind’s being parasited by spirit. Parasite being 25, the Apple being 25. The letter Y is the 25th letter in the English alphabet. Why this is big is because it’s tied to our chromosomes. The Y chromosome is the one that determines whether you’re going to be male female. Male is going to be X Y. Female is going to be XX. Sex. Sex tied to the female determines the sex Y chromosome and why this Y so important here.

And we look at nature now keep your eyes up here. Now we have the serpent. See the Y coming out of the tongue? Think that’s an accident? And this chromosome determines our gender. You can see it’s like the energy comes from here. You just flip it upside down. Because if you look at this thing from upside down, this would be the starting point and it branches out into two.

Because we’re both male female inside of us, ladies and gentlemen, you’re just going to have one or the other with the organs. But this is the letter Y inverted, coming out of the snake’s tongue. And you know that whole story. If you were raised in a theological childhood, if you were raised in a background or you study theology, and how big that Y is tied to the apple and the identification of who we are, obviously, now and then.

How about this guy, Thomas John Ellis, he cast to play Lucifer. He’s got the 25th card in the deck for his birth. Card. November 17. It’s the three of wands. The three of clubs. Card 25. See how. See how amazing this is? So, I mean, come on, man, they cast this guy. So this guy would have to be another big conspiracy. Try to get one past you. He must be hanging around with David Hansen to try to get one past you.

Try to pull the woolly over your eye just to get one, get it on you and then we fall into this lady right here, Nettie Marie Stevens Adams. Why Nettie Marie? Because. And I have already decoded this lady stuck somewhere in my one of my decodes. I don’t remember where, but she was the one who discovered sex chromosomes. Look at her last. This is her mother’s maiden name.

That’s how value. If you’re a decoder and you’re decoding yourself, your to I start adding your mother’s maiden name or your knee. In Europe, it’s called the knee right here. The knee Adams. Your entire birth certificate name. And then you do it separately with the mother’s maiden name there because this is what birthed you. She’s got the mirror of the 31, the 13, the word Adam, the first man.

Come on. Are you kidding me? Scripted reality, folks. 31 and 13 is 44. The world underworld. Underworld is 44. She’s got the 77. She was born on July 7, which is the 77. The 77th element is Iridium. Iridium is tied to Iris, the rainbow Goddess, which is tied to light. Light slowed down into physical matter. It’s us with the colors of the rainbow. Are you kidding me? She’s talking about the discovery of sex chromosomes.

She passed away on May 4. That’s the 74. 74 is Wolfram, feed the Wolf. That’s 31. Her last name is 31. It’s just so ridiculous. So it’s so scripted, it’s not even funny. She passes at the age of 50. Wait till you see this. This is insane. But let’s first reduce this down. The 77 from her numerology. Remember, if you get a total higher than that, then you want to do the rules of the cards of illumination.

You take the total cards 52 and you just subtract till you get to 52 or below. And it just so happens that her name. Numerology all the way down. Subtracting the 52, you get the 25. 25, right. And what is the 25? Sophia? Biting the Apple. Knowledge to become a human. This is launching long term plans. This is after the two Awans. You’re now setting out your plans in motion because now you’re down here in this reality.

Now you’re a human being. The whole thing means, folks. So I’m going to go to solar spread 77 because her name is 77. I’m going to locate space 25. This is Space 77, by the way, remember, because 77 is -52 is 25. So space 77 is going to be here irregardless. So 77 and 25 are in bed together, as you would say. And we have the two of clubs.

The two of clubs is the 24th card in the deck, which precedes the three of wands. The three of clubs. And this guy right here, you know, this guy is right. Elon Musk. This is his birth card. This is the card of the futurist. What is he trying to do? He’s trying to make man into macHine, folks. That’s what this storyline’s telling us, ladies and gentlemen, Hanson Robotics.

Lucifer’s in there. Jesus is in there. You’re in here. Nettie Stevens is embedded into this. She didn’t have a life of her own. She was being used to discover this X chromosome. Sure, she had a great life. She died of breast cancer. Not fun. So she was coined for discovering the sex chromosomes. That’s the X and the Y. That’s 24 and 25. That’s 49. Okay? She’s got that 25 tied to the 77.

And then we can extend upon that, right? Because we have 24 and 25, X and Y, the chromosomes. So here we go to space, 24 and 25, and we just move one over. Now we have the ADA diamonds. So this right here is going to represent X and Y chromosomes. It’s the 28. You know what 28 is, Lucifer. See? So it just continues to go back to this right there.

Chaldean. Lucifer, 28. It just continues to go back and back. 82 is lead. Lucifer. Saturn time. You’re stuck in the box of time. This is card 34. This is card 15. That’s 49, folks. This is the card to represent space. 24. This is going to be tied to Jesus. Jesus. Jesus is 24. In the Greek original spelling, it’s the eight of diamonds. The eight of pentacles. The eight of pentacles.

So we have the two of wands representing the why. And then once you incarnate into a human being, you now are hard at work. And it’s just so interesting because her dad. Her father worked as a carpenter. I mean, are you kidding me? Look at that. What do you think that is really? Scripted reality, ladies and gentlemen. And the last slide I got here for this scripted reality 14.

Here is her birth city and state and her death. City and state. Tavendish, Vermont. Baltimore, Maryland. Of course. Maryland. The Virgin Mary. 1116. Tin. Tin. And what is Tin, as I’ve been showing? It’s the Tin man looking for love. She was the one who discovered sex chromosomes. Once you incarnate, become a human being, you know what you’re going to do? You’re going to look for your heart. And if it ain’t going to be love, you’re going to be looking to build a corporation or build a company or help somebody out, help a friend in need, save animals, do something that you love.

Play music, write songs, build a car lot, sell cars, build a chocolate factory, whatever. You’re the Tin Man. That’s the whole story. And it’s the Tin Man. Metal the Tin Man. And this is tied to Zeus. There are so many stories of Zeus and in the mythology of him incarnating into animals, there’s the whole. This is where the swan event comes in. Go check out, because you have him incarnating into the swan.

You have this black swan event. It’s all tin, it’s all Jupiter reference, ladies and gentlemen. She’s got the 66, the birth City, Bethlehem, 31 35 is 66. And then she’s got 50 Jupiter, Zeus, 50 bitcoins being mined. 50 50. It’s all this 50 rep. She died at 50. Scripted reality. This lady didn’t have a choice but to discover the sex chromosomes and everything else she discovered. Scripted reality, folks.

So we’d love to hear what you saw, ladies and gentlemen. What did you see for the scripted reality? Number 14 brought some new layers into this. The ancient E Qing system, the human design. You can see it’s all part of the script and it is a scripted reality not done by man. You could be consciously aware, I’m sure David Hansen consciously chose some things there. But again, ladies and gentlemen, how deep are you going to go when you want to create your life? I mean, you got a business to run.

You got things to do. So anyway, I would love to hear what you saw. Keep your comments coming. Just keep them cordial. You don’t have to agree with everything I say. Again, ladies and gentlemen, make the truth your own. Doesn’t matter what I believe, doesn’t matter what I show. All that matters is what you want to believe in your mind and live out your life. So that’s all I got for today.

My name is Logan. For decoder reality. Until next time, we will see you later. .

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    Logan, the capo of the Truth Mafia, is a trusted friend of Tommy Truthful and renowned as one of the game's top decoders. According to Tommy himself, Logan surpasses him in deciphering skills. Not only can Logan teach you how to tap into the source code of our organic simulation, but he has also mastered the Chaldean cipher, proving time and time again that it reigns supreme in Gematria. With his infectious positivity and exceptional teaching abilities, Logan is an invaluable asset to our team. We consider ourselves incredibly fortunate to have him by our side.

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