Demons of Unbelief

Spread the Truth



➡ The speaker discusses their journey of self-discovery and growth in faith, promoting self-introspection during times of trouble instead of blaming others. They shared experiences of doubt and questioning, reiterating the importance of testing faith. They also empathized the significance of teaching the scripture without personal bias and developing heavenly love for each other. The speaker encourages open discussions about faith, doubt, and perseverance, and illustrates their points using biblical references. They invite others to share their stories of overcoming doubt, aiming to foster a supportive community that helps each other understand and overcome the doubt by deepening their connection with God.
➡ The narrator shares his journey of deepening his Christian faith and overcoming temptations, such as drug and alcohol use. He found solidarity in a specific understanding of the Bible after attending a study group, and expresses the importance of a church community that can be built regardless of physical infrastructure. The narrator highlights the value of prayer, companionship, and the conviction that God is always with his followers.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of faith and reliance on God in difficult times, even when plagued by doubt or challenges. They highlight the idea that the enemy often attacks your weaknesses repeatedly, and the key to overcoming this is through scripture and maintaining trust in God. Furthermore, they advocate for the support and understanding of people struggling with disbelief, emphasizing a compassionate approach through prayer, conversation and providing resources such as mental health materials.
➡ The text discusses a family’s spiritual journey over several weeks, in which they learned, grew, and planned to share their experiences to uplift others. The essence of their discussions lies in the power of faith, listening, comforting, and understanding scripture. The interaction ends with acknowledgements to the community online, emphasizing the importance of fellowship and sound doctrine.
➡ Neftali, suggests Hugo, a music teacher from Bolivia dealing with tensions related to the Israel-Palestine issue among his students, to stay unbiased. He advises to empathize with people’s feelings but redirect their passion towards salvation in Jesus Christ irrespective of their nationality or political stance. Neftali emphasizes that the ultimate aim should be to preach the gospel and bring as many as possible to know and accept Jesus Christ.
➡ The conversation emphasizes the importance of focusing on spiritual growth and seeking safety in God’s kingdom, rather than entangling oneself in worldly matters. The speakers advise people to love one another, offer genuine praise to God, and constantly strive to strengthen their bond with God while serving him with joy and gladness despite difficulties.
➡ The speaker shares their struggle with shyness and how their faith helped them through it while encountering technical issues. They mention their interest in the concept of worship and its biblical origins, before expressing gratitude for the supportive community. Following this, the conversation turns to the participants’ personal challenges (including disconnection from family due to religious differences and distressing news about a sibling) and how their faith help them deal with these. The sentiment is shared about not taking God’s presence for granted and the need to overthrow disbelief.
➡ The text is a candid exchange between people discussing their move from a city life to a rural area for religious reasons. They faced initial hardships adapting to weather and unfamiliar territory but found richness in self-sufficiency and serving their community. Owning a dog and embracing their faith helped them cope. They end by emphasizing the importance of collective prayer, supporting each other, and spreading love and joy through worship songs.
➡ This text offers a prayerful reflection on a gathering centered around faith, praise, and worship. The participants share struggles, pray for one another, and sing a song of hope and redemption, emphasizing God’s power to transform sorrow into joy. The importance of community and mutual support, both in person and online, is highlighted, with individuals encouraged to continue their faith journey beyond the gathering.
➡ The text revolves around a prayer session where they pray for guidance and strength, express gratitude for divine love, encourage humility and introspection, and discuss overcoming struggles with divine intervention. They sing a hymn and discuss the importance of community, promising support for each other while promoting an upcoming interactive Bible study.


I was thinking about that today and I can remember talking with a small home group that we had and we would always tell each other, we love you, we love you. And many, many weeks went by, months. Half of the group just popped it on. The other half the group were out of here. The Lord has shown me, whenever there’s any type of calamity or something going on, do not look at others first ever.

You look at yourself, lord, where did I fail? What did I do to cause this disaster with all these people? You know how important it was to me. And it took about three months. And the Lord put in my heart that I had asked many months ago to die to myself and that he had to use people to really test me to see if I was dead to myself.

And so when we talk about these kinds of things, we have to keep in mind that as we grow on this path, we are going to be tested. And a lot of it, if someone’s not a believer or someone’s a very young Christian, they’re not even up to speed yet on detecting is this Holy Spirit, is this for me or is this enemy? And until we get that man, we can cause a whole lot of problems.

I did a lot of problems and then the Lord finally opened that up to me. And so there’s a few things I want to encourage us know. Tally and I have been talking because we know in a role right now as either a teacher or a shepherd because we are talking using the scripture and we’re doing our best to give a perfect description of what the scripture says and not our opinions.

We’re not into opinions and so we take this very seriously. But we also need to know that sometimes when we speak scripture to one another, it’s tough. It’s like, oh Lord, that grinds me pretty hard, but we have to be able to receive it. But the thing I want us to be thinking about and asking the Lord to reveal in our hearts and nobody knows except the Lord where we all are on this pathway of being able to have heavenly love for one another because heavenly love allows us to hear about any kind of insult and we don’t care.

It doesn’t affect us. And I never thought I would be a person that could be like that. And the Lord took me through a period of time and he tested me when someone called me the know. And I actually felt compassion for this guy. So if he can do that for somebody like me, he can do it for all of us. So as we go down this path, tally and I are just we tremble when we think about people’s lives eternal.

The Lord has put in our hands an opportunity to influence them. So you may notice the questions and the things we talk about to get more and more intimate and deep with one another, because I want us all to be in glory someday and be around Jesus and grinning from ear to ear at each other in his presence. Just wanted thinking about these things and some of the things that came to my mind.

That’s awesome, brother. That’s awesome. And glory to Jesus Christ in all things. I want to say thank you to everyone who’s here on Zoom. We have a good amount of people. That’s a blessing. That’s a blessing. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for taking up your time. As Brother Chris said, we take this responsibility very know it’s funny because we get in here and we plan, so know, we get in, we we start doing audio tests.

We literally did the audio test before everything. We started playing the guitar, started doing the thing, and then you go live and everything fails, and you’re like, oh, we can’t let it’s moments like that in our life that will cause the doubt that will bring that doubt of maybe I should just postpone it for next week as an example. Or maybe we should just give it up, because it seems like every time we’re doing this, something happens.

But these thoughts of doubt, these thoughts of wanting us to give up, these thoughts of wanting us to give in, these are the thoughts that we have to every single day compare to the word of God. I wanted to talk briefly, and then I want us to talk. And remember, you have an opportunity here to raise your hand here on Zoom, and when you raise your hand here on Zoom, you can actually speak, right? And we’ll be respectful for each other’s time one, two minutes, right, so that we can all have an opportunity to share a testimony or anything.

But I want us today just to think about, for example, Mark 923 through 25. We have a moment when Jesus said unto him, right, if thou canst believe all things are possible to him, then believeth, right? We had a gentleman who said, Lord, I believe, help thou my unbelief. Right? How do we get to a stage where unbelief is that prevalent? It’s because of these thoughts. It’s because of these imaginations, these thoughts and imaginations that want you to give up.

These thoughts and imaginations that want you to call it quits. These thoughts and imaginations that want you to say, you know what? This is a little bit too hard right now. I’ll come back the next day. But as we begin to talk, I just want to make sure that, as Brother Lou just put in the comment section, take charge of those thoughts, that we take these thoughts and imaginations to the word of Jesus Christ, just like you would any teacher out there, just like you would anyone out there.

And you allow God to win. Okay? Because I don’t know what storms you’ve come into this room today with the Zoom Bible Study with, but we’re going to be praying today with each other. We’re going to be worshipping with each other. And Mark 435 through 40, right? And the same day when the evening was come, he said unto them, let us pass over unto the other side. That should have been it.

Regardless of the storms, regardless of the waves, regardless of anything that happened, he said, Let us pass over to the other side. The problem is, in our life, I know in my life, it happens a lot, where you start doing one thing and all of a sudden the waves start hitting you. All of a sudden things start happening, and we forget Ephesians 612, that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.

We forget that. And when we forget that, we fall into a situation that we start entertaining thoughts that are not Godly thoughts. At least they had common sense to run to Jesus, right? They had common sense to go to Jesus and say, jesus, help me. This is a great storm. May we at the very least today not have pride, not have that ideology that we think we know it all.

May we at the very least, if we’ve stumbled and we’ve allowed these storms to take us to a point in our walk where we’re walking with Jesus but we know deep within our soul that there’s something wrong, that you’re not who you used to be, that you’re not in the right state of mind. If that is you today. This is why these Bible studies are made, so that we can just talk as brothers and sisters in the Lord.

No one here is greater than the other. And as Brother Tim said from Fallen World Films, this is why we need to put the full armor of God, okay? So I don’t want to take over any more time because I want to make sure we can talk. This anyone I don’t want to call on anyone, right? Because I don’t want to call on anyone. But does anyone here today have a brief story, one two minute, three minute story of a moment that you went through where you had doubt, but you walked into it perfectly.

You walked into it ready, but you had doubt. How did you overcome that doubt? And what was the end result? Jason C has his hand. Jason. Awesome. Brother Jason. C, share that with us. And thank you for being here, brother. How you guys doing? Can you hear me all right? Yes, we hear you. How’s it going? Yeah. It’s funny because I’ve seen things that were so plain as day and personal and seen that true evil exists behind the veil or whatever you want to call it, but yet the enemy will still cast doubt.

There’s still these thoughts that pop in, but as horrific as those three days where I wouldn’t change it for the world because I know what’s out there. I know that God exists, that he is exactly who he says he is. So I just run back to that and just like, you’ve seen it for your own, so it’s easy for me because I’ve seen it with my own two eyes, the darkness that’s out there when God told me, it’s going to get worse before it gets better, but you will be safe in my hands.

Here I am. And I’m a Christian. Like a real Christian. I don’t have all these New Agey thoughts like I used to. It was a terrifying experience, but I wouldn’t change it for the world, absolutely not. And it’s not that easy for some people and I get that. But I feel like that experience, especially when I emerged from it, immediately, I saw everything differently. Like, I was like, oh, how do aliens fit in? How does this fit in? How does that fit in? And then I just saw that all connected and put it in one basket, basically.

Like, maybe these things might look different, act different, present themselves differently, and we know that it’s all a deception, right? And it was like he really showed me what was really going on there’s. That and I just wanted to say kind of a praise report right after that meeting last week. I don’t know why. I guess I do know why, because I felt convicted over it, but I had maybe like a gram of pot left and I flushed that down the toilet and haven’t smoked since.

Praise the Lord. That is awesome, man. And I thought I was going to crave it, but I really don’t. Not at all. Really? You did it, man. What? Like I said, I was like, I don’t really need it. Right. And I don’t know, you get convicted over things, over time. I got my drinking down to a minimum beer here and there. I don’t drink heavily, so maybe eventually I’ll get convicted of that, but I don’t practice drunkenness or anything and that’s the only one left.

So, yeah, I feel like I’m doing really good. I am proud of you, man. In one week already these change. And let me tell you, man, the temptation to take a step back is going to come. All right? No steps back. Now that God has done that, now we push forward and God will convict you of the rest. And we look forward to hearing that testimony, too, man.

Thank you for blessing us with that, Jason. Yeah, I appreciate I appreciate you, man. I don’t know, I had this feeling like I don’t want to take up too much time, but I had this feeling like after that Bible study last week, like I found my people. I really did. There’s so many churches that are still on the Sethite view and just don’t understand the Genesis Six scenario.

And I do feel like that has so much to do with a lot of the things going on in this world today, and they just don’t see the whole picture with it. Not to mean they don’t mean well, not to mean they’re not good pastors, even. But it’s just stuff like that. To really see what’s going on out there is really important to me. You know what I mean? Man? You’re a blessing, brother.

And know that we’re here for you, brother. You’re going to go through these moments that the temptations are going to feel so overwhelming, right? Because it talks about casting down imaginations, and they exalt themselves, right? So as you go pushing through this week, man, when these temptations exalt themselves, take them to the word of God in the name of Jesus Christ. If you need prayer@tftministries. com, go to the community tab, post it.

You’re not alone. Chris and Heidi, they’re more than welcome to open up a Zoom and pray with you and do what needs to be done. You’re not alone. And we thank you for that praise report, brother. I see that, and I really appreciate you guys. Thank you very much. An honor, man, an honor. And again, thanks to everyone who’s here on Zoom, those that are on YouTube. You’re not seeing the full picture of us together.

I apologize for that. But if you want to join us, just visit Tftgministries. com on the top of the website. It’ll say join. You can join right there, and that’ll be a huge blessing. Brother Rob, before we continue, can we sing a worship song real quick? That way, then we can proceed with sure. I can share you one, too. This is good. It’s about church. I think what I’ll do for the people on Zoom is I’m going to share the screen tally, and you can tell me, I think, show up on the screen.

It’s been disabled. I think if there’s a way that you can enable it. If not, it’s okay. All right, let me see how. I don’t know how to enable it. How do I do that? Let me see. I don’t think it’ll allow it because it’s live streaming. It’s no big deal. This song is sort of a testimony song in the sense of God’s goodness and his prophecy he gives us sometimes.

I was sitting with two young men who I’ve been mentoring in songwriting at the beginning of 2020, and they came to me with this idea of church and the idea of church, well, what would happen if we didn’t have the wood and the stone? And this is two months before the lockdown, and suddenly we’re locked down, and we don’t have the church of wooden stone, and we’re trying to figure out how are we going to still do church? And God is good, and God will always look out for those who love Him, and always.

What’s that line from Romans eight? We know that in all things, our God works for the good of those who love Him, who’ve been called according to his purpose. And he will find a way. He’s given us these great brains to create this technology, and we have this technology. That being said, and I know Brother Tali and I have talked about this many times, it is important to have this kind of fellowship for certain.

Some fellowship, especially to sharpen iron and to learn from others and to learn from testimonies. I love Jason’s testimony so much. It was so awesome. One step at a time, brother. That’s what it is. But wherever we are, the scripture says where two or three are gathered. But I think that’s great hyperbole, because if we’re by ourselves and we’re in the room and I know this personally, if I’m playing music and I’m singing to the Lord, he’s with me.

And he is with us right now. And that’s what this song is about. So let’s see. Hey, Brother rob you I’ve seen a million places built to withstand the test of time brilliant pieces, people preaching, christian family shining bright. And I thought I knew what it’s like to worship you. But now I understand church. Is where you’re here with me doesn’t have to be built of wood built of stone as long as there are two or three we know you’re here and we’re not alone christians gathered in the shadows have no building to call their home.

Still, they worship risk and danger, silent preaching within their homes. And I thought I knew what it’s like to worship you. But now I understand. Church is where you’re here with me. Doesn’t have to. Be built of wood built of stone no. As long as there are two or three we know you’re here and we’re not alone not alone not alone close you church is where you’re here with me doesn’t have to.

Be built of wood built of stone no. As long as there are two or three we know you’re here and we’re not alone. Almighty God, we know you’re here with us. We’re not alone. Father, Son, Holy Spirit we know you’re here with us we’re not alone. Not alone. Amen. Amen. Amen. Isn’t it beautiful? Isn’t it beautiful? And those of you that are in your house, right, you may not be on Zoom.

You may just be here on YouTube. Listen right there in your home. The purpose of this is to inspire you to know that you can have church with your husband, you can have church with your children. You can get your neighbors, bring them over, right? And hopefully you find the local assembly. But until you do, you can worship Jesus Christ. I was cleaning the toilet earlier today, man.

I was worshiping know I was cleaning the toilet, mopping the house, helping out around the house. And you can worship Jesus at any point in time. And why is it important? Why is it important because we live in a world where the spirit of Heaviness is very thick, okay? But something amazing happens when you take the time to worship something amazing happens when you take the time to glorify your Heavenly Father, even though you’re going through trials to glorify your heavenly Father, even though things aren’t what they seem.

And the physical people look at you and they see you smiling, and the physical people look at you and they see like you have it all together, especially in this world of Facebook and Twitter and everything, where you can post for a know or put a duck list, like whatever you want to do. And people think you have it all together, but no one is there at time when the tears are flowing, when there’s issues in the house, when you lose a family member, when you lose a loved one, when your children aren’t talking to you, right? But is in those moments right there, take that time to bond with your heavenly Father and worship.

This is something special that happens, something unique that happens. I wish I could explain it to you, but the scriptures clearly tell you in Isaiah 61 three, right, the garment of praise for the spirit of Heaviness. So we’re going to go ahead and go ahead and go with my brother iPhone nine. Shane, you there, brother? Got to unmute it, though. Let me know, brother. If not, we’ll go with can you hear me now? I hear you, so I’ll keep it real fast.

Thank you so much. What I got from this message is it’s all about just waiting on God and having faith, whatever the situation is. The enemy, I don’t know about you, but with me, he attacks actually with anybody, right? He’ll attack your weaknesses the same way over and over and over and over again. Even that said in scripture in a sense, right? But with me this week, lately, he started coming in different ways, right? So I was reading scripture, family, you guys will probably know the exact scripture, the name or whatever.

I don’t know it by heart, but Jesus said, come to me heavy and laid. I’ll take the yoke from you. And then I was like, okay, wait a minute. Is he talking to me or is he talking to the rabbitical Jews, the Jews of that time that had to do all the stuff in order to you have to go do this sacrifice. Is he talking to them? Since Jesus came, you no longer have to do that.

And now that we have the sacrifice of the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, is he talking about that, or is he talking about every single solitary physical burden? And that’s what the enemy was trying to do to me this week. I’m like, he was trying to tell me, he’s not talking about you not paying the bills. He’s only talking about that blood sacrifice. And then I had to think I had to stop it.

I’m like, Wait a minute. This is also probably from the Enemy, because he was coming at me with that and other stuff, like just little, little things. So what I’m trying to say with this family is it’s all about faith. And even if it doesn’t mean that I just had to tell myself, no matter what that Scripture says, if I don’t understand it, god always has my best interest.

And that’s what I ended that night with anyways. I hope that was positive, but that’s all I had to say, brother. Yeah, man, and I’m proud of you. Okay? Keep hanging in there, man. Don’t stop, man, because Satan has his seducing spirits out there, and they love to seduce you and to cause doubt where there should be no doubt. Sometimes we may not see the outcome right there and then when it’s happening, but every single day, you keep on living for Jesus Christ, thoughts come in, you filter them through the word of God.

Devil is a liar, and he is a deceiver, and God’s got our know. Regardless of what happens, God’s got our back. We glorify him in all things. We may not understand all things, but we glorify him in know, and we just continuously do that and keep pushing. Brown, proud of you. Okay, man. Thank you, brother. Amen. Thank you. Always proud of you, man. Esteban, you have your hands up.

I do. Can you hear me, brother? I hear you. How are you holding up? Can you hear me? I hear you. I hear okay. Longtime listener of you, Tally. It’s the first just I just want to say, Tally, I didn’t think Zoom was still around until I heard you were using it. I thought StreamYard was the thing to use. I thought Zoom was in just for a hot second, and that was it.

But obviously I was wrong, so forgive me if I seem a little bit awkward on this. Brother, don’t worry about that. Awkward? I’m awkward, man. Don’t worry about that. Just want to say I’ve been listening to you since 2012, and brother David Williams of Jesus ministry, who used to be in Florida, he’s now in Georgia. Good brother. He’s a good brother. Yeah, he hit me to you. But what I wanted to come here, because your title is very apropos, just about disbelief, and I struggle with disbelief, and I’ve got a brother in the Lord who’s struggling with disbelief, and I mean, he’s ready to just give up.

And when I mean give up, I mean, he truly wants to die. And I’ve had conversations with him. This is the third, maybe fourth conversation, and I’m trying to say the right things to him, but I struggle with some not all, but a lot of some of the things that he’s struggling with. He says God doesn’t love him. God hasn’t been there for me. God allowed this to happen, and allowed that to happen.

And I’m not chosen, and I’m not elect. And he believes in God, but he just believes God has just tossed him to the trash. And I say the right things to him, but I know, as I said, there are some things that I struggle with. Again, not everything, but I just need prayers for him and myself. His name is Steve. Steve? Yeah. Disbelief. It’s hard. It’s hard. And do you know, without getting too personal, has he gone through a loss in his life? What do you think is the major proponent of his unbelief? Has he been hurt by the church? Does he have unforgiveness in his heart? His dad and mom, they’re elderly, but wonderful Christian people.

He’s had a hard life. He’s battled drug and alcohol addiction, in and out of mental health care facilities. And right now, he’s struggling financially. And he’s got three sons. They’re all adults now, but they’re very successful. And while he may not have had a hand in raising them, they don’t hate him, which is good. I just try to tell them to focus on what Christ has done. And I kind of had to cut it short this evening because he was just saying some things that he’s just under oppression mentally, emotionally.

I’m sorry to interrupt. Does he take mental medication? Does he take not that I’m aware of, no. I believe he used to. Okay. And unfortunately, every now and then he’ll have an episode, and he’ll end up in an institution. And I’m assuming they give him medicine there, and then he’ll get out. So I don’t know, the whole ins and outs of help him in any way. Can you possibly give him our contact information so that this way we can me, Chris, Heidi, Ernest, his wife, all of them, we can come together, even a more private setting, and just talk with has.

He has a lot on his chest to share. And at the same time, I can tell you one thing that I can tell you that the devil’s really good at is to cause unbelief and doubt is to give you that thought that you’re this victim. You know what I mean? And you can lash on to that. And then it just spirals out of control. Brother Chris and Heidi, anything you can share on this? You know, as soon as he started getting to some of the details, I thought of right away that material that’s called Freedom in A.

I don’t know if any of you have heard of it before, the author’s Neil Anderson. And it’s really good. I would advise anybody to go through it. And it deals with all types of doorways we may have opened in our lives through Ouija boards and occult activities and how we need to shut those doors and clean house and put the enemy in his place. I am so sick and tired of him having his way with all of us because we are crappy at taking our thoughts captive.

I failed in that area almost my whole life. In these last few years, the Lord has shown me the pathway to victory. And it’s amazing. It only takes the first time you realize that thought’s gone. That wasn’t in my mind. That was pushed to my mind. And then you just start knocking them down with the mighty power of the Holy Spirit in you. And so when I hear those kinds of things we’ve dealt with quite a few people, suicidal thoughts and stuff, and it all deals with the inserted thoughts.

God doesn’t want us to pay any attention to those thoughts. It’s like a piece of garbage that falls on the floor, put it in the trash can. You don’t look at it. You don’t study it. But like I said, I failed most of my life in that area. But I’m really thankful that this tool, our son in law, just a few months ago, went through the same kind of thing.

He was violent thoughts and potentially hurting my daughter and stuff. Thank goodness the Lord had grown my wife and I to a point where we could deal with our son in law with the same love we dealt with our daughter. And so for five or six weeks, we went through this book together, and we said, okay, we’re the students. You teach us. It was awesome. It was awesome.

In that five or six weeks time, what God did by them taking the authority of saying, okay, I’m going to share this with somebody someday, because that’s what we’re supposed to do. We take these situations where God rescues us from. Then we become mighty for the army of God to testify of his goodness and how he did it. And in that testifying, we can lift others up, and they’ll be like, yes, it’s possible.

Same kind of stuff this dude was going through as I was, and I’m going to try that. And so I don’t know if you’re okay with that Tally, but we would even do another separate zoom class for this. But it’s excellent where Jesus Christ is. That’s the craziest part, Chris, that he convicts us? If you literally sit down for a moment and you can go a million therapists as an example, they can tell you whatever you want to do.

But if you sit down for a moment and you say, heavenly Father, what do I need to change? You’re going to have an answer. People just won’t like the answer because you got to pick it up and throw it in the you know, it’s like, absolutely, brother. Absolutely, brother. Chris and Sister Heidi, good to see you. You’re awesome. I love you very much, sister, and I’m proud of both of you for what you’ve done for your family, for your children.

I know that wasn’t easy, but God is awesome. I’m proud of you both. I think we have. Here. The Jovell family. And then we’ll go to Rob Reed. And then ogden There you go. You’re unmuted now. Yeah, you’re unmuted now. You can talk, but take your know, just glad you’re here. And for those that are on YouTube watching this, thank you for being here. If you want to be a part of the more interactive aspect of it, visit tfgministries.

com at the top, it’s going to say, join the Bible study. Feel free to do that. All right. All right. Sister Dell, I apologize. Thank you for coming. The MIC’s not working. OK, no worries, no worries. See if you can fix it on the settings and we’ll go to Ogden real quick. Or we’ll go to rob. What’s first? Rob? Go ahead, go for it. I just had a couple of things.

First off, maybe a word for Esteban. I’m not sure, but know God put you in your brother’s way in the sense that you’re there. Sometimes the best we can do for some people, and I know Chris and Heidi can probably testify to this as well, is sometimes we can just let go and let God and let him use us as his hands and feet to simply comfort someone in the midst of that suffering.

My wife has taught me well. It was a long lesson for me. It took me many years that she just wanted to be heard. Sometimes she didn’t want me to come up with a solution, and oftentimes that’s what it takes. And all we can do is encourage with scripture. And there’s so many encouraging verses you can find. If you just Google search encouragement, you’ll find the encouragement. But sometimes somebody just wants a glass of water.

Sometimes somebody just wants to be listened to. And I wanted to throw out for those who are feeling levels of disbelief, scripture gives us the solution and he gives us examples. And one of my favorite examples is Habakkuk. I love the book of Habakkuk because it’s the forgotten book. That to me is better than Job, because it’s like, you know, less is more sometimes, and I’ve gotten a little lazy.

That’s a confession. But as soon as you read it, Habakkuk is just whining. And he says, how long, Lord? Must I call for help? But you don’t listen or I cry out to you, Lord. Violence, but you don’t save. Sounds like the world today that we could talk about that with Israel. Why do you make me, Lord? This is Habakkuk say, look at injustice when we come in.

Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? He says he continues, Destruction and violence are before me. There’s strife and conflict. The law seems paralyzed and justice never prevails. So he’s in a desperate place. He’s at a level of unbelief. But in the end, what he says that is cited by the writer of Hebrews ten. He says, but I know, Lord, that the righteous. And we’re only righteous through Jesus, not on anything we do, those in Jesus will live by faith, the righteous will live by faith.

And in the midst of all this despair and unbelief and anger towards God and doubt, Habakkuk ends up with that. And then he says, so I will rejoice. I will rejoice in the Lord no matter what, because I trust in him. And a great thing for us Christians that Habakkuk didn’t have is we know how the story ends, we know the cross, and we know, most importantly, the empty grave.

So how much better do we have it in Habakkuk? But again, to reiterate that sometimes it’s a best ministry to help someone by just putting a hand on somebody’s shoulder. So I hope that helps somebody. Thanks, Brother Tally, for letting me, because sometimes in my youth, I would just start sparring out a bunch of Bible verses and stuff like that, but there was no love behind it, you know what I mean? It was just the Word of God says here, the word of God says, repent, turn to Jesus.

You just have to trust God more, man. Come on, you could do it. And it’s like, well, just hear me. Sometimes we just have to let go. Yeah, preach them the word and listen to them and comfort them. That’s awesome, brother. That’s awesome. It’s a really good point. My brother Lou does that all the time. At the gym. At the gym. He works with a lot of youth and he’ll pay attention to one, he’ll listen to everything, he’ll go to the other, he’ll listen to everything, he’ll go to the other, he’ll individually give the attention, know, he’ll build a relationship before just assuming it’s a beautiful thing.

Jovo family, while you get your mic fixed real quick. Agnin, how are you doing? Agnin? Hello, my lovely family. I don’t know if you guys can hear me. Well, hey, perfect, man. Wonderful. I would be really short in my short introduction. I’m just really glad that this worked out for me as well because it’s my first time joining this meeting. I’m sure you remember me. Absolutely, man. I love you, brother.

Thank you. God bless you, everybody. I mean, God bless you all, my lovely family. I’m just really happy that I can share this time with you guys here. And I don’t want to take more of your time. I’m just kind of very excited that we meet in these zoom meetings and that we can share the gospel and the support that everybody needs so much, especially in the later times, as it says in the Bible.

So not to prolong anymore. Just thank you and love you guys, everybody. Take care and thank you. Man what time is it where you’re at, Ogden? It’s half two in the morning here in Germany. Oh, thank you, man. Tuning in from Germany, man, I appreciate it, brother. Love you, man. Thank you, bro, for taking the time and being so kind, bro. Thank you. And just to be sure, for the next time we are meeting, actually every Wednesday, it’s the same time.

Yes, yes, same. Yeah. But we’re looking to add other times as well. It’s just been a busy. We’re getting started. Once the technology aspect is fixed, which it should be, then we’ll go into adding more times and dates and hopefully we can have these more often. And like I said, this isn’t a replacement for your local church. Hopefully you find a local assembly that you can find, but if you haven’t, this is an opportunity for you to come and we can talk and we can pray with each other and just uplift each other and do exactly what Rob said, comfort, help each other via sound doctrine while maintaining sound doctrine, which is important.

If we comfort each other and we don’t have sound doctrine, it’s not a good thing. But Agnen, thank you for making the sacrifice and being here so late. Thank you guys and we’ll see each other. And once again, God bless you my lovely family. Take care guys. You too, you too. And before we go to Hugo, I do want to thank Sister Michelle, Sister Shannon for being here.

Brother Jeremy, you made it know Brother Jacob, we’ve been praying for you, right? Brother Tim from Fallen World Films awesome, awesome videos that this brother’s working on. Sister, shelly Katina. I have Tiana. Heidi. Brother Lou is here and he’s probably super busy while still being here, so thank you. Sister Pam, Esteban, we have our awesome sister Sarita, thank you for being here as well. I’m sure I’m missing some name.

Mia, Alex and Paige, we love you guys. Thank you for being here again. Travis, Victoria, Sister Candice, I’m sure I’m missing some names, but I just want you to know that I am extremely grateful that you took of your time to be here. Every Tuesday we’ll be here and we’ll encourage each other. Okay? Brother Hugo. How you doing? Hey Neftali. First time here, I’m reaching you all the way from La Paz, Bolivia, bro.

This is like in South America, Bolivia. Wow, that’s awesome. Yeah, and I’m a musician and I have a lot of young people that is learning music with me, obviously Christian music. And we have this group that is growing day by day and questions are coming up and down, you know what I’m saying? Kids are asking a lot of questions and I’m really confused about this situation with this Palestinian and Israel situation that is going on.

And I just saw your video, right, and I really liked it. That’s why I logged in here in zoom because I need some enlightenment, I need some guidance on this situation because there’s a lot of people that is really in Bolivia, it’s different, right? Like there’s a lot of people that is really pro Palestinian and there’s a lot of people that is really pro Israel, bro. And they come to my group and they’re like having these little issues and I’m like, all right, Israel, the Holy Land, the Palestinians, I know some history.

These people, they’ve been abused by the Israelians, right? I just saw your video and it’s hard, right? Yeah. I just tried to avoid it. But I know there’s going to be a point in the meetings that I’m going to have to talk about it and to be sincere with you. I just don’t feel like I’m ready. And I just saw your video, and please, I need some guidance because I really don’t know what to do.

Please, Neftali, if you can guide me on this issue, what should I do? Should I take sides? I shouldn’t take sides? What’s your advice for me, please? Oh, my brother. Well, thank you for being from Bolivia, bro. That’s a blessing, man. We would love to. If you have any Bible studies like that, let us know, man. The goal on the website is to at some point in time, have a live calendar on there where brothers and sisters who have sound doctrine, we can put their services on the calendar.

And this way if, let’s say, for example, sister Michelle wants to see something at five in the afternoon, there’s a Bible study, she can just click and go. Sister Shannon, she can click and go. So we can add, as long as there’s sound doctrine, that’s what we love. Here’s where I stand on that, brother, because I’ve asked myself that question a lot. I get it. A know, I have an email inbox that gets flooded with either pro Israel, pro Palestine, this, that, and the other.

And the question that I had to ask myself, Hugo, is number one, where do I belong to? Right? What kingdom do I belong to, which is the kingdom of above, right? Awesome. And then I asked the person I know that you’re upset at the injustice that happened either to someone who live in Israel or someone living in Palestine because they’re genuinely hurt. That’s another thing. These people are not coming to you just because they’re just coming to you.

They’re talking to you, Hugo, because they love you and they’re coming to you because they want you to help them. You know what I mean? So we can’t just brush it off, right? I would just tell them, listen, the passion that you have for that Palestinian they got beat up, or that Israeli they got beat up, it’s the same passion I have to get them saved into the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

Because imagine if we had that same fire that we have towards any of the things that are happening in this world, because there’s so many things that if you turn on the news, you’re going to go from A to Z. Imagine if we’re going to get caught up in all of these things. It’ll sidetrack you, right? But I know one thing, and this is the part first Timothy two four.

Right. Who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. So if you’re going to pick a what was that? First Timothy. First Timothy two four. All right, I’m sorry. Go ahead. I’m sorry. Yeah. And there’s countless of verses where God is clearly saying he desires all men to come to repentance, that he desires all men to be saved. Right. He’s pleading with people in the Old Testament, why are you going to perish turn to me? He’s crying out, we have to have that same fire.

So if you’re going to pick a side, the safest side that I would say and I’m not brother, I’m just a Puerto Rican brother here trying to do my best, but the safest side would be pick the side of preaching the gospel to any human being and getting them saved in the name of Jesus Christ. Pick the side that’s going to go beyond someone getting stoned by a rock.

Go beyond two countries arguing with each other. Go what happens after? Because once we pass right. We’re going to face judgment, right. What happens after? Acknowledge. You have to acknowledge when someone comes to you with something, Hugo, because if you don’t acknowledge and you just go, you got to take in, you got to bear each other’s burden. So listen to them, understand what they’re going through, sympathize with the situation, and then let them know, listen, my friend, I get what you’re saying, it’s not easy, but what would happen to that person if they passed away without Jesus Christ today? Can we transfer that same passion that we have for the things that are happening in this world and put them towards the things that we’re called to because, Hugo, in Bolivia, you’re called to preach the gospel, and God has called you to reach many people there, right? So listen to people, understand what they’re going through and just point them back to what’s the safest route, which is, listen, I get you love Israel, I get you love Palestine, but if you deny the Son, you deny the Father.

We need Jesus Christ now more than ever. Okay? So if you truly love an Arab, a Muslim, a Cuban, if you love that person, preach to them the gospel. That’s my opinion. Now, can we go deeper into the whole historical aspect and listen? We can go down all the rabbit holes, but nine out of ten times, none of them will point you to the fact that we need Jesus Christ in our lives and that amen.

We need to preach to people that Jesus Christ is coming and that he’s coming very soon. I’ve seen people on YouTube say the best way to support Israel is to buy this for 1995. Use my link, because then I get paid for it. No, the best way to support Israel is to preach them the gospel and to let them know that Jesus Christ lived. And obviously I pray for god has a purpose with the land of Israel.

God has a huge purpose with the land of Israel. God is not done with Israel. So I am not saying that. No, but what I am saying is that if you love a Palestinian, why are you going to do all these riots, throwing blood in buildings and attacking people and jumping people in the streets? It’s ridiculous, right? So for us that are from another kingdom, we’re from a kingdom from above.

We’re ambassadors of Jesus Christ. So brother Rob, he’s in California, right? He’s an ambassador from the kingdom of Jesus Christ that God has put there. So he lives in California as an example, but his citizenship is up there. Amen. So I have a conflict here sometimes where I’m from, the kingdom of above, but I live in this world and there are laws and regulations and there are distractions and there are arguments and there are like a million denominations as an example.

And we don’t focus on sound doctrine, we focus on the denomination. And that’s why we got to strip all that away and remember that there’s simplicity in Jesus Christ. Go back to the Scriptures, go back to the gospel. You love Israel, I get it. I love them too. I don’t want not one of them to perish. You love Palestine, I love them too. I don’t want none of them to perish.

And because of so I’m going to preach to them the gospel. Amen. I’m going to let them know that Jesus is alive. I’m going to let them know that Jesus is the only way because he said it himself. He said I am the way. So if he said it, we have to believe it, right? And if we start getting into this Palestine versus Israel thing, we’re going to get bitter and we’re going to get sidetracked from our real purpose, which is yes, absolutely.

I pray for Israel, I pray for all the people in Israel, I pray for the people in Palestine, I pray for but I have to preach them the gospel, right? So that’s my best advice. I know it was long winded, bro, but if I just go long winded on this, no, people can take it out of context. I needed that advice because some people is really passionate about this subject, really passionate about this.

If you’re coming to church, there’s only one reason that you’re coming here is because you want to be safe, you want to reach the Kingdom of God. And the best way for you to behave in this situation is not taking sides, but focusing yourself on getting to there, getting to the Kingdom of the God. Only side we got to pick is the side from the kingdom we belong to.

And sometimes we belong to that kingdom and he will convict us to make changes that then we have to adapt on this earthly realm, right? So imagine when persecution continues to ramp up, right? We can compromise on this and say, oh, but I live here. My citizenship is up there. Amen. So I have to now make changes to make sure I make that happen. God is good, brother.

God is good. And whatever you need, you let me know. I’ll help you. Thanks, Nathalia. Thanks. You’re not alone. And, man, you tuned in from Bolivia, brother. I was just worried, all this, like, at the beginning, I was trying to just avoid it and, you know, it’s a war, it’s going to pass or it’s going to last forever. But listen, man, listen, Hugo, I know people, Hugo, that will come to me and they’ll tell me historical stuff because I study history, I love history.

And they’ll point out to things that I can say, you know what, man? I totally understand that. They’ll mention Rothschild, they’ll mention this, they’ll mention all these things. But then I ask them, do you believe Jesus Christ is God, man? You know what? I’m still trying to study that. I’m like, well, you spent the last two years worried about the illuminati as an example, but you don’t even know the basics of the fact that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.

Amen. Right? Amen. So sometimes we focus so much on this world that we miss on the important aspects, which is where we’re from, why he sent us here. And when you have that mentality, bro hugo, I’m still working on it. It’ll change how you talk to people. It’ll change how you dress to certain things. It’ll change how you’re about to cuss. I got to stop it. Yeah, right.

It’ll change everything. Because now you recognize that it’s just like an ambassador from China, if you’re visiting here, right, he’s going to behave in tip top shape to represent the kingdom that he’s from. That’s right. That’s my best advice, bro. I know it was Wordy, bro, but it’s because Wordy people will take it out of context and then it’s okay. And I love that thing that you say about history and this and that, because I got these kids, right? They come from other churches and they say, hey, Hugo, my pastor, the old church that I used to go, they used to have the you know, and that’s why we support Israel, because we had the flag in our church, and why don’t we have the flag of Israel here, right? And other people is, oh, the Palestinians.

But now I get the point, man. Now I get the know. Yes. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot, Neftali. I really appreciate the contrary. And please compare everything I’m saying to the word of God, brother, because I’m still navigating through learning how to minister to people. So I can tell you that that’s my safest route. When in doubt, I’m going to focus on what God called me, put me here to do, and that’s preach the gospel love on people and focus on making sure that I point them to sound doctrine.

And when they get too complicated, like, do you remember in 1925 at 08:55 P. m. ? I’m like, Bro, do me a favor, bro. Jesus is God. Prove it to me. Go ahead, show me the scriptures. I just wanted to add one, you know what I mean? Yes, sir, if I could. Jesus said, they will know you are my disciples if you love one another. So if our first responsibility is to be his disciples, he said, it all right there, you will love one another.

And the other thing kind of upon what you were saying, tally is we get so sidetracked, we get our minds going all different places and where should we keep them? Jesus said the most important commandments were love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. Love your neighbor as yourself every day. We should have that as our starting prayer before the Lord. Lord, how can I love you more today? What’s it going to be like? I want to love you more today because from that everything else flows.

I can also. Amen, brother. Amen. Amen. Amen. Sister Heidi, what do you think? Sister Heidi? Well, a couple issues. Just one of them was to the one gentleman that was speaking about his friend Esteban, the thought of the enemy hates thanks and praise. And so when we give thanks to God and praise God, the enemy hates it and he just wants to leave and go and sincere thanks and sincere praise.

God loves thanks and praise, but God hates grumbling. And we know that from the Israelites with the grumbling. He hates grumbling. But the enemy loves grumbling. And he’s going to try to do whatever he can to make us grumble just as maintenance for ourselves to enter the courts with praise and Thanksgiving, knowing that’s going to sweep up anything remnants or any type of enemy trying to interfere with our time with our father because it’s such special time to be with him.

And then I was thinking of another short book. Habakkuk was mentioned. Jonah is a very short book. And that right there was a man that absolutely, positively did not want to go and talk to the Ninevites, and he went the opposite direction. And to make it just very short, it turned out to be the greatest, biggest revival, I think it was over 120,000 came to the Lord and they were a people that were very vicious to God’s people.

But God had a plan for them. And so, yes, God’s will is that none should perish and that all should come to repentance. And maybe they were a very vile person to God’s people, but God had a plan for them and their hearts melted very greatly and they turned to him even so much to have the animals fast. So that was just something I wanted to bring up too.

That’s a good book for that as well. That’s awesome. Glory to Jesus Christ. I want to tell y’all that I love you all so much. I love the fellowship with y’all, and it’s a blessing. And just wanted to remind you of that, that I’m really grateful that you’ve taken up your time to be here and the sacrifices you’re making. Sister Shelly, I see your hands up. How you doing? Sister Shelly and Jovo family.

Once you fix your mic, let me hey, it’s actually up on my computer. There you go. Okay. I wanted to share at the beginning when you were talking about worship, you were talking about the importance of worship. There’s a scripture, it’s Psalm 100, verse two. It says, Serve the Lord with gladness and come before his presence with singing. So I wanted to expound on that. Worship is like our weapon in the spiritual warfare.

That’s how you get into the presence of God. And when you’re in the presence of God, you got strength, you’ve got joy, you’ve got freedom, you’ve got everything you need Him. And I just wanted to share that. Psalm 100, verse two. Serve the Lord with gladness, come before his presence with singing when that’s it. That’s it. That’s awesome. That’s awesome. And thank you for making that extra attempt of having to log on your computer to do that.

That’s a blessing. One of the things as Heidi and now Shelley was mentioning about praising God through difficult moments is like when in Acts 1625 through 26 right. Where at midnight, paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God, and the prisoners heard them, right? And suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prisoners were shaken, and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s bands were loosed.

Right? You may be in a situation that it seems like a prison. It seems difficult. It seems like there’s no out. Right. There’s no way we can find out on this one. But praise Him through that situation because he loves you. He loves you, sister Shannon. He loves you, sister. How you doing? How you holding up? How’s everything going? Doing great and blessed. And the things Chris told me the last week about God sitting with me at that table really stuck with me and working on my patience.

So God’s been doing amazing things, and I have total forgiveness in my heart for everything that happened. So I really appreciate you all being with me during that time. So. All glory to God. So when God gives you that unction to say something, you got to say it. So I’m getting over my shyness, and I wanted to come so badly tonight. My computer crashed at 05:00. I’m like, okay, got a half hour.

Then I get on, and then my computer is like, okay, cleaning up, resetting. It was 529 and finally got on. I’m like, trying to get on and it got me here right on time though. And so praise God, like you were mentioning, they’re trying to throw these things at you but you just got to persevere and know that those doubts are like maybe God doesn’t want me here or maybe it’s not me and you push those aside, you push through and you’re here.

So anyway, I’m here and I wanted to share when you’re mentioning worship and it just happened that I happened to hear a study this week where they were talking about the first use of the word worship was in Genesis when Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac and he used the word worship. And it was so interesting because of the know we modern think of the word worship is and what it means before God being prostrate towards God and being obedient to God and giving sacrifice to looks.

You know, it’s so many different ways that we worship Him. And the Lord just said, okay, you got to say this. I know you’re nervous, but so I wanted to share that with all with you because I thought that was really interesting because I never thought of that before and it was pretty cool. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Sister, we’re happy you’re here. It’s a blessing you could be doing anything right now, but you took time to be here.

And I’ll tell you what, it’s awesome. I think sometimes we take praise and worship and we take God’s presence for granted. Sometimes when you look at the tabernacle, all they had to do, they had the gate, one gate. That’s Jesus Christ, right. The holy of holies. Right. And now we’re at a point that we can sit here and we can worship Jesus Christ and feel his presence and know that he’s there with us and know that he’s there to convict us and guide us into all know God is just super awesome.

And Sister Shannon, I’m so proud of you. I’m proud of you. I’m proud of you and keep going, keep going that shyness is going to go away. All right, Mr. Mia. How you doing, Mr. Mia? I’m sorry, Brother Chris, go ahead, say something. I was just going to say I really put a smile on my face saying you’re trying to overcome shyness because you’re going to find out that in this group, the Holy Spirit wants to talk through each one of us and it wants to talk through each one of us as we’re glorifying our Lord Jesus.

And he wants to do that in a way that he can connect what he’s trying to teach us and we all become a part of it. And it may take a little while but it’s a very exciting and great thing to experience. So all the rest of you that may be a little shy, I’m just encouraging you to come forth and the Lord will use it’s. Awesome. Sister.

Mia. How are you? Holding up? How are you doing? Yeah, I didn’t raise my hand. I know. I just want to see how you’re doing. How’s everything going? How’s the good good family? It’s just me and baby Mila. It’s interesting that you said how the family is doing. Can you guys hear me well because I have my headphones I don’t know if there’s good. Perfect. Oh, perfect. Yeah.

It’s interesting that you said how’s family doing because I was actually thinking about something and I found out something about one of my family members. Basically, like I said on the first meeting we had, I grew up in a Muslim family and then I got disowned by them because I didn’t want to follow Islam and that was years ago. So I don’t talk to any of my family members, but I do stalk them on Facebook from time to time.

And I recently found out I haven’t been in touch with any of them. And then I recently found out that one of my young brother, my young brother, he’s like 19 years old now, and I just found out that I just found out in the news by googling his name. He killed a cop and it was a senseless act. And now he’s in jail for twelve years and he’s so young and I don’t know, that really just messed my week and I don’t know what to say.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to think. I don’t have contact with any of my family. We’re a big family too. I have ten siblings, ten brothers and sisters, and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. It’s hard. Brother Ernest, Sister Me, I know when you guys made that plunge of going where God let you to go to Tennessee, how was that with your family as you had to make a lot of changes.

And Sister Mia, we’re praying for you and your family and know that you have one here. We’re here for you always. We’re grateful to see you here again yet another week with your baby and you’re not alone. Just want you to know that you’re not alone. We’re very grateful that you even share what you’re going through. Brother Ernest, anything you can share on your experience? I know the hurt that you go through when you feel alone here on earth, it’s hurtful.

Share a little bit about that. Yeah, it is. First I want to say we’ll be praying for her as well and her brother. I mean, best thing we can do is just pray for him. And maybe there’s time, these twelve years that he’s there, maybe he can seek the face of the Lord and he can come to Christ and get saved. Because he’s in a place right now to where that’s probably a best place for him so he can find Jesus in his life and actually be set free from that.

Because we just can’t give up on mean even though he did what he did, but yet he still can be forgiven because all of us did some bad stuff too. So he can be forgiven and just keep love, keep showing him love and just pray for him and pray that the Lord will touch his heart, prick his heart so he can go to him with open arms and be broken because right now is the best time ever.

We will be praying for you and your family. And what I wanted to say first, I didn’t have my hand raised neither, but I did want to say something. But this whole session about unbelief. I mean, it can kind of go with last week about casting down imaginations. Because I was reading in Mark when the man brought his son, who had the dumb spirit well, the mute spirit or whatever.

And when he brought him to Jesus because remember, the other disciples couldn’t cast him out. He told him. He said he asked him. He was like, but if thou can do anything, have compassion on us and help us. And Jesus told him, he said, if thou canst believe, all things is possible. To him that believe and straightway. The father cried out with the loud cry and with tears and said, Lord, I believe, but help my unbelief.

And a lot of us go through that. We have parts that some aspects in our life where we really don’t fully believe that we can get through it or this will happen or whatever. So that’s a spirit of unbelief because Satan will put those thoughts in our mind that okay, we’re not going to get through this, we’re not going to get this bill paid and all that. But as long as we stay and we believe, cast down that imagination and keep Christ first and believe on him, all things is possible and we can get through it.

I mean, that’s just like with us moving here to Tennessee from Florida. It was a lot. I’m talking too, but but it was a lot because when we first started our mean, they thought we was crazy. They say we’re going up there, we’re going to start a coat. Even now to this day, they say that we’re in a coat. I’m like, how are we in a coat? And it’s just us here.

I thought a coat had a lot of people among them. They was following their hand. But they say we’re in a coat. They say we’re crazy. They just think that we’re like one time they called us Jehovah Witnesses because we don’t do holidays, holidays and all of that crap. And they say we was Israelites. And I mean, they just called us all kinds of crap. I’m like, no, I mean, we just going by what the word says and we’re not making them do that.

But yet they still come at us with all of this crazy talking about us but we still love them. I mean, we still pray for them that they will seek Him. Coming up here, it was hard. I mean, coming from one place where we knew everybody, we had family there. And then coming to a foreign land to where it’s like freezing cold and we don’t have that hot and hotter seasons no more, you get all four seasons.

And it’s like we didn’t know how to adapt to that. And I’m crying out to the Lord because I couldn’t keep my wife warm. Because we came down here, it was like snowing in January. It was snowing in April and March. I’m like, what is this? And I couldn’t keep her warm. We’re living in the travel trailer. And it was just horrible. I mean, I felt like I wasn’t being a manly man.

And she helped me up, saying, just keep focusing on the Lord and just keep doing what we’re doing. Because he got us here for a purpose. And that purpose is to share his word and share his love and just experience what we was missing out on in that big city and just Him actually humbling us. Went to having a lot, to having nothing, and now really depending on Him for everything.

And like I tell people, we’re like the richest people in Tennessee, but we can’t change a quarter. So, I mean, it’s like we’re rich in don’t. We don’t want for nothing because he supplies everything we need and say something. Yeah, I can barely get a word in, but yeah, it was hard whenever we left Florida. The nice sunshine, the freezing cold. But you know what? It’s also been a blessing because the things that I’ve learned since I’ve been here, I would have never done it down in Florida because I had a great job, he had a great job, and we left all of that, sold our house.

But now I know how to make homemade soap. I know how to make my own medicine. I know how to can food, which I never thought that I would ever learn how to do that, because now is the time when everybody needs to learn how to prep so that they can have food whenever. Times are really going to get hard, but we’re not going to say that it’s easy.

Plus, with us coming here, preparing the land, obeying Him, even though we don’t go out to the community or whatever and talk too much to Him, but we still bless Him with what the Lord blessed us with. Like with her canning, her soap, our chickens. We give our eggs and slaughtered our animals. We give that to light, the surrounding peoples in the neighborhood or whatever just given away because he blessed us with it.

So we feel like we can bless others. And in the process of blessing others with it, it gave us an opportunity to share his word with other people and share his love with people. And another thing when we got here, they was looking at us funny because I promise you I’m probably about probably the when we first got here, I was the only black person here. But now and they was like looking at us funny or whatever, but it was like we never had no problems because we showed Christ within us.

His spirit was dwelling with us and it just poured out. And we never had no problem with nobody. I mean, we just spread his word and just keeping him first and that’s what’s getting us by. That’s awesome. I’m so proud of you, man, because I remember those first few days. I know it wasn’t easy. Yeah, I know it was hard for both of you all. And you all made it.

Now you all got all this going on. You got chickens, you got everything and you have that dog. What’s the name of the dog? Is it a boaz? You had those dogs that were in a mixture of like, Chihuahua. We got the Chihuahua mixed with pit bull. Look at that. I didn’t even know that she’s a Chihuahua mixed with pit. And the dad, he’s a miniature Australian shepherd.

So they like small but stout and just yeah, it looks like a little Chihuahua pit bull. It’s funny. Yeah, it is. It looked like a pit bull but the size of a Chihuahua. Yeah. That’s awesome, man. I’m proud of you, brother. And thank you for being here and helping out. Thanks to your wife as well for helping out and keep going, man, keep going. We don’t help out as much as we we going to be there to support.

I mean, if anybody need help, they can obviously talk to brother Chris and sister Heidi and you obviously be in. We can be there. Absolutely. We’re here to help each other out, let people know because we’ve been through a lot. We’ve been with family, friends, just changing of lifestyle and getting with churches and with everything, our beliefs and everything. But God is faithful and he is just and he saw us through it all and we’re still standing today leaning on his.

So that’s awesome, my brother. Well, no, you always love you a lot, brother. Thank you for everything, man. Brother Rob. What you got? You mean a word or music wise? Okay, we can do both, man. We can do both, man. Yeah, I thought what was I thinking? Well, all I said in the chat was that if you were going to start a cult, tally and I have some experience with a cult and they were doing very well in Florida.

So I would have convinced you to stay in Florida if you were going to start a cult. Let me tell you, man, this guy helped me out so much. They’re still out there, but they’re powerless, man. We could talk about that for a long time. If you haven’t been following them I appreciate your brother all you did for me, man, because those were crazy days, man. But yeah, singles a song, man.

All right. How about I was thinking actually of do you want us to like we can close out maybe with three? Because I was only going to play part of a song that’s based on Habakkuk, which I thought would be kind of nice for us to sing and rejoice and then we’ll go into one thing I want to do as well. After you sing a song or two, I want to make sure that we pray for each other.

And if you’re in this room right now and you are having a rough day, you’re having a rough time, you’re having a rough moment. We’ve talked, we’ve fellowship, we’ve had a good time together. But I think that God is still working in your heart. And I think that God wants you right there in your home to take these few moments right there to worship Jesus Christ and to let Him soften that heart so that if there’s anyone in this room today that is either backslidden or you feel like you’ve fallen short, right? You’ve fallen short for a year, two years, three years.

Whatever your situation is, remember, don’t leave this room without asking for prayer. We’re here to help each other out, okay? So we’re going to be worshipping, but you’re not alone. That’s the key thing. You’re not alone, okay? And Jesus Christ wants to be your lord and your master. If I’m the landlord of this house, I don’t want just one or two bedrooms and a bathroom, right? If I’m the landlord, I want the whole thing.

And sometimes we’ll give him the kitchen and we’ll give him a bedroom, but God says he wants to be your Lord and your Master entirely. So today is an awesome day for us to submit to Him today, if we haven’t already or if we were slacking a little bit today’s, that day know jumpstart that in Jesus’mighty name. Go ahead, Rob. Amen. And so put your prayer requests in the chat, too.

And people can pray for you actively as we’re singing or as we’re just closing our eyes and meditating on God’s goodness. So feel free to do that. Here we go. It’s called I Will rejoice. I’ll just do a part of it and I’ll lead into Jesus Messiah by Chris Tomlin. And we’ll close out with graves into gardens by Brandon lake. You can look up the lyrics for that if you’re interested in singing along.

How long, O Lord, must I call for help? Do you listen? I cry to you please can you help me? But do you hear destruction and violence before me, their strife and conflict? The law seems paralyzed and justice perverted but you say the righteous will live by faith so I will rejoice in the Lord I’ll be joyful in God, my Savior the Lord is my strength he makes my feet run.

He became sin who knew no sin that we might become his righteousness. He humbled himself and carried the cross. Love so amazing. Love so amazing. Jesus. Messiah. Name above all, name. Blessed Redeemer emmanuel, the rescue for sinners, the ransom from heaven. Jesus, Messiah, Lord of all his body, the bread, his blood, the wine broken and poured out all for love and the whole earth trembled and the veil was torn.

Love so amazing. Love so amazing. Jesus. Messiah. Name above all, name. Blessed Redeemer Emmanuel, the rescue for sinners. You and me, the ransom from heaven. But we’re righteous in his eyes through him and I believe jesus, Messiah, Lord of all. If you’re feeling unbelief, you’re lacking in hope, put all your hope in him. Oh, all our hope is in you, Jesus all our hope is in you all the glory to you, God, the light of the world.

Jesus, Messiah, name above all means blessed Redeemer Emmanuel, the rescue for sinners, the rescue for sinners, the ransom from heaven. Jesus messiah. Lord of all you are. Lord of all jesus, Lord of all, the Lord of all. Amen. We thank you Jesus, for all that you are and all that you’ve done and all those things that we take so much for granted. We thank you for the words that we heard tonight.

We thank you for particularly those words about the Psalms. And again, as I was saying to everyone and Lord, you had me reveal myself to people and my laziness. And it’s real easy to go to Psalm 150 because it’s the last one where you tell us to be loud and dance and sing with symbols, loud symbols and gongs. Well, we’re close enough. We’ve got a joyful noise here tonight.

We thank you God, for accepting us, notwithstanding the fact that sometimes our offerings may not be so great. But we dedicate it all to you, Jesus. And this is the last song we’re going to sing graves in the Gardens. Yep. As you’re going to sing, there are people in the chat room on YouTube. And as well, Brother Chris, after Brother Rob is done singing, I want you to pray for those in this chat room here.

But Brother Rob, while you’re singing, there are people in the chat room just wanted to share with you a little bit of what they’re sharing. Yeah, please. We have parents who are struggling with relationship with their children. We have husbands that are struggling with relationship with their wifeies and vice versa. We have wounds, we have personal wounds. We have a lot of people that are going through a lot of things right now, teenagers that are just not doing what they got to do.

Right. Our brother Lou is over there witnessing the people in the chat. So thank you, Brother Lou, for doing that. I appreciate that if you can pray for those that are not in this room right now, but they are on YouTube and those here on Zoom, let’s pray for them as well. And afterwards, Brother Chris, if you can uplift those on this chat here so we can call those that need to rededicate their lives to Jesus to do so as well.

Thank you, Rob. Yeah, this is a perfect song. So we thank you, God, for the song that you gave Brandon Lake and that talks about how God He turns mourning to dancing and beauty for ashes, shame into glory and he is the only one who can he turns graves into gardens, bones into armies, seas into highways he’s the only one who can. And his grace is so immense that you may think that you’re not worthy of it.

But God, for some reason, he looks at us. He made this massive universe. I think the biggest star that we’ve been able to see can fit in 1300 suns. And I think it’s in the millions of the number of Earths. We are this small speck, and yet our God knows the very number of hairs on our head and he’s known us since we were in the womb. He knew us before he had planned it all.

And we thank you, Lord, for Your plan. And if you’re suffering and you’re feeling like you’re mourning and you’re stuck in mourning, and we all have, when somebody mentioned right at the top problems with relationships, with family and parents, oh, boy, you’re speaking to me. We’ve all got problems and we’ve all got issues, but we’ve got to give it up to God. And we know that in all things, our God works for the good of those who love Him who’ve been called according to his purpose.

Reiterating that again. I searched the world but it couldn’t fill me a man’s empty praise and treasures the fate are never enough. Then you came along and put me back together and every desire is now satisfied here in your love. Oh, there’s nothing better than you, lord, there’s nothing better than you, lord, there’s nothing, nothing is better than you. So I’m not afraid to show you my weakness, my failures and flaws, lord, you’ve seen them all yet you still call me friend.

Because the god of the mountains singing and believing is the god of the valley. And there’s not a place. And there’s not a place your mercy and grace won’t find me again. Oh, there’s nothing better than you, lord, there’s nothing better than you, lord, there’s nothing, nothing is better than you. Oh, you turn morning to dancing. You give beauty for ashes. You turn shame into glory. You’re the only one who care.

You turn graves into goddess, you turn bones into armies. You turn seas into highways. You’re the only one who can. You’re the only you’re the only one who can. Oh, there’s nothing oh, there’s nothing better than you, lord, there’s nothing better than you, lord, there’s nothing is better than you. You turn morning to dancing. You turn morning to dancing. You give beauty for ashes you turn shame into glory me, you’re the only one who can.

You turn graves, you turn graves into gardens, you turn bones into armies, you turn seas into highways. You’re the only one who care. You’re the only one who care. You’re the only one who cares. Family, we’re having fellowship, we’re having church in your homes, we’re having church in our homes. Isn’t that a blessing? Let this not just end when we end this live stream continue it tomorrow with your family, continue it tomorrow when you’re driving to work keep that praise and worship because Jesus loves you very much.

Brother Chris, if you can pray for those in this chat room here and also there’s a lot of people on YouTube right now that are asking for prayers as well and thank you brother Lou, again for handling that. Thank you brother and all of the other ones on YouTube that you’re helping each other out, praying for each other. Thank you brother Chris, can you pray for everyone here? Heidi’s going to do the first couple and then I’ll take over if that’s okay? That would be awesome.

Father God, we come to you Lord with thanksgiving in our heart that you’ve united your children here for this small little gathering. We give praise to your name because there is no other God to go to. You are the Almighty one, you are our Creator and we look forward and have the thought that every knee will bow and tongue confess that you are Lord, whether they want to or not.

One day that will happen and Lord, it is with honor that we will confess your name now and we bend down our hearts and our souls to you father, when I think of individuals and the difficulties coming up, Lord pray can we use your name? Yeah, it’s on. Oh, okay. We pray for Matthew Lord God, as he is having upcoming court meeting. And Lord, I ask that he would turn to you Lord God in a mighty way and put his full trust in you knowing that he’s not alone that you, Father God, are with him.

And I pray for his daughter as well, Lord, that she would have a sense of you, Lord God, in a deep way. And Lord, we ask your perfect will to be done in their lives and with the mother’s lives as well, Lord, that there would be an understanding of who you are, Father God, that you are the Almighty and you set the example of how a father is and how we are to be.

Lord, I ask Your guidance and wisdom to be upon Matthew, Lord, as he goes through this difficult time. That you give him strength, Lord, and that he seeks you, that he hears your voice, that the enemy has no way of being a stumbling block, that Matthew would see it and then he push it away and take his thoughts captive, Lord, so that he’s hearing you fully and yielding to Your guidance and direction.

May he sense your deep love in Jesus precious name. Amen. Lord, also we do pray for Jacob, lord, father God, I am grateful that he is here this evening and that, Lord, he’s seeking to have greater yielding to you a surrender, Lord, may he have Your knowledge of what are the things that he’s to lay down and what are the things that he’s to pick up. And Lord God, may he understand Your word each and every time he picks it up.

May there be an understanding of a spirit of understanding upon him, Lord, when he reads your word that he can grow in you, Lord God, and that the things of this world that may be trying to pull him away from you, Lord, he can see them for what they are and that he can have greater strength through faith. We pray for him. Lord God in Jesus mighty name.

Amen. Lord, we are so thankful for everyone that’s gathered here and we are so thankful, Lord Jesus, that you made a public spectacle of the fallen ones and that you have eternally claimed victory that will never, ever change. Lord, thank you for strengthening us and showing us how we can walk fearlessly against the enemy and that we can be united in one accord under Your lordship. Lord Jesus.

We’re so thankful that you continue, Father, to draw us closer to Your beloved Son, our beloved Savior. And we want to have Your presence in our life continuously and as our first thought that we wake up in the middle of night, get up in the morning, anytime, Lord, we’re thinking about you and thinking about how wonderful it is to be in Your presence. So we are so glad that we can call ourselves Your children, Lord, and we want to dwell in Your presence even more and more, Lord.

And Lord, I thank you for Jeremy and the humility to lay down before the group, the struggles that he has. Lord, we know that you give grace to the humble Lord and you resist the proud. And if there’s anyone out there that’s struggling with pride, put it before the Lord as true interaction with the Holy Spirit. And that unbelievable relationship increases immensely as we humble ourselves and the Word tells us to humble ourselves.

And I just want to give you, brother, what the Lord gave me, as I had struggled with porn in the past and had these reoccurring images and the Lord broke it in a mighty way. And how he did it is he said, I want you to imagine my blood dripping off those images, what the cost was for Him to forgive us of our sins. And we think of that blood on anything that we’re struggling and it should remind us the great price that was paid.

So I just want you to know, brother, that the Lord is mighty and he can accomplish anything in our lives. We train ourselves to ask the Holy Spirit all day, every day. How did I do, Lord? What should I have said? What shouldn’t I have said? As we invite the Holy Spirit to be interactive in our life on every situation, it eventually comes to a point where he just is there with us on every situation.

It’s a beautiful thing. Unfortunately, I wasted most of my life away without experiencing it. But I just want to encourage anybody that wants to draw close to the Lord. He’s there. He wants to fellowship with us. He wants us to experience his presence and have the peace that passes all understanding and truly experience what it is to have his yoke. And the burden is easy, and he takes the majority of the weight, and we just get to cuddle up beside Him.

So, Lord, we thank you for loving us like you did, and we thank you for this time together. And we just ask, Lord, that you would strengthen all of us to become better servants. It’s in your name, Lord Jesus. We pray. I don’t know if there’s anybody else that on the list there. Did I get them all tally, or did you see more? We have brother Jeremy. He got a divorce in 2014.

He posted on there. He found out a lot of difficult things. You can read it in the Chat. That was earlier. So we prayed for him. So far, I think that’s it. But, man, family, I’m so grateful that we’ve come together to uplift each other and praying for those that are on YouTube, watching it on the Chat and here on Zoom family, I’ll tell you that I am grateful.

I am grateful, grateful, grateful. And do y’all remember that moment when Martha when God told her, jesus told her to take you away the stone, but she was looking at her problem, and her problem looked so big, she was like, by this time, he know if there’s anyone in this room today that you have a problem like Martha. By this time, it stinks. By this time, doubt has taken over.

Unbelief has taken over. Bring that to Jesus Christ. He loves you. He cares for you. He wants to set you free. And don’t let another day pass without you giving your life to Jesus Christ. Right there where you’re at. In your home, in your bedroom, if you’re watching this repeat. Right there where you’re at. He loves you, man. He knows all you’ve gone through. He knows the trauma.

He knows it all. He knew that Martha was worried about the fact that by this time, she was like, god, I know you want me to move the stone, but the problem is too big. There’s no problem too big for Jesus. It’s in his time, of course, but step one is to move. Away that stone if you have a stony heart today turn it over to Jesus turn it over to Jesus.

Okay. I love you guys a lot. Brother Ernest, can you sing us a song? What do you think? Brother Ernest can sing now. He’s going to give it a shot and then we’ll close after. Hey, God loves. Listen, there’s a lot of churches that have a lot of talented singers, right? They can sing amazing, right? But what if you can sing? But you don’t live for Jesus. So go for it, brother.

Amen. Send us off, man. Okay, if you all know it, let’s do it. Try to get my wife. Okay. Can you all hear that’s? The splendor of our king clothed in majesty. Let all the earth rejoice. All the earth rejoice. He wraps himself in light. Darkness tries to hide and tremble. Let his voice tremble. Let his voice how great is I got. Sing with me. How great is I got and always see how great how great is I got age to age he rains time is in his hands beginning at the end, getting at the end the god here three.

In one father, spirit, son the lion and the lamb lion and the lamb how great is I got sing with me. How great is I got and always see how great how great is I got the name above he is worthy of my and my heart will be I pray the time more time it’s the name of it’s worthy of my heart and be I pray how great is I got great is I got all the pray how great sing with me how great I pray thank God.

Amen. That’s awesome, man. That’s awesome, man. I’m so proud of you, bro. Look at that. You’re getting better, man. I’m trying. And others joined in, and this is what this is about, family. If you guys need anything throughout the week, anything at all that we please know, we’re there for you. Tfgministries. com, go to the community, post anything you need there. We’re working on aspects for counseling. We’re working on something for that as well.

Email me at brother Natalia@gmail. com if you need anything. And I can forward that to Heidi, Chris, Ernest, his wife and any others who want to help as is that this has a potential to reach at least one person per broadcast. If that’s what we can do, then that is awesome. Okay, so I am excited. I am grateful to you all. And next Tuesday, tune in. Let’s pass it again.

And yeah, I’m going to see how I can stop streaming this. I don’t know, I guess I’ll just quit and it’ll shut off. I started streaming it, but I don’t even know how to stop it. Okay, stop. Live stream. I found it. Okay, cool. Rob. Rob, thank you for being here. Family Rob’s Channel. Once this video is up, I’ll pin it on there. Go check it out. He actually has an awesome music album coming out as well.

And Rob can hopefully join us every week here and sing with us, too. And if you can, once this is over, go to the YouTube channel and share your experience so they can encourage others that, hey, you know what? Bible study can be interactive, and we can do this from home. All right. Love you guys very much. All right? All right. Thank you. .


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