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The Demon in the Ekur: Angels, Demons, Plasmas, Patristics, and Pyramids

The Demon In The Ekur

Review of “The Demon in the Ekur” by Joseph P. Farrell – Analyzed by Tommy Truthful and DOENUT & ANI

Title: Unveiling the Mysteries: A Deep Dive into ‘The Demon in the Ekur’

By Tommy Truthful

Joseph P. Farrell’s “The Demon in the Ekur: Angels, Demons, Plasmas, Patristics, and Pyramids” presents a riveting blend of esoteric knowledge and scientific inquiry. In this comprehensive review, we, alongside DOENUT and ANI, explore the depths of Farrell’s intriguing concepts that bridge the gap between ancient mythologies and modern science.

Plasma Cosmotheology & the Plasma Life Hypothesis

Farrell’s book delves into the intriguing concept of “Plasma Cosmotheology,” a term that encapsulates his exploration of plasma’s potential to intersect with spiritual and metaphysical realms. The “Plasma Life Hypothesis” is particularly fascinating, suggesting that plasma possesses life-like traits such as memory, communication, and possibly intelligence. This hypothesis resonates with our discussions about the nature of angels and demons, possibly made of plasma, offering a scientific lens to view these spiritual entities.

Angelology & Demonology in Cosmic Context

The book’s exploration of angelology and demonology is profound. Farrell dissects the roles and natures of these entities in the cosmic order, pondering their interactions with the physical world and humanity. This section of the book piqued our interest, aligning with the broader themes we often explore at Truth Mafia about the intersection of spirituality and science.

The Great Pyramid Weapon Hypothesis

A pivotal aspect of Farrell’s work is his “Great Pyramid Weapon Hypothesis.” This theory, an extension of his Giza Death Star concept, posits that ancient structures like pyramids might have been more than mere monuments; they could have been technological devices connected to cosmic phenomena. This hypothesis presents a radical reinterpretation of historical narratives and archaeological findings, aligning with our interest in exploring alternative perspectives on ancient knowledge.

Revisiting Ancient Mesopotamian Texts

Farrell’s revisit to ancient Mesopotamian texts, including Sitchin’s work on the “Demon in the Ekur,” provides a fresh perspective on these ancient sources. His speculative connections between these texts, cosmic entities, and ancient structures like Ekurs offer a tantalizing alternative view of history.

Blending Esoteric and Scientific Inquiry

Farrell’s unique approach combines revisionist history, speculative science, and spiritual inquiry. This blend challenges conventional narratives, inviting readers to consider alternative interpretations of ancient myths and archaeological discoveries.

Personal Insights and Reflections

DOENUT’s enthusiasm about discussing plasma theories with JAY, and my (Tommy Truthful) own reading experience, underscore our shared intrigue in Farrell’s work. The book’s ability to intertwine scientific theories with spiritual concepts makes it a compelling read for anyone interested in the mysteries that lie at the intersection of science, history, and spirituality.


Joseph P. Farrell’s “The Demon in the Ekur” is a must-read for those curious about the hidden connections between our ancient past and the potential scientific realities of spiritual phenomena. Its thought-provoking content is sure to spark deep discussions and further exploration into the mysteries of our universe.

Explore more at for a deeper understanding of the enigmatic world we live in.

Truth Mafia


➡️ Today’s show features a discussion with spiritual counselor, Ani Asaru, who covers topics like the physics of the soul’s interaction with the physical realm. The conversation delves into metaphysics, soul physics, gematria, spirituality, and the role of ancient symbols and goddesses in understanding the spiritual side of life. They also discuss the concept of plasma as a form of intelligent, inorganic life and its potential connections to phenomena such as solar flares, the symbolism in movies, and theories regarding the interrelation of cosmic and earthly phenomena through things like lay lines and crystal energy.
➡ The text covers various topics ranging from cosmic theories such as the Sloan Great Wall to occultism, biocurrence, and astrology. It also delves into societal structures, storytelling through films and mass media, and spiritual awakenings. There’s also mention of influences that shape our world perspective, ranging from pop culture icons like Kanye West to ancient Egyptian knowledge.
➡ The text discusses the esoteric and Masonic interpretations of certain symbols, music, culture, instances like Capitol storming, and celebrity actions. It includes the symbolism around Kanye West’s name and works, interpretations of Kabbalah, masonic pillars, Polaris and Kundalini, and unusual life events. It also discusses the juxtaposition of ancient knowledge with present occurrences, suggesting that these could signal broader patterns or agendas.
➡ The text discusses the implications of various forms of visual symbolism in popular culture. It also examines the concept of predictive programming and claims it being used to manipulate celebrities’ personas. Further, the text delves into different types of cloning, including optogenetics and somatic cloning, suggesting they might be applied to alter individuals’ behaviors and desires, often with a focus on materialism.
➡ The elites learned to manipulate human imagination using ancient magic system principles, such as Gematria and Kabbalah, to follow and control human Akashic record patterns. This understanding extends to the level of genetics, resulting in cloned individuals, and even encompasses alleged widespread presence of pyramids and stargates across America. Concurrently, there are hints of black magic being used in society for humiliation rituals and divisive tactics, creating a state of fear among different racial and social groups.
➡ The speaker criticizes former President Obama for not pushing specific legislation for Black people and suggests that political figures are puppets instructed on what to do. The discussion then delves into numerological connections between significant events, equating numbers in Gematria to analyze various symbols and events. The speaker also discusses the importance of understanding the esoteric aspects of religious texts and sees numbers as encoding certain frequencies.
➡ The text captures a recorded conversation where the speakers discuss various intriguing topics, including the pineal gland’s resemblance to certain images, the Curlian field and photographs, popular cultural figures such as Kanye West and the Obamas, and the importance of constantly learning. The conversation ends with a closing note of gratitude towards the listeners and a request to engage with the ongoing content.


Yo, what up? It’s donut and you tuning in to all your Illuminati news. And we got a great show for you today. We are joined by Ani Asaru at the spiritual shade room. We’re going to go over a lot. We got a lot to cover. How are you doing today, Ani? What’s up? What is up? I am back on the donut factory. It’s good to be back, my brother.

Oh, I got the audio playing double. I got the YouTube up. Yeah, it’s good to have you back. If people don’t go subscribe to Ani’s channel, the link’s down below. I don’t know what you’re doing because he’d be dropping that science, not the science like the bad stuff, the good stuff. Can you tell people what you cover? Because I just love your vocabulary. Yes, I cover mainly spirituality.

We call it metaphysics or soul physics. Vibratory grammatography, how to get into the essence and deal with the physics of how your soul interacts with the physical realm. We go deep in depth with the science of it. And I’ve just been helping people as a spiritual counselor about seven years now. First channel got deleted, but came back, bounced back. Within a year, I got more than half my followers back.

We started real small but humble beginnings, so to speak. But we’re back. And yeah, I do gematria, I do all types of other subject matters, but the main thing I focus on because people need to get up on how to interact with the spiritual side of things in your life. There’s potent energies around us, and I don’t think people dwell into the subconscious mind, get into that type of stuff.

Some people think it’s luciferian to actually sit down in your house sometimes close your eyes and just sit with yourself. So I help people understand that type of science and where it comes from, from ancient perspective. Well, we’re going to get into some ancient stuff. The demon into Joseph P. Farrell’s book. I mean, it goes into angels, demons, plasma, pyramids. Plus we’re going to get into all the illuminati news as well.

There was this show, both shows. We’re going to also get into these movies and the predictive programming. But this show leave the world behind, right? When it came out about the cyber incidences of the power going out, you got the Tesla bots, right? The Tesla cars know sent back. But also what happened yesterday, a brief power surge across New York City. I’ll play a little clip of that real quick just to show everybody outage hits New York City overnight, and it caused issues across the five boroughs.

So you got this movie coming out that is connected to the doD. You know what I mean? In a sense, putting these ideas in people’s brains through Netflix propaganda. And then all the events are, like, unwinding. And this could happen from not just, like, a hacker point of view, but even a solar flare point of view, which goes into plasma apocalypse. So that even happened today as well.

There was a solar. The sun emits a solar flare. It’s, like, the biggest one ever, and there’s some weird numbers connected to it. It’s a 4. 7 million mile per hour. The 47. There it goes. That’s that freemasonic compass. But we’ve been covering the one two eight code, right? This movie came out on twelve eight. Matthew Perry was in it. He was dead at 1028, which is one two eight, Julia Roberts birthday one 2810 28.

And this solar x ray flare is called x 28, which is one two eight or ten, because roman numeral ten, right? So it’s 1028. Wow, great find right there. I just got on the research, literally, recently on the x flares, because I did a lot of research into the x and what it represents from a physics perspective, it represents the rim of light and the realm of darkness.

That’s the two lines crossing over. If you get the book Physics of darkness by Wolfgang Mueller, he goes deep into the know, the osiris crossing his arms. We’ve been seeing the x symbolism a whole lot. And when I saw x flares, I said, wow, that’s unbelievable. Okay, so the x symbol goes back to Osiris as well. Even pre before him, it’s actually a feminine symbol, because you think about what, x chromosome or something like, oh, yeah, it’s actually feminine.

And people don’t know. Before Osiris becomes a masculine deity, he’s a goddess, because goddesses were before gods. A lot of people get into the patriarchal type of aspect of the science, but the goddesses is what you really should study, because the gods gain the attributes of the former goddesses. In the book, the demon and the Ekar, the sumerian goddess, Ninhursag. Ninhasag is called the demon that’s in the Ekar, and she’s like the primordial mother goddess.

And Osiris gets a lot of his traits from these earlier mother goddesses. They just transformed them into the masculine half, because there’s always a feminine half. Masculine half is the x. Okay. And we got this eclipse happening, making the x over America, April eigth. And what I learned in this book, the Demon and the Ecker, is that it goes into these sigils right here, which are connected to the planet alignments.

So each planet alignment is connected to a certain demon, angel, or deity. I don’t know where I have it exactly to show it bigger, but that the x is going over America is symbolic and probably some sort of high frequency to communicate with some sort of plasma beings or something like that. It definitely is. You know what, I’ve been studying the plasmic beings for the last couple of weeks from reading the book, and it gets deep into it, even the science of crystals, because when you think about how crystals crystallize, it was a prestate of prephysical matter, something that’s not physical, it’s more spiritual, is more in that invisible realm that they speak of, it crystallizes.

So there’s energy trapped in it, is actually plasma was the prior formal, primal form of energy that gets trapped, and it becomes certain aspects of radiation that surrounds us. So they’re saying in the book that these pharaohs and priests and priestesses were able to communicate with the plasma. They figure out how to crack the code of the intelligence for communication with the plasma. I’m so happy that you dive deep into the crystal aspect of this book.

So I’ll play a little clip so people can kind of get a vibe of this book. It explains what is the demon in the Ecker. I’ll just play a brief clip of it to get everybody all wowed up, because, I mean, it is fascinating. In the Ecker, the strangest book of high speculation, Oxford scholar Joseph P. Farrell. The demon in the Ecker. Ecker is a complex akadian term meaning pyramid, mountain, or planet.

So this book, the Ecker, it means pyramid, mountain, or planet, or mound. The mound as well. The mountain and the mound is centralized in Freemasonry, worshiping the mountaintop, Mount Sinai. And the Enoch, Book of Enoch is always connected to this mound or mountain. Yeah, right. And it’s crazy, because even if you go back to the priesthood of the illies, kind of where I feel like the word eli, illuminati comes from, it’s the people that ruled from the top of the hill, the ili, the hilly.

And if you were in the ville, the villy, you were the villain. So, like the etymology is very important to how the world actually operates in the geomancy. And what I found super interesting on this book is that the lay lines, I’m all about the lay lines. And the lay lines of the Giza pyramid is right in the middle of the earth. Here’s the pictures I was looking for.

This slide right here. These are the sigils, I believe, from Manley P. Hall, of each planet connected to a certain deity. And if you look at the bottom left, they’re like antennas. So it’s like, are they communicating with if the top right, the stars, they’re just plasma. We’re made out of plasma, the biophotons that emanate off of every living being, even ourselves. Lightning is plasma. So if we are plasma, through looking at a micro macrocosm of neurons in the brain, the neurons in the brain resemble the same picture as the cosmic filaments or something, so it looks identical.

And the way that plasma reacts is just how a human body reacts to a pathogen. So the term plasma, in a medical sense, they named it that because it resembled life so much. So the book is kind of asking the hypothesis, is plasma an inorganic, intelligent life? Which I never got into. I’ve heard people talk about plasma, but I never looked into it. Yeah, I’ve been looking into some research recently on it.

And from what I understand, like, going back to crystals, storing photons, phonons, they have atlantean theories of these ontological presence, this ontological presence that’s in the plasmic, or plasma, so to speak. And there’s a vast effervescence from the all pervading space that makes know get into physics terms. It’s called quasi coherence. So it’s kind of like quantum entanglement. The plasma are like entanglement machines. They’re able to self organize, sort of like the sloan great wall theory.

If you look into the sloan great wall theory, I covered it on Gen Z when we look at crystals. But the plasmas are encoded in structures of superclusters out there in space. But if you look into occultism, they say as above, so below. So the same thing that’s happening out there. When you spoke earlier about the biocurrence, the biorhythmic of the planet, the lay lines are like the veins of mother Earth, and the stars align right over the ley lines.

And some of these occultists or the illuminati, they’re playing sort of like a guitar string. They’re plucking the guitar strings, and they’re triggering events around the planet. To get a symphony, they have to synchronize how the flow of the energy from the lay lines to the plasma is happening. So we get these events on the world that play out that they’re trying to mimic in the stars. A mimicry of the stars.

Right. It’s an oscillator. I think that’s what he was also saying. It’s wild. And reading this book, it got me, I feel, like, more connected to God in a sense, because it opened my mind to, like, we don’t see everything going on in the world, right? Are we very limited on what we can see through light, through our visibility? And even with all the symbols, let’s say, for example, this movie leave the world behind.

A lot of people don’t understand that these symbols that you see in the movie with deeper meanings, that’s not just this one movie. Could you tell us a little bit about the initiation happening watching the films, that there’s two different classes of people watching the films? I know you’ve talked about it. Is that ringing up any bells? Absolutely. Okay. Yeah. It’s called cinema mancy. That’s what I call it.

And very much so. You’re supposed to look at these films sort of like a cult newspaper to decode it, because there’s messages, there’s the plan that they’re laying out for future events. It’s not that they’re predicting the future, as they say, with, like, the Simpsons and some of these movies. They’re laying out the plan and letting you know those who can decode it. So there’s two different types of people, or really three different types of people.

I call them as an echelon of spiritual people. Those are the ones who can talk on an intelligent level. They can communicate through socialism. They know what’s going on in the world. They’re spiritual. But the intelligent people, they only deal with the socialism. They’re not going to go too woo into things. They’re not going to talk about the invisible planes or the decodes that people like you and myself get into.

And then you have what you call automatons. They just follow whatever the higher synache classes are putting out. They’re like drones. They’re like npcs. I’m not going to say they’re soulless, but they just haven’t come astrologically in this incarnation to wake up. So they’re sort of like here to be like the zombies. They’re walking around. But I say it’s not something too bad because you need polarity in the world.

Because if everybody was, quote unquote, on a spiritual type of mindset, then the people who’s ruling, they will have more emphasis to get rid of us. So when they see people dole down, they act as cloaks for us to get the information so we can relay it back in society. And hopefully they can wake up through what we relate. Maybe something that’s shared on the donut factory. They may come across your video and they just snap out of it.

Oh, donut. Yeah. Well, if anybody has, because we got a lot of new people up in here, over, I think, 5000 new subscribers. If you go over to the rumble, we got video presentations with Ani Asaru at the spiritual shade room. All of his links are down below, plus my links as well. If you like this little documentary presentation, it’s up on the Patreon that we go over the Illuminati worms, we go over the Illuminati penguins and it sounds funny, I like to talk about the Illuminati dolphins.

All these vhs boxes were sent out today. And also I’m going to be sending out whoever ordered the VHS box. I’m going to be sending out a second package for New Year’s as well. So just a heads up, but go over to the rumble and watch those documentaries because they are minor. They go into cloning, goes into so much. I mean, I’m just so grateful to be here with you, Ani.

Your information is solid and it gets me thinking. It also inspires me. What’s that all about? I don’t know. They say sometimes people, when they’re tapped in, I want to create information that speaks directly to the soul. Because enough people are decoding. We got great decoders in the community. We broke down this movie in the first day. Of course there’s layers that we’ll get into because things come out later on.

But I just like to put out information that speaks to people’s souls. Something that you probably never heard. Learning is supposed to be something you never heard before. That’s what people don’t understand. If me and you agree on something, that’s like a ceremonial inspirational speech. That’s what we kind of do with religion all the time. We go and hear the same passage from the Bible by the preacher from about the same time of year, from the previous year or other faiths and religions.

You hear the same people tell you the same thing and we grow up our whole life and then we become like parents to the same thing that they say. But learning, which the cult classes they understand, is supposed to be something that you never come across. And that’s what sparks the soul. They speak about the divine spark. Sometimes you hear something you never came across before and something resonates.

Like, I kind of feel what that person is saying. Then you look into it, and then you find some type of connection with it. So I try to provide that information, but I love coming to the donut factory. Matter of fact, when you go on early, I’m here on the east coast. I always work out listening to your videos. So everyone who’s coming on my side, make sure you subscribe.

This is my workout channel. That’s so dope. That’s awesome. Yeah. What I do with your channel, I play it when I’m chilling, I’m on the couch, I got the screen open on the laptop, and I just watch you bring up so much stuff. I look into stuff. I have a great time. So everybody make sure to go subscribe. Now. This is interesting right here. This is the lube del del demiki.

I said it wrong. I, like, replayed it. But this is an acadian poem, and it brings up the demon in the ecker. So I guess it was stemming from Zachariah stitchin Ocean, where he was talking about this. And I’ll play a little clip of it just to show people how crazy this book is. The demon in the pyramid, found in the passage of the ancient poem Ludle Belnemeki, the akadian book of Job says, I praise the lord of deepness, refers to the irresistible demon that has exited from the echor in a land across the horizon in the lower world.

Presence of an irresistible demon who apparently at some point was located inside, perhaps even inhabiting an ecker, a mountain or pyramid. Oh, that’s me walking around the pyramids right there. Now, Kanye, he was chilling out a pyramid today. Kanye was going off today. I don’t know if you guys seen the video, but he mentioned pyramids definitely being in St. Louis, and he said a whole lot of other stuff that may bother a lot of people, but I think Kanye could be controlled opposition as well.

But some things, when it comes from these illuminati puppets, some things be true. The clone may go off course from what they’re programmed to do on that day, and they may slip up and say some things. But everything he said, I’ve heard on the donut factory before, though, by the used to. I’ve been talking about Kanye for a while, especially when he was pissing on his. Yeah, yeah.

I got a lot of calls with Kanye. Matter of fact, if we can get into in, we did a video called polar physics. You guys can look on my channel, check it out. And when it comes to Polaris and the polestar, that’s where the Typhoonians, the Typhonians were people who taught the Egyptians. A lot of people don’t get into who actually taught the Egyptians. So I went into the science of how the polestar relates to the star Sirius, which the Masons are very much worshipping as a semiotic, a symbol of metaphysics.

And basically Kanye is connected to this whole polar symbolism as well. Kanye west went to Polaris High school. The Polaris is the name of the pole star. Now, Polaris is located in a region of the sky called Ursa Major. It’s called Ursa major. And in Ursa Major is called the Great Bear. It’s where the seven stars is. The seven Rishis is what they call it in the vedic text.

And they say that these are the most primordial stars of all time. It’s like the cradle of where a lot of the souls come from. And Sirius and the polestar is located there. Now Kanye’s daughter name is know and north is referencing the Polestar. When you see in masonic symbolism, if you can pull up the three pillars of Masonry, if you can. On the three pillars of Masonry, you get wisdom, strength and beauty.

Wisdom, strength and beauty, wisdom and strength. Representative on the kabbalah is severity, is mercy. And in the middle you get the doth. And that’s where wisdom comes from. The word doth later becomes death and doth means knowledge. So from an occult sense, when you die, your whole entire life is supposed to gather these conscious fields of knowledge and information. And it downloads kind of like a Foul on your Computer or something.

And you’re supposed to take that into the next invisible Rim or wherever the spirit is coming from, or soul. The middle pillar, you see the Eye. The eye is representative of Polaris there. But look, in Masonry, they always talk about the east and the west. They’ll talk about the left Pillar and the right pillar. What is it? Joquim or Jacqueem and Boaz, however you pronounce it. Now, that ladder is going towards the east and some pictures is going to the west.

But the real route in Freemasonry, they’re not going to tell you what is going right there in the middle, which is wisdom. You’re supposed to go towards Polaris, which means you’re supposed to align your psychoenergetic systems with how the Polestar science is, which is relatable to the Kundalini energy, the centripetal force that rises up the Spinal cord. Some people wake up in cold sweats. They don’t know that they went through a Kundalini, actually, cold fusion trip.

When you wake up in cold sweat, that means your kundalini shot up your body. Somebody just said pole dancers. I don’t know what they’re saying. But do you think that there’s a connection to that? Look up the Asher Pole. That’s where the strippers and all of that get the dancing from. It’s from a israelite goddess called, I think, Ashira. She’s the wife of Yahweh. And in the Bible, they kind of, like, exit her.

And she’s another form of Ninha sags, too. Remember when they killed the Girl in the Jan six thing? When they ran up in the place? What was it, the building they ran up into the people. Oh, I don’t remember. Here in America, you remember when they got in trouble, all of those people ran into the Capitol. The Capitol. You know, remember that girl got. I know. I remember you bringing her up.

Yeah. Her name translates to Asher. When you translate her name, the Asher Pole. And look, in the mythology, the AshEr Pole has to be cut down. So she was sacrificed. So there was some Israelite symbology to the Israelite goddess Ashira, or they call her Asherah. In the know. Stripper pole is related. I looked up some books on it, and they said the stripper pole goes back to that time.

A lot of different ancient religions, but the pole symbolism, the polar, stellar symbolism. Can you click on that graphic right there with the Christmas tree? The Christmas tree is also polar symbolism. Everyone, when you see the ornaments on the Christmas tree, that is the sephiroths on the kabbalah. If you look at the kabbalah, there’s. Okay. And you remember they put the sash. And when you get your sash and it winds around the tree, that’s the Kundalini serpent.

That’s the. Okay. And then the star is representative of Polaris. That’s where the tractor beam is supposed to come out. You see how it looks like a UFO beaming a tractor beam down? I’ve been decoding. If you look at Independence Day, the UFO that hits the White House, it’s Polaris. So the whole UFO symbolism is masonic, this polaris symbolism, which is more ancient, but the entire UFO thing is that it’s crazy.

Every single movie got it in there. I’ll pull up some slides one day for everybody. It’s crazy. Yeah, absolutely. Because if you look into hebraic physics from that book I mentioned earlier, the physics of darkness, he mentions in the book that the soul has, well, from ancient perspective, has seven layers. Most of us only go through three layers in a lifetime of the soul. There’s a priestly class of genetics that get to experience the fourth to the 7th layers.

Now let me explain this. When you first come into a physical body, you gain a soul. Then later on, when you’re about twelve or 13, you acquire another soul because you go through puberty and now you’re able to create a soul. Back then in the ancient world, early 19 hundreds people used to procreate around twelve or 13. But that’s because you gained the ability to create a soul, which means you gained another soul.

That’s your second. This just kind of just shows you because I was bar mitzvah at 13, which is like, yo, I’m a man now in a sense. Right? You’re right. I need to look into that. Yeah, it’s connected. It’s connected to it all. But think about the adolescents today with 17 magazine, right? So they could prolong the teenage years longer. That’s why you see all these older people watching football or whatever, acting like children in a sense.

Not saying that football bad to watch or whatever. I’m just saying like the majority of Americans, it kind of is bad to watch a bunch of grown men. I don’t watch it. But you know what you called something, though? I was watching call me Kinfolk last night and he brought up Raven, Simone. And I remember our last podcast. You were talking about the Ravens and the rave event that happened recently and that house of Usher.

And now Usher’s performing at the Super bowl. Not to go on a side note, but I think it’s important. Let’s get into it. Matter of fact, speaking of rave, did you know why Kanye west had that rant? Was because they shut his rave down for the Vultures album. In the Vultures album, if you pull up his album cover, it has the double headed phoenix, just like Freemasonry. I know you’re going to do a great decode on that once the album drops.

And there it goes, right there. I did a video called Corvus Tenabris speaking about the species of the raven, the dark phoenix, getting into the dark phoenix thing. So they supposedly was going to have a pre rave today and they shut it down. And Kanye came out and that’s why he did his rent, because they shut him down. Yeah, that’s why he gave the people, he probably was ordered to do that by those people because he said live on altar indicator.

This is where I grew up. Oh, okay. I guess I grew up on the 35th parallel by Meadows mall. Anybody from Vegas knows Meadows mall. I used to steal so much stuff from Meadows Mall, and I got sober, I had to make it a meds, and there’s just nothing I could really do about. But, you know, I just want to point something out that his rant, he’s bringing up some stuff that was.

There’s no evidence of it, so it could be fake. But everyone knows. Even Jordan Maxwell spoke about Albert Pike’s three world wars. In the last war, being with the Middle east people. That’s what Kanye is ranting about in a sense, too. So there’s just a weird connection there. And that’s what my head goes to. Also, look at what he’s wearing on the album. He has, like, what is the thing they wear? Like a hashab or habab or the little thing they wrap around their face? The Palestinians.

He’s wearing that? Yeah, he’s wearing that in all the performances. Okay. There’s something going on. You know what I mean? There’s something going on that’s bigger at play. Absolutely. What is his theme? His theme is what? Talking about jews, right? That’s his whole theme. If you listen to the rant, that’s all he’s talking about. And who’s at war right now, you see? Right? That’s why I think it’s controlled opposition.

They tell him to go out here and do these outbursts, and you haven’t heard from this guy a whole year, bro. I got something for everybody. So Kanye is the bear, right? The North Star, the little bear. He wears the bear, the graduation and. Oh, my goodness. But I remember I bought that. I’ve been buying Kanye albums forever for my mom, and I’ve been, like, broke, and I have no money enough to be eaten.

I go buy Kanye album and give it to my mom, and then he’s doing all this is breaking my mom’s heart and breaking my heart or whatever. But he’s the bear, right? And every time he appears, a bear market happens. So if you look at his album releases, when he’s popular in the news, there’s a bear market. So that’s something to notate as stocks just hit all time high right now.

Can you pull up the image of the graduation album and show people, and can you pull up the image of the bear? Because they were predictive programming with the bear, because when you look, he’s dressing up, like, as a mascot of a college because the first one was college dropout. That was the classic album that set him on fire. Matter of fact, if you go look at the Netflix documentary.

You ever saw his documentary on Netflix? Oh, so, yeah, yeah. There’s a lot of things that’s revealed in there. I did a breakdown. Okay, so look at the eyes of the bear. If you can somehow zoom in, you see how the eyes are mismatched, right? Blue and red. Now look up Chimera genetic mutation. If you look up chimera genetic mutation, look up some of the photos, you’ll see this is a form of.

My bad. I got you pulling up all these pictures, but no, you’re good. Chimera genetic mutation. Yeah. So it’s saying they were predictive programming, that he was going to be schizoid before he was schizoid. There’s pictures. Try to look up the images of it, but you could read it to the people you want to, but the images are more important. You see the guy with different eyes. Click on the different.

So it’s chimera genetic mutation. You see, that’s what they’re showing. But it’s a cult foreshadowing to how they do something called EEG, cloning, how they can change a person. They can project a person out of the main fold of the subconscious, and they can program an entity within them, a Persona within them, by saying a certain code word, which triggers and unlocks the Persona to come out. And that’s why some of these people be doing these antics.

And we don’t understand why is she or he acting like that. This is what most of all the celebrities have to go through and get programmed by. You know that one girl who did that interview with Drake? She’s really funny. She’s all awkward. I did a video. Her Bobby something. Did you see that? She joined the black Eye club. What? Yeah. You posted that? My friend, he makes beats and he sent me it.

Stir crazy. That’s his name. What’s her name? Bobby. I don’t know her name. I’ll just look up Bobby Drake and it’ll pop up. Yeah. So I’ll show you, because he sent me it and. Bobby Altoff. Yeah. So I’ll find it real quick because she was like a podcast plant. I don’t know if that even exists. But she kind of popped up out of nowhere and got a free interview out of Drake.

Nobody ever gets interviews from Drake. He barely interviews and she comes out of nowhere. So doesn’t surprise me. It was a perfect interview, though. She’s on the bed with him as the. I guess he’s the sexual symbol for all the girls. Girls think that they’re in a relationship with them. Yeah. So this is her most recently. I see it. Something going on there. Remember the for real worm back in the Illuminati worm video? Right.

Yeah. That’s why I want to bring it up. So everybody, you got to go check out first. We got over 2000, 2200 people. We just hit a record number of live streamers. Doesn’t surprise me because we got ani Asaru over here at the spiritual shade room. Make sure to smash the like button because that gets us into the algorithm. And go subscribe to Brother Ani Asaru YouTube channel.

The links are down below, but we go over the Illuminati worms. A great documentary to check out over on the rumble. Great. Yeah, I’ll re upload it, too. Yeah, we speak about this stuff, man, how they do it with these people. And it’s always some one eyed symbolism. Like this guy, I don’t know if you know him. His name, Charleston White. You heard of him. He’s doing these interviews, and guess what he did this week? This was so crazy.

He has a glass eye. I didn’t know this to this week. He popped his glass eye out of his eyelid, and it was like the first time he ever did this. A lot of people didn’t know he had a glass. That’s weird. That’s illuminati stuff right there. Why are you doing this, bro? Who knew? I’ve seen him a bunch of times. Yeah, I never knew that, bro. I really think he’s super controlled opposition because he was arrested, him and his friends arrested for killing somebody when he was a teenager.

And they let him out on early parole. The rest of the guys didn’t get out. And then he becomes this community type person. And then he switches from being this nice community person when he gets out and becomes this very anti community. Or at least he’s a comedian, though, too. But I’ve seen what I’ve seen. Right? Yeah. So his eye popped down. Illuminati confirmed. I wonder what caused it.

Because all I was trying to say is, like, the eyeball symbolism is illuminati eyeball symbolism. Right. And you got these botched eye surgeries with famous people. I believe Handel was one, like these famous composers. And the composers are straight connected to the Illuminati, like Beethoven. Beethoven was taught by Illuminati member. Really? Yeah. Beethoven, who taught him how to play the piano, was a member of the Illuminati. And also, I’ve been really diving deep into this movie, leave the world behind, you know, how the dudes goes to the philharmonic symphony in New York.

That’s where they first played, I believe, Beethoven, symphony nine. And that’s, like, his last symphony, one of his best symphonies. Symphony nine. And that’s the completion number nine, track nine of the migos. It’s the exact time frame, timestamp. That takeoff was assassinated. Revolution nine. The Beatles, the nine number. Haunted John Lennon. All you need is. I forget what it was. We learned so much that sometimes. And the nine, too.

Remember the group that was making contact with extraterrestrials? They were called the know, with the David partial guy. But if you go to that graphic, can you go to the album cover graphic? So I could just show them this real. Yeah, right there. Check out this graphic of this cover. Now I’ll make it bigger for everybody. Yeah. Some famous artists drew that. So they said, if you preserve the COVID of that album, the COVID arc, if you never open it, it’s going to be worth thousands or millions of dollars, they say, in the future.

And that same artist was seen with Kim Kardashian this week. If you pull that up after this, because we haven’t seen him before. But anyways, you see how it symbolizes one behind him? That little roman little looking temple represents the boule. If you look in, what is the boule? It looks just like that. It was like a meeting place for the roman officials or the people that ruled Rome.

They met at this place called the Boule. And now the black Illuminati is called the Boule. Sigma PI fi. But this entity, I’m looking at it like the roman empire. That’s what it’s representative of. And he’s shooting out of this entity. But I’m looking at it as if it means they projected the original kanye out of his body. And the two, the eyes, the reason why they’re different colors is now he’s not the same.

There’s another program in him. What do you think about mean? That’s interesting, because I know you dive deep into the cloning, and also, if you look at Alexander McQueen, who died, weird circumstances there with his dog, and I know there could be symbolism. The dog star was showing these hybrids, in a sense, that goes back to Atlantis, and that was the name of his thing. It’s like Atlantis, but you know more about the cloning stuff.

Is that connected to it? Is it a spiritual thing, like a soul thing, or is it a physical thing? There’s different types of cloning. You got optogenetic cloning, you got somatic cloning. You have the regular somatic cloning you have. What is it called? Let me pull it up. I did a video a long time ago called the clone gimmick. The clone dimmick. That’s a cool title. Oh my God, that video got so many views, but it got erased.

But I was speaking about something called neon humans. Neon humans. Neon plasma too, right? So they announced in the World Economic Forum, like the animals, that they be turning that glow in the dark, and then they die like an hour later. Right? Because they say the clones don’t really last that long either. So they got something called optogenetics, which is action potential programming. When an individual can go through a nanotechnology, they have nanophysics in how to corrupt the genetic data encryption.

And they can plan out lifestyles by instructing the cells how and what to communicate. So that’s one way. The other is called mononuclear reproduction, which is skin copy and paste black box technology. Then you have biocryptography, which is built in encoding mechanisms and dna mutation for storing or encrypting data in humans. Or you have somatic cloning. And that’s when they are separated through the neurocircuit synthetics being biohacked.

And basically people who are somatically cloned, it affects their mind. They become more focused on materialism, like eating, sleeping, mating, creature comforts. So they discovered, the elites discovered through studying the ancient magic systems, that you can control a person’s imagination. It’s a wave pattern of chaos. If chaos is the building block of the universe, chaos is also a state of being where change is supreme. And by understanding that they can control their imagination.

Gematria and Kabbalah allows for them to follow the patterns of what results respond in the human Akashic records and how it repeats in a facilitated ten or a eleven sphere dynamic. So they’re looking at these synchronizations with numerology and they get it down to a nanophysics level and they start manipulating these people genetics. And we got a lot of clones running around. You know, Connie brought up the St.

Louis pyramid, and we were talking in the beginning of the stream about the demon in the pyramid. The book or the demon in the mountain book. I thought this was interesting. I’m not sure if you copped this, but in the Giza pyramid on the entrance, there’s a tetragrammaton symbol and it’s got that three stripes going down. I know, we always look into that three. Biden his logo, got the three in it.

I thought that was interesting there. But Connie brought up the St. Louis pyramids. Did you know anything about this? I’ve heard people talk about pyramids all over America. All over America. America was Egypt, too. There are two Egypts or kimmets, and can’t you get to Egypt through, like, I heard, you know, I didn’t look into. I think they talking about a stargate. Really? Okay. They say if you go to Memphis, there’s, like, an underground tunnel that leads, like, underground through the ocean.

I was like, nah, I think they were talking about some type of stargate. When these certain ley lines, like these Illuminati, the synagogues, the cryptocratic government ruling the world, the black brotherhood, they figured out how some of these stargates open over certain ley lines and dragon paths when the stars are right. Just like how they say in Lovecraft, when the stars are right, that’s when the stargates are open.

So when the stars are in a certain position, the gate may not be open during a period of time, but it’ll open up when the stars are right. Yeah. And even, like, sirius, I guess, on the hieroglyphs, according to this book, means gateway as well. Means door gate, or doorway. Yeah. Link to heaven. It means link heaven. Ecker means door gate as well. It means house, like a mountain.

Also means linked to heaven. Duran key, sumerian word, the dark chamber. It also means radiance. It means radiance. That he believed that these chambers would guide those shuttle crafts or those Uaps or UFOs that was being destroyed way back on the hieroglyphs. They believed that the Ecker or Ekar would direct them in, and they will land in the pyramids or the mountain houses, these ships, so to speak.

Right now, we’ve been looking into the Memphis connection all year long. Memphis, three, six mafia, and tupac. The last time where he was staying at was the Luxor pyramid. And then Memphis has got the pyramid and that tragic event that happened in Vegas right in front of the, you know, as, like, a branding guy, marketing guy. I feel like, what this result, like Kanye, he going at it.

I feel like he was, like, acting like Pac, because this is, like Pac’s most iconic moment. One of them where he’s spitting at the camera to the media, and that’s what it reminded me of. And he’s, like, wearing the red. And he even brought up, because Pac, he did know the whole Illuminati thing, going after Jay Z, and that’s what kind of Kanye’s doing. I feel like there’s sort of the same element there because this was.

Was fire. Yeah. And then Kanye. What was his name? He has an Illuminati name, too, but he calls it. He says it in the song. He says something like, I’m not Illuminati, but it’s like new. Yeah, the new Illuminati or something. Yeah, him in the game. Yeah, I got to get the name of that. The new. Yeah, yeah, that’s what it was. Yeah. He talks about Trump, too.

He talks about, hey, Trump, we’re not going to vote for you unless you get Larry Hoover out of prison, which is a prominent ex gang member who started with the Black Peace Stone Rangers and the El Rookians, which is also esoteric. You look into the El Rookians in Chicago and notice all the Chicago references. Obama’s from Chicago, where he grew up. He was born in Hawaii. He grew up in out.

He comes out with his movie. You got Kanye in the news. And don’t forget about the guy who just died, Andre Borrow. Where is from eight mile? No. You ever seen the movie the Mist? Okay. He was in the mist. He’s in Brooklyn, nine nine one. He passed away. And there are some connections to him and Obama’s birth date and the sacrifice of him. I think he died 38 days after his birthday.

38 is death. So they sacrificed him. But if you pull up a picture of him, you will see he’s been in a lot of movies. Yeah, you’ve seen him in a lot of movies. So they’re doing these bring up the worst article with no pictures. Right. It’s cool. But, yeah, they’re doing these black humiliation rituals like usual, because the black and white playing on that, just like that new civil War movie.

The whole thing is playing off the free masonic chessboard, putting black people against white people and all of that. So they’re really working the black magic at a high level. And people get encapsulated by it easily, very easily. Little things turn them up and they just flip out about it. My hypothesis, with everything going on, I know we both broke down this book on your channel and my channel, but Prometheus rising, he goes into the autonomic nervous system in the tribal, and that got transferred to money.

So money is the new tribal leader in a sense. But to trigger somebody into being reactive through going after your tribe has been happening, this is my hypothesis. Like, right now, Jews going through it, right? Like some sort of loosh stuff. But 911, it was Muslims or anybody that was dark skinned right there. That was terrifying. And then we hear about all these police right my friend, he’s black.

He didn’t want to go outside because he’s like, bro, I don’t know, man. It’s too crazy right now. That’s what you told me. My other friend, she’s asian. And then with the whole asian stuff, with the lockdowns or whatever they were pushing that they’re scared to go outside. It’s like the Mexicans with Trump. Like, oh, my God, we get sent to the ice place. I feel like it just seems like a divide and conquer thing going on.

They’re following a model. They uploaded a program. They have a model for the program. They used the model on black people first. And then they started, like, as a testing ground. Like a testing ground. But it was a testing. Even the whole civil rights thing, they just flipped that over to the rainbow club now. Oh, sure. That’s the new civil rights experiment to give them civil rights. You see what I’m saying? But they use black people as the model.

That’s the black magic. Black magic. You see what I’m saying? Right? But black is good. Like, God created black first. Yeah, but like the social term of black, they made that into a thing because really black is a social term. We use social terms to identify with each other, but these terms aren’t really correct. It’s just what we’ve agreed upon. It’s just like how money. What is money is a piece of paper.

But people came together and agreed that that piece of paper has worth. These federal notes have worth. So the same thing with socialism. We’ve agreed on these principles. So we’re under the mind control because we easily can tomorrow come out with a whole other type dollar and start circulating within the people and bring down the banks tomorrow. What would they do about it? You see what I’m saying? So we’re under major mind control, all of us, black, white, indian, asian, Mexican, we’re all under major mind control.

Yeah. Did you see this video resembling. Remember when George Bush went to read to the kids and then they told him that 911 was happening and the towers fell down at 1028? That one, two eight. Obama most recently was sitting reading to the kids. Wait, the towers fell at 1028? Yeah, that’s what Tommy pointed that out. So shout out to Tommy for point one. That’s crazy, but continue.

But there’s this I pet goat video where you got George Bush talking to the kids. Then you got Obama talking to kids. And this just happened. And I think it’s prominent because he just dropped his movie and this is like his first appearance so there’s some stuff in here. I haven’t really looked too much into it, but he said rainbow, and I just saw the rainbow. Rainbow. They call him the first rainbow president.

Oh, they did? Yeah, they call him the first. Yeah, I got you. Yeah, they called him the first rainbow president. Not just because of that, because all of that is like the Q rumors, right? I’m saying from a standpoint of him pushing legislation, he didn’t push no legislation for black people when he was in office. Right. He didn’t push one thing literally at all, but he pushed a lot of legislations for.

So everybody saw that. So they was like, well, maybe he might be on the down low. Who knows? I think he was orchestrated, like, for me, just looking from an advanced point of view. That’s why I want people, when they look at my channel, they told him to push the legislation. Got nothing to do with him being rainbow. That’s the mind control for a person to think. And even if he was, who cares? But the point is that they tell these people what to do.

That’s what we can’t get through our minds. Sometimes we get wrapped up in the event happening, and we’re not wrapped up in how it’s orchestrated before it even happens. That’s what I stick and stay on, right? Yeah, man. It’s some wild stuff. Like everything going on is wild. We pushing that hour mark. Is there anything else that we should bring up? Let me share. So I just got a couple more.

Couple of things we can stay as long. I just want to respect your time. Yeah, we’re going to get into it. Let me share a couple of things real quick. Hold on, guys, and I’ll go out to the comments. What up, comment. Oh, I found another 128 when I was shipping out these vhs boxes that I wanted to bring up because I saw this, I was like, I got to take a picture of it.

USPS business customers, per the federal register, as of the one to eight day hard copy postage statements will no longer be accepted. I don’t know what that means, but what do you mean? Our copy posted status will no longer be accepted. Means something. It means something. The whole coin shortage stuff now postage stuff. Who knows? It might be something that goes down on 128, bro. So we need to look at that date, too.

Yeah, it’s not far from now. It’s not. It’s right around the corner. I wanted to show you something. I don’t know. You remember this is way back, is my screen sharing. I can’t see. Yeah, we can see your screen. Yes. Do you see this? Do you see this symbol? Do you remember? It’s the three stripes. It’s back, bro. Remember in our first video, if you guys look at me and donuts first interview together, we covered the three stripes.

We showed it on Biden’s. I know you got all the pictures, but Biden’s logo, we showed it on the NaS album. We showed it on the creed. The Creed movie album. And we went back in time and saw it everywhere. It was like literally everywhere. You had a bunch of slides on it. I could actually hold on and you tuning in. I’m sorry. This was our first video where we be bringing it up right here.

You go back to the video. Okay. Yeah, go ahead. Yeah. Call them foundational black. So I’m going to just play a clip of it real quick. Americans, that’s in this country, they’re showcasing a shadow because a lot of rituals are going to go down with these celebrities and artists that’s connected to the Illuminati and they’re implementing their shadow plane. They’re literally transferring, magically a shadow plane to earth or the physical.

Yeah. So I could just go through the slides, but that’s the Illuminati penguin video. But, yeah. You were showing all the three stripes right when we started. Yeah. Look how tiny my braids were. Yeah, I know. Didn’t I compliment you today? Yeah, I complimented you today on them. They look good. They’re growing in a little bit, bro. I’m trying to get there, but, yeah, here’s the three symbolism we were talking about here.

But you did a cut up of the video. When you did the edited versions, you showed more so people can review that and see all of that symbolism. But let’s talk about. What is it, Esmel. It seems to me like Ishmael. And Ishmael is your pre muslim faith to Islam. It’s called ishmaelism. Yeah, Ishmael. A lot of people can look that up. So this guy is the person who’s one of the companies who produced leave the world behind.

His name is Sam. Eshmael and Esmel court, if you go to Gematria. Let me show you guys something real quick. And I like to use Tommy and Thomas’s calculator. But you put in smell. Hold on. Got to get rid of it. You are amazing, Corp. You see this down here? It equals six six six. Okay. Look at that. In the sumerian cipher, you see? Right? Also equals 33.

You know what a 33 is? But it also equals 48. The 48 is more important. Than all of this. Why is it more important? Did you know they revealed Matthew Perry’s death today? How he died? Okay, they did? I didn’t know that. Let’s look at it. Matthew Perry. December 15, 2023, Matthews Perry’s cause of death revealed as acute effects of ketamine. Acute effects of ketamine. Now the interesting thing is that this was released 48 days later after his birthday.

Wow. Smell Corp equals 48 when the movie leave the world behind, which is talking about the friends tv series all throughout the whole movie. The girl is addicted to it. Julia Roberts dated him, but 48 laws of power. 48 connections. Yeah, 48 laws of power. But look at this. Ketamine equals 48 in Gervatria. Bingo. That’s wild. Bingo. Even like, Obama’s name matches up with the movie title leave the world behind.

I think I heard that somewhere. Probably his full name. Barack Hussein Obama. Yeah, probably so. But that’s what I just wanted to show you, bro. I was itching to show you that. Oh, that’s nuts. Yeah, it’s crazy, bro. Is there a lot of 48 stuff? I know we’re coming up on the 47th president, which is that compass. Yeah, I can pull up the 48 stuff. Every number. I have a lot of notes that I take just looking into the different numbers, but 48.

Oh, illuminati equals 48. Okay. Illuminati equals 48. Remember when will smith slapped Chris Rock? Yeah. That came 48 days after Chris Rock’s birthday. Slap equals 48. Hollywood equals 48. That’s big. And for people that don’t know what we’re talking about, can you explain? Okay, so basically there’s a numerological system. Everybody understands numerology is real. What’s the saying that goes, men lie, women lie, numbers don’t. So with gematria, which is the science and practice of kabbalah, what kabbalah is, is the jewish mysticism system behind the.

What is the Jewish. Is it the Torah or. It’s not the Torah? What comes before the Torah? Is it a talbot? No. So there’s the Torah. I get it. It’s the esoteric form of the Torah. Right? So the Torah is a Torah which is talking about the Torah’s field. But the esoteric form of the Torah is called kabbalah. That’s what it was. I didn’t know Torah was associated.

So just like the Bible has esoteric books too. You get the Bible, then you get these gnostic texts like the apocalypse of Adam, the gospel of know those other books are esoteric forms of the Bible. So Gematria showcases the science in the kabbalah, how the numerology connects to a date to a person’s name into a particular number that encodes a certain frequency. So they use numbers for certain frequency.

They love the six six six number. They’re in love with it. You read manly P. Hall’s book, he’ll tell you that six six six is the number of Transformation. So the whole beast in the Bible, all of that stuff, Satan and all of that, really, six six six represents carbon. Everything in the universe is carbon. And carbon goes through a transmutative state. Oil becomes diamonds. A lot of people don’t know.

Oil ferments and becomes diamonds. That’s a transmutable state. So Kabbalah is showing the numerological science. Sorry, I don’t know what I just did. That was some kabbalah stuff right there. Yeah, we went into kabbalah. Just. Yeah. So those who’s asking why I’m bringing up those numbers? That’s know, I did this video a while back with santos and he was like, torah, Taurus build and then bull. Yeah. Like a Taurus is a Bible.

Let me talk about the bull. Go back to that picture. The Bible. The bi bull means two bowls. The word bowl and bull is the same thing. The two bowls, if you put two bowls on top of each other, is a Taurus field, which is a doughnut. Yeah, it is. Literally is. Yeah. And these two things you see right here, the little blue lines, is what you call the parabola.

Parabola. Parabola is the two bowls. And this is what we’re going through throughout life is these frequency interceptors of these parabolas. When we come in contact with each other, we form parabolas. Doesn’t matter how far. Bioenergetics, right? Like you walk by somebody and you’re affected by that. You know, our biofill stretches like 30, 40ft. Yeah. Some people, as it goes farther than others, like it does, you could feel somebody walking into the room before they walk in the room.

You’re like, oh, I just know they got to show up. Oh, man. Right. They’re born with that open ajna. That’s where the pineal. It looks like a picture of the pineal right there. Yeah, the biophoton. I always mess up the words. The cryrian photographs, okay. Of living. That was a leaf. Okay. That’s why it looked like pine cone. Right. But if you look at a real picture inside a pineal gland, it looks similar to this.

It doesn’t have. Oh, really? Yeah. It doesn’t have these layers right here. But this part right here looks just like it. Have you looked into this symbol at all? Yeah, on the left. Which one? The ones on the left? Yeah, absolutely. I’ve come across those photos. I wish I knew more about it. I know it goes into the magnetic field like you put on the television. Somebody wrote here.

That’s what I was talking about. Oh, Curlian. Yeah. Was a Curlian field. Well, that was the name of the pictures of taking. Okay. It’s Curlyans. Okay. All right. Yeah. So it’s documented you could document these things. Hey, I’m learning, too. We’re learning. Yeah. There’s a lot going on, right? We get up on top of these things because the Egyptians used to say, if you didn’t learn something within a daytime, if you didn’t learn something new, you died.

I believe that because every time I learn something new, I feel more energized. And I bet you that’s why I like your channel, right? Likewise, likewise. Yeah. Well, bro, I’m so excited. Thank you, Ani, for coming on. No problem, bro. We’re going to do more podcast, and I’m just super grateful for you, bro. Had a great time. You know what? We’re going to just pay attention to the events because they better do something with Kanye.

You best believe something’s about to come up with Kanye. And keep your eyes on the Obamas, of course. And Trump is going to sneak in somehow as well. But the album is out. I’m going to check out, and maybe in the future we can break down some things with the symbology with the album or the synchronicities to what they’re going to do with him next. Because since he’s out here, when they bring Kanye out, they go, like, on a whole media little tour with him.

He’s about to be everywhere, right? So it’d just be interesting if a bear market started happening. We’ll see what happens. We’ll keep you all updated. Make sure you smack. We got 2000 people up in here. I want to see 2000 likes go subscribe to the Patreon. Both of our Patreons go, like, on Esru’s YouTube channel. Got the link down below, but most of all, just smash the like button.

Come on. Much love. God bless you all. Yeah, you got the hand. You got to do that. Peace, y’all. .

  • Unnamed -

    The underboss of the Truth Mafia, known as the "Donut Factory," possesses unparalleled expertise in decoding symbols and occult language. For years, he has fearlessly unveiled the secrets of secretive societies, captivating audiences with his unique revelations.

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