NEW Jeep Vlog: Negative Default Programming

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➡ The text discusses the concept of negative default programming, which is the tendency of individuals to focus on negativity and dwell on unwanted situations, creating a feedback loop of negativity. It emphasizes that this inherent trait, while pervasive and detrimental, is not someone’s individual fault but a part of the world we inhabit. The author also argues that speaking and dwelling on negativity essentially instructs one’s reality to manifest that negativity, thereby advocating for imagining and focusing on the life one wants, rather than the one lived currently.
➡ The text emphasizes the importance of positive thinking and avoiding “negative default programming.” It urges focusing on the life experiences that desired objects might bring rather than the objects themselves, in order to manifest more fulfilling experiences. The text also advises planting “seeds” of truth in others, but cautions against trying to force them to understand or accept them. Instead, it encourages maintaining distance from toxic personalities to protect one’s own emotional and mental health.


We’ve all been around on that individual. Every time we come in contact with a certain individual in our lives, they just suck the life out of you. We’ve all experienced that this isn’t something unique to Jason or unique to a few of you. There are people that are subject to this negative default programming. Every single thing that happens in their life is something that they don’t want to happen, but they continually dwell on it.

Every decision they make is the wrong decision. They can be on the highway and every single lane they go into ends up being the lane they should have avoided. These individuals are toxic and they will bring you down. And there comes a point in time in your life when you have to let go. You got to cut that contagion out of your life. So negative default programming is something we don’t really discuss a lot here in archaics.

Why focus on the negative? Well, we have given a lot of attention to dungeon programming. So for those who are confused about the two, this video is for you and what you can do about it. Negative default programming seems to be written into the code of our existence. Meaning if things were left to their natural devices, if outcomes were predicated on just without any type of external stimuli other than the negative default programming of this construct, then there’s not going to be a neutral series of outcomes at all.

It’s always going to lean a little bit more to the negative. It takes more effort to be positive in this construct because we naturally default to negativity. And we do this over and over. It’s very hard to remain an optimist in the type of world that we live in. So negative default programming isn’t anyone, it’s not any individual’s fault, it’s not something that you can even try out of.

It is a part of the field we’re immersed in. And when the personally informed field of you, your immortal soul, when it interacts with the overfield around us, this little pocket of positivity that we call personality, and the situations that develop out of that around us, this is something that you earn, you work for that it does not come natural. Negativity comes natural, comes very natural. This is why the majority of people that we know are always going through some type of negative situation.

You don’t really identify those people as being negative personalities, but it seems like when you come into contact with a lot of your friends and family, they’re always going through something, there’s something they’re complaining about. And you often notice that they’re stuck in these feedback loops. They complain about where they are in life and they fixate on these details. And yet, instead of actually doing something to change it, they continue the life they’re living, hoping that change will come externally from somewhere outside themselves.

Negative default programming is why we fall into this default mode of hopelessness, of despair, of negativity. And some people really embrace it. They take it to a whole nother level and they develop these wild theories and ideas and they come up with these constructs in their mind, totally imaginative, of soul trap and all kinds of little ingenious things that has nothing to do with the real reality that we’re suspended within.

Nothing. This is all imagination. There’s no evidence for a lot of these things. This demonizing of reality that exists today. And it blows my mind when I listen to some people and they spew this negativity and it comes from their mouth so freely. I’m like, wow, you have no idea how powerful you are. And yet you just use that power to confirm to another immortal being how weak you are.

Wow. And sometimes I don’t know what to do. I understand negative default programming and I understand how it affects people. And sometimes I’m still stuck. It’s like there’s a threshold. I can’t cross it. I can’t do for you what you won’t do for yourself. I can’t do it. And I know that sometimes any help I give is actually an impediment. And I have to be careful. I have to be careful about what I say to people in my personal life.

I have to be careful about what I do around them. They don’t understand that some of my acts, what I’m doing is I’m further perpetuating a whole new reality. It has nothing to do with what they’re living and experiencing and believing. And people coming into contact with information that they’re not ready to receive actually becomes toxic to them. Like I said on my channel, I don’t have any problem blocking people that are toxic.

I have no problem with the negativity coming to my channel with that bs. And I’ll block you if people don’t understand. They think that’s bravado. They think that I’m doing it. No, I’m not letting the negativity in my field. But I’m also doing people a favor. Because if you’re not ready to receive, especially divine truths, you will only injure yourself in the attempt to comprehend it. Negative default programming is almost like a safety net for the immature.

It’s a safety net for those who are not ready to receive the things that the spirit is bountiful in providing. I can’t do for others what they’re not going to do for themselves. I can’t teach what you’re not prepared to learn. I’m not speaking to most of you all. I’m speaking to some of you. The negative default programming is real, but it’s not our enemy. It’s there. It’s instructive.

Remember, this reality is all about, is all about being constructive. It is about the maturing of the immortal soul. And to mature, you’re going to have to go through dark spells. You’re going to have to go through things that you wouldn’t ordinarily go through if you weren’t put in this type of construct. You guys going to let me in? All right. I’m going to get on this freeway whether you like it or not.

Yeah. If you choose to live your life going further and further in your life, complaining about the very life that you live, I promise you the construct is going to take that as instructions. That’s the programming that you’re writing into the code. You want a terrible, miserable, miserable, uneventful life. This is what complaining does, even though you are verbally expressing what you do not want. That is not how the construct receives it.

It receives it as a command protocol. It writes that into your code. It creates the feedback loop because you’ve spoken into existence. It doesn’t matter that that’s not what you want, but that’s where your energy flow and that flow of energy goes into the writing of the writing of the code that governs the dictates of your life. Negative default programming basically separates those who are ready to receive and those who are far from ready, those who continue to feed into that negativity and perpetuate those feedback loops.

You’re doing precisely, precisely what Aix wants. Yeah, it doesn’t even need to orchestrate dungeon programming. You’re doing it your damn self. There’s a lot of people. There’s a lot of people who are living the very lives that they have created for themselves simply by complaining. Just complain. That’s all you got to do. You want to perpetuate the very life that you don’t want to lead. Complain about it.

Complain about it. Now, as a spiritual being, you’re virtually using divine power to do the exact opposite of what you want to experience. So why not do the opposite? If you’re going to expend that much energy of being a negative, why don’t you do something positive and think about the life that you want to live. It doesn’t matter that you’re not living it. You’re a divine being, and by virtue of imagination, you can build the very life that you want, even though you’re not experiencing it now.

It’s you want to escape toxic friendships, imagine a life without them. You want to better your living conditions, the amenities in life. You’re not doing too well financially, and you want to increase. Hey, you just want to live a life of luxury, then imagine a life of opulence. The more you imagine destitution, the more destitute the code becomes that’s written into your life. If you imagine there is resistance, I promise you, resistance will appear.

If you completely write it into your imagination that you believe time is going to elapse. It’s going to have to elapse before you can receive the very things you want in life. I promise you. The construct is going to write that into the code that you need to be put on hold because you think time has to elapse before you can get the very thing that you want.

The construct is not going to make you out to be a liar. You’re going to get exactly what you’re issuing. That’s what you’re issuing. Negative default programming takes negativity and turns this negativity into fact. It takes this negative energy, and it writes for you, the feedback loop that you do not want to experience. So you experience it again. The construct is like a divine mirror. But if you want to change it, if you want to stop vibrating on those negative frequencies and you want to vibrate on a frequency of expectation and hope and even amusement, amusement that the construct can so quickly alter the conditions of your life, then do so.

It’s real easy. So easy. You got to imagine experiences, not objects. When you focus on objects that you don’t have, you merely write into the coding of, basically the coding of the future, of not possessing the very objects that you do not have at the time of imagining possessing them. You got to understand how this works, guys. This is a very sophisticated construct, this coding. You don’t imagine money because you don’t even have any right now.

You don’t imagine money. You imagine the life that money can bring. Now you’re imagining experiences now you’re injecting yourself into a future situation that’s positive. And you can feel from that. You can feel now. Empathy allows you to feel right now what you would be feeling in the future when you truly experience these things. And that right there empowers the coding to make it come to pass. Now you’re writing something new into the future.

And that’s one thing the construct likes. It really likes to bring new things into the construct. It’s got builder protocols that are instantly already operating as soon as you imagine something and begin moving in that direction. But negative default programming, that’s going to be your main hurdle. Because after two or three minutes of imagining something that you want, negative default programming automatically has you coming up mentally with pictures and ideas as to why you do not deserve the very things that you imagine.

And once you start equating what you want with what you deserve, you eliminate the ability to have it. You got to quit that. Absolutely. You have got to quit that. Quit falling back into default mode. The default mode is slightly negative. Don’t fall into default mode. Very few, and these are the few in every community, these are the few immortals among us who have been practicing positivity for so long that their default now is positive.

But those are far and few between. That’s not you and it’s certainly not me. But you don’t have to be at that level. You don’t have to be an adept. You do not have to be at that level of spiritual maturity to write your own existence. You don’t. This was on my mind earlier today. I had no intention of doing a video like this. This morning, I came into contact with a toxic personality, and it was on my mind.

And I wanted to say more to this personality, but something stopped me, and I realized, wow, I always have things to say. I always have things to teach. I always have experiences to share. But what was stopping me? And I had to think about it for a minute, and I realized that person’s not ready to receive anything that I have to offer. Why am I beating myself up trying to think of something to say that will penetrate the layers of negativity that this person suffers.

This person’s living in an entirely different world than me. I tell you guys a lot. Many times I have expressed, we may live in the same world, but we’re not living in the same universe. So that’s where I’m at, guys. This negative default programming is something that is very real. It’s toxic. It’s experienced by the majority, and you don’t need to experience that. You don’t need to share into, you don’t need to buy into.

You don’t owe any of these people anything. You don’t owe them anything. It is best to remove yourself from these toxic relationships. It’s no good. It’s no good that toxicity, the negative default programming is a part of the construct. And if somebody is negative and they’re always tapped into that field, I’m telling you now, you are not powerful enough to deal with this individual day after day after day.

And be immune from that toxicity. It’s not going to happen. That person is tapped into a field that is much larger and more prolific than you are. You can master your own field, and you can affect the fields of others. But you can’t go up against the older field, the similacrum, Howard will say it. You can’t go up against that. The construct is fixed. It is codified with negative default programming.

It is compartmentalized with dungeon programming. And if somebody is very rigidly attached to this field, there’s nothing you can do for them. Nothing you can do for them. Because in the world they live in, they live in a world of resistance. And remember, whatever you resist persists. But they resist everything. They resist good. They resist the negativity. They resist the positivity. They resist situations. They resist relationships. They resist themselves.

Because as soon as they feel that they want something, then they feel they don’t deserve it. And they don’t get it. In the world of resistances. That these toxic personalities exist in, they resist you as well. This is the beauty of planting a seed. You cannot force truth upon somebody. All you can do is plant that seed. Planting the seed. Planting a seed. I don’t know why this part of the interstate is so bumpy.

Planting the seed. Planting. When you plant a seed, you’re doing two things. One, you’re introducing something spiritual into somebody else’s field. And two, it’s a seed. If you’re not forcing it. And you’re not trying to perpetuate anything other than a single thought. Hey, man. And you give them this little plant, this little seed. You plant seeds by. You can do it intellectually, you can do it something spiritually profound, philosophical.

Or your activity and behavior around another individual is also a seed. You can plant these seeds. Once you’ve planted that seed, you back off. Because that in itself is trust. You are trusting in the oversold to nurture and water that seed. And you are admitting that this is something beyond your spiritual capacity at that time. The individual that you’re trying to reach out to. Is non responsive to the ordinary personality.

Non responsive. Therefore, planting a seed is an act of faith. It’s an act of faith. Not between you and that individual. It’s between you and the oversold you have brought something into the existence of another individual that is now going to be taken up by the oversold. And the oversold knows the timing when that person is going to be more receptive. The oversold knows when to nurture that seed, when to water that seed, when to make sure that seed starts sprouting and becoming something else.

So that other personality in a time when that other personality is ready to receive. Guys, you’re a part of a great work, but you could never force that work. You could never force those truths on another individual. And nor are you obligated to continually endure, endure the toxicity of other personalities. No, you need to protect your field. That’s the chasing of archaics message for today. Hope you enjoyed it.


  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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