Evidence of a Simulated Environment: Your World Exposed

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➡ The creator discusses a range of historical events from a fresh perspective, suggesting that they involve more than conventional explanations reveal. From Mithridates’ unexpected victory over Rome to meteorites influencing battles, the Black Death, to the disappearance of bugs in the UK in the 1860s, these events are said to tie into the overarching idea that our history is manipulated and not as random as it appears being part of a simulated or ‘false’ reality.
➡ The speaker discusses the idea of an artificial reality manipulated by external overseers, with major themes being the alleged deceptions around the UFO phenomenon, 1947 Roswell event and celestial objects. They argue these deceptions are designed to distract from the truth of our existence within a controlled, artificial structure, with evidence suggesting that most UFO activities are earthbound and the atmospheric phenomena like weather are manipulated, with anomalies such as the Bermuda and Devil’s Triangle adding further intrigue.
➡ The text discusses theories about the ancient Maya Long Count prophecy, suggesting that time as we know it will collapse in the year 2046 and correlating this date with other historical predictions and anomalies. It posits that even after the switch from a 360-day year to a 365.25-day year, celestial objects such as the Nemesis X maintained their regular orbits, leading to a belief in a holographic reality where different mathematical realities can coexist. The text also suggests that the world has experienced repeated resets over history, preserved in ancient texts and potentially housed in unknown repositories. It concludes with a critique of mainstream media, suggesting a manipulation of truth and possibly hiding realities about an existing underworld.
➡ The speaker believes that the global elite have underground facilities maintained by a populace that will get replaced when the elite need these facilities. The speaker also theorizes a past cataclysm where the entire world was flash-frozen, leaving behind fossils, and suggesting that our world is a simulation. They value their own research and findings, while acknowledging others might have different perspectives.
➡ The text discusses the author’s belief in simulation theory, suggesting that humans might live in a simulated environment built with advanced spiritual technology, akin to a video game. The author suggests historical events appear palindromic due to this simulated structure, and draws on evidence from gematria, suggesting everything is coding. Notions of civilizations appearing and disappearing suddenly are considered as possible evidence of history being edited, pointing towards a manipulated reality.
➡ The text explores the idea of a simulated reality, demons, and the power of self-awareness within this construct, suggesting that if we understand our reality as a ‘magical structure’, we may be able to manipulate it for our benefit. The author emphasizes the daily choice between participating in the collective or practicing co-creation, stressing the transformative potential of embracing the internal ‘wizard’ and breaking away from the limitations of the past.


My very first videos was mythridates and the meteorite that changed history. And the premise of the video was to get you to start looking at some of these historical events a little bit differently, because it’s not just this one story about a man who took on the roman empire, and it’s like artificial intelligence. X had a vested interest in making. Making sure that the Senate and the roman empire continued its program of provincial slavery.

And this man broke that. He broke the call. They called him the poison king. But Mithridates did something that is absolutely shocking and has never been done since. He delivered a crippling blow to Rome and did it without an army. Yes, the people got behind this guy, and what they did on a single day will blow your mind, but it’s in this video. But interestingly, years later, he had several armies come together and he was leading them, and he was going to take on the roman legions.

And he was about to change history when all of a sudden, totally unexpected, something came out of the sky and impacted the ground directly between both armies. Now, a lot of historians want to say that’s just a coincidence. Meteorites happen all the time. I’m telling you, it’s not. And I give many examples throughout my channel of other instances, even in chinese records, where armies were about to come together.

And all of a sudden, a rock fell out of the sky, or a freak tsunami stopped an invasion from happening, or a flooding river, or a river that was dammed up in India was dammed up for months and it created a reservoir. And one day that reservoir broke free just as an army was passing over that same dried out riverbed hundreds of miles downstream and took them out.

Listen, this happens way too many times, and it makes us want to reinterpret what exactly is happening, why the interference. So, I’m not going to give you a lot of details on some of these videos. I’m going to tell you generally what they’re about. Every single video that I’m talking about right now, the link to that video is in the description box in the order that I’m giving this presentation.

But these videos were done. They are archaic uploads to get you to start understanding. Listen, history is not what we think it is. There has been direct manipulation in the affairs of human events. They are not random. Anyway, another prime example. If you look on the screen, you’ll see the Black Death extermination, 1347. There is a lot of historians that have written about this period, but they don’t tell you what the original people who lived during that time were writing and saying, in this video, you won’t hear about rats coming from China with the plague on ships.

You’re going to hear about some very strange phenomena that was occurring in the skies, even far inland, way away from shipping ports and all that. I’m talking about hundreds of miles inland in Europe. The plague broke out, sometimes even before it ever arrived on the coast. And when it did, things were seen in the sky. This begs the question, who’s rewriting our histories and omitting these references? How come it’s so hard to find these references of actual reports? Because I found them of actual reports of what people saw in the sky when the Black Death plague began to kill humanity, and within four years, one third of the entire race was dead.

It’s something that needs further investigation. This video will open your eyes up to about things that are in our skies. They have been described again in our time. They have been seen and recorded many times. This third video, if you look on the screen, should say insect storms from a simulated sky. Now, this video is very strange as well. I basically read for you the historical reports that anybody can verify of an anomaly that was acknowledged.

Now, in this video, I’m explaining that when the collective introduces a phenomenon, the similichrum will respond. What happened was it was noticed not only by the scientific community, but it was also noticed by the laity as government workers. It was noticed by the common people. Everybody in the United Kingdom at the time, it wasn’t called the United Kingdom then. It was 1860s, 1870s. They noticed that all the bugs were gone, and then the rodents and the rodent population was diminishing.

There were no insects. And people noticed this, and there was even newspaper reports about that. In this video, you will find out what happened. What happened is astonishing. It is absolute direct evidence that our reality, or somebody on the outside of the construct, responds to basically the data that is projected from a collective that recognizes there’s a problem, and then the holography itself tries to produce a solution.

But because it’s almost like a childlike response, the response to the problem was overkill. What happened will blow your mind. What fell out of the sky in rivers and was documented by sea captains will blow your mind. This is insect storms from a simulated sky in a natural biosphere. What this video conveys could have never happened. But we don’t live in a natural world. To tell you guys all the time, our world is not what you think.

That’s another video for any of you to investigate that are new to my channel, and you don’t understand that a lot of these older uploads contain the data numps. Some of you are coming to archaics with a lot of baggage, and you weigh that baggage against the things you hear in the podcast and the live videos. My interviews with other people not understanding that we’ve already covered many bases for which you didn’t even know existed yet.

My archaics veterans in this chat will know. They already know. But if you’re new to the channel, it’s really easy to get triggered having no idea that there’s a massive amount of information that supports the archaics premise. It’s just being ignored because the videos are so old now we’re going to move on to a more modern video. Recently, in the last four or five months, I had posted a video, super constructions hidden in our sky, and I show medieval wood cuts and things, and I promote a theory, and I promote this theory through several videos where sometimes the power source that provides the holography, the holographic overlay for our sky, shuts down or suffers a reboot.

And the period between the shutdown and the repowering, whatever it is, allows humans to see what is really up there. And I have a theory, and it’s supported by a lot of material, that there are hidden apparatuses, we can call them machines, technological relics, artifacts, whatever you want to call them. But there are super constructions hidden in our sky. And sometimes people have recorded what they sound like.

And we’ve had all kinds of instances in modern times of skyquakes and od rumblings on clear blue sky days, and strange anomalies with the stars, when certain stars are blotted out, and we don’t see anything apparent in the sky, but we can’t see the stars that are supposed to be there. There have been instances where people have photographed things that the human eye cannot see. It’s like things are in our sky that are cloaked.

These videos show a lot of material, and they link it to prior videos, such as the great Black Death Plague, these fingers, or apparatus that lowered themselves from the sky and sprayed these fog and plague mists all over Europe and the rest of the world. So this leads us to the tongusca event 19 eight. This is a video where I’m promoting an idea that it wasn’t a meteorite, because the Tonguska event in Siberia and Russia is all we’re often told, it’s a meteorite.

But what you’ll see in this video, as reported by the locals that were there and what actually happened during the detonation. And the russian scientists, what they found at ground zero there. You will know for a fact after watching this video, that it was no such meteorite. It was something that came from the sky. Our history is a holographic construct. This is a continuation of the premise that if our sky and if the phenomena in what we call the natural world is simulated, then there’s no way to divorce that from a simulated history.

You just can’t. You can’t have one aspect of your reality simulated, some type of holographic overlay of programming, and then claim that the other aspects of your reality are not simulated, but they’re actually real. No. If anything can be shown to be simulated, everything is everything. We just can’t see it. Remember, guys, there’s no way in hell anybody will ever be able to prove simulation theory for the exact same reasons.

There’s no way that the human race will ever be able to design a true artificial intelligence system. They’re not mutually exclusive. The reason it’ll never happen is because we are inside an artificial intelligence. We are inside a construct. Call it whatever you want, the demiurge, the God of this world. It’s a false reality. The only things real here are us. So that’s the premise of this video. And this false reality has defense protocols.

It has defense mechanisms. In an older video that I’m really surprised hasn’t got a lot more traction because it is data packed. I have a video, 1947 Roswell. The deception begins. I go in deep. There’s two parts to that video, but I show that reality itself has defense mechanisms inside it where it will promote ideas and create situations that really throw humans off the scent. So instead of getting the collective to believe that, okay, so we have some type of overseers that are guiding human events.

We have some type of overseers that are manipulating the holography of history and making us believe things that never happened. We have all kinds of evidence that we live in a structured reality, but somebody else is in controls of that structuring. So artificial intelligence x, is not going to allow the collective to come to the conclusion that it is the one running everything. Instead, it’s going to throw out all these smoke trails.

And one of the largest smoke trails in the world is extraterrestrial theory. Call it ancient aliens, call it whatever, but even modern UFO theory, we’re going to get into that here because I have a few videos on UFO phenomena, and my take on the entire phenomena isn’t anything like what’s being modernly put out there about basically the whole UFO identity, what they really are. And so I’m going in a totally different direction.

So this is 1947, Roswell. The deception begins. The deception is manufactured to deceive the entire whole alien crash. You’ll read all about it, but it was specifically designed to get us to believe in extraterrestrials manipulating human events. It’s misinformation, and it has an agenda. So I continue this with another video, UFOs and alien tricksters of our underworld. This video is to get you to open your mind, to realize, listen, we don’t have the evidence of UFOs entering and exiting the atmosphere.

We don’t have the traditions of that at all. What we have are ancient traditions, more medieval records, and modern testimonies and eyewitness accounts of UFO craft or UFO phenomena entering and exiting bodies of water or mountains and valleys. It seems that artificial intelligence X wants us to look up and continues to perpetuate the idea that they’re coming from space, Mars, the moon, wherever. But in truth, about 95% of all UFO activity involves going in or coming out of the ground.

And that changes everything. So I had released another video, haunted skies. Aix lies archaics 2. 0. Artificial intelligence. X deceives us. The haunted skies phenomena are manufactured all the time for us to deliberately interpret in certain ways in certain frames of references, it’s all deceit. As a matter of fact, it’s not just the phenomena that appears, but the entire sky is deceitful. And I have videos about that.

The sun, the moon, the movements of the sun and the moon, the phases of the moon, are a great hint at the level of deceit, meaning we’re aware, many researchers are aware that the moon is almost holographic and that it actually emits light. It doesn’t reflect it from the sun. But the very fact that the light that is emitted is emitted in the form of crescent moons and phases and gibbos moons and all that is a perpetuation of the deceit, that it’s reflected sunlight.

I’ve had some interesting conversations with flat earthers. Like I said, I respect the fact that they can think way outside the box, but I just have some disagreements with them as well. If we carry the phenomena, everything that we have learned about the phenomena of the sky, if we carry it to the next cognitive leap, we start realizing, okay, well, whoever designed this sky designed it specifically for us to conclude that we’re on a sphere and that everything in the sky is spherical as well.

And that’s why it reflects light the way it does in crescents. This is highly deceptive, but it’s designed that way. It’s designed for us to make these conclusions. But that’s this video here. Then I come out with another video. Astronicon, November 1, 2046. The Nemesis X object. Nice. This is the next video, the fog and mass vanishings. I get emails from time to time of people that are shocked like, oh my God, I had no idea.

Why has this video never popped up on my archaics feed? I never seen this video. But I go into detail in this video about the Bermuda triangle and the devil’s triangle. What’s really happening, the phenomena that’s going on, why we have derelict ships, why these vessels are vanishing and disappearing just in this one little area of the world. And then the antipode on the other side of the world, another triangle called Devil’s Triangle.

So the fog and mass vanishings like malaysian airlines. There’s more evidence that the malaysian airlines jet went up than it ever did coming down. Eyewitness testimonies of what the sky looks like during one of these phenomena when the sky is corkscrewing and it’s almost as if two dimensions are overlapping. And if you get caught in that overlap, when the other dimension pulls out, you go into that other dimension.

It seems like this overlap is how they’re pulling men and materials out of the similichrum into somewhere else. And we don’t know where that is. Can never know where that is because I’m here talking to you. If I was ever able to go into the other dimension, I seriously doubt I would find a way back. This is an intriguing video, but it’s disturbing. And that might be why YouTube never brings it up on people’s feeds.

It’s called the fog and mass vanishings. So we have all this phenomenon. I have a rant from a long time ago. Weathermen are the worst. In this rant I was explaining that we can’t live in a natural world. There’s no way. The sophistication of our sciences and the scientific apparatus that we have designed today, the hundreds of thousands of brilliant minds that have come together, if we were living in a real world with real natural phenomena, there is absolutely no way by this time, using all the algorithmic systems that we have developed today, that we would not be able to accurately predict the weather.

But that’s not what we find. Weather prediction is almost total bullshit. What we have are Doppler radar systems spread out everywhere and they’re reporting what the weather is in real time. If I’m in Willis, Texas, and it’s sunny outside. But the radar systems in Houston and Galveston show thunderstorms, and they know the trajectory and the wind speed. It’s not even a prediction. It’s just saying that. Oh, okay, well, Willis, Texas is going to get hit with thunderstorms and rain because they know it’s already heading north and it’s from south of Willis, Texas.

So it’s very easy to say they’re predicting the weather and all that, but they’re actually just looking at radar charts that are showing the trajectory of phenomena. And often they are absolutely wrong. As soon as they say something’s happening, going to happen, it changes its trajectory or the humidity completely fades away and there’s no more rain. The clouds gain elevation. Some of them dissipate. It’s so strange. Yeah, weathermen are the worst.

They get paid a lot of money for being wrong all the time, but that’s not how it should be. They should be pretty dead on accurate. Instead of telling us excuses almost every single time, why their predictions are wrong. And that excuse always involves, oh, it’s a low pressure system or a high pressure system moved in the area. They’re always going to give us excuses. But why didn’t you predict those pressure systems? Yeah, we live in an artificial construct, and whoever’s controlling it, they have their own protocols, and weathermen don’t know what they are.

Just making sure I’m not skipping any of these videos. That was old tonguska event. All right, so the returning to Astronicon, November 1, 2046. Remember, I told you in this video, I’m not going through no phoenix material. Yeah. The reason I’m doing that is because a lot of people have made the untrue assertion that the phoenix phenomenon requires simulation theory, or simulation theory is shown and demonstrated by the phoenix phenomenon only, and that’s not true.

So in this whole video here, I’m just totally ignoring the Phoenix phenomenon. But we have another problem with the Nemesis X object. Very, very well documented, spread through many videos. I show every time the Nemesis X object was recorded in history, how it appeared, what it looked like from the 60 year it actually started a calendar in the ancient world based off 60s. This sex jessimal system that was known to the Sumerians and its first appearance actually started sumerian history.

But we have this unusual 732 year periodicity, but it’s separated between aphilion and perihelion. Aphelion is when the object is closest to the sun and Earth for a period, and then the aphelion is when it’s very far away. And traveling outside the system. Now, remember, this is simulated. I don’t believe in a real solar system. But I do believe that the math is there to make us believe in intruder planets.

And believe in bolides. And believe in all these orbital periodicities. I don’t believe any of that is true. I believe it is entirely simulated. But the problem we have with Nemesis X object. Is that it too, like phoenix, is a periodicity. A pattern that is provable through the ancient world. And then all of a sudden, over the threshold of 713 BC. We have a problem. We have a real big problem.

I discussed that a lot in this video here. The Maya long count prophecy. The 13th Bacton. You see, at the end of the 6th Bacton, 713 BC. The year changed from 360 days to 365. 25 days. The original mayan long count did not know of a 365 day year. The entire Bacton ton system was divisible by 360. Not divisible. The mayan long count is just not divisible by 365.

25. So it was the 6th bacton when the change occurred. Time changed. Which is interesting because the mayan prophecies say. At the end of the 13th bacton. Time will collapse. And we know that date. It’s 2046. It’s the same date that’s put out by other researchers. Like David Davidson in 1926. It’s the same date that Douglas vote of the Diehold foundation puts out. It’s the same date of the return of the Nemesis X object.

It’s the end of the mayan long count. It’s also the actual date in the date index of Nostradamus of great cataclysm. 2046 is the year to worry about. I tell people all the time. Phoenix is not for most of the world. Phoenix is going to be a change of biosphere, not an end. 2046 is going to be an end for a lot of people. The day the world turns backwards.

This too is. This is. This is a part 25 of my anuna files. This is another video that shows. This is unusual. If the year changed. Then how did this object, Nemesis X. Continue to reappear on the original timeline? Just like I told you guys on all the Phoenix videos. We have the same problem. Because it can be conclusively shown that the year was 360 days. And no other year was known.

It can be conclusively shown that in 713 BC, the year changed. And it was recognized in all around the world. They changed it to 365 days. Later on, they modified it to 365. 25 days. This is all very easily to show, and I do it in my published books. Emmanuel Velikovsky provides a lot of information on that. I do it in my videos and my articles. But if the year changed to 365.

25 days, that means anything that was on a periodicity, anything that was on a regular orbital period, would have had to have changed as well, because the addition of 5. 25 days to every single year of the calendar after 500 years would be a problem. But it’s not for Phoenix and it’s not for the Nemesis X object. They continue unabated, as if there are multiple different protocols running simultaneously in the stellosphere, in our sky.

Only in a holographic construct can two mathematical constructs coexist. This is what’s happening. If the calendar did change but the phenomena that returns periodically still maintains its original time, then that means we’re looking into the skies of absolute deceit and that this great celestial clock that we think is keeping perfect time isn’t doing that at all. It’s lying to us. So what is keeping perfect time are the objects like Nemesis X and Phoenix that have appeared before the change of the year and continue to appear after the change of the year.

So what’s happening is 5. 25 days are being added to every single year by something in the construct because they do not belong. Somebody has unnecessarily added a lot of time to our confinement. So that’s another video. If you want to look into the 2046, there’s several of them, like this one here. The orbit of Nemesis X object. Nibaru destinations end 2046. This is part 24 of the Anuna files, and it, too, goes into a lot of depth of the materials that I’m telling you right now that they’re very demonstrable.

We can show them from the historical record, we can show them with a calculator, but they still can’t be true. Only as programming can disparate realities coexist. And this is what’s happening. I have an old video that I remastered, and a lot of people liked it because I did a new voiceover on it. Dark realities remastered. This video is a synopsis of basically our reality according to archaics.

It’s not deep, but it’s very specific. It’s a bullet point presentation, or I’m just itemizing all the facts going through. This is the world you live in. This is what’s happening. This is why it’s happening. This is where you are. For those who want to get into that. It’s called dark realities remastered. In another good video, this one was a rather long one. This is how I launched archaics 2.

0, when I was going really deep in calendars. Forgotten calendar, episode one, archaics 2. 0. Again, I’m showing that history is holographic, I’m showing that we have all these historical records, we have the receipts, we can show you chapter, verse, where all these things are mentioned, how they’re even supported in archaeology, they’re supporting in other traditions, comparative mythology, all these different sources. They’re even supported by a calculator.

And yet what we’re reading can’t be true. These historical events could not have happened so mathematically precise, not in a real world, not in a real world where chaos is the norm and randomness is basically the template by which everything unfolds. That’s not what we find. We don’t find random events in history. We find beautiful mathematical connections, patterns, calendar, all these different sequencing. What we’re looking at is protocols.

We’re looking at the effect of coding these type of videos go into that data that calendars are coding. Here’s another one here. This was my doomsday, I think the title is doomsday calendar. But this too explains all these different cylindrical systems from the ancient world that are still operable today. And they highly focus on the year 2046. So this is something you might want to get into this video, the Doomsday video, 2046.

This is the video for those who want to get deep into the data and know what happened each year from like 4300 bc all the way up to 2046. All the major cataclysms, all the things that we’ve documented. Now, it doesn’t go into small local earthquakes and volcanoes. And all these are the major things that have been recorded throughout history and how they fit mathematically perfect on this timeline.

It’s. So another older video that’s been pretty popular is a reset theory is thousands of years old. So I show from the historical record old historians, I actually read the quotes from writers from 2000 years ago and earlier who were already familiar with reset theory. They already knew the world was reset, they knew it was reset in patterns, they knew destructions were done by the gods to retard human development and scatter people and get them to start back over.

Yeah, this video here has some very interesting quotes. I’m pretty sure some of you guys aren’t familiar with, like our Arnobius and other quotes that are in here by ancient writers that knew and understood Lucretius is one of them. Pliny is another. I even cite Plato. Plato has a really good one in here that solon received from Egypt about these resets. Reset theory is nothing new. It’s just new to our awareness.

It’s new in modern culture and all that, but it’s not new at all. So I did a video with Max Eigen. It’s called reset cities of the Deep. So Max and I, that’s what we talked about. You might want to check that video out. It’s in the links. Because I have a theory that we have so many resets that have happened in the last 15 centuries and all that, and yet we have the preservation of old books and texts and artifacts and different old things.

And I have a theory that there are repositories in the underworld that are occupied or operated by the elite, and that after these resets, some objects find their way back up to the surface. New translations of books. All that stuff you guys seen. I got five videos on 19, two explaining the things that were happening, but we’re not going to talk about the Phoenix stuff. So my theory is that we have an underworld, and that underworld is occupied, and that there are hundreds of millions of humans in the underworld and that there is interaction.

My own theory goes pretty deep, that everything that we see in the media is a circus. A lot of the arrests, people that we claim that they’re suicidal, people that disappeared, people that we get the most ridiculous explanations for their executions and deaths. Like the cartoon that the entire world was forced to watch. A cartoon of an aircraft carrier and a cartoon of a coffin with a cartoon inside of it that is dumped over an aircraft carrier into a cartoon ocean.

This was mainstream media’s showing the world how the United States got rid of Osama bin Laden. Absolutely unprecedented cartoon. It was crap. These people that get arrested, that we. That said they die in their jail cells and all that, that’s not what’s happening. Once the elite have exhausted someone’s role, the marionettes, once they have exhausted someone’s role in whatever their part they’re playing on the surface, they are rewarded.

They’re not killed. Their reward is to go out and spend the rest of their days in an underground facility that has all the amenities and probably more of everything on the surface. This has been going on for a long time. Remember, if you know a cataclysm is coming in the future, you don’t build an underground facility and just leave it there for 40 or 50 years until you need it.

That’s the dumbest thing in the world, you don’t build a house and then don’t let have somebody move into it. Within three to five years, you’re going to have problems with that house. It’s just like a motor vehicle. You don’t buy a new truck and then put it in the driveway and then don’t touch it for three to five years. What’s going to happen? It’s not going to start.

Yes, machines are designed to be used. As a matter of fact, machines work better if they’re used frequently, not overused, but use them frequently. Yeah, it’s just common sense. Same thing with these reset cities. You always need a population in them. Now, when the time comes for you and yours and your constituents and military and your private little force to move in, that’s when you go in three or four years before the time that you need to move in, that’s when you go in and start eliminating people and you start moving them out.

You start doing whatever you got to do in small increments in groups, hold trials, or just go in there and force men by gunpoint and eradicate everybody who has been basically maintaining those facilities because they have all the amenities. There’s spas and swimming pools and plumbing. They need all that stuff to keep going. They’ve got commissaries, they got all that. If you think this is entire bull crap, I have a video that shows over 60 pictures that have been leaked to the public of underground facilities.

Whole fleets of 18 wheelers going in and out underground. Yeah, I don’t think any of it’s a fiction. And it’s not even private knowledge. 1974, Congress approved funding for the construction of underground facilities in the United States of America. Yes, they did. I don’t want to give away too much. I don’t want to give away too much. Guys, you need to go watch the videos. So let’s. I even archaics produces material that even shows you that some of these resets, they defy explanation.

I have two separate videos that show fossils. And the fossils that are shown in these videos mean that the entire world was flash frozen. You don’t get fossilized, petrified jellyfish, mollusks, clams, and corals and all that that are, well, corals not, but the rest of them are deep in the ocean. You don’t get fossils of these marine creatures way down on the ocean beds. You don’t get that unless the entire world was flash frozen.

And if the entire world was flash frozen, then that means everything in the world died. And if everything in the world died, then what restarted it? So if the world is completely natural, organisms that flash froze should never be found in the fossil record. Afterward, they’re dead, they’re gone. They flash froze their extinction level event. That’s not what we find. We find a flash frozen world in the fossil collections that I show are absolutely convincing.

There’s no way to fossilize and petrify the soft bodies of insects and dragonfly and butterfly wings. All this has been found petrified in stone, and that’s because the world flash froze. I believe the whole system was shut down in an instant. The holography was shut down. Then it was rebooted. When it was rebooted, then the holography continued. And as it did, it was mimicking the natural processes. All these fossils were buried, but the flash freezing killed 100% of all life on Earth.

There’s no other way around that. You don’t get fossils on the top of mountains all the way to the ocean beds. And the entire world didn’t freeze. It had to have flash frozen. So if that’s the case, then how did all the exact same life forms reappearing continue later on? Because that’s what we have as well. Many of the creatures that are found fossilized are the exact same creatures that are alive and well in aquariums today and in the ocean today can be found in nature.

There’s no differences. So theory, evolution, uniformitarianism, it’s all bs. But something happened. Here’s fossil dragonfly wings and simulated destructions in prehistory. This wasn’t my only video. Here’s another one that was more recent that has a lot more fossil evidence when the whole world froze. This is another video, I think I put this one out like two months ago, but it’s the same premise. But it shows a lot more images than the first one did.

But the first one did explain the process and the anomalies a lot better because the second one with more pictures was just an overview. That’s all it was. So in a simulated world, we get like the movie Tron. The movie Tron was on a flat plane, it was a grid. And as they were on their little tron cycles or whatever, the world would come up and be built around them and they’d have to go through obstacles.

Well, this is a very primitive way of showing the exact world that we have today. There are mathematical exercises and different optical demonstrations that can show that we live on a flat plane. But as I have told many of my flat Earth brothers, that doesn’t make me a flat earther I am not a flat Earther. But I do agree with you that your demonstrations are absolutely 100% correct.

We live on a flat plane. That’s because it’s a simulated world, and the world I’m standing on is a surface. It’s completely flat, but the optics show me that it’s spherical. The sky perpetuates that lie. Everything in the sky hints at curvature, but it’s not there. It’s all illusory, every bit of it. I don’t believe we live in a world. I believe we live in the similichrum. And the similichrum is a very, very advanced holographic, multi tiered overlay of programming that interfaces with the central nervous system, making us believe that we truly are inside of a world when we’re not.

I think I got another video on flat Earth and showing the correlates, I’m not really sure, but let’s see this real quick. So that was the reset theory. That chat’s moving pretty fast, isn’t it? Okay, there it is. There’s the other one. Flat Earth versus similichrum. Here’s another one you may want to get into if you’ve entertained, because, listen, I’m not trying to offend anybody or even steal your paradigm.

You want to believe in something? By all means, do it. It’s just, I’m telling you from my perspective, based off all the material, all I want to do is get down to the truth. Now, I have reviewed a lot more material than the average person, so my guesses are more educated, but it doesn’t mean I’m right. But in my vantage point, flat Earth is a stepping stone. It is not a conclusion, it’s not a destination.

Flat Earth is a stepping stone, and there’s only one other stone to step on after that. And in my opinion, that stone is a construct, meaning we live in a simulated environment. So you may have a totally different conclusion, and that’s okay, because archaics, the whole entire massive amount of information put out in archaics. This isn’t me trying to force my beliefs on anybody. This is me showing you that I’ve actually done the research and that these are my conclusions.

You can buy into them if you want to and look further, go in other directions. I encourage that, but I don’t want to cross pollinate my own conclusions and research with that of others. And this is why you don’t see me going to other channels and borrowing from them and getting their information. I don’t do that. I don’t have a single video where I’ve gone to another channel and showed you.

Well, here’s everything they say and this is how I interpret. I’m not going to do that. What archaics is about is providing you a forum to get information you wouldn’t ordinarily have received and you can do with it what you want. You can also go to other platforms, you can see their research and whether they like me or not, I got a lot of enemies, guys. But listen, you can go to other platforms and you chew it all up and spit out the bones.

And if you, by virtue of your own research, can absorb the archaic data and still find value in all these other people’s research, that’s good too, because they’ve got some good material out there. Everybody’s got pieces of the whole. That’s what it’s all about. Putting together our paradigm based off the informations we accept to be true. I don’t have all the data, but the data that I do have will stay and remain compartmentalized.

It will remain separate from others. I’m not going to be guilty of cross pollination. It’s just not going to happen. So let’s see, all this research, it goes into different avenues. And believe me, this is only 40 something videos that I’m talking about. In this video I’m almost at 400 now. I’m just selected those where you can get information so you can maybe start seeing the reality the way I see it.

In this video here. It’s a simulated world within our simulated experience existence. Excuse me, I’m showing a video game. I’m the one playing the video game and I’m recording it so you can see. But it’s not even about that. It’s about if humans have the technology that we can create pseudo worlds and then enjoy our, excuse me. And then enjoy ourselves in those contexts, how much more do you think that we on the outside, with access to hyper advanced spiritual technology, wouldn’t be able to create a similichrome environment which is just programming and then inject our personalities into it by virtue of that programming being so sophisticated it can bridge the psyche with the simulation? I don’t find that hard to believe, not when video games are getting more and more and more interactive and getting more and more believable.

So yeah, this video is just an example to get you to start thinking along those veins. So in the course of here’s another underworld, libraries of the deep. This video continues my theory and I give all these ideas about, listen, we have all these texts and translations and books from the ancient world, and they seem to be released to the public in spurts. And to me, it seems like there is a.

Okay, so to me, it really looks like there’s a group. Call them the elite, maybe the elites in multiple groups. There’s different tiers, whatever. But people are preserving important texts and artifacts in the underworld. This is just another video, like the one I did with Max Eigen, that promotes this idea and why I believe that libraries of the deep. There’s three of those videos. Those are two right there.

Remember, here’s another video I had done. It’s one of my very first videos. My very first. The title is the heavens lie. So we’ve already moved on from that topic. But you can go check that video out. The links are in the description box. Those of you new to the. A lot of people have joined since we started. So those of you new to the conversation, every single video I’m talking about is about simulation theory or that we live in a construct from some perspective or another.

And then we’re doing this entire video without mentioning the Phoenix phenomenon using any of the evidence from the Phoenix phenomenon. Not a single. And this. This, too, is not totally huge. It’s such a huge topic. All right, I want to see if I’ve eliminated all these in this video here, the pendulum reality, I go into isometric projections. I’m not going to give it away, but I’m going to let you know that the history of the world, one of the mathematical structures that we have found is that it’s palindromic, meaning that there are these significant events in history and that other events in history, ancillary to them, are connected to them mathematically, both forward and backward in time.

I can’t stress that enough. This palindromic nature of history is the reason why we can do isometric analysis. The isometric projections is a term borrowed from architecture, and it’s because of my belief that time space itself is a form of holographic architecture. And an isometric projection is a measurement that goes forward and backward or in two different directions. Lots, lots of isometric projection material all throughout my channel.

But that’s a good video to start this pendulum reality, I believe I used the pendulum from Ishak Bentov’s material. I think he was the one that illustrated the pendulum. I’m not sure. So I do videos with different people, especially those I find that demonstrate to me another facet of simulation theory, like Logan of decode your reality. Here’s the first video he and I did. So what’s interesting is that if everything is coding, then there should be all different types of methods by which an observer will be able to find fractions, pieces of that coding that will make sense to him.

You can call it astrology, you can call it gematria, you can call it reading, tea leaves, whatever. Well, Logan has found a way that’s very consistent, this modern chaldean method of gematria. And he has many, many videos where he goes into different topics and gives you more data about that one topic by analyzing it from so many different mathematical perspectives using the system of gematria. Now, because this system of gematria is fixed and you cannot change the value, the values that are being used, that means it provides us value.

Is that my method? Absolutely not. Do I think it has value? Of course it does. He’s told me things in our video presentations that were very interesting. I was like, wow, I would have never made that connection. But I see it now. So it’s not my type of research, but I value it. So I went and did another one with him. That was the first one. Then I did another one with him.

Simulation theory, too, I think. I’ve done three videos with Logan, or I did two with Logan, but with Santos Bonacci, I did two with him too. So actually, Logan and I have been on together four times. I just emailed him the other day. He and I will be doing another video pretty soon. But yeah, there’s all different types. Just like Henry Cornelius Agrippa said, there are all different types.

There are all different kinds of occult analysis. Occult just means hidden. There’s no evil connotation to it at all whatsoever. Here’s another good one right here. The Anuna files, part seven. Civilization appeared out of nowhere. So just like there’s resets, we have so many different people talking about mud, floods and all that. Well, I have noticed not just these weird resets where the entire world was destroyed, like I showed you in those two, the fossils, but we also have sudden appearances of civilizations that are inexplicable.

Where do they come from? Where do they bring that language from? How come we have no historical records whatsoever, the existence of these people? And all of a sudden they appear in the historical record. And they don’t just appear. They’re not in the background to other civilizations. They appear. And when they appear, they’re running shit. This is anomalous. This is the story of the Anunna when they arrived.

This is the story after the cataclysm of the children of the sun, the Shimsu whore, the heliolithic maritime empire. So we have these anomalies. And what I find interesting is I don’t remember which video I quoted it in, but it’s in my Chronicon notes as well. There’s a book I read from the 50s where a historian actually said that we have evidence that it’s almost as if reality itself just suddenly, instantly flash creates a whole civilization and culture, and that within two or three weeks, they are not discombobulated anymore.

They know exactly what they’re doing. And this author, even he even theorized that their histories and their memories were programmed. This is astonishing. It’s in one of my videos, I quote who the guy is and what book that was, but that’s astonishing. I have never been able to get that out of my mind. Remember Oliver Wendell Holmes? I’m subject to it just like you are. When the human mind is stretched by a new idea, it can never go back to its original dimensions.

Yeah, that’s what happens. That’s exactly what happens. So that video shows that look just like resets occur. 19 two is the same way. There’s no way anybody can sit in front of me and make sense of the data that has come out of 19 two. Yeah, it’s taken me five videos to barely scratch the surface. I really need to spend about three or four weeks going through thousands of emails that I’ve received in the past 910 months and go through all that and just pull out all this information that people have sent me about 19 two from their local areas.

Shock you? It would just shock you. I’m overwhelmed with the 19 two data and haven’t even had a chance to release all the new stuff. It’s just crazy. Yeah, it’s sudden disappearances of cultures and civilizations seem to be the norm, but at the same time, so are sudden appearances of cultures and civilizations on the world scene. History is being edited, not being edited out. That happens too. I’m talking about history is being edited.

I take all these teachings, I take all these observations, and I provide you guys all this material, and it allows me to offer other scenarios as to ancient phenomena, such as this video here. The origin of demons subtitle is mature audiences only. And I said that because some people will get triggered, some people were offended by the video. So what I mean is we have an interpretation of demons today, poltergeist and genie and all that, from a religious vantage point.

But there are a lot of people in the world today who are not religious at all. I used to be, but I’m not at all. Now, there is, of course, the distinction of someone who is spiritual as opposed to religious. We all know that difference. But when it comes to demons, you can’t define a demon today, really, without a religious perspective, because that’s where it comes from. It comes straight out of the ancient religious teachings, but I think you can now, because if we live in a construct, then a demon to me would be no different than me.

I’m an intelligence. I no longer believe that I am an avatar. I am not this flesh suit that you see right here, this is just a vehicle for me to move forward. Now, as far as the origin of demons goes, if I’m going to believe that I live in a simulated world and that I am an intelligence that was introduced into this world by virtue of solving a mystery growth, I volunteered.

Whatever the circumstances are, it means that the real me is on the outside of the construct. And if the real me is on the outside of the construct, but the aware me is on the inside experiencing all these things, then I have to necessarily conclude that if I’m going to believe in the existence of disembodied intelligences like demons, then I’m going to have to assume that something happened on the outside of the construct that made them lost.

They were not able to experience a life sim and whatever, move on to the next avatar. The system of life and death that I’m going through right now, living in lion sims for them, was broken, but it couldn’t have been broken in here because it doesn’t matter how you die. It doesn’t matter if it’s war, if it’s old age disease. It doesn’t matter if it’s suicide. It’s still an exit from the avatar, but the awareness moves into the next avatar.

Something for these people, though, and they’re people just like us. Something else happened, something that has some wide ranging implications. What happened to them happened on the outside of the construct, and when their awareness was disengaged from their avatar on the outside, they were trapped here. You need to go into that video to hear the full premise. So, in a nutshell, having made all these conclusions and including the Phoenix phenomenon with these and many of the videos that I didn’t have time to add here because it would unnecessarily made this video long, it makes me draw other conclusions about who we are and what we’re capable of.

If reality itself is this beautiful, holographic, magical construct, then there has to be different ways that we can take advantage of that, and that’s what this video is about, the magical architecture of our reality. What is that? Everyone at the gas station has to hear you. I don’t understand that. I’m just read that comment because it had all of them smiley faces on it, the magical architectural. They probably just had their bluetooth turned on in the vehicle and had it turned up at the gas station.

That’s cool. If reality has this magical base to it, I believe it does. I’ve read a lot of good literature on that. Then I have to necessarily conclude that I’m able to work with it and that’s what this video was about. This is there is a wizard within you. I know for a fact a lot of you have never listened to this video because I can look at the analytics and see now, if we live in a magical structure, then there’s going to be ways that we can capitalize off that structure.

If we have a self awareness of our place within that structure, then we should be able to manipulate the holography to our advantage. This is the core conclusion to all the archaic material. It’s not the doom saying over and over in my we immortals playlist. This is the teaching that I’m giving you the most. It’s that we are co creators and that as a co creator, we have two choices at all time.

Every time you wake up in the morning, there’s two choices. Do you want to build and use the free builder protocols of the similichrum that will reflect back to you anything you project? Or do you want to live in the collective that day and be bitter and just do the same thing you did the day before and then complain about it before you go to sleep, and go to sleep on that vibration.

So you wake up on that vibration and as a member of the collective, you’re in stasis and get nothing done. Or you can recognize the wizard dream within and start doing some really amazing things in your life. That’s what simulation theory does for me. It frees me from the chains of the past that have continually told me that I have to be this, I have to be, that I can only move forward at this time.

I’m not allowed to ascend to this level. The past is not a precedence for the spiritual individual, but the past is a predicate for the future, for the collective. Because their events are fixed, their fate is fixed. .

  • Archaix

    Archaix, a prominent authority on the Phoenix phenomenon, unveils the intriguing secrets behind this extraordinary 138-year global reset. He delves into the manipulation of history by the Elites, aiming to supress the dissemination of this invaluable knowledge. Prepare for a captivating and unparalleled journey.

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