Rebel Moon Predictive programming of Neuralink
Sofia Boutella leads a band of insurgents taking a stand to protect a farming community from the evil empire in the grunge action auteur’s Netflix sci-fi movie. So another Netflix movie with the connection to farming, remember ‘Leave the World Behind’ when Julia Roberts’ character went to the store and saw the neighbor? He was loading water and other perishable foods into his black truck. Right next to his head, real big, it says ‘Farm.’ These are subliminal messages they’re programming into the minds of the masses because anyone not generating their own food is going to starve and perish in what they’ve got planned: civil unrest, a civil war within America. Everything will collapse.

As highlighted in the video, there’s a significant scene involving the insertion of a brain chip. This chip bears a resemblance to the one developed by Elon Musk, facilitating a connection between a military leader, clad in uniforms reminiscent of the Nazis, and the emperor. This depiction mirrors the ongoing digitalization of reality, where efforts are made to integrate us into an artificial matrix – a dream within a dream.

One of the key components in this narrative is the use of graphene oxide in vaccines, viewed by some as programmable matter or ‘black goo.’ This substance is believed to add a third strand of DNA infused with nanotechnology, potentially allowing Archons, or demons, to control humans as avatars. The Internet, originating from CERN, now intersects with quantum computing, influencing our reality. These computers are integrated with major social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, where our life data is constantly uploaded and then purportedly relayed back to CERN and the realm of these Archons.
Humans are seen as an energy source for these entities. The perpetuation of a state of fear is thought to be a method of harvesting ‘LOOSH Energy‘ – a form of energy that these beings supposedly feed on.

Cinema magicians, in essence, cast spells on their audience, often unbeknownst to them. Gaining awareness of these spells or hexes diminishes their power and influence, which is a crucial aspect of our mission at Truth We aim to unravel and expose the spells woven into cinema. This is the driving force behind the Conspiracy Cinema podcast. The film industry, a billion-dollar enterprise, serves as a tool for programming the masses’ minds and keeping them in a state of lower, base consciousness, resonating at low frequencies.
In the realm of the occult, there is a belief that the truth must be disclosed – a sort of universal law. However, the approach is often deceptive, with truths hidden within movies. It’s important to note that, as far as universal law is concerned, the universe doesn’t differentiate between fantasy and reality. By showcasing their intentions through media, and with the public’s passive reception, these entities are believed to be absolved of karmic repercussions. This doctrine implies that by revealing their plans, albeit covertly, they free themselves from karmic debt.

Calculating the time gap between these two movie releases, from December 8, 2023, to December 22, 2023, we find that there are 15 days in between them. This number, 15, is intriguingly close to ‘CERN,’ which is numerically equivalent to 15 in Gematria. The antlered deer symbolism in both ‘Leave the World Behind’ and ‘Rebel Moon’ is a nod to the Celtic God of the underworld, Cernunnos, from whom CERN is believed to derive its name. Cernunnos is often referred to as the Horned God, a deity revered in witchcraft and other mystical traditions.
In the movie ‘Rebel Moon,’ directed by Zack Snyder, a pivotal scene occurs at 1 hour and 13 minutes, featuring a battle with an archon that takes the form of a spider god. Intriguingly, in Gematria, ‘Spider God’ equates to 113, a number that also matches ‘alien reptilian.’ This connection suggests that the film may be referencing allegories about elites making pacts with interdimensional beings. In ancient lore, these entities were often referred to as demons, while Gnostics labeled them as Archons.
This revelation points to a deeper layer of meaning in the movie, potentially symbolizing the alliances between earthly powers and otherworldly entities. It indicates a blend of ancient mythologies and modern cinematic storytelling, where the symbolism of Archons and their interaction with humanity is brought to the forefront.

It’s also noteworthy to mention that within some esoteric circles, it is believed that Freemasons revere an Archon Spider God. This notion stems from various interpretations of Masonic symbolism and rituals, where spider-like figures or motifs are sometimes associated with their practices. The concept of an Archon Spider God intertwines with the idea of otherworldly beings or entities playing a significant role in esoteric traditions. Such beliefs highlight the intersection of ancient myths and modern secret societies, where the symbolism of a spider, often seen as a weaver of fates and realities, is thought to hold a special place in Masonic worship.

In the new film ‘Rebel Moon,’ we also encounter raven symbolism, but with a twist – a giant raven that characters can fly on, possessing feet like a lion. Recall the raven symbolism in the series ‘Get Gotti,’ where the protagonist was busted at the Ravenite. Then, it appeared again in ‘The Fall of the House of Usher,’ which was loaded with raven symbolism. For more insights, watch our breakdown on ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ where we’ve been connecting this raven symbolism for quite some time. Netflix The Fall of the House of Usher’: A Dark Dive into Soul-Selling Decoded
Ravens have long been linked to dark magic, death, and prophecy in the occult. They also serve as symbols of protection, communication with the dead, and as messengers of the ancestors in Hoodoo, an African-American folk magic tradition. In witchcraft, ravens are considered powerful familiars called upon for protection and guidance. They are associated with the Crone aspect of the Triple Goddess in Wicca. Some believe the raven spirit animal enables one to predict the future. Regarded as divine messengers, ravens reveal omens and foretell the future. They symbolize powerful wisdom, vast knowledge, great mental clarity, and high energy. I know it’s technically a Griffin, symbolizing the Tartarian Empire. But to me, it resembles a Raven.
Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire” – A Missed Opportunity by Zack Snyder
In the world of cinematic spectacles, Zack Snyder’s ‘Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire’ promised to be a thrilling addition, but it falls short, entangled in its own ambitions. Here’s a breakdown of where Snyder’s latest space saga stumbles.
A Return to Self-Serious Bombast
Zack Snyder, known for his dynamic visuals, seems to have lost his grip on the balance between fun and gravitas. ‘Rebel Moon Part One,’ with its hefty $165 million budget, opens with Anthony Hopkins narrating a dreary spacescape, immediately setting a tone of ponderous self-importance. The narrative foundation is murky at best, making us yearn for the relative clarity of ‘Star Wars’ opening crawls.
A Derivative Cosmic Tapestry
Snyder’s ‘Rebel Moon’ appears to be a mishmash of multiple sci-fi and fantasy influences. From ‘Star Wars’ to ‘Dune,’ ‘Avatar,’ and even ‘Game of Thrones,’ the film borrows elements generously but fails to weave them into a cohesive narrative. What we’re left with is a derivative patchwork that’s heavy on plot but light on character development.
Superficial Characterization
The film, while visually stunning, is marred by thinly drawn characters. The theme of resistance against oppression, a potentially powerful narrative, is reduced to a simplistic undercurrent. The characters, though physically impressive (echoing Snyder’s ‘300’), lack depth and substance.
Simplistic Villainy
The depiction of the fascist militia and its leaders, particularly the cartoonishly evil Admiral Noble, is an exercise in heavy-handed symbolism. The characters, dressed in a mix of Bolshevik and Nazi attire, are archetypal rather than nuanced, failing to add any real tension or intrigue to the story.
A Clumsy Narrative Approach
Snyder’s screenplay, co-written with Kurt Johnstad and Shay Hatten, feels like an AI-generated script blending ‘Seven Samurai’ and ‘Star Wars.’ The narrative lacks originality, relying heavily on tried-and-tested tropes without adding anything new or exciting.
Sofia Boutella’s Kora: A Glimmer of Potential
Sofia Boutella’s Kora, the warrior leading the resistance, shows promise but is bogged down by the script’s need for exposition. Her backstory, instead of being woven organically into the plot, is dumped on the audience in a clumsy manner.
Snyder’s Confusion of Menace and Distaste
The film’s darker moments, particularly involving threats of sexual violence, highlight Snyder’s inability to distinguish between creating a menacing atmosphere and indulging in tasteless shock value. Such scenes do more harm than good, turning potential suspense into cringe-worthy moments.
In Conclusion: A Missed Opportunity
‘Rebel Moon Part One: A Child of Fire’ had all the makings of a blockbuster space epic but falls short due to its derivative nature, lack of character depth, and Snyder’s penchant for spectacle over substance. The film serves as a reminder that big budgets and grand visuals cannot compensate for a lackluster script and poorly developed characters.
Stay tuned for more honest film reviews and insights at, where we dissect the latest in cinema with a critical eye.
Remember, the truth is out there, and it’s our job to find it.
Yours truly,
Tommy Truthful
“Black GOO: The Fallen Angel Tech Revolutionizing Consciousness Transfer”
Alex Garland’s Civil War Movie Sparks MAGA Conspiracy Theories
Time for a movie☮️💟
You’ll adore it, darling. It was quite good, although there were some parts I didn’t enjoy. Overall, it was a fairly decent movie.
The giant beast being subdued by humans and then being rode upon was not a raven, it was a griffin the symbol of Tartaria.