Last Day On Earth (2023/2024)

Spread the Truth



➡ The text is a transcription of a live online stream made by a spiritual person, encouraging viewers to reflect on their lives, appreciate their blessings and thanking God for them. They announced an upcoming Bible study session, thanked viewers for being part of it, and expressed the hope to support other ministries. The stream included playing a song and ended with a prayer.
➡ The speaker is discussing the biblical concept of time and the importance of appreciating it. They also share a personal story about a life-changing health scare that made them realize the value of every moment and led to changes in lifestyle for better health.
➡ The sermon encourages listeners to listen to and love the Holy Spirit and commit to Jesus Christ, despite the trials they may be experiencing in their lives. It states the necessity of self-improvement in our spiritual lives and treatment of others, emphasizing the power of prayer, overcoming temptations, and staying faithful. The pastor thanks various active church members and discusses future topics, next focusing on the theme of coping with church-related disappointments or “church hurt.”
➡ The discussion revolved around offering assistance to ministry members to navigate through the competitive ministry environment, with encouragements to reach out through various platforms. Emphasis was also placed on an upcoming discussion about overcoming church-related emotional wounds, with members sharing personal experiences about their struggles, showing a consensus of support and empathy within the group.
➡ The speaker shares their personal transformative journey emphasizing the importance of valuing time and making conscious decisions for spiritual growth. They urge listeners to choose closer relationship with God, take back control from any negative influences, and utilize their time wisely to serve their own spiritual, personal development, reminding them about the transient nature of life.
➡ The text refers to the importance of prioritizing love, kindness, and devotion to God over intrusive thoughts and illusions. The meeting cultivates a sense of community, offering a platform for people to share their struggles, seek prayers, and celebrate breakthroughs. The dialogue encourages persistence in the face of tribulation, emphasizing mutual encouragement. There are also references to free online discipleship classes, designated devotionals, and the power of Bible study. The text underscores the importance of communal support and the power of sharing one’s faith experiences.
➡ The speaker provides an exploration of Christian beliefs, emphasizing the impermanence of earthly life and the reassurance of eternal life in heaven. Borrowing from Scripture, he stresses that death is not the end but a transition from a temporal to an eternal dwelling with God. He comforts the community, facing recent losses with the idea of death being swallowed up in victory and the glorious awakening in redemption. The concept of Holy Spirit as a down payment that God places on us, signifying a future completion of salvation, is reinforced. Finally, he reads a deeply comforting piece from Charles Spurgeon, affirming the rest and peace believers find in death before their eventual sublime awakening.
➡ This text captures a heartfelt conversation centered on faith, prayer, and trust in God. It emphasizes the importance of patience and surrendering to God’s timing, referencing personal challenges and spiritual growth through overcoming them. The speaker discusses actively trusting God amidst struggles and reminds the listeners of the power of prayer, exhibited through smaller incidents in life, like his son passing a driving test.
➡ The speaker recounts experiences of strength and faith amid adversities, drawing parallels from David and Goliath. He talks about managing physically demanding activities and overcoming fears. He discusses various prayer requests from individuals dealing with myriad issues including ill health, mental health issues, unemployment, forgiveness, and religious struggles. The speaker underscores the importance of prayer and faith in God in navigating these challenges. He concludes by stressing the importance of reading scriptures daily to ward off negative energy.
➡ Brother Ernest shares his spiritual struggle and highlights the importance of prayer and trust in God. Despite initial doubts and fears, like losing his job, he finds peace and victory by keeping his faith, seeking wisdom, and understanding that the experiences are challenges meant to teach him valuable lessons.
➡ The text is a transcript from a religious group meeting in which members, Shelly and Mike, share their experiences of trials and tribulations. They discuss how faith, gratitude, daily prayer, and remembering God’s grace have helped them through life’s challenges, including Mike’s experience with PTSD. The discussion concludes with the group leader’s appreciation for their community, continued commitment to weekly meetings, and the announcement of upcoming discipleship classes.
➡ The writer conducts long, supportive discussions about faith and community, offering encouragement and prayer for those in the community who need it, reaching out particularly to YouTubers with a ministry. He emphasizes the importance of spreading the gospel, understanding the greatness of Jesus, and offering support to each other, and concludes by reminding the audience to seek personal conviction and positive change from the Holy Spirit.


God bless. God bless. For those that are on YouTube. Hopefully you can see this. We’re live. I apologize for a little bit of a delay, but just got in and settled down a few minutes ago. So I just wanted to say thank you for tuning into the stream. If you’re watching this as a replay, that’s perfectly fine because this gathering that we’re doing today applies to many of you as well.

If you’re trying to join us in the Zoom room, you can do so by registering@tftministries. com there. When you go to the community tab, the link is going to be on there for you to be able to join the actual zoom, but if you’re on YouTube, that’s perfectly fine as well. I see that we have brothers and sisters from Italy. We have people from different parts around the world.

UK. There’s so many different people from different parts of the world that are coming together today. So it’s a blessing to see that you guys are tuning in every Tuesday. I know that this is not necessarily everyone’s cup of tea. I know that for the most part, the channel for many years has always been just producing weekly videos and documentaries. However, as of a few months ago, I really just felt led to, number one, try to build up other ministries and help other channels grow as much as they can.

And number two, to start doing these weekly Bible studies or gatherings or whatever you want to call it, so that we can at least have some fellowship until you find the local assembly. So when you tune into the channel, you’re going to see that on Tuesdays. Just remember, if there’s an upload on Tuesdays, it’s these live gatherings. Okay? But you’ll still have your weekly documentaries and videos that will be available on the channel.

All right, so we’re going to get going. I’m going to be playing a quick worship song really quick for you while everyone starts joining the zoom room and the actual live stream. If you can consider thumbing up the live stream on YouTube and sharing it, that would be great. So that when we get started we can be in a position that we’re ready to go. Okay, so thank you for being here.

I’m going to check the YouTube chat in a sec and I’m going to be playing a song. This song is always one that I enjoy and I listen to every single day just about. Because quite often we’re at a point in our lives that we forget how good God is in our lives. And I know that doesn’t apply necessarily to everyone, but there are times in our walk when we can fall into that position where we forget how blessed we are to be here.

We forget how blessed we are to live another day. This is what this stream is about today. About time. Okay. We know that the world is interested in time when you see all of the experiments that are happening with CERN and many other things that we’re going to talk about today. But as you get up on a daily basis, as we’re here, just a few minutes, take a few moments just to think of all you’ve gone through in 2023 and just thank Jesus for all that he has done.

Thank Jesus for all. All that he has actually done in your life. Okay, so I’m going to play this song for two or three minutes, and then we’re going to get on with the Bible study. Thank you for being here. Thank you for tuning in again and for those that are in the zoom room, God bless you guys. Thanks for being here as well. It’s a huge blessing that anyone’s even taking time to be here.

All right, I’m going to play the song. Bear with me 1 second close. So many times you reached out to me but I turn my back because I didn’t think you had what I needed and now you’re everything. You’re everything to me and I can’t be without you, God, you’re everything and I want to say thank you. I was lost and you found me. I was dead inside and you breathed into me and you brought these bones light.

I want to say thank you. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. God stood with open arms but I ran away because I was scared of the pain that came with trust. But I came running back into your brain because I knew it still be that you’d never leave me gone. I want to say thank you. I was lost and you found me. Pause the song for a moment.

Sometimes we in our lives and I say we, but let’s just say I. I always like to critique myself when we talk about these things. But sometimes I get up in the mornings and I take for granted that I’m going to see my family at the end of the night. Sometimes I get up in the morning and I take for granted that I’m even going to make it to my job.

Sometimes I take for granted what I think that I’m going to do next year with the time that I think that I have. Don’t ever take the fact that you can take even a few seconds to thank God for what he has done in your life for granted. Don’t ever do that. Today we’re going to talk about time. But as you’re listening to this song for a moment, I want you to think and look at the people that are in this chat room.

Look at the moments that Chris and Heidi has gone through in their life where they can truly sit back and say, thank you, Jesus. Where Christina? She’s in their zoom room where she can look back and say, man, thank you, Jesus. Where Brother Martin. Who man? Brother Martin. I love you, brother. Good to see you here. Where he can sit back and say, thank you, Jesus. We’ve all gone through a crisis.

We’ve all gone through a moment. We’ve all gone through that situation where you know that, you know that you know that you had to say a sigh like thank you, Jesus. So as we listen to this song, let the Holy Spirit begin convicting you on the times that we have wasted in our lives. Because that’s what we’re going to talk about today, about wasted time. All right? Think of the moments that Jesus has done something in you that no man could have done.

Think of those moments. I was dead inside and you breathed into me and you brought his bone life. I want to say thank you. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Gone. I don’t deserve you. You go. I don’t deserve you. You go. But you keep on loving me any way. Oh, you’d never stop loving me. God, I want to say thank you. I was lost and you found me.

I was dead inside and you breathed into me and you brought these bones life. I want to say thank you. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for loving me unconditionally, God. Oh, thank you. Let’s go ahead and pray and get right to the word of God. And we’re going to have some discussion. We’re going to have some devotionals. We have Patrick. He’s eaten now, but we’re going to let him eat.

And we got Ernest. We gave him the assignment last week of bringing forth some devotionals. So we’re going to have that on the stream as well. So if you’re tuning into these live streams on Tuesdays and you want to be challenged and you want to be developed, this is what this is for. So we’re going to have Patrick and Ernest give their, we give them a homework last week for them to bring something this week.

So that’s going to be a huge blessing. The song is called thank you, Jesus by Jesus army it’s a really beautiful song. Let’s go ahead and pray and get right to the word of God so we can stick to time and let’s do that. Heavenly Father, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your dear son. Thank you, heavenly Father, for touching the hearts of people that have tuned into this, either on Zoom, through the website or on YouTube.

Heavenly Father, thank you, Jesus Christ, for all that you do every single day. I know there are people tuning into this stream right now that have gone through a really difficult week. The holiday season is always one which is sensitive one. It’s a season where there’s a lot of unforgiveness. It’s a season where there’s a lot of issues going on internally in our hearts. It’s a season where we can reminisce on the wasted time during 2023.

We can reminisce on how our circumstances seem as if they are dire as we head into the next year. Heavenly Father, may you convict our hearts today and you prepare our minds and our souls so that we can be touched by your word, so that we can be edified. We pray for Ernest and Patrick as they’re going to be giving their devotionals today, that you may give them the awesome anointing heavenly Father so that they can be developed and just thank you.

Thank you for your mercy. Thank you for my wife. Thank you for my daughter. Thank you for allowing me to be here another day. The name of Jesus. Amen. All right, family, I’m going to share on my screen a pdf on the screen because I kind of want to just. I’m a visual person. I’ve always been a visual person. I know that that’s something that I’ve always been.

I don’t know if you can see that on the screen. That’ll be great. We have sister Monica. Monica, how you doing, Monica? Monica used to be one of my employees. And when Monica, I know this is off topic because we’re about to start about, but when Monica came to our, she changed. She changed a lot of different things. The love that she had, the motivation that she had for touching people.

Monica, I know that you’re going through a tough time with your health, but Jesus loves you, Monica, okay. And so does my family. We got brother Lou who’s on vacation with his family. God bless you, brother. Thank you, Lou, for what you’ve done for my life. Thank you for being a brother when I needed a brother. And thank you. There’s so many people here that I could spend all day expressing my gratitude towards.

We’re talking about time. That’s what we’re talking about. We’re talking about time. And if you look around the world from the doomsday countdown clock, I don’t know if you guys have seen that to how many films don’t talk about time. They’re all telling you that something is going to happen at some point in time. When is it going to happen? They don’t know, but they’re always telling you that there’s something going on with time.

When you look at Bible verses that tell you that Satan himself, Satan himself understands that his time is short in revelation 1212. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea. For the devil has come down unto you having great wrath, because he knoweth that he has but a short time. Yet for some reason, the devil understands he has but a short time.

But we sometimes don’t understand that we have a short time. We get up in the mornings, we take it for granted. We see our kids when they go to bed, and we think that tomorrow maybe we can spend time with them, teaching them the word. But we don’t know if we’re going to wake up tomorrow. We don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow. The aspect of time is something that the Bible speaks on greatly, greatly.

When you look at examples of Ephesians 516, redeeming the time because the days are evil, right? So when you look at the aspect of time, the Bible speaks of time in a way that you couldn’t even imagine if you actually study it. When you look at so many films, which many of them are inspired by fallen angels and demonic principalities, they’re always talking about time missions. They’re always talking about how they can conquer time.

Back. Because we started this stream at 630, it’s already 647 here in Florida, that’s 17 minutes of time. Right? But you see it consistently, the dialogue of time in a lot of predictive programming. Right? Terminator talking about time travel, traveling between parallel universes. Right? The film interstellar, the same thing. Talking about time. CERN. When you think of CERN, what is CERN trying to do? This is real life experiments that they have out there, right? These are real life experiments that are out there, which are dealing with time.

Okay. They’re trying to find a way to extend their time. Why? Because they want to find a way that they can live eternally outside of God. Right? But there are a lot of aspects that if we start studying in the scriptures when it comes to time. Before I give you a little bit of a testimony, look at an example of Daniel 817. There’s a number of Bible prophecies that also involves visions of the future.

God provided a portal to a time, essentially so that they can see things that were going to pass. And when you look at the book of Daniel and how accurate it is via prophecy is insane, right? So as you hear scientists and as you hear the world leaders talk about parallel universes or 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th dimensions, right? There’s nothing new under the sun. The scriptures told you in Ephesians 612 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, right.

When Ezekiel saw the visions of Jerusalem, right? But there’s some aspects that are also pretty amazing. Before I shut, what I’m sharing off real quick is revelation 20 116 where it talks of a tesseract, okay? It describes a perfect cube, something that even was just discovered within the last hundred years, if you will. When they speak of a fourth dimension, the scripture was so accurate even back then that some of the things that it mentioned, we’re just now figuring out when it comes to dimensions, times and creation, okay? So when we talk about time, understand that there’s a lot to learn when it comes to time.

But one of the aspects that I want to share with you for just five minutes before we begin some discussion, and those of you that are on YouTube, I have not forgotten about you. I apologize. Sharing some of the comments on there from Louisiana, we have someone from Perth, Australia. That’s a blessing, right? Thank you so much for being here. I am 42 going on 43, okay. And soon I’m going to have a video talking about my health and how as of the last year and a half, I’ve taken it to the next level.

But when I was 35, around there, I was a very big workaholic, okay? Both in ministry and also in the aspect of work. I had two or three jobs. I was trying to do everything I can to sustain the family and so forth. Well, one day I’m paraphrasing the story. Long story short, I end up in intensive care, okay? And I end up in intensive care with my blood sugar almost 700.

As I got into intensive care, it actually boosted all the way up to 700, 800 at one point. It got to the point that my blood, when they would try to take blood from here, from here, from here, from here, the veins would burst and the blood that would come out was so I was in bad shape from my kidneys to my heart, it came out that I had had multiple heart attacks.

Everything was. My triglycerides were I was in bad shape. And as a father, it’s one of the hardest things to go through when you are at a point when you have prided yourself in being the provider for your family, the protector for your family, the protector for your wife, planning on being there for their wedding when they get married, plans for the ministry to reach people. We have so many plans, but life has a way of humbling you.

And that was a very big humbling moment for me because as I was in intensive care, sitting there, I felt so many demonic attacks in my head. A lot of intrusive thoughts, of just thoughts that weren’t good. And I cried a lot. I cried a lot. I remember my wife, she was taking care of our daughter and she called me on the phone and I was trying to hold my tears back because there was no way that I could express to her that the doctor literally had just told me that at this rate I wouldn’t make it to 36.

He said, at this rate, you’re not going to be able to make it to 36, man. Life has a way of humbling you and of reminding you of how we take so much for granted. That changed me because as I got out of intensive care after many days, I left there. I had black and blues everywhere, from everything that they did to me, man, and my mentality was shattered.

My hope was ruined. I’m not going to lie. I left there in a bad state physically and a bad state emotionally. And it was a rebuilding process throughout the years of God being able to help me. Because when I get out of the hospital, I had to take six insulin shots a day, had to take Victoza in the morning, had to take Metformin at night. And then God led me to a doctor who.

She was like, listen, I know they said you’re going to make it to 36, but with what they gave you, you’re probably going to not even go, that’s too much. They’re killing you with everything they’ve given you. And she was able to help me to navigate, to change my life. The sin of gluttony is a very big sin in the church. We talk about a lot of different sins out there.

But eating them double triple cheeseburgers, that’s not good either. Or eating extra Twinkies when you shouldn’t eat them, that ain’t good either. And long story short, I’m here 42. Glory to Jesus Christ. I’m diabetic free. I’m really grateful. Why did I share that? That’s long winded. I share that with you because family, up until that point, I lived my life with such a selfish type of mentality on time.

But it wasn’t until after that point that I realized that every single moment in my life matters. Every second in my life matters. And we have a choice. And when it comes to time, if the devil knows that his time is short, right? The devil knows that his time is short. The conglomerates around the world, they’re telling you that judgment is coming. Many of them are calling for extinction level events within the next 40, 50 years.

In the church, we take the time that we have to serve the Lord. We take the time that we have to be with our wives and our families, which is our first ministry, sometimes for granted. And I want to challenge you guys today on two different decisions that you can make when we leave this discussion today. One of them is, you have two examples. You have Joshua, right? In Joshua, you have an example where in Joshua ten, verses twelve through 15, right? Where Joshua stayed, he departed not out of the tabernacle.

I don’t know if you remember that story. I’m sorry. I gave you the wrong verses, but Joshua departed not out of the tabernacle. Let me find the right one. Just got the wrong screen. Sorry. Moses was going back, and Joshua said he was not going to depart it, not out of the tabernacle. I don’t know if you remember that. I think it’s Exodus 33 nine where Moses was going back.

Joshua decided that he was going to stay within the presence of God because he wanted to just stay there. Right? That’s a choice. That’s a personal choice that you have in your life. That’s a choice that I have in my life to decide that on a daily basis. Am I going to be near God? Am I going to be surrendering to God? Am I going to try to build that relationship with God? But then there’s also the other choice, which is in Matthew 26 40, and he cometh unto his disciples and findeth them asleep and said unto Peter, what? Could you not watch with me 1 hour? Right? Could you not watch with me just 1 hour? We have a choice when it comes to time, and you have a choice.

I have a choice. Don’t take anything for granted. I know. I’ve repeated that many, many times. Don’t take anything for granted. If you’ve allowed the devil, via unforgiveness, to strip away time from your life, right? If you’ve had the devil be an unhopeful type of attitude. Take away time from your life, casting down imaginations. If you’ve allowed the devil with his intrusive thoughts and imaginations. And instead of us taking these thoughts captive to the word of Jesus Christ, we are entertaining them throughout the night, which is causing sleeplessness, insomnia, paranoia.

Right. We have to make a decision. Like Joshua in Exodus, where moses was departing to do something else, but he decided he wanted to stay with the father. Right. We have to make that decision because, my family, God has something that he wants to share with you in that relationship that he wants to build with you. But how can he do so when we’re just wasting idle time? I want to get some discussion going.

Brother Chris and Heidi, if you can, do you have any examples in your life of moments where, now that you’re more mature, you can think of moments where you know that you know that you know that there are wasted moments and wasted time. Do you have any moments like that that you can share? I got years of that that I could share, yeah. It’s ridiculous. When we are forthright about that question and how many times we have sleepless nights and agonizing days and we realize that the enemy has been able to play his wicked games on us and we fall for it.

And so we basically just hold hands with him and say, okay, keep pushing the thoughts and I’ll keep thinking about it. And we have to realize. And when I say these things, you guys have heard me tell you this. I failed at this most of my life. But I tell you what, I want to encourage as many people as possible, because victory through the power of the Holy Spirit.

It’s unbelievable. When we reclaim our minds from the enemy and stay grounded in Christ, the difference is absolutely unbelievable. But I’ll give you an example. The way things are now. We had a situation with our son in law and daughter in law, and it was very trying at times. And at nighttime, this is since the Lord has shown me how to deal with these things, these thoughts would come into my mind, and the Lord would give me just a couple of minutes to say, okay, you’ve thought about this for a couple of minutes.

You are not going to achieve anything else if you think about this for a couple of hours. So you can either make the decision right now, I’ll strengthen you to turn off that thought, and you can enjoy your sleep, or you can go the way you went for many decades. And I tell you what a great relief it is when we start practicing taking our thoughts captive to the extreme level that the holy spirit really wants us to.

It’s absolutely life changing, game changing. And I was talking to my daughter, and we have these conversations a lot. And sometimes she’s very young, sometimes she’s successful doing it, and other times she almost forgets that she learned she knows how to take her thoughts captive. And I think because we have all been under the brainwashing of the enemy so long, it’s really easy for us to fall back into our old ways and we just got to say, no, satan, I’m done with you.

Stealing, killing, destroying. I’m going to take my thoughts captive. And if you start reading the scripture and just ask the Lord, Lord, show me the application in this scripture for taking thoughts captive. I was reading in Romans chapter one, I think at about maybe verse 25 or something. And when it talks about them being turned over to reprobate mind and doing the things they shouldn’t do and having all these crazy imaginations and things going on, every bit of it is about taking thoughts captive.

So I so much want to encourage everybody. Why? Because I failed most of my life and now I’m on the side of victory, and it’s awesome. So be encouraged and just force yourself to do it. And eventually it just becomes your nature, your new nature. And then the enemy realizes, like, uhoh, I’ve lost one to the power of God working in this individual’s life. And then he may come back every few weeks and just test to make sure you’re still on board with doing it the right way.

But it’s heavenly existence compared to what my life used to be. So if he can do it for me, I guarantee you he can do it for any of you. And when you get some of those big victories, you become very confident in what the word of God says. And I can remember Heidi went through a similar thing, having thoughts a few years back and how it was.

I don’t know if you want to share anything, but putting her on the spot. I would say as far as time wasting is when the Lord, the Holy Spirit, places in your heart something you should do, and you can think of many excuses in which not to do it. One of mine was to witness to people. I was afraid to do it, and I would procrastinate. And I have a tendency to do that in things.

If something’s too difficult, I might think, no, I don’t have the skill set to do that. And there it is. Instead of joining my father and having the help from him to guide me so wasted time in worrying, can I do something when the Lord is clearly laid it out to go ahead and proceed? So I would say that would be an example of wasting time. And certainly on the telephone, if we’re looking and scrolling through something that’s wasting time from being in the word.

And I can say most really every time that when I did be obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to do what he asked, it was like, why didn’t I do this sooner? And so the Lord does bring joy in obedience. He brings joy. That’s where he’s like, I’ve got you letting that time span be shorter and shorter instead of longer and longer, which creates those sleepless nights.

So that would be an example I have of the time wasting. So thank you for listening. That’s a know, one of the hardest part, Brother Chris and Heidi, is whenever God convicts you that you’ve wasted, right? This is why we talk about the last day on earth, right? If today was our last day on earth, would many of the imagination and intrusive thoughts that Satan has placed in us all month, would any of those thoughts even matter more than me being loving to my wife, kind to my wife, loving God with all my heart and soul, right? Loving all of you, right? When you really start thinking of how fragile our life truly, truly is, if today was the last day on you, as you’re watching this on YouTube or here on Zoom, all of the intrusive thoughts you have, how many of them would truly matter? And when you really do that inventory, that’s an inventory that I learned to do while in intensive care, you really start realizing that the devil has stripped away time from our lives in a way that man, we can’t even comprehend.

Because many of those illusions and thoughts and imaginations that he puts in our minds, they’re nothing more than just that. Imaginations, illusions, things that are just diabolical and contrary to the word of God. We’re going to get to devotionals very soon. But if Steban has his hands up and if anyone else has something to share, please raise your hand. For the next ten minutes or so, we want to have some discussion.

Then we’re going to get some devotionals, and then we’re going to hand it off to Brother Heidi. I mean brother Chris and sister Heidi and sister Heidi. I’ve been keeping track of some prayer requests as well. We have mumsy tube. She has family in ICU, and she has family in intensive care. Right now. We have a brother called Dre soul. He’s also going through some illness, Nancy west is waking up every day and sometimes having some difficult moments as well.

So we have those three prayer requests on YouTube. So if you’re on YouTube and you have some prayer requests, post them on there. We’re here to help each other out. And by all means, family, if you see someone posting a prayer request, please pray for know one thing is just to say, I’ll pray for you, but are you really pray for them? Okay. Write it down, jot it down, because it’s important.

And we also have a testimony. Josh on YouTube posted that this has been an awesome week for him, for he has been in a position that he’s been off of pharmaceuticals and he hasn’t been smoking weed. So he’s had a big breakthrough in that regard. So, Josh, that’s a blessing. That’s a blessing. So if you’re on YouTube, just because we’re on Zoom doesn’t mean I’m not looking. I’m looking at the chat.

Okay. And I appreciate you guys being on there. Okay. If you guys want to come on the zoom, you’re more than welcome. It’s just we have it locked down to only those that are registered on the website for safety reasons. All right. Esteban. How you doing, brother? Your hands up, brother Stefan, how you doing, brother? I had to see your hands up. I just want to make sure we don’t move on without at least giving you a shot, man, because you’re an awesome brother.

If not, we’ll come back to you as well. There’s no worries. Just want you to know that we’re grateful that you’re here, brother. All right, well, brother Esteban comes back. Let’s go ahead and start with our homework piece, right? We gave some homework last week. I’m sorry. Can you hear me? Go for it, Esteban. Yes. You know what? I’m sorry. I had my thing on mute. I’m so sorry, brother.

No, I didn’t even realize that. How you doing, Esteban? I’m doing all right, brother. Thank you. I was just going to say, part of the reason why I have my hand up is because I’m still learning this, like I said, zoom thing. And so I never really used it a bunch, so I apologize. Just wanted to ask prayers for a brother in the Lord. I believe you know him, brother Neftali, but his wife wants to keep it confidential for now.

But he’s in the ICU and. Yeah, just pray for this brother. Also, just wanted to say I have a brother in the Lord that he’s feeling very hopeless and I just. Part of the problem is I share and have a lot of his same feelings and thoughts. And so when you talk about taking thoughts captive, he’s having a hard time and it’s kind of hard for me to minister to him.

I’m saying the right things. I am. But I know that I struggle with some of the same things that he’s struggling with. But I know God has been merciful and faithful to me. That much I do know. So thank you for as you’re talking about that brother that you are trying to encourage and taking thoughts captive, I can see. I can sense the love that you have for him and also the husband in ICU.

Definitely praying for. Know the reason we talk about this a lot, Brother Chris and I, about taking thoughts captive is because it’s something that I know I personally have struggled with my whole life. Growing up with childhood trauma. It’s familiar spirit to know what to say, when to say, how to say it, to trigger an emotional response out of you. And they know, they study you, right? So it’s an everyday practice type of thing, Esteban.

So don’t be discouraged. I’m very proud of you that you’re trying to encourage that brother. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Keep doing it and know that we love you, Esteban. Okay? We love you with all of our heart. Okay? Appreciate that. I love you guys, too. And thank you for doing this. Hey, we love you, man. That’s what this is about. If you’re tuning in on YouTube every Tuesday at 06:30 p.

m. We have these gatherings where we just come together, talk about the word of God. We help each other in hopes that you can find the local assembly. This is in no way of replacement for local fellowship, but if you’re looking for a place until you find one, you’re welcome to tune in every Tuesday. And on our website we have a community, tftministries. com. Go to the community tab there.

We have a small group. We’re a small group, but we’re coming together little by little. But we gave homework last week, folks. All right? We’re going to develop each other here. So we’re challenging each other. I’m challenging myself by doing this live stream, okay? So none of us is. This isn’t a CEO type of thing. I’m no better than any of you. So I’m nervous doing these live streams.

So I know that it’s one of those things that we’re going to keep on learning with each other. So last week we challenged Patrick and Ernest to take the week to see what God would put in their hearts and share it with us. Get a devotional together, a little Bible study, five to seven minutes out there and see what God put in their heart. Okay, so, brother Patrick, you want to go first? And then we go to Ernest? You’re done eating? Yeah, I’m ready.

Okay. All right. So brother Patrick, he’s been attending our Zoom studies here and he’s part of our community website. And we challenged last week who wanted to have an opportunity to bring a little word and study the word and bring it, and he was one of them. So if you also want to be challenged and developed, we have discipleship classes coming along in the month of January. They’re free.

Notice that in all of these things there is no cost, there’s no fee, there is nothing. You can register on the website and you can delete your own account as well. This channel does not monetize. There are no ads. There are nothing. If there’s an ad, it’s because YouTube placed it. I can’t control it. All of this is for free. So if you’re in a position that you want some discipleship classes, let us know on the website they’re going to be free.

Okay. If you want to join these Zoom classes, hey, we’re here for you. Okay, brother Patrick, take it away. Okay. Kelly does not know what I’m going to be talking about, but believe it or not, this kind of ties into what he’s been saying so far. My mother passed away last Thursday. That’s one thing that happened. And my birthday was on Friday and I didn’t find out about it until Friday morning, my birthday.

It’s kind of a great way to find out about your birthday. Happy birthday, by the way. Mom passed away kind of thing. So it was not exactly. It was kind of a bittersweet day, but my wife has a devotional book from Charles Spurgeon called morning and evening. And I was reading through that, kind of looking at a few things, and I decided I don’t want to say eyes.

And I. But I kind of sensed that I needed to share this tonight. And it’s going to be in two corinthians, chapter five, if you guys have your bibles and it’s verses one through five, and I’ll go ahead and read it one verse at a time and then kind of break it down for everybody. I know I only have five minutes or so, so I’ll go ahead and do that for everybody.

If I have time, I’ll read the thing from Charles Spurgeon. I don’t think I will, but if I do, I will. But it says here in two corinthians, chapter five, verse one. For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. And I think a good way of kind of looking at this is that, like I said, my mom lived 94 years, and she left her earthly dwelling and went to her.

She’s in the presence of God right now. I think that our earthly house can be basically saying it’s kind of like a tent. It’s a very temporary dwelling. Your heavenly dwelling, I think, could be, if you want to use an analogy to a brick house. Now, I think if we all asked each other something, would we prefer to be, if it was out in a cold night, would you prefer sleeping in your tent or would you prefer being in your brick house? And I think that’s a very good way from a human perspective to kind of realize that the reason that we have this hope in Christ in terms of being in our heavenly dwelling, because this tent is just temporary.

And like, my mom lived in this earthly tent for 94 years, and at the end of her life, she was suffering and everything. And so her soul has been separated from this tent, and right now she’s in the presence of God. But when the Lord comes, whenever that is, she’s going to have a new body. We all are going to have new bodies, and we’re going to be in heavenly dwellings.

And these heavenly dwellings are not going to decay, get sick or anything. We’re going to live forever in these bodies. Verse two says, for in this we groan earnestly, desiring to be clothed upon with our house, which is from heaven. Basically, in Romans 828, not only us, but all of creation is groaning for the sons of God to be manifest. Our creation is groaning. The earth is groaning.

The reason why all this happened in the first place, as we probably should remind ourselves, is because of our sin. I hear people talk about cycle of life, and I hear about, like, my mom reached the end of her cycle of life. Well, there’s a reason there’s a cycle of life, and that’s because Adam’s and Eve’s sin brought death not only to the human race, but brought death to all of creation.

And ever since then, human beings have been groaning for redemption, and creation groans for redemption. And so that’s what Romans 823 talks about. And so in verse three, it says, if so be that being clothed, we shall not be found naked. So basically it’s the whole. And I’ll read verse four as well. For that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of life.

There’s going to come a day when Jesus returns, when we are going to be, when mortality puts on immortality. And we see this in one corinthians chapter 15, verses 50 through 54. And I’ll go ahead and turn there real quick and read this to everybody. And it says here now this. I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. Neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

Behold, I show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkle of an eye, at the last trump. For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory.

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? So this is something that is going to happen for us in the future. I’m sure. All of us have lost loved ones in their past. Like, I have lost my mother, Thursday. I lost my dad three years ago. So all of us has experienced loss at some point. Probably most of us have. And this is the hope that we can have.

Like Tally’s been saying, that we only have a certain amount of time. And really, if you think about it, our life on this earth is a vapor. And that the vast majority of the time that we exist is going to be in the eternal state, whether it’s in heaven to be with the Lord or if you’re in hell, hopefully not anybody here, but we’re going to be in one of two locations.

It’s like this earthly existence is just a little, tiny, little vapor. And it’s like Thursday, my mom’s time on this earth ended. That vapor ended, and she’s in the presence of God now. And that is the hope that we all have. And I’m assuming everyone here is in Christ. I would make that assumption. That’s the hope that we all have. And verse five says this. Now, he that hath wrought us for the self same thing is God, who also hath given unto us the earnest of the spirit.

Now, the earnest of the spirit is referring to, like, a down payment. I’m going to read one more scripture for us, and it’s going to be in Ephesians chapter one, verse. I’m going to read 13 and 14, and it says, in whom ye also trusted after ye heard the word of truth, the God of your salvation, and whom also after ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance.

Remember that word. Earnest again until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his glory. So when you do get saved, when you are born again, the Holy Spirit dwells in us. It’s the down payment that God places on us. Because, remember, we’ve been bought. We’ve been bought with a price. And basically, the Holy Spirit in us is the down payment. And that in the future, that God’s going to complete that down payment, and our salvation is going to be as completion.

And so that’s something that all of us, as believers should be in, an encouragement, even as we’re navigating through this life. I guess I ran over time, but that’s basically what I had. If you want to give me a moment, I’ll read this thing from Charles Spurgeon, if you guys have a moment. Okay. Thank you for being so strong, and thank you for being extremely strong to be here after your mom’s loss.

It’s amazing. We’re talking about time here, right? And, brother, please, you’re taking your time to be here during this difficult moment. Please go for it, brother. Okay. The scripture verse that he uses is from June 29. It is them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with them? And that’s first, Thessalonians 414. And it says, let us not imagine that the soul sleeps in insensibility. Today shalt thou be with me in paradise is the whisper of Christ to every dying saint.

They sleep in Jesus, but their souls are before the throne of God, praising him day and night in his temple, singing hallelujahs to him who washed them from their sins in his blood. The body sleeps in its lonely bed of earth beneath the covenant of grass. But what is this sleep? The idea connected with sleep is rest, and that is the thought which the spirit of God would convey to us.

Sleep makes each night a sabbath for the day. Sleep shuts fast the door of the soul and bids all intruders tarry for a while, that the life within may enter its summer garden of ease. The toil, warm believer quietly sleeps, as does the weary child when it slumbers on its mother’s breast. O happy they who die in the Lord. They rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.

Their quiet repose shall never be broken until God shall rouse them to give them their full reward. Guarded by angel watchers, curtailed by eternal mysteries, they sleep on, the inheritors of glory, till the fullness of time shall bring the fullness of redemption. What an awakening shall be theirs. They were laid in their last resting place, weary and worn, but such they shall not rise. They went to their rest with the furled brow and the wasted features, but they wake up in beauty and glory.

The shriveled seed, so destitute of form and comeliness, rises from the dust of butyrous flower. The winter of the grave gives way to the spring of redemption and the summer of glory. Blessed is death, since it through the divine power disrobes us of this workday garment to clothe us with the wedding garment of incorruption. Blessed are those who sleep in Jesus. So I hope that you guys will get a blessing out of me reading that, but I kind of felt like this is what I felt led to share, and it seems like it tied in with tally, so I don’t know.

The Holy Spirit was definitely in this, so praise God for that. And, guys, thank you for giving me the time to speak. What a blessing. What a blessing, brother. We definitely are going to be. We pray. We’re going to be praying for you. Okay, Brother Patrick, because I know that these are hard moments. These are hard moments, but she raised an awesome son in you, man. You know what I mean? And she would be very proud of you.

All right? And I am proud of you, too. And, Brother Chris, anything you want to share? Brother Chris? And no, thank you. It was very good, and I think it fits in well with where the Holy Spirit’s leading us. And that’s all, really, I have to add, right now. Awesome. Well, we got. Brother Ernest. Brother Ernest, are you ready? You got to be ready. Brother Ernest, you got to be ready.

I love you, brother. I love you, brother. And I want you to know that I am very proud of you. Okay? All right. And I know that if I would just call you on the phone and we’re talking, we would just talk about the word, right? So just pretend it’s the same thing. All right. And I love you very much. I’m really excited for what God is going to do in you, in your life, and in your wife’s life.

Okay? Brother go for it. Well, after Tuesday, after the last meeting, it seemed like things just actually went crazy from then. I mean, I found myself not only praying for myself more, but praying for others more from that Wednesday, that Tuesday, that next Wednesday, we had an incident at work, and then I had an incident at work, and it was just going crazy. And I haven’t worked since then, so, I mean, I don’t know what’s going on with that.

Throughout the whole process, I was, like, kind of feeling some kind of way and stuff, but I kept hearing the Lord saying, trust me, trust me. Just trust me. Even with my son, he finally got his license with his permit. Praise you for that. I had to pray because he went up there, like, six times with his mom. So lord told her to tell me to anoint him.

Pray for him. Go up there and get it so he can do it and get it. And so I was obedient. I did. I prayed on the way there. I anointed him. He didn’t know what I was anointing him for. And then I took him up there, and I prayed for him when he went in, and I prayed for him when he came back. And when he passed, it was like his jaw dropped.

You’re like, what? I passed? And I was like, it’s the power of the Lord. I mean, it was just about praying, and just like with the other guy, the whole thing. I mean, I’ve been finding myself praying a lot more than normal. And the Lord was like, trust me. And we know that in proverbs three, it says, by trusting yaku with all thine heart and all thy soul, and lean out on your own understanding, in all thy ways, acknowledge him, he shall direct your pairs.

Be not wise in thy own eyes. Feel yahoo and depart from evil. And I was reading, and I was like, okay, we know this. But to me, I mean, everybody else know, I’m like, how could we do this? How could I do this? And so he sent me to James, james four. And it says in James four and eight, when it says, draw nine to Yakua, and he will draw nine to you.

Cleanse your hearts, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double minded. Okay? So that right there said, okay, draw not. How do we draw 19? We draw 19 with earnestly prayers and with the whole thing about the earnestly. Because it took me back to when the priests back in the Old Testament, when they went to go and pray, they had to bring a sacrifice, and they lit the incense.

The incense represented the prayers of everybody. And it mingled with the sacrifice, and it went up to God, and he heard their prayers. Okay? Now, in the new covenant, we are the sacrifice. We need to sacrifice ourselves and do his will, and our prayers will be that sweet smelling incense that’s going to reach up to him, and he’s going to hear our prayers, and he will answer it, but we have to fully trust him.

And with the whole thing about, I haven’t been working and I’ve been going through it, and he kept saying, just trust me. And it goes back to back with the time, because since I got this job and I’ve been working so much to where I really wasn’t following the directions that he gave me when I moved up here, and that was to prepare a land. And so the whole time we was here, now, since I haven’t been working, I’ve been having the time to actually prepare a land.

And even though I’ve been kind of worrying about it, but the more I get out there, tend to the animals, driving teaposts through mountainous rocks and stuff, her arms hurting, I’ve been getting a piece about it because he was like, just trust me. I know what I’m doing. As long as you trust me. And he is faithful. I mean, he has been supplying for us, and he has always been there for us, no matter what.

And that’s how the devil can creep in. And when things go bad, that’s when, a lot of times when we don’t trust the Lord, we try to rely on ourselves, and that’s where the double mindedness come from. Yes, we trust the Lord, but if I can go ahead and do it this way, maybe it can get done faster. When we need to wait on the Lord’s time, because his time is not our time, so we need to wait on him.

And so that’s where I met with that. And then we was out there today putting in t post, and my son, he was like, yeah, pops. I was thinking about how you trying to hurry up and get the land prepared? Made me think about Moses when he was building the ark. He had all that time. I was like, yeah, he had time, but the Lord told him to do it.

He didn’t stop doing it. He was doing what he was supposed to do. And like me, I don’t want to get caught with idle hands. When I have time to do something, or when the Lord makes time for me to do something, I need to be doing what he directed me and what he told me to do. I don’t want to be like Peter now. When he come back and he find me sleeping and he asks, I told you to do this.

Why not? You’re doing this. And that’s something I’m trying to bestow in him as well. And we’re trusting him and we just got to continue to trust him no matter what comes. Because it’s rough out here. It’s nice, but it’s still rough out here, especially with everything that’s going on. But we just have to remember to trust him because if we’re in him, the world can’t do nothing to us because we’re covered in him.

We’re in him and he’s in us. So we’re covered through no matter what, because he will protect us and he will supply our needs and take care of us no matter what comes. I’m going to keep it short because it’s been a lot going on and I’ve been praying and praying and praying and praying, trying to get things to happen, but every time I do that, I just hear the Lord saying, trust me.

Why are you going back to it? Trust me. So we really need to. Once we give it to the Lord, give it to him, do not go back and pick it up. And that’s what we get in trouble. Once we give him something, we always run back and pick it up and try to tote it all over again. And it’s like we’re not really fully trusting him with what we presented to him.

So that’s what I’m learning today. Plus, I’m finished. But I do want to end it. Prayer, if you don’t mind. I want to pray for us, if you all don’t mind. Thank you for fairly and wonderful creating each and every last one of us. Thank you for giving us worth in your eyes, help us to bide instead of strive, living peacefully and joyfully as heirs of your kingdom and co heirs with your beautiful, wonderful, precious son.

And thank you. Thank you for everything you have did for us. Thank you for everything you are doing for us. And we thank you and we pray these things in the mighty, mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank you. Amen. That’s it. I love you, brother. I love you very much. I love that smile. Brother. Brother. We’ve been through a lot in this world. Sometimes we forget, but we’ve been through a lot in this world.

And just remember that stuff, like when David was going to fight Goliath, he would think of all of the things he’d been through when he fought the other. I think the lion, right, and the bear and different things. Like that. These things are meant to develop. Know, this past Thursday, brother Lou, he’s on vacation. So I passed by the gym just to take a look and maybe I can do know, maybe sweep or mop or whatever.

And I ended up sparring, right? And I’m thinking to myself, man, am I ready for this guy that I’m going to be sparring. But in deep in my mind, I’m like, I’ve gone 1012 rounds with Lou, so I got to be ready. And that’s the same thing with us. That right now, as you’re going through, your mind is going to get cluttered, bro, with so many thoughts of, just remember the one that got you from Florida over there and has done this.

And the truck the other day. Remember that. That he protected you from the truck. And he did it again. Because that Wednesday, I come around the corner, my coworker, he rode his truck. I mean, he literally rode his truck. And when I came by, I didn’t must see him in the truck. And I hurried up and ran over there. Pray for him. Just praying. And we got him out the truck.

The truck was like literally rolled over. And then the following day, in the same spot, I end up hitting a power line, a live power line. I’m talking about sparks flying everywhere. And I’m like, I mean, just, it’s been crazy. And through it all, the Lord just said, just trust me. I know what I’m doing. Maybe I don’t know. And I don’t want to think about what he’s thinking because I just want to trust him and just go, let his will be done through me.

And let me just follow, just guide my steps, father. Just guide me because it’s been a lot going on other than that, as pray. We’re going to pray for each other right now. And then I’m going to put a short two minute song, three minute song real quick. And then we’re going to go to Chris and Heidi. One of the things that more and more prayer requests have come in from YouTube.

So if you’re on YouTube and you have prayer requests, we’re keeping track of them. We have Mike Heiss. He has issues with his right shoulder. We have brother Ernest. Obviously, what he’s going through, he just shared. We have someone called Mum of many for the glory of God, her 14 year old son. God knows why he needs the prayer, right? Obviously, our brother Patrick, who’s going through what he’s going know.

It’s a lot curious. Georgia just wrote, pray for my loved one. He’s having mental health issues. If you’re on YouTube, just because you’re not on this zoom doesn’t keep. We’re keeping track of all of that you’re posting on there and we’re there for you. Okay, we’re going to go ahead and pray right now and play a short song. And then at 745, our brother Chris and Heidi are going to get on brother mad guns.

Thanks for what you’re doing on the chat on YouTube. Thanks for managing the chat. And did he wear me out? Honestly, I was good. I was good the first round. I was timid because I was like, can I do this? You know what I mean? But then afterwards, I was like, okay, I can do this. And at the end of the day, we were working with each other, helping each other out.

No one was trying to hurt anybody. So he was being gracious with me and I was being gracious right back. Let’s go ahead and pray. Heavenly Father, thank you for this opportunity. In reverence of you, heavenly Father. I just want to make sure that I’m going to open my eyes as I’m praying because I want to read the list because I can’t remember it, but I don’t want to ever disrespect our heavenly Father.

So as I open my eyes, no, it’s because I want to make sure that we’re keeping track of everyone who’s posted a prayer request on here. Mumsy tube. Family member in ICU, Brother Dre, soul sister Nancy west. They’re going through a lot of illnesses and they have so much responsibilities on their shoulders. Okay. Brother Josh had a know. Stopping pharmaceuticals and smoking marijuana. That’s a huge victory. We have husbands that are in ICU.

We have wives that are in ICU. We have a brother in the Lord who God knows who he is, that is feeling hopeless, right? That feeling of hopelessness is a real feeling that we all feel sometimes. We have Mike Heiss, who has issues with his right shoulder. He’s a person who has a lot of responsibilities in his life and he needs to get this right so that he can accomplish all of the goals that he has.

Our brother Ernest and his sister and my sister Amy. In the name of Jesus Christ, heavenly Father, you know how difficult it can be and intimidating it can be when it feels as if a mountain of issues are climbing up in our lives. In the name of Jesus Christ, help brother Ernest clarify his mind. The 14 year old son of mum of many. In the name of Jesus Christ, our brother Patrick, who is going through a situation where he just had a loss and he knows she’s a believer in Jesus Christ, but it still has to hurt our brother Patrick.

Please help our brother Patrick. And if I’m praying with my eyes open because I’m reading the list, there’s a lot of prayer requests that are coming in. We also have a few others that are coming in right now. Tay D’Souza, in the name of Jesus Christ, they’re going through unemployment. Troy Tompkins, pray this out for the salvation of the shooter who shot me in the head. And you’re still alive, Troy.

Wow. And you’re still willing to forgive that person? Awesome. Dd Tran indicates that they need us to pray for their teenage daughters, that they be able to seek Jesus Christ. Another mother posted that their child or teenage kid is falling into witchcraft. So many different prayers that are out there in the name of Jesus Christ, heavenly Father, if there’s someone at home watching this, if there’s someone on Zoom watching this and they can’t even post their prayer request, let them know right there where they’re at, that even if they didn’t post it, that you’re such an awesome father, that you hear them, that you hear their tears, that you hear their fears and you hear their worries and that you love them.

For you have not given us a spirit of fear, but a sound peace of mind and comfort them. In the name of Jesus, amen. I’m going to put a brief song on and then we’re going to go to our awesome brother Chris. Bear with me 1 second, okay. And right there in your house, remember that when you speak the name of Jesus Christ, awesome things happen. Hey, don’t just listen to the song, feel it.

Okay. Name is power your name is healing your name is light break every stronghold shine through the shadows, burn light of speak the name of Jesus hope of fear in all anxiety every soul is captive by depression heart to Jesus. Your name is power. Your name is power your name is healing your name is light break every stronghold shine through the shadows when you worship Jesus Christ. We’re going to play some more songs later, but for the sake of time, we’re going to go ahead and move to Brother Chris and Sister Heidi.

There is a lot more prayer requests coming in through YouTube. Thank you, Brother Lou, for helping me witness to those people on YouTube and we’re keeping track of those so we can pray for that as well. Brother Chris and sister Heidi, would you mind taking over? Well, Lord, give us the words to say and may the focus be intense on what is being spoken. So we can gather from you what it is you want us to gather, Lord.

We want to walk as more effective servants for you, Lord, bringing more into the kingdom and more honor and glory to your name. In your name, Lord Jesus, we pray and obey. Amen. So I just wanted to touch base on a couple areas before we get going. In the comments, mom of many had commented about the need for scripture and I say, amen. Hallelujah. We have to have scripture, need to be in it daily.

We need to have ourselves fortified. And many times, especially if I’m in a place where I feel like the presence of the Lord maybe isn’t existing, the Lord will prompt me to read scripture out loud. And even sometimes at home when I feel like I’m getting bombarded with the enemy to read that scripture out loud. So I just want to encourage all of you to do that because you will sense a difference in the environment if the enemy’s around.

Because the enemy doesn’t like hanging around here in scripture. So it seems to be very useful. And then I was interested in brother Ernest and what he had to say, and I believe he has more wisdom that he’s going to share with us here. And brother, I want to know when the Lord kept telling you to trust him and the enemy kept telling you not to, plus whatever other thoughts the enemy was putting in your mind, how did you deal with it? I just went straight to prayer.

First I felt some kind of way, but then the Lord was casting and trust him. So, I mean, I just had to just stop what I’m doing and just cast down those imaginations of telling me other things that wasn’t lining up to what I know that the Lord was telling me. And I just took it to prayer and stayed in prayer and just gave thanks for him for just giving me the strength to overcome and just the strength and the courage to trust him.

Because prayer was, prayer is the biggest way that you can draw close to him and just to feel his presence. If you come to him with a sincere heart and not being double minded and persuaded by other things, we need to come to him. He gave me comfort after I prayed to him and talked to him and cried to him and just sat there and waited and to hear him say something else to me or just tell him, just wait for him to tell me.

Okay, I heard you. You can go head on and finish doing what you was doing. You don’t have to sit here on your face all day. I just went into prayer because that’s the only thing that helps something you said it’s really hard for us to do, but it is so key, and I’m so thankful that the Lord stirred you to share it. You were giving Thanksgiving. How many of us, when we get in our situation, we may have a little bit of a pity party on ourself, and we forget to thank the Lord.

And it was hard for me for a long time. Rejoice in the Lord always. What do you mean, lord? I’m going through this. I’m going through that. It’s hard to rejoice. But when we finally start doing it, it makes it way better and it makes it easier for us to endure, and it gives us trust in him. So was there a particular thought that the enemy was trying to push that you felt was more powerful than other ones that you had to deal with for a longer period of time? Was there one or not really? Yes.

That one, I was going to lose my job because of a stupid, low hanging power line that was live. And two, I wasn’t going to be able to pay my bills. And three, I’m not emotion serving the Lord the way I supposed to. And it was like, really the reason why you’re going through all this, because the Lord is not with you. He’s not listening to your prayers.

You pray every morning. He’s not with you. You’re not serving him the way you’re supposed to serve him. You’re not his child. You’re birthless and all of that. And I’ve learned that. I know he’s an opposer. And whenever he tells me that I am something, I tell him that I’m not that. And when he tell me that I’m not something, I tell him I am that, because I’m always going to be different from what he tell me that I am.

And it was just. But I’m not going to say that. Soon as he told me them things, I went straight and said, and no, I mean, I always felt like, you’re right, I am. I mean, what am I doing? And then the Lord had to convict me. And that’s what prayer and giving thanks to him, knowing that I know who I am in Christ and just giving thanks for him to reminding me of who I am in him.

But it was hard. What was the point when you had peace in your thoughts and you were like, you know what, Lord? I got victory over the enemy. And this now. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. Was there a point where you just like that was a battle, but the Lord was with me. It was, yes. And at that point, it was like I just felt everything was. I didn’t feel everything was okay.

I knew everything was okay because things started to happen just like how he said it would happen. I talked to my boss and everybody else. Things are still steady to happen. But the most important thing about it is I can feel his presence. I can feel him working everything out. And I’m not really stressed about it. I don’t really think about it as much. I mean, it may come up, but it’s just like a little.

Yeah, okay, whatever. It’s already taken care of. Yeah. And at that point, it took, at the end of the day, at the end of Wednesday, I think it was Wednesday, one of them, but at the end of the day, Thursday, one of them and throughout the other. At the end of every day when I pray to him and stuff, and all throughout the day, I feel a comfort and a peace about the whole situation because I know he didn’t bring me this for just to leave me.

Even when the Israelites, when he led them out and they went through all that, he did not leave them there. He still took care of them even though they was rebellious and all of that. But he still took care of them because he was taking them to a place where he promised them. And I know my promise in him. So I just give thanks because I feel that everything is going to be okay.

One more question, brother, and this is really valuable for all of us to hear because when a brother or sister has victory over the enemy, particularly in the area of taking thoughts captive, because none of us have really fully understood the power and might, the Lord wants to feed through us in having victories in these areas. And we will find as he gives us victory after victory, that we’re overwhelmed in our lives because we don’t know how to take our thoughts captive.

And when we learn that we can, it’s a mighty thing. So at any point, did you ask the Lord, what is the lesson you wanted me to learn from this? Yes, I did. And that lesson was to trust him and don’t. What is it? When did that question come to you? Was it in the beginning of this, in the middle and the end? It was pretty much in the end.

And after it was at the end, after I knew I got victory, but when Satan was trying to continue to poke at me and I had to keep going back and casting those things down, it was around by that time to why am I going through this? I mean, what lesson are you trying to teach me into going through this? And it was to trust him and have more faith and more strength in him and I can overcome.

I mean, just keep him first in all things. Don’t let a job or my loved ones or this farm or anything else come before him. He needs to be first and I need to put all of my trust in him, not in my job or anything else. Amen. Because just like how it felt, like I was losing everything, he can take everything away from me. Yes. So I have to have him first, because without him I have nothing.

So let me ask you this, brother. Next time when situations happen, when are you going to be asking the question, what am I supposed to learn from this right in the beginning? Amen. As soon as I see it happening, like, Lord, what test I’m fit to learn from this one right now? Just give me some wisdom. Give me some wisdom so I could know because I already have the tools to fight it.

But what test is this? What am I getting out of this? What are you trying to teach me through this test? Because he already gave me the equipment to fight. To fight. So I just need the wisdom to know what I’m going up against. That’s excellent, brother. Thank you. So just the Holy Spirit. It’s like Ernest has got some more wisdom to share with us on this situation.

So thank know it took a long time before it finally got to my thick head about asking the Lord what the lesson is. And now that’s where I always go to that. But many years I never even came across my thought process, and I’ll say this for sure, when we start doing that in the beginning, it’s God’s way of protecting us from emotional distress that we don’t need to have because we don’t look at what the situation is.

We look at what the Redeemer wants us to learn and how he wants us to grow. And it’s way different to go through a situation with that as our mindset than it is as our emotions being the. So that’s awesome. Thank you. So got a couple of hands raised up. I don’t can I guess I could just ask Shelly. You have your hand raised? Yeah. I wanted to share what the Lord has taught me in trials and tribulations.

But one of the ways of getting through it is like finding things to rejoice in and be grateful for. And it just really helps to get through those hard times. It’s hard to go through fires and trials and all that, but there’s so many things to be grateful for and I think that’s the key. That’s how you are able to rejoice in trials and tribulations when you shift from complaining and dread and this hurts and this is hard to wow.

But look, God gave me this. Wow. Thank you, Lord. I have food. Wow. Thank you, Lord. I have this person in my know, it’ll really thank you. That’s, that’s really good. Thank you for sharing that. Mike, you have your hand up? Yeah. Just thinking and listening is many trials and tribulations, ups and downs. I’ve been know you think you have it bad, someone’s had it worse. But in my walk with the Lord, I’ve learned that all things work for his glory.

And every day I thank the Lord every day and every night Paul says, pray without. I do my best to do that and I praise him for the good, the bad, the indifferent. Everything’s a gift from God because just a little brief, brief history of 23 years in the military and have ptsd, I’m disabled from it. Not regretting any of that because I give God all the glory for where I’m at today.

I’m not the man I used to be, but thank God to him. I’m not what I could have been. God’s grace and mercy. He gives us what we don’t deserve and he doesn’t give us what we do deserve. And I just praise and thank him for all that, everything I’ve come through, because it just draws me close to him. I have two daughters and one of them is a real blessing because she walks with the Lord.

My oldest daughter, she walks with the Lord, but yet she sometimes strays off and she’s at a point right now where she strayed off and we’re praying for her. And I don’t usually ask for prayer for myself because I feel more that there are others around me. And this time of year, several years, I had bouts with depression and it was a time of serious dealing with suicide.

But I believe that God spoke to me and said, there’s more. Think of the small, even the smallest minute thing that makes you happy. You’ll miss this, you’ll miss that. And everything that I was hearing that I would be missing was good from the Lord. We walk with him and love him, do our best to keep his commandments, and he could tell when we’re doing our best and all these things will be added to it to us.

But the biggest thing I thank for was my grandmother and the elders because I remember my grandmother every night she would start praying in her room and she would pray for hours. And the main thing that I hear her say right now is, Lord Jesus, let not one of my children, grandchildren or family members die without you. Let none of my people be lost. And I believe those prayers.

When I was a small kid, I kind of made fun of it. But you’re with the Lord where he’s our heavenly Father and he will get us back in line and I know that. And I thank God for her prayers because without them I wouldn’t be in the relationship with my heavenly Father and praising him for everything. Just sometimes I find myself walking around at work saying, thank you, Jesus, for nothing in particular or just the opportunity to say that people take stuff for granted.

And I can’t believe how deceived the world is that. They go complicated. People go complicated. They’re lost, they have no troubles. But those that work with the Lord are close to him. We have troubles. That’s because Satan doesn’t have us. He wants to drag us down. He wants to destroy us. And he’s going to beat on the wall. He’s not going to worry about the pile of bricks.

He’s going to worry about that wall. But I thank God that the cornerstone of that wall, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, has shown mercy and grace on me and I made the choice to follow him. And no matter what happens, I will continue to do that. There’s no friend, there’s no family. There’s no occasion that will distract me from that. I will stay on that course because every day here on this earth is temporary.

Temporary is nothing compared to an eternity with him. Thank you, Mike. First of all, I want to say thank you for your service, 23 years of your life. All of us, I’m sure, appreciate that. So thank you for that. And I just want to pray real quick for you, Father. We’re so thankful. Anytime you give us the opportunity to come before you and we know it’s because of your beloved son that our prayers can come before your throne.

Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord Jesus. And Lord, you already know what we’re going to pray for before we even do it. But as brothers and sisters to one another and lifting up one another, Lord, we just ask for Mike and his depression at times and his daughter that is straying away a bit, Lord. And the PTSD that he battles with. Lord, we would just ask right now that you would give him a peace that passes understanding in your presence, Lord.

And that you would give him a resolve to do battle in his mind against the enemy and give him victory. Show him how to have victory, Lord. And Lord, we just look forward for the testimonies that’s going to come from you, strengthening him, lifting him up, and bringing other believers around him to also strengthen him. Lord, we thank you that he joined us tonight, Lord, and we thank you that we can come together before you with our prayers.

It’s in your name, Lord Jesus, we pray and obey. Amen. Tally, I want to say something direct to you, brother. I am so pleased that God is using you in the way he is. You are just one of the few voices in the wilderness when we have dump trucks of filth and all kind of stuff flooding YouTube and the Internet. I praise God for your voice, for your stance, and I pray that he gives you the strength to continue to do that.

Let no man come against you. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. You keep on keeping on, God will find a way for that message to be put out. Amen. Amen, brother. Thank you so much for your words, man. Glory to know. Thanks to you and all of you. Because without all of you, there’s no way that we can make all of this happen. On YouTube, we have.

Glory to Jesus Christ. Over 135 people. Facebook, we have a very large amount as well. And for those of you that are on YouTube and Facebook, know that I love you guys very much. If you guys want to participate of the zoom aspect of it, just register on the website. It’s free. But regardless, just know that we appreciate you tuning in and your encouragement, brother, means a lot to me.

And as a father that has a daughter, I know how much you love your kid. And God knows God’s going to keep on giving her that conviction so that she can get closer and closer and closer. And I always say this to all of you. Always hold me accountable. I am no better than any of you. Okay? So if today’s video is great, but next week, make sure you be a berean and trust God first.

And obey God first. And as always, thanks for anyone who’s ever done anything for this ministry. I love you guys very much. And it’s such a beautiful thing to see how all of this is coming together. Just to recap this year when you really think about it, right, man? For the glory of Jesus Christ, we started these in November. I know that this is not everyone’s cup of tea, right? I know that people prefer the documentaries and the videos that’s still going to continue.

But every Tuesday, if you have the time and you tune in this day, please consider joining us. It’s always a blessing to see you here. We have someone here from Western Australia. Mr. Scott, I can’t even imagine what time it is in Western Australia. We have people from different parts of the world. So for me, it’s an honor and a blessing. And again, we want to have some discipleship classes coming along in the month of January.

These are going to be small groups, five or six people. Brother Chris and Sister Heidi are going to be managing those. There’s no cost at all. There’s nothing that you have to spend, just your time and your dedication. So these are going to be several weeks long, but if you can set up a good time, we’ll have a schedule. You can attend those. They’re going to be edifying for you.

Also, the community on the website. Again, all of that is free. Anyone who’s in this Zoom call can tell you that no one has ever been even asked for anything because it’s not about that. This is about making sure that while you find a local assembly, okay, and have faith that God will provide, that you have somewhere to pass by and that this motivates you, especially if you’re a youtuber and you have a ministry.

Hit me up, man. We want to be able to help you establish your own little thing that you got to do for Jesus. This is what this is about. Spreading the gospel, getting people to understand that Jesus is awesome, encouraging a brother or a sister. You have no idea how much an encouragement is needed sometimes. You have no idea, right? So this is what this is about, coming together.

I am blessed that you guys are here. Sister Heidi, I know how much you love people and I know you’ve been keeping a list of names. I have more names of people to pray for. I’m going to mention them. I don’t expect for you to write them down because I’m going to send you a list after all. Right, but we got someone. If this is the same mic, I don’t think it’s the same mic.

We have a mic that wants encouragement because he needs the courage to preach to his peers at work. We have Eric love. He’s a street preacher. He’s a sole provider for his family. His ankles hurt. Shield of faith on YouTube has been encouraging people all along while he needs prayer as well on the chat. And Nancy west, thank you as well for doing that. We have someone called Miriam nose and I’ll send these to you separately.

But her husband’s been battling intrusive thoughts and as a wife, she’s trying to do everything she can to protect her husband and wants prayers for him. We have mumsy, who indicates that there’s someone near Joplin, Missouri, that his name is David Clark and he needs our prayers. He’s in the hospital. Tina renegade, she needs encouragement and obviously Mike’s daughters. But there’s someone in this room here that is very special to me and she’s in the room as I want.

Heidi, if you can pray for Candice and for all the names that I mentioned, people are going through it all around the world, right know? And if you’re at home, you’re going through it too. Be encouraged. Okay? Jesus is awesome. Okay? He is awesome and he cares for you. So as we pray right there, remember that the heavenly Father Mike mentioned his daughter who is backsliding sometimes. If that’s the love of a father, imagine the heavenly Father.

Imagine him. Let him touch you. Don’t leave this chat room. Don’t leave this YouTube livestream the same. Don’t leave the same okay, refreshed, renewed and ready to go in the name of Jesus Christ. All right, sister Heidi, can you pray? Father God Lord, we love you and we praise your name. Your name is above all name. And we realize that your patience with us is our salvation. Thank you Lord Jesus for that.

We do bring before you candice Lord God, you truly know what is happening and your great love for her. Lord God, we pray that whatever it is that is presenting a challenge, Lord, that she’s able to be filled with your holy spirit and hear your voice, Lord, and know that in love, Lord God, that you are rooting for her. We are rooting for her to be able to overcome these challenges.

So we praise your name, Lord Jesus, for that we do praise your name, Lord, for those that were mentioned by Tali, Lord God. And I don’t have the list in front of me live with these requests, Lord God, but you know each and every individual and the challenges taking place with lost loved ones. Lord, we pray that their ears would be open to your truth, that their eyes would be open, Lord, to be able to see what is truth and not be deceived, Lord, those with broken hearts that are being challenged by the tempter, the fallen one, Lord God, we pray that they are able to cling to you, Lord, and take their thoughts captive and not be subject to these schemes of the enemy.

Lord God, we think of our sons and daughters and we do pray. What a lovely prayer that Mike’s grandma prayed that all of her children and grandchildren, Lord, would come to a knowledge of who you are and that they would call you lord of their life. We pray that for our family members. Lord God, we ask that we would have boldness, Lord, so that we can proclaim your name, Lord, when it is needed.

And we do want to be able to hide your word in our hearts, Lord, so that we don’t sin against you. And so when your word says, enter your courts with praise and thanksgiving, Lord, may we be constantly reminded to give you thanks, Lord, in all things, Lord, in things that may be challenging, looking for what the lesson may be. So, Father God, we praise your name because there is no other God, no other name to come to you by and know that there is power in your name.

We praise you, Lord Jesus, and give you honor by talking about you and meditating on your words, Lord, thank you for those in attendance this evening, Lord, May. When they turn off the button, Lord, may they be refreshed even more than when they entered this chat room. Thank you, Lord, for your endurance, that love that just endures forever. And it’s because of you, Jesus. Thank you for your holy spirit in your mighty name.

Amen. Amen. God is awesome. God is awesome. It’s a blessing that we’ve been here tonight. I think that when we recap everything and we’ve gone, we’ve had Brother Ernest Patrick. We challenged them with a little bit of a devotional. They both did awesome for the glory of Jesus Christ. Brother Chris, Sister Heidi did phenomenal and asking questions. Right. That’s why I love what we’re doing here. We have a mixture of everything.

We’re all trying our best, right? For those that are on YouTube and for those that are in the zoom room, is there anyone who needs to rededicate their life to Jesus Christ? You don’t have to say it. You don’t have to necessarily raise your hand, but right there in your home, just as Sister Heidi said, leave this stream, leave this Tuesday gathering, hangout, whatever you want to call it, don’t forget that God is tugging at your heart.

And if you just take a few seconds, a few moments to just ask the Holy Spirit, and Holy Spirit, convict me of what I need to change. You’re going to hear it. He’s going to convict you. He’s going to tell you, don’t let another moment pass. The video stream was called last Day on earth, right? We talked about this many times and we’re going to sound repetitive as we keep on talking about this on Tuesdays.

But if it was your last day on earth today, what would truly matter? That unforgiveness, that bitterness, the intrusive thoughts, lust, rage? So many different things that hit our lives, depression, anxiety, all of these things. If it was your last day on earth today, let’s do what the scripture says. Redeeming the time for the days are evil. But not only that. Do you guys remember the story of Hezekiah? You all remember that story when he was in a position in two kings 21 through three, right? Where he was in a position where they came to him.

It says, in those days was Hezekiah sick and unto death. And the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amuz, came to him and said unto him, thus says the Lord, set thine house in order for thou shalt die and not live. The thoughts that Ernest was experiencing with his job, the thoughts that many of us experience every day. Think of the thoughts that come to you when you are realizing that your last days are numbered, right? Think of that God had compassion upon Hezekiah.

Something supernatural happened. And if you read the story, you’ll see that God did something amazing in that time that defies all type of logic, defies all type of anything that you can consider and even mention on earth. That’s how good God is, that he convicts you, that he warns you. With Hezekiah, he convicted him. He talked to him. He warned him. With you, his holy spirit is convicting and warning you.

And my brother, my sister in the Lord. All I’m saying is that if you tuned into this broadcast today on YouTube, thank you for being one of the very few that’s willing to stick to these Tuesday hangouts. I know it’s a different type of content. And for those of you that are on Zoom, thank you for being here. But most importantly, when God came to Hezekiah and said, hey, your time is short, the beautiful part was, Hezekiah listened.

That’s one of the most amazing things that he listened. Right? May we, in the name of Jesus Christ, as we’re here today, may we be as sensitive to the Holy Spirit to listen, to love him enough to listen, because when you take that time to listen to him, the right steps that you need to take are going to be told. The right mercy and compassion that you need is going to be provided if you’re attempted.

God provides a way of escape. So in any circumstance, he listens, he cares. And I just don’t want you to leave the stream knowing that you have to rededicate your life to Jesus in any type of way. Maybe you have to tighten up your prayer life, right? Maybe you got to tighten up that tongue. Maybe you’re speaking negative all the time, right? Maybe you got to tighten up the way you handle others.

God is graceful to you, but you walk around with an attitude, right? How many things do we not have to tighten up? Just don’t leave this stream without making that commitment to Jesus right there in your home, okay? Because he cares for you. Sister Ingrid, you’re tuning in from Facebook. God bless you, sister, for being such an encouragement sister to many of us. All right, she’s on Facebook right now.

Sally. God bless you. All right, Agniesca. God bless you. Scott, Gary, all of you that are on YouTube, God bless you all. All right, I’m going to stay quiet. I rambled enough, but I just really have been at that point, when you’re told that you don’t have much time left, and every day that you make it past, when the doctor says something, you wake up. So, Brother Chris, anything you want to add on this? Anything at all, or anyone else wants to add something on this? Well, I just wanted to say this is another example when the Holy Spirit confirms his wishes.

Between Tally and I, we hadn’t talked about what he was going to say, what I was going to say. We just believe the Holy Spirit will guide us. But what he just talked about is exactly going to be my last point is, what is the Holy Spirit showing you? Think about it right now, since we’re talking about time, what is the Holy Spirit showing you? That there’s still time for you to grow in this area or do this or do that.

And so that’s really cool. I love when the Holy Spirit does that, and my wife and I experience it between us now more and more. And we know that it is God speaking to us when that happens. So praise the Lord for that, brother. And the thing that I want to tell you guys, just a very quick testimony. There’s a guy that I talk to every Monday and been talking to him for six, eight months, maybe close to a year, and we’ve been talking about loving the Lord, taking your thoughts captive, and he’s been struggling with pornography.

And he was so excited on Monday, this week when he said, brother, Saturday night, I had these dreams and they were just horrendous. And so I woke up and all I could do is be thinking about the stuff and going and sinning and all that. And he said, brother, I battled and I battled, and the Lord claimed the victory. And he said it was awesome. I was able to actually overcome those thoughts and not have them tempt me anymore.

And he went and he wrote a song to the Lord and he said, brother, every word just flowed out. And he goes, I know if I would have gave in to that temptation, that never would have happened. And so I just want to encourage everyone, hang in there and be faithful to the ways of the Lord, and he will deliver us. We just can’t give up. We need to know how to fight against the enemy.

Put him in his place. But God is faithful. And I just want to have Heidi read real quick this verse here. Romans 1311 to 14, I think romans 13, starting at verse eleven. And do this knowing the time that now it is high time to awake out of sleep. For now our salvation is nearer than we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand.

Therefore, let us cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly as in the day, not in reverberry and drunkenness, but in lewdness and not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy, but put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill its lust. So I just wanted to share that with you and thank you, everyone, for the time that we can share together.

And Shelly, I see you have your hand raised. And by the way, the answer to your question is yes. I tried to text you back and couldn’t get the text to go through. So what would you like to share? I wanted to see if it’s possible. I want to make a suggestion that maybe we could come on here one week and talk about church hurt. Because I think that it would really help people know that they’re not alone.

I know you’ve gone through church hurt, and I actually really would love to hear what you went through. Not so we can be victims, but just so we can, like, I think the Lord can just bring some healing. Like knowing we’re not alone. And just like, this is the reality of things, when you walk on the narrow path, you’re going to get hurt by people. And I don’t know, I think it would be beneficial knowing that hearing other people’s story and not feeling so alone in that pain.

And I think God can bring healing. I don’t know. That’s just my thought. Suggestion. Maybe one week. Thank you, brother Tally. I believe that’s all that the holy spirit wants me to. Right. All right, well, Sister Shelley, that’s awesome. Let’s do that next week. Next week. Let’s do that next week. For those that are tuning in on YouTube, if you want to join the zoom and it’s complicated, I get it.

Email me at brothernaptali@gmail. com I’ll walk you through how to do it, but just register@tfgministries. com ahead of time. You have the whole week to do it. That way on that day, you just go to the community tab and the link is going to be available because next week we’re going to be talking about church hurts and church wounds and things that we’ve gone through. Right. So that’s going to be a good topic.

Shelley, we’ll talk about that. And it should be interesting to talk about all of our stories. I have a lot of stories when it comes to church craziness that I’ve gone through. Brother Sally, that’s going to be awesome. Yes, sir. Yeah, I know. My wife, she went through some real bad church. She. So we have a volunteer next week. So for next week we have, Sister Amy is going to do a five minute testimony, five or seven minute testimony.

What can do through her next week as well. All right. So this week we have Patrick and Ernest. So we have Amy. Amy’s going to bring something next week. Amy’s going to kill me, but she’s going to do something next week. So next week, if you tune into this live next Tuesday, we’re going to be talking about the craziness that happens at church. I also want to say thank you, Lynette, for tuning in.

I know that you have a busy schedule. Thank you, my sister. Thank you. Shayna, Tiana, Candice, you know, I’m grateful to you. Sister Michelle, you’ve tuned in various weeks. And Sister Victoria, thank you so much. And Sarita, thank you for being here. Christina, Shelley, we’re a small group family. We’re a small group at the website, but we’re always loving each other. So if you want to participate in that, register on the website today, it’s free.

So next week we’re going to be talking about some craziness. It’s going to be hilarious when we share our stories, but it should be really fun. Sister Sarita, I’m wondering, I have Sister Amy who’s going to be bringing something next week. Would you be able to share something next week for five or seven minutes? See what God puts in your heart this week? And then next week bring something.

What do you think? You don’t have to, but I would love to, but I don’t know what schedule is. That’s why I’ve not been tuning in at 630. I really wish I could. Whatever time I show up, I can share. That’s it. Perfect. And if you can’t. You can’t. But if you can, then you can. That’ll be cool. Thank you. And I also want to tell you guys before we close, is that all of you have a vision and a calling from God.

How can we help you progress that? Right? That’s a very important thing. Right? So how can we help you get to that next level? There’s a lot of competition in ministry. Ministry can be a business for many people, so it can be bananas. We want to make sure that we do the opposite of that and help as much as we can. So how can we help your ministry? If you’re on YouTube, email me at brother natalia@gmail.

com or join our community. Let me know how I can help. If you bear with my patience. Not with my patience, with my time schedule. I’m willing to help. Okay. And even on here on Zoom, how can I help? Make sure that we get you the right advice, get you on the right path. Brother Chris and Heidi is willing to help, too. All of us are willing to help.

Okay? So this is about spreading the gospel. So be encouraged. Tonight, all of you that are on Facebook, Sister Sheila, Tay, God bless you, Tay, Gary. Fear of God. All of you that are on YouTube right now, thank you so much, brother Dre. Soul mad guns forever. Josh, C. Joey, so many of you that are there, right? Thank you for being on YouTube. Next week is going to be an interesting one.

All right. So it’s going to be about church wounds. So that should be awesome. I see two hands up. Victoria. Esteban. What’s going on? Victoria? I was just going to ask about homework for next week. You ready? All right, let’s do it. All right, cool. I’m excited. I have a lot of church heart. I actually grew up in the middle of Mormons, so very interesting. That’s going to be epic.

I’m excited. You’ve been good. You’ve been feeling good? Yeah, very well, thank you. Okay, awesome. Know that we’re very grateful for you and thank you for being here every single week. And I can’t wait to hear what you have to share next week. It’s going to be a huge blessing. So I’ll be praying for you and that’s going to be an awesome testimony. All right, awesome. Sister Esteban, your hands up.

Yeah. Thank you for letting me speak one more time. I, too, have some church hurt, but it’s not necessarily from the body or a particular or specific church because you mentioned unforgiveness. And that’s something that I’ve been battling for a long time. My quote unquote church hurt is actually my dad and my mom, you know, because they’re the ones who taught me about the Bible and all of that.

And for a long time and even still now there’s less there, but every now and then it pops up. You know, they just. I’m trying to show. I’m. I’m trying to totally forgive and show them grace and mercy, but I’d be lying if I said that there’s still not a little bit of unforgiveness and bitterness there and, you know, so, yeah, that, that was, that was my first.

Because the deliverers of the gospel or the message about God just, they made a lot of mistakes. And I hope I don’t blame God for that. I don’t believe I do. But I will say this. It’s caused me to have a convoluted view of my heavenly father versus my earthly father. And that’s been. I’ve not been able to clearly make that distinction, even though my heavenly father has been so merciful and patient and graceful and shown me grace.

And it bothers me that I totally can’t separate the two and just, it really bothers me. And I’m like, am I beyond help? Am I hopeless? How could I lump you in with another man? With a man, period. But sometimes I do that again. I do it less, but I still battle it sometimes. Have you asked the father to show you away from not having those thoughts anymore? Not directly or specifically, but that’s something I can certainly do.

Yeah. Sometime when we talk, I’ll share with you something that happened to be when you come to the father with a sincere heart, brother. He loves us so much. It’s awesome. Amen. Amen. And thank you, Stefan, for sharing that about what you’re going through. I think next week is going to be a good one to be able to dive deep into a lot of these topics. And until then, know, Stefan, that if you need someone to talk to before that, we can make.

I’ll put my information. If you ever just want to text, just praying for you or what have you. And I just want to thank the Lord. Put it in the chat, please. Put it in the chat. Yeah, I’ll put it in the chat. I’ll put it in the chat. Yeah. For sure. And that, know that you’re not alone. There’s people that even on YouTube, people have already put on there that they know what you’re going through and they know how difficult it is, but that there is hope in Jesus.

So next week’s going to be a good one, Brother Esteban. So I look forward to seeing you there as well. And until then, know that you’re not alone. So please post your information on there so we can contact you and find a way to be able to get a hold of you and be able to help. All right? And it’s always a blessing to see how transparent you are about what you’re going through.

That’s a huge blessing. I sincerely hope so, man. I’m trying not to be too transparent. No, hey, listen, brother man, this is what we’re here for, brother. We’re here to help each other out, all right? Plus, I want to apologize, too, for brother, because I did get his number and I talked to him that night, but, I mean, I didn’t keep in contact. I was thinking about you, brother Ernest.

I was literally thinking about you when I saw you, brother. And I want to apologize for that, because I’ve been going through a lot, but that still mean. That’s another thing that my wife, she pretty much just told me. Did you even talk to my, like. Well, I talked to him that night, and right then I felt convicted, like I should have been. Even though I was going through something, I still should have.

No worries, brother. No worries at all, brother. No worries at all. I was thinking about you when I saw you. I was like, brother Ernest. And so, yeah, I felt the same way. I was like, I need to reach out to blessing to. Yeah. How you guys were able to communicate with each other. And let’s keep each other in prayer, and let’s keep each other motivated and encouraged.

Okay? And all of you that are on Sally. Absolutely. Absolutely, Sister Sally. You got it. She’s on YouTube. We’re going to go ahead and live stream. Go ahead and end it at this point in time in respect of everyone’s time. But I do want to again know Sister Sarita. I’m so encouraged always by your strength, by her. You’re always. No matter what you’re doing, you’re here. Sister Shayna, I look forward to seeing you next week.

Tiana, Lynette, thanks for all that you do, Lynette, Hosanna, Victoria, Shelly, Christina, Amy. Next week, ready for you. And Crittoria, ready for y’all next week. It’s going to be a blessing to read the two. And brother Patrick, our hearts are with you, man. If we can do anything for you, let us know and step on as well. Look at brother Ernest. He’s over there making a pizza. I’m making us some bread.

We make our own bread, so I’m making a loaf of bread. Right? What’s up? That’s what’s. Guys. Love you guys. A and, uh, yeah, you guys are awesome. So I’m going to end the stream now. But know that if you guys need anything at all, we’re there for you. And I’m very grateful. Extremely grateful. Next week, we’re going to talk about church wounds. So see you all next week and love you guys very much.

All right, hush. And Scott. .


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