2024 New Variants NASAs God of Chaos Arrives!

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NASAs God of Chaos Arrives



➡ The text discusses potential global threats for 2024 including the close passing of the ‘God of chaos’ asteroid, the spread of a new variant J N one and a feared transmission of a zombie virus from animals to humans. It also speaks about the misuse of CRISPR gene-editing technology for combining human and animal DNA sequences which could result in unforeseen diseases, and advancements in UFO disclosures. Despite the predicted upheavals and shifts, the text encourages maintaining a power of love and a sound mind, rather blaming mythical and fearful entities for these events.


New year, new deceptions. As the asteroid God of chaos is approaching Earth, NASA is sending spaceships to try to confront the God of chaos about its passing. And is there any cause for alarm here? Well, 20,000 miles, in a cosmic sense, is very close to the earth. As if that isn’t enough for the new year, January 1 is bringing to you a new variant titled J N one.

And this variant is now also spreading all around the earth. New year, new deception. New year, new ways that the enemy can distract you. New year, new ways that the enemy can strip time from you, for he knows that his time is short. Therefore, he enjoys wasting your time. But it doesn’t stop there yet. There’s a new virus, a zombie virus, and many are fearing that this now can become transmissible to human beings.

This virus has the ability that once it infects an animal, it causes lethargy, nervousness, drooling, grinding of the teeth, and it makes you desensitized and places you in a trance, looking like a zombie. According to the US Geological Institute, this disease has so far spread to 32 different states and four canadian providences. There are scientists that are actually fearing that this zombie disease that is affecting animals can be transmissible to humans.

It’s already in Yellowstone National park. Even I believe this is a deception. If you look at CRISPR cas nine technology, they’re now making it openly accessible for you to have tools to merge DNA from humans to animals, and vice versa. We’re headed towards a day where many mythological creatures that were in the preflood world, many of these entities may start making a comeback, because as you start merging different DNA sequences, then, of course, there will be human diseases that will transfer to animal kind.

There will be animal diseases that can transfer to humankind, because you’re merging the DNA sequences, and neither the animal kind nor the humankind is prepared for what is coming to earth. In Luke 20 111, it says, in great earthquake shall there be in diverse places. And famines. And pestilences. And pestilences. Are you hearing that? And pestilences. Many of these pestilences could be manmade, yet there’s still pestilences and fearful sights in the heavens.

And fearful sights. And great signs shall there be from heaven. So, as we headed into this new year, 2024, you have pestilences, you have famines that are underreported all over the world, and you have fearful sights. With so many UFO disclosures that 2024 is going to be filled with, and then great signs shall there be from heaven. Isn’t it amazing how they’re always calling these quote unquote discoveries diabolical names? If they find something that they consider gravity, they’ll call it dark gravity.

If there’s something that they consider matter, they’ll say dark matter. If they find something that they want to call an asteroid, they’re going to say it’s the egyptian God of chaos. Why do they have such an obsession to turn things so fearful and dark? It’s because the father of all lies lies within many of these organizations. And they love mythology. They love the preflood world era. They love the fallen angels.

They love all of the things that were once a thing. They’re trying to reinvent many of these things. And the documentary that should be out within three to four weeks called the real Jurassic park, which is featuring Trey Smith, Dr. Kent Hoeven, Tim O’Keefe, Chad Riley and others, we’re going to be dealing with the pre flood world, so stay tuned for that one. I’ll leave a trailer for it at the end of this video and subscribe because it is gonna be a free film that is gonna debut on this channel.

We’ll be tapping into the pre flood world climate, prefloood world era, preflood world creatures, prefloood world, everything. It’s something that you definitely want to tune into. But above all, two Timothy one seven as we head into this new year. For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. We’re in days like Matthew 24/7 that we’re going to see things that are just going to be insane.

For nations shall rise against nation in 2024, and kingdoms against kingdoms, and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places in 2024, we may see extreme weather in 2024. We may see extreme division in 2024. We’re going to see things that are going to show up in the heavens and in the skies that are going to baffle humanity. But let it not baffle you because you need to have a sound mind.

Why do you need to have a sound mind? Because in two Timothy one seven, God says that he has given you a sound mind. He has not given us a spirit of fear. The world may fear the things that are approaching. The world may look at these things and panic. We look at these things and realize that Jesus Christ is at the door. 2023 was a year that I am extremely grateful for.

You and I, together, we accomplished a lot of things for the kingdom of Jesus Christ on this channel. Thank you for an amazing 2023. And thank you for continuing with the channel in 2024. Let’s continue edifying each other. Let’s continue holding each other accountable. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for always holding me accountable. And above all, let’s stay watchful. Two corinthians 211 least Satan should get an advantage for us, for we are not ignorant of his devices.

Whether it’s ufos or transhumanism, whether it’s a chaotic election season, whatever it is. As we head into this new year, I want us to come together right now and pray in the name of Jesus Christ so that we can go into it prepared, understanding that Jesus Christ has already won. Heavenly Father, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your dear son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for salvation. Thank you for allowing us to see things for what they truly are.

Thank you for your discernment, heavenly Father, thank you for your holy spirit that guides us into all truth. Heavenly Father, as we head into this new year, allow us to be able to stick to any commitments that we have for this new year. Allow us to be convicted of the wasted moments, the wasted time the word of God tells us, heavenly Father, that Satan knows that his time is short.

But quite often, as disciples of Christ, we waste time. We take time for granted. We go to bed expecting to wake up the next day. We make little use of time when your word of God tells us to redeem the time because the days are evil. Heavenly Father, may we not look at the fact that we can wake up and see our wife and kids and just take that for granted.

Heavenly Father, may we not be at a point that we can wake up and go to work and take that for granted. Heavenly Father, may we not take for granted the fact that we can open a set of scriptures in the nation that we live in. May we wake up each day in 2024 in awe of your awesomeness and in awe of your provision, because you are a mighty God in the midst of all of this chaotic world.

Thank you for saving us. Thank you for delivering us. And thank you for giving us the peace and the hope that only a risen messiah can give us. Thank you for salvation in Jesus mighty name. Amen. God bless you. Thank you for sticking with the channel in 2024. Many of you ask how you can support the channel, share the videos and press the thumbs up button. If you view the video up to this point, consider pressing the thumbs up button and sharing the video.

That’s a really, really big help because this is a non monetized channel, so this helps the algorithm. Also remember that we’re available on Rumble. We’re also available on our website, tftgministries. com pass by. We have a community on there that you can register and fellowship with brothers and sisters in the Lord every Tuesday, including tomorrow Tuesdays at 06:30 p. m. We have live gatherings here on YouTube and you can join and we can chat, we can pray for your request live right there on the screen.

And we have a Zoom feature, so if you want to take it an extra step and join via Zoom. And actually we can talk with each other. You can do so by registering@tfgministries. com and going to the community tab. Every Tuesday at link is available there for Zoom. So you can join. And all of this is absolutely free. We don’t have a patreon, we don’t have a channel membership.

We just depend on brothers and sisters in the Lord to take up their time to pass by each week and share the content. So I appreciate you guys very, very much and we love you very much. In addition, thank you for those that are considering supporting this ministry and these broadcasts that goes a very long way. God bless you. Love you very, very much. And I’ll leave you with the trailer of the real Jurassic park.

You don’t want to miss that documentary. It’s going to be close to 2 hours long. It’s going to be an awesome, awesome film that’s going to edify the body of Jesus Christ. God bless you and your family. .


Spread the Truth

2 thoughts on “2024 New Variants NASAs God of Chaos Arrives!

  1. Avatar Of Kevin Njuguna
    Kevin Njuguna says:

    Tommy truthful you are a blessed warrior in the Kingdom, may Most High always protect you, give you abundance of wealth to do His work.

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