The Shadowy World of Trauma-Based Mind Control: From MKUltra to Modern PsyOps by Tommy Truthful

In the annals of psychological manipulation and control, trauma-based mind control stands as one of the most chilling and contentious topics. Rooted in the dark corridors of wartime espionage and psychological experimentation, this method of mental manipulation has been a subject of intrigue and horror. The most notorious example is the CIA’s MKUltra project, a series of covert, and at times illegal, experiments on human subjects designed to identify and develop drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture.
In trauma-based mind control, trauma is used to hack into the mind and body’s defense systems to train a person’s behavior. This is accomplished in three steps. In step one, the victim’s identity is destroyed. This is achieved by depriving the victim of their basic needs and inflicting pain upon them until they become exhausted, confused, and disoriented. In this state, they no longer trust themselves and become receptive to guidance from an outside authority.
Step two. Through a strict system of rewards and punishments, the victim is imprinted with a new identity. The new identity is trained to self-isolate by having it denounce everything associated with the previous identity. Finally, with step three, through the continued use of trauma, the rebuilding of the victim’s new self is crafted and maintained however the mind controller chooses. For this to work, the subject must remain oblivious to the fact that they are being trained.
This is accomplished by keeping them in a helpless victim state of mind. With the use of trauma, the entire method requires regular ritualistic abuse to keep the target in the victim state. Declassified documents show how drugs and sensory overload are used to inflict trauma upon the public. However high-level slaves are often procured from families with an established history of child abuse. Intergenerational or multigenerational trauma. Abuse is when a person abuses their child and that child grows up to abuse their child, and that person grows up to abuse their child, and so on.
This increases a person’s susceptibility to trauma-based mind control. Experiments with mice have shown that the offspring of a traumatized pregnant mother are born depressed and exhibit problems socializing with others. A nurturing upbringing by a healthy surrogate mother did not reverse the abnormal behaviors, indicating an in-transformation of the brain. And bioinformatic analysis revealed long-lasting alterations in the DNA. This is why the CIA is known for targeting children from families of multigenerational child abuse.
They are easier to mind control. This is why world leaders are all from the same bloodlines. This brutal technique has been used and understood for centuries. And if a group of people vying for power wanted a loyal army of soldiers, the easiest way would be by breeding them. And the evidence shows that this is how our society was created. From the middle of the 19th century and well into the next, hundreds of thousands of orphans were distributed and sold in the United States and millions worldwide.
They were advertised, delivered by train, and sold at fairs in America. These orphans were being managed and distributed by a private organization from Britain known as the Oddfellows, many of whom were orphans. Themselves. The ancient Order of Oddfellows is an international fraternity whose members such as Albert Pike and several us presidents during the orphan train years, were often members of Freemasonic lodges as well. With their first official lodge in the United States established in 1819, the Odfellows are officially committed to educating orphans, but they seem to have been procuring and breeding them as well.
The Odfellow’s first female chapter, the Daughters of Rebecca, was founded right before the orphan trains began, and a depiction of their work shows hints of mass breeding and surrogate motherhood. They worked closely with the Odfellows at large institutions known as orphan asylums and foundling asylums, where many members themselves were born. The Rothschild banking dynasty provided funding for several of these orphan asylums. According to Philip Eugene de Rothschild, the family has privately bred over 100,000 offspring, including Adolf Hitler.
This is why pedophilia is so prevalent among the families of world leaders. While it is used for extortion, its primary function is for trauma-based mind control, because to the mind controller, trauma equals transformation, and there is nothing more traumatizing to a person than pedophilia. If you had a million mind-control slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations, but only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma.
Conclusion: A Call for Ethical Vigilance
The legacy of trauma-based mind control, especially projects like MKUltra, serves as a stark reminder of the potential for abuse in the field of psychology and neuroscience. It underscores the need for stringent ethical standards and vigilant oversight in all research and practices involving the human mind. In a world where the potential for psychological manipulation continues to grow, both through technology and a deeper understanding of the brain, the lessons of the past must guide our ethical compass, ensuring that such dark chapters are not repeated.
In trauma-based mind control, trauma is used to hack into the mind and body’s defense systems in order to train a person’s behavior. This is accomplished in three steps. In step one, the victim’s identity is destroyed. This is achieved by depriving the victim of their basic needs and inflicting pain upon them until they become exhausted, confused, and disoriented. In this state, they no longer trust themselves and become receptive to guidance from an outside authority.
Step two. Through a strict system of rewards and punishments, the victim is imprinted with a new identity. The new identity is trained to self isolate by having it denounce everything associated with the previous identity. And finally, with step three, through the continued use of trauma, the rebuilding of the victim’s new self is crafted and maintained however the mind controller chooses. For this to work, the subject must remain oblivious to the fact that they are being trained.
This is accomplished by keeping them in a helpless victim state of mind. With the use of trauma, the entire method requires regular ritualistic abuse to keep the target in the victim state. Declassified documents show how drugs and sensory overload are used to inflict trauma upon the public. But high level slaves are often procured from families with an established history of child abuse. Intergenerational or multigenerational trauma. Abuse is when a person abuses their child and that child grows up to abuse their child, and that person grows up to abuse their child, and so on.
This increases a person’s susceptibility to trauma based mind control. Experiments with mice have shown that the offspring of a traumatized pregnant mother are born depressed and exhibit problems socializing with others. A nurturing upbring by a healthy surrogate mother did not reverse the abnormal behaviors, indicating an in transformation of the brain. And bioinformatic analysis revealed long lasting alterations in the DNA. This is why the CIA is known for targeting children from families of multigenerational child abuse.
They are easier to mind control. This is why world leaders are all from the same bloodlines. This brutal technique has been used and understood for centuries. And if a group of people vying for power wanted a loyal army of soldiers, the easiest way would be by breeding them. And the evidence shows that this is how our society was created. From the middle of the 19th century and well into the next, hundreds of thousands of orphans were distributed and sold in the United States and millions worldwide.
They were advertised, delivered by train, and sold at fairs in America. These orphans were being managed and distributed by a private organization from Britain known as the Oddfellows, many of whom were orphans. Themselves. The ancient Order of Oddfellows is an international fraternity whose members such as Albert pike and several us presidents during the orphan train years, were often members of freemasonic lodges as well. With their first official lodge in the United States established in 1819, the Odfellows are officially committed to educating orphans, but they seem to have been procuring them and breeding them as well.
The Odfellows first female chapter, the daughters of Rebecca, was founded right before the orphan trains began, and a depiction of their work shows hints of mass breeding and surrogate motherhood. They worked closely with the Odfellows at large institutions known as orphan asylums and foundling asylums, where many members themselves were born. The Rothschild banking dynasty provided funding for several of these orphan asylums. According to Philip Eugene de Rothschild, the family has privately bred over 100,000 offspring, including Adolf Hitler.
This is why pedophilia is so prevalent among the families of world leaders. While it is used for extortion, its primary function is for trauma based mind control, because to the mind controller, trauma equals transformation, and there is nothing more traumatizing to a person than pedophilia. If you had a million mind control slaves placed in positions of power, then you could control entire nations, but only if the masses were also kept in a relative state of trauma.
Greg Reese reporting. .