Hidden History of Zionism

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➡ Zionism, often associated with Jewish belief, is actually a concept that transcends multiple religions, including Christianity and Islam. It’s rooted in ancient beliefs about a savior who will bring about a utopian age. This idea has influenced various religious and political movements, including the establishment of settlements in Palestine by German Templars in the 1800s, which paved the way for the creation of modern Israel. The concept of Zionism also played a role in Hitler’s vision for a thousand-year Reich, and was part of secret negotiations between Nazis and Zionists to allow German Jews to emigrate to Palestine in the 1930s.
➡ The text discusses the influence of Jewish leaders in the Bolshevik revolution and the rise of Zionism as a national idea for Jews. It also highlights the struggle between Zionists and Bolshevik Jews for the soul of the Jewish people. The text further delves into the role of Jews in the Russian revolution and the establishment of communism, as perceived by Hitler. It also touches on the decline of traditional values in the West, the rise of secular political agendas, and the infiltration of secret societies. Lastly, it mentions the influence of Sabatai Zevi and Jacob Frank, who declared themselves as messiahs and promoted unconventional religious practices, and their connection to the Order of the Illuminati.
➡ The text discusses the concept of redemption through sin, as explored in Robert Sefer’s book. It traces this idea from 1666 to modern times, involving groups like the Illuminati and the Rothschilds. The book also delves into the internal struggles within Judaism, particularly the conflict between Orthodox Jews and Sabbatians, a sect that believes in redemption through sin. The text also highlights the influence of Sabbatians on the rise of secular Judaism and Zionism, and the controversial practices of Sabbatians, such as religious sex orgies and the violation of traditional Jewish laws.
➡ In the 18th century, Jacob Frank, Mayor Angel Rothschild, and Adam Weishhoff, the founder of the Illuminati, allegedly conspired to control nations by controlling their economies. They faced opposition and decided to infiltrate the Freemasons, a global organization, to spread their ideas. This led to a series of revolutions and the rise of various occult movements. They believed in creating chaos to fulfill divine prophecy, which they thought would bring about the coming of the Messiah.


Nine out of ten Zionists are not jewish. But what is Zionism? When did it start, and what does it mean? In a biblical context? The word Zion has come to mean Jerusalem, particularly in reference to Jerusalem’s ancient citadel conquered by David. It implies a utopia or paradise on earth after the return of the Messiah, Saya, which could mean the second coming of Jesus to Christians or a future king for the Jews from the davidic line.

Even islamic hadiths contain visions of a messianic figure called Mahdi that would appear to purify the world. But the concept of a savior that will usher in a messianic age lasting for a thousand years predates all abrahamic faiths and has its roots in the zoroastrian religion. It was amongst the ancient Iranians that the prophet Zarathustra, also known as Zoroaster, began preaching about 3500 years ago of a divine plan that would culminate in a glorious transformation and perfection of the earth.

Zarathustra underwent a series of illuminations in which he saw the God Aramazda, lord of wisdom, and from that point onward, he prophesied for a new religious faith, Zoroastrianism, which by the middle of the 6th century bc, roughly during the reign of Cyrus the Great, had become the official religion of the royal dynasty. It is through King Cyrus’s conquest of Babylon that the Jews in captivity, and by extension, Christianity and certain influential secret societies, were exposed to zoroastrian millennialism, which is the belief in a prophecy involving a coming or returning savior to usher in a new age lasting a thousand years.

In the zoroastrian religion, there is a constant struggle between the forces of order and those of chaos, which would end in a battle and the alleged defeat for the forces of chaos or evil, after which there would be a universal resurrection. The world would be purified through fire, and the wicked would perish, the righteous would survive and live eternally, unaging in perfect harmony. This savior would resurrect the dead and lead them to victory over chaos, lasting for a millennium, which is the origin of the judeo christian millennialism, which spread after Cyrus the Great, freed the Jews, who were also exposed to the mythraic mysteries of the magi, which was an initiatory cult that involved seven stages of illumination, secret passwords and handshakes, and a degree of mysticism which became the foundation of gnosticism, hermeticism, alchemy, philosophy, neoplatonism, esoteric Sufism, and the Kabbalah that was infused into mystery school religions and secret societies such as the Knights Templar, Rosicrucians and Freemasons.

This brings us back to Zionism, which has its stated goal of rebuilding the Temple of Solomon, which metaphorically implies the restoration of an ancient empire that was centered around Jerusalem before being destroyed through war and conquest. So in this context, Kabbalistic Zionism is a religious concept which is merged with a political expectation whose earliest millennial texts were produced under captivity in Babylon under the influence of an ancient aryan magician priest class that utilized symbols such as the Seal of Solomon, also known as the Star of David, as well as the Swastika, whose occult meaning I discussed in my last video called the esoteric religion of the aryan Magi.

That said, this millennialist influence can also be seen in the Baha’I faith, where the city of God will renew every thousand years, as well as the new age teachings such as theosophist Alice Bailey, who taught that the Christ world teacher, or metrea, would return sometime after the year 2025. Jehovah’s Witness believed that Christ will rule from heaven for a thousand years as king over the earth, assisted by 144,000 ascended humans and a host of other christian sects.

In particular after the Protestant Reformation, that placed an emphasis on the book of Revelation, which was interpreted to say that Christ would return and Satan would be locked away for a thousand years. The most controversial interpretation of millennialism manifested in the nationalist socialist movement in Germany, where Hitler’s Third Reich was envisioned to last for a thousand years. Reich means empire, and the first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire, which was considered the age of the Father.

The second Reich was the German Empire, which lasted from 1871 to 1918, referred to as the Age of the sun, followed by the Third Reich, the age of the Holy Spirit, where in its early years many Germans referred to Hitler as the german messiah, especially when he conducted the annual Nuremberg rallies from 1933 to 1938 on a date somewhat before the September equinox. In a speech held on the 27 November in 1937, Hitler commented on his plans to have major parts of Berlin torn down and rebuilt, quote, to build a millennial city adequate in splendor to a thousand year old people, with a thousand year old historical and cultural past for its never ending glorious future.

Of course, the Third Reich did not last for a thousand years, but only twelve years. That said, the first settlements in Palestine in the early 18 hundreds were not set up by Jews. The German Templars were part of the Christian Zionism movement, whereby the european powers sought to establish their presence in the Holy Land. After 1840, these adherents of the german lutheran church established settlements in Jerusalem, Haifa, Galilee, and what is now Tel Aviv, serving as a model for the jewish pioneers who came much later after the german Templars already established colonies, roads, infrastructure and agriculture in the Holy Land.

In the 1930s, many of the Templars in Palestine, named after the Temple of Solomon, joined the nazi party, and despite modern propaganda, their influence was acknowledged at the time, as was Hitler’s role in working with jewish Zionists to populate what became modern Israel. Quote Jews from Germany have reinforced the economic growth they found in progress. Some of the earlier arrivals brought considerable means. Their investments have given a powerful impetus to the industries of the new Palestine.

Boys and girls of urban families prepared themselves for the land, joining or founding colonies. Hitler made Haifa runs a jewish proverb. German Jews are helping to develop there a great industrial center for the Near East. Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time. He wanted to expel the Jews. Nothing exists showing that Hitler ordered the extermination. There’s no Hitler letter which is a smoking gun. N trepung nunk.

The complete removal or the deliberate removal of the Jews. Live on channel five. This is the 10:00 news with Deborah Norval coming out, revealing secret negotiation between the Nazis and the Zionists in 1933, which allowed german Jews and their assets to go to Palestine. Deborah with the rise of Adolf Hitler to power in the spring of 1933, the Jews of the world were faced with a dilemma. They could raise a cry of protest, a cry few would heed, or they could make a deal with Hitler, a deal that would bring a step closer their dream of an independent jewish state.

American Jews marched, calling for the boycott of all german exports. Jews throughout Europe echoed that call. So did Jews everywhere. But a group of Zionists at the same time was quietly negotiating an agreement with the Nazis to allow the emigration of german Jews and the transfer of their assets to Palestine. That deal, reported in August 1933, was the transfer agreement. Palestine, sparsely settled by Jews at the time, was radically changed as a result.

I lived in Palestine from 1933 to 1936, and we saw every week transports of german Jews coming to settle in Palestine. German jewish settlement of Palestine was, for a time, official nazi policy. These photos of jewish life in Palestine, along with a lengthy text, appeared in 1934 in the Berlin paper Derongri. A nazi visits Palestine was the title of the multipart series. A medal was struck by Gerbils in commemoration.

On one side the swastika, on the other, the Star of David. While the German National Socialist government had a working relationship with a sect of zionist Jews, they were simultaneously hostile to a primarily secular jewish movement, which has some post World War II historians confused, especially those that perceive the jewish people as a homogeneous, politically monolithic demographic, which they are not. In a 1920 article written by Prime Minister Winston Churchill titled Zionism versus Bolshevism, a struggle for the soul of the jewish people, Churchill starts off by praising the jewish people’s contribution to western civilization.

He then goes on to describe what he calls international Jews as having, quote most, if not all of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers and divorced from their mind all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement amongst the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus Weishhop to those of Karl Marx and down to Trotsky, Bella Kun, Rosa Luxembourg, and Emma Goldman, this worldwide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence and impossible equality, has been steadily growing.

It played a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century. And now, at last, this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically an undisputed masters of the enormous empire. There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the russian revolution by these international, and for the most part atheistical Jews.

It is certainly a very great one. It probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the jewish leaders. In violent contrast to international communism, Zionism presents to the jew a national idea of commanding character. It has fallen to the british government, as a result of the conquest of Palestine, to have the opportunity and responsibility of securing for the jewish race all over the world a home and center of national life.

Zionism has already become a factor in political convulsions of Russia as a powerful competing influence in bolshevik circles with the international communistic system. Nothing could be more significant than the fury with which Trotsky has attacked the Zionists. The cruel penetration of his mind leaves him in no doubt that his schemes of a worldwide communistic state under the jewish domination are directly thwarted and hindered by this new ideal which directs the energies and the hopes of Jews in every land towards a simpler, a truer, and a far more attainable goal.

The struggle which is now beginning between the Zionists and Bolshevik Jews is little less than a struggle for the soul of the jewish people. It is particularly important in these circumstances that the national Jews in every country who are loyal to the land of their adoption should come forward on every occasion, as many of them in England have already done, and take a prominent part in every measure for combating the Bolshevik conspiracy.

In this way, they will be able to vindicate the honor of the jewish name and make it clear to all the world that the Bolshevik movement is not a jewish movement, but is repudiated vehemently by the great mass of the jewish people. In light of Churchill’s acknowledgement of a secular left wing conspiracy to impose a communist world order. And given that the bolshevik revolution that ushered in the soviet communism that killed tens of millions was a viable threat to all of Europe, propaganda leaflets disseminated by Germany during World War II can be better understood in hindsight.

Quote. You have been trapped. You have landed on the continent to face the armed might of Germany, but not for the benefit of Britain. Your country will gain absolutely nothing from this struggle. No matter how well you may fight. The Bolshevists alone will profit by your sacrifices. You have been trapped into risking your life for but one purpose, the Bolshevitization of Europe. Consider these points and ask yourself, why should you fight for Stalin? Why die for Stalin? In dying for Stalin, your soldiers are not dying for democracy or the preservation of the democratic form of government.

They’re dying for the establishment of communism and a form of stalinist tyranny throughout the world. Furthermore, they are not dying for the preservation of the integrity of a small nation. England’s old war cry but are dying so that Poland shall be a soviet state, so that the baltic states shall be incorporated into the Soviet Union, and so that soviet influence shall extend from the Baltic to the Balkans.

Every british soldier who lays down his life in this war is not only a loss to his own country, he is a loss to the common cause of european civilization. Germany and England’s quarrel is a form of traditional rivalry. It is more in the nature of a private quarrel which Germany did not seek. The Soviet Union’s quarrel, however, is a quarrel with the world. It is a quarrel with our common heritage and with all those values, moral, spiritual, cultural and material, which we have, all of us, Englishmen and German.

Why did Hitler really hate the Jews? What did he want from them? How did they bother him? But it’s all written here in mein Kampf. This book was published only recently it just got approved to be translated to Hebrew. It was forbidden all these years, but there is an earlier translation. It was made by Yod Vashem. They were allowed to. Hitler claims in his book that the Jews are communists.

They made the russian revolution. They killed their 30 million Russians, all the intelligent ones, in a cruel and horrific way. And that’s their plan for the entire world. The next country in line is Germany. They founded the german communist and socialist parties. And it’s true. If we don’t defeat them now, they will eliminate us and they will slaughter another 20 million, all the intelligent people. And that’s how they want from country to country.

So eventually the only intelligent ones remaining would be the Jews. And he repeats it many times, make no mistake. And he is right. The russian revolution was made by the Jews. The russian army was built by Trotsky, who was an incredible genius and anti semite like no other. He created the jewish division of the communist party, which members inform on their father, mother, brother and son, whoever owns a siddhur or even a hebrew learning book.

I’m not even talking about Teflin or mikvah. He destroyed everything. Also by the Jews, but for sure by the Russians. In the first picture of the russian government, out of 13 members, six were Jews who founded the KGB. Jews. So everything is clearly written. He didn’t hate the Jews because they had pios. He didn’t hate them for observing mitzvah because they are communists. And he writes it clearly.

The Jews destroyed religion and faith. They spread in Germany the heresy in God because they don’t believe in him. He writes this right here. Now you understand why they don’t teach it in schools. Because who writes the curriculum? Those same leftists. They destroyed all the values, poisoned literature and theater. Who did it? Torah observant Jews poisoned the german theater. Out of nine large german newspapers, seven were owned by Jews.

So do you understand why it’s forbidden here to teach about him and what he says? Spirituality and virtue have been on the decline, with the ramifications becoming apparent. In the west, traditional ancestral values are being replaced by a secular political agenda where the family unit is discouraged and instead degenerate alternative lifestyles are being promoted. Culture and community are being replaced by a marxist globalist ideology, socially engineered through a network of corrupt politicians, subverted academia and a controlled media.

There now exists an internal struggle within secret society networks, many of which have been infiltrated and sabotaged by the same hidden hand that they were set up to oppose. Where traditionally noble organizations that were at one time hailed as knights, have given way to lodges that are no longer loyal to their original virtuous ideals. Messianic movement was influenced in large part due to the lurianic Kabbalah by Isaac Luria, which gave rise to the Sabbatheans, named after Sabatai Zevi, who declared himself messiah in 1666, gaining a following of half the world’s jewish population during the 17th century, causing a rift in Judaism, whose repercussions last until this day.

Which brings us to my very first book, published in 2015, called 1666, redemption through sin. And now is a good time to read the introduction. Quote. Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered by christian followers to be the Messiah, who lived over 2000 years ago. But very few people have ever heard of Sabatized Zevi, who declared himself to be messiah in 1666. He amassed a following of over 1 million believers, half the world’s jewish population during the 17th century, by proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin.

Considered a heretic by many of his contemporary rabbis. Nonetheless, his fame extended far and wide. Sabotaged adherents planned to abolish many of the ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, in the messianic time, there would no longer be holy obligations. Fasting days became days of feasting and rejoicing. Sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest, and religious orgies were encouraged and practiced by Sabateans. After Sabatizedevi’s death, his philosophy would be continued and expanded on by his kabbalistic successor, Jacob Frank Francism.

A religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries centered on the leadership of the Messiah claimant Jacob Frank. He, like Sevi, would perform strange acts that violated traditional religious taboos, such as eating fats that were forbidden by jewish dietary laws, ritual sacrifice, promoting orgies, and sexual immorality. Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weissop and mayor Amshel Rothschild, called the Order of the Illuminati.

The objectives of this organization was to undermine the world’s religions and power structures in an effort to usher in a utopian era of global communism. Covertly ruled by their hidden hand, the New World Order. Using secret societies such as the Freemasons, their agenda has played itself out over the centuries. Staying true to the script, opposition is handled by a near total control of the world’s media, academic opinion leaders, politicians, and finance.

While still considered a conspiracy theory to many more people are waking up each day to the reality that this is not just a theory, but a true conspiracy. I want to first take a look at Robert Sephir’s 1666 book, and specifically some things I’m going to speak about in this book here are how this whole idea of redemption by way of sin got started. This is from Robert Sepper’s book there, starting in 1666, going up into the 17 hundreds, all the way into modern days, to the Illuminati, the Rothschilds, et cetera, has been to perpetrate such global sin on such a vast level that this would actually bring about redemption.

After reading a lot of this book here from Robert Sefer, I actually have a better idea. I promise you, the little bit amount of money that this man charges for this little book is well worth it for what you’re going to read in it, especially coming from this individual. This was a good read. Some passages I had to read multiple times. His writing style is very good. Like I said, he’s a master of abbreviation, and that’s what I like.

I want to hear the information. I want to hear the data. I cannot stand reading a book that is 400 pages of fluff from the entire book could have been 32 pages. I can’t stand that. Robert’s book, it was published in 2015. So he’s been a published author. He says it was his first published book. So I guess you’re looking at over eight years ago. About eight years ago.

He’s been a published author for eight years now. Mr. Seifer is an anthropologist. He’s a scientist. He is credentialed, not like Graham Hancock, who uses ghost writers. Redemption through sin. I’ll read just a little bit here from this book by Robert Sefer, 1666. Redemption through sin. And read just a little bit about sabotage, Zevi, and after him, Joseph Frank. And like John said, we did a complete midnight ride on the.

And it’s amazing because Joseph Frank was there with Rothschild and Adam Weishhoff at the founding of the Illuminati. So this is really important concepts and history there on the flight of the Kabbalah wizards, I believe we called it. But it says here it is thought by some scholars. This is on page 16 of Mr. Sefer’s book. It is thought by some scholars that Zebi had deeper connections with the sufi order.

Some similarities between the Sabbath and don may include the deliberate violation of the halal, ritualistic group sex or wife swapping, ecstatic singing, chanting, and belief in the mystical Kabbalah, a celebration on the 22nd day of the hebrew month of Adar, known as the festival of the Lamb. They said that the violation of the Torah had become its fulfillment, which they illustrated by the example of a grain of wheat that rots in the earth.

That’s how much they hated God’s law. And it says that it ended in total darkness with religious sexual sharing of daughters and wives. Mr. Sephir writes Jacob Frank, whose followers regularly sought redemption through infamous religious sex orgies on solstices and equinoxes. And something that people don’t get is that how can we have two Jews that are opposed to one another? People forget that Judaism is a religion, and like every religion, it’s got its sects and schisms.

So just how we’re not surprised to find sunni Muslims at war with Shia Muslims, we shouldn’t be surprised that there’s potentially internal struggles inside of Judaism as well. And the Sabbaticans, are they a specific family, a bloodline, a secret society? Well, they’re a little bit of both and everything. So they, of course, started with the announcement of Shabbatai Zavi in 1666 because there had long been predictions that the Messiah was going to come in 1666.

This was based on interpretations of the Book of Revelation, which is a kabbalistic book. And that’s another tangent we can go back to. So they basically orchestrated his announcement or his mission, and then it was largely spread through Rosia, crucian circles, particularly what’s called the heartlib circle. So the thing about Sabbathianism is know. And this is what people today, you know, zionist propaganda is so thorough that people believe that Jews are a know.

To be a citizen of Israel, you don’t have to declare your belief in the Torah. It is your mother has to have been a Jews. Do you think that someone whose mother is not jewish and father is jewish is jewish? Listen, if we go with the religious, he’s not jewish. Do you think that somebody whose father is jewish but mother is not jewish can still consider himself jewish? No.

So you go by Halacha? Yes. Okay. Why? Because the mother is not jewish. Okay. But if he considers himself jewish still, I don’t think your mother has to have been a jew. So it’s a nationalist movement. So up until Sabakians, until Sabakianism, Judaism was a religion. It always has been a religion. And this is why it’s so much in conflict with Orthodox Judaism, basically. So Sabakanism is a heresy of Judaism.

So the Orthodox Jews fought against it, they excommunicated them. And so for the longest time, in fact, I think problem is that the orthodox jewish community underestimated the influence of the Sebastians. So it’s not until the 18th century that you get it’s principally Moses Mendelsohn. And Moses Mendelsohn, who was a member of the Illuminati. He was also a sabbatician. And what’s interesting is that there was a list of ordination that was found that had listed the.

Anyone who’s looking for this Rabbi Antleman’s book to eliminate the Opiate is a great source for this. So this list of ordination is basically a list of the ordained successors of Shabbatize v. So Moses Mendelssohn is the father of basically what’s called secular Judaism. So he’s the one who invented the idea to answer the jewish question, because mainly until this time, Jews used to live sequestered into ghettos, and they were, by definition, they were followers of the religion of Judaism.

And Moses Mendelssohn invented this concept that Jews didn’t need to follow their religion anymore, that they could assimilate into the broader society. But the fact is, according to, in Judaism, if you leave the religion, you’re not jewish anymore, you’re excommunicated, then you’re just a German or Frank or a french person or englishman. There’s no difference between a non practicing jew and anybody else who’s any other kind of atheist or secular person.

Do you believe in God? No. So this is how, it’s because of Moses Mendelssohn that you get the beginnings of this concept of the secular jew of Judaism as a national identity and separated from the religion. And that’s what made the rise of Zionism possible, which basically was a nationalistic movement. So the thing is that that’s why for so long there was this antagonism between orthodox Jews, and not to be considered confused with hasidic Jews, which was another branch, and Sabakians.

And so they had competed for years, and the Sabbaticians were considered heretics until they really slowly started to gain control of the jewish movement. It’s not so much in England, but particularly United States. I mean, there’s a substantial portion of Jews are now reformed Jews. That doesn’t mean they’re necessarily Sabbathians, but they’ve come under the influence of Sabatanism. So this is how Sabatans are basically anti jewish. That’s what the first Zionists were.

They were Sabbathe. And I’m leaving to that. They actually were sabotaging and they participated in this stuff. They used the word secular. That’s the word they used. They were secular. This is beyond secular. Secular, to me is nothing affiliated with any religious group. This is beyond that. But they were called Secular Hilonin in Hebrew, from the Greek. Hellenistic is what they called themselves, and they were proud of it.

And their goal was to turn Israelis into Hilonin. They hated the Religious. Let me not kid you how much the Labor Zionists hated the religious. By the way, Gaza was the home of Shaktite and his chief theologian. His Pr plaque was Nathan of Gaza. Nathan of Gaza. And the Jews don’t recognize what’s going on in Israel. Go and look up Shabtai’s feet in a book of jewish history.

Where’d he go? He was the most influential rabbi, the most influential rabbi in modern times, and he has been rubbed out of the history books. Keep that in mind. You can’t find that much in Shabai SvI. When Shabbat Svi converted to Islam, most Jews abandoned, but not all. There was a sect in Turkey called the donna who decided that this was in fact a magical pronouncement by Shattayasphi that we should all convert to other religions but secretly practice.

Okay, now what we’ve got is a movement now that is now a true blue. Use the word conspiracy, because that’s what it is. They’re hiding. They may be, well, originally Muslim. That changed very quickly 50 years later when Jacob Frank was born in Poland and converted his Jews to Catholicism. But originally it was Muslim. What can I say? Jacob Frank. Jacob Frank was Europe’s second messiah. That’s what he was called.

The second messiah of the jew was Jacob Frank. All of a sudden, Europe’s Jews, by the many thousands, were becoming Catholic. Publicly they despised Catholicism, but privately they were Sabotageans. And as fantastic as it seems, there really, really are conspiracies of silence. If the Rules are, you don’t open your mouth, you don’t open your mouth, they exist. The Sabbatheans didn’t just exist as a tiny little cult. They were being converted by the THousands.

In the 18th century, this is when the SAbbatheans made, well, a pact with the big devils. Suddenly, Jacob Frank got very rich. In 1786, he moved his set to Oftenbach, a suburb of Frankfurt. Frankfurt was also the home of Mayor Angel Rothschild and the home of someone named Adam Weissaunt. Little by little, for those unacquainted with this piece of history, the Rothschild are the sabotage of the world.

And here is why. There was a meeting that took place, apparently in Rothschild’s humble home, that in 70, 86, he was not all that wealthy. He was a coin dealer. His sons made him wealthy. His five sons expanded a business. The business was to control the economies of nations and thus control the nations. He found a magnificent formula. If we can get hold of the nations economies, we’ve got the nations.

He sat with Jacob Frank, who wanted the Jews to become non Jews. He wanted them to become sabotaged. He wanted them to accept the real messiah of the Jews, Shabtai svI. And incidentally, and the second messiah, Jacob Frank, that’s one of this little three pointed triangle. That’s one point. Adam Weishhoff was the founder of something called the Illuminati. Yes, we’re having an informal conversation. Well, not. Well, yes and no.

But could you do us a favor, please? Don’t speak about the Illuminati, because the Illuminati is considered one of these things. But the Jews are taking over the world. Not Jews. It’s Catholic. No, let me go on. I can’t change what is the fact. All right, questions at the end, and that’s that you have to deal with facts. Now, the story in all the history books is the same thing that there was just before the french revolution.

A horseman fell in his sassel were the plans for the revolution, in the sassel were the plans for the Illuminati and so forth. It was all banned throughout Europe. It was banned. And that put Weiss off. That put Rochild, and to a lesser degree, Frank, into a problem. What do you do if you’re banned? And they came up with something that has changed history for good. Weishop said, well, what we do is we take our tenants and we put them into an organization that has lodges and chapters worldwide, and we subvert the existing organization to our tenants.

And the organization they chose was British FreemaSonry. Now, there was no such thing as a freemasonic conspiracy before the 18th century. As far as I can tell, they were very nice. They were a builder’s guild. They backed builders throughout Europe, and they were all right. All of a sudden there are revolutions. All of a Sudden you have something you never saw before, ever. You actually saw talk of one organization upending whole nations.

It’s been fascinating to follow the thread. I’ve tried to trace it back right to its origins. And so what I have done is I’ve traced the history of the Kabbalah, the jewish Kabbalah, to Babylon in the 6th century bc. A group of heretical, basically the earliest jewish Kabbalists were perceived by the rest of the world as being chaldean magi from Babylon and supposedly followers of Zoroaster, the founder of the religion of Zoroastrianism.

But they weren’t in any way normal, conventional Zoroastrians. They were Magi who practiced magic, which is where the name magic comes from. And that’s what they were celebrated for throughout ancient times. And their influence extended to Greece, where it resulted in the philosophy of Pythagoras and Plato. And that’s really where the occult historians pick up on it, because those two are really sort of the godfathers of occult history, particularly pythagoras.

And then from there it evolves into neoplatonism, which is influenced or cross pollinated with gnosticism, and Mercaba mysticism, which is basically the earliest form of Kabbalah. And that evolved over time. It led into Sufism in the islamic world. Because what happens at this time is that western history is explained as having undergone a period of a dark age. But what’s actually happened is that that tradition first enters into Islam in both the Ismaili movement and the Sufis and the Ismailis, or particularly a group called the Assassins, then influenced the Templar Knights.

And that’s how, as well, according to masonic historians, how that tradition then re entered into western history, western culture. And so again, that tradition evolved over time into the Renaissance, the foundation of the Rosicrucians. Out of the Crucians came the Freemasons. Out of Freemasons came the Illuminati. Illuminati, of course, is just one of many factions. I don’t believe that they have the influence that has been accorded to them.

I think that the Martinus movement was the most important. Out of Martinus movement, you get the synachists, and out of the synacuses, you really get the modern variation of occultism. So let’s get into that part of it and then also the apocalypse part of it, because I find that very interesting. Well, that’s one in the same, right? They’re trying to fulfill the book of revelation. So the book of revelation is the blueprint.

So Sabakianism follows the Kabbalah of Isaac Luria. And according to Luria, the whole point of lurianic Kabbalah is that you don’t sit around and wait for the Messiah. You have to work to bring about the conditions that will support or accelerate the coming of the messiah to the holy Gamma Laharin. Masha earth Gamato Shadani Mashiri book, as I taught him. Masha who but my via to see, I can give you my speak.

He Hajam club showed kama show is by Jada Dangle. Ava Yeshua showed Yeshli Saddin Gamma observatory. Hasidi Makin, she called him. And so if you apply that to the book of revelation, you’ll see that as time proceeds, then things get worse and worse. And the book of revelation talks about wars and rumors of wars and disease and so on and so forth. So as far as they’re concerned, those are prescriptions.

Those are the things that they need to do in order to create the coming of the Messiah. So it sounds strange to the most of us because it seems so to our basic moral compass, but these are people who have so thwarted their concept of divine service that they’re machiavellians, so that it’s the ends justify the means, so they actually believe by creating chaos that they are fulfilling divine prophecy.

What Jami my name is Robert Sepper. I’m an anthropologist. My published work is available on Amazon and through all other major book outlets. If you’d like to support my work, you can do that through patreon. com. There should be a link in the description. Please subscribe for future updates. Leave your thoughts below. Have a wonderful weekend and I hope to see you again soon. .


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1 thoughts on “Hidden History of Zionism

  1. Avatar Of Taylor
    Taylor says:

    That clears up the way back history, so Illuminati wants redemption by wreaking the world, country by country. To me, that’s crazy stupid. You don’t get redemption by sacrificing children and starting wars and mass killings of people and the willful destruction of the world of nature. Not to mention, the introduction of changing humans, God given DNA ☮️💟

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