Famous Influencer TIM POOL states Believing in God should be ILLEGAL in Mixed Message

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➡ The speaker is criticizing Tim Poole, who they believe is misleading people with his views. They’re upset because Tim Poole suggested that believing in God should be illegal, which the speaker sees as a dangerous idea. The speaker warns that this kind of thinking could lead to more control over people’s beliefs and personal freedoms. They urge listeners to be cautious about who they listen to and what ideas they accept.


Now, I normally would come to you from the set, and I try to make it look all fancy schmancy for you, but what I just saw, I think it needs to be addressed right away. You know who TIm fool is, right? Of course. A lot of people think that he’s on the side of righteous is good. He’s a truth seeker and all of that stuff. But, I mean, his record kind of proves who the Guy is, especially when it comes to all the things that happened in the past.

But he’s one of those people. He’s what many people might call a propagandist. Right. There’s a certain set of people that he kind of jives with, and let me put this over here. He’s one of those people that I call. They give out marching orders, things that are parroted, then from them to those that Watch, to the spear of those that Watch. And it’s one of those things.

It’s systematic. It comes at you in such a way when what TIm Poole said, what he just said is that believing in God should be illegal. Now, he could say there’s a whole litany of reasons as to why he said that. He was on a rant about his inability to properly misgender somebody. That’s right. He was upset because there was some kind of a law that was in Brazil, and it had to do with, you can’t intentionally go out of your way to hurt somebody’s feelings.

TIm Poole, the wise PErson that he is, he’s against that. He’s going to pull all advertising revenue. That’s what he said. I’m going to pull it all. Elon. Elon. And what does ElOn do? ElOn responds, it’s because this is a business for him. This is a business for him. But these are the people that his Business promotes. They’re the ones that get all the airplay. And if they’re saying things like believing in God should be illegal, even in a joking Way, that’s telling you that that’s given more marching orders to everybody else, so that everybody gets on that bandwagon, so that everybody says, hey, we should all kind of believe in this, right? We already kind of believe that way to begin with, something that’s controlled, where society isn’t controlled enough, that the next step has to be controlling your very faith.

But it’s like, this is what happens in the scriptures. This is the moment where the beast turns on the harlot. This is the moment where this is what happens is that they start coming after. This is the moment when they come after those that are seeking the kingdom of God, the children of God. This is the moment that they also rise up. This is a very interesting time, but I needed to address it because people listen to this guy, they take their marching orders from this guy.

He just said it should be illegal if you believe in God. That’s what Tim Poole just said. How many of you probably share Tim Poole’s videos or will quote something Tim Poole says? Because, of course, this is like around a round circle, niche world that we’re in where everybody kind know, kind of gravitates. They’re trying to direct you in a certain direction. And the direction that’s scaring me is that believing in God should be illegal.

This is an issue. This is why I needed to do this show right now. In the scriptures, it says this is what’s going to happen in the end days. Men are going to be lovers of themselves. They’re going to be boastful. They’re going to be proud. They’re going to be blasphemers. They’re going to be lovers of themselves and pleasures of the world, but not things of God. They’re going to be so self absorbed, so full of just animosity towards anyone that doesn’t see things their way, abominable.

And this is what’s promoted in the world. The marching orders should be illegal. I mean, what do you think? Do you think that’s what’s happening? Certainly felt that way when I saw it. That’s why I felt like I needed to. Come on Tim Poole, you know, ask know how advanced and how awakened he is. Look into Tim Poole and some of the things that he may have done or may have said.

Look into Tim Poole, how he was on Rogan. How did Tim Poole get on Rogan? These are the things, these are the questions that I ask. These are the questions that I ask. And when I see someone saying, believing in God should be illegal, and I know how many practicing Muslims and Jews and Christians and how many people have a sense of faith and a purpose that would now be called outlaws, why? Because these people, they want to make it like it’s a noble thing to be able to tear other people down and make fun of them and make them feel know, to go out of their way to just hurt their feelings.

That’s basically what these people like Tim Poole and the others are doing right now. That’s all right, because I’ll tell you one thing, you’re going to start to see even these people kind of be revealed for who they are. Watch it. You’ll see. We’ll put it out there. We’ll put it out there. If they be corrupt. I think it’s Time Lord. I mean, what do you think? Tell me in the comment section.

I love each and every one of you. If he was joking, it was a bad joke. If he was being sarcastic, it was really poor taste. He’s a leader. He should know better. He should know better. All right. I love each and every one of you. Please do share. Subscribe. Hit the. Hit the like. I got a live show coming. Be on the lookout for it. Okay, bye bye.

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Find out what is us, all that makes us heat the calling. .


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