Masterpiece MAD-LIBS!

Spread the Truth



➡ Welcome to the first episode of Masterpiece Mad Libs, a live-streamed game where participants use AI to create images. The game has five rounds, including guessing games, creating images from prompts, and a final round where the winner’s image is animated and featured in the next episode. Participants need to subscribe and join the chat to play. The game aims to be fun and interactive, with winners’ names and images shared on the community tab.
➡ In a fun online game, participants had to guess what image was being generated based on a prompt. The first person to guess correctly was declared the winner of the round. The game had four rounds, with winners including Doctor Who, Tsu’tey, Truth Talker 911, and Quais. The game was interactive, with the host engaging with participants in the chat, and the images being generated live for everyone to see.
➡ The text is about a fun game where people suggest ideas for images. These ideas are then combined to create unique and interesting pictures. The game is played in rounds, with winners from each round getting their ideas included in the final image. The best image is then shared with everyone.
➡ The text is about a fun, interactive game where the speaker asks the audience to suggest different elements like a historic person, an action, a random object, a famous person, an emotion, and a food. These elements are then used to generate unique and humorous scenarios, which are then turned into images. The speaker also remixes some images for added fun.
➡ The text is about a live stream where the host is playing a game with the audience. The game involves generating random prompts like professions, animals, famous places, and more. The host then uses these prompts to create unique and often humorous scenarios, such as a carpenter playing pin the tail on the octopus at a supernova birthday party, or Godzilla made of milk posing at the Taj Mahal during the dark ages. The audience then votes on their favorite scenario.
➡ The text is about a fun online voting game where participants vote for their favorite characters or images. The options include Popeye, a birthday cake, Godzilla, Elvis, and a Tardis. After the first round of voting, Godzilla wins. Then, participants vote again to choose their favorite version of Godzilla. The game continues with more rounds and different categories.
➡ In a game show, two players, Slick Psycho and Three Score Nine, battled it out. Slick Psycho used a clone ability to distract and defeat Three Score Nine. Despite losing one round, Slick Psycho was declared the winner. The game show also included guessing games and the audience voting on the style of images.
➡ The text is about a live chat where the host and participants are creating and discussing various art styles using an AI tool called Ideogram. They’re choosing different themes like steampunk and creating images based on them. The host also shares some of his previous works, including a horror-themed Ronald McDonald and a Spiderman making pancakes with the Wolfman. The host encourages participants to follow his work on Ideogram and shares his excitement about the AI’s ability to create unique and diverse art styles.
➡ The text talks about a person sharing their creative work, which includes different versions of mascots, thumbnails for presentations, and posters. They also mention their son’s creations and their favorite pieces, particularly those featuring Mount Maru. They express their enjoyment in creating these pieces and their plans to possibly sell some as posters. They end by thanking their audience and hinting at future projects.


With jdreamers in the street, you can dream the lucid dream. I feel the magic in the chat tonight. Now let’s imagine how words can come to life. We’ll have a laugh and practice our vocabulary backflips. And now it’s time for masterpiece Mad lips. Aloha. What’s up everyone, and welcome to our first ever revamped episode of Masterpiece Mad Libs. This is going to be the first one. This is a segment that I used to do just for fun, using AI to make images.

However, I’ve decided to turn it into a game. So we’re going to be doing live stream games, probably on Saturdays since today is a Saturday, Saturday night. And I’m kind of nervous because this is the first one and I’m sure it’ll only get better as we go. So I’ll explain the game to everyone. We’re going to be playing a game. It’s got different rounds. If you’re in the chat, you get to play.

So you have to subscribe for five to be in the chat. And if you are in the chat, you get to play and participate in the game that we’re going to play. We’re going to be using this website that I have signed up with to generate, use artificial intelligence to make images and pictures. So we’ll be playing visual picture games that I call Masterpiece Mad libs. So let me go ahead and.

What’s up everybody in the chat? Good to see you. Now, keep in mind it’s going to be easier to get my attention if you type in adreamers or if you just type in jay in your responses in the chat because it will highlight on my chat on my side, it makes it easier for me to see your answers and stuff. So let me go ahead and go over the rules for the game and how the game works.

Masterpiece Madlibs will be it’ll consist of five rounds and this, this introductory, this first video will be a. We’ll have a bit longer of an introduction just to go over the rules. And I’ll probably post the rules in the community section as well. Round one guessing game. So round one will be a guessing game. I will create an image over here on the right. I will type it in.

The winners must guess the prompt. So I use prompts. Basically I tell, I use words to tell AI what to create. So the winners, I’ll pick two winners for around, I’m sorry, I’ll pick four winners from round one guessing game and the closest person to my prompt will win or the people that get closest, and we’ll do that four different times. So we’ll do four different images. There will be four different winners, and I will try my hardest to remember to note the winners names.

And then the winners names will be posted in my community tab as the winners of guessing game, which is round one. I’ll post all of this stuff once a week, and then we’ll go to round two. There will be three winners from round two. Each winner gives their own prompts, so those three winners get to give me prompts to create images, which I will use in combination. I’ll combine the prompts from the winners, and we’ll create a unique picture from the winners prompts.

And then the chat will vote on their favorite. The favorite ones will get put in the spotlight in my community section. Round three. This begins five rounds of mast of mad libs. Basically, if you’ve never played mad libs, it’s a fun game from when I was a kid where there’s a short story with blanks and you fill in the blanks without knowing what the story is. So I have five different short stories or five different prompts that I have already written with blanks.

For example, I would ask for an action word from the chat, and then you guys would give me an action word. Okay. And then I’ll plug those in and we’ll see what we get. That’ll be round five. Everybody plays in round five. We’ll vote for the winner. Which is the best image, the one that we like the most to be featured in the community tab. Round four will be channel combat.

This is going to be fun. The first two in the chat, the first two people who guess the popular image. And it could be a nursery rhyme, a movie, a book, or a celebrity, or anything else I choose. Whoever guesses the popular image from my AI image that I make will get to battle for the title of channel champion, and they will be posted along with their images on my community tab for one week.

So I’ll tell you how that works when we get to that. But basically, whoever guesses it, I’m going to have the two winners, the top two people. I’m going to put your channel names in to the prompt as a picture to battle each other. And I will tell the prompt that one is blue and one is red and one is on the ground and the other one is standing up as the as the winner, and we’ll see who it picks.

Round five. The final round is another guessing game. So we start with a guessing game, and we end with a guessing game. But this one will only have one win, one winner. We’ll do one image. The winner of the last guessing game gets to give me their very own prompt. And the chat will vote on the style of the image. I will perfect the image and then animate it to share it on the next episode.

So round five, there’ll be one winner. That person will give me their prompt of a picture they would like me to create, and then the chat will vote on the style of the image. So a style is like claymation, an eighties cartoon style, a nineties sitcom, a comic book, a woodcutter, watercolor, any style you can think of. Right? And I’ll give you an example. Okay, I’ve already made one.

So this is what the winner’s image would look like after it’s been animated and I present it on the next episode. Basically, it would look something like this. So I, for example, see the little Spider man and Frankenstein right behind me in the style of the Simpsons. I created that just before the show. And then I went ahead and I animated it a little bit so that you guys can, you know, see what it looks like when it’s animated.

So I’ll do it one more time. I don’t know if it’ll play it again. Hold on. There we go. Alright, well, anyways, so I will animate the image and then we’ll, we’ll play it and we’ll present it on the next episode. Who want. Who’s ready to play masterpiece? Mad Libs? I see a lot of people in the chat. David Levi, green eyed crow. Three score and nine. Snowflake says hi.

Hippie wizard, jeeps crystal, doctor who, grace face, tara michelle. A lot of people joining. All right, sweet. So let’s go ahead and let us, let’s start our very first ever official game of masterpiece, mad libs. Round one is going to be the guessing game. So I’m going to create an image over here on my side. What I’m going to do is I’m going to put up this splash of paint over here so that you can’t see what I’m typing in.

I’ve set the chat to slow mode, 5 seconds per answer. And let me just go ahead and go over the rules one more time. Round one. For the guessing game, I’m going to create an image. The winners must guess what the prompt was. What did I type in? What was the description? There will be four rounds of this guessing game. We’re going to do the first round right now.

The closest person wins during each round there’ll be one winner and that’s it. So let’s go ahead and start things off. I’ve got it covered up. Let me go ahead and make it, boom. On my side. All right. Now I’m going to type in my image. This is fun because I don’t know what I’m going to type right now. All right, so we’ll start off with something easy.

Okay, how about. Alright, boom. I’ve got my prompt typed in. I’m going to generate it right now. And you’re going to see in the background, it’s going to start working on the actual generation. So as you can see up here, I don’t want to show too much here. Okay, cool. You can’t see it. Alright, sweet. Now these are the, this is, these are the images it’s working on.

And I’m looking in the chat right now to see who is going to get it. Now let me go ahead and make it a little bigger. Let’s see. Boom. Alright, this is the image right here. Let me see in the chat. I’m gonna take whoever gets the closest to it first. Okay. I’ve also, it actually comes up with four different images. So here’s the other images that it comes up with, as you can see.

Boom. Oh, snap. It says it right behind me. Oh crap. Okay, well that’s good to know. Alright, so I guess next time. Here we go. I’ll just do it like this next time. So did anybody get that one? Did anybody get that? Let’s see, we got Bulbasaur. I did not type in Bulbasaur. Doctor who it looks like. I think doctor who was the first one that got it.

A dino eating cereal. Very good. Doctor who. Sweet. Good job. All right, so I’m going to just make a note of the winners here. So we got Doctor who. Maniel, type that in. We’ll get faster as we, as we get some practice in being our first one. What’s up, Candy Jones? I see you guys all in the chat. Cool. So doctor who won round one. He won round one.

Let me get back here. Baboom. There we go. Okay. There’s a lot of multitasking. All right, sweet. Now I can remove the splash of paint and you guys can actually see what I typed. I typed in a stegosaurus eating a bowl of cereal. That was pretty close. And you know, some of these were actually not stegosaurus, so that’s totally fine. A dino eating a bowl of cereal was the closest one from Doctor who.

So doctor who is going to be able to participate in the next round, we’re going to do three more. Okay, you guys starting to get how this works? Alright, now I’m going to put my splash of paint back up there, cover it up, and I’m going to type in another one. We’ll do another easy one. We’ll do another easy one. Let’s do one moment. Oh, let me put on some music too.

I also have some music to rock out too while we do this. There we go. Alright, cool. Sweet. Let’s see. Okay, cool. I’ve got the prompt written out. Now I’m going to go ahead and generate it and I’m going to look for the person who gets the closest. The person who gets the closest will move on with doctor who and two others to round two. As you can see, the images are being generated right here behind me.

How fun. All right, I like doing this. Alright, cool. I’m going to pick the best one that I like, which is this one right here. And let’s go ahead and make this large boom. There we go. Alright, cool. This is the image right here. Let me see if there’s some other ones too. Here’s some other examples that it came up with. This is probably the best one that represents it.

The most accurate, I would say so. Let’s get rid of that splash of paint there. Paint, splash. There we go. Alright, so this is the one. Let me see in the chat. It’s gonna be the first one I see at the top. Let’s see the first person who got this one. Bart Simpson in detention. Not quite, not quite. You got half of it right. Quays beneficial says Bart Simpson.

Bart Simpson. Bart Simpson graffiti. That’s pretty close. Bart spent Bart Simpson spraying graffiti. Okay. Yes. Let me check. Let me check the tag. Let me show you what I tagged in here. I think that’s close enough. I’m gonna give it. I’m gonna give it to you guys. So the tag was Bart Simpson spray painting on a movie screen. So I was looking for movie screen, but I think I’m going to give that to you guys.

We’re going to. This is a laid back game. So I’m actually give that to the person that said Bart Simpson graffiti. Who said that first? Bart Simpson graffiti. It looks like it was Sue Tay Sutte in the chat. Let me write your name down. Tsu’tey is the second winner. S u e t a y. Boom. Tsu’tey. You’ll have to forgive me if I spell the names wrong on the first episode or anything.

Alright, now we’re ready for round three of guessing game. Round three of guessing game. Here we go. I’m gonna put our spit splash of paint right back up there, pal. I’m gonna have these pre selected next time so I don’t have to think off the top of my head. It’s hard to think when you’re nervous or when I’m nervous. It’s hard for me to think. All right, cool.

Now this time I’m gonna try to think of something a little more difficult. Let’s do, let me think here. I always look at things. Let’s do. Okay, I’ve got it written out. It’s very simple. This is a simple prompt. I’m going to go ahead and generate it right now. You’re going to see the images up here being created so you get a little preview. And I’m actually going to make this bigger.

There we go. That’s much better. All right, so here’s the preview. Here it is. It’s coming up. Who’s going to get it first? Let me see. Let me jump in the chat. How exciting. If I miss you guys in the chat, you’ll just have to forgive me. I’m just doing my best. All right, so this is the image. This is the image. Let me pick this one right here.

This one’s pretty cool. All right, now let me get this paint splash taken away. And this is a pretty accurate representation of what I typed in. Let me see what we got here in the chat. All right, let’s see. The first person to get it on round three will go in. I mean on this round. We’ll go into the next round here we got truth talker, 911. You totally got it.

It’s he man. Now, I did type in he man as a coloring book, but, you know, like I said, I’m totally going to be easy on the, on the rules and stuff. Alright, so we got truth talker. Congratulations, 911. Boom. All right, that is round three of guessing game. Last round, are you ready? So we’re going to go back here and we’re going to do the last round.

And I’m going to erase my last prompt. This is round four of guessing game. The first round of masterpiece mad libs. Now, let me go ahead and put this paint splash back up so nobody can see it. And I’m going to type in my last one here. Let’s see, what should I think of? I’m going to think of. I’m going to make these harder. Let’s do the last one is harder.

Okay, how about, um. Okay, this one is a bit hard. I need two. I’m looking for two specific words or prompts in this. In this particular one. Are you ready? Here it comes. I make it big so nobody can cheat and see behind me. Take away the paint. And here it comes. Here is. Here’s the last one from round two. Now remember, this is not done when it’s in black and white, so you might get a little bit of it from the black and white.

Now I’m going to pick the best one, which most accurately represents what I typed, which is this one right here. Let me jump into the chat and see who got this one first. I’m looking. Let’s see who gets it. Let’s see, let’s see who’s going to get. I’m looking for two words. It’s got to be two words or two prompts, I should say. So one of them is Rubik’s cube, which Kat van Dew was the first one to say.

But there’s another prompt, another word in here. Quaize. It was. Quaize was the winner with Rubik’s cube made of tvs. Isn’t that sweet? All right, cool. Let me type in Quai’s name. Oh, and let me add a quick rule. If you already won whenever we do guessing game, you respectfully sit out, you know, so the others can win too. Alright, so we got quays. Q u a is all right on.

Yes. Good job, Quays. Alright, so that was round one, which was guessing game. Hopefully the music’s just chill. I hope it’s not too loud. I did a little sound test before we started, but now we’re going to move on to round two of masterpiece mad libs. Let me get back here. Boom. And I’ll make this a bit smaller. Boom. Now we can see some of our, what we’ve been working on so far here in the background.

Right, these are our images and I’ll probably end up uploading some of these favorite ones to my website. Now, this next round of masterpiece mad libs. Round one was guessing game. Round two is. Let’s see. Oh, round two is from the winners, so only the winners may participate in this particular round. That would be Doctor Hu, Maniel Tsu’tey, truth talker 911 and Quais, I’m looking for you do type in dreamers so that you’re you stand out.

Okay, so Doctor sue, truth and Quais. Now what I’m going to do is for this first round, I would like all of you to give me your prompt. So just tell me what you would like to see a picture of. Try to keep it short and I’m going to combine all of yours into one and then we’ll vote on our favorite ones. We’re going to do this three times.

We’ll start off and see how three times goes. Alright, so I’m looking for. I’m looking for Doctor who, Sutte, Trutalker, 911 and quays in the chat. Doctor sue, truth and quaize. Oh, you can’t hear the music. Oh, okay, cool. Let me turn that up. Thank you for reminding me. All right, sweet. Now we can rock out to some good music too. See, we’re going to perfect this. This is going to be the jam, dude.

This is going to be the funnest little hour on Saturdays. All right, all right, I’m looking for. I’m looking for prompts. Type in the word prompt followed by a dash or a colon or something and just tell me what your prompt is. And I am only looking for doctor who, Tsu’tey, truth talker and quaice right now and I’m just gonna go ahead and remix them how I see fit here.

All right, let’s see. So sute says pitbull, guitar. Got it. Let’s see who else we got. So we got tsu’tey. Doctor who says an axolotl drinking soma. Okay, good one. Axolotl drinking soda. Alright, I got sue, I got doctor who, Quais is next up. And says gnomes with plasma. Plasma gnomes. I like that. And what are they doing? Oh, textured sky under a textured sky. I like that.

Alright, and then truth talker. Truth talker. Alright, so trutalker, you want to type in prompt like you did and then just, and then just type in whatever you would like to see actually. And I’m looking for yours. You’re. They’re gonna be the last one. I’ll go ahead and give you. We’ll say 10 seconds, just whatever image you would like to see and I’m gonna combine yours with the other three.

I’m not sure what you guys mean when you say no image in the chat. Let me see what we got here. I. Yeah, it looks like it’s working pretty good. So. Alright, looking for truth talker. Truth Talker, you got 10 seconds to go ahead and type in whatever image you would like to see created. Let’s see. Hell frozen over. I like it in hell frozen over. Boom. This is good.

Okay, so we got pitbull playing guitar. I’ll put playing guitar as an axolotl. As an axolotl drinks soda and plasma gnomes. Plasma gnomes. We’ll say plasmonomes dance under a textured sky in hell frozen over. Alright, let’s do it. We’re going to generate that one. We’re going to do that two, I don’t know, two more times. I may adjust how many times we do this stuff or whatever, but we’ll find out.

All right, so here we go. This is, this is going to be interesting. Pitbull think it’s putting the, the singer pit bull, the rapper. Oh, no. I don’t know. I can never tell what it’s doing here. So let’s check all these out. We got a pit bull playing a guitar. A pit bull playing a guitar with gnomes dancing under a textured sky right up here in hell frozen over as an axolotl drinks some somalia.

This is, this is ding. Pretty good. There’s four different examples. Here they are. Here’s four different examples. Let me show you. I’m gonna take myself away here. Oh, that didn’t work. Let’s see, pal. Alright, so here’s another example. We got the gnomes, hell frozen over, textured sky, Pitbull playing a guitar and the gnomes dancing in hell frozen over that. They did a damn good job with the axolotl drinking some soma.

I must say. This is pretty cool. All right, right on. Good job everybody. Let me come back here, boom into the chat and we’ll do it. We’ll do it one more time. We’ll say one more time for the winners because I want to include everybody. I want everyone to have a time to play the game. Alright? So what I’m going to do is go back and make the screen a little smaller.

Ba bam. There we go. And now we’re gonna do another round. Are you guys ready? Same for the same. Four winners. Give me another prompt. Let’s do it again. Give me another prompt. All right, Liz, B c says these are fire. Yes, they are. DMT vibe. Okay, cool. All right, let’s do another prompt. Let’s do another prompt. Doctor who sue, truth talker and quays. Go ahead and give me your prompts.

This will be the last one. I don’t think I’m gonna do three. I don’t want it to go too long. Let’s clear that. That was, that was fun. That was pretty dang good, right? All right, let’s look. I’m looking for doctor who sue, truth talker and quays in the chat right now. Give me your prompt for the next image. Good job, everybody. You guys get five stars in the chat.

Ba bam. There it is. Yes. You can all play. However, right now, we’re only doing the people who are playing for this last round. Right here are the four winners from the last round. Okay, so after this, I’m gonna let everybody in the chat. I believe everyone gets to play again. Okay? But right now, I’m just looking for those four people in the chat because they were the winners from the last round.

All right, looking for doctor who, Quais Sutay, and truth talker. Truth talker was the first one up. We’ve got transgender president. Okay, let’s. Let’s see. Trans. I’m gonna go with it. Transgender president. Okay, thank you. And then we got doctor who says a smurf hanging around the campfire. Got it. A smurf at the campfire. I think next time, I might have only three winners. That way, it’s. It’s less time consuming.

Quait says megalithic castle. I like it. Very good. Mega lithic castle. I think I’m gonna stay away from sensitive topics, actually, now that I’m thinking about this. So I’m gonna offer true. True seeker to change the type of president just because, you know, we want to keep it very pg. And, you know, you could lean towards r if you want, but let’s keep it kind of pg and not so touchy subjects.

You know what I mean? No offense or anything, but let’s. Let’s go ahead and pick a different president you’d like to see any. Anything as a president, or you can give me an entirely different prompt if you’d like to. So go ahead, truth talker. We’ll try to stay away from any type of, like, controversial things or whatever, you know, because I want it to be a good time for everybody.

All right, we got sutay says hopi apocalypse. Okay, cool. I like that. The Hopi tribe apocalypse. All right, cool. And then I’m just gonna look for true talker, which is says poor, broke president. Okay, I like it. A poor, broke president. All right, sweet. Thank you. For now, everyone else, what I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and change this prompt up real quick, and then we’re going to see what it looks like.

Let’s see. A smurf at the campfire. Michael, at the castle. We’re going to. I’m going to say a poor, broke president. A smurf at a campfire. Megalithic castle during the Hopi apocalypse. Alright, cool. In a fantasy world. I’ll say in a fantasy world. Okay, cool. Now I’m just gonna generate that and we’re gonna see what it comes up with. That was an interesting bunch of prompts together. Thanks, everybody, for being respectful in the chat, being cool and everything.

Alright, so it’s working on it right now. Right behind me. This is is actually pretty quick. This website’s pretty dang quick. All right, here we go. We’ve got it. It put Trump. It basically put Trump anyways. But let’s check these out. All right, let’s see. Let me make sure everyone can see. Oh, let me remove myself from the image here. Alright, we’ve got a poor broke president in a fantasy setting during the Hopi apocalypse with a smurf at a campfire over here.

You can see it right there. And we also have. What was the other one? A poor broke president, a smurf at a campfire. The Hopi apocalypse. What was the other prompt here? Oh, a megalithic castle. Yes. In the background. Right. So we have all four of those images. Very nice, very light. Hey, let’s get a round of applause for the winners of guessing game. Everybody in the chat, go ahead and blow it up with a positive emoji flood for the four winners of the first ever masterpiece mad Libs guessing game segment.

Alright, cool. Now the next part. Here we go. We did round one. We did round two. Now we’re gonna do round three. This is the main part of Masterpiece Madlibs. This is five rounds masterpiece of mad libs. Basically, everyone plays everyone in the chat. You get to play and then we’ll vote for a winner, which is our favorite picture to be featured on the community tab. So right now I’m going to go back and I’m going to.

I’m just going to go ahead and look at the chat. Go ahead and type in what you would like to see. And I’m going to be combining people’s unless I see one that I just want to do all by itself. Alright, here we go. Round three. This is the beginning starting and you’re free. If you’re in the chat, that means you’ve subscribed. Thank you for subscribing. Go ahead and type in a prompt that you would like to see me enter in.

Remember, you can choose the style of artwork. You can choose what the image looks like. I may choose your style, I may choose someone else’s subject or something, right? Oh, my bad. Not my bad. I. I gave you the wrong directions. Okay, timeout time. I actually have pre written masterpiece mad libs. Okay? So wait, don’t. Don’t give me anything. Don’t give me anything. If you already wrote something, disregard it.

I forgot. Okay, so here’s. Here’s the first one I forgot. I wrote these out. All right, now, here’s what I need from everyone in the chat. Everyone’s gonna have 10 seconds. Actually, I’m just gonna throw them all out there. I’m gonna throw them all out there. I need a historic person, an action. And only give me like, as short as you can. Okay? I need a historic person, an action, a random object.

Object. A famous person, an emotion and food. All right, so here we go. I’m gonna go ahead and copy and paste this and we put my paint splash back up so nobody knows what I’m doing here. Oh, where am I? Whoops. What I just do here? There we go. Alright, cool. There’s me. Let me get my paint. Splash. Splash. Alright, there it is. Now, I’m gonna type in my little prompt here.

It looks like you can see a bit of it there. We can fix that, though. All right, keep in mind what I’m asking for here. There we go. Alright, cool. I’m looking for a historic person, an action, a random object, a famous person, an emotion and a food. Alright, so I’m just gonna type these in as I see and I have to know who it is, if it’s a famous person.

A Tardis. A Tardis. Okay, I saw a Tardis. Let’s see a random object. So I’ll put the Tardis. So the Tardis. I hope it knows what a Tardis is. Pretty intelligent. A historic person, Geronimo. That’s the first one I saw there. That is a historic person. Very good. All right, so we got Geronimo. All right. Boom. I’m looking for an action. Famous person, an emotion and a food.

An action. Let’s see, we got exhilaration. I think I see that one. Okay, so I’ll put that in. All right. Now I’m looking for a famous person, an action and a food. Famous person, action and a food. Let’s see. Looking, looking. Weird Al Yankovic. Is a famous person weird? Where is that one? Oh, it’s e. Weird Al Yankovic. There we go. And then we got an action in a food.

In action. In a food. Looking for an action in a food. I’m just. I’m. There’s a lot of people in the chat, so I’m just doing the best I can. Action. Oh, tacos. I see tacos. So we’ll plug in tacos here. Who was ta, who is that? Snowflake says, hi, tacos. Boom. And then an action in action. I’m looking for an action. Last one we got. Last one.

I’m just scrolling on through here. An action. I’m going to type in the first one. I see flying. Boom. That looks good. Flying. All right, cool. Here we go. So that’s the end of the first of the first one. We’re going to do five of these. So we’ve got. I’m gonna generate it first. Okay, I’ll tell you what it is. And let me get the plaint splash out of the way.

Bam. Now it’s gonna generate all of our prompts. I will read the prompt to you. It says, a historic person at the mall doing an action with a random object. A famous person looks very emotional, whatever the emotion is while eating the food. All right, here we go. Now, your prompt. Your prompt for this. Where is it? I’m gonna click on it here. So the prompt here after we typed it in is a geronimo at the mall flying with the Tardis.

Weird Al Yankovic looks very exhilarated while eating tacos. So this is what it came up with. Here’s the first image right here. Definitely got Tardis in there and the flying and some tacos. I don’t know if it knows who weird Al Yankovic is. We’ve got some flying. We’ve got some Tardis action tacos at the mall. Here’s another one with they. They want Doctor who in this bad. And finally, this is our last one.

Wow, these people are soup. Jeez. That’s like every youtuber. That’s like every YouTube thumbnail I’ve ever seen is this guy right here, whoever this is. Alright, cool. I don’t have no idea why there’s an astronaut in this picture, but this is interesting. Alright, cool. We’re gonna do it again. You guys ready? Let me go back, let me go back. Those were the four. Now we’re going to type in.

I’m gonna clear that, put my paint splash up, and actually, I’m just gonna show it to you. I don’t think it really matters if you guys see it or not. This isn’t really, you know. Alright, so I’m gonna type it, I’m gonna copy it and paste it, and you’ll be able to see it on your side. And that way you can see what I need. Okay. What I need is in parentheses right here.

I need a popular cartoon character. And a style of music. It’ll be a concert and then an action and a natural disaster. So cartoon, popular cartoon character, style of music. An action and a natural disaster. Here we go. Alright, I’m gonna type in the first ones that I see here. I’m looking at everybody in the chat. This is an all play. Okay? Everyone’s. Everyone is welcome to play in this one.

All right, we’re looking for a natural disaster, plasma apocalypse. Very good. Okay, three scores. Nine. We got the natural disaster taken care of during the plasma apocalypse. Got it. So now we just need popular cartoon character. I see Popeye in there. Very good. Popeye was offered up by Camille Donnaron. Popeye, that’s a good one. Style of music, look. Oh, reggae. Okay, cool. So we’re gonna do reggae. Who is that? I missed it.

But reggae. Reggae is how you spell reggae? Reggae? No, it’s reggae. And in action, I just need an ass. An action. No, looking for an action. Action, action. All right, who’s got an action? We’re looking for one. Action. We’ve got power. Popeye at a reggae concert, doing some sort of an action during the plasma apocalypse. What is Popeye doing? What is he up to? Let me see. Let me hear from you in the chat.

Dancing. Okay, Imma. Imma says, dancing. Dancing. Alright, let’s see what we got. Popeye at a reggae concert, dancing during the plasma apocalypse. Let’s check this out. Alright, it’s working on the image right behind me when it’s in black and white like this, that means that’s the rough draft of the image. I can’t wait to go back and read the chat. Oh, check this out. Pop by at a reggae concert during the plasma apocalypse.

Hmm. Oh, let’s check out the other ones that came up with. There he goes, smoking on his pipe, rocking out during the reggae concert. Look at all this. Oh, wow. What’s happening here, Popeye? Alright, cool. And the last one we’ve got, oh, I like that. They did more of like a cartoon version. Not perfect. He’s, you know, he’s mutated. It’s got one of those lobster mutated hands or whatever, but that’s pretty sweet.

I actually like this one. If there was a. Actually, you know what I can do? I can remix this one. Let’s. Let’s remix r1 quick. So you’ve never seen this, but I’m gonna click remix on this and I’m just going to have it do it over basically, and see what happens. I like this one. And it’s gonna actually remix four more images of that exact same one. So we can see what it looks like.

Like. Alright, cool. So now it filled in Popeye a little bit better here. This one, he kind of looks like a pig down here in the bottom. But I like that one. One of the most. Very good, man, that was fun. Okay, cool. Alright, sweet. Let’s go back and let’s do another one, I think. What was that, round three? Let me check. No, that was round two. Alright, here’s the next one.

You guys ready? This is an all play. Everybody can play on this one and we’re going to do the next one. Get ready to put in your words. I’ll ask you for specific words here and I’m going to copy and paste it. You’ll be able to read it on the screen. If you’re using a smartphone, you can spread your fingers on the screen to make it bigger. If it’s too small for you.

Just a little trick. Alright, this one is at a birthday party. A famous object grows out of a large cake instead of candles, while a profession plays pin the tail on the donkey. So I need a famous object, a profession and an animal. This one’s a little easier. So not so many. I need a profet of a famous object, a profession and an animal. Alright, here we go.

Famous object. I’m looking in the chat, I see supernova. That’s the first one I see. So a supernova is a famous object. I know that that wasn’t a part of. You’re actually suggesting it, but I like it. A supernova grows out of a large cake instead of candles. While a profession. I need a profession. Now I’m looking in the chat for a profession. I see Carpenter. That’s the first one I saw.

Remember, if you want to catch up to the live stream type, hold down on your smartphone on the right side of the screen and it’ll actually fast forward two times just in case you’re a little bit behind. Alright, so carpenter, carpenter and I need an animal. I’m looking for an animal. I see octopus. I see octopus. Alright, so we’re going to go with octopus. All right, now we’re going to generate that it’s at a birthday party, a supernova, or supernovas, I should say, grow out of a large cake instead of candles.

While the carpenter plays pin the tail on the octopus. Let’s see what that looks like. Oh, a hippo. That’s a good one, too. Oh, a peacock. You guys think of some really good ones. Alright, let’s see what this one looks like it’s gonna start working on it in the background right behind me. Alright, here we go. We’ve got a supernova birthday cake. Let me make these a bit bigger.

A carpenter playing pin the tail on the octopus. Interesting. What else we got here? Let’s do these ones too. Let’s see. Let me move out of the way. Boom. Alright, here is the carpenter playing pin the tail on the octopus supernova birthday cake. What was the other prompts? Let’s see. Oh, that was it. There’s only had three that time. So three main prompts. Pin the tail on the octopus.

There he goes. That’s like an amish carpenter right there. Alright. Sweet. And these are little supernova explosions, I suppose. Alright, cool. Let’s get on to the next one. That was number three. Now we’re on number four of magic mat of the mad libs portion of the game. Alright. This one I’m actually. I think I’m gonna keep this a secret. I think it’s more fun that way. Alright, so let me go back and I’m gonna put my paint splash back up.

I like that. Bam. Alright, sweets. Now here’s what I’m looking for. I’m looking for a famous place. A historic era. A subject, the subject of the picture, whatever you would like to see. The subject be a substance. So, a famous place. A historic era. A subject and a substance. Any substance, any subject any historic era. A famous place. Remember, we’re going to keep these pg to r. You know, we don’t want to get border too much on crazy craziness but let’s see what we’ve got.

I’m in the chat looking for a famous place. A famous place. A historic era. A famous place. Oh, Taj Mahal by a slick psycho. Right on. That’s a good one. Alright, so we’re gonna do the Taj Mahal or the. Is it Taj Mahal, right. A historic era. The dark ages. By Odin’s raven. That sounds good. We got dark ages. I need a subject and a substance. Subject will do.

Let’s see. I’m looking, I’m looking. The subject will be Godzilla. Sharon Bostock said Godzilla is her hero. So we’re gonna put Godzilla in there and I need a subject. Oh wait. That was the subject. Damn. What was. What was the other one I said? Oh, a substance. Yes, yes, yes. So let me do Godzilla. Now. I need a substance. That’s the last thing I need is a substance from anybody in the chat.

Let me see. Oh, jelly. Jelly is a substance. That’s a good one. Sharon. Oh, I just did yours, Sharon. Let’s do somebody else’s milk slime. Ooh, slime’s good too. But I saw milk first, so I’m gonna put milk made of milk. Let’s do milk. Bam. Alright, so let’s generate it and see what we got so it the, the prompt, I can take the splash down now. The prompt let me click on.

Well, I’ll show you in just a second. Welcome. If you’re just joining us, we’re playing our first ever masterpiece, mad libs. Now, the prompt I’ll show you is at the Taj Mahal during the dark ages, a godzilla made of milk poses for a picture in the style of a postcard. So here is our godzilla at the Taj Mahal during the dark ages, posing for a postcard. I’ll show you these other generations that it came up with.

That’s a pretty sweet godzilla. The Taj Mahal’s pretty dang good, too. I don’t see a lot of, like, dark age stuff, but I don’t know what that would look like. Anyways, there is, there’s Godzilla again, posing for his little postcard picture. And here’s the last one. They got a really good one of Godzilla and the Taj Mahal. I kind of wish he was stepping on it. Alright, so let’s do another one.

Here we go. That was number four. Now we’re gonna move on to number five. I’m gonna put my paint splash back up on the pictures up here and I’ll be taking your recommendations, your prompts from the chat. Let me go ahead and get this copied and pasted. Put my paint splash back up. I need like a little sound effect. Alright, now here’s the next prompt. The next prompt.

I need an iconic person or character. I also need an object. And then I need a popular theme park attraction and a season. So iconic person or character object, popular theme park attraction and a season. Alright, looking in the chat, let me go ahead and get these filled in. I’m looking and we need an iconic person or a character, an object, any object. I feel like I’m saying the word object all weird.

That’s because it sounds weird to me. Hey, where’s me? I disappeared. Let me come back. Webcam, where is it? Oh, that’s not it. Is it this one? Yep, there I am. Okay. Hey, what’s up, everybody? Welcome back. Alright, sweet. I need an iconic person or character, an object, a theme park attraction and a season. I’m looking in the chat right now. We’ve got Elvis. I saw Elvis was the first one I saw.

So we’ll do Elvis. Elvis. I need an object. An object. Looking for an object. I see, I see. I’m gonna go with let’s see. I see a lot of objects. I’m gonna do Teacups fairy. Positive. I like that one. All right. Teacups. Tea cups. And I need a popular theme park attraction and a season. Alright. I do see. I saw roller coaster. That’s the first one I saw.

So we’ll plug that one in. Who said that? Who said roller coaster? Oh, that was cactus J. Two K. Rollercoaster. And a season. And a season. Let me get a season. Looking for a season. There’s only four. Let me see which one we got. First one I see. I’m gonna go ahead and unsplash the paint here. Bam. Now you guys can see what it is. All right. Winter.

Sutay. Sutay said winter. All right. Su. Winter. Winter. Boom. Alright. So we’ve got a horror version of Elvis wielding teacups. Hold on. Wielding teacups. Uh, he scares, he scares tourists while on a roller coaster during winter. It’s a vintage photograph from the seventies. Let’s check it out and see what it comes up with here. Ooh, a ferris wheel would have been cool too. Imma, I like that one.

Alright. Let’s see what it comes up with. Pardon me. This is a, this is a fun first episode. This is totally awesome. I love doing this. All right, here, here. Let’s check them all out. Let’s check them all out. So this is, let me get out of the way here. Hold on. I gotta put my webcam in an easier spot. There it is. Bam. Alright. So we’ve got Elvis.

Where is it? We got Elvis. What was it again? A horror version of Elvis wielding teacups. He scares tourists while on a roller coaster during the winter time. So here we go. We got Elvis roller coaster. Some teacups full of black goo. I like how they put the black goo in there and we didn’t even ask it to. And he’s got black goo all over his face too.

And he’s all scaring these weird looking people. Alright, let’s check out this other one that it did. Another one. He’s standing right on. It’s like he wants, wants to get hit by the roller coaster. Alright. To see another one. We’ve got this weird gothic looking version of Elvis with some teacups there. All the people are freaked out. And then this one. This one as well. Alright, cool. That was our last one.

That’s our last of the masterpiece mad libs. Now let’s vote. Let’s vote now I want you guys to vote on which one was your favorite, okay? And, and then we’ll go back and we’ll pick out of the four that offers. Okay, which, which one of these was your favorite? Was it the one of. Hold on, let me go actually to show everybody. All right, we’ll go back now what we’ve got here.

Let me make sure everybody can see. All right, so we’ve got, let’s see, we’ve got the mall, the Tardis at the mall. Okay, so that’ll be number one. We’ve got Popeye. That’ll be number two. Or here’s the other Popeye we made. We’ve got the carpenter playing pin the tail on the octopus. That’ll be number three. Number four will be Godzilla, the milk Godzilla. And number five will be the horror Elvis.

So go ahead and cast your vote right now in the chat, 12234 or five. Five is Elvis, four is Godzilla, three is the birthday cake, two is Popeye and one is the Tardis. Go ahead and vote right now and we’ll see who wins. We’ll see what ends up on the community section. And this, this is going to become animated or I’m going to try my hardest to get this image animated for us for next week.

For next time, don’t type in the names. Type in the numbers. Type in the numbers. Alright, so number five, Elvis. Number four, Godzilla. Number three, birthday cake. Number two, Popeye. And number one, tardis. And I’m just going to generalize in looking at the numbers in the chat. I see a lot of number fours popping up. Yep, looks like it’s gonna be number four, which is the milk godzilla.

The milk Godzilla. Now let’s vote on which milk Godzilla. You guys want to actually choose here? Okay, I’m gonna show you all of the different milk godzillas. This is number one. This is number two. This is number three. Look at that goofy smile. And this is number four. Which milk godzilla? Go ahead and cast your vote right now. Four, three, two and one. Go ahead and cast your vote for the milk godzillas.

Let’s see. I see, I see a four. This one’s four. All of them. Very good. Yes, Justin Morse likes all of them. What temple is that? That’s the Taj Mahal. All right, so we’ve got four, three, two or one. I’ve seen a. Okay, a lot of people like number four. Looks like a lot of number fours are jumping into the chat sort of almost a tie between four and two.

Yeah, Sharon, I agree. So here’s four. Let’s do a tiebreaker. Okay. All right, I’m going to do some emojis in the chat. After these emojis, we’re going to do the tiebreaker. Stop casting your votes as of right now. I’ll give you guys a few seconds to stop casting your vote. We’re going to vote now between four and which is this one and two. Which is this one? Okay, so two this one right here or four? This one right here.

Ready and go. After, after the emojis of the stars after this. The power star emoji in the chat. Alright, so I see we got Ima voted for two, boggy voted for four, Tracy for four. Who else we got? I’m going to give it like 10 seconds to vote. All right, let’s see. We got 1234 for four. We got a few for two. Man, it’s pretty dang close, right? It’s about split.

So here’s, here’s four. Here’s two. I think four wins. I think four wins. I’m going to pick four. All right, good job voting, everybody. So number four is going to win. I can’t wait to go back and watch this already. All right, that was our masterpiece, Mad Libs. That was our mad libs round of masterpiece, Mad Libs. That was, that was a round three. Next up, we have got a fun, a fun segment, a fun little game called Channel Combat.

Channel combat. Alright, I’m gonna put the stars in the chat. That means everybody’s done voting. All right, channel combat. Remember, if you’re watching in the past and you see those stars and you think it’s still time to vote, fast forward. Fast forward and catch up to us to the live stream. All right, here we go. Here we go. We’re going to do channel combat. You all can play.

Here we go. It’s going to be the first two people who guess the popular image of my choosing. I’m going to put it up there. We’ll get to battle for the title of channel champion and have your channels featured on my community section posted on the community tab for one week. Alright, so here’s the rules. I’m going to, I’m gonna type in my own prompt today. It will either be a nursery rhyme, a movie, a book or a celebrity.

Okay, a nursery rhyme, a movie, a book or a celebrity. I’m gonna go ahead and put the paint splash up so nobody can cheat. I’m also gonna put myself back up. I keep forgetting to like to come back. Alright, here we go. Alright, I’m back, I’m back. Alright, now what is that? Oh, that’s the paint splash. I need to lock that. There we go. Alright, the paint splash is up, which means I’m now going to choose the next one and.

Oh, I don’t want you guys to see it. Alright, let me just think of it in my head here. Man it. Okay, cool. I’ve typed it out. You can see a little bit there, huh? Alright, now I’m gonna go ahead and generate it. Are you guys ready? Here we go. So I’m gonna type in stars into the chat. The stars mean it’s time for you to make your guess.

The first two people that get the closest to my prompt for the image you’re about to see are going to win and, and, and perform channel combat. Here we go. Here we go. Here’s the stars and generate. Let’s see what we got. I’m going to make it big so everyone can see. I’ll remove the splash. Let’s take out the splash. Here we go. I’m looking in the chat.

This is just a rough draft, but sometimes you can, sometimes you can get an idea. It has to be the closest. It has to be the closest. Kind of obvious actually, to me at least. All right, let me hide it. Alright, I’m looking in the chat. I’m gonna the chat. I’m looking, I’m looking. This is what it is. I’m gonna show you the pictures. Boom. There’s one, two.

Now remember, it might not be exactly what you think it is. Pay to pay close attention to the image, okay? Pay close attention whoever gets the closest, and I’m looking in the chat after the stars right now. Okay, check it out. Try to guess what I typed in. It’s not a wizard. It’s free hits, free soul. Hippie said guesses, wizard. It’s not a wizard. Plasma apocalypse. It is not the plasma apocalypse.

Liz. B C says Friday the 13th. That is half of it. Yes. Three score and nine, says Jason as a Lego at the cabin in the woods. I will maybe take that one. Possibly. Let’s see, I’m looking. So let me remember, three score and nine. And let’s see, it does look like these are pretty much legos, aren’t they? All right, cool. I will accept Friday the 13th legos.

So let me see who get. Whoa. Said that threescore and nine was the first one I saw that said Jason as a Lego in the cabin in the woods or Friday the 13th. I would also accept that. So Friday the 13th. And let’s see. So I’m looking for two things. One is some sort of element for Friday the 13th. Another one would be some sort of element for a toy.

Okay, so three score, nine gets that. And then I need one more. Let’s see who was next? It was. I’m gonna try my hardest to get the right person here. Let’s see. I’m looking at them Lego. Friday the 13th says slick psycho. So slick psycho versus threescore and nine. Let me type in your names here. Slick psycho, three score and nine. Okay, now we’ve got our winners from the first ever channel combat.

Okay, so here’s, here’s how this works. Good job everyone. Good job. These are sweet. I actually like this Lego one a lot. He’s got like, it’s like a kid, it’s like a little kid Jason or whatever with his like dad. All right, that’s awesome. Alright, now we’re gonna actually do the channel combat. Now here’s how this is going to work. I’m simply going to type in your channel names.

So let me just go here. So we’ve got slick psycho. Alright, we got a battle between slick, I’ll say a slick psycho wearing red and three score and nine. I’m just going to type it in three score and nine. Boom. I’m gonna put quotes in that and I’m gonna put it in blue wearing blue. I’m gonna say threescore and nine. I’m just gonna say a person. I’ll say a person.

Alright, so a battle between slick psycho wearing red and a person. Three score and nine, wearing blue. One of them lays, one of them is lying on the ground in defeat. Boom. Okay, so here we go. Here’s the battle. I’m just gonna generate it and we’re gonna see what happens here. Between slick psycho in red and three score in nine in blue. Remember, this is our first time doing this so I’m sure I’ll get, I’m probably get better at it.

How fun. All right. Slick psycho in red versus three score and nine in blue. And it looks like the winner is. Oh, let’s see. I’m looking at all these, I’m looking at all of them. Who is more, more of a winner here? Ooh, this one’s got slick psycho on the ground, but he’s also fighting up here. It’s like he’s got a special move. So slick psycho looks like he busted out like the clone.

Copy. Move against three, scorer nine, who’s got a sweet shield going on shield action. But then if we look at these other pictures, we see Slick Psycho went for the throat, fa pow. And knocked him down with his little clone. Action seemed to work there on three score and. Oh, but then slick Psycho got killed on this one. But he’s got aii think that double superpower, that clone superpower actually is going to win you the game.

Yes. I’m giving it to slick Psycho, the very first winner of channel combat. Everyone, let’s get a, let’s get an emoji flood as a round of applause for the two participants. Three score and nine and slick psycho. Now let’s see, which one do you guys like the best out of all of these? I kind of like this one over here. Look, it’s even got their names. Isn’t that cool? Can you, can you see that? Let me get, let me get out of the way and I’ll show you the actual pictures here.

There we go. All right, so over here, this is going to be slick psycho. It even put the names and everything versus three scores and nine over here on this side. Sorry, three score. Maybe next time. But this, this time we got slick psycho who had this clone ability. Clearly it was distracting, right? Distracting with a little clone version and then came full pow with some like, energy to the, to the chest, knocking down three score and nine, who did get a hidden.

But, man, three score and nine actually nailed the clone version. It wasn’t the actual slick psycho. So good fight, everyone. Good fight. That was fun. That was good times. Let me get back here and, and that is the last round. Let me make sure I covered everything. The chat votes on the style of the image. Oh, I forgot to actually ask the chat for the style of the image, but we can do that again next time.

All right, let’s do, let’s go over. Let’s recap. Let’s recap today’s game. Welcome, everybody, to the first ever game version of Masterpiece, mad libs. Round one was the guessing game. Next week we’ll be playing this in the exact same sequence. I might change up a few things just to make it a little smoother. So round one was a guessing game where I created the image and the chat had to guess.

Round two was the winners, actually just giving me their prompts so they’ve got a couple of those. Round three was actual mad libs game that we all played. Round four was channel combat, played between slick psycho and threescore nine. That was my funnest part of the game, actually. And then round five. Oh, oh, there’s one more round. My bad. We didn’t do round five yet. Okay, so we’re not, we’re not wrapping it up.

Don’t worry. Leave. There’s one more round. Round five. I forgot about that. I was so excited about the channel combat, I’m like, that’s got to be it. I have one more round, which is one more guessing game. So one more guessing game. Just like in round one where I’m going to make my own image. Everyone in the chat gets to play. The winner gets to put your very own prompt, and then the chat will actually vote on the style that your prompt will be displayed in, whether it be claymation, eighties cartoon, a painting, black and white, nineties sitcom, a statue, the Simpsons, any of these styles the chat can vote on.

But first, before we vote in the chat, I’m going to make my image. I’m going to put my paint splash back up. Oops. Nope, mess that up. Hold on. There we go. All right, now I’m back. I’m back. Hey, hey, what’s up, everybody? Alright, now I’m back. Let me go ahead and put my paint splash back up there. This is going to be the last round and there’s only going to be one winner.

So one image. This is the guessing game with one winner. So I’m going to go ahead and type in my prompt right now. Let’s see. And I’ll probably have these pre written next time. So I’m gonna do one moment. I’m thinking of a prompt off the top of my head here. It’s not easy when you’re nervous to do it. I like looking around for things. Um, okay, I’m getting ideas.

I’m getting ideas. Oh, I know. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Can you see that? You can’t see what I’m typing, right? Okay, good. Okay, cool. I’ve got my prompt. I’m going to go ahead and put it in. Get ready. I’m going to put in the stars into the chat. Any answer after these stars right here counts. Okay, Calix.

Hey, thanks for your support, Calyx. All right, boom. Here’s the stars. We’re generating the prompt right now. I’ll make it bigger for you and I’ll take away the paint splash. Boom. The closest to what I typed wins. And we’re going to have one winner and only one winner. So the closest person and I typed a lot, so keep that in mind. Okay, the closest person and I’m going to pick the one that represents it the best.

Wow, these are all pretty good. I’m going to pick this one, actually. So this is the one that represents what I typed in the best out of all of them. Let’s it see who we get in the chat. It is not kung fu panda. Good try. Good try. All right, looking for the chat. The closest person to describe the images. Here’s some other ones. Just to give you an idea of the different images that people that it made for us here.

This one’s pretty good. I like this one too. I’d say this one is probably one of the most accurate to what I typed. This one and this one. These two right here. So let’s see what we got in the chat. I’m looking in the chat now. I see truth talker. 911 says Ghostbuster. Marshmallow man. That is an element of what I typed. There’s a little more to it.

The Michelin man fighting the Ghostbusters. All made out of marshmallows. Pretty close. I did not type in that. They are made out of marshmallows. That’s a clue. That’s a clue for you. Bam. They do look like they’re made out of marshmallows, but these ones are definitely not. Alright, what else we got? Michelin man fighting the Ghostbusters. Made out of marshmallow. Stay puff. Marshmallow man. Killed by the teenage mutant Ninja turtles.

I love that one. I should have done that. Ghostbusters fighting the Marshmallow man. The Michelin man. That’s so funny, Casper. Ghostbusters shooting marshmallows. Stay puff. Marshmallow fight. Stay puff. Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters. It is. There’s one element I’m looking for. Let me see if I can’t find it. That’s fine. I’ll just take the closest one. Let’s see. Killed by. Stay puff. Let’s see. Ah, here we go. It was actually threescore and nine.

The first person I saw got it correct. Threescore nine says Ghostbusters. Fighting. Fighting the Ghostbusters. Made of clay. Oh, you didn’t get the marshmallow man though. I don’t know. I’m gonna give that to you. I’m gonna give it to three score and nine, actually. Cause I was looking for Clay and I was looking for some elements of the Ghostbusters, you know? So I’m gonna give that one to three score and nine.

I was looking for Clay and Ghostbuster elements. Both of those. It’s definitely not the Michelin man. However, I can see where you guys would get that from. It kind of does resemble the Michelin man. That’s funny. Wow, this one’s cool. I like that one too, a lot. Alright, sweet. So let me type in threescore and nine. Boom. The final winner. Now what you get to do, threescore nine, give me your own prompt.

And I’m going to type it in as you, word for word as you say it. And then I’m going to have the chat offer up a style. So threescore nine, go ahead and give me your prompt. This is the last one for our game. Give me your prompt. And looking for you. Congratulations, by the way, in the chat. And I’m going to type in, I’m just going to copy and paste pretty much whatever you say.

And I’m looking for threescore nine to give us their very own image prompt. What you would like to see, I’ll create it live on the air for you right now. And then what I’m going to do is I’m going to animate it for the next episode. And after it’s animated, if you guys tune in next time, you get to see what it looks like whenever it’s been animated, which I can do in many different ways.

Let’s see, we got three score nine. Who says I got you? A fiery wheel filling the entire sky under the stars, reflecting off of the star, still ocean. That sounds beautiful, actually. Alright, now the chat gets to choose the style. I’ll give you some examples, but you’re not limited to these. Black and white claymation museum exhibit, eighties cartoon, photorealistic, the AI’s choice, whatever it wants. Painting, comic book action figures, nineties sitcom, a statue, a woodcut, the Simpsons.

These are just some examples. Okay. Just different kinds of examples. So let’s hear what you got in the chat. And I’m gonna pick the, I’m gonna pick what you guys put in the chat. All right, we got Sharon who says steampunk. So Sharon’s voting on steampunk. How do you get to the website? Oh, this website is called ideogram. Ideo. Graham, just type in that ideogram AI. Alright, so I’ve got steampunk style.

Anybody else? Okay, got, we got a couple people like steampunk. Sounds good. Okay, we’re gonna do steampunk style then in the style of steampunk. I’m glad I can type fast. Alright, cool. So this is gonna be three score and nines. And then I’m gonna allow, I’m gonna allow threescore and nine to actually choose between the four images that it, that it comes up with and we’ll go ahead and perfect those.

And then I’m gonna work on getting that animated for you for next week. So here are the images that you get to choose from. Threescore nine. Let me get myself out of the way so you can have a better look at them. There we go. Now I’ll show you the first one. These are what they all look like right here. Alright, the first one is this one. This is the steampunk sort of wheel in the sky reflecting off of the waters.

This is number one. This one is number two. As you can see there, it’s got the reflection of the waters, some moon action. Number three is this one right here. And number four. And I’m gonna allow steam, I’m gonna allow threescore and nine to actually choose their favorite out of all of these. Let me go ahead and show you again. I’ll just show you all of them real quick.

One, this is number one. Two right here. Number two. Three right here. And four, which one is your favorite one? I’m looking for threescore nine in the chat. Let me see. Decisions, decisions. Right, let’s see. And make it bigger here. You can see all four of them a bit. So one, two, three or four? I think that was right. Wait, let me go back. Alright, this is one, this is two, this is three, and this is four.

All right, looking three, score nine says three. So this one right here, what do you guys think? That one’s pretty sweet, right? Is this the right one? Let me know. Just a quick yes or no, just to double check. I want to make sure I get the right one here. Yeah, it is pretty cool, right? Everyone else is voting. They’re like, yes, those are cool. I’m gonna, I’m gonna try to get this animated.

We’re gonna see what this looks like whenever it moves. Alright, three score nine. I’m assuming this is the correct one for you. So I’ll go ahead and make sure that I get this one saved. Let me just go ahead and save this real quick, actually. There we go. Alright, I’ve got that one saved. I’ll be working on that one for you. Thanks for letting me know in the chat.

And let’s review all of our images. I like to. I like to review everything and check them all out. All right, so we saw our wheels. Here’s our stay puft marshmallow man fighting claymation Ghostbusters. Here is our channel combat that we had between slick psycho and threescore and nine. That was awesome. Here is our Jason Voorhees, Friday the 13th as action figures. We’ve got our whole horror version of Elvis.

I made a horror Ronald McDonald one time. It was, I’ll have to show you, actually, so. And here’s our milk Godzilla, which was chosen by the chat. We’ve got our picture of the carpenter playing pin the tail on the octopus. This is a cool Popeye. I might actually work on this one in my free time just to touch it up a bit, make it look even better. The tardis one at the mall eating tacos.

That one kind of freaks me me out, honestly. I like this one with the Smurfs in the post apocalyptic world with, like, Trump. It looks like that one’s pretty cool. We’ve got the pit bull playing the guitar with the axolotl, drinking something with, with garden gnomes under a sky. We’ve got our television made out of Rubik’s or Rubik’s cube made out of televisions. We’ve got here he man as a cartoon book, as a, what do you call it? A drawing book or whatever.

We’ve got Bart Simpson tagging up the movie theaters. That one’s actually not bad. And then we’ve got our practice one. At the beginning, I think, was the. The stegosaurus eating a bowl of cereal or the dinosaur eating a bowl of cereal. And I’ll show you a few that I’ve just worked on. So you guys, if you guys want to, you can go to Idaho. You can type in my name, and you can start, you know, actually following and checking out my work and the things that we make together.

So I put, like, a bowl of cereal with some stuff in it. What else do we got here? Oh, this one’s kind of cool. So I did this sort of woodcut version of Spider man and the Wolfman making pancakes, or they’re supposed to be making pancakes, and it makes different versions of it. That’s what I like. You see that? So check this out. I want to make this bigger.

I’m going to actually take me down for a second. Oh, I’m already down. Holy crap. Only put me back then forget that I’ve been gone too long. There we go. All right. Sweet. I got to remember to put myself back when I take myself away. Anyway, so here’s some. Here’s some versions that it makes. And I created these in my free time. And it’s actually pretty dang good, I must say.

And it’s very quick, and it’s, uh. And making the images that it makes. This is cool. It’s got like, you can see little scribbles on there like it’s a drawing or something. Right? So here’s some I’m just sharing with you now, some stuff that I made. This is as I like. I like seeing different styles of art. So this one is Spider man making pancakes with the wolf man.

But it’s a statue. So everything here is kind of has a statue look to it. Pardon me. Wait, let me see that statue one. There’s should be more examples. Oh, check that out. I like how they give him a little, a little chef hat and stuff. They’re so excited. And he’s got some orange juice. Little wolf man orange juice, action buddies hanging out, having a good time. Here’s a wolfman.

There’s a pancakes. It’s pretty dang good, actually. This was Spider man as a nineties sitcom. So this is what I typed in and it did. This is all fake. Isn’t that crazy? They’re not real people at all. That’s awesome. I did another one as a nineties sitcom. I did a rat teaching a class about cheese. Okay, you just see. I’m just going to share some of these with you guys.

Some of these were practice for tonight, actually, so I’m going to skip some of these practice ones. This was stuff I made for my intro, as you probably saw. You know, I got all those pictures from the intro I made with AI and the song I also made with AI and I wrote the lyrics to it and stuff. So these are a lot of the pictures that I made.

They’re all just versions of me. Basically like a million. I was up all night making various pictures to pick, like the best ones. You know what I mean? So these are all supposed to be like versions of me? Alright, let’s get out of that. It’s public. So those are all my private pictures. These are all public ones, man. I probably should have made the masterpiece mad libs public.

Anyways, my son made this one, so he put the prompt Fortnite character at Disneyland painting the Mona Lisa, which is pretty good. You can see the actual Mickey and Minnie right there behind him. Right. And then here’s some other versions of it that were pretty good, too. If you ever play fortnight, this looks very much like fortnight, actually. So there, that’s one that my son did. And then I did these ones with like the mountains looking like they were giants.

Right? I’ve been working on some of those. It’s not easy to get it to do this sometimes, but it was a lot of fun to make some of these. They’re very, very fun to do. This was the thumbnail that I ended up choosing from my, my last presentation, lightning rod fashion, in the 17 hundreds. That was a fun presentation. Do go check that out. Here’s some other practice.

Oh, this is the horror. Ronald McDonald and a horror Mickey Mouse. I like horror stuff, but check this out. Look at this Ronald McDonald horror. I like how gave him, like, bloody golden arches or whatever for his eyelashes, but check him out, right? Isn’t that creepy? I don’t want to leave that up too long. Here’s the horror Mickey Mouse. This is pretty good too, actually, if you’re a horror fan, you know what I mean? There’s some more Mickey.

I can’t show some of these, probably. All right, let’s skip out of that. Oh, I did a hamburger made of humans in a museum for cows. So the cows are in the museum looking at exhibits. I like doing exhibit ones. And it’s a hamburger, a porcelain hamburger, actually made out of a human. This is where I did some of my thumbnails for some of my previous presentations. I’ve been working on some of my other mascots.

This is torque, or, you know, a version of torque. And this is glyph, or a version of glyph. One of my other mascots. Right. I also have done jelly, and I have not done. I think I did Nemo, too. I like this glyph too. Look at this glyph. That’s pretty sweet one. And then I just worked on some other stuff. Some thumbnails for the melted buildings presentation, some thumbnails for the asylum presentation.

I was trying to do my own little advertising. I’m like, man, I suck at advertising. Maybe AI can help me. So I’ve tried to make some little advertising. I don’t know, just in case someone saw it or something. Right? My son made some of these, like, little posters. We can make them up and down too. So he made, like, some, like a titanic spider man, like in Spider webs.

And he made some an Iron man and stuff like that, as you can see there. Oh, and some of these are my favorites, actually. Let me show you some of my favorite ones I’ve done. Now. This was supposed to be a blemy. I was trying to get it. It will not do a blimmy. It just hate. It does not like doing blend. It wants to put a head on the top.

I typed in headless so many times, but it got this part. So all I gotta do is just actually, like, I could probably, you know, erase that, but yeah, this is supposed to be my blemmy. What else we got? This is my, one of my fantasy pictures. Don’t pet the fantasoids. I posted this in my community section. It’s not my favorite one. Oh, here’s Nemo. So I’m trying to figure out new versions of Nemo and I want to, like, make a face for him and stuff.

My mount Maru pictures are by far my favorite ones. Look at these. I may turn these into posters and, like, sell these because, damn, let me. That’s not even my, my best one. Here’s some more Maru boom. Look at that. Isn’t that sweet? Like, that’s so cool, man. I love it. I’m definitely gonna make a poster of this. Let me show you some other ones here. Oh, this one’s really good too.

Is one of my favorites right there. Make it a little bigger. You got the split mountain boom plasma volcano, says marub in the background. It’s cool, man. I think it’s so cool. I’m like, so proud of it. Oh, and then this one, this one’s probably my favorite one. I posted this in my community section. This is definitely going to be a poster. And it says center yourself, which is, you know, play on words, double entendre, because Mount Maru is at the center.

Go to Mount Maru. Right? Sweet. So cool. All right, awesome. I’m gonna redid some of my other ones here too. All right. I just want to give you guys, you know, a little share of things that I was working on. I had a blast doing this, doing this episode with everybody, and I’m in a good mood. So I just want to say thank you for everyone for hanging out with me.

Leave some comments and stuff on. You know, if you have suggestions for how I can improve this particular segment or whatever, I like reading the comments and I’m going to go back in about an hour and reread the chat so I can be a part of things too. All right, cool. Let me go ahead and I’m gonna run, I’m gonna run the intro or the outro as well one more time and then we’ll put the credits on.

And until next time, I’m Jade Dreamer saying good vibes and goodbye tonight. Now let’s imagine our words can come to life. We’ll have a laugh and practice our vocabulary backflips. And now it’s time for masterpiece. Mad lips. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. I try so hard to fade away but something’s forcing me to stay it’d be easier for me if I turn away to play but there’s something moving on the way we escape but I guess it’s time to make us time to wake up.

Far too many ways to escape but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Down to the wake time to wake up. I know I should have done this should have quit this long ago can’t spend another heartbreak but it’s time to let it go it’d be easier for me if I turn it but I guess it’s time to wake up.

Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. To escape, but I guess it’s time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Time to wake up.

Time to wake up, baby. Time to wake up. Time to wake up. Sa. .

  • Jaydreamerz

    JayDreamerZ is not only a capo in the Truth Mafia but also a true master of the Plasma Apocalypse. Moreover, he showcases his literary prowess as the author of Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse, a captivating paperback released on June 26, 2020. Engage in this unique journey now!

    Ancient Oblivion: The Plasma Apocalypse Order a copy here: View all posts

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